Shibari Fiction free porn video

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I managed to shove the key into the lock of my apartment and pushed the door open with my head. You’d think working in the tech department would mean less late nights, but I’d been working until eleven or later at night for the past week. I hadn’t slept more to make up for it either, and since de-stressing through video games took a higher priority than sleeping, I was about to crash and crash hard. After going to the bathroom and taking a hot shower to wake me up, I threw my old work clothes back on and headed for the kitchen.
“Nnnn… food. I need food.” I muttered to myself, rubbing my wet black curls and stumbling into the kitchen. “I have tomatoes, cheese, bread, peanut but—HOLY FUCK.” I flattened myself against the kitchen wall with a thump when I registered there was someone sitting in my kitchen. “Wha--”
My boyfriend glanced up from the thick book in his lap and smiled a little. “Hey there. You, little miss, are late.” I blinked groggily, trying to make sense of the man sitting casually in my kitchen. It’s not like we had plans or anything…
I am way too tired for this shit. “Dude, what the fuck are you doing here?”
He shook his head at me and rose to his feet, and I squawked as he grabbed me by my shirt and shoved me into a chair. “I made you dinner,” He said mildly, striding over to the fridge briskly. As he sorted through the fridge for Tupperware containers, he threw over his shoulder, “I knew you were going to be late, but not this late. I started at nine. Do you know what time it is?”
My head fell to the table with a thump. “Not in the slightest.” I could feel him looking at me, but I didn’t move. I felt like I was going to fall asleep right here. “You know, I told you I was working late tonight so you wouldn’t come over and be like, hey, let’s do something! I’m not up for that right now man, sexual or otherwise.”
I blinked and moved my head back a little as he knelt down in front of me and stared at me in irritation. “Did you really think I would be so much of an ass as to make you work when you’ve been working eighteen-hour days?” I blinked again and didn’t respond. He rubbed his face and sighed. “Okay, look. I know you’re tired. I’m trying to be a good guy here. Didn’t you say sometime that men cooking and cleaning is like porn to women?”
I stared. “No, porn to me is porn. Unless you’re cooking and cleaning for someone else? Unless you’re related to them, I may have to get offended. Also, you’re still trying to get me horny, and again, no energy, man. Sorry.” He snorted and moved out of my view, and distantly I could hear him fiddling with plates and the microwave. “So what’ja make me?” I felt his hands land on my shoulders and slide down my back and I moaned.
“You need a massage too. I made you fried rice with vegetables, and you can just lay back and relax tonight, okay?” I stared up at him piteously. “What is it now?”
“You know my morals, man. I don’t know how you’re going to do it, but you’re just going to treat me so good I’ll want to have sex with you anyway.” His hands left my back, and a minute later a plate of my favorite food was placed in front of me. “You’re too good to me.” I mumbled, trying to get the energy to sit up and eat. “I’m probably going to try and lay you and then fall asleep doing it.”
“Do it and I’ll spank you back awake.” He threatened. I managed to lift my head from the table and blinked at him, fumbling for the spoon on my plate. “I mean it. Seriously, I wasn’t even planning for morning sex this time. I just wanted to make sure you had something that was better for your than a Hot Pocket for dinner, and sleep in your bed with you, okay? Then maybe tomorrow when we’ve slept for ten hours we might go for shower sex or something, but I’m not expecting anything from you. Also, if you fall asleep while I’m fucking you I’ll string you up by your big toes and leave you there for a few hours.”
I stuck a big spoonful of rice in my mouth and shuddered with pleasure. Damn, guy could actually make something that involved actual cooking. “Do you have some sort of thing about girls falling asleep during sex or something?” He winced and looked away. “Whoa, seriously? Aww. Come here a second.” He shifted forward almost reluctantly and I pulled him into a firm hug. “I love your fucking. You’re an exciting fucker. Don’t let anything those nasty girls said or did bug you, okay?” I kissed him quickly before pulling away. He blinked a minute and stared as I continued to munch happily on the rice.
“You… you’re so tired you’re acting drunk.” He sputtered.
I stopped chewing and swallowed, looking up at him. “Nah, ‘m just in ‘not giving a fuck’ mode. Tha’s all. It’ll get better when I’ve slept. But, hey. Guess what helps me sleep!”
“I’m actually kind of afraid to ask.”
I grinned a little. “Orgasms! Orgasms help me sleep.”
He rolled his eyes and muttered, “Not like you need any help sleeping, but okay…”
