Runway 1 free porn video

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Runway By Arecee Chapter 1 MODEL FOUND MURDERED New York City. World famous model Natalia Breshnekov was found with her neck cut, floating in the Hudson River this morning by two joggers. They had noticed her nude body against the sea wall as they ran by. "I saw this bloated body floating next to the wall and would have never guessed that it was Natalia, it made me sick looking at her," said Bill Justin. "I noticed the smell before I saw the body," mentioned Barbara Wise, Bill's running partner, "I couldn't bear to look at it, it was disgusting." Police have no leads into the model's death and were asking the public for help in solving the matter. Natalia was the star model for Universal Modeling Agency and had been missing for four weeks. It was assumed that she had run off with one of her many boyfriends for a holiday, but when she missed her latest modeling assignment her agent notified the police as to her disappearance. The tall Russian beauty was well known for her erratic behavior especially when it involved men, so her disappearance didn't cause much of a stir until this AM. Police spokesman Robert Minton said that this case would be investigated like no other because of the popularity of the deceased, "We'll leave no rock unturned," he said. No funeral arraignments have been made pending notification of the family. *** "Hey Mutt, you and Jeff coming by for a beer later?" Joe Lind asked as the recruits left their final training session at Quantico. "I dunno, I'll ask Jeff," Mutt replied. Mutt and Jeff, that's what the other FBI recruits called Matt and Dirk. Both young men had joined the FBI right out of high school in a special program to recruit young men and women for undercover work for the agency. Mutt was Matt Watson, a slim lad standing five foot five with dark hair and brown eyes. Matt laughed a lot and seemed to enjoy every minute he was alive. Matt came from Santa Maria, California and lived to surf when he was in school. His academics were in the upper one fourth of his class but surfing won out over school sports. The school bell would ring and it was off to Avila Beach for his favorite pursuit. Jeff was Dirk Rollins, the other half of the team. Dirk stood five foot eleven and weighed one hundred forty pounds after a visit to an all you can eat restaurant. Dirk was one of those kids that never gained weight no matter how hard he tried. Dirk was of Scandinavian stock and had blue eyes and a shock of blond hair, or what was left of it after the buzz cuts both boys sported. Dirk was from Minnesota and seemed to be serious all the time, even when he pulled some prank on Matt. The sides of his mouth would curl up when he did something funny but he really didn't let out the guffaws like Matt did. How these two paired up was a mystery, but they had become best of friends. The boys had just graduated from FBI training in Quantico, Virginia and were hoping to be assigned to some far off post. Matt spotted Jeff at the far end of the hallway and shouted to him. "Hey Dirk, want to grab a beer with Joe and the guys?" Matt asked. "Let's check the bulletin board first, then we'll have a beer," Dirk said. The two young men walked to the main entry and scanned the board for any interesting notifications. "Hey Dirk look at this, they're asking for volunteers for an undercover assignment in New York City, let's sign up," exclaimed Matt., as he looked at the notice on the bulletin board. "We've never done this before, what makes you think they will let us have the assignment?" Dirk responded.. "The worse they could say is no, and it doesn't hurt to ask. Besides, that was the reason we came to the academy in the first place, come on lets try.," Matt said, with a gleam in his eye. "I guess your right, it would be fun skulking about in our trench coats and hats, lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce on the bad guys, hell we might even get to use our karate, yahh!" Dirk shouted while jumping in the air and kicking his leg out in a menacing way. "Dirk, you're out there, I'll just use my gun and shoot the son of a bitch and then stomp him with my boots." "Why would you be wearing boots?" "Because were going to be bad ass bikers on a mission." "I'd rather be Sam Spade, you know trench coat, hat, and cigarette hanging out of our mouths, now that's under cover." The young men kept introducing scenarios as they walked to the office to sign up for their adventure. "May I help you?" asked the agent in charge of the desk. The agent was Johnny Mullins. Johnny had been with the FBI for twelve years and was what one would term a fuck up. He had been on several assignments and each one had gone badly because of his ineptitude, and because of this had a chip on his shoulder and loved to screw with young agents in the most devious ways. "We want to sign up for the undercover assignment on the board," stated Matt. "Which one is that?" asked the agent. "It's the only one on the board," replied Matt. "Look, I don't know which one you are talking about, give me a clue." "The one in New York City," replied Matt with exasperation in his voice. "Oh, that one, are you sure you want that one?" "Damn straight, we're two bad dudes," laughed Matt. "Okay, I'm going to help you out, let me get my supervisor," the agent said, laughing all the way from the room. "Hey Bill, we have some dumb shit kids that want that assignment in New York City, what should I tell them?" asked the agent. "Let me see who you're talking about," responded Bill. "It's the two guys at the desk." "Did you say two guys?" "Yep, the two guys." "That assignment is for girls, we just haven't found the right ones, go tell them that they don't fit the profile." "Hey they're newbees, why don't we fuck with them for a little while, you know break them in, screw around with them a little bit," said the agent. "We could get in deep shit if we do that, let it go." "Come on, this is the government, nothing can happen to us, and beside we need a laugh now and then, let's do it." "We could lose our jobs if we're caught, let it go Johnny," Bill said. "Come on Bill, I helped you with that Santa prank at the annual Christmas party so you owe me, the least you could do