Translation II free porn video

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Translation II By Caitlin Angel Jessica Alba stared at me from the mirror. I shook myself out the reverie. My wife would be coming home within the hour. I broke out in a cold sweat. I had no job, no identity, no money and of more immediate concern?no clothes! I raced over the bureau, acutely aware of the bouncing weight on my chest as I ran. Cat had been a regular in the Goth scene for years and probably as much for fond memories as anything else, had kept her sizable collection of clubbing clothes. She'd worn them for me as part of foreplay on more than one occasion, so I knew where to find them. First, I grabbed a black lace bra and panties. I threw the panties on the bed and put on the bra. I'd taken these things off innumerable times but it's like taking a route as a passenger and then having to drive it yourself ? it's much different. I fixed the clasp and adjusted my breasts within the cups with my hands. I was obviously a bit bigger than Cat. My cups runneth over. I managed a slight smile. The effect reminded me of the period style of clothing worn by women at "renaissance fairs." The panties fit perfectly. I bent down and opened one of the drawers containing the club outfits and grabbed a nice knee length leather skirt with lacing up the sides and a black t-shirt. The skirt settled nicely on my new hips. The t-shirt was a snug fit. I don't know much about cup size but my boobs pushed it out, exposing my tummy. A pair of knee length boots I spied behind the closet door completed the outfit. I checked myself out in the floor length mirror. I see why Jessica is so popular. The sound of the front door deadbolt sliding back snapped me back to reality like a slap to the face. Cat! I heard the soft crush of her sandals on the carpet. I had only seconds to decide whether I should show myself, hoping to find some way to explain this insanity or hide and run at the first opportunity. I took a deep breath, opened the bedroom door and strode into the hallway. She dropped the gym bag she was carrying. Her hands flew to her mouth in surprise and she shouted, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" "It's me, Tom, your husband. I can explain?" "You've got to be kidding," she said, frowning. "What?" "I'm not married. I've been a widow for 3 years... and you're not Tom." My mouth dropped open in surprise. All my thoughts on stepping back into my life vanished. My stomach went into freefall. The ring hadn't merely changed me; it had changed reality. Cat was still here but the Tom who'd married her was dead and had been for years. From where I stood I could see most of the living room. In my apprehension, I hadn't noticed the subtle changes ? the family pictures were gone from the fireplace mantle, replaced by an antique clock and a pair of tasteful cast iron candlesticks. The color of the carpet was different and in place of the well worn family couch was a black leather sectional facing a large plasma screen TV. Shoulders lowering slightly, she recovered some of her composure. "Listen, I don't know who you are how you got in here or why you're wearing my clothes but you need to leave. Put your own clothes on and go, I ?" "I don't have any clothes," I interrupted. Cat set her jaw. The woman with whom I'd shared so much, coldly considered me for a moment. "Take them and go- now," she said and walked to the door. A thousand thoughts swirled in my confused mind. Without realizing I'd stopped walking. She coughed politely and opened the door. I moved past her and stepped across the threshold. I turned around for one last word just in time to have the door closed in my face. The wreath hanging upon the door swayed slightly and settled. The fancy red and green ribbon conveying 'Seasons Greetings' came loose and floated gently to the ground at my feet. The carriage light beside the door went out. I guess that was that. I turned around and stepped off the porch and into the night. I walked into town along the main road. It took some time as the house is a couple miles from the commercial district. Fortunately for me the night was warm, as I had no coat and the few drivers passing seemed to have no interest in picking up hitchers. I probably would have had better luck during the daytime when the drivers could see me and I could use my appearance to my advantage. Nothing was open along the main drag except a convenience store and the all-night diner at the intersection of Broad Street. I needed time to think and a place to sit down, so I opted for the diner. I waited for the light to change. The streets were deserted but I was in no hurry. I waited. In my current state of confusion, I welcomed the fact that it was night, quiet but for the clicking relays of the signal controller and the sound of distant traffic. Cat never mentioned that gorgeous though they may be, the Docs weren't terribly