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I am the last teacher in the world I would expect to
sleep with one of her students. I am good-looking, I
have had plenty of boyfriends, and have never been what
I would consider some kind of slut.

This is what happened to me last spring. Names changed
to protect the guilty.

I have been a teacher at Andrew Jackson Middle School
for over six years.

Bobby Hunter was just an average 13 year old k** in my
fourth period class. About 5'6", dark hair, blue eyes,
average build. I never looked at him twice, or any of
the other boys for that matter.


One day in May, as class was letting out, Bobby was
walking past my desk on his way out of class, and I
felt his gaze on my chest. It was a warm day and I had
worn a blouse that showed just an inch or two of
cleavage. It is not unusual for boys to look down my
blouse, and I don't mind. My philosophy is what the
hell, let them look.

I looked back at him, expecting him to flush and move
on when he saw that I had caught him staring. Then I
noticed, right in front of my desktop, that he had a
simply enormous boner in his pants.

I didn't realize what it was at first -- just a big
lump that was distending the front of his pants to a
considerable degree. I honestly wondered what it was,
and when it occurred to me that he had an erection, I
was too surprised to even blush.

I stared back, and when I realized that I was staring
at a 13 year old boy's crotch I quickly averted my
gaze. Bobby walked on out of the room. I was surprised
to feel my nipples tingling and hardening in my bra,
and I was glad that he wasn't there to see it.

I had just had a pussy-dampening experience with a
student. Well, he was kind of cute. I thought about
him off and on throughout the rest of the day, and
fantasized about that big erection.

That night I dreamed about him. I don't remember all
of the dream, just that we were alone somewhere and I
was trying to get his pants off and I couldn't get
them off because they kept snagging on his hard-on,
and I was unbelievably horny.

I woke up dripping wet between my legs and finished
myself off with my hand, masturbating furiously. My
clitoris was jutting out like the prow of a ship.

The next day my closest friend on the teaching staff,
Cathy Barton, and I had a lunch date, and over lunch
I told her the whole thing.

Cathy looked thoughtful. "You know, I know of at least
three teachers who have had affairs with students
here," she said. "Two men, and one woman. One of the
men was caught and nearly fired, but they hushed it up

"Who was the woman? The one who had an affair with a
student, I mean."

"I'm not telling. I'll tell you who the student was.
Do you know Raymond Anthony?"

"Oh, him? I had him in my class two years ago. He's in
the ninth grade now, right? He seems like a pretty
average boy. What was the attraction?"

"Well...he isn't a perfectly average boy, if you catch
my drift. He's really quite big for his age, where it
counts. All the girls in the ninth grade know about
him, he has a reputation."

"What sort of reputation?"

"Well, the rumor that was going around a few months
ago was that he was still a virgin...because every
girl he tried it with found out it was too big to fit
in her. Three different girls felt it at his sister's
slumber party. They were playing Post Office."

"And he slept with a teacher?"

"One of the teachers heard about it and decided to help
him with his little problem." Cathy giggled at this.
"But it's a big secret."

"I'll bet it was that Miss Josephson who teaches
Geography. She's such a little slut. The boys drool
over her."

"Well, it wasn't her, and she really isn't such a slut.
People just think she is because she's got big boobs.
Yours are almost as big, but nobody thinks you're a

"Because of the glasses. And I don't dress to show off
my figure when I'm at school. I made an exception
yesterday, and look what happened from just showing an
inch of cleavage."

"You should. You really do have a nice rack on you,
you know. I'm not surprised he was looking. Why don't
you unbutton another button on that thing you're wear-
ing today, and see if he notices?"

"Oh, my god, no." I giggled. "You make me feel like
such a perv. Like this?" And I unbuttoned one more
button at the top of my blouse, tugged it down and
carefully arranged the lapels.

"That's better. You can see your boobs now, but not
too much, and the edge of your bra."

I rebuttoned. "Well, we'll see. I don't really think
I'm going to go trolling for a 13 year old to look
down my blouse."

But I did, of course. At the end of the fourth period
I couldn't resist and undid the button again and tugged
my blouse downward. Sure enough, as Bobby walked by my
desk after I dismissed the class he stared at my chest.

I couldn't resist teasing him a little bit -- he really
is a nice looking boy -- so I beckoned to him and
leaned forward over my desk while I asked him about a
homework assignment, deliberately thrusting my 36D tits
in his face and taking a deep breath to expand my chest.

Now ordinarily I wear sensible underwear to school but
as it happened that morning all of my sensible under-
wear was in the dirty hamper; and the stuff I usually
save for dates was clean, since I hadn't been out on a
date in months. It wasn't a conscious decision, but I
just happened to put on one of those bras that you wear
when you want to show a little. Not a WonderBra, or
something out of the Victoria's Secret catalog, but you
could pretty easily tell I was a big girl.

He noticed alright. Mother used to refer to them, when
she was being funny, as my "boy magnets". He was
magnetized. His face reddened and while I continued to
talk about the assignment, Bobby nodding as though he
was paying attention while he clearly was not hearing
a word I said, I snuck a peek at his crotch.

Something behind his zipper lengthened and stiffened
into a big thick lump that jutted out from his pants
and pumped back and forth a little, straining against
the fabric. I was fascinated. It was like some kind of
a****l mating display in a nature documentary.

Once again I felt my nipples hardening. Would it show?
In this bra, yes, when my nipples were erect they poked
through. Would he notice? I looked down at myself and I
could see a big bump where the left nipple was sticking
out. I was breathing hard. This little game of I'll-
show-you-mine-if-you-show-me-yours had gone far enough.

"So you'll have it in by the end of the week?" I asked
with a smile.

"Yes, Miss Wanshel," he choked out.

"Good. See you in class tomorrow." I smiled at him and
tried to meet his eyes -- he still wasn't looking me in
the face -- and then turned around to erase the black-
board. My nipples stuck out half an inch. I looked
obscene. I rearranged my clothes, fastened the button
and thought of horrible things until I could feel the
swelling in my areolae going down.

That night I dreamed about him again. This time I had
no problem getting his pants down. He was big and thick
between my legs, pumping hard, and I was gasping and
moaning and almost about to come for what seemed in the
dream like a very long time.

I woke up in a sweat with a damp spot under me on the
bed, and hurriedly finished myself off, one hand shov-
ing fingers up inside me and the other rubbing my clit
hard until I came. There was no time to reach for the
vibrator and no need for it. My orgasm lasted almost a

The next morning was Wednesday, and I wasn't supposed
to meet Cathy but she sent me a note between classes
suggesting we do lunch again. I met her on our break
and we got into her car and drove out toward a ham-
burger place on the highway.

