Runway 3 free porn video

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Chapter 3 Dirk's training continued and as a result had become a very exciting young woman. He was going to make a considerable splash in the world of modeling and couldn't wait to begin his undercover work. Dirk's femininity had become a learned experience from the constant training he was receiving from Maria. His sessions would last for hours until he got the lesson right and was becoming more comfortable with his new role and sexual identity. Dirk had finally broken down his prejudiced walls and was having fun with his part as Tiffany. His final day at the training center was coming near. Matt's training had also continued except it was different from Dirks. Matt was becoming Brenda, an attractive young woman on the bottom rung of a ladder trying to climb to success. Matt's training consisted of being with Maria's assistant and mimicking her in normal everyday living. While Dirk was learning the subtleties of modeling, Matt was living as a woman. When Jenny did something Matt did the same thing, whether it was eating, walking, or shopping Matt was there. In his case there was no posing to try to look pretty, or to walk a models walk. Matt had become a woman by living as one. Whenever he made a mistake Jenny would correct him, maybe his walk wasn't right or some other gesture and as the months past so did the criticism which disappeared, Matt had truly evolved into a pretty young woman. Jenny had done her work well by befriending Matt. In fact the two had become best friends, sharing their most intimate thoughts, which brought Matt to ask Jenny if he was making the right decision about his hormones. "Jenny, I have to ask you something really important to me and you have to promise to be honest with me," Matt said, as the two girls sat to eat lunch. "Brenda, you're my best friend and I would never be anything but honest with you, is there something wrong?" Jenny asked. "No, not really, it's just that I want to take this being a girl to another level. I want to continue taking my hormones and to become a woman as much as I possibly can." "You want to continue this even after the assignment is over?" "Yes." "Have you told Dirk?" "No, and I don't think I will. I don't think he would understand why I want this. He is doing a wonderful job as Tiffany, but for him it's just a role he's playing. For me, it's become more than a role, I've become Brenda and I love being her. I feel as though I finally have a purpose in my life." "Oh Brenda, this is such a serious thing to do, are you sure this is what you want?" "More than anything. I've been going through life like everything was a joke, but now I seem to have some kind of purpose, a direction and I don't want to lose that, I love being me." Jenny reached across the table and took Brenda's hands in hers and said, "I'll be here for you, I love you Brenda and I would do anything for you. You're going to be a beautiful woman and one that I'm proud to call a friend." A tear formed in Brenda's eye and ran down her cheek, she was lucky to have a friend as true as Jenny. When Brenda gained control of her emotions she said, "I have the hardest part of this adventure ahead of me now, I have to inform my family of my decision to become a woman. I'm so afraid of what they are going to say and how they will act. I told them about what we were doing as far as the disguises were concerned and my mom laughed saying that I would learn how hard being a woman was and when I finally married I would have an appreciation for all the work it took for women to look good. We both laughed when I told her how much waxing hurt, it was all a little joke, but now, when I tell her I want my own breasts, ones that don't come off with solvent, I'm not sure how she will react." "You should tell her the truth, be honest with her, be her daughter, be proud of who you are." "I will be proud Jenny, I'm just so afraid of what they are going to say." "It's hard to know what that might be, but if I were you, I would wait until after your assignment is over, who knows, you might change your mind and go back to being Matt the surfer dude," giggled Jenny. "Maybe you're right, I should wait and not jump into this thing too hastily. Maybe I'll just talk to my mom about pretending to be a girl and get her used to me really being this way." "That's not a bad idea and if you do change your mind the disguise just goes away, but if you do go through with this your family will be used to seeing Brenda." "I hope so." "Brenda, we have to change our clothes. Maria and I have a surprise for you and Tiffany. Tonight is the last bit of training that you will have before you go to New York City. We're going out as four girl friends, dancing." "Dancing? Like with men? Oh my God, I don't think I'm ready for that." "Of course you are, you're more than ready, you're a beautiful woman and you should show yourself off." "But I don't want anything to do with men, I'm not gay." "I know you're not gay, silly, you're a girl now and girls interact with guys. What do you think is going to happen when you are on assignment? Do you think men are going to ignore you? That isn't going to happen. You're a very attractive woman now Brenda and men are going to be attracted to you so you're going to have to get used to the attention. All