A Delightful Arrangement Part 7 free porn video

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A Delightful Arrangement Part Seven Some time in the night I awoke on the couch, stiff and rumpled. It took me a moment to realize where I was and at once waves of joy washed over me as I remembered my intimate time with Gary on the couch. I wanted to lie there and bask in my thoughts but nature was calling big time and I hurried to the bathroom. I struggled out of my clothes and unleashed my gaff. What a relief that was! Earlier that night I had been incredibly aroused and when I subsided my manhood hadn't settled neatly into its pouch. Sitting on the toilet, I mused over the evening and grinned to myself recalling the sensation of Gary exploding in my mouth. It had tasted so wonderful. I grew erect at the thought and, I'm ashamed to admit, relieved my erection vigorously. I spurted into my hand and, almost without thinking tasted it. Reminiscent of last night, I was startled at how vividly the memories continued to flood my mind. "You're a naughty girl," I thought to myself. I washed myself thoroughly, cleansed my face of makeup and brushed my teeth before slipping into a nightgown to go to bed. I was able to lie awake a few minutes envisioning rhapsodic images of sex with Gary. It had been such a cathartic experience for me. I knew I had fallen deeply into a female role during our couch session and it had been, and still is, wondrous. At some point I fell asleep and the sun was up long before me. When I finally woke I knew I had a big day ahead of me. It was my first real engagement as a maid. When I served at Mark and Mary's party it initially was to have been just a costume and helping out my dear friends. As the night wore on, it had become scintillatingly apparent that I was fully accepted as a woman by their guests. One of those guests had hired me to serve at her black tie party. I showered, shaved, massaged lotion into my body and started to dress for the day. I had no plans to leave the house so I simply put on a bra, my gaff and a pair of panties. Over that lot I threw on a satin robe for which I had a pair of matching mules. I brushed out my hair and dried it with my hairdryer. I didn't spend my time on it and it fluffed out rather nicely. I had never worn "big hair" but I could see that it could work for me. Adding a touch of lipstick, just for the joy of it, I went into the kitchen and made coffee. As I sat at the table, legs crossed enjoying my female moment, the phone rang. Startled, I grabbed it quickly. It was Gary! Yippee! "Hi darling Carolyn," his sexy voice wafted over the line. "I know you're probably busy getting ready for tonight but I just wanted to hear your voice." "Oh my dear Gary, it is so wonderful of you to call. I've been thinking about you all morning. I had a divine evening with you and certainly loved the last hour best!" "I'm so glad to hear that. I was worried that I may have pushed you into something you hadn't planned to do." "Actually, my dear, you did. Frankly, the thought of taking you in my mouth was the farthest thing from my mind. Now, of course, that I've done it, it is all I can think about!" We chatted for quite awhile. Gary wondered how long I would be serving at the party that night. When I told him I really had no idea, he sounded disappointed. "Did you want to see me tonight, Gary?" I asked coyly masking the urgent hope he would say yes. "Actually I was hoping we could meet after you finished your job. I know you'll be in uniform but I'll bet you're just as sexy in a maid's dress as you were last night." "I would love to meet you Gary. I know it isn't very ladylike but the thought of not seeing you tonight is devastating. Please don't think I'm too forward but I so enjoyed our time last night that I can't wait to be with you again." We agreed that I would call him on his cell phone when I left Anna's house. He invited me to his place but I asked if we could just meet at mine. I didn't know if I'd want to change depending on how hard I would be working. I was more comfortable coming home after working than going anywhere else. Of course he agreed and it was a date! When we rang off I was smiling like a schoolgirl. I hadn't let myself even slightly entertain the dream that I would see him again so soon. The day passed quickly and soon it was time to get dressed for work. I shaved again and changed from my bra into a corselet with garters. I had decided to wear stockings that night. They would be a constant reminder of my femininity and might be a fun surprise for Gary. I certainly wasn't becoming a prudish woman! I put on a black full slip and then slid the stockings up my legs. I had become rather deft at hooking them up although I hadn't tried seamed stockings yet. I imagined keeping those straight would be a challenge. I put on my mules to protect the stockings as I went to fix my hair and makeup. I realized I would also have to tone down my nails so I kept moving quickly to avoid a time crunch. Before long I was done: my hair was curled neatly caressing my face, my nails were a pale rose and my makeup was conservative. I had used just a touch of eye shadow and no eyeliner. I waited to put on my lipstick until I was fully dressed. I took my uniform out of its plastic hanger bag. It was really a beautiful dress, for a uniform. I loved the silky feel of the material. I slipped it on and zipped up the back zipper. I selected a pair of 3 inch heels, the highest Anna would allow. I walked to the mirror and was pleased to see I looked like a domestic. I decided against any jewelry, even earrings. Anna wanted her girls to be