L'?ducation De Dominique 2 free porn video

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Le conseil de famille ?tait unanime, cela devait cesser et, je dus citer les filles avec qui je parlais. Elles s'?tonn?rent du nombre ?lev? de filles diff?rents que je c?toyais. Elles allaient durant ce cong? veiller ? m'apprendre ? ne parler qu'? bon escient ou quand cela m'?tait demand?. Je voulus parler et ma m?re se leva, prit un ba?llon boule noir qu'elle me pla?a car mon avis n'?tant pas requis, le silence ?tait de bon aloi. Le dimanche tant attendu arriva, Marie venait nous rendre visite. J'?tais tellement heureux que voulant profiter pleinement de tous les moments, je fis le maximum pour ne contrarier personne. A 14H pr?cise, la sonnette retentit, ce fut Anne qui alla ouvrir pour accueillir notre invit?e. Tout le monde se retrouva au salon et ces dames se mirent ? converser. Mes s?urs avaient mille et une question mais habilement Anne r?pondait et leurs montraient qu'elle avait du caract?re, de l'?ducation et de la r?partie. Profitant d'une pause, nous sort?mes toutes les deux pour profiter du jardin et de lui faire d?couvrir la propri?t?. A notre retour, une collation nous attendait. Les discussions reprirent sur l'?cole et l?, Marie pensait que je travaillais bien mais que j'?tais un peu trop bavard et dissip? par les autres. Donc, mes cotes pourraient ?tre meilleures si je rem?diais ? cela. Tout le monde ?tait d'accord avec cela et, avec une moue r?probatrice, Beth lui dit qu'elles veillaient ? ce que cela change. La journ?e passait vite et en voyant ma chambre, elle me dit que j'avais beaucoup de chances d'avoir des s?urs aussi pr?venantes et attentionn?es pour moi car elle, fille unique, ne connaissait rien de tout cela. Vers les 18h, Marie prit cong? et ma m?re lui dit, qu'elle ?tait la bienvenue, qu'elle pouvait venir autant qu'elle le voulait. Marie la remercia chaleureusement et partit en me faisant la bise. La soir?e fut consacr?e ? ce qu'elles discutent de Marie. Elles ?taient unanimes sur un point, c'?tait une fille parfaite pour moi voire m?me peut ?tre trop bien. J'eus du mal ? m'endormir ce soir l? tant mes pens?es n'allaient que vers elle, mes ?rections furent p?nibles car ma ceinture de chastet? comprimait s?v?rement mon p?nis. La semaine de cong? fut longue sans Marie et comme pr?vu, je passais la majeure partie du temps ba?llonn? et, quand je ne l'?tais pas, ce fut pour r?viser mes cours. C'est avec une joie non dissimul?e que je retrouvai Marie mais celle-ci me par?t distante, r?serv?e, voire pr?occup?e. Je cherchais ? savoir pourquoi mais rien ne venait. Paradoxalement, sa jalousie avait elle aussi augment? et supportait de moins en moins mais discussion avec les autres. Une dizaine de jours apr?s la rentr?e, l'attirance ?tait toujours bien pr?sence mais la distance continuait ? me perturber mais c'est ce jour l? que tout bascula. Par distraction car perturb?, je ne fermais pas la porte de la toilette et au moment de me rhabiller, Marie entra et me vit ? moiti? nu portant ma ceinture de chastet?. Elle fut tr?s surprise mais au lieu d'?tre choqu?e, elle se mit ? sourire et sortit radieuse sans mot dire. Tr?s inquiet par le fait qu'elle ait d?couvert mon secret, je voulus la rejoindre pour lui parler mais elle ?tait d?j? de retour en classe. Juste en partant, elle me susurra ? l'oreille, je t'aime. Je n'osai, ?videmment, le mentionner dans mon cahier le soir?et c'est avec une certaine appr?hension que je me rendis ? l'?cole le lendemain. C'est une Marie rayonnante que je retrouvais, la distance qu'elle avait install?e, ?tait disparue. Nous avons peu parl? mais elle me demanda s'il y avait longtemps que j'en portais une et pourquoi. Je lui expliquai et elle me dit qu'elle comprenait pourquoi ma m?re avait pris cette d?cision, que c'?tait une bonne chose. Egalement, elle comprenait maintenant l'attirance qu'elle avait pour moi car elle n'avait jamais ?t? attir?e par une autre fille. Je lui demandai alors si cela la g?nait que je sois habill? en fille. Elle me r?pondit, au contraire, que j'?tais parfait, tellement diff?rent des autres hommes et qu'elle ne voulait surtout pas que je change. A la sortie, d?s qu'elle vit la voiture de ma s?ur Anne, elle se dirigea vers elle afin de lui demander si elle pouvait venir ce week-end. Anne voulut savoir pourquoi mais elle se contenta de r?pondre qu'elle voulait juste s'entretenir avec nous. Je restai muet et m?me si ma s?ur voulut en savoir plus, je ne savais pas pourquoi. Samedi, 14h, Marie arriva et s'installa parmi nous dans le salon. Elle s'exprima directement en leur annon?ant qu'elle ?tait au courant que j'?tais un gar?on. Devant l'?tonnement de toutes, elle se retourna vers moi en me demandant pourquoi je ne les avais pas mises au courant. Elle dit