L'?ducation De Dominique 2 free porn video

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Le conseil de famille ?tait unanime, cela devait cesser et, je dus citer les filles avec qui je parlais. Elles s'?tonn?rent du nombre ?lev? de filles diff?rents que je c?toyais. Elles allaient durant ce cong? veiller ? m'apprendre ? ne parler qu'? bon escient ou quand cela m'?tait demand?. Je voulus parler et ma m?re se leva, prit un ba?llon boule noir qu'elle me pla?a car mon avis n'?tant pas requis, le silence ?tait de bon aloi. Le dimanche tant attendu arriva, Marie venait nous rendre visite. J'?tais tellement heureux que voulant profiter pleinement de tous les moments, je fis le maximum pour ne contrarier personne. A 14H pr?cise, la sonnette retentit, ce fut Anne qui alla ouvrir pour accueillir notre invit?e. Tout le monde se retrouva au salon et ces dames se mirent ? converser. Mes s?urs avaient mille et une question mais habilement Anne r?pondait et leurs montraient qu'elle avait du caract?re, de l'?ducation et de la r?partie. Profitant d'une pause, nous sort?mes toutes les deux pour profiter du jardin et de lui faire d?couvrir la propri?t?. A notre retour, une collation nous attendait. Les discussions reprirent sur l'?cole et l?, Marie pensait que je travaillais bien mais que j'?tais un peu trop bavard et dissip? par les autres. Donc, mes cotes pourraient ?tre meilleures si je rem?diais ? cela. Tout le monde ?tait d'accord avec cela et, avec une moue r?probatrice, Beth lui dit qu'elles veillaient ? ce que cela change. La journ?e passait vite et en voyant ma chambre, elle me dit que j'avais beaucoup de chances d'avoir des s?urs aussi pr?venantes et attentionn?es pour moi car elle, fille unique, ne connaissait rien de tout cela. Vers les 18h, Marie prit cong? et ma m?re lui dit, qu'elle ?tait la bienvenue, qu'elle pouvait venir autant qu'elle le voulait. Marie la remercia chaleureusement et partit en me faisant la bise. La soir?e fut consacr?e ? ce qu'elles discutent de Marie. Elles ?taient unanimes sur un point, c'?tait une fille parfaite pour moi voire m?me peut ?tre trop bien. J'eus du mal ? m'endormir ce soir l? tant mes pens?es n'allaient que vers elle, mes ?rections furent p?nibles car ma ceinture de chastet? comprimait s?v?rement mon p?nis. La semaine de cong? fut longue sans Marie et comme pr?vu, je passais la majeure partie du temps ba?llonn? et, quand je ne l'?tais pas, ce fut pour r?viser mes cours. C'est avec une joie non dissimul?e que je retrouvai Marie mais celle-ci me par?t distante, r?serv?e, voire pr?occup?e. Je cherchais ? savoir pourquoi mais rien ne venait. Paradoxalement, sa jalousie avait elle aussi augment? et supportait de moins en moins mais discussion avec les autres. Une dizaine de jours apr?s la rentr?e, l'attirance ?tait toujours bien pr?sence mais la distance continuait ? me perturber mais c'est ce jour l? que tout bascula. Par distraction car perturb?, je ne fermais pas la porte de la toilette et au moment de me rhabiller, Marie entra et me vit ? moiti? nu portant ma ceinture de chastet?. Elle fut tr?s surprise mais au lieu d'?tre choqu?e, elle se mit ? sourire et sortit radieuse sans mot dire. Tr?s inquiet par le fait qu'elle ait d?couvert mon secret, je voulus la rejoindre pour lui parler mais elle ?tait d?j? de retour en classe. Juste en partant, elle me susurra ? l'oreille, je t'aime. Je n'osai, ?videmment, le mentionner dans mon cahier le soir?et c'est avec une certaine appr?hension que je me rendis ? l'?cole le lendemain. C'est une Marie rayonnante que je retrouvais, la distance qu'elle avait install?e, ?tait disparue. Nous avons peu parl? mais elle me demanda s'il y avait longtemps que j'en portais une et pourquoi. Je lui expliquai et elle me dit qu'elle comprenait pourquoi ma m?re avait pris cette d?cision, que c'?tait une bonne chose. Egalement, elle comprenait maintenant l'attirance qu'elle avait pour moi car elle n'avait jamais ?t? attir?e par une autre fille. Je lui demandai alors si cela la g?nait que je sois habill? en fille. Elle me r?pondit, au contraire, que j'?tais parfait, tellement diff?rent des autres hommes et qu'elle ne voulait surtout pas que je change. A la sortie, d?s qu'elle vit la voiture de ma s?ur Anne, elle se dirigea vers elle afin de lui demander si elle pouvait venir ce week-end. Anne voulut savoir pourquoi mais elle se contenta de r?pondre qu'elle voulait juste s'entretenir avec nous. Je restai muet et m?me si ma s?ur voulut en savoir plus, je ne savais pas pourquoi. Samedi, 14h, Marie arriva et s'installa parmi nous dans le salon. Elle s'exprima