A Bare Ate My Thing free porn video

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A Bare Ate My Thing By ShannonQ Synopsis-- A young man on his way to work accidentally comes between a bear and her cub. His life changes forever. Author's note: This story is not to demean anyone or anything. It is just a spoof of a man becoming a transgendered female by a quirk of fate. One My name iz Billie. I'm a sixteen year ole guy hoo livd in A Spit and A Holler in Appleachia. Wen I finisht the atghth grade my Pa tole me "That's enuff edjication time four you to werk in the mines." Well I went to the cold mining ofice and the boss man give me werk. He said thet I wuld start tomorry. He fited me wit a minors hard hat with a reel nice lite on the frunt. He then give me sum overalls and hevy boots and tole me to report the next day at six in the mornin. I wuz reel happy to git a job. That ment that I coud give Mama sum money, get a car, and take Becky out. She and me were reel close since kindygerden. I likd Becky and the grate thing wuz that she wuz on the pill. I don't no what kinda pill it wuz but she said she cudnt get prignint. So I coud put my thing in her hole all the time and she coudnt get prignint. I wuz happy bout that. I figgered I kin by her a new dress four a nice presint. Well the next mornin I wuz walkin to werk whistlin a nice song I herd on the radio the nite befour. It was a reel ketchy toon. All of a suddin I sea this big bare come out of the brushes and she ain't two happy to sea me. I wuz jest about to tern and run when I sead her cub in back of me. She wuz snarlin and growlin sumthin feerce. I lit outta there like a cat with his tale on fire. I did not meen it but I akcidentlee steped on that cubs paw. It cried out like Ma did when she want to beat the shit outta me. Well mama bare startd to charg me. I ran like that cat with his tale on fire. But it did no good. That bare caut me and threw me all over. It had her teeth showin and her droolin at the mouth like I wuz her brekfast. The lites went out in my head. Two I wokd up in a horsepitle. Ther wuz this purty nurse lookin after me. She wuz so purty I wanted to put my thing in her. Her purty smile give me the chills. I felt so soar I culdnt put my thing in her if I wantd. She put a glass rod in my mouth then took my rist and wuz lookin at her watch. I thot this wuz purty strang becuz I had this rod in my mouth and she is lookin at her watch. Then she dropped my rist and took the rod outta my mouth and lookd at it. "Yur doin much beter," she sed to me. "What hapend to me?" I axed he. "Let the dokter tell you," she sed to me. I looked out the winder and saw these big buldins out side the winder. All of a sudin I rememer this mama bare chasin me. That when she nockd me out like Muhmad Alley did. Jest then a dokter cum in. He wuz a litle guy with gay hare. He tole me that a bare ate my thing and I ain't no man no more. He sed that Mama gave her premisin to make me a girl like Becky. Now that didnt go down me very good. I started to yell, screem and say cuss werds that Mama wuld woish my mouth out with soap or give me a good strappin. Mama wuz a religus woman and didnt tolerat me cussin like I did. The dokter give me a shot and I went out like the bare maid me go out.. Sumtime later I woke up agin. Becky had cummd to vizit me. I tole her that the bare ate my thing. She tole me that Mama sed that since I had no thing, to make me a girl. Now I never argu with my Mama but I wantd to discus this with her first. Becky tole me that Mama tole the horsepitle to give me whormons to make me a girl like Becky. Hell, Becky wuz purty and nice but I wantd her so I culd put my thing in her. Now I wuz like her. I cride and cride and Becky kist me but I wuznt feelin beter. She sneeked a peak under my cuvers and tole me I wuz all banded up where my thing wuz. She cride like me and said she had to fined another boy frend so he culd put his thing inta her. I wuz brawlin like a baby wen she left me. A cuple of weeks later I wuz kickd outta the horsepitle. Mama piked me up. She tole me thet since we were stil in the city she wantd to buy me sum girls cloths. I wuz reely distresst. I did not want girls cloths. But I didnt argu with her. I never likd getin hit buy the back of her hand acros my face. We got to a place kaled the mawl. There wuz lots of girls cloths in their. I wuz red in the face wen Mama tole me to try on thezz silky pantees. I have to add mit that they shore felt good. Then she had me try on all kinds of girls cloths on. They were purty but not on me. Mama sed that I lookt good enuff and byd them for me. We went to get sumthin to eat at sum fancy place kaled Windys. I had this good hemburgrer but it did'nt taste like hem. It tasted like it wuz from a cow. "Mama, why do they call it a hemburgrer when it dont tastes like hem?" "Shut up an eat," she tole me. So I did. I felt funnee gettin outta the