Translation II free porn video

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Translation II By Caitlin Angel Jessica Alba stared at me from the mirror. I shook myself out the reverie. My wife would be coming home within the hour. I broke out in a cold sweat. I had no job, no identity, no money and of more immediate concern?no clothes! I raced over the bureau, acutely aware of the bouncing weight on my chest as I ran. Cat had been a regular in the Goth scene for years and probably as much for fond memories as anything else, had kept her sizable collection of clubbing clothes. She'd worn them for me as part of foreplay on more than one occasion, so I knew where to find them. First, I grabbed a black lace bra and panties. I threw the panties on the bed and put on the bra. I'd taken these things off innumerable times but it's like taking a route as a passenger and then having to drive it yourself ? it's much different. I fixed the clasp and adjusted my breasts within the cups with my hands. I was obviously a bit bigger than Cat. My cups runneth over. I managed a slight smile. The effect reminded me of the period style of clothing worn by women at "renaissance fairs." The panties fit perfectly. I bent down and opened one of the drawers containing the club outfits and grabbed a nice knee length leather skirt with lacing up the sides and a black t-shirt. The skirt settled nicely on my new hips. The t-shirt was a snug fit. I don't know much about cup size but my boobs pushed it out, exposing my tummy. A pair of knee length boots I spied behind the closet door completed the outfit. I checked myself out in the floor length mirror. I see why Jessica is so popular. The sound of the front door deadbolt sliding back snapped me back to reality like a slap to the face. Cat! I heard the soft crush of her sandals on the carpet. I had only seconds to decide whether I should show myself, hoping to find some way to explain this insanity or hide and run at the first opportunity. I took a deep breath, opened the bedroom door and strode into the hallway. She dropped the gym bag she was carrying. Her hands flew to her mouth in surprise and she shouted, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" "It's me, Tom, your husband. I can explain?" "You've got to be kidding," she said, frowning. "What?" "I'm not married. I've been a widow for 3 years... and you're not Tom." My mouth dropped open in surprise. All my thoughts on stepping back into my life vanished. My stomach went into freefall. The ring hadn't merely changed me; it had changed reality. Cat was still here but the Tom who'd married her was dead and had been for years. From where I stood I could see most of the living room. In my apprehension, I hadn't noticed the subtle changes ? the family pictures were gone from the fireplace mantle, replaced by an antique clock and a pair of tasteful cast iron candlesticks. The color of the carpet was different and in place of the well worn family couch was a black leather sectional facing a large plasma screen TV. Shoulders lowering slightly, she recovered some of her composure. "Listen, I don't know who you are how you got in here or why you're wearing my clothes but you need to leave. Put your own clothes on and go, I ?" "I don't have any clothes," I interrupted. Cat set her jaw. The woman with whom I'd shared so much, coldly considered me for a moment. "Take them and go- now," she said and walked to the door. A thousand thoughts swirled in my confused mind. Without realizing I'd stopped walking. She coughed politely and opened the door. I moved past her and stepped across the threshold. I turned around for one last word just in time to have the door closed in my face. The wreath hanging upon the door swayed slightly and settled. The fancy red and green ribbon conveying 'Seasons Greetings' came loose and floated gently to the ground at my feet. The carriage light beside the door went out. I guess that was that. I turned around and stepped off the porch and into the night. I walked into town along the main road. It took some time as the house is a couple miles from the commercial district. Fortunately for me the night was warm, as I had no coat and the few drivers passing seemed to have no interest in picking up hitchers. I probably would have had better luck during the daytime when the drivers could see me and I could use my appearance to my advantage. Nothing was open along the main drag except a convenience store and the all-night diner at the intersection of Broad Street. I needed time to think and a place to sit down, so I opted for the diner. I waited for the light to change. The streets were deserted but I was in no hurry. I waited. In my current state of confusion, I welcomed the fact that it was night, quiet but for the clicking relays of the signal controller and the sound of distant traffic. Cat never mentioned that gorgeous though they may be, the Docs weren't terribly