A Sylph Protected / A Shootist Avenged free porn video

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A Sylph Protected / A Shootist Avenged by Arcie Emm 1. A Sylph Protected Sascha focussed on the loading skiffs as they moved about the hold in their automated unconcern, content to be what they were. They did not need him, watching from above in the observation bubble, pretending that his presence was required, even though he knew it to be a lie. True, something could go wrong, maybe a skiff going out of control or breaking down, he was ready to react if that happened, had trained for it. Yet Sascha understood that either problem occurred, it would be a first, not just since he had come aboard The Lady Tramp, but since she had been placed into service. In actuality he was hiding. Usually Sascha would be with Foster, in the freighter's nav/con centre, whenever they were in orbit over a planet or moon to pick up a load of ore. While Foster dealt with the shuttle pilots and custom officials, Sascha would use a console to search the local airwaves, seeking anything to entertain the two of them during their long hauls between stops. However, this planet was different. From here he wanted nothing, it had already given, and taken, too much. Darson. The planet of his birth, where he had been made him into the man he was today. Though to look at him most would not know that, instead they would see a pretty little doll, and only the most observant would be able to see that he was a doll who had been taken out of his original wrapping, played with and discarded. Only an escape, over five of the most hellish days he hoped never again to experience, had stopped him from being discarded for good. Yet escape did not mean he was free. Almost a year after his flight, Sascha had done little more than exchange the luxurious walls of Prince Fallan's palaces for the spartan hull of The Lady Tramp. Though now he was in a prison of his own choice, unprepared as he felt to face normal society. He had made brief forays from the ship, at any number of the ports at which the Tramp had docked, yet the attention directed at him had always made him uncomfortable, in a hurry to return to the ship. Sascha did not believe Foster's contention that it was because he was pretty, the sylph felt that everyone saw him as a freak. How had Lieutenant Bandle even begun to consider that Sascha could survive on his own? Actually, Sascha did not need to ask, he knew the answer. He and Ivar were two very different people. The lieutenant was not the type to be paralyzed by fear, he would always go forward, attack. Any body looking askance at Ivar would be met with cold challenge. It was not in Bandle to fear others, he made them fear him. Realizing this, Sascha had been wary of Ivar's plan for the sylph's escape from the moment he had heard it. The first part, getting Sascha off planet, made sense. Good tactics from someone immersed in the tactical world of platoon command. On the other hand, the strategy for Sascha's future had been lacking, relying on the sylph to navigate the unknown on his own. It relied upon Sascha having strengths that knew that he did not have, to navigate an unknown world, find authorities, declare himself a refugee, and place himself at their mercy. The plan was idiotic. Sascha had determined to abandon it at the first chance. The chance came earlier than expected, soon after Sascha had been deposited aboard The Lady Tramp by a shuttle, similar to the one currently unloading its cargo. Once aboard the ore freighter it had not taken Sascha long to learn that Foster was the ship's entire crew. He determined that Foster was shy and awkward, not particularly handsome, but eminently safe. Meanwhile Sascha, despite the travails of his escape from Denj, was a fantasy come true for the lonely pilot. Unlike the self-confident Ivar Bandle, Foster did not stand a chance. Within hours Sascha had seduced him, and by the time they next hit planet fall, Foster had decided to keep the sylph around. Seeing as this is what he had wanted, Sascha readily accepted the offer. It had proven beneficial to both, Sascha was given an opportunity to learn, at his own pace, about the world beyond his silken walls. Meanwhile, Foster enjoyed the companionship Sascha offered and was thrilled to be, for the first time in his life, the envy of his friends. Now they were back where it had all started. Sascha had not been pleased to hear that the next pickup was to be at Darson. He was scared that someone on the planet would find out about his presence, that he would be taken into their custody and turned over to the vile Prince Rudo. Foster trying to convince him that nothing would happen had led to the first fight between the two, something for which neither social neophyte was prepared. So the last few days had been an uncomfortable period, as each tried to avoid the other in the common areas of the big ship. Now Sascha was beginning to worry that Foster had been correct. The transfer would soon be complete and still nothing was out of the ordinary; no sudden boarding by armed troops and no announcement of another vessel approaching. Just the skiffs doing their jobs. Skiffs that were beginning to return to their recharge stations, as they finished the loading. Then an ringing alarm announcing the uncoupling of the shuttle and the closing of the cargo door. Hearing the rumbling sound of the ship's massive engines throttle up, he felt the subtle shift that told him The Lady Tramp was no longer drifting. Only one thing was left to prove that the visit was complete. "All done Chacha, we're on our way to the Transition point." At that moment Sascha realized that he had been wrong. He decided he better come up with something to get back on Foster's good side, fortunately he had an idea. * * * Foster Lansdowne let lose a sigh of relief as he started his ship towards the coordinates where they could make the jump into Transition, that strange otherverse through which his ship's Flamon engines would push them from point to point of the real universe. He was glad to have been proven right, for he had staked much of his future happiness on his statement to Sascha that everything would be alright, that this was just a regular pickup. But what else could he have told her? Definitely not the truth. He could not tell her that the Darson pick up was the company's shit duty. Piss off headquarters and they would send you to this turd of a planet, out on the outer-reaches of the boondocks of space. The first time Foster had been here was the result of too much whiskey and not enough brains, yet he had proven luckier than he deserved. It was that trip when Sascha, his wonderful little Chacha, had ended up in his life. Something that had for a brief period led to other company pilots wanting to go to Darson, each hoping to luck out with their own Sascha. But when nobody struck gold, it had reverted back to the haul nobody wanted. When he had told her it was where they were headed, Foster had not been surprised by her reaction. So he had lied, told her everything would turn out okay, that she should not worry. It was not a lie in that he knew he lied, however, neither had he known if he told the truth. Therefore, it felt good to be proven right. To have his cowardly gamble, to not tell the Sascha that why they were being punished, by being sent to Darson. If he told her that, then he would have to tell her why, but Foster could not tell her that he was being punished because of Sascha's residence on The Lady Tramp. Though there were no rules in place, United Mining frowned on its pilots maintaining full time companionship on their freighters. Over the last couple of months Foster had been facing subtle pressures to end this flaunting of custom. No, he could not tell her that, she may think they should give in to United. That would be terrible. Sascha was the best thing to ever happen to him, she was perfect. Incredibly gorgeous, but willingly to accept the long periods of silence that was his nature. Until she felt enough was enough and drew him out of his shell, almost magically bringing undreamed pleasure to his body. From the moment that she had seduced him, it had only gotten better and better, as she sought to please him. There were moments when his conscience would kick in, where he would half-heartedly protest that he expected nothing from her, that he was just glad for her company. Yet all she needed to do, was to tell him, in her adorable voice, that she liked pleasing him and the protests would die away. Thus he had found the last few days very difficult, he had come to depend upon her presence. He missed her voice, her softness, her warmth, her touch, everything about her. Now with Darson receding in the distance, he hoped that separation would end. More so, he decided he would make it end and began flicking through the ships cameras, trying to find her, so that he could go to her, and make things better. Finding her, his first thought was how unflattering the baggy coveralls were on her amazingly, tight, little body. Then he looked at her face and tried to guess her mood. Poor as he was at reading people, Foster thought he saw determination on Sascha's face and in her walk. He watched as she walked the halls leading to her quarters, until she reached its hatch and entered. He tried to determine what her mannerisms and destination meant, to him she seemed to walk with a purposeful stride. Maybe she was still mad at him, if so it likely was not a good time to bother him. Plus Sascha had gone to her room and Foster had promised to never bother her when she was there, since she deserved a place to call her own. Best to wait a little longer before he approached her. She was likely even now changing into something nicer before coming to end the fight? Yes, it was best to wait. * * * As he got closer to his quarters Sascha could not help worrying about the damage his mistake had caused. Why had he forgotten his place? Would he be able to repair the rift he had caused? Foster had always been really nice to him, never getting mad like Prince Fallan. But Sascha had never given him a reason to get mad, until now. How would the normally mellow pilot react? Sascha doubted it would be with violence, as would have likely been the case if he had done something that would have made the volatile prince angry. Yet violence was preferable to other punishments, such as banishment from The Lady Tramp. Sascha was aware that Foster's employers at United Mining were not pleased with their pilot's decision to have a shipboard companion, though he was not aware that their trip to Darson was due to this displeasure. Now the sylph worried that his cold treatment of the man would provide an incentive for Foster to decided it was not worth the conflict to keep Sascha aboard the ship. Unprepared to survive on his own, Sascha felt he needed to prove to Foster why it was worthwhile to keep him on the ship. Reaching his quarters, usually a place where he kept his clothes, not a place of sleep like it had been during the trip to Darson, Sascha disgustedly stepped out of his ill-fitting coveralls and pulled his long hair from its tight bun. What had he been thinking? By the time he was in his teens, his trainers had drilled into him the need to look perfect at all times. Not falling prey to his own desires had been one of the things that had separated him from his brothers during the competition to win Prince Fallan's favour. Yet here he was, no longer a silly child, making the same foolish mistake. Sascha knew that he would have to hurry to make things right. Nude, he stepped into the vibra-shower for a full forty-five second cleaning cycle. Powdering his hairless body with the sweet smelling and tasting powder Foster had bought him at a shop on Pylong 5, Sascha moved to his closet. It was full of costumes, he purchased for Foster's pleasure, and reached in to take out the new, Texlaxian Dancing Girl, barely-visible leotard. Then he paused. His sight had been drawn to another of the bagged costumes, one that had been in the closet as long as any, yet one Sascha had not been willing to wear. When he had stumbled upon Foster's pornography, Sascha had found that the pilot's favourite character, based on whose scenes had been watched most often, was Keleesa Shronsdottor, Captain of the Dedasian Queen's Guard. From what Sascha could tell, Keleesa was a space vixen of the first order, always trying to put down plots against her beloved queen, while ending up having sex with an improbable string of enemies and allies. She also happened to be of a size and shape close to Sascha's, which helped explain why Foster was so entranced by the sylph. It was a perfect costume, but still he had never worn