Careful free porn video

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Careful My story begins almost one year ago. I remember because it was just a few weeks before my birthday. The last few years my wife has given me one night where she does what I want for my birthday. Recently, it had been her wearing a special sexy outfit and one night when she tied me up and had her way with me. It was all very tame. This year however, I had been working up my nerve to ask for something I had always fantasized about, but never had the guts to admit. I have been married for six years and have known my wife for almost fifteen. We met in college and even though we were always dating and romantically involved we developed a strong friendship. We always refer to each other as best friends and we can always seem to talk out our problems. Over the years we help each other deal with various problems but we were always there for each other in the end. The sex had always been only fair, but for whatever reason it had started to improve as we reached our middle thirties. I always felt comfortable talking to Jennifer about any subject. Any subject except one. Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated by attractive women and notably what they wear. When I see a beautiful woman I normally will only remember her clothes later on. I am fascinated by watching women in high heels and skirts walking. I have always wondered what it would feel like to be the one in the skirt and heels. What would it feel like having your skirt swish when you walk? Is it drafty under there? I had fantasized about women's clothing for years but I had never acted on it. Now I had finally decided to ask Jennifer to help me live out my fantasy. One night just before my birthday Jennifer and I were in bed together when I brought up the subject of my birthday. "May I make my usual birthday request?" I know my voice sounded shaky and she must have noticed. "What kind of request?" she answered coyly. "Well you know, kinda of my sexy present from you," I asked. I noticed my hands were as cold as ice. "OK, what do you want this year, sexy?" she snuggled up to me and caressed my chest. I immediately thought of just asking for something else. I had no idea how she would react. Maybe I should just forget it. No I had to find out. I had thought about it for too long. I summoned up my courage and spoke, although my voice barely made it over a whisper. "I would like some lingerie, a shirt, blouse, and a pair of black pumps," I said. There was silence for a few moments. Jennifer seemed a little confused but she replied. "Yes and is there anything else you would like me to wear or do?" she asked. Oh no she had misunderstood. "Well not exactly," I paused trying to gather my courage. "I was hoping you would buy them for me." "What?" she asked with and edge to her voice. She took her hand off my chest. "Oh no," was all I could say. "You must be kidding?" she softened a bit. My mind told me that she might come around after the initial shock. "No, it something I have wondered about for a long time. I have always wondered what it would feel like," I replied, trying to sound convincing. "Wondered what what would feel like?" the edge was back. "Say it!" "I have always wondered what it would feel like to dress in women's clothes, I'm sorry sweetheart," I pleaded. "You are disgusting, do you think I would allow that?" she was really pissed. "You must be crazy? Are you gay?" "No, God no honey, I'm not gay," I said. "Well I can't believe you asked me that," she said starting to settle down. "No way, that is sick and I will not be a part of it." With that she turned over and gave me the silent treatment for the rest of the night. Over the years there had not been too many nights that we went to bed angry but this was one of them. I hardly slept. Nothing more was said about the subject. My birthday came and went. There was no sexy surprise and really not much sex at all until a few weeks had passed and we both pretended like I had never asked. Finally one night after we had put the kids to bed, and my wife had had a few drinks she sat down on the couch with me. She had a somewhat nervous demeanor. "We need to have a talk about your birthday request," she said opening up the conversation. "I have been thinking and I realize this is important to you. Why I have no idea, but I at least wanted you to understand me and why I cannot share this with you." "Ok, go ahead," I replied, surprised she had brought up the subject. "Well I feel like you are asking me to participate in something that changes our relationship. You dressing up would be almost like cheating on me." "I don't see the connection." "You are asking me to allow you to do something that would change the way I think about you, maybe it already has. I don't want to see my husband, my lover, parading around like a gay man." "I told you I'm not gay," I said defensively. "I have always just wondered what it would be like, or feel like. I'm sorry it is my fantasy." "I wonder about things too you know. I wonder what another man might feel like. But I don't act on it, because I know it would betray your trust and change the way we think about one another. How would you feel about me sleeping with another man?" "This is different." I said, but in my mind I knew what she meant. "You think about other men?" "Well sometimes, no one in particular, but I wonder," she said. "I guess I understand, but I still wish we could find a way to try it out." I replied relenting. I knew she would not change her mind once it was made up. "Try what?" she said, she wanted me to say it. "My dressing up." I said. I still blushed every time I said it. "Well, ask yourself this question, are you willing to let me sleep with another man?" she paused to let the statement sink in. "If not, then I am not willing to participate in your fantasy." She replied raising her eyebrows just slightly. "No, I'm not." I said. I was not sure if she had made me an offer or if she was asking a rhetorical question. "Well, think about me with another man the next time you have your little fantasy. That should help calm you down." She said with a giggle. "I'm sorry, I do love you." "I love you too." I said. "I am glad we can at least talk and understand each other." I had a hard time sleeping that night. I kept running her words through my mind. Did she really want to sleep with another man? My wife? My best friend? Or was she simply trying to prove a point. That must be it. She was simply trying to show me how much she was against the idea of me dressed up. Nothing was said about it again for a while, but unfortunately, if she was trying to suppress my fantasy, her strategy had the opposite effect. My mind kept telling me that if I really wanted it, all I had to do was say so. I didn't really think she would go through with sleeping with another man. Not Jennifer, no way. To make matters worse, Jennifer continued to enjoy sex more and more. She had even begun to initiate sex. This was something she had never done during all of our years together. She even began to wear more sexy lingerie. I told myself she was doing it to keep my desires at bay. If she wore more of it, I could get my fix that way. Another change was a more lighthearted approach to the subject of my birthday wish. She began playfully teasing me about it. One night we attended a social function where she looked fantastic. She wore a black dress, heels, and black stockings. On the way home she slipped off her heels in the car. "I can't believe you want to dress like this, my feet are killing me," she laughed and placed her shoe in my hand. I was at a loss for words and only smiled and handed the shoe back to her. She giggled again at me. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? My girly man," she said as she slowly slid her hands over her stocking covered legs. "Or maybe this is not your style," she said as she reached down and caressed my quickly hardening crotch. "You can be cruel," was all I could think to say. Weeks went by with out much more than an occasional joke from Jennifer about if I liked an outfit she saw in a catalog or again if something a woman was wearing was my style. As for me, my fantasies were running rampant. I continually turned the scenario over in my mind. What would she say if I accepted her offer? Was it really an offer? Would she be even more upset that I was willing to let her sleep with someone else? Deep down though I still thought she was bluffing. As I said earlier she had started to wear more lingerie, particularly on Saturday nights, which was our usual night to be intimate. One Saturday about two months after our talk I noticed that she locked the door to our bedroom while she was getting ready. She took quite a while getting ready, but the results were fantastic. She finally came out wearing a black above the knee shirt, a very flimsy blouse, stockings, and a pair of red heels that she had not worn in years. The heels were from a wedding she was in years ago when she was the maid of honor. The best man that day was almost six five so she had to wear four inch heels so that he did not tower over her in the pictures. She looked incredible. She came into our living room and sat across from me. "You like?" she asked. "Yes, you look great but why all the trouble?" I said. "No reason, sometimes I just like to dress up," she said with a mischievous smile. She slowly crossed her legs. I could hear the wonderful sound of the stockings on her legs rubbing together. We sat back and watched TV for a while. I made her some margaritas and she had a couple in the next two hours. The whole time I could barely take my eyes off her. Her legs looked incredible and to add to my frustration she would cross and uncross them and run her hands over them every once in a while. Finally around midnight she came over to my couch and sat next to me. She laid her legs across my lap and I ran my hand over them gently. I was so turned on I had lost my ability for thinking clearly. "Ok, I accept your offer," I said, my voice cracked in the middle of the words. "What offer?" she asked with an innocent look on her face. I knew by looking at her she knew what I meant, but she wanted me to say it. "You know, about my birthday request," I said my voice shaking. "Oh," she said feigning recollection. "Remind me." "You're bad," I replied. "You know, about what I would have to agree to... to get my fantasy." She smiled at me, a knowing smile. "You need to say it, sweetheart." "Ok, ok, I agree to let you experiment," I said, I had a hard time saying the words. "Experiment?" she would not let me off the hook. She slowly moved her stocking cover legs. One foot rubbed the other leg slowly. "Fine, I will allow you to sleep with another man, if I can dress up," there I said it; I hoped she would be satisfied. "Really, you're sure?" she had a wicked grin on her face. "Yes," I was taken aback, I expected her to be mad, but her reaction was more of curiosity. "You are prepared for this, you can handle it?" she said with a more relaxed smirk. "I think so, you're teasing me has made me willing to do anything to try it," I said. I used the "it" word again. "Ok, this might be fun," her smiling face looked rather wistful. I was suddenly backpedaling. I thought I was calling her bluff but it felt like I was playing into her hand. "Why, do you have someone picked out?" my question was defensive. "No, not at all," she looked surprised at the suggestion. "But it will be fun looking." "Just one though," I tried to throw in a condition after the fact. "We'll see." she said. "What do you mean we'll see?" I asked. "Well, we will have to see if I like it," she answered raising her eyebrows again. "What if you like dressing up, will you stop at just one time?" she laughed at me. "Ok we'll see," I said, I was again at a loss for words. "Good, and by the way, I go first," she said. We dropped the subject. That night we had great sex. She was very aggressive. The conversation was not mentioned again. I was too scared to bring it up. But as time passed, a part of me hoped that we would just forget about it, but another part was eager to feel all the feminine things that women enjoy, the feel of pantyhose rubbing together when they walk, panties hugging their buttocks, and their feet in a pair of tight high heels. A few months later, a friend of mine called. We had been friends for years. When we got out of college he and I hard worked together. We had always got along very well. In fact there was even a Thanksgiving that he, I, and Jennifer had spent together when none of us could get home for the holiday. Jennifer had known him as long as I had but they had never really seemed to hit it off. Rob was single, he had several relationships but for reason unbeknownst to me they always seemed to end badly. A few years ago Rob had moved away form our area. We still kept in touch and he and I talked on the phone every once in a while, mostly about sports. He had called to ask me if it was ok if he came for a visit. He was traveling through our area and thought it would be nice to catch up. I agreed, I thought it would be good to play some golf with him and watch some basketball. Jennifer said it was fine with her and we made plans for him to arrive the next Friday. Rob arrived late Friday night. I had arranged some tee time for us the next day so we caught up for a little while and went to bed. The next morning Rob and our family had breakfast before we headed to the golf course. He really seemed to enjoy spending time with the kids and Jennifer. We had a great time playing golf, it was just like old times. It was nice catching up with Rob, After our golf we head back to the house. I was planning to have some dinner and