comfortable for long walks. I approached the diner from across the street. The illuminated windows seemed somehow comforting, a beacon of familiarity within the chaos of recent events. Hand written advertisements for the day's specials hung suction- cupped to the door above the customary hours-of-operation sign. I entered, tinkling bells on the door marking my arrival and attracting the attention of the few patrons and staff. I guess if you're very good looking, over time you become used to attention and the omnipresent swiveling heads that accompany your travels. It was new to me and I turned away blushing in embarrassment. I sat down in a booth as far away from the other patrons as possible. Absentmindedly. I straightened my skirt as I sat down. I sighed, folding my arms in front of me on the tabletop and let my head drop. This was too much. What was I supposed to do? If that wasn't enough, focused on the goal of reaching this place, I had forgotten I had no money. A soft voice addressed me, "Are you okay, sweetheart?" I lifted my head, flicking the hair from my eyes with one finger. The waitress, stood at the table. She looked to be about 40 with long brown hair tied back with a scrunchie. The name tag crookedly affixed to her blouse identified her as June. She looked tired. This probably wasn't her only job. I could picture her juggling two jobs and struggling to raise the children as a single mom. Check pad in hand, she leaned a little closer looking slightly worried. "Yeah, it's been a long, strange night. I'll be okay." Managing a weak smile, I added, "Thanks for asking." She smiled warmly. I could tell the sight of me, an obviously upset girl, had aroused her matronly instincts. I look of recognition crossed her face, her eyes opening wider. "You look like the woman on TV?what's her name?" She straightened up, "You aren't her are you?" "No," I replied, "?but I get that a lot." I took a deep breath and tried to do the best pout I could manage, "I lost all my money. Do you think I could just get a cup of coffee? I just need to sit for a while and think." "Sure, dear. It's a boy isn't it-- your problem, I mean? I have daughters," she said, her tone implying familiarity with the trials of young women. I wasn't in the mood for a mothering so I nodded silently. She put a hand on my shoulder and turned to walk back towards the kitchen. What was happening to me? Dumb question. Nothing made sense anymore. Not the least of which was my fait accompli acceptance of my new body or anything else that followed my magical transformation. I'd walked miles in heeled boots without a misstep, felt heartstring-tugging empathy for a complete stranger and adjusted my boobs like a veteran... and while I've been contemplating all this I've been twirling my hair like a school girl. It was as if the longer I spent in this body, the more feminine I became. That didn't go far to explain how I was taking on behaviors women accumulated over years. Perhaps, Jessica's body wasn't the only thing I inherited?maybe some of her memories as well. Not her personality but the foundation stuff; the things we do automatically without thinking. One theory was as good as another when dealing you've fallen head over high heels into... 'The Twilight Zone.' The waitress returned with a steaming cup of coffee and one of those little stainless milk dispensers. "On the house", she said in a conspiratorial whisper, finger to her lips. "Thanks," I replied, smiling and raised the cup to my lips. Before she could begin conversation, a young couple walked in and sat down in a nearby booth and June left to serve them. I was going to need a place to stay and a job if I was going to survive. I couldn't count on anyone I knew in my former life having any more belief in my explanation than Cat. Unless I was willing and able to make it to Hollywood, I wasn't going to be able to find employment as Jessica Alba's stand-in. I still had my knowledge as a software designer but no legit firm was going to hire someone with no social security number or state sanctioned identification. I'd have to find an employer that wouldn't care about such things. It turned out that the diner and Circle-K weren't the only places open late. I found a video store after an hour of aimless walking. A faded help wanted sign was taped to the door glass. The clerk, a young boy with dark eyes, dyed black hair and at least a dozen tattoos was behind the counter when I walked through the door. He'd been watching some movie on the small set perched on the counter and had obviously been expecting someone other than a movie star to be demanding his attention. The disinterested, slightly annoyed expression he'd been prepared to serve me vanished from his face in an instant. I've always been amused at the instinctive behavior of people, especially with regard to sexual situations. The clerk stood up, sucked in his stomach and squared his shoulders, the preening rooster