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“Seventy dollars,” I yelled out and waved my bidding paddle.

“I’m bid 70,” the auctioneer responded. “Do I hear 75?”

“Seventy-five,” I yelled again and the entire room full of people erupted into laughter.

“Seventy-five is bid from the gentleman who just bid 70. Do I hear 80, sir?” I finally realized what I’d done and I sank down in my chair embarrassed and humiliated. That just prompted more laughter from the other bidders. There were no further bids and I think it was just to see me squirm some more. “Sold to the anxious gentleman for 75 dollars,” the auctioneer finally announced. He slammed down the gavel. I got up and made my way to the cashier’s cage to pay for my purchase accompanied by more laughter and even s**ttered applause. To my immense relief I was quickly forgotten as the bidding started for the next item.

I didn’t even know what I’d purchased. It was a local estate auction for this old woman who had died recently and I’d arrived late. The inspection period was over. I was bidding blind. The catalog said it was an art object but the bidding was very slow on this one item so I thought I might have a chance at it. This was my very first auction as you might have guessed. I had a hundred dollars on me and felt sure I’d win a bid or two if I just kept bidding. Well, I was outbid throughout the auction and I almost got discouraged until this one item was offered for bid.

When I picked up my purchase I opened the box it came in. I burst out in laughter when I discovered what was inside. It was someone’s holiday souvenir. The original owner probably paid five bucks for it and overpaid at that price. I’d seen similar but better made items in gag shops. It was a cheap looking statuette of some god, probably Polynesian. The god was represented by a naked man squatting on his haunches with a huge prick sticking straight up and reaching almost to his chin. The little man didn’t look too happy even with the good fortune of being well-endowed. He was wearing a big giant frown. The overall height of the statuette was nine inches. I wondered how an old woman had come into possession of such an object; probably a joke gift from a friend or relative.

Well, I decided, this would be a lesson for me. I just wasn’t cut out to find lost or neglected treasures which I could buy cheap and sell for a nice profit which was why I was at the auction in the first place. I had just graduated from high school and didn’t know what to do with myself. I didn’t think I was college material and at the same time I didn’t want to join the army or go out job hunting just yet. I figured I had the entire summer ahead of me before my parents started bugging me about my plans or about paying rent. I took the object to my bedroom when I got home and placed it on top of my dresser.

The rest of the day was uneventful and the next morning I woke up bright and early with my usual morning piss hard-on. At least I thought it was usual. After pissing it remained poker stiff and refused to go down. I jumped back into bed and figured to have a quick jerk-off session. Well, I stroked for the next five minutes…and then for five more minutes…and then for five minutes after that. I just couldn’t get off. I was in a sweat and beginning to panic. This had never happened before. Two or three minutes usually did it for me. I hate to admit it but at 18 I was still a virgin.

I lay back gasping and out of breath. I looked at my red abused prick to seek guidance but all one-eyed Jack did was stare back at me accusingly as if what was happening was my fault. Well, perhaps it was but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what I’d done wrong. Suddenly I heard a voice inside my head say, “You will have your release…but only in the proper manner.”

I gave a little shiver. Now I was hearing a strange voice in my head. Was I losing my mind? I jumped out of bed and into the shower…a cold shower. I dressed in loose clothing to hide my stiffy, got some breakfast and plopped in front of TV to watch ESPN. I’d been sitting there for about 20 minutes when my mother walked in. “What the heck is that thing doing in your room?” she demanded.

“What thing?”

“That thing…that obscene statuette is what I’m talking about. I can’t believe you brought that thing into this house.”

“It’s in my room, Mom.”

“I don’t care. I have to go in there occasionally and I don’t want to have to look at it.”

“Okay,” I said. “Where do you want me to put it?” There wasn’t any sense arguing with her. I wasn’t about to bitch about not having any privacy because she would have bitched about me not doing my own laundry and keeping my room clean. I love my mom dearly but she can be a pain in the butt.

“The trash can outside is an appropriate place for it,” Mom replied.

I shrugged my shoulders and hurried into my room. I’d gotten halfway interested in the poker tournament that was on and the only other place for my purchase was a storage box I kept in the garage. Going out there would have meant missing some of the poker action so I stuck it in the bottom drawer of my dresser. That was just a junk drawer and she’d never have any reason to go in there. I’d move Dick (that’s what I decided to call him) out to the garage later.

I went back to watching the tube. As long as I didn’t move I could forget about my constant erection for a while and concentrate on something else. I did wonder if I’d have to wind up going to the doctor for treatment if my erection still refused to go down. I never thought I’d consider that a problem.

I got bored with the TV after a while. Also, it didn’t distract me from the state of my prick any more. I decided to return to my room for another jack-off session. When I opened my bedroom door I found my mom sitting on my bed and looking at Dick sitting on the dresser. “I could have sworn I put him out of sight, Mom.” Perhaps I was mistaken. “I’ll get rid of him now,” I added.

