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The events of that first weekend, when Vanya transformed me into a woman and began her total domination of me, are indelibly burned into my memory. Whilst those events seem like yesterday, the following couple of years have faded a little with time. I remember we went into the office the following day and things seemed to run from then as usual. Of course, there were a few occasions during the first month or so when something would slip and I thought we might be found out, but we always seemed to get by while Vanya taught me to behave and act as a woman and, ostensibly, her sister in the outside world. Vanya went overseas far less often, managing to continue most of her work over the telephone. She told me she couldn't bear to be away from me now, and certainly her love and lust for me continued to grow at a very fast rate, as did mine for her. Vanya did say, just before one essential trip, that several of her recent tours before that fateful weekend had primarily been to buy clothes and things for me and to plan everything, as she wanted. Almost every day or night Vanya put me in some sort of bondage or restraint and made sure I had as much loving as I could take. Our appetites for each other continued to flourish, and Vanya's active imagination created an ever-changing pattern of lovemaking that provided the perfect environment for our love to grow even greater. Virtually every time Vanya made me climax she penetrated me with a finger, dildo or comforter and I could do nothing but associate the two with time. After some six months of this conditioning she first managed to bring me to orgasm by using a dildo and no other stimulation. Vanya was just as successful with sensitising my nipples and she soon gave me my first climax through sucking and caressing them. Of course, I often tried to resist her domination and conditioning in the beginning, but Vanya made sure I never succeeded and was always well satisfied so that I came to accept it. Vanya can now make me climax in many different ways and she has far more control of my body than I ever had. She also kept working on me to develop my masochism to the point she wanted although, thankfully, it rarely resulted in really painful occasions. Every other day she would remove my corset so that I could have a proper shower, tightening it a little bit more when she laced me back into it. After about three months she was able to close the lacing all the way and, although it was a bit uncomfortable for a while, it soon became easier after that. My figure improved rapidly with her training and the hormones, and it is now a source of great satisfaction and pride to both of us. Although my face is only passably pretty, my body is the fantasy-female shape that anyone would drool over. I can now wear the skimpiest of undies without anybody guessing my past for, with all the hormones, she even achieved the `pretty little clit' she had intended to give me which is now incredibly sensitive. My hair grew slowly until I no longer needed the wig, Vanya happily cutting and styling my own hair until it was shoulder-length. After a year or so we both went to the beauty salon together for the first time to have a perm for I no longer had much fear in public. The experience was very pleasant - we have repeated it several times since then - and my own soft blonde tresses now softly curl onto my shoulders. With plenty of practice, and Vanya's constant advice and insistence, I eventually became quite an expert at make-up and now I even do Vanya's for her on special occasions. Constant attention to my skin - and of course the hormones, which she still makes me, take daily - has softened it to look extremely feminine and we both take quite a pride in my appearance. Even my nails are my own now and they are always properly manicured and varnished. About six months after my conversion, Vanya decided that we should take a short holiday and we spent a week at the coast. She insisted I wear a bikini when we went to the beach to tan, and it was the only time since that first weekend when I wasn't wearing at least one item of rubber (the rest of the time, of course, I always wore rubber undies and at home all of my clothing was latex). I did feel quite ill-at-ease the first time we walked onto the beach and Vanya made me take off my satin robe, for the tiny silver wet-look bikini she had bought for me was so small I felt almost naked. However, I soon got used to the stares of appreciation we both received, from women as well as men! The inner cups of the bra-top were stiff enough to prevent my nipple-rings showing through, for Vanya insisted that I wear them all the time except on those odd occasions when she took them out during our love- making, and the straps of the top partly concealed the mesh-links joining my nipples. When we returned to our hotel I changed back into latex undies and corset for the evening and night. We both got quite a tan from sunbathing and the white lines where my bikini straps had laid gave us both quite a thrill. In bed, even on holiday, Vanya usually insisted on restraining me before we made love and we were well satisfied with the change that the holiday gave us. One of the biggest disappointments of that holiday, however, was sleeping on cotton sheets, for we both loved our rubber bedclothes so much that we kept using them all the time at home from that first weekend. My orgasms were still the subject of much research and experiment for Vanya. She had learned how to give me many different sorts of orgasm, ranging from rapid single ones which left me satisfied to long, drawn- out multiple climaxes which drained and exhausted me. In short, she was capable of playing tunes on my body, knowing everything that teased, aroused, frustrated, turned me on or satisfied me. She used the love-bag quite a lot to train my responses and, on one occasion after I had supposedly `forgotten' to wash some rubberwear for her, she had handcuffed me and dragged me into the playroom. Vanya removed my dress, buckled me into a complex arrangement of straps and suspended me from the ceiling. She pulled an inflatable hood over my head then positioned the love-bag inside my rubber panties and connected it to the control box. "Never refuse or forget to obey any order I give you, Darling," I was told. "So that you learn not to do it again I think a little lesson is necessary. As you can't talk, you can't tell me when you've had enough so, my lovely slave-girl, you will have to suffer until I think it sufficient." I hung there in fear of what she was going to do, watching through the clear eyepieces of the hood as she began punching buttons on the control box. A few moments later the bag began a weird pattern of pulses and frequencies that excited me but did not give satisfaction. Vanya teased my nipples, slapped me hard on the bottom and walked from the room, leaving me incapable of movement as I swung slowly in suspension. Within a few minutes the bag had me panting with desire and, at the end of an hour I could have screamed for the relief of an orgasm, yet the devilish bag would not let me reach that climax. I was left like that all night and was almost out of my mind with frustration when Vanya appeared in the morning. She added to my misery by teasing my nipples mercilessly for several minutes before removing the hood from my head. I begged and beseeched Vanya to switch off the bag, promising that I would never disobey her again, yet she continued to tease, bite, pull and kiss my helpless body for a considerable time, ignoring my constant pleading. At last she told me that perhaps I had learnt my lesson and reached for the controls. Instead of turning the bag off, it suddenly became much more intense and pleasurable, my body shaking with fatigue as waves of pleasure scraped every nerve. Moments later I exploded with an agonising orgasm that consumed my mind and body, and the remnants of energy I had left. I passed out, coming to several hours later in bed, but I was too weak to do anything until the next day. I more than learnt my lesson, for I never intentionally disobeyed Vanya after that. Another time, Vanya had bound me spread-eagled on the bed and had strapped the love-bag in place. She let the vibrations build me up to an orgasm then left it pulsing at the same pitch and, amid my screams of intense pleasure, I had a whole string of orgasms that left me almost as drained. I had to beg her to switch it off. I loved and hated the occasions when she used the bag on me, never knowing what she would do, but generally it was fantastic and she would give me intense and beautiful orgasms with it. Quite often we would lay in each other's arms in bed, a love-bag deep inside both our panties, and kiss and caress until we orgasmed together. My bondage stayed a frequent feature, Vanya seeming to endlessly find different ways to restrain me with an ever-growing collection of shackles, restrictive clothes, straps and devices. One horrible day, however, I mistook Vanya's introspective mood, thinking that she was feeling submissive. With careful planning, I managed to snap handcuffs onto her wrists, trapping her hands behind her before she knew what I was doing. Of course, she complained loudly and ordered me to remove them immediately but, still thinking she wanted to submit to my control for a change, I quickly gagged her before tying her ankles to the corners of the bed. I began to tease and caress her lovely body, using all my knowledge of what she liked, trying to drive her mad with excitement. She took a very long time to arouse and, when she did reach orgasm, it was very mild compared with usual. While I released her and removed the gag I saw that her eyes were burning with anger and realised how furious she really was. She shouted and raved for quite a while, telling me never to forget that I was her slave-girl and that I would only ever do what she wanted. I was weeping wildly long before she finished. Eventually she ordered me to undress, put an inflatable hood without eyepieces on my head and took me down to the playroom. There she strapped my hands behind me, locked my ankles together, then fastened the rings through my nipples to a wall-ring. It was the most painful bondage I have ever had to endure, for I couldn't fully stand up nor sit down or rest; even the slightest movement of my body made the rings tug painfully on my nipples. I was left there for several hours until Vanya had calmed down, then she released me, warning me never to attempt to take control of her again. Even though she eventually listened to me, and understood why I had bound her, we both knew that I would never make that mistake again! Although less frequent now and always very short, Vanya's trips overseas always resulted in some more rubber clothes for me and often some new devices or bondage equipment. One toy that was very successful was a double-dildo, built into rubber panties, that vibrated similarly to the love-bag. Vanya often wore that and when she made love to me we reached multiple orgasms together. She bought a similar pair for me, which had a dummy-like penetrator inside, and a rigid dildo on the front. Although the vibrations brought us to orgasm just as easily, Vanya didn't like feeling that I was making love to her, so she much preferred the first pair. While Vanya was on one trip for a few days I took the opportunity to remove my corset for a day and night. It was quite a struggle undoing the zip, then checking the knot in the mirror to see how Vanya had tied it but I managed. After a luxurious bubble-bath I borrowed a pair of Vanya's soft, satin panties and a matching slip, removed my nipple rings and went bra-less for a whole day and night. At first the freedom from the corset was magnificent, and the soft caress of satin on my skin was a sensual delight, but I soon longed for the clinging sensation that only rubber can give. That night I slept in one of Vanya's old silk nighties but the next morning after showering I happily put the corset back on, carefully re-tying the lacing, and stretching on my rubber undies beneath my work dress. Of course, I didn't tell Vanya what I had done although I felt quite guilty as I washed and ironed her undies, but after that I was never tempted to wear anything other than gorgeous rubber. A year ago Vanya announced that she had got me a new passport and we were going overseas together on a business trip and holiday as soon as we could. We took on and trained a very capable lady to look after the office then spent a month travelling around Europe with no one even questioning the validity of my passport. Our business was always quickly attended to, with me being introduced to our suppliers and customers as her sister and new partner in