facing a new hen. "Hey. Get you something?" "A copy of the first Matrix movie... actually?I'm new here. I need a place to crash, and a job to pay my way. Listen, I don't want you to get the wrong idea... I'm not looking for a boyfriend. I'd like the job though, if it's still available." His shoulders relaxed a bit. "Yeah, it's available. I'm Sebastian." There was an awkward silence. What is my name? A thousand possibilities flashed through my head. Rifling the file cabinet of my mind, I scanned through memories of movies, books, everyone I could remember knowing. Thinking of one of my favorite Ann Rice books, I had a winner. "Rowan," I said, extending my hand. "Nice to meet you." The arm-chair psychologist in me observed the slight warmth in my cheeks as I addressed an eligible male. He shook my hand gently but firmly. Sebastian smiled, "What are your qualifications?" We spent the next few hours discussing movie trivia and favorite films. We found a lot of common ground; we both shared a fondness for edgy films like Dark City, Repo Man, and Donnie Darko. Midnight arrived with the distant sound of church bells disturbing our argument about the best book to film adaptations. The tolling of the bells also reminded me that I had no place to go. I'd already decided Sebastian was harmless but a woman asking a man to stay at his place is usually interpreted as an invitation to sex and I definitely wasn't interested in a prolonged and delicate 'blow-off.' Considering the options, I sighed and waited for him to finish counting out the cash drawer. "I feel really awkward asking this Sebastian, since we just met but I'm desperate. I have nowhere to go and I need a place to crash..." There it was. All the cards were on the table. It was a risky move. He hesitated, his mouth opening slightly and closing. I could tell he was choosing his words carefully. "You know, from the moment you came in here, I have to admit I was fantasizing about taking you home. "Sebastian, I?" He smiled a broad, genuine smile. "I know what you're going to say. Don't sweat it, I'm not a skeev. You can have the futon. It's cool." I hugged him, whispering in his ear, "I won't tell anyone, you're a softie." "You'd better not," he growled in mock anger, "I would hate to tarnish my reputation for being a disaffected, apathetic slacker." We walked through the abandoned city streets, Sebastian giving his version of the points-of-interest tour along the way. He lived in an apartment building across from Balen Park and had an excellent view of the lake from has second story front window. Sebastian's apartment was small but not cramped. There was a 'living room', a bedroom, bathroom and a narrow galley- style kitchen. Sebastian set up the futon for me in the living room and disappeared through a doorway. I took in the furnishings and decoration. Before my transformation, I used to believe that women put a lot of value in judging what kind of person a guy is by what his home looks like. Sebastian was obviously a fan of wrought iron and dark wood. The living room was covered in a sponge painted burgundy. A couple posters from famous horror films hung behind the couch to my right. Flanking a small plasma TV were a couple of antique-looking bookshelves filled with DVDs. Iron sconces refitted for electric light provided the illumination. "Care for a little Chai?" he said. "Sure." I couldn't deny I felt attraction to him. It's the weirdest thing-- like I was saying before, the longer I was in this body, the more natural it felt. My past life seemed to be losing substance. It reminded me of times I'd flown, starting off in rain, climbing through a thick cloud layer to emerge into bright sunlight on the other side. The next few days were relatively blissful. I trained with Sebastian at the video store, learning the ropes. Sebastian's father had a philosophy that the only way an independent store could compete with the chains was by providing a superior level of service. To this end, all the frequent customers had little plastic cards with UPC codes on them and their names came up on the register's display screen at checkout, you could address them personally. I didn't end up finding a place of my own. One night became two and then a week. We shared cooking and cleaning duties, though I tried to do more of the cleaning and promised to pay my way once I was getting a steady paycheck. A routine developed, our little nightly ritual-- a midnight snack followed by a taped show from Sebastian's massive library. We became comfortable with each other over that time, sitting on the couch chatting and enjoying old Mystery Science 3000 episodes. By the second week I was closing the store and knew most of the best customers by name. We'd both noticed that some male customers adjusted their schedules to come in when I was on duty. I used some of my pay to buy new clothes. The ones I'd purchased the first week reflected my nervousness about