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Courtesy of Scoundrels by Arcie Emm If for nothing else, Alister could feel thankful for the weather. Though overcast and cool, the rain and biting cold that had kept him tucked away in the freezing, though mostly dry garret during the last three days appeared to be taking a break. Lucky indeed, because hunger would have forced him onto the streets today, no matter the weather, and in his oversized, tattered boots and clothes, he surely would have caught a chill. He had always been sickly, which went a long way to explaining his stature, specifically his lack of it. Yet his small size and gaunt features usually served him well on the streets, with cup in hand. The fortunate were more likely to sooth their own conscience by passing a few of their tightly held pennies to those who appeared the saddest, a group in which he usually fit. Today, though, was not one of those days. He would eat tonight, but would need to be back on the street tomorrow, good weather or bad. Too many things worked against him today. The first thing to go wrong was his inability to secure a good spot, leaving him on the edge of the market, closer to the abattoirs than his nose liked, with little sympathetic traffic. Secondly, if he showed the energy to get someone's attention, they disbelieved that he was as pathetic as he tried to look. Thirdly, his fear of someone robbing him forced him to spend as much time looking for those who preyed on the weak as for those who may help them. And lastly, resulting from the third issue, his constant darting glances make him look shifty, something sure to turn off the gentry. It proved what he already suspected, he could not be successful alone. And to this point of his nearly sixteen years, difficult as they had been, he had not been. For the first twelve years he had Mam and Billy to look after him, to get him the good spots, to draw attention to his plight, to pocket coins (making them seem poorer than they were), and to keep the predators at bay. Allowed to work without distractions, he could provide enough to mostly keep them in room, clothes, and food, though it did require some nighttime activities, by their mother, to provide the rest. Those activities caught up to her four years back, when she had not awoken from a beating received at the hands of one of her customers. Then it had been just Billy and him. But Billy never was sick like Alister, maybe because his first four years had been happened before Mam had ended up, while carrying Alister, on the streets. Thus, at fifteen, Billy had all the size that Alister lacked, enough to get revenge on the bastard that did their Mam wrong and more than enough to protect Alister over the next four years, while his little brother begged the gentry for coin. Billy also enjoyed taking coin from them. Though his preferred methods were burgling and muggings, something that had led him to getting nicked by the city watch, three nights before, leaving Alister all alone and with little hope for the future. During the long, unproductive day, he slowly came to the conclusion that he needed to find some others who would welcome him into their midst, probably the little empire run Tommy Tick-Tock, who had wandered past Alister's spot multiple times that day, a questioning look on his face. Still, Alister was not sure he had the stomach to pay the price the former watchmaker would probably demand in exchange for protection. Speaking of Tommy, once more he came into sight, but this time not alone. With him was an officer of The Piccadilly Butchers, dressed all fancy like in his riding boots, white trousers, red serge fastened with shiny buttons and white belt into which white, leather gloves were folded. Alister knew the type, arrogant bastards who'd rather ride down than toss a coin to a starving waif. The only time the bastards would even notice somebody like Alister was in the pursuit of their own cruel amusements. At the moment Alister hoped to see the Tommy and the toff walk by, not liking the sneer on the officer's face or the fact that he was with Tommy. He particularly did not like the way Tick-Tock was gesturing in his direction. Suddenly deciding it would be best to move on, he darted in the opposite direction from which the two came. Right into the arms of Lazy Eyed Dick. "Where ya off ta in such a hurry, Ali? When Ole Tommy and the fine gentleman were hoping ta have words with ya." Despite the eye, there was nothing wrong with Tommy's number one, bully boy's ability to wield the knife that Alister felt pricking at his side. "Ahh, I didn't notice, Dick. I was just off to find a better spot." "Aye, Ali, this ain't the place for ya. Ya need ta talk ta Tommy, he has a better spot in mind." Sick to the stomach, Alister nodded his head in agreement, knowing there was nothing he could say to escape Dick's clutch. And the idea of a violent escape, well that was just laughable. So he allowed himself to be shoved towards the two other men, everybody in the vicinity minding their own business and ignoring what was happening before their eyes. "This one?" The officer asked, staring at Alister in surprise. "Well Captain, I don't think you meant Billy, Mary Juniper's other son, the one the watch nicked." "Son? Really?" Tommy sniggered and said, "Aye it's hard to imagine, isn't it. Still I swear Ali's a boy, though you wouldn't know it when he's in a dress. He's a real looker, ain't he Dick?" "Yes, indeed, Tommy. Led more than a few poor buggers to their doom, he has." Anger and embarrassment warred to make his face the redder, as Lazy Eye and Tick-Tock laughed. It wasn't like the two implied at all. The tattered dresses he had often worn while begging on the street were good for business. Sad little girls found it easier to gain sympathy than did sad little boys, something also proved by today's take. He did not feel embarrassed for having done it, but he had not known that others were aware of the other times. When he wore one of Ma's old working dresses, out in the evening, tempting drunken men into alleys. But not to do what they wanted, instead he led them into the dark, Billy and his cudgel waited to conduct the next part of the transaction. The officer did not join in the laughter, instead he just stared at Alister. Finally as slight smile came over his face and he said, "Yes, I see now." "What's that, Captain?" "This is who I'm looking for." "Happy to help, we are." "Worry not, you'll get paid. Do you know The Silly Goat, by St. Anna's Cathedral?" "Aye, Captain. Though it's not for my type." "No, I imagine not. Can you deliver our young friend there tonight?" "Well..." "Worry not, Tommy. There will be another of these waiting for you when you do." "Will do, Captain." "And Tommy." "Aye?" "Make sure he has bathed first." Alister did not know whether to fight or shout. He has seen the flash of gold when the officer passed a coin to Tick-Tock. The man would definitely follow through with the delivery, making sure Alister did not escape, for another coin. Defeated, he slumped in Dick's grasp. *** Though Alister constantly watched for a chance to escape, none presented itself under the careful watch of Tick-Tock's crew. Lazy Eyed Dick had dragged him from the market to Red Betty's place, in order to get him the bath the officer had demanded. The hard faced woman had in turn taken the boy in hand just as if he were one of her girls. Forcing him to haul the water himself to fill the round metal tub in her kitchen, only one of the buckets spending any time on the stove, she first demanded he undress, then proved her wiry strength and forced him to do so. Soon he was crouched, sitting in the cold water, turning the water black, while the woman's brush and caustic soap turned his skin an angry pink. One saving grace was the woman's disinterested demeanor, caring not or commenting not on his appearance, specifically his short comings. The second one was that she spared him the embarrassment of having Dick stay and watch, when she asked, "And how are yee going to dress the grimy, little blighter when's I get him clean?" "Why, his clothes." "Use yer noggin' Dick. If his Lordship wanted him washed, do you really think he'll be happy to see Ali show up in clothes stinkin' worse than the boy currently smells hisself?" "I guess not." Thinking for a moment, a difficult task for the man, a smirk suddenly appeared on his face, "Why don't ya put him in one of the dresses yar girls wear. Ali won't mind. Will ya boy?" "Yee ain't paying me enough for that, Dick." He almost piped up at this, in anger that Dick was paying the woman with the money he had earned begging during the day, but Alister kept his silence. Although speaking may have interrupted Dick's thoughts, before he struck gold. "What about Ali's other duds, maybe those would work." "That's using your noggin', Dick. Where's they at, boy?" Alister maintained his silence despite a cuff to the back of the head. Dick, using up the remainder of his allocated thoughts for the month, answered for him. "Billy found hisself and Ali a garret in Bingle Alley, likes enough it's there." "Like enough, you go get them and I'll gets the boy clean." "Me?" "I'm not going, yee's not paying me enough to tramp all over when I could be doing better things." By the time the man was back, Alister was out of the tub, Betty having unbent enough to give him a shift with which to cover his nakedness, although he again wore his ratty boots. Combined with his long, damp, brown hair and delicate features, he looked more natural than wearing Billy's cast-offs. It drew a laugh from the returning Lazy Eyed Dick, though it was the bundle of cloth in his arms that made Alister's eyes burn with anger, more than the laugh. Resentment at the man rummaging through his and Billy's place, something that would not have happened if Billy was free. Everybody, except Alister, knew and feared Billy's temper. "Pewww, boy haven't you heard of water. It's a good yer a pretty little thing, otherwise the smell of these clothes would have scared away all those men before they met Billy's cudgel. I guess we'll have to use some of my things after all, though I'll be taking these in exchange, maybe they'll be some use if cleaned." Dick did not notice the look of avarice in Betty's eyes as she said this. To him, clothes were clothes. But Alister saw it, knowing the woman was aware that the cloak in which Dick had wrapped everything, and which Billy had taken from some drunk dandy, was of better quality than any of them had ever worn. Wishing they had sold the cloak when they had the chance, Alister glared from Dick to Betty before she scurried through to the next room with the bundle in hand. When she returned, she brought a threadbare dress and cloak of dark, grey wool and forced the boy to pull the first over his head. "Blimey, its a bleedin' wonder that ya look the way ya do, Ali. Can ya do something with his hair or sumthin', Betty. His Lordship is paying enough, we may as well make Ali as pretty as he can be." Trying to fend off Betty's hands only earned him a rap on the head from her brush. Defeated once more, he let her brush it out before arranging it into a bun. Fortunately Dick did not have anymore recommendations, nor did Betty offer any. Soon Tommy Tick-Tock showed up, laughed for a moment, and had Alister don the cloak, pulling the hood up over his head, trying to hide what the woman had done to accentuate what he in the past had himself exploited. Then they were out the door, the men on either side of the disguised boy, on their way to The Silly Goat. Alister spared only a moment to realize that the fear of what was about to happen had completely driven away his hunger. *** The Silly Goat was found outside the territory in which the three were comfortable, causing the two men to furtively look about and appear even more what they were. In turn, Alister preferred for everybody to assume he was who he appeared, having long ago adopted his mother's advice, 'I know you don't want to Ali, so Billy won't be sassing you none, if he know's what's what. But you would be best to not show that you don't want to, 'cause if you just seem to be who you appear to be, people will be less likely to notice.' Nobody, they passed, doubted what he appeared to be, a teenage whore with her whoremaster and his bully boy. So the only glances the three drew were in curiosity, since though the area around the inn was a better quality, their type were not uncommon. Alister knew that none of the lookers would care anymore about his plight than that of any girl in a like position, so he did not waste energy raising a ruckus, hoping for assistance. Fighting would come later, with