I scowled a little, insisting, “Look, just cooperate with me and we should both get off tonight.” He tipped his head back to look at the ceiling and tapped his chin, thinking. I hummed and went back to my rice. “Can you think of a scene that will take less than an hour and get us both off? I think that’s all that’s needed at the moment.” I stopped, spoon halfway to my mouth as something occurred to me. “Heywait—when was the last time you ate, man?”
His eyes snapped open wide at my words, and a wicked smile spread over his face. “The last time I ate?” His voice is soft, excitement building in it like pressure in a volcano, his eyes glittering as his idea developed quickly. “Oh yeah, it’s been a while… “ His voice was aroused, growly and deep, and despite my tiredness a shiver racked my frame.
“Um… uh… what are you thinking?” Since it looked like he was going to haul me off to fuck soon, I shoveled down the rest of my rice. Swallowing the rest quickly, I licked my lips and looked up at him. “I mean, I’m hoping you’re not going to ask me to do sit-ups or something… no exercise, right?”
He smirked. “You know, I should make you just because you mentioned that.” I made a face. “Would you relax? I know you’re a little… uncomfortable with this particular activity, but I think it will work fine for tonight… oh yes, just fine…” He took me by the arm and pulled me towards the bedroom, a slightly creepy mad-scientist grin lighting up his face. I wasn’t trying to resist, exactly, but I did drag my heels a little – that look on his face was making me nervous.
“Dude, I really hope you’re not planning what I think you’re planning.”
He grinned back at me as we stepped into our bedroom and I blinked. He wasn’t usually a terribly cheery person, but he was smiling like a k** at his first rock concert. “Don’t worry about it, not breaking any of your hard limits, just something I’ve been wanting to try… it may push one of your softer limits, but you’ll like it, promise!!”
Going along with it, I sat on the bed and watched in amusement as he started going through our toy box. “Oh really? Let me guess, no questions?”
When he twisted around to look at me, the glare on his face was almost a pout. “You’ll ruin the surprise!” He complained, and I grinned. “Okay, okay, one hint— I’ve been practicing my knots. In the mood for some shibari?”
I bit my lip and shuddered. Shibari—Japanese rope bondage. It was something I’d really wanted to try for a while… “Yes please, Master.” I whispered, my hand going to the front of my shirt to remove it. His responding smirk was almost demonic, and my breath got faster when he stood, a bundle of black industrial jute rope in his hands. “Master… will you remove your shirt too? Please?” I begged.
As I scrambled to remove and fold my clothing, he watched me, moving to the side of the bed. “Why do you wish that, pet?” His voice was low and so tempting and sweet, like dark chocolate turned into sound waves. I licked my lips as I slid down my underwear and threw off my bra, kneeling on the carpet in front of the bed with my legs spread and my arms behind my back. “It seems rather pointless to ask for such a thing when by the end of the night I will be as naked as you.”
“Please, Master.” I whispered. “I love to look at you, see what you’re doing and how you feel about my performance as your submissive. I love seeing the muscles move under your skin, see your freckles and birthmarks, all of it, please…” Even with my head bowed, I could see that I had gotten through to him, his feet stopping abruptly, knocking slightly into the side of the bed.
After a minute of thought, he continued his movements, shifting around so he was standing right behind me. “Very well, little one. You will get your wish, but I warn you, after you are done being tied you won’t have me in your sights for a while. Get up on the bed now, sitting in that collapsed splay-legged pose I like so much, okay? It will be easier for me to tie you that way.” Squeaking happily, I bounced up onto the bed and doing as he instructed, sitting flat on my pussy with my legs crooked to each side. “Good girl…”
Slowly, he began tying me up, starting at the bottom and going up. I squeaked cheerfully whenever he came into my view, and though I tried not to wiggle to much lest I mess up his knots, and would kiss and lick his skin whenever it came close to me. He would pat my head occasionally, but most of his focus was on the rope. Eventually, he had me completely immobilized with my arms bound behind my back and my legs tied far apart and supported by ropes twined around my shoulders. He’d bound my breasts only a little, leaving most of them and the nipples exposed. He stepped back to examine his work, grinning a bit. “Alright hun, try to move.”
I tensed my body and tried to move my legs. My ankles were bound to my thighs though and wouldn’t move. My arms didn’t even have an inch of slack, and though I could rock my pelvis a tiny bit, otherwise I was completely bound. “I.. yeah, not getting out of this one by myself…” I looked up at him, biting my lip. “Now what?”
With a cheerful hum, my lover headed back to the toy box. “Now I’m going to duct
tape your pussy open. Gag or no?” I whined in complaint as he came back with the duct tape, still smirking.
“Do I have to? Why are we taping me open again? It’s such a bitch to get off…”