car werein a dress. A good thing it wuz dark out. I knowd all the guys in Spit and Holler wuz gonna cum and vizit me cuz I didnt have my thing no more. Once inside the house I saw my Paw readin the newzpapr. He wuz lookin at the funnees. He saw me and smilt at me. "Howz my little girl," he axed me. "I'm good, Paw," I sed feelin reel low. "They don't let girls in the mines. So it looks like your gonna help your Maw arund the house." "Shez competly useliss arund here," Mama sed. "I got her a job at the calfe down the holler. She starts on Munday." Like I sed, I dont argu with my Mama. Now them whormons were kickin in and all the hare on my face, armz and legz were off me. I lookt like a girl. That purty nurse tole me how to put on make me up. And Mama byd me a hole lotta shit to smeer on my face. My blond hare wuz growin out so I looked like a girl. A purty one two. Three Mama wuz glad I wuz outta the house when I walkt to werk on Munday. I went to church with her on Sonday. It wuz reel relaxin until after the preecher said "amen". Then evry one ran over two me and sed how good I lookt. I culd tell sum of the mails wanted to put there things into me. I took Mamas addvise and ignerd them. Lots a guys tride talkin to me. They axed how I felt havin no thing. I Iyd and tole them it make no difrence to me. I wuz at the calfe poring cofee for the locels when I felt a guy's fingr go up my skirt and goost me. I cussd at him and sed that ifn he ever did that agen, Id hit him over the hed with the cofee pot. He laffd at me so I hit him. The maniger came over and axed me why I did that. I tole him that he goost me. He tole me I'm a girl and to axpect a goost now and then. I tole him I felt I wuz still a boy and ifn that bare did'nt eat my thing, I wuld still be a boy. So he put me to servin the peeple behind the conter. So I didnt get goost any more. Too dayz later, Luke walkd in. I remembred him frum skool. He wuz in hi skool and I wuz in six grade. Luke wuz a good lookin fella and alwayz treetd me nice. He wuz no bully. He wuz vizitin his paw and maw in the holler. He wuz the only guy I new to go to colege. He herd that I had my thing bit off by that bare. "Hi Billie," he smilt at me. "Hi Luke," I smilt back. The whormons musta bin werkin cuz I felt my panteez gettin wet down there. "Watcha doin tnite?" he axed me. "Nothin." I replyd. "Wanna go to drivin movie with me?" Now it bin at leest five years sins I sawd I movie live and in coler. So I sed yes. "Ill pike you up a seven." I sed okay. The calfe clozed at three. So I walkt home and tole Mama that I wuz goin to the movies with Luke. "I hope you behave yurself," she snapd at me. "All theze guys wanna do is put there thing into you." Now I made the bigest mistak of my life. I tole Mama that it wuld'nt make an diference cuz I culdnt get prignint. Nex thing I no, I'm pickin myself off the floor. Mama screemd at me sayin Id be nown as a tramp, a slut, a allie cat, and a ezzy lay. I tole her I wuznt goin to due thet kinda thing. I wuz jest goin two the movies. Luke kam to pik me up at seven. I get inta his car. He axed me why I had a big red mark on the side of my face. I tole him I bummed into a dore. He seemd to axcept that and we were off to the drivin. He reeched over and pullt me over buy him. He had his hand arund my soldiers and it felt nice. He drov one hand. He rubed my arm and it felt good. We got to the drivin and he funded a place to perk way in the back. He put the speekers in the car and rolled up the winders. They had a war movie on. There ware guns shootin, canons blastn, and erplains droppin bumps all over the place. Next thing I no, Luke iz undressin me. I dont no why I didnt stop him but I jest let him take my girls cloths off. I jest startd growin tits so he wuz suckin my niples. It felt reel good. He helpt me outta my dress and next thing I no hez neckd two. He had this big thing pokin up in the er and I lookt at it wide eyez. He reechd inta my pantees and felt arund untl he funded my slit. He put his fingr up me and slided it in and out. I wuz feelin reel good. Then he slided my panteez off, I was beer neked like him. He put his jacket under my head. He spred my legz and put his thing in me. The bumps fallin, the canons shootin, men screemin in pain on the movie wuz nothin kompard to what Luke wuz doin to me. His thing went in and out of me makin me feel reel good. Then he shot sum hot stuff up me. Thats when I come two. We did it too more times and he drived me home. "Billie, do you want to go to the city and live with me?" he axed. "Will we do more of this we did tonite?" Luke sed, "Billie, well do it evrynite." "When?" I axed. "I have to leeve tomorow mornin, errly." "Ill go with you," I tole him. "Be reddy at three in the mornin," he sed. "I will," I sed. He kisst me with his tong in my mouth. I got outta the car and run inside. Paw and Mama wear sond sleeplin as I snuck in." I wuz