the toff, when the tip of Dick's knife no longer was making its presence known. Alone, with the toff, he would become the hellion Billy had taught him to become if he ever fell into this situation The Silly Goat stood on a street more prosperous than those surrounding it, it having oil lanterns in place, most of them even having been lit. Still they preferred to stop in the shadows, just outside the circles of light cast by two of those lamps. Then they looked towards the mostly quiet inn, watching as two men entered and one left. "I'll be going to get the dandy, Dick. Stay here and keep ahold of Ali, don't let him run away or the lost gold will be coming out of your hide." "Sure thing, boss. Ali won't run anyway, will ya Ali?" The sullen glance Dick received in answer, made the two men laugh. Clapping Dick upon the shoulder, Tommy moved out into the light and towards the inn. Waiting for his return, Dick broke their silence to say, "Ya know Ali, ya should look on this as a chance." Snorting, Alister said, "Some chance, to get buggered by some sick bastard." "Now Ali, ya know's that we'uns don't get good chances. But there's no how yer going to last long without Billy looking after ya. Ya play it right, this fancy fellah could." Alister returned to ignoring the man, not saying that those same traitorous thoughts had already been tickling the edges of his own mind. Lots about his life was worthy of disliking, but he did it anyway, in order to survive. Would this really be any worse? He had seen what was at the end of either path, multiple orphans wasted away from hunger or his mother, never waking from her beating. Dick was right, he had no good chance. Nor did he need to yet make a decision, knowing that only at the actual moment would he learn how he would react, in which direction his true self would move. The two did not wait in uncomfortable silence for long, as the inn's door opened to disgorge Tommy and the officer. Nervously prattling, the first led the silent second towards their waiting point, though that worthy stopped two lampposts short and would not come any closer. They argued for a moment, before Tick-Tock gestured for the two to come forward. Head bowed, Alister moved forward, crossing from darkness to light to darkness and back into light, curiosity forcing his head upwards to gauge the officer's reaction. It was not what he had expected, the man's ruddy face suddenly growing pale, as if in shock at the Alister's appearance. It lasted only a moment, anger wiping away the surprise. "What's the meaning of this?" "What's that, Captain." "Why is the boy dressed like this?" "Well, Captain, you said you wanted him cleaned up an' we just guessed." "Guessed that I'm some God-damned pervert, is that it, Man?" "Well, then why'd you want Ali?" "Not that you need to know, but it's family obligations." "What?" "Why young Master Alister is the last remaining child of my Uncle Leroy, even though he was born on the wrong side of the sheets." While Alister's face assumed the look of shock, which had recently resided upon on his supposed cousin's own face, a mulish one appeared on Tommy's, both from the officer's tone and at the realization he may have missed out on a chance. It turned his voice into a growl, as he said, "I don't care's if he's the bloody King of Siam. We've done delivered him, now it's time for our pay." "Oh yes, don't worry about it, I wouldn't forget." The two men watched him reach into a large pouch, different from the one earlier in the day. But instead of the glint of gold, the light bounced off the brass fittings of a cavalry holster. Tommy only had time to begin jerking backwards before the pistol ball provided more impetus to Tick-Tock's last movement. Dick gaped, while Alister instinctively acted, elbowing the man in the gut and escaping from Lazy Eye's grasp. However, curiosity about the officer's claim of him being family, stopped him before ran too far. Sneering at the winded thug, the officer said, "Well done, cousin." Drawing his hangar from its scabbard, he knocked aside Dick's feebly raised dagger, and ran him through. Looking at Alister, holding him in place with a glance, the man listened, then shouted. "Help! I'm being robbed." *** The two bodies, provided ample reminder as to why Alister should follow his supposed cousin's warning to hold in place, even though his instincts now urged him to flee. Casual and competent violence, which Tommy and Dick may have admired, if not for being its victim, turned his fear of the man into something more acceptable than the dread he had experienced during the walk from Red Betty's. Thus Alister did not counter the explanation the officer, who introduced himself as Lieutenant Percival Hamilton, provided to the watchmen. Instead he silently accept the role the two new man assumed he filled. "Well I was having a nice pork pie at The Silly Goat, have you ever tried one? No, you really should, they are rightly famous for them. But, anyway, I was eating my pie when this ruffian, the one with the red vest, came in to let me know he had something for me. "Did I think it was strange? Not a whole lot, to be honest, I guessed he was from of of my fellows in the regiment. You see, well...umm, please don't go bandying this about, but we are always on the lookout for...umm company, yes company that may interest our friends. Then we arrange for them to meet this" "The Tart?" The older of the watchmen asked, nodding in Alister's direction, not showing his amusement at learning about the indiscretions of his betters. Hamilton was a fine actor, sighing, almost as if he was just a regular fellow caught out for something embarrassing, instead of trying to explain away two murders. "Aye, her. But I swear, as soon as I spotted her, I told them she was too young for me and to be on their way. They were none too pleased with this and that is when I spotted the larger one wielding a knife. I'm afraid I acted as if I was back on the peninsula, going for my pistol which I had in my pouch, because this isn't the safest neighbourhood, and fired. "Oh no, in that I was fortunate. The girl, apparently liking her fellows no more than I, elbowed the one with the knife, giving me time to draw my sword, the demned thing catching as I did so. But I was able to knock aside his attack and with a riposte as pretty as any my fencing instructor ever saw me perform, I ran the poor beggar through." The watchman looked at Percival with a calculating look, but the explanation had been chock full of the reactions to be expected from someone who had fended off a robbery. From the embarrassment about the tart, to the seeming pride at the way he had taken out the thugs, it made sense. Particularly since he did not see any reason for the officer to hunt down the two men, then call for help, while the dead men looked like the sort who would not hesitate to rob some fop, like the officer. Still, he decided it was necessary to hear the prostitute's version of what happened. "You, girl, what's your name." Having learned at an early age to never give the watchmen his real name, Alister was quick to respond. "Edna Smith, Yer Honour." "Tell me what you saw." "It's like the young gentleman said, Yer Honour. Tommy and Dick, they's these two, picked me up earlier and said they had sumthin' for me to do. They's terrible mean, so I dinna argue. They brought me here and then they got in a fight and Mr. Lieutenant Hamilton did 'em in. I'm not sorry either, nor will many be." That was enough for the watchmen. They did not doubt what the tart said, the dead men were not the type that anybody would ever miss. All this affair did was spare the city the money to arrest and hang the two at some later point. "Very well then, it looks like these villains met their just end. Still, my superiors may be interested in discussing the matter further with you, Lieutenant Hamilton." "Of course." Percival agreed, informing the men it was easiest to get in touch with him at his regimental headquarters. "Very well, Sir. And Edna." "Yes, Yer Honour?" "I think it best that you find your way back to where you belong." "Umm...maybe I should escort her." The watchman considered the lieutenant, guessing that the excitement had aged young Edna enough in the Captain's eyes, turning her into someone who could help him celebrate his victory. It really was no business of his and the pretty girl looked like she needed to make some coin to feed herself. So he said, "If you wish, Lieutenant." "Umm...yes, yes then. Come, young lady, let's get you away from this terrible place and back to your home." Alister accepted his supposed cousins hand on his arm, guiding him to and past The Silly Goat. Turning a corner, out of sight of the watchmen who waited for the meat wagon, the man said, "Well done. You followed my lead perfectly back there." "What else could I do, cousin. Besides, we have so much to talk about." Turning a predatory smile towards Alister, Percival said, "Yes, yes we do. But it can wait until we are someplace private." *** That private place turned out to be Percival's home, a townhouse joined to three others, many blocks away from the inn, Alister spent the last number of these covered in the officer's cloak, its large size hiding him from prying eyes, as to be expected from a young man sneaking a lady of the evening into his home. However, the secrecy rekindled Alister's nerves, making him wonder if the two-faced man had been lying all along. Still, it was too late to run. Yet as soon as the two were behind closed doors, Percival began trying to calm his young companion. First, helping him off with the cloak, to be hung from a hook by the door. Then, directing him to a chair at a table, the captain rummaged in cupboards to find cheese and bread, placed them in front of Alister and began to prepare some tea. Not until he had finished, pouring a cup for the boy, who barely chewed the food he ate, and for himself, did he take a seat, across the table. "Well I am sure that you have an awful lot of questions, but first let me fill you in with some background, before you ask them. Is that okay?" "Um-hmm." "Besides it will give you time to finish your meal. More tea?" "Yes, please." While filling the cup that Alister had already quickly emptied, Percival gathered his thoughts, as he leaned back in his chair. "Right then. As you probably heard, while I spoke to the watch, my name is Percival Hamilton of the Wentworth Hamiltons. But all you need to know about the Hamiltons is that my father's sister, Dianne, married Master Leroy Chester, whose family owes their wealth to the textile industry. With her, Uncle Leroy, had three children, my cousins Spencer, Forest, and Eleanor. Privileged children, they lacked for nothing while young, maybe that is why they were given such a rough go of it as they grew into adulthood. "I suppose nobody should have been surprised by what happened to the boys. Like me, Spencer always wanted to be in the cavalry, and with Boney trying to conquer the world, old Spence had the opportunity. Sadly that opportunity led the poor boy and the rest of the 23rd Light Dragoons, to the Tagus valley in Spain, specifically to Talavera, where from all accounts he died a hero. As for Forest, nobody ever expected him to die as a hero, he proved us all right by falling down the stairs at the country house and breaking his neck, two years after Spence's passing. Probably the fall was wine induced, Forest did have a weakness, but if so it was kept all hush-hush, don't you know, Dear Uncle Leroy making it out to be a dreadful accident. "This left only sweet, spoiled Eleanor. Her father doted on her, particularly after my Aunt Dianne and the boys left the two of them alone, and despite causing all sorts of mischief, her father always passed blame onto others. Maybe, if he had reined her in earlier he would not have found himself trying, last year, to avert the scandal that his unwed darling was with child. Probably the get of one of the servants, though my uncle could never determine which. And despite his demands, Eleanor refused to make the matter go away as expected from unwise daughters of her class, believing it to be a symbol of the love with her unnamed beau. A bad decision, her being a little slip of a thing, much like you. The pregnancy was troubled from the start and only grew worse. Neither she nor the babe survived, Uncle Leroy has been devastated ever since." Listening to the man, Alister detected the anger in Percival's voice at any mention of his uncle. He began to suspect that he had not been tracked down, by the officer, to bring about a happy reunion. He asked, "And me? Where do I fit in?" "You, young Alister, you were the cause of the first