I yelped as my ass was smacked, before I was pushed back to fall on the bed, arched off of my bound arms. “Yes, yes you have to. You do have a choice when it comes to the gag, though. Make the choice now or I make it for you. Also, you know what we need? A knee spreader bar. That would be perfect for this…” I gasped as I felt the tape on my pussy lips, pinning them out of the way and leaving my pussy completely unprotected.
“Ha, well, since you won’t be looking at me, no gag, I guess? I know you like it mostly for the aesthetic aspect.” He chuckled softly and I saw him toss the tape back to the toy box. “Um, so, you looked really excited earlier. Is this what you wanted to do?”
“Hm? Oh, no, not the only thing. I’m not that boring.” He snorted, hopping off the bed, and I quietly admired his back muscles as he started digging through a paper bag in the corner of the room. Waiiiit… “Look what I bought for us, girl…”
“Dude, did you seriously go shopping at Tractor Supply? I didn’t even think you knew where it was.” He gave me a grumpy look over his shoulder and pulled out what looked like a huge, think bungee cord, with black hooks on the ends. “No, man, seriously. You’re like the furthest thing from farm equipment consumers that anyone could imagine. What is that thing?”
He shook his head at my talkative state and stepped over me to hook one side of the cord to the hook we had embedded in the ceiling. “It’s a bungee cord. What’s it look like? I know you aren’t that heavy, but I wanted to get industrial strength, just in case.” He started muttering to himself as he adjusted the length. “Uh, let’s see… six inches, eight? Not ten, too long.. There!” He stepped back and grinning, reached down to lift me upright again. “Hold still, girl.” I shut my eyes tightly and whined a little as he picked me up, half afraid he would drop me, though he never had before. A minute later, the hook was slipped into a little noose on the rope near my shoulder blades, and the next thing I knew I was hanging upright, about eight inches off the bed.
He laughed at me and stepped out in front of me, smirking. “Now girl, I’m going to be testing one of your soft limits. If you do well, I’ll fuck you. If you disappoint me or call your safeword, sometime tomorrow you’ll get a thorough spanking. Understood?” I blinked warily and nodded. “Good girl. The reason I tied you so thoroughly is because I want you to have the freedom to thrust back on me, and try to take the pleasure you’ll soon be desperate for, but unable to get away.” Reaching out, he pulled down on one of the ropes bound to my chest, and when he released me, I bounced a few times, my ass brushing the bedspread. “Any questions before we begin, slut?”
“Um, yeah, one. What are we doing?”
I took in a sharp breath in as he moved to kneel in front of me, taking my chin gently in his hands and kissing me gently. I whimpered into his mouth as his tongue ended up in my mouth, tangling with mine and making me moan through our kiss. “I am going to pleasure you with my mouth and tongue, my pretty little pet.” He hummed as we parted, scratching me lightly behind my ear. “You don’t want anyone’s mouth there, not even mine… and you can’t give me a good reason. We are going to force you to get over this shyness. I want you to moan, to scream, to gasp, to grind against me—do whatever feels right to you. However, struggles or calling your safeword is highly discouraged. If you fall asleep, you fall asleep--- better to fall asleep during this than during sex.”
I blinked, brow furrowing. “I… what, really? Um, it doesn’t sound like much fun for you…” He sighed at me and moved away, and I tried not to whine as he moved out of my sight behind me. “No, really, I mean…” I swallowed and licked my lips. “Master, please. I want to bring you pleasure. Why are you wasting time on this humble slave?” I barely managed to muffle a shriek as he slapped my ass again, much harder this time.
“I’m sorry, slut, if I didn’t know better I’d say you were trying to top from the bottom.” His voice was sharp and a little pissed, and I shut my eyes tightly and scrunched my shoulders as much as I could in my bondage. “You know I don’t tolerate that shit. I am the dom for a reason. Why do you think I bound you all up before I started this? Paranoid little slut, you’d run at the first sign of such pleasures.” I heard his voice go down and I gulped. I was not ready for this… “Try not to call your safeword,” He said sharply, directly behind me, and as his hand slid down my back and I felt his hair brush my ass, I bit my lips.
“Yes, Master—GAH!!” My feet flailed for a second as I felt his lips brush against my clit. “Oh-ohhhh, Master, Master please…” I begged, not even sure what I was asking just yet. He ignored me anyway, and I grit my teeth as his tongue ran along the length of my pussy, brushing over my opening with a feather light touch. I shut my eyes and kept my mouth clamped tightly shut, jerking slightly as he wrapped his hands around my upper thighs, pulling my cunt down tighter against his mouth. I didn’t want to disappoint my Master… but I really didn’t want to do this, either. Then again, just because I had to endure didn’t mean I had to enjoy.