like a mouse. I didnt make noiz or nothin. Paw wuz snorin up a storm so I wuz able to pack my shit and rite a note to them. I tole them I luvd them and I think I wuz doin' the write thing. Speekin of things, I sat there waitin four Luke to pike me up thinkin about his thing. I got the chillees evry time I thaut of him puttin that thing up me. It felt so good and made me feel like a reel girl. Finely I herd his car drive up the rode so I sneeked out the winder with my girls cloths and got in. He dint tern on his lites until we were on the mane rode. I wuz in love and nowd that Luke wuld take care of me four good. Four Luke kept his promices two me. He took me to the big citee and byd me sum reel nice girls cloths. He had me get a make up over and a hare stile. He wuz reely good two me. All I had to do iz let him put his thing in my hole. Them whormones werkd reel good and made me feel like a girl. He give me sum money and tole me get him sumthin four super. So I go to the suppermarcket and got him sum meet. They didnt have possum or rackoons so I got him sum othr kinda meet. I took it home wile he wuz werkin an coked it reel good like my Mama shod me. Luke cum home all tird and set down at the tabel and I servd him sum stu like Mama coked. He sed it wuz reel good. Wen he wuz don eatin he piked me up off the flore and take me two the bed. He undresd me and put his thing in my hole. Thet wuz all I had two do wuz layed ther and let him put his thing in me. Later he tole me two give him a blowup job. "Whet's a blowup job?" I axed him. "You put my thing in yur mouth and suk on it." "Thets crazee I tole him. Why do they kall it a blowup job when I gotta suk it?" "He sed it is jest kalld thet." "Why dont they jest kall it a sukup job? I cant sea any cents in kallin it a blowup job. He sed to give him a sukeup job. Know thet maid cents. And I give it two him. It wuz purty nice to sukup him. He shoot this hot juce in my moth and I swallerd it all don. It tested reel good. He put his face in my slit and likd it. I lieked the way it felt. Soon I wuz shootin my juce in his face. He wuz reel good at doin this. I gessed the dokter did a reel good job makin me a girl. I still had feelins four Becky and wunderd how she wuld lik me doin it two her. Five Aftr a cuple a daze, I saw this girl done the hall. We wuz smilin at ech othr and she loked like one of them girls hoo likd beein lickd. She shoed me her plac and give me the grand twour. She wuz werein one of them dreses thet wuz so tite she cud barly move but she culd reely swing her ass thet maid me hornee. So I axed her ifn shed want me two like her slit. She tole me thet it wuz a pussee. I nevr herd of thet befour. She sed all girls had one of them. I pult down my pantees and lookd at my slit. She sed thet wuz my pussee. Well I wuz saprized at wat she kalld it. We got neked and she playd with my pussee. She had the softist tong I ever felt. It felt good. I screemd like a bat outta hell. She tole me thet her name wuz Betsy. She sed that we culd be lovrs. I likd thet. Halfin a boy lovr and a girl lovr. I likd her pussee and she screemd lik me. She tested reel good. Beter then Luke. She sed she wuz marrid and didnt werk. So I tole her I wuznt marrid but Luke wuz lookin aftr me. So we becum lovrs. Wen our men went to werk, I wuld go to her place and we wuld lik each othr reel good. We culd not do it on the weakends and I reely mist it. Her huzbans name wuz Randy. He becum frends with Luke and the for of us went out on Seterday nites and get drank. Sumtims Randy got hold of sum wite litenin and we reely got drank. The men wuld passt out then me and Betsy wuld make luv. The drankr the men get, they culdnt get there things hard. Us girls culd lik each othr all nite. I wuz getin to luv Betsy more then Luke. But Luke wuz my bred and buter so I had to put out four him. I didn mined. He wuz good two me and I likd cookin four him. Besizds I likd his thing two. I culdnt get prignint sew I jest let him do me lick a fathful girl shud do. I evn give him all the suckup jobs he wantd. But wen I wuz sukin his thing, I think of Betsy don the hall doin her man. Wen the men finaly figgered out thet me and Betsy wuz more then frends, they didnt kare. They thot it wuz hot. Then they maid us lik the othrs pusseez and they got reel hard jest watchin us. Aftr we wuz dun they took the othrs girl and put there things inta our pusseez. They sed to us thet we culd lik the othrs pusseez all we wantd and they didnt kare. Me and Betsy becum the best of frends. We sumtime jest set their and chat. Talcin bullshit likd my Mama sed. Sew we talcd and talcd and talcd. We et the othrs pusseez two. I tole her I luvd her more then Luke. She tole me she luvd me more then Randy. But we agred to stay with our men becuz it wuz the rite thing to do. So we did our dutee to our men. We jest let them put there things in our holz and livd hapily ever aftr. Finis