"He's in my fifth period class. He's such a little
dreamboat. God, I'm even envious that he has a crush
on you," she said once we were in the car. "So, what
happened in class yesterday?"

I told her all the gory details. She wanted to know
how big his bulge was, and whether any of the other
boys noticed my boobs, and whether any of the girls
noticed his erection. And which bra I had worn today.

"I'm not showing any cleavage today. I don't want to
be known as a slut."

"What are you wearing tomorrow, then?"

She tried to convince me I should wear something clingy
and go braless. Or a miniskirt. Going braless works if
you're built like her, but it's a mistake if you are a
D cup, and there is in fact a dress code for teachers
at Andrew Jackson Middle School that specifically pro-
hibits miniskirts. So I convinced her that I was going
to wear what I usually wear, regardless.

"He really is good-looking. Have you thought about it?"

"About what?"

"About whether you really want to do it with him?"

"He's a boy! Thirteen years old!"

"I know, but look, you're dreaming about him. Two
nights in a row. Once you start dreaming about a man
you're probably going to give in, in the end."

"He's not a man, he's a boy."

She giggled. "He's big enough. So, what do we have
here? Just a young man, a sympathetic older woman, and
a little private lesson in sex education. In France it
would be considered perfectly normal."

"Nobody considers it normal here. Here, I could go to

"I consider it normal. Look, there are at least two
male teachers doing the same thing, and they aren't
going to jail. If you get called into the principal's
office you just deny everything, and I'll back you up
that you were somewhere else when the boy says he was
doing you. And if they don't buy that you threaten to
expose the male teachers that have been screwing 15
year old girls, since it's not fair you should get
fired while they get covered up."

So we went round and round about it and completely
missed the chance to get lunch -- we grabbed a couple
of containers of yogurt on the way back to school. She
convinced me that my libido was completely wrapped up
in this and that I wouldn't be free of it until I gave
in and did it. Also, she told me a few things about
Raymond Anthony that really whetted my appetite...

", when she unzipped him, you know what she finds?
Nine inches. And he's only 15. Imagine when he's in
college -- he's going to be hung like a horse. He'll
have to have penis-reduction surgery."

Hmmm. "I've never had one that big. I've never even
seen nine inches, in real life. I'd be afraid of being
banged in the cervix. Besides, it's really two things
that matter -- is it wide enough to fill you up, and
can he keep it hard long enough until you come."

"In his case, it's thick enough, and he does come like
a jackrabbit the first two times. But they do it about
five times in one session."

"Good grief."

"He's fifteen years old. That's what you have a younger
lover for. They can screw for hours, you have to fight
them off when you start getting sore. And he has lots
of energy. Not like some 40 year old guy who's going to
roll off you and take a nap after he comes."

I paused thoughtfully for a moment. "Raymond's not my

"Yeah, too bad he's taken, isn't it. I was just think-
ing the same thing," she laughed. "However, you do have

"Yes, I do." I thought about it. "But suppose Bobby
doesn't have much of a cock when I unzip him, assuming
it ever comes to that?" I was picturing a skinny little
wiener that I couldn't feel touching the sides of my
vagina. I've never had that problem with a man but I
had a girlfriend who did. "What if he just ejaculates
prematurely, and then can't get it hard again?"

"At that age you really don't have to worry about them
not getting hard again. Making it stay down for more
than 5 minutes is the trick. I checked Bobby out in my
class and I don't think you've got much to worry about
in the penis department. He's got a bigger bulge than
the other boys. Isn't that why you noticed him? You've
probably had other boys get hard in your class and
their erections weren't big enough for you to notice.
You probably noticed his because it -- ahem -- "stands
out". I bet he's well hung. Anyway, I know someone who
can find out."


"A boy in one of my classes. He'll tell me. I think
they have gym together so I'll just ask him to check
Bobby out in the shower."

"Omigod, never. You can't ask another boy to do that."

"In this case, I can." She smiled. "He's gay. He tells
me everything, and I keep his secrets. I'll tell him I
have a friend who's interested in Bobby Hunter and that
we want a full report on his endowment."

"Well...just don't mention my name!" I laughed.

I dreamed about Bobby two more times over the weekend,
and had some pretty serious masturbation fantasies even
while I was awake. Mostly I dreamed about a big cock
and getting pounded silly for hours. I needed to get
laid badly.

Monday afternoon I saw Cathy. "I spoke to my little
friend," she said.


"He knows Bobby, and he says Bobby has a big one. Pro-
bably the second most hung boy in the seventh grade,
in his opinion."

My eyes must have brightened. I felt relieved and

"And how hung is that?"

"He's not absolutely sure, but he's blown the boy with
the biggest one, and he said it was this thick." She
held her thumb and forefinger a couple of inches apart.
"He said I couldn't get my hand around it at the
thickest part."

"He blew him? Everybody in this school is getting laid
except us! So which boy is this?"

"He won't say. He's afraid we'll poach on his terri-
tory. But he said Bobby's seems to be almost as well-
developed, judging from what you see in the shower.
He'd like to see it at full-size himself."

I was very pleased at this news, although I knew that
you couldn't always tell from what the boys saw in the
locker room. If you want an accurate report you need to
ask a girl, and there weren't any girls who had seen
Bobby's penis. Yet.

"We are talking like a couple of tarts," I said with a

"We are a couple of tarts."

"I remember when I was the first girl in my class to
wear a real bra. All the seventh grade boys were talk-
ing about me then, just like we're talking about them
now. I got my first B cup when I was 13 and grown men
were hitting on me."

"You seem to have come out of it okay."

"There were a few traumatic moments. Did I ever tell
you about my senior prom? I wore a really low cut gown,
and when I came downstairs my mother said, "Oh, I
didn't know the senior class was going to see the Grand
Canyon!" Right in front of my father and my date! I
could have died."

"God that's terrible. My father used to make cracks
about how flat I was."

"The worst was in the eighth grade, there were these
boys who used to k** me about wearing falsies. And we
were playing this game where you have to do a dare or
take a forfeit, and one time they dared me to prove I
wasn't wearing falsies. I said no way, and they decided
my forfeit was that they would all get to feel me for
10 seconds. And I started to walk away, and one of the
boys grabbed me and pinned my arms back and they all
took turns feeling me."