I couldn’t help but shake in my bonds as his lips and tongue moving slowly against my most sensitive place. I wanted to kick and protest, call off my safeword and be done with this humiliation, but I didn’t want to disappoint him. It was true, I was much weaker than many, many subs. I didn’t even like pain. He’ll leave you, I chanted in my mind, clenching my lower muscles and trying to keep them there. He’ll decide you’re a worthless girl and a worthless sub and leave you by yourself to be ravaged by the carrion birds most young doms are. I guess I was so quiet and so still that it rang strange bells with him, and before I knew it he was sitting in front of me, brows furrowed, stroking my face. “What’s the matter, girl?”
I blinked myself awake from the inner litany, staring at him for a second, still uncomprehending. “I—are we done?” I asked, shaking my head a little to clear it. “Um, does that mean that I did okay?”
“I wasn’t exactly ready to stop, but okay…” He muttered, clearly irritated. He didn’t move to untie me, though. “Look, I just wanted to know why you were so still and quiet. Usually during sex of any sort you’re making sounds and squirming and twitching or… something. Besides, you give me head all the time, I figured I’d return the favor. You’re not really enjoying it though. I was wondering why.”
I blinked and rolled my eyes to the ceiling, trying to think how to properly word it. “Well, see, the last time I got attention of that kind it was sort of… unwilling. Like, really unwilling. I was sort of… well, really really young then. I mean, who’s stupid idea was it to let men babysit anyway, that’s ridiculous.” For a second he stared at me, face blank. “Well, okay, maybe not all men suck at babysitting, but male college k**s? I mean, come on, half of them are horny as fuck and they drink and things happen--” I bit my lips hard, forcing myself into silence. Well, I guess he knows now…
For a minute or two, he just stared at me, his mouth opening and then closing slightly. “I… y-you…. Wait, I mean that, that’s not…. That’s not…” He stuttered, and I almost felt sorry for him, noticing how pale he’d become. “You—I mean…. You…. Really?” He whispered, an undercurrent of abject fear in his voice.
I shouldn’t have told him, I thought worriedly, he’ll think I’m dirty now… “Oh hey, come on, it’s not that bad…” I insisted, wincing a little at the look on his face. He was unhappy again, and I hated it when he was unhappy, whether it was in the office, at home or in scene. It was a different unhappiness now, but I still had to fix it. “Look, that was like, hell, twenty years ago, and you know I take a shower or bath every day. I’m clean too, what do you have to worry about? It’s not like the fucker was stupid enough to try and lay me.”
“You… You mean he… I’ll kill him.” He says, almost faintly, and pulls me into a tight hug, shibari and all. With a tug he forces the bungee cord to release me, holding me tightly. “I’ll kill the motherfucker.” I noticed with growing amounts of panic that his voice sounded slightly thick, almost like— SHIT. My eyes snapped open in shock as I felt hot liquid on my neck where he’d buried his face in the crook of my neck, his glasses pushed up into his hair.
“Oh, hey, hey, come on…” I tried to soothe, but it was nigh impossible since I couldn’t hold him. Gahh, this sucks….! I shouldn’t have told him, I should have just left him with the usual excuses—“Hey, no, shh, it’s alright, okay? It was a long time ago, it’s not like I’m—“ I swallowed. “Damaged goods or anything. Don’t worry…”
“You were five.” His voice was slightly raspy, and although his tears had stopped, he still held me so tightly my back bent back even further than it already did over my bound arms. “Is that right? You were five when this piece of shit—”
“WHOA, hey man, calm the fuck down.” I said loudly, trying to get him out of his slightly homicidal state. “It happens to a lot of people, okay? I’m not psychologically damaged or anything. It’s not a big deal, cunnilingus is just something that makes me really uncomfortable, that’s all. Not a big deal. Also, the guy is probably in like New York right now, and he’s practically twice your age and twice your size. Even if you could track the dickwad down, he’d kick your ass and then call the police on your sorry ass. Don’t be dumb, man.”
I was relieved when he gave a raspy chuckle, laying gentle kisses on my throat, making me sigh happily. “Well, I guess I know why you aren’t comfortable with that now… Is there anything else you need to tell me?” I snorted.
“Not that comes to mind. Dammit, I’m still tired and we still need to fuck. What the hell, man?” He started laughing, hard, and I grinned. Being a comedian had it’s perks sometimes. “You weren’t bad at all, not that I’m much of a judge, but seriously man, I wanna get you off. Your orgasm face is so hot, baby!” He continued to laugh, though that one was more than half serious.
“You’re terrible.”
“So spank me, baby.”
His laughter is so sweet to me, even more so than his voice. I hope I get to hear it for the rest of my life.