scandal that Uncle Leroy ever dealt with, though that time his own fault. He has always preferred staying at the townhouse, close to his businesses, while Aunt Dianne preferred the country house. And so, while in the city, he sought solace from her absence in the arms of a string of willing mistresses. One such was a recently widowed woman, hired on as a maid, by the name of Mary Juniper." He was not surprised to hear his mother's name. It fit with what little he had been told by his mother, whom he had never heard speak the name of the man in whose employ she had worked and whose bed she had warmed. Alister expected the rest of the story to also match. "Well as cousin Eleanor learned, such dalliances have unintended consequences. Nor did Uncle Leroy act with any more grace that first time. Yet even then he had a gift for covering up scandals, paying off a number of his servants to come forward and admit the child might be theirs, making the woman out to be a harlot. The groundwork finished, he was able to cast her out of his household. From there, I guess you are more aware of what happened than I." "Yes." "Indeed. Anyway, I recently had the story from one of those servants, whom I found deep in his cups at a tavern lamenting how unhappy has become the Chester household, some even thinking it has been cursed. This led to my starting my search to find you, hoping that you may ease my uncle's sorrows. You cannot believe how happy I was to finally find you this afternoon, for as soon as I spotted you I doubted not that you had Chester blood." "And now you plan to use me to use me to blackmail your dear uncle?" The predator was back, the sudden glare smoothing the way for the wolfish smile. "Yes, despite your appearance, you are not an innocent are you? It's easy to forget, even I, so soon after the death of those thugs left not a single one of your feathers ruffled, had done so. And yes, though blackmail is such a dirty word, in you I did hope to obtain us, his closest living relatives, what we deserve. Look at us, me left with an allowance that barely keeps this, my parent's house, from creditors and me up to the standards of an officer in the Life Guards. There is definitely no money to pay for the manservant expected of a gentleman, nor to buy a captaincy if one became available. And yet I live like a king compared to you, his own flesh and blood. No let us not call it blackmail, it is claiming our birthright." Alister recognized the reasoning to be complete balderdash, but knew most rogues needed to explain away their crimes. It was why Lazy Eyed Dick had tried to convince him he was being sold into a better life, just as it was why Billy and Alister, after mugging another mark, would discuss how evil a man must be to want to take advantage of poor, sad looking Ali. Only the most black hearted of scoundrels did not care, often disparaging the excuses of their fellows, instead of courteously accepting them. "How?" "Pardon?" "How do you plan for us to claim our birthright?" "Then you're in?" "Maybe, depending upon the plan." "Well I must admit to not having one yet in place. It did not seem worth the effort to create one until I knew you actually existed." "Okay, I can understand that." "But I do have an idea or two, though they require more thought before I put them into words." "How long?" "A day or two at the most. Though, of course, my house is yours while you wait." It was an offer filled with risk, but was it any worse than he would face if he returned to the streets? Alister did not think so, at their worst, both would lead to death. But at its best, this gambit may keep him off the street, because there the best equaled the worst. Yet first he tested his potential co-conspirator, seeing if he could be pushed, trying to determine how desperate was the man. "I am willing to listen, but I have a condition." "A condition?" "Yes, to prove that you are trustworthy." "And how in turn will you prove that you in turn are trustworthy, cousin." "I don't need to be trustworthy, I just need to be afraid of you. And you have ensured that with the ease you dispatched Tommy and Dick, I doubt not you could do away with me, even more easily." Looking at his small cousin, dressed as a prostitute, brought forth another of the predator's grin. "It is good to see you are fully aware of your situation, Alister. It will make for a better partnership. Very well then, what is your condition? I will not promise to accept it, but I am filled with good will, at the moment, and am willing to listen." "It's my brother Billy, the watch got him four days ago, I want you to get him out of the clink." "And why would your brother be in the clink?" "He was accused of burglaring a house in Queen's crossing." "And did he?" "Oh, of course not." Alister said, his smile inviting Percival into the lie. "Burglary, hmm? Those skills may prove useful to our future plans. Very well then, I will see what I can do." "Oh, thank you, Percival!" *** Percival proved prescient, his house seemed like paradise to Alister. It was dry and warm, had food in the cupboards, and soft feather beds in which to sleep, tucked beneath a goose down quilt. It seemed a small price to have nothing to wear other than the shift and dress. For the first time, in a very long time, Alister felt comfortable. He would happily accept this waiting to last forever, then it was over. Three evenings after his arrival, his landlord returned home from his daily business with a welcome companion. "Billy!" Alister yelled, rushing to give his brother a hug, trying to ignore the grime and stench from prison. Cleanliness had also played its part in seducing him to this place. Accepting the hug, Billy gently separated from Alister, looked at the way he was dressed, to Percival, and questioned, "Ali?" From Billy, the diminutive of his name never came across as insulting. That acceptance had manifested in treating his brother the same, be he in dress or trousers. So as he silently asked the question, it was without judgment, for he had hoped, while locked away, that Alister would seek protection, even in this manner. "No Billy, it's not like that. Apparently Percival's my cousin." "What?" Looking to Percival for permission, Alister told his brother what had happened, drawing a raised eyebrow when Billy heard about Tommy and Dick. Then he explained Percival's intentions. "Bastard deserves it, specially after how he did Mam." Billy said, but then the only part of the Bible that he thought had any value was Exodus 21. "Ahh, excellent." Percival said, interrupting the reunion. "And, it just so happens I have finally come up with a plan. Why don't we adjourn to the kitchen, so that Billy can deal with his hunger while I explain." This time, it was Alister who moved about the kitchen, preparing tea and getting Billy his food, there having been silent agreement between the two that left him taking on many of the roles which matched his appearance, as payment for room and board. Percival proved content to wait until they all had a plate and cup before them before he began to speak. "During the last few days I have thought much about this, which made me recognize that Uncle Leroy is a tough old bugger, who would fight any attempted blackmail with his not insignificant powers. I realized we have to weaken him first, before we can get our due." "We's going to rough him up?" Billy asked. "Certainly not. Instead we are going to prey upon his mind." The brothers looked at each other, their shared confusion showing on both faces. Alister said, "I don't follow." "No, of course, without knowing him, you wouldn't. See, despite appearing to be an upright, God-fearing gentleman, he is devilishly superstitious. Probably the result of being raised by a nanny who, the few times I met her before she passed away, was a crazy old bat who believed in ghosts and ghouls. He mostly hides it, but everybody knows he built the new townhouse, because he thought his father was haunting the old one. Complete balderdash, no scientific thinking gentleman would ever believe such a thing, knowing instead that it was a manifestation of guilt, probably for having done the old man wrong in some fashion. "Personally, I have never believed in such a thing. But I swear, when I saw you, Alister, cross from the darkness into the lamp light, outside The Silly Goat, for a moment it felt as if I was staring at the ghost of my cousin Eleanor." That explained the look he had seen on Percival's face, thought Alister, while guessing where the man was headed with his thoughts. "Don't tell me that you expect me to become her ghost for real. Not only am I not her, or any her, I'm also very much alive, and therefore unqualified." Billy, more familiar with sneaking about houses in the dark of night, did not make any such protests. Instead, he asked, "How?" Ignoring Alister, Percival answered Billy. "The second reason for the new townhouse, was to sooth my uncle's ego. As a result the place is huge, full of rooms and back ways, easy to move about undetected and to get away if it does happen. I know Spence and I, as boys, drove more than a few staff members to distraction trying to find us, after we had disappeared for entire afternoon without going outside. And that was in the days when the house bustled with people, now it only houses my uncle, the butler, the cook, and four maids." "It don't have a night watchman?" "Ah yes, I had forgotten Charles, a trooper from Spence's regiment, who was injured at Talavera, trying to get my cousin to safety. But you need not worry about him. He hobbles about with a cane and dulls his aches with cheap liquor. He is no worry." "Still have to get by him, unless you knows another way in." "Why yes, I do. A gift from Forest, if you will, given to me while helping him return home, none the wiser, after he snuck from his bedroom for a night of carousing and ended up only being able to find the way to my door. 'Tis the key for the door between his balcony and his rooms. Which is in the back of the house, with an easy to climb trellis providing access to the balcony." "Is there now?" Billy asked. "Mayhap's I should take a look see first, before Ali and I go committing to anything. Iffen, Your Lordship, is willing to part his key and tell me where to find this place?" A scowl met this request. Percival saying, "And what's to stop you from robbing the place and running off." "You'se got Ali, I won't run without him. 'Sides, any hauntin's going to be a two man job, Ali will need a watcher so'ns he don't get caught. I suspect that will be my job, 'less, Your Lordship, plans to do it." Indecision warred within Percival. He saw himself as the boss of this caper, but found it hard to disagree with what Billy said, after all he had expected the two brothers to do the inside work together. Finally deciding, he would have to trust Billy, he said, "Very well then, let's go. By the time we get there, it will be dark enough for you to go look about." Billy just nodded, being fully aware from his past experience, that uneasy trust first had to be overcome before a burglar team could work together. Besides the not-so-fancy-boy officer seemed to be made of sterner stuff than that skunk Freddy, whose blabbing had led to Billy's capture. And Percival had paid off the clink's guards to free him from that capture, so Billy felt he owed him an honest effort. Soon the two of them were once heading out the door. Alister, miffed at the way they had ignored him, seeming to believe they could decide his fate for him, waited and worried that things would not go as smoothly as Percival thought. Instead of returning to the small, luxurious seeming bedroom he had claimed for his own, he settled into an old armchair to bide his time until they returned. Hours later he was jerked awake by friendly laughter being shared between the two men. Rising from his seat, he hurried out to the entranceway. Seeing him, a large smile appeared on Billy's face and he said, "Ahh Ali, his lordship were right, it's a grand place for a ghost." *** They did not rush willy-nilly into their haunting endeavor, each recognizing the wisdom in careful planning, much of that falling upon the experienced Billy's head, which caused him to return, on nearly a nightly basis, to further scout the townhouse. During the day, he and Alister would try to come up with ways of bringing about ghostly encounters with it residents. They then presented these to Percival, who continued to conduct his business as if nothing was different, for approval. Rarely balking at these ideas, Percival contented himself by adding details to match the quirks of the willful Eleanor. That always seemed his main concern, for Alister to appear as