comfortable for long walks. I approached the diner from across the street. The illuminated windows seemed somehow comforting, a beacon of familiarity within the chaos of recent events. Hand written advertisements for the day's specials hung suction- cupped to the door above the customary hours-of-operation sign. I entered, tinkling bells on the door marking my arrival and attracting the attention of the few patrons and staff. I guess if you're very good looking, over time you become used to attention and the omnipresent swiveling heads that accompany your travels. It was new to me and I turned away blushing in embarrassment. I sat down in a booth as far away from the other patrons as possible. Absentmindedly. I straightened my skirt as I sat down. I sighed, folding my arms in front of me on the tabletop and let my head drop. This was too much. What was I supposed to do? If that wasn't enough, focused on the goal of reaching this place, I had forgotten I had no money. A soft voice addressed me, "Are you okay, sweetheart?" I lifted my head, flicking the hair from my eyes with one finger. The waitress, stood at the table. She looked to be about 40 with long brown hair tied back with a scrunchie. The name tag crookedly affixed to her blouse identified her as June. She looked tired. This probably wasn't her only job. I could picture her juggling two jobs and struggling to raise the children as a single mom. Check pad in hand, she leaned a little closer looking slightly worried. "Yeah, it's been a long, strange night. I'll be okay." Managing a weak smile, I added, "Thanks for asking." She smiled warmly. I could tell the sight of me, an obviously upset girl, had aroused her matronly instincts. I look of recognition crossed her face, her eyes opening wider. "You look like the woman on TV?what's her name?" She straightened up, "You aren't her are you?" "No," I replied, "?but I get that a lot." I took a deep breath and tried to do the best pout I could manage, "I lost all my money. Do you think I could just get a cup of coffee? I just need to sit for a while and think." "Sure, dear. It's a boy isn't it-- your problem, I mean? I have daughters," she said, her tone implying familiarity with the trials of young women. I wasn't in the mood for a mothering so I nodded silently. She put a hand on my shoulder and turned to walk back towards the kitchen. What was happening to me? Dumb question. Nothing made sense anymore. Not the least of which was my fait accompli acceptance of my new body or anything else that followed my magical transformation. I'd walked miles in heeled boots without a misstep, felt heartstring-tugging empathy for a complete stranger and adjusted my boobs like a veteran... and while I've been contemplating all this I've been twirling my hair like a school girl. It was as if the longer I spent in this body, the more feminine I became. That didn't go far to explain how I was taking on behaviors women accumulated over years. Perhaps, Jessica's body wasn't the only thing I inherited?maybe some of her memories as well. Not her personality but the foundation stuff; the things we do automatically without thinking. One theory was as good as another when dealing you've fallen head over high heels into... 'The Twilight Zone.' The waitress returned with a steaming cup of coffee and one of those little stainless milk dispensers. "On the house", she said in a conspiratorial whisper, finger to her lips. "Thanks," I replied, smiling and raised the cup to my lips. Before she could begin conversation, a young couple walked in and sat down in a nearby booth and June left to serve them. I was going to need a place to stay and a job if I was going to survive. I couldn't count on anyone I knew in my former life having any more belief in my explanation than Cat. Unless I was willing and able to make it to Hollywood, I wasn't going to be able to find employment as Jessica Alba's stand-in. I still had my knowledge as a software designer but no legit firm was going to hire someone with no social security number or state sanctioned identification. I'd have to find an employer that wouldn't care about such things. It turned out that the diner and Circle-K weren't the only places open late. I found a video store after an hour of aimless walking. A faded help wanted sign was taped to the door glass. The clerk, a young boy with dark eyes, dyed black hair and at least a dozen tattoos was behind the counter when I walked through the door. He'd been watching some movie on the small set perched on the counter and had obviously been expecting someone other than a movie star to be demanding his attention. The disinterested, slightly annoyed expression he'd been prepared to serve me vanished from his face in an instant. I've always been amused at the instinctive behavior of people, especially with regard to sexual situations. The clerk stood up, sucked in his stomach and squared his shoulders, the preening rooster