Infatuation free porn video

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INFATUATION First let me tell you, my name is Joseph. This is a story of my past. I have been gay my entire life, but found that I always felt more comfortable around straight boys. But not just straight boys, young straight boys! Hanging around, talking sports and just being one of the guys. Gay guys made me feel uncomfortable. I wasn't one of those gays that flaunted my sexuality. Not that there's anything wrong with it. It's just I didn't want to 'act' like a queer. I was just me. Attracted to guys, and having NO interest in girls. I never really hooked up with a guy before and I guess I considered myself NON SEXUAL. I was shy or scared to admit I was gay. But ever since I was 17 years of age I preferred hanging around boys that were a year or two younger than I. At 25, I still enjoyed being with younger guys, around the age of 18, 19 or 20. As I turned 30, my attraction was for 22 - 23 year old boys. Now at 44, I made certain to involve myself in activities that involved 20-25 year old guys. My attraction seemed to remain on hold for this age group of guys. I played poker at the local pubs, I hung out at dance clubs, attended concerts at the local college and I even joined a gym where I knew most of the patrons were in their 20's. But again, there was nothing sexual about this. I didn't come on to any of the guys, I just liked to look. There is something about a guy in his 20s. Perhaps it's their cockiness, their bravado or macho attitude about life. They believe they are invincible. Not to mention their tight lean rock hard bodies and cute bubble butts. I love that their arms are developing and growing defined muscles. And their legs! I am definitely into a guy's legs. There is something about the shape and strength of a guy's legs. OMG! I find it so attractive seeing a 20 something year old guy in shorts, (even if the shorts they wear today are long and baggy), wearing those ankle socks and sneakers. I imagine myself snuggled up against their legs and rubbing their ankles. Feeling their fine hairs ... I am in heaven. Of course my lifestyle had lead to my having 3 VERY close friends who were in their early 20s. They didn't seem to mind hanging out with me as I was pretty cool for 'an old guy' or so they said. I was in decent shape and really did look like I was only 30. Everyone in my family had always looked younger than their ages. My Grandparents never had a grey hair on their head, were very healthy and lived to their 90's, but looked like they were in their 60s. My Mom at 85 looked like she was 55 or 60. I guess we had special genes in my family. My social interests however, were the same as my friend's, so I was accepted easily. I often tried to reflect and figure out why I needed to be with younger guys, but all I could come up with was that their youth kept me young. Is this a 'Peter Pan' complex? Oh well, I don't care. Life is short and we are all meant to be happy. On Wednesdays we played poker at the local pub. It was free poker for points and attracted many of the college kids. So what if they drank too much. I enjoyed their company. Many of the guys would bring their girlfriends. The girls that came along were always so shy and timid. They clung to their boyfriends and always sat next to them. I don't blame them, since the guys were all hot. While the guys were talking trash to the others, the girls just sat there smiling submissively. It was as if they were stepford girls. They each were pretty, dressed in the hottest short skirts and very revealing tops. Their make up was flawless, not too much yet enough to highlight their attributes. And I loved the way they wore their hair. Some had short bob styles which I picture as being easy to care for. Others had long locks mostly with a slight curl in them, but always hanging past their shoulders. Most of them wore bangs on their forehead, again giving the illusion of heightened femininity. I had no attraction whatsoever to any of them. But... there was something about their behavior that got to me. Sitting obediently next to their man, stealing flirty glances at the boys they were with and probably imagining giving in to their guy sexually. I secretly wondered what it would be like to have a boyfriend and behave in that shy and submissive way. Hmm, I got goose bumps thinking of this. While sitting at the poker table, I often found myself finding a seat next to a really cute guy. Randomly my leg would touch his. I would wait for a sign from the guy that he liked that. Perhaps I hoped he would rub his leg on mine. My poker play would suffer but I didn't care. Yet, I had not ever had sex with a guy before. Call me unlucky, I guess. I just never really tried that hard. You could say I was deep in the closet. My fantasies, on the other hand, were growing wilder, being with all these hot young boys and being accepted by them. All guys in this age range seemed to like to brag and show off. They all had bigger cocks than anyone else! Or so they said. I sure would like to see if what they said was anywhere near the truth. Their boasting of wild sexual romps was of interest to me. In my mind I imagined it was me having sex with them, but that was private. In my mind I had the wildest sex anyone could imagine. No one knew my thoughts, or so I thought. My 3 buddies and I all played poker and we would have a few beers and laugh and chit chat the night away. But these three were different than the other boys. They weren't trying to make others feel bad about themselves. They listened and expressed real feelings. They also were mature for their ages, with goals and plans for their future. Perhaps that's why we got along so well. Two of them, Blaine and Jason, considered themselves to be 'real' ladies men! I would joke and tease them about their attempts to 'pick up' any single girls at the pub. They often failed in their efforts. Occasionally (rarely) they would meet up with a girl and go off to the patio of the pub. More often than not, they came back alone. HA HA! The few times they actually 'hooked' up, they would leave the pub and go to their apartment or the girl's place. They never bragged about those affairs. They were true gentlemen. But... that didn't stop me from teasing one of them, Jason, real hard whenever he came back alone. Why Jason? Well he opened himself up to it. Jason, more than the others seemed to enjoy the banter, except when it came to getting girls. He also easily laughed at himself, most of the time. Let me tell you though, Jason was a real looker. If only he looked after his grooming. He wore his dark black hair down to his shoulders. But he also kept trying to grow a beard, so his face always had that scruffy unshaved look. He just couldn't grow a complete beard. We always kidded him about that. It was thin in areas and patchy. Jason had a personality that everyone loved. He was outgoing and as I said before had a great sense of humor. He also was the 'planner' of the group. He had the money so he never thought twice about throwing a party or taking us to a new movie or concert. His body was lean and he always wore designer clothes. Now that's unusual for a college kid, since most could only afford jeans or shorts and t shirts. His taste however, was lacking. He always wore sandals with his designer trousers. But everyone knew and accepted that he was a contradiction. Armani meets the Wolfman! So going back, he definitely didn't like it when I teased him about being a single guy, but he never said anything. He would just look at me real strange, like he was planning something. His eyes would look into me and it appeared he was about to say something to hurt me but held back. I would make a joke to clear the air and it seemed all was forgotten. Regardless, I did care for him as my friend. We moved on. Or so I thought. Blaine however, I left alone because he was a moody type and I never did figure him out. He was a good looking blond haired all American type of guy with a great build. He always seemed as if he were on another planet though, his thoughts taking him away from the rest of us. If I didn't know better I would have assumed he was on drugs. But he was a jock and loved his sports and wouldn't touch drugs. He also seemed to just put up with me, coldly. He was the only one that made me feel awkward for being friends with younger guys and ignored me as much as possible. Me? I remained unattached. No one ever saw me with a girl. I just wasn't interested. One day, after work, one of my buddies, Brandon, came over to help me install some new light fixtures on my ceiling. We had 3 to put up. One fixture had to be put up in the dining room, one in the hallway and one in the master closet. Brandon was unique. He had a boyish charm about him. With his light brown hair (dirty blond really) and soft curls, he could pass for a roman god or something. He kept his hair moderately short and always dressed in shorts. Yep, those long baggy shorts. I think they are called cargo shorts. He had pockets for everything. And let me tell you he was organized. He was a thinker and always thought through every detail. When Jason wanted to throw a party, Brandon did the organizing. When Jason wanted to take us to a concert, Brandon made the arrangements. But he was the one that looked the youngest of all of us. In fact, he would get carded whenever we went to a new club or bar. When I say he looked 16, I mean it. He and I got along the best. Not just due to his youthful looks, although that WAS an attraction, but he genuinely cared for me and wasn't afraid to show it. But because he looked so young, he had to always 'prove' himself to those he met. In this way he was your typical young adult. He proudly displayed his machismo and went out of his way to show how tough he was. No, he didn't get into fights or anything; he just had more confidence than most others. He also had a full time job. It was what I call labor intensive. He liked to work hard and always wanted to be the provider. Oh, by the way, I owned a 3 bedroom house in a quiet neighborhood near the college. I didn't have to work as I had inherited money and the home from my mother, who died recently. Brandon always seemed to look after me. He seemed to want to make sure I had nothing to worry about. He did my lawn twice a month, for pay of course. I even took him on cruises with me as my 'companion'. And today, he was helping me with some small projects. He did seem to enjoy spending time with me, more than Jason or Blaine, even though I flirted very openly and made several comments about how cute he was. He would smile and take it all in. He liked having his ego boosted, even if it did come from another guy. I was always happy to flatter him, but in a kidding sort of way. Again, I didn't want to appear gay, I was OK with things as they were. On the cruises I would always try to fix him up with