watch some of the games that were on that night. When we arrived at home I was surprised to find that Jennifer had taken the kids to my mothers for the night. "She wanted to watch a movie with them and spoil them a little," my wife explained. We decide to grill some steaks and then watch a few games. While I helped prepare dinner my wife mixed up some margaritas. Since I do not drink, she made enough for her and Rob. She made more than enough. After dinner Rob and I sat down and turned on ESPN, we were looking forward to a long night of hoops. Jennifer continued to pour the drinks for her and Rob. After awhile, Jennifer came up with a suggestion. "Why don't we go out?" she asked. "We never seem to go out anymore, the kids always keep us home, it will be just like old times," I was not too excited about the idea, but Rob chimed in, "sounds like a plan." "Ok, give me a few minutes to get ready," Jennifer said, she seemed excited to be getting out. After about a half an hour Jennifer came back into the living room. She was dressed in some nice black slacks and a red silk top. Not too sexy, but she was wearing a pair of open toed black pumps that gave the outfit a sexy flair. "Ok I'm ready," she said. We all headed for my car. "Steve can be our designated driver, or chauffeur tonight," Jennifer giggled. She got in the front seat and we headed off. We headed to a sports bar that was not to far from our home. Rob and I had gone there many times to see games when he still lived near us. We figured Jennifer could enjoy being out of the house and we could still catch some games. When we arrived we decide to sit in a booth near some of the big screen TV's. The first sign I got that something was up, was when Jennifer slid into the seat next to Rob across from me. Rob gave me a puzzled look and I looked at Jennifer. She just smiled at me and raised her eyebrows. My stomach immediately went in knots. They ordered a few drinks and we all sat and chatted about how much things had changed since Rob moved away. I noticed Jennifer leaning in close on Rob and touching him whenever he said anything remotely funny. I got up to head to the bathroom and Jennifer told me to grab them each a drink from the bar. As a walked away I knew. When I walked out of the bathroom I looked over at our booth, Jennifer and Rob were talking very close to one another. I immediately remembered the times in college when I saw a friend of mine "hooking up." All the signals were there, innocent touching, laughing at every joke. Jennifer was definitely sending out signals. I realized that to an unknowing observer, Jennifer and Rob appeared to be the couple and I was the third wheel. My head was spinning. Could she really be going through with this? I took my time at the bar and watched them for a while. They did look good together. When I arrived back at the table with the drinks, I seemed to be interrupting their conversation. Rob had a strange look on his face and Jennifer was all smiles. They finished their drinks and Jennifer said it was time to head home. We paid the bill and headed to the car. When we arrived at the car, my suspicions were confirmed when Jennifer got in the backseat with Rob. I asked her what she was doing and she replied that I was the chauffeur so she should sit in the back. The ride home was torture for me. I knew what was going on, but yet I was powerless to stop it, I had already agreed to it. I kept my eye one the rearview mirror but there was really nothing to see for the first part of the ride. Finally, Jennifer made her move. We were about five minutes from home when I noticed the car suddenly was very quiet. I looked in the mirror but could not see anything. After a few adjustments I saw what I hoped I would never see, Jennifer kissing another man. The silence for the rest of the drive was deafening to me. We got to our home and headed inside. I had no idea what I was supposed to do. We all sat down in the living room. Jennifer sat next to Rob on one couch and I on another. Instinctively I turned on the TV. As I watched, I noticed the incredible silence again. I turned around to see the two of them making out. I got up and went into the kitchen to get a drink. Jennifer joined me a few minutes later. "Hey sweetie, I love you," she said as she came up behind me. I turned to face her, but I had no idea what to say. "Listen, it is getting a little weird, would you mind leaving Rob and me alone?" she asked. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Did I really agree to this? "Ok," was all I could manage. "Sleep in the guest room tonight, I will see you in the morning," She said and she kissed me on the cheek and was gone. I basically stumbled down our hall on my way to our guest room. I had no idea what to do. I had a million thoughts running through my mind. I knew I could not stop what was already in motion. A part of me wanted to, but I knew it was too late. Another part of me was happy for Jennifer, she was about to experience something new, something exciting. After I short while I crept back toward our living room and peeked through to doorway. It was eerily silent again. The television provided the only light in the room. The site I saw made me feel strangely aroused. Jennifer and Rob were locked in a passionate embrace. Jennifer's blouse was gone but she still had her bra on. They were kissing. I watched for a few minutes when their kiss broke. I heard Jennifer say, "Come with me." I immediately retreated to our guest room, which was half way between our living room and our bedroom. As they went by the guest room I heard them giggling to each other. When they went into our bedroom, my bedroom, I listened to the door close and as it closed I heard the extra click of the lock being fastened from the inside. My heart sank. I knew it was already done but the click of the lock made it feel so permanent. I moved down the hall and sat outside the door to our bedroom. I am not sure why, but I did. I listened outside the door for a while, not sure what else to do. I really could not hear much for the first 10 minutes. I could hear some sounds like movement on the bed but I couldn't be sure. Then Jennifer broke the silence. I heard her moan then say, "wow" in a breathless voice. I heard some more movement and then a radio turned on. The music was not loud but it drowned out everything else. I continue to sit there for the next hour and a half. All I could hear was the radio, but at least I would know how long they were at it. At last the radio stopped. Now at least I could hear voices. They were talking to one another in whispers. I could not decipher anything that was said, but by the tone it was two lovers in the afterglow of great sex. They laughed a few times but mostly they just talked. I was starting to get tired, but I wanted to wait until I thought they had gone to sleep. I checked my watch, they had now