facing a new hen. "Hey. Get you something?" "A copy of the first Matrix movie... actually?I'm new here. I need a place to crash, and a job to pay my way. Listen, I don't want you to get the wrong idea... I'm not looking for a boyfriend. I'd like the job though, if it's still available." His shoulders relaxed a bit. "Yeah, it's available. I'm Sebastian." There was an awkward silence. What is my name? A thousand possibilities flashed through my head. Rifling the file cabinet of my mind, I scanned through memories of movies, books, everyone I could remember knowing. Thinking of one of my favorite Ann Rice books, I had a winner. "Rowan," I said, extending my hand. "Nice to meet you." The arm-chair psychologist in me observed the slight warmth in my cheeks as I addressed an eligible male. He shook my hand gently but firmly. Sebastian smiled, "What are your qualifications?" We spent the next few hours discussing movie trivia and favorite films. We found a lot of common ground; we both shared a fondness for edgy films like Dark City, Repo Man, and Donnie Darko. Midnight arrived with the distant sound of church bells disturbing our argument about the best book to film adaptations. The tolling of the bells also reminded me that I had no place to go. I'd already decided Sebastian was harmless but a woman asking a man to stay at his place is usually interpreted as an invitation to sex and I definitely wasn't interested in a prolonged and delicate 'blow-off.' Considering the options, I sighed and waited for him to finish counting out the cash drawer. "I feel really awkward asking this Sebastian, since we just met but I'm desperate. I have nowhere to go and I need a place to crash..." There it was. All the cards were on the table. It was a risky move. He hesitated, his mouth opening slightly and closing. I could tell he was choosing his words carefully. "You know, from the moment you came in here, I have to admit I was fantasizing about taking you home. "Sebastian, I?" He smiled a broad, genuine smile. "I know what you're going to say. Don't sweat it, I'm not a skeev. You can have the futon. It's cool." I hugged him, whispering in his ear, "I won't tell anyone, you're a softie." "You'd better not," he growled in mock anger, "I would hate to tarnish my reputation for being a disaffected, apathetic slacker." We walked through the abandoned city streets, Sebastian giving his version of the points-of-interest tour along the way. He lived in an apartment building across from Balen Park and had an excellent view of the lake from has second story front window. Sebastian's apartment was small but not cramped. There was a 'living room', a bedroom, bathroom and a narrow galley- style kitchen. Sebastian set up the futon for me in the living room and disappeared through a doorway. I took in the furnishings and decoration. Before my transformation, I used to believe that women put a lot of value in judging what kind of person a guy is by what his home looks like. Sebastian was obviously a fan of wrought iron and dark wood. The living room was covered in a sponge painted burgundy. A couple posters from famous horror films hung behind the couch to my right. Flanking a small plasma TV were a couple of antique-looking bookshelves filled with DVDs. Iron sconces refitted for electric light provided the illumination. "Care for a little Chai?" he said. "Sure." I couldn't deny I felt attraction to him. It's the weirdest thing-- like I was saying before, the longer I was in this body, the more natural it felt. My past life seemed to be losing substance. It reminded me of times I'd flown, starting off in rain, climbing through a thick cloud layer to emerge into bright sunlight on the other side. The next few days were relatively blissful. I trained with Sebastian at the video store, learning the ropes. Sebastian's father had a philosophy that the only way an independent store could compete with the chains was by providing a superior level of service. To this end, all the frequent customers had little plastic cards with UPC codes on them and their names came up on the register's display screen at checkout, you could address them personally. I didn't end up finding a place of my own. One night became two and then a week. We shared cooking and cleaning duties, though I tried to do more of the cleaning and promised to pay my way once I was getting a steady paycheck. A routine developed, our little nightly ritual-- a midnight snack followed by a taped show from Sebastian's massive library. We became comfortable with each other over that time, sitting on the couch chatting and enjoying old Mystery Science 3000 episodes. By the second week I was closing the store and knew most of the best customers by name. We'd both noticed that some male customers adjusted their schedules to come in when I was on duty. I used some of my pay to buy new clothes. The ones I'd purchased the first week reflected my nervousness about