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Chapter 13 Brenda was sitting at her desk when Tiffany walked through the door the next morning. She picked up her assignment and was leaving "Are you coming by my place again tonight?" Tiffany asked with a sexy smile and a bit of impishness in her voice, as she left to go to another photo shoot. "No, what we did last night was wonderful but I don't think we should do that again, that's how friendships are destroyed and you're my friend and I don't want to lose that." "If you change your mind you have my number," Tiffany giggled. "Tiffany, we need to talk about last night. It will only take a minute, but I did a lot of thinking about what happened. I love you dearly, you're my best friend and we could have destroyed our friendship if we had finished what we started," Brenda said. "But we did stop," Tiffany replied. "Dirk stopped and I wouldn't have. Tiffany, I'm very vulnerable right now. My feelings are so different from Matt's. When I was Matt, I'd jump any chick I could, do her and be done, but now I don't think that way anymore. I have feelings now, not to have sex but to be loved and having sex is proving that love to the person I'm with. I lose control of my emotions and try to prove my love like last night. I'm like a young teen aged girl that hasn't experienced life yet and some of that discovery can be a hard lesson." "I thought about us, you're really still Dirk under that makeup but I'm not Matt anymore, I've become Brenda, a very insecure young woman who Dirk could take advantage of if he wanted. I thank God Dirk is a good person or our relationship would have changed last night. I want to be your best friend Tiffany, not your lover because if we were to make love we wouldn't be best friends again." "I kind of understand what you're saying, I love you dearly and would never do anything to hurt you or jeopardize what we have. I'm starting to see what you felt when I was with Robert last night, the feelings were there and it scared me to death, Dirk would have never felt that way, but Tiffany did. I love you Brenda and you're right it's best that were sisters and not lovers, but you will keep Dirk up at night thinking about you," Tiffany giggled. "You're bad, now get out of here," Brenda said as she embraced her friend. Brenda's day ended and she returned home. Annie heard her open the front door to the building and greeted her friend.. "Hi Brenda, I was worried about you last night, I didn't hear you come home, was everything alright?" "More than alright," she answered with a dreamy look in her eyes. Annie had seen that look before on her own face and knew Brenda had spent some time with a man. "I hope he was nice to you." "He was wonderful. Annie, he was so kind. He's a very old friend and we decided not to pursue our feelings though or we might destroy what we have." Brenda answered. "That was a smart thing to do, I've seen more than one friendship destroyed because of a moment of passion. I had a friend once who stood by me through thick and thin and I could talk to him about anything. One rainy day we made love and after that it was as though a wall was built between us. We were afraid to talk openly again for fear of angering the other person and the passion we had that one day never returned. I miss that man and would give anything to take back that one moment with him," Annie said wistfully. "I have to ask you for some advice. I'm going to a Knicks game and I need something to wear. What would you wear to a game like that?" Brenda asked. "Me? I'd wear some old sweats and my running shoes but I'm a fifty year old woman. Now if we are talking about you, tight jeans, a cute top and heels, make your guy want you and not the game," Annie replied. "I'll have to find something tomorrow," Brenda said. "I worry about you, are you hungry?" "A little." "Good, go change and then come and eat with me." Brenda ran upstairs to her apartment and removed her clothes. She found some sweats and returned to Annie's apartment. Annie wanted to ask Brenda about the man she was with the night before but knew better, some things are private and if she wanted to say anything she would. Brenda wanted to tell her friend about the previous evening but knew she couldn't. Trying to bed your best friend while he was dressed as a woman was something best left unsaid. The following day found Brenda in a sport shop buying a woman's tank top with the Knicks logo on it. While she was at it, a zip up sweat top finished her choices, this would impress Mario she thought. Friday came and Brenda was counting the minutes until quitting time. She was going to leave early from work so she would be ready when Mario arrived for their date. Connie came into work a little after noon with a drawn, haggard look on her face. She really looked bad and if one didn't know she was a model, you would have never guessed she was. "Is Melissa in?" she groaned. "No, she had to go to a meeting," Brenda replied. "Did she say when she would be