is look," Johnny said. "Okay, let's see what we have to work with." Bill walked out to the reception area and looked at the young men and spoke, "So, you two want to go undercover? Didn't you just graduate from the academy?" "Yes sir we did. We want this undercover assignment, we want action," stated Matt in his innocence. Bill appraised the two men, God they look just like high school kids, skinny as hell but eager to please. Being involved in the prank will make them feel as though they are one of us, what the heck, it's all in fun. "You boys look like you will fit the bill. We will have to alter your appearance slightly to fit in with the people you will be watching so I want you to go down to room B201 and see Maria Gomez. She will take good care of you, good luck men," said Bill as he sent the boys off. "Okay Johnny, I sucked them in, wait until Maria makes them up and they find out the assignment was for a woman, God this is going to be funny." "Let's give them a few minutes and go down and see the results, you did clue Maria into the joke didn't you?" "I did before I talked to the kids. She couldn't wait to fix them up, she was giggling the whole time I was talking to her. She said their mothers wouldn't recognize them after she was done with them." "Cool, lets give it a half of an hour and go down, I hope they don't get too pissed off at us." "They seem like nice boys, I'm sure they will laugh just as hard as us at the joke," said Bill as they returned to work. Matt and Dirk rode the elevator down to the basement and found room B201. "Wow Dirk, this is going to be so much fun, I wonder what they want us to become for this thing?" questioned Matt. "It must really be undercover for us to have to have disguises," replied Dirk excitedly. The boys entered the room and found Maria waiting for them. "May I help you?" she asked, barely controlling her laughter. "Were here for our disguises," Matt answered with his excitement showing. "Ah, you want the ones for the New York City job, okay come with me, I'm Maria by the way," she said as she extended her hand to the boys. Matt and Dirk shook her hand softly and introduced themselves. They followed her into the rear of the room. There were several doors on the back wall and when opened revealed a small makeup room behind each door. "I'm going to separate you two. One of my assistants will work on you Matt while I do Dirk. Jenny, will you take Matt in that room and disguise him like we discussed earlier?" "I'd be happy to Maria," Jenny said. The women took each boy to their individual room for their makeover. They were kept separated so they wouldn't see what was being done to them until it was time to bring the joke to a conclusion. The women did their best to make the boys beautiful. There was no sense making them look like clowns, the joke would be better served if they looked like girls. Both boys were late in starting puberty and shaved only once a week whether they needed it or not. A little concealer hid their eyebrows, some shadow, mascara, eyeliner, blush, lipstick and gloss did wonders to the lads. Maria stood back and admired her efforts, Dirk was beautiful, actually he was beyond beautiful, he was gorgeous, even with his crew cut hair. Maria was jealous that a man could be so pretty and not even know it. Jenny finished with Matt and had to giggle. Matt was cute, cheerleader cute, he looked bubbly and sweet almost as though he was going shopping with one of his girlfriends, Jenny would have liked to have a girl like this as a friend. Bill and Johnny were in a conference room waiting for the girls to bring the two boys back so they could have a big laugh at their expense. The women called Bill to tell him they were ready to bring them to the room. "That was Maria, they're bringing the guys here in a few minutes. Do you have a camera to take pictures?" asked Bill. "You bet, this is going to be a howl, I can't wait for them to see each other," replied Johnny. It was at this moment Jack Carstairs the director of operations walked by and saw the two men waiting for Matt and Dirk, so he thought he would say hello. "Bill, Johnny, how have you been?" inquired Jack, as he entered the room. From the look on their faces you would have thought the grim reaper had just entered the room. If Matt and Dirk were to enter the room now, with Jack there, they might just as well throw away their retirement, they were dead. As luck would have it Maria escorted the two boys into the room. Both looked like girls with crew cuts and boy's bodies and when they saw each other their mouths dropped open in disbelief. "Who are these two?" asked Jack. "Uhh, Matt and Dirk, they were trying to see if they could go undercover on the New York job," Bill said, thinking fast. Fuck, fuck, fuck, we're so busted, God there go our jobs, was the thought running through his mind as panic set in. "Did you boys volunteer for this assignment?" Jack asked. "Yes sir," Matt answered, innocently. "Bill did you go along with this?" "Yes sir," Bill said, as he saw his retirement flying out the window. "Well from the look of things Bill, you came up with a great idea, I'm impressed. You men make beautiful women. We've been trying to find a girl tall enough for this assignment and you Bill thought outside the box and found the person we need, we need more agents like you, I'm putting your name in for commendation, congratulations, Matt and Dirk, the assignment is yours. Maria I want you to work with these two and get them ready for their adventure and boys you're the kind of agents the FBI is looking for, duty above all else. Maria do what ever it takes to make the tall one ready for the runway, the fashion industry waits." Jack said with a chuckle as he left the room. "Did I hear right, Jack liked what we did?" Johnny asked. "I think that's what he said. I thought we were dead when the boys came into the room. I can't believe we got away with this." "Excuse me sir?" asked Matt, "You didn't tell us this assignment was for girls." "Well damn, did I forget to tell you that, how forgetful of me," responded Johnny. Now Johnny was pissed off, he wanted this to be a prank, crap, it was his idea and now Bill was getting credit for it. To make matters worse, this was a plum assignment for Matt