our company. Once that was taken care of, Vanya took me to places I never knew existed. There were the shops that supplied the items she bought for me over the years, which contained the weirdest of toys, and devices and others with wider ranges of rubberwear than I had dreamed existed. Vanya bought me several new pairs of shoes and high-heeled boots and some special rubber clothing. One day without warning Vanya took me to a large, private house in Belgium and I was introduced to Mme. Domina! She spoke only to Vanya, never directly to me and insisted on seeing me naked to inspect my new body, then took my measurements for some new corsets and waspies to further improve my figure. She complimented Vanya on what she had achieved then spent several hours talking about my `training', Athena and what its members were doing, while I was handcuffed to the wall still naked. Vanya was invited to bring me back for a `club-night' at the weekend and, with me dressed in tight rubber and a new pair of ultra-high- heeled thigh-boots, we returned at 8 O'clock on Saturday night. Beneath her coat Vanya was wearing a stunning cocktail dress of brilliant yellow and green latex she had just bought. My heart was in my mouth as the door opened and we were led through to a large room of about 50 people, predominantly women. My woollen cape was taken from my shoulders as we entered, my new tight topless leotard in purple latex revealing my breasts and pierced nipples, the silver slave-collar connected to the tips. Most of the people were wearing leather or rubber outfits, from the simplest designs to the outrageous, so I didn't feel too out-of-place or uncomfortable. After a few minutes I began to realise that the bizarre costumes, often with manacles or other restraints, were about equal to the fashionable ones, then I understood that I was surrounded by a mixture of Mistresses and their Slaves! With a suddenly heightened interest I began to study the other slaves, noticing that several of them, like me, hadn't always been women. For an organisation concentrating on `putting women in their rightful place' I had expected equal numbers of men and women; as only a third were men, many members tastes were obviously lesbian. The mood was relaxed and everyone was mixing and chatting pleasantly, with several different languages in evidence. Trays of champagne were taken round by two slaves. One was a small slender girl who was naked apart from studded leather straps around her wrists, ankles, waist and neck, with a large rubber dildo held inside her by a chain from her waist-belt. The other was a tall bearded man who struggled to move in the tight, confining chains that covered his body and were locked to rings piercing his penis, nipples, earlobes and nose. Both slaves were gagged. Vanya was soon led away by Mme. Domina to meet a group of women, so I took a glass and moved through the crowd to look at the various outfits. I was stopped by a pretty girl in her mid-twenties who told me, in a London accent, that I looked stunning in the leotard, which showed off my figure to perfection. We chatted lightly for several minutes during which I learned a lot about Athena open nights before, with a slight frown on her pretty face, she asked, "Are you really a girl, or have you been `converted' by your mistress?" I was stunned by the question and not sure of how to answer. Her own bare breasts, with the name "Brenda" surrounded by chain tattooed inside her left breast, plus the concoction of leather straps and pieces of metal that made up her outfit down to a tight leather skirt, told me she was also a slave, so I decided to be honest. "My wife insisted on changing my appearance - how about you?" I simply answered then learned that Wendy was born a female and `belonged' to her lesbian lover who was a "real dragon when she gets angry." Wendy told me she thought I looked extremely feminine and lovely, said she had really thought I was a girl and asked many questions about how Vanya had done the changes and taught me to behave as a woman. We talked for quite a while on our own, then Wendy introduced me to several other slaves, two of whom had also once been men. Deep inside I was surprised to find I felt good that I looked and behaved much more feminine than them. Many more questions were asked and I learned an enormous amount about Athena and its members. At one point Wendy expressed her view that "Women have always been in charge of men. Even if I wasn't lesbian I would never let a man dominate me, rather the other way around. Athena has been going for more than a century and it is steadily growing as more and more women come out of the closet to accept their dominance. Men think they run the world but, except for a few very bossy ones, they really are controlled by their women, although they may not know it." Several slaves carried tattoos of their mistress's names and others were restrained in bondage outfits, but not one of them complained about their `status' and I realised that I, too, was happier with my new life with Vanya than I had been before. Perhaps Wendy was right that this was the `proper' way of things; perhaps men were more inclined to domination and masochism: I know that after that night I began to feel less uncomfortable about being dominated by Vanya. Of the `men' present who had been `feminised' - I learnt it was the recognised term - they varied from those that were merely dressed in `little-girl' type cotton dresses that made them look ridiculous to those, like me, whose mistresses had done a physical conversion. Very few of the `converts' - another term that was accepted and bandied about - looked convincing as women and, again, I took pride in my new body and appearance. My discussions and observations were interrupted by the ringing of a bell followed, when everyone's attention was drawn, by Mme. Domina's aristocratic voice, which carried to all corners of the room through the expectant hush that had fallen. "Ladies of Athena, please take your seats in the room next door now." The women gradually started moving towards a double doorway and I started to move in that direction also. Wendy grabbed my arm and whispered "Not us, Jane, the Chief Dominatrix only speaks to our mistresses, never to us." I watched as half the people moved into the next room, wondering what was coming next as, with the rest of the slaves, I crowded closer to the open doorway to watch as much as we were able. Several minutes later, I saw Mme. Domina stand upon a raised stage at the far end of the room facing the Mistresses and, in her powerful voice, say "Thank you ladies and may I welcome all our regular members and several guests tonight. As is our customary procedure, I would like all of you to stand, one at a time, introduce yourselves and call in your partner. Each partner will then come into the room, stand on the stage then go and kneel in front of their mistress. If any lady has any questions about what the slave is wearing, how he or she has been trained, or anything else to ask, please feel free to ask when the slave is on the stage. Please remember, the purpose of these get- togethers is to share our knowledge and to increase our ability to dominate for the good of all womankind. Daphne, perhaps you would be kind enough to start," she smiled at a large woman at the end of the front row. That woman stood, turned to face the others, repeated her Christian name, adding that she was from Brussels, then called "Henri," in a strident voice. From close by the door our waiter slowly shuffled into the next room, his progress slow and laborious in his cumbersome chains. As he struggled his way onto the stage and stood in front of the women, a polite round of applause was given and, taking this cue, he shuffled his way down to the women and knelt next to Daphne. The woman next to her stood and repeated the exercise, ordering in her own slave, a slightly-built man in nappies, large rubber panties, a baby- like woollen dress and sucking a dummy. As he mounted the stage, clutching a teddy bear, a voice from the back asked if he was capable of doing anything useful at home. His mistress answered that the babying only served as his reminder of his status and that he handled all the household tasks. One by one each slave was called in, with the occasional question being asked. Often-asked queries were regarding where clothing or items of bondage had been obtained and revealed that while most of the members were from adjacent countries, there were a few from overseas. Once or twice a mistress ordered her slave to remove some clothing, show a tattoo, or something that had been done to them and, when Wendy was called, she was told to take off her tight leather hobble skirt. That revealed silver manacles around each leg, just above the knee, fixed to an arch of metal that reached up to her groin where it was attached to a shiny metal dildo inserted into her body. That drew more applause and several questions. The girl following Wendy was also penetrated by a dildo, this time it was held inside her vagina by a bar through its base, the ends being padlocked to rings piercing her inner lips. I was surprised that she wasn't in any apparent discomfort. Eventually Vanya stood up and, after her introduction, called "Jane." Using all the grace that the ultra-high heels of my white rubber boots would permit, I strode down the side of the room and up the two steps onto the stage, the slight bounce of my breasts being emphasised by the long green jewels that swung from my nipples with every movement. There was a light applause from the audience until Mme. Domina stood up and faced the audience to tell them "Jane has only been a convert for a year, although Vanya has obviously been a very ardent follower of all our methods." With that the applause was loudly repeated as the women recognised that I hadn't been born with the figure that my tight leotard showed off so well. Several questions were directed at Vanya in quick succession and she answered them with a potted history of the previous year. My collar and the rings on my fingers drew interest, several women asking to see them and about their origin, as did my waistline, for which Vanya gave full credit to Mme. Domina's corset- training programme, adding that further improvements were not only possible but planned! I listened in embarrassed silence to my recent past. At last I was allowed to step off the stage and make my way to Vanya. The boots did not let me kneel, as most of the other slaves had done, but Vanya guided me to sit against the side of her rubber-sheathed thigh. She leaned forward and whispered in my ear "You made me very proud, Darling. You looked so sexy up on the stage, and I love you very much." Somehow her love embraced me and I felt elated inside with the feeling and her words, hardly taking in the rest of the introductions. Vanya added to the feeling by caressing the back of my neck with one hand, whilst the other cupped and teased my left breast. Mme. Domina took the stage once more to thank the ladies for all the information they had given, then went on to say that Claire had invented a new device to show us. Amid applause, a tall attractive brunette in a white leather suit took the stage, calling upon her slave Willem to join her. Once he had done so Claire held up a concoction of shiny steel for all to see, then locked the belt of the contraption around Willem's waist. A steel rod extended upwards and backwards from the belt, terminating in a pair of rigid manacles and, with the belt tightly in place, Claire hoisted his arms behind him, clamping his wrists inside the loops of steel. His shoulders strained to the limits, Willem was forced to stand slightly bent at the waist to accommodate the painful position into which his arms were locked. Claire explained how regular incarceration inside the contraption had subdued him completely. I was happy to hear Vanya whisper to me "That looks too drastic for you, Jane." Claire and Willem left the stage, the latter still helplessly trapped in the device, and Mme. Domina invited Daneska to talk about a new gag. A studious-looking redhead stood up in the middle of the audience, pulling up a lightly-built girl from where she knelt in front of her. The woman talked in rapid German for a couple of minutes, then Mme. Domina translated that Daneska was a dentist and had developed an internal gag that could be worn in public. Daneska's slave pulled back her lips and turned so that all could see the white covering over her teeth, while her mistress talked about it. The translation described how the gag was individually made, it's fitting and how it could even be styled to look like normal teeth, yet still prevent its wearer from using their mouth. Vanya whispered, "That could be useful to