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Desperate Amateurs

Just how desperate are the Desperate Amateurs of DesperateAmateurs.com? Well, at least a few of the girls on the tour page look absolutely ravenous, feasting on cock and cum like they haven’t had any sustenance in days. Of course, that isn’t an uncommon sight on any porn site worth a shake of the ol’ ding-dong, but hey, that’s kind of why we’re here, right? Desperate or not, I have a feeling you’re mainly interested in watching some no-name randos getting fucked; it’s the Amateur part of the...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Haters Gonna Hate

Have you ever met anyone that you truly despise? I’m not one of those girls that pretends they don’t hate. I’m a hater for sure and I’m proud to admit it. I hate people who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. I hate people that were handed everything on a plate. I hate people who think they’re better than everyone else, and I especially hate celebrities and influencers. What is the thing with influencers? I just don’t get it. Why do these people think they deserve to be paid just to...

2 years ago
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Asian dominates classmate his girlfriend f

Asian dominates classmate & his girlfriend (forced facesitting, worship)"Nina, come on. Get off of me." I said to the beautiful Filipino girl sitting astride my chest."What's wrong Peter, are you embarrassed about being beat up by a girl?" She asked sweetly as she clenched her thighs even harder against my arms and head.She had me trapped in a really humiliating position. I was on my back, with my arms stretched out above my head. My arms were pinned in this position by Nina's thighs. She...