my appearance. As I relaxed into this new life as an attractive woman, my confidence demanded a shopping spree. Sebastian came with me. The color scheme favored black and I took home an impressive collection. A rumor spread that Jessica Alba was working a local store in preparation for a role. It was hard to counter-- I was a dead ringer for her and the more vehemently we denied the story, the more credibility it got. By the end of the month, business was up forty percent. I met Sebastian's friends. One was a heavy equipment mechanic, one a horticulturist, another record store clerk. They were a strange bunch of people and I liked them immediately. Without ever really dating we slipped into a relationship. It seemed to happen imperceptibly. At least, I never found myself considering the situation, 'as a guy.' We went out to restaurants, art galleries and clubs. I love dancing and this body was made for it. In full Goth regalia, Sebastian and I danced before the admiring crowd until we were damp with sweat and exhausted. When he cut his finger on a kitchen knife one evening, I bandaged it for him and when my neck cramped up after a particularly long night dancing, it felt perfectly natural when he offered to massage it. I lay face down on the futon, arms at my sides. With his first touch I felt the heat rising in my cheeks. It felt wonderful. I tingled all over, goose bumps rising on my skin in response to his fingers upon my body. My body betrayed me and I let out a soft purr. Sebastian subtly adjusted his massage, alternating deep, penetrating technique with soft and sensual glides along my upper back, shoulder blades and neck. I began to writhe and squirm. I shuddered. He straddled my waist and began massaging my lower back, using his thumbs and the blade of his palms to work out the knots there. I tried focusing on images of non-sexual things; taxes, bicycling, cleaning the toilet. It didn't work. His hands slid down to the top of my butt, I barely suppressed a moan but I think he heard it because he gently turned me over and began massaging my arms and legs. I smiled, tossing my long hair from my face. When he moved closer I closed my eyes, lips parting, awaiting his kiss and when it came, I felt fireworks. He moved astride me and I felt the rock hard erection through his pants. I was so wet. I slid my panties off, dropping them to the floor. He took off his pants and moved on top of me, straddling me. He kissed me deeply and we locked lips, my tongue and his intimately entwined. Before I could protest, he dropped to my crotch, kissing my tender lips and teasing my pussy with his tongue, swirling it round and round, rhythmically striking my clit. Arching my back in response, I felt the pleasure building. Sebastian lifted his mouth, his fingers making a seamless transition of stimulation. He moved above me and touched the tip of his cock to my vagina, pressing it in just slightly only to withdraw. He did this several times in concert with his finger symphony on my clit. I wrapped my legs around his back and drew him into me. When he entered me I was overcome with emotion. He was gentle but passionate. We made love like angels and animals, switching from one position to another. When I felt his control slipping away I let mine go too and we summited the peak of climax together. When I came, the bolts of pleasure struck like lightning again and again, my every nerve electrified and tingling. I felt joy. I also felt sadness. In my 'little death' I felt Tom had truly died. Sebastian gazed into my eyes. I laughed softly. He looked like he'd just had a religious experience. "Rowan, that was the most incredible experience I've ever had." I caressed his face with one had, running my long fingers through his hair with the other. "Me too, 'bastian." Love scenes in the movies don't prepare you for the reality of what happens for a woman after sex. The wet spot comes from you. I kissed him and rose to go to the bathroom. Sebastian joined me at the foot of the bed. "Let's take a shower," he said. "Wait here a second." He led me by the hand to the bathroom. Closing the door behind him, I was greeted by the spicy smell of incense and the soft light of several candles set upon the counter and around the tub. We stepped into the shower together. It was warm and wonderful. I turned my head sharply and swatted him with my long, wet hair. He yelped, feigning injury. Pulling me to him, he kissed me deeply. We made love again... Retiring to bed, Sebastian and I sat propped up on pillows, paging through a recent Victoria's Secret catalog. We laughed at the contrived expressions of sexuality on each model's face and made up our own subtitles. We fell asleep in each other's arms. My last coherent though was something from Jessica's last film, "Sin City." In the scene, Bruce Willis' says to himself, "An old man dies, a young girl lives. Fair trade." I wasn't an old man but I can relate to that.