prevent you chatting so much when we go out, Jane. We might visit Dusseldorf over the next few days. I was talking to Daneska earlier this evening and she has invited us if we have time." I didn't say anything but I certainly wasn't keen on the idea! The next demonstration was of new American equipment by Marie, another brunette who spoke in English with a strong Dutch accent, and her convert, an unattractive and obvious male with the vestige of a bosom. Jannie had his hands locked into thick steel cuffs attached to a steel collar, so was unable to prevent his mistress clamping a wide metal belt around his waist, although he was obviously trying to stop her. Into the back of the belt Marie connected a wire then brought the other end around and attached clips to both of Jannie's nipples. A second wire was plugged into the back of the belt, the other end being brought between his legs and the metal ball on the end pushed deep into his latex pants. Marie took a small box, like a tiny portable radio, from her pocket and pulled out an aerial from one edge while Jannie, gagged to prevent any noise, shook his head violently in protest to her. "I am holding transmitter which can send signal to belt Jannie is wearing, effective up to kilometre apart. The belt is aerial as well as carrying batteries and can supply big electric shock through wires to wherever they are attached to slave, at varying strength. It is very good means of training, especially outdoors, but slave will scream if shock too strong. Jannie has worn it often under clothes. Will now do anything I ask to avoid." With that she pressed one of three buttons on the box and Jannie immediately collapsed to his knees, shouting around the gag, as a shock erupted in his groin. A second shock, obviously to his nipples, caused his shoulders to twitch as he tried to get away from the pain. "Can also use to give rewards," continued Marie without any emotion in her voice as she adjusted the knob on the box then pressed the buttons alternately. Jannie twitched in time with the shocks, but this time in obvious pleasure as a different feeling hit his body. As Marie closed the aerial on the box and returned to her seat Vanya said quietly "I don't think I'll be needing that nasty thing, Darling, but just be aware of all the toys and training devices I could use on you if ever you defy me." I was more than happy to rely on her love, hoping and praying that she would never want to hurt me like that. Those thoughts were interrupted by Mme. Domina's voice: "Our final demonstration tonight is on figure training. I have often spoken, and written in our magazine, about how the mind and body will adapt with the proper control of corsets, telling you many times that the figure will only improve with constant, dedicated training, both day and night. Earlier Vanya told us how proper training worked quickly, Jane being visual proof of what can be achieved. In only six months Vanya had trained her slave's waist from 30" to 22" and it can still be improved. Further reductions will, of course not be so rapid. I have inspected Jane's figure; she has the potential to achieve at least an 18" waist, but that next 4" will probably take another six months, maybe a year, as her ribs need to change shape and internal organs need to re-align themselves further. Come up here, Vanya - and bring Jane - so that we can have a look," she added, looking directly at us from where she stood on the stage. "That's us, Darling, come on," I was told as Vanya stood up and helped me to my feet. Not knowing what was to follow, I walked with Vanya, feeling very nervous. We mounted the stage and Vanya placed me between Mme. Domina and herself. I was told to slowly turn around, while the old lady explained how wearing the corset had reduced my waist without affecting my spine or blood flow. As she continued with the technicalities of designing and making corsets, Vanya pulled the shoulder-straps of my leotard down my arms then tugged the garment down to my thighs, exposing my body completely to the audience. By that time I was quite proud of my new body, so I only felt somewhat shy with so many eyes crawling over my body and focusing on my clit. Domina repeated "Jane's waist has been reduced 8 inches in six months, but further reductions will not be so dramatic. I estimate that reducing it another 4, to 18 inches will take at least as long, even wearing it day and night. Jon, drop the line now," she ordered to the side of the stage, where I now saw an insignificant, grey-haired man dressed only in a waspie-corset and a leather G-string. I presumed that he was Domina's husband as well as her slave, for he hadn't been introduced earlier, and I later confirmed this was so. He began to turn a handle on the wall as his mistress faced her audience once again to tell them "Fitting time is perfect for seeing potential reductions." I saw several of the audience look above us and, without thinking, followed their eyes. Directly above me a rope was descending, on the end of which were wide steel wrist clamps. My heart sank as Jon stopped turning when the clamps were just above my head and both Vanya and the other woman took my arms and lifted them into the steel shackles. I knew it was no use protesting or fighting them, merely standing still as Domina tightened the big nut to close the two parts of the clamp around my wrists. A sharp command from Domina started Jon turning the handle in the other direction and the rope began lifting my wrists until my arms and body were stretched with my feet just supporting me. "This position, with the body fully extended, is ideal for fitting a corset because all the loose flesh is moved out of your way and any fat is pulled to where the corset can force it one way or the other," Domina told her audience as she walked to the side of the stage, where Jon curtsied and handed something to her. Back in centre stage she unrolled the item to reveal a red rubber corset almost identical to the black one I had been wearing for so long. "Rubber is the ideal material for long-term figure training corsets because it doesn't absorb perspiration. I would urge those of you that prefer leather or other materials to have the corsets you order rubber-lined at least. Now, lets put this on Jane and you will see the effect." With Vanya's help the corset was pulled around my waist and the closely-spaced clips done up at the front. Mme. Domina began tightening the lacing down the back, stopping when the corset was hugging my body snugly. "With the corset closely around the body you can see it should be snug for the whole length, while at the back, "she said as, with Vanya's guidance, I was turned so that I was facing the wall. "You can see that the top and bottom of the side panels are close together, whilst the middle has sufficient gap to train the waist to the target size. Proof that your ambitions are not too great can be obtained by fully tightening it, for if the body can temporarily be compressed, it can be trained to that size in time." With those words she began to pull on the laces, working her way down from the top of the corset, while Vanya pulled on the two loops of lace at my waist to take up the slack Domina was creating. Once again I felt my lower chest being squeezed tightly and I knew that the next few months would be uncomfortable as Vanya continued to reduce my waist. I felt that it would be worth it until Domina began to work her way up the lacing from the bottom. The loops of lace were crossed behind me and both women began to tug hard on them, and the corset began to seriously compress my waist. By the time the edges of the corset were together I was in agony, but could do nothing to prevent them tying the laces in a knot at my back. I was turned to face the audience again and, through the pain, heard many compliments and comments about the tiny waist I now had, and Domina commenting about the benefits of the corset. After about 10 minutes of agony, Domina went behind me and undid the knot, allowing some slack back into the lacing and the pain decreased considerably. With it still tight, but bearable, the lacing was tied once more, and again I was turned to face the wall. "Vanya had a lovely idea with the first corset she ordered and I've used it for this one also. Once the laces are done up, we can cover them completely with this zippered panel so that naughty fingers can't undo them. I can even build a lock into the top of the zip, if required, so that even the zip cannot be pulled down. Anyway Vanya, there is Jane on the way to an 18" waist, although its only tightened to 21 inches for now. You can begin tightening it further in a couple of weeks, but don't try to reduce it too quickly. Remember, slow steady reduction for a permanent result." On cue, Jon lowered the rope and my wrists were released. Vanya pulled up my rubber leotard to cover the tight rigid corset, as Domina added, "Why don't you show our ladies how effective Jane's bondage rings are, Vanya?" With a bright smile of agreement, Vanya reached into her handbag and took out a tiny padlock. Pulling my arms behind me, the backs of my hands together, she slipped the lock through the loops protruding from my rings and snapped it closed, trapping my hands behind my back. In bondage once more and feeling the tightness of the corset on my body, I was led off the stage amid considerable applause. Mme. Domina announced the end of the evening's formal programme, adding that drinks and snacks were available in the other room, so at least I did not have to try sitting on the floor again. Vanya and I were surrounded by a small group, mainly mistresses, who wanted to ask many questions of Vanya and to see and feel my corseted waist for themselves. I noticed that the others that had demonstrated items were also deep in discussion groups. Most of the questions to Vanya covered how she had worked on my figure, if I suffered any ill effects, where had she had my nipples pierced etc. No one spoke directly to me, so I stayed silent and let Vanya do the talking. We finally moved into the other room where, at last, we had chance to talk together for a moment. I asked Vanya why she hadn't told me about the new corset and she smiled her most impish look, her eyes shining happily then told me "I thought it would be a nice surprise for you. I ordered the corset a month ago and felt a special fitting was called for. After all, you are the best looking slave here and it was a good chance for me to show off your lovely figure, Darling." That was all we had time for then and, once again we mingled amongst the other guests, Vanya with the mistresses and me with the slaves. Wendy sought me out to say how good I looked on stage, whilst it gave me the chance to ask her if the dildo chained inside her was uncomfortable. "Of course, Jane, but I love having it in me, especially the vibrating one. The leg restrictors make it difficult with stairs and that's very frustrating. I wanted to tell you that I love your nipple jewels - did it hurt much when they were pierced?" I told her that it was much less than I had expected and that now I was glad Vanya had done them because they were so much more sensitive. "Do you mind if I look at them, Jane?" Wendy asked and, without waiting for a reply, closely examined the gold rings through my nipples. She spent much longer than was really necessary rotating the rings, swinging the jewels, then gently squeezing each nipple to feel the ring inside, knowing too well what she was doing to me! With a cheeky smile she asked archly "You have beautiful nipples and breasts, Jane, do you find you can be aroused when somebody plays with them?" all the while continuing to tease me but, with my hands trapped behind me, I could not stop her and I wasn't going to make a scene! Suddenly, a large but attractive middle-aged woman leaned over Wendy's shoulder to say loudly in her ear "Playing with other girls again, Wendy? I thought you had suffered enough after last time not to make me angry again!" So this was Brenda, I thought as Wendy's hands shot to her sides and she began to babble all sorts of excuses about only looking at my pierced nipples. "Then I'll have to get yours pierced as well, you little slut!" Brenda took hold of Wendy's right nipple between her finger and thumb, pinching hard, and dragged Wendy away through the crowd. I heard Wendy's plaintive wails as she was led away, the sound suddenly ending with the slam of a door. I stood rigid with surprise until I was suddenly confronted with Vanya facing me, hands on hips and a curious smile on her face. "You weren't getting yourself seduced, were you, Jane?" she asked, her eyes slightly hard as they stared into mine. I told her what had happened and that with my hands bound I hadn't been able to stop