Unexpected Parcel = Unexpected Adventure free porn video

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I don't know how it came about to be honest, it just sorta....did. Being an 18 year old guy I (naturally) looked at a lot of girls intently, studying their beauty, and their delicate features. A desire grew within me, and as it grew, it became something....more. Instead of just wondering what it would be like to be with them, to make love to one of them, I also wondered what it would be like to BE one of them. I wasn't homosexual, nor a transexual, I wasn't even effeminate, which confused me all the more. I didn't resent being a guy, not in the slightest, but the idea of being a girl, or woman entranced me, I couldn't possibly imagine what it would be like(though I'd tried many times). I'd had dreams, in which I dressed like a girl, was even treated like one, but physically I looked the same to myself, and I couldn't possibly imagine what it would be like, to be without a penis. I'd tried a hypnosis file on the internet once, one that would allow me to experience what it would be like to be a woman. It didn't work, the thought of not having a penis seemed incomprehendable to me, though it may sound ridiculous to a girl reading this. I wasn't even sure why I wanted to experience this in a sense, all I knew deep down was I'd never experience such a thing. These were the thoughts that circled inside my head as I lay on my bed, it was 11am Friday. A bank holiday spared me of the mundane horror known as work. I eventually decided to make my way downstairs, Mom was in the front room, along with Kathryn. Kathryn was one of those perfectly formed individals, she was kind of a family friend, being my Mom's friends daughter. She was about 19-21, average height, had brown hair, lucious lips, a wonderful slim yet curvy figure and of course, perfectly shaped breasts (though i try not to stare). I alway's felt uncomfortable around her, I mean, she was nice and everything, not to mention beautiful, it's just....I was mad about her, I couldn't even look at her without getting an erection (to be graphically honest), and I could never...function right, I'd alway's start to sweat or murmer when speaking, plus she was a little bit older which for a guy can be uncomfortable. I made the usual greetings before Mom spoke, "Oh, the postman brought a package for you, it's on the table." I walked over to the table, it was strange, I didn't remember ordering anything. The package came in the form of a square box, all wrapped up, with a peculiar print on it, almost cryptic. I thought it best to unviel it upstairs. I was concerned, yet also excited, though I expected disappointment when I opened it. I went upstairs into my room and sat at my desk. I checked to make sure I was alone, then removed the packaging. My curiosity was deepend when I saw a white cloth wrapped around the contents, I lifted it out and unvieled it. It was a medalion, old, but preserved, with the same symbol as the mysterious print on the packaging. I searched the box for an explanation and found a small pocket-sized book. I immediately opened it to the first page. I contained my excitement to read carefully, it said: Dear Sir or Madam If you are reading this then you undoubtfully the medallions next chosen master or mistress, heed the following text carefully. This medallion has mystic properties, more specifically, the ability to change ones form.' My heart skipped a beat, I continued to read anxiously.'The trigger for such transformations lies in the garments known as clothing, when the medallion is worn by someone, it will respond with the next item of clothing the individual makes contact with. The person will then undergo a transformation, the transformation will take place regardless of wheather or not the medallion is removed, though removing it will slow the transformation down. The transformation itself will result in the wearer of the medallion being transformed into the person who last wore the garment in question'. I stopped for a moment to absorb this information, then re-read it before continuing. However, if the garment in question has not been worn by anyone, the medallion will make the necessary changes to accompany the garment, as for what this means, you must discover for yourself. As for how long a transformation lasts, that depends on the drasticness of the transformation, an index to this can be found at the back of the book. There is much more information in this book should you choose to read it, but you are bound by one rule, when you are ready to pass it on, you must wrap the medallion up and post it, do not write an address, the medallion will find it's new owner. It was at this point I suddenly realised my name hadn't been written on the packaging, I only assumed because Mom had told me so, but how did she know? Creepy. I felt a lump in my throat, fear, anxiety, excitement and eagerness engulfed my mind, I had to know, I raised the medallion in the air and went to put it round my neck. I stopped, the medallion just above my head, it was all nonsense surely, but.....what if it WAS real?? What if I got stuck that way for a while? Someone would know......no, it was out of the question. I wrapped the medallion up in the cloth and contemplated, then it came to me, of course, everyone was going away for the weekend, Mom, Dad, my brothers, I'd be alone (I'd already opted out of the trip for some time alone). It would be perfect, the excited churing in my stomach nearly caused me to vomit, even if it was a hoax, my imagination was alive. I kept the package and it's contents in my desk drawer, then I went over to my computer, my thoughts were so stimulated, I had to express them somehow, I scanned through some of the 'TG' sites I sometimes visited, as I did I came across a curious section, I list of stories titled 'The Medallion of Zulo' It was uncanny, the stories were similar to my current experience, though they seemed to differ slightly from each other, and no- one seemed to have recieved it in the same way I did, I came to the conclusion that my medallion was something different, after all, the book didn't actually name the medallion. My eager search was interupted by Mom calling me down for lunch. I found it hard to keep my lunch down due to my 'jumpy' stomach. I ate with haste and returned upstairs (after doing the washing up of course). It occured to me to check the book to find out a little more about the transformation. Apparently only physical changes occur and not mental, however changes in hormones and other internal physical differences can affect things such as emotions. Also, the situation the person who last wore the garment was in when they last wore it is unchangable e.g. you'll never age whilst in that form, I stopped to consider-could this mean i could be immortal? A compelling yet overwhelming thought, everyday life was now irrelevant, with this I could be so much more, if it works that is. The rest of the day was long, I passed it as best I could with the thoughts in my head tapping away impatiently. At last the end of the day came, Mom and Dad told me they and my brothers would leave first thing in the morning without waking me, I spent the next half hour