back?" "No, she just said later on." "I'll wait in her office then, she won't mind." "I don't know about that, Connie, I think you should wait until she returns." "Don't tell me what to do Brenda, I'm the number one model around here and Melissa lets me do as I please." "Suit your self, I just don't want to get in trouble." "You won't," Connie said as she closed the door to Melissa's office. An hour past and Connie was still in Melissa's office. Brenda decided to check on her to make sure she was all right. Brenda opened the door and saw Connie bent over Melissa's desk with several lines of a powdery substance on the desk surface and a tube stuck in her nose. "What are you doing," Brenda shrieked. "What does it look like I'm doing?" "Where did you get that stuff, Connie?" "It's mine and Melissa keeps it for me so back off and mind your own business." "This is my business, Melissa trusts me enough to leave me alone to run things and now you come here and get loaded, what are you thinking?" "I had to have it, so too bad." "What's going on in here?" asked Melissa as she walked into her office. It was obvious as to what was going on, Connie had found Melissa's drug stash and had decided to partake of it. "Brenda, would you mind waiting out side?" Melissa said as rage spilled from her mouth. "Yes, Melissa." Brenda left the office and closed the door. As soon as it closed she could hear Melissa screaming at Connie, so she put her ear against the door to hear what was said. "You little bitch, who the hell do you think you are going into my things like that?" "But, but, you always give it to me when I need it," Connie whimpered. "I give it to you so I can keep track of what you owe me, but now I don't know how much you used, so I'm going to have to guess and I don't think you're going to like that. I already own you Connie and this just makes you more in debt to me. If you can't pay me off with your modeling assignments I have another way for you to make money and I don't think you will like it." "Please Melissa," Connie pleaded, " I'll never do this again." "I'm going to teach you a lesson Connie so that you will think twice before stealing from me. I want you to go home and take a bath. When you are done I want you to give yourself an enema and clean yourself out really good. Make yourself pretty and wear something sexy. One of our clients has asked to go out with one of my girls for an evening of fun. When he brings you home I want you to invite him in and seduce him. It's a game he likes to play with his dates except he likes kinky sex. In a word he likes anal sex and you're going to give it to him, do I make myself clear?" "But Melissa, I've never done anything like that before, can't you find someone else?" "None of the girls owe me like you do Connie, and I want some payment back. You'll think twice before you do this to me again, now go home and get ready." Brenda moved away from the door and sat at her desk. When Connie exited Melissa's office she was white as a sheet. "Are you alright Connie?" "I'm fine," she said as a tear fell from her eye. Brenda thought about what she had just heard, Melissa was one cold bitch and Connie deserved to be punished, but not by making her prostitute herself, that wasn't right. Making her do things she didn't want to do was an even worse punishment. Brenda wondered how one person could be so cold to another. Three thirty came and Brenda let Melissa know she was leaving. "I'm leaving now, Melissa." "What's up? Got a hot date?" Brenda blushed with that remark, "Yes, kind of." "What do you mean kind of, either you do or you don't?" Brenda didn't like Melissa intruding into her private life but after seeing Connie driven to tears she knew she had better be honest. "I do. I'm going to the Knicks game tonight." "Those games are fun to watch once in a while, but don't let your date keep taking you there all the time, if he does, dump him." "Melissa, this is just a first date and I don't even know where it will go." "Well you have fun Brenda, I'll see you Monday." "Goodnight." Brenda rushed home. She was glad she was able to leave work early because that meant the subway wouldn't be too crowded and she wouldn't be fondled. Mario was going to arrive at five to pick her up so she had to hurry and dress. Off came the skirt and blouse she had worn to work and on went the tank and jeans. Brenda had a pair of dark brown calf length boots with three inch heels that she knew would look good with her jeans. Brenda slid the jeans up her legs and was barely able to get them over her hips, my God what happened to my butt, these fit perfectly a month ago, she thought. She finally was able to get them over her hips and placed a minipad inside to hide her tiny bulge and then had to lay on her back to pull the zipper shut. Brenda slid her boots on and looked in the mirror. I look as though I was poured into these jeans, and my butt, its, God it's getting big. I hope it doesn't look fat, I don't see any bulges, God I just know I'm getting fat. I hope