it. His problem was that Keleesa's hair was dark blue, something that Sascha could easily accomplish as a result of Dr. Werner Eveline's modifications, but he had been unwilling. Once aboard The Lady Tramp, Sascha had used the comb to change his hair back to its natural black, then had set it aside as an evil reminder of his slavery. Not even being prepared to use it while assuming one of the roles he play acted to fulfill Foster's numerous fantasies. However, he had now backed himself into a corner. In order to get out, he felt he needed to thrill Foster like never before. He could not afford the luxury of pride. Crouching down, he dug out the small bag that had been pushed to the back of the closet. From the bag he hesitantly pulled out the metal comb, once such a constant companion, but now a reminder of a cruel past. Sighing he carried it with him as he moved to sit cross-legged on the bed, before setting the controls, and beginning to stroke it through his hair. At first nothing happened, causing him to worry that the micro-organisms had died away from disuse; however, soon he began to feel the creepy feeling on his scalp as they vibrated in response to the comb. Watching in the mirror, on the wall at the head of the bed, he saw his hair slowly change from black to a glossy blue and found it did not bring painful memories. Instead he was enchanted by the feeling that he was changing into another person, not because someone else told him to do so, instead it was what he wanted. And why would he not want to be someone else, someone braver than frightened, little Sascha? So unlike Keleesa who oozed confidence and had a devil-may-care attitude about how anybody perceived her. True she was over-sexed, but that did not bother Sascha. Many would judge him the same way, not understanding that it was one area of his life when he felt in control. He had even that way when he was Prince Fallan's property. So by the time he finished colouring his hair, he had decided that he was quite looking forward to the masquerade. He searched and found a picture of Keleesa on his personal console. Studying the image on the screen, Sascha planned the best way to bring the captain to life. Seeing that his hair was not quite right, he used his hair wand, from drawer beside his bed, to put a wave in his hair, before tying it into a perky, pony-tail high upon the back of his head. Next, were the eyes. His huge green eyes just would not do, fortunately Foster did not share Prince Fallan's prejudices and had bought him a set of MultiCol Lenses to help his impersonations. So common were there use, the information included with the picture provided the proper settings that Signie Fesen, who played Keleesa Shronsdottor in the vids, used to create the captains's greyish- blue eyes. Making up his face was just as easy, Sascha's skill allowed him to come to replicating the face on the screen. As a final step, he used the special lip balm, advertised by Signie Fesen, he had purchased with the costume. Made from an extract of the Harnovian Blueberry, it resulted in tasty blue lips, though a mild toxin in the berry caused a reaction that turned the wearer's lips into the juicy plump pillows that Keleesa put to such good use. The advertisement proved correct and soon his lips were as kissable as could be. Liking the result and mischievously deciding to provide Foster with an extra surprise, Sascha used the balm to cover his nipples, causing him to gasp in pleasure as they turned into the proverbial glass cutters. Checking his face against the one on the console Sascha decided to change his earrings. Rummaging through the bedside drawer, he found some large hoops and quickly switched to them. Another check and Sascha decided while not perfect, he was close as he was going to get and definitely good enough for fantasy. Returning to the closet he removed the bag, laid it upon his bed and opened it. First from the bag was a replica of the silver (actually made of stainless steel) torque Keleesa wore as a rank designation. Fortunately the company from which he had ordered the costume demanded exact measurements and equipped the torque with a sweat absorbing cloth liner, which meant that it was not nearly as uncomfortable as it appeared, though it forced him into the head held high posture with which faced the world. Next he removed and pulled on a pair of silver, synth-leather, knee height boots that laced up the front. Platformed and stilettoed, they were nearly as high as the tallest he had ever worn for the prince. Remembering Lieutenant Bandle's disbelief at the boots that had been part of the suit in Sascha had worn during their escape, he wondered what that man would think of these. Most likely he would be amazed at the ease that Sascha, like Signie as Keleesa, handled them. Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he posed, naked except for the boots and the torque. Exciting his seldom apparent male libido, he wondered if he should even continue with the rest of the costume. He knew Foster would love how he looked, but realized that he would appreciate the full affect even more. Noticing the countdown timer, until Transition, he realized he better hurry if he was to have enough time to perform the entire scene, he had rehearsed in his mind, for Foster. Opening a side pouch on the bag he took out two small pieces of white cloth and straps. Throwing one of these on the bed, Sascha threaded the other between his legs before tying bows, at his hips, to hold the tiny, thong panties, barely large enough to hold the emblem of the Dedasian Queen's Guard, in place. He then fastened the matching bra, one that seemed just as small yet did an impressive job of presenting his breasts, which he always felt were just a wee too big. Removing the skirt, made from the same material as his boots, from the bag, it would have been easy to mistakenly think it was longer than cheek showing number Keleesa wore. However, when Sascha gingerly stepped into it to pull it up, all the while cursing the fetish like zeal that had him put on the boots so early, the result was the expected micro skirt. Most of its length had been pulled up over his hips to just under his breasts. In the vids, this was poorly explained away as body armour, but as Sascha reached behind to trigger the switch, hidden as rivet, that made his small waist became tinier, its real purpose as a corset became apparent. As much as Sascha admired the affect, he was more impressed with the structural integrity and comfort of his tiny bra as the waist cinching made its job even more difficult. Around his shrunken waist he fastened a blue, synth-leather utility belt. If held all the necessary items a Captain of the Queen's Guard would need, things like wipes, make-up and spare panties. Plus it held wrist straps, from what Sascha tell after watching the vids, somebody was always ending up in the straps. More often than not, Keleesa herself. The final part of the costume was a dark blue, bolero jacket. Again it was only just large enough and Sascha found it a tough pull to buckle together the two bottom parts, leaving the entire valley between his breasts exposed. So he was dressed. Well kind of dressed, he amended as he checked his final appearance in the mirror. Still he suspected that Foster would love how he looked, heck he himself rather liked it. Sometimes Sascha could not deny that it was fun to be a sylph. Recognizing the outfit needed one more thing, he put on a show while kneeling down to pull out a case from under and lift it onto his bed. Unlocking the metal case he removed his needle pistols, ensured they were in lock down mode and strapped them on. Giggling at how much longer the barrels were than his skirt he started to leave the room, before realizing he had no ammunition. Knowing he did not need any, he continued on his way, trying to ignore the feeling of having his guns strapped on, but not having any ammo. It left him feeling naked. Laughing once more, he told himself that was likely due to what he was wearing. * * * Having completed all the necessary checklists before making the jump to Transition, Foster wondered if Sascha would be leaving her quarters. He wondered if he had guessed wrong, for he thought she should already have had enough time to change and make it to the nav/com centre. Maybe she was still mad at him and it would end up being him who had to bridge the gap between the two of them. He hoped not, knowing that he would be awkward and likely end up making it worse. It would be better if she made the first move; therefore, he would wait awhile longer Besides he knew it was a bad time to leave the centre, this close to the Transition point. You never knew when another ship would pop out. True the ship's computer should be able to stop any potential collision, but he liked to be there just in case. Providing himself an excuse for his cowardice, he forced his mind onto thinking about something else. It took a number of fits and starts, but finally he settled on the vagaries of Transition, a topic complicated enough to fill books and endless afternoons of conversation. Transition, the name coined the dimension through which a ship could jump from one point of space to the next. It had been Jennifer Flamon who had discovered the parallel universe, over three thousand year ago, and then it took another millennia for it to be understood enough to use. For within it, a ship could move from one location to another, within the real universe, within minutes. This had provided a boon to human society and had led to the colonization of galaxies. However, there was an ugly underside, occurring when a ship spent too long in Transition. As the first scientists tried to travel further and further, things began to go wrong. Many never returned, while others returned insane or even worse, horribly mutated. Those who could speak told fearfully of the Others who found them in that dimension, but what these Others were, they could never explain. For a period of time, the use of Transition was banned; however, its benefit was such that the ban did not last long. Instead, short jumps were deemed safe, allowing ships to make short hops, traveling at most fifty light years a jump. It seemed safe and only the desperate tested this safety net. People knew that if they stayed in Transition, then the Transition you experienced may not be the one that you wanted. Fear of what could go wrong kept many planet-bound. Even amongst frequent Transitioners, like Foster, it was not unusual to have pre-jump jitters. Maybe because of his worry for Sascha and his thoughts Transition, this was one of those time. To ease those fears, he focussed upon plotted the twenty eight jumps they would take between Darson and their destination, at Telermor. Engrossed in this, he jumped in startlement when the intercom chimed and a high-pitched voice, failing at being officious, said, "Open this hatch now!" Thrilled that Sascha had taken that first step in their reconciliation, Foster was even more excited that it sounded like it involved some play. And could it be? Well he would just have to play along to find out. "Who is it?" "It is Captain Keleesa Shronsdottor of the Queen's Guard. Open up, I have received information that you are smuggling Dedasian diamonds." Showing a good amount of decorum, Foster did not leap up from his seat to do a happy jig at hearing this, instead he played along, "Honest Captain, I'm just a ore carrier. I would never smuggle, it's against the law." "Then you should have no problem opening this hatch and letting me come in to see for myself, would you Mr. Lansdowne?" "Well Captain..." "I have explosives Mr. Lansdowne, either you open this hatch or I open it for you." "Hold on, hold on, I'm opening it now." Then putting action to his words, activated switch to open the hatch. Not seeing his Chacha on the other side of the door, he waited for the next part of the scene. "Put up your hands up where I can see them when I enter Mr. Lansdowne." "Their up Captain." And then with a cat's grace, despite her impossible boots, Sascha glided into the centre behind her outstretched needle guns. Foster was struck by how friggen adorable she was, perfect for the role of Keleesa, better even than Signie Fesen. "What are you smiling about Mr. Lansdowne?" "Oh nothing Captain." "Then you would not mind me searching your ship?" "Not at all Captain, though you'll find nothing." "I am almost ready to believe you Mr. Lansdowne, but my duty requires that I be thorough." "I understand." "Then you don't mind if I use these?" Holstering one of her pistols, Sascha removed the arm straps from her utility belt and held them up dangling from a finger. "If that is the only way..." With this tacit approval, Sascha