we're going to do is go dance and flirt a little. Maria and I won't let anything happen to you that you don't want to happen. Come on you need to pick out a dress and it needs to be sexy. I'll help you with your makeup, tonight's going to be special." Jenny took Brenda by the hand and led her to her wardrobe to pick a dress. Brenda looked through her rather large selection of clothes and picked out a rather conservative black dress. "I think I'll wear this one," stated Brenda. "Are you kidding Brenda, were going out to attract men, not go to church. Let me look at what you have in here, hmm, no, not quite right," Jenny said as she fingered her way through the rack of clothes. "Oh yes this one, it's perfect," she said as she held up a tiny little teal number with spaghetti straps. "Oh my God, I can't wear that, the only reason I bought it was to try it on alone." "Please put it on for me so I can see and then I'll make the judgment. I'll find some shoes for you to wear while you're doing that." "Please Jenny, it's too sexy, God guys will be all over me." "How do you know, you've never been out with guys before?" "Because I tried it on and looked at myself in the mirror and I wanted to attack myself." "Good that's what we want, now go change." Brenda changed into the wispy little dress and nervously went back to join Jenny. "Oh Brenda, that's perfect, you're gorgeous in that." "But can't you see too much of my legs?" "Girl, with legs like that you can never not show too much of a good thing, here step into these sandals and let me take a good look at you." Brenda did as asked and Jenny buckled the four-inch heels around each ankle. "God Brenda, I'm jealous, it's not fair for a boy to be prettier than me. Now go take everything off and take a bath, we're going to do this right, this is your coming out party and I want everything to be perfect. If you really decide that you want to become a woman this is the sort of thing you will be able to do all the time. Being a woman means that you can pamper yourself and not feel guilty about it, enjoy this night girlfriend." Brenda removed her clothes and went to bathe. During this time Maria was informing Tiffany that she too was going out to interact with men for the first time. "I won't do it Maria, I won't go out dancing." "Why not, you're a beautiful woman now Tiffany, why don't you want to go?" "Because I'm a man damn it, I'll be damned if I'm going to let some pervert touch me, fuck this, fuck all of it," Tiffany swore. "Watch your mouth young lady! When we started this I warned you not to fuck with me and that you could stop at any time, well it's too late for that now. I didn't spend the last five months teaching you to become a woman so you could suddenly turn into some kind of primadonna asshole. You are going to become a supermodel as part of this assignment and part of being a sexy woman is exciting men, like it or not. If you think you're just going to walk a runway and hide in a room somewhere, you're wrong. You have to become a whole person, not just some figment of your own imagination and part of that is interacting with men. All we're doing is going dancing and have some fun, not go to bed with them, unless that's what you want, do I make myself clear?" Maria said with rage in her voice. "But I didn't think guys were part of it," Tiffany whimpered. "Dirk, your not a man anymore, you're a beautiful woman and yes, guys are part of being what you are. You don't have to sleep with them or even kiss them, just be sociable." "Alright, I'll try." "Good girl. This is going to be fun, you'll see, just remember to smile a lot, now let's get you dressed. I know just the dress for you to wear. Go bathe and don't wet you hair," Maria laughed as her anger faded away. Maria knew just the dress she wanted Tiffany to wear. It was a red satin number with a collar and sleeveless, had fabric gathered as it flowed down over her breasts and then across her back with crossing straps and then came back below her navel allowing her waist to show from below her breasts. The dress finished as a skirt starting at mid thigh on one side and going to her knee on the other. Tiffany was going to cause a stir tonight. Maria and Jenny didn't want to take any chances with the boys so they did their makeup for them, they would both shine tonight. After they were finished the girls dressed and soon all four women were on their way to an exclusive dance club for an evening of fun. Maria drove the four women in her Lexus 300 since it would be the most comfortable car for them. She pulled it into the valet parking and the doors were opened for the girls to exit. Tiffany swung her nude hose clad legs from the car and placed her red stiletto heels on the pavement as the crowd watched her rise from the car. "Who's that?" asked a group of girls waiting entry to the club. "She must be a model," said one, "she's so pretty." The other girls exited the car and gathered around Tiffany and walked toward to entrance to the club. The doorman opened the door for the group, no waiting for them, women this pretty waited for no one. Maria spotted a table and the girls were soon seated. Since Matt and Dirk hadn't reached their twenty-first birthday Maria decided that soft drinks would be best for them so that the girls wouldn't be carded. Another small detail that she had forgotten