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“TONY, YOU HAVE TO DECIDE what your final project will be and get it before the review committee.” Doc collared me after class. We were at the interesting point where we were trying to paint images on wet plaster and none of us were rushing to leave after class. It was so foreign for being just more painting. “When do I need that, Doc?” I asked. “I don’t even have a concept.” “The schedule is for you to file your proposal the first week that SCU is in session this fall. Classes start the...

4 years ago
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ShawnChapter 4

Dad hired many native performers not only to entertain the children but also the adults. Acrobats, jugglers, magicians and clowns kept the party going till late at night. That night we gave Lusa our own presents. She hugged the large doll and revelled in the nice clothing. The last a present from me bought by mother was a beige dress with shoes and purse to match. Lusa came to all of us and gave us a kiss and a hug. Mother got two, one to her head and neck and one to her abdomen. She was very...

3 years ago
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Sexcraft Warcraft themed

In the late afternoon, you arrive in Booty Bay. Why did you come here...oh, yes. Adventuring, business opportunities...but most of all: vacation. Specifically, the strip/sex clubs. It is called Booty Bay after all! You turn your head as a gnomish woman walks by in nothing but a thong and titty tassels. She has a big rump to show off. You watch as she heads into one of the clubs. You suspect she works there and are tempted to follow. First, you pull out a hand mirror to look at yourself and make...

4 years ago
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Suddenly a Girl Part 5

Suddenly a Girl (part 5) (Robbi adventures as a 15 year old continues...) As Deb pulled up in the driveway at the house after the visit the psychiatrist, she remembered that the pool party was starting. "Mrs. Portner said you guys should come over by noon," she said to Rob. "Jen and Josh are probably already there, so you should hurry to catch up to them." "I am not going," Rob said. He realized he sounded a little pouty, but he had to put his foot down. Besides he was a little...

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No way was he Gay PT4 Gay

I looked at the message: COCKSUCKER! I know you are probably dithering right now. But let's make this simple so you don't procrastinate. Be at my house at 1:00AM or I'll never give you the privilege of servicing my cock. EVER! Fuck!My cock flinched in my pantyhose.I clicked on the uber app and asked for a pick up... entering the street Jamal was on. Unsure of the exact address.I pressed send and got a four-minute pick up time. Not much time to change my mind.I went downstairs and said, "Sorry,...

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Chapter 1 Kevin felt himself get an erection as he looked at his now safely anonymous friend. He'd left the lounge to fetch a few items while she got changed. Now he'd returned, he finally realised just how breathtaking her transformation was. She was covered from head to toe in a black zentai spandex catsuit. The only parts of her body exposed by the tight fitting item of clothing were her nostrils and mouth. Over the top of that, she was wearing gleaming knee-high boots with impossibly...

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My Cousin is a Prostitute

The room she was pushing out of was located above a sex shop, the red neon lights blinking triple xxx's across my face as I crossed the street and the closer I got, the more I could feel my cock getting harder in my pants! It was unexpected but I couldn't help it! My cousin was a plump 5'6" with big natural d's and a really cute face. I always found her attractive but she was my cousin! It's impossible not to see those big tits but I had always tried to be a gentleman. But when I...

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Katie gets what she wants

Katie put her key in the lock.  Her heart thumping from her earlier brief encounter.Mark had still been in bed when she’d left the flat.Katie had woken up before him and woken up horny. Rather than wake Mark up, she’d already decided to go out of the house and flaunt herself.  After all he was sleeping through prime fucking time; so she should be allowed to spoil herself a little. She had used the last of the milk making her morning coffee. Replacing the milk was the small excuse she needed to...