nondescript, certainly not to call attention to themselves. It was time to leave. I allowed myself a spritz of perfume and, grabbing my purse, left for work. When I arrived, right on time mind you, preparations were nearly complete. I went in and Anna met me at the door. "Turn around, dear. My, that uniform suits you well. I see you've followed my instructions perfectly. I would have preferred lower heels but I know some women actually function better in heels that high. I don't know how." Anna was really a dear. She was strict but her eyes gave her away. She was a very attractive woman, wore stylish but not elaborate clothing and was perfectly coiffed and made up. Her dress was a floor length formal gown so I couldn't see her shoes. I was curious to know if she really wore lower heels. "Thank you, Anna. Is it suitable to call you that tonight? Or should I even address you at all?" "You may call me Anna if you must speak with me. However, I expect that I'll be rather busy with my guests and will leave decisions up to your judgment. If anything critical arises, don't hesitate to bring it to my attention. I doubt you'll have any issues. Cook will keep the canap?s loaded onto their trays. All you need to do is make sure all the trays and dishes are stocked at all times. Of course, you know this. I saw you working at Mary's and if you follow the same approach tonight, you'll be just fine." "Thank you, Anna," I responded with a slight curtsey. "I'll do my best to please you and your guests." With that, she turned and was on to other preparations. I knew what I needed to do so I tied on my apron and went to work. Soon the house was filled with guests and what a crowd it was. The men were splendid in their tuxedos and the women were all dressed to the nines. I smiled to myself thinking that I could be wearing bright red lipstick and have matching nails and no one would notice me! As it was, I was happily flitting from room to room, cleaning and serving as needed. It wasn't often people even acknowledged my presence but when they did, I could see that they just saw me as a female member of the hired help. The night passed quickly and before long, it was time for me to leave. Anna effusively thanked me for my service and assured me that I had made it onto her list of acceptable maids. "I'll surely call you again, my dear. I watched you off and on throughout the night and never once were you slacking. I wish I had your energy!" "Thank you so much, Anna. I had a wonderful time serving you and your guests and would be honored to be hired in the future. Please call me whenever you need me." "I will, Carolyn. I'll also share your name with some of my friends. There are frequent parties of this nature within our group. Hopefully you'll have many future engagements." "How kind of you Anna, thank you!" I left soon after and couldn't wait to call Gary. I was so excited about having done a good job and having been accepted as a woman for the evening. Of course, I was also equally excited about our pending rendezvous. "Carolyn, is it really you?" Gary said as he picked up my call. Of course, he knew it was me from the caller ID. "Of course, silly, were you expecting a call from another woman?" I teased him with my answer. "No dearest, I'm just happily surprised you are finished so early. Are you exhausted or would it be ok if I stop over to see you?" "Gary, it would break my heart if you didn't! Please come right away. I'm tired but I'm sure when I see you I'll perk right up!" We hung up and I began the drive home. I assumed I would be there a few minutes before Gary so I didn't worry about fixing my makeup. As it turned out, I was correct. When I arrived he wasn't there so I quickly went to the bathroom and redid my makeup. My hair was ok so with a spritz of perfume I was ready for him. As I walked into the living room to wait, I luxuriated at the tug of my gartered stockings. I wondered if Gary would notice. On the way I stopped in the kitchen, opened a bottle of Chianti and grabbed a couple of glasses. I had barely sat down when the doorbell chimed. Chills went down my spine as I hurried to greet Gary. "Hello handsome!" I cried as I opened the door. "Carolyn! Oh my, is it good to see you!" He took my into his arms and our lips were pressed together at once. It felt so normal, so natural, so sensual that I melted into his arms. I took his hand and we walked to the couch. "Tell me about your evening. Did you enjoy working tonight? I love your dress - you make a very sexy maid, Miss Carolyn." "Oh Gary, you have such a way with words. I'm glad you like this dress. Feel the fabric." With that, I purposely placed his hand on my skirt - right on a garter! He smiled as he felt that beneath the silky material. In fact, he began to stroke my leg as we continued to talk. "Working was such fun for me. I haven't figured out why but being a servant seems like such a comfortable role. I love being the woman in the background, cleaning and serving. Who would have guessed?" "I don't think I can answer that for you but it clearly makes you happy. You're almost glowing tonight." "Gary, dear, the glow began when you got here. And, if you don't stop caressing my leg like that you'll have a hot woman on your hands." He smiled and instead of stopping, started to move his hand upwards, pulling my dress up with it. Soon the second shade of my stockings was visible. His hand continued to explore upward. I squirmed, mixed emotions milling about in my head. I wanted him to touch me yet didn't wish to spoil my female mystique. "Carolyn, I want to rub you. I know what is there and after last night, all I could think