much like Eleanor as possible. It started the night after Billy's arrival, when he fetched a locket containing a tiny portrait of his dead cousin. Looking from the painting, to a mirror, and back, Alister was forced to admit. "Yeah, I guess I do kinda look like her." "More than that. If you fix your hair like hers and maybe wear make-up, you will become even a better match." "Oh, that's rather more than I had expected." "You need to look as much like Eleanor as possible." "I guess. Okay then, how do I go about doing it?" "You know." Percival said, point a finger at his head and twirling it about. Recognizing, by the idiotic gesture, that Percival had no clue what to do, while at the same time assuming Alister knew, made the potential ghost realize it was time for a reminder. "No I don't know. Remember, I'm a boy. Sure, my hair is long and I've worn a dress enough not to be bothered by one, but the only make-up I've ever used has been dirt." "Oh! Right, I never thought. It's too easy to forget you're Alister, not Ali." "I'm both, but not the Eleanor we need me to be. I'll need help for that." "I can't help." Percival said, almost in alarm. "I hadn't expected you to, but I'm going to need somebody." "Oh? I'll find somebody then." *** Two morning later, Alister made his first foray out of the house, since his arrival nearly a week before. Accompanying him was Billy, clean and dressed in an old suit of Percival's. In turn, Alister still wore the clothes from Red Betty's, something their current errand hoped to remedy. With thoughts of making Alister appear even more like Eleanor, Percival had approached one of his friends, known for his rather eclectic tastes. From the man, Percival had obtained the name and address of an establishment, along with a promise to pass along word to the proprietress about Alister's manufactured desire to look more like a girl. A fake desire that common sense threatened to override as they turned onto the street that held the establishment. "Bloody Hell , Billy. How could I've got myself into this?" "Aye, it's a plan that could land us all in Bedlam." "What? I thought you believed it was brilliant?" "Nah, it's as like ta end in disaster as success. But if it succeeds, we'll be rich beyond our dreams and 'tis a sight more comfortable at Percy's than in the clink or our garret." "Yeah, I like that part too." "Still, it's up ta you. Say the word and we'll keep walking and leave it behind." That's what he thought they should do, but greed and a thirst for revenge took the other side of the argument. They proved persuasive, finally causing him to say, "Well I guess it won't hurt to see this Madame Heston. We can still run if it gets too strange." "It's up ta you, Ali." Before sense returned, Alister turned towards the house, marched up to the door, and used the knocker. It did not take long before it was opened by a perfectly normal looking, middle-aged housewife. As she look questioningly at them, he felt sure they had been led astray. However, on the off chance they had not been, he said, "We're friends of Dally's, he said he was going to let you know we was coming." A smile answered this, the woman saying, "Ahh, yes, dear Dally, he always does have the most delightful of friends. Do come in, won't you?" Leading them to a delicately decorated parlour, she looked the two over, her gaze settling upon settling upon Alister, and asked, "And how may I help you, Dear?" Alister had rehearsed an entire speech, but found himself blurting out the most simple of lies instead. "I want to look more like a girl, but don't know how." "Well you are well on your way already, most would not guess you are not who you appear to be." "But I don't know what else to do. The hair and the clothes and the make-up and all. I, I want to look like her." This was the step that had made Percival the most nervous. Handing over the locket with the painting of Eleanor inside. He had worried that the mysterious Madame Heston would be familiar with the girl and may begin to wonder who Alister could be. But when she opened the locket to look inside there was no recognition, instead she turned once more to look at him. "We could come close, but my services do not come cheap." This last was said as she looked at the clothing the two wore. Billy, in his role as manservant, answered, "My Master had a figure from his friend." Watching him hand over a purse for the woman to check, Alister tried not to blush at the seeming admittance that he was some gentleman's mistress. Instead he remembered the spectacle Percival had raised while handing over that purse, cursing at the cost and bemoaning the fact that he would need to stay away from his favourite entertainments until the next allowance arrived from his uncle. "Yes that will do quite nicely. You, young man, take a seat here. My maid will bring you tea. And you, young lady, won't you please follow me?" They ended up in what Alister guessed too be a sewing room. There Madame Heston summoned her maid, passing on instructions about the tea and to fill the bath, then having him stand in the middle of the room, she slowly circled about him, viewing him from all angles, from far and near. "Yes, then off with your boots and out of your dress, Dear. And your shift as well. No need to blush, you are not the first I have helped. Yes, stand there a moment, let me look again. My you are the lucky one, so rarely are those that come to me as fortunate in their appearance as you. True, we could wish you had a bit more flesh on your bones, in order to give you a better bosom, but the girl in your picture is not rich in that area either. Agnes, is the bath ready?" "Just one more bucket to heat, Madame." "Hurry Agnes, we have much work to do. And you, my Dear, how would you be called?" "Ali, Madame." "Lovely as you are. While we wait let's discuss clothing. Do you know what you seek?" "Not exactly, Madame." "Are you wanting formal wear?" "Oh no, just everyday stuff." "You will be dressing every day?" "That is my hope." "Very well then. Your Master's purse shall see you have the start of a fine wardrobe. Two day dresses, undergarments, a coat, a pair of boots, slippers for inside, and all the necessary accessories." "And a pretty, white nightgown?" Alister asked, trying to hide the blush at what could be implied by this request, but unwilling to say that such a nightgown would be perfect, ghostly wear. "Of course. Do you have a colour preference for your dresses?" "Whatever you think best, Madame." "Wonderful. Ahh, yes, Agnes, is the bath ready?" "Yes, Madame." "Excellent. Now, Ali, let us adjourn next door to the bath. It is time to begin your day." Something, probably the casual manner in which the woman and her maid treated the situation, set him at ease. He trusted her to help him be whom he was pretending to be, seemingly the perfect confidante, accepting the abnormal as normal. In the bath he found himself using a scented soap, gentle compared to that from Betty's, even in comparison to what was available at Percival's. Finished with the bath, his hair still wet despite a good rubbing, he pulled on a pair of white, woolen stockings, fastening them with garters over his knees. Next was a cotton shift, with short-sleeves, a drawstring at its scooped neckline, that fell to just below the top of his stockings. The stays, which followed, made from a cotton drill patterned with small, blue flowers on a white background., proved not nearly as uncomfortable as Alister expected, hugging rather than squeezing. Though it did create small bumps and the cleft that went along with them. Judged decent, Madame Heston had him take a seat in a chair, where she use a brush and scissors to straighten out his hair. What followed was a lengthy lesson in the creation of pin curls and buns, which in the end left him with a wide ribbon tied around his head, knotted at his skull, and holding together a mass of curls on his head, his very own hands having done the work at her guidance. "I noticed that your young lady in the picture has the pale skin of the well-to-do, paler than yours. Do you seek it, as well?" Not mentioning how good it would be for a ghost, he nodded his head and was swept into another lesson dealing with whiteners, rouge, and eyebrow blackening. It left him stunned, seeing Eleanor appear before him in the mirror. Staring at her he barely heard Madame Heston's warning. "There are rumours that using make-up is bad for your health. I cannot swear to either the truth or lie in that, so I recommend you only use it on special occasions. Of course, becoming yourself for the first time is a special occasion, so feel free to leave it on for today." Still amazed by his appearance, he was easily led through the rest of his dressing, Madame Heston having an assortment of ready made items available, although somewhat limited for someone as small as he, unlike her normal clientele. As a result he ended up wearing brown leather half boots and dressed in a green, long-sleeved day dress. But that was not the entirety of his new clothing, in two carpet bags had been place more undergarments, the nightgown, a pair of leather soled green satin slippers with pointed toes, and a like pair in lavender silk, to be worn with a periwinkle, short-sleeved day dress, made of muslin, when he felt like staying in doors and being pretty. Barely recognizing himself, he was swept along by her enthusiasm, offering murmurs of agreement when it seemed appropriate. Desperately wishing he had kept going when offered the chance by Billy, he gave a mental shake at his confident contention that they could decide to run after the seeing what Madame Heston was all about. There was no chance he would return to his past looking the way he now did. Instead, he eagerly wished for the safety of the Percival's house Realizing he should make some appreciative noises, in case he ever needed the woman's assistance again, Alister dredged up the energy for fake ebullience, thanking her for making his dreams come true. Madame Heston, for her part, was thrilled with the result and accepted his thanks with the smile of a skilled craftsman. She then helped him on with a long, green, woolen coat, buttoned right up to the lace ribbon, holding his bonnet upon his head, beneath his chin. Offering him green wool gloves which he pulled on with some difficulty, she circled him one more time, looking for something out of place, but finding everything perfect. Shaking her head in pleased amazement, she led him back to the parlour where they found a napping Billy. Alister could have almost found it comical the way Billy started awake, staring at him in surprise, rubbing his eyes before looking again, forgetting his place as manservant, and blurting out as the prideful, older brother. "Criminy Ali, you're beautiful." Thanking Madame Heston, and Agnes, one more time for their efforts, Alister finally escaped, leading to a quiet walk home. Billy stopping immediately each time he began to speak, feeling confused about his drastically altered brother. One thing for sure, he was not going to offer that they keep on walking and leave it all behind. *** Alister's transformation at Madame Heston's proved a turning point for the conspirators, wiping away any doubt that they would proceed with their plans. Each grew more serious and felt a greater urgency. They finalized their plans, Billy confirming hiding spots and locations within the sleeping house during the next nights, while Percival filled Alister's head with knowledge about Eleanor, even trying to have him recreate her voice. The result was not perfect, but most would expect a ghost's voice to be changed, so they accepted the slight differences, particularly since they intended him to be a silent ghost. So it was, five nights after his further feminization, that Alister slathered his face in whitening, this time unrelieved by rouge or blackening. Over the pure white nightgown from Madame Heston's, he pulled on his original, poorly fitted, Betty dress, it and the matching cloak covering his ghostly garment until they were inside the Chester townhouse. Once on the quiet streets, scurrying to keep up with Billy's pace, Alister felt his heart beating nervously at the thought of what they were about to do. Just like those times when the two had slipped from their garret, he in the fancy lady's dress, to go hunting. The possibility of something going wrong, like the unwanted curiosity of a watchman or running into someone more prepared than they, felt exactly the same. Yet he could not deny the excitement at the possibility of the ridiculous plan succeeding and the very idea of acting against the world, instead of waiting for it to act against him. It made him