talked for almost an hour and finally it grew quiet again. The same silence I had heard before. Then suddenly the radio started again. "Oh no." I thought. This time it only played for about twenty minutes, but when it stopped they were silent. I had been sitting outside that door for over three hours and I finally dragged my self back to the guestroom and lay down. I awoke from a fitful sleep the next day very early. I still had no idea what to do so I headed for the kitchen and made some coffee. I had two cups and watched some TV before moving back down the hall toward the master bedroom. It was still very quiet. I sat down and waited to hear any sounds. Finally around 10:30 I heard the shower start. For whatever reason, this made me feel like I should do something. So I went in the kitchen and started making breakfast. After a while Jennifer walked into the kitchen. "Good morning," she said. I turned to her, she was glowing. "Good morning," I relied half-heartedly. "I love you," she said and she gave me a big hug. I was surprised. "It's going to be ok, sweetie," she reassured me. I immediately felt better. "I love you too, I missed you last night," I said. "I bet you did," she giggled. The rest of the morning went ok. Breakfast was strange but I muddled through it. After we ate Jennifer left Rob and I alone for a few minutes. Rob broke the ice first. "Are we Ok?" he asked. "I guess so." I said. I had no idea what to say to a man who had just spent the night with my wife. I did not blame him, I blamed myself. "Good." he said, he seemed to be relieved. I was really worried about what he thought about me. "Are you ok?" I asked timidly. "Oh yeah, I'm really ok," he laughed. I laughed along with him but his laughter made me feel ridiculous. After breakfast Rob left. We said our goodbyes and it appeared on the outside as if it was just another visit from a friend. After Rob and I shook hands, Jennifer moved forward to give him a hug. I turned away as the hug turned into a passionate kiss and a few giggles. The rest of the day was very hectic as we picked up the kids and tried to finish up the chores of the weekend. I was still at a loss as to what happened and had no idea what to do next. That night though, I could not help myself and I tried to initiate sex. Jennifer declined and told me we would have a talk soon. What she meant I had no idea. The next few days I tried to get myself back into a normal routine and pretend that nothing had happened. However, I could not get the picture of Jennifer and Rob out of my mind. Finally, two nights later Jennifer approached me. "We need to talk about this weekend," she said. "I know, is everything ok?" I said. I was still not sure what to say. "I'm ok, are you alright?" she asked. "I think so," I replied. "Will you tell me about it?" I was not sure if I wanted to hear her answer. "No, I don't think we should get into details," she said. "Were you safe at least?" I asked. I had to know. "Kind of," she answered sheepishly. "What do you mean kind of?" I asked "Well, I won't get pregnant I can promise you," she said somewhat on the defensive. "What's the 'kind of" then?" I couldn't understand why she was so vague "Well I did swallow, but that all I'm going to tell you, that's your only detail, I promised Rob," she blurted. It felt like a punch in the gut. "Promised Rob? What are you talking about?" "You need to understand, I think I found out why Rob has had such bad luck with relationships. He is a very jealous guy," she said. "We spent a lot of time talking last night, among other things, and I really got to know him." "Go on," I said. "Rob thought you were crazy to let me sleep with him, he told me he would never have done that," she said. "He made me promise that what we did would always be between just him and I." "Ok, does that mean that this will be a one time thing?" I asked. "Well Rob understood that I had your permission to sleep with other men, but he told me he was not ok with that," she told me. "What does that mean," I asked. "It means I won't sleep with anyone else but Rob," she paused for effect. "Not because I am being faithful to you, but because I am being faithful to Rob." "I hope that does not include me," I said stunned. "No it does not, but he did ask me to make you wait a month," she smiled, "as a punishment." "Why does he get to dictate anything in our sex life?" I could not believe what she was saying. "Well he is part of our sex life now, I told you things would change, but you wanted to push your little fantasy on me," she had taken a very firm tone. "Plus we need to take a break from sex anyway." "Why?" I asked. "Right now, when I think of sex, I think of Rob. If you and I had sex now I would only compare you to him," she said. "And believe me, you don't want that." Her last comment stung. I was totally on the defensive but still I had to ask. "Was he that good? Was he bigger?" my second question came straight from my insecure machismo. "Yes and yes, but sorry no details," her tone was now lighthearted. She was defiantly enjoying watching my manhood crumble. About two weeks after our talk things were starting to get back to normal. I had somewhat accepted my new position in Jennifer's life. In fact I was staring to get antsy about when I would get my half of our deal. It was a Wednesday night and I was watching TV when Jennifer came into the living room carrying a box. "This came today," she said. "It's from Rob" "Really?" I asked as she laid the box down on our coffee table. "This was in the box," and she handed me a letter. I took a few minutes to read it rather apprehensively, Dear Steve and Jennifer, I want to say thank you for the great visit I had with you. I appreciate how you welcomed me into your lives. I would also like to thank Jennifer for choosing me. Sincerely, Rob I was a little surprised, but I realized he probably would have sent something any way even if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. There were two gifts inside, a small one for Jennifer and a bigger box for me. "You first," I said and I handed her the small box with her name on it. She opened it and took out a note. She read it, smiled, and handed it to me. Jennifer, I will never forget our time together. When you wear this I hope you, and Steve, will think of me. Rob I realized that his comment "and Steve" was a shot at me, but figured I deserved it. I tried to take it in good humor. Inside the box was a gold bracelet. Jennifer really seemed to like it. She immediately put it on. "Ok, your turn," Jennifer handed me the bigger box. "What did he send me? A golf shirt?" I joked as I opened the paper. As I opened the box my heart stopped. There was a note to me as well. Steve, Enjoy your big night. Think of me when you wear these. Rob PS Send me a picture! Under the note were a black garter belt and two packages of black stockings from Victoria's Secret.