my appearance. As I relaxed into this new life as an attractive woman, my confidence demanded a shopping spree. Sebastian came with me. The color scheme favored black and I took home an impressive collection. A rumor spread that Jessica Alba was working a local store in preparation for a role. It was hard to counter-- I was a dead ringer for her and the more vehemently we denied the story, the more credibility it got. By the end of the month, business was up forty percent. I met Sebastian's friends. One was a heavy equipment mechanic, one a horticulturist, another record store clerk. They were a strange bunch of people and I liked them immediately. Without ever really dating we slipped into a relationship. It seemed to happen imperceptibly. At least, I never found myself considering the situation, 'as a guy.' We went out to restaurants, art galleries and clubs. I love dancing and this body was made for it. In full Goth regalia, Sebastian and I danced before the admiring crowd until we were damp with sweat and exhausted. When he cut his finger on a kitchen knife one evening, I bandaged it for him and when my neck cramped up after a particularly long night dancing, it felt perfectly natural when he offered to massage it. I lay face down on the futon, arms at my sides. With his first touch I felt the heat rising in my cheeks. It felt wonderful. I tingled all over, goose bumps rising on my skin in response to his fingers upon my body. My body betrayed me and I let out a soft purr. Sebastian subtly adjusted his massage, alternating deep, penetrating technique with soft and sensual glides along my upper back, shoulder blades and neck. I began to writhe and squirm. I shuddered. He straddled my waist and began massaging my lower back, using his thumbs and the blade of his palms to work out the knots there. I tried focusing on images of non-sexual things; taxes, bicycling, cleaning the toilet. It didn't work. His hands slid down to the top of my butt, I barely suppressed a moan but I think he heard it because he gently turned me over and began massaging my arms and legs. I smiled, tossing my long hair from my face. When he moved closer I closed my eyes, lips parting, awaiting his kiss and when it came, I felt fireworks. He moved astride me and I felt the rock hard erection through his pants. I was so wet. I slid my panties off, dropping them to the floor. He took off his pants and moved on top of me, straddling me. He kissed me deeply and we locked lips, my tongue and his intimately entwined. Before I could protest, he dropped to my crotch, kissing my tender lips and teasing my pussy with his tongue, swirling it round and round, rhythmically striking my clit. Arching my back in response, I felt the pleasure building. Sebastian lifted his mouth, his fingers making a seamless transition of stimulation. He moved above me and touched the tip of his cock to my vagina, pressing it in just slightly only to withdraw. He did this several times in concert with his finger symphony on my clit. I wrapped my legs around his back and drew him into me. When he entered me I was overcome with emotion. He was gentle but passionate. We made love like angels and animals, switching from one position to another. When I felt his control slipping away I let mine go too and we summited the peak of climax together. When I came, the bolts of pleasure struck like lightning again and again, my every nerve electrified and tingling. I felt joy. I also felt sadness. In my 'little death' I felt Tom had truly died. Sebastian gazed into my eyes. I laughed softly. He looked like he'd just had a religious experience. "Rowan, that was the most incredible experience I've ever had." I caressed his face with one had, running my long fingers through his hair with the other. "Me too, 'bastian." Love scenes in the movies don't prepare you for the reality of what happens for a woman after sex. The wet spot comes from you. I kissed him and rose to go to the bathroom. Sebastian joined me at the foot of the bed. "Let's take a shower," he said. "Wait here a second." He led me by the hand to the bathroom. Closing the door behind him, I was greeted by the spicy smell of incense and the soft light of several candles set upon the counter and around the tub. We stepped into the shower together. It was warm and wonderful. I turned my head sharply and swatted him with my long, wet hair. He yelped, feigning injury. Pulling me to him, he kissed me deeply. We made love again... Retiring to bed, Sebastian and I sat propped up on pillows, paging through a recent Victoria's Secret catalog. We laughed at the contrived expressions of sexuality on each model's face and made up our own subtitles. We fell asleep in each other's arms. My last coherent though was something from Jessica's last film, "Sin City." In the scene, Bruce Willis' says to himself, "An old man dies, a young girl lives. Fair trade." I wasn't an old man but I can relate to that.

