Runway 25 free porn video

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Chapter 25 Brenda dragged into work, the effects of her flight clearly evident by her constant yawning. "Brenda, how's your father?" Melissa asked when she arrived. "He seems to be a little more alert, thanks for asking." "Are you busy tomorrow night, there's a party that I'd like you to attend with me?" "Sure I'll go, have you heard from Tiffany?" "God that girl, she's so busy I would like to have two more of her. She won't be in for the rest of the week, she's at a shoot up at Niagara Falls for a car company and the weather isn't cooperating. I really need her for some other work but this is paying so well I couldn't take her off of it. She even has a speaking part in it, this girl is going to be the most sought after model in the business after the advertisement airs on television." "I'm so happy for her. Are you bringing a date tomorrow night?" "I'm not sure yet, I might bring my police escort," Melissa giggled. "Are you two a couple now?" "Not really a couple, we just like to sleep together, a woman does have her needs now and then," Melissa laughed. "Isn't it awkward with him being married and all?" "That keeps it safe, I take him home and bed him. After I'm done with him I send him on his way, that way there are no strings or attachments and I've used him for my own purposes." "Couldn't you sleep with anyone, you're certainly pretty enough?" "This is just between you and me Brenda, he knows how to please a woman and he has information I need. He gives it to me or I'll tell his wife what he has been doing, it's as simple as that my dear, the lovemaking is just an added bonus." Melissa chuckled as she went into her office. Mario came in an hour later with his delivery. He kissed Brenda softly on the lips. "I missed you," he said. "That felt nice, I missed you too." "How was California, is your dad okay?" "California was nice, it was nice to be back there. My dad's a little better, he showed signs of waking up soon." "Do you have time for lunch?" he asked. "I'll see how the day is going, check back at eleven-thirty, I'll know by then," Connie came in next. "Is Melissa in?" she groused. "Well good morning to you too Connie, yes, she's in," replied Brenda. "I have to see her," she said as she barged in to Melissa's office and slammed the door shut with a bang. Normal conversations were impossible to hear from Melissa's office but this wasn't going to be a normal conversation, at least from Connie's end. "You bitch, how could you set me up with a sick bastard like that," Connie screamed. Brenda could hear a mumbling of words coming from Melissa but she was speaking too softly to hear what she was saying. "Because I owe you, that's bullshit Melissa, why can't I just work it off modeling?" Connie yelled. More mumbling. "How dare you say that, I'm the top model here not Tiffany, I want jobs." More sounds from Melissa. "Those aren't the jobs I want, I don't want to be a whore, I want to be on the runway." Melissa's voice was becoming louder but still couldn't be understood. "You're the one that gave me the drugs in the first place Melissa, you owe me," Connie screamed. "Get out of my office you junky whore and do as I say, if you don't, you know what can happen," Melissa screamed back at Connie. Connie fled Melissa's office in tears, slamming the door behind her as she left. "Connie, what's wrong?" Brenda asked with sincere concern in her voice. "It's Melissa, you wouldn't believe what she's doing to me," she replied as the tears streamed down her face. "Would you like to talk about it Connie, I can be a good friend?" Connie had never seen this side of Brenda before, actually she was so into herself that she hadn't really noticed the girl behind the desk. "Can we have lunch together?" Connie asked. "Of course we can, let me know what time and we'll go," Brenda said. Brenda couldn't believe her good luck, she was going to be able to talk to Connie about what was happening around Universal. Tiffany had tried to get her to talk but Connie hated Tiffany and because of her jealousy wouldn't say anything to her. Because of her anger at Melissa, Connie might say more than if they were at a party, Brenda had to make her move today. Mario called back and Brenda told him that she couldn't go with him, but she would call him after work. Brenda brought Connie to a quiet restaurant nearby and found a booth to sit in. "Connie, what happened this morning, I've never seen you so upset?" Brenda asked. "Brenda, it's terrible what Melissa's doing to me, I was her favorite model and now she just wants me to prostitute myself." "How can she do that, can't you say no?" Brenda asked. Connie reached across the table and took Brenda's hands in hers. Her eyes filled with tears, Connie looked lost as she looked at Brenda hoping she would become the support she needed as her life