“Oh, no,” Mom said. “Please don’t bother. Your friend and I have come to an understanding. He likes it on top of the dresser and I find I don’t mind anymore.”

“Oh, you discussed it with him?” I asked with a smile. I guessed that was my mother’s saying she’d changed her mind. That was nice of her.

“Yes, as a matter of fact I did discuss it with him.” Well, that was certainly a change in attitude. Dick could stay put without me being hassled. My room is rather small and Mom brushed past me to get to the door. She couldn’t help but feel my boner jutting out.

“S-sorry, Mom,” I stammered out. I could feel myself blushing.

“Don’t be silly,” she replied with a small smile. “It isn’t the first time I’ve felt one of those. You’re just being a normal young man.” Then she surprised when she said, “Am I the cause of that condition by any chance?”

“No, of course not!” I blurted. I knew I said the wrong thing when Mom put on one of her classic hurt expressions.

“You don’t think I’m pretty?”

“Of course I think you’re pretty, Mom.” That wasn’t an issue. Mom was nearing 40 and a little overweight but she was still quite an attractive lady. My buddies who’d been over and met her assured me of that. “Oh gosh! You’re making this hard for me.” I blushed and Mom snickered with my unintended pun. I’d never seen her tease like that. It almost seemed like she was flirting with me.

“Oh, good,” she said. “For a minute there I thought I’d lost my touch.” Mom pulled me into an embrace. Her belly was hard up against my boner. She looked at me expectantly as if the next move was mine but I was too shocked to move.

“Take her,” said the strange voice in my head. What? I couldn’t believe what I’d heard but I didn’t have time to worry about that. Mom was rubbing her pelvis against one-eyed Jack and he was jumping with joy. She was trying to seduce me and succeeding very well. Still, I hesitated. What if I’d misread the signals?

“Fuck me,” Mom whispered and all doubt vanished. Hell! I didn’t care if she was my mother at that point. I was going to fuck her. Instinctively I knew I’d finally be able to cum once I stuck my dick up inside her snatch. The voice promised I’d get my release in the proper manner, right? This had to be the proper manner. She brought her hand down and began to massage my boner. Jeez! I didn’t need any more stimulation. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of her slacks and began to yank them down.

“Hey, is anyone home?” I just about jumped out of my skin. My sister was home. She’s always had a knack for great timing. I tried to push Mom away but she now had a death grip on my dong.

“Let go, Mom,” I whispered frantically. “Katelyn is home.” It seemed Mom could care less and continued to stroke my prick. I could hear Katelyn walking around the house. She could pop her head in any moment. She hardly ever knocks before entering. “Mom! Please!” I didn’t want to cause a commotion by pushing her away violently. Well, she finally seemed to wake up and let go of me.

“I’m in Colin’s room,” Mom called as she and I adjusted our clothing.

“Hi, Mom,” Katelyn chirped when she opened the door. “I have to do some laundry. Is it all right if I do it here? Am I in time for lunch? Oh my god! What is that? It’s so gross! Are you going to let him keep that? I might be staying here tonight. My roommate is having her boyfriend overnight tonight and he always tries to make a move on me when she’s asleep.”

“Hello, dear,” said Mom. “Yes, you can do the laundry and you’re just in time for lunch. This is your brother’s new action figure and he’s of age so I don’t see anything wrong with it as long he doesn’t want to display it on the mantelpiece. You know you’re always welcome to stay in your old room.”

“Thanks,” Katelyn replied. “I’d throw that thing out the minute Colin was out of his room. It’s so sexist and ugly.”

“He’s not so crazy about you either,” I said. Dick’s frown looked even fiercer than before if that were possible. “You’re welcome to stay out of my room whenever you’re here so you won’t have to look at each other.” Katelyn stuck her tongue out at me. She started gabbing about inconsequential things with Mom and they both wandered out of my room toward the kitchen. I sighed deeply. I still couldn’t believe what happened here just a few minutes before and what was going to happen before my sister showed up. Maybe it was good Katelyn showed up when she did…or maybe not. My prick was still rock hard and very uncomfortable. What the hell was going to do to relieve myself? I wasn’t intimate with any girls I knew and I spent all my ready cash on Dick so I couldn’t even hire a hooker.

Katelyn is older than me by about two years. She attends a local state college only five miles away. It would be cheaper for her live at home and commute but she insisted on having an apartment and my parents kind of spoil her. Setting up her own place hasn’t stopped her from continuing to use anything here she wants and to steal groceries from the pantry also. She’s quite pretty but not a knock-out beauty.

I was called to lunch but I begged off and stayed in my room. I’d lost my appetite anyway. I fell off into a restless sleep. My dreams were filled with images of my prick spitting fountains of sperm-filled semen into the cunts and mouths of willing females. I felt the mattress shift and opened my eyes to find my naked mother straddling my waist. “Mom?” I knew what she was there for and I wasn’t going to stop her. The only thing I was worried about was…

“Don’t worry about Katelyn,” Mom said as if reading my mind. “I offered to do her laundry for her so she took herself to the mall.” Mom exposed one-eyed Jack and positioned herself. We gasped simultaneously as we coupled. “Poor baby,” she soothed. “You were suffering weren’t you? Do you want it, fast or slow?”

