Annabelle's Doll free porn video

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Annabelle's Doll by The sheep of the China Shepherdess. The flyer read, "Mary Anne's Antique Doll show, County Fairgrounds, Early admission 25 dollars." Most of the attendees were older women, with gray hair. Many had been rather pretty when young. Some still had a semblance of figure. Others were obviously mammalian and female. Behind the counters more often than not were young men in their mid 20s. Dressed in the contemporary style of the "Artist" Pronounced with the emphasis on the second syllable as ar-teest. It would be unfair to categorize these fellows as limp wrist followers of Oscar Wiled or Bunthorne. These fellows knew their stuff. Made a living selling the emotion of antique dolls online and in person. Other dealers were couples. Sitting on folding chairs behind the tables and ez-up tents, they could be at much at home at a NASCAR event as anyplace. Scraping by to get enough gas to fill the motor home to make it to the next show on the circuit. Rarely did they have anything of value. What they did have was priced fairly. Cheap and affordable. Modern Gypsies who managed to keep one step ahead of the next. In pride of place at the end of the hall was an expert known to the proverbial "millions" viewers of "Antiques Road show" fame. The longest line was for the free appraisal. Looking over the line a good cross section of the attendees could be observed. Steve Schmidt suspected that one or two might even be cross dressers or persons of questionable gender. Steve was there because he liked dolls and miniature doll furniture. Something like a Louis XV dressing table or vanity would really give him the jones. Especially if he could find a Bebe-Jeumeu to place before it. Steve looked at a vendor's display. The rows and rows of mint in box star wars toys, their blister packs yellow with age. His attention passed over the old books, auction catalogs and out of date price guides. Like many of his era at the start of the twenty first century he would drag his hands over the merchandise. Touching feeling, an escape from the media world of watch and wait. Sometimes he would pick up an item, a doll or some other object that caught his attention. His collection was eclectic. A working miniature grand piano, some old doll dresses and a few dolls mostly reproductions or modern plastic dolls. These he kept in a storage unit out by the interstate sealed in their original boxes. He did manage to scare up enough courage to place some of the doll books into a book case in his duplex apartment. The economy had hit him hard, leaving him without a job, and little prospect in finding one. Turned down by the fast food place, and wall mart his computer skills were out of date for a programming job, long since outsourced to india. He did not mind; by chance during the dot com bubble he had invested wisely, some in stocks, some in collectables, like the miniatures and doll clothing. Occasionally selling a piece on ebay. Then indulging on another item of equal or lesser value. A true collector. It might be said that Steve was rather shy. It is true he had few friends outside his work environment. He felt awkward around members of the opposite sex. He had a few friends of the female persuasion. Most he felt seemed to want to stare at his crotch. Perhaps in reaction to his appreciation for what he called a fine rack of maroombas. At the moment in question he was thinking of neither. Expensive dolls were stacked like cordwood on the counter. A Frankenstein assortment of doll body parts were towards the front of the table. Next to them was a thin glass fronted case, containing old medals, buttons and a few old pocket watches. Dotted in-between By cloisonn? pins. The glass on the case front was open, tilted up to prevent quick pilfering of the items. Even so the case was overflowing with some of the objects spilling out the side. A few moments before, Steve on impulse had purchased a Lavender dress set. Suitable for an 18 inch doll of the parisian school. This was in a plastic bag, Marked Tiffany and Co. As the bag was too small a section of the silk dress draped out of the bag. Steve did not notice that the lace from the dress was touching one of the medallions in the flat glass case. He noticed the medallion, a sort of gold alloy with an image of either an angel or a fairy on it. Steve liked pictures of fairies. He knew that such creatures dated from Roman times and were considered household gods. Lemurs and Lares they were called. Mischevieous spirits who helped and hindered. Some desired others feared. As his hand swept across the display to pick up the medallion and examine it further, he felt a slight tingle. Like a shock from a static discharge. Steve returned the medallion to the case and continued his shopping. Continuing down the aisle he remembered seeing a small octagonal table in on a shelf in a nearby display. Wanting to take a second look at it, he was surprised that it seemed to be on a higher shelf. Almost out of reach. It was though he had become a few inches shorter. This was odd because Steve though himself of average height. Normally he seemed to look over the crowns of most women's heads. Now he was looking at them straight in eyes. Something he did not normally do. Given this perspective he saw what he had been wanting. Familiar with photographs and plans and drawings was the Louis XV vanity set he had been longing. The site of which gave him a jones like he had never had before. It still had its original oval mirror. Mercury silvered. And an ornately carved chair. An inspection of the price tag was even more of a burst of pleasure. While the tag seemed physically larger than the one he