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After parting company with Jonathan we walked down the terminal concourse to the baggage claim area. I noticed Bryan was walking funny again. No doubt from what had happened in the airplane lavatory earlier. I had to admit I felt a bit spent from blowing a load listening to my boy getting plowed in the lavatory next to me. As we came out of the exit area we were greeted by the usual mix of families and limo drivers waiting for their loved ones and clients to come out of the terminal. It was...

3 years ago
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Erotic City In the hive of the Queen

Harmony struggled to keep up with the long legged women, who had captured her. Afraid that she'd lose her balance and be trampled to death, she kept her eyes forward, but her mind was on Byron. Were they as rough with him? Where were they taking them? So many questions were floating around in her head; all without answers. They weaved in and out of various side streets that sparkled in the artificial light, until stopping at a set of diamond steps that led to the very castle that had originally...

1 year ago
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That First Night

- with the deepest respect to Nigella - I giggled as I squirmed out from underneath his arms and tumbled out of bed. He caught me around my waist just as I was standing up and pulled me back into bed with him. I pressed the full length of my body against him , luxuriating in his warmth and against his once-again hardening cock. I sighed and contemplated not going anywhere, but rather cuddle up, nibble his ear and whisper about all the naughty, filthy things I want to do to him that night. But...

Straight Sex
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Vixen Schoolgirl Stripper Hooker

Saffron slipped ever lower into her chair as the stripper twirled around the silver pole on a dias just feet from where she sat with her cousin Charles and his friend Sebastian.Already completely naked the slim blonde girl just gyrated aimlessly around the pole as she waited for the song to finish.Saffron had watched with a sort of detached interest as the girl had inelegantly discarded her costume mis timing her moves so the men had lost interest before her spot ended and were back talking to...

1 year ago
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Tea and Strumpet Chapter 3

Professor Diederich dropped Chelsea off at her dorm the next morning. He had to be at the university early to prepare for class and Chelsea’s first class wasn’t until the second period of the day. So she had plenty of time to shower, change, and prepare for the day. She went to her first class of the day, which was Professor Diederich’s class. As the class let out, she walked up to his desk. She waited until the room was clear before talking to him. ‘Professor, would you like me to stop by...

3 years ago
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Mirror ImageChapter 4

It was about midnight when Tom got up to go to bed. He headed for the girl’s room to kiss goodnight. As he approached the bed, the scene was dejavue. They were dressed the same only this time ... no panties. On their stomachs, hand between their spread legs. Tom was so beside himself. His cock came to life instantly. Their breathing was shallow as in deep sleep. This time he could not help himself. He leaned down and placed his nose almost on Rebecca’s ass near her pussy and sniffed. He could...

3 years ago
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Truth or dare brother 5

We were still cuddling together for a little while. We were both a little out of it still. But of course I had to start talking about something I really had on my mind. “So, we got a wedding to start planning now,” I said. “I thought you told Jessica you didn't know when we were gonna start planning it?” Jeff asked. “I start planning the wedding in my mind the minute you pulled out the ring,” I replied. “So you knew you'd say yes before I actually asked the question?” Jeff asked. “Yes. I knew I...

1 year ago
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My Brother Made Me A Model 8211 Part 2

This is the second part of the story. It was my first time that I’m standing in front of 6 men only in my bra and panty. I thought that all the men will be staring at my almost naked body and make me uncomfortable, but they did not, then I remembered they are professionals and would have seen many women nude. Sharma told me that it’s only a sample shoot and will be over soon. For my first shot I was told to stand with my legs a little apart and my right thump on my red panty, pulling it a bit...

2 years ago
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Bible thumper part 2

Jason looked up at me with his mouth stuffed full of my Dick and his beautiful brown eyes began to talk to me. Telling me that he was pleased that i had stopped fighting him.Now that he had my full attention Jason's sucking got harder and stronger but much more sensual.While my dick got harder and stronger and so much more sensitive.The sounds that my dick and his mouth made for the next 15 minutes made me quiver with excitement. I had never had my dick sucked like this in my life!It felt as if...

2 years ago
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I Meet Beca

I stopped my bike and planted both feet on the ground. Approaching me was a young jogger. The girl had a sweat band around her head, her hair in two braids and a smile on her face. Her sweat soaked t-shirt was plastered against her two perfect mounds. At the summit of each was a perfect point the shape of an olive. I was so intent on starring at this beauty I fell over on my bike. She stopped and looked down at me with a smile and said, "I don't know whether to laugh or cry for...

3 years ago
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She looks distracted. Fuck, who am I kidding – she looks scared. My arms are on both sides of her shoulders and as I look down at her she is looking everywhere but directly at me. I whisper her name as quietly as I can and she makes eye contact….   Tonight has been an experience already. We’ve been kicking this happening around for more than a year now and we’re both expecting it. I wouldn’t use the word ‘planned’ but the doubt has faded away through hours of conversation and occasional...

3 years ago
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Night of Video games get serious

Well she called me when she got done with work, and said she was gonna go and change quick, and then stop by. Bout 45 minutes pass and i was wonderin if she was gonna come over at all. I started cleanin the kitchen to pass time. She gets here while i'm takin out trash, and i'm climbin over this snowbank and i called out to her, and bam! I fell right on my face in the snow. Pretty slick huh? So i was a lil embarassed. We stood outside and smoked a cigarette, and talked a lil bit. She was...

3 years ago
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Like Old Times 4

Wierdest thing, I found a note card on my windshield in the morning. All it said was, "Watch my house. C." Nothing unusual happened that day; I mowed the lawn, did some work on the boat, made some dinner. I didn't see Cathy, but a lot of times I wouldn't anyway. Mike was coming over for pizza, arriving at his usual time on the way home from work. We had been seeing each other almost every day, and over the last couple of weeks we had been having some sort of sex almost every day. ...