feel alive, giving him the energy to keep up to his brother's pace. They slowed, Billy looking about for night owls, before pulling him into the darkened shadows of an alley entrance. There he pointed at a large house down the street and quietly said, "There it is. You wait here a moment, I'm going to circle about and see if anything looks out of place." Nodding his head, despite his worry at being left alone, Alister watched his brother slip away, fading quickly into the shadows. It was this ability to seemingly disappear which explained why Billy was out scouting alone, for Alister did not have the same knack. Instead, he was better at being the distraction. Yet it is a nervous thing to be a distraction, appearing weak, and relying so much on those unseen to be your protector. And he was glad to see the shadowy figure of Billy, recognizable by the walk, returning from the opposite direction from which he had left. With Alister now in hand, the two reversed back along the path from which Billy had just come, what he had most recently confirmed to be in place. Soon they fetched up against the back of the house, facing a small, darkened park housing one of the city's many statues. Seeing Billy point to a balcony and an almost ladder like trellis, Alister began climbing, not seeing his brother glance about nervously after spotting the white of the nightgown peeking out from beneath his dress, almost like a signal flag. After hauling himself over the iron railing, it proved a short wait for Billy, who pulled a key from around his neck, to join him. They moved to the sturdy wooden door leading into the house. It opened smoothly, Billy having ensured the hinges and lock were well oiled during his previous visits. Inside Forest's suite, the middle of the three children's suites, just as he had been the middle child, the two quietly waited, listening to see if their entrance had been noticed. Deciding everything was fine, Billy nodded for Alister to get ready, which led to the younger brother removing his cloak and dress, handing both to his brother to be stuffed into a cupboard. Next, he removed the ribbon from his hair, to be exchanged for the nightcap in Billy's coat pocket, first letting his pin-curled hair fall down, before gathering most of it underneath the cap. He was ready. Ghosting along behind Billy, Alister followed him through to the next suite, Eleanor's, the simple lock on the door adjoining the two rooms proving no hindrance to Billy's talents. It was a test of his will. He did not believe in ghosts, yet he felt if they did exist, this would be the moment he found out about them. But it was just another quiet and dark room, no spirits waiting to avenge his usurpation, its emptiness offering the only impact upon his psyche. Cracking the door open a slit, Billy looked for restless residents. Finding none, he opened it wider, gesturing Alister out on the landing surrounding the wide and open staircase down to the main floor and holding the doors to the family's suites, only one of which was occupied. It was here Eleanor would haunt. Arriving at the bookshelf, chosen by Billy as to where he should first be spotted, he looked about in approval. From here he could see almost everything; the doors to the other suites, the open area at the bottom of the stairs, many of the doors on the third floor, where the guest rooms and servant's quarters were found, and he could even see the stairs, at the far wall, used by those servants. Yet, at the same time, it was close to the escape of Eleanor's room and within range of whispered orders from Billy. He turned, looked back to nod at his brother, then winced as Billy slammed Eleanor's door shut, almost immediately opening it again to share the watch. A nervous wait began, wondering if anybody had heard the noise, if it had woken people from their slumber, if they would come to investigate, or if it would be treated as just another night sound in the big house. In the end, Alister did not need Billy's hissed warning to hear the clumping walk, he been told to expect from Charles, the night doorman. Turning as if looking for a book in the bookshelf, he did not flinch as the glow of the man's lantern crept upwards from the floor below. He waited. "Now." At the whispered command, Alister assumed his most pathetic look, which he used while begging, then turned, looking over the railing towards where the gaping man stood. Watching Charles' eyes widen and his mouth drop, Alister stared, no change in his own expression. Only when the man took an involuntary step forward, did he react. Letting a pout, which Percival had told him was a common fixture on Eleanor's own face whenever she was caught doing something improper, wash away the pathetic look, he turned away from the man, almost seeming to glide in his nightgown, Alister moved to and through Eleanor's door, Billy slamming it shut behind him. Now was the time for hurry, the two scurried through into Forest's room, locking this door behind them, waiting to hear if curiosity or fear would earn pride of place in Charles' thoughts. At first it seemed the second, but then they heard the clumps on the landing outside Forest's door, lantern light sneaking underneath, accompanied by a steady mutter. "It's the drink. Has to be the drink. I cannot of seen the young miss. I cannot have." Following this, they heard the door to Eleanor's open, though the doorman did not enter, seemingly content to only look inside. Seeing nothing amiss, Charles closed it again and retreat the way he had come, still muttering. "See Charles, yer just being daft. It wasn't the young miss, just yer imagination." This was as much as they had hoped to accomplish for their night, to create a mystery, it was time to leave. Sharing a grin, they reversed the steps of their arrival, and made their way back to Percival's. Only then did they let lose the laughter that had been building up inside. *** The second night of their haunting was an exact replica of the first. They took the third day off, only to repeat it on the fourth. On the fifth they received no response, no matter how many times they slammed the door. Worried, they retreated back to Percival's, questioning what had gone wrong. That mystery was solved the next day, when Billy made his way to the tavern that the always talkative Charles visited during the afternoon, to have a drink with his cronies. There he overheard the man lamenting how nobody believed that he had seen Miss Eleanor's ghost and that he was now ignoring her when she crossed back into the land of the living. Discussing this at supper that evening, the three conspirators decided it was time to go after their second target, the maids. Despite their admiration for the women's victory over dust, even in the unused suites of the dead children, which allowed the haunters to move about without leaving sign of their mischief. So one night later, the two brothers once more found themselves in the house and Eleanor's suite. But this time they had work to do before they drew any attention to their presence. Opening the door to the bed chamber off the sitting room, the two entered and began opening closets until Alister spotted what they were after, a white linen nightgown, alike enough to the one he wore as to make no difference. Taking the somewhat musty item from where it hung, he arranged it upon the quilt as if it held someone's sleeping form. Meanwhile Billy opened the curtains in both rooms, letting the full moon shine in, making both nightgowns seem to glow. Lastly, Alister returned to the sitting room, where he took a book of Shakespeare's sonnets, which Percival had informed them was Eleanor's favourite, from the desk, back into the bed chamber. There, struggling with his poor reading skills, taught to him using the family Bible by his mother, though it had long ago disappeared, he looked for Sonnet LVII, again per Percival's recommendation. Finding it marked by a folded piece of paper, he passed that to Billy to be shoved out of sight into a pocket, he sat the book, opened to the sonnet, on a pillow. Taking a deep breath, trying to dispel his nerves, Alister went through the ingrained procedure of opening the door to the landing. However, this time he did not move out onto the landing, instead he stood within its frame, only his shadow, cast by the pale beams of moonlight, establishing his presence outside of Eleanor's rooms. There he waited, eyes darting about, watching for anybody, while Billy ventured back into the bed chamber to pull a wire, connected to a bell in the room of one of the maids. They waited, but there was no reaction. Again Billy pulled the wire, then one more time. Alister had begun to think that the bell had been disconnected when he notice a crack appear in the door frame of one of the third floor's rooms. Turning his gaze towards it, the pout in place, he watched as that crack grew larger, candle-light filling it, then the room's occupant, cautiously crept out, hesitantly looking over the banister, and locking gazes with Alister. She screamed. Not having expected this reaction, Alister quickly backed into the room, turning a questioning look towards Billy. His brother did not even stop to think, rushing into Forest's room, locking the door as soon as Alister followed. Opening the cupboard he dug out Alister's old dress and tossed it to him. Catching the urgency, the younger brother spared no time pulling it over his head, not worrying about the nightcap. Just as quickly he wrapped the cloak around him, now hearing shouted questions from beyond the suite's door. They had stirred up the rat's nest, it was best to get out quickly. On the balcony, the door locked behind them, Billy did not even wait for Alister to climb down the trellis, instead he picked his brother up and like a trapeze artist, hung him over the side of the railing, dropping him the last number of feet, to tumble upon his bum. In turn, he barely touched more than three of the trellis' rungs before he jumped down, landing in a crouch, once more picking up Alister, who was holding a foot, a grimace on his face, Billy ran for the shadows, ducking into the alley they used every time they had ghosted into the townhouse. There he set Alister down, offering his arm as support as they turned to look at the house, watching lantern light chase away moonlight from within Eleanor's room. Three men spilled out onto her balcony, the same as Forest's, to look into the dark. One was Charles, who could be heard saying his told-ya-so's, but it was at the other two that Alister looked, guessing one to be his father. His eyes settled upon the thinner of the pair, with dark hair, and features somewhat coarser than his or Eleanor's, though similar to his son's, if the portraits of the three children, hanging at the top of the stairs, were to be believed. And in this moment he realized he felt nothing towards the man. No love, no hate, no disgust, nothing. To Alister he was just another rich bastard who cared not a bit if he and Billy lived or died. Currently, Leroy Chester did not appear the debonair gentleman he had been reported to be. Standing in his nightshirt, he wildly looked about, finally snapping at Charles. "Quiet man, I'm tired of your blathering. And Doris, do be quiet as well, I'm trying to think." The sobbing, which they had heard coming through the balcony door, choked off. A plaintive voice replacing it. "It was just too horrible, Master Leroy, the young Miss standing there looking so sad. My heart broke all over again." "Nonsense, it was just the moonlight." He answered, sounding much less sure of himself than he wished to appear. "But, how do you explain the bell, and Miss Eleanor's nightgown, and favourite book?" Pausing to come up with an answer, Leroy Chester suddenly realized he was standing out in the open, on display for all the world to see his problems. Decorum reared its head, and he waved the two inside, closing the door, and shutting away the rest of the conversation from Alister and Billy's ears. "Damn, sorry, Ali. Are you okay?" "Umm, I think so, though I may have twisted my ankle when I hit the ground." "Can you walk?" "If you give me hand, I think I can." "Okay, we better get going. Hisself is going to be quite interested in hearing about this." "Aye, we sure stirred them up." *** Hearing what happened put a large smile on Percival's face, but he also decided that it was best to lay low for the next while. Not that Alister was fit for ghosting about, his ankle having swollen to triple its normal size. So while he convalesced, the two men were out and about seeking for any hints of what was going on in the Chester household. It did not take them long to hear rumours of what