about which would have to be rectified in the morning. The girls were creating quite a stir among the men in the club. Jenny was wearing the traditional LBD and since she was the bustiest of the girls wasn't afraid to show as much of her breasts as was legal. Maria wore a white dress to show off her tan from sunbathing and she did look good. Brenda looked sexy as hell in her teal dress and heels. She looked innocently naughty and the men were queuing up for an opportunity to ask her to dance. Tiffany was the star though, as she walked through the club, standing six foot-three in her four-inch heels and with the beauty of an international beauty queen, her skin showing where her dress meant for it to show, she moved like a cat on the prowl. This was going to be an interesting evening. "Do you remember what we taught you about dancing?" Maria asked both girls. "Yes, I'll be fine," Brenda answered. "I'll be okay as long as the guys keep their hands off of me," responded Tiffany. "Well if some guy accidentally touches you don't freak out, remember you're a beautiful woman and lots of guys will want to touch you, but will be afraid to. That's why we came to this club, because it's safe," stated Maria. Jenny was the first to be asked to dance. The music was fast and had a heavy beat and she was led away by a well dressed man. Brenda was next to be asked and looked toward Maria for guidance. She nodded her head as if to say, "Go dance," so Brenda was led off by a nice looking man in a suit. Maria went next, leaving Tiffany to forge for herself. It didn't take long before an extremely handsome man asked her to dance. "Would you like to dance?" asked the man. Tiffany looked toward the voice and saw the steel blue eyes looking at her. She trembled, not because she was asked to dance but because she was taken aback by how handsome this man was, she was becoming flustered. "I, I, uh, yes," she answered. The man reached for her hand and took it in his. Tiffany didn't want to touch the man but allowed him to take her hand in his. It felt nice, and it felt strong. Tiffany was having a feminine moment and it scared her. She should have been repulsed by the man's touch, but she wasn't, she felt ashamed because she felt flattered to have this man's attention. The couple started to dance, she the model and he a gorgeous stud several inches taller than Tiffany. They looked like a picture from a magazine advertisement. The dancing continued until Tiffany had to rest her legs, doing this in heels was a new experience for her. John, the man who had asked her to dance led her back to her table to rest and get something to drink. Tiffany was joined at the table by Jenny and Maria. Brenda was still dancing and looked as though she would for the rest of the night. "Tiffany, who is that hunk of a man you were dancing with?" asked Maria. Tiffany could feel her face turning red, she was bound and determined not to enjoy this evening, but not only was she having fun she was becoming attracted to her dance partner. "That's John," she replied. Maria could see Tiffany's discomfort and knew why. She could tell that Tiffany was enjoying being with John even if she didn't want to admit it. Maria was going to tease her but thought better of it because this had been a big step toward Dirk becoming the beautiful woman he was portraying, so she decided to encourage him instead. "You're very lucky to have such a handsome dance partner, I'm jealous," Maria said. "You can have him if you'd like?" Tiffany said. "Silly, we girls always say something like that, we would never try to take another girls date away, are you having fun?" "Yes, I didn't think I would but I am. I thought dancing with a man would feel disgusting but it doesn't, it's fun." "See, didn't I tell you not to worry, you're finally letting your guard down and beginning to see how much fun being a girl can be." "You're right Maria, it is fun and being with a man isn't as bad as I thought it would be." "Well don't go falling in love, remember you have to go to New York City next week," teased Maria. "Oh my God, no way," giggled Tiffany, a feminine gesture that wasn't lost on Maria. Brenda had been dancing with many men but one finally was able to dance with her for several dances in a row. She was having fun in the usual way Matt always did. She would laugh and giggle when the guy said something and then let him lead her to the bar for some refreshment. He took her hand in his and led her from the dance floor. When they reached the bar the man didn't let go of Brenda's hand, nor did she make any effort to remove it from his. She liked this feeling of femininity, and being held by a man. The drinks were placed in front of the man and he let go of Brenda's hand to serve hers' to her. He took his drink in hand and then placed his free hand around Brenda's waist and pulled her tight to his side. Things were moving fast now and Brenda didn't know how to react. She knew this was wrong and yet she wanted it to happen, she liked being a woman and she liked having a man pursue her. She looked up to thank the man for her drink and before she could say anything found his lips firmly against hers. "Mmmph," she said as she pushed the man away, "What do you think you're doing?" she asked. "Kissing the prettiest girl in the room," replied the man. "But I don't even know