and Dirk, and it was his idea, life wasn't fair. "Matt, Dirk, how do you feel about this assignment now?" Bill asked.. Matt and Dirk had walked to the observation mirror and were looking at themselves. The look on their faces was one of disbelief, how could they let themselves be suckered into making fools of themselves and what was worse the director liked that they had allowed themselves to be made up like a couple of sissies. Dirk could feel the anger building in his stomach. Dirk didn't like this sort of thing, he was from a very conservative base and in his eyes, men were men and women were women and he would be damned if he was going to be like some freak on the Jerry Springer show. "I don't like it at all," responded Dirk. "If I had known you were looking for women I would have been out of here in a heartbeat. I know you were just fucking with us and you were caught and now it looks like Matt and I wanted to do this thing too. Now we have no choice as to whether we want to do this or not. If we don't we will be dropped from the FBI and I want this job more than anything, so you win, I'll do it but I don't have to like it." Matt on the other hand thought the whole thing was a giggle and as usual his surfer personality rose to the surface with an outbreak of laughter. "What's so damn funny Matt?" Dirk asked. "Us, look at yourself dude, you look hot, well, err kind of, and me, hell I feel a need for some pompoms and a short skirt," replied Matt as the laughs continued. Dirk looked at his best friend and finally the sides of his mouth curled up. He even let out a quiet yuk, yuk. Maybe he shouldn't be so uptight all the time and what harm could come from this anyway? "You're right Dirk," Bill said, "This did start out as a joke but as luck would have it you were exactly what we were looking for, a tall person that could work as a model. Hell half the girls that model are men anyway, so maybe this will all turn out for the best." "I hope so," answered Dirk, as his anger subsided. "Maria, I want the guys to report to you tomorrow morning so you can train them and perfect their disguises. Take as much time as you need, they have to be perfect. Just so you know what you are going to be doing, Dirk you're going to be a high fashion model and Matt we'll find something for you to do. You really don't have to become a woman for your part of this assignment if you don't want but it will be easier for you to go back stage as a woman than if you were to remain a man for this thing." "Hey Dirk and I are buds to the finish, if he has to be a girl for this then I'll be one too. What the heck, Mutt and Jeff are inseparable and what kind of friend would I be if he had to do this alone?" Matt asked. "It's done then, report here tomorrow for your training with Maria, good luck men and for what it's worth I'm sorry the joke backfired on Johnny and me, see you tomorrow." Bill and Johnny left the room and Maria brought the guys back to the dressing rooms to remove their makeup. "You guys are lucky to have gotten this assignment, it's very dangerous," said Maria as Dirk sat first to have his face taken off. "Why do you say that?" asked Matt. "Did you see the newspaper the other morning? There was a story about a model that was murdered four weeks ago. She was going to give the New York police information about a drug ring that uses the fashion industry as a cover to move drugs, and now she's dead." "And I thought all we had to do was flit around like a couple of girls," laughed Matt. "Being a girl isn't as easy as you think it is and if you aren't convincing, you'll be as dead as that model. It won't make any difference whether you are a man or woman, dead is dead," Maria said. "Point well taken Maria, I just hope you can do as good of a job as the director thinks you can do," Matt said. "I'll do my part, but you have to do yours, I'm finished with you Dirk. Sit down Matt, let me make you a man again since I don't have any pompoms for you to use just now," Maria giggled. "Damn, I was just getting used to this and now you pop my balloon. I thought I might try out for the Dallas Cowboy cheer leaders and then you take it all away from me," sighed Matt and then he fell into a laughing fit. "Stay still or I'll get this cream in your eyes and I swear I will if you don't stop laughing," giggled Maria. "Okay, I'll be good," he said. Maria finished removing the makeup and sent the boys on their way. They would have gone to a bar for a drink, but neither was twenty-one so they went for a cup of coffee. They had many things to talk about. "Matt, we have to talk," Dirk said with concern in his voice. "About what?" Matt asked. "The assignment, I don't like it, it's not right." "What's wrong with it?" "The girl thing, I don't want to pretend to be a girl, I'm a man and this plain sucks." "Loosen up dude, I think it will be fun, come on man, were going undercover." "This wasn't the undercover I was thinking about, this girl thing makes me real uneasy." "Come on Dirk, it'll be fun." "Why is everything fun with you, can't you be serious sometimes?" "I am serious, this is just like surfing, its fun." "What do you, mean like surfing?" "Surfing is like this adventure. When you surf, you start out on small waves and as you gain confidence and skill you work your way up to larger waves and that's when you really have fun. Then you hear about waves four or five times larger than the ones you usually surf and have to try them. You catch one and when you drop off down the face you know that this will be the best ride of your life but if you wipe out it could kill you, so you concentrate and when you finish the ride and drop into the water you want to scream, "I did it." It's a feeling like no other. This adventure can be the same way, the little waves are when we learn to act like women and then when we become comfortable in our deception we finally ride the large wave, that's when we go undercover, if we fuck up we'll die, but if we succeed, it will be a high like no other." "I know it will be interesting and fun, I just don't like the disguise, I'll be fine after we get started, let's go get some sleep, I'm sure Maria will be busting our asses tomorrow." "I'm sure she will," Matt laughed, as the men left for good nights rest.