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My Whore Ann pt 2

I had gotten Ann settled in the bedroom and she put on a sheer black baby doll and panties while I just put on a pair of pajama bottoms and we both headed back out to the living room. We sat and talked for a while about what the next couple of days might bring as she softly caressed my leg and I put my arm around her neck and gently caressed her shoulder. It was getting near supper time so I suggested a light meal that I had made up and we adjourned to the kitchen. I decided to add some wine to...

2 years ago
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Keeping It In The Family

Guys, this is my first story, so apologies for the poor writing. This is a story of a very conservative family consisting of Nidhi-41 years old, Kumar-50 years old, and their two children Yashika-21 and Arjun-19. They live in the NCR region of Delhi. It’s a nice place with a low population and houses with large enough spaces between them. The Kumar family does fairly well. Kumar keeps himself busy making money for his family and exerting his influence in society. Kumar was a very orthodox...

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Fucking My Mausi Ragini

Hello, Everyone my name is Rahul (changed). This is my second submission which happened between me and my Mausi (maternal aunt). Her name is Ragini. I had already told you about myself in my first submission. Please read my previous submission to connect with me better and understand my sex journey. These are my personal real life incidents, so story might be a little long. Sorry for any mistakes. Please mail me your views on : If you want to know more please read My first submission: “Horny...

3 years ago
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Road TripChapter 28

The house is finished - 1440 square feet of minimalist architecture... 60 by 24. Two bedroom, two bath, kitchen and living/dining room with a full basement. The backhoe excavated to bedrock and the poured concrete walls went up from there. There was a three foot diameter heavy plastic pipe laid on the bedrock that encircled the foundation and fed the in-house heat and air-conditioning 67.5F average temperature air year round. The rotary drilled water well was 250 feet. The bitch had better...

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Mountain Camp

©1999, All Rights Reserved When Jeff suggested going camping the weekend before Memorial Day, I was excited. I'd been cooped up in the city too long. Some greenery, fresh air and open space were just what I needed. By going a week before the season started, we hoped to miss the crowds. Jeff had bought a new camper shell for his pickup. This was to be its inauguration. I looked forward to it. I'm not a big fan of camping, mainly because I don't sleep well on the ground. We could sleep...

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mi padre se culeo a mi novia relato real

Bueno, antes de empezar la historia en sí, voy a contaros un poco cómo somos y esas cosas. Yo me llamo José Sandoval y tengo 22 años, mido 1,75 y hago deporte de vez en cuanto, no soy ningún adonis. Mi novia se llama Mabel manriquez y tiene 20 años, es muy guapa, mide 1,65, pelo moreno tirando a castaño, con una 96 de pecho. Es simpática, divertida, suele vestir bastante provocativa y es bastante activa en la cama.Nosotros llevamos ya juntos casi dos años y tenemos planes de boda, pero por...

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Her Victorian Bottom Plundered

HER VICTORIAN BOTTOM PLUNDERED:In 19th century London, Henry Chambers was a man of note and some means. Left a not inconsiderable estate by his late father, he had speculated wisely in the city and had become a respected authority on the whims and fate of the money markets. Such was his status, his advice was sought from wide and far on all matters related to the pursuit of wealth and financial contentment.He lived in a resplendent mansion in one of the most fashionable areas of Westminster...

Straight Sex
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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 12

"She's sleeping normally, now," Frank Junior said as he reached the bottom of the stairs. "I think Katie is a good influence on her, even though they haven't met, yet." "It's nice to hear my daughter's name on your lips instead of the feudish little nicknames you kids use on each other," Tanya quipped. "Hey! I love my kid sister!" Frank Junior expounded, cheerfully rejecting his mother's unwelcome comment. "I've saved her life at least a dozen times this year,...