you," stated Brenda. "My name is Mark and now you know me, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so forward, will you forgive me, please?" Mark asked with sad puppy dog eyes. Mark looked so cute that Brenda couldn't help herself, "I guess I will this time but you had better behave yourself," she giggled. Mark placed his hand around Brenda's waist again and she around his as they walked to find a table to sit and rest. Brenda was getting caught up in being a girl and loved every minute of it. She found that she was having different feelings than Tiffany, she liked being with a man and she didn't feel guilty about it, she was becoming a woman. Brenda and Mark finished their drinks and returned to dancing. The couple danced for around another hour and decided to take a break again. Brenda's feet were killing her, four-inch heels may be nice to look at but are a bitch for hours of nonstop dancing. Mark escorted Brenda to a seat in a quiet part of the room and sat beside her. "Brenda, this is the most fun I've ever had here, you're a wonderful dancer," said Mark. "Thank you Mark, I'm having fun too," Brenda responded. "I'd like to see you again, you're a very pretty girl and fun to be with. May I take you out for dinner next week?" "Oh Mark, I'd love that, but I have to go to New York to start a new job at the end of the week." "I have to go to New York every once in a while, may I keep in touch with you?" "Of course you can, give me your number and I'll call you when I get settled." Mark handed Brenda his card and then took her face in his hand and lifted her face toward his. "May I?" he asked. "Yes," she replied as their lips touched. A warm softness enveloped Brenda as the kiss lingered. Mark was gentle with Brenda, wanting more but knowing that she would be put off if he were to rush things. Brenda was special and he knew it, best to take my time, he thought, this is a girl I don't want to lose. It was getting late and Maria decided it was time for the girls to go home. Maria had Tiffany and Jenny wait at the table while she searched for Brenda. When she finally found her in the corner with Mark, they were locked in a most passionate kiss. My, my, our little Brenda certainly doesn't waste time with the boys Maria observed. Maria walked to the love struck couple and said, "Brenda, we're going now." Brenda looked up and saw Maria, her lipstick was smeared and she knew Maria had seen her kissing Mark. "Um, okay, let me say goodnight," Brenda responded as her face turned a fiery red. Brenda was embarrassed, she knew she had pushed this thing too far and Maria had caught her in the embrace of another man, and yet it felt so wonderful and so right for her to do what she had done. Any other girl would have done what she had done, so why not her, what the heck, Maria had helped turn her into the pretty girl she was and she of all people should understand why she did what she was doing with Mark. On the other hand maybe she will be angry at me for kissing Mark, after all I am a man, shit I probably deserve what she's going to say to me, Brenda thought as her mind raced. "Okay, kiss your friend goodnight and we'll be waiting for you at the table," Maria said with a wink. Brenda felt the relief flow over her, Maria didn't mind seeing her kiss Mark, in fact she had told her to kiss him goodnight, God life is good. Brenda turned to Mark and said, "Goodnight Mark, I'll call you, I promise." She then pulled his face to hers and kissed him once more. This kiss held much more passion than the ones before and Brenda knew she was doing the right thing by becoming a woman. Brenda joined the other girls and the foursome left the club, giggling and talking about the evening. Maria decided not to say anything to Tiffany and Jenny about Brenda's behavior, since that would be something she had to tell them for herself. Maria was proud of the job she had done with the boys and the progress she had made with Tiffany. She had finally made Tiffany relax a little and have fun as a woman. She was a little apprehensive about Brenda though, because Brenda was going much too fast, even for a real girl and she might get hurt if she wasn't careful. She would have to take Brenda aside for a girl to girl talk. The girls returned to the center and Maria took Brenda aside. "Brenda, we need to talk," Maria said. Brenda could feel her face turning red with embarrassment, she knew what Maria was going to say. "What do you think you were doing with that man, kissing him like that after only a few dances?" Maria asked. "I'm sorry Maria, I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help myself, you're not angry are you?" "No, I'm not angry but a proper young woman doesn't behave the way you were with a strange man, dancing is one thing, making out is another. I remember when I was a young teenaged girl and a boy would flatter me, I would react the same way you did. We girls love the attention but kissing a boy isn't the way to show appreciation for his attention, a giggle, a flirty smile or a thank you would be fine, but not a kiss, that comes later." "I thought you would be mad at me because I'm a man and I kissed him." "Brenda sweetheart, your not a man anymore, you're an attractive young woman and are behaving like one, just be careful." Brenda hugged Maria and responded, "Thank you Maria, I love you."