listening to their repeated instructions of what not to do-no parties, don't burn down the house etc. Finally I retired to bed, I expected it to be hard to get to sleep, but in truth I'd overun uncoming events in my head so much I'd exhausted myself. My heavy eyes closed. I woke the next morning, I knew there was something I was supposed to remember, dazed I tried my best to concentrate, it hit me sooner than I expected, the medallion. I rose from my bed with a start and climbed out, still groggy I made my way down the stairs to see if anyone was about. The car was gone so I assumed they had already left, to be honest at this point I didn't know my own thoughts, excitement and adrenaline were pulsing through my body like fire. I forced myself to sit down and awaken properly before I did anything reckless, it was hard, my heart pounded so hard I thought I would vomit. This was it, I would transform, change my body, become someone else, the possibilities were astonishing, the only thing that kept my thoughts rational was the possibility that this was some kind of mad hoax. Okay, enough possibility, enough wondering, it was time to find out the truth. I went back upstairs and grabbed the medallion along with the notebook, I made my way to the bathroom (it felt more private) when I suddenly stopped and thought, I needed an item of clothing....but whose? There was no-one I wanted to be that I really had an item of clothing. I made my way to my parents bedroom and searched the closet before finally finding the sportsbag I was looking for, I rummaged through it before finding a white T-shirt, one that belonged to Kathryn. She had worn it up to about 2 months ago before handing to us for a collection to give to charity, I couldn't believe it was still here. I took it into the bathroom and locked to door (dunno why, it just felt more private). I took the medallion in my hand, then put it back down again. I decided to read the notebook again, just to be sure, I turned to the warning section, there wasn't much, though there was a mention that being sexually excited whilst transforming would result in the transformation being more 'intense'. I figured it was because it gave the medallion more to deal with, the change in hormone levels or something. Satisfied I put the book down. I decided to remove all my clothes (if it worked it would be pretty cool to watch in the mirror). I took one last look at my old self and put the medallion around my neck, then with a deep breath I gripped the shirt in my hand. Instantly, I felt.....nothing, I felt inside myself for anything that felt different, a tingle, a twitch, anything. But still nothing happened, I put the shirt down and moved closer to the mirror, desperate to notice somthing different. I sighed in severve disapointment, as I did however, I felt a cold shiver from inside my chest, I felt it travel into my stomach, before being replaced with a reassuring warmth. I felt a tingle on my arms, I raised my left arm and looked closely, I couldn't believe it, the hairs on my arm were disappearing, becoming finer and finer until barely visable. I swallowed hard, I couldn't believe it, it was happening! Within moments my arms were completely smooth. Instinctively I crouched down and examined my legs. I gasped, they were completely smooth also, not a single hair, I ran my hands up and down them almost in disbelief. I stood up again and gazed into the mirror looking for the next change. Something looked different, but what? I gazed for about 15 seconds before realizing, it was my body mass! Again I raised my arms to inspect, I watched as my muscles shrank into my arms, almost as if they were melting, I tensed my arm to make the muscle as big as possible, it shrank away slowly until there was barely any muscle at all. My eyes travelled up to my hands which had begun to tingle slightly, my fingers had begun to shorten, my palms shrank also, the lines in my palm seemed to reposition themselves slightly, I truly was changing in every detail imaginable. I noticed my fingers changed somewhat, my third finger from my thumb on both my hands shortened faster than my index finger. I remembered this, this was a difference between men and women, for men the third finger from the thumb was longer then the index finger, due to testosterone levels (I bet you're checking now aren't you?). My nails also grew on sight. My hands were completely effeminate. Looking back into the mirror I noticed my facial hair was completely gone. I couldn't believe this, IT WAS HAPPENING!! I was turning into a woman, I felt the blood rush to my penis causing it to begin to rise, I remembered the warning about arousal but I couldn't control myself. I gasped as the next change began, I blinked hard to make sure, but it was unmistakable - I was shrinking! I watched in the mirror as I shrank, as I became smaller, bear in mind I was 6 foot originally so for me it was a long way down! Kathryn was an average height for a girl but to me that was small. As I shrank I noticed my shoulders begin to lower, lose their broadness, become slender. For the first time I felt nervous, vulnerable, uneasy......but still excited, there were so many words I could use to describe this, it was beautiful, unnerving, amazing. At last I stopped shrinking. I breathed a sigh of relief in response. Next came my hips. They widened gracefully, it looked like a scene from a puberty video when the girls body takes on a more effeminate form in fast-forward, at the same time I felt my buttocks tighten and become compact. I half turned to see myself. I was amazed at how firm my butt was, I was very tempted to give it a little squeeze but instead decided to concentrate on the next change. There was a moment of nothing, I guess this was for internal changes. But soon my face began its transformation. It was simple things at first. First my eyebrows began to become finer, then my jaw also became finer, changing shape. The more distinguishing changes happened next, first my eyes narrowed slightly, taking on a female elegance, becoming a little bluer, my eyelashes, like my eyebrows, became finer. Next my mouth became smaller, my lips began to purse uncontollably as they puffed up slighlty and reddened, finally my nose altered, becoming effeminate and beautiful. As expected my hair soon began to grow, it was peculiar to watch, it didn't just grow, it became darker, it had that glossy female shine to it, it tickled my back and cheeks, every time I turned my head, I felt it all brush along my back, it sent a shiver down my spine. The next change to happen was not one I'd given any thought to, my entire body tingled as my skin began to thin, it's a fact that women have less layers of skin than a man. I put my hand to my new face and stroked my cheek, my god I was so soft! I was so sensitive, so delicate, so fragile, the rug underneath me caressed my bare feet, the whole world felt different. Now we come to the obvious change, the one that had played on my mind for so long, yes - my penis. In truth these changes had really aroused me and I now had a full erection. I thought about the warning about being aroused making the transfomation more intense, but it was too late now. I felt my penis harden as much as