“Anyway you want,” I replied and closed my eyes again to enjoy the delicious friction as Mom bounced herself up and down on my prick. The feeling was delicious and I knew I wouldn’t last long. In fact, it seemed like I barely started before I was ready to finish. Still, I felt obligated to warn what was about to happen just in case she wasn’t protected. “I…I’m gonna cum, Mom,” I gasped.

“Do it,” Mom replied. “Don’t worry about me.” Well, I couldn’t have stopped even if she had begged me not to at that point so I just let go and dumped a huge wad of cum inside her. It was a lot. I was so relieved when I felt my prick finally go down that the gravity of what my mother and I had done stayed in the back of my mind. The guilt didn’t begin to creep in until Mom lay down beside me while we caught our breaths.

“I’m sorry, Mom,” I began. “I…I don’t know what got into me.” I didn’t know what got into her either.

“It was Master’s will,” she replied.

“What are you talking about, Mom? I’m not your master.” Did she think I was controlling her mind?

“Of course you’re not Master, Colin. Master is…Master. You’ll come to know him soon. He’s taking care of everything. Don’t worry your head about anything.”

“But who is Master?” I persisted. Mom just smiled mysteriously and didn’t reply. This was really freaking me out. The day had started out weird and it was just getting weirder; a boner that wouldn’t go away, a strange voice in my head, my own mother seducing me and now she was telling me about acting under some unknown master’s will. I decided to try again.

“Mom, something weird is going on around here. I’ve been hearing a strange voice in my head since this morning. Have you been hearing a voice too? Is Master talking to both of us?”

“Master instructs me but not in words.” She smiled blissfully like she was on happy pills. “It’s as if I’ve discovered my purpose in life, Colin, and it’s made me so joyful. I’m sure Master is talking to you, bringing you under his influence. He works quite quickly with weak-minded females but it takes a little longer with males. Don’t be surprised if your sister comes to you sometime today or tonight. She’s under Master’s control now also.”

“Shouldn’t we tell her to stay away? Oh shit!” My prick started hardening again.

“It’s not wise to attempt to thwart Master’s will,” Mom said as she eyed my stiffening member. “He can make things very uncomfortable for you.

“He already has,” I replied. If anything, my prick felt harder than it did just a few minutes before when I had sex with my mom. “Uh, could you ask Master to let my erection go down again? I promise not to try to thwart his will again.” I felt silly talking like that I was but I was beginning to get scared at the same time. What else could I do?

Mom smiled sweetly and spread her legs. “Use it on me.”

“You mean you want me to…?”

“It won’t go down again otherwise,” she assured me. “Do you see anyone else here you can use it on? Would you prefer to wait until Katelyn gets back?”

“Not at all,” I assured her and hastened to crawl between her legs. I entered her and started a leisurely hump. I wasn’t as frantic as I was the first time but at the same time, I knew this was the only way I’d be able to cum. It wasn’t long before I dumped another huge load of cum inside my mom’s snatch. Usually my second cum doesn’t even come close to my first load but this one seemed as big as the first. Yeah, this had been a day of firsts. “I sure hope you don’t get pregnant,” I said as I finished.

“Only if it is Master’s will,” Mom replied. Sheesh! Mom was beginning to sound like a religious zealot. I tried to shut my mind to this negative thought lest this so-called Master got pissed at me again. I couldn’t deny something was happening but I still had trouble believing some supernatural entity had taken control of my mother’s mind and was trying to do the same to my mind too.

“Why does…Master want us to have sex anyway?” She didn’t say anything for a bit but she appeared to be listening to instructions.

Finally, she said, “All will be explained to you if you come to my bedroom tonight at midnight.”

“Won’t Dad be there?”

“Master will cause your father to sleep so he won’t be aware.” There weren’t any feelings of guilt or regret in the tone of her voice for cheating on my dad and seducing her son. Everything seemed to be okay as long as it was done at Master’s direction—whoever he was. I shrugged my shoulders and watched my mother head for the bathroom to clean up and dress.

Gosh, I thought. If I tried to tell anybody about this I’d be locked up for sure as a nut case. Maybe I should just run away. No sooner had that thought run through my mind than one-eyed Jack was standing stiff once again at full attention. I stared at my prick and shook my head in total dismay. “Mom?” I called in obvious distress.

“What is it, dear?” Mom said when she finally came to my door.

“Mom, could we…you know…” I pointed at my erection as if that would explain all. I honestly thought I was about to cry.

“Were you thinking about thwarting Master’s will again?” Mom said.

“I guess I must have,” I admitted, “but it’s hard not to.”

“Honestly, Colin, I warned you about this just a while ago, didn’t I? I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait until Katelyn gets home. I still have her laundry to do. I have supper to start and I have to make a bunch of phone calls.”