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We sat in that dark station for nearly an hour. I told Becky again and again how good her mouth had felt, and she never got tired of hearing it. While the bus sat at that station, I thought maybe my mouth would make her feel as good, and asked her if she thought so."Yes Danny, I bet it would. I would let you. . . you know, if you wanted to." she said. "You’re the nicest boy I have ever met."I slowly pushed her back into the corner, against her pillows, and her legs fell open. I looked down at...

2 years ago
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My Neighbour And My Cousin Aunty

Hi all ISS readers…I am Sam. I am a regular reader of ISS ..Now i am going to say my experience with my aunt.. nini (name changed) I am from Kerala.. 18 years old, i am a plustwo student. my aunty (my granpa’s sister’s daughter) she was living next to our house. she had a son and a daughter. Her husband was an electrician.. Now let me tell about her figure. her ass was soo big.. her boob size was 36d. Now let me begin the story. I always had a crush on her from when we changed our home...

2 years ago
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Two on the Floor

I had to admit this, even to myself, but I am her dirty little secret. There I said it, “I am a dirty little secret!” I think I should be ashamed, and maybe I am — at least when I am not looking at her dozing on my bed.She is Constance and she lives right across the street from me. She lives there with her two daughters and her husband of something just shy of twenty years. This wasn’t something I planned. It just sort of happened. I know, I know, how cliché of me, having an affair with a...