unraveled. "Brenda, I've never told anyone what Melissa has done to me and please don't tell anyone what I'm going to tell you, promise?" Connie whimpered. "I promise Connie," Brenda replied. Brenda wondered, what would have turned Connie from first class bitch to a pathetic sad girl in just days? Brenda had to learn more. "When I first came here three years ago Melissa took me under her wing and taught me everything I needed to know about modeling. She was just finishing her career as a model and had already been running the agency for several years. She seemed to really like me. I was very young, only eighteen and very na?ve, I thought she truly liked me, but that wasn't the case, I was nothing more than income to her. She told me I was the prettiest and most desirable girl she had working for her and of course I believed her, I was such a fool. Natalia Breshnakov was the number one model and I fooled myself into thinking I would replace her, She was beautiful and smart, but loved her men. Melissa thought she could do to Natalia what she has done to me but she couldn't and Natalia threatened to go to the police. I think Melissa had Natalia killed but there is no proof of that and if there were her boyfriend would see to it that nothing would happen to her." "I don't understand Connie, what did Melissa do to you?" "After Natalia was killed I became the number one model here and I got all the best assignments and with that came the parties. I was tired all the time and Melissa gave me something to make me feel better. Soon I needed the drugs to make it through the day. It was quick, only a few months and I had to have them several times a day. Tiffany came and suddenly she was the number one girl and I could be cast aside, except I needed the drugs. Melissa was more than happy to give them to me but I had to pay for them. They were free at first but as my need grew so did the cost of them, first money and then sexual favors to her clients. Finally she made me go with a man every night to pay for my needs. Oh God Brenda, it was terrible, last night she made me go with this man and he abused me, I didn't know a person could be so sick," Connie said as she dissolved in tears. This was a side of Connie Brenda didn't know existed, she had feelings and they had become very exposed to Brenda at the moment. Brenda wanted to comfort the girl right now but thought she might be able to discover information about Melissa if Connie didn't think first before speaking. "Melissa has been giving you drugs Connie?" "Yes, everyday and now I can't stop without getting sick." "When does she give them to you?" "At work." "Where does she get them, and where does she keep them, I've never seen them in her office?" "She has a small safe hidden behind that disgusting picture of herself on the wall behind her desk and keeps them there." Ah, now we're making some progress, Brenda thought. "Where does she get them?" "I don't know, I have some ideas but I'm not sure." "You must have some idea as to who the supplier is?" Brenda asked. "The only ones I can think off are Ron and Susan Marques." "Why do you say that?" "Ron's brother is in jail for selling drugs and Susan was his girl friend, it makes sense to me, but I really can't say for sure, it's just a hunch," Connie said. "Are you the only girl that Melissa is doing this too?" "Heavens no, there are at least ten others, maybe more," Connie replied. "Do I know who they are?" Brenda asked. "Just me and Jillian, the others don't even come in anymore, Melissa just calls them and they go on their dates, they don't even model anymore, they just have sex." "What does Melissa get from this?" "Half of what we make. She gets a thousand and we get the same and she gives us the drugs." "That's disgusting Connie, why don't you quit and work somewhere else?" "I can't, I need the stuff she gives me, I'm sorry Brenda, I don't want to talk about it anymore." "Okay, if you ever need a friend Connie, you can call me anytime you want." "Thank you Brenda, it's nice to have a friend." "I have to get back to work, I'll see you later Connie." "Bye Brenda." Mario came by and asked Brenda to dinner, which she naturally accepted. She called Susan Marques to cancel their weekly dinner date. It was important to talk to Susan again but she missed Mario and wanted to be held by him again, love will do that to a woman. Brenda rushed home and changed into something more seductive, she wanted Mario to see the results of Dr. Branson's work. She changed into her Victoria's secret lacy bra and a blouse that barely covered that bra, she looked hot. She applied her makeup for evening and brushed out her hair. The short skirt and four-inch heels finished the look, she knew she would impress her man. Mario arrived, and he was impressed by the new Brenda and the breasts she had really never shown before, he had trouble looking her in the eye when they