“But what if this keeps happening?”

“Master has assured me you won’t have to worry about your stray thoughts after tonight as long as you follow my instructions, okay?” I nodded my okay and watched her leave again.

“I just hope Katelyn gets here before Dad,” I yelled. I turned to Dick and said, “Well, it looks like we both have something in common; stiff pricks with no place to stick ‘em.” I meant it to be funny but Dick wasn’t amused. All he did was stare back at me with his morose glare. Well, to tell the truth I didn’t think it was funny either.

I sighed deeply. I only had until tonight to wait my mother promised and then I would be under Master’s control. I felt scared and yet relieved at the same time. I just hoped I didn’t start sounding like my mother after tomorrow, a total fruitcake. I sighed and jumped into the shower again.

It felt weird sitting in my bedroom and waiting around for my sister Katelyn, knowing she was fated to be my next sex partner. I didn’t have any reason to doubt my mother’s word because of all the strange events occurring already. One more strange event didn’t seem any big deal. I didn’t feel any guilt either. Feeling guilty had just gotten me in trouble with Master.

I felt more comfortable naked so I stayed undressed and laid back on the bed. I’m not sure how much time passed but my bedroom door eventually opened and Mom and Katelyn walked in. I didn’t bother to cover up. “Isn’t it pretty, Katelyn,” Mom asked referring to my prick. Katelyn smiled and nodded. Without saying anything she slipped off her jeans and panties and then climbed on the bed with me. Mom apparently intended to watch because she didn’t leave. I briefly wondered if my sister was still a virgin. Well, if she was, she wasn’t anymore. She slipped my stiffy inside her cunt and gave me a magnificent ride. “Thanks, Katelyn,” I sighed as I deposited another huge amount of cum. “That was wonderful.”

“It was Master’s will,” she replied as she climbed off me. Master’s will, of course. That didn’t sound very romantic but then I wasn’t feeling very romantic myself. I was just relieved my erection had gone down again.

“Now just watch your thoughts until tonight,” Mom said, “and you won’t have anymore problems but if you slip up again, Katelyn will stay available through the rest of the evening.

“Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Katelyn,” I said and watched them leave. I was pretty good the rest of the afternoon and I only needed Katelyn’s help one more time. By the dinner was served I even had my appetite back. I still felt guilty about Mom cheating on Dad with me but there was nothing I could do about it.

I was pretty nervous that night when I approached my parents’ bedroom. I mean, why couldn’t Mom have come to my bedroom? “Come in, Colin,” Mom said in a normal voice. I kind of jumped because she was going to wake up Dad. “Your father won’t wake until Master allows it. She scooted over and motioned me to join her. Luckily, my parents had a king-size bed. When I lay down with her, she pulled down the strap of her gown and exposed her breast. She said, “Drink.”

Drink? She couldn’t be lactating. Maybe it was all symbolic. I leaned down and took an experimental lick at her nipple. “I didn’t say to play with it. Suckle my breast as you once did long ago. All things are possible with Master.”

I applied my lips to my mother’s nipple and sucked. I was instantly rewarded with a sweet, almost creamy, liquid. I started to pull away in surprise but Mom held my head in place and said, “Don’t miss a drop and you will begin to understand.” I continued to drink until her breast was drained dry.

“Dick?” I said when I finally lifted my head.

“Is that what you call him? Yes, Dick is Master.”

“But how?”

“Master was a powerful spirit who was content to be worshipped as a fertility god on some South Pacific islands. A couple of hundred years ago he was trapped in the fetish by a Christian missionary. Master thrives and grows powerful on sexual energy generated by humans. The missionary knew that and passed the fetish to people who had suppressed their own sexuality or who were long past their sexual prime. That included the woman who last had the fetish.

“She was supposed to have passed on the fetish to another before her own death but she became ill with Alzheimer’s disease and forgot her mission. You just happened to be the one to purchase the fetish from her estate. You’re sexually vital and so Master was able to begin to work his magic once again.”

“Will Master be stuck in the fetish forever?”

“Like I said, Master thrives on sexual energy. Our job is to provide that sexual energy so that Master will go stronger and eventually break free.”

“Can our family do it alone? What about Dad?”

“As Master grows more powerful, he will be able to influence more men to do his bidding. Females are absolutely no problem for Master. I’m afraid your father is useless to Master because he mutilated himself years ago.”

“He mutilated himself?”

“My fault really,” Mom replied. “After you were born I asked him to get a vasectomy and he did. I regret it now, of course, but now it’s too late. You see, Master intends to populate the planet with his own followers. He needs virile men and fertile women to do it. Your sister and I have been bred successfully. It’s a real honor for both of us.”

“Does Master know the world is pretty much populated already?”

“Yes, he does realize it. Once he regains his power, he plans to shrivel the gonads of a couple of billion people. That should cut down on the birth rate some.”