strutted her way over to him. Then leaning down she loosely strapped his wrists to the arms of his flight chair, while ensuring that he was able to reach all the controls on each chair arm. Foster would have appreciated this, except he was much too distracted by the magnificent cleavage staring him in the face as she strapped him down. That complete she grinned, patted him on the cheek and said, "You stay here now, I'm going to look around." Sascha proceeded to do just that, putting on quite the show for the watching Foster. She used a technique of search unlikely to be copied by any police organization, seeing as how she only looked in those places where her posture would give him an excellent view up her skirt. This went on for a few moments and the results were as expected, Sascha found nothing and Foster became as horny as a Rodiniun rabbit. Finally, her search complete, Sascha strolled back to stand before him, unashamedly tugging her skirt back into place as she came. Standing there, with a finger tapping her oh so kissable lips, she looked searchingly around the room and then at Foster. "I am beginning to thing that you are innocent Mr. Lansdowne." "I told you that Captain." And then like a scene straight out of a bad movie, that bad movie being Keleesa and the Diamond Smugglers, Sascha's eyes lit up and she pronounced, "Ahah!" With that she wiggled forward and placing her hand between his legs, grasped his hardness and told him, "It looks like I have found something after all Mr. Lansdowne, I am going to have to check it out." Without removing her hand, Sascha sunk to her knees between his legs. Bringing her other hand into the action she unfastened his flight suit, then reaching in she pulled him out, while leaning forward as if to looking for contraband. This act brought a moan to Foster's lips as the close quarters of the search had her smooth cheek rubbing against his happy man, the moan turned to one of frustration when she sat back once more on her haunches and pronounced, "Well it seems there is nothing to see. Oops, let me put that back where it belongs. Why it does not seem to want to go, what shall I do?" Looking up with innocent eyes, she told him, "I'm sorry Mr. Lansdowne, rules state that I am supposed to clean up after I perform a search. That means I am going to have to take drastic measures, I apologize for the inconvenience." Foster only had time to squeak "Okay", before she once more leaned to grasp him by the base of his rod and licked its entire length. Then taking him in her mouth she looked up at him with smiling eyes. With the gap since they had last sex and with the prepping done by her Keleesa impersonation, he was ready to immediately explode; however, the mild toxin in her lip balm delayed it from happening, while making him even harder. Still it was uneven battle for only a mild toxin, when it came head to head against Sascha's skill and implicit knowledge of what Foster liked, and soon the build up returned. This time nothing could stop him. Licking him clean, Sascha continued to look up at him, as if trying to read his face. Seeing only blissful aftershocks, she mumbled, "I'm sorry Foster." "What for Chacha?" "For doubting you. For getting mad at you, not believing you when you said everything was going to be all right." "I know you were scared, coming back to Darson." "I was, but that didn't mean that I should take it out on you. After all, nobody has ever been nicer to me, than you have been. And I knew you weren't doing it to be mean." "No I wasn't, I have to go where the company tells me. If not I would be out of a job and we would both be out of a home." "I know, it was silly of me. Plus I was miserable and missed you." "I missed you to Chacha. But you sure made the reunion good." With a twinkle in her eye, she asked, "Did you like it?" "More than you could believe." "Well being on the end of it, I likely have a good idea. It was so silly, but I knew you would like it." At that moment the five minute to Transition alarm went off, a surprise since both of them had missed the ten minute alarm. Reaching up, she undid the arm straps, then said, "You know it doesn't have to end." He knew what she wanted. He wanted it too, but always worried about it during Transition. Still when she looked up at him with those pleading eyes, combined with what she had just done for him, he could not refuse. Nodding his head, he told her, "Okay Chacha." * * * Looking up at the smile on Foster's face, Sascha was fairly sure that his performance had been enough to remind the pilot why it was a good idea to keep him around. Still he felt that it would not do any harm to apologize and so he did. Then when Foster admitted how much he had missed him, it made Sascha feel really good. And how Foster looked at him, it was not just with lust. Through sculpting and training, the prince had ensured that Sascha would be desired by men. Even before he had left the estate on which he had been raised, Sascha had grown used to that look. But not until Prince Fallan had come to take him to the palace, had Sascha begun to recognize it offered the only power he was allowed over men, whose other emotion when looking at the sylph was disdain. Though not against the prince, over him Sascha had held no power, but the guards, the prince's allies and family member had all wanted him, despite themselves. Yet Sascha had realized that in his selfishness, the prince shared nothing, specially not his masterpiece. At least he would not share, until he tired of a possession. Understanding this protection had tempted Sascha into becoming somewhat of a tease. It was a dangerous hobby, as he had been told by Baselle, the prince's body servant and the only person on Darson who may have seen Sascha as something other than a body. Baselle had warned of the long memory of those he teased and reminded what would happen if one day Prince Fallan tired of him. For a time he had stopped, but found himself lured back to the rather thrilling, though dangerous, pastime. Then he caught by the prince. Sascha could remember his fear when the prince ordered to follow him after watching his sylph's wiggling performance for some guards. However, rather than angry, the prince found it terribly amusing. Instead of stopping Sascha's fun, he had greedily co-opted it, taken it away for his own use. No longer did Sascha perform for his own amusement, instead it was for the prince's benefit. The interview on the launch, with Lieutenant Bandle, being the final such act. So Sascha was used to being looked at by men. But none of their eyes held the tenderness he was seeing from Foster. It made him think that he was more than forgiven, he wondered if he had found a place to call his own. Such passed through Sascha's mind as he teased Foster about his reaction to the costume, until he was interrupted by the Transition prep alarm. Surprised by the passage of time, Sascha reached up to undo Foster's arms. While doing that, another thought crept into his mind, one that may help prove whether his thoughts of acceptance were true. What he wanted to do was something that he liked more than did Foster. He wondered if it would be dangerous to ask, but decided that the response would tell him much; therefore, he said, "You know it doesn't have to end yet." Watching the man think, Sascha felt he could guess Foster's thoughts. The pilot had been taught, if not to fear Transition, to have a healthy degree of respect for it. He was leery of doing anything unusual, nervous that the difference could prove disastrous. He would not understand Sascha's interest in sex during a jump and likely felt nothing but relief that the one, drunken time where the two had made a jump, while joined, had not proven disastrous. Yet he would still be in a sexual haze, as proven by the hard member that Sascha's hand once more stroked; therefore, when he agreed, Sascha was not surprised. Not surprised, but definitely pleased. For Sascha had not told Foster that the only one time in his life he had ever reached orgasm was the time they had sex while Transitioning. Foster did not realize that the prince, selfish in all things, had been more interested in his own pleasure when he had chosen Sascha's vaginal implant. Wonderfully tight though it may be to any man, it provided little pleasure for Sascha, hinting at ecstasy, but never reaching it. At least not until that time with Foster in Transition. Since then, Sascha had wanted to experience it again. But remembering Foster's relief when he had sobered up, the sylph had never asked to do it, unwilling to force the pilot into doing something that frightened him. On this day, Sascha wanted that pleasure, despite Foster's fears. Possibly he still channeled the spirit of Captain Keleesa Shronsdottor, who was used to getting what she wanted. Acting before Foster changed his mind, Sascha leaned forward once more to lick and prepare the member he had continued to stroke. Satisfied, Sascha rose to his feet from his knees, then daintily pulling his skirt the rest of the way over his hips, he climbed onto the flight chair to straddle Foster. Reaching between his legs to once more grasp Foster's tool, he guided it past the minimal protection of his panties as he slowly lowered himself, until they were one. As often as he had been in this position, Sascha found the anticipation, at that moment, delicious. Wrapping his arms around Foster's neck, he raised himself just enough to nibble upon and whisper in an ear, "Thank you Foster." Foster's answer was a contented sigh, before saying, "Just sit still for a moment Chacha, I need to prepare for the jump." Taking the murmured words as an order, Sascha settled down for the moment, though he used his skills to ensure that Foster stayed ready. His own readiness was apparent whenever one of Foster's hands, as they danced across the controls on the chair's arms, glanced against his bare flanks and sent shivers of pleasure throughout his body. Then the hands did more than glance against his thighs, they stroked, caressed, and led Sascha to breathlessly ask, "Is it time?" Nodding his head, Foster said, "Everything is ready, we will be jumping in about a minute." "How long will we be in Transition?" Foster's groaned, as Sascha begun to slowly bob up and down on his lap, before saying, "We should be in for just under six minutes." "Mmmm, ok." Neither of them payed any attention to the rest of the count down, as the ship prepared to jump into Transition. Foster enthralled by what was happening to him and Sascha was controlling the pace so that Foster's excitement did not rob him of what he wanted. Then from one moment to the next, Sascha knew that he would not be robbed. They had passed into the unreality of Transition and suddenly he was afire with pleasure. It was as if its unreality canceled out his own, making everything about his body real. It felt so very good, and he could not help to feel saddened that he was normally denied this pleasure. However, this negative thought was soon chased away as he focussed upon the urgency of the moment. Instinctively he knew what brought him the most pleasure. So apparently did Foster, for not long after entry Sascha experienced his first orgasm, followed by more as the pilot maintained his stamina until just before they popped back into real space. There, Sascha slumped against Foster's chest, panting heavily as he tried to regain his breath. Only then did he notice the cramping in his legs, kneeling as he was astride the pilot. So he slithered free from the man until he was on his own feet, where he took some wipes from his utility belt to clean both himself and Foster, before tucking him away with a still happy smile. "I really enjoyed that Foster." "Being on the end of it, I think I guessed," Foster replied, with a grin. "Are we all better, for real?" "Yes we are all better, for real, Chacha." "Good. Do we have time for a bite to eat before our next Transition?" "Actually I could definitely use something to eat, so yes." "Ok, I'll run to the galley to get something for us. You wait here." Just as he was exiting the hatch, he was stopped by the sound of his nick-name. Turning back to Foster, he saw a leering grin and heard him say, "And keep on the get-up, you may still need to look for smuggled diamonds." Thinking of undiscovered surprise under his still fastened jacket, Sascha smiled back and said, "I think there may be some jewels for you to find as well." It was a much happier Sascha who walked through the halls, in comparison to the one who had ambled from the cargo hold earlier. He even found himself humming a tune as he made a quick stop at his quarters, in order to better clean up and check his makeup. While fixing his hair he suddenly heard Foster's voice