a girl in the dance club. He even joked that he was "gonna have to fix me up with a guy." I would give him a puzzled look as if I was hurt by his comment. Was he just teasing me, as usual? I never really knew if Brandon suspected I was gay. I will tell you now, that Brandon was the person I felt closest to of my three buddies. He was what I would consider my 'dream' guy. He was cute, strong and had a smile to die for. He was a few inches taller than I with great abs. (He worked out daily). And more importantly, someone I felt I could take care of. I really liked that feeling of being 'big brother' (or something) to Brandon. And he was smart, although not book smart, street smart. He had an impressive way with people. Sure he was cocky and full of himself, but what 25 year old wasn't? I have to also mention, at this point, that there was something else about Brandon that made me crazy. Please don't judge me. His body odor was an enticing, addictive scent to me. He would often come over to my place directly from work. It was obvious he had worked hard and had sweated all day. I felt a strong attraction to his odors. There were times that I would move closer to him to just to fill me with his aroma. I read somewhere that this was explained scientifically. I think they called it 'pheromones' or something like that?? Brandon had made a few comments to me like, "I know all about you Joey, maybe better than you know yourself" or "Joey, just don't grab my crotch while I am on this ladder." Hmmm, could I grab his crotch when he wasn't on the ladder? Once he even teasingly asked me if I had a stash of girl's clothes and wore them when I was alone here at home. I would smile and make some dumb comment, like 'grow up!" or "I bet you would like that huh?" That's as far as it got. He would always claim he was absolutely straight. Our banter would go on throughout the day. Meanwhile, while I was holding the ladder for him while he climbed it to install the fixtures, my eyes would look up at his legs and especially his ankles. Sure I looked at his crotch and tried to imagine what his cock must look like. But, I have to tell you I was tempted to reach out and rub his legs and feel his fine brown hairs on his lower leg. And his aromas made me dizzy. He would flash me his smile as I stared at him. I think Brandon DID know more about me than I did. He seemed to enjoy teasing me though, always grabbing his crotch as if signaling me to do something. But again, he was straight. He told me that often. Jason and Brandon had grown up together. They were best friends since elementary school. But no one had known that they had fooled around with each other before while they were younger. Call it teen curiosity. Call it raging hormones. Who knows? The fooling around stopped just before they graduated high school. At one point the two of them were together at Jason's apartment talking and Jason asked Brandon if he was gay? Brandon said "hell no, not into guys." Jason told him that he had definately enjoyed the times they had spent fooling around. "It always seemed that you got into it more than I did" Jason reminded him. "You seemed to enjoy feeling superior to me because I would give you a BJ and let you fuck me." No one said another word for around 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, Brandon felt he may as well open up and be honest with Jason. He then explained that if, "if I had a friend, and that friend was able to satisfy me like a girl does, then MAYBE I'd be into it, but you, as my best friend aren't the type." Jason agreed with Brandon that he wasn't that 'type' of guy. Then he asked if Brandon ever met a cross dresser or a transvestite before. Of course he hadn't. Was he curious about a guy that dressed like a girl? "We could go out to one of the local gay and lesbian bars if you want to." Jason really was a good hearted person and a real friend to all of us. After a moment to think it through, Brandon admitted to being curious, but finally admitted that he could never face the shame of anyone catching him with a sissy guy. Jason told him he shouldn't care about others, do what you want. Brandon's machismo was on full alert. But he did give it a minute to think it through. Jason, being the one with the new ideas had a long talk with Brandon about him being happy and having to answer to no one. After a few beers and plenty of soul searching, Jason described a scenario in which Brandon, being who he was, would probably appreciate being in a relationship with someone he could control. Jason mentioned to Brandon that his nature was to be 'the boss' in a relationship and that the way today's girls are in this country, they like telling their husbands what to do, but behind the scenes. Jason went on, "like the girls at the pub on Wednesdays when we play poker, they sit there all shy and passive, not saying much, but I know for a fact that most of the guys are pissed at their girlfriends because they are so demanding and controlling. In public they appear demure but in private they hold whatever the guy does in public over their head. They badger the guy about drinking too much, being too much of a showoff or about not paying enough attention to them in public. Is that what you want? Think about it Brandon, you like the softness of a girl, you like that they wear frilly, girly clothing, you like that they look pretty, BUT, you can't stand someone that tries to change you, or someone that complains, bitches or whines. For as long as I have known you, sex was never a big deal to you. You aren't necessarily attracted to a woman's tits, and you always complain about fucking a pussy. You have told me many times that girls have a smell that turns your stomach. You tell me it's a fishy smell. And I know you prefer getting a blowjob and having someone do as you command. Why not a guy? A guy that would submit to you and allow you to be in charge would be perfect for you." Brandon then admitted that if someone he knew were a sissy cross dresser, he would be open to it. "Someone like Joey?" asked Jason. "Well, since he's already our friend, and he really is a good guy and cool and all, yeah, I could see it. I might really like it too." Brandon continued, "But there's no way Joey would ever become a sissy, dress like a girl or become submissive to me since he's way older than I am and besides Joey is set in his ways. I mean, well, uh, you know I have no issue with him being older than us. In fact he is kind of like a part of my family. Since I lost my parents when we were in High School and having no other relatives I have had to fend for myself. I don't know J, in a perfect world, blah blah blah. But Hey! You have made me stop and think and I appreciate that." Jason then said something very odd. "You never know what might be possible." When we were all together, the four of us, Brandon, Jason, Blaine and myself, we had the best time of our lives! We were a tight knit 'family' despite our diversity. Brandon was not in college, having dropped out but worked a good paying albeit labor intensive job. Jason and Blaine were in college and appeared to breeze through without any difficulties. Jason was a trust fund baby. Meaning his folks had inherited plenty of money and had set up a fund for Jason to draw on for his income. Jason paid most of the time for our beers, movies and concerts. Blaine was on scholarship for baseball. His dream was to make the big leagues. He was good too and had several scouts courting him. About a month later, at Brandon's apartment, Jason mentioned that he had a good discussion with Blaine about something he was studying. The class was about subliminal messages, hypnotism and mind control. "Do you think it's possible to change the way someone acts and feels through subliminal messages and hypnotic mind control?" Jason asked Brandon. Brandon just laughed and said that if it were possible it sure would be cool. Jason told Brandon that he in fact did believe it was possible and that along with mild sedatives, mind control would be possible. "Repetition of suggestions, substituting the face of images with the test subject's face while performing specific actions and then public comments to humiliate." Jason then added "you just have to find the right type of person that would be susceptible to it." Jason then mentioned that he and Blaine were going to work on a plan that would make Brandon very happy. "It would probably also make Joey very happy, too." They sat down and played Nintendo for a few hours. But Brandon was curious what Jason was talking about earlier and couldn't get some things out of his head. He had almost forgotten the talk they had a few weeks back. Finally Brandon brought up his concerns. They stopped playing Nintendo. Jason began by telling Brandon that he knew that he and Joey were becoming very, very close. He mentioned that Joey wouldn't be taking him on cruises if he wasn't attracted to him. Brandon, in denial, tried to explain that they were just friends and besides, "you and Blaine are in school and can't take the time off like I can." "What about the flirting Brandon?" Confronted, Brandon just sat there and explained that perhaps he was leading Joey on, but that it was innocent fun only. Jason just said to wait and see. Jason decided to wait to reveal his plan. It was at that time that Jason and Blaine began spending more time researching, online, subliminal control and hypnotism. Blaine eventually lost interest and told Jason that he was on his own after they had completed some CDs and a special DVD. Jason was determined to see this through. They made a few CDs for Brandon to listen to first. Jason would just have to find a way to get Brandon to listen to them for a while. Blaine suggested he tell Brandon they were the latest trend in music. Jason agreed. Brandon had received the CDs and enjoyed listening to them. This went on for a few weeks. Brandon eventually made a comment that the music wasn't that great but they had a certain appeal. Jason admitted to Brandon that the CDs were part of a school project. Brandon felt there was no harm in continuing listening ... and so he did. Jason told him to listen at night before he went to bed. Brandon said "no problem buddy." Jason knew that the CDs he was providing to Brandon would either make him more susceptible to romance with me, or else nothing would happen. These tapes were the beginning of his plan. If Brandon started showing signs of special feelings for me, even a protective attitude, then he knew the tapes were working and he could begin to prepare the series of DVDs especially for me. All depended on how Brandon responded. Inside, Jason knew he was doing his best friends a favor. He truly did love us both. Soon Brandon as expected did begin to display overly protective feelings towards me in public. It didn't matter if I was even with them. Brandon started showing signs of looking after me. At poker one night