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Beth arrived at 10 a.m. sharp for her interview. The interview was to be done by myself and one of my co-workers, who would be assisting and taking notes. At first glance she caught my attention. She was a very attractive 40-something woman. Being in my mid 30’s, I’ve always had a thing for older women. She had a ‘motherly’ look to her but was very upbeat with a great smile. She had brunette hair that barely reached her shoulders with curves in all the right places. Her breasts seemed...

3 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 16

PRESTIRA They tortured me all day. Hours and hours, I begged like a whore for them to make me come, but they just drove me to the brink, then stopped. They injected me with more poison when they were done, worsening the torment tenfold. I humiliated myself just for a touch; not even a fuck, but a caress, a slap, a punch. Every part of me was electrified, my nerves raging beneath the flesh, my synapses overloaded with sensation. I wasn’t Prestira anymore; I told them as much. “My name isn’t...

4 years ago
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A Womans Arms

The ambulance version of the military HumVee pulled out onto the street from the base hospital near the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq and headed down the 'Basara Highway' back to its MASH aid station about 15 klicks east of the airport. The ambulance had successfully delivered a wounded Marine who badly needed surgery, more than could be provided at the field aid station. The driver of the HumVee was eighteen year old Marine Private First Class Dennis Rader and his passenger was...

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The Party Girl

My friend first turned me on to the agency when I was nineteen. We were both in college and loved to party, drink, smoke pot, do coke, acid – whatever – and just fuck about with boys. By the time I turned nineteen I'd already had over thirty lovers. Some were older guys in their thirties and forties. Some were my age. And I'd had a few girls too. I don't know, I'd just get wasted then I'd get horny and screw around.Well somewhere along the line, Staci, a friend of mine, hooked up with this...

Group Sex
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Jungle Love With My Servant And Driver

Hi, I am Neha. I live in Noida. Some part of this story is true. My husband is from a small town who runs a large business in Noida. I will not mention the exact location. I got married in 2014. Every year we visit my husband’s home two times. I don’t wear Indian saree, blouse in Noida. But in his home, I have to adjust to traditional Indian housewife dress. His family is the richest family in the area. The incident happened this year when we visited his home. I was getting bored. I told the...

1 year ago
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The Wonderful Aroma of Fucking in the Wppoods

All my stories are true, I just change the names to protect us all.I was just off work, it was a great warm night, and the wind was blowing a gentle breeze coming from the river and making the night a wonderful time to be in it enjoying its wonders.I was cruising in the park I frequent, and it was dusk, and the cars were parked in the guys cruising area. I slowed going into the corner along the road, when I saw himHe was not outstanding in anyway that was apparent, but there was something about...

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My first experience Accidental Flashing

When I was 18, I was riding my motorcycle around on the trails and stopped for a smoke. I pulled out a cigarette, lit it and puffed away. I was leaning against my bike, and it was nice outside, I was in the middle of a small clearing in the woods, all alone. So I whipped out my 8" cock and dropped my pants completely, stepping out of them (no underwear, of course). I strolled around slowly, looking around to make sure nobody was around, listening to the sounds of cars passing by the road, about...

1 year ago
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Double the Pleasure

Anna was what you might call a fun fiery looking redhead. She wore it short, spiked and wild, just the way she looked. Her breasts were full and depending on the situation, she usually enjoyed showing a bit of cleavage whenever she went out. It was Friday. And like most Fridays, she and a co-worker, Mattie, had stopped by a local pub after work for a few drinks before heading home. Being that it was a Friday, it seemed like everyone else had the same idea as well. And though it was still...

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Empty LandChapter 17

As the sun dropped behind the western hills, a quiet exodus left vacant the stilted lodges around the rim of the Chakcha fields. Silent women filed swiftly along well marked trails, the last in each line carefully removing the markers as she went. Just as silently, a small group moved the other direction, on their way to steal the ponies that Chakcha city's small army relied upon for swift movement. "This way," Riggan gestured. The shelka, as the Chakcha ponies were called, were stabled...

