A Few Short Stories free porn video

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"hey no fair," abby complained.
she swam to my other side and put my arm around her. she scooted closer to me and smiled. i slowly moved my hands up their stomachs. ashlyn moved my hand just under her top and looked at abby as if challenging her. abby pushed my hand lower just above her bottoms. she pushed her hips up for ashlyn to see. ashlyn stared at abby and stood up. her bottoms matched her top. she stood infront of me and turned around. she bent over and pulled her bottoms up. she looked back and blew me a kiss. i nodded my approval and she sat back down next to me. i kissed her cheek and she smiled. she looked over at abby and winked.
"so were playing like that now are we?" she said.
she stood and sat in my lap. she wrapped her arms around my neck and i put my hands on her stomach. she scooted foward and breathed on my neck. she smiled got up and sat down next to me.
"check it out," she said pointing to my crotch. ashlyn stradled my crotch. she smiled and said," someones a big boy." i laughed and put my hands on her hips. she started to slowly grind on my crotch. she bit her lip and groaned. she put her hands on my chest and started moving faster.
"ashlyn dont go to hard cause i want some fun." said abby.
ashlyn ignored her and grinded faster. abby pouted so i leaned over and whispered in her ear. she smiled and nodded. she stood up and sat down infront of ashlyn so that her back was to my chest. abby wrapped her legs around ashlyns waist.