over the intercom. "Forget food for now Chacha, we have to get back ready for another jump." Hearing the concern in the pilot's voice, Sascha triggered the intercom in his room, to ask, "What's wrong Foster?" "A ship just popped into real space, not too far away from us. And it does not seem to be showing a signature beacon." It was rare for another ship to appear in the same pocket of real space, when there was no planet fall or station. Never had it happened while Sascha had been on The Lady Tramp and his impression was that Foster had only seen it a few times. Unusual as it was, most times it was just a matter of coincidence, two ships on their journeys, criss-crossing paths. However, most planets mandated that all ships show a signature beacon, thus when a ship that did not show theirs and that had just popped into the Tramp's pocket of space, it was rather ominous. The immediate worry that popped into his mind was that the ship was a pirate, something more common than most navies cared to admit. Based on Foster's rush to jump to Transition, the pilot must have had the same thought. "Will we have enough time to make the jump Foster?" "Yes, it should only take fifteen minutes to regain jump momentum and they are too far away to close on us in that amount of time." "Okay, let me know if there is anything I can do to help?" "Sorry Chacha, I can't think of anything right now." After spending the first five of the fifteen minutes fretting, Sascha decided to feed his curiosity, so stopping his pacing, he sat in front of his console. After finding the right menu commands, he pulled up an image of the other ship and initiated a cross-match to search for any helpful information. The results were far from positive, showing that the ship was an Osprey 203. Osprey 203s were classified as a armed cutters, which had initially been used as planetary custom vessels. Normally crewed by twelve men, they mounted two plasma cannons, though did not have any torpedo launchers. The Osprey was no danger to even the smallest naval vessel, but could stop an unarmed ship, even one the size of The Lady Tramp. But the worst news, was that the Ospreys had mostly been decommissioned nearly twenty years earlier, though some of those doing the decommissioning had not been overly choosy about what happened to them. Quite a few ended up in the hands of non-desirables and it had become known as the ship of choice for pirates. It was a completely different anticipation that Sascha felt this time during the lead up to the Transition jump. Though his nervous energy made him feel just as alive as had his earlier lust. However, the jump, when it came, had no impact upon his body. After all, an escape from reality is significantly different from a real escape. At least Sascha hoped it would be a real escape, but he knew there were rumours that pirates were able to track a ship through Transition. Speculation was, that the amount of time they spent hiding within the otherverse, gave them a better understanding of it. Anxiously Sascha waited for the end of Transition, hoping to put a lie to those rumours. So when The Lady Tramp popped back into reality his eyes stayed pinned to his console, while it was tuned to the ships external sensors. Sensors that soon pinged another ship joining them in their bubble, a ship recognizable as an Osprey 203. There was only one thing to do, try another jump and another after that if needed, all the while hoping that Foster could lose the other ship. Or that the other ship would miscalculate a jump in comparison to the freighter. So too did these hopes begin to dim, after the next two jumps. Each time the other ship appeared soon after they popped into space, yet each time it was closer, approaching the range of its plasma cannons. And even with Foster trying to convince both himself and Sascha that the next jump would do the trick, neither of them believed it. Too methodical and practiced was the other ship's encroachment, obviously they had done this before. Sascha knew, though he was unwilling to admit it aloud to Foster, that they were not going to escape, that they would be caught. Once more Sascha approached his closet, removing another costume that he had planned never to wear again. But plans must always be tempered by reality, so just as he had recognized the need for Keleesa's earlier appearance, he knew that she was not the right person for the next job. True she always solved the mystery or caught the bad guys, which she would then celebrate with a final romp between the sheets, yet that was not real life. No, it was time for someone more dangerous to show. Time for Sascha to be himself, the Shootist who had made the march with Dawson's Bunch. Thus he needed the costume, no the outfit, he had worn on that march. His nose wrinkled as he carried the body suit to his bed. Not in disgust at the smell, the suit had been thoroughly cleaned before he had put it away, but at the remembered hardships and the knowledge of what he had become while wearing it. The suit turned him into a killer and to be a killer is a horrible thing. Much better was it to give pleasure, not to take it away for all time. Still he doubted the pirates would give him a choice. They would see him as a toy, taking him like Prince Fallan had taken him, which Sascha had promised himself to never let happen again. He would offer it to those he chose, but he would rather fight to the death than allow someone to take it. Thus it was time to become the killer. Shedding Keleesa, he first removed the holsters with his pistols from around his hips, which caused him to question why it was the suit and not the guns that reminded him of what he had done during those last days on Darson. They were the true instruments of death, yet they did not bother him. Too long had they been his, too often had he spent his days with them as his only companions, playing games on a simulator. Linked as they were to him, he could not blame them without blaming himself. No it was better to blame the suit, as with his other costumes, it was easier to attach a persona to clothes. Even if that persona was his own. With the holsters carefully sat aside, it did not take long to shed the rest of the tiny garments that had made him Keleesa, leaving only his hair and nails as reminders of the role. The colour, which had seemed such a major step earlier, now was no more than a good match for the grayish, blue body suit. Braiding his hair, he fondly recalled the styling machine left behind in Denj, still he was quite accomplished with his hair and soon two long braids were formed. Braids he perversely tied off with white ribbons, fashioned into pretty bows. Once more coating his body in the powder from Pylong 5, Sascha sat on his bed and slid each foot into a leg, of the suit, until they thunked home into the attached, high-heeled boot. Pulling it up to his thighs, he stood to wiggle the tight suit over his hips before threading his arms and hands into sleeves, which pulled the suit up over his torso. Reaching behind himself, he triggered the fastener that caused the suit to hug his body from toe to chin. Attaching the holsters to his thighs Sascha returned to get a final item from the closet, a black helmet on which had been stenciled the name G.Rossi. The name of the Bunch member whose death, in Denj, had ended with Sascha being given the helmet that connected him to Ivar's entire platoon during their escape. It's weight was a solid presence in his hands and he spared a moment to wonder what "poor ole Guiarmo" had been like. Probably, like the helmet, the man would not have been flashy, but that he had been very good at his job, though unlucky in the end. As Sascha integrated the helmet to the ship's information grid, something he would not have been able to do when he had first arrived on the Tramp, he spared a final question for the long dead man, ?Had Guiarmo found the helmet as claustrophobic as he did?' Deciding to not yet put on the helmet, he opened up the channel to Foster and asked, "How is it going Foster?" He heard a tired sigh, before the pilot answered, "Not so good Chacha. The other ship is gaining on us each Transition, I don't think it will be long before we are within range of its cannon." "Will they fire on us?" "That is my guess, they will need to stop The Lady Tramp before they can board her." "Okay, I will get ready to meet them." "I guess that is better than nothing." The two of them had discussed what to do if they were boarded by pirates after Sascha had read a set of guidelines published United Mining and found that the section on pirates, which could be paraphrased as, ?You likely won't run into pirates, but if you do kiss your ass goodbye.' This synched with Foster's viewpoint, he had never experience anything like the escape from Denj with a group of professional, mayhem creators. Sascha could not convince him otherwise, the pilot being unwilling to accept the sylph's experience from that apprenticeship. He did not understand, like Sascha understood, that sometimes you had to stand and fight. "Okay Foster, keep me informed of anything that happens." "Will do. And Chacha..." "Yes?" "It's been good." 2. A Shootist Avenged It would be wrong to say that Sascha was chameleon-like, that lizard changed its colours to match its surroundings, but stayed a chameleon. Meanwhile, Sascha changed on the inside to match the clothing he wore, with the helmet in place, the sylph was gone. Walking through familiar corridors he saw them with different eyes. That closet a place to spring an ambush, the crossway between sections K and L an escape path. Terrain he intimately knew, could provide him an advantage, possibly enough to compensate for being outnumbered. He considered setting up a fortified position, but reasoned he was better on the move, able to encounter boarders in smaller numbers. Nor would he attack at the main hatch, he needed to determine their numbers before making his move. Coming to the conclusion that his pacing burned energy he would need later, Sascha stopped at the galley. Though Foster said he was not hungry, Sascha took advantage of the time to fill his stomach, following the advice of the Bunch members, who had made him eat when they had a chance. Finishing a prepared package of rations, he filled up the canteen attached to his belt. Then he waited, guessing that it would not be long, for the pirate was almost in range. So when next they entered Transition, Sascha felt it would be the last time. Immediately, on return, things went to hell, leaving Foster only enough time to shout, "Shit, they're here." Then the large freighter was under attack. Such was the pirate's skill and confidence in extrapolating their jumps, it had not even waited until the freighters return to reality before firing numerous salvos from its cannons. To The Lady Tramp, it was as if she had entered a meteor shower, though instead of rocks, it consisted of exploding slugs of uranium. And while many of the slugs missed, the ship hit enough to do their job. As massive as a freighter needed to be, in order to hold its load, the impacts of those slugs was hardly noticeable to Sascha. He was not thrown from his seat, his removed helmet did not go flying from its seat on the table and he barely heard the explosions. Yet almost immediately he knew something bad had happened, the powerful engines now seemed to labour as opposed to their normal roar. Then a second salvo hit and even more damage was done. And then a third, and a fourth. When he heard nothing more, no explosions nor the sounds of the engines, he used the intercom to asked, "Foster what's the situation?" "Foster?" "Foster!" There was no reply. Nervously, fearing the worse, he pulled up a status display on a console. The ship was not dead, but she had been crippled. Her engines were down and numerous breeches had been made in the hull. Most of these were not a problem, piercing the hold or a non-livable part of the ship. But at least two breeches, nearly on top of one another, were what Sascha guessed caused the silence from Foster. For there was little chance that the pilot would have survived the sudden loss of atmosphere within the nav/con centre. Sascha realized he was alone. A selfish first thought, when his best friend and only companion had just been killed. Yet some cold part within him, would not allow him to think about Foster. It was easier to feel sorry for himself or better yet, to hate the pirates who had caused the pain. Hate, it was a curious feeling, one that Sascha had never felt. Though many on Darson, particularly Prince Fallan, had been deserving of it, he had always been too dependent upon them to allow it to blossom. Only with freedom was Sascha given the luxury to afford an emotion