spoke. Brenda knew the effect she was having on poor Mario, after all she had been there once herself, but now she was on the receiving end and as much as she liked having this effect on Mario her attitude had changed, she wanted to be looked at in the eye and not at the breasts, God had she changed. "So Mario, is it my imagination or did my eyes move to my chest?" Brenda asked. Mario turned red with embarrassment, he couldn't help himself, Brenda's breasts were so perfect looking, the flesh rising from her chest and curving seductively into her blouse, her cleavage whispering look at me, I want to be seen and touched. "I'm sorry Brenda, you look so different tonight." "Don't you like the way I look?" "Are you kidding you look fabulous but do me a favor, don't wear this to my mother's." "Why not?" she giggled. Brenda knew she would be a boy's mother's worse nightmare looking the way she did tonight. When it came to mothers it was long skirts and high necklines. "You would shatter my mom's opinion of you, she thinks you walk on water." "And you don't think so?" "Of course I do, but I love you." "Then give me a kiss so we can get going," she responded. Mario took Brenda in his arms and she put her arms around his neck and they kissed deeply. The sexual tension Brenda had started was building and Brenda felt Mario becoming aroused against her. She wanted so badly to take his thing in her hand and just the thought was making her nipples hard. God they're sensitive she thought as she moved against her man which caused her to become even more inflamed. "We'd better go," she whispered when she broke the kiss. Brenda knew if she were to continue she would lose all control of herself and she couldn't let that happen or her secret would be discovered, but oh how she wanted this man right at that moment. The couple was seated at dinner and they were talking about Brenda's trip to California. "You watched your brothers surfing?" Mario asked. "Yes, I wanted to surf too but the waves were really big and I haven't been on a board for a while so I decided against it." "How did your brothers do?" "Mel made it out but wiped out. Mark decided not to try because Mel's a better surfer. I bought a bikini to wear while I was there, I'll show it to you when we go for some sun." "Did you wear it to the beach?" "Of course, the sun felt good and besides my brothers were there to protect me." "That's good. My mom missed you last Sunday, she was worried that we broke up or something." "How could we break up, were not engaged or anything." "My mom thinks we're a couple since you're the first girl I've ever brought to Sunday dinner. My mom's old fashion that way." "I think it's sweet of her." "You do?" "Yes I do, what's wrong if I like being part of a family?" "But she thinks it's more than that, she practically has us married." "I see your point, I don't think I'm ready for marriage, are you?" Mario took Brenda's hand in his and said, "To the right girl I am." Brenda was at a loss for words, had Mario just asked her to marry him or did he mean something else, she had to diffuse this situation. "And have you found the right girl?" she asked nervously. "I think so, but I don't want to rush her into anything she isn't comfortable with, she'll know when the time is right." Brenda breathed a sigh of relief, she was flattered that Mario felt this way about her but there was no way she would marry just yet, God what was she thinking, she couldn't marry Mario while she was undercover it would blow her disguise, it would have to wait. Brenda had forgotten the most important thing, she was still a man even though she now thought of herself as being a woman. Brenda had to change the subject, things were getting much too intense for her. "I have to go to another party with Melissa tomorrow night, I don't think it's fair that I have to go to those things," Brenda complained. "Didn't Melissa tell you that it was part of the job when she hired you?" Mario asked. "She did, but I didn't know they would be so often. I think I'm just complaining more tonight because I'm still tired from yesterdays flight home." "I know how I feel when I'm tired, let's finish up and I'll take you home, you need some rest," Mario said. "That's why I love you, you always think of me before yourself," Brenda said. The couple finished dinner and Mario brought his girl friend home They embraced and soon fell into the familiar goodnight kiss. Brenda was having a hard time dealing with the intense feelings coming from her breasts. It felt so wonderful not to have the forms holding her apart from her lover but it was also causing a great distraction for her, she wanted to bed this man. She pushed Mario back and said, "Goodnight, I love you." She unlocked her door and entered her apartment, she had to remove herself from the reason for her lust. "I love you too," he replied as he watched her close the door.