directement en leur annon?ant qu'elle ?tait au courant que j'?tais un gar?on. Devant l'?tonnement de toutes, elle se retourna vers moi en me demandant pourquoi je ne les avais pas mises au courant. Elle dit alors voil? bien ton probl?me, tu parles trop et trop souvent mais fait des cachotteries importantes ? ta famille. Devant les regards r?probateurs de ces 5 femmes, je bredouillai quelque chose d'inintelligible. Elle dit alors pour dire cela, tu ferais mieux de te taire. Ma m?re prit alors la parole en expliquant alors ? Marie, l'?ducation qu'elle avec l'aide de ses filles, elle tentait de me donner. Elle expliqua le pourquoi de la ceinture, les entraves et les restrictions qu'elles m'imposaient afin de m'?duquer. Je voulus dire quelque chose mais Marie se retournant vers moi, que l?, je n'avais pas le droit ? la parole et demanda si elle pouvait s'entretenir avec nous toutes mais sans que je puisse entendre ses propos. Sur ces paroles, Beth se leva, me demanda de la suivre et me fit asseoir sur une chaise, me menotta, m'enfourna un ba?llon-boule blanc et me mit des bouchons anti-bruits. J'assistai donc sourd et muet ? une tr?s longue conversation entre elles. Je sus juste qu'elle leur avait avou? son amour pour moi et qu'elle partageait totalement leurs visions de l'?ducation d'un homme. A la fin, on me retira seulement mes bouchons anti-bruits et ma m?re m'annon?a qu'elles encourageaient et soutenaient notre relation. Que dor?navant, en pr?sence de Marie, en dehors de l'?cole, je continuerais mon ?ducation, mes entraves et, que m?me si au d?but, c'?tait elle 4 qui gardaient le contr?le, Marie pouvait m'en imposer d'autres. Toujours entrav?, je raccompagnai Marie ? la porte, elle me donna un bisou sur la boule de mon ba?llon et me dit ? l'oreille, je t'aime et toi ? Je ne pus qu'hocher affirmativement de la t?te et elle partit radieuse. De retour au salon, toutes me firent part de la chance que j'avais d'avoir trouv? une fille comme elle mais que j'allais devoir la m?riter. Le lundi ? l'?cole, Marie se montra tout ? la fois tendre et vindicative. Tendre quand je lui parlais, vindicative quand je parlais ? d'autres filles. Nous ?tions maintenant en d?cembre et un jour, ? la sortie des cours, il avait tellement neig? que Marie re?ut un appel de ma m?re sur son GSM. Elle me dit qu'elle ?tait emb?t?e mais que personne ne savait venir chercher Dominique pour le moment et si elle pouvait s'en occuper. Marie ?tait heureuse de la marque de confiance que ma m?re lui t?moignait. Je voulus savoir ce qui se passait et Marie me dit juste que je devais repartir avec elle. Je vous lus en savoir plus mais elle sortit un journal de son sac et me demanda de la suivre. Nous nous rend?mes aux toilettes et l?, elle prit une double feuille du journal et me l'enfourna consciencieusement dans la bouche, elle releva ma cape, pris mes mains dans le dos et je sentis des menottes se refermer sur mes poignets. Si je pensais avoir une soir?e de libert?, voil?, c'?tait illusoire mais j'?tais heureux car j'?tais pr?s de celle que j'aime. Elle me dit alors de la suivre car elle avait un bus ? prendre pour rentrer ? son domicile. Je la suivis alors docilement car j'allais enfin conna?tre son univers de vie. Arriv?s ? son domicile, une grande demeure bourgeoise de la p?riph?rie, elle me fit entrer, me d?barrasse de ma cape, de mes bottes humides et arriv? dans le salon, m'?te mon ba?llon et elle m'embrasse langoureusement. Ce premier baiser dura longtemps et j'en savourai pleinement toutes les secondes. Nous nous installons dans un divan et l?, ses baisers reprennent et elle me caresse. Je grimace car la douleur que me cause ma ceinture est assez forte. Cela fait rire Marie car, comme elle le dit, au moins elle sait que je ne le suis pas insensible. La sonnerie de son GSM, nous interrompis et, c'?tait ma m?re pour m'annoncer qu'elle serait l? dans 15 minutes. Marie me r?ajuste mes v?tements, attache une corde ? mes poignets afin de r?cup?rer ses menottes et lie ?galement mes coudes, ce qui m'oblige ? redresser le torse. Ensuite, elle reprend une double feuille de journal mais avant de me l'enfourner, me donne un dernier baiser. Chose faite, elle me colle plusieurs bandes de collant transparents sur les l?vres. Elle me dit alors que si elle le pouvait, elle me garderait comme cela pr?s d'elle et qu'elle n'aimait pas quand je parlais avec d'autres filles. Sur ces paroles, la sonnerie de la porte retentit, elle me passa une ?charpe pour dissimuler le ba?llon et me raccompagna jusqu'? la voiture. Ma m?re remercia Marie d'avoir pris soin de moi aussi