2 years ago
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Mamta Mami Ki Chudai

Hi dosto mera naam h Chirag or m Jaipur ka rehne wala hu or m B tech me study karta hu meri age 19 saal h colour fare or lund ka size 7″ h ye meri iss p pehli story h or ye real story h koi fake story nhi ab m aap sab ko sidha story pe lekar aata hu ye baat un dino ki h jab m 12th me padhai karta tha or garmi ki chhutiyo me m apne nani k ghar ghumne gya tha apni mummy k Sath mere mama bank me service karte h unke 2 bache h ek 8 saal ka beta or 2 saal ki beti or unki wife yani meri maami unka...

1 year ago
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Evening At The CastleChapter 13 A Visit With Marianne

Friday dawned dark, gloomy and rainy, the kind of day I wished I could pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep, but remembering my appointment this evening, I instead reluctantly got up and stepped into the shower. The hot stinging spray quickly cleared my mind and I began ticking off all the things I needed to accomplish before Marianne's driver arrived at six o'clock. After drying off and slipping into my robe I called Room Service and asked for Bridget. She picked up almost...

4 years ago
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Dark Impulse

DARK IMPULSEby Willailla        ~I will give them paradise and eternal life, then I will deceive them into disobeying me so that I can torment them in the flames of hell forever~ONE        I didn't press the recorded message button.   I knew it would be Victor.  I didn't want to hear from him ever again.  I threw on a pair of jeans, t-shirt and athletic shoes.  Grabbed a pack of cigarettes and shoved it in the side pocket of my sports jacket as I left my second floor apartment.        The smell...

4 years ago
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Black Magic

As I wrote earlier, our start into wife sharing happened on our recent vacation. A young stud that was extremely interested and flirting with my wife at the dance club was her first partner. As it turned out, we tried to contact him two days later but found out he checked out. We were both disappointed but willing to try again in the days we had left on our vacation.Our opportunity came a day later when at the club, a black singer, Andre, was performing. His voice was sensual and mellow and the...

4 years ago
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The Cute Boy

Hi nice day to all the fans of this wonderful site. Myself Sooraj , 22 yr guy from Trivandrum , kerala. I have been bisexual since my cousin taught me about sex and since then had been waiting for someone special to have a first time.This is the first time for me narrating a story and my English is not so good.Please excuse my mistakes . Love you all. After I joined college I was darn horny and really wanted someone for sum fun time. I act straight in front of ma friends and even have a gf. So...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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The Mercuries

The Mercuries By Kim Ott So there I was, dressed to the nines, eating dinner with the most beautiful woman I had dated in almost 4 years. The tab was going to be expensive, I knew that before I sat down in such a glittery establishment, and I was reaffirmed by my current girl's selection for dinner. (Lamb with mint glaze, hmmm...) Yet I was having a great time, and by the looks of things, so was she. We had finished our entrees and were pleasantly full awaiting the waitress...

2 years ago
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My Honeymoon

My Honeymoon Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As we walked out of the church, ducking the rice and waving at family and friends, I held my husbands hand tightly, then we were in the limo, headed for our honeymoon. Excited, we both giggled as we drove home to change clothes, taking the time as we changed, to enjoy what married life has to offer. As we lay there exhausted and happy, I thought back to when I was growing up, then, how my road to being a wife all...

1 year ago
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Jocelyns Story Love Gone AwryChapter 2

I had been working as the office manager for a small electrical supply firm in the city where I live for a little over a year, and I just loved it. I'd been given a great deal of responsibility very quickly by the owner and I found that I thrived on the fresh new challenges I encountered each and every day. I was attaining far more satisfaction and fulfillment from my career than I was from my personal life at home. My husband, Danny, and I rarely spoke to each other any more, and things...

4 years ago
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Initium NovumChapter 8

As Robert and his family sat at breakfast, all the small ones had either gone to school or out to play. Robert had sent mental messages to Brad's family and Susan's family to join them after breakfast. When everyone was there Robert explained that Nancy requested that they join the AI's on the spacecraft as the aliens that had destroyed their home planet were about to enter the far side of the Milky Way Galaxy looking for habitable planets with life forms they could harvest for food....

2 years ago
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Keep It in the Family

My fiancée sat straight up in shock, her boy-toy fumbling to cover himself with the sheets. All I could do was repeat myself as I stared at them, unable to form any other words. “Are you fucking kidding me?” “Brandon, baby, it’s not what it looks like, I promise -” “I’m not your fucking baby.” “No - please -” Jamie had tears in her eyes that I was sure were fake. She stood up, bringing the blanket with her. I would have laughed at the other man hastily covering his junk with a random pillow...

