A Clockwork Orange_(1) free porn video

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Chapter 1
"In the Korova"

There was me, that is Alex and my three Droogs (friends) that is Pete, Georgie and Dim. And we sat in the Korova milk bar enjoying the old milk+ as we concluded plans for tonight's entertainment.

It was in the moon rise hours of the day and as usual we had spent the previous hours out of school, school being no longer entertaining oh my brothers. But parents night was approaching like the moon to the clouds and so and idea approached your humble narrator to ensure the reports of our dedicated teachers to be nice and sparkling clear of the expected negativity. After purchasing our new masks, me wearing a Hitler mask, Hitler being my favorite dictator, Peter wearing a Margret Thatcher mask from the early 90s, Georgie wearing an Obama mask, a perfect choice for my younger droog as he has the "yes we can" attitude that I oh so admire in fellow hooligans and Dim in the usual ape mask which was fitting to his personality and low intelligence. Before departure we had several more glasses of the old moloko (milk containing drugs) as this would sharpen you up for a bit of the old ultra-violence.

Chapter 2
"Fine art"

After a final glass each and a splash of banter we set off into the setting sun towards our school.

The building was like the towns people, it having a rotten a disgusting appearance which was nearly as bad as the dilapidated interior. The teachers themselves always stood straight dressed in the hight of sophisticated fashion like well trained soldiers of education.

As we toured down the isolated corridors we peeked into each passing room to ensure we didn't pass any of our "superiors" as they put it themselves.

As we passed through the science department we saw Mr Matthews, the steroid dependent PE teacher practicing in the gym hall as he always did in his spare time. Other than his presence the hall stood entirely isolated making it a perfect start to our night of the old ultra-violence. As our boots tip-toed across the hall he suddenly turned and stared at us now sprinting to him cane first, an upperclass cane being my personal choice of weapon as it as stylish as pain inflicting. One quick smack to the chin sent his teeth flying from his mouth like petals from a flower as the descended to the floor with his now unconscious body.
But our fun didn't stop there my brothers, as we had to ensure he wouldn't awaken. A few more kicks to the face, chest and testicles then he was a "sleeping beauty".

As we strolled with adrenaline and the old moloko doing the backstroke through our veins we headed to Mathematics for the our next visit. We entered the classroom, not bothered about anyone hearing or seeing us as the next room is in another area of the building. So we burst into the room mask first terrifying the old cow into shocks and the classic pleading for mercy. Without a second thought Georgie unleashed his crowbar across her nose, snapping it to the right and letting the delightful red river of her blood run south to the floor. She being a middle aged woman meant it only took a few lashings of our weapons to make her "unavailable" for the evening. As her body lay sleeping on the floor her bare ass was visible under her skirt. I stood there staring at her pink g-string thinking away to myself “should I have her?” No, it would be best to save my energy for a more worthy lady. Another time perhaps.

And for the final strike we headed to the top floor towards the art department. And in the only open classroom there she stood oh my brothers. Ms Michaels, the 20-something devotchka (woman) stood with her slender back towards us writing "Welcome Parents!" upon the chalk board. We'd keep this one awake as we each took turns fucking her, that was a real kick and good for a bit of the old ultra-violence. I being master and leader of my droogs always had the first go.

When she noticed our masks her expression turned to a playful, surprised and nervous look, one which changed to sheer horror as we approached her. Georgie and Pete each grabbed and arm and slid their hands up towards her cheekily visible chest. I held her legs apart with my feet and used her skirt to hold her ankles close together. Without difficulty Dim tore her pretty pink panties from her perfectly round ass and used them to gag her squeals. Oh bliss, oh ecstasy, oh heaven my brothers the delight the devotchka brought was extraordinary. As I forced myself deeper inside her I pinched her nipples and forcefully pulled her towards me. I like to look into their eyes when I fuck them.

I always got bored immediately after my turn and so I entertained myself by carving smiley faces into the walls while the others had their turn. Then came an unexpected arrival my brothers as two parents entered the room smiling eagerly until our horrible endeavor met their eye sight. With Georgie's crowbar in one hand and Dim's chain in the other I was an unstoppable beast swinging each toy towards the unsuspecting adults. Then suddenly as the chain and crowbar reached for them something, unusual happened. They both squeezed together like accepting the end but wanting to hold each other for comfort like. Hysterical thought I as each took a smack to the face colliding their heads together like a classic comedy moment. After a few beatings, most being unnecessary and just for laughs both the mother and father lay beaten and broken on the classroom floor each of them holding the others hand as the red river began to pour over the brown carpet. True artwork thought I. The only piece worthy of having a place in this classroom. Sadly their wallets were rather empty compared to the money I usually steal from others.