Wendy. "But I can see from the guilt in your eyes that you enjoyed it, didn't you Jane?" I dropped my eyes from hers, knowing she was right, and was relieved to hear a relaxed and pleasant laugh from Vanya. "Don't worry about it, Darling, I've trained your body to respond. I feel a bit jealous but I don't think it was your fault. Anyway, it's about time we were going now, so let's get our coats. I'll leave your hands bound - I don't want you misbehaving with anyone else!" chuckled Vanya. She took my arm and led me to the hallway where the two slaves who had served the drinks were waiting by the pile of coats. Once our coats were found Vanya slid into hers as the man in chains held it for her, whilst the girl-slave gave me a knowing smile and placed the cape around my shoulders, effectively hiding my bound hands. As the door closed behind us Vanya threw her arm around me and together we walked across the drive to our rented car. I was still feeling guilty about Wendy so I said, "I love you very much, Vanya, more than I ever thought it was possible to love anyone, but when Wendy teased my nipples it did start to arouse me. I really don't know why it did, but now I feel bad about it. Please forgive me, Darling." Vanya squeezed me through the cape and, with a soft chuckle, her voice filled with love for me, answered "Jane, after all the work I've done on you to make your nipples so sensitive, I would have been disappointed if it hadn't turned you on! And with you looking so sexy tonight I'm not surprised someone was attracted to you, particularly a lesbian. However, right now I'm also feeling quite turned on with the excitement of everything that's happened tonight and the thought of you with an 18 inch waist. Let's get back to the hotel and make love." And that is exactly what we did until the small hours of the morning. The following week found us in Germany, although I was gritting my teeth that we wouldn't be going to Dusseldorf. Instead we were in a lovely hotel in Hamburg one morning when Vanya told me we had been invited by a lady she had met at Mme. Domina's to attend a `Rubber Ball.' When I looked somewhat apprehensive, Vanya laughed, telling me "Don't worry, Darling. It will be a fun-night that caters for all rubber-lovers, not just Athena. I'm told everyone dresses to show off their finest exotic rubberwear and, although there's a bit of a fashion parade for anyone who wants to join in, it is really just a dance where people can let down their hair. It starts at 8 O'clock tonight, so we have got the whole day to sight-see and shop, and I know there are some pretty exotic shops in one part of the city, so we might even find something special to wear." After a brief tour of the town and the harbour, we got a taxi to the Reeperbahn, which Vanya told me was the most erotic place in Europe. Although I had heard of it already, I didn't know that Vanya had been there before, but she seemed to know the area quite well. We visited a few sex-shops, which were far bolder than those in Amsterdam, and there were several people, men and women, openly studying the magazines and videos, which catered for every conceivable taste, as well as the tremendous ranges of sex-toys. Among the latter I recognised a few items that Vanya had introduced into our lives over the previous years, but we didn't buy anything this time. A little later Vanya led us into the back-streets, past several prostitutes plying their trade in the early afternoon and we were asked several times if we wanted "anything special" from the girls. After a few corners we came to an old shop whose window was painted over, the sign above merely reading `GUMME MISTRESS.' Vanya pushed the button by the side of the door and, after a few moments, it was opened for us by a tallish redhead in her early 40's. She started to greet in German but changed to a slightly-accented English when she recognised Vanya, saying "I haven't seen you for a long time, Madam, what can I do for you now?" "We've come to see your latest styles, Irma. What new ideas have you created?" It was like asking a dancer if she had learnt a new step, for Irma smiled happily before leading us through to her workroom and seating us on a large leather settee. As she reached for her thick photo-album I was able to look round the huge room, the large worktable with scissors and tools, a tall rack filled with many rolls of different coloured and thicknesses of rubber, and racks holding a wide variety of latex clothing. The dressmaker's dummies wore partly- finished garments and the air was filled with the erotic pungency of pure rubber. Irma, wearing a simple pink rubber dress beneath a white rubber apron, passed the big book to Vanya, saying, "Those are my latest styles but I can make anything you want, of course. Are you and your friend going to the `Rubber Ball' tonight?" Vanya laughed as she took Irma's latest portfolio. "Forgive my manners, Irma," said Vanya. "I haven't introduced you to Jane. She started out as my husband and is now my slave and lover - you've made several garments for her over the last few years, especially since she's been a woman." I blushed with embarrassment as our secret was blurted out, while Irma stared at me, first in amazement, then in deep interest. She asked about my `conversion,' questioning Vanya on much of the fine detail, eventually asking me if I would mind undressing so that she could see my new body! Before I could say anything Vanya ordered me to stand up and take off my dress. A glance into her eyes told me Vanya wasn't joking so I unbuttoned the silk dress and stepped out of it. Vanya's eyes were full of pride at what she had created, whilst Irma's examined my body in detail. "This looks like one of Domina's training corsets," Irma stated knowingly. "They work very well and so quickly." She asked about the rest of my conversion so Vanya reached up and tugged my latex slip and panties down around my nylon stockinged thighs. Irma asked me to excuse her curiosity then bent down to stare between my legs. When she stood up she asked me "Do you like being penetrated, Jane?" When I nodded, adding that Vanya often made love to me like that, she smiled and said "Then I've got some special panties that you might like." After rummaging through a selection of items on a corner table, she returned with a couple of rubber panties. After I had removed mine from my ankles she passed me a flesh-coloured latex design, telling me to try those first, and I stepped into them and slid them up my hips. The wide waistband was a snug fit over my corseted hips, with the front of the pantie being plain and tapering down to pass between my legs. From just past my bottom the crotch narrowed into a reinforced rubber string that lay in the crease of my cheeks before widening again to meet the waistband at the back. Inside the strip of rubber covering my tiny penis was a sack of soft jelly that compressed my penis and moulded round it so that I had a perfect mound of Venus. "You can wear those under tight trousers or a dress and you won't even show a pantie-line, Jane. They are your size as well," announced Irma. Vanya said we would take them so I slid them off again and placed them in Vanya's waiting hand. I took the black rubber panties that Irma now passed to me and stepped into them. As I pulled them up my legs I saw a short, stubby dildo moulded into the crotch. It was obvious where it was supposed to go so I pulled the panties into place on my hips then, bending forward a bit, wriggled the projection inside me until it was comfortable. Irma bent down behind me, an inflator in her hand, and connected it into the base of the intruding rubber. She squeezed the bulb several times and I felt the head of the head of the dildo grow inside me. "I designed these so that the penetrator can be inflated to personal preference. How do they feel Jane?" asked Irma, standing once more and passing me the bulb. The panties were like a second skin around my hips whilst the internal dildo was pleasantly comfortable and I told Irma so. I squeezed the bulb a few more times until I felt delightfully full then Irma disconnected the inflator and passed it to Vanya, who added "If Jane's going to wear those tonight, then I think I would like some dancing- pants as well." Irma smiled knowingly and went again to sort through her stocks. Extracting a red latex design, she tossed the panties to Vanya who caught them deftly. From one leg of the panties protruded two red rubber dildos - so that's what `dancing-pants' were! "Try them on, Vanya," suggested Irma. "The penises in them can be inflated to make them thicker, just like Jane's." Without hesitation Vanya stood up, reached under her dress and slip and pulled down the tiny white latex scanties she was wearing. After rolling up the red rubber she stepped into the panties and wriggled them up her hips. Hiking her skirt and slip out of the way, she bent and opened her legs then slowly jiggled the front dildo all the way into her lovely vagina. Once it was fully inserted, Vanya bent forward and slid the slightly thinner dildo into her bottom. With a smile, she stretched the panties into the proper position over her hips. Her eyes shone with excitement as Irma handed her the inflator she had used on my panties. Vanya twisted the connector of the tube into the base of the dildo on the outside of the front of the panties, then gently squeezed the bulb a couple of times. She walked a few steps around the room then added a couple more squeezes to the inflator. Satisfied with the feeling Vanya removed the inflator and reconnected the tube between her cheeks, squeezing the bulb several times. After a few more steps Vanya disconnected the tube and rearranged her clothes. With a knowing grin to me Vanya said softly "Now we can both feel secretly satisfied, can't we Jane?" I smiled back at her without bothering to answer her rhetorical query. To Irma she asked "Do you have a dress like this one?" and she picked up the design book from the table. Irma looked at the picture and, mumbling that she was sure she did, walked into a second room. A few moments later she returned carrying a metallic-green latex full-length dress from which she was removing a hanger. "I also have a red one but I don't think it will be your size. I'm sure this will fit you though, and I think it is your colour. Please try it on," Irma told Vanya as she pulled down the zip of the dress. I helped Vanya remove her dress and slip then unclipped her white latex bra when she asked. Vanya stepped into the dress that Irma held open for her then slipped her arms through the tiny cap-sleeves. Irma stepped behind her and pulled up the zip, pulling the thin shiny-green rubber taut around Vanya's lovely body. The neckline of the dress plunged deep between Vanya's pert breasts and, as she moved, so the long skirt of the dress shimmered around her thighs and legs. She looked beautiful in the dress's simple lines and I told her so, with Irma adding comments of approval also. Vanya stepped over to a mirror and, after turning this way and that to examine her reflection, said she loved it. She smiled happily into my eyes and must have read how desirable she looked for she said impishly to me "I can see that you really like me wearing it too, Jane." Irma advised Vanya to wear purple shoes and accessories with the dress and Vanya agreed. Picking up the book once more, Vanya said "I think this design will look good on Jane, don't you Irma?" As our hostess looked over Vanya's shoulder to see the style, she muttered agreement then turned to run her eyes over my exposed body in appraisal. "I'm sure I have Jane's size in stock - and I think also the perfect colour for her. Let me go and see." As she walked from the room, Vanya slammed the book closed to prevent me having a preview of what she had in mind. Instead she took my hand and pressed it to her right breast and smiled coyly. "Do you think the material is too thin, Darling? I don't want to look cheap, do I?" The soft warmth of her breast through the smooth latex was heaven against my hand and as I moved my thumb gently I felt her nipple grow in response. Although she already knew my views on the dress I replied, "You look gorgeous, Darling. Certainly not cheap - in fact you look like a million dollars!" Vanya smiled happily at my words but any further conversation was cut short by Irma's return. She was carrying a silver latex dress across her right arm and a bundle of black rubber in her other hand. Irma passed the black bundle to me saying, "Put those on first, Jane, then we'll try the dress for size." I found I was holding rubber stockings and shoulder-length gloves, so I dutifully unclipped my nylons and sat down to take them off. Vanya passed me one of the latex stockings she had already rolled up