"The funny thing is, I did sort of enjoy it. I got wet
between my legs. They let me go after they all got a
good feel and I ran home crying, but I was actually
very excited."

"I've always wondered what it was like to have big ones
like yours."

"I've always thought yours are very firm and nicely
shaped. You're lucky."

"The nice thing about them is that they're perky and I
can go without a bra. I just wish they were a size big-

I thought about my breasts on the way back to school.
When I look at myself in the mirror they look big and
soft and and round, nicely shaped and smooth. Would
Bobby like them when he saw me naked? They do sag a
little; and you know, like any woman, once I am com-
pletely undressed I feel a little exposed. They are
certainly big enough and enough men have complimented
me on how good they feel that I felt pretty secure
that he would enjoy touching them. And I would probably
be his first woman, probably the first woman or girl
he had ever seen completely naked close up. If I went
through with this. Was I going to?

I never consciously made up my mind, but after class
later that day I cornered Bobby and asked him about
the overdue assignment which he had promised to hand
in Friday. He apologized and asked for an extension.

"Maybe I could give you some help with it, if that
would make it easier? If you want to show me what
you've got I'll go over it with you," I said.

"Uh, thanks, sure, I guess." He didn't seem the least
bit unhappy with the idea. Being alone with his crush
probably didn't sound bad at all.

"When are you free during the day?"

"Second period."

"That doesn't work for me. Are you free after school


"Well, stay after school and bring your project and
I'll see you here after the last class."

And thus I started down the road to being a statutory

The next morning I took extra care with washing my hair
and applying my makeup. I wore what I consider a very
attractive little black dress, with a scoop neck and a
lowcut semi-pushup type bra. They don't make pushup
bras in my size and this one was about a half-size too
small, which makes you spill out a little over the top.
Over that I wore a very light sweater that I hoped
wouldn't get too warm and make me perspire, because it
was going to have to cover me up until school was out.

It was a long day, and I did perspire, slightly, but
the fan in my classroom helped. I unbuttoned the
sweater at one point and there was so much of me hang-
ing out I had to quickly button up again. I looked like
one of those wenches on the covers of the bodice-ripper
books. If Principal Conway saw me he would either send
me home in the middle of the day, or ask me for a date.
I felt sexy.

During fourth period it was all I could do not to stare
at Bobby. I deliberately looked away and avoided call-
ing on him, although he seemed to be looking at me a
lot. I turned my back while he was walking out at the
end of class so I wouldn't have to interact with him.

And after the last class, after the last student had
left and I was all alone in the classroom, there he was.

I wiped my brow and casually took off the sweater.

"It's a bit warm in here, don't you think? They always
turn off the air conditioner when school lets out," I

He responded to this little bit of strip tease about as
you would expect. His eyes bugged and he stared at my
decolletage. I had sprayed just a little perfume in
there and I wondered if he was smelling the aroma com-
ing off my warm, musky breasts. He was looking right
at them and my nipples were standing out like a couple
of pencil erasers and he saw them too. I made no effort
to hide them. I breathed in deep, pulled my shoulders
back a little and smiled. I couldn't read the expres-
sion on his face.

Cathy's little gay friend, whoever he was, was right
about him. I had been checking out some of the other
boys for comparison, and the bulge in Bobby's pants
was bigger. Bigger relaxed, and bigger hard...and it
was getting very hard.

And I couldn't do anything about it because we were in
a classroom and there were at least a hundred people
still in the building, any one of whom might walk in
on us for any reason at all.

I cleared my throat -- there seemed to be something in
it -- and addressed Bobby, as a teacher to a student.
We sat down, the two of us, not touching, not sending
smoldering glances back and forth (as if he would be
so bold! the shy k**) and went over the assignment for
an hour, then another twenty minutes, and he was start-
ing to look pretty peaked and I figured that very few
people would be left to see us leave together.

I offered him a ride home and he accepted, and my heart
went pitter-patter very hard against my rib cage and we
walked out to my car and drove away.

"You know, I've got a book that might help you. It's
at my house -- we could swing by and get it on the
way," I said. My voice sounded distant and funny, like
someone else was talking.


We drove mostly in silence to my home and pulled into
the garage. I closed the garage door with the remote
control in my glovebox, thank heaven for that, and no
one saw us get out of the car.

I had a perfectly good excuse for dropping in at my
home with him -- I really did have a book he could use
on the assignment, and he really was my student, and
yes I had probably broken one or two rules in the
teachers' code about being alone with students, but
nobody ever enforced those rules on women teachers.
They were there to keep the male teachers off the more
advanced girls.

We went up the steps and entered my home, and I got
the book, and I heard myself say:

"Would you like something cold to drink?"

He said yes and we walked to the fridge and I got him
a soda, and we stood side by side looking into the
refrigerator and I said "Would you like a sandwich?
I'm kind of hungry myself."

And he said sure and I made us sandwiches and while we
ate we made a little idle chitchat and I tried to think
of how I was going to get into his pants.

"If you're not in any hurry, why don't you have a look
at the book while I change...I really need to get out
of this tight dress."

This isn't going to work, I thought. I was just stall-
ing for time.

I jammed the zipper on the dress -- which was not easy,
believe me, it took about twenty tries -- and went back
into the kitchen to get his help.

"This zipper is stuck -- do you think you could get it
free for me?"

I felt his strong male hands -- only a boy? beginning
to be a man -- brush against my shoulder and the back
of my neck while he got the zipper free. When it
finally came loose he went ahead and pulled it all the
way down -- I didn't have to ask and I'm afraid I knew
I would not have the nerve -- and he could see my back
and my bra strap and the top of my panties, since it
zipped down just to the top of my butt. They say the
small of a woman's back is her sexiest erogenous zone,
and I've never believed that's true but I was hoping it
was, because it was all I was showing him.

I pulled down the dress a little, exposing my shoulders.
I sighed gratefully and thanked him and complimented
him on his strong hands, which is hooey of course but
it's what boys like to hear. I couldn't see his face,
with my back turned, so I turned around, clutching the
dress to myself so that I was actually showing less of
my cleavage than before but in what I think was a very
sexy way. I smiled and looked into his eyes and he
looked a bit dazed but he looked back steadily into my
eyes for one long glorious moment.

"You're welcome," is all he said.

"I'll be right back," I told him and made my exit,
swaying my hips as I walked away, knowing that he was
looking at me, looking at my round ass and my swaying
hips and my chestnut hair. And getting hard again, I

I can be a tease when I want to.