someone made a comment about "that guy Joey" being an 'old' guy that has no life. Brandon quickly told the guy to F*|k off. The guy didn't like that and began to get up as if he were going to start a fight. Brandon told him to step outside and "we'll take care of things like men." It was Jason and Blaine that forced them to stop and get over it. But Jason knew what was happening to Brandon. I wasn't even there that evening. When I was with them, Brandon would make sure that I was always sitting next to him and we shared many whispered comments. But today, I can't remember anything that was said as if I was living in a dream state. Over the course of weeks, Brandon would talk about me to Blaine and Jason as if we were having an affair. Every other comment was "Joey did this," or "Joey and I are doing that." Blaine was rolling his eyes at each comment. He looked over at Jason and whispered to him "I guess it's working like we planned." Jason then told Brandon that it was good he and I were getting close. "We all like Joey and think you and him are perfect together." Blaine gave Jason a look and Jason took Blaine aside and told him the tapes ARE working, "just shut up"! Blaine just said, "Whatever dude." Blaine had more things on his mind as he was getting closer to agreeing to join the Colorado Rockies Farm system. Blaine was going to be a professional baseball player. Everyone was proud of him. But he also was the one that had thought out the plan. In fact, he thought it was a great idea as it would make certain that I left him alone. He obviously didn't care for me and helped make the DVD Jason was to give me. The next day Jason gave me my first DVD. A few weeks had gone by and I looked forward to all of us hanging out, but especially watching a football game on Sundays. I have to tell you that for some reason I can't even recall who was playing only that Brandon was with me. I would serve beers and make certain the chips and pretzels were refilled, and even made the hot dogs for us all to eat. I knew Brandon didn't eat fish so I made certain not to serve tuna fish. I cleaned up after them and basically felt good taking care of my boys. Jason and Blaine used to comment that I would make a good housewife! They seemed to go out of their way to humiliate me subtly. But I just thanked them and told them it was my pleasure to make sure they were happy. "Me? Housewife"? I pondered. Blaine would mumble something about me but I couldn't hear or figure out what he had said. But Brandon would rush to my defense and tell Blaine to STFU! Blaine did. After each game, Jason would always leave me another DVD he said he had made for me, but that I was only to watch it at night before going to sleep. I did and thanked him. I was anxious to watch them all week long. This had been occurring for about 6 weeks. I was definitely becoming addicted to watching the DVDs. They relaxed me so. But I no longer had interest in things. I also slept a lot. Should I go see a Doctor? I seem only interested in the DVDs and BRANDON. After the game we would go out to the bar to have some more beers and joke around about the game. I slowly found myself behaving like the girlfriends I was amused by at the poker games. I would be a little bit shy and let the guys do the talking. I hadn't been paying much attention to the latest news or controversies in the world. All my free time was spent watching the DVDs or thinking about them and sleeping; dreaming of Brandon. I always tried to sit next to Brandon and in my mind I began idolizing him. The fact was Brandon was making certain that I sat next to him, although I had no clue. I clung to every word he spoke. I couldn't quite understand why I was becoming so submissive. Could it have been that Jason, being a med student, was adding something to my beer? Mine always seemed to foam up a little bit more than the others. And he always made sure I got the first glass. He and Brandon were close, as I mentioned before. They both grew up locally. Blaine met the 3 of us at one of his baseball games. After his team won, we all celebrated at the local bar. I just seemed to end up with them as my friends. Although I didn't really like Blaine since he had this 'chip' on his shoulder all the time. I don't remember when I met Jason and Brandon, but we grew very close over a short bit of time. My mind seems to be getting foggy around the edges. Do I need more sleep? I might really have to go see a Doctor. My focus is limited to very few things recently. And for some reason I can't get the thought of Brandon out of my head, not that I want to since he is so handsome and well, I like him. Everything about him made me feel lightheaded. He is such a man. I feel weak when I am with him. He is so good to me as well. He cares about me and protects me. I also looked forward to watching the DVD Jason had last given me. There was something about the images in the DVDs! I could relate. Going to the movies was always a special pleasure, although for the life of me, I don't recall what the films were about. I would always end up sitting between Brandon and Jason with Blaine on either end. Once, having run out of popcorn, I just reached over to Brandon's bag of popcorn and took some without a thought. He chuckled out loud and whispered to me that if I dug deeper I could be rubbing his crotch. I was tempted but blushed instead. He noticed that I was blushing and that I had placed my head down in total submission. He then did something that really confused me. He reached over and grabbed my thigh and moved his leg closer so that our two legs were up against each other. I was speechless but thrilled and he once again chuckled. I couldn't focus on the movie or anything other than the fact that I was here with Brandon. He was all I could think of. He then leaned forward towards Jason and said something to him. Me, being between the two of them, you would think I could hear what they said. I couldn't. I took a deep breath and could smell Brandon. All I could do was feel Brandon's leg touching mine and my mind went blank. Jason leaned forward and looked at me with a smile on his face. I know I was blushing now. I wonder what is happening. A few weeks later, Jason came over unexpectedly to my house and said he wanted to hang out and watch a special program on TV with me. I of course said sure. We flopped onto the sofa and turned on MTV. On MTV was this show called 'True Life." This particular episode was about a high school boy that wanted to be a cross dresser. Jason kept watching me and my reactions during the show. While we watched I turned to Jason, making a move to get up, and asked if he wanted something to drink. He immediately jumped up and told me to sit down! I said, "Yes sir." He told me that he would get drinks for us both. He took forever. I continued to watch the show wondering, in my head, what it would be like to wear girl's clothes. When Jason returned and handed me my glass, I noticed the color of my drink was different than his. While I took a sip, I asked him about that. He just smiled at me and told me to drink up. When I was done he asked me how I felt. I told him I felt a little funny, as if I were moving in slow motion, but that I could think clearly and wasn't tired any longer. He again smiled and asked me if I liked the feeling? I said "yeah." He took out a bottle of pills and told me that if I like the feeling I should take one pill every morning and again at night. I asked him what they were and he told me that he got them from his lab professor. "They are supposed to mellow you out, but also give you energy and clear up the mind" he said. I mumbled "oh thank you, I can't seem to figure anything out anymore; my thoughts are focused only on uh, well, uh, (blush) ... let's just say I have only a few thoughts in my head." (Brandon and the DVDs) I told Jason I was sleeping a lot. And so I began my twice daily regimen of 'submission pills', although I thought they were mind focus energy pills. As we all got together over the next few months, I did notice some changes occurring. I found myself becoming more submissive and obedient. I wasn't sleepy any longer though. But when we were together I would cling to my friend's comments and look for clues as to how I might serve them all better. I also wasn't eating much, except salads and diet soda. When we went out to the bar, I had stopped drinking beer and now was drinking either wine or a fruity cocktail. One time I ordered an 'apple martini' and it came in a long stemmed glass. As I sipped it I found my pinky held up into the air as I held the glass very daintily. They all made some jokes about that and I played along, exaggerating some very feminine actions. I also found myself staring at Brandon and clinging to his every word. He seemed to be becoming much more of a man to me and while I always had a secret crush on him, I now found myself totally infatuated with him. As I said, he appeared to be changing into a real man, while I was feeling I was becoming more of a girl? Jason noticed this too and told me he liked how I was learning to accept myself. I didn't know what to make of his comment but smiled and stayed quiet. I also found I was sitting to pee when I went to the bathroom. He did ask if I still was taking the pills he gave me and I panicked, suddenly remembering I was down to 2 pills left. Brandon looked at me and told me that whatever those pills were he liked what they were doing to me. "Wow, my Brandon liked me." I blushed openly and asked Jason ... no begged ... Jason ... to get me more of them. If Brandon liked their effect on me I wanted to please him. Jason was well aware of the situation and took out of his pocket a bottle with some new pills in them. He waived them in front of me; taunting me. He told me that they were a bit stronger and that I should only take one a day. I gratefully accepted them and turned to Brandon for a sign of approval. As I put them in my pocket, I realized the bottle was bigger and made my pants buldge. I started thinking that I ought to have a bag of some type to carry my things. Wasn't that on one of the DVDs I was watching? My hair was growing longer and I started having it styled at a salon. I was watching the DVD's every evening before falling asleep. Jason kept giving me a new one every week. He would always comment that I was becoming very pretty. He said he liked me this way better. I confided that I hoped Brandon liked my new hairstyle. He would laugh and tease me about having a crush on Brandon. I suggested that he may just be jealous! He smiled and told me he only cared about me and Brandon. I did however make a mistake. I was so used to taking two pills a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, I forgot that these new ones were stronger and should have only taken one a day. Oh well. One day Jason found out and reminded me I should only be taking one a day, and I lowered my head