remembered from the octagonal table, the price was less. Only a few dollars more than his upper limit. The Louis XV dressing set was as good as his. Even better, his wallet felt larger and fatter than ever in his hand. His transactions complete, Steve headed for the car park. Again his perspective seemed to shift. The cars looked larger. The battered old compact pick-up he drove looked for a moment like a mid sized SUV. Dismissing the shift in scale to an inflated Ego, Steve climbed up into the driver seat. He had to pull the belt in a few notches. His new toys safely stowed next to him on the passenger side. His mind focused on his new toy It would occupy pride of place in his house, this was not one to hide in a storage locker. Steve lived in an older building in an older part of the town. It might be more correct to class the building as obsolete as it was not old enough to become a classic. Neither was it new enough to be considered contemporary. As Steve pulled into the drive he felt himself straining to touch the pedals. To make matters worse, he was aware that it took some effort to see over the dash and out the windscreen. To the point where he had to stand up on the seat to activate the garage opener. With some difficulty due to the sudden loss of over half his height Steve managed to get the truck parked. His clothes no longer fit and the only thing that covered him was his shirt. His pants were about him, baggy, like some sort of gangsta kid. Steve's joy at the vanity set was short lived. To him it was obvious, that the toy he so desired must be cursed. Now it must be protected at all cost, lest it injure him further. With careful effort he got it into the house. Stories of Ponce De Leone, filled his head. He did not think it was the carny dog and lemon-less lemonade he had for lunch at the doll show. It had to be the necessarie that was shrinking him. Or at lest causing him to age in reverse. This gave him a quick scare, what if he was turning into a woman, the sort what would own a toy like that? Finding a mirror, he saw the reflection of a boy of 10 or 12. Returning to the living room he unpacked the vanity. Carefully unwrapping that mirror, he saw the same reflection. At the same time he was aware that the room had grown larger. Or himself smaller. Making his way to the computer room, he recovered a laptop, which he brought into the main living room. Setting the laptop next to the vanity he began to search for information on curses and age regression. These were only stories of the fantastic. The only other thing he could locate was a wikipedia article on a medallion, that matched the one he saw in the display case. It could not be. In his present height, which was bit over 2 feet tall he could not operate his truck to get back and get the medallion. If the article was correct what ever he became, he would have to be that for 24 hours. It was also evident that he was in need of something better to wear. He had the receipt and the dealers name, who sold him the table, but not the dealer who had the medallion. The shirt now wrapped around him like a toga. His pants and boxers discarded like a small tent. With the cloth about him it was hard to manage the computer search. Especially that he was under two feet in height. Steve climbed onto the table that contained the vanity and the laptop. He was naked to the world. feeling somewhat vulnerable. The only clothing he could think of was the antique dress. Perhaps that was the source of the curse that was affecting him. No longer was it age regression. He did not want to believe he was turning into a doll. It was too absurd. Yet it was evident he was smaller than the smallest dwarf he ever heard about. As much as he liked pictures of fairies is knowledge of them was minimal. If he was going to meet them he wanted to be wearing something. If they wanted him to wear the dress, then he would if it could get him out of the situation at hand. Spilling from the Tiffany & Co bag was the lavender dress, and other doll clothing. It looked like they might fit,. With trepidation Steve put on the socks, frilly pants and the slip. The fit was close to perfect. He really did not want to put on the silk dress. This was a short pleated skirt with a belt at the level just below the hips. It had a straight lace front. The neckline was pleated in something called fan pleats. Afraid as he was to put on the dress; he was just as afraid not to put it on. Last he put on the dolls patent leather shoes. It was a strange feeling. To be dressed as a doll. Not a feeling that he desired. Perhaps there was still a chance he could get a courier to take him back to the doll show. If he looked like a doll, then he might pretend to be one. Get back to the dealer that sold him the Vanity, then make his way to the dealer with the mirror. The mirror, that had been his desire, was the right size to show his reflection. He noticed that since putting on the doll's underwear that he had not shrunk further. The distorting glass made his head look inflated A bit out of proportion with the rest of his body.. His hair, a few inches long before he started the transform, was now about the right length for a doll. Feeling like Alice, in her wonderland. The computer reminded Steve of her chessboard. The screen like the largest one in the multiplex. Pushing the keys with his tiny hands Steve continued the search. He also entered into a postal service the codes and pick up labels that would be able to get the pack and label courier to deliver the doll back to the show. Hearing the printer in the other room print the shipping labels, Steve returned to the page that spoke of a medallion which had the power to transform the soul. From what he could read on the wikipedea