of was how selfish I had been. Please, let me touch you." "Gary, I want you to so badly. How will you feel with hands on evidence that your Carolyn really isn't a woman?" "Let's find out, my darling." With that his hand went to my crotch. Of course, beneath the gaff, my erection (oh yes, it was certainly an erection!) was clearly there but pressed tightly to my body. As he gently caressed my shaft I felt the electricity to my toes. "Oh Gary, please - no more! I can't bear it and I'm afraid it wouldn't be a good thing to lose it inside my underwear." He stopped and stared at me. I smiled back and pulled him to me. As our mouths attacked I nearly fell on top of him. He gently pulled me down and as I lay across his supine body we kissed like teenagers. I could feel him probing at me inside his pants. Finally, both of us could take no more. "Come here, my darling. Let's get into my bedroom." I had no idea where this would lead but clearly thrashing about on the narrow couch wasn't the most romantic way to enjoy each other. As we went into the bedroom, I asked for a few minutes to change out of my uniform. I grabbed a peignoir set from my closet and disappeared into the bathroom. Quickly and with resolve I stripped my clothing off. As I stood there in my corselet and stockings, I reached down and released the gaff. I tucked myself under the corselet and put on my deep green knee length nightgown. I kept my shoes on to protect my stockings on the way to the bed. I didn't bother with the matching robe. However, I did take a minute to touch up my makeup and lipstick. A spritz of perfume and I went to the bed. Gary whistled when he saw me. I felt sexier than I had ever been. I sat on the bed and slipped off my shoes but left the stockings on. It was quite a sensuous look and felt heavenly. Gary pulled me to him and we lay, face to face, kissing and massaging each other. I unbuttoned his shirt and began to work on his belt buckle. He smiled and stood and within a minute was naked before me. I looked at him with curiosity. I had never studied a man's body this way before. He came back down to me and I began to explore him. My hands were everywhere as was my mouth. He too was busy learning my body. I felt his hands on my breasts - even though they weren't real, I felt the pressure and loved it! He was incredibly erect and I was straining beneath my corselet. "Darling, doesn't it hurt to keep yourself tucked in that way? Please, let me help you." Before I could speak, he reached under my gown and gently pulled me out from my tautly stretched prison. He slowly undid my garters and very carefully removed my stockings. Then he folded the corselet up to expose my crotch. The whole process was so intimate, so caring and so scintillating that I could barely stand it. He then rolled back and we were face to face again. We rubbed against each other and I reached down for him. "Gary, I've spent the whole day dreaming about having you in my mouth. Please, please don't make me wait another minute!" He offered no resistance and I moved down to engulf him. I didn't spend too much time licking or teasing him. I wanted it all and I wanted it right then and there. Soon I was rocking the bed with nearly frantic pulls on his beautiful appendage. Oh it was beyond all my dreams. He was active as well. His hands were everywhere until he began to shudder. I was more than ready this time and his explosion was my reward. We pressed together afterwards and he held me tightly as again I was shaking from the sensory overload I had just experienced. "Carolyn, you are so good to me. I've not experienced such sex in all my life." "Gary, my darling, it gives me more pleasure than you can imagine. I just love the feel of you in my mouth. You taste wonderful: I can still taste you now and I'm loving it!" He slowly reached down and began to stroke me gently. I, of course, responded; moving with him and pushing my body into his. In moments I exploded with the most earth shattering orgasm I had ever experienced. Neither of us minded the mess. The joy of the moment overtook us entirely. We both stretched out on our backs to catch our breaths. "Gary, please relax while I get a washcloth. I hope you can stay a few more minutes with me." "I am not going anywhere, my darling. Take your time." I went into the bathroom to clean up. I stripped my gown and underwear. I put on a bra to hold my breasts and grabbed a new nightgown, this one very red and very lacy! After refreshing my lipstick I went right to my (our!) bed. Gary had slipped under the covers and I grinned as I joined him. "Can you stay the night, my dearest?" I asked cautiously. "Are you sure you want me to? I don't want to push too far." "Gary! Would I have asked you if I didn't want you to stay? It is so late, you must be exhausted. I know I am. The thought of waking up to you tomorrow is dreamy. Please say you'll stay." I had gone pretty far and suddenly felt I was becoming a demanding shrew. "Of course I'll stay. Let's just relax. I think sleep will come rather easily. I am pretty tired too. Just the thought of dressing and driving home takes the rest of the wind out of my sails." "Wonderful, sweetest," I cooed. I switched off the light and curled up next to him. Soon his leg draped over me and we drifted off to sleep. In the night, I awoke to the feel of him probing me from behind. He was sound asleep but had become hard as a rock. I squirmed to get closer, pulling up my gown and reaching back, secured him into my crack. It felt so warm and natural. His tip just caressed my sack. I purred softly and went to sleep. I was, at least for tonight, my Gary's woman.