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Chaturbate Mature

Chaturbate’s big-ass selection of Mature cams shouldn’t come as much of a surprise to anybody who ever spends their evenings, weekends or lunch breaks shaking their dicks at the site’s seemingly endless number of live camwhores. They’re one of the very biggest cam sites in the world, consistently drawing around 340 million visits a month. You’ll run into more than a MILF or two even if you’re just browsing the front-page hoes and never fucking with the filters.Today, I am fucking with those...

Live Mature Sex Cams
4 years ago
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Dramatic Role Part 2 in which I become Kerry Slater

Dramatic Role - part 2 in which I become Kerry Slater I didn't bump into Miss Slater for a few days after that, but I did discover that her first name was Julie. Then she stuck her head through the door to one of my english classes and simply asked if I could be excused to sort out something for the drama club. I was allowed to leave and followed her to the drama rooms, where she immediately locked the door and leant against it. "I think you ought to try on your dress for the part....

3 years ago
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Katelyn The Naughty Teenager Downstairs Part II

Katelyn lived downstairs from me in my apartment complex. She was a vivacious and very outgoing teenage young lady, living alone, trying to make ends meet on a bartender salary and “odd jobs on the side” as she referred to them. Katelyn had a model-like body, tall and thin, with soft small globes for boobs, and gorgeous long brown hair that she often kept pulled back and tied into a ponytail. Every now and then, she’d let hair down, which only served to make her more appealing.Katelyn and I got...

4 years ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 11

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley completes her journey to Whateley and helps her soon to be roommate out. NOTE that this chapter Kyley talks over the subject of attempted suicide. So if that subject bothers you? You might want to stop on this one? He is saved from the death of his race and planet....to start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and...

4 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 20 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

4 years ago
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The Downward Spiral of Katelyn Haynes

Katelyn Haynes was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year. It all started in March when the red-haired, green-eyed 22-year-old was an intern at an accounting firm. A man at the company had pulled her aside one day and asked her to dirty a pair of panties. Katelyn chose to report him to the company Vice President Deborah Stanley, which to her dismay ended up being an error. It turned out the man had made the request because he was being blackmailed by the VP for stealing from the...

4 years ago
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Ms Yates Chapters 10 and 11

Ms. Yates A Novel By DreamWeaver Ten The editorial wasn't finished until dawn. And by then it was print- ready. She had made one phone call before she started writing to ask for permission to mention something intensely personal, and permission had been granted. The editors met her in the office before school. "They'll never let you run it," Amanda said. Shawna agreed. The boys were silent. "Are you all with me?" she asked. "Yes," Shawna said. "Of course," Amanda...

3 years ago
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Mrs Yates

She smiled as he walked into her class and went to sit at the back of the room. He being John (Jack) Gorman, the class swot, at least to the rest of the class. To her, Mrs Jane Yates, mathematics lecturer at Willowbrook College, he was the sexiest thing on two legs, lust personified! Her vulva dampened at the sight of him smiling at her, then licking his lips to signal how much he had enjoyed exploring that same vulva with that same long tongue the previous night. Then ploughing his...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 7 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

2 years ago
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Chaturbate Asian Cams

Ever had an Asian girlfriend? I’m not talking about some waifu you chose out of a video game or an anime schoolgirl from a hentai dating simulator. I’m talking about a genuine Japanese chick or Chinese babe, a sweet Korean college girl, or a total slut from Thailand. Ever fantasized it? Ever even spoken to a girl? Probably not, but you can change your luck for the better in the Asian section over at Chaturbate.Chaturbate.com is one of the most popular webcam sex sites on the...

Live Asian Sex Cams
3 years ago
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Kinky KatelynChapter 4

The next morning, I woke to the sound of my dogs barking as they ran through the house. I actually found the sound comforting and for a moment I just laid there relaxing and enjoyed finally being back home. That, and the feeling I was on the mend. I finally felt I was getting healthier; especially after last night. If the dogs running through the house hadn't informed me it was morning, I could tell by the sunlight patterns shining into room. While I was lying there, I heard the front door...