I went back to my room and almost turned down the bed
before stopping myself. I hadn't gotten anywhere yet,
I had only given him a little show, and I hadn't
checked his reaction. Except for that one look he had
given me which said that he saw a woman, not a teacher,
when he looked at me, and he was brave enough to want
me to see a man when I looked at him.

I changed into shorts and a no-bra bra and a clingy
sport shirt at least one size too small for my chest.
It was nice and tight, and you could sure as hell see
my nipples, even when they weren't hard.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I did look like a
schoolboy's fantasy -- lush rounded curves, a pert nose
and a pretty face. This is a virgin boy, I told myself.
He wants me, I want him, all I have to do is make it

I walked back into the kitchen and poured myself a
glass of milk and as I turned around I tripped and
spilled it all over him.

Yes, it was deliberate. But it all felt so natural it
seemed like an accident, even to me.

"Omigod, I'm sorry!" I covered my mouth with my hands
in mock horror. "Don't move, I'll clean you up."

I stalled around the kitchen pretending to hunt for
the paper towels while I let the milk soak in, then
found them and tried to wipe him off.

"This is going to stain I'm afraid. Unless they're
washed right away. Why don't you step into the bathroom
and take them off and I'll throw them into the washing
machine real fast. It won't take any time at all."

"I really need to get home," he said haltingly.

"I can't send you home like this, your mother would
kill you. Let me fix you up and you can call home and
explain that you're going to be a little late."

"They don't really care if I'm on time for dinner or
not. I usually stop at a friend's after school."

"Good. Just go in there," as I led him to the bathroom,
"and take off your shirt and pants and pass them
through the door to me. I'll find you a robe or some-
thing to wear."

He complied and a minute later the door opened a crack
and he shyly thrust his clothes through.

"Did your underwear get a little wet too? Better give
it to me."

"It's okay," he muttered.

"I'm a grown woman and I've seen boys' underwear before.
You can give it to me, I won't blush." (heh heh)

He reluctantly complied. Except for his socks he was
naked behind the door -- I had a nude boy in my bath-

Now what? Well, I had to wash the clothes, that was
clear, and that kept me busy for 5 minutes while I
started the presoak and got out the laundry powder.
Then I went back to the bedroom and found him something
to wear.

I found him a pair of men's pajama bottoms. I found the
top, too, but he didn't really need that, now did he?

"Here, wear this. I can't find the shirt, but see if
that fits."

"Okay, it fits."

"Let's have some tea while the clothes are washing,
then. You don't need a shirt."

He came out somewhat sheepishly and we went into the
living room and I made him sit down on the couch and I
went off to start the tea, then came back and sat down
right next to him. Exactly the sort of maneuver a
hundred boys had tried with me -- he was trapped be-
tween me and the arm of the sofa.

"So, tell me about yourself, Bobby. What are your
interests, hobbies?"

"Oh, I don't really have any hobbies." It was like
pulling teeth to get him to talk, all bare-chested as
he was.

"You know, I think you're the best teacher in the
school. I've really enjoyed being in your class this

"Why, thank you, Bobby. And may I say that I've enjoyed
having you as a student."

"I'm not the best student, I know."

"The best student isn't the one who gets the highest
test scores. It's the student who gets the most out of
the class."

"I get a lot out of your class. I look forward to it,
every day. I'd come even if I didn't have to."

"I know you would." (At least, I knew he'd come for
the pleasure of ogling me.) "I know that the reason
you've been late with your assignments is that you're
reluctant to hand them in until you're sure you've done
a good job."

"I don't want to disappoint you." (Oh Bobby, I don't
want you to disappoint me either! I thought.)

"You don't. You are a very promising young man, Bobby.
I have great hopes for you. Do you know what you want
to be when you grow up?" (Boy, there's a question I've
never asked a date before.)

"I don't really know. I think about a lot of different
things, you know? But it's hard to settle on just one.
I think what my Dad does is interesting. He's a compu-
ter software engineer." He bit his lower lip awkwardly
and lifted his gaze from my chest to look me in the
face for a few seconds.

"You're a nice strong boy, Bobby. Look at those
muscles." I gave him a playful squeeze on the bicep,
trying not to be too obvious. "Do you go out for any

"I play a little baseball after school but I'm not on
the team."

I hadn't given him any underwear and I could see the
outline of his penis more clearly through the thin
cloth of the pajamas than I ever had before. He looked
about half hard, and I could even see that he appeared
to be circumcised. And it looked just as thick as the
dick he had in my dreams. A man-sized tool.

We chatted inconsequentially for a while and I let my
thigh touch his and patted his arm. I had to get up to
start the washing machine and come back, and when I
brought in our tea. He had shifted his position so
that I couldn't see the outline of his penis anymore.
On purpose, out of embarrassment?

"I'll try not to spill anything this time," I said.

We made more small talk with me doing about 90% of the
talking and drank a little of the tea, and I found out
that he was pretty good in math, and he liked movies
(Star Wars, of course, and that sort of thing) and had
once collected bugs, although he had lost interest in
that lately. And he kept sneaking little peeks at my
legs (which I crossed and uncrossed for his benefit)
and tits.

I did not have any doubt that he would say yes to any-
thing I suggested, if I could avoid scaring the hell
out of him in suggesting it.

"You know, I get a bit of a backache sometimes,"
(actually I do, from hauling these heavy tits around)
"after working all day. Would you be willing to rub my
back for me?"

A classic and embarrassingly obvious gambit, but not
too obvious for junior high school.

"Um, I don't know how."

"Oh -- " (I had been planning to take this somewhere
else but when he said that it gave me an idea) " --
I'll teach you. I'll give you a backrub to show you
how it's done. Turn around."

And I proceeded to go to work on his bare back and
shoulders. His skin was as smooth as a baby's behind,
and his muscles showed early promise of the masculine
power of a grown man. He really should go out for
sports, I thought, and develop this body of his.

"Do you like that?"

"It feels good."

"It gets better. Can you lie down? -- No, not on the
sofa, you're too about the floor...I know,
let's go in next room --"

-- I led him into my bedroom --

" -- and you can just stretch out flat on the bed. Take
your shoes off first though."

Fortunately his feet didn't smell. Much.

He stretched out as I bid him and I started pounding
his back with a gusto that made him yelp with surprise,
but then he got into it and so did I. Here we were in
my bed, neither of us wearing very much, an attractive
woman (so I flatter myself) trying to deflower a naive
(but well-hung) youth...

"Roll over," I said.