I woke up. I was in my own bed and it was morning. It had all been a weird dream. I looked and saw that even Dick was gone. He had been a dream too. I got up, took a piss and walked down the hall on the way to the kitchen. I didn’t realize we had company until I entered the living room. A dozen women turned around and stared at me. I recognized them as neighbors and friends of my parents, all very attractive. I was embarrassed to realize one-eyed Jack was awake and trying to see what was going on. The women all turned away from me then and I followed their gaze. Dick was sitting on the mantelpiece staring back at us. His expression had changed. He was wearing the biggest shit-eating grin I’d ever seen.

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Special thanks to Steve Zink for editing this story. The super lover suit, giving nothing but trouble Nothing but Trouble - By Shrike Aloysius Talling was walking down the street, and though he'd just been discharged from the Army, he wasn't worried about his future yet. He had a little money in his pockets, and though that would run out soon, he expected to have a job again within days. He didn't have much of an education, but he had a rigorous training as a Special Forces...

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I arrived to class early. I was always early- punctuality was something my parents had drummed into my head. Besides, I was looking forward to this class. I had been trying to get into a figure drawing class for two semesters, but they were always the first to fill up. My name’s Kyle Michaels. I’m an artist. Well, I’m a lot of things, but ‘artist’ is one of the first descriptors I think of when I define myself. Hmm, only a few people around so far. Today’s the first day of classes, so we’ll...

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Twins Ties Trouble

Twins, Ties, & Trouble – Part 1 Trish placed $3.02 into the teenager's outstretched palm. "Here's yourchange...thanks for coming in." She looked past the girl's reddish brownhair and saw Kelly, her best friend, go into the Videos for Hire Rental storeacross the mall walkway. Trish suspected that Kelly was interested in Jeff,her boyfriend, because this was the 4th time this week that she had seen Kellycome in to rent videos. Trish didn't have any more customers so she busiedherself by...

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Still Getting Into Trouble

"Dan, Mary-Jayne needs a ride this evening. Her car is in the shop, and she needs picking up from work. I'd do it myself, but it's Wednesday, and I have choir practise.""Uh, what did you say?" I mumbled into the newspaper. My good lady's voice soothes my soul in the evening, but in the morning, I do my best to ignore it. Violently, she ripped the page from my hands, and I looked into the angry eyes of my lovely wife."You damn well heard me, you old cuss.""I didn't —""Now don't start with me,...

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A massage gets a pair of twins in deep trouble

Dar (her name is really Darlene, but we've called her Dar for as long as I could remember) shrieked and averted her gaze. I wasn't sure what had surprised her more, my holding a very big, very chrome .45 in both hands, or the fact that I was standing in the hallway dripping wet, stark naked and quite fully erect. I'd been pleasuring myself in the shower when my alarm chirped, warning me of an intruder. I hadn't had the chance to tell Dar about the recent alarm. I was going to have to fill...

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Sisterhood of Sin 27 Tumbled Into Trouble

Favor Wanted: I need a man to peg. Send me your husband. I'll send him back a little stretched. Seattle area Sept 17. $200. Garter, panties, and stockings, +$50. Chastity cage, + $25. "Your girl is innovating, Cath." "Yup. Wil makes a little side money now servicing sisters who travel. But Mindy's job is carrying her to Seattle a lot. She gets kind of aggressive when she's on her period, so she dresses like a man and..." "Two hundred dollars seems a little cheap." "I guess many sisters don't...

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Big Trouble

Big Trouble By Margaret Jeanette Misty Johnson was troubled. This was the third time she'd found her closet in a different order than she remembered putting it. Her red dress was always next to her black dress and now it was between her aqua and her dark blue dress. She was angry that anyone would mess with her clothes. That night she asked her husband, Mike, if he was going into her closet. She asked why he would be going in there, and said that she didn't want any crap, that...

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Triple Trouble

Looking back at it now, I can clearly see that all the basic signs were there. I hadn't recognized them for what they were. It was only when the miracles started to occur that I knew something was up. The first 'event' happened just after our third anniversary. I totally missed it at the time, but later on when I had reason to revisit it with the crystal clear clarity of 20/20 hindsight. It came around and smacked me in the head hard. What caused all of this? What single event led to my...

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Double the Trouble

An original story by Starrynight Enjoy: David and the girls waved at their mother until she turned around to face the airport personnel and shortly after disappeared behind the gates and scanners of the security check. They waited there for another minute, hoping to catch a last glimpse of Jennifer before turning around and heading out of the airport. They strode down to the nearest exit, the twins chatting amongst themselves a step or two ahead of their father. As they headed towards the...

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I Knew You Were Trouble

I Knew You Were Trouble As I looked around the party searching for some action, I spotted this girl, she was standing alone in the corner of the room with a drink. she was just what I was looking for, long blond hair, big red lips and breast the size of... well big. I'm a pretty good looking guy myself. I'm 5'11, with short brown hair, but what always gets the lady's riled up is my light blue eyes. I snuck up to her side and lightly bumped her shoulder. My name's Mark. she looked...