possible, my skin was completely stretched as it grew to it's full length, but it seemed to be growing harder still, my penis felt so tight, so stiff I had to stand with my legs apart. It grew tighter, and harder still, I felt the warmth build up inside me, as though all my sperm reserves were being drawn on, tighter still, I grunted. I could feel the build up inside me, pushing further as I grew stiffer, I gasped, I was becoming overwhelmed by the sensation, I was desperate for release, I needed to come, I gripped my penis to rub it until I came-but the moment I touched it I quivered and recoiled, it was just too sensitive!. Harder still, I groaned and arched my back, I wanted to fall to my knees but I was just so stiff I couldn't bear to move, I stood there with my legs apart gritting my teeth begging for release. At last it happened, my penis quivered before releasing a spurt of semen, then another, and another, I couldn't stop, another spurt, then another, and another, seemingly impossible, my penis grew stiffer still. There was a pause, before a long spurt released itself, it went on for so long it was almost like I was urinating semen, then at last, I ran out. I gasped desperately for breath, it wasn't the end though, I was still hard, at that moment I felt my testicles tighten, pain and pleasure washed over me as my scrotum pulled my testicles closer and closer together creating an intense feeling, they pulled tigher and tighter, until it felt as though they were being drawn together - in fact they were! Not only were they merging, they were getting smaller, I winced in pain. Suddenly the pain vanished as my testicles were pulled togther to form-my clitorus?. Suddenly my penis went limp as it it always does after ejeculating and began to shrink, only it didn't stop shrinking, with my legs still apart I watched as it pulled up inbetween my legs, in between a slit I hadn't noticed until now. At last it was over - I had a vagina! The last change began, I felt a sudden rush of blood in my chest travelling straight to my nipples, they began to stiffen, I'd always wondered how sensitive a woman's nipples were, and I was starting to get an idea, there was a tingle in my chest as my breasts began to grow, I put my hands my them, I felt them swell, filling my hands as I felt they're firmness, I was taken a back by the weight on them on my chest, I arched my back as though trying to ajust my balance. They stopped growing, though they were now a significant size. It was over I thought, I said it all aloud, all the thoughts in my head as though it would make it seem more real. "I'm a girl, I'm a woman, I'm Kathryn, I've got boobs, tits, breasts whatever you want to call them, I don't have a penis, I've lost my dick, I've got a vagina, a pussy." I said this all aloud before putting my hands to my mouth in shock- My voice had changed too!. I stood naked idly gawping at myself. 'Please don't let this be a dream,' I thought to myself. My head felt empty for a moment, I mindlessly grabbed my breasts asserting a little pressure, they were astonishingly firm, I stroked my nipples with my thumbs, they began to stiffen in response, it was as if they were packed with nerves. I moved my hands along my arms and down my stomach, I couldn' t believe how smooth my skin was. I responded to every touch, I felt so delicate, vulnerable even. My body was covered in sweat from anticipation and my 'sexual ordeal'. I reached over and turned on the shower. I stepped in quickly only to be shocked at how harsh the cold water felt on my skin, I turned up the heat in haste. Then my hands began to travel, I started at the top, stroking my slender neck and cheeks before running my hands through my long hair. From there I moved (admittedly with haste) to my breasts, I cupped them gently before rubbing my nipples roughly as they again became hard, the arousal stirred within me, finding it not enough to satisfy the growing lust within me I moved my hands down to my hips feeling the peculiar width and shape of them before teasingly letting my fingers travel a little deeper. I closed my eyes as they travelled, I kept expecting to bump into my penis, to be stopped by it's hard, rigid form, but it never came, before I knew it my fingers had travelled through the fine pubic hair and were between my legs. I shuddered and pulled away in shock as I came into contact with my clitorus, the entire sensation seemed to occur from within, my stomach stirred in a peculiar way. Overcome with anticipation I put my fingers between my legs again and began to gently stroke my vagina, it soon turned to rubbing however as the urge overcame me totally, I had been so hard before, stiff and big, but now I was soft, delicate, gentle, secluded. Before I knew it I was on my kness rubbing as hard as I could, panting fiercely, gasping for breath, moaning at my own touch. I'd thought about watching Kathryn orgasm for so long, I had to watch myself, there was a mirror across the bathroom. I tried to rise to my feet only to be brought back down by a strong quiver in my legs, before I knew it I was on my back with my legs spread wide apart, I was rubbing as hard as I could, concentrating my index and middle finger on my throbing clitorus. I grunted hard, begging for release, but it never seemed to happen, it was like a constant building, my entire body was imobile to any movement other than shaking in never-before-experienced pleasure, at last it came, I squealed involuntarily as I reached my peak. I spent the next minute panting fiercely in a desperate bid to regain my breath, it was then I realised I was still horny!, I could go all over again!. Cautious of what this might lead to I turned off the shower and stepped out to dry myself off. I grabbed a towel to dry myself with, as I did I noticed the semen I had previously sprayed the wall with (it came out with some force). It suddenly occured to me, could I become pregnant in this form? I'd better consult with the manual, at least once I got dressed that is, I wrapped the towel around me and made my way back to the sports bag in search of more of Kathryn's clothes. I bent down to the bag only for something to obstruct my view-my breasts. I couldn't believe it, only now did I realise I'd only tied the towel around my waist, my boobs were still in full-show- thank goodness I was alone, old habits die hard I guess. I really wasn't used to this extra weight and to be honest my back was getting a little sore as a result. I pulled a bra out of the bag, I wasn't really sure what I was doing but it seemed pretty self-explanatory, I placed the cups over my breasts and pulled the straps round the back (ow, gentler..). As I tied the straps I was surprised at how much my bust increased, if I didn't feel effeminate enough before-I certainly did now!. Next I took out a pair of panties, I looked at them; there didn't seem room for much but what exactly did I need room for?. I dropped the towel and slipped them on. I couldn't help but notice in the mirror just how trim my / Kathryn's figure was! I found a skirt in the bag- only to decide otherwise and chose a pair of jeans instead and a t-shirt. I spent the next 20 minutes drying my hair with my mom's hairdryer and working out how to