Skanky free porn video

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Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, or blatant plagiarism of this work. SKANKY By Wyrdey Bill Kallis sat behind his desk with the biggest hard-on that he had ever had. Bald? Retarded? Flabby? He was lost in thought, completely oblivious to everything that his history teacher was saying. He knew that he held the power of a god over everyone and everything that he saw. Gay? Old? Busty? He smiled to himself as he lazily revelled in his new-found power. It was all such a huge improvement over the previous day. Bill had been so miserable that, as he'd walked down the street, he'd seriously considered leaping in front of a truck. A rather pretty busker had apparently noticed how he was feeling and had started up a conversation. After a while, obviously feeling sorry for him, she had secretively offered him a small slip of paper. Accepting it with curiosity, he had seen that it had '_______ is ___' crudely printed across it. She had explained that if a person's name and a single adjective were written into the blank spaces, then that person would soon become exactly what that word described. Wanting to humour her, Bill had accepted the paper and made an excuse to leave. Shortly after, however, his curiosity had overcome him and he had carelessly scrawled 'BILL KALLIS is RICH' onto the paper. He had been surprised when, the second he was finished, the paper had darkened and shrivelled to ash. He had been even more surprised that evening, when his house had slowly transformed into a mansion. Everyone had acted as though everything was normal, and he'd found that photographs and records had simultaneously changed to match people's new memories. Leaping into his new Ferrari, he'd rushed back to where he'd met the busker, arriving just as she was packing up to leave. She had driven a hard bargain, but after he offered her an amount of money that was impressive even by his new standards, she had given him another two paper slips, saying that they were the last ones she had. She'd called out as he turned to go, warning him to use them sparingly. Something about how the paper's magic could sometimes linger for a while after a wish and interfere unpredictably with the magic of the next one. Bill had just called back his thanks and left. He had been unable to sleep that night. He had lain awake in his huge, king-sized bed, making plans. He wanted to use one more on himself, and was considering what to do with the spare. He had a lot of scores that he wanted to settle. He had only made up his mind that morning. The whole school had been cramped into the courtyard and, despite the heat, had been forced to listen to a lengthy series of congratulatory speeches. It seems Harry Alban had just been declared 'Student of the Year'. Bill had decided then. He hated Harry. Not content with being rich, super-popular, good-looking, a girl- magnet, team captain and star player, he had to be top of the class as well. Bill had written in HARRY ALBAN right there. He had now spent more than an hour gleefully contemplating what word he would use to take the Student of the Year down a peg or two. Tiny? Flatulent? Naked? Unlucky? Fake? Dickless? They were all good, but he wanted to do something very special to Harry. He continued to sit slyly pondering at his desk as the class went on around him. The teacher was just explaining Napoleon's typical battle tactics when suddenly there was a thunderous burst of laughter. Everyone in the class turned to look at Bill, whose expression of devious consideration had changed to one of pure mirth. The teacher waited for silence to return, cleared her throat in annoyance, and continued where she had left off. Bill, still shaking with laughter and biting his lip to try to keep it in, took out a pen and quietly wrote one word: 'SKANKY' Harry Alban was alone in the locker room when he suddenly got a powerful erection. He was getting dressed after a few quick laps in the pool, and stared down at his quivering manhood as it slowly softened back to its normal state. What on earth had caused that? Harry frowned. Nothing unpredictable like that had happened in years, and he certainly didn't need it to start happening again now, just as he was about to be photographed for the local paper. He went to button up his shirt, only to stop hastily. It felt like sandpaper. He pulled it open and, looking down, saw that his nipples looked unnaturally large and puffy. Gentling brushing one with a finger, he winced as he discovered how incredibly sensitive they were. What had caused that? Deciding that they were perhaps putting a bit too much chlorine in the pool, he considered his, still tingling, bright red nipples. He would need to wear something between his chest and his shirt. He remembered the red tank top that he sometimes wore to the gym. He began searching for it through his bag. He knew that it was there: he had recently washed it along with various other school clothes and dumped them all back into his gym bag. He found it. He held it up and stared at it. It had shrunk in the wash. It had never done that before. Sighing, he tried to pull it over his head. It was tight, but he finally managed to pull it down over his chest. It was so short that it only barely came down past his nipples, but that was all he needed. He put his shirt on, and checked to see that the shrunken top wasn't visible beneath it. When he was finally ready, he pushed his gym bag into his locker, left the change room and walked down the hall to the principal's office. The office door opened at Harry's knock to reveal Mr. York, the assistant principal, helping the photographer set up. The room was already filled with some bizarre-looking lighting equipment. A few moments later, Mrs. Frostrup, the school principle, entered carrying a large golden trophy with 'Student of the Year' engraved across it. "Oh hello, Harry," she smiled. "I'm sorry that we couldn't have taken the pictures this morning, but the trophy was unexpectedly held up at the engravers." Harry assured her that it was fine. Mr. York made an apology and left, saying that he was needed elsewhere. The photographer, a thin man with small, round spectacles, introduced himself to Harry. He explained that, to keep the light from making his skin seem unnaturally pale, he would have to apply some light make-up. Harry wasn't entirely comfortable, but sat still while the photographer ran a few large brushes across his face. Harry was lead over to where the principal was standing with the trophy and they both smiled as pictures were taken. The photographer stood back with a thoughtful look on his face. "It might look better if you were a bit higher up," he said to Harry. He walked over to one of his cases in the corner. "I know, you can wear these," he said as he pulled out a pair of platform shoes. "Couldn't I just stand on a box?" Harry asked. The photographer shook his head. "These are better. See, with these we can move you around more easily." Harry was unconvinced, but, not wanting to make a fuss, he began unlacing his shoes. The platforms were a tight fit. He had to pull his socks high up on his ankles to squeeze his feet in. Walking slightly unsteadily, he posed for a few more photographs. The photographer still seemed unhappy, though. "I'm still not sure about the light in here..." he said, frowning. He turned to the principal. "I wonder, could I just take a quick look outside and see if there's anywhere..." "Certainly," Mrs. Frostrup replied, "I'll just give you a quick tour of the courtyard." She turned back towards Harry. "It'd probably be easier if you waited here," she said. "We shouldn't be more than ten minutes." As they left, Harry glanced around the room. He'd never been in the principle's office before, and felt slightly uncomfortable about suddenly being left alone in it. He sat down on the desk, noting the 'Mrs. Frostrup - School Principal' sign placed prominently across it. Then his eye fell on something else. Under the desk was a box, filled with a bizarre assortment of items. Leaning down and rummaging through it curiously, he realised that this was the box of things that had been confiscated from students over the years. He noticed something. There, peaking out from underneath a copy of Penthouse, was a picture of his best friend's face. How had a picture of Steve Ganz ended up in the confiscated box? He pushed the magazine aside, revealing the rest of the photo. He gasped. It showed Steve - completely naked - grinning broadly at the camera as he stood with his member in his hand... And WHAT a member! It was almost as long as his forearm - he could barely even wrap his hand around it. Harry shuddered. This must be some disgusting attempt at digital photo alteration, surely? Steve's locker was right beside his. They naturally averted their gaze, but surely... surely... he would have noticed that! Harry's erection returned, stronger. And what was this written across the bottom of the photo? 