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Amanda steht nackt im Badezimmer, betrachtet sich im Spiegel und frisiert dabei ihr langes blondes Haar. Sie ist bemerkenswert hübsch, denn sie hat das gutgeschnittene Gesicht und den üppigen Busen von der Mutter geerbt. Heute ist sie happy, denn zum ersten Mal in ihrem Leben darf sie ganz allein zu Hause bleiben. Als einzige Tochter eines schwerreichen Industriellen und einer ehemaligen Hollywood-Schauspielerin ist Amanda bisher so behütet wie eine Prinzessin in einem goldenen Käfig...

3 years ago
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Texas Hold Them Part 2 of 2

I had finally left before Tim got home and my dick was raw and ravaged from his wife. Buffy had fucked me in just about every room of there house. She was one hot MILF that needed some cock. I am sure Tim will thank me for turning her back into a sex demon. If he gets mad I'll have Buffy deny his attempts and hold out on him. I made sure Buffy got my note and she delivered it to Summer, Tim wife and I watched her from my car as she went down the sidewalk to Summer house. Buffy had on a sundress...

2 years ago
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Caught Crossdressing by Aunt Sharon

Caught Crossdressing by Aunt Sharon Story by Kresha Matay "I wonder where Brad is? He knows you're coming, you'd think he'd stick around. Oh, I hope he'll turn up soon, otherwise you'll have to drive back in the dark." "Rita, don't worry about the boy so much. Brad is like every other sixteen year old boy. He's probably driving around with his friends looking for girls and forgot I was coming!" "Well, aah, I don't think so!" His mother stumbled to say. "That's something you and I...

2 years ago
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We met on a sex site after all transcript

you currently appear offlineI sent a pic as a file here on the IMI've just logged in to messenger...Oh..that's where I was talking to you froma smile for you...for some strange reason I can use messenger through my email interface...Very nice!...thank youI'll send you some picsI hope i didn't shock you!!*laughs*I have your picture before me... the floral B/W numberOf course the hair!!*blushes*I sent a few pics by emailthat is so lovely of you...These pics aren't on any...

3 years ago
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Gangbanged on my sons wedding day

12 months down the line I think it is time that put pen to paper (metaphorically) and make public the events that have had such a profound effect on my life.Firstly let me tell you the background. I am a 52 year old housewife, on my second marriage, with three c***dren, all from my first marriage. Both of my husbands have been, well, fairly ordinary in the bed stakes. You know – once or twice a week, rather unimaginative, with not really enough interest in my needs and desires. But in fairness...

3 years ago
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Jamaican Holiday Preparation

We decide to get away from the brutally cold winter weather, so we decide to book a one-week vacation at a clothing-optional swingers resort in Jamaica. To prepare, I tell you that we'll be going to have your nipples and clit hood pierced, prior to our trip.The week leading up to the piercing appointment was very exciting, as we talked about it and looked forward to it each day. Friday finally arrives. We eat dinner and make our way over to the piercing shop. The drive was inordinately quiet,...

4 years ago
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Just Like Family

Put the first name as a guy's name (narrator) Put the last name as a girl's name (Friend's sister) I fulled into my best friend Kyle's driveway, turned off the ignition to my car, and got out. I saw that he wasn't there, which wasn't that unusual, especially since I came over for dinner. I was guessing that him and his boyfriend (Kyle was gay) had went to get groceries. Oh well, no big loss, his sister Doe was still home, and she was definitely fun to hang out it. More importantly, she was...

3 years ago
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Impure Thoughts Chapter One

"Has he fucked you yet?"I laughed. "No, he hasn't.""Really? Well, I would have!""Would have what?""Fucked you." I gave her a puzzled look."What!" she said, giggling. "You go with girls, don't you?""Yes, but you're his sister and besides, Marco and I have only just met."Giulia lay back on her sun-lounger and looked up into the clear blue sky. "Well. You've got a gorgeous little bod, and I would simply love for us to, you know, do things.""Good to know, Giulia, but can we change the subject now,...

3 years ago
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My First Group Scene Part I

I met him cruising on Citadel Hill on night. I was about 17 and he was in his early 50's. Since my first encounter I knew I was into older men; daddies.He was also a bit bearish--bigger than me at about 6'1" 220lbs.The first night we met I was sitting around the back of The Hill where it's dark. I was wearing a muscle shirt and very skimpy running shorts. Because no one was around, I had my cock out the side and I was stroking it waiting for some action. Some nights on The Hill can be slow, and...

4 years ago
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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 16

Several weeks passed; the new year had arrived. Earlier in December, the Program Committee had taken Kevin’s suggestion and sent a video message to school officials. In it, the narrator reviewed each term found in the Program booklet which could be misinterpreted or had become controversial and explained the terms’ precise meanings. They had paid attention to Jeremy’s blog articles, too, and properly and unambiguously defined the terms in question. Also, Denise had met with a few ed school...

3 years ago
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My Lovers Finger

I was in my early thirties and she had a safe ten years on me. I was foolish enoug tho think that I had picked her up, but would learn differently in time. I spotted her in Fred Segals, an upscale collection of stores in Los Angeles. She was in the home wares section, so I began to talk about the sensual side of cooking that I thought would impress her. How creating a menu and then shopping for the freshest most in season produce and meats was a very sensual experience. The same went for...