tie hair back that was so long. I went to read the manual, it took awhile but at last I found the subject- taking on a female form. It read- 'whilst the medallion contains the power of transformation it does not posses the power to create new life, thus in the situation of pregnancy, a doll grows in the womb in place of a child, the doll is lifeless but weighs the same as an actual unborn child and is of the same size also, the woman in question however will undergo all situations of pregnancy'. It soon occured to me just how hungry I was, my stomach had previously been churning too much in my excitement to even consider eating. I made my way downstairs to get some breakfast. As I ate I thought about going out, it could be fun to roleplay awhile after all - why not? I gulped down my coffee and went back upstairs to find Kathryn's trainers in the sports bag. They were a little batttered but not bad condition. Ok, all set, all I need to do noww is...pee. I stood in the bathroom gazing at the toilet, it's strange, I've read a lot of TG fiction, and whenever it comes to going to the toilet, the man (now in the form of a woman) always seems to struggle somehow, I mean physically it's simple, sit and pee- to a girl these stories must seem somewhat exhadurated. And yet as I find myself in this situation I too find it - difficult, it's not a physical thing, it's more of a mental thing. I feel as though if I do this, urinate as a woman I'll be losing a big part of my masculinity. Easy to answer I know- 'Why did you do this then you fool?' Guess I didn't think I'd feel this way. I don't want to do this - I want to be a guy again - but the time limit, I can't change back yet, I'm stuck this way. I try and hold it but to no avail - I don't have the muscles down there anymore. I cross my legs tight, if I still had my penis I could hold on to it but I've got nothing - just a small hole - what can I do - block it? Admitting defeat I slip my jeans and panties down and sit. Nothing to do I just - release. I feel oddly degraded as I do, almost as if I can hear my former male self laughing at me. I finish and remember to wipe. Soon I'm ready again. I decide to use my moms spare handbag to carry my money etc. Soon I'm on my way to the centre of town. As I walked I began to notice something - I was walking differently. My wider hips swayed gracefully, it wasn't something I could control it was how I was physically now. I suddenly grew concious of how my butt looked- was it fat? did it look fat? No, Kathryn has a great - I laughed outloud at the irony of it all then proceeded onwards, soon I arrived. I looked around, wondering which shop to go to first, I spied a clothes shop and thought to myself 'why not?' at least I can 'embrace' some effeminate activity. I browsed the womens section wondering what to try on-what have I always wanted to see Kathryn wearing? I glanced the underwear section and went in for a closer inspection - I looked through the wide variety of skimpy garments wondering what to choose when I suddenly realised something- I didn't even know what size my breasts were- what size bra would I need?. My breasts were of a considerable size, I grabbed a 'C' cup and a 'D' cup to be sure. Then I found a couple of dresses and a sexy bikini. Then I made my way to the changing rooms. There were only two hooks on the inside so I hung up the underwear on one and one of the dresses on the other, technically I could wear the other item. I thought about what I could wear at home - maybe something sexy - and film it on camera! I felt my vagina become moist as my arousal built. But how much money did I have? I opened the handbag to retrieve my purse, my fingers touched something metallic that left a tingle - it wasn't my purse so.....OH NO, I reached in and grabbed the medallion by the necklace, I'd touched it!!! How could I be so careless? I'd just forgotten. But hang on, I was still wearing Kathryns' clothes and I was in Kathryns body so what made the medallion tingle? The only non-Kathryn item of clothing on me was what I was currently holding....I held out the dress and my mouth fell open, I couldn't believe it - A MATURNITY DRESS! How could I have not noticed? Panic set in, I was going to go through the process of pregnancy! I'd only barely touched the medallion so the transformation would be a steady one. I had to get home. I burst ot the changing room stuffing the medallion into my handbag, it was all I could take with me given how little time I had. I ran as fast as I could - my effeminate hips forcing me to run like a girl but I didn't have time to care. Soon I began to feel my jeans tighten. I stopped and lifted my shirt slightly - where I had prevously flat stomach a round bulge was beginning to emerge. I started to run again, soon though I had to take my belt off - the relief I felt was astonishing. I made my way out of town and down the street, I turned a corner and stopped breathlessly, I was getting too big to run. I undid the top button on my jeans and walked as fast as I could - more discomfort was soon to emerge however - my bra began to feel tight, my breasts tingled as they began to fill with milk, my nipples were becoming increasingly sensitive and thus sore as they were pressed tightly against my tight bra. I looked round to see if there was anyone around, seeing the coast was clear I put one hand up the bacl of my shirt (it was quite a chore with my roundning body I can tell you) I managed to unhook my bra, the straps fired off harshly as my enormous boobs were freed, I held the bra tightly in my hand along my my belt. I was walking at a very slow pace now-puffing and panting as my bulge grew- my back was so sore. Finally I made it to my house. I got in and shut the door as quickly as possible. The moment I was inside I kicked off my shoes and unzipped my jeans letting them fall to the floor, next I took off my shirt which was more like a bra itself since I had been pushed up my belly and was now only covering my enlarged breasts. Stood wearing only my panties I mad my way over to the couch and just crashed onto it. I was so exhausted I couldn't stand. I laid there for a moment looking down my naked body, feeling my smooth, round belly, I felt immobile which to be honest was a little distressing. I put my hands round my enlarged breasts, my thumbs touched my swollen nipples which were surprisingly sore, I squeezed my breasts a little to feel their softness. I squealed in shock as a little milk squirted from them, this just felt so alien it was unreal. Fatigue finally overwhelming me I fell asleep. I woke up with a sudden desperation-I needed to pee-VERY BADLY!!! I could feel the weight pressing hard against my bladder, I rolled of the couch and onto my feet nearly losing my balance all at once!. I made my way over to the stairs, I felt so clumsy, I just couldn't manuvere correctly. Awkwardly I waddled up the stairs, I was so desperate but I could only take one step at a time this was so infuritating. 