like hate. No longer a slave, he could finally have something to cherish, something that when taken away could serve as a catalyst to make his despair burn hot enough to become something harder. So new a feeling, yet it felt so very right. It was perfect fuel for what he needed to do. Switching the console view to the image of the smaller, deadlier ship as it approached, Sascha realized that all that was left for him was to seek vengeance against those who it held. Either they or he needed to die. Taking time for another drink and to use the head, Sascha then performed final checks upon his guns, ensuring they did not bind in their holsters and that they were loaded. He then pulled on the helmet, making the final transformation into the Shootist. With the helmet seated properly, he spoke the command that showed the view of the main hatch's camera, in the top half of his visor. Taking a moment to get used to this split vision, Sascha then left the galley, moving to the location from which he planned to strike. Like every utility closet on The Lady Tramp, Utility Closet FG44 provided access to wiring, tubing, equipment, or any number of things needed to allow make ship work. Yet a number of factors about this closet made it Sascha's choice as his starting point. Most importantly, it had two entrances, one into corridor G and one into corridor F, two of the almost two kilometers of corridors on the large ship, corridors rarely used except for maintenance and soon, for ambush. However, just as important, while neither corridor led anywhere important, both corridors were criss- crossed by a number crossways. From this closet, Sascha knew he could move to strike in multiple directions, at whatever target seemed best. Sitting on the floor of the closet, waiting for the Osprey 203 to make a linkage with the freighter, Sascha played with the displays available to him with the helmet. Checking that he could switch between the many cameras that surveyed most of the ship's corridors. Deciding to keep the split view, Sascha hoped it did not hurt his marksmanship and wished he had spent more time practicing with the helmet, even if that practice was with the all-purpose simulator available on the Tramp, instead of a Havoc Simulator. If it did prove a distraction, then he would have to switch back to a single view. Though the pirate's ship had less mass than a full ore shuttle it weighed enough that Sascha felt it latch onto The Lady Tramp. Focussed upon the main hatch, in the top half of his visor, he waited. Something that, despite his age, he was quite good at. It had been learned while waiting upon Prince Fallan's whim. When something happened, it almost came as a surprise. Blinking, he missed the hatch slide open, only the gap where it allowed him to realize what had happened and forced him to intently watch for entry. Yet moments passed and none came, then a square box rolled into the room, one Sascha guessed held a camera. For nearly ten minutes the camera either sat spinning in place or dashing back and forth down near-by corridors. Whoever was in charge, on the other side, finally decided that nobody waited for their incursion. A furtive movement at the door showed someone preparing to enter. The movement resolved into a man, who carefully stepped through the hatch, trailing behind the energy pistol he held in front of himself. Looking around the entrance, a look of disgust appeared on his face. He turned back to the hatch, and through the audio pick-up, Sascha heard him say, "So what the fuck you all waiting for, its not like ya bunch shitheads are going to get a written invitation." "Shut your cock-holster Booser, were coming," growled a strange voice. "We was all hoping you would spring a trap, which would shut yours forever." "Fuck Dornor, I been saying that there was no fucking way that the pilot of this here shit can, could have survived being bent over by those slugs that fucked up the nav centre." "Still the Captain wants us to be smart, you second guessing him Booser?" At these words, the other speaker lumbered through the hatchway and into Sascha's nightmares. Huge, having to bend over to step through the hatch, his skin a dull grey making him appear more statue than man. Yet the sculptor apparently had lacked skill, for the result was blocky and poorly formed, making the figure man-shaped, though not a man. His appearance fully made Sascha understand what Foster had feared about Transition, for he doubted not that this Dornor was a victim of Transition gone wrong. "Fuck no Dornor. You know I'm not a big enough fucktard to second guess the Captain. Fuck if he thought I was, he would rip off my head and take a shit down my neck." "So you're second guessing me? You know, I am feeling the need to take a dump." "I'm just saying, you know?" "I know, but you need to watch your trap Booser, otherwise someone will shut it for you." Then turning away from the man, said, "Come on through you lot, we have work to do if we are to get this hulk moving again." What followed him through the hatch was a motley group if there ever was one. Fourteen of them, some normal looking like Booser, while four others challenged Dornor for the ugly prize. The normal ones were of each gender and ranged from the weasely first fellow to a blonde haired angel, yet it the others who drew Sascha's attention. Having already seen Dornor, they lost some of their visual impact, yet he knew if any had been the first through the door, instead of the Man-Statue, they would have affected him just the same. Each appeared a perfect villain for a vid of even lesser quality than the Captain Keleesa stories, so he assigned them names right from such a tale of horror, there was; the Wolfman, the Red Demon, Headless Woman, Skeleton-Woman and the Ghoul. Dornor formed his gang into groups, some to scavenge and others to begin repairs. Then they headed out, in multiple directions, as groups of two or three. The last group included Dornor and two normals; however, before he left, he yelled back into the ship with some orders. From this, Sascha guessed that the ship held more crew members than the fourteen boarders and the captain whom Dornor had spoke. Sascha wondered if he should hold off attacking, until he had better information about their hidden numbers. But decided that the only way to gain that knowledge was to flush them out. With the decision made, he began to flick through camera views, finding each grouping. Focusing on the scavenging teams, who appeared to be spreading the furthest from the others, Sascha determined his first target would be two of the normals, including the blonde haired woman. From what he could tell, they were headed in his general direction. They were traveling corridor I, popping into rooms they passed, which gave him a number of crossways from which to set an ambush. So quietly leaving the closet he made his way to the junction of corridor H and crossway 63, before ducking into a nook. Watching their progression with the help of the cameras, it was the sound of their voices that made him realize how close they were to his location. Listening to the man try to flirt with the woman, while her constantly told him to shut the fuck up, Sascha heard the two of them walk past the crossway. Silently, moving away from his hiding place on his rubber-soled high heels, he moved to the corner of corridor H, then taking a deep breath, he stepped out into the hall with his guns in hand. The two pirates, wrapped up in their argument, heard nothing of their approaching death. Instead, after taking a second to target, Sascha fired two bursts, from each of his guns, at the figure on the right. As the needles burst into a slender back, turning a blonde braid red, he frowned. The dispersal of the tiny missile, some even hitting the corridor's wall, was totally unacceptable. He could blame it on his visor's display, but recognized it to mostly be sloppiness. However, Sascha redeemed himself upon the second target. The man, who had begun to turn at the sound of the needle guns, found himself burdened by the slumping corpse of his companion as it fell against him and was helpless as Sascha switched targets and fired. This time his aim was excellent. Four bursts, one hundred and twenty needles, created an entry wound just above the man's right ear that could be covered by a small chit. Knowing how unnecessary it was to check the two, so obviously dead pirates, Sascha wheeled back into crossway 63 and hurriedly returned to the nook from which he had attacked. Despite the success of the attack, he still found it had made his adrenaline surge. Trying to bring it under control, he flipped from camera to camera to see if any of the other groups were aware of the attack. In a few moments, his heart rate was under control and he was sure that the rest of the pirates were still unaware of his existence. Thus he began to look for his next target, specifically he looked for the closest group. They were five corridors past his first targets, it was a group of three, consisting of two normal men and the abnormal he had named the Ghoul. Leaving the nook, he slowly moved in their direction. Passing through corridor H he spared a moment's glance towards his first victims, their bodies slumped together in a fashion that would surely have displeased the woman. Passing on he was soon within striking range, though frustrated by their spacing. Unlike the first pair, these three moved with a separation that would have even pleased Ivar, there was no way that Sascha would be able to pull off the same trick. If he let them all pass, then the Ghoul, who led, would be far enough away to make him a difficult target. His best choice was to split the three, while hoping that surprise, combined with his speed, would prove good enough. It was an option that he did not like, his safety depended upon the pirates' reaction times. Sascha had to hope the three would be no better than the Bogrons, the monsters making up level 12 of the Havoc Simulator, on whom he had practice this attack. Choosing to attack the gap between the two normals, where only one would see his initial attack, he moved towards crossway 48 and waited, hearing first one set of feet, then a second pass by. Dashing in and through the crossway, he found his timing to be off, coming out almost on top of the third man. Due more to reaction then planning, Sascha squeezed the triggers of his guns without aiming. Not that aiming was needed at that distance, the needles sliced up the pirate's torso into his neck. Reacting more than thinking, Sascha spun away from the man, while ignoring the spray of arterial blood that splashed across his side and back, and fired at the second man, who was turning with a shout. Confident in the damage those bursts would cause, Sascha stepped out of his pirouette, moving a couple paces to the right, obtaining a clear line of sight on the Ghoul. However, the speed of that pirate belayed his zombie-like appearance, before Sascha could fire, the man had turned, and fired his energy gun. Yet speed alone was not enough, when it did not include the natural instincts shown by his tiny attacker. For where Sascha had the pirate targeted, the Ghoul had just fired, bouncing the bolts from his gun of the walls. Only minor reflections struck the shootist, minor enough that his suit and helmet easily absorbed the energy. Meanwhile, ignoring the bolts, Sascha finished his second step and opened fire upon the shooter. No more was he affected by the split screen, every needle went where he wanted it to go. Sascha was in the same zone which had allowed him to reach one of the highest scores ever obtained on a Havoc Simulator. Yet that training proved his undoing. Four bursts, enough to immediately kill all of his prior targets, was not enough to take down the Ghoul. Unable to raise his energy gun, instead the man reached for his communicator and though he may not have had time to speak, anybody listening would have heard the second set of four bursts that finished him off. Surprise was now gone. Sascha ran down the corridor, in the direction the three pirates had been walking. Not panicked, yet recognizing that he needed to put distance between himself and any of the other pirates, he ran to where none of them could yet be. Not worrying about what the pirates were doing in response, he ran until he reached Utility Closet ST89, with multiple entries like FG44, and slipped inside. This time it took longer to slow his heart and to regain his breath, even lifting his visor to take a drink. Then he began trying to determine what the pirate's were doing in response, while unconsciously reloading his guns that now held less then half their load. The pirates were definitely aware that something was go