page, that the medallion could not make him into an inanimate object. At least there was no record of this in the writings he could find. It seemed that it must be something with a soul in it in order to transform the fate of the user. Steve did not trust wikipedia, after all anyone could modify it. The evidence before him indicated that it was a doll, a french bebe, that was to become his fate. Some sort of preternatural doll that had a soul. Or had something gone wrong? His hair seemed to fall into ringlets about his face. Was it really pulling into braids on the top of his head? He pushed it aside in order to continue reading the article. Perhaps the doll was someone else who had been transformed. Perhaps if that doll was becoming Steve, would it lead his life? Could they switch back? It was becoming difficult for him to type. Pushing the mouse was like moving a toy car. His hands continued to decrease in size. The fingers took on a distorted appearance. Like some sort of grotesque character of a human hand. More disturbing was a stiff feeling, like itchy splinters of wood in his hands and feet. It felt like his hands were wooden gloves. No longer would the fingers move. His knees began to itch as did his wrists. With effort he could move his hand at the wrist. His elbow moved the same way. No amount of effort would make his shoulder move more than a little bit. Try as he might he could not lift his hand above his head. The same applied to his legs and ankles. Tapping them with the wooden hands they must have become wood as well. With preternatural effort, he could still walk Jerking on the tabletop like some sort of Frankenstein creation. He crudely managed to walk from the laptop to the Louis XV chair that came with the vanity. The stiff itching in his legs and thighs made him aware that, he was no longer a he. The bands on his wrists were now clearly puppet joints. The clever ball joints that made old french dolls so valuable. This made hoisting the skirt up to check was an effort as it was difficult to catch it with the thumb and index finger which was fixed in position. In the reflection of the vanity mirror. Steve could see that his crotch had become puppet joints too. The doll knew that its waist was such a joint. Legs of wood. Painted wood. Wood that could move with preternatural force into a sitting position at the vanity, before the mirror. The frightened feeling turned to anger. Steve could feel his nose and cheeks puff out. His nose feeling like it was stuffed with plush and kapok, smelling of old cloth. A mixture of rose and cinimon. He opened his mouth only to feel it snap shut as he gasped for breath. Reflected in the mirror the face of a doll with Steve's small human eyes stared back at him. The mouth forever sealed shut in an ironic smile. A cute dolls nose above it. Steve closed his eyes the last bit of his old self, he did not want to see fade away. Fearing to open them Steve held his eyes closed as the lack of breath made him feel lightheaded. His eyes began to burn like they were in the fame of the glassblower. Angry and afraid Steve struggled to keep them closed. Something was pulling against his eyebrows. It felt like a pointed paintbrush feathering them into delicate lines. Bearing the pain no longer the doll opened her eyes. The last bit of Steve's soul peering out from the depths as they became the lifeless eyes of a doll. A flood of memories seemed to flow into what had been Steve's empty head. First it was the song of the dryads, who watched over the trees that went into the wood that made her new body. Then came the whispers of the naiads that washed over the stones that were ground into the clay that was fired to make her face. She could remember the kiln fires that forged her face into the stone it now was. In her soul she heard the symphony of the silkworms that wove her dress. The percussion of the sheep that yielded the fine wool that was her hair. She even knew her name. She was Annabelle's doll. Annabelle Andrews so loved her doll, that she gave it a soul. When Annabelle grew to old for dolls and had a family of her own, she passed the doll, her most prized possession to that what she loved best. Annabelle's daughter loved the doll in her special way and strengthened the soul within. Years of happy memories, tempered with periods of neglect. In which Annabelle never stopped loving her first doll. The doll knew that Annabelle had long since departed the earth and the daughter had left 18 years before. No one in the family had a desire for that dusty old thing. The head had been broken when the doll was dropped. The wooden body consumed by fire. Only the dress remained. Within it the soul Annabelle had instilled into it. Now what had been Steve's soul merged in with it and gave it form once more. She knew she was going to be a doll for the remainder of eternity. The courier would come, find the box and shipping labels. Annabelle's doll was about to begin a new life, of doll shows, auction houses, museums, air and humidity monitors. Never would she be loved as Annabelle once loved her. Now she would be loved for her rarity. Worth 10s of thousands, only cotton gloves would caress her wooden form. She would be loved from afar, with envy, by millions, who are girls at heart. Annabelle's doll would be illustrated in books. Her face and form peer out from calendars. That of the French Bebe-Jeumeu. Perfection in the mathematical nature of the golden section of beauty. Still she held out hope, that somewhere in some place, other collectable flotsam might once again appear in a glass case on a table mixed in with the memorials of ages past a non de-script medallion that had the power to shift the fates of those who come in contact with it.