i left home feeling pretty horny. i got on the bus and sat down in thr back. we went to the next stop and my friends got on. they came to the back and sat on either side of me. to my left was a girl who was half my height,had black hair,brown eyes and a light tan.she had a small chest but a perky ass that i drooled over. her name was arely. she was wearing her cheerleader uniform and a white bow in her hair. on my right was her best friend catherine,or cat. she had blonde hair,crystal clear blue eyes,and she was white, she was a little shorter then me and. she had a great ass and a decent chest. she was wearing a white columbia jacket,skinny jeans,a beanie,and toms.they loved teasing me with their looks. they would give me hugs and try to put my face in their chests or bend over infront of me. i loved it but i always got really embarressed but today was different. i felt more confident. i put my arms behind them and wrap my arms around their stomachs. they both smiled and so did i. i had an amazing girl on each arm. they looked at each other and then they bothed kissed me on the cheek. i pulled them in closer to me and they blushed. arely leaned head on my chest and cat layed her head on my shoulder. i smiled and my dick started to get hard.we rode this way till we got to school and then we got up. arely held my left hand and cat held my right. we walked into the school holding hands.i walked them to their lockers and i gave them each a hug. arely insisted that i pick her up so i lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around me. i put my hands under her ass to keep her up and my dick grew harder. i flipped it up with my hand. when i flipped it up it hit her ass. she smiled at me and lowered her ass a little bit. i flinched and squeezed her ass.she jumped down and kissed my cheek. next was cats turn. i wrapped my arms around her and put my hands in her back pockets.she smiled and layed her head on my shoulder. thats when i felt her warm breath on my neck. this made me groan and squeeze her ass. she moved her lips to my neck and started sucking. i fell back against the wall and she fell with me. she put her hands on my chest and kept sucking.i groaned but she just kept going. the only reason she stopped was because a teacher told us to stop. i kissed cat on the cheek and we all walked to class. cat and arely went to a different class so i had to suffer with out them. its really hard to focus when you have a boner and blue balls. i practically ran out of the class and to my next one cause arely sits next to me. i sat down and waited. she finally came right before the bell rang.she sat down and smiled at me. i put my hand on her thigh and rubbed her soft skin. we were watching a movie this class so we could fool around all we wanted. she put her hand on mine and smiled at me. i sat next to a wall so she climbed into my lap. she smiled at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. i put my hands on her ass and she came in closer. i smelled her intoxicating perfume and which made my dick grow. she noted this and started bouncing up and down on my lap. at first it hurt but onece i moved into a comfortable position it felt wonderful. i put my hands up the back of her skirt and squeezed her ass. i leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. she slipped her tongue into my mouth and i sucked on it. we made out for a few minutes and then i started pulling her skirt down. she lifted herself up and i pulled her skirt down to her thighs. she smiled and rubbed my neck. i put my hands in her spandex shorts. she groaned and put her hands on my chest. i put my finger between her ass cheeks. i pinched her ass and she moaned. i started pulling her shorts down but she stopped me. "not yet," she said winking. i smiled and leaned in and kissed her. she plunged her tongue in my mouth and i sucked on it. she groaned and grabbed my dick through my pants with her left hand and rubbed my face with her right. i pulled her skirt up and she pulled her lips from mine but no before biting my lip. she started bouncing up and down on me again and boy did it feel amazing. i rubbed the front of her spandex and she fell foward.i ripped a little hole in her spandex and wiggled my finger inside of them. i felt her satin panties and she squirmed around. i held her still and kept wiggling my finger around. she looked like she was going to scream so i slipped my to tongue into her mouth. she moaned in my mouth which made my dick twitch.i squeezed her ass with one hand and wiggled my finger in her spandex with the other. she squirmed around a lot but i kept her still. she put her hands on her chest and then the bell rang. she looked around confused and jumped off me. i stood up and held her hand. on the way out i let go of her hand and slapped her ass. she looked at me and smiled. we left and i had to go two periods without seeing either of them. it was a long and boring time. i ended up trying to jack off but i stopped cause i got some weird looks. when i left 4th period i went to cats locker. i saw her opening her locker. i decided to walk up behind her. i pushed my dick into her ass and she turned around with a shocked look on her face. "who the hell..." she started but smiled when she saw me. she pushed her ass further into my dick and moaned. i pushed her foward so she could get her things. i put my hands on her hips and pulled her back. she closed her locker and i stepped out from behind her. i pushed her up against the locker and put my hands on her hips. she wrappes her arms around my neck and we started kissing. i let go of her hips and pinned her arms above her head. she started grinding her crotch into me. i started dry humping her and thats when she let go of my hands and started running them through my hair. i put my hands on her ass. she groaned in my mouth and i pulled away while biting her lip. "follow me," she whispered sexualy in my ear. i grabbed her ass with one hand and followed her. we went into an old closet and locked the door. i pushed her against the door and started kissing her. she started unzipping her jacket. she through it off and put it on the floor. i cupped her tits and pulled on her nipples. she moaned and pushed her chest foward. i pulled her shirt over her head and through it to the floor. she was wearing a neon pink bra. "sexy bra cat," i said. she nodded and pushed my head into her chest. she unclipped her bra and i got to see her great tits. i grabbed a handful and started sucking on her nipples. she groaned and pushed my head farther into her chest. i gobbled on her tits and grabbed her ass. she pulled at my hair and moaned my name. she started bucking her hips and pushing my head into her chest. i pulled my head from her chest and pushed her against the wall. she smiled and bit her lip. i pressed my lips to hers and she slipped her tongue into my mouth. i held het hands and put them above her head. she tried pushing
me foward and it worked. she pushed me to the other side and bit my lip. "lets have some fun," she said giving me a sexy grin. she let go of my hands and played with the bottom of my shirt. she lifted it off of me and checked me out. "damn john," she said running her finger up my abs. she smiled and kissed me on the lips real quick. i hooked my fingers into the sides of her pants and started tugging at them. she wiggled her hips and helped me pull them down. she kicked her shoes and pants off. her panties were bright pink like her bra.she looked at me and raised an eyebrow. i unbuckled and my pants and kicked them off. my dick stood out of my boxers. she smiled and pulled my boxers down. i was now completely naked. i pulled her close and cupped her ass. i gave it a quick spank and pulled her panties down. she kicked them off and i saw her hairless wet pussy. i smiled and she spun in a small circle to show off her body. i moved closer to her and rubbed her pussy with my hand. she cringed and started buckling her knees. i fell with her and then she completely layed on the ground. i layed on top of her and rubbed my dick at her entrance. she put her hands on my back and pushed me inside her. she lifted her head and moaned.