This was really just to check the state of his cock.
It was visible under the pajamas again but still only
half hard, if I could judge. I started massaging his
chest, which his utter lack of chest hair (except for
a few stray strands around his nipples) made feasible.
I brushed his nipples lightly while doing this, as he
gazed up into my chest, and I noted with satisfaction
that the second time I brushed against them they seemed
to have hardened a bit.

My own nipples answered in kind and he was looking at
them. I straddled one of his legs with mine as I con-
tinued to poke and rub his chest and shoulder muscles
and I brought my knee up to where it was just touching
his balls.

As I continued to massage him I moved my hands lower
and lower over his abdomen, toward his pelvis, explain-
ing the theory of massage and flattering him on his
really fine build, and I felt the stirrings of his
penis against my thigh.

I swept my hand lower and then I felt his penis jerk
against my leg. I began giving him luxurious strokes
with the flat of my hand, up and down his torso. I
wiggled my fanny just a little on his leg as I strad-
dled it.

I was feeling rather warm myself. I couldn't tell if I
was lubricating or not. I felt his warmth against my
legs, and I shifted back on the bed away from him so I
could see his cock.

It was hard. It was big, and rock-hard, straining visi-
bly at the fabric of the pajama bottom, and he was red-
faced and breathing hard. I was tempted to just reach
out and grab it. I wanted to feel that big dick inside

"Does that feel nice?" I said.

"Uh-huh." He could barely speak -- his tongue seemed
to be larger than his mouth.

"Now you do me. Sit up and I'll lie down."

And as he sat up I turned away from him slightly -- not
all the way -- and peeled off the shirt, so that he
could get a good glimpse of the side of my cups. I lay
down and started to unsnap my bra, but I was in an
awkward position, so --

"Would you unhook my bra strap for me please?"

He fumbled with it as eagerly as any teenage boy in
the backseat of a car. Eventually he got it loose (the
mysteries of bra hooks have never been completely clear
to the male sex) and I wondered whether he was going
to read the label on the strap and notice that I was a
36D, possibly confirming a guess he might have made
earlier. He got up and moved around to get in a better
position, and fell out of the pajama bottom.

Or rather, his dick fell out. Right through the slot
in the pajama bottoms men use to pee through, I guess,
and there it was sticking out right at me.

I rolled over on my side, clutching my bra to me, and
looked right at it. He turned red.

"Oops!" I giggled. "You sort of fell out there. But
that's okay." I smiled and watched as he seemed to be
having a great deal of difficulty stuffing it back in
his pants.

"Really, Robert, don't be embarrassed. I don't mind.
I've seen naked men before. That's a very well-develop-
ed penis you have," I said. "You don't mind if I say
so, do you? It's a real man's penis."

"You know," I said, "I've heard that you have the
biggest penis in the seventh grade" (this was a slight
exaggeration) "and I can see for myself that you pro-
bably do. You are a very lucky young man, to be so
well-hung, to be so well-built and good-looking. You
are going to make many girls very happy."

He looked like he was in shock but he blushed when I
praised his dick.

"Is that really true? About me having the biggest one,
I mean?"

"So I heard. And I believe it. I bet I can barely get
my hand around it, it's so fat." I tried to put my hand
around it and in fact I couldn't get my fingers all the
way around the thick part. His big warm tool throbbed
in my hand and I felt wetness running down the inside
of my thighs.

Oh, Bobby... I thought.

I pulled down his pajama pants to get a better look at
him. He didn't resist. I cupped his balls in one hand
and held his heavy dick in the other, turning it to get
a good look. It was long, thick, and well-shaped. It
was a brownish pink, very hard, and the skin was
stretched very tight. It was as taut as a balloon,
looking as if it inflated anymore it would burst.

It was about eight inches long, I estimated. Later on
when I had a chance to measure it I found that my guess
was correct. It was over seven inches in circumference,
around the thickest part, just below the head. The skin
looked like it was painted on. It felt like a big hard
muscle, when a man lets you feel his bicep.

His abdomen was almost hairless except for a spray of
bark hairs around the base of his cock and lightly
covering his balls.

Hanging on his slender body, as it did, the effect of
a big dick on a small frame was all the more impressive.
I admired it.

(The next day I found a cucumber almost exactly the
same size and handed it to Cathy over lunch. "I'd like
to have a cucumber like that in my vegetable bin," she

"My, you've really got a big one, Bobby," I said,
inspecting it through my glasses.

"Thank you," was all he could say.

"Bobby, since you've let me look at you, would you like
to look at me? I'll show you mine, since you've shown
me yours. Would you like that?"

He made a barely perceptible nod. He seemed to be
twitching. His penis was standing up at a 45 degree
angle, and seemed to be swelling to the bursting point.

I took off my glasses, and then I sat back and removed
my bra. I took it off and let my big chest melons hang
down. I arched my back a little for the effect.

Bobby's eyes widened.

"Oh, Miss Wanshel," he almost whispered. "They're so
beautiful. Can I touch them?"

"Call me Jenny, Bobby. You can touch them all you

He put his trembling hands on my big tits and began to
explore. He stroked me gently, and touched my nipples,
which were as hard as his dick. I could tell he loved
my knockers. He hefted them in his hands to feel the
weight, and slid his fingers into the deep crevice of
my cleavage, and brushed and petted them lightly.

I moved forward and brought my breasts right into his

"Would you like to suck them, Bobby?"

His head came down and his lips encircled one of my
engorged nipples and began to suck. It felt wonderful.
I held his penis in my hand, gently pulling it back
and forth, and as he buried his face deeper into my
tits he gave a sort of strangled gasp and I felt hot
jism spurt all over my side and on my hand as he came.

And this was after about 30 seconds of foreplay. It
was not a promising start. I was a bit concerned, but
not surprised. Now I was going to get to find out if
he could get hard again and come 5 times, like Ray

I got rid of most of the sperm as best I could, ruining
my best coverlet in the process, and before he could
think twice my head dove between his legs and I had my
mouth on his organ. I wanted to talk to him and tell
him it was okay that he came and he was going to come
plenty more before we were through, but I couldn't talk
with his fat dick in my mouth. I was sucking him gently
but firmly, patiently, and stroking his thighs and his
taut buttocks with my hands, and licking his dick with
my tongue as it shrank in my mouth. He didn't say any-
thing, he lay back, and after a while he started get-
ting big again.