'No, no!' I said aloud in desperation as I neared the top, I could feel it coming, I just wanted to grab my penis and hold it tightly as I travelled up the last few steps, but as before I had nothing. I finally reached the top only to cross my legs tight and whince as the it trickled down my legs. It was official, I'd peed myself. I just couldn't feel more degraded right now. I looked at the clock, at last I could revert back to normal, I must have just slept long enough for the time limit to expire. I grabbed the medallion and after a brief read of the manual managed to turn myself back to normal. The next thing I did was have a shower - I had just peed on myself. 20 minutes later and I was clothed, clean and reassured, at last I felt comfortable again. I put away Kathryns clothes and went back downstairs. I sat on the couch for a moment, thinking of my ordeal when there was a knock at the door. I answered it, and to my disbelief - it was Rachel! I fill you in here, Rachel is the girl from school I'd always been insane about-beautiful black hair, stunning brown eyes, magnificent figure. She was right up there with Kathryn, out of my league of course, why was she here? "Hi Keith," she said, "listen, this is kinda awkward but, could I use your bathroom? I was around and - y'know caught short and your the only guy round here I know." "Sure," I reply and give her directions. She goes upstairs and I sit back down - disappointed, for a moment there I thought - y'know I'd scored or whatever. I think again for a moment about my ordeal trying to take it all in. It took a while but soon Rachel came back down. "Thanks," she said. "Anytime," I said, and she puts her index finger on my lips. "I think you know the real reason I came," she said and with that pulled my face towards hers and kisses me hard on the lips. For a moment I'm speechless, Rachel...and me? I kiss her back and soon are hands are all around each other. She steps back and lifts her shirt off, just like that, then she comes towards me again and kisses me again, this time her tongue pushes past my lips and finds mine. My penis swiftly becomes erect, her crotch rubs against it and her fox-like eyes trap me in the gaze of thier anticpation. We kiss more passionately, she takes my shirt off and I take off her jeans, then she takes off mine. My mind is racing, everything I'd ever wanted to do to her was happening! right now! We fall back on the sofa, I'm on top of her, she smiles and unhooks her bra before removing it, her beautiful breasts free, the nipples erect. She puts her hands around my waist and slips my shorts off, my stiff, rigid penis springs free, as hard as it could possibly be. She holds it in her hand, rubbing it gently, those fox-like eyes holding me in a trance, that beautiful smile causing my legs to go weak, she loses control of herself and throws her arms around me pulling me on top of her again, she lays on her back looking at me, goading me to take her, nervously but eagerly, I put my hands on her hips to slide down her panties, I see the wetness oozing through, and with a breath I slide them off. We are both naked now, she keeps her smile and opens her legs. I suddenly feel funny, not in an aroused way, my body begins to tingle and her smile becomes a mocking one. I gasp as I realise-I'M WEARING THE MEDALLION!!! I step off the sofa and take it off in alarm. "Too late," she says, "it's already begun." I look at her. "What have you done?" I say uninventively. She laughs and gets to her feet. "I've known about the medallion for ages, I've just been trying to find it. Then one day I'm in the mall and a woman bursts out of the changing rooms in a panic. I realise what she's stuffing into her handbag, I've seen genuine pictures on the net. So I follow her, to my surprise she's slowly becoming pregnant - the medallion of course. She's pretty easy to follow as she gets bigger. And I follow her to YOUR house, I wait a few hours planning, then knock at the door, you answer, I make my way upstairs and check-there's no-one else in the house, then after a brief search I find the medallion. I soon worked out that woman was you, so I turn on the charm, and slip the medallion on you, only this time, I decide the transformation." She gave a little laugh. "What did you make me touch?" I demand. She laughs and I become angry, I approach her using my size to intimidate her. She takes a step back. "You touched a pair of my panties," she laughs. I'm confused. "Why make me into you?" "Because..." she say's, "I havn't worn those panties since I was seven years old!" My predicament seemed painfully obvious. I stood for a moment just spacing out, hoping desperatley for a solution to come to mind, but nothing did, my entire body tingled as the transformation took effect. Like before my muscles began to seemingly melt into my arms as my shoulders lowered, losing thier broadness. As my skin began to thinen, I could feel the carpet begin to feel a little differerent under my feet as my body became more sensitive-more so even, than before. My frame was shrinking now and as it did, so did I, it didn't take long until I was Rachel's height. Shrinking was scary before, but now I was becoming even smaller, I felt my hair tickle the back of my neck as it grew and darkened. My vision was in line with Rachels breasts now, and for the first time I found myself looking up at her as she looked down on me with that mocking, enticing smirk. I grunted as my penis began to quiver, I was still physically turned on, and like before I was beginning to orgasm, the pleasure was all condensed inside my quivering penis, Rachel noticed and smirked, "Aaw, you trying to cum? Here, let me help you," and she knelt down and grabbed my stiff cock. I squealed like a little girl (my voice had pretty much changed now) and fell to my knees. The pleasure, the sensitivity was even more intense than it was before, maybe because my body was so much more sensitive, my face was much more girly now, I could feel it changing. I was on my knees now, with Rachel holding onto my quivering penis, I was shudddering with intense pleasure, I just couldn't take it. "Let go," I pleaded, tears running down my cheeks. She laughed, "Only if you say 'please aunt Rachel, let go of my cock'." I wanted to say no, to stand up to her, but it was so intense, I gritted my teeth hard in a protest of silence, she grinned and began to rub it in a masturbating fashion. I squealed again, "Please aunt Rachel, let.....go of my....cock." She did, and I panted in relief. It was strange, it was like I couldn't cum, and wouldn't, as if I was becoming too young. I looked down as the last traces of pubic hair faded and my penis began to shrink, I watched transfixed as it grew smaller and smaller, barely losing it's hardness as it did. Soon it slid in between my legs and I had a little girls vagina and all that pleasure and tension was gone, the transformation was complete, I was an 7-year old version of Rachel. I looked up at her, she was standing up again looking down at me as though I were her own child, a doll almost. I got up to my feet in anger. "Change me back!" I said in mindless and pointless argument. Predictably, she laughed again. "I might change you back....someday, it the meantime I might just have a little fun." I shuddered at the possibility of being at her mercy, what if my family came home and I was still like this? What if she told everyone? (would they believe her?). "One chance," she said, holding the medallion