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“I can't believe we have less than 24 hours left now,” I said. “I know sis, but it's only for a year and then I'll be back again, but for good,” Mitch replied. I was always relived to hear that. “I know, it still sucks, you are the only family I have and it just sucks,” I said. “Well, don't worry, I'll be sure to come back in one piece,” Mitch replied. “You better, or there will be extreme hell to pay, you got that?” I asked. “Yes sis, and to make matter worse,...

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Teen8217s Hot Gay Intimacy In Boarding School

Hi, my name is Zafar. I am 21 years old and this is my  that I am divulging on this site. So I was a student in one of the reputed Christian boarding schools in our country. At that time, I was 18 years old and in class 12 and at the height of my sexual desires. But since I was in a boys school and had no inclination to indulge in gay sex, I was masturbating at every chance I got. In those days, my batch mates and I would often get up after lights out to irritate fellow sleeping friends and...

Gay Male
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Melissas Vacation

Melissa knew Paul had something naughty planned from the start. He had made her pack some sexy lingerie and heels. Not that she minded. It had been almost a whole month since their last sex and even that had been rushed. Melissa was a 5’7” dark haired, light eyed girl with a modest style but a hidden freaky side she only shared with her lover. As they pulled up to the resort Melissa noticed it was not the usual cookie cutter hotel. The first building they came to was a long concrete...

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The HealerChapter 12

“Just what kind of friend, Dad?” I asked out of curiosity, knowing Dad had all sorts of interesting ‘friends’ from his work. “From work. She retired, married and had three kids; your Mum knew her and liked her too,” he explained, looking a little embarrassed. “Would it surprise you to know that I know what it is a Cure has to do and I’ve known for years?” I asked with a grin, as I rarely saw my Dad flustered. “You do?” “Yes. You aren’t that good at hiding secrets.” “Who told...

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Disclaimer: All characters are over eighteen years of age. This futanari story contains questionable morals and inordinate amounts of sex that never result in chafing. If you don't know what 'futanari' means, stop right now, Google it, and then decide if you want to continue reading. Enjoy!Editing credit: Blind_JusticeCopyright © 2013 redskyes*It was almost two o'clock in the morning. I was lounging on the couch in my underwear and tee shirt, spooning Ben & Jerry's Phish Food into my mouth...

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The Island Chpt 6 Part 1

Chapter 6 Mr. Rabin let go one of his finer sighs. ‘Is most difficult c***d,’ he pronounced, and moved back into the fray. Pettie Corbin’s legs were becoming lividly bruised. The cane upon the leg is quite wicked. She would have fared better naked. The pursuer got in another pair of stingers before. the fleeing girl considered the wisdom of an armistice. Backing away and furiously tugging at her handcuffs she kept a frightened eye on the quivering cane and demanded sulkily: ‘Alright then,...

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A Temp Comes to the Office

Let me introduce myself. I’m Sam, I’m 5’3, decent rack, slim fit, and a redhead, through and through — in case you were wondering. At 20 I found myself in the only career I could ever want: a temp. I know that sounds ridiculous, and I know it’s probably not a good long term plan, but I just think you, and anyone who feels that way are simply temping wrong. Each office I walk into is a brand new experience, an opportunity to reinvent myself, and explore my identity… Did I say identity? I meant...

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Cherry Busting BrotherChapter 5

Cathy now found herself with a real and genuine problem on her hands. In the first place, among her set, in order to get to the prom, you had to put out in order to get a date. That was the heaviest date in the whole school year. When she was a virgin, Cathy had resigned herself to no prom, but this year she wanted to go. In the first place, she felt every bit as womanly as any of the other girls in school. She realized how much of a lover her brother was, when she compared him to Wayne....