something ive always wanted to do is kiss someone during school. i knew exactly who too. a girl named sarah. she was white,with blonde hair,light freckles,brown eyes,a nice ass but a small chest. we have never liked each other. everytime we talk we usually end up mad at each other but i thought she was hot. it was third period and the class door was open. i was looking out of it bored out of my mind. thats when i saw sarah at her locker. i quickly asked to go to the bathroom. i booked out of the class and walked towards her. she was wearing skinny jeans,boots,a white shirt, and a columbia jacket. "sarah," i yelled. she looked at me and closed her locker. "hey come here," i said. she walked to where i was. i was hiding behind some lockers so no one could see us. she turned the corner and stood there. i grabbed her stuff and put it on the ground. "what are...?" i grabbed her hands and pinned her to the wall. "what..what..are..." i moved my lips to her and planted a soft kiss. she relaxed against the wall. i kicked her legs wider and stepped between them. i bit her lip and put my hands on her hips. she moved her hands and wrapped them around my neck. she started to grind on me. my dick started to get hard and rub against her. she moaned in my mouth.she wrapped her legs around me and squeezed. i broke our kiss and smiled. "john.." she said looking at me confused. i pushed her harder into the lockers. "sarah i want you.." i said with a smile. she looked worried but i didnt care. i grabbed her hand and she grabbed her stuff. we ran to the handicapped bathroom and locked the door. she dropped her stuff and i pinned her face to the door. i rubbed my tent in to her ass and groaned. "do you have any idea how much i want you?" i grabbed her hands and put them above her head. i grinded my dick hard into her ass. i kissed her neck and kicked her legs aparft. i moved my hands to her breasts and gave them a squeeze. she groaned and pushed her ass into my dick. i unzipped her jacket and played with her tits. she took her jacket off and slid her shirt off too. she was wearing a blue bra with a black trim. i flipped her around and put my hands in her back pockets. she wrapped her arms around me and i looked down at her smiling. she blushed and i kissed her. i squeezed her butt and she grinded on me. she lifted my shirt off and ran her finger up my absf smiling. i pinned her against the door and said," like what you see?" she nodded and bit her lip while squeezing her legs. i smiled at her and she blushed. i bent her over and grinded on her ass. she squirmed but i held her still. she moaned and pushed her ass farther on to my dick. i let her go and went to her binder. i opened it up and found some scissors. i walked back over to her and smiled. i wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her pants down with the other. "what are you doing" she glared at me. i looked at her panties and they matched her bra. i dropped the scissors and dropped to my knees. i faced her ass to my face and squeezed her ass. she arched her back and moaned. i stood up and unclipped her bra. she dropped it and pulled her panties down. i pushed her against the door and grinded my dick into her ass. i pushed into her ass and she moaned my name. i pulled her arms back and kept thrusting in and out of her. she kept saying "fuck fuck fuck!" i let go of her arms and cupped her tits. i played with them and theusted harder and harder. i started kissing her neck and she started bending her knees. i let go of one of her tits and cupped her pussy to keep her up. i decided to stick a finger in her cunt and finger fuck her. she moved all around and it was starting to get hard to hold her still. i wrapped my knees around hers and held her still. i felt her wetness seep into my hands and then i exploded in her ass. i pulled out of her and she fell to the ground. i stood above and looked at her pretty little body. i flipped her over and sat on her hips. i put my hands on her tits and rubbed them hard. she squeeled and liftee her head. i pulled her nipples out all they way. she lifted off the ground and then i let go. i repeated this process until i had to pee. i stood over her and held my dick in my hand. i showered her with my golden water. she drank some and rolled around in the rest. i watched my little whore splash in the puddle. while she did this i hid her clothes with mine. i also decided to flush the paper towels and toilet paper so she couldnt dry off. i got dressed and looked at her. she stared at me with her cute little eyes. i walked over to her and rubbed my crotch in her face. my length slowly rubbing against her face. she groaned and panted like a dog.