bien en voyant mes entraves. Elle lui r?pondit que c'?tait bien normal mais que mon attitude ? l'?cole laissait ? d?sirer et qu'il faudrait en parler car elle ne voudrait pas que cela d?g?n?re. Ma m?re et elle, convint que durant les f?tes de fin d'ann?e, elles se verraient afin d'en discuter. Sur le trajet du retour, je pensais que jamais je ne pourrais vivre autrement mais que, maintenant, cela m'?tait ?gal si j'?tais pr?s de celle que j'aime. Les jours suivants, je discutai beaucoup avec Marie et, je lui avouai que j'avais tr?s envie d'elle. Son regard changea et elle me dit, tr?s s?rieusement, qu'elle ne l'envisageait que si on se mariait. Elle souhaitait me pr?server et qu'elle trouvait cela terriblement romantique d'?tre puceau jusqu'au mariage mais aussi que c'?tait une forme d'amour. Comme nous ?tions ? la fin des cours, elle m'entra?na aux toilettes, pris une double feuille de journal me l'enfourna sans autre forme de proc?s et me dit, que c'?tait pour m'?viter de dire des b?tises. Un peu vex? par sa r?ponse, je d?cidai de lui montrer mon m?contentement en m'occupant d'autres filles de ma classe. Cela ne fit pas plaisir ? Marie qui, dot?e d'un caract?re fort, n'abdiqua pas et vint me dire le vendredi, avant de partir, que j'avais ? faire un choix entre elle et les autres. Cette proposition, elle ne me la ferait qu'une fois et c'est ? moi de d?cider. Soit je l'accepte elle comme elle est avec ses exigences et sa fa?on de voir les choses mais avec tout son amour soit, cela s'arr?te l? compl?tement. Elle m'annon?a aussi qu'elle annulait sa visite du week-end ? la maison car dans de telles conditions, elle ne pouvait venir et qu'elle me laissait le bonheur de l'annoncer ? ma famille. Le soir, ma m?re lut avec stup?faction que Marie ne venait pas et elles se retourn?rent vers moi pour m'en demander la raison. Je leur r?pondis que c'?tait simplement par jalousie. Elles ?taient r?ellement f?ch?es et ma m?re dit simplement, ce week-end va te servir ? r?fl?chir et nous allons t'en laisser l'opportunit?. En effet, hormis le temps de mon travail scolaire et des repas, je passai le reste des deux jours entrav?s, ba?llonn?s, aveugl?s et priv?s de l'ou?e. Sur le trajet de l'?cole, le lundi, Lise me dit simplement qu'elle esp?rait que j'avais bien r?fl?chi et que j'avais pris une d?cision car mon avenir ?tait cette fois en jeu. En fait, j'avais effectivement pris une d?cision mais je ne voulais pas le dire directement ? Marie car cela m'avait fait mal et donc, je voulais la faire un peu patienter. Voyant que je faisais l'indiff?rent, elle ne m'adressa pas la parole et ne s'occupa pas du tout de moi. Cela me fit plus mal que je ne l'aurais imagin? mais je finis la journ?e comme cela. Le lendemain, je voulais lui annoncer la d?cision mais elle ne vint pas, nous appr?mes qu'elle ?tait malade jusqu'? la fin de la semaine. Je me portai volontaire afin de maintenir ses cours en ordre mais, durant le reste de la semaine, j'errai comme une ?me en peine car je craignais de la perdre. Le mercredi sachant que quelqu'un allait venir prendre ses devoirs, j'aurais d? mettre un mot pour elle, mais je n'osais pas. Durant, le week-end, j'ai beaucoup pleur? mais personne ne vint me consoler car elles me dirent que cette situation ?tait de ma faute. Le lundi arriva, j'avais le c?ur serr?, une boule dans le ventre et enfin, je vis Marie mais elle passa pr?s de moi sans me jeter un regard. A midi, je lui demandai si l'on pouvait se parler. Elle me suivit dans un endroit un peu ? l'?cart des autres, je lui demandai de ses nouvelles et elle me r?pondit, pourquoi cela t'int?resse ? Tu n'as pas pris la peine de t'en inqui?ter la semaine derni?re. Je bafouillai, elle m'interrompit en demandant si je n'avais rien d'autre ? me dire car si c'?tait le cas, elle avait d'autres occupations. Je lui dis alors, tout doucement, que j'avais fait un choix. Elle me regardait alors fixement dans les yeux, sans sourciller, elle ajouta et?? Ce choix c'?tait elle. Elle ne fit qu'un petit sourire et elle dit, tu as mis beaucoup de temps avant de te d?cider. M'aimes-tu r?ellement?? Sais-tu la peine que m'as faite?? Je r?pondis oui plus que tout et non mais je m'en excuse. Elle ajouta, il va falloir que tu prennes la pleine mesure de ce que cela entra?nera comme choses, comportements et attitudes que je devrai changer car elle ne voulait plus jamais vivre cela. Je lui annon?ai que j'?tais pr?t ? faire ce qu'elle voulait. Elle termina par nous en reparlerons bien vite et que je suis en p?riode probatoire, si je ne l'?coutais pas, elle m'abandonnerait du jour au lendemain