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A Shootist Disarmed

A Shootist Disarmed by Arcie Emm You may wish to see prior Shootist stories: 1. The Shootist 2. A Sylph Protected / A Shootist Avenged Chapter 1 - Ms. Dupensk Bursting forth from Transition, the exploration ship detected a habitable planet, causing her pilot to begin dreaming about spending his discovery bonus. Drifting closer, his ship's sensors collecting more data, those plans grew smaller. He determined it held an abundance of minerals, yet few were rare and...

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The ShootistChapter 2 On the run

The next morning, Pa had to go to work. I was left to putter around and wait for him to get back for supper before we could have some time to talk. About all we had time for when I got in last night was a quick hello and an almost as quick explanation of why I was where I was. I promised to give him all of the details of my adventures when I saw him that evening. Meanwhile, I helped the cook with a few chores and mostly lazed away the day. Late that afternoon, the mean bastard that I had met...

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The ShootistChapter 3 The Twin Oaks Kid

I rode into a little town looking for a meal. It was noontime, and I had eaten only a small breakfast in an overnight camp. This town was so small that it had only one saloon! I looked around for a restaurant, though it looked like it would take a miracle to find one. Not seeing anything that looked appropriate, I settled for the saloon. I figured that there was a good chance that I could find a sandwich in the saloon, since Mr. Jones always had the makings available for a customer who...

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The ShootistChapter 4 Bandit hunting

I was 14 years old by now, and I was feeling every inch of my new maturity. The episode with the woman on the road from Crosleyville had stirred up some feelings that I never before knew about. However, I knew about them now, and I was not able to forget. I was flush with money, so I said "To hell with a hotel or a livery stable!" Instead, I bargained for a night in the local whorehouse. The women were amazed that I had a whole dollar to spend on women, so they showed me an especially good...

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The ShootistChapter 7 Crossing Texas

Mr. Rogers asked me to hang around until the end of the month, and I was agreeable to that. When I was ready to leave, he paid me my $500 in monthly wages and my $500 bonus. Jesse Maddox had died two days before, so Mr. Rogers felt that he and his wife were safe enough. When I left, that 217 white face Hereford herd was still on Bar 59 property, but I figured that it was none of my business. I heard about a year later that Mr. Rogers had sold out to an Englishman only three weeks after I had...

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The ShootistChapter 8 Rustlers and crooked agents

I went down to the loading pen right behind the agent as he left to inspect the cattle he was buying. Yep, them cattle were Bar J Bar all right, and I had no notice that ranch was shipping cattle yet this season. I walked up to the two men when they started talking, and I said, "Pardon me, Gentlemen, but I need to speak to both of you on a very important matter. I have been hired by Mr. Johnson to look into any sale of cattle branded with the Bar J Bar brand. He has been hit by rustlers...

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The ShootistChapter 9 A train robbery

Jake had other plans that required him to leave Hips Junction the next day. I had a feeling that I would be seeing him again one of these days. Anyway, I remained at Hips Junction for a total of seven months before I ran out of things to do. Mr. Hopkins canceled my contract because I had done such a good job that rustling had become a great rarity for the members of the Cattleman's Association and my services were no longer needed. By this time, I had accumulated a great deal of money and...

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The ShootistChapter 10 More train robberies

Essentially, my new job consisted of being on call to ride the train whenever there was need to guard an express car with a load of gold. I did not ride in the express car—that would have limited my options too much. Instead, I rode in the baggage car with the conductor or in one of the first-class passenger coaches. Frankly, I preferred the padded seats in the passenger coaches. Rarely were there less than six bandits who attacked the train. The economic conditions in Texas were so bad for...

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The ShootistChapter 12 The duel

The unjustified torture of Hank Blossom required my immediate response. Of coarse, there was no way that I would be able to catch the wagon before it reached the Upton ranch, but I had to do something. I was sure that the ranch hands had not thought up this treatment of Hank by themselves. It had to be instigated by one of the Upton men. Therefore, I figured that an attack on a ranch hand would not do anything to halt the war. I had to concentrate my efforts on the two Upton's who were the...