3 years ago
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the masked lady

“You are invited to our masquerade ball” the invitation read; a picture of a masked couple kissing at the top. “How fun” I moaned to myself, a room full of adults getting drunk pretending that their identity is somehow masked by a piece of paper. My cynicism level climbed. But the invitation was from a business contact and I remembered the quote from Oscar Wilde about giving a man a mask and he will tell the truth. I hushed my cynical side and marked my calendar. The party was in the nice...

2 years ago
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Introduction to Sissies II

Introduction to Sissies II By latexslut The door behind him closed and the sound of John Phillip's wife's heels cut off abruptly. A tear fell. Chanazene smiled. It was good when they cried. "Sissyuseless, we have a strict rules here. Very strict. I will read the rules for you this once. You will not be expected to remember them, though, at this time. They are posted everywhere and you will shortly be required to recite them by heart. You will also be...

2 years ago
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Mallu Sexpress 8211 Sex Venture In Train

Hi, I am James, a 23 year old from Chennai and because of my studies I live in Chennai and used to visit my parents in Madurai. I am 5’4″ tall, fair looking and good enough to get the attention I deserve from the young girls. please send me your feedback’s and suggestions. Today I am posting my true experience which happened with me some month ago with a Mallu aunty that i met in the train.Guys lets get into the experience now…the hairy pussy of this experience is the doctor her name is...

2 years ago
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Fucking house owner Lalitha

I am Rajesh, again came from Hyderabad. I sent stories of my sex encounters with two of my colleagues. Later I sent another encounter with the daughter of my dream girl Sujatha. I have yet to receive the views of the readers on my stories. Now I will share my joy of encounter I had with my house-owner Mrs. Lalitha (name changed because of privacy) in two parts. It was happened when I was studying my graduation. I will tell about her. She is brownish in color and 34-32-40 of size and aged about...

3 years ago
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My Hot Neighbor Part 4 Fucking Anjali

I could feel her hot breath on my neck. “What do you want?” I asked Anjali, who was sitting close to me and rubbing my thighs. “I want you to fuck me better than you fucked Mansi.” She whispered into my ear and bit me my neck softly. I moaned and turned to her and gave her a long kiss. Her lips tasted so sweet. Our tongues twirled around in each other’s mouths. I held her neck with one hand and the back of her head with another. I kept kissing her. This was one of the best moments of my life. I...

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Captured Family6

The Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. They'd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rock's wife Linda was in the front seat asleep, and the two teenagers, fifteen-year-old Mark and...

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Andy 17

Mit einem Schrei wachte ich auf, in Schwei? gebadet. Nur eine Minute sp?ter war Mom bei mir im Zimmer. "Andrea, was ist passiert?" Ich brauchte einen Moment, um wirklich wach zu werden. Mir war ganz komisch zumute. Langsam beruhigte sich mein Herz, das eben noch wie wild gepocht hatte. "Mir- mir geht es wieder gut. Nur ein Albtraum." "Das muss aber ein schlimmer Traum gewesen sein. Willst du ihn mir erz?hlen?" Ich nickte. "Ich war mit Biene zusammen und wir k?ssten uns. So inte...

3 years ago
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Pro Boner Work

                      The Arrangement!                         TJ Ryder               ILLUSTRATED Blacked Wives and sissy hubby stories!    Odd how life turns out!  As a big firm  lawyer now doing pro bono work for the court I ran acrossan old girlfriend; well, actually I had hoped she wouldbe my girlfriend in college.   Sally B was still gorgeous at 35 and I recognized herfirst and then when I said her name as she sat in my officeshe laughed and said, TIMMY!...

3 years ago
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Amazing Experience With Someone I Desired For Sex

Hi readers this is anand(name changed) from Delhi and I am going to narrate this story about my mom’s sister. Hope you will enjoy. This incident happened when I was only 19. My mom sister is very beautiful and she had perfect body. I was after her beauty from the age of 15. She is just 4 years elder to me so she was 23 when this incident happened. She got married in the age of 23 only and I used to watch her boobs through different ways however never got a chance to see them nude. She had 34 b...

3 years ago
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Cousin k sath Fun and Sex

Reply me at and contact to have Sex in Gujrat Lahore Gujranwala and Islamabad Hi friends main aap ko apni real story sonaney jaa raha hoon.main koshish karon ga key aap ko story read kerney main problem na ho. Pehley main aap ko apni cousin ka figer batata hoon.Aus ka rang sanwla hey boobs ka size kaafi bara hey aus key boobs gool gool hain. Height 5 10 hey.merei umer 21 saal hey lund 9 inches ka hey.asma jab bhi hamarey ghar aati thi to woh mujh sey free honey ki koshish kya kerti thi lakin...

1 year ago
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The Wedding Guest The Night Before Pt1

This is my first story. There is a part 2. But I want to see how this one goes. Hopefully you all will enjoy! It's the night before Megan's big day. In least than 24 hours, she will be Mrs. Jonathan Calvins. After having one last hurrah with with her friends/bridal party, she returned alone to her hotel luxurious hotel suite that will also serve as her bridal suite. Quite naturally as anyone in this situation, she began to reflect on the past, present, and future. As she was deep in her...

3 years ago
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The autumn rain hammered down onto the darkened skylights above him as he wandered down the hallway. As he went through his evening routine of checking that all the lights were off, he locked each office door as he went along, listening to the wind and rain as his cock stiffened. The closer he got to her room, the more excited he felt, his fingers began to fumble on the locks. Reaching the end of the corridor, he turned towards the open cubicles, glancing around to make sure that no one was...