3 years ago
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Double Trouble

DOUBLE TROUBLEOur protagonists:Lori Devalle (her lover, and loving tormenter, was Josh Allen) a month shy of her 22nd birthday, was 5’7? tall and weighed about 130 pounds.  With flashing green eyes and high cheekbones, she had long, lustrous coal black hair, and a figure many women would kill for:1) a beautiful set of boobs, very upright and erect, measuring 36? with a C/D cup – 2) thanks to many hours in restrictive corsets and waist training, she measured just over 24? around her middle – 3)...

4 years ago
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Trixies Big Case Chapter 5 Trixies In Trouble

Chapter 5 Trixie’s In Trouble “FUCK ME MOMMY! FUCK ME WITH THAT BIG BLACK COCK”, was the first thing that hit Agent Trixie Daniel’s ears as she woke from hear latest Black Cock Vertigo episode. The blonde agent was naked and sticky from gallons of African sperm as she realized she was lying on a wet mattress in the same hotel room where she had lured her fat white boy target Trevor. “EEEEEEYYYYUH!! EEEEEEYYYYEEEEE! AAAAAAAAAYYYYYYIIIEEEE!”, the fat white boy squealed on the floor as the big...

1 year ago
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Car trouble

Marie was on her way to L.A.! She just couldn't wait to get out of the small Oklahoma town she was born and raised in, with nothing to do there but count the chickens and tumble weeds! Twenty years old and not a care in the world! Everyone said that Marie was pretty enough to be in the movies so she figured, "Why not?" It took two years of working in the diner to save enough money to make her move, and now the day had finally come and she was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning! One of the...

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Always count on mum to get me out of trouble

I had gotten myself into some financial troubles with a guy I was associated with. I had a few issues with a messy break up and was staying back at my parents’ house until I got myself back together. Unfortunately living back at home became all too comfortable and I began hanging out with friends, spending late nights drinking and smoking with them, and eventually getting deeper and deeper into the wrong crowd. At the same time I had been gambling quite a bit and had been losing money. I was...

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Hermaphrodite Hotel Twin Trouble

HERMAPHRODITE HOTEL: TWIN TROUBLE by Roy Del Frink AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is based on the Hermaphrodite Hotel universe, created by George Wilson. He's posted six chapters on FM, which I recommend you read first. This tale is set about fifteen years after Hermaphrodite Hotel 6: In Therapy. Rules for the universe can be found in the Hermaphrodite Hotel 6 introduction; this is intended to be a continuation. References to,...

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Kate is in Trouble

?I think I’m in trouble, here.? Thought Kate.It had all started so well; A strange man in a dark bar. Kate remembered thinking how cute he was.?You’re cute.? She had said ?Buy me a drink and tell me your troubles.?He had bought her quite a few drinks. She had seen him before, so she was pretty sure he knew the score.?I know the score.? He said ?How much for you to come home with me???I like your attitude, and I don’t like to haggle; 500 bucks!??Done.? He said. He hated to haggle too.      ...

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Twin troubles

Twin troubles CBA [The present] 'Arg that's so uncomfortable!' Jayson thought as he once again had the desire to pick the thong out of his ass again. He just wasn't used to it anymore, it had been years since he had worn women's clothing for an entire day. But then he saw the woman he was waiting for, the undeclared love of his life Cindy MacLean. He waved when they made eye contact and a smiling Cindy waved back and started making her way towards him. "Hey, Jayson you look...

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I was out for a hot Saturday afternoon run in July when I saw her. She was walking a dog in the field adjacent to where the jogging trail passed by the playground. She wore white shorts and a sleeveless red top. She was still a fox and her body was still fine, just like it was back when we used to be a couple. Her name was Helen and she had been one of the prettier girls in my high school. She had long brown hair, deep brown eyes and a body that turned heads. She was a very nice and...

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Stacey in Trouble

Please feel free to comment on my stories. All comments both positive and negative are welcome or feel free to email me with your comments or ideas for stories on [email protected]. Stacey – In Trouble My wife was away for the weekend and I had just returned to my house after having returned from a Sunday drink at my local pub. It had been some weeks since I had seen Stacey in her bathroom although I did still wank over her images in my head. And with the wife now being...

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More Trouble

Some of you might remember my short cameo ‘Damned if…’ - about my other half’s niece who came to stay. Cranky after a miserable car journey my ‘Good ~ Lady’ suggested that I ‘looked after’ her by giving her one of my ‘Famous’, well that’s according to my Lady, massages. Massage my foot!! I’m not sure who put who up to what but we/she ended up screwing the bejesus out of each other. Now please don’t get me wrong - I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy it, but it’s a subject that’s never been raised in...