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emailprotected Ch 05

Chapter 5 And If You Call In The Next Half Hour… Jayce shifted in the waiting room chair. The whole place seemed so sterile, more like a hospital than a psychiatrist’s office. Possibly on purpose, the walls all blended together, not a solid corner in sight, even the chairs and shelves had only curved edges. With the exception of the new magazines on the table, everything was white, and that’s what made Jayce uneasy. The speaker on the wall chirped to life. ‘Jayce Winslow.’ He looked around...

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emailprotected Ch 01

Prologue Jayce reeled in pain from the impact to his forhead, a trickle of blood beginning to drip slowly down his nose. He stumbles as his feet entagle themselves in the strap of the satchel bag, dropped only moments before. The scene plays itself backwards through his mind as he in turn falls backwards onto the grey carpeted floor surrounded by the horrified faces of those unlucky enough to witness a man shot right between the eyes. The twenty-five year old has not lost his balance yet, as...

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What If Whence Came the Avengers

Another interlude between Chapters 3 and 4 of "Whence Came the Spider" to explain how the Mighty Avengers came to be the Mighty Avengers they are in this "Whence" Universe. What If: Whence Came the Avengers By Bill Hart As always, I am he known as Uatu, one of the many eternal Watchers. Once more you have returned in order to learn more of the vastness and complexity of the multiverse. As I have already done several times in the past, I bid you welcome to my hidden lair. It...

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Protected By Lentz Trucking

While driving for an outfit in New York called Lioness Limousine, I had a customer who was both delightful and exasperating at the same time. Holly Sykes was a thirty-seven-year-old divorcée who started asking for my services every Sunday in the late spring of 1976. For the first two sessions she decided to mix kinky BDSM activities with various sexual acts - in the car. On the first outing, she took me to the back seat where she paddled me with a hairbrush on my trousers and then on my bare...

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It was the beginning of a rainy season, and women used to do their household chores early in the morning and especially washing had to be done early, so they could dry clothes when the sun might come out, It was one of these days, Oh! Did I forget to introduce me, my name is Sandy, I am software engineer, so I had to attend some training in mumbai so I decided to stay at my sister’s place, It was a fairly old neighbourhood they had, most people knew each other and I do have a name of being an...

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I had left home when I was 18. I got a good job when I left school and was to able to afford my own place. Life at home wasn’t so hot, my father was an alcoholic and my mother turned a blind eye to all his faults. I couldn’t wait to leave, and lived happily in my own place for 5 years. My only regret was leaving my little sister, Ankita, behind. Ankita and I had always been close. I hated leaving her in that house with my parents but she always seemed to be round at mine. I didn’t mind, as far...

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Abominable Avengers

It had been trying times indeed. The Red Hulk, formally General Thaddeus Ross had gone on a murderous rampage of every person who was either a rival to his power or one of his many listed enemies whether they had been real or not, even powerful beings like the Wendigo and Emil Blonsky the Abomination had been defeated and killed and only with the combined efforts of Thor and the Incredible Hulk had they finally brought Ross down. Sealed and imprisoned he was no longer a threat to anyone, but...

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The Girl With No NameChapter 11 Lilith the Avenger

Jadranka, formerly known to the world as Danka, presented herself to her professors. She recognized two of the instructors from the Followers’ celebrations she had attended earlier in the year. However, there was no special interaction with them. The Cult of the Ancients had dissolved, its members had cut themselves off from their pasts, and to the committee she was just an ordinary student. She spoke to a panel of academics to demonstrate which educational topics she had mastered and which...

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The AllNatural Avenger

"Just another crime-free day in Natureville." an attractive brunette woman said to herself while flying above the city she protected. Aside from a turquoise mask and a blue necklace that helped Natureville's resident nude superhero hide her secret identity as mild-mannered nudist Luna Clark; the All-Natural Avenger, true to her name, was completely naked. Luna was granted with the standard superpowers at a young age like flight, super-strength, durability, and the like. But what made her stand...

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Hot Risky Unprotected Sex And The Cumslut Nurse

Introduction: This is my second story. Part 1: Is absolutely 100% true down to every word of dialog (as I remember it.) Other than minor descriptive embellishments, its true. It was just a really hot erotic experience that still turns me on when I think about it. Part 2: Is fiction. Its inspired by a real event and a real woman (a hot nurse.) But what I did with that nurse was a fantasy I had after meeting her. I know its a bit odd to mix non-fiction and fiction, but the stories are related...

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Bikini Beach Nerds Date Rape Avenger

Bikini Beach: Nerds - Date Rape Avenger When a friend of the nerds is date-raped, the nerds decide to help see that justice is done. ********************************************************** Bikini Beach: Nerds - Date Rape Avenger This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. ...

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training session with the avenger

A session was in full effect in the underground chamber used as a training room by the Avengers. Several round turrets popped up from concealed positions in the floor and began laying down heavy amounts of blaster fire. As soon as they opened fire a hurled chunk of metal, freshly ripped from a training-bot flew through the air and crushed one of them. The Incredible Hulk, the one responsible for the throw guffawed loudly. “Hulk smash!” As he prepared to turn the rest of the bot into a...

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The Instant Avenger

THE INSTANT AVENGER by Skip SYNOPSIS: An aggressive domineering lesbian seeks to coerce an unwillingheterosexual female into bondage. Fortunately for the intended submissive athird dominatrix comes to the rescue. Three of the characters in this storymade previous appearances in "The Instant Messenger" CODES: F/F, Heavy, Violent, NC Let me tell you a little about myself before I relate my bondage experience.My name is Sara, 19 years old, 5'4, 100 pounds, with piercing blue eyes andlong blond...

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Fake Avengers

Somewhere in SpaceThanos' gaze beheld the glowing pink vial he held in his hand. He turned to his chief scientist, "You are certain these will achieve the desired effect? If you fail me again, I will bathe the starways in your blood."The scientist shifted uneasily and bowed his head low. "Yes, Master. Our scouts have spread the spores across the galaxies. The spores are microscopic but fast-moving, and they have already begun to seek out their respective targets based on the specific genetic...

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Unprotected Sex

Unprotected Sex an original story by CutePatti Part 1 Sue and I had been dating for over a year. We were both seniors in high school, had wonderful families and friends we cared about a lot. We were both good students, got along well with the teachers and had very happy and normal lives. At least until recently. What can I say. Things happen out of nowhere that can turn your whole world upside down. Not that we aren't still very happy......it's just so many things have...

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Risky Unprotected Sex

It was a fall day widweek and a fuck buddy of mine decided that he wanted to hang out. I wouldnt object of course so we packed up our stuff and headed down to Atlantic City. He is a bit of a romantic and basically decided that he wanted to stay in for the night. We got room service and watched Prometheus together in the hotel room. One thing lead to another and I had gone to the bathroom to change into a sexy laace babydoll lingerie. As I walked back to the bed he just eyed me up and down and...

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A Study In Unprotected Sex

A Study In Unprotected SexWhen I was in college and following I had a good friend humor me. She was very sexual. We did our own orgasm study.I tried to hook up with my own "stunt" vagina to record ejaculations and intensity. Went very well. All 10 measured 8 or above on my pleasure scale. With 7 being 10. Here is the scale. 1-3: orgasm achieved, mild sensation, one to two contractions ejecting semen. 4-7 orgasm achieved, good sensation, three to four contractions during ejaculation, medium...

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Unprotected Sex is best

me and my girlfriend have been dating for 5 months now and the other day we was having sex unprotected (She is very cautious about getting pregnant) We was fucking hard for 40 minutes me on top for the majority of the time, but she rode me, grinding against my hard cock, making me groan, i got back on top, fucking her hard, then i felt the urge to cum, i went over her face and she started sucking my bulging hard cock, she rubbed it a little, then i came all over her face, filling her mouth...

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Frat slutFemale avenger

You are lying on a library table spread eagled and naked. At least there is no one here today, you think, because its just the first day of classes -- this is sure some way to start your college career. Your body has been changed by the pudgy geek who is stuffing his enormous cock into your mouth. The cock you find yourself eagerly sucking is twelve inches long and can barely fit into your mouth. You cannot wait for him to cum in your mouth, on your face, on your breasts, and so on. You know...

Mind Control
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Unprotected And Unexpected

My wife and I had a nuts night out in Manchester with a large group of mixed friends. We danced and clubbed until the early hours. The remaining five friends and us two ordered a taxi back to the Diamond Lodge Hotel.We had already drunk too much,  but someone in our group decided we needed more. We trawled the streets in the cab looking for a late garage, but couldn't find one. We gave up and returned to the hotel.I cheekily asked the night porter if he could sell us anything, expecting a no,...

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Feeding Devar And His Friend 8211 Pt 6 Unprotected Sex

Hi, this is Anitha back with the next part of the story. The next day, I left my child with Vino and I, as usual, went to the hospital. Everything happened as per the routine. Chandran came in the evening and I returned to my house. First, I went to Vino’s house to pick my son up. I rang the doorbell and Sundar uncle opened the door. He gave a dirty laugh seeing me. “Uncle I am here to pick Raj”. “He is sleeping, Anitha. Come on in and have tea”. “No uncle. Let me get him and go to my house”...