and, as she did the other one I stretched and unrolled the thin moulded rubber over my foot and up my leg. The stocking finished a couple of inches short of my crotch, the fit being perfect with not the slightest wrinkle in the fine black latex. I soon had the other stocking on and stood up to do up the front suspenders. Vanya happily helped by clipping the back ones, knowing that the new training corset was too tight to let me reach them easily. Irma shook some talcum powder into the gloves and held one for me to push my hand into it. When my hand was coated by the fine black rubber she stretched the remaining latex up my arm, almost to my armpit. Once the other one was on my hands and arms looked as though they had been sprayed with latex. Irma dipped a piece of cottonwool into a small bottle and, brushing away traces of talcum, wiped the outer surface of my gloves and stockings. By the time she had finished my legs and arms were gleaming with polished black latex, yet were not wet or sticky. After wiping her hands Irma picked up the dress and held it so I could step into the unzipped back. As she pulled it up onto my waist the silver rubber shimmered about my legs with a soft rustle. I slipped my arms through the tiny shoulder straps and Vanya pulled the back together and did up the zip. I saw that each of the tiny straps split into two at the front, dropping on either side of each breast. They joined the rest of the dress just below the level of my nipples, leaving them and the gold rings through them exposed. The long, narrow skirt of the dress was split on the right side from hem to hip, exposing my leg as I moved. The design was fantastic for wearing in private but I felt nervous at the thought of wearing it to a dance! Vanya told me to put my shoes on and when I had done so said I looked beautiful, but that we would have to get matching silver shoes for me. She told me to walk about so that she could see how I looked, her eyes telling me this time that she loved me looking so erotic. Irma said that the dress did not emphasise my tiny waist enough and that she would take it in for us. "It won't take me long, so if you like it I'll do it while you buy some shoes, then you can collect it on your way home." Vanya agreed to Irma's idea while I took the chance to see my reflection in the full-length mirror and was stunned at how the shiny silver dress was complimented by the gleaming black rubber of the gloves and stockings. I didn't mind the sexy split skirt exposing my stocking-top when I walked, but I wished that my nipples had been covered. When I expressed that view to Vanya she laughed, telling me "From what I've heard about these Rubber Balls you won't be over- exposed, Jane. What do you think, Irma." "Many of the people that will be going are my customers, and some of the costumes I have made for them are incredibly bizarre. You look very nice, Jane, and you won't feel out of place I assure you. Now, let me unzip you and I can re-model the waist to fit you perfectly." Once out of the dress she slipped a tape around my waist and was surprised when she saw how tiny it really was. While she did so I carefully rolled the latex gloves down my arms then stretched them off my hands. Vanya asked me to unzip her and, when she had removed the dress, put on her other clothes. Seeing that she was leaving the dancing-pants on, I decided to do the same, so I recovered my slip and dress and donned them. Without Vanya's help I managed to unclip my suspenders from the rubber stockings and, sitting again on the leather settee, rolled the thin latex down my legs. After putting on my black nylons I did need Vanya's assistance with the back suspenders, a dependence I knew she enjoyed. By the time we were ready to leave, Irma was already busy altering my dress. She paused to let us out the door, suggesting where we might like to get our shoes. Vanya led the way through the streets for several minutes, obviously knowing where she was headed, and told me of several garments that Irma had made for us in the past. The shoe shop was tiny, its name in German being beyond my understanding and, once inside, I saw it was also a specialist shop. Footwear of the most bizarre designs was on display and, whilst I stared around me at the incredible styles, Vanya strode to greet the young lady that emerged from the back of the shop. The girl listened to Vanya's requirements then returned moments later with a couple of boxes while Vanya led me to some chairs at one side of the room. I watched as Vanya tried on some very high-heeled purple, strappy evening shoes and, after two tries, selected those she liked. The pretty young girl then opened the other box and lifted out a pair of medium-heeled silver patent leather boots for me. She undid the zips down the inside of each boot then slid them onto my feet. They felt quite comfortable as I walked around, the height of the stilettos being easily within my skills after Vanya's insistent training. Satisfied, Vanya paid for them and we set off to the busier suburbs, where a department store yielded a purple handbag for Vanya and a black one for me. Vanya and I spent quite a time, first at the jewellery counter selecting earrings, then at the cosmetics section sorting make-up and finally choosing purple stockings for Vanya. All the time I was delightfully aware of my new panties with their dildo and it was a continual reminder that Vanya was also enjoying her own penetration. I noticed several time the slight flush of excitement on her face, particularly after we had been walking for a while. At last we returned to Irma's shop, where our dresses and things were ready and waiting. Irma insisted that I try on the dress again and it proved to be a perfect fit, tightly hugging my tiny corseted waist. Irma fussed about making a black rubber sash which, she insisted, I had to wear to draw the eye to my figure. I knew that my exposed breasts and nipple-rings would attract more than enough attention to it than I wanted! By late afternoon we made our way, purchases under our arms, back to the main streets where, thankfully, Vanya hailed a taxi to take us back to our hotel. Exiting the taxi, we were met by the doorman who helped us with our shopping and I wondered what he would think if he knew what was in those innocuous-looking boxes and bags. Instead he led us into the foyer where Vanya took our key and we went to the lifts. Inside our suite, Vanya threw her arms around me and kissed me deeply. The activity of her tongue told me how excited the dildo-pants had made her, so I hugged her tightly to me before reaching up to caress her breasts. Her erect nipples were a sure-fire way of knowing that she wanted some immediate loving and this was confirmed by her groans of passion as I gently bit the side of her neck. Our dresses were soon discarded, followed by slips and Vanya's bra, whilst our shoes were hurriedly kicked from our feet. We collapsed onto the bed entwined in each other's arms and Vanya quickly rolled on top of me, her hands reaching to roll my nipples between her fingers, which always aroused me. We kissed long and deeply, caressing each other's breasts, before Vanya straddled my hips and, pressing the base of her dildo against my groin, began to rock her body back and forth. In no time at all her climax was upon her and she groaned erotically as the orgasm coursed through her body. As the feelings decreased she collapsed on top of me to kiss and caress me lovingly and softly, murmuring her love for me and how I turned her on. I told her, truthfully, much the same whilst wondering if she intended leaving me in a state of pre-orgasmic tension in preparation for something else she had in mind. After a few minutes Vanya arose from the bed and reached into her make- up case. She withdrew her favourite vibrator - a long, fat rubber thing with a round knobbly end - and, smiling at me, returned to the bed. "Poor Darling Jane hasn't been satisfied yet," she teased. "I'll have to do something to help her." A low buzz came from the variable speed vibrator as she leant down to kiss me, her hand reaching to my breasts and tugging gently at a nipple-ring. A knee was pressed slowly between my thighs and the vibrator stroked slowly up and down my crotch before being pressed hard against the dildo penetrating me. The vibrations gradually spread throughout my lower body, whilst Vanya's other hand spread to both my nipple-rings so that she could stretch and jiggle my nipples in a way she had taught me to like. Vanya felt my passion rising rapidly and slowly sucked my tongue into her hot mouth. She had learnt to play tunes of passion on my body and in no time at all a short, but satisfying orgasm burst inside me and I moaned into her lovely mouth. Turning off the vibrator, she kissed each of my breasts lovingly and suggested we go and shower. Once I was recovered that is what we did, stripping off our dildo-pants in the shower and hugging each other under the warm spray of water. After drying our hair we dressed in normal outer-clothes and went down to the dining room for dinner. We chatted over the events of the day, as always basking in being with each other and taking time to enjoy ourselves to the full. At last we were finished and returned to our suite. At least an hour was spent on doing each other's make-up and, whilst I had done Vanya's especially for an evening affair, her work on my face was even more dramatic and strong. It was time to dress and Vanya insisted that I wear the dildo-pants again. As I put them on so she picked up her own pair and wriggled them into place. Vanya passed me the inflator after first using it to expand her own dildos and smiled in impish satisfaction as I pumped up mine until I felt deliciously full. After sprinkling talcum powder into my new rubber stockings and gloves Vanya helped me on with them, finally using some of the special polish to make the black latex shine to its fullest. Vanya helped me stretch a wide, red suspender belt on my hips and clip up my stockings. Next came my new silver, patent boots, followed by the beautiful but revealing silver dress. Once that was zipped into place and its soft latex was rustling around my thighs, Vanya pulled a soft, black rubber suspender-belt onto her own hips then sat on the bed to coat her legs in fine purple nylons. I helped Vanya into her pretty green rubber dress. When she put on her new shoes with their high stilettos and stood beside me she was almost as tall. She fiddled with the black latex sash around my waist then, satisfied, unclipped and removed the thick gold rings through my nipples. Into their place she threaded stainless-steel rings about three inches in diameter making sure, as always, that the ends of my slave-collar were attached to the rings. Long silver earrings were threaded into my ears then Vanya passed me a gold pair with purple balls dangling on chains for me to put in her lobes. I clipped a beautiful diamond pendant necklace around her slender neck, the fiery stone laying between the first swell of her bust drew attention to the plunging line of her dress between her breasts. It was at that point that I realised we still had to leave the hotel and get to the dance, but Vanya laughed at my sudden panic. Helping me into my long shiny plastic raincoat that were all the rage, she showed that only the bottom of my dress was in view and only close study would show that it was rubber. She dressed similarly and I realised that she was right so, changing our handbags, we went to the lifts. We left the hotel with a few more than the usual appreciative glances I had become used to and climbed into the taxi the doorman had called. Vanya's German seemed flawless as she gave our destination to the driver, then we settled back as the taxi made its way through early evening traffic. Hotel Fritz was certainly no dive, being situated just outside the classier part of town. Apart from its large old-world appearance I noticed nothing, for Vanya paid the driver and hurried me onto the pavement and into the foyer quite rapidly. A large sign directed us down a thickly carpeted corridor to the ballroom and, just outside, we were met by a middle-aged woman dressed in a simple maid's uniform. It was obvious we were at the right place for her uniform was of black and white rubber. She smiled and asked, in German, for our tickets. Vanya replied in English, showed them, then smiled when she asked for our coats. As Vanya was helped out of hers I balked at the thought of being so exposed in public, but Vanya turned to glare at me and I knew I dare not argue. Reluctantly I undid the front of my coat and let the maid slide it from my shoulders. "You both look very attractive," commented the maid in an accented but sincere voice, which aided my self- cons