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Rebecca in trouble

"Rebecca, will you hide this dope in your overnight bag and take it down to Brazil when you meet Mom and Dad tomorrow?""Are you crazy, I am not going to get caught for you," said Rebecca. Rebecca's brother David had been trying to get Rebecca to take his dope, when Rebecca joined their parents in Brazil this week. Their parents were already in Brazil, where their father had taken a new job. They had left the week before, with Rebecca to go on Saturday with David. Since Rebecca finished school...

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Travel Trouble

Travel Trouble My wife Mary and I had recently retired and had sold out house and boughta motor home. We disposed of everything we couldn't carry with us andsaid goodby to our friends. We decided to use our new freedom to see someof this great country and become full timers. Along the way we took inCivil War battlefields and other interesting places. A month into ourjourney, I stopped to fill up with diesel fuel...

4 years ago
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Devina in trouble

Devina's in trouble.I woke up with a start and leaped out of bed."Oh god I thought, my Wife is due back tomorrow, and I better clear upthis mess before I go to work today."The mess was actually quite a lot of womens clothes spread across thebedroom floor. You see I am a cross dresser, in private I loved to dressin Womens clothes, slutty tarty clothes, I loved to be dressed as aslutty whore. But my biggest fetish was to wear Macs and raincoats, allsorts, any kind, but especially PVC Macs.Before...

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Saumya AuntyGetting Into A Trouble

Hello, guys.This sex story is where Soumya aunt, my friend’s mom got into a trouble with her naughty behavior with me.This is a recent sex story.Don’t feel sad that I started with a sex scene from the beginning of the sex story, the scenes after the beginning are really hot. Don’t miss it. To tell about her, she was a good woman but became more naughty and wilder every time we had sex which I mentioned in my previous stories.It’s ok if you don’t read them but just understand that I and Soumya...

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Confessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl Some Sort Of Trouble

I walk into Danielle's office on a Wednesday morning. But I'm not here to see her. I walk up to the receptionist's desk. "Is Mr. Harper in his office?" I ask. "Yes he is. May I tell him you're here?" "No, I know my way. Thanks anyway." I make my way down the hall and as I pass Danielle's office, I grin. I know she's not in today. She's with Blake. I get to Jake's office door and I knock. "Yes, come in," comes a voice from inside. I open the door and walk in. "Danielle's not in right now,...

Straight Sex
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Travel Trouble

This story is written and intended for the enjoyment of adults only. Please send any comments to [email protected]. I love hearing from you. Travel Trouble Written by 4play My wife Mary and I had recently retired and had sold out house and bought a motor home. We disposed of everything we couldn't carry with us and said goodby to our friends. We decided to use our new freedom to see some of this...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 15 Boy Trouble

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: December 28, 2009) Chapter 15 - Boy Trouble The next morning found me dreading my Sarah Carerra life. I knew that going to the Tween Awards with Josh Holliday was a good thing for my career, but it still scared me to death! I...

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Devinas in trouble

Devina's in trouble. I woke up with a start and leaped out of bed. "Oh god I thought, my Wife is due back tomorrow, and I better clear up this mess before I go to work today." The mess was actually quite a lot of womens clothes spread across the bedroom floor. You see I am a cross dresser, in private I loved to dress in Womens clothes, slutty tarty clothes, I loved to be dressed as a slutty whore. But my biggest fetish was to wear Macs and raincoats, all sorts, any kind, but...

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Sarah Carerra 303 Half Day Double Trouble

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: February 13, 2012) Chapter 3 - Half Day, Double Trouble The best part of starting school had to be the fact that I didn't have as busy of a schedule as I'd had during the summer. With no engagements...

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The Academy Part 3 Twice the Trouble

I woke up with someone standing over me. "Um...Hi," I said, trying to stay calm. "I thought about attacking you. I really did but I couldn't bring myself to do it." "Wh-What did I do?" "Well you're here and you seem to be getting along with all this just fine." He motioned to the night dress I was wearing. "Dammit!" I must have been too tired to fight off the urge. It had been one time and I already gave in. I pulled it off and threw it on the floor. "Well it seems you're...

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Before Double Trouble

Before Double Trouble IOur protagonists:Lori Lavalle, not quite 21 years old, was 5’7? tall and weighed about 130 pounds.  Along with flashing green eyes and high cheekbones, she had long, lustrous coal black hair, and a figure many women would kill for:  1) a beautifully rounded set of boobs, very upright and erect, measuring 36? with a C/D cup – 2) thanks to many hours of waist training, she measured just over 25? around her middle – 3) 37? hips, with the most perfect bubble butt man had ever...

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A Good Kind Of Trouble

A Good Kind of Trouble I was driving north on Interstate 35 as fast as the governor on the blue Mack would let me, the 8 inch dual open exhaust pipes snarling with the Cummins powered song in my ears as I crossed the south Texas prairie land trying to make San Antonio to stop for the night. The air conditioner was doing its best to keep me cool in the 100 plus degree late July evening, and failing at its task. I’m John Murphy, and I have made the Chicago to Laredo run once a week for the past...