above my head. Foolishly I jumped for it, only for her to pull it away in the nick of time, an empowered look came over her face. "Blew it," she said. She reached into her handbag and produced a Barbie doll. "Here," she said throwing it to me. I didn't move and it hit the floor. "If you wanna change back, you'll do as I say." I gave a reluctant nod, for now I had no choice, I couldn't risk angering her. "Ok," she said, "I've got some phone calls to make." She produced a pink dress from her bag and a pair of panties. "Put them on, and act like a little girl for the next hour, 100%, you refer to me as 'Aunt Rachel' and ask me every time you need to pee." "7 year old girls don't ask everytime they need to pee," I argued. "One more protest, and you stay that way for 7 hours, and I take you out in public." I shut up. "Yes aunt Rachel." Her face beamed in delight, we both got dressed, I cringed as I put on the pink dress, this was too degrading. Rachel sat on the sofa with the phone and started chatting to one of her friends, she decided to raid the fridge for some alcohol while she chatted. I just sat on the floor with the doll, combing it's hair and such, this went on for about 20 minutes with Rachel going on about who her next boyfriend was going to be. Soon however, I needed to go to the bathroom, I couldn't go alone, the consequences would be too severe....I tried holding it, but 10 minutes later I realised I was facing defeat, like before I just couldn't hold it like I used to. I sighed and approached her. "Aaunt Rachel, I need to pee." I heard the voice on the other end of the phone, "Hey, who's that?" "Oh, it's my niece," replied Rachel, "I'm babysitting." "Aw, let me talk to her," said the voice. Rachel handed me the phone with a devilish grin. "hello?" I said. "Hi," said the voice in patronising tone, I thought I recognised it as a girl from school a year back. "How are you?" she said. "Fine thank you," I said, blushing from my own performance. We talked for about 2 minutes, with her doing most of the talking, I barely held my act together, eventually it was over. "Come on then," said Rachel insisting I held her hand up the stairs. We walked into the bathroom, I looked at her expecting her to leave, but she stood there grinning. I was too desperate to argue, I pulled the seat down when Rachel interupted me, "What are you doing?" she said. I looked at her confused. "Putting the seat down so I can pee...." "But why would you need to do that?" she asked with a smile. "Because I can't stand and pee," I replied. "And why's that?" she asked teasingly. I felt the embarrasment come over me again. "Because...I don't have a penis." "Oh, really?" she said, acting shocked. "And why's that?" "Because I'm a girl," I mumbled. "Could you explain that a little more?" she asked. I knew what she wanted, I decided to just give in, I couldn't make her angry. "Because I'm a little girl aunt Rachel, and little girls don't have cocks, they have a vagina, so they have to sit when they need to pee." She laughed in delight. "Okay, go ahead." I pulled down my girly panties and sat on the seat and released. She didn't take her eyes off me, when I was done I reached for the toilet roll to wipe myself only for Rachel to snatch it away. "Here, let me do it for you." Reluctantly I parted my legs, she put her hand in and began to wipe, at the last second she pulled her hand back harshly. "Ow!" I said nursing myself. "Sorry honey, was that too rough?" It was to perhaps remind herself of the power she had over me, I washed my hands and we went back downstairs. I went back to the doll. I noticed she was drinking way too much, soon she'd fallen asleep. Zhis was my chance, the medallion was on the top shelf so I couldn't reach it, but I had a plan, it was payback time....... Rachael woke up with a start, something had disturbed her, she got to her feet and looked down at me. "What was that?" she demanded. "What was what?" I asked innocently. "That wierd sensa-" she noticed with great horror she was now wearing the medallion around her neck. 2You little bitch, what did you make me touch?" I smiled. "I'd rather not say, it'd ruin the surprise." "How did you even reach the medallion?" she said in panic and fury. "My secret," I said. She had no idea there was a ladder under the stairs I'd used. She thrust her arm forward and pointed her finger at me to make a threat when her sleeve slid forward over her hand, her eyes widened in shock, she realised now, she was getting smaller! "You bitch, I'm shrinking!" she said in total panic, "what, are you gonna make me younger as well?" "No," I said calmly. "If I did, I wouldn't have much of an advantage now would I?" I answered her puzzled expression by producing the barbie doll dress, the words in the manual echoed in my head, 'If a garment that has not been worn by anyone is used, the medallion makes the neccesary changes to that persons body,' it had been the same with my 'pregnancy'. Rachael looked as if she was about to advance when her pants fell to the floor, she was a little taller than me now, but of considerable decreasing mass as her entire figure became increasingly petite, her fallen pants now came to her knees in a crumpled mass. Realising this she stepped out of them only for her panties to now fall to her feet, then her bra, her sweater now looked like a ballroom gown, fear and embarrasment covered her panic-stricken face. Her gaze moved from looking down at me to looking up, I took the opportunity to grab her sweater and lift it from her, she gave a little squeal and covered her naked body as best she could, finally the shrinking was over, she lifted her now enormous panties to cover herself. At last I was in charge. It felt so empowering looking down at her, she looked like a little fairy. "Please, change me back," she squealed. She sounded so angelic, it match her fairy-like physique perfectly. Intent on a little revenge I picked her up. "Put me down," she pleaded. "But Aunt Rachael, you told me to play with my dolls," and I proded her hard in her pussy. "Ow," she squealed clutching herself. "Call that payback," I said. "Now be quiet before I stick a pencil up there." I put her in a shoebox and puched a few holes in for air. I thought I'd let her sweat it out awhile, I was still a little uncomfortable in this form, but it still wasn't time enough for me to change back to normal, though I could make a minor change. I picked up the medallion along with Rachael's sweater, I could at least be a little older. I knew what I'd do with Rachael, I planned a few erotic videos with my video camera with me as her, a nice little blackmail project if she ever tried anything like this again, I would turn her back, once she learnt not to mess with me, I wasn't evil or revenge-driven I just didn't have it in me. I was a little taller now, my breasts were starting to bud and I had a few traces of pubic hair. I thought for a moment about shipping the medallion off as requested once I decided my time with it was up, I will eventually I think, after all, someone else out there just like me would give anything for an opportunity like this. As it stood however, my time wasn't quite up yet, I think I could manage a few more adventures..............