When his hose started going down my throat and I start-
ed to gag I surfaced and took his head in my hands and
kissed him, long and deep, sticking my tongue in and
exploring his mouth. I placed his hands on my breasts
and let him feel them. He squeezed them like fruit at
the supermarket but I was so on fire by then I didn't
care. It felt good. And when I reached back after a
while to see how things were going with his cock it was
once again at full stand.

"Now Bobby, we are going to do something different. Get
up and let me lie down," and I lay down on the bed and
spread my legs open wide, exposing my dripping wet
pussy, and pulled him to me.

"All you have to do," I said, "is put this nice big
thing of yours right inside this little slit of mine,
right --" there. I felt the touch of his cockhead
against my clit, and it was like a shock of electricity
coursing through my body from my vagina. My pussy
throbbed. I rubbed his cockhead up and down along my
slick wet slit and at last I felt the head start to go

"Now push a little, Bobby. Push it in." He was panting
hard and had his eyes shut tight and I felt the knob
pop into my vestibule, and I said:

"Pull it out now, and put it back in. In and out, like
that." He complied, and I felt his dickhead rubbing in
and out of the end of my vagina, past the little ring
of tight muscles at the open end, and it felt so good
when his thick hard cock finally started to slide in
deeper that I gasped out loud. Oh, god, yes, ogodogod.
I hadn't been laid for months and it felt really good.
His big muscle was sliding in and out of me, a little
deeper each time, and I moaned "Oh fuck me Bobby, fuck

And he just said "Oh, Miss Wanshel."

We didn't talk much, we were both panting and breathing
hard. I felt him going in deeper and finally he was in
up to the hilt. I felt nice and full, just as I had in
my dreams. He looked happy. He felt happy. I could feel
every inch of his meat up the length of my cunt.

"Now pull almost all the way out, Bobby, until only the
tip is inside. Then go all the way back in." He stroked
up and down, clumsily. He gave me another stroke and
another and then got the hang of it and began to pound
me like a man, hammering at my pussy like a stud while
I wrapped my arms around him and arched my back and
whimpered. My hot wet pussy rose to meet him on each
thrust. It was good hot fucking. He was puffing like a
locomotive and sweat was rolling down his sides. Sweat
was rolling down me and mingling with the pussy juices
that were making a big wet spot in the bed, and then he
came, just as I was starting to get there. He shot off
inside me (had I stopped to think about birth control?
Oh my god!) and I felt his big organ pulsing inside me
and I kissed my boy lover and he kissed me as the jets
of hot sperm filled my womb.

I hadn't really expected that this was going to happen.
I had thought that if anything did happen there would
be plenty of time to go to the bathroom and stick in
the diaphragm. In the heat of the moment I lost track
of what I should have been doing. Fortunately I did not
get pregnant and I've been more careful since.

"Oh, Bobby," I told him when our lips parted. "That was
really good. You fuck like a grown man. Have you ever
done this before?"

"No, Miss Wanshel. That was the most wonderful thing I
've ever felt in my life."

"This was your first time? Oh, Bobby, I'm so happy for
you, and for me too. I'm glad I was your first."

And similar expressions. Making gooey post-coital love
talk with a 13 year old k** isn't easy. I hadn't come,
he hadn't lasted long enough, and I needed to come
really badly.

We lay in bed for a while like that, and I stroked him
and filled in some of the gaps in his knowledge of the
birds and the bees. I made him promise that nobody,
nobody at all, would ever learn of this from his lips.
I taught him how to lick my nipples the way I like, and
how to touch my clitoris, and eventually his dick
started getting hard for the third time.

This time I had him lie on his back, and I lowered my-
self onto his big pussy-pleaser. I went to work riding
him up and down until it began to feel really, really
nice down there, and we traded places and he got on top
of me and started fucking me deep and hard. I wrapped
my legs around him so he could get maximum penetration,
and he pounded me like a bull for 10 minutes without
stopping. I gasped hard as I felt my orgasm coming on.
I came like crazy, moaning and bucking and clutching
him hard, and he kept fucking me. I came again. I was
riding a plateau that felt really wonderful and and he
kept pounding and I never wanted it to stop. Finally it
did, as he came inside me with another big wet gush and
and collapsed on my bosom, panting.

I was dazed. I hadn't felt that way, screwing in bed,
for a long time. Not since the first time a big-dicked
man made me come really hard when I was a girl.

A half-hour later we did it again, doggie-style, and
he lasted even longer. It was quite good, and I had to
bite the pillow to keep from crying out loud when I
came. I told Bobby that he was a stud and that I was
planning to keep him. (And, reader, I did.)

That was in May, and that's the way things stand today.
He's made progress since then and doesn't come in my
hand after thirty seconds. We don't talk about much, we
don't have any common interests, and I'm almost old
enough to be his mother (more than old enough, Cathy
snorts). He comes over once a week, fucks my brains
out, and complains that I don't let him come over every
night. I have had by actual count 132 orgasms since we
started screwing; on one memorable occasion eight times
in one night (a new all-time record for me). I loaned
him my Jimi Hendrix boxed set, which he has yet to
return. Sometimes we turn on the TV and watch Star
Trek between fucks. I think I'm in love.

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Reddit Playboy, aka r/Playboy! I’m pretty sure you’ve all heard of the magazine Playboy. It’s one of the biggest names in the adult industry, and it has existed even before porn was a thing. This magazine was the best thing a teenager in the 90s could hope to get. Blockbuster and other video renting stores never let minors rent out XXX movies, so the only thing they could hope to get is a playboy magazine at the corner store from the shop owner who doesn’t give a shit about what these guys are...

Reddit NSFW List
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Playboy Plus

PlayboyPlus takes a comically stereotypical approach to bring a classic brand into the new millennium, slapping a Plus on the end when they could have just as easily tacked on a 2.0, a 4K, an Ultra, or maybe even a Hub. Whatever, though, because I’m less concerned about the name than what they’ve actually got to show me. This is the porn brand your grandpa grew up with, but the younger generations are less familiar with. Playboy has lost some of its luster in this world of hardcore Internet...

Premium Porn Pictures Sites
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When Mrs Estelle B. came into the lobby a month ago I wanted to pitch her myself. Stacked, classy, blonde with the pouty full lips I love. Course I didn't have a chance. No luggage except a purse, I caught the look from the manager, she paid with a credit card to a phoney gardening shop the Royale owned, so this wasn't her first time. Meant she had a buck lined up already, which she did. An hour after I showed her the room, a huge black buck picked up the key in the lobby. Couple hours after I...