Love Stories
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Travel Trouble

     This story is written and intended for the enjoyment of adults only.  Please send any comments to [email protected].  I love hearing from you.                               Travel Trouble                                        Written by 4play     My wife Mary and I had recently retired and had sold out house and bought a motor home.  We disposed of everything we couldn=t carry with us and said goodby to our friends.  We decided to use our new freedom to see some of this great country and...

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South American trouble

Story submission from John - aka rubadub Catherine Parker is employed by a leading English newspaper, working as a journalist for special features. Based in London for the last few years she has come up through the ranks to become a valued member of her team, and regularly is given international assignments on behalf of the paper.She is 5 foot 4, 28 years old,38 D-21 -36, pretty with long blonde hair, always admired by her male fellow worker’s. but never romances in the office, nicknamed by...

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Big Little SisterChapter 12 Double Trouble

A week had passed. Not without incident. We found several opportunities for girl-girl love-making with the twins. One thing did become noticeable after only a couple of days. The girls were still wearing the same panties they had arrived in! Obviously the story of Tanya wearing hers for a week at Summer camp had left its mark on the twins. The girls made no effort to change them, and this was obviously what they had been discussing that first day. Certainly, after being worn for a whole week...

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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 3 Jock Trouble

Two of our school’s bad-boy jocks decided to visit one Friday night unannounced. The not so bright jocks bragged about their plan in the locker room. The coach did not hear them but he took action when two team members told him. (I’m piecing this together from bit and pieces I learned later so it’s not absolutely 100% sure to be exactly what went on outside of my hearing.) Coach thanked them and told them to totally ignore what they heard. “I will set things in motion that will prevent them...

2 years ago
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Military DelightsChapter 3 Trouble

Soon after the Prince became Khan of Tirfil, the raids into Kobekistani territory increased dramatically. Whole villages were razed, their men killed and their women and children taken to Tirfil as slaves. Diplomatic notes were exchanged to no effect. Finally the Emir wrote personally to Khan Habib demanding that the incursions stop forthwith and threatening punitive action if they did not. Ghada Baroud, the Emir's diplomatic advisor was loth to show the Emir the reply, but his Master...

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Female DelightsChapter 27 Trouble

The trouble had been brewing for some weeks now, mostly fomented by Djamilla who was extremely unhappy that some of the younger, and to her mind clearly inferior, members of the harem had been promoted over her. She no longer slept in a private suite of rooms, they had been given to Princess Zubeydeh, and mere hostesses had been promoted by the new Emir far above what she considered their rightful station in life. The new Emir's mother had returned to the harem, twenty years after the old...

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Car Trouble

Car Trouble By A. G. Thomas As my wife entered the living room my cock jumped to attention and became as hard as a lead pipe. Sherri was wearing a yellow skin tight leather miniskirt with a translucent pale yellow blouse that when the light was just right I could see that she wasn't wearing a bra. And the fact that she was showing plenty of cleavage because two of the buttons were conveniently missing was an added bonus. The four inch pumps were also a pale yellow just like her blouse and her...

Group Sex
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Fishing for Trouble

This chapter starts out in the early spring. Kim has moved away to live with her aunt in another state where she will have her baby that she gives up for adoption. It is spring break for John and me both. John is going away with his dad on a week long fishing trip. He and I stood in the driveway waiting for his dad to come out. “Janet you do know I would rather spend my spring break with you.” “But I could not tell my dad no on going on this fishing trip,” John explained as he stood there...

4 years ago
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Car Trouble

Beverly, I call her Bev, had been so sweet, I thought as I drove down the dark highway. Bev was the girl of my dreams, five foot six, one hundred and thirty-five pounds, long wavy ebony hair, flowing down her backless sundress. She has high cheekbones, like she has some Indian blood, bright blue eyes and full red painted cupid-bow lips. I could feel myself getting hard in my slacks just thinking about her.I’m Aaron Markem and I’m twenty-two years old, six foot one, one hundred and ninety...

Quickie Sex
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Car trouble

Beverly, I call her Bev, had been so sweet, I thought as I drove down the dark highway. Bev was the girl of my dreams, five foot six, one hundred and thirty five pounds, long wavy ebony hair, flowing down her backless sundress. She has high cheekbones, like she has some Indian blood, bright blue eyes and full red painted cupid-bow lips. I could feel myself getting hard in my slacks just thinking about her. I’m Aaron Markem and I’m twenty two years old, six foot one, one hundred and ninety...

Love Stories
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Black Widow in double trouble

This is a continuation:Black Widow submits to S.H.I.E.L.D http://xhamster.com/user/penelopeslut/posts/524285.htmlBlack Widow rises, while another falls between her...http://xhamster.com/user/penelopeslut/posts/529468.htmlBlack Widow Sexual Espionagehttp://xhamster.com/user/penelopeslut/posts/544277.htmlBlack Widow Spy vs Miraclehttp://xhamster.com/stories/black-widow-spy-vs-miracle-567124Black Widow waiting for a new...

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