sans plus jamais ne m'adresse la parole. Est-ce clair?? J'hochai affirmativement de la t?te et nous rejoign?mes notre classe. Ma famille ne put que lire avec attention et une certaine joie mon journal. Le lendemain, je ne pus m'emp?cher d'all? parler avec d'autres filles, Marie vint me chercher dans le groupe et, ? l'?cart, me dit voil? une premi?re chose ? laquelle tu dois rem?dier. Arr?ter d'aller faire du charme aux autres, les ?changes pouvaient exister mais uniquement d'ordre scolaire. Je voulus objecter mais son regard me montra que je devais plut?t me taire. Dor?navant, je veux qu'? la fin des cours, je puisse te ba?lloner moi-m?me et que pour venir, tu ne retireras ton ba?llon qu'en ma pr?sence. Est-ce clair?? Je pense que ta maman et tes s?urs n'y verront aucune objection. C'est en vigueur d?s aujourd'hui. A la fin de la journ?e, apr?s m'avoir plac? mon ba?llon journal, elle me posa un petit baiser sur les l?vres comme pour me r?compenser. Dans la voiture, Anne s'?tonna que j'?tais d?j? ba?llonn? mais ajouta souriante, apparemment Marie a repris les choses en main. Ma m?re lut ? voix haute, les recommandations que Marie m'avait faites et toutes ne purent qu'approuver totalement. Elles ajout?rent, nous constatons que tu as fait le bon choix et qu'elles esp?rent que je m'y tiendrai. Le lendemain, pendant le trajet, Beth me faisait r?citer ma le?on, arriv?, j'allais sortir qu'elle m'arr?te et me demande si je n'avais rien oubli??? Je la vois prendre une double feuille de journal et me la place dans la bouche. Je sors et vait rejoindre Marie. Je croise plusieurs filles qui me disent bonjour mais je suis dans l'incapacit? de r?pondre et donc je passe en les saluant du regard. Marie qui n'a rien perdu de la sc?ne, me fait la bise et me dit, alors, c'est bien mon amour. Juste avant de rentrer en classe, elle m'autorise ? ?ter mon ba?llon. Ayant l'habitude de marcher vite, je suis toujours en avance sur Marie dans les couloirs, les escaliers et, elle me dit que cela n'est pas tr?s courtois, elle me sugg?re alors que dor?navant, je porte le syst?me ? lani?re avec une sangle de 25 cm maximum. Je ne dis mot et n'ose la contredire. Pendant la pause de midi, elle s'absente et d'autres filles viennent alors pour me parler, j'en suis content mais pas Marie qui ne manque pas ? son retour de me le faire remarquer. Le lendemain, j'arrive sangl? et ba?llonn?. Nous sommes dans la derni?re semaine avant la p?riode de fin d'ann?e et elle me dit, heureusement, bient?t les cong?s, cela nous permettra de mettre certaines choses au point. J'essaie d'en savoir plus mais elle ne dit rien et m'emm?ne vers les toilettes, m'embrasse goulument et amoureusement. Ensuite, elle me ba?llonne avec une triple feuille de journal car elle veille ? ce que ma bouche soit totalement remplie. Ensuite elle soul?ve ma cape et me lie mes poignets solidement ensemble. Je la suis vers la sortie et sur le trajet, elle me dit qu'elle est heureuse et qu'il est bon d'avoir un petit ami aussi bien ?duqu? que moi. Nous attendons ma m?re et vu qu'aujourd'hui, il pleut beaucoup, elle lui propose de la d?poser ? son domicile. Marie accepte volontiers et dans la voiture, elle demande si elle peut me placer les entraves. Maman lui tend et Marie s'applique, me retire mes liens des poignets pour les remplacer par les menottes et se sert du lien pour mes coudes et demanda ? ma m?re si elle ne trouvait pas que cela me permettait de mieux me tenir droite. Elle prend du tape transparent et coupe plusieurs bandes, qu'elle applique consciencieusement sur ma bouche. Elles discutent alors durant le trajet sur la vision que Marie avait de l'avenir et des relations qu'elle esp?rait avoir avec moi. Marie lui r?pondit, ne vous inqui?tez pas, j'aime ?norm?ment Dominique et j'aimerais faire ma vie avec lui. Je souhaite plus que tout poursuivre la rigueur qu'elle avait inculqu? ? son fils et que pour elle, les entraves et le reste lui paraissait normal. Elle trouvait juste que nous ?tions encore trop laxistes avec moi et qu'elle avait d? intervenir si elle ne voulait qu'il devienne volage. Elle demande alors si ces demandes des deux derni?res n'ont pas ?t? mal per?ues. Au contraire, r?pondit ma m?re, elle trouve, ainsi que ses filles, que je suis parfaite et que toute nouvelle suggestion sera appr?ci?e. Marie la remercia beaucoup pour cette confiance et que justement, elle aimerait que durant les f?tes pouvoir venir et parler un peu de tout cela avec elle et mes s?urs. Par ailleurs, elle aimerait aussi pr?senter Dominique ? sa m?re maintenant que leur relation ?tait s?rieuse.