2 years ago
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When Mrs Estelle B. came into the lobby a month ago I wanted to pitch her myself. Stacked, classy, blonde with the pouty full lips I love. Course I didn't have a chance. No luggage except a purse, I caught the look from the manager, she paid with a credit card to a phoney gardening shop the Royale owned, so this wasn't her first time. Meant she had a buck lined up already, which she did. An hour after I showed her the room, a huge black buck picked up the key in the lobby. Couple hours after I...

4 years ago
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Tomboy 1

Story Summary - Danielle plays with the boys. Disclaimer - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. You must be 18 or over to read this story. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is involved with a parent or adult, often causes deep psychological damage. This story is provided for entertainment purposes only. The author does not condone any sexual activity with persons under 18 in real life. Note – It is OK to have fantasies, but...

2 years ago
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"You're the new girl, huh?" The boy was bigger than me, and probably a year or two older. "What's your name?" "Ashley," I replied, sitting on my motorcycle and drinking a Mountain Dew. We were in the old suburbs. There wasn't much else around except the school, a couple churches maybe, and a Seven-Eleven, so that's where I'd gone. It sucks moving to a new city when you're sixteen, but it could be kind of fun too, depending on what you're looking for. "You look like a guy,"...

3 years ago
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Ladyboy Massage

There’s a Thai massage parlour I have frequented from time to time as the ladies are mostly petite with skin that looks like it has a wonderful tan all over.First time I went I was asked the usual questions about happy endings and dressed or naked, but once they got to know me the girl would either come into the room naked or strip off straight away, so sometimes the girls were naked before me. I always had a good time.On one occasion, when just about to leave, the manageress had a quick chat...

4 years ago
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Ladyboy in a Whore House

I was born a “hermaphrodite” and I had B cuptits when I was very young.I was skinny so they looked BIG.This story is from Pms I sent to SuperSatinI was a prostitute when I was very1 3young for a rich perverts' club.So here's a collection of Pms that add up toa story. There was a client who liked me to suck him off again and again.he could cum 5 or 6 times. sometimes more.I know he limped the next day!!He fucked me too, rested then cummed again and again.Another client liked to cum on my...

1 year ago
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Ladyboy Secrets

LADYBOY DIARYby utubeslutforgive the misspellings but inocent words get sensoredby the auto censelessDiaries can be dangerous and have unexpectedconsequences if they fall into the wrong hands.Or the right hands ….Early Spring and that meant a visit from myAunt Becky and my cousin Susie.I loved Susie but she was kinda weird.She had mood swings like she had permanentPMS, very unpredictable.Otherwise she was very sweet.Crazy bitch.The...

4 years ago
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Cowboy In The Mens Room

Tonight I will have my way with my man. I will make him my little bitch for the night. He will do everything I tell him to do because I do everything he tells me to do. I arrived home with two new toys for us to enjoy, a double headed long dong, and a thick 9 inch strap on that squirts your favorite filling on demand. I pour a double shot of crown royal min a rock glass and turn on a nasty porno flick while I wait for Tom to get home. My husband, my friend, my lover and my play toy is Tom. He...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Cowboys and Bikers

______________________________________________________________ It was a very pleasant late spring evening in northern New Mexico in the mid 1960's. The sun had set long enough ago that it had gotten dark. That Friday evening two late fifties pick-up trucks sat in front of 'Hank's Honky Tonk' and an old '51 Chevy four door sat behind the bar. The bar was located between two small ranching towns and was never very busy. It was an old wooden building and the name sign was hand painted...

2 years ago
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Cowboy of Bangkok

All sorts of expatriate “characters” gravitated to Bangkok, Thailand, in the seventies and eighties, and none were more colorful than the man known simply as Cowboy. Cowboy was a six-and-a-half-foot black American stud, who was said to have been a pro basketball player of some note who had retreated to Bangkok in the face of possible charges for point shaving and racketeering. In Bangkok, Cowboy had built a small empire of girlie bars in the Phatpong tenderloin district, the most notable one...

3 years ago
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Playboy Hardboy

Calvin was at the playboy mansion talking to Pamela Anderson when she felt a tingle in her pants. It was her cell phone. She answered the phone and told Calvin she would be right back. Calvin decided to head down to the grotto and chill in the hot tub. There were the usual playboy bunnies down there. There were a total of six girls and Calvin didn’t mind getting in the grotto with them. Calvin had on his orange Hawaiian style bathing suit that went down to his knees. He hopped in and sat near...

3 years ago
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Boyhood dream comes true

This story starts from when I was eight years old in the late 1970's. My best friend, Les, who lived behind me had the hottest mom, MILF, whatever you want to call her in the neighborhood. Her name was Wendy. At the time she was in her late twenties, short gal with blonde hair, fat tits & ass, & her most distinguishing feature was she had one blue eye and one brown eye along with her chiseled face and Hollywood smile.. Her and my mother were best friends however I always sensed a bit of...

3 years ago
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Boy in a girls brat camp

Boy in a girls’ brat camp A fantasy of women using a man.Part one Bob was seventeen and failing badly. He had at school got in with the wrong set and had been in trouble with the police and also with the school. Finally that summer his parents had given him an ultimatum. Either he left home and school or he spent the summer on an outdoor programme designed to change the way he acted. Bob was not at all keen but his parents would not be moved so that summer he packed a rucksack and looked...

2 years ago
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tomboy named Sue

This is a re-write of a story I did a few years ago. Hope you all like it. Tomboy named Sue The story is fiction, however, it is based on some of my early life’s happenings, and Sue was real (but not her real name).Our parents owned houses next door to each other. The neighborhood was lower middle class, so almost all families were living hand to mouth. Her Dad was a union machinist and did well enough so her mom did not have to work. My Dad’s goal in life was to own a home, something his...

4 years ago
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Cowboy Ch 2

I don’t know what attracted me to ‘cowboy’? Maybe because he was a straight shooting to the point person, with a gentle manner, plus the fact he actually dressed and acted like a cowboy. After our first sexual encounter, we talked by phone many times, about everything from the wild-west, sexual experiences, and fantasies. I felt comfortable with him, and when our conversation took on an intimate nature, it stirred emotions in me I thought were long gone never to arise again. I yearned to meet...

2 years ago
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Cowboy Ch 2

I don’t know what attracted me to ‘cowboy’? Maybe because he was a straight shooting to the point person, with a gentle manner, plus the fact he actually dressed and acted like a cowboy. After our first sexual encounter, we talked by phone many times, about everything from the wild-west, sexual experiences, and fantasies. I felt comfortable with him, and when our conversation took on an intimate nature, it stirred emotions in me I thought were long gone never to arise again. I yearned to meet...