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Pauline The Slut Part 7 The Trip Home

On the way home we pulled in to a roadside cafe. My husband went to the boot of the car and I followed. He took out a dog collar with the word "SLUT" written on it. "Please, don't." He fastened it around my neck. We went into the cafe. There were 6 customers, all male, a waitress and a bar tender. I started to head for a booth but my husband insisted that we sit up at the bar. I struggled with my skirt to cover my behind on the high stool. "Leave it alone, let everyone have a good look at your...

2 years ago
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Sunday afternoon with 2 shemales

It is Sunday afternoon and I had a rough night. Ricky has been away for 3 days on business. I have been horny all night and morning. I used my toys but I need a warm body. A cock. I called Mark and asked if he was available but he told me was working a double shift and wouldn’t be finished till the morning. I called my girlfriend Carol and she told me she had a male friend coming over and plans on having a great time. I called Ricky and told him of my problem; I needed to get fucked and I could...

2 years ago
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The Long and the Short of ItChapter 8

Christopher was excited about the forthcoming weekend. It should be fun. He had indeed warmed to Jenny. Now that she had shed her shyness and therefore her 'jolly hockey sticks' she had shown herself to be a considerate, friendly, intelligent and amusing girl. Certainly friendly in the light of her remark about wanting him to share her bed last Friday and inviting herself to spend two nights with him this coming weekend. He was mildly concerned by it in fact. Was she an easy lay? More...

2 years ago
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SurprisesChapter 15 Jack

The cab driver took one look at me and leered, then propositioned me. I thought about slapping him but just ignored him. He simply figured that a young blonde leaving a hotel in the early morning dressed in an evening gown was a call girl. I let him drive me home and gave him the money Jerry had given me for the cab. I wasn’t sure whether I should be angry or pleased, to think that men would pay me money for my company. I was not about to undertake a career change! I got home and found the...

3 years ago
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Dating My Daughter 8211 Season 2 Part 1

Hello ISS readers, I am back with season 2  ‘Dating My Daughter’ series. I know it’s been a while, so here is a quick gist of what happened in season 1. My daughter Amy, who has been away for more than a decade, came to visit me to get to know me. She even brought her beautiful petite friend Elena. Another friend of hers lived in my city. She works at a cafe, and her name is Jen. I got close to her during her visit, and things progressed both emotionally and sexually between...

1 year ago
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Eporner Cuckold

Eporner comes with a healthy dose of cuckold porn for your horny, porn-wanting eyeballs. A library with over ten thousand videos all dealing with cuckold to some degree. It's certainly enough to keep you entertained for quite a while until you beat your meat into submission. Or finger your pussy until those sweet convulsions consume you. Cuckold comes in a few flavors. It always involves the wife being unfaithful to her husband who probably can't satisfy her anymore. In other situations, he's...

Cuckold Porn Sites
4 years ago
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The Deal with my Mistress

All Rights Reserved "The Deal with my Mistress" by: tcs1963 "Come on chaste boi, keep on sucking those big and juicy cocks. After he shoots off I want you to show me his big load of cum in your mouth before you swallow." I knelt on the filthy floor of the adult arcade. I imagined all the men lining up next-door to my booth, waiting to deposit their cum in my sissy mouth and throat as they use me as their personal cum receptacle. My Mistress was literally egging them on to be more...

1 year ago
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College Romp

My name is Malcolm. I was a virgin until one amazing night in my sophomore year of college. There were a lot of hot girls at my school and I was friends with a lot of them, but I had never been able to turn it into a sexual thing. My first girlfriend in high school, who I was still with my entire freshman year, never let me get past feeling her tits outside her bra, then she dumped me. During the first couple months of my sophomore year I looked at a lot of girls that I wanted to get naked...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 295

Makeeda did not phone Laura from Japan, as she had promised to do. As the time wore on, and she didn't call, Laura felt more and more wistful about it, but not really angry. She knew she herself had not called Makeeda from Dallas, after having promised to. They were both a little skittish about talking over the phone, since there was clearly so much emotion packed into their friendship, and the potential for misunderstanding so plain. Still, she did daydream about her all the time. In spite...

1 year ago
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MillpondChapter 6

At the sound of the shotgun blast, Jason and Becky had grabbed for any clothes that they could find and quickly extinguished the candles. In the darkness, they clutched each other and listened. The sound of shouting and bright glow of spotlights came from back at the campfire. "Something is very wrong, Jason, and I'm scared," whispered Becky. "What are we going to do?" "I'm scared too, but we have to go find out what is going on. Maybe it is just a prank or something. Let's go look....