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My wife Marci

I guess you could say I was a fairly regular married guy when all of this started. I had a pretty good job working at the water department for a large city, a house, and a couple of car's in the driveway. I loved my wife of six years, Marci and felt like one pretty lucky guy whenever I was with her. Marci's 5' 4" 105 pounds, a 36-C with long light brown hair and was born in Nebraska. We had met over spring break while both of us were in college. She worked at a local insurance company as a...

3 years ago
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The House In The Woods A Sexual HistoryChapter 37

I'd set off for my run later than usual, because Em had been laid low with morning sickness again, and I'd stayed with her until she'd got a piece of toast down, and kept it there for half an hour. The sun was shining, but the night's heavy rain had softened the front path, which was why I noticed footprints heading towards the front door that hadn't been there when I left. Who would come calling at this time of day? Not the postman because he drove up to inner gate, and this trail...

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A Figment of My Own Imagination

Frankly, I'm not surprised that none of my friends believed me after I'd returned from my weeklong stay in the mountains. Hell, I'm not sure I believed it myself, but it happened. At least ... I think it did. Every year I made what was for me a personal pilgrimage to a particular hard to get to place high up in the Uinta Mountains nearby where I live. It's a time for me to get away from it all, alone. Time to gather myself, think, and simply enjoy the peace and quiet of nature as well...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Kenzie Taylor Wet And Hot

It’s all about London River and her orgasms. No story, no BS, just London and 3 big black cocks to fill her every hole. This woman is a sexual beast…and 1 cock isn’t gonna do it. She’s hungry and someone better feed her or she may just attack! Doesn’t take long for her to gobble up the dick. After slobbering knob, she bends her big ass over, so they can start pumping her puffy pussy one by one. When that hole gets destroyed, the dicks stretch open that tight ass....

3 years ago
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Dinner with Tammie

I'm sorry to bother you, James, but I couldn't help but notice the lace on your panties when you bent over to pick up that report. I hope I'm not embarrassing you but your shirt tail was out and I just didn't want you to expose anything more. How humiliating, that one of my coworkers had seen my panty waistband. I've only been wearing panties now for like 'my whole life' and nobody ever caught me before. What to do? God, I can't think right now. "Thank you, Tammie, for letting me...

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Readers Theater Revival

READERS THEATER REVIVAL, a spoken drama for one male and three female voices Holly Rennick, playwright, Cindi Barton, director PERFORMANCE NOTES If you’re not familiar with the Readers Theater genre, think of an old-fashioned radio drama with the performers gathered around a big clunky microphone. It’s all in the reading. Your living room is likely your stage and there’s no audience probably listening. It’s just for the fun of it. Let attire and props enhance your verbal delivery. This...

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A married mans night of blonde chav surprise

Mark hated his new job, he'd spent the last thirty years moving up the corporate ladder in his previous profession only for the company to go bust and leave him jobless with a very demanding wife that he had hated for at least the last decade but he couldn't leave as at the moment her, well rather her family's money was keeping them afloat. He'd always resented how his wife's family looked down on him as his family was poor and he had been the first in his family to go to university while they...

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My New Girlfriend

I had been dating this woman for 3 years and I was finally ready to move on. We broke up around 10am on Saturday morning and her stuff was gone from my house by 6 that night. The moment she leff the house, I was free. I turned on the computer and logged on to a local singles chat room. The moment I was in the chat room, I sent a message to the group telling them that I was finally single again and ready to move on to the next phase of my life. I received a few private messages, but one...

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The Encounters of One Charles Martin Episode One

Never in a million years did he think his pickup line would work and yet, here he was. She was on her knees before him. Her blonde hair cascaded down the back of her slender throat, shoulder, and back. Her head bobbed on the end of hard cock. She was enveloping his tip between her full ruby red lips and playing with his peehole with the tip of her tongue, as though she wanted to beckon that seed out of him with just a wave of her tongue. The rough ridges and warmth of her tongue ran a...

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Couples Play Date

Joanne cleared away the breakfast dishes, poured another coffee and walked to the bedroom. She removed her nightshirt and headed for the shower. As she passed her dressing table, she saw a red envelope with her name printed on the front. She opened the flap and removed the page in Rick's handwriting.“Good morning Love. I thought you might enjoy one of our Play Dates today and I know that I will be aroused all day thinking about you. I want you to take the day to pleasure yourself. When you...