Love Stories
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Boy meets Daddy

Boy Meets Daddy (unabridged) Boy knew how awkward the first physical meeting could be. He decided that he would handle it by instinct. When Daddy opened the door, he looked into his eyes, smiled shyly (because that was all he could manage) stepped in the door and immediately put his arms around him, cheek against his chest. A bit startled at first, daddy looked down with a smile, closed the door to the room and held him for a moment. "Sorry sir," boy mumbled. "That's okay, boy" daddy said and...

2 years ago
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Boys Home Chapter 1

Edgar put both his hands around Richie's soft face and brushed his hair out of the way revealing his beautiful hazel-coloured eyes. "I love you," Edgar told Richie, as he wrapped a protective arm around him. "I love you too," Richie replied. Richie moved his hand further up Edgar's thigh. He moved his hand up those final few inches and cupped Edgar's package. Edgar let out a soft moan as he did so. Richie began softly massaging him, and as he did, Edgar began to stiffen. Richie...

2 years ago
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Cowboy Ch 2

I yearned to meet this rough and ready cowboy again, and have him take me beyond the conventional sexual adventures. Let’s face it, I wanted to fuck him, again, because it brought out that naughty side in me. I wasn’t planning on leaving my aunts home for another two weeks. Surely we would meet once more; unfortunately, due to his schedule that second encounter never happened. He did come and say goodbye that morning I left for home. How can I find the man of my dreams, only to...

2 years ago
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Cowboy Up

I met Christine at a seminar on Industrial Relations. It was mostly bullshit from people who had never held a tool in their hands and had no real world experience. They were full theories that they had learned from textbooks, but my company was paying the freight so there I was. When we broke for lunch I headed for the hotel restaurant. I stopped at the bathroom to take a whiz and when I got to the restaurant I found that all the seats were taken and the greeter told me there was at least a...

1 year ago
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Cowboy WayChapter 2

Essentially what you have here at your service is a story telling cowboy with a masters in business administration. However, I can only certify one of the three aforementioned requisites that being Masters degree in Business Administration. The accuracy of my claim at being a story teller or a cowboy is still to be tested. I say, pon my word, a mystery wrapped inside a mystery, covered by a veil has been set down and neither I in my guise of story teller or cowboy will reveal it. Those of...

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Since moving in with Lorraine some months ago I’d seen her daughter Emma develop into the forbidden fruit I now lusted after. I felt no shame in that; it was normal; as was the fact that, she was also a rather exotic fruit with her caramel coloured skin and frizzy afro-hair. Her mother Lorraine was coffee coloured and Jamaican yet the kind of executive woman you see in movies; tall, sexy and in command. She’d entered politics after graduating and had become part of the United Nations...

2 years ago
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Boy From Under the Bridge

“So, you thought at fourteen you could just waltz into Los Angeles and become a star.” “I don’t want to be a star, Larry,” fourteen-year-old Sandy Ashley said. “I want a star to be my sugar daddy. Being a star is hard work. Being the boy he comes home to and has to keep secret is a piece of cake.” “As long as you let him fuck you whenever he wants,” Duane said. “Don’t crowd him, Duane. Boy’s got a right to do what he wants.” “Got that all figured out, then,” Duane, the other homeless guy...

1 year ago
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Cowboys and Indians

All the characters portrayed in this story are at least eighteen years old. This story is fiction. * The Indian camp was just over the next hill. I had heard a lot of gun fire earlier in the afternoon coming from that direction. I crawled through the dust until I could see down the slope and into what was left of the camp. Bodies were everywhere. Most of the structures were torn down or on fire or both. I heard a woman’s scream followed by a shot. So, there were still some murderers left...

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toyboy and naughty milf

mmm …so hes a younger guy and we were both very nervous…he made me a drink and we sat in his lounge chatting, me on the sofa, he was opposite in his armchair, we had a little kiss when i got there but things had got pretty intense with us so i guess we were both really not sure how things were gonna go, i had my legs crossed and my dress had ridden up, i knew he could see my stockings..that turned me on because i knew he kept looking when he thought i wasnt…so he went upstairs and when he came...

1 year ago
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Bigboy 7 Candy meets Bigboy

Over the next few weeks we became good friends.. She always greeted me with a big smiling hello and brought me my usual coffee.. When she wasn't busy she would stand by my booth and chat with me, Even at times sitting with me.. One day while we were chatting I said "Look Candy you appear to be Very young just how old are you?" She kind of laughed and said "Yes I get that a lot but I'm actually 18" "Wow no way" so she went to her purse and brought her ID to prove it and sure enough she...

1 year ago
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Bigboy 6

Sue continues her quest for bestiality and big cocks. Hey Bo, hope you had a great weekend. Personally, I took some time off so I could recover a bit after the Dane workout. I went back to visit John yesterday and wow, More of the greatest sex ever... A huge human cock and a huge K-9 cock all in the same day. What more could a girl ask for? After the first round we sat at the dining table sharing a beer and chatting. John told me that he owed me big time. I kind of laughed and said that...

3 years ago
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Bigboy 2

Bigboy-Chapter 2 Well it's Thursday finally​,​ I arranged for twelve of my fri​e​nd​'​s to show up around 9am.. Lisa is due around 9:30, Hopefully she doesn't get cold feet.. Well she didn't, She arrived actually five minits early lol Eager girl.. As she got undressed she treated us to some very sexy lingerie got down on her knees and told the guys to line up.. Once you are finish please move away because everyone is eager, If you later decide you Want seconds please move to the...

2 years ago
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Cowboys New Slave

Hanna is a college educated black woman from Georgia. She is a healthy 30 year old petite woman, 5'4" 105 pounds, beautiful brown eyes, black hair, and a sexy smile. Never married and no children since she had dedicated her life to school and work. She, like a lot of women, felt as if something was missing in her life. She is a supervisor at her work place controlling several employees and responsible for their actions. Even though she has to be a dominant person at work Hanna new her...

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richboys love 64

Yesterday I was going about my normal day with my tasks like always, when in the middle of Long Beach I seen Harvey and Edvard. My first thought was to turn around and hope that they didn't see me but unfortunately I was with Brit "isn't that Harvey and Edvard?" she inquired. I turned to look at her and said "yes! can we go?" Brit looked at me and said "don't you want to talk to him?" after a short pause I said "of course I do! I want to go hold Edvard in my arms and I want to kiss...

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