2 years ago
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Something Very Special

Something Very SpecialBy: Londebaaz Chohan For some much unknown reason or reasons, the passing year was very busy. Other than her part-time job, Candice worked as a volunteer in couple of the charitable organizations, keeping her busy till much late in the evening. Michael was also on the fast track and in spite of their desire to slow down in life had not been possible. They had not taken any mini vacations this year, like they had not gone to the beach even once throughout the summer. They...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Kayla Paris Yoga Babe Likes To Fuck

Slim yoga babe Kayla Paris likes to fuck and can’t wait to give you a New Year POV performance you won’t forget! The brunette hottie with blue eyes, full red lips, and an incredibly sexy ass stretches on the yoga mat and poses in her skin-tight workout clothes. The light-skinned athletic glamour model from the United States stars in today’s boy-girl hardcore action by DDF Network, showing off her yoga moves and bending forward into downward-facing dog while lifting her amazing...

1 year ago
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Bubbly Bhabhi And Malai

Hi, guys and girls, I hope you liked my previous sexstory and like my previous story this is also true. As the title says this story is about how my neighbor and I started having sex with each other. First I’ll describe my neighbor whom I call bhabhiji. Her name is bubbly and she lives in the house front of my house. She’s very busty, have two kids and her husband is a bank manager who lives in another city because of his job. He settled his wife and children in one place so that his children’s...

3 years ago
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Into the Unknowable Ch 01

The Anomaly – 3755 C.E. What could be seen looked very much like a lion. It was a lion, however, whose tail was alive in a way a lion’s tail should never be. Instead of gathering in a tassel, the tail ended with the head and body of a snake that hissed and curled around itself. It was a lion moreover that had the head of a goat arising absurdly from the middle of its back beyond the mane and above the lion’s shoulders. The apparition roared. It hissed. It bleated. And then it vanished. The...

1 year ago
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A Road Trip Surprise

I graduated sometime in mid-June 2002. During my last semester, I started interviewing for software developer jobs. I accepted a position as a junior developer for a small business in Portland, about 8 hours north. The company was a total of no more than 40 people. The IT department consisted of two people, my boss and me. My boss was an older man probably in his mid-50s. He seemed like a genuine position. He was eager to have a young developer that he could mentor.I woke up early that Saturday...

4 years ago
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Getting Caught While lsquoparkingrsquo

I’ve always loved outdoor sex (probably because of the way I got started in it) then, as a teen, was introduced to the back seat of a car. Over the years there were some times that we were almost caught – back roads, parking lots, drive-in movies and a few other places.There were times that a guy at a bookstore would take me out for a nice long one then bring me back to enjoy the rest of my evening.Jack loved to go parking and, most of the time, nothing happened except for a good time. The...

2 years ago
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Center of Attention

Introduction: So youre not going to believe what I just got back from doing. Im sitting here on my computer about to write down the story of what happened tonight because I DONT WANT TO FORGET A SINGLE DETAIL! My girlfriend is now laying in bed asleep after putting on the performance of her life. She earned it! So youre not going to believe what I just got back from doing. Im sitting here on my computer about to write down the story of what happened tonight because I DONT WANT TO FORGET A...

2 years ago
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How I became Suzy the slut

How I became Suzy the SlutFirst let me describe myself at the time. I was 155 pounds 5 foot, ten and in good shape my body hair was sparse and my figure was on the feminine side with a narrow waist and a bubble butt and my nipples are quite big for a male.  However I am pretty well endowed with a thick seven inch cock. If I wore a tight tee shirt and my nipples were perked I would get a lot of looks from both men and women. Like most males I did not pay any attention to my nipples but the other...

3 years ago
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Han Jobs Handjob Series

I’ve already written a few stories about my time with Han.  When I peruse the list of story categories on this site, I feel pretty sure that we made worthwhile content for most of them.  A few of the subjects, I would have preferred to have done without.Oddly, despite having this treasure trove of experience with Han, I sometimes have a hard time recalling specific occasions.  If I’d only slept with Han a few times, I surely would have remembered all the highlights.  Being together for over two...

4 years ago
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Extreme Toyland

----Note from the author: This chapter was rewritten in October 2010 with a new POV and some minor storyline changes.----Introduction This is an actual account of the events as they happened during the startup period of the adult web site company Owned and operated by Mistress Lisa, the company aims to cater images and videos of extreme sadomasochism to subscribers who can also submit scenarios and dares to the production team.All of the sessions are held at Lisa's large...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Nadia 01262021

This week we have quite the treat for you! We’ve got Nadia – she’s sexy, shy and has a sincere “girl next door” vibe about her. Nadia just graduated college with a degree in accounting, but since no one is hiring she’s looking for a career in porn instead. During the interview, she’s soft spoken… even a little hesitant. Slowly, she opens up and then reveals her promiscuous sexual history (apparently boating around the South of France is where...

2 years ago
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Lucys Lesson

This is my first attempt, and reflects a more gentle theme thanmy own fantasies. I hope it is pleasing to someone though. xx It was cold and Lucy drew her coat around her as she hurried homefrom work. Tonight's shift had seemed to drag on for hours, and she stillhad a long walk in front of her. Damn Jason for not fixing the brakes onthe car. She forgot how many times she'd asked him to do it.As she walked she became aware of footsteps behind her. Deliberately she steppedup the pace,...

4 years ago
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20 March 2009Chapter 7

“So this is where you both are,” a voice said, startling them. “I turned over in bed to cuddle with my husband and all I got was cold sheets. I figured Jenny would drag you out of bed for another fuck,” Lisa joked. “Hi, Mom,” Jenny smiled looking to her. Lisa went to her knees by Dan and kissed him. She placed a hand on her daughter’s tiny ass and rubbed it then looked down. “You’re fucking her ass?” “Jenny wanted me to.” “And you’re not using a condom?” “I didn’t want him to use one,...

3 years ago
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Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 08

Jake had been retired since 2080, almost two years now. He thought back on his hundred and twelve years of life. He had seen the Third World plight end as the Semitic races, each full of unreasoning hatred for the other, destroyed themselves in nuclear fire. Now, their precious oil fields and fabulous monuments to their historic faiths were a radioactive wasteland. Humankind had not only destroyed Béla, it had also destroyed the race that had been her human half. (That actually wasn’t true;...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 24 Manage Your Team

October 16, 1996, Rutherford, Ohio “I brought my laptop because I don’t have access to a printer.” “That’s OK. If you don’t mind my looking at the screen, it’ll work just fine.” “The important files are encrypted with complex passwords.” “Very wise.” I opened the file with the things I liked and didn’t like about NIKA, then turned the computer to face Bill. He spent a couple of minutes reading, which told me he read it at least twice. When he finished he turned the computer back to me...

3 years ago
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faggots dream truckers delight

Truck drivers, what can you say. Just think about it, those handsome men on the long haul with nothing to do but drive and think. And I’m sure they’re just like most men, their minds wander to sex.I’m in a lucky position; my career allows me to do an immense amount of travel, where ever I want, whenever I want. I usually stay on the road myself during the warm months. It allows me and the truckers to wear less clothing.There was this one time on the interstate I saw a most handsome trucker....

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Defloration sex education in OlsztynPL st5

Next day when Irene woke up, she knew that it would be a great day again and her boyfriend would make love to her and bring her joy. And maybe even his b*o again.Irene was still in doubt, what to think about her boyfriends b*o using her vagina too. She had never heard about women having two husbands. Her moral education still said, that it wasn’t right. But reality had proven, that he was gentle and good looking and last not least it was him who had sent her to both orgasms in her life and the...

2 years ago
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Nobless Oblige

Yes, I sent you the contract and a diskette.  I think this is the version you bought.  Go ahead and cut as you suggested.                                Noblesse Oblige                                                                         by Abe        Old Shedeur, my father's trusted advisor, reminded me:        "My Lord Harald, tonight you must exercise your droit de seigneur; you must deflower a bride."        I was aware that lords do that, but I had been serving my uncle, Sir Einar, as...

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The Most Fun Game

Andrew Carrick raced up the ice. The 19 year old high school senior out of Michigan's own Harlan High school was one of the top players on his high school team. Originally drafted by the London Knights of the Ontario Hockey League, Andrew was cut halfway through the year for obnoxious behaviour (ie. Getting drunk, fucking too may girls, fucking too many drunk girls) and was sent back to his high school team, the Harlan Oilers. He called for a pass, and sophomore Sandy McScuggs sent it over....

1 year ago
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NewSensations Mila Monet Mila Has A Better Way To Pay

Hot and slutty teen schoolgirl Mila is an hour late again for her after class tutorial and tutor Van is not having it anymore. He lets her know her excuses are not working as he sees what she is up to on her gram and it must stop, because what he is getting paid is not worth it. Well, now Mila has a much better way to pay him as she asks to be tied up and for Van to have some fun with her young teen body. Mila drops to her knees sucking down his cock as Van fucks her hot hungry mouth. But once...

2 years ago
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Life main shortcut

Hello Doston, Main Sameer Mumbai se Apni Doosri Kahani le ke hazir hoon aap ne meri pahli kahani “my sweet and sexy girlfriend.”zaroor Padhi hogi agar nahin padhi to plz padh lain aaj main aap ko apne ek dost ki sunai hui kahani submit kar raha hoon Ye Vrinda ki kahani hai. Uski kahani main usi ki zubaan main likh raha hoon. Main hu Vrinda. Bachpan se hi main shararati aur natkhat rahi hu. Mujhe hamesha apna kaam nikalane se matlab raha hai. Uske liye jo bhi raasta ikhtiyar karna pade, chahe wo...