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Stranger Than Fiction

STRANGER THAN FICTIONby VelvetgloveIntroduction to Part One?The truth is rarely pure, and never simple? (Oscar Wilde)This is a true story. Truth can sometimes be, as they say, ‘stranger than fiction’. During 2009, I have received many emails and messages enquiring whether I have given up writing stories and why I stopped posting. I apologise now to all those to whom I never replied. What follows will hopefully make the reason obvious – in short, I have had better things to do than write !Do not...

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Jessica’s perfect form hung just inches from the floor at the slightest of angles, facing the skylight of his loft. Her back was gracefully arched, arms drawn back and down. Her inner wrists were joined behind her, two fists kissing each other, thumb lying beside thumb, and a series of well-spaced, ornate knots linked them to her secured ankles. One set of ropes supported her upper back, gathered above and beneath her breast—accentuating the flawless, full roundness of their form and the...

2 years ago
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Giadarsquos Weekend Getaway Erotic Fiction

Disclaimer: This is an erotic fiction story I found online about Giada De Laurentiis. I am not sad to say the one who wrote this story. This story was written by WildBronco38. Sole credit goes to him for the writing of this story. I read it and afterwards I knew it just had to be shared with all of you. Enjoy...and thank you WildBronco38 for such an erotic tale of hot Giada fiction.Giada’s Weekend Getawayby WildBronco38I had been divorced for about four months and I was finally settled in at...

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A Mania for Fiction

Bill Williams was up late again. Bill wasn't exactly up solving the world's problems or curing cancer. Bill Williams, Caucasian male, 45 years old was up reading fiction on the internet. His favorite sight was the Neatolibrary of gay and lesbian fiction. Especially the transgender stories. He tended to read those with his shorts around his ankles. However, this night he found a new one. This sight had it all. Male to female transformations, age regression caught...

3 years ago
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White Boys Make the Best Bitches A Club Voodoo Fan Fiction

So I know people were wanting me to do another chapter of Universe of Bubbles, and I might, but this story is where my mind has drifted to as of late and I've finally felt inspired enough to write it all down. T I consider this Fan Fiction, my interpretation of one of my favorite FictionMania Stories. Club Voodoo by Suzette =3049555396163482450 I've taken her character and setting and put my own spin on the...

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The Boy Who Lived Science Fiction

Dedication: To my grandchildren, this is how your great-grandfather got me to pass Algebra II. The tale that foretold I once read a story written by the great Science and Science Fiction author, Issac Asimov, about a brother and sister who were home schooled by a learning machine, what we would now call a computer, a PC in other words. But learning was not a happy activity for them. One day, they chanced upon an ancient book which told of educational times long past. How children would go to...

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A Different Kind of Lover Chapter II fiction

A Different Kind of Lover Chapter II (fiction)The last story I wrote was of my exciting lover Jenny who had a very special secret. As I related in the first story, I had no clue whatsoever that my friend Jenny possessed an anatomical difference which I had never dreamed really existed. I had read of myths, legends, and lore which had described her hermaphrodite status, but I was mistakenly thinking this was fictional poppycock. After finding out about Jenny, oh what a world, what an intriguing...

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A Different Kind of Lover Chapter II fiction

A Different Kind of Lover Chapter II (fiction)The last story I wrote was of my exciting lover Jenny who had a very special secret. As I related in the first story, I had no clue whatsoever that my friend Jenny possessed an anatomical difference which I had never dreamed really existed. I had read of myths, legends, and lore which had described her hermaphrodite status, but I was mistakenly thinking this was fictional poppycock. After finding out about Jenny, oh what a world, what an intriguing...