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The Arrangement Part 1

This all began almost fifteen years ago in a small town in the south. Our town was the kind of place where everyone knew one another and definitely one of those places that reminded you of Mayberry of television from yesteryear. I moved here after college to help a college buddy set up his farm as we both went to college and studied agriculture. His parents had died in a car crash and left him some money as well as the family farm. Seeing how he was the only child, he was going to have to tend...

1 year ago
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A Delightful Arrangement Part One

A Delightful Arrangement Part One I remember sitting alone in my house 8 months after my wife passed. It was a strange quiet to which I had sadly grown accustomed. I missed her desperately and had not ventured into any social life, preferring the solace of home. For amusement, I reverted to an old habit - spending many hours of my solitude dressed as a woman. Yes, I had cross dressed throughout my marriage. Not often but enough that my wife realized I enjoyed it. There were...

4 years ago
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Sex on the Beach Our Yearly Family Vacation The Secret Arrangement

My family actually owns a beach house, but it was currently having the roof repaired so we were renting this one. I’m not sure who the “real” owner of our house is -- maybe my grandparents, but my whole family used it as they pleased. We just coordinated amongst each other to make sure two parts of the family didn’t unintentionally try to use it at the same time. (We often all went together every summer, but sometimes different subsets of the family took mini-trips by themselves, especially my...

3 years ago
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The ArrangementChapter 15 Senior Year and Beyond

The summer between Riley’s junior and senior years was a wonderful three months, the first time Riley and I truly lived together. All of the lingering questions about our relationship were answered, I knew we’d be together forever. Although we weren’t engaged (yet!) we might as well have been, and we weren’t shy about being affectionate in public or in private. Of course, only two days after Riley moved in with me, we straddled that “public / private” line, having sex on my balcony shortly...

1 year ago
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A Carnal Neighborly Arrangement

Fate was in my corner when my wife, Linda, and I relocated to a community on the east coast of Florida, in anticipation of and several years before my retirement. We found a neighborhood between US Route 1 and the intercoastal waterway, only about fifteen minutes or so south of New Smyrna Beach. There’s a long, u-shaped street between the highway and the river, with a community dock jutting out into the river. We’re fully retired now, and still enjoying the benefits of neighbors in our...

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Until Sequel to The Arrangement

WARNING: This story contains reference to an often misunderstood form of BDSM relationship called Daddy/little girl. To be perfectly clear, it has nothing to do with either incest or pedophilia. It is a depth of emotional bond between a Dom and submissive that intensely mimics the father/daughter trust. Anyone that has read my story, The Arrangement, knows what Samuel would like done to pedophiles. *** ‘Daniel, are you sure about this? We really don’t mind keeping them a few more days?’...

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A Very Satisfactory Arrangement

“... and she was saying how lonely she is. You know, we really must invite her round soon,” Rose was saying, as they were eating their breakfast one Monday morning.“Yes, dear, whatever you say,” Kevin mumbled into his newspaper and went back to reading the match report of Saturday’s big game.“You didn't hear a word I said,” said Rose, slightly irritated.“Erm, what dear? What was it were you saying?” replied Kevin, putting his paper down and giving his wife his full attention. After thirty-five...

1 year ago
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Taking panties as payment for sucking cock A delicious arrangement

As you all know, I love stuffing my cock into panties and I love sucking dick. My lingerie collection is pretty big now, but I cannot seem to stop expanding it. One way that I have managed to keep my collection growing and ensuring that I have plenty of cute outfits to wear on my dicksucking expeditions is that I developed a very convenient relationship with a very generous sugar-daddy. That arrangement is fairly straightforward. He takes me to Victoria’s Secret and I pick out lingerie sets...