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From Chrysalis to ButterflyChapter 5

Marion got into her bed at half past midnight surrounded by an aura of good feelings. She couldn't believe that a meal could be such a great experience and so different to her dining experience with Charles. Charles was very formal especially when he was with others from the Department. They were very formal too and the conversation was usually work orientated. They would talk about people that Marion and the other wives didn't know and find wit in the most obscure references frequently...

2 years ago
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Passionate Sex

Yes guys n gals.. !! Are you ready for a ride.. !! Sex jitna chadhe utna hi mast hota hai… Harden your lund… More wet your choot… Majaaa will be more.. This is Aryan,born for sex sex and sex.. If u want 2 have fun with me, enjoy with me, be my friend, share your experience, share with me at !! Always ready for this sex ocean.. So today i would like tell my encounter with Shikha, my cousin. I will not exaggerate, jus feel what I feel about Shikha.. She is 19, in her, third year. She has...

3 years ago
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Dad went on his way back to town, no doubt sated after our sexcapade that evening at the adult theater to celebrate my return from college. He had given two loads while taking four or five through a glory hole. I had taken three and shot two. Now home I followed my mom into the kitchen and there behind a wine bottle and a glass sat the last female in the world that I wanted to see at the time. It was Donna Jean from next door my lifelong flame since I was in the second grade. I became aware...

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Angela Part One Chocolate

I almost whooped when I got the letter.  There was I, single, 30 and jobless following the collapse of the company where I had worked as PA to the Managing Director. He was a sweet man, fifty or so and devotedly married to a woman of sixty who had borne him three deeply loved daughters. I almost became a part of his family, welcomed by wife and children and accepted. The day I received my redundancy notice we had wept quietly together, he and I. He’d given me the letter but I hadn’t needed to...

2 years ago
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Powerful part 1 repost

Part 1: Rebirth When I awoke that morning, I had no idea how much my life would change that day. My name's Bailey, and for about a month now I'd been "cyber-dating" this great guy, David, who used to "cyber-date" a friend of mine, Kirstin. David's a really sweet guy, but he’s kinda' unusual; he has a temper, and he's always fantasizing. Sometimes I feel like he lives on a different level of reality altogether....he certainly opened my eyes to a lot of things that I didn't know...

1 year ago
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Passion forbidden

Kim was a natural beauty. She was tall at almost 5' 9" and she weighed 120 pounds. She was shapely and sexy with totally black hair that had a natural bit of curl and very dark brown eyes. Her skin was flawless and she appeared permanently tanned. Her father was of Iranian descent (Persian, as Kim liked to say): he was dark skinned and swarthy (in a handsome way) and her mother was a true American beauty (blonde with blue eyes and quite pretty), but Kim had inherited all her features from...

3 years ago
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Rachels Rowdy Rambling Rodeo

Perusing an old style porno rag my perv friend Steve gave me, I came to the personal ads and underground activities for the brazenly daring. The blatantly open, tongue-in-cheek, ads were hilarious and kept me reading them. One of the few commercialized ads caught my attention. Under a small photo of a well endowed, topless woman wearing just boots, white Stetson and a short denim skirt on a horse was the title Rachel's Rowdy Rambling Rodeo. She stood in the stirrups, arms held out like wings,...

4 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 57

We locked up and walked over to the stadium. Robin went with John and Beth, while Dani and I went to the student entrance. While we were waiting our turn to get in, I thanked her for a great night and taking care of breakfast. Dani said, "Britt, I always have fun with you. If Marshal had tried to pick me up at a bar, I would have laughed in his face. He and Peggy are nice people and I said 'what the heck'. I could stop at any time and any other kid that might pick me up could be better or...

3 years ago
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Falling for the kidnapper

“Don’t scream or I’ll kill you.” the guy, who looked to be about 23 years old, said as they walked deeper into the woods. “What do you want with me?” she asked him fearfully. “You’ll find out the hard and painful way.” He said as she realized that this was pre-planned. After they walked for about ten more minutes; a fifteen minute walk from the road; they reached a small clearing and there was a mattress on the ground with trunks and a chair around it and a fire pit a few feet away,...