Chapter 3
"My personal souvenir"

I awoke the following morning in the corner of the abandoned cinema that at night we call home my brothers along with Dim, Pete and Georgie. In the centre of the room, like us surrounded by broken glass and broken wood, Ms Michaels lay hog-tied and gagged face down in the sharp shavings of the once loved building. Like the previous night she gently wept, knowing it wouldn't do any good she made no attempt to scream for help. While my droogs slept I took the opportunity to try something, different. After asking her she shook her head to decline having tried it, but that just made things more interesting. I removed the homemade gag and forced myself into her mouth, it would be the closest to lube that this devotchka deserved. After that I pulled open her luscious cheeks I sent my tongue swimming into her holes. Then, without being even slightly gentle I forced my unlubed unprotected self into her unused hole, it was her first time at anal, and from her screams and cursing, it would be her last. After a while her screams died down and she bang to accept the pain but then I began to violently spank her, and pulled and twisted her tiny nipples making her once again yelp and groan. Eventually even that wasn't enough. So I unscrewed the top of my cane to reveal my secret blade or "Betty" as I called it. Then using "Betty" I ensured she screamed.

What a mess.

I dragged her kicking and screaming, making the game more fun for your humble narrator, down to the basement. The horrid smell could be noticed from outside, the thought of spending hours among it was enough to even sicken myself oh my brothers. Once in the basement I tied her to the wall with the others. What a collection I thought to myself. And I still had three more walls to use.

Chapter 4
"The old surprise visit"

"Please don't hurt me!" said the old man

"Shut up you old cunt!" I cheerfully exclaimed

"Dim grab his keys and get in the fucking car!" hollered Georgie

"Fuck off get Alex to do it he does fuck all but boss us all around."

I then smacked Dim across the face with my cane.

"Watch that! Watch that my brother!" I said intimidatingly

"I aint your brother no more and wouldn't want to be!" whimpered Dim

"Without me, without us, your weak, your nothing."

"Appy-polly-lodges" said Dim meaning he's sorry

To simplify things I accepted and we got in the car leaving the old guy face down in his own red river and any other liquids his body let spill.

It was an old ford, nothing special but since it had a weak and pitiful owner it wasn't something to ignore my brothers. And since we needed transport to the countryside it was an easy victory.

As we traveled through the country roads of the night casting other travellers to the side playing hogs of the road, what we needed now was somewhere isolated for the old surprise visit, that was a real kick and good for lashings of the old ultra-violence.

After searching through roads and roads we soon came across an isolated little upperclass cottage hidden away in the country fields. "Perfect." I said

I gave some quick knocks on the door before this middle aged devotchka answered in an all sophisticated voice.

"Yes can I help you?"

"Miss please help there's been a terrible accident. My friends lying on the road bleeding to death! I was wondering if I can't use your telephone?"

"I'm dreadfully sorry but I'm afraid we don't have a telephone."

Then an older voice of some guy called from inside.

"Who is it dear?"

"There's a young man here, he says there's been an accident."

"Well I suppose you better let him in."

As soon as she unchained and fully opened the door she had full view of our masks, crowbars, chains and canes.

But before this poor cow had the chance to scream for help Dim was round her dragging her to the living room like a heavy shopping bag.

As I danced along behind them Pete and Georgie grabbed the old fool who was sitting typing away on his computer.

Then as the fun began I burst out in song

"I'm singing in the rain"

Boot to the old guys surprised face.

"Just singing in the rain"

A slap across his wife's

"What a glorious feelin'"

Then I tore off this young devotchkas red little dress.

"I'm happy again"

Another slap.

While dim held her from behind Pete and Georgie mercilessly held the terrified old cunt and ensured he got a good eyeful of the show.

As I had my turn, me still always being first, I continued to sing like a great song bird doing the most unforgivable acts. I've always loved such lovely lovely music.

After we all had a turn Dim spread the gasoline around the room as Pete sat stroking the lighter. But I would be the one to light it oh my brothers, that honour would be mine.

I couldn't tell you if the screamed or not, when we were close enough to hear them over the flames I was still singing.