Mario isn't disappointed. Brenda was fixated on her butt, it had never looked this good. When she was Matt girls would tell him he had a cute butt, it was small but well rounded, it had shape, unlike the flat butts so many boys had. Now however, that cute little butt was gone and had been replaced by one that was going to turn heads. It wasn't a J Lo butt, but it was making Brenda feel uneasy to look so sexy and mainly because of her ass. Brenda did her makeup, only she used much more at the eyes than she normally did, her eyes stood out like jewels. She had just finished and was putting her things in her purse when the doorbell rang. Brenda's heart jumped, I hope he likes me, she thought. Brenda pushed the door button and heard the door shut behind Mario. Her stomach was fluttering as she heard him climb the stairs and finally knock on her door. What am I doing dating this man she wondered, and why am I so enthralled with him, God I was a guy myself just seven months ago and now here I am trying to look as sexy as I can to impress another man, shit, what am I thinking. I'll call it off, I'll tell him I don't feel well, that's it, I don't feel well as her stomach churned. Brenda opened the door and was greeted by a dozen red roses being held by this man, this gorgeous man. "Hi," he said, "These are for you." Her first flowers and her first date, things a woman remembers for the rest of her life. The flowers may have been dandelions and the date might have been with the gawkiest boy in her class but it would always be her first date. Brenda wanted to hug the flowers, she wanted to hug Mario, heck, she wanted to hug the world she felt so special at this moment. "Thank you Mario, you shouldn't have done this." "Hey, I'm just trying to impress you, give me a break here," he kidded. "Let me put these in some water so they don't spoil, thank you so much for making me feel special." "You are special Brenda, you look very nice, hey, is that a Knicks top you have on?" "Yes, I thought as long as we were going to the game I might as well look like a fan." "Are you telling me that you aren't a Knicks fan?" "Mario, remember, I'm from California, I didn't even know what the Knicks were until you asked me out," she giggled. "Well, you're a New Yorker now, and all New Yorkers are Knicks fans unless someone conked you on the head and made you like the Nets." "The Nets?" "Yeah, you know the Joyzy Nets." "Mario, you're confusing me, who are the Joyzy Nets?" "I'm just messing with you, they're the New Jersey Nets, the team we're playing against tonight. This is just a pre-season game so a lot of the players aren't as good as the regular guys and they're trying to make the team. The regulars are trying to get in shape for the season so the game won't be as good as they usually are." "I wouldn't know the difference since I've never been to a game before." "It'll be fun, you'll like it, ready?" "Let me get my top in case it gets cold." Mario wriggled his eyebrows and said, "I hope it stays warm." Mario liked the way Brenda filled out the tank top she was wearing and felt it would be a shame to cover it. "You're silly," she flirted. Mario escorted Brenda down the stairs to the waiting cab and opened the door for her to enter and closed the door. He walked around to the other side and entered, sliding over until they touched. He told the driver where they wanted to go and then returned his attention to Brenda. "Were you serious when you told me that you have never been to a basketball game?" "The only basketball I ever saw was in high school and that was when we had to play it in P.E." "That was it? What did you other than that?" "I was a surfer, you know ride the waves, that sort of thing." "I've never surfed, I wanted to but just never found time." "Do they surf around here?" "I don't know. I was working in Colombia and watched the guys surfing down there and wished I had time to try but I didn't." "You were working in Colombia, what were you doing there?" "Driving a truck." "No, I mean why were you in Colombia?" Brenda didn't like where this was going, here she was on a date with a man that made her blush at the slightest thing and was finding out that he had connections in Colombia, God life wasn't fair. What if he was the source of the cocaine that Melissa was giving the girls, how would she be able to investigate him, knowing how she felt about Mario, DAMN! "It all started when I graduated from high school. I didn't want to go to college and I had worked after school for a couple of years and saved some money. I decide that I wanted to see the world so I bought a plane ticket to London and that's where my trip started. I worked a little here and there, just enough to live and travel. Traveling in Europe is cheap with a rail pass so I went from country to country, even sleeping on the train because I didn't have enough money for a hotel room. It was June when I arrived in London and the weather was nice but six months later it was getting cold and I ended up in Italy. I