4 years ago
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A man is drawn to a house after a sexual encounter

I waited. I didn’t think anyone would actually come, but soon a light come on through the windows next to the door. A curtain rustled briefly. Then after a few seconds I heard the front door unlocking. I guess when he or she saw me they must have assumed I was safe enough. The porch light came on and the door opened. My mouth fell open and I felt the blood drain from my face. This woman could have been the twin of Talia. Only older… She must have seen the look on my...

3 years ago
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A gay summer Holiday Part 3

Index: 3An introduction to leather.When Chris woke up Jelmer was already gone. He thought to himself that his holiday could not have started any better. He got dressed in some loose fitting clothes and flip flops and proceeded to the campground shower buildings. He walked past a few tents and saw the Leather guy playing with his pierced cock. Chris greeted the guy with a simple nod. And the guy gestured to Chris to come play with him for a while. Chris's...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 428 Options for WDimension Categories 3 4 and 6

Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued) There are several billion dimensions in Category #3, in which my body died in either the Casino Kidnappers' basement or the CIA's underground lab. I need to do some things differently, depending on whether I died in the basement or lab, so I'll describe them separately, starting with the dimensions in which I died in the CIA's care. ^ A few chapters earlier I described how I'd get my revenge on the DHS and CIA people who'd got away with what had...

2 years ago
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Late Night Munchies

Akelta woke up once in the middle of the night, very confused and very hungry. "Khaal...did you leave the food out....?" She mumbled softly, her voice sounding very tired. Khaal grunts and awakes with a start, leaning up with weary yellow eyes gleaming in the darkness. "Huh?..o-oh...yeah...on th' table..." He mumbles, flopping back down on the bed. "Y'okay?" Akelta smiled sadly "Yeah, sorry, love." The fae leaned over and gave him a short kiss on the cheek, running her paw gently...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Booth Wife

Not in a million years would I have ever dreamed I would be sitting at a keyboard and typing this account of what happened only a few short months ago. I had thought about putting this into words several months from now, but decided I needed to do this now, not only because the memory is fresher, but also due to the fact that I will soon be pre-occupied with a situation you will soon read about. I don't quite know where to start, and I don't want to bore you will meaningless historical details...

2 years ago
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Double Mistaken Identity

Jack was determined to fuck Donna, the mother of his daughter's boyfriend. He just got mixed up a bit. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating here and now, as the author of this story, that every single character is at least 16 years old. Any reference to an age...

4 years ago
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College sex story of a horny guy fucking his crush

Hey there everyone, I am yash sharing with you all my story about me and my classmate making wild love with each other. Hope you people enjoy ? .So there this girl “harushi ” in my class of B.TECH having a 30B-24-32 figure and as from measurements you can see she was a very hot piece of ass :p.We got a crush on each other from the moment we saw each other first time. Ya even I have an athletic body, which might be the reason. But being shy guy never had guts to talk to her still, had many...

2 years ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 45

I sat home all day Sunday recovering from the weekend. The Late night on Friday had played havoc with my body’s clock. I took the day on Sunday to try to recover my energy. I did call Maurine just to check in with her. She didn’t sound as though she had any guilt feeling or even any regrets yet. I knew that might or might not change. I decided to just enjoy the moment. “Well you have a good night,” I said. “I’m going to be out pushing worms tomorrow.” “That sounds like so much fun,” she...

2 years ago
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Chained to the Ceiling

They had me chained to the roof by my wrists, my feet dangling freely. I was completely naked and a cool breeze played across my erect nipples. They captured me last week when they invaded Earth. They looked exactly like us, but had more advance technology, and had more knowledge in the sex department. Those, like me, who had been captured were taken deep into outer space and were chained up. My feet hadn't touched the ground since. They had only touched me once, giving me great pain and...

3 years ago
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Getting ByChapter 28

Jamaal and Grey Eagle were just entering the cafe as Amanda and I got there. I held the door as Jamaal helped Grey Eagle up the steps. I don't know why, but Jamaal had taken it upon himself to take care of my old mentor as it got harder for him to move around. Ruth came out from behind the counter with her order pad as we entered. "Usually don't have this kind of crowd for dinner except on special occasions," she observed. "What's it going to be? Our special tonight is fresh venison....