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This began simple enough but turned into a total fucked up mess with me in the middle and center of attention. Having been married a long time it's easy to become very definitive in your lifestyle. For years my wife would always bug me about tasting my own cum or dining on a cream pie. Weather she blew me and fed it to me or eat her out after I came in her pussy didn't make any difference to her, she just wanted to see me eat my cum. With a very emphatic "SORRY I don't go there" statement I...

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Enjoy the darkness

Upon entering the candle lit room, she notices nothing but cast iron in bed. She continues in further to investigate, when suddenly she feels a firm grip to her wrist, then cold metal band and hears the ratcheting of handcuffs, she gasps. Nothing is said, but she hears deep, warm moist breathes to the back of her neck. Then a deep voice tells her “On your Knees!” She doesn't even turn to look, bows her head and falls slowly to her knees. The room not lit well doesn't allow for her to get a good...

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Terris Decline

Terri's Decline By Terri Vixen For a while, it seemed like I had it all. I was a transvestite, happily serving as a slave to a beautiful woman. I enjoyed preferential status among her stable of slaves. I wore elegant dresses and served my Mistress lovingly. I was right where I wanted to be. That's all changed now. I no longer serve just my Mistress or her female friends--I now serve all. I have had all of my orifices violated. I am no longer permitted to wear the clothes of a...

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Late Night Ferry Ride

The last ferry of the night pulled out right on schedule. Vickie was out of breath from dashing down the rain-slick sidewalks, jaywalking dangerously and ignoring the flashing red ‘no-walk’ lights on almost every street corner. She sprinted onto the gangplank just as the deep sounding horn blasted over her head, the tired and bored worker hardly glancing at her ticket as he hurriedly stretched the chain closed behind her. She was the last passenger to board and the water immediately began to...

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Rose Lips

Rose was a senior student of his, a student that barely got even a glance from boys her own age. Why would they glance her way? She was short, always kept her hair neatly in a bun and had those awful glasses masking any prettiness she could have. Her clothes were many sizes too large for her figure and looked like they belonged to her grandmother. Though there was one thing going for her that Mr Alexander, who was 12 years her senior, noticed the very first time he laid eyes on her. Her...

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The pussy hatches are open

This is not true.So set back read and enjoy.My girlfriend Cindy had just got her Pilot licenses and wanted to take me up on her first flight.I didnt tell her it was my first flight ever.I was nervous and surprised.She was wanting me up there with.We took off that Sunday morning around ten o`clock She was doing great.She made a aouncement on the intercom.The pussy hatches are now open.She came back from the cockpit takeing her shirt off and grabbing me ripping my shirt off and and my pants off...

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Aunt Carmens scented panties

My Aunt Carmen was the stuff young boys' wet dreams are made of. She'd been widowed for several years by then. While she'd been married she'd been rather dumpy and unattractive, but when she became single again she ditched her frumpy wardrobe in favor of tight jeans and miniskirts, which made her look irresistible even though she was well past forty. Gone were the "sensible" flats in favor of tall stiletto heels. No more erotic woman ever lived!To Mom and my other Aunts, Aunt Carmen was the...

2 years ago
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GirlsWay Emma Hix Silvia Saige Aaliyah Love Tempted By The Babysitter

Wives Aaliyah Love and Silvia Saige are talking about their new babysitter while waiting for her to show up. Aaliyah is a bit nervous but Silvia can’t wait for the freedom having a babysitter will allow. At that moment, the doorbell rings and the wives invite the babysitter, 18-year-old Emma Hix, inside. They chat with Emma, who innocently flirts with them. Aaliyah and Silvia then leave for work, closing the door behind them. Emma watches the door for a few moments before grinning to...

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The Pharmacist

A few years ago I worked as a closing manager for a national pharmacy chain and this is what happened one evening. It was a Wednesday night, one of the slowest nights of the week and I had the 2P to 10P closing shift and the weather was lousy. It had been raining all say and now severe weather was coming in. Usually I was out on the floor stocking shelves, putting new stock on the shelves or some such thing that managers have to do but not tonight. My cashier had her 3rd "emergency" of the...