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In spite of her air of determined confidence, Amanda was feeling very uncertain. She didn’t really have much of an idea about what to do next and while she thought herself a fairly self determined woman who liked to get her own way, she had never taken a dominant role sexually. Even so, she knew that was exactly what was going to be needed here. Perhaps, she thought, I can convince the fembots that I should take Gerry and Mike for “further training” or something similar or perhaps I can get...

2 years ago
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Fem Dom with wifes best friend 3

I walked through the door and found them both on the settee in deep conversation. "Hi," said Sue. "Good trip," she enquired? "Yes," I said hesitantly, looking at them both and wondering what they had been discussing. "Come over here Mark," she said, "There's something I need to discuss with you." I was like a naughty boy, standing Infront of them both, but felt I had no option, as Julie was looking at me intently, almost warning me not to disobey any instructions. "As Julie is...

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Fem Dom with Wifes bitch friendChapter 2

Now all being in our early twenties, the two of them had met at university and had stayed friends ever since. I met my wife, Sue, later on, but had never been keen on Julie. On her last visit, Julie had accidentally discovered my porn viewing history on my laptop, and decided to use this information to blackmail me, into doing her bidding. She told me that she would expose me to my wife, if I didn’t comply, and that she knew, that Sue, would end our relationship, if she found out I had...

4 years ago
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Fem Dom with wifes bitch friend

It was one of these incidents where she was in the living room doing just that, when she decided to look up some program info on the computer, but picking up mine, instead of my wife’s. Unfortunately for me. I had not closed it down properly after a wank session, and when she fired it up, it displayed all the porn I had been looking at. She called me over and with a sadistic smile, turned the screen around to show me what she had found. I had to view these sites secretly as my wife was dead a...

4 years ago
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Fem Dom With Wifes Best Friend 3

I had been away on a course for work for just over two weeks. This gave Julie, my wife's best friend who was blackmailing me, ample time to influence my wife, Sue, in the benefits of pursuing a female-led marriage. When I returned home, I was soon to learn how effective she had been.I walked through the door and found them both on the settee in deep conversation."Hi," said Sue. "Good trip?" she inquired."Yes," I said hesitantly, looking at them both and wondering what they had been...

1 year ago
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Fem Dom With Wifes Bitch Friend Chapter 2

I hadn’t seen Julie, my wife’s best friend since her last visit to our house. Now all being in our early twenties, the two of them had met at university and had stayed friends ever since.I met my wife, Sue, later on, but had never been keen on Julie.On her last visit, Julie had accidentally discovered my porn viewing history on my laptop and decided to use this information to blackmail me into doing her bidding. She told me that she would expose me to my wife if I didn’t comply and that she...

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Fem Dom With Wifes Friend Non Scene

Julie was my wife’s best friend from school, but I always thought she was a bitch, and we never got on.My wife Sue, suspected this but hoped it would all work out eventually.I would always be polite when Julie came around, but neither of us liked each other, and it was obvious.She visited regularly as she lived in a house nearby, and was always popping in to see her friend, and intern, annoying me.She would even stay on to finish Love Island if the two of them had been watching TV, and my wife...

2 years ago
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Fem Dom with wifes best friend 3

I had been away on a course for work for just over two weeks, which gave Julie, my wife's best friend who was blackmailing me, ample time to influence my wife, Sue, in the benefits of pursuing a female-led marriage, and when I returned home, I was soon to learn on how effective she had been.I walked through the door and found them both on the settee in deep conversation."Hi," said Sue. "Good trip," she enquired?"Yes," I said hesitantly, looking at them both and wondering what they had been...

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Fem Dom with my Wifes best friend Chapter 2

I hadn’t seen Julie, my wife’s best friend, since her last visit to our house.Now all being in our early twenties, the two of them had met at university and had stayed friends ever since.I met my wife, Sue, later on, but had never been keen on Julie.On her last visit, Julie had accidentally discovered my porn viewing history on my laptop, and decided to use this information to blackmail me, into doing her bidding. She told me that she would expose me to my wife, if I didn’t comply, and that...