2 years ago
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The witch granted my wish to be Wonder Woman's lover, but it turned out things aren't quite how they're depicted in the comics.... FICTIONS by BobH (c) 2013. All characters are (c) their respective owners I poured myself a Scotch and gazed out of the window for a few seconds, marvelling again at my good fortune, before turning my attention back to the television. Had I wanted I could've been down on the mall with everyone else, listening as the President gave his speech...

1 year ago
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Life Is Better Than Fiction

So there I was sitting in the hotel bar sipping a nice single malt scotch while trying to shed the weariness which borders on numbness that comes from sitting for several hours answering wave after wave of the same questions and listening to the same well intended displays of affection from adoring fans. They were full of adoration because of their proximity to an almost famous author which allows them to think that they adore me. They probably wouldn’t feel that way if they knew the truth. But...

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Bound by Fiction

In a bedroom not unlike others before it, there stood a person not unlike many others before them. They awoke from a dreamless sleep before realizing that they- "Ahem..." they sounded. Before realizing that they- "AHEM..." they repeated, louder this time. I'm sorry, are you trying to get my attention..? "Yes I am," you started, "I'm trying to figure out what's going on here! Are you narrating my life?" Why yes I am. I'm the narrator of this tale. Basically speaking, I am the mouth piece...

Mind Control
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One of those Weekends Vac Pump Fiction

It was one of Those Weekends – Fiction by ZekePart 1 – Meat the Neighbor It was one of those weekends that every pumper fantasizes about, a three-day weekend with no real plans except to get as big and as bloated as possible. I have been doing saline for about six months now. The 15 years of pumping I’d done had my skin so stretched that I’d easily moved up to doing about 6 liters over the course of two days and pumping my cock afterward gives me a thick swollen piece of meat that easily fills...

2 years ago
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The Meeting Xhamster Member Wives Fiction

As the title says, its FICTION. Just the lustfully inspired, fevered imaginings brought on by the extreme hotness of someone else's smoking hot wife, put to words. I had never seen her face before, yet I knew it was her when she walked in. Wearing a red sweater blouse, black skirt and heels, she was even more beautiful than I had believed. The bright red lipstick set off her stunning face, while her shining hair fell to her shoulders. She was tan, her nails painted red, and she walked like a...

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A Class Reunion a work of fiction

I often wondered what it would be like to meet up today with one of my old neighborhood friends that I use to suck and fuck with when we were teens. I have a class reunion coming up and would love to see Mark again. How would that be for us to look at one another and remember what we use to do to each other. Could we bring it up and laugh about it, or would he be in denial and not want to acknowledge he had my cock in his mouth and ass. This story is going to be the happy ending story of how I...

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First time with father Fiction

This story is fiction and wasn't written by me.Melody pulled on her bikini, even tho her pussy was still dripping with her brothers cum she was extremely horny. She left the room and returned outside to the pool, enjoying her brothers stickiness between her legs. Even though she had just had some of the best sex of her life she wanted more. But her brother had passed out from enjoyment, and her mom was gone. So she sat by the poolside horny with no one to fuck. She looked around and seeing...

1 year ago
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First time with brother Fiction

This story is fiction and it wasn't written by me.As Melody was getting out of the pool, she saw her dad had an erection, under his swimsuit, and it was huge from what she could make out, like she had heard her mom say. He was trying to be cool about it, but she most assuredly saw, and like many thing, it got her very wet. She started thinking about him playing with her pussy, and than giving her his cock. And of her dad, cumming deep inside her with his big cock. She excused herself as she...

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Survivor The Outback Orgy fiction

***this is just fiction and I don’t mean to disparage Survivor or any of the people in the story in any way***“I’m bored,” whined Jerri. “Not only is there nothing to eat, but you can’t get a good nights sleep and all there is to do is fish or play another game of god damned backgammon.The rest of the recently merged Barramundi just tried to ignore her. True, getting rid of Alicia the week before had been a good idea, but now Jerri was just digging herself deeper and deeper into losing out at...

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santa your a big lad fiction

As the title says santa is a big lad. total fiction as I have a very good imagination. The date was 24th december and the christmas eve party was in full swing, every male was in a santa outfit and wearing a mask. The rules where everyone put the keys in a basket and then deliverd a sack to that house, and you couldnt pick your own key.I picked the house 3 doors down a great family and a hot wife he had as well, I grabbed my sack of presents and went on my merry way. The lady of the house had...

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Santa Claus cum early non fiction

This story is non fiction but would love to be Santa Claus.It was close to christmas and my parents decided to have a fancy dress house party, people had to dress in seasonal costumes. As the guests arrived all types of costumes where there from snowman to not so little elves to santa's help[ers anf of cause santa him self.My parents dressed in great costumes mum was a sexy santa helper and dad as The grinch. The party was swinging booze and food aplenty, I got chatting to a couple of identical...