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The boys both had a definite lustful look on their faces. The slutty sexy look of Julie’s new outfit as well as the concept of an imminent fuck was getting to them. Julie seemed perfectly fine. In fact she was looking pretty eager.Jenn and I walked on either side of Julie and the boys followed. Considering none of the three of us had on a skirt that would qualify as decent, I know they had a good time. Particularly when I pulled the remote out of my pocket and switched on Julie’s vibrator. I...

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Cherries in a Mango Grove

My name is Sahebji. This is not my given name but everyone knows be by this name only. I am a freelance commercial artist. This incident took place when I was about 30 years old. The names have been changed for obvious reason and the circumstances modified to suit, otherwise everything else is as it happened. Between assignments, I decided to visit an old college friend R. Kumar. His friends called him RK. RK lived in a village not too far from where I lived. RK was a big zamindar (landlord)...

1 year ago
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Male Nudity Anthology

Below you will find a summary of each story, along with a description of what type of content it contains. All characters are above the age of content (18+). Drugs - An epidemic of male exhibitionism has swept across the nation, corrupting the youth of the day and causing the government to take a similar approach to that of their "war on drugs" in the 80s. Follow an eighteen year-old who has been keeping his streaking habit hidden from his parents. This story is heavy with plot, moderate with...

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Double WhammyChapter 2

The weather had turned warm again and I was sitting on my balcony, enjoying my usual coffee when the dulcet tones of Cindy Willows caught my attention. "Hey handsome, where have you been?" "Come on over girl, I'll tell you all about it," I said with what could only be described as a very self-satisfied tone. I was feeling pretty mellow right about now. My life was back on track. Cindy came in through the back door as usual, poured herself a coffee, and came upstairs to our bedroom and...

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Hotel Rooms

I don’t know what it’s like for other people but I always find hotel rooms a bit of a turn on. Recently I was sent by my company to do some training in the north of the country. The hotel they had booked me into was very plush, the reception was modern looking with a lot of mirrors, it was small but the mirrors gave it a much larger appearance.  The girl at the desk was wearing her uniform tight, showing off very tasty curves. Her blouse was daringly unbuttoned giving a hint of cleavage. My...

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The CoachChapter 5

It was the last day of the first school week when Ted was sitting by himself at a table in the teacher’s lounge and he heard someone say, “Mind if I join you?” Looking up he saw the voice belong to Marie Watkins the Principal’s Secretary. Putting down the paper he was reading he told her he was happy for the company. He knew that Marie who was close to retirement age was privy to the many things happening not only at school but also in the area. “I am not going to ask you how the summer...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 11

Picture in your mind the perfect way to wake up. For each of us, it's different. Some people would like to watch the sun rise in the solitude and cold mountain air of the Grand Tetons. Others want to hear waves crashing on the shore. One of my favourites is to come out of that sleepy haze with a warm, wet sensation of someone's lips or pussy wrapped around my morning wood. Yet even that took second place to the Monday morning I woke up in bed with my five best friends. We were a tangle...

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Sunny TooChapter 16

“No?” “No.” I repeated. “Family secrets.” “I understand,” said Abby. The professor was interested and with a few nudges and gestures, talked Abby into revealing her ancestry. “This is mostly innuendo and surmise. Very little was provable until DNA testing,” she said. “My great great grand mother was born on Bali. In an area where dark skin prevailed, light skin was treasured. She was very light. A favorite of visitors to the temple, photographs abound and many bare breasted postcards of...

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New Years ResolutionChapter 6

New Year’s Resolution-JuneJournal entry-I've had many questions going through my mind the last couple of weeks and honestly I don’t have any answers right now.  Hopefully after finishing writing in out and exorcising some of my thoughts on paper, solutions will show themselves.First, how is the relationship with Molly and my kids progressing?  MJ and Erin are the most important people in my life and even when they leave the nest, that won’t change.  If Molly’s feelings for me are as strong as...

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Beta Ke Sath Suhag Raat

Hi, dear readers !!! Main yahan pe ek daily story reader hoon aur meri e-mail address hai isliye kiyuki muhe sex stories bahut achi lagti hai . Halaki mujhe ish site ke bare main pahle se pata nahin thi aur kisi ek meri saheli ne ishke bare main batayi meri wohh saheli jo mujhe jaan se bhi pyari hai . Main humeesha ushkie hi kehna manti hoon , kiyuki meri har achhi buri waqt mein wohh meri sath deti hai . Yahan jo story aaj main likhne jarahi hoon wohh meri aur sachi kahani hai aur jiske bare...

4 years ago
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hi im lia chap13

Introduction: this story is not just about sex. ENJOY! CHAPTER 1 Hi, im Lia. I should probably start by telling you what I look like. im a 56 brunette with hair down to the middle of my back. Im a c-cup with round and full breasts that dont really need a bra to stay up. I am skilled in jujutsu and kung-fu and I teach jujutsu, so I stay in pretty good shape. I am 23. At least thats my cover story to humans. So, here I was thinking about why I was walking down this alley in the middle of the...

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Help From Star CityChapter 8 Indoctrination Continues and Problems

Max, Got Gal, Ms Americana and Professor Whirter all returned to the lounge just in time to see the six bound heroines screaming in orgasm with donkey and pony cum running down the legs as the animals overfilled their pussies with their seed. They all took a couch close to the stage and Max ordered his men to move the four potted inseminoid plants under Ashlynn, Nannette, Chloe and Isabelle. The Preggo Worm was released from its box and crawled behind Victoria, reared to expose its cock and...