"I'm laughing at clouds"
"So dark up above"
"The suns in my heart"
"And I'm ready for love"

Chapter 5
"No evidence"

"listen little Alex we know it was you!" exclaimed the officer.

"Then why have no charges been placed brother?"

"You and your friends or, what's is it you call them? Droogs?" he chuckled,

"That's not even fucking English!"

"Us been mentioned by name doesn't mean we're to be blamed. It was parents night sir, lots of us school kids were there." I said

"Just listen to me little Alex if you or your friends step one toe out of line it'll be the end for you. You may only be fifteen but it'll be prison this time!"

"Now get the fuck out my office."

Another failed attempt from Mr Sargent Kennedy. London's finest I joked to myself.
Not to worry about your humble narrator brothers I knew they had no evidence they never do. I noticed the photo of his daughter on his desk dressed in her school uniform, she looks nicer out of it. A few months ago I rode her ass at a party, when I arrive home tonight I’ll mail our Sargent the video, the video of course being directed by your narrator.

Anyway although we were getting closer to getting caught now than ever. I blame Dim. Some of his "personal touches" we too dark even for me oh my brothers. Last night for instance as we were enjoying the old in-out in-out with that young soon to be married Devotchka. He made her swallow her wedding ring when it was his turn with her.

My next move was simple then, I had to kill Dim before he gets us caught. It's a necessary sacrifice my brothers and I know thou shall shed a tear to see him go. But it must be done.

Chapter 6
"Once a brother, once a friend"

I arrived home that night around 2am but mother and father knew better than to question me. I lived in a simple common flat in South London. My room was filled wall to wall with such beautiful pictures and paintings of ultra-violence as well as the old in-out in-out (sex). I turned to my music library and played Beethoven 9th symphony, played by the London symphony orchestra. I lay on my and stroked my knife against my young incoming beard as Beethoven's blissful tones surrounded me and I planned how to get rid of poor old Dim. The method didn't matter. It could be quick and painless or long and most enjoyable brothers. Either would be splendid as long as no-one suspected your humble narrator.

Then an idea plopped into my gulliver. Billy Boy. Our old enemy in the night and school chum in the daylight hours. I could kill Dim and blame the old act on him, we're all filled with such hate for brothers that they'd want to believe its him.

The following day school was still shutdown from parents night and it was to bright for our usual fun and games so there'd only be a few places billy could be. The most obvious being his home. It being midday his parents were still put working and earning leaving young billy boy home alone. Looking through the living room window I seen billy siting with his hand round some young devotchka, who looked a few years younger than us, and holding a drink in his other as they laughed and giggled away. Then something unusual happened as this young fool fell to her face unconscious and not unsurprisingly billy wasn't too shocked at her sudden change in consciousness. I need not tell you what happened next brothers, but sickening it was to witness. After recording it with my phone thou it made it handy for blackmail.
Then a grin possessed me brothers. I need not frame billy for killing Dim, I could make him do it.

After a while he finished up, and I followed him as he left her unconscious at a bus stop, he didn't even bother to "tidy up" properly. But if she didn't remember then no harm done.

I met with my Droogs in the korova milk bar later that night as it was our tradition.
I had Billy Boy waiting in the bathroom to take care of Dim as he went for a piss, which wouldn't be long away. Dim entered the bathroom and as he pissed Billy Boy swung for him with a blade and surprisingly Dim ducked aware of the attack and threw his chain off Billy and it slid over to my feet.

"Help us Alex!" shouted Dim

But I just stood there observing like an audience peering through the fourth wall. As soon as Dim realised I wasn't on his side, which took a while since it was Dim doing the thinking he began to attack billy and get the better of him. So I grabbed his chain and smacked quick and brutally across the eyes sending him south to the floor in agony at which point Billy finished the job nervously stabbing him in the throat. As I stood behind Billy holding Dims chain I thought, why not? Two birds one stone and all that. And so I put Billy out his guilty misery chocking him real horrorshow. After he'd passed on I left the chain there so the others would think it was one killing the other in a moment of bad luck, justice in a sense.

Just as I pictured after alerting them of 'my horrid discovery' then figured they must have killed each other in the attack. They all stood there grieving the loss of dear old Dim. I just stood aside them calmly finishing my moloko plus, secretly grinning.

Thats lesson one my brothers, I will always win.