3 years ago
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Femtoy 789

I awoke with momentary confusion that I couldn't open my eyes but the inflated bladder in my mouth, the hollow plugs in my nostrils and the tight rubber mask quickly reminded me of my bondage. A slight tug of my arms confirmed that they were still constrained firmly across my waist. The tight panties around my hips and the fullness penetrating me showed that nothing had changed overnight - if indeed it was morning now, for I had no way of knowing. I gently moved my leg to see if Vanya...

1 year ago
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Femtoy 1213 Final

It was delightful being home, despite the dust that had built up in our absence, and we took delight in kicking off our shoes and stripping down to our undies before making a drink in the kitchen. We showered and relaxed, recovering from the flight before we unpacked. Neither of us had fully realised all the things we had bought, for they had stayed in suitcases most of the time, and we really enjoyed laying out all the lovely clothes and the selection of toys we had gathered. I...

2 years ago
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Fem chocolate candy for horny white girl

Lynn slowed to a stop as the traffic light turned red. Her thoughts were of Tonisha, hundreds of miles away. She wondered what she was doing tonight. She missed her friend and lover tremendously. She had broken up with her boyfriend because of her inability to overcome the attraction she felt for other girls, especially black girls.As she drove down the street she realized she had to move on with her life which consisted mainly of going to classes at the local college. Lynn had tried out for...

3 years ago
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I wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea. My wife and I are not always getting up to 'unusual activities' but we decided when we first got married that we should work hard to keep some sparkle in our sex life... hence the 'games'. About 4 or 5 times a year (it used to be more often) we act out our fantasies and really go to town. This particular event happened about 18 months ago and to the best of my recollections what happened was this... I'd got home from work about 7:00 and usual sat down...

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FembotsChapter 5 The Heel of the Fembots

Chris Adney was still working at trying to hack into the laboratory systems, although it now looked as though the fembots were functioning independently of the software control harnesses that he and Gerry had used to monitor and update software while it was being developed. At least he had control of the CCTV system that covered the various rooms and offices in the laboratory area. And he could access any of the lap tops and PC’s that were on the network too. He scanned through the feeds...

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FembotsChapter 9 The Reign of the Fembots

The scene that greeted Amanda, Lucy and Andrea as they entered the meeting room was one that no one who was there would forget. The men being held at gunpoint were now sitting on the floor with their arms bound behind them and their ankles tied too. On the left side of the platform at the front of the room stood a black clad fembot with a naked Gerry Haynes kneeling beside her, his genitals locked in a metal tube, a collar around his neck and a hood obscuring his face. To the right a...

1 year ago
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Fembot NOT

Chapter 1 Carol was sitting on her living room sofa going through her bills in her panties and bathrobe on a Saturday morning. She wrote a check for $143.97 for her electric bill. $82.06 for her phone bill. $53.20 for her cable bill. And she paid her Master Card down by $50. Then there was the junk mail. A dating service sent her a special offer just for women. Women can join for only $800. Men, of course, joined for free. In a big yellow star, the flyer screamed they had a ratio of only 20...

4 years ago
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FembotsChapter 4 The Lure of the Fembots

James Haverstein III, research and production director for the Serious Cybernetics Corporation, bit down on his cigar end. The sharp suited woman next to him looked across with mild distaste but said nothing. Amanda Howard from the company’s legal team was used to working with board members she didn’t much like but Haverstein’s cigar habit, even if he didn’t light up in the office was repellent. “You are joking, I assume,” Haverstein snapped at the young engineer standing in front of him in...

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Femming the Cuck Chapter 1

The first Sunday after my introduction to cuckolding, we took a break. Our children and their families were over, and we spent the day as we had the Sunday prior. It was a full day of fun for everyone, lots of food, games, and a little alcohol. Prior to their arrival, I made sure all of our new life had been put away. After they had all left, we cleaned things up a bit, and Nancy brought back our new life.“Harriet,” Nancy began, as she stood by the backdoor. “Once you've finished putting those...

2 years ago
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FembotsChapter 8 Plague of the Fembots

“How did you get on with the Regulators?” Amanda had arranged to meet Chris in a coffee shop not far from the plant. She thought it would be safer to talk there and besides Chris could monitor the activity in the lab from anywhere he could get a wifi connection. “Not well. They made a lot of sympathetic noises but they said someone from Haverstein’s office had already reported difficulties with a research unit and they were going to provide an update after the shareholder’s meeting. They...

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"You're the sixty-ninth caller!" the voice on the other end of the phone yelled into Justin's ear. "Yeah? Wow! Did I win the new Eminem CD?" "You sure did! And..." Justin had never won one of these silly radio contests before. Though it was just a silly CD, he was thrilled to have finally won something. His radio played a Honda ad in the background followed by a crazed deejay shouting, "You're the sixty-ninth caller!" and his own voice saying, "Yeah?" "Could you turn your...

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Fembot Yes

"What happened to her?" said Aerith as Justin entered his house carrying Carol. "She was shackled in a crate for the past three days," said Justin. "She's almost dead." Carol moaned and glanced feebly between Justin and Aerith. "Let me?" said Aerith. Justin nodded and Aerith took Carol from Justin and effortlessly carried her upstairs. Justin brought her some water as Aerith set her on the bed. "Ted did this to her?" asked Aerith. "Yeah. He locked her up in a crate when he...

3 years ago
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Femboy Autocracy

In 2027, a mad horny scientist unleashed her diabolical weapons in an attempt to turn the world into her sexual paradise. She released two custom-made viruses. one that would affect men, and one women. They rapidly spread to the entire population, brining their effects with them. For women, the effects caused futafication, causing all women to grow massive dicks, the smallest of futa dicks are around 16in, and they can grow up to even 36in and beyond in some cases, with balls to match the...

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Femboy Autocracy

In 2027, a mad horny scientist unleashed her diabolical weapons in an attempt to turn the world into her sexual paradise. She released two custom-made viruses. one that would affect men, and one women. They rapidly spread to the entire population, brining their effects with them. For women, the effects caused futafication, causing all women to grow massive dicks, the smallest of futa dicks are around 16in, and they can grow up to even 36in and beyond in some cases, with balls to match the...

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The Training of His TOY

       He sighed as he looked in the mirror.  Time to get ready for tonight.  This would be all about her and what she needed he told himself.  His wife needed for him to take total control over her all the way including her thoughts, and actions.  He would have to ignore his instincts to let her off as soon as she started to have the slightest trouble, and he would need to keep going help her through the pain but inflict the pain none the less.  Well here goes he thought no turning back now. ...

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The New Toy

Last week, I was thumbing through the Adam and Eve Catalog trying to decide what to get my husband, John, for our anniversary. When I came to the page with toys on it, I saw this large, flesh-colored, realistic looking dildo. The description stated it was fifteen inches long, with a circumference of three. My eyes widened as my heartbeat raced, and my mouth and pussy drooled. It was exactly what I was looking for and I had to have it, so I ordered it. I figured why not, the toy would be a...

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My Fuck Toy

The moment I step in the door, I begin loosening my tie. My apartment is thirty-two stories up in downtown New York, all the windows open to the city lights. It is already dark outside. I like being a lawyer, but I have to put in a lot of extra hours so I can keep a steady position at a firm I actually like.I walk through the lavishly furnished main room to the all black kitchen. A blonde with her long hair tied up in a messy bun is cooking at the stove, her back turned to me. Her perfect ass...

Straight Sex
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Autumns BIG Toy

Autumn had been thinking about the toy she had seen while online shopping all day. And now that it was bedtime, she sure wished she had it already. Autumn had broken up with her boyfriend after finally realizing she was more “part-time pussy” than a full-time girlfriend. And while she was glad to be rid of the jerk, she was missing the cock that he brought with him. Tommy sported an eight-inch long, two-inch thick cock that Autumn had enjoyed filling her pussy ass and mouth, but it was the time...

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FembotsChapter 2 Rise of the Fembots

Gerry and Chris, two technicians for the Serious Cybernetics Corporation are trying to work out what to do about the dominatrix fembots that are running out of control in their laboratory. “OK, Chris, let’s try to take stock of where we are.” “You mean you want more detail than ‘in a complete fucking mess’?” “Well, I’ve not heard them moving around outside. If we can get out of this store room then we should get a view down into the lab and maybe I can find somewhere to charge my...

2 years ago
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FembotsChapter 3 In The Grip of the Fembots

A new chapter following on from Fembots and Rise of the Fembots... Gerry squealed in surprise and span around. One of the fembots was standing in the doorway. The tight-fitting jumpsuit that Gerry had thought would be a good design for a basic dominatrix costume showed off every curve of the bodyform moulding beneath. Gerry was rooted to the spot, frightened into immobility by the fembot’s sudden arrival “Oh, your friend has gone.” Gerry looked around and, sure enough, Chris had taken...