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Inspiration or The Dangers of Writing Fiction

Inspiration (or The Dangers of Writing Fiction) by Samantha * * * For over an hour I sat at my computer, not knowing what to write about for my next story to post on Fictionmania. I racked my brains for ideas but came up empty. This had never happened to me before! I always had inspiration from something. Every Tuesday morning it was a ritual of mine to write another Fictionmania story before heading off to work. I needed an outside stimulus for inspiration. I decided to go...

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An Essay on Breasts in TG Fiction

It has been observed that is many pieces of TG fiction, breast size is often poorly understood by the author. It is my intent with this essay to help the budding author better understand basic anatomy and the principles of what makes people physically attractive. I am by no means an expert in this matter but I feel that much of this needs to be said. The first big flaw in many TG stories when it comes to the upper anatomy of the human female is that many authors don't understand how...

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Truth is stranger than fiction

I feel free to express myself to the extent which I feel I won’t be able to do anywhere or to any1 in my life. You can call it my confession. You may call this absolutely bull-shit but it’s true like nature. I always admire a lady by the appeal she is having, the eyes, the body language, the urge to have sex, big boobs & big hip. The look may not be good but she has to be attractive. This is nothing unusual. Every matured man thinks likewise. But even at this age of 40 I have immense sexual...

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Science Fiction

Nanites manipulating your body? A deep space expedition? A pervy escaped lab experiment? Who knows what will happen when science fiction gets horny.

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My Wifes Stories Fact Or Fiction

Katie has a vivid imagination when it comes to sex, or is it imagination? Here her story and you decide. My wife or three years likes to tell me stories about her supposed sexual adventures when we're in bed which always leads to the hottest sex imaginable. She never tells me if any or all of her very vivid tales are true and no matter how hard I try I just can't figure it. She started with stories from before we met and gradually moved forward to recent escapades. Whether intended or not, I...

Cheating Wife
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Truth is Better than Fiction

“Robert! We need to talk!” I recognized Riley’s number in my cell phone. Riley was an acquaintance, the sister of my wife’s best friend. Riley was in her late thirties and divorced, with two teenage girls - one a bit on the wild side and the other living with Riley. Riley and I were Facebook friends and practically neighbors as well. She lived in the same neighborhood, but a few streets over from me. I had always had a secret crush on Riley, but managed to keep things in check by avoiding her,...

Group Sex
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Q is Fictional

Q is Fictional By [email protected] Bob Quincy lay flat on his back and watched the ceiling tile roll by. The gurney was hard and the foam mattress provided little comfort for his 230- pound frame. In a few minutes they would slice open his chest and tear his ribs apart in an effort to repair arteries clogged with too many years of careless living. Bob Quincy might never see another sunset, and that was more disturbing than the pain. He always thought there would be plenty of time...

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Freezing fiction

Welcome, welcome to a land where you can do anything you like. You can choose anyone you like, provided that they’re of legal age of course. And after all, you can access any world, so you just have to find a world where that person is at least 18. There is a certain pattern to this land you see, to choose, simply observe your options, displayed as such; World-Character-Reason They should explain themselves, but I shall elaborate. World; The world you wish to enter. It can be anything, provided...

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Mom needed a shoulder to cry on chapter 2 fiction

Note : This story is completely fictional! mom in her drucken state would mumble I can not believe what we just did,I am dreaming,Damn it was good,Ohh I shouldn't have done that,No mom you not dreaming and it was great we both needed it and I sure injoyed you ,did I make you cum ??? oh god yes baby it was so good .I must confess I have thought of us together for a long time.Gosh Mom I have wanted you too wish I had knew you felt like I did.I am glad dad left,hope he stayes gone,mom did you ever...

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Mother in Law chapter 3 fiction

Note : This story is completely fictional! Barbie lay beside me as we chatted we could hear low moaning coming from the other bedroom,Barbie giggled hell he never made me moan I know she not getting it as good as I did,I think you made me yelp several times.God it was goodShe was stroking my cock as we talked and I was fingering her hot pussy,She whispered you are driving me wild,I want you to fuck me again. I started sucking her nipples as I fingered her wet cunt,her hot juices were ozzing...