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Spanking Tammy

“Are you ready to earn your collar?” “Yes, Lori.” “Good, the first rule is in private you will address me as mistress and Don as sir or master.” “Yes, Mistress.” “Now, Don and I are both spankers, that means we both enjoy giving spankings. So, your first duty is to accept a spanking. Now, most of your spankings will be fun for both of us. If you disobey, you will get a punishment spanking. You won’t enjoy that. This one will be somewhere between the two so that you will have an idea of what...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 979

These are compliments of Pete C. If marriage were outlawed, then only outlaws would have inlaws. A big-game hunter went on safari with his wife and mother-in-law. One evening, while still deep in the jungle, the wife awoke to find her mother gone. Rushing to her husband, she insisted on them both trying to find her mother. The hunter picked up his rifle, took a swig of whiskey, and started to look for her. In a clearing not far from the camp, they came upon a chilling sight: the...

3 years ago
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Total Woman Clinic 05

Syd lay on the massage table face down butt naked. Frieda, a statuesque Nordic woman, expertly kneaded his back muscles. Her clasps of his skin and subdural flesh seemed agonizingly harsh. But whenever Syd reached the point of complaint, she sensed him flinch and pulled back just at the brink of pain, maintaining suitable compression. ‘You are very tense today, Syd. I will try not to hurt you but I feel many knots deep in your muscles. That often happens because our program is demanding. We...

1 year ago
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UpHerAssHole Tiffany Watson Anal Entry My Dear Twatson

Before her anal sex scene, Tiffany shared her secret identity with the PervCity crew: she’s Tiffany Watson in the streets and Twatson in the sheets! You don’t need deductive skills to figure out that this hot blonde with tattoos and piercings wants big dick. After all, half naked and wearing her slutty sodomy heels, it’s not a mystery. And you don’t have to tell her what you want either, because this pornstar has it figured out. The moment she whips out her supple tits...

1 year ago
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Empyrian Chapters 4446

This is the continuation of the novel "Empyrian". Please make sure you've read chapters 1-43 before proceeding! Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is reading! Still more to come!! - Alice CHAPTER 44 Major Byrne stood over the assassin. The door to the Treaty room had opened immediately when the...

2 years ago
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Fantasies By strangefun WARNING: This story contains graphic depiction of depraved sexual acts, sisification, sexual abuse, humiliation and torture. Read at your own discretion! Some new toys have arrived in the mail yesterday. One of them is an eight-inch-long silicone dildo with balls, in my favorite color - hot pink. Today is Friday, and I am at work, squirming in my chair with the full length of that hot pink monster buried deep inside my ass, held in place by two pairs of...

2 years ago
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My Erotic Neighbor

Hello, friends, My Name is Imran and this is my first sex story on Indian Sex Stories. Quickly, I will let you know about myself. I am a north Indian guy working in an MNC in Hyderabad as a SAP consultant. I am fair, 5’8″ tall and have an athletic body. This is a true sex story which happened last year with my beautiful neighbor Alia (Name changed). I live in Tolichowki area and I must say that you can find a lot of beautiful girls around here to quench your thirst and fantasy. Alia lives just...

2 years ago
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The little admin girl

An account of my attempts to bed a little hotty who works in the admin officeI won't detail the whole time it took to convince this little admin girl that what I was chasing was what she needed so I'll only do a brief account of events dropping the boring uneventful bits - I was in my mid 40's - she was a single, plain, skinny little thing, 26, 5'5" 85lbs with what I considered to be a nice, tight little body with a cute peachy arse, probably from her favourite exercise - running. She was what...

1 year ago
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SF Girls

Ah hell yeah, Nutaku. It’s been a while. I feel like I’ve been reviewing nothing but actual pussy for the last two weeks. I need some colored titties in my life. They say that going without any porn games for more than a week is enough to drive any man insane. I mean, I guess you can get away with it if you’re also getting laid and that’s what keeps me alive. But, if I were stranded alone in a remote location with an internet connection, you know I’d spend half my time playing porn games....

Best Porn Games
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Hawaii Gangbang tattoo

Angel wanted a touchup to 1 of her tattoos, actually she wanted an excuse to be gangbanged.--------------------------------------------------------We took a vacation for a week to Hawaii. I had promised Angel for years I would take her there& finally kept my promise to her.Our hotel was about 1/2 mile from the Hawaiian Hilton & maybe 1 1/2 miles rom Waikiki just off of the main road. Even though Angel had allowed the bellman to take part of his tip as a blowjob & a couple of days...