and said to him, "YES SIR." Damn, he was so demanding. But I knew inside he was only looking out for me. I was feeling mellower. I was spending more time than ever looking at myself in the mirror at home. I noticed every imperfection and blemish on the skin of my face. I bought many creams and lotions in order to provide me with flawless skin. I was becoming softer too. I stopped wearing jeans and bought some new slacks that felt softer on. My shirts were real shirts now, not just t shirts; rayon and silk with lovely patterns. I even bought silk boxers and loved how soft they felt. I changed all the sheets on my bed, having found some beautiful silk sheet sets at the mall. The hair on my legs and underarms began to lessen until I had none at all. Another funny thing was happening to me, I was picturing myself as a girl? I was imagining I was one of those girlfriends that were submissive and obedient to their boyfriends. I had dreams of Brandon being my boyfriend or better yet my husband. He was such a strong man. But he was straight! He had told me so many times. That next weekend, Jason came over and told me he had to go to the mall to get this girl he knows some presents. He expressed that I seemed to have a sense of what a girl likes and wanted my help. I smiled proudly and of course agreed. At the mall we were wandering around the big chain stores and looking at the girls clothing. He would ask if I liked this outfit or that one. I began picking out looks for his 'girl', including accessories. He seemed to like that I was getting into it. He mentioned that I was as pretty as any girl he knew. For some reason I felt flattered and he knew it. Then he told me that I shouldn't make fun of him any longer. He looked very serious when he said that to me. I blushed and told him I was sorry for ever hurting his feelings. I also expressed that this 'girl' he was buying these gifts for must be very dear to him. He agreed saying "yes, you, I mean 'she' is and smiled at me, kindly. Was I hearing things? He then asked if I would go to the perfume counter and pick out a sweet fragrance for 'her', while he paid for these outfits. I obeyed dutifully and found the newest fragrance that any girl would love. I even tested it on me. When I came back to where Jason was he immediately told me I smelled sweet, "just like a girl should smell." I blushed and thanked him. Why did I thank him for calling me a girl? Next we went to the make up counter and he whispered to the salesgirl something I couldn't hear. She looked at me and smiled. She then proceeded to prepare a package of items including foundation, lipstick, blush, eyeliner and some false eyelashes. She also packed into the bag some nail polish. She then took Jason over to the area that held wigs and picked out a very pretty, long hair styled auburn wig. It was placed in its own box so as not to mess the style up. As we left the area she called out to me and said, "Sweetie, I hope you enjoy the items." I looked at Jason with a confused and troubled look. He took my hand in his. He then told me not to worry about a thing, ever again. I nearly melted. He made me feel relieved, confused and yet so happy. My mind was spinning. Wait a second, we were holding hands! He said we had to go to Victoria's Secret to find some very sexy lingerie. My heart began to beat faster. I was so thrilled to be going to Victoria's Secret, and with a boy too. My mind was torn though. I secretly wanted to try on all the sexiest and frilliest bras and panties. I even found a lovely baby doll teddy in pink chiffon. It was shear and would hide nothing under it. It came with a cover up top, also shear, in case the 'girl' got a little cold. I held it up against me and my mind was reeling. I was lost in my own world. I quickly put it down when I noticed Jason staring at me. He was seeing the effect these clothes were having on me. I asked him if his girl was about my size, trying to hide my real feelings. He laughed at me and said I was exactly her size. So I suggested he get the teddy. He did. We finally left the mall and he took me home. Once we got there he brought all the packages inside my place. He asked me if I wouldn't mind keeping the items we bought at my house until he was ready to give them to his girl. He said something about not having room at his place to store them. I was gullible. I said, "Sure, I'd love to keep them," and quickly added, "For you." He laughed and left me at home. Several more weeks passed and I had tried not to think of the packages of girl's clothing Jason had left at my place. Sure I would sneak a peak at them, and was definitely tempted to try on some of the clothes, especially the chiffon teddy. It was at that time I had also run out of the pills, since I had taken two a day for a while. "Oh well," I thought to myself, "I really don't need them any longer." The thought of those pretty clothes just sitting there in the 2nd bedroom was driving me crazy. Should I? Would Jason find out? I certainly don't want to mess them up, but damn I do want to feel pretty and sexy. No, I better not. And so I placed the packages into the closet and did my best to forget about them. After a few days, I got a call from Brandon asking if he could come over now since he just got off of work. He said he needed to talk. It was important and he sounded troubled. Of course I said yes, "I'm waiting for you." About 15 minutes later Brandon showed up and he looked angry, hurt and very upset. I asked him what was wrong and could I help? He told me then that he had to give up his apartment because they had turned the complex into a condo and he couldn't buy the unit. He had 30 days to move. He looked like his world was crashing. He told me that he felt like a failure because he couldn't afford to buy his place. "Everyone has their own place at my age, except me"! That wasn't really true but I kept silent. Something about his macho self image made him feel he was wasting his life. I thought he was on the verge of crying or doing something else quite dramatic. I wanted to hold him so badly, but knew better; him being straight and all. He really felt defeated. Plus the CDs that Jason had him listen to made him deeply believe he was the provider and that he should be taking care of everything including me! Oh my, Jason's CDs had a negative side effect! Well, I was eager to offer him a place to live; after all I had 3 bedrooms and only used one. I tried telling him it would be fine. He could stay with me as my roommate and not worry about rent. He didn't like that. It made him angrier. He got up as if he were leaving. I pleaded with him to sit back down and stay with me. I should have been more sensitive to his 'MAN' feelings. He told me that he wanted to be the one to provide and if he lived with me in my home, he wouldn't feel right. I was so desperate to 'please' my Brandon that I did something I never thought I would do. I told Brandon that if he lived with me he should consider the house his. That I would let him make all the decisions and my job would be to make sure he was comfortable and happy. He would be the 'MAN' of the house. He thought about this a few minutes. He began thinking to himself, "and you will be my girl." I told him I was going to get him a drink if he wanted one. I came back with his drink, forgetting to get something for myself. (Airhead) As he drank his drink he noticed I didn't get a drink for myself. "You forgot to get yourself a drink, or are you only thinking of my needs?." He then looked at me and noticed that I had a longing look on my face as if I was absolutely willing to serve only him. He wanted to check that theory. He told me to go make him a sandwich. I immediately stood up, said, "Yes sir," and left to go to the kitchen. I left him with a smile on his face. "Sir?" He liked that. He was starting to feel better about his situation and in fact was thinking it all through. I returned with a toasted BLT sandwich on rye, chips and soda and set it down for him on the coffee table. I then gently placed a napkin on his lap and asked if he needed anything else "sir"? He said he wanted me to take his shoes and socks off of him since he was tired then and sit next to him when I was done. He wanted to see how submissive I had become. I got on my knees before him and slowly removed one shoe, his ankle sock and then the other shoe and sock. I think I lingered a little as I was pulling the socks off in order to let my hand rub his ankles and feel those fine little hairs he had. He knew! He smiled and told me "just stay down there at my feet while I eat, if you want to be my sissy slave." I did as he told me and rested my arms on his knees as he ate. I couldn't help but look up at him and stare as if I were viewing a God. Well he WAS my God wasn't he? At one point I even placed my head in his lap and held on tightly to his legs. He smiled between bites and said he actually could see himself living with me. My excitement showed and I explained to him that we were so close and that I would do anything for him. "I love you"! He smiled and asked, "So you will do anything I ask?" I said "yes, yes, yes, absolutely, forever"! This made him smile again. He then told me there was no going back now; "You are mine forever." I broke down and cried at his feet. He said he did feel in charge. I told him he was. Three weeks later Jason and Blaine had helped Brandon move his belongings over to my house. I remained in the home cleaning the 2nd bedroom, putting new sheets on the bed and even picked some roses from the yard and placed them by the bed in a vase. I made sure the bathroom had fresh toiletries for Brandon. During the week I went to the cable company and made sure I had a new digital TV receiver for Brandon's room. I also went grocery shopping and stocked up on the things I knew Brandon liked. I was in heaven. While moving his things out of the apartment, Brandon went to Jason and thanked him for everything. He knew he had made this happen. As they were bringing his things in, Jason and Blaine said to each other that their little plan was now almost completed. Just one thing remained and that was going to happen tonight. After the boys had finished unloading and putting things away, I offered to cook some spaghetti and meatballs for all of us. The kitchen smelled good too as I had just baked a fresh apple pie. I left them alone in the living room, they were pooped! Brandon had a glisten of sweat on his face and arms and his shirt showed more wet spots from the day's labor. They turned the TV on and just laid there, exhausted. As I was setting the table, Brandon came over to the dining room and told me to seat him at the head of the table. I blushed and told him I already had. As I looked lovingly at him, I was suddenly aroused to no end by his sweat and the aroma he projected. I wanted him so bad. As he moved closer to me I just stood there. He came over, gave me a hug