'To Heidi - my favourite Boytoy, XXO' What the hell...? Who is Heidi? What kind of girl would even go near that thing? Look at it, so impossibly BIG and HARD and... Harry gave a little gasp as he suddenly experienced the most violent orgasm of his life. He gaped, straining for breath, as wave after wave of ecstasy blew through him. In his pants he could feel himself coming, again and again, each time feeling better than the one before it. It just kept on going. Harry moaned. He had never dreamed that he could possibly keep on going for so long, or that his dick could produce so much cum. He could feel it pooling in his boxers and gushing down his legs. His balls must be almost bone dry. With a final little whimper, Harry finished, dropping the picture from between his numb hands. In his first second of regained self-control he decided that this was somehow related to the earlier business in the locker room, and the fact that it happened while he was looking at a naked picture of his apparently incredibly well-endowed best friend was merely a coincidence. He glanced down at himself and gasped in horror. The entire front of his pants was saturated with cum, rivulets of it still visibly flowing down his pant legs. He could feel his boxers clinging coldly to his thighs, and even his shirt tails were dripping. He groaned and made a mental note to see a doctor about all this as soon as possible. But in the meantime, what the hell was he going to do? He started to pull his pants and boxers off, dripping all over the floor. He cursed and tried to rub the pools into the carpet with his feet. Trying to remove the platforms, he found that for some reason he couldn't get the laces undone, and just finally yanked his pants past them. He tore off his sodden shirt and tried to use the dry areas to clean himself up. Every inch of him had the musty reek of stale cum. Standing almost naked in the principal's office, he experienced a moment of pure nightmarish panic. What the HELL was he going to do?!? They would be back any minute! Then he suddenly remembered his gym bag sitting just down the hall. He had a change of clothes in there, if only he could get to it... He thought briefly of making a dash for it: class was on, the corridors would be mostly empty, but... No, he couldn't take the chance of even one person seeing him like this. If only there was something that he could... The answer hit him like a thunderbolt: there were clothes in the box under the desk! He had seen some of them as he was rummaging around - clothes that had been confiscated because they clashed with the school's rigorous dress code. Making a dive for the box, he searched through it madly. He found a lacy red g-string, a micro-skirt, a girl's blouse and... he shouted in exultation as he found a pair of very loose, baggy, lime green shorts. He pulled them past his platform shoes and around his waist, breathing relief. But wait, his dick was still completely erect with no signs of sagging - it looked like he was carrying a fishing pole in his pants! If only there was something to hold it back... Groaning, he grabbed the red thong and, flipping one of the strings between his legs, tied them tightly behind his back. Perfect, his manhood was now flattened against his leg. He looked down at his tiny red tank top. It was so small and had two noticeable little bumps where his nipples were poking through: it really looked a lot like a training bra. He had to hide it. The girl's blouse was very small and tight. Fortunately it seemed to be made from Spandex or something and stretched well. Strained to its limits, it didn't look all that different from an ordinary shirt - as long as you ignored the incredibly plunging neckline. It would do. Glancing at the door in fearful expectation, Harry looked for something to carry his sodden clothes in. He finally found a little handbag with 'Boy Toy!' written on it in big pink letters. It would have to do. He desperately crammed his still dripping clothes into it. And now to just run down the corridor and... Disaster! Looking down at his ill-fitting costume, Harry suddenly realised that the lacy top of his g-string was poking up above his shorts. Try as he might, he couldn't pull them up any further - the crutch was unnaturally high. Mewling in desperation, he grabbed the miniscule microskirt and began pulling it up his legs. It wasn't much more than a pleated red tartan belt. He pushed it under his shorts so that only the skirt's hem was visible. It covered the tops of his little red g-string and anyone would think it was just the top of a pair of boxers. Gasping in relief that he was finally ready, he ran for the door. He overbalanced and nearly fell on his face. Looking down at his feet, he saw that the platforms looked different somehow. The heel suddenly seemed much higher than the toes, and they looked much more open... Harry, however, was in too much of a panicked rush to give them much thought. He put his head to the door, listening. Silence. He opened it a crack and looked up and down the corridor. No-one. Sighing in relief, he looked down at his watch. He would have to hurry - the class period would be ending in a few minutes. Throwing the door open he... He tried to run but somehow the combination of his shoes, his thong, and the strangely-fitting shorts managed to make it impossible. He whimpered, taking tiny little steps, arms flailing as he tried to keep his balance. He was getting nowhere fast. He pushed the little handbag up over one of his arms, and tried harder for speed. Breathing heavily, he suddenly heard a series off pops as all the buttons burst off his straining blouse. He glanced down to see... Underneath, he was wearing a lacy red push-up bra, the perfect match of his thong. Squeaking in panic and disbelief, he tied the blouse's tails tightly together at his bosom in an attempt to hide this inexplicable piece of lingerie. He was only partly successful - the tops of its big lacy cups and its long red shoulder straps were still plainly visible. In front of him the corridor seemed to stretch on forever. His eye was drawn to his reflection in a passing glass door. He gaped. The make-up that the photographer had applied seemed completely different in this light. Looking at his face, he could have sworn that he was wearing tons of mascara, blush, eye-shadow, eye-liner, the sluttiest red lipstick imaginable... He had to get to that locker room. He looked down at his legs, vaguely noticing the way that his socks were suddenly stretched past his knees and now seemed somehow translucent ... And why could he only take these tiny little steps? In a moment fuel by panic and desperation, he forced himself to take a huge stride, straining against whatever it was that held him back... He heard a loud tear and something fell to the floor. Looking down in horror, he saw the lime green shorts - torn almost in half. He was now mincing his way down the corridor in nothing but a little crop-top and a tiny microskirt. It had slipped so that the front dipped to just barely cover his crotch, leaving the tops of his lacy red g-string clearly visible. Reaching back in horror, he confirmed that it was riding high up on his ass, baring it to the world. With a little shriek, he tried to go as fast as his legs would allow. But he found that he could still only take tiny little delicate steps. He tried to force his legs to move faster, but found that he was only increasing the sway of his hips and the wiggling of his bare ass. He forced himself forward in desperation, he was almost halfway there. The only sound in the corridor was the quick little tapping of his heels as he madly minced his way along. ...and then the bell rang. Harry squealed as every door burst open and crowds of his peers came hurrying out. Blushing furiously, he wiggled his way forward, against the throng. Every eye was on him. The girls stared at him, their faces wrinkling with disgust. The boys stared at him in a strange different way, their eyes dartingly between his hips, chest and face, an oddly familiar hungry look in their eye. "Look at that ass!" He squealed as a passing boy reached out and tweaked one of his swollen red nipples. "Nice tits!" He whimpered in beyond mortification as a chorus of whistles started up behind him for his swaying ass. "Shake it, Toots!" People were following him, just staring at