2 years ago
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Song of ThanksChapter 18 All Ye All Ye In Come Free

The law of sacrifice is uniform throughout the world. To be effective it demands the sacrifice of the bravest and the most spotless Mohandas Gandhi MH-53J Pave Low Helicopter on ground at Cave Tues., June, 26 9:25 PM (Local), Tues., June 26 16:55:00 (Zulu) Failure... a hard word for an elite team like this one to swallow but there it was, the rescue operation had failed. The entire team was retreating back aboard the Pave Low Helicopter with the discipline of professionals, but with the...

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Dinner Guests

"Hiiii, guys!" Julie greeted Linda and Jack at the door with a friendly welcome. "Come on in." She kissed the petite, auburn haired woman and gave her a warm hug. Turning to the woman's companion, she took him in her arms and tilted her head upward as he brought his lips onto hers. Their lips remained together longer than a casual hello might require. "Mmmm, Jack, I was waiting for that." she said as her husband, Wayne, walked into the entry from the kitchen. "Same here, Julie." Jack replied,...

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Miss Priss 3

Miss Priss 3 By Cheryl Lynn This work of fiction is copy written by author. Permission granted for personal download use only. Pay site or other use strictly forbidden. Please read Miss Priss 1 and 2 before this part. PLEASE NOTE: THIS STORY IS NOW RATED "X" as the situations become very adult in nature. If you do not like forced feminization and mean forceful women do not read. Miss Priss 3 It was very late by the time everything was unloaded from the car and neatly put...

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Class Reunion My Two Lovers

I went to my high school’s 25th reunion expecting nothing. I was recently divorced and figured I might as well get out of the house, enjoy a trip, have a few laughs. And ended up at a table with two women that had, long ago, been a part of my teenage fantasy life. By the end of the weekend, adult reality turned out to be even more interesting than my adolescent fantasies.One of my old classmates was Beth, a girl I had dated a few times my senior year. I had some very fond memories of goodnight...

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Neighborhood SlutChapter 2

Marcy ground her over-heated cunt mound against her husband's hard-on. He groaned, sucking her faithless tongue, getting a hint of Tracy's pussy-juice and Bobby's jizz. So much blood rushed down into his big prick that the man was swaying around, light-headed and dizzy with desire. "Ohh God, baby! I can't wait. I you to fuck me right now, " she whispered. Jim was in hearty agreement with that suggestion. They had planned to wait for the evening group action, but circumstances had...

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My Mums Holiday part 4

(continued from part 3)Once in the bedroom she peeled off her white dress and searched amongst her small selection of clothes. She pulled out a glossy black number and wriggled into it, needless to say without any underwear. It was a micro-dress; the design of the bra-like top supported and shaped her boobs to maximum advantage, the plunging neckline revealing acres of cleavage, and it barely covered her bottom. It clung to her like a second skin, and the material was so fine it rendered the...

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A morning with my coworker

Pre storyi have a online mistress since 5 years and we play on Second Life, Skype and write emails and send pictures.Then a few months ago i startted to meet as well with my co-worker. a very hot, slim, naughty and amazing woman 13 years older then me. After a x-mas dinner we started to meet once in a while and play in her apartment when her k**s are in school. this is the story of one of our playtimes. Story:its 8:30 am i ring at your door. you buzz me in. i go into the door and find a little...

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Can You See Me NowChapter 18

Their reunion turned into a lovemaking session that lasted all afternoon. Slowly, the nervousness each had felt leached out of them, like the red pigment in a sign leaches slowly under the sun's attack. At one point, while they lay catching their breath, Bob asked, "Is it all right if I love you?" She blinked, confused. To her, love was a precious thing, and eagerly to be sought. That he might somehow think it could be spurned shocked her. A little window into his soul opened up, and she...

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Time Scope Part 2Chapter 13 Collecting Our Winnings

We were at Phyllis’s place, since we did not want to advertise our relationship to my new apartment neighbors, when: Ring ... Ring ... Ring. “Hold that thought, Jeb, while I answer the phone.” While Alicia was answering the phone, I tried to remember more of what I had been told during the past four nights. Mary had given me a major data dump during the past nights, and I could not remember all of that data. What I had forgotten was hanging out there, just beyond where I could retrieve it....

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Where Friendship LeadsChapter 7

The exact function, or name, of the thing was unknown. It was old, that was certain. Older than the oldest teen who had ever played on it as a kid. Metal pipes, freshly painted, wooden planks old and smooth. They called it the Sled Run, or sometimes Sled Hill, as that's what they used it for in winter. In the summer, they just climbed it, ran down the long, wide wooden slide at unsafe speeds or tried to climb up the incline. The covered area up top was large, a good place to rest and talk...

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Victor calling

That night Jerome had taken me to a wild gangbang with some of his black mates. I was home alone, because my loving hubby had left in the evening. He had gone to the airport; his flight out of town was at same time as I was going to be gangbanged…After my Black Master had used my body at his entire will, his friend Vance wanted a turn inside of my pussy... or maybe it was my ass. I really didn't care as long as I got fucked. He was leading me over to a couch when I heard my cell phone ringing....