found a job in a restaurant and stayed there for six months until I had saved enough to move on. I had learned how to budget my money so I was able to see a little bit of Africa and then I ended up in India." "From there I went to Australia and then to South America. I had pretty much run out of money by the time I reached Colombia so that's why I was driving a truck. I stayed there for almost a year and decided to leave after my truck was hijacked by some rebels. They all had AK47's and it scared the shi, I mean scared the heck out of me. I came home after that and started working for UPS and here I am." "Wow, that almost sounds like a book, you'll have to tell me more," Brenda said with awe. "It was nothing, the whole trip was just living in different cultures, it was no big thing." To Brenda it was a big thing, she had to find out more about his travels without sounding like the cop she was. "I'll bet you had lots of girl friends?" she teased. What in the hell kind of question was that to ask? What difference did it make if he did have girl friends in different places, this was just a date, a burger and a basketball game, not a marriage proposal. Why would it bother Brenda if he had a girl friend at one time, so what. I wonder if she was pretty, I wonder if he thinks I'm as pretty as she was, I hope my butt isn't getting too fat, guys don't like fat girls, Brenda felt like hitting her head against the window, what in the hell are you thinking girl, you're jealous. "No one special," he said. The taxi arrived at the small burger place and Mario paid the driver and went to open Brenda's door. He took her hand and helped her out of the cab. "This place has the best burgers anywhere in the world. The only reason it's not more popular is that no one has heard about it," Mario said. "It smells good, kind of like a burger place," she responded. Mario laughed at Brenda's try for humor, she was a sweet girl and cute too he thought. "Hey Mario, is dis da girl you been talking about?" asked the cook behind the counter. Brenda noticed an alarming resemblance to Mario. "Yeh, Sal, this is Brenda, Brenda meet my cousin Sal, he owns this dump." No wonder they looked the alike, they were family. Brenda extended her hand and Sal shook it like he was shaking crumbs from a cloth. "It's nice to meet you Sal," she said. "Like wise Brenda, now I know why Mario was talking about youse all the time, he has good taste." Brenda blushed, not at the compliment but at the thought that Mario had been talking about her to his family, she felt special. "Enough already Sal, I told Brenda that you have the best burgers in the world and we have to get to the Knicks game and I want you to make something special for her." "I know just da thing." Mario took Brenda's hand and helped her onto a stool at the counter, since this place was too narrow for tables. "Sal makes the best burgers, I know he will do something special for you, he likes you." "He's sweet." "Hah, don't tell his wife that, she already knows he's a creampuff and doesn't need any encouragement." "Tell me more about your trip?" Brenda asked. "Maybe some other time, I want to know about you." Brenda noticed that Mario hadn't let go of her hand and wasn't about to. "I was born in Santa Maria, California and lived there until I moved here, now is that excitement or what?" "There must have been more than that?" "Not really, just the normal high school things, you know, hanging out, dances, and dates. You already know that I surf and I did a lot of that, that's pretty much all there is." "You must have left a lot of broken hearted boys behind when you moved here?" "No, there were no boys," she said wistfully. What a sneaky way to ask if she had a boy friend back home, God I should hope not since "Brenda" had never been to Santa Maria. Sal brought the burgers and served them to Mario and his date. "I hope you like it?" Brenda took a small bite and discovered that Mario was right, this was the best burger she had ever tasted. "Mmm. This is wonderful Sal." "It's my secret ingredient dat gives it da flavor," he boasted. "He just takes fresh garlic and presses it in the patty, some secret, I'm only glad we're both eating the garlic so we won't notice our breaths later," Mario said. "Later?" Brenda asked innocently. God Brenda, you can be so dense sometimes, he's telling you he wants to kiss you later and the garlic won't mater, don't be such an idiot she thought as she blushed. "Sal's a really good cook, how long has he had this restaurant?" she asked. "Around four years, he bought it when he got tired of his old job." "His old job, what did he do?" "He was a hit man for the mob." Brenda gasped and then she asked laughingly, "No he wasn't, really what did he do before?" "He was a high school English teacher." "No, you're kidding, really?" Brenda didn't know if what Mario was telling her was a lie or the truth. "Really, don't let that gangster accent fool you, he speaks better than you and I put together, he's just doing it for you. He