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‘Oh dear. This has been one of those long, exhausting days, hasn’t it? I can tell. You look like you’ve been really pushing yourself, staying focused through all the distractions and concentrating so hard on everything you’ve had to do that you just don’t want to think at all anymore. Your brain is so tired you’re probably envying those dolls on my shelf, aren’t you? ‘I know, it sounds a little silly to suggest that a living person might want to trade places with one of my dollies, but look at...

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A Living Doll

"A living Doll" I walked out of the racetrack towards my car in a cold sweat. Another afternoon betting on the horses was gone, along with 30 grand! I usually managed to break even, but even when I lost big I somehow always managed to make it back. But not today. I found my car and started driving back to my one room apartment then began thinking of how I got myself into this colossal jam! My cold sweat migrated into a knot in my stomach, "How could I have been so stupid?" I thought...

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Jane Becomes a Latex Sex Doll

Jane the Model.IntroductionJane had just turned 18 and had left 6th form and was starting her new life in London at university studying modern art. She had led a sheltered life with everything she every wanted provided for her by her parents. She never wanted for anything, unfortunately both her parents had died in a car crash 2 weeks after her finishing 6th form. She struggled to cope with her lose but after help from her friends she was convinced that going on to uni and doing well in life...

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The Ultimate Sissy Doll

Note and warning! This story was a mental exercise on my part. I simply wanted to see if I could write the most sadistic, twisted and purely evil TG story ever written. This story contains scenes of torture that even the dungeon masters of the Spanish Inquisition would fall faint from. This story has references to the worst and most depraved form of mental torment ever used by man. Yes, Barney the purple Dinosaur! Not for the faint of heart. The Ultimate Sissy Doll By Barbi...

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Magical Doll

A doll has the ability to rewrite other people's beliefs. This doll can only control one person at a time. This doll is activated by attaching the victim's object to the doll No one knows who made the doll. Rumor has it that the devil made it to confuse mankind. Others say this doll is an illegal experiment belonging to an organization. who knows, after all it's just a rumor ____________________________________ One day someone found the magical doll. He will use it for certain purposes. Who...

Mind Control
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Liliths Toy The Real Doll

Chapter One "The Freak Show" About two years ago, I was taken to the cleaners in a divorce settlement by my ex-wife Judith. I was forced to sell our house so she could take her half of what I had worked hard for the last twenty years. While I was busy working, she occupied her time screwing every thing that had genitalia. I have to say this, slut she may have been but discriminating she was not. Man or woman, she didn't care as long as they got her off. Try to imagine my surprise when I...

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Rubber Doll

"How long is it since you came slave?" Mistress Michele whispers in your ear. "Three weeks," you answer meekly. You feel her body press against yours. You long to know what she is wearing but you are blind. You have been for the last thirty minutes although you don't know that. Time has no meaning when you are blind and at the mercy of your Mistress. You followed Mistresses orders and prepared yourself for her arrival. You stripped naked but for the cock cage and the blindfold and...

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Baby Doll

Baby Doll ? by: Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis: Stan was a loner by choice having spent a lot of his years learning to ignore the teasing he got for his small size. It was one of the reasons he liked hiking when he had the time. It would also become one of the reasons he liked being called Baby Doll. Facts From Fiction: Carol was the name of a girl I met over the phone one night standing duty in the service. She had that kind of voice that would make her rich on a 900 call and I...

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Making of a Sissy Fuck Pig semi sequel to sissy fuck doll

This is the sequel to Sissy fuck doll. I want to thank everyone for the reviews. On the mechanical issues I have a very hard time with punctuation, because to me most punctuation just breaks up the flow of ideas unnecessarily. I'll try to do better. I do hope people enjoy, if anyone would like a cameo in a story, or wants to discuss story ideas send an email to [email protected]. Warning this story contains rape, forced feminization, female domination, and bestiality....