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Fun with Bobs toy

This story is in two parts. First, the background. Then the raw sex. Part 1.I have a couple of special friends – sex friends – that share some of the same interests as me. In this story, the friend in question is Bob. He is bisexual, enjoys cock just as much as pussy, and really enjoys cumshots. At first, we just used to trade cumshot video clips and pics from our private collections.He loved to watch me working my thick cock and shooting a huge load. I really enjoyed his videos because...

3 years ago
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My New Sex Toy

Well here it was, a present from Sprite. She did say it was unusual but I never thought for one moment she would buy it and send it to me. To be fair, the postage must have cost a fortune; it was a big box.I was looking at the box for ages, rolling it around in my hands and admiring the thin brown paper wrapping and wondered how it never got ripped in the post thereby revealing its contents. Then I opened it.It was a clear cut case of thank fuck for that.I was so glad the wrapping held. The...

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Husband Gets me a New Toy

First off, this is an absolute true story. The names have been changed to protect the innocent and those that don't like soaking wet, spine gripping, all out exhaustive and exquisite orgasms.My husband and I have a wonderful sex life. We hide nothing from each other, including fantasies, what we like and don't like physically, and we communicate very well about our sexual habits. This makes for more intimate, comfortable, trusting and adventurous times in and out of the bedroom.I have to go...

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My New Boy Toy

"I quit!" the woman yelled, exiting my office. "Perv!""Motherfucker!" I roared, hitting my desk and leaning forward. "That's the third one in two months now. Troy, get your fucking ass in here!" I yelled, looking at him through the doorway.I sat down and had smoke coming out of my ears as I clenched my fists."Yes, Ms. Jacobs?" he wearily answered, coming in there."Sit your ass down!"He did and couldn't make eye contact with me. I took a deep breath, but it wasn't easy not to rip his head...

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Bris fuck toy

One of major sexual interests is to be used as a sexual object/toy and to experience moderate erotic humiliation. Recently I had a particularly nice dream that hit quite a few of my sexual desires and I'd like to share it. This will be a multi part story so don't worry I'm not stopping halfway through and leaving you hanging. Sorry about formatting being off the paragraphs kept merging when I transferred it from my computerMy girlfriend, Bri, and I decided to experiment with having a ffm...

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Bris fuck toy

One of major sexual interests is to be used as a sexual object/toy and to experience moderate erotic humiliation. Recently I had a particularly nice dream that hit quite a few of my sexual desires and I'd like to share it. This will be a multi part story so don't worry I'm not stopping halfway through and leaving you hanging. Sorry about formatting being off the paragraphs kept merging when I transferred it from my computerMy girlfriend, Bri, and I decided to experiment with having a ffm...

1 year ago
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Charlottes Toy

I opened the door wide enough to let the hall light shine on Charlotte and got the shock of my life. She was lying nude on top of the covers, a small dildo clutched in her left hand. The girl was asleep so didn’t see or hear my reaction. I stared, stunned for a few seconds then backed into the hall and closed the door, my mind was blank, I wasn’t thinking, I was only fixed on the image of my daughter lying naked on the bed with a sex toy in her hand. After a few moments of calming quiet, I...

3 years ago
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Our New Toy

I hear a sharp knock at the door, which I'm tempted to ignore wanting to continue to read in peace. However, I reluctantly put my book down and answer the door as I hear another quick knock. “Coming, coming,” I mutter under my breath. Unlatching the lock, I pull the heavy wood door inwards and my gaze is brought up to a man in a UPS uniform and a killer smile. “Package, Ma'am. I need your signature, please.” His voice has a southern twang, one that reminds me of a country singer, with who's...

4 years ago
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Fantasy The Broken Toy

Fantasy: The Broken ToyJulie is a good friend of my wife. She is fairly smart and very pretty. About 5'8", dark short hair, pale skin, a little chunky. She had nice round breasts, about a C cup. I, myself was about 6' tall, pale skin, unfortunately a bit chunky too, and and average size dick. I was well known for helping people fix their electronics. I did it as kind of a side job. Couple bucks here and I'll fix a laptop or tablet or whatever. One day, I got a call from my wife at work. She...

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Lockedup Little Fuck Toy

Bars all around her. Black metallic bars. She wrapped her arms around them and pulled and pushed, but nothing happened. It was a sturdy cage. She sank down and sat on the floor of the cage for a little while. She straightened the skirt of dress. She was wearing a mint green one today, with a strawberries embroidered at the seem and a tight body of smock stretching over her big boobs. Sir had picked out the dress for her this morning, like every morning Sir picked out her clothes. They...

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My Brothers Toy

It was around 2pm when l re-joined the world and decided to take a shower as l walked across the landing to the bathroom l heard music coming from my brother Dave’s room, once in the bathroom l vainly stood in front of the mirror took off my bra then wriggled out of my knickers turned on the shower then glanced back at my reflection and saw bruising in the shape of finger as if l had been held very tightly on the back of my legs l put it down to more than likely falling over, l stepped into...

1 year ago
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My Sex Toy

My Sex Toy “But Mom it hurts.” “Too bad young lady. You were the one to start it. No daughter of mine is going to be a cock-teaser. I would rather you become a sex toy.” “But I don’t want to become HIS sex toy.” “But you liked teasing him, don’t you?” “Yes.” “Well when I opened the door you only kissed his cock but you sure as hell let him lick your clit until you got off. In my book you owe him.” “Okay, okay, I owe him, but not now, not like this, and not in front of...

3 years ago
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SRU Stress Toy

Spells-R-Us, Stress Toy DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF UNDER 18! It contains graphic sex and is for adults only. by [email protected] It was a typical boring Thursday. I had gone up to the mall for lunch. I noticed that there was a new shop on the mall. Some kind of occult store called "Spell's R Us". I hadn't been in one of those before so I figured that I would go check it out. In the store I saw many weird and unusual things. As I entered the story a little old man in a...

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The New Toy

I just love dildos, vibrators and other sex toys; especially big, thick, long ones. Now don't get me wrong; I still have fun with real cocks, but there are times when I crave something larger. I get so aroused when my pussy is stuffed to the max because it sends me into multiple climaxes. Last week, I was thumbing through the Adam and Eve Catalog trying to decide what to get my husband, John, for our anniversary. When I came to the page with toys on it, I saw this large, flesh-colored,...

2 years ago
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"Honey, what is this?" My husband looked up from the afternoon paper. His usual routine was to grab the paper, a beer, and sit down to wait for dinner when he came home from work. I was holding up a metal device I had found in a velvet bag at the back of our closet when I was cleaning it today. He didn't react overtly, but I saw his pupils dilate a bit. He didn't answer immediately, a clear sign to me that he was trying to figure out what to say. I had learned to read him pretty well...

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Fembot 3000

You have just received a phone call from the leading developer of modern and futuristic fembots. Apparently you entered a drawing at a local carnival and out of ten thousand entrants you were selected to receive a free fembot with an optional ninety day limited warranty. Of course regular maintenance will be free but, any additional parts and services will cost extra. According to the operator the fembots produced by Petrelli Labs are the most advanced in the world capable of passing off as...

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Charlottes Toy

As I did every night before I went to bed, I went to check on my children, to make sure they were asleep and tucked in for the night. My twin sons were spread out on their bunk beds, arms and legs bent and angled in every which way, blankets a jumble under them, normal sleep mode for both. I peeked in on Charlotte, my first born. Charlotte was well into puberty, a maniacal nutcase one moment then the sweetest little daddy’s girl the next. My wife was tolerant of her most of the time but once in...

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The Toy

Jackie sat in the room staring out the window. She was in a new city and lonely. She had just moved to Littleton to start her new job. She knew it was a change for the best, but now she had no one to talk to. It was getting late and she decided to go to watch TV. She stopped by the kitchen and took out the tequila. She brought the bottle to the living room and sat down. She turned on the tv and started flipping. She took a shot every time she had to change the channel. Finally she turned it to...

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Fuck Toy

She was waiting on the bed in the hotel room for him, a perfect little fuck toy. Her crotchless panties revealing a freshly shaved pussy. The see through bra torn and allowing one perky breast to hang free. She was a fuck toy, mouth opened to accept a cock, bright red slut lipstick slightly smeared.She did not move as he entered. With practiced patience she waited to be used. He crossed to the night stand and dropped his keys, never taking his eyes off her. She was most definitely the deluxe...

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Femboy Domination

In this world, femboys have risen to a position of power and domination over other genders. They are admired for their beauty, grace, and intelligence, and their society is built on a foundation of power. sex and femboy domination. The world is united into one empire, led by a powerful femboy queen who rules with a cruel and domineering. Femboys are respected for their leadership skills, and they have created a society that values intelligence, fear, and cruelty above all else. Femboys are free...

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FembotsChapter 7 Deceipt of the Fembots

“Mr Haverstein can see you now,” announced the Production and Research Director’s Personal Assistant, a Series B droid called Janice and known by the less respectful staff as “RBF” for the intransigent expression she maintained irrespective of the requests being made for access to her boss. The sunny disposition that Alexa had acquired in commissioning had obviously not been a feature of Janice’s. With what they viewed as conclusive evidence of Alexa’s faulty behavious, Chris and Amanda had...

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