emily was a very close friend of mine and i usually told her everything but it took me awhile before i told her my dark little secret. it was during school and i pulled her to my locker.she was wearing white skinny jeans,toms, and a tight black shirt. i told her that i needed to talk to her after school and she said ok. it was after school and i called her over. we got in my truck and i drove us to my house. we got out and walked inside my house. i told her to take a seat and sit down and thatd id be right back. i ran downstairs and into my room. i grabbed the box that i had hidden under my bed and opened it. inside was a pair of panties,a bra, leggings, a bikini, and a blue ambercrombie shirt. i put the panties and leggings on and the bra. i grabbed an extra pair of sols and stuffed them in the bra. then i slipped the shirt on and ran upstairs.
"john what are you doing dressed like that?"
"well i wanted to tell you that im a crossdresser."
her jaw dropped and she just stared. i sat next to her and she just stared.
"why though?"
"im not gay or anything i just love the feel of the material on my skin."
"why are you telling me this though?"
"well because i trust you and because..."
"i wanted to borrow some of your clothes!"
she shot out of her chair and stared at me. i waited for her to answer. she paced infront of me and finally she spoke.
"i will lend you some of my clothes but only if i get to see you in them."
i was struck by her answer but quickly nodded my head. emily was about my height and always wore cute clothes. she had pretty brown shoulder length hair and brown eyes.
"wanna go to my place and try some stuff on?"
i nodded and i ran downstairs to change. we got in my truck and drove to her house. we ran into her house and upstairs into her room. she locked the door and i opened her closet. it was a gold mine.
"you ready," she asked.
"yeah," i said awe struck.
she lifted my shirt over my head and i unbuckled my pants. she looked me up and down and smiled.
"man i should have said yes when you asked me out."
i laughed and struck the generic muscle pose. she laughed and moved closer to me. she put her hands on my bare chest and leaned in. i followed her lead and wrapped my arms around her waist. she stood on her toes and kissed me hard on the lips. i picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. we played with each others tongues and fell back on her bed. she rolled me so that she was on top. she stretched her legs out and i my hands on her ass. she pulled her lips from mine and smiled. i leaned up to try and kiss her again but she leaned farther back. i smiled and pinned her down. i started kissing her neck and moved my way down to her shoulder. she closed her eyes and moaned. she ran her fingers through my jet black hair. i


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Chatting with Pam of TGStories

Chat Night Guest: Pam of TGStories On Tuesday July 6, 1999 6PM PST You can e-mail Pam at: [email protected] Edited by Anne-Mal As always, we socialize a bit before the chat! (J) Is there something we can talk about? (GeorgiaCnf) Pam is probably downing a stiff drink before meeting the masses! :) (J) How well attended do you think this one will be? (Alex) A stiff drink before mass? (GeorgiaCnf) J, it's half an hour to go and the lecture theatre is filling rapidly!...

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mara nam sushma hai meri umar 30 hig 5 feet rang gora mere boobs 34-36 or chutar 38 hai mre pati ke dur ke jija ka naam shankar hai unka hamare ghar kafi aana hota hai unki umar 60 ke hai mara pati se unki dosti hai par niyat bo mujh par rakhte hai hum aapas mai teeno bear bhi pi late hai ek din bo hume khana khilane badkal le gaye waha mere pati ko unhone jyada wine pila di jisse wo so gaye phir unhone mujhe baho me bhar kar kiss karne lage mai der gayi mane pati ko dekha bo so rahe the ab...