graduated with a master's degree in English and a minor in drama from NYU. He always does this when I bring a pretty girl around to meet him." "Why did he stop teaching?" "He was teaching at a really bad school in a terrible neighborhood in the Bronx and one day after school some students jumped him and beat the crap out of him. He figured it wasn't worth the trouble and bought this place. The funny thing though is I've never seen him happier, so much for higher education." Sal came over and talked to the couple when he had a free moment, which wasn't often, and continued to use his gangster accent. Brenda really liked Sal. He was a sweet man and could see that he really cared about Mario and his choice of women. "How long have youse known Mario, Brenda?" Sal asked. "Sal, enough with the accent, Brenda knows your just fooling around," Mario said. "I think its cute Mario. I met him when I went to work at my new job, around two months ago." "Well you be nice to him, his last girl friend wasn't," Sal said with concern in his voice. "Sal, leave her alone, it's a first date, not an invitation to spend the rest of our lives together, and after meeting you she probably won't want to see me again." "Mario, that's mean," Brenda whined, as she slapped his arm, "I think it's sweet that he cares about you." "He always treats me like a little kid." "Well?" Sal answered with his hands on his hips. "Your only five years older than me." "Physically, but I'm light years ahead of you mentally." "I'm twenty-eight years old." "And still single." "Don't start Sal, I'll get married when I'm ready and tell your mom not to listen to my mother, she's jealous of her and she just wants grandchildren too." "I guess your sister will have to be the child provider." "Don't even go there." "Hasn't your sister been dating that Tom guy for quite a while, what about her, when is she going to get married?" "Mom hates Tom, he really is a loser. She wishes Louisa would come to her senses and dump the guy." "Ah, your sister has always been strong headed and will do anything to prove everyone wrong, women, you can't live with them and you can't live without them, what are you going to do?" "Hey! What about me?" Brenda pouted. "You're different, you're not living with my cousin." "God Sal, you're embarrassing me, you're going to scare Brenda away," Mario said. "It will take more than that to scare me away," Brenda said, smiling at Mario. "Sal we have to go, the game's going to start in a half of an hour, what do I owe you?" "It's my treat for bringing such a lovely young woman here for a change, things are looking up for you Mario, its been nice meeting you Brenda and if my cousin gets out of line let me know." "Thank you Sal." "Thanks couz." The garden was near enough to walk to and not be late for the game so Mario decided not to take a cab. He put his hand around Brenda's waist and held her as they walked. "I like your cousin," she said. "Yeh, he is pretty special, he's always been like a big brother to me. When I was younger I was pretty ornery and he bailed me out of more than one fight. He would stand up for me and then after the fight was over he would kick my butt for starting it in the first place." "It sounds like you come from a very special family." "Its just a typical Italian family, everyone looks out for each other. We all live in the same neighborhood so everyone knows what the other person is doing. Isn't your family like that?" "My mom and dad live in Santa Maria and the rest of the family is spread around. My grandfather is dead and my grandmother lives with my mom's sister in Texas. Both of my dad's parents live up in Washington, you know the state, in a motorhome and they almost never came down to California. I have two older brothers, Mel, the oldest lives in San Diego and the only time he comes home is at Christmas and Mark the middle kid wants to be an actor and lives in LA so he can be close to the film studios. That's why they call us the three M's," Brenda said. "The three M's?" Mario asked. Oh fuck, what have I done, I let my mouth run away without thinking, Mel, Mark, and Matt, Brenda thought as she felt her skin beginning to burn with the fear she was about to be discovered. She thought of an answer for Mario. "My middle name is Mary. My mom wanted to name me Mary but for some reason dad wanted Brenda and he won out, so here I am, Brenda Mary Watson," Brenda said. "Your brother is in the movies?" "If you want to call it that, he's only been an extra so far but he has his hopes high, who knows maybe one day I'll be able to say I'm Mark the movie star's sister." "And then I will be able to say that I'm Mark the movie star's sister's boyfriend." "Stop it," Brenda giggled as she slapped Mario's arm. The couple had reached the garden and Mario removed his hand from Brenda's waist and reached for his wallet. He opened it and removed the tickets for the game. Brenda saw a photo of a girl when he did. "Who's that?" she asked. "The bitch that broke up with me." "Still hoping