it. One finally reached out and gave him a hard pinch. He shrieked and tried to escape, but just set it jiggling even more. Jeers and catcalls followed him everywhere, leering faces loomed everyway he looked. And then, just as he wanted to lay down and die, he saw his best friend Steve coming through the crowd, staring at him. He tried to scream out an explanation through all of the whistles and shouted remarks, but Steve just walked right up to him and said, "Hey Babe." Before Harry could so much as blink, Steve had grabbed him around the waist, forced their mouths together and begun to kiss him like he had never been kissed before. He tried to shriek, but Steve slipped his tongue down his throat. He murmured desperately and tried to break free as Steve pushed his back hard against a wall, to the shouted approval of every male passerby. As they kissed, he felt Steve's hand wander down and start enthusiastically squeezing his ass. His eyes widened even further when it wandered up to his chest, sliding into the big, empty cups of his lacy push-up bra, fondling and massaging his hairy chest. Harry fought desperately to get loose as Steve began pressing himself tightly against him, but Steve seemed to misinterpret all of his murmuring and struggling, and just pressed forward all the harder. An iron grip on Harry's arm finally managed to pull him free of Steve's amorous embrace. Gasping for air, Harry looked up at his rescuer. It was the assistant principal. Mr York frowned coldly at him. "You're wanted by the Principal," he said sharply as he began dragging Harry along. Harry, still straining for air, whimpered for him to slow down. His tiny little steps weren't long enough to allow him keep up with Mr York's hurried pace, he felt his ass wiggling uncontrollably behind him as he struggled to keep up. Mr York pulled the lagging Harry along after him, only stopping when they stood in front of the principal's office. He gave Harry, panting from the exertion, a firm push on his exposed posterior, propelling him through the door. Harry finally stumbled to a halt just in front of the principal's desk. "I think you know why you're here," the principle intoned without looking up. Harry looked down at her in confusion. Her voice was suddenly so deep. The principal finally glared up at him. Harry gasped and stepped back. She had a thick moustache and a rapidly receding hairline. His eye suddenly fell once again on the sign sitting on her desk: 'Mr. Frostrup - School Principle' "I think we should have a little talk about these photos in the paper," Mr Frostrup growled, his eyes flashing. He opened the paper sitting on his desk to page 3. Harry looked down in open-mouthed horror and disbelief. Under the large headline 'SCHOOLGIRL PHOTO SCANDAL' was a picture of him, dressed exactly as he was now. He was on all fours with a golden trophy perched on his back. It had 'Slut of the Year' engraved across it in large letters. He didn't seem to be paying much attention to it, though. He looked much more interested in the several degrading sexual acts that he was enthusiastically engaged in at the time. He looked very happy. Harry looked up at Mr Frostrup in shock. But the principal cut him off before he could say a word. "Don't try to deny it," he said wearily, "it's not like it's the first time that you've done something like this... Don't you remember how last time I carefully explained that people get mad when you post pictures like that on the internet? I thought I'd made it so clear that even you'd understand." He looked down at it again, sighing. "At least you're wearing something this time." Harry, shaking his head in stunned incomprehension, tried to back out of the room. The principle grabbed his arm. "Whatever am I going to do with you, Heidi?" he asked. Harry didn't like the strange glint in his eye. The principle tugged. Harry gave a little shriek and completely lost his balance, falling across Mr Frostrup's lap. He felt his legs waving helplessly, his dainty high-heels swishing through the air. He was bent double, his ass forced high up into the air. He could feel his tiny skirt falling back, exposing it completely. "You're a bad girl, Heidi!" Mr Frostrup shouted as his hand came arcing down. Harry squealed at the sudden pain, feeling his bare cheeks jiggling from the impact. "A very bad girl!" Harry squealed again, an aching handprint across his buttocks. "What are you?" Harry shrieked as his spanking grew more intense. "What are you?" "I'm a bad girl!" Harry finally whimpered, hoping it would lessen his pain. "You're a naughty little bimbo slut!" "I'm a naughty little bimbo slut!" Harry wailed, sobbing. "Will you be a good girl?" "I'll be a good girl!" he whined. Harry struggled to his feet as he was released, sniffing and madly rubbing at his aching behind. He turned and tried to run from the room, but his high-heels tripped him up and he fell forward across the principal's desk. "Ooh! You are a naughty little girl, aren't you?" the principal gloated, coming up behind him. Whimpering, Harry tried to stand back up. He heard something fall to the floor, then two big hands grasped him around his waist, then... Harry shrieked, his eyes bulging, his painted lips pressed into a big red 'O'. A cock was being forced up his ass, and... it felt... good. He moaned in pleasure, his face contorted, and tried to angle himself perfectly to receive it. He felt his aching cheeks balloon around the principle's cock. He felt his waist shrinking in its hard grip. He brushed his lengthening blonde hair from his increasingly sexy face as he squealed in joy at being fucked hard from behind. His chest began to lift slightly from the table as the big, lacy cups of his bra began to fill, then to overflow. Oblivious to everything, Harry pushed back his head and screamed in delight as a big, yummy man came hard, deep in his ass. The door to the principal's office opened and Heidi Boytoy sexily wiggled her way into the corridor. She looked very happy, despite the way that she was gingerly rubbing her aching backside. No one paid her any attention - it was a very common sight. Well, actually, one person paid great attention... Bill Kallis was doubled over laughing. The girl looked over at him, her cascading blonde hair spilling across her sexy little kitten face. She sized him up lustfully, licking her big cock-sucking lips, her hands absently caressing the incredible soft curves spilling from her almost nonexistent uniform. She started slowly moving towards him, but was distracted by another boy that walked closer past her. She spun on him, pouting and cooing hungrily. "What's the matter, slut? Horny again so soon?" the boy jeered. Heidi pressed herself against him, straining up on her little tippy- toes to try to reach his sneering lips. He finally smiled and let her swollen red lips connect with his. She growled like a ravenous thing as she squeezed his tongue in her mouth. Bill watched, still shaking with mirth, as their kiss progressed. Soon she was whimpering with desire, kneading her mountainous breasts against his chest. He pressed her back hard against a wall, she moaned and jumped up, wrapping her long legs around his waist as she energetically rubbed herself against him. His hand wandered back under her tiny little skirt and squeezed at her bare ass. Heidi giggled and forced his other hand into her tight little crop- top... Bill left them together in the corridor. They looked like they could use some alone time. Despite his previous experience, he was impressed by the paper's effect. And the little scene that he had just witnessed in the hall had put him in mind of his plan for the last one. He walked down to the empty locker room where the paper was sitting in his bag. He smiled to himself as he pulled it out and stared at it. So much power in his hands. The power to do anything. Pulling out a pen, he began to write down the words that he had decided on last night: 'BILL KALLIS is IRRESISTABLE' The ache in his pants made him hope that this one would take effect fast. Perhaps it would - it surely required less major changes than his previous efforts. The second that his pen left the paper it exploded into a cloud of green flame. He pulled his hand away, glad to see that it was unhurt. None of the others had done THAT... He briefly worried that it might be a dud, but then he suddenly remembered the busker's warning about using several papers in quick succession. What was it that she said would happen? But he had used the last one almost an hour ago - that was enough time, surely? The door swung open behind him. Still lost in his vague concerns, he absently turned to see who had come in. His fears instantly evaporated. Standing