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MC Stories, aka The Erotic Mind Control Stories Archive! As a porn expert, I love a well-constructed XXX website which features terabytes of video and image-based pornography that can keep even the horniest, loneliest people momentarily happy for life. I’ve seen some of the nastiest X-rated videos on the internet, which anyone can access and jack off to with just a few mouse clicks. However, when it comes to porn consumerism, there’s one demographic of horny porn connoisseurs that stands out...

Sex Stories Sites
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Life Porn Stories! I’m a big fan of the kind of stories you find in pornography. There’s a good chance any trip to the doctor or real estate viewing will erupt into a full-blown orgy, just like you always wish would happen in real life. The thing is, a lot of really sexy stories also occur in the real world. That’s the premise, or at least the pretense behind LifePornStories, a site full of amateur porn movies showing just how sexy reality can be.LifePornStories.com was registered in 2018, but...

Premium OnlyFans Sites
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Utopia Stories! Alright, everybody, it’s time to put on your reading glasses cause we’re going on an adventure. It’s going to be an adventure of a lifetime, so if I were you, I would buckle up. Welcome to UtopiaStories.com, one of the finest places on the internet to read amazing BDSM stories that have been picked out to be the best. Not just any story can be uploaded to this website, which means that only the best stories get through. And, of course, the site is entirely free, as are all the...

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Sex Stories 69! There are times in every horny bastard’s life when pictures or videos won’t cut it. Fantasizing about that hot bitch you will never have the opportunity to fuck won’t get you off either. Hell, thinking about something fucked up like your mother riding your penis also won’t get the job done!Sometimes, you just need to read some written erotica to cum. But I’m not talking about one of those old fucking romance books your grandmother read as your mother rode your little ghost cock....

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A Collection of Vampire Short Stories

Multiple stories will be added here over time as I have random ideas or scenarios that I would like to explore. Stories may be expanded upon long term, but there is no guarantee of that. If you like something, or feel like I need to do a better job with my writing in places, please let me know. I’m open to criticism, but it may or may not get responded to.

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Jessicas Short Stories

This is a collection of short stories about the stunning and sexy Jessica. Hope everyone likes them as much as I enjoyed writing them for all of you. As summer comes by and college ends for the 19 year old Jessica, she comes home to finally see her family and friends. Though when she did get home her parents let her know that they were planning to be traveling a lot this summer and so they wouldn't really be home all that much. Even though Jessica was a bit bummed out she couldn't be too mad....

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Wedded Bliss Four Short Stories

Wedded Bliss: Four Short Stories by Vickie Tern 1. Her Girl "Oh, you look so very sweet, baby," my wife said, her fingers reaching through my gown and twiddling my nipples and sending ripples of erotic desire through me. "You're a perfect doll! My perfect doll! Now confess, it wasn't that bad, sitting there fully dressed, watching me make love to him, was it? I felt so marvelous with that huge thing of his in me, you...

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Two Short Spanking Stories

Just two very short stories I wrote in the 80's. 1986 I am a 27 year old divorcee. Ever since I was a little girl my daddy would spank my bared bottom when I was bad. Dad is now 46 and also divorced from my mom. Dad lives near by and often baby-sits for my five year old son when I have a date. Last Friday night I went to, what turned out to be, a wild party, with some friends. I didn't leave the party until 4 a.m. I was still pretty drunk and not thinking straight. I went straight to...

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Two Hundred Stories

Two Hundred Stories An Essay By Maryanne Peters I think that you have to exclude last month's thank you note, so it seems to me that yesterday's "Marrying the Cop" was my two hundredth story. In my thank you note I told everybody how much I enjoy the release of writing TG fiction, and how much more joy there is in getting feedback and encouragement. I decided that I should write a short essay on my approach to TG fiction. The last time I did this (at 100 stories) I was accused...