2 years ago
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mum and me pt3

after a few weeks of touching each other,we got more involved mum would dress in nice underwear when dad went to work,and put on her elasticated trousers over them which would be easy for me to remove,and a top,so the first image i would get is a middle aged mum/housewife,going around her normal chores,i would usually be in my shorts or tracky bottoms,i would watch her from behind as she washed the dishes at the kitchen sink and then go up behind her kiss the back of her neck and put my hands...

1 year ago
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Blessed with bliss

Hello fellow readers, I am a 27 yr old doctor working in Mangalore and have been very impressed by the content posted here and I am here to share my experience with a couple which was a first time for me. I prefer to call them Mr. And Mrs. Das. This happened when I was in the obg posting, Mr. and Mrs. Das had come there as out patients and their complaint was that they were married for 4 years and had been trying for a baby ever since, so I send them for evaluation by which I can discuss their...

2 years ago
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The Lounge Singer

You caught my eye while you were onstage singing. A couple songs into the set, I was fairly certain you winked. I wasn't sure if you were looking at me or not, but it sure felt like it. Just the thought that the wink was for me made me feel flushed all over, and even in a short black cocktail dress, I felt overdressed for the temperature of the room.As your set wound down and you crooned the last lines of "One For My Baby," I knew I wasn't going to be able to live with myself if I didn't at...

Love Stories
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The interracial Sexual Surrogate

There is just something that is so sinfully erotic about pregnant white women who's lovers, are black that is so appealing! To see pictures of an attractive naked white women knocked up with child,.. in the arms romantically of black men can be a most stimulating sinful experience! There are even white women that fantasize about having black seed pumped into their ripe and ready wombs and becoming pregnant by them! This story is set in the 70s and is about a poor childless young black...

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Our fantasy

I’m excited, nervous. My fantasy is coming true tonight, something dreamed about forever. I’m lying on the bed waiting for the knock on the door hoping that the real thing will be just as I imagined it to be. The knock comes. I take a deep breath and push myself off the bed; I walk to the door and turn the handle. The door opens towards me and there, in a long black coat is the women of my dreams. It’s the first time I have seen my lover with blond hair, it frames her blue eyes and deep...

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HardtimesChapter 7

Halloween showed up at Burl’s house big time. The whole front yard was decorated like a cemetery with tombstones sporting humorous little sayings. Fog flowed over the ground and spooky noises originated from speakers that had been carefully placed out of sight. Burl, dressed up like a farmer in overalls with a straw hat, was seated in a lawn chair in front of the house. He had a big plastic pumpkin filled with candy bars and a pot of hot cider on a television stand next to his chair. It...

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Tied Up AuntChapter 2

Nine o'clock at night and Martin Reinhard was floating in a blissful state halfway between waking and dreaming. His long, lean, well-muscled body was immersed in a steaming hot bath. His mind was immersed in lustful thoughts of the afternoon's activities with Anne Roxbury. How they had fucked! After he'd tit-fucked the girl to climax and come off in her mouth, she had sucked his mighty prick hard as he went down on her, lashing her pussy oils to a froth with his knowing tongue. Then he...

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Day Before Christmas Eve

It was Friday, the day before Christmas Eve, and I had only just gotten the mistletoe that afternoon. I had gotten a great deal more than we needed, and as I arranged and glued a bunch of mistletoe to a sprig of holly, a couple of cranberries, three jingle bells and a few tiny gold ornaments and tied it all together with a red velvety ribbon for our entryway's arrangement, I had a wild idea. I made similar arrangements for every light or ceiling fan you can stand under in the entire house and...

1 year ago
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A Winters WarmthChapter 12

I waved at the Barkers' retreating car before pulling the last bag into the house. I was exhausted. It was almost midnight, and it seemed like six days had passed since we were last standing on Arizona's sandy soil, not six hours. I took two trips to drag the bags to our respective rooms while Mom listened to the answering machine messages and sorted through mail. She was still going strong when I was done, so since I was feeling grimy, I decided to take a shower. A few minutes later, Mom...

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A Wedding Story Chapters 67

Earlier that morning when Valentina Mangione answered her front door and was greeted by Gabby and a stunningly beautiful woman in tow. Valentina assumed she was a friend of Gabby's but for some unknown reason was never properly introduced. Gabby, Mrs. Mangione's son's fianc?e said she had just picked her friend at the airport and thought they would drop by to say a fast hello. Gabby knew Mrs. Mangione was by herself as her husband Roco and sons recently left for a two-week fishing vacation ...

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School Nurse Confidential

School Nurse Confidential by DirtyMindedMom I watched Michelle do a flawless cartwheel. Her perfect ass in those tight shorts was the star of the show, but her outstretched legs were what got my attention. They were so toned and smooth. I thought for a second that I might’ve caught a glimpse of her panties when she was upside down. Now all I had to do was make sure I didn’t get a boner in front of everyone. “Let’s go, Kussler!” Mr. Watts, the P.E. Coach, growled at me. “You’re up!”If it...

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For my Master

I struggle a little, testing my bonds. An almost silent whimper escapes my lips as the realization that my limbs are not going move sets in. The air surrounding me in the quiet room is cool. From somewhere a soft breeze bathes my naked skin, causing goose bumps to raise along my sweat damp body. I arch my back some, continuing to test my restraints. What was that? I raise my head, straining my ears. Has Sir finally returned? It seems like ages since you left me here saying you’d be right back....