and said I was making him very happy. As I was being held by Brandon, I was lightheaded and began to feint. He held me tightly and I just buried my head in his chest. He held me for what seemed like ages. But Jason shouted out from the living room, "When is dinner going to be ready? You've got three hungry men here." Brandon let me go and I hurried to the kitchen to finish dinner. As we all sat to eat, Blaine and Jason starting teasing me about how good a wife I am. We all laughed. But Blaine continued saying that he hoped one day to have someone like me to serve him now that he knew the way to turn someone into a slave. I gave him a puzzled look. "Serve him? A slave?" I certainly wasn't a 'slave', I was just in love! Jason, seeing I was a bit troubled by Blaine's comment quickly added that he was certain that Brandon and I will be very happy together. I just sat there submissively with my head down. Jason then told Brandon "Joey really does make a good wife, doesn't she"? Brandon told them to "knock it off, Joey is sweet and you two would be lucky to have a wife like her." I blushed and they all noticed. Brandon winked at me. After dinner Blaine told us he had to leave since he had an early practice the next day. We all said we wished him well and couldn't wait to have season tickets for his baseball games. He laughed, and so we all did. Jason however, took Brandon upstairs to the 2nd bedroom and had him look into the closet. There near the back of the closet, in the shopping bags he had bought for his 'girl', were the new clothes I had put away and forgotten about. Jason told Brandon that he was now the man of this home and that he needed to have me dress her part. Brandon doubted that I would be so willing to dress like a girl. "It's one thing to tease Joey about being a good wife, but it's another to make Joey wear girl's clothing. I know he told me he would do anything I asked but that... may be going too far." Jason then confessed to Brandon about the DVDs he was having me watch each evening. "They are conditioning Joey to want to be YOUR girl and also training Joey to become YOUR submissive Sissy." He explained that I had been watching these DVDs for almost a year now and asked Brandon, "haven't you noticed how much he acts like those girls at poker"? Jason continued, "he isn't taking part in any of our conversations anymore, he sits there, always next to you, with his head down and always waiting for your words." "Haven't you noticed his puppy eyes staring at you"? "And his skin is so soft now." "Remember a few weeks ago we were at the gym? Remember I pointed out that Joey had no hair on his legs or under his arms?" "He did that for YOU. He WANTS to become your girl. You just have to take charge and lead him, like the MAN you are." Brandon told Jason about the day he told me about his being forced to move out of his apartment. "Joey, got on his knees before me and removed my socks and shoes and then sat there almost idolizing me." Jason laughed and told Brandon he was a dolt! "You fool, you have Joey exactly where you want him, he is yours now!" While the boys were upstairs I went to work cleaning up the dishes, placing them in the dishwasher and putting away all the leftovers. I was just about done when Jason came in and told me that Brandon wants to see me upstairs in his bedroom. I nearly dropped the remainder of the pie and ran upstairs to see what Brandon needed. Jason laughed out loud at me. When I got to his room, I noticed on the bed the bags from the shopping trip with Jason. I mentioned to Brandon that they belonged to Jason and he had asked me to keep them here for him until he was ready to give them to some special 'girl' he met. I had forgotten I had placed them in the closet. "I am so sorry, Brandon, I will take care of getting these out of your room." Brandon then put two and two together and said he thought they should be in my bedroom. I agreed and started to pick them up to move them. "But Joey, sweetheart, I would love to see what these clothes look like on you." "YOU WOULD"? I asked pleadingly. He just smiled and said, "Yes baby doll." I quickly went to my bedroom and laid out all the clothes. I just hoped Jason wouldn't mind if I tried them on once. Well I decided to try on the lovely matching red bra and panty set and of course some red thigh high stockings. I then remembered the beautiful pink chiffon teddy and cover up and put them on over the bra and panties. I felt incredible. I LOVED the feel of silky soft frilly clothing on me. It felt so natural for me to be wearing this. I primped in front of the mirror and admired how easily I took to wearing such feminine clothing. I took out the make up bag and began applying some foundation on my face. Then I did my eyes and finished with the bright pink lipstick. "Oh My, I don't want to forget the perfume" as I sprayed extra amounts all over my body. As I looked at myself in the mirror, admiring how stunningly pretty I looked, I noticed Jason was standing at the doorway watching me. I was so humiliated. I stammered an apology for wearing the things he wanted to give to his 'girl'. I begged him to forgive me. He just smiled and told me not to forget to wear the wig he bought me. "What"? Laughing at me, he explained that the clothes were bought for me. He only wondered why it took so long for me to start to wear the clothing. I told him, "Out of respect for you, I didn't want to mess things up for you and your 'girl'. I was tempted at first, but around that time I also ran out of those new pills you gave me, and I guess I forgot all about the clothing." Tears welled up in my eyes. Jason thought to himself, "Damn it, I forgot to renew the pills. But then why was Joey still behaving so passively and affectionately towards Brandon? I know the DVDs were turning Joey into feminine sissy but they alone couldn't be doing this, could they?" Just then, Brandon walked in and found me almost in tears. I turned to him and sought his approval. I would have begged on my hands and knees for it. His eyes widened and he held out his arms for me. I ran to him, taking in his scent, his sweaty aroma (he hadn't showered yet) and his absolute strength. He WAS my man. And he had just admitted it. Jason finally said, "I guess you really do LOVE Brandon, don't you, Joey? And Brandon, you finally accepted that you love Joey! Can I now pronounce you, MAN AND WIFE"? We all just fell down laughing at that remark. Jason decided to take this as his cue to go home and leave us two lovebirds alone. Alone at last, Brandon and I cuddled on the sofa together as he held me in his arms. I felt so secure with my head on his chest and told him so. He beamed! We couldn't stop kissing and tonguing each other. Even with his little chin hair that he forgot to shave, I was worshipping him. He said he always wanted to show me that he was truly a man and hoped that I would one day become his sissy. I told him I had joked and hinted with him plenty of times; especially about how cute and handsome he was and how I was attracted to him. He looked at me and in a serious tone said that that was the problem. "You were joking, we were teasing, and I could never admit I had 'gay' feelings. Only Jason knew about how I felt and I made him swear never to let on, to anyone." (It seems Jason knew exactly how to make this happen for both of us) I admitted something else to Brandon at that point. "I have a weird attraction for your body aroma Brandon. Whenever you had been sweating and I got within a couple of feet from you, I nearly broke down a few times and wanted so much to lick and get closer to you." Brandon loved having this control over me. "Well then little girl, why not show me how much you adore my stinky armpits"? As I did I took in a deep breath and got very lightheaded. I told Brandon that I wanted to become addicted to his aromas. He smiled and said he would like me addicted to him. He then led me down towards his crotch. Again I took in a deep breath and became seriously aroused. I slowly unzipped his shorts, and took in the look of his boxers that had 'snoopy' pictures on them. I giggled at that! He got offended though and told me to behave. He ordered me to take his socks and shoes off and this time told me to worship his feet. "Give my feet a good tongue massage bitch"! Oh my god! I loved him being in charge and making me serve him. I then thought of Blaine talking about wanting someone to 'serve' him; a slave. Did he know? I was glad Brandon was my man and not Blaine! I couldn't stop licking Brandon's toes and lightly rubbing my nose along his foot and ankle. I LOVED his ankles. I could feel the softness of his ankle hairs against my cheek and it made me disoriented. I couldn't get enough of him. I slowly worked my way up his calf spending a little time on his beautiful calf muscle. Slowly, slowly I worked my way up to his thighs. He had incredibly strong legs and they were very shapely. As I got to his boxer shorts I slowly pulled them down over his thighs revealing the most gorgeous cock I had ever imagined seeing. Brandon was at least 8 inches and cut with little hair over his beautiful balls. I licked and kissed and truly adored his manhood. He let me know that he enjoyed what I was doing. I asked my Master, "Have you ever fucked a guy before?" "Yes sweetheart, I have. One day I will tell you all about that since it probably led to us being together." He didn't want to tell me about his time with Jason just yet, but he knew we both owed Jason everything. He reassured me by saying, "You're my little girl now, I am certain you will feel me in you for the rest of our lives." "I hope so, Daddy," I replied. What did I call him daddy for? Oh well, for me, he was everything and anything he wanted to be. Feeling his entire body, using every body part I had to sensually explore his skin. I could spend the rest of my life touching, feeling and adoring every inch of his body, and I still wouldn't have enough. I was hooked on Brandon. And Brandon showed to me that he was going to make a great husband. He did take charge of everything. I knew he liked showing off that he was in control. And I enjoyed pumping up his male ego. He was my King, and I was his Queen. I never complained, whined or tried to change him. And yes, I got a whole new wardrobe in order to make Brandon happy. At home, I dressed as femme and pretty as I could, with Brandon's approval of course. I LOVED the feel of satin and silk and of course chiffon. In fact anything that was soft and made me feel like a girl, I loved. And Brandon loved making me dress as feminine as possible. After all he is my MAN. He knew I would do anything he told me to and in turn he looked after me with great care and devotion. In public, we were the best friends everyone wishes they had. No, I didn't dress as a girl in public, out of respect for Brandon. We truly were perfect for each other. Are we going to Poker tonight?