2 years ago
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Nashe Me Uncle Ne Choda

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends mera naam puja kaur hai or m punjab ki rehne wali hu . Mere ghar me mere alawa mere mummy papa, mera bada bhai or meri dadi rehte hai , mere papa or mummy dono private company me job karte hai or mera bhai delhi se btech kar rha hai wo whi per hostal me rehta hai . Me abhi 12th class me padhti hu or dikhne me sundar hu thodi helthi hu per moti nhi hu . Mera figure hai 34,30,32 or height 5 ft 4 inch. Mere boobs ka size noraml se thoda sa zada hai wo shayad...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 6

It was several hours after the shooting incident that Maureen Epstein, found me far from the camp site, staring off onto space, trying to forget my actions when those morons came for the girls. She was the only girl, who appeared to like boys, that I hadn’t been with. My brain wouldn’t release the image of a head exploding into a red mist, scattering brains and gore all over the one closest. I shot him next and then each of his companions. The image was like a deadly film loop that kept...

1 year ago
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Prompted Story Collection

A tale of an orc coming to work for a princess. Or perhaps a cuckquean short about a woman watching her sister sleep with her girlfriend. Maybe a bratty princess in control of the weather learning her place is more your speed? This story is a collection of one-offs written from writing prompts. I've been going off of writing prompts from r/DirtyWritingPrompts, but am always open to looking elsewhere for prompts. If you are looking for me to write something, you can try your luck by posting on...

2 years ago
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Porn Movie Wali Aunty Ko Choda 8211 Part I

Hiiii friends main Manish saxena, aur apko main apne jeevan ka sach batane jar aha hun. Jisse mere puri jindagi badal gai. Agar apko mere kahani pasand aye to plz mujhe mail karen taki main dusra part bhi likh sakun. Friends ye story mere aur mere aunty ki hai. In this story main apko bataunga ki kaise maine aunty ke jhanton main chupi hue pink colour ki chut aur bread jaise phooli hue gand ki khub achchi tarh se apne 10 inch ke kale, mote lund se raatbhar chudai ka khel khela aur unhe khus...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Chanel Grey Pussy Squirt Anal Orgasm

Lusty, young Chanel Grey flashes her stunning green eyes and shoves a black butt plug up her pink asshole. Pro stud Markus Dupree replaces the toy with his meaty dick, fucking her asshole as she masturbates. Chanel’s butthole gapes, and an anal orgasm on Markus’ meat makes her legs shake! She climbs on top to enjoy a deep, buttfucking cock ride. Markus shoves his fingers into her sphincter and makes her taste her backdoor musk. Chanel gives him an ass-to-mouth blowjob and she...

2 years ago
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What Goes Around Cums Around

Nancy woke up and felt wonderful. She felt the warm body next to her and remembered a wonderful night of lovemaking and sex. She moved down and sucked a limp cock into her mouth and started to lick and suck it. Its owner moaned and it started to grow. Nancy looked up and saw a set of loving eyes and a mouth that said, "good morning, come up here." Nancy crawled up and kissed her love and begins to move her hips, sliding her cunt up and down on a semi hard cock. Her stimulation caused the...

4 years ago
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Marooned in the Snow

It was one day in early January, when the north wind blew strongly, and you just knew there was snow on the way. I was away from home on business in London, and was looking forward to being back at home. Hotels are all very well, but the comforts of home are hard to beat. I’d been single for about three years, after my wife, Rowena, and I had divorced after 15 years together. It had been amicable, and as she was a successful career woman herself, we parted on equal terms. We had had no...

3 years ago
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Hot Chick Part 3

Me and Hot Chick head back to her house. Now she did live with her parents and her little brother but they were never home and her room was on the other side of the house and it was a big fucking house. But when we got there her whole family was there eating dinner and invited me to join them. She whispers in my ear “Don’t worry I’m make it up to you.” So I stay have dinner with them and they start asking me all these questions on how we met and when we started dating. Truth to the matter is we...

3 years ago
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"Yes, I am checking in," I said, putting my credit card on the desk. The woman behind the desk took the card and looked at the name. She was about 5 feet 10 inches tall with dark black hair and brown eyes. Her skin was beautifully tanned and her lips were painted a reddish-brown colour. As she looked at the card I watched the long dark lashes on her lids closely slowly over her huge, sparkling eyes. She slowly opened her eyes again, and reached for a box of cardboard cards sitting off beside...