3 years ago
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Michelles Story Part 9

Michelle's Story - Part 9 As March approached, Michael and Emma were starting to count the days down to their cousins' birthday party. For Michael, it was a good distraction from the problems he faced concerning his friend Robert. But even so, those problems wouldn't go away. "I'm not sure what is going on," said Robert one day. "My parents are now living apart, but me and my sister are still at home with dad." "If you stayed with your dad, you wouldn't have to leave here,...

2 years ago
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Cockslave Bruce

Cockslave BruceStory from the perspective of a college boy who is abused by a dom master and turned into a sissy faggot pussyboy whore, who learns to love his abuse. This is my story of how I was turned into a cock slave. I'm 5'10, 165 lbs,with a smooth, almost hairless body. I'm in good shape with a baby face andbarely any beard. I grew up around New York as a straight male, but I didhave a few experiences with other guys when I was young.I dated and slept with girls and was straight in...

3 years ago
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Church Friend Part 2

After leaving Mark and Cora, my husband and I were barely in the car before he started asking questions.  I told him about the whole day and everything that happened. Then when I told him that when he kissed me, he probably tasted Cora on my lips, his cock became rock hard.  He expressed that if he was always going to be able to taste her after each visit, he would be ok with whatever we did.When I talked to Cora, she had a similar experience with Mark.  Nearly a month passed before we had a...

Wife Lovers
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Mami Ne Diya Diwali Ka Gift

Hi to everybody this is Dinu once again with new story thanks for the response to my last story “Aapahij Mausi Ko Choda aaj mein aapko ek aisi ghatna ke bare mein batane jar aha hu ki jiska mujko besabri se intezaar tha. Mera matlab maine kaise aapni mami ko seduce karke choda mere bare mein aapni last story mein bata chukka hu aur zyada time barbad na karte huye sidhe point pe aata hu. Mere mami ka naam hai anuradha unki figure kuch khass nahi hai magar dikhne mein bahot sexy lagti hai unki...

1 year ago
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The Wrong CampChapter 3

My wonderful night affected my sleep in a good way. I dreamt about sex. I dreamt about blowjobs. I dreamt about Jamie and her big tits bouncing as she fucked me. I opened my eyes. I was in the bathroom. I was on a mattress on the floor. Between my legs, Jamie slowly bobbed her mouth up and down my cock. She took it in deeply and devotedly as if it was a special treasure. "I thought he'd never wake up," said Emily. I looked toward the source of the voice. Beth and Anna and April also...

3 years ago
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Back To School

BACK TO SCHOOL Carl stood in front of the building he had left six years ago. High school was a torturous time for him. Being one of the few Black students in a predominantly White school was hard enough, but he was also considered a punk and often picked on relentlessly. He was the only c***d of a single mother who was always working. He had no friends and kept to himself. The one thing he was happy about was the fact that he was able to graduate at fifteen years old, and as...

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My Name Is AndiChapter 2

“Gramps, what the hell? How long have you been listening?” Alice asked. Grandpa made a show of thinking for a moment then said, “I got here around the time of Andi asking if it was always that hot. I get the feeling it’s a good thing I didn’t get here any sooner.” Grandpa looked at me then at the fish in his hands. He moved kind of funny when he coughed, and from the look on Alice’s face, she must have noticed the movement too. “So are we going to eat any of those fish tonight or are we...

1 year ago
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A New Christmas Mommy Part 8 Meeting with Marc

Oh god what do I do, Rose pondered as she stood in place with the phone in her hand. "Uhh... hello, Rose?" Marc's voice uttering from the phone. "Look just put Diana on the phone, please." Rose looked to Jane, who nearly sputtered out, "Uhh, yeah, Mom is...." before Rose raised a finger to her mouth, silencing Jane. She then nodded quietly to her, an assurance that this would work itself out. "Uhh yeah, Diana is.... well.... oh what's that?" Rose spoke up, maybe hearing a noise coming...

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"I think I'm turning Japanese. I think I'm turning Japanese. I really think so." -"Turning Japanese" The Vapors. This is one of the most famous songs about masturbation ever written. Turning Japanese is a reference to the facial expressions a man makes during his final vinegar strokes. We've all been there. The squished face and the squinting eyes are a sure sign that a dude's about to drop his load.Becoming Trans-RaceI've been slowly (or quickly, depending on your perspective) turning Japanese...