in the open doorway was Michelle Ruxton, the star cheerleader. She was dressed only in her skimpy underwear and was looking straight at him with the most intense look of desire that he had ever seen. As Michelle began to sway her way towards him, more girls began appearing behind her. They were obviously coming from the girl's locker room next door. In various states of undress, the girls wandered into the room, an almost trance-like expression of lust frozen on their gorgeous faces. Some of them must have been mid-way through a shower - they swayed forward, completely naked and dripping wet, remnants of shampoo in their hair. Bill chuckled as the girls got close, forming a circle around him and desperately pressing forwards. He laughed in their faces as they grabbed at him, helplessly worshipping him with their every stare and breathless moan. He finally reached over and pulled Michelle's straining bra from her overdeveloped chest, smiling at how she whimpered at his slightest touch. He pulled her to him, grabbing at her immense rack. She moaned in total ecstasy as he kissed her, pressing her body hard against him. Bill smiled as much as his intense make-out session would allow. This is how life should be: and how it would be from now on. He felt her big nipples swell even further as he squeezed them between two fingers. He would have whatever girl he wanted; if he saw her, he could have her. The desperate girls pressed in, gasping and wailing with desire. He could feel their little hands straining to touch him, and could hear their owner's shrieks of pleasure when they did. He would have two (at least!) of the prettiest girls in the city (no! In the world!) in his big bed every night, and they would beg to be allowed to degrade themselves in anyway that they could. He sighed as his mind crowded with delicious fantasies. ...But, wait... Did that feel right? He pulled his mind back to his current, undeniably pleasant circumstances. Michelle's breasts suddenly felt somehow wrong. And what was that prickle that he was feeling from her upper lip? He struggled and eventually managed to pull back from the girl's kiss. Looking up at her (up? When did she get so tall?), he saw stubble sprouting from her pretty chin. He gasped and looked down at the hard furry flesh that his hands were now wrapped around. "Got a problem, bitch?" Michelle boomed down at him in her deepening voice. Bill looked madly away from the cheerleader's increasingly rugged face to the other girls in the room. Each one was already nearly a full head taller than him. Their breasts were shrivelling on their chests and thick, dark hair was growing in their place. But one thing was unchanged: their manly faces still shone with lust for him. Bill squeaked in horror and tried to break free from Michelle's suddenly muscular grip around his waist. He pushed vainly against her rock-hard barrel chest, gazing pleadingly up at her big handsome face. She just laughed down at him. "Oh, I think it's my turn!" a baritone voice chuckled behind Bill. Arms like tree-trunks tore him from Michelle's clutch. He felt himself being playfully pulled by the back of his shorts and struggled to keep his balance. He collided with a chest as wide and hard as a brick wall, he could feel the muscles rippling beneath it with his cheeks. He finally managed to look up, gasping for air. A huge angular face leered down at him. "Stick with me, baby," it laughed, "I get little sluts like you singing my name in no time." Bill gasped as he was lifted from the floor, his feet wiggling helplessly beneath him. The enormous boy grinned lecherously at his expression and leaned forward to kiss him. Bill made a stifled shriek as he felt an immense writhing tongue being forced down his throat. He tried to struggle, but was held in an iron grip. He heard hoots and catcalls coming from all around him. A big hand reached down and squeezed his ass. Bill's eyes bulged as he felt his buttocks expand in this tight grasp, his shorts splitting and shrinking until they left his ass completely bare. He thrashed and tried to cover his bouncing exposed cheeks with a hand, but was still held immobile as his captor enthusiastically slathered in his mouth. He heard the riotous mirth as countless other hands reached down and pinched and squeezed his pink flesh. The hand wandered up to his chest and squeezed at his tiny little hairy bosoms. The hair vanished and his breasts swelled monstrously in the probing hands. Bill gaped. He could feel hands fingering his lengthening hair, caressing his blossoming figure, rubbing their way up his long, hairless legs to the place where they met... Bill gaped as there was a sudden, fiery explosion between his thighs. He felt himself relaxing as a pleasant, tingling moisture spread across his tight little panties. Suddenly it all felt good. The squeezing, the poking, the fingering... He began kissing back with fierce vigour, getting hornier by the minute, loving all of the little jeers and chuckled remarks as he began rubbing himself against his big yummy boy. And then the kissing stopped. Bill whimpered as he was pulled from those sneering stubble- encircled lips. The big face sniggered down at him as the arm released its grip on his waist. He fell to the floor, landing on his knees. He looked up pleadingly at all of the huge, hot boys laughing down at him, completely oblivious to the tiny microskirt and little crop- top that he was now wearing. "Hey, slut!" one of the boys circled around him called out. "How do you like this?" Bill gaped as a pair of boxers were lowered to reveal... He squealed and tried wiggling, still on his knees, towards the impossibly huge, erect member now thrusting out at him. The boys chortled in hysterics. "What a little whore!" "Make her beg!" Bill, mouth open, reached for the vast cock swaying, teasingly, just before him. A hand pressed to his forehead, keeping him just out of reach. Bill whimpered in mad desperation, struggling vainly forward. "Hey! Bimbo!" a voice called from behind him. All the boys began lowering their boxers to reveal an army of cocks, each bigger than any average man's forearm. Bill squealed in delight. The hand fell from his forehead and he plunged his drooling mouth over the head of the nearest, already dripping, cock. Though he had to strain to fit it in his mouth, he moaned in pure ecstasy as he forced it down his eager little throat. The laughs of the crowd just somehow turned him on even more as he sucked at it madly. Once one had exploded in his mouth he moved joyously to the next - delicious, sticky goodness streaming from his mouth faster than he could swallow it. He screamed his pleasure as he made the big boys come right in his face, down his throat, across his big titties... Sucking on cock after cock after big juicy cock, he lost all sense of time in his love for boys, boyparts, and, most of all, yummy, sticky, gooey boyjuice. He tried giggling with a cock down his throat, and thrust his big ass out, letting them fuck him hard from behind as he went on slurping. Why couldn't he be alone with the football team more often? The door to the boy's locker room opened and Bambi Boytoy sexily wiggled her way into the corridor. She looked very happy, despite the way that she was almost glistening with drying cum. No one paid her any attention - it was a very common sight. Well, actually, one person paid great attention... Licking her lips and softly cooing her satisfaction, Bambi turned and saw her twin sister, Heidi, mincing prettily towards her. "Mmm..." Heidi purred, "you smell like fun..." Bambi giggled. "Ooh! So do you..." The two twins, dressed in identical little sexy nothings, pressed themselves tightly together. They murmured and giggled their delight as they playfully licked at one another, their pretty little heads straying down one another's necks and into their cleavages as they enjoyed the yummyness still clinging to each other's skin. Finally, softly moaning, they kissed, each taking turns sucking on the other's tongue, loving the delicious aftertaste of cock that remained there. "Hey! You little skanks!" The two girls gasped as they woke from their orgasmic reverie. Still clinging to each other, they pulled their lips apart and gazed lustfully down the hall to the group of boys gaping there. Without a word they broke apart and began to wiggle their bare asses towards them, purring sexily. Though they had been through this countless times before, the boys could still only stare in numb disbelief as the Boytoys, the richest, skankiest, most totally irresistible girls in the school - no, in the whole wide world - came teetering hungrily towards them. They were in for a good night.