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Leap of Faith Ch 02

Nicole’s slept fitfully, her dreams filled with confusing images of Rob and Sean. When she awoke, she felt the lingering sensation of arousal and her body tingled with unfulfilled desire as the dreams hovered at the edge of her periphery and continued to torment her with lustful pictures only half realised. She lay in the dark, mulling over what had happened in the kitchen. Despite what Sean had done to her, she felt incredibly guilty about kissing Rob. It felt like a betrayal although her...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 119 Getting to the heart of the problem

The door to Sarinia Baelora’s quarters slid open and Myrdina burst into the room. “You’re leaving?!” she screeched, bristling with anger. “Welcome, dear sister,” the eldest daughter of House Baelora said dryly, turning to glance through her bedroom’s open door into the lounge. “Please accept my apologies for not inviting you in, I was preoccupied and must have failed to hear the door chime.” Myrdina ignored her elder sister’s sarcasm. “I just got your message! What do you mean you’re going...

2 years ago
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Superlove the White Angels AutobiographyChapter 6

Melissa and I had various theories about how my powers developed or how they work as they do. Thanks to my friends and family's love, influence and their support from a very young age, my mind seemed to have melded the two abilities together, Precognition and Telekinesis, in such a way, that I could predict and help people in need. During my last year of school, my gift was only an instinctive guide and was only able to help me directly and other people who were very, very close to me in...

3 years ago
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Got MILF Part II

Jaclyn stood there with her jaw hanging on the floor, marveling at the site right before her eyes. I myself was about to go over the edge with her mom, Alicia, fucking both of my holes. So I did, I had the most intense orgasm of my life..     ‘Yesss YESSS! Fuck me HARD!’ I moaned, begging Alicia not to stop.     As my orgasm was subsiding I looked up at Jaclyn to see her pants dropped to the floor along with her shirt, and she was stroking herself through her panties and fondling her breasts....

2 years ago
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Sis Orgasm

Becca lay on the bed panting and gasping for air. Her smooth, dark-tanned skin glistened with a thin film of perspiration, the same perspiration that matted her long honey-blonde hair to her forehead and neck. Her large, firm breasts heaved with each ragged breath, the red, swollen nipples straining for the ceiling. The thick golden patch of fur between her thighs was matted with sticky cum, and her puffy, well-fucked slit oozed a thick river of pearly jism that pooled in the crack of her...

3 years ago
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Road Head Fantasy

I kind of want to get out of the city, just for a day. I decide to do it on a Saturday. I won’t have anything going on. I’m thinking about hitting up the nearest state park. To be honest, where doesn't matter. I just want to be outside and away from the city. I’d really love your company. So I text you a few days before, let you know the plan, leave out in the morning and get back before dinner time. I ask if you want to go with me. I figure you’ll say no, but I have to ask just to make sure....

Oral Sex
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 35

My knight offered me a flower. I took his hand in mine and pulled it to my face, enjoying the delicate fragrance of the rose, then asked him to pin it on me. He slid his left hand inside the neckline of my dress, the backs of his fingers resting above my left breast. He pushed out the velvet material and pinned the corsage to it. I was wearing the blue velvet dress I'd worn on my birthday; my knight wore his gray suit. He escorted me down the stairs to our chariot and we drove off into the...

3 years ago
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A Shiner for a Star

This is loosely based on the television characters in Victorious. Cat, Jade and the gang give the stage ‘hog’ a shiner where it would do her the most good. All characters are eighteen years-old. I recently saw an episode of Victorious where I was appalled by the mean spirited behavior of Jade towards Tori, the lead in a new school play called “Steamboat Suzy”. Who Got The Lead? The question on everyone’s mind was who would get the lead for the new school musical. Would it be Tori the odds on...

4 years ago
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“Sure, Mrs. P, when do you need me to come over?” I asked with a sigh. “Oh, thank you so much, Molly….any time on Friday before 4 pm would be fine. Frank and I are flying to Wisconsin for his 25th high school reunion. We should be home by late Sunday evening. We’ll feel better knowing that you’re here with Kurt while we’re away.” “No problem, Mrs. P. I’ll see you then.” I arrived on Friday afternoon, and waved to the Palmers as they headed for the airport. Kurt and I were familiar with each...

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MOTHER’S DAY (a lesbian tale)Note: I posted this story more than a year ago but it either got erased somehow or I decided that if there were no comments I would take it off myself. Anyway, by special request, here is it again.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anna was the first to get to the hotel restaurant. She was always early at these things. In her early 40s, Anna had a high-strung job with the bank and had...

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