3 years ago
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Marys fantasy

We want to be used!Mary had confessed to me her affair; use is a better word, with her “master”. I had followed her on her last meeting with him and seen her used by a dozen men in humiliating and depraved sex and I had found it so sexually stimulating I longed to see her used again. Her Master had dismissed her, she showed me the e mail telling her she was now used goods and he had enjoyed turning her into the slut she had become. This left us with the realisation that Mary wanted more...

2 years ago
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Groundhog Day

Authors note: This is based upon the short story "Gifted and Talented" by Ozhojabbe. In music there is something called Theme and Variate. This story is similar, there is a basic theme (the original story) and then variations upon that theme. In general unless it is impossible the same four characters are used. This is a different story than any I have written before. I hope you like it. Please comment...even if you have problems with it. But I have reordered the chapters (I...

3 years ago
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All That GlittersChapter 4

Lynn waits patiently at the end of the bed for Eris to return. Over the last few weeks she has been pampered—as well as a pet can be pampered. The lessons have been fairly easy to learn with only a few minor hiccups. She has learned fairly fast to just accept how it is and do what she is told and there will not be punishment. Lynn is on her way to being a good pet. She stares at the door, enjoying the feel of the sun’s rays as they spill in through the window to cascade along her soft, naked...

2 years ago
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Mr Hottie and the Coat Room

I’m stuck working yet another Friday night shift. This willbe my eighth; my boss promised me it off. Of course someone called out and who do they call, me, Grace! They know I won’t say no, I can be such a push over sometimes. I love my job, but I want to go out and shake my ass, maybe even find a man! So, here I am its 8:25 in the evening and we have two dinner parties coming in. I’m a waitress at one of the finer restaurants in the area and we’re always booked. The parties are large, one has...

Office Sex
1 year ago
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New Kid in SchoolChapter 7

"Have fun," Shannon said as she backed away from him. "I'll see you tonight." She and the other girls drifted across the hall to their lockers, where they began dressing. Jared looked around; every guy had an erection, and every one of the girls had a smile on her face. "I thought that thing about no sex after lunch was just talk," he told the guy nearest him. "Me too." The guy shook his head. "Now I'm going to ache all afternoon." "At least we don't have classes. Just plenty...

2 years ago
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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 26

Rockie felt like a chauffeur with both girls sitting in the backseat of Patty’s Honda while she drove. Even though she trusted that Katie knew the way to the mall that they wanted to shop at, she programmed it into the GPS just in case. Katie and Cile were jabbering and giggling in the back seat, so Rockie wouldn’t have been surprised if they forgot to give her a critical direction at some point. “How old were you when you got your ears pierced?” asked Cile. “I was fifteen,” Rockie told...

3 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 28

Gidget turned to Bob. “Well, that went a lot better than I would ever have hoped it would, if I’d have thought that might happen.” “You were right that she had suspicions,” said Bob. “You seem to have very good instincts. It was nice of you to agree not to make love with me tonight.” Gidget came and embraced him, shoving her mons against the front of his pants. “Who said we weren’t going to make love?” she said, her voice low. She rubbed her breasts against his chest. “You did. I just...

1 year ago
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The world sleeps

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers I hope you will enjoy my whole stories I think you want a change story that is natural expectation of my dear readers so here I am write a change story this is entirely different theme read and write to me. The world sleeps, but I lie awake in my bed. It's the moon. There is something strange about it tonight. Through the glass pane of the window, the full moon is bright and cool and the stars are shining, adding all their glorious...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked My Girlfriend

Hi ISS readers, I am a big fan of this site, I have read so many story over this site, and likes very much,ab maine apne ek real story likhne jar aha hu agar pasand aye to mail karna mera mail ID hai Mera nam hai pawan or meri height hai 5’11 or meri GF ka nam hai Madhuri or uski height hai 5’3 or vo ek sex bomb hai usko dekh kar ache acho ka iman dol jata hai uska fig hai 38-28-38,ek dum dudh jaisa colour hai uska . To dosto khani suru karta hu maine apne GF se bahut payar karta tha or shadi...

4 years ago
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The Prom

BretDon’t get me wrong.  Being a big brother has its advantages.  But, it is not as glamorous as it sounds. Yes, you do get to do a lot of things before your younger siblings but most of the time parents are stricter with you than they are the brother or sister.   That is just at home. I haven’t mentioned anything when it comes to school.  That’s an entirely different subject.  Both good and bad as well.  If you’re too good, Teachers expect more from younger siblings. It’s even more difficult...


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