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Can I Love Ch 06

The sixth part now, let me know what you think. ——————– I woke this time in my bed, alone. I looked round searching for Tom. Where had he gone? As I got out of the bed, the smell of cooked breakfast hit my nostrils. As I walked through into the kitchen I laughed, ‘Can you get anymore cheesy?’ I giggled when I saw him, wearing only his boxers and an apron. I took a second to check out his figure, those long legs, and that muscular back I had come to know so well last night. He looked behind...

1 year ago
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Private Talia Mint Vinna Reed Addicted To Yoga And Anal

Private Specials, Sensual Yoga Retreat brings you the stunning Talia Mint and Vinna Reed and today these two sexy stars enjoy a phenomenal threesome with the lucky stud Angelo Godshack. There’s nothing quite like some yoga to stretch and warm up for sex and things don’t take long to heat up during class with these girls in their tight yoga pants. Talia and Vinna both enjoy the taste of pussy and cock as they get things wet and ready with some sensual oral action before taking turns getting...

1 year ago
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Daddy at the Truckstop - 5 There I was, trapped in a gloryhole booth on the wrong end of some nearby town. I didn't even know where Daddy had taken me, and it didn't matter at the moment. All that did matter was the second cock to come through the hole, into my waiting mouth. The unseen man had a grip on my leash, fed through the hole to help keep me in place. The ropes tied around my torso and legs, attaching me to the stool, kept me secure in my position as I sucked the stranger for all I...

2 years ago
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My Fantasy

Aarushi’s parents finally left to take her little brother trick-or-treating. Alone at last, Aarushi couldn’t wait to get back online. This backward town offered little fun for a high school senior, but the internet was there for her, at least now that she knew how to get around the filters. She booted up the computer. The phone rang and, by force of habit, Aarushi picked up. “Hello?” “Hi, is Yukti there?” For a moment, Aarushi flashed on her old friend Yukti, but she quickly suppressed those...

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Naked Tik Tok 18 has the kind of on-the-nose title that I really appreciate as a professional masturbator. Even before I clicked on the link, I had a pretty good idea of what I was in for; there would be nudity and probably a lot of those fresh-faced legal teens whose ages match up to the digits in the site name. To be honest, the title combines TikTok with my favorite things about the platform, and I could see the same formula being applied effectively to other websites. Let me know if...

TikTok Porn Sites
2 years ago
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First Time at the Club

But she had been talking with her friend, Mary, a few days ago. Jessica was telling Mary about how she hated the fact that she was still a virgin. Mary's sister, Ella, happened to overhear and interrupted the conversation. She told Jessica that, if she really wanted to lose her virginity, and wasn't picky, to come and check out this club. Ella had said that there were always dozens of guys, most of them hot, who were ready and willing to deflower beautiful girls. So here she stood, near the...

3 years ago
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Car Breakdown Leads To Sex With Cousin Sister

I am Ram from Bangalore. The sexy story that I am going to narrate happened a few months back with my cousin sister while travelling from Hyderabad to my hometown. I was at Hyderabad because of my friend’s wedding. In the ceremony, I met my aunt and her step-daughter (Buddi), who is married and has a child. We were having a casual conversation and my aunt got to know that I was leaving to my hometown the very next day. She asked me if it was possible for me to take Buddi to the hometown where...

1 year ago
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Threes A Crowd

“Here’s to Sophie.” Brian raises his glass in salute to me. “And to her newly renovated flat.” “Hear, hear,” Jonathan concurs as we clink our three glasses. The bubbly tickles my nose when I sip it. “Are you so ready to get rid of me?” I tease. “Of course not, beautiful,” Brian says and envelops me in a bear hug, making my tiny frame disappear in his embrace. “We’re just happy for you, that you’re getting your apartment back,” Jonathan says, soothingly kissing my cheek. “And you won’t have to...

2 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 41 Ultimatum

"An informal discussion. Is that even possible at a Presidential level?" Dee'rah asked. "Your father and I certainly wish it to be so," Lyn'na-ra responded. "The alternative, if we are unable to find resolution, will be most painful." "And that is?" "Quarantine. We've mentioned it more than once. It is not something we wish, but unless we can convince Earth's leaders, and its peoples, that they are too far down the path; and that they must immediately reverse course, or face...

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SamChapter 26

Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day Even as Sam’s eyes narrowed, his mind starting to push, he was shocked when he started to receive images. Images of a beautiful, tranquil, peaceful word. Suddenly one of the arachnid beings started to groan, please stop I can’t take much more. Sam immediately slammed the connection he’d open, closed. Sam then heard a great groan of relief, I thank you, came the thoughts of one of the creatures. All heads turned toward Sam, three of the...

2 years ago
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Demi home from the Navy

Hi im J, for full details read my previous posts , So this was Demis first weekend leave after her first 8 weeks in the Navy and i had booked a really nice hotel in town as both our own homes had other people home that weekend, So Demi came to my home to pick me up as arranged and as i came down my path she got out of the car to greet me with a really nice hug and a very sexy kiss, wow lady you have been hitting the weights i said as she almost lifted me off the floor, i stepped back to look at...

4 years ago
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I awoke naked beside my teen nephew

It's 03:00am, I am awoken by the chimes of the clock, I'm nude and lying on the top cover of the bed, it's humid, so I have a film of sweat over my whole body, even the air-con is blowing warm air, adding to the suffocating, stifling heat.The figure beside me stirs and turns onto his back, and as if by instinct, my hand reaches out and touches him in the dark.He is hard and long and my fingernail scratches a tracing line from his testicles to his 'Glans Penis', where I feel it's opening, my...