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Protect Me Prison Love Story

Chapter 1Joe was scared shitless.He'd never been to prison before. Hell, he'd never even been in trouble before. He was always a good boy growing up, the teacher's pet desperate to please.As the prison guard walked Joe down the halls to his new cell, Joe had to remind himself yet again that this was really happening.Everything had been going so well for him. He was 20 years old, in his second year of college, and living in Los Angeles, the city of his dreams.Until the night he decided to have a...

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The Society Witness Protection

1The Society - Witness ProtectionBy The TechnicianBDSM, Non-consensual, Punishment, Depilation, Flogging, Public Bondage, Public Nudity, Public Humiliation = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  A member of The Inner Circle of The Society has agreed to become a traitorous informant in return for being taken into Witness Protection.  Things do not turn out quite like she had anticipated. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING!  All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of...

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The Society Witness Protection

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 43

[Preservation – Janice] After George finished (see Protection and Preservation, Books 1 and 2) telling his story, I asked the question no one else seemed willing to ask. "George, how does marriage work?" George replied, "We allow plural marriage. All parties have to have reached the age of consent, which we voted to be fifteen. All have to be willing and publicly announce their union. I started out with one wife but she and Judith got me to go along with Judith coming into our marriage....

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Bikini Beach To Serve and Protect

Acknowledgments. My sincere thanks to ElrodW for his review and approval of this story in his universe using his characters, to Ellie Dauber for her help with the basic plot and storyline, for her comments and for the use of her character, to Denise Em (the daughter of the Blue Pen) for her detailed proofing, and to my special friend for her thoughts, help and comments. Permission is granted to Fictionmania, Nifty and ElrodW to post this story to their respective sites. Anyone else...

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Protecting Her sissy

When my Mistress took me as her own, she insisted I begin keeping a journal. It's a catchall of my thoughts, wishes, fears, etc. It's also a record of milestones, both serious and silly. This little story is based on the journal entry recording an erotic dream I had after months of orgasm denial. I have tried cleaning it up and making it more realistic, and easy to follow, than the original dream was. I am still learning how to write stories, so any helpful hints or constructive...

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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 44

[Protection – Janice] As soon as I heard the bolt, I was ducking behind Jeff and drew my pistol. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see two men with rifles. They were much older than Jeff and his friends. I took in all of this in an instant. An instant later, it was over. Robby had dropped and rolled. As he rolled, he drew his pistol and shot the one nearer to him without stopping his roll. I shot the one near me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Robby reach cover with his rifle at...

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Protection and Preservation Book 03Chapter 9

[Preservation - In Missouri] We waited for more news about Dave being broken up about his wife's death. A few minutes passed. Mel came on sobbing. "Charles is. Charles is dead. Dave is, too. We're coming in." Pam and I looked at each other. A young woman came into the room. I said, "Monitor the radio. One of the Bradley's is coming in. We're going in to meet them." We left for the garage area. We went armed. I think anger showed on both our faces. When we arrived, the machine gun...

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The Witness Protection Plan With A TG Twist

****************************************************** THE WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM WITH A TG TWIST by Deane Christopher Copyrighted 1999 ****************************************************** "I have no further questions for the witness, your honor.", the attorney who was leading Jason Tamborn's defense team said in a off-handed manner; knowing with a certainty that though he had tried every ploy he knew during the course of his lengthy...

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Protection and Preservation Book 03Chapter 10

[Preservation – In Missouri] She pulled sideways and, as she stopped, I began to shoot. The lions not hit in our initial shots ran off quickly leaving the area clear. "Darryl, open the door." I then said, "Protection Force, come around the Bradley and enter with the Humvee's. Tractors, turn around, close up, and run inside. Pam, we will be last." As those in the tractors ran for the entrance, lions came out and Melissa and I cut them down. The lions quickly gave up the attack. We drove...

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Protection and Preservation Book 01Chapter 25

[Tennessee] It wasn't far to Henderson and it took us about three hours to make the trip. Henderson appeared to be deserted when we pulled in. Jane motioned me to stop at the middle of town. She said, "Let me get out and call for people that I knew." "Okay, wear a vest." She grimaced but pulled it on and got out. She began to call names and walking toward a corner store. Finally, she shouted, "Is anyone here? Please." It was quiet and then the door to the corner store opened and an...

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Free Trader Marys DreamThe Right of Protection

(Author’s Note: Every so often, I may post some background on a key part of the universe that could use further explanation but I couldn’t find a way to shoehorn it into the text -- FB) An excerpt from “Rights and Responsibilities” 37th edition The Right Of Protection: The Terran Federation formed from the remnants of the Terran Empire, a neo-feudalist reaction to the Collapse that shattered interstellar travel. Under the Empire, feudal relationships were normal, where citizens would...

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No Protection

A tedious witness protection evening is broken by an electric toothbrush that provides intense multiple orgasms. This is followed by hot unprotected sex leading to a surprise experience of female ejaculation for the young bored brunette detainee; at the hands of two mature detectives....White collar creative accounting crime and excessive laundering of money to tax havens offshore sounds like the sort of unacceptable societal transgression that most of us initially think, well fuck the tax...

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Susan A Divorced Mom Protects Her Only Daughter

Susan was a single divorced mom who had legal rights to her eighteen year old daughter Emily. There wasn’t a thing Susan wouldn’t do to protect her one and only daughter. One evening as Susan arrived home from work she notice an unusual car out in front of her home. She had no idea who it belong to until the passenger door opened. She watched as her daughter Emily climbed out of the car and said, “Bye Derrick. You can pick me up tomorrow after school.” “Emily, who just dropped you off?” a...

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Protection and Preservation Book 10Chapter 9

We stayed over and got to know the people of Perth. They were independent and friendly though they had a strange accent. I mentioned this to Matilda and she laughingly said that I had the accent. She was probably correct in this case. One event of note was George meeting Matilda's oldest daughter, Sophie. There was an instant connection! However, they were both fourteen and I explained to Matilda that George was below the age of consent. Matilda asked, "When will he turn fifteen?" I...

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Protection and Preservation Book 05Chapter 9

[Janice] Bennie said, "Roger. We're here waiting." I always enjoyed watching planes land but the Connie was impressive. We had moved the horses into a hanger. Experience had shown horses that hadn't heard motors did not like airplanes. Tom brought the Connie in gently flaring it down to land with a gentle chirp of the tires. He let it slow gently since he had plenty of runway. He turned and taxied to us on two engines cutting them as he came near. We had found a rolling stairway and...

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Protection and Preservation Book 03Chapter 3

[Protection – Robby on the Road] All four of us were nervous, as were the horses. We had made very good time and I called a halt a bit earlier than I might but we could see a fine house with a good barn. We pulled in the drive and were met by a man with a rifle at the door. He looked more worried than belligerent. He said, "Have you seen the lions?" Pam answered, "Yes, sir. They were around us last night. My name is Pam. With me are my spouses, Melissa, Robby, and Charles. We were going...

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Protection and Preservation Book 08Chapter 8

[Janice writes] We went to their home and tied the horses. We sat on their porch drinking water and talking. I was introduced along with the rest of our party. I told Tim and Wendy a synopsis of the tale of Protection and Preservation and heard, in exchange, their story. Looking about, I felt that this couple had led a remarkable life and accomplished much in the world. Leaving a good place for your children is a big accomplishment. With their permission, we set up an HF radio and antenna....

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The Gender Wars Chapter 1 Protection

But I'm getting ahead of myself here. My name is Martin Michaels, First infantry division of the United Male Domination Forces or U.M.D.F, and this is my story. Chapter 1 Protection By the time I had graduated the High school, the world had become a terrifying place. Social clubs focusing on Gender superiority had become quite a common thing. Unfortunately, extremist feminists flicked the switch about a year ago with there attack. One of the oldest men's clubs in the world had been...

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Witness Relocation and Protection Program

While I was running this throught the spellchecker this morning, I had the idea that this might make an interesting new universe. Bill -------------------------------- Witness Relocation and Protection Program by Bill Hart "On behalf of the state, Mr. Marwell, I'd like to personally thank you for coming forward and testifying." the judge said. "Without your testimony, its very likely we would have had to release Frank Farnelli for lack of evidence." "Prison's the best place...

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Witness Relocation and Protection Program II

Witness Relocation and Protection Program II By Bill Hart Superior Court Judge Abigail Carstairs looked down from the bench in the direction of the prosecution's star witness, while the convicted defendant was escorted in shackles from her court. She wasn't overly pleased about the deal that had been struck by the DA's office giving this particular witness immunity from prosecution for all of his earlier crimes in exchange for his testimony, but she also knew all too well that the...

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SRU Bully Protection

SRU: Bully Protection By Ellie Dauber "Kendall, what are you doing here?" Mike Kendall froze. He knew that voice, and he hated it. Abe Tierney had been picking on him, since they were in third grade. Now they were seniors in high school. Abe was captain of the school wrestling team, and he seemed to delight in making life miserable for his non-athletic victim. "What do you mean, Abe? This is a public mall. Anybody can come in here to shop." "Not if I tell then they...

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