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A Simple Wish

There is no deep plot here. It's all about sex.*"I am a simple woman with simple wishes. I do not ask for much. There is only one thing I really want." I want you to fuck me, on your terms, not mine. Let me be your slut, make my body yours for your pleasure. Order me to strip and get over your knee. Let me show you what a good slut I will be for you. Watch as my nipples push their way through the sheer fabric when I run my hands over my body. Moving my hips in time to sultry jazz music, I...

3 years ago
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My Servant Fucked Me In My Bedroom

Hi readers, this is Urmi. I am going to state that how my servant fucked me in my bedroom just after my marriage. I have light brown skin, long black silky hair up to heap. I am good looking but not a beauty. But I have such assets that make me a sex bomb. I have a figure of 36-30-36. I am of height 5.6″ and have a very soft body. My boobs are very firm and tight. I have black nipples which are quite big and large. My heaps are solid. I am very much horny. Such horny that to get satisfaction I...

2 years ago
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Biwi Ko

Hi to all. My name is Rashid (Rashid). This is the story of my first sex experience n I want share this with u. I am a regular reader of ISS, but I am submitting my story. First of all I want, tell u about me. My name is Rashid; I am a student of Engineering in 3rd year. My Height is 5 feet 5 inches and have muscular body due to my regular exercise in gym. I am 30 years old. In my family, my father and mother both are in govt. job. My younger brother is studying in school and my cha-cha is a...