3 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 47

It was a busy week back at our studies; the first year students had no timetabled lectures that week so that they could revise for their forthcoming exams, and our lecturers were keen to make sure that we second-years were totally caught up on the work we should have done over the past year. Malcolm and I had reckoned that we were pretty much up to date, but then we were made to go over our notebooks with our tutor and actually prove to him that we had completed all our tasks - and more...

2 years ago
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Cooling Off

It was on that fateful day that her husband Rajesh Shenoy while returning home from office had met with an accident which had resulted in his right arm and leg being totally paralyzed. Since then, to date she had toiled hard to see that her husband and c***d were not affected in any respect and today after a lapse of seven long tormenting years she was feeling tired, fatigued, and lonely. Today she was so tired that after finishing her lunch she just stretched herself on the sofa and...

1 year ago
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This is the continuation of the earlier parts and from now on she has a new dream and ambition in life. to know in detail about her dream and the things she was ready to sacrifice to achieve her dreams will be explained this narration. She is now a cock hungry slut who knows to use her pussy to make men her slaves. [email protected]

2 years ago
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After the Party

I’d been out at my office pre-Xmas party, the night before Xmas eve. It was last day at work for the year, as the following day I was off up to Scotland for Xmas and the New Year with a group of friends from way back. There would be just 5 of us, three guys and two girls, if we 40 somethings could be called boys and girls. Somehow we had all escaped from or avoided our various relationships, and thought it would be good to get together again. I’d had a great time at the party, good company and...

2 years ago
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Two Houses Down

It's a nice sunny Saturday afternoon, and you are doing yardwork. You finish up the lawn and are ready to trim the hedges, when you remember you loaned your hedge trimmers out to your neighbor Steve, who lives two doors down. You go inside and clean up a little bit, then go over to Steve's house to try to retrieve them. As you walk up to the front door, you hear some noises from the backyard.

3 years ago
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A Triple First

Chapter 1 Do you remember your first time to have sex? I'll bet you do, I know I sure do. I'll pretty much bet that my first time was different from your first time. There's a couple of reasons that I suspect my first time was different and I'll get to them both shortly. I should start this story properly with telling you about the people involved, yes, people, it was more than just two. It was four, actually, though only three were involved in the sex part. So, are you...

3 years ago
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Fuck her cunt

Raveena tandon, the famous Bollywood actress and mast mast girl of the 90’s had been enjoying her married life, and being mother to her 2 Kids. But she was thinking about making a comeback and start working In films again. Her husband was also supportive of her idea. She was Going through a few scripts but was not able to decide which film she Should accept. Then she went to attend a high profile party at a five Star hotel on a saturday night with her husband. Raveena and her Husband were...

1 year ago
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I was running late for a lecture when it happened. The Saab in front of me hit the brakes suddenly and I was just slightly too close. I skidded agonisingly then with a delicate "crunch" came to a stop."Shit!" I said and got out to inspect the damage. Surely it couldn't be too bad.An attractive blonde, maybe mid-30s emerged from the Saab, looking not surprisingly quite unhappy."Are you okay?" I asked anxiously.She adjusted the jacket of her charcoal business suit, which truth be told, fitted her...

2 years ago
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The Violin teacher

Carla put her violin into it’s case. For years she’d been wanting to take lessons and now that’s she just turned twenty nine she finally bought herself a secondhand instrument and looked for a teacher by flipping through the adds in the local newspapers. She’d found one called Mister Riesling who would charge her only 15 dollars an hour. That was a rate she could afford. Despite being almost thirty she’d never reached any of her life goals. She was still single, renting a terrible...

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In The Shadow Of The Mountain

I stood on the ground at the bottom of three steps leading to the long, wide veranda of the main ranch house and called, "Hallo, the house!" I had noted the run-down condition of the house as well as the buildings around back... a barn and a lean-to that probably served as a bunkhouse. Either this was a poor hardscrabble rancher or he didn't care how his place looked. Either way, I figured there wasn't much chance of getting a job but I was getting kind of desperate now. I still had some...

2 years ago
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Cowgirl Beach

The buckboard wagon was traveling along the dusty road at nice pace. The two women in it were totally and utterly opposites... Carol a schoolmarm who left her teaching job to come to the gold fields with her husband. Bonny was a saloon girl who went by the name Busty Bonny, and boy did her nickname sure fit, her breasts were the biggest Carol had ever seen, even through her blouse Carol could tell there were huge. The road was hot and dusty. Carol started to to wish she had worn her dress and...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 116

Morning came early and I was in a tangle of arms and legs. It was a wonder the bed frame held up to so many girls in one bed. I felt the bed slowly rocking. After all of that someone was still horny and masturbating this morning. I heard a giggle then a groan and a deep gasp followed by a whimper. I recognized both Ching lee and Lorrie. Without rolling over to see I could easily bet they were in a 69. Moments later they were both trying to whisper that they were cuming but the waves of...

3 years ago
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All for Charity Part 1

All for Charity (Part 1) Charlie is volunteered to help with a charity fundraiser at a friend's salon. Old feelings come back and as does an old crush. Susie from "The Dress" series makes her return in this story. Chapter 1 I got home early on Friday, as I usually do. I have time to change from my work clothes into jeans and a denim Ralph Lauren shirt as I wait for her to arrive from work. I open a bottle of wine -- a Argentinian Cabernet, one of her favorites -- to let it...

2 years ago
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The Girl from JuarezChapter 5

During our walk back to my house, I tried to assure that Margarita understood the things that we three adult English-speakers had decided for her, and why. I explained that she would be staying with me only because I had more room to accommodate her. "And you are not required to stay here," I said. "You are not a prisoner. You can leave here at any time. But it would be difficult, Margarita, for you to make it, without help." "I do not wish to leave," she said. "If you are willing to...

3 years ago
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Sea KingChapter 6

The lamp had been turned down in the main berthing compartment; the darkness combined with the roll of the ship made for uncertain footing as he made his way to their little cabin. Their lamp was still lit with just enough shutter open to allow him to see that both bunks were occupied. That was puzzling since he expected Nesho and Sosho to take the bottom bunk for themselves while he slept alone in the upper. That was now impossible. Although the two looked like sisters, given the more...

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The Island chapter 04

monkey knew that this hole would be just right for fucking, something which he was trying to lead up to. He hoped that if he turned on the little boy enough by licking his asshole, that the boy would let him stick his penis into his little hole and fuck it. Jimmy had not thought of the possibility that the monkey was getting ready to fuck him. Fucking was one memory that didn't impose itself on the boy, and it seemed as if he were totally innocent of this one sexual pleasure. The...