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My Sex Doll

I met with Ezinne on Thursday morning after her husband Chike has gone to work. We both took permission of our working place citing ill health. I told her to wait for me at her home and dress like a slut. She did as I told her, heavy makeup; tight white shirt with a slutty black push up bra underneath it; tiny pleated black skirt; lace panties; knee high socks and heels. She stood, back against the wall and waiting for me to come and inspect her. Her arms are loosely at her sides and her gaze...

4 years ago
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Blow Up Doll

Blow Up Doll By BlowMuP As she went down the street, Tiffany got several shocked looks from people around her. As far as she remembered, crowded sidewalks never used to be like that. Normally, on her way to work, the sidewalks were crowded but people still managed to go about without actually having to hustle their way through the crowd. These days, she seemed like a magnet to all those people, there was plenty of space on the sidewalk but people looked like they were all...

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Her Little Doll

Her Little Doll, someone who was once known to a few as "Robin Masted" apply. The will to live. The will to change. Free will, to choose. Here are three examples: Watergate spook G. Gordon Liddy performed stunts like climbing a tree in a lightening storm and holding his hand over an open flame to demonstrate the power of his will over fear and instinct. Will can be thought of as one's essence, one's defining life force; of my own grandmother's last wishes, at age 90,...

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Samanthas Breezy Shorts The Fart Doll

All credit to a certain Mr. Bryan for giving me the wonderful idea and inspiration to write this story.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"You are so precious!"A sweet girl gushes as she squeezes me tight in her arms.It's a good job I don't need to breathe as such a tight bear-hug would have been the end of me!"I'm going to call you Samantha, and you're all mine!"She continues to cheer...

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Billy only watched as two couriers carried a large package from their car into his small room. He does not know who sent the package measuring almost 2 meters long but the recipient's name is his full name along with the details of his residential address. After signing the receipt Billy looked at the cramped room and could only sigh with mixed feelings and confusion. He decided to put aside who had sent this package to him and tried to open it first as he was very curious about its...

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My First doll

   Ever since the first burst of hormones in my life, the one that turn an innocent boy into a horny teen, I've always had an affiliation with dolls, I don't remember what started it but I do remember stealing dolls from my sister's room every so often. I never did anything too bad with them, I would get them undressed them and then panic and run them back to their room as I imagined the things I would do with the dolls.   I remember when I bought my first doll. When I first laid my eyes on...

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sisters dress up doll

kimmy was your reasonably normal 16 year old girl, maybe a little odd at times, but it was normal to her. her family was comfortable, not wealthy but not poor. she lived in a fairly large house with a decent sized yard with both her mom, who was not home very often as she spent a lot of time travelling on the job, but was home enough to be a fixture and dad who was worked a lot of hours at the school she attended. her little brother, johnny, on the other hand was 14, and went to the middle...

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The Blowup Doll

A couple enters the bedroom, holding hands. Their bodies are closely touching as their lips meet every few seconds in brief kissing. Smiles are plastered to their faces, and they occasionally laugh as their hands fumble underneath clothing, hoping to touch flesh. When the door finally closes, the girl breaks away from him and walks over to the bed, clumsily slipping out of her clothes. She bites her lip contemplatively when staring over the bed and, then, smiles as a strange idea pops in her...

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CEO to Doll

Jack watched the Doll. She was one of their latest high end models and had been imprinted in him. He was her master. Her designation was Kat. She was all but indistinguishable from a regular human except for a few tweaked genomes. She was dressed as a secretary, she was utterly gorgeous, though not overly bright due to her mental formatting, and she was ignored by everyone. That was the beauty of dolls. They were invisible. And by their programming everything they saw and did was confidential....

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Anniversary Gift Barbie Doll

Anniversary Gift: Barbie Doll By Greg Iacovelli "Hi honey," said my wife as I walked in the door. "Hi Barbie," I said. (I called her Barbie because Barbara was her name and she was obsessed with collecting Barbie dolls.) I thought how lucky I was, she looked perfect, a living Barbie doll in her own right. She had a perfectly shaped face with big green seductive eyes, small little up turned nose, and full pouting lush lips. Under that she had a rack so big and so perfectly...

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Danas Little Doll

Dana's Little Doll By Apathy Lush His pitiful high-pitched whimpers fed an inescapable loop. The more he heard his own squealing little noises, the more he continued. And the more ridiculous he felt. The cries of a pubescent Barbie doll spluttered from his throat, the tone completely alien to him. He felt his penis stirring again. Seconds later, coming to a feeble, quivering, half-hearted insult of an erection. "Oh, it's still trying!" Dana stroked Ryan's member with a long...