4 years ago
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Uma Mageswari Aunty Who Visited Me After 2 Visits To Her Office

I work as a sales staff with a leading company. My work is to meet clients and in this way i meet a lot of ladies in different offices. I am a play boy and have had good times with a dozen ladies in different client offices. But one lady by the name Uma Mageswari a brahmin who works in a export firm at a Industrial estate near Poonamallee who is about 34 years old and who has 2 children was a very easy target for me. As I look handsome she was a easy kick. I have been to her office only 2 times...

4 years ago
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She want a Black Baby

He confidently moved in for a kiss.Her shy yet romantic smile blossomed into a truly blissful kiss between the lovers. It was electric, intense yet a soft contact between their two lips. He ran his open palms up her soft arms teasing every nerve ending along the way. When his moth opened slowly to take in the flesh of her lower lip, he took his sweet time savoring the saucy taste of her flesh and the inside of her mouth. Then he went in for more, with his mouth wider and tongue prepared for an...

2 years ago
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American DV Part 2

It was a few months since me, Tom, and Lauren had our first threesome, but was becoming a regular event. Nearly every weekend, I would pick her up from her parent’s house, and then drive her to the house that me and Tom now shared with a third room-mate. The house was a two bedroom, with a separate, semi-detached cottage where I lived. The other two men of the house occupied the two bedrooms of the main house. Once I’d get her in doors, there was very little foreplay or pretense- Tom and I...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Victoria Voxxx Ashley Lane Security Risk Part 3 Angst

In “Security Risk, Part 3,” a thoroughly fucked Victoria Voxxx is sent by her boss, Mayor Dee Williams, to retrieve her laptop and return it to crime lord Quinton James. Unfortunately for Victoria, Quinton’s goon, Derrick Pierce, is slowly devolving into complete paranoia in Dee Williams’ home while waiting for the Mayor’s daughter, Ashley Lane, to return… Derrick was charged with keeping an eye on Ashley, but he lost her during one of here all-night party sprees, and he is praying she...

1 year ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 12

When I came into the house, there were raised voices from both the living room and the kitchen. I started with the kitchen. Ivan and Juan were arguing in English, Spanish and Russian which made the fight impossible to follow, but gave me a good idea about how pissed they both were. "BOYS!" I shouted over both of them. "Kill it!" They both looked at me, but they both shut up. "Now, in English only, what the fuck happened. You." I pointed at Ivan. "We need a programmer for the resume...

1 year ago
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Brothers Slave

It all started one day when my boyfriend and I were hanging out my house one day. We were in my room and me being the tease that I am sat on his lap and started grinding my ass into his cock. I could tell that he was getting so horny because I could feel the bulge poking me. I told him that it looks like we have a problem to take care of, reaching my hand down to rub the bulge in the front of his pants. So I got up and led him into the bathroom. I got down on my knees and he sat down on the...

1 year ago
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She Was 22

She was 22 and petite. Blonde, boyishly short haircut, and a body to die for. He was much older, but she liked the way he talked. They met at the wedding of mutual friends, were bored with the reception and had been drinking just enough to loosen their inhibitions. Sitting together they talked a little, flirted a lot. He kept stealing looks at her creamy breasts, intentionally on display in her strikingly low-cut dress (she got off on being stared at). She glanced at his crotch at least five...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Ashley Adams All Natural Busty Slut Gets Double Dicked

The beautifully big breasted Ashley Adams takes on two cocks and is double-stuffed by Jules and Chris! Ashley Adams has one of the best set of natural tits on the planet, there’s no denying that. Pair that with her tight athletic body and you’ve got a slut that’s built for sex. Ashley’s working out by the pool in her tiny crop top and black unitard, getting all nice and sweaty while showing off her assets. She’s more than excited that she gets to take on two huge...

4 years ago
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OK……lets teach you all how to have GREAT ANAL. So read on, print off and take these tips to the bedroom....or wherever takes your fancy.1) Get yourself clean before getting dirty: Use a douche if you have one and that obviously will get you really clean. It makes for the best Anal too.2) Get really horny: Lots of foreplay works well so she is really hot.3) Be relaxed: If you or your partner is uptight it isn’t going to go well and may ruin it. Also if it doesn’t go well the first time...

2 years ago
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Am I A Cuckold You Decide

Absolute TRUE STORYHe pushed my tight little asian GF over the end of the bed. He glanced back at me and flashed a cocky smirk before smacking her hard one time on the ass. She dutifully raised up on her toes and perked her round ass up in the air. He slowly slid his hefty cock into her pussy inch by excruciating inch. All I could do was listen as his dick seemingly pushed a puff of air out of her lungs. She began to moan as he started to, first slowly, and then more forcefully fuck her from...

3 years ago
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Toms AdventuresChapter 4

As the morning came Fighting Hawk looked around the lodge. Moon Flower and the girls still slept. He looked each over. Moon Flower couldn't be more than her early twenties, but her hard life left her with lines on her face. When she slept the lines almost totally disappeared, giving her the beauty that she once held. Her long black hair was still down from her bath in the river the previous night. It fell randomly all around her head, and it made her beautiful. Her dark eyes showed the depth...

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Kissy Kat

Kissy Kat was the CB handle if a lovely young lady I dated back in the hay-day of CB radios. We dated frequently, maybe too frequently. She was twenty-years-old, and as cute as they come. She was 5'2" tall and slightly on the plump side. Her extra weight contributed to her having wonderfully oversized set of tits. I loved playing with her tits, and she liked them firmly fondled. She had shoulder-length blonde hair that was silky to the touch and always smelled like flowers. Kissy was a...

2 years ago
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Virgin Story Reader Najma Meets In Srinagar

Hello everyone, I am Farhaan from Anantnag, Kashmir. I am 23 years old, an average looking guy. This story took place last year in mid-June. It is about a woman who mailed me after reading my story. My story reader was an unmarried woman aged around 35 from Srinagar, Kashmir. Her name was Najma (name changed) and she was working in a bank. She had some conflict with her family and was now living separately in a rented apartment with her female colleague. Najma had read my last story and mailed...

2 years ago
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Had To Improvise Prelude

There will come a day when I will have to improvise during filming, but that day is still far from the events I'm about to share. This is all about the build-up to that fateful day. Here I'm still wading slowly into new waters.The very beginning:We were just hanging out one day when we had a conversation that would change so much and lead us down a long winding path of experimentation and growth. It all started when Steve mentioned to me that we could make some money filming solo masturbation...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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My Failed Attempt to stop it all Part 6

I put on my biggest longest coat and wrapped it around myself buttoning it up from top to bottom, then looking at the time I hurried out to the car, my heart pumping so quickly I thought I would have palpitations. I started the engine and drove out of the drive, my hands almost shaking too much to hold the wheel. Surely if I reasoned with her, surely if I found some excuse she might laugh at me, but surely I could find a way out of this. Without realising it I drove slower and slower...

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Cum on Girlfriends sisters Salad

I have had an on and off food/cum fetish - I get turned on jerking of into girl's food and watching them unwittingly eat it. The main victim has been my girlfriend's younger sister who lives with us. She is younger (in her 20s), a brunette and has a cute face, nice body and nice little tits. We used to order take out and I would always pick it up - on the way home I would pull over and unwrap her sub and take my cock out and rub the tip of it on the fixings in her sub. This would get me totally...