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A note left on my car

I walked out from my fitness gym and saw a piece of paper tucked neatly under my windshield wiper. I took it and sat down inside. It read, “Hi, I saw you get out and wanted to talk to you, but I was too nervous and too shy. I don’t know if you are interested in another man or not, but had to try. I’m Eric and would love to get to know you.” I looked around the parking lot but didn’t see anyone. The note had a phone number and an email address and a physical description. I had to admit, I was...

2 years ago
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Ill suck them all

Sharing some of my naughty experiences. For those who have not read my other stories, please understand I do not write long winding stories. I love telling the world about my true life experiences with only one get you boys hard and jerking to my stories thinking about me. I am a 22 year old small petite girl. Blonde, 32a, shaved, 5'3".One of the things I know boys really like is a girl who will swallow. I know it is naughty and most married guys have forgotten what it is to even get a...

1 year ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 30

I would have loved to snuggle up with Jack on the ride to school but I had stuff to do and I was in enough trouble already. First off, I got out my Geometry book and did the final problem while chewing mouthfuls of oatmeal. Loads of fun trying to find enough hands to hold a bowl of oatmeal, a spoon, a book, pencil and paper. Having my book bag on the floor between my legs added to the fun. I started reading the chapter we'd been assigned in History next. It was just like Mrs. Jenkins to...

3 years ago
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family Affair

Gary had married Cindy a year ago and had a great sexual relationship with her.Cindy's eighteen year old daughter Rebekah had been attending a college five hundred miles distant from her mother,and three months into her courses made the decision to return home and attend a smaller community college so that her mom would not have the burden of traveling the long distance to be with her during the holidays.Rebekah enjoyed being close to her mom and the fact that that she was saving a lot of money...

4 years ago
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A Graduation Gift For My Brother

THE UNEXPECTED HAPPENSSusan Watson's cell phone rang as her car moved another ten paces and stopped in the morning commute."Hello?""Sue, Jill. Hey, Z88 just said your name as the winner of the Caribbean Getaway contest! You have ten minutes to call before they draw another name!""Oh my god, oh my god!! Okay, okay…uhm…""Bye!""Oh…yeah, okay, bye…thanks Jill!" Susan said as the other end of the phone went dead. Her heart pounded as she sought the radio station's number in her cell phone's memory....

2 years ago
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The Ball Boy Experiment Chapter 1 TryOuts

A few of his co-workers greeted him as he navigated the soon-to-be-crowded hallways. Idle conversations, casual greetings. Mostly just pleasantries. That was good. Ryan was in no mood to have a lengthy dialogue right now. Nearing his office, he passed by his closest friend, Mike the Janitor. He was sure to want to talk about his weekend, or some other bullshit. "Hey, Mike", he said to Mike. 'Jesus, don't let your voice crack so much.' Mike responded with a curt "Hey", before turning...

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The new maid

When my wife went back to work and I decided to work from home, I thought it was going to be a good thing. It all started well; I had the house to myself during the day, and when she came home, we would spend quality time together. Then came her promotion; the longer hours, and quality time ended up with me being a sleep by the time she wandered in. Adding to the struggle, my business started doing better, so keeping up with the house duties became more difficult. My wife had the idea of...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Joseline Kelly Jocelyn kelly makes a great bang

So, I’m quietly jerking off in my own living room, when my sister’s hot little BFF Joselyn Kelly walks into the room. She looked so adorable in her halter top and mini skirt. At first, she starts to complain about it, but then it starts to turn her on. She didn’t realize how big my dick was. She then gives me a blowjob and then begs me to stick it in her ass!! I fuck the hell out her little asshole in all positions as she moans in delight. Man, I love my sister’s friends, and you guys...

3 years ago
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my new black bbw

I joined a free swingees website, as the "list" website covered up with BS people that don't really want to meet.As I was looking through ads on there for mr lady friend and I. I came across an ad from a black girl, her pic has her from the back in a pair of panties, nice. Said she is 49( I'm 42) I sent her a message with my email, got a emailed reply that afternoon.Said she was 4'6 210#. Couple emails later we are texting. Talked about what I wanted, what sh wanted.....she was married for a...

4 years ago
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Role Over A BDSM Odyssey

PROLOGUE (present day) As I walked down the grassy bank and approached the lake I barely noticed the gay collage of joggers, bicyclists, strollers and children. I was in a pensive mood, and this familiar place opened doors to my past that I’d kept closed for a long time. It was right here where my former life had come to an end and where my new one had begun. I had no desire to go back. But the past lies forever in the past, I reminded myself, like an old book, familiar but dead. The lake...

2 years ago
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Huntress Ch 04

Okay, well Chapter 4, here it is. Thank you for those of you who are reading this and are enjoying it and commenting and rating. Like I said in one of my comments (that I’m sure was not read by anyone other than me) I have up to chapter 9 written, and I am just editing as I upload, but I think after this chapter, I will slow the uploading down a little bit just so I don’t get behind on my actually writing and completion of the story. Enjoy.. ++ Sage had looked into the eyes of many dying...

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Saas aur bahoo

Hallo iss readers kaise hai aap sab aaj bahut din baad koi nayi kahaani sumbit karne ja raha hoon aur ab to har koi apni maa chuda raha hai yaani ki har launda apni maa ko chod raha hai jab se maine apni aur mummy ki chudaayi par kahaaniyan likhni kya suru ki har koi usi topic par likh raha hai koi apni g/friend ko chodna pasand hi nahi karta aakhir yahaan ki ladkiyon ko kya ho gaya hai unki taraf aakhir ladke dhyaan kyon nahi dete…? Kabhi sochiye is baat ko meri pyaaaari…pyaaari haseen bur...

3 years ago
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Holiday nights

Re-written from my original post as posh-slut Holiday NightsTwo weeks in sunny Fuerteventura, two weeks of sun, sea and sexAnnie, Emma and myself were staying at a lovely hotel in the coastal town of El Coto with it’s beautiful nudist-friendly beachesWe arrived at our hotel late in the afternoon just enough time to unpack, change clothes and a wander around the locality. We soon ended up in an inviting bar, just to relax in the glow of the setting sun. In no time at all we were joined by six...

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Indian wife discovers lesbian love1

Always, in the evening, I love to hold my beautiful Indian wife Anita in my arms and gently caress her soft and smooth body. She is 34 years old and very feminine. Her body is naturally curvaceous – with generous breasts and nicely rounded arse. But she looks after herself, exercising regularly and keeping her stomach nice and flat and her legs well-toned. Her hair is deep black and her skin dusky – its richness set off by her red lipstick and the golden bangles and necklaces she loves to wear....

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Slave of the OutcastChapter 36

It was 8PM in the evening. Charles and his mom were having dinner at the dining hall. She cooked for them buttered roast chicken with sliced potatoes, beans, apple cider and some loaves of bread. And some vegetables too. "How was your day today hun??" Sara asked. Charles looked at his mom. He wasn't sure what he was going to tell her. "Had lunch with the boys mom. At The Elvis," Charles said. "Well it seemed to me like you had a good time. I mean you came back from lunch much longer...