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Solo HMT Adventures 04

Jun 16, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #4 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

1 year ago
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It Started With Frank Madeski

Frank Madeski shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He wasn't feeling very well. The truth was, he hadn't been feeling well for a few days. 'Damn! I hope I'm not coming down with something! If I am, sure hope it passes soon. I don't have time to be sick!' he thought. Frank looked around the near empty bar. He knew that it was early yet, and it wouldn't be long before the regulars began filling in. Happy hour was only a half an hour away. He didn't know why, but it suddenly bothered him...

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Isabella Part 4 Double Penetration

"Come on, Andy. Take that big cock of yours and fuck your sister's throat. Shove it all the way in. Make me gag and choke on it. Don't you want to see your slut sister struggling to breathe as you take what you want from her?" With her hands still bound she had to use her teeth to pull his fly down. Just listening to her obscene words had brought his cock from slightly bulging to raging hard-on. The moment his cock was free of his pants, Andy grabbed Isabella's head and shoved it into...

1 year ago
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Journey Of A Slut Part 4

People ask me about my other stories, click on my name above, which leads to all my stories, this is part 2 of the story of a slut who craves for something new, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect Girls, I do Thanks for all the responses, I have got my stories here, keep mailing me the feed back, the slut life is here for you to enjoy, which I am going to share along Next episode of my slut life takes me...

4 years ago
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Pillow Fight

Five little Sissies laughing and giggling like goofy teenage girls exchanging recipes, sharing makeup tips, Omigawshing about everything, and who knows what else. Wandering around in the gossip garden . . . Planting new seeds, indeed. A night, tonight together. Funzies. Sissies only. No! Men! Allowed! Grrrrrrrrr. Purrrrrrrrr. SPLAT! And the slumber party begins. Aspen, Ginger, Peggy, Sarah and Jennio awkwardly trying to battle it out on a large king sized bed. Here comes another fluffy...

1 year ago
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My Descent Into Being a DogslutChapter 2

Last Saturday night was amazing. Everyone is having a horrible time at the minute obviously due to this ghastly virus and our ‘lockdowns.’ Hope everyone is staying safe and well. I haven’t seen any of my regular lovers for weeks now and other than messages from them to let me know how they are doing, my fun has obviously been curtailed somewhat! Everyone is with family mainly and of course Mike is now home fully (most time we have ever spent together!) Our two children are with friends...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XV 3 Wedding Bells

All my life I had hoped, prayed, and dreamed for the day which had finally arrived. My mother was to marry my father, and it just sort of hit me all of a sudden while driving up to the huge church where it was going to actually happen. "Shit," I said after shutting off the engine, staring at the rather impressive house of God. "What's the matter?" Eric asked, trying to see what I was looking at. "Nothing really... It's just I once promised my mom I'd be the first one to throw the...

2 years ago
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After the Pantomime Part 1

After the Pantomime By Susannah Donim A spare time hobby slowly turns into a lifetime choice for Nick. Prologue "Fiction needs to be credible; I should persuade the reader that the events in my stories could happen, if they haven't already." - Ian Rankin, author of the Rebus novels. "He's behind you!" the kids all shouted, their excitement, frustration and panic evident in their high-pitched voices. I whipped round, just in time to see Idle Jack duck behind the table, but...

3 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 2

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #2 – Chapter 2Freddie woke up feeling utterly exhausted and sore. His mind raced back to the night before and what he and Jade had done, wondering if he was right that this was a mistake. But as he shifted in the bed, he realized that Jade was curled into him still asl*ep, but she had a faint smile on her face as she breathed softly into his chest. At some point in the night, they must have put clothes on as Freddie felt that he was wearing his boxers...

3 years ago
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Wife drinking to much

In my early thirties one of my friends invites me out for a cpl drinks ,my my stayed home with the k**s. I called her around ten and the k**s were asleep but the more I talked to the more I realized she was drunk. She gets really horny then so I start telling her how I'm going to fuck her and she s moaning in the phone,very hot. I told my friend how drunk she was and he says we should leave now. 45 minutes later we get home , I put the car away and he goes inside. What he told me later was she...