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The Maturation Of VinnieChapter 9

She led me to the bedroom and it was all I could do to keep from tearing that lovely dress off her. I wanted this to be perfect but I had no idea how. My experience with women was just as a way to get my rocks off. I mean, that's kind of crude, but that's all it was. That's not what Dana was all about and it's not how I wanted it to be with her either. I was going to have to let her lead me and tell me what she wanted and do my best to make her happy. It was a totally new deal for...

3 years ago
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The Education Of Preeti 8211 Part II

Thanks for all the comments and ideas.. feel free to share as many of them as you want.. girls and women, feel free to contact for any or no reason at all.. :) Changed to first person narration for this part! The days following the first lesson I gave Preeti, we became even more closer. So close that we began sharing everything. She told me she doesn’t like sleeping in a different room, and every night she came to my room to sleep. I never thought Preeti was the aggressive type girl. But the...

4 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 78

I spent one more day at Iskar and then I fled the city. That day turned out to be a very long and tense one and I quickly lost my taste for the adventure. What I saw and heard during the day just made me want to head home. We ended up with four types of slaves as a result of our efforts. There were those that wanted nothing to do with me and my people. They grabbed what they could and then they fled Iskar in the hope of eventually finding some place safe where they could start life a new. I...

2 years ago
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Book 1 Milady and the DragonChapter 6 Decisions

Jack paced back and forth in Drapper's small room until Drapper was about to grab him and toss him out on his no longer pointy ears "will you sit down!, your making me dizzy with all your pacing and mutterings, he will be here when he gets here." "Marluxion!! of all the dragons to have to show up, why him, why couldn't it have been some other dragon? why Marluxion, the most ancient of them all." "He will blast us all, we'll be charred embers, one glare of his silver eyeballs can make...

2 years ago
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Best Ever Taboo Sex

Best Ever Taboo Sex By: Londebaaz Chohan Oouuff, the dilemma, the mental burden was immense. It was Christmas time to be jolly and happy but I was quite uptight. I was not sure, if I did the right thing to visit back home.My name is Christopher. I am a Sophomore year, University student; I mean I had just started the Sophomore year. Since the sad demise of my parents in a road mishap; I and my younger sister Rebecca had been living with some relatives and for the last about a year with our...

1 year ago
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Fulfilling A Girls Male Fantasy Part 2

Since our first meeting had gone so well, Jennifer and I started going out together. Other than the fact that in the bedroom I was the "man" only about half the time, it was a fairly normal relationship, apart from possibly being even more open with each other about our desires. One day a couple of months after our first encounter, we were both in her room talking and listening to music. "Kat's having a party next weekend," she told me. Katrina, Kat for short, was one of her friends, who I got...

She Males
2 years ago
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The cuckold waiting room

My wife was telling me about a customer that can to her office. As they talked while waiting on her appointment with the company owner she told my wife about a " cuckold club" back home that she belongs to. The wife's come in with their husbands. The wife goes into a private room while the husband sets and waits in a waiting room. The wife's are serviced by their choice if bull. They have black or white well hung guys that are professional love makers. The husbands talk to each other while...

1 year ago
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Thank God for Dick Pics

She dropped her phone on the table, and stabbed at her salad with a frown. “What’s up?” Ryan asked. “Ugh. Nothing but dick pics.” She continued scowling into her salad. “I’d say men are gross, but that’s not exactly news.” “Dick ... pics?” Ryan asked before he thought better of it. Ryan and Maria had been having lunch together for months, but never veered into anything ... salacious before. She glanced up, and blushed. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.” “No worries, I just didn’t...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 154 Homemakers Hour

Tuesday morning, Donna and I followed Dad, Rhonda, and Samantha to the fair. Dad was driving the truck and pulling the horse trailer with Gypsy and Princess contentedly drowsing in the back. Once we got to the fair, we loaded the horses out and got them into their stalls. We had two bales of hay and a bucket of oats for the girls, even though they'd only be there for three nights. The rest of the stuff, though, was like moving an entire barn. Sam and Rhonda had a two-page checklist of what...

3 years ago
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Fun with frozen cum

Since I have been super busy with school (masters) and really just have 2 fuck buddies that I see its been a slow couple months for me. A blk guy that my husband has sucked off before is a nurse at a local hospital and when he found out I had a serious creampie fetish he had a fun idea. He asked all of his friends if they wanted to jerk off into a condom and take a picture. He would then get all of the condoms together and get me to make a movie of me sticking it in me. I was game because it...

2 years ago
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Can You Be Cukolded By a Woman

Dora answered the door, knowing full well who was on the other side.  TT, also known as Theresa Tammy, her babysitter.  She lived just a few houses down and had become almost a member of the family since the baby was born.  Dora loved her because she was so perfect with the little one, so gentle and caring.  She came by not to babysit but at Dora’s request.  She had no idea why she was here, and knowing how innocent TT was, Dora was afraid she might ruin something she felt was so innocent and...

1 year ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 20 Irsquove Had The Time of My Life

Robertson’s House, Komoka, Ontario 10:38pm, Saturday, November 24, 1979 “Are you sure your folks are good with us like ... being naked in your hot tub?” Tempe asked as I pulled the sliding glass door to their living room closed. With her pink and purple polo up over her head, Lynette laughingly asked, “Is our nudist girl afraid of being naked in my hot tub?” “No-ah! I just wanna make sure before we stripped off our clothes, that’s all,” Tempe replied but quickly pulled her London-Western...

3 years ago
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Enjoyed With My Fiance 8211 Part I

Hi this is Rahul going to narrate a sexy hot and romantic story which is 100% true and happened with me few months before. First let me introduce myself I am Rahul, age 27 working in an MNC and I stay in Chennai and basically from Odisha. My one and only hobby is to go gym. I am like a hunk and well-built as far as my body is concerned. My family stays in Bhubaneswar and in my family only mother is there as my father has expired when I was a kid. My mom works as Govt. employee. So after...

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A Drop Of Inque1

Most call it, "The Big Apple." New York is also the home for all sorts of crazies. They range from self-appointed mercenary groups to would-be superheroes. A day doesn't go by that the news doesn't report the daring deeds of the Guardian Angels, Hells Angels, Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Dare Devil, Wonder Woman, Captain America, the Flash, the Green Hornet, the Green Lantern, the Incredible Hulk, the Six Million Dollar Man, the X-men, The Tomorrow People, the Mighty Morphin'...

3 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 9

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 9) "So tell me about your conversation with Heather," Brenda said as they were driving home. "My God, Brenda," Bill began. "I am so blown away by this on so many levels..." Brenda smiled. Bill continued... "I had no idea the full extent of what Total Transformation can do. I've been thinking about how they can take the potential of the sensory input technology so much further and in so many directions. But now,...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 32

This one is compliments of John, the Earl of Ucolta! For several years, a man was having an affair with an Italian woman. One night, she confided in him that she was pregnant. Not wanting to ruin his reputation or his marriage, he said he would pay her a large sum of money if she would go to Italy to secretly have the child. Furthermore, if she stayed in Italy to raise the child, he would also provide child support until the child turned 18. She agreed, but asked how he would know when...

2 years ago
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A Shot In The DarkChapter 8

Mike and Jennie sat at the small dinette in the kitchen, and, between the two of them, they ate a whole large pizza. While they worked on their lunch, they discussed their American History class, and the test that loomed for the following Wednesday. If someone had been eavesdropping, their conversation couldn't have sounded more innocent. The fact that Jennie was topless and had been casually tweaking at one of her nipples, pulling on it, then squeezing it, before massaging all around her...

1 year ago
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A Cumslut is Born

This was it. Today was the day. Julian was about to do what he had longed to do for years. Julian was a standard heterosexual forty-something, to everyone on the outside. Julian loved to look at porno in private. He and his wife’s sex life had done what most of them do after twenty years or so, but he still had the desire. So he supplemented their once-every-few-months flings with porno. A few years back, he started to take an interest in shemales. There were some beautiful ones out there, and...

2 years ago
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Husbands revenge

Linda's GPS announced her arrival at her destination as she pulled off the side road and coasted across the car park toward the front of the warehouse. Lifting the hood of her shell jacket over her head to protect her from the rain, she grabbed her canvas bag from the passenger seat and darted outside, avoiding the waterlogged potholes as she ran toward the building. The steel roll-up door in front of her was open a few feet, and she ducked under it and into the warehouse, shaking herself to...

3 years ago
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Amateur Status

"God Janet - I'm telling you that I'm nearly climbing the walls. I mean at first it was really sweet being with a guy that didn't try to fuck on the first date. But we've been dating for over two months and he hasn't done anything more than just seriously grope me. Matt is driving me crazy!" Miranda complained into her phone as she became increasingly aware of a severe itch between her big toes that hadn't been scratched in a long time. Her hand moved absent-mindedly up her thigh and...

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Beth and grandpa john

Authors note.This is a prequel to another story called (Beth, Simon and Robin too) in which a reference is made to Beth's past when she had an affair, it's an old/young story about her affair with her then boyfriends grandpa. It's a one off story about their first encounter. Beth's story.I'd seen that look hundreds of times before.From lots of different guy's, all types, from groups of youths on street corners to business men in suits driving flash cars. This was different. He was different.I...

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