she will change her mind and ask you back?" Now it was Mario's turn to feel uncomfortable. Here he was on the first date with a girl he really liked and he still had a picture of the girl that broke his heart in his wallet and she had seen it, what a dolt. He pulled it out of the wallet and tore it to shreds. "There's no way I would want her back, especially after meeting you." Brenda's heart skipped a beat when she heard that, what could she say other than, "Thank you." Mario found their seats and helped Brenda sit down. All the men's eyes watched as she lowered herself hoping that her jeans would split. "We made it just in time for the tip off," Mario said. "The tip off?" "You know, where they throw the ball up to start the game, you'll see." The players stepped onto the court and the centers went to the center ring to await the referee. The referee threw up the ball and the Knicks gained control. "Yes!" Mario yelled as he pumped his fist in the air. Brenda watched as her date became involved in the game, what should I do, and how should I react, she wondered. Brenda looked around and watched the other women and tried to mimic their reactions to the game. The game had become more than a basketball contest for Brenda, it had become a learning experience for her as a woman. What should I do, pump my fist, I think not, a girl wouldn't do that, just sit and not do nothing, safe, but that won't make much of an impression on my date other than show that I'm a stick in the mud. Brenda watched the other girls, the one that just sat, the large one that jumped up and nearly knocked over three people around her, the one that brandished her fist at the other team as her face turned red with rage, God how can anyone get so involved in a game like that she wondered. Brenda finally found her way of showing appreciation for the game, she would clap and squeal with delight when Mario was happy and she would boo when he wasn't, it was the perfect solution. The game ended with the Knicks winning 95 to 91. Mario was on cloud nine, his team had won and he was on a date with Brenda, the girl that was stealing his heart. She was turning heads where ever she went, you're a lucky man Mario, he thought. "Would you like a cup of coffee before I bring you home?" "I'd like that, do you have a relative with a coffee shop too?" she giggled. "No, just the local Starbucks." Brenda reached for Mario's hand and took it in hers, she felt warm and wonderful when she did, she wanted him to hold her and this was as close to that as she could get right now. Mario intertwined his fingers with hers, he was becoming very fond of this sweet girl. "So what does your brother Mel do in San Diego?" asked Mario. "He's a fireman." "That's exciting, does he like it?" "Yes, I guess he does. He's so silly though, all he ever talks about are the cats he rescues from trees. I think he doesn't want to make my mom worry that he might get hurt." "How does your mom feel about you moving to New York City?" "I don't think she really thinks about it. You know, I'm just not living at home and not so much that I live here. My mom has a strange way of doing that." "Well if she knew you were here with me she would be worried sick." "She would not, she would like you, moms have a way of knowing what their kids friends are like, even after meeting them once, I guess it's a mom thing." "I guess you're right, after my mom met Louisa's boy friend the first thing out of her mouth was, "He's no good," and she was right." "What's wrong with her boyfriend?" "He has no desire to work and lets her support him. He watches TV all day long and doesn't do squat around the apartment, oh did I tell you she lives with him, he's just a real loser." "Why does she stay with him?" "I think he was the first man she was ever with, you know went to bed with and because of that loves him enough to put up with his bullshit, I don't get it." Mario said angrily. "Don't be too hard on her, girls think differently about sex. Guys just want to get it but girls want more than to be, well you know, they want some kind of commitment if they are going to sleep with a guy, unless she's a slut and then she's just like a guy." "Not all guys are like that." "Are you telling me that if I were to take down my pants right here you wouldn't be tempted?" "Of course I'd be tempted, what guy in his right mind wouldn't be with you?" "That's not what I mean. If I were to take down my pants, you would do me, I know you would but there would be no love there and women want love before they would do that. A guy wouldn't think twice to take down their pants if they could get laid, but a girl wouldn't, we just don't do that. God how did we get on this subject anyway?" Brenda said as her frustration grew. Brenda was becoming agitated with the conversation and at ease with her femininity, so much so that she was thinking like a woman, and she was protecting her right not to have sex. "We were talking about my sister." "That's right, I forgot, I'm sorry for running off at