Same as Unexpected Parcel = Unexpected Adventure Videos

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 34 The Parcel at the Door

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Fantasy Dreams Sex danger and adventure

sooo.....I've been having these re-occuring dreams. I'm with a group of friends and we are being chased by some good looking, gorgeous tall broad bad guy who wants to kill us and if he catches up he will definatly kill us. No shit. He usually has a weapon on him such as a knife or a gun to make it more interesting. Normally in these dreams one of gets cornered, usually me. (Theres a surprise) I have to first Find my way out of the situation. Push my chest forward, to show him I mean buisness...

3 years ago
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The Adventure

The Adventure It was a typical Thursday night, Mistress Michelle and I were lying in bed watching TV, I was naked as usual and Mistress Michelle was teasing "her" cock by rubbing that certain spot that makes me squirm all over the bed. "Do you have your son this weekend?" she asked. "No he has something going on, why?" I replied. She giggled and said, "Oh you will find out." Then she grabbed "her" cock real tight and slapped it three times real hard. "You are not Cuming...

3 years ago
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Brians Sleep Walking Adventure

Brian's Sleep Walking Adventure By SirBosk1 Brian's Sleep Walking Adventure By SirBosk1? 2005 SirBosk1 This story is based on what may be an urban myth from my college days. A fraternity brother told me about the incident after my own adventure, described in my story "Pledge Class Payback" so I believe it to be true. When I asked about it, no one could remember the actual names or years or the fraternity. However, it fed my imagination and inspired me to write this story. It is...

4 years ago
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The Alaska Adventure

Chapter One - Vacation PlansRodger had dreamt his entire life of going to Alaska and bagging himself a big moose, or maybe even a mouton goat, with a full curl.He had saved for this adventure for over twenty years, it was one of the few selfish things he had allowed himself to indulge in. Roger had been happily married to a beautiful woman named Amanda. They married early, raising two kids; Jesse who was a nineteen-year-old college sophomore, and Lora, an eighteen-year-old freshman in the same...