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The Arrangement

After Sue had left, I’d barely had time to tidy up, stack the dishwasher and pour myself a glass of wine before the doorbell rang. I opened the door to be greeted by Helen’s impish grin. ‘Helen! What a surprise! Come in. Would you like a drink? Tea? Coffee? Or join me with a glass of wine?’ ‘I’m driving, but one glass of wine should be okay,’ she smiled. Helen was an ex-colleague of Sue’s. They’d kept in touch even though Sue had moved on – although I hadn’t seen her for a month or two. At...

2 years ago
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Our Arrangement Reprise Three

Almira sat next to me at the breakfast bar, totally naked, wearing only her radiant smile.  While holding my toast I slipped my other hand between her thighs and slid it up to her pussy.“Hmm,” she purred between sips of coffee.Her lips were smooth, soft, warm and a little wet.  She put down her coffee and covered my cock with her hand.“Ready to go again?” she asked, smiling at me.“I think you could persuade me!”She had slept with me the previous night.  We'd had sex before we fell asleep,...

Wife Lovers
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Our Arrangement Reprise Three

Almira sat next to me at the breakfast bar, totally naked, wearing only her radiant smile.  While holding my toast I slipped my other hand between her thighs and slid it up to her pussy.“Hmm,” she purred between sips of coffee.Her lips were smooth, soft, warm and a little wet.  She put down her coffee and covered my cock with her hand.“Ready to go again?” she asked, smiling at me.“I think you could persuade me!”She had slept with me the previous night.  We'd had sex before we fell asleep,...

Wife Lovers
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The Family Arrangement part 4 ndash Me and Melissa

Taken me a little while to get around to writing this, but... for those of you who have read the first 3 parts of The Family Arrangement, you’ll know that a few years ago, me and my then girlfriend Carol, had a couple who were regular play partners (Steve and Brenda) and that they got us into playing along with their k(id)s, Debbie and James. You’ll also know that we ended up at a party at their house where they’d invited a few more people more in their k(id)s age group – two lads from Steve’s...

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The Perfect Arrangement

Part of me says I’m the one to blame for the stagnancy in our marriage. I didn’t want to shoulder that responsibility; after all, what wife would want to say that she’s the reason that her marriage is falling apart? Surely my husband’s emotional negligence was a kindling to the fights that led to this moment, but as much as I tried to avoid it, I knew that it was an impulse decision on my part that caused my life to capsize. It all started when my husband, David, announced ecstatically a new...

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Ines Bouquet 1 Hero Ines Floral Arrangement The Beginning

Ine's Bouquet 1 - Hero Ine's Floral Arrangement: The Beginning By Enbreeze Ine looked again up at Earth. She (for there was no better word for a genderless creature with her traits) looked on Earth with sadness in her heart. She loved the Earthians. Every one of them. She had helped bring them into existence long ago, but her memories of that had faded in time - and she welcomed this as it kept her mind fresh but her unspoken, unrecalled knowledge powerfully present. Upon...

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A Delightful Arrangement Part 3

A Delightful Arrangement Part Three I woke up with a start the next morning. The sun pealed through the windows and I felt the soft satin of my nightgown tracing my thighs. Immediately my thoughts leapt to the night before. I recalled serving as a maid at my friends' party and how wonderful the experience had been. As my gown's straps pulled at my shoulders I recalled the elation I felt when I learned that no one other than my hosts realized that I wasn't a woman. I lay there for...

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A Delightful Arrangement Part 4

A Delightful Arrangement, Part Four Since I had agreed to another assignment as a maid for an apparently rather demanding mistress, I felt it necessary to add to my wardrobe. I searched the internet and found a relatively inexpensive set of breast forms and what appeared to be an uncomfortable but convincing gaff. I purchased both, requesting overnight delivery. I thought about these accoutrements carefully before spending the money. I had found breast forms that attached with...

3 years ago
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A Delightful Arrangement Part 5

A Delightful Arrangement Part Five The next two days passed uneventfully. I spent each day as Carolyn and became quite used to my new breasts and the constriction of my gaff. I went to a drugstore and bought a container of hair remover which I used to clean my arms. I thought about using it on my legs but enjoyed shaving them too much. I know most women view this task as a necessary evil but for me it is a sensuous, deeply feminine procedure. Having hairless arms opened new...