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Mumbai With Naveen 8211 Part I

Hi everyone my name is Mini Pauranik and I hail from Gwalior, I am 26 years old and I did my MBA from Pune, I am a 5 ft 2 inches fair looking Brahmin girl with a figure of 34-30-32. While I did my first time with my bf but what was even more excited and enticing was whenever I cheated on his back all the way until I broke up with him to marry boss. But that’s another story for some other time. We had all been allotted a company to do our internship and I was lucky enough to get into a well...

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Im on my way home from a night out in the City and I stopped for a cigarette

Introduction: m on my way home from a night out in the City, Ive been out drinking in bars with my mates and I dressed up for the occasion. Black knee high boots with a thin metal stiletto heels, and a tight body fitting summer dress showing off my cleavage, legs and thighs. As I walk through my local tube station my skirt rides up higher, and when Im standing on the escalators I realise all the suits behind me have a view of my ass cheekily exposed. I tug my skirt down conscious that Im...

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The mistake

Nick was a rather ordinary man in his early twenties. As this story began he had a lovely girlfriend, Diana, with waist long brown hair and a nice body with well formed, but not too big breasts. One day Nick and Diana had gone to the beach. Diana had let her long hair down and they were both bathing when Nick had to go find someplace to pee. When Nick came back he saw his girlfriend standing still waist deep in the water, looking out over the ocean with her back towards Nick. Nick thought he...

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A Girl In Train 8211 Part I

Namaskaar dosto mai hun dj or mai punjab se hun. Meri age 24 hai or mera lund 7inch ka hai. Or mujhe 18-47 tak ki females ko chodne mai mza ata hai khass kr ke shadi shuda aurton ko. Abb bina der kiye hum khani pr aate hain. Ye baat hai abb se ek mhina pehle ki mai train main apne friends ke saath ek long tour pr jaa rha tha or kuch 2-3 station ke baad ek ladki chadi or mere pass aa kr khadi ho gyi kyo ke vhan pr baithne ke liye seat nhi thi lekin fir agle hi station pr mere saamne wali seat...

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Jimmy P4

So let me recap for you.A short time ago i was fucking a hot blonde school crush, who i hadn't seen in ages, until it turned out i was in me ex-girlfriends flat doing it, and she came home and chased me out of there.Yeah. So now i was keenly marching through the local streets, late at night, completely naked, because i left my clothes, wallet, keys and phone back there in the flat, and all i wanted to do now was get home and forget about the evening.Anyway, a short brisk stroll later i was soon...

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I Want You to Seduce My Husband Ch 07

Madeline sat on the edge of her couch, eyes brimming with tears that hadn't yet started trickling down her cheek. She looked at her phone, at the message Shelly had just sent her. As the first tear rolled slowly down her cheek, Madeline tapped out her reply.MADDY: I'm not going tonight.SHELLY: What?!? Why not?MADDY: I just can't.SHELLY: Can I come over and talk?MADDY: I think I'd like that.Minutes later, Shelly was sitting at Madeline's kitchen table, fresh cups of hot coffee in front of both...

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Christmas Tryst

It was Christmas – December 22nd to be precise – and along with our closest friends, Debbie and Alan, whom we’d known for years, my wife Jayne and I had tickets for a dinner-dance that night at a restaurant in a nearby village. Normally I’d have been looking forward to it but as I’d neglected a bad cold I’d had, and had now gone down with a chest infection, I was dreading it. Then, talking to Jayne at lunch-time, she’d told me that Debbie was also feeling lousy and really didn’t fancy making...

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You BetchaChapter 12

“Truth or Dare ... who next?” I said now. I didn’t wish to make Becca agonize over her obvious conflict over her polyamorous tendencies. That was when Eddie called her and she rushed to answer it, of course, “Hey, baby!” Becca put the phone on speaker right then, and I could hear Eddie say, “Hey ... um ... were you serious about that hall pass?” “Given that I basically cheated on you already, babe, you bet your sweet ass I am! Why do you ask? Remember, it’s for married women only, that...

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Demon InvasionChapter 5

Dad showed up that evening about an hour early from Chattanooga. Man, did he look disheveled and very much out of sorts. He came into the house, took off his jacket, and plopped down on the sofa in front of the TV. He said, “That blood you see on my shirt is not mine, so don’t worry about me. I’ll tell you about it as soon as I catch my breath.” He turned on the TV to the news coming from Chattanooga, and chaos covered the screen. This may have been an automatic camera showing a city street....

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My Journey To Womanhood part 1

How did I end up here? That was the question plaguing my mind as I was on all fours with a long black dick pumping in and out of my asshole. Let me start at the outset. I was a nerdy and geeky boy in India. I was an orphan and was brought up by my paternal aunt. She was a widow and had a lot of land a big house in an area called Konkan south of Mumbai. It was about 4 hours drive south of Mumbai. I was a good student at school and did my engineering from a topnotch school in...

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The Early YearsChapter 2

A move to the North. Well, more north in Virginia anyway. Dad was on his way up the ladder. We were transferred to Springfield, Virginia, in 1967. St. Bernadette's was a really nice school. I recall helping our teachers with the distribution of milk and juice at lunch time. I can only chuckle as I remember 'falling in love' at 8 years old with one Patricia McCourt. I smile as I recall the day I thoroughly embarrased her by proclaiming the very same in our classroom. I was so clueless....