Asian Porn Sites
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Morning Quickie 15 minutes

I could feel the blankets rustle as the weight in the bed changed. A familiar hand reaching down my underwear and begins playing with cock, that’s gaining hardness by touch. “Do you want to have some sex?” My wife whispers in my ear.My hard cock already answered for me.“I have about fifteen minutes then I have to get ready for work,” she said, as my wife climbed on top of my face, her prickled pussy hair ground into my mouth and chin.Though I wasn’t fully awake yet I became so as I offered...

3 years ago
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The Photo Shoot

The Photo Shootby Miss Anonna When I pulled up to the house I realized how huge it really was and honestly, it didn’t surprise me considering how much I was getting paid to be a photographer for the next few hours. After one week of emails I had finally agreed to this guy’s pleadings for some professional photos of a couple in his humongous house. It seems he had been planning this for quite some time and though I thought it may be photos of this guy and his wife, it turns out that he is merely...

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After School Activities

I stood up and moved to the front of the class. After clapping my hands a couple of times and clearing my throat very loudly, the attention of 4B, St Mary's High School, was finally mine."Okay, boys and girls, before you all go, I'd like once again to thank Mr. Harrison for taking the lesson and you lot for not making things too difficult for him, and we'll look forward to seeing him next week." Throughout the classroom faces, with expressions of innate boredom, began nodding whilst others...

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Seducing house owner daughter

Hi! I am a 22 single male from Chennai. I am working in an software company. I am regular reader of ISS. I like to tell my story which happened when I am doing my 12th std. Actually my first sexual affair was with my house owner daughter. She was doing 11th std at that time. She is was very bubbly at that time. She is also well structured. Her name was Priya. I am very jovial persons so all the persons will talk to me nicely. At first I don’t have any sexual intention with priya. We use to talk...

1 year ago
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Chelsies Dilemma Part 3

Chelsie happily walked into work the next morning feeling like nothing could bring her down from the high she was feeling after the day before. Not even looking at Shelby could make her mad. After all, she finally got some. Everyone seemed to notice that something was different about her. She was glowing, smiling bigger and she just seemed more vibrant. She had an extra bounce to her step and was acting more upbeat. “Damn girl, what happened to you?” Shelby asked as Chelsie made her way...

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setting up wife 8211 5

HI, I had earlier shared my experiences with you through the series setting up wife. You can do a search in the search field by entering the terms “setting up wife”. If you are from kerala and share the same views as mine. You can contact me at by email or through messenger. This experience which I had recently really excited me very much.The adrenalin was literally pumping through my viens when I did this. We were invited to a wedding of Priya’s relative at kannur. Since the marriage was...

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The Misadventures of Diana Knight Season 1 Part 3

The Misadventures of Diana Knight Part III - Party Time! The strap on was on the floor, pointing up as though the floor was having an erection of its own. That however was not the thing that caught Craig's eye as Diana looked into the bathroom. Alice was looking in the mirror, towelling her face, but it was not the face of the woman he had just had sex with. It was the face that he himself was wearing; that of Diana Knight. The face of Alice was hung, draped over the sink with...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Kagney Linn Karter Black Bull fucks his desperate hotwife realtor

Kagney Linn Karter is working to be the top realtor in her area but her best friend Britney always comes out on top, mostly because she’ll do ANYTHING to sell a home. The listing Kagney’s showing today should put her over the top if her client Nat Turnher decides to buy it. After touring the house, Nat mentions that this is the second time he’s seen the house, his first being with Britney, who didn’t close the deal because she didn’t want to lend a “helping...

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The Interview pt 2

Rachel was staring down ward at the floor, through the fake window looking into the movie set thinking, “This is where I will be revealing myself as well as my private parts for people ‘strangers…’ to look at. Fondling another woman and being fondled by another woman are experiences I have never really thought about, and now my god I will be doing both in front of a group, maybe hundreds of people looking on and bidding as if I were a car, or a house, or a piece of meat on the butchers block up...

2 years ago
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Chriss Compact Cock

Chris never wanted much in life. He was 20, just starting collage and he had a decent sum of money tucked into a saving account by his parents and in fact still lived with them but he didn't carry a lot around with him or spent it regularly. He didn't have the nicest clothes even though he could afford them as he didn't care. The only thing he cared about was downstairs. Chris cock was 4 inchs long...not too bad if not for the fact that was his max when hard, soft he just barely reached 3...

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