2 years ago
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A Delightful Arrangement Part 6

A Delightful Arrangement Part Six Friday morning I awoke with energy. It was a good thing since today I was going to help prepare for Anna's party. I showered, shaved and prepared to dress. I wore my new breasts, of course along with my gaff. I knew I was going to be working hard so I chose a loose fitting blouse and a knee length skirt that wasn't too tight. Prior to dressing, I remembered that my nails were only allowed a touch of color. The bright red on them now would not...

3 years ago
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The Arrangement

After Sue had left, I'd barely had time to tidy up, stack the dishwasher and pour myself a glass of wine before the doorbell rang. I opened the door to be greeted by Helen's impish grin. 'Helen! What a surprise! Come in. Would you like a drink? Tea? Coffee? Or join me with a glass of wine?' 'I'm driving, but one glass of wine should be okay,' she smiled. Helen was an ex-colleague of Sue's. They'd kept in touch even though Sue had moved on – although I hadn't seen her for a month or two. At...

2 years ago
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The New Arrangement

THE NEW ARRANGEMENT • (or, ?An au pair thing.?) ?Daniel, sweetheart? Daphne said to me one afternoon as we shared the Sunday ?Times?. ?Yes,dear?? I asked, ?Do you want some more Irish coffee?? Daph smiled and lookedat me affectionately. ?No, I wanted to talk to you, honey?I have some interestingnews?it's about taking things in our relationship a little further. Do youremember you were telling me that?? I was confused for a moment ?Further?? We'dbeen married nineteen years??Oh, that.? I...

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The ArrangementChapter 2 Introductions

I was fairly hung over the next morning, though not the worst I’d ever been. The ship was at sea that entire first day, steaming towards our first port of St. Thomas. I cleaned up, promised myself I’d drink less today, threw on a bathing suit and headed out to the pool, figuring I could sweat the toxins out of my body. One advantage of being by myself, the only one I’d found so far? It was fairly easy to find a single available lounge chair, second row back from the pool. I plopped down on...

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The ArrangementChapter 9 Reality and a Reunion

The next couple of weeks weren't much fun for me (and later, I found out that they weren't much fun for Riley, either.) I missed her -- a lot. My desire to see her, talk to her, touch her was palpable. At home, I hung a couple of pictures on my fridge -- the "silly face" one from the lobby bar, and the picture of us together on the balcony on the last morning. I put the the other two pictures -- the formal one and the one of Riley kissing my cheek on that last morning -- in frames on my...

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The ArrangementChapter 8

The restaurant was elegant and expensive but Aaron Becker had invited them as his guests and Kevin had jumped at the chance. The more he thought about the offer, the more he wanted Denise to accept. She, on the other hand was filled with doubts, especially the idea of giving herself to a stranger. Team that reservation with being away from her husband and daughter for such long periods of time and she was filled with severe second thoughts about whether to accept the deal. They entered,...

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The ArrangementChapter 9

The next few days seem to fly by for Denise. She spent every available moment with her daughter and husband. The nurse they hired came highly recommended and her salary requirements were quite high, but since money was no object she was hired and, luckily, hit it off right away with Mineena. Denise had been told to pack lightly. She held the suitcase tightly in her hand as she and Kevin saw the limo pull up out front and the chauffeur approach the front door. She had said her goodbyes to...

1 year ago
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A perfect arrangement

Note : This story is completely fictional! Donald came home early and caught his eighteen year old daughter sucking her boyfriend's prick. He took her to get birth control pills immediately. A week later as soon as he was sure they were in effect he ask her to try them out. "With my boyfriend?" "With me" said her father. "You're joking" said Krista. "No I'm not, I want to fuck you" "I won't let you, that's sick and disgusting" "I don't think so" replied her dad. Krista stomped out of the house...

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Delightful deliveries

Delightful deliveries By SG [email protected]        Ok, so I just discovered this whole world of bondage that before a month ago I had been completely clueless about. I just got my first set of handcuffs and I haven’t wanted to take them off since they arrived in the mail. The past couple of weeks have been so amazing but I know it could be even better. Some of the stories I’ve read online about other people’s selfbondage experiences sound incredible. From those stories I’ve gotten a lot...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Delightfulgirls play with two men

I was 19. It was a hot and steamy summer’s night. I was out at my usual club and was in the mood to party, drink and dance until early hours of the morning. I spotted my gorgeous African spunk of a man across the room. Justin was an incredible lover, with lovely blue eyes, longish dreaded hair, beautifully tanned skin and a body to die for. Justin and I fucked on a regular basis. It was never more than that… neither of us wanted it that way. If I picked up someone else for the night or if he...

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