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Mom needed a shoulder to cry on fiction

Note : This story is completely fictional! mom and dad argued all the time it seemed,they had been sleeping in diferent bedrooms for over a year since mom found condoms in the car.I remember that fight real well.Why they stayed together beats me.Now dad was bad about drinking and staying out late especially on paydays.usely coming in with lip stick on his this what happened on this particular night. Dad came in late,he had been drinking and was covered in some womans perfume that...

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The Lez Sisters 1 Falling in love fiction

Note : This story is completely fictional! Today is an ordinary day most people would say. And most people were right. except for Caty and Melisa. Today was going to be the best day of their lives, but they were unaware at the current moment. They were both 19. twins actually. They both had blonde hair, smooth skin, and unshaved vaginas. They were going threw a box of old movies that was in their parent's room. As they search, Melisa pulled out a lesbian porno tape. "Hey! What about this?" She...

4 years ago
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Malus Darkblades Humiliation MalusHauclir Fan Fiction

Malus mumbled in his sleep, lost to the foggy dreams that only a hard night of Clar Karond's cheapest could produce. He was sprawled on silk sheets, an unusual luxury but one necessary for the preservation of what little sanity he retained; after the chaos, and the battles against said chaos, of the sea-borne expedition against the Skinriders, a scheme-riddled venture which had successfully claimed the life of his beloved brother Bruglir but failed to deliver the heads of either Urial or...

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Jessie Fan Fiction

Jessie gasped seeing that Ravi's manhood was over 6 inches.             “Wow Ravi how long is it now?” Jessie asked walked forward and dropping to her knees.             “7 inches,” Ravi moaned as he felt Jessie’s young mouth engulf his meat.  Luke walked over to Jessie and started to suck on her left breast as he inched and played with her right one. Jessie moaned out load as she started to deep throat Ravi's cock.             “My gosh Luke" Our nanny is giving me such a good...

2 years ago
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Fantasy in Fiction

It was near midnight when quick footsteps resounded through the square, muffled in the sultry summer air. The girl was alone, her hair shining platinum under the moon; blue eyes shining like gems flicked back and forth under thick lashes. Her arms were crossed tightly over her small, pert breasts, stretching the white baby doll t-shirt she wore across the shoulders. A short black, pleated skirt swished at her soft thighs, occasionally betraying glimpses of white cotton panties underneath as...

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Sisters and Dogs adult fiction

The sisters loved to be home alone. Maybe that would seem strange for most young teens who would rather be gallivanting around without their siblings. But Sue and Alice were different. They were comfortable with each other. They enjoyed each other. They actually liked each other. And they had much in common. Their attraction for each other was in no small part due to their well-to-do parents who were always away, usually at their respective offices making more money. For years they had had...

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Door to Door Lesbian Teen Whore fiction

“Honey, it’s time for your paper route!” “Alright mom! I’m coming!” And Carly Simpson wasn’t kidding. She was coming, hard. As she spoke to her mother, she had three fingers of one hand jammed up her tight teenage cunt, and she was using the other hand to rub her swollen clit. She stood in front of the full-length dressing mirror on the back of her closet door, and watched herself as she orgasmed. The nipples on her perky tits stood out like bullets,...

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A college girl gets her revenge when the campus rapist picks on her 8211 fiction

I’d heard about the rapist; that’s why I had my dad’s war souvenir with me that night. But I didn’t really expect to need it. I’d been carrying it every day since the second rape. Dad called it ‘the equalizer,’ and Mom couldn’t stand the sight of it. She made him lock it up; but he slipped it to me before I left for college. “You might need it,” he’d whispered. “Some of those athletes don’t know what...

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When is rape not rape When she says yes fiction

I did nothing wrong. What I did was not illegal, and I won’t go to jail. Was it ethical? Moral, religiously, politically correct… probably not. But it wasn’t really illegal. Obviously I don’t want my name associated with the events though. Have you ever had a secret? Have you ever done something so deliciously, saucy, so utterly wicked that it makes you giggle just a bit? To plan it, to execute it, to get away with it–and then be unable to tell...

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I8217m going to tell you how I8217ve become a cum loving slut for my son 8211 fiction

During my son’s early teen years I noticed while cleaning his wash, Tommy’s bed sheets and pajamas bottoms were constantly being soiled. I figured since he was eating cookies with milk in bed as of late, he was just spilling some of the contents from the glass. Upon closer examination of the fresh stains I realized the blemish was sticky and somewhat clear. I skated by index finger through the moist fluid rubbing it between my finger and thumb feeling the cool, slick lubrication. I...

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