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Bellesa Stories

The erotic stories Bellesa offers have caught my attention for a while now, but I’ll be honest, I never actually read a whole one before today. While I’ve always been a fan of the written word, I’m also a modern pervert. I’m used to cranking it to hi-res dirty movies, the very kind that distracts me from all those words pretty much every time I’ve ever looked at Bellesa.co or any of their other websites. Their content tends to be softer and more sensual than your usual cum-drenched reality porn...

Sex Stories Sites
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Literotica Lesbian Stories

I know it may be hard to believe, but not everyone is out there fapping to hardcore vore videos or anal fisting movies. There are still horny fucks out there who haven’t completely desensitized their brains and dicks to that sort of shit. Or maybe they just prefer fapping to softer shit like erotica. That’s right; we’re diving deep into the minds of horny writers and aspiring storytellers who think they know how to write a sultry, sexy short story or two. If you love romance, sexy babes, and...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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Lush Stories

LushStories! One of the glorious things about porno is that it lets us see our fantasies played out in lurid, living color. Sometimes, though, your fantasies get ruined by bad acting, unenthusiastic humping or fucked-up breast implants. I know some of you perverts are into stuff too kinky for video, too. These are just a couple of the reasons erotic story sites like lushstories.com will always stick around, even in a futuristic world of live webcam boobs and VR sex helmets.Written porn...

Sex Stories Sites
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Literotica Interracial Sex Stories

Do you want to masturbate to something different than the same old tube site pornography? If you want content that feels more intimate and will get you off in a different way, don't knock erotic fiction until you've tried it.What, you mean reading takes too much time and effort? You lazy mother fucker! You don't have a choice now: head over to Literotica.com/Interracial and check out their insane library of interracial content.You will find all kinds of sexy fucking fiction to read here. Who...

Interracial Porn Sites
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Reading Stories

A big 'Thank You' to WanderingScot for editing this story and making it a much better read... Where do I start? Two days before Christmas and here I am sitting in a bar wondering where I had gone wrong. My wife Sue and I had a hell of an argument. All because I read adult stories on the computer. It all started a few years ago when I started reading erotic stories on line. After seven plus years of marriage the sex wasn't happening as often as I liked. So after fifteen thousand arguments...

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The Shortest TG Story

Idly meandering through some posts on a TV Forum recently I found a little gem of a posting from Aardvark on the topic of the shortest TG story. "I like The Anonymous Bastard's version of the shortest TG story ever written: 'He became she.'" Since my PhD research was into 'Short TG stories' I, naturally, spent some time discovering the life and writings of Anonymous Bastard, I hope, perhaps, that other readers may enjoy a brief sojourn whilst I explore the shortest of the short TG...

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Sexy Stories

Reddit is full of great NSFW subs and I love exploring through them and seeing what it is that they have to offer. And in the end, I find all kinds of content. I find amazing pictures, sexy videos, and then some subs are entirely text-based. And when you think of text, you probably don’t have sex as the first association to that word, even though it does rhyme. Well, /r/sexystories changes that, with some of the sexiest fictional and non-fictional stories for you to read and enjoy. There are...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit GoneWild Stories

Reddit GoneWild Stories, aka r/GoneWildStories! Everyone likes masturbating to videos nowadays because people’s attention spans have been reduced to just a few second bursts over the past two decades. You can’t expect generations who have grown up staring at screens to pay much attention to the world around them anyway, especially when all those hot juicy porn videos are online and freely watchable.There are millions of porn clips on the internet right now, and there has been for a long...

Reddit NSFW List
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Curfew violator

With the formation of the Women's International Party in the mid 2000's, political power has been gradually shifting away from the men and into the hands of a group of radical feminists. These women claim that patriarchy is the root cause of most of society's problems, and that a world dominated by females would be free of war, poverty, class divisions, and corporate greed. While the party is essentially still a fringe group, it has managed to seize power in a few communities on the west coast...