the mouth, we hardly know each other and here I am and I'm telling you how I feel about sex, I must seem like a wonton hussy?" "If we didn't respect each other we wouldn't have had this conversation, you're a very special woman Brenda." Brenda couldn't help herself, she turned toward Mario and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you, you're a wonderful man Mario." Now it was Mario's turn to feel special, Brenda had just kissed him on the cheek, I'll never wash my face again, he thought. The couple found a table and Mario went to order the coffee. He returned with two paper cups with skirts to keep them from getting burned. "Tell me more about your travels around the world," Brenda asked. "We really don't have the time for that tonight, let's just enjoy each other instead." "But I want to hear about your travels," Brenda whined. "I'll tell you everything, but only if you go out with me for dinner tomorrow night." "And what makes you think I have tomorrow night free?" "I said a prayer to God that you would be and he has never failed me. If you don't go I'll become an atheist because God failed me." "I can't let that happen. I'll go with you, but only so you don't lose your faith in God, not because I want too." "Thank you, and my priest thanks' you too." "Where do you want to go?" "Some place nice, you deserve it for having to eat my cousins hamburger." "They were good, don't be so mean about your cousin, I think he's sweet." "Okay, I'll leave him alone since he's not here to defend himself." "What should I wear?" "Something nice." "It's warm in here, let's sit outside," Brenda said. Mario and Brenda went outside and found an empty table and spent the next hour watching life walk by. They spent a lot of time looking into each other's eyes and let the unsaid words flow into their depths. "I think we should go, it's late and I have to find something to wear for tomorrow night," she said. "I'll get a cab." Mario went to the curb and flagged down the first available taxi. He opened the door for his new love and helped the delicate flower in to the cab. He went around and gave Brenda's address to the driver and they were off. Fifteen minutes later they were at Brenda's apartment. "Could you please wait?" he asked the driver as he exited the cab. Mario didn't want to have to find a taxi in this neighborhood as they were few and far between. In Manhattan they were a dime a dozen, but not here in Brooklyn. Mario exited the cab and went around to open Brenda's door. He took her hand and helped her out and escorted her up the stairs to the front door to her apartment building. They turned and faced each other and held each other's hands. "Thank you for a wonderful evening Mario, I had so much fun," Brenda said. "Thank you for going with me, I hope you didn't mind the basketball game too much?" "Of course not, it was fun, but I still don't know how those guys throw the ball to the other person on their team without looking." "In basketball they pass the ball, they throw the ball in baseball, and you know what, I don't know either." Brenda giggled and then she looked serious, the perfect evening was over. Brenda and Mario had learned a lot about each other and many of them were intimate and now it was time for that something she had been thinking about since she ate that garlic burger, the goodnight kiss. Brenda wasn't sure of how much of a gentleman Mario was and didn't want to take a chance that he might be afraid to kiss her, being worried that he might scare her off. Brenda looked up at Mario, she was in three inch heels but he was still several inches taller than her, leaned her head back and pulled his hands and moved closer to him. Mario took the hint and moved his lips to hers until they touched, softly at first and then with more wanting. Brenda let go of Mario's hands and put her arms around his neck and held him tight while he put his around her back. The kiss lasted for what seemed to be a perfect eternity and finally the couple broke the kiss. "Goodnight Brenda. I'll see you tomorrow." "Goodnight Mario, and thank you," she said and kissed him softly on the lips as she opened the door and went inside. Mario bounded down to the cab like he had wings on his feet, his happiness had returned. Brenda went up to her apartment and went inside and locked her door. Her date with Mario had been nothing but a success and she knew all her insecurities earlier were unwarranted. She was going to ask for the operation, they owed it to her. Her feelings toward Mario were something Brenda or Matt had never felt before. The closeness of family and the caring were things that never happened in her family, sure they were close, but not like this, the consideration of all the family did, the love, the caring, Brenda wanted to take Mario away and never let him go. She wanted to sew with his mother, care for his cousins kids, have her own babies, shit, she thought, that could never happen and a tear fell from her eye, one day at a time Brenda, one day at a time.