4 years ago
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Humiliated and emasculated by a pretty girl then

I have been thinking and fantasizing a ton lately about meeting a girl who gets turned on by sissyboys.. Ideally, this girl would really get off on taking a boy with feminine features, such as myself, and totally feminizing and emasculating him.. I want a girl who doesn't just tolerate it, but who gets really turned on by dominating, teasing, and humiliating a sissified male. She sits me in front of a mirror and give me a makeover, applying generous amounts of makeup.. She makes comments on how...

2 years ago
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Ms Yates Chapters 18 and 19

Ms. Yates A Novel Eighteen She went to Rick Hayden first, and he immediately enlisted the student leaders from all four classes. Ms. Gunderson got most of the teachers on board. A delegation of 10 students and five teachers, let by Tina, went to see Ms. Barnes. "A memorial service?" she spluttered. "Without the approval of the family? Out of the question!" Rick pointed out that a good many students were struggling with Jeremy's death, and they would take strength from...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 4 and 5 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

3 years ago
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Kates Sex

This story is part true story (names changed) and part fantasy. You decide which is which. Kate couldnt think about anything else. She wanted sex, she needed sex, and until she had sex she would be unable to regain her concentration for anything else. Her therapist calls it hyper sexuality, apparently another part of her OCD. After leaving work on Saturday, and finally done with a very non-productive week, Kate was ready to find what she needed. And contrary to her therapists opinion, it was...

2 years ago
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Chaturbate Ebony

Jungle fever is one of the most serious afflictions of the 21st century. The Internet is both a major contributor and cause of the situation, as well as one of the primary solutions. You’ve probably spanked it to some of the free and premium Black porn sites I’ve got listed on ThePornDude, but have you tried the Ebony cams at Chaturbate? They let you interact with beautiful, naked Nubians instead of just watching their flicks.Chaturbate’s the biggest webcam porn site out there, with thousands...

Live Black Sex Cams
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Chaturbate Performer

Who’s your favorite CB Performer? I know that’s kind of a tricky question when it comes to any adult site, and Chaturbate is the giant of webcam sex sites. Hell, I have a hard enough time choosing my favorite camwhore performing on the platform at any given moment, let alone trying to name an all-time favorite. But, of course, it’s OK to have many, many favorites, as I do. The only time that might become a problem is if they’re all putting on live pussy-diddling and butthole-fingering shows at...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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Chaturbate BDSM

Chaturbate’s BDSM shows don’t always take center stage on the website. After all, most masturbators are looking for something that’s arguably a little more vanilla, like pretty girls flashing their tits, twerking, or diddling themselves for the webcam. Some perverts appreciate something a little bit kinkier, though, so I thought today might be a good day to dive into the cam giant’s live offerings in the world of bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, even sadism and masochism. Where...

Live BDSM Sex Cams
5 years ago
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Racing the ClockChapter 15 Cate and Gail Get Their Chance

Alex awoke in one of his favorite positions, lying flat on his back with a beautiful woman cuddled up on either side of him. He took in their faces and saw they seemed happy. He knew it was putting a strain on them both to keep pretending they weren't attracted to him for the last week. Unfortunately, he knew the act would have to continue for the indefinite future. He also knew that he and Gail could argue all they wanted to, but there was no way they'd be able to convince Cate to open up...

3 years ago
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Katelyn And The Rhino

Tony Giordano sat in the window seat of the airplane wondering how his life had gotten so screwed up. His girlfriend had just dumped him for some "Poindexter" type, and now he was on a flight to Anywhere, USA. He needed to get away and think and he wanted to put as much America between him and her as his credit card would get him. It didn't matter where he went just as long as he went.He was lost in thought, staring out the window when he heard a soft voice next to him. "Excuse me, Sir. I'm...