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The Baby Machine

The Baby Machine by Ashley B. D. ZachariasPart 1: Mindy at 16Chapter 1: Biology RulesMr. Crane.I’m stuffing my sixth period mid-semester exam papers into my briefcase when Mindy comes into my office. I don’t have her this year but I know her from my tenth-grade Introduction to Biology class last year. I will remember her for the rest of my career. She'd not only been the top student in her class last year, she’s unquestionably the sharpest student that I've had during the entire fifteen years...

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Revenge Ch2

Revenge Ch.2 Thanks for the feedbacks and comments for the first chapter. First of all, I'd like to apologize for the delay in the release of the second chapter as I was writing the Escape series at the same time and the holiday season is upon us. But I was glad that I've finally get to finish it. I hope to receive your feedback and suggestions. Thanks for reading! WARNING: This story contains TG, violence, surgery and light narrations of rape. An Unhappy Marriage Heather...

1 year ago
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How I Ended Up Having Sex With A Hot Lady Who I Met In An Elevator

Hi my name Vin, I a guy and I am 18. This incident happened during my holidays, I went Bangalore during my holidays with some of my friends. We used to live in a rented apartment, we were planning to stay in Bangalore for 1 month, 2 weeks had already past. Like usual we all use to go out and see different parts and it was out first time going there. That day we went to a park and at night we ate at a restaurant and went back to our apartment to sleep. The next day morning, I got up early and...

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Ted grabbed Steve by that cudgel standing tall in front of him. In the dim light I could see that Steve's cock was still growing. Ted literally pulled Ted by that big handle to the basement stairs. It was clear that Ted was sporting his full 9 1/2 inches by now. I followed. When Ted reached the bottom he reached overhead for the hidden key, finding it he turned it in the lock. It had been unused for 3 weeks and I had cleaned all the toys for the next science experiment. The playroom...

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Sissy brothel whore

Well it was time for another medical conference in Chicago. I love going there because they have the best cross dressing store there. They always get me resupplied and give me a whole makeover. Every time I leave there I look like the hottest street walking whore ever! After 3 days of lectures my free night was here. I went to my store had them make me up to be a complete sex kitten. Even though I am somewhat new to this I do know what I want. I got a nice 2 room suite at a local motel on the...

1 year ago
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Call Me Daddy Part Two

It doesn’t matter that I waited so long, or that I wanted it so bad, what Michael does for me is not enough. Sure, I scream and I gasp, clinging to his back like I’d fall if I let go, but with every jerk of his body, I am taken back in time to James and his friends, to the individual manliness of them, to the way they used me like my body was the only thing that could make them feel good. I didn’t have that with Mike. He grunts and slams and pounds and bites me, but there is a resistance behind...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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My secret place Chapter One

I am a 35 year old woman, married to Paul for fifteen years. Our sex life had always been really straight, nothing kinky, but to tell you the truth it had begun to bore me. The most excitement I felt was watching porn with Paul and he always chose artistic girl-on-girl stuff.  I work as a freelance illustrator for books and other publications but also pump gas three days a week. I enjoy this work, I don’t have to think much and I get to meet some pretty interesting people. I set aside a Tuesday...

3 years ago
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A Mothers MistakesChapter 9

As had happened a lot lately, Chris was in a daze the next morning when he got up. He knew what happened last night wasn't a dream... it had been unbelievable, but not a dream. For the first time, he found that he felt guilty. It almost seemed that he had taken advantage of his mother. She had obviously had too much to drink last night and he could have stopped things before they went too far. Unfortunately, he hadn't had the moral character and now he feared that his mother would somehow...

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Domestic Dilemma

Domestic Dilemma Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Cheryl and I were happier than ever before, and simply enjoyed the company of the other without any thought that our lives could get any better, or worse for that matter. We had been married about a year when we inherited a lot of money, enough so that neither of us would ever have to work again as a matter of fact, and that led us to try things we had never experienced before. When I casually mentioned that when I was in...

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Black Clover

After a short trip John is walking inside the Magical Knights Colosseum towards the sound of people fighting. John has missed taking most of the Magical Knights Exam to help out a friend, as John entered the arena floor of the Colosseum he sees a man knocked out on the ground. in the stands above John a male voice starts speaking "If there is anyone who has not fought in a match please step in the center of the arena" once John arrived at the center of the arena there was already a man waiting...

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Billy Becomes Bill the continuing nylons adventu

By now, Billy had a very substantial stash of pilfered and salvaged nylons all carefully sorted by color and cleverly hidden away in three book slipcases in his room. He began to notice that his obesession with women's hosiery was more complex than he initially realized.He actually enjoyed organizing and comparing the seemingly endless array of nylons. He treated them as cherished treasure found, some associated with very substantial risk in connection with their acquisition. They had a...

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Stolen Glory

The Matterhorn, while quite the seedy place, was the biggest and most well known Tavern in the Kingdom of Nixx. Whether you were a lowly peasant looking for a good time, a high priest of the church or even a violent murderer, this Tavern catered to everybody. It's one of the reasons it's the biggest Tavern in the Kingdom of Nixx, as long as you keep it civil and paid your tab, you are accepted here and authority will look the other way. Drinking mugs clash in the distance as a group of five sit...

4 years ago
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Caring Doctor

That morning I woke up to a weird sensation. My penis felt bigger, but it didn’t turn out like the dream-come-true many guys hope for, on the contrary, I sensed that my limp dick was unable to extend and get hard. Pushing the covers aside, I pulled down my pyjamas to take a look and saw that my cock definitely had an unusual shape: the foreskin had swollen, covering the head with an awful amount of skin. I’m uncut, so having the head covered was not strange, but it had never looked like this. ...

3 years ago
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The Following Evening

Anyone who has read "Jaq Gets Some Big Cocks" will know I promised to write about what happened the following evening, this is an account of that evening.Jaq came home from her shopping trip at a little after three in the afternoon."You know Clive and Dan are coming over this evening," Jaq barked. She handed me a bag and told me to get myself ready.Dan and Clive had fucked Jaq the previous evening and I had performed cleaning duties when she arrived home. Jaq had told me that Clive was bi and...

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A Swinging Neighborhood Ch 11

Author note: This story is completely fictional but it is based on experiences over a lifetime. Many of those experiences have been embellished in this story. All characters are at least 18 years of age. I broke down the story into chapters and I will submit it one chapter at a time. The series will continue as long as I get positive feedback. Suggestions for additional chapters are welcome through the comment section or e-mail. I have already used some previous suggestions and requests from...

2 years ago
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A new life part 1

I am a happily married man of 41 years old, living in a nice town. I am very outgoing, quite successful in my business and can be very charming. Anyway, one late summer day in September when I was working in my home office on the second floor of our home, I was looking out of the window to see the sun shining when I noticed something in the garden of the neighbors. We bought this house only like year ago and we know the neighbors, they are OK, but we are not friends. She is a veterinarian and...

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The Balcony

It's early and i find you outside on the balcony, robe gently flowing in the morning breeze, the air is crisp and cool.... I wrap my arms around you, bury my face into your neck, place my lips on your skin, and suck gently.... You respond by tilting your head away as you reach up an grasp my head pulling me into you.... My cock begins to harden as I'm against you... I suck harder as my hands wander around to tease your breasts, gently squeezing them, as I open my robe to your hand that has come...

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Julian Part 10

For Bea. The master. 'Owwwhh, you're hurting me!" "Well I told you to stay still," Sara replied, wooden hairbrush in one hand and a mass of my hair in the other, "see, I told you this would happen if you didn't tie it up nicely. It's full of tangles." She took the brush once more and made a stronger attempt to work it through the knots that had formed in my new hair extensions. Sara had decided that I needed new ones before going back to school, a decision which had caused yet...

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