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Three Short Stories

Me And The Gang We were out from school for the summer and, God, was it hot, so when my boyfriend Dave, he's the one with the tattoo, piped up. "Let's go and cool off down at the pool," he offered. "Yeah," I agreed with some enthusiasm. The other four guys of the gang also loudly agreed. "Back here in ten," said Dave. We all split to gather up our stuff. Once I got home, I headed straight to my room where I stripped off naked and pulled on my bikini pants. I thought about a top...

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Literotica Incest Stories

As I have pointed out in my previous review of Literotica, I think that overall, this is a great website to access incredible, amateur-made amorous stories. Having revisited this website, now with an emphasis on the specific genres of written porn, I think I like this website even more than when I first reviewed it. And since it has become a minor obsession of mine, I will go through all of the steamy stories of a questionable and taboo nature.There's Not A Shortage Of Steamy Stories, Nor Will...

Incest Porn Sites
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Incest Stories

Reddit Incest Stories, aka r/IncestStories! Just when I think I’ve seen enough weird shit on Reddit, a new sub comes in from out of the left field to surprise me yet again. /r/IncestStories is today’s offender, with an unoriginal take on a topic that’s already been beaten to death. But, they’re great at what they do, bring tons of quality to the table, and if you like reading one-handed, they might just be the sub for you.Keeping it in the FamilyFirst, I thought incest porn was a fad, then I...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit Incest Stories

Reddit Incest Stories, aka r/Incest! Welcome to Reddit, a wonderful place driven by its community, with many hot subreddits you can enjoy and browse for free. I am sure that by itself, Reddit is the place that could satisfy anyone’s desires. However, if you are here, then you are probably interested in the incest section of Reddit, right? Well, this section is filled with lots and lots of dirty incest-related posts.I think that the name alone should tell you whether you are interested in what...

Reddit NSFW List
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Nifty Stories

Nifty Erotic Stories Archive! Erotic literature is the oldest form of smut known to man. It was porn before porn was invented. Dating back to the days of Ancient Greece, epic erotic poems were primarily how people used to get their fap on. Well, in between having gay butt sex with one another, of course (look it up, it was a totally common activity in Ancient Greece).Erotic lit has survived throughout the ages, though, and is still a popular form of smut even in today’s day and age. That’s...

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Sissy Sisters Shortcomings

SISSY SISTERS' SHORTCOMINGS by Throne "B... but..." Arnold blinked back tears. "I can't wear this if someone is coming to our house." He stood there in a sleeveless belly shirt and thong panties, the former with a splotchy pattern of reds and greens, the latter in bright yellow. On his small feet were dainty orchid-colored, backless slip- ons. There was no hair anywhere on his slender body. His wife Delia, who was several inches taller than him and carried a good bit of excess...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 52 Shared Stories

Steph went upstairs with her box that now read 'Fluffy' instead of her name. As she reached her room she threw the box onto her bed to remind her of it later. She took off her shirt and simply dropped it on the ground. Steph's breasts still felt sore and swollen to the point where she won't need a bra because her breasts wasn't going to move much. Oh well she needn't worry about that right at this moment. She took off her Tennessee college basketball shorts simply letting it fall to the ground....

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Literotica Trans Stories

The first porn in the world was not drawn onto cave walls or carved into the ash of a recent fire. Instead, they took place inside the human mind. Cavemen would sit alone in the forest, picturing all manner of foul things they would like to do to the tribe leaders’ wives. This was the only way to masturbate for tens of thousands of years. Sure, you could draw on the walls, but they only served to fuel the imagination.In this age of extreme stimulation, few can still masturbate with their mind...

Shemale Porn Sites
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Dirty Stories

Mike told his friends all about Maria. But, for various reasons, he never mentioned what she told him about Frank Sinatra.He knew his friends wouldn’t have been interested in stuff like that. They wanted dirt, and no-one told sex stories better than Mike. They listened mutely, hard-ons hidden by crossed legs, to his descriptions, no explicit detail skipped. His stories about Maria were something else, and they were made more special for something Mike never said: that all the while he was...

Straight Sex

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