Quickie Sex
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e12 Cate Morado 36

We open with our beautiful shot of the United Kingdom – from space ... Pause for a moment – then fall toward the planet at hyper-sonic speed, dropping from a low-Earth orbit toward the south of England, toward the massive urban sprawl that is London ... Reaching ground level in just a few seconds. From here we race through animated streets, passing traditional London Black Cabs and red Double Decker buses until we hit a wide street of three-story buildings – shopfronts downstairs, apartments...

3 years ago
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Katelyn The NaughtyTeenager Downstairs

I saw her walking into an apartment underneath where I had just rented. She was young, probably about sixteen or so, I guessed. Like a typical teenage girl, her shorts were a little on the small size, and her t-shirt a little on the small size, exposing her midriff and accentuating her breasts. We passed in the breezeway about an hour later and I proffered a quick smile and wink. She blushed and gave me a shallow half wave of the hand without saying anything.We passed again in the same...

4 years ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 10

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley and Becky journey to Whateley via NY city! AKA Road Trip! He is saved from the death of his race and planet....to start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power? most of my current stories can be found on Fictionmania Or if you want to input...

2 years ago
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Chaturbate Cosplay

We all know about Chaturbate.com in general, but you haven’t had the opportunity to explore all the crazy categories and genres the platform offers. Specifically, one genre that caught my attention recently is cosplay cams. I mean, did you know that there are several girls out there with sexy-ass costumes they use to transform themselves into the chicks of your dreams? Well, in a matter of moments, by just putting on a piece of latex or an outfit, a girl can match the appearance of your...

Live Cosplay Sex Cams
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Kates Outdoors Adventure

Kate realized that having two jobs made it very hard to find time during the week to date By Thursday, she couldnt wait for the weekend to come around. Most of the day on Friday, she was so horny that each encounter with a client had her daydreaming about what he or she would be like in bed. Kate chastised herself for letting her sex drive so completely control the rest of her life. Saturday, Kate ran all of the errands she had been putting off during the week and then started to plan the rest...

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The Governors Meeting Chapter 4 Detention With Miss Bates

Feeling somewhat dazed, I meekly followed Rachel away from the Head Girl’s office, and towards the Detention classroom. The events of the last hour had once again turned my world upside down. How could they not? To add to my earlier punishments, not only had I just been strapped and spanked by four teenage girls, but I’d also been – enticed, I think was a good word - into pleasuring the Head Girl with my tongue, whilst the others watched.And I’d enjoyed it!I’d never even thought of a woman that...

4 years ago
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Kinky KatelynChapter 3

Dinner was a strange event. I mean the food was great and all, and Katelyn was animated and chatty and all; but, she was in a mood I'd never seen before. When dinner was finished, I started to help pick up the dishes and she tried to shoosh me away. "Go into your room. Let me clean up and I will be there when I finish." In that moment I decided to be bold, I decided to take a chance and I walked up to her as best as I could. I had no idea why she was acting the way she was, but I wanted...

4 years ago
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Her Apple PieChapter 6 The Great Clearwater Diner Massacre

Come November, Kylie felt comfortable enough to go on regular forays into Clearwater. Her mother was doing much better and had reclaimed the reins of the household during Kylie's stay in rehab. Also, Kylie's temptation to smooth out the edges was not strong anymore. Her mind was much clearer and the warm feeling of achievement over a number of songs she had written during her stay in Hillview helped lessen her perceived needs for anything mind-numbing. She was getting into a better...

4 years ago
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Kinky KatelynChapter 5

The more I thought over the whole idea of an enema, the more I wanted to tell her, "No! Absolutely no way! Just give me the damn pill and be done with it." However, two things were making me think twice about blowing her off. Up to our last talk, Katelyn had never been guarded with me when it came to sexual matters. I felt she had opened up to me even more as she shared such an intimate part of her sexuality. I felt to be fair, I needed to be more open minded for her. I could see it had...

2 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 14 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

2 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 17 Whateley Fan Fiction

My apologies for the long delay! Here is the next chapter. With luck I'll be able to get another chapter posted this next week. I have some real world problems that may prevent that, but hopefully won't! This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction,...

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