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T t Part 2

My favorite belt. Wide, made of heavy black leather with a smooth finish. So perfect for wailing on a little pain slut's ass and tits. You slide it out from the belt loops of my pants and crawling on all fours, bring it over to me clenched between your teeth like a well trained service a****l. You know so well how this belt stings and burns and pleases because many times you've begged me to beat you with it. Little t's breathing has grown heavy, her cunt still dripping, the anticipation...

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Tokyo Symphony Ch 04

They sat there in little stapled magazines, surprisingly real. Their titles read School Hearts in English (it was originally going to be Entwined Hearts, but Naomichi insisted that no one in Japan knew what ‘entwined’ meant). The first issue’s cover was graced with an image of Yui, the second’s by one of Sakura. The covers were done in black and white, partly to attract attention and partly because they couldn’t afford any more colour ink. Every couple of minutes Terry would take a moment to...

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Rin Ch 02

Matt thought back to the first timeThis is the continuation of "The Story of Rin (Part 1). Would be grateful for your comments.Matt thought back to that Monday, just 3 weeks ago when the i****t relationship with Rin began. He had wanted to make love with his sister for so long and it was always on his mind whenever they were together. It was just an extreme temptation that he carried around with him, knowing that in reality it would never happen. On that fateful afternoon, he had dropped in at...

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The Coffee ShopChapter 15

Glenn sat across from Sierra at their kitchen table. Jackie entered wearing a pink sleep tee and carrying the screen from her laptop. “Good morning,” he said. “Sleep well?” her mother asked. “Really well. I told Marcus about your offer and he was very pleased. Would it be okay if we invited him to dinner on Friday and he stays over?” “I think that would be fine,” Sierra replied. “I told him about our fancy new range. He offered to make dinner for us.” “That would be very nice,” Glenn...

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Teaming up with Sonia

The day I started at my new job I was introduced to a colleague starting at the same time and in the same department. Sonia was a year younger but qualified at the same time. During our time at college, we did not really connect as I was there on a swimming scholarship and between studying and swim meets barely had enough time to spend with my girlfriend of the time. She on the other hand went to college with the sole intention of being number one in her class and getting the perfect job. A...

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How Nick became Nicki A sissy story

This is the story of Nick. Nick was straight. It was Friday night and she was getting ready to go out, she had something special planned tonight. She had her favourite pair of red and black lace lingerie on, the panties cupping her round smooth cheeks, her light blue pencil dress that hugged her figure and gave her a passable cleavage, white heels that make her look sexy even though they squeezed her toes and rubbed her heels and she had barely got the hang of walking in them. She had done her...

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MagicianChapter 94

The isle of Kedyrn in Tír na nÓg was tense, many of the inhabitants were passively refusing to co-operate with Verenestra’s forces, although the village leaders were at least giving lip service to her cause. That said, most of the population were too afraid to openly come out and support the Seelie court, just in case Queen Oonagh returned. Queen Titania however did openly come out in her royal ‘progress’ and settled herself upon the demesne of First Sword of the Morning Ghurran and proceeded...

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AlifChapter 26

Ana had never seen Binta in clothes before, and it made quite a pronounced difference. Dressed in the kind of clothes she had worn when she had been arrested, she looked like just an ordinary girl from the provinces. She was sitting on the sofa in Ana's Jadid flat, her legs crossed, thumbing through a newspaper. It was Ana who looked most like a prostitute in the work clothes she hadn't bothered to change after a day in the office mostly spent in anxious anticipation of this very moment....

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Hot bhabhi and Annie act as imposter fiancs

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read . Vedant and Kiran were desperately in need of money. But Savita had a wonderful but kinky idea to get some money from Vedant and Kiran’s parents. They decided to act as Vedant and Kiran’s fiancés. Savita and Annie were just wearing lingerie. They were running through their wardrobe to find each a perfect saree that would make the men’s parents proud of their daughter in law. Savita grabbed Annie by her plump butt...

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