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Judy8217s Summer Adventure

Judy had mixed feelings when her husband announced that they were going to spend a week on a fishing trip on Lake Michigan. She loved the lake, and a week of rustic living would be nice, but she knew from past experience her husband Ted and their son, Ted Jr. would be spending their days out in a boat, leaving her alone for long stretches. It was an isolated rural area and there wasn’t much to do when you’re by yourself. So, when they arrived at their rented cottage and unpacked, she knew that...

1 year ago
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Wild Adventure

My name is John Simmons I am 62 and a retired Tugboat Captain. My wife Kim is 52 ten years younger then I and still a nice looking woman for her age. We have a 16-year-old granddaughter named Tammy. We look forward to school letting out each year because Tammy comes to visit us for the summer and we take our yearly vacation. This year we decided to go to the Wild Adventure theme park in Valdosta Georgia. Over the years Tammy has become best friends with our neighbor’s Jane and asked if she...

3 years ago
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The postman delivering parcels

All my stories are true but have happened over a 30 year period me and my wife have been together.We were expecting a parcel of some new sex toys, the email said they'd been despatched and would arrive on this particular day. Around 11:30am there was a knock on the door, there stood a man around 35 years old clutching quite a large parcel, 'fucking hell' I thought, we didn't order that much. Anyway Donna answered and needed to sign, she said to the guy "Step inside while I find a pen".As he...

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The Adventurers

In the world of Atros it seemed sometimes that problems spread like a cold. Everyone had them, no one could fix them for good, and whenever they did get fixed, three more came up to take its place. Whether it was rampaging goblins, warring nobles, or kidnapping bandits, there was always something causing problems. But it isn't all bad, where some people see problems others can see profit, so wherever you see a farm overrun by orcs you can bet your ass there's someone right behind with a sword...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Titty

Reddit Unexpected Titty, aka r/UnexpectedTitty! Sometimes, we are lucky enough to be present during something unexpectedly hot, and that is basically what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about. I think the name of the subreddit pretty much says it all, and you can expect a lot of unexpected titties or so to speak. With just a bit browsing, I am sure that you will get the gist of what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about.Now, keep in mind that Reddit.com is a free website, and there are loads of NSFW...

Reddit NSFW List
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Chyoas adventurer

In the world of Exciom the different clans live in harmony. Dwarves, elves, beastfolk, humands and the like live side by side in both metropolitan towns or separated on the great kingdoms of each race. The kingdoms are well connected through roads and trade lines, however much of the world is in still need of being discovered. The great wilds stand imposingly at the edge of the known world. Many fearless adventurers go into the wilds to bring in the heads of beasts never seen before, treasures...

4 years ago
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A Day of Adventure

The ping of a new notification on my phone echoed through the house, I had to keep the volume all the way up so that I could hear it from the bathroom and make sure that I responded to Daddy as soon as he messaged me to start my day. I have been working closely with my Master for the better part of a year and he has been pushing me to become the true sissy and slut that I was meant to be. Every couple of months I am able to push myself a little further and a little further, the first time was a...

3 years ago
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Sense of Adventure

"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said.As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Leina remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....

3 years ago
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Sense of Adventure

"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said.As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Leina remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....

3 years ago
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A Sense of Adventure

"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Lena remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....

3 years ago
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A Sense of Adventure

"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Lena remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....

2 years ago
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A Sense of Adventure

"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Lena remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....

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Unexpected Desire

To understand how totally unexpected the event of several months ago was, knowing my history, well my sexual history, is helpful. I am a twenty-four year old lesbian. Well, at least I was a lesbian, but now I'm probably bi. The change in sexual orientation is what this story is about. I learned I was attracted to girls when I first turned sixteen and began exploring the secret world of sex in high school. Earlier, I didn't think much about the subject, and it wasn't a topic at home. Some of...

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Unexpected Night With My Best Friend

Hey this is Dhruv. This is my first sex experience which I want to share with u guys. This experience and situation was completely unexpected. Its with my best friend Tina. Tina and me are best friends from childhood.. but one unexpected night got us together physically too.. Coming to info about me I am a boy age 21, and I am studying.. and good looking. My best friend Tina is my childhood friend. Both of us played together, shared everything..but never had such feelings of getting physical....

3 years ago
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Unexpected Restroom Lust 8211 Part 2 8211 The Fuck Part

Hi this is Arjun again for ISS. This is my second story for ISS. To get to know a little about myself and to know what happened before this story PLS check out the previous story “Unexpected Restroom lust”. The previous story had a few spelling mistakes and I think this will too :P. Pls bear with me. This story is a continuation of my first sexperience with my college mate JananiPriya, that too in our college restroom. Weird place to have sex isn’t it. So, with no time to waste; ill start the...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Sex Experience With Lustful Neighbor

Hi friends… Gary from Calcutta. Thanks to ISS for publishing all my previous stories and the wonderful responses from the readers. I have been blessed amazingly in matters of love and sex, especially in last 3 years after coming to Calcutta. For those who are reading my escapade for the first time, I am a 34 year old guy with lots of sex drive. I love to keep myself fit by regularly gymming, and various sports. And being a part of a high end residential society, get many chances to interact...

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Unexpected Sex With School Friend

Hi this is Rohi, I am gonna share with you a story of me and my School friend I use to live in a rented house in Mumbai alone. My daily chores include of morning office evening making dinner and sleep.one day I was bored of going office so decided to skip by giving reason of not well. It was raining heavily outside suddenly I called my school friend Priyanka who was working in nearby area and told her to visit at my place as I was alone and bored . She came within an hour fully drenched in...

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