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Saumya Aunty Pondicherry Trip Part 2

I think its time to continue my experience from where I stopped.Thanks to you guys for such a great response.I won’t make you guys wait anymore.Let’s get into the scene. Me and Arvind were waiting for her in the hall and Saumya aunty opened the door. I turned back to see her.To my surprise,she was wearing a black lingerie like bikini which has a laced top.Its like the normal bikini top hardly covering her 36D boobs showing good curves, cleavage and little side part of her boobs too.The bottom...

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Sams CurtiousityChapter 2

Little Dot had lost her way in the bush. She knew it, and was very frightened. She was too frightened in fact to cry, but stood in the middle of a little dry, bare space, looking around her at the scraggy growths of prickly shrubs that had torn her little dress to rags, scratched her bare legs and feet till they bled, and pricked her hands and arms as she had pushed madly through the bushes, for hours, seeking her home. Sometimes she looked up to the sky. But little of it could be seen...

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The Tournament 08 The Beginning

Copyright Nora Quick 2012. As always, I welcomecomments and feedback! ______________________________________________ Morrigan breathed in the air deeply, and drank in the stench of death. Women, war, blood, these things were her domain, but death was her buffet. This tiny village had fought off a Saxon incursion and death was all around. She had been the one to decide who would die, but this day she sought a living warrior. ‘I seek Branna,’ she told the smith. When he realized it was a...

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Sister in Law 7 entraps friend Part 4

If you haven't read the earlier stories, I suggest you start at Sister in Law 7 entraps friend. This starts the day after Sister in Law 7 entraps friend Part 3.The mobile rang and Jennie's partner answered. Luckily the man on the end of the line asked who was speaking rather than getting straight into it. So Mob was passed over to Jen."Hi Jen here, who am I talking to and how did you get my number?" "You may recall you offered me a coffee when I stopped you fro breaking the law. Mike here." "Oh...

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Becoming my Neighbors Slave Toy

Becoming my Neighbor’s Slave Toy       (Part One)This story is based on true events.  It contains femdom, CBT,.  When my older next door neighbor lady taught me to be a cbt toy for her and her daughter..        When I was younger I began noticing our neighbor Deb Fisher and her 19-year-old daughter Megan.  However Deb did a lot more for me. She was 42 and looked great, one look at her and my cock became instantly hard, and I think she knew it.  She was about 5’10? and weighed about 140 pounds. ...

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K4 Niece Katy is a Team Player

K4 Niece Katy is a Team PlayerBy billy69boyAfter dropping my wife off at the airport, I was downright giddy with excitement. My darling niece Katy lived only a few minutes away and I had arranged to stop by and visit with her. As I waited for her to answer the door, I wondered if she would be in a playful mood. I knew her boyfriend Jimmy was out of state on a training session, and wouldn’t be back for a few more days. Katy’s daughter was down South staying with her father for the month, so...

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The Bucket ListChapter 4

"That's wonderful, I'm so pleased that you have accepted my proposal. I'll have the paperwork drawn up immediately". "Uncle Joe, I'm going to go back home. I have to give my boss at least two weeks notice." "Ah, that would be the normal procedure; very commendable in fact, if I wasn't the sole stock holder of the company. I'll call the company president and let him know that you will be working directly for me; that should take care of that problem." "What about my apartment,...

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teaching my teacher

Hello all iss readers this is ronit again,,this is a story how i broke my virginity,,i was 17 then and we used to stay in a colony,i used to hav maths tution from a mam named anupama,her nick name was anu.from frst day ythis babe errected me,she was married wid 1 daughter of 5yrs n her husband was in bank,,she used to stay beside our flat and was very caring..as i was weak in maths i used to often go to her house,anu was vry good lookin wid a height of5.5,60kgs,fair,she had a figure of...

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My Sex LifeChapter 7 My younger sister 4

Mr, Roger 1. As mentioned in the previous chapter, the August school holidays were close and I would be alone at home, I would not go to the sugar estate every week. I was also thinking of Jan who would stay more than four weeks without sex. On the Tuesday, while going to the customs office I saw a man walking to the post office looking like Mr Roger the soap factory supervisor (chapter 01). I walked quickly and said good morning Mr Roger, he stopped and turned and he was surprised to see...

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a nice ass for a exwife

Introduction: fucked my ex-wife an her friend in theass while they where drunk This is a true story. It happended about 3 years ago. At the time I was already divorced from my wife and I was a broke bum simple as that. My ex-wife had called me to babysit my daughter so she could go to a work Christmas party so I came over for free food free cble and beer.Everything was normal my ex-wife like normal acted like a nooty bitch along with her best friend they put me down and laughed at me like...

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Filling in the Gaps Part Three

After the first few weeks and making some interesting connections, my work schedule took precedence over my sexual adventures. With almost no time for clandestine meetings, I suspended my ad in the personals. Work went into overdrive so even a long lunch for a quickie blowjob wasn’t feasible. The lie of working late that I’d told my wife was now the truth. Instead of sucking the cocks of strangers in their cars I was at my desk, alone, sometimes into the night. In a couple of weeks our project...

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