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Shejarchi Kaku La Mazet Javal Part 2

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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Twenty Seven

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Ajbbw Being Watched

I noticed him firstly as I bought some salami from the deli-counter. He looked like any regular guy,5ft 10”, muscularly built, cropped blond hair, in his early 30s, but it was his piercing blue eyes that seemed to bore down into my very soul. He carried a wire shopping basket with two or three items in it and as I wheeled my trolley down the next aisle I didin’t have to look to know he was behind me. I reached to get a box of dried peas, he was staring so intently at my ample backside. I...

4 years ago
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wife and tariner

These were the words that I heard when I arrived home the other night. The voice was clearly that of my wife, Barbara. It has been a few months since we decided to "spice" things up for ourselves, by adding other people to our sexual repertoire. So, far it has only been boy toys for her, but I have enjoyed hearing about her sexual escapades and the last time she even invited one of them to our home. He fucked her while she gave me head. You see, Barb and I have been married a few...

3 years ago
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Bus me mili mast bhabhi chodne ke lie

Hello friends I am rahul from delhi ek nayi ghatna ko share kar raha hoon. Sab jante hi hai ki mera naam rahul hai aur main 25 sal ka ledka hoon delhi main job ke liye aaya tha. Baat aaj se sirf 4 mahina pehle january ki hai main sam ko 7.30 baje ke ass pass nizamuddin se dtc main baitha room main aane ke liye. Bus main normal bhid thi to utarne main subidha ke liye main bich main khada ho gaya. Ek do stop ke baad bus bilkul bhar gayi thik se khada hone ka bhi jagah nahi tha. Main dhire dhire...

2 years ago
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Clone experimenting

"So how do you feel about fucking your own clone?" a show host on your television asked to his guest for the evening. "As in is it masturbation or not?" the guest asked back. "If that's the first thing that pop in your head, sure." the host answer with a chuckle. "I actually say it is, but with a few caveats. The first being the intent of the cloning. If the absolute first thing you think is to fuck it, then that's masturbation." he stated but as he did, you go a text from your best friend,...

1 year ago
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Check Yes or NoChapter 16

"And ... time!" Jake said. "Pencils down. Place your answer sheets inside the test booklet with your name at the top." He walked around the room collecting the test materials. The students stretched and yawned. "This concludes the Skills Assessment Exam," he said and proceeded to read the remainder of the state-mandated closing to the test. "As soon as they ring the bell, we'll head out to lunch and then finish up the class tournaments. Find something to do that's quiet; other...

1 year ago
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A Bisexual Summer

I am a mature widower having lost my bride of fifty-four years, ten months and fourteen days days due to complications from pancreatic cancer. Since becoming a widower I have been dabbling in my bisexual side more and more. I had some minor experience during my youth but have been much more active recently.My uptick in activity can be traced to me joining a swinger’s web site called Swing Lifestyle (SLS). There are many bisexual couples on this web site looking for bisexual men to join them in...

3 years ago
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Private Dick Chapter 1

It was just about time to close up the office for the day and I was looking forward to a quiet, peaceful evening at home. It had been a long week and now that it was drawing to a close, I was hoping that I could get a little head start on it by closing a little early. But that was not to be. I just so happened to by glancing at the door when I saw a shadow appear in the frosted glass window. A knock on the door and she walked into the office. I say walked, when it would more appropriate to say...

2 years ago
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Down a Rabbit Hole

You are walking through a park that you know like the back of your hand. You know the short cuts, where and when the cop stops by th say, hi. It's evening and your headed off to your friends places. Then there in front of you is a large hole you have never seen before. Shrugging you step across it, as you do, it widens and you fall in. Down the rabbit hole!

1 year ago
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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 31 New Years Eve

"Aunt Bessie!" Mary cried when she met the Coloradans at the airport. "And Jesse — how wonderful of you both to come." She turned to her mother with more hugs. "So good to see you... And Dad. Where are Dan and Consuela? I thought they were coming with you." "No, Mary, they came up with something special at the last minute. They'll be along tomorrow. Didn't you get their call? They were going to call you and Ken before they left." "No, maybe it came after I left the house. Come...

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