4 years ago
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Average Life TurnedWetChapter 6

Rob woke up early the next morning only to find Kim already up and ready to go to work. He was trying to focus and saw that Kim was holding a pair of panties above his face, dripping with fresh juice! "Rob, how about we invite the neighbours for the weekend, I saw their car parked in the driveway, they must have arrived last night, how about a BBQ? I was thinking about a light BBQ, just a few kebab sticks and some shrimp and squid and some nice wine, what do you think Rob? We never properly...

1 year ago
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DarkFyre Chapter Five

Silmaria was on her hands and knees in the drawing room on the west side of the Manor, scrubbing at the wooden floor with a soapy rag. She was not particularly in the best of moods; some idiot had tracked dirt into the room, which was made all the worse by the fact that no one ought to really have been in here in the first place. Of course, given how downhill the upkeep of IronWing Manor was these days, it wasn’t even noticed or addressed until several days later, when she got to be the lucky...

3 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 43 The Great Blow Job Experiment

Stick frowned, pursed his lips. "Why we got started, or why we haven't stopped?" "Both." Stick glanced at Teddy, mildly exasperated. "This ain't like, a lecture, or anything, is it?" "Huh?" Randall blinked. "Oh, you want to know if I'm going to go all moralistic on you? No. This is curiosity -- more or less the same thing as we're talking about doing physically. I'm asking questions. That's all." "Guess I ought to start," Teddy kicked off. "Being pretty much a joke...

2 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 41 Which Is Which

It was 2:50 Wednesday afternoon. Kathy and Mommy were getting ready for special treatment. "I can't believe we have to be completely naked," the usually perky blonde lamented as she rolled her black nylons down her long pale legs. "What are the neighbours going to say?" "I know, Sweetheart," Mommy rubbed her bare calves which were covered with goose bumps. "This is just so, so weird," Christi was beside herself with worry. "Look, I'll go watch for the car and you guys just run...

2 years ago
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Fit to be hot house wife

This is max with my 5th story I hope u all liked my stories still now I thank all of you for encouraging me I have got good response from many of them .I am max 28 yrs from Bangalore 5.5, hairy chest, dusky colour,7″inches black cock with pinkish nob to fit in any couples for 3 some, ladies, hot housewife, divorcee, single girls pussy of any age those who want to spice up their sex life can mail me I would like to maintain confidential vice versa. cocks please excuse. It was when I was 22 and...

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Forbidden Desire Unwanted Lust Revised

2:45 am Derrick layed silently in his unkempt twin sized bed. His legs and arms flayed in every direction as he let out a deep, long sigh. It had been two months since he'd seen his dad. Last time he came over was only for about a half-hour so he didn't really get to spend as much time as Derrick would like him to. But he did sincerely appreciate the time his dad squeezes out from his busy schedule. About four months after he split up with his mom and moved out, he got a good...

1 year ago
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CollegeChapter 7 Freshman Three Exceptions

On Sunday morning, Shirley not only asked Millie, one of the girls in the group who had not hooked up with one of the male members, to move so she could take the seat next to me, she actually spoke to me. "Do you know if the Laundromat in town is open on Sunday?" I didn't know. "I seem to recall it is," I answered. "I understand it's bigger and less crowded than the one here on campus," she said. "Would you like to see if it's open?" I asked, pouncing on the opportunity she had...

1 year ago
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HumbledChapter 2 A Humble Introduction

The next day all I could think about was that guy on his knees, with his balls sac pulled behind his legs, sucking another man's cock while getting a whipping. All day I wondered what it would feel like to have my balls sac pulled behind my legs with no mercy. What it would feel like to be in his position? I even cruised the net looking for pictures or videos of men in that position. But I didn't know what the device is called. Finally, when I ran a search for 'cbt devices', I saw it....

2 years ago
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The Bluebell girl

Have you ever seen a mountain meadow? There are well-manteined lawns where the grass is cut and collected with great effort by men and women accustomed to hard work, and wild meadows where the growing grasses interrupt the view. A green and yellow wall that conceals, protects. Who sits between this herb is isolated, the sounds muffled. You can lie and watch the clouds that cover the blue sky sea, as crazy boats. Breathing the fresh and pure air. Smiling at insects flying through your space in...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet

This one took a little while. Same as usual, CTRL+F “SEX STARTS HERE” to skip right to the sex. This is based upon a real teacher; I was going to use her real name until I googled it and found every result was her… :P too risky. Anyhow, enjoy!_____________________________________________________________________________________The last day of the semester was finally here. I fumbled around with a pen on my desk, only half-listening to the very last lecture; nothing of importance would be said,...

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Jenna and John Kissing Cousins 4

Please read earlier chapters...... John and I awoke the next morning to the sounds of waves as they crashed against the shore. I had never experienced such a beautiful sound and it calmed me as I laid beside him. John stroked my hair as I laid on his chest and thought of our new relationship. I wondered how this would work. We were cousins after all and there was no way we could be together forever. I sat up next to him and asked him that very question. He looked at me with such a reassuring...

1 year ago
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Die Geiselnahme

Es war die Story ihres Lebens für Mariana Soong und ihre Crew vom Wisconsin Cable News Broadcast - Team. Eine radikale Splittergruppe von Frauenhassern, sogenannten Incels, hatte sich in einer Villa in den Außenbezirken verbarrikadiert und drohte damit, die Bewohnerinnen des Hauses, die 47-jährige Deirdre Taggart, die Ex-Ehefrau eines der Geiselnehmer, Jen Hollings, 43 Jahre alt und ihre beste Freundin, und Hollings' Tochter Shannon, 21, zu erschießen oder ihnen zumindest Gewalt anzutun. Dies...

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