1 year ago
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Hook Up My Wife With My Cousin

Hi all. I have just begun for the first time. I am a businessman. Married since last two years. Two main characters in stories. First – My wife Sneha. (Bold, beautiful 34-28-36) Second – My cousin Viraj. (Fair, handsome) The story was described by my cousin to me. It begins in Paris. We three me, my wife & my cousin were on holiday trip to Europe. We were in Paris. We allotted two rooms one was for both of us & second for my cousin. We just check in that day. All of us were tired. I and my...

1 year ago
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Different Strokes featuring Princess Tori

I’ve had several relationships with women, have had flings, & have had one night stands. I would consider myself your typical twenty something guy. One night, my friends & I went to a bar to flirt with some girls & see if we could get lucky.We flirted around & at some point during the night, my eyes found this girl . . She looked relaxed but not quite still, burning with energy, giving the impression that 24 hrs in the day weren’t enough for her. She was dressed in tight blue...

2 years ago
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Damn Hot PG Owner Divya Gave Hard Time To Tenant Rohit

This is a fictional story which happened between me and PG house owner. The sex story is bit long but very sexy. It would by guarantee give you’ll immense pleasure by the end. I request you to kindly have patience and read it to the end. Any single/married/divorced/widow lady interested in an open relationship or just friends or no string attached type relationship or any kind of relationship in which you are comfortable in kindly mail me at All relationship would be strictly personal, secret...

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Jaan Nah PahchaanMarwaai Mujhse Gaand

Sometimes so bizarre things happen in life, we have no explanation for them but only to remember and reminisce. Yeh kahani bhi aik aisi he yaad hai. I still remember the boy’s face, his name (Aneel) and even wish I could get him again and fuck him on regular basis like my other fuck buddies but I know if it has not happened after that one morning, it may never happen again. Let me share this delicious memory with you. It was early Sunday morning like around 8:30 AM. The weather was typically...

Gay Male
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by Everett Marx(This story began with "Up The Waterfall," also available here at “How will I get home now?”The bearded guy laughed. He stood up and said, “I think we can arrange something.”We?I spun around looking for his friend, who I had assumed was still down in the boat. But he wasn’t. He was leaning against a tree, cupping his crotch through his bathing suit. Squeezing.“How far away you live?” he said. “Corinth,” I said. “That’s some drive,” he said. “I think I’ll need a nap...

4 years ago
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An Angel in the MoonlightChapter 14

Brian volunteered to drive and I had the kids with me when he pulled up in some kind of vintage convertible. It looked like it was a mile long and was painted bright yellow. He laughed at my expression. “It’s a long story. I got it from a former client who offered it as partial payment for my services. I think the real reason was to keep it away from his ex-wife. I always meant to sell it but just can’t seem to get around to it.” We got the kids into their seats in the back and pulled out...

4 years ago
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my girlfriend is a whore and I love it

It all started 3 years ago when I was 22. I went to a friends New Years Eve party out in the country. There was about 15 people there and after a couple hours had passed a couple more guys that I know walked in with a very young looking girl. She caught my eye real quick. Dirty blonde hair, about 5'2" around 100lbs., a perfect little bubble ass and tits that were perky and firm looking. She was hotter than hell. I thought she was with one of the guys but I ask one of them and he said they had...

3 years ago
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Hot for Teacher

Yes, I’m THAT teacher. The one you fantasized about. The one in the old Van Halen “Hot for Teacher” video. The one that inspires the comment: “I wish my teachers looked like that when I was in high school.” That teacher. I know all the schoolboy fantasies you harbored when you were sixteen: Private after-school detentions where I draw the blinds and ride your cock on top of the lab table. Stolen moments in my closet while the rest of the class has gone to lunch. Maybe I’ll wank you until...

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Fuck me harder

I’m in mid 20’s and i have beautiful girlfriend. I do, however, have a bit of a wild streak and i simply love women and often can’t control myself from “wandering” every once in a while. Last summer i placed an ad looking for a female for a one time encounter. I travel for business and i get bored when i’m on the road. I didn’t expect much response from the ad since the number of men seeking women far out numbered women seeking men. I received a response a few days later from a lady in her 40’s...

2 years ago
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Sexy Girlfriend Lost Her Virginity To Me

I am a handsome boy from Mumbai. My name is Leo. I love reading stories in Indian sex stories. After reading all these stories I thought of sharing my personal story. Coming to the story without wasting much of time.I and my girlfriend were working in the same company and same department. The first day when she came to our company and she was being introduced I never thought at that time that we will come so far. I saw her and enjoyed looking at her figure. She had a figure which was much...

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Running into Kim Part 1

This story is for the most part true. Granted I have embellished a few things to make it a better story and reconstructed dialog, but it is largely true. Names, of course, have been changed but I am sure if any of those involved were to read this, they would know who they are. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, my name is Jacob. I am a 30 year old software quality engineer for a small software company here in Phoenix, Arizona and not...

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Teacher Pt 4

I went home that night after that first group class with Sumin and Jihyun in a daze. Not only was I floating on cloud nine at my first threesome, but Sumin had thrown me yet another curve ball in that she seemed to be bisexual. And Jihyun had gone along with it! I don’t know if it was the heat of the moment or if that had always been inside them, but I couldn’t get the image of Sumin sucking Jihyun’s full teenage breast out of my mind. And the way Sumin had fed her fingers into Jihyun’s mouth...

4 years ago
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An Unsettled CalmChapter 20

The morning blat sure had the story on the fire yesterday evening. That fire had been in Lakehurst New Jersey at the Naval Air Station. It read that the Hindenburg, a German dirigible was trying to dock to a mooring mast after completing a two day transatlantic voyage. The airship had left Frankfort Germany on the 4th of May. A number of people on the Hindenburg were killed as well as at least one person on the ground. The cause has not yet been determined, but people in the know were hinting...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Whitney Wright Fucks Her Stepdad In The Yard

Dark-haired Whitney Wright is a horny stepdaughter plotting to seduce her stepdad. The devious damsel sees her shirtless parental figure and heads outside to interrupt his chores. She offers him some water then spills it all over her blouse. This accentuates her perky tits and nipples, and diverts her stepdaddy’s attention. The next thing we know the out of line parental figure is planting his penis into a prone Whitney. Whitney’s frame is petite but she is womanly and pulls off a stunning view...

2 years ago
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My Handjob

This is my technique and oddly enough my mother taught me how to do it.... Which is a whole other story indeed.Sliding in behind my husband Alex. I naked of course. He who was laying on the sofa half asleep something we often do especially on chilly winter's days or lazy Saturday mornings. Snuggle up against him pressing my bare breasts up against his warm sensitive back. I Wrap my outer leg around his bringing him even closer. Feeling his heartbeat threw my chest which quickens when I'm...

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