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Doubled Doll

Doubled Doll Geoff had been enjoying Jackie's online gallery for several months. He had a fetish for older women, and was mesmerised be the images of Jackie in her tight girdles and shiny pantyhose. He could not believe he had such a fetishistic attraction to a woman twice his age. At nearly sixty, Jackie still had a very active sex life, in contrast to his own celibate life. They had begun to exchange emails and finally agreed to meet at her large house in the suburbs. Answering the...

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My Little Doll

My Little Doll By Semiater ([email protected])Chapter One        I just couldn't sit still, I couldn’t sit in my office anymore, not today, I was too anxious, excited, yearning, it was like being a kid on Christmas eve.  It was Friday morning, the day had just started, but I couldn’t wait for it to be over with, for the evening to be here, when work was done and I was home.        I stood on the sky-bridge in the atrium which connected the two towers of the building.  I looked down over the...

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Fine Love Dolls

Have you ever wished that you had a beautiful woman who would fuck you every time you snapped your fingers? Dude, you’re not the only one. But to obtain that kind of perk, you need to have the skills required to talk to a woman. And well, that means bathing, having something to talk about beyond fucking hentai, and dressing in something other than your fedora and that stained Minions t-shirt you think is funny to wear ironically.Sure, depending on where you live, you could bypass all of that...

Sex Doll Shops
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Living Dolls

Living Dolls Characters in order of appearance: Brandon as Betsi Wetsi number one; Agatha as Witch #1; Mark as the Fairy Princess; John as the white Teddy Bear; Tom as the Teddy Bear in the pink tutu; Rick as Chatty Cathy; Alan as Saucy Walker; Carl as Betsi Wetsi #2; Hazel as Witch #2; Missy Ann as Witch #3; Joey as Maria. Synopsis: She collects dolls. Ever since she was a little girl she's collected and played with dolls. Back then she only talked to her dolls and imagined...

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The visit to my mom and dad's small home town in Ohio was one we used to make fairly regularly. We would visit their parents and all my aunts, uncles, and cousins. I really enjoyed it because it meant visiting old houses, big farms in the country, and playing games with my cousins. But the last time we had been there was when I was ten; we went to the funeral of my mom's dad. He had been my last remaining grandparent. So this return was a special trip. They had planned on spending a day...

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Living Doll

It all started out just as a bit of crazy fun, a one-night thing, but we both got so excited that we carried on. I had been going out with Frank for a month and we had just started having sex when he invited me to stay for the weekend. Of course I said yes straight away, two days and nights of rampant sex was something to look forward to. We had dined out and returned to his flat for a nightcap and then it was off to bed. In the corner besides his wardrobes was one of those blow up...

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Sex Dolls

With a name like SexDolls, you have to wonder whether there’s even a point in reviewing this website. The title does a great enough job on its own. There’s really no need for a second pair of eyes on this bad boy. It’s a website where you can purchase sex dolls. That much is obvious. But I guess you need me to do a second pass around the whole thing to see just how good of a job they’re doing at staying relevant and at providing you with quality sex dolls.From the get-go, it should be clear...

Sex Doll Shops
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Barbie Doll

Barbie Doll Mature and Younger, Flashing, Upskirt, Cream Pie, Family Play, Multiple Partners “Jeff, please don't cum in me! I'm still a fertile woman! Remember I'm Bryant's mother, he's your best friend”, Barbie said. In his mind, Jeff laughed! He knew she was an empty, deep, cum catching cup. Her plumbing had been removed a decade ago. He whispered, “I'll pull out Ms Barbie, I swear I” and he thrust deep into planting his seed into her barren cave! Barbie shouted “Nooooo Jeff! You're cumming...

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Becummin DADDYs Bimbo Fuck Toy Sex Doll

My Very Dearest Cum Slut Whore Doll Roberta, My Fuck Doll, I command that you becum my Decadent Super Trophy Bimbo Slut Whore -- sluttiest, trashiest, nastiest, hedonistic, sinful cock candy whore in heat. I am looking for a nasty, trashy “teased up” platinum blond cock whore with ultra micro minis that are never too short and large breasts that are never too big. I want to display my Bimbo Slut Whore for all to see --- fondling and feeling you up in public --- fucking and sucking --- and...

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