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The effect of 'tina' had just washed over me. I had never felt such an exhilarating rush of horny in my life. Up to this point I had only ever used rush (amyl's) to enhance sex.But this was something completely new: sexuality and horniness washed over me in a way I had never imagined before. It was intense and relaxing at the same time.I was to be a party favour for a regular FB who was hosting three other tops. I was being pimped out and trialed to see if I was what this group wanted as a...

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Lost and FoundChapter 6

Friday morning, it was back to summer, almost. The wind was down to force three and veering easterly, which meant that although dry the wind was a little cool. We took off the tiers and hoisted the sails so they would dry and opened ports and vents to air the cabins; we took the opportunity to shower, change and do some laundry. We took the foot-ferry across to Harwich and had lunch in the café on the Halfpenny Pier. When we returned the sails were dry, so we did a harbour stow and put the...

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Girlfriend Ke Saath Chudai Usi Ke Ghar Par

Hi friends, main Sameer fir aa gaya apni new story ke saath. I hope aap sab ache se honge. To friends chalte hai aaj ki hamari story ki taraf. Ye story last month ki hai, aur meri aur meri girlfriend ki hai. Baat 1 maheena pehle ki hai. main aur meri girlfriend hum dono 2 saal se relationship mein the. Lekin hamne kabhi sex nahi kiya tha. Hum sirf hug aur kiss hi kiya karte the. Par is baar lockdown hone ki wajah se, almost 8 months hum dono nahi mile the. Is waqt ke dauraan hum dono chat/call...

4 years ago
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A Early morning Visit to Bostonfrom Providence

........the road to Boston...interstate 295several years back, when I was about 25, I would take a ride up to Boston from Providence?..Id usually call a girl friend the night before and arrange a weekend on the town ...My plan was to leave before the sun came up to try to miss the morning rush,,,, this morning, I got up early and had a nice bubble bath and shaved my legs and any place that needed a touch up..wash and dry my long reddish blond streaked hair and curl it,,,, and do my nails or...

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IKEA Girls

"Would you two stop giggling and get out of the car?" Miranda called as she got out of the drivers seat of the mini van. The two she was referring to were her daughter Leslie and her friend Sarah. The two high school girls had spent the entire car ride huddled together on the back seat whispering and giggling. "Coming mom," Leslie called back as she opened the sliding door. The two girls hopped out, looking more like sisters than friends. They were both five and a half feet...

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Pondicherry Bus Stand Vibachaariyai Matter Poten

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil vibachaariyai panam koduthu eppadi oothen endra kathaiyai ungalidam solugiren. En peyar Dilip, vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Enaku pengalai ooka vendum endru romba aasai aanal ithu naal varai naan pengalai oothathe kidaiyaathu. En nanban irukiraan avan peyar bala avan niraiya pengalai othu irukiraan, naan parka karupaaga irupen athanale enai entha pengalum sight adika matargal. Naan Pondicherryil vasithu varugiren, enathu gramathil irunthu bus stand sela 1 mani neram...

2 years ago
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A pair of black businessmen for me

Some girls from the office invited me to a night out on Friday, to celebrate the end of a long and hard week at work.Since my beloved hubby was out of town on his own business trip, I thought that nobody was waiting for me at home, so I decided to join the girls.We were getting pretty loud and laughing at the third bar we visited.Most of the girls were single; but the married ones were just looking at the guys and easy flirting with them. But our aim for the night was to have fun, not to pick...

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Ians Indiscretions My Secretary Catherine A foreign affair

To many I have a perfect life. A family, a loving wife, 2.4 children and even the bounding Labrador. So why would I want to go and risk it all?Her name was Catherine. She was born and grew up in rural France and, though she'd lived and worked in the UK for the last fifteen years, since moving over here with her French husband, her English was still spoken with a sexy and unmistakeable French accent. She was a petite blonde woman, some eight years my junior in her early thirties, with a short,...

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My First Time

"Hey, Olivia, wanna have a shower with me?" asked Gemma, from the bathroom door with just a towel around her body. She got no response from her quiet roomie, Olivia, who was a pretty blonde but a bit nerdy. Gemma walked to her in the front room. "Wanna join me?"Olivia was just sitting on the couch with books out and looked up and saw her gorgeous room mate, Gemma Hunter, who looked as though she could be a playboy model with her gorgeous good looks and blonde hair and perfect physique. Not to...


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