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BBW Highway

I voyaged the BBW Highway all morning, and boy, are my arms tired. My keyboard’s also an absolute mess of lube, so forgive me if you find any typos below. It’s hard to type when everything’s so slippery, and it’s frankly a little hard to even think after getting my fill of fat horny chicks. But, you know what they say: the bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin’!BBW porn isn’t the right fap fodder for anybody, but most mainstream porn isn’t suitable for the average chubby chaser. On most...

Premium BBW Porn Sites
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Teacher Taking My Virginity

Hello Indian sex stories readers, I am Ron living in Mumbai , I am 22 & gonna tell you a story that was most amazing experience …… This is about my classes teacher Rita it was winter &cold outside I was single & used to masturbate a lot by watching all kinds of porn videos by all porn stars, lisa ann, jessica james, asa akira you name them & I have tribute to them ,i was shy on outside & horny & ability to satisfy was infinite on inside of me ,now about my teacher …. Mostly she lives alone as...

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Margaret and I had been divorced about 3 years. Our marriage had been fairly average I had thought, even including the sex we enjoyed 2.4 times a week. It struck me hard when she told me after an argument that she was leaving me, and then did just that. The divorce was fairly peaceful though, and we arranged a joint-custody agreement that the judge praised us for, as it was very liberal. Every weekend I would pick up our son and daughter, and spent the weekend with them. This continued for...

2 years ago
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The Key

Night time has a way of allowing the desires of the heart to rise without exception. No reality of day to interfere with what is right or wrong, sane or insane, lust or love. It makes no difference. It follows a radar of its own primal, intense, and without restraint. That’s what drove him to stop by Kelsey’s place at one in the morning. He had thought about her for too long, wanted her for too long, held back by commitments that were not spoken but still there gnawing at him. Although not...

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Bus Ride after humiliation at the Mall

That year I was visiting my aunt in Canada. She was living in a high rise condominium located near the main intersection of Dundas Street and Dixie in Mississauga; the part of the Greater Toronto area. There I met Soumi a very good girl. We soon became closest friends. My aunt was working in the IT industry and she was out at work all day; sometimes she was out of town even on weekends. I was on my own all day and had all-time access to the internet. That is when I chatted with many people...

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A Darker UniverseChapter 22 Thursday at School

Paul and his three slave girls walked into Mr. Burns' office. Josie was fully dressed but both girls wore skimpy, tight-fitting clothing that showed their charms very clearly. They also proudly sported new leather collars, courtesy of Mr. Wilson. They waited in the outer office until the secretary told them that Mr. Burns could see them. As they walked in, Josie was crying. Marilyn Ternsley was kneeling on the floor, naked but for a garter belt, stockings and high heels. Her knees were...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Part One

Characters Introduced: Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 5'9 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 5'2, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 5'7, Asian with 5” cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 6'2 ,white, 8” cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 5'8, white, Red Hair Blue Eyes, 38C breasts Reba, 16. daughter of Randee, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts From Chapter 13 They go to...

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Four in four hours am I a whore Part 2

So, I'd had my passing quick bj and the guy I blew has already sent me a message thanking me for what I did for him and asking me when I'm available again, perfect !!From the quickie it took me a while to get to the hotel, called when I was in the car park, heels on and walked across the car park with more delicious feelings between my legs, I adore walking in heels and stockings, they're always so sexy. There was a couple going into another room and the guy did a double take and smiled,...

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Lucy The Baby Sitter

Introduction: This a true story on how I lost my virginity Hello Im Mike from NY. Im Puerto Rican and Black and I have lots of stories to share. I already wrote one of my stories entitled Ms Rosen and I. All my stories are True. I may not be the best looking guy in the world, but I am one of the luckiest. I rather be lucky than having no sex at all. This one is about my first time and it was with my moms friend and my babysitter. Well back when I was 12 years old I started to notice and change...

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