alors voil? bien ton probl?me, tu parles trop et trop souvent mais fait des cachotteries importantes ? ta famille. Devant les regards r?probateurs de ces 5 femmes, je bredouillai quelque chose d'inintelligible. Elle dit alors pour dire cela, tu ferais mieux de te taire. Ma m?re prit alors la parole en expliquant alors ? Marie, l'?ducation qu'elle avec l'aide de ses filles, elle tentait de me donner. Elle expliqua le pourquoi de la ceinture, les entraves et les restrictions qu'elles m'imposaient afin de m'?duquer. Je voulus dire quelque chose mais Marie se retournant vers moi, que l?, je n'avais pas le droit ? la parole et demanda si elle pouvait s'entretenir avec nous toutes mais sans que je puisse entendre ses propos. Sur ces paroles, Beth se leva, me demanda de la suivre et me fit asseoir sur une chaise, me menotta, m'enfourna un ba?llon-boule blanc et me mit des bouchons anti-bruits. J'assistai donc sourd et muet ? une tr?s longue conversation entre elles. Je sus juste qu'elle leur avait avou? son amour pour moi et qu'elle partageait totalement leurs visions de l'?ducation d'un homme. A la fin, on me retira seulement mes bouchons anti-bruits et ma m?re m'annon?a qu'elles encourageaient et soutenaient notre relation. Que dor?navant, en pr?sence de Marie, en dehors de l'?cole, je continuerais mon ?ducation, mes entraves et, que m?me si au d?but, c'?tait elle 4 qui gardaient le contr?le, Marie pouvait m'en imposer d'autres. Toujours entrav?, je raccompagnai Marie ? la porte, elle me donna un bisou sur la boule de mon ba?llon et me dit ? l'oreille, je t'aime et toi ? Je ne pus qu'hocher affirmativement de la t?te et elle partit radieuse. De retour au salon, toutes me firent part de la chance que j'avais d'avoir trouv? une fille comme elle mais que j'allais devoir la m?riter. Le lundi ? l'?cole, Marie se montra tout ? la fois tendre et vindicative. Tendre quand je lui parlais, vindicative quand je parlais ? d'autres filles. Nous ?tions maintenant en d?cembre et un jour, ? la sortie des cours, il avait tellement neig? que Marie re?ut un appel de ma m?re sur son GSM. Elle me dit qu'elle ?tait emb?t?e mais que personne ne savait venir chercher Dominique pour le moment et si elle pouvait s'en occuper. Marie ?tait heureuse de la marque de confiance que ma m?re lui t?moignait. Je voulus savoir ce qui se passait et Marie me dit juste que je devais repartir avec elle. Je vous lus en savoir plus mais elle sortit un journal de son sac et me demanda de la suivre. Nous nous rend?mes aux toilettes et l?, elle prit une double feuille du journal et me l'enfourna consciencieusement dans la bouche, elle releva ma cape, pris mes mains dans le dos et je sentis des menottes se refermer sur mes poignets. Si je pensais avoir une soir?e de libert?, voil?, c'?tait illusoire mais j'?tais heureux car j'?tais pr?s de celle que j'aime. Elle me dit alors de la suivre car elle avait un bus ? prendre pour rentrer ? son domicile. Je la suivis alors docilement car j'allais enfin conna?tre son univers de vie. Arriv?s ? son domicile, une grande demeure bourgeoise de la p?riph?rie, elle me fit entrer, me d?barrasse de ma cape, de mes bottes humides et arriv? dans le salon, m'?te mon ba?llon et elle m'embrasse langoureusement. Ce premier baiser dura longtemps et j'en savourai pleinement toutes les secondes. Nous nous installons dans un divan et l?, ses baisers reprennent et elle me caresse. Je grimace car la douleur que me cause ma ceinture est assez forte. Cela fait rire Marie car, comme elle le dit, au moins elle sait que je ne le suis pas insensible. La sonnerie de son GSM, nous interrompis et, c'?tait ma m?re pour m'annoncer qu'elle serait l? dans 15 minutes. Marie me r?ajuste mes v?tements, attache une corde ? mes poignets afin de r?cup?rer ses menottes et lie ?galement mes coudes, ce qui m'oblige ? redresser le torse. Ensuite, elle reprend une double feuille de journal mais avant de me l'enfourner, me donne un dernier baiser. Chose faite, elle me colle plusieurs bandes de collant transparents sur les l?vres. Elle me dit alors que si elle le pouvait, elle me garderait comme cela pr?s d'elle et qu'elle n'aimait pas quand je parlais avec d'autres filles. Sur ces paroles, la sonnerie de la porte retentit, elle me passa une ?charpe pour dissimuler le ba?llon et me raccompagna jusqu'? la voiture. Ma m?re remercia Marie d'avoir pris soin de moi aussi bien en voyant mes entraves. Elle lui r?pondit que c'?tait bien normal mais que mon attitude ? l'?cole laissait ? d?sirer et qu'il faudrait en parler car elle ne voudrait pas que cela d?g?n?re. Ma m?re et elle, convint que durant les f?tes de fin d'ann?e, elles se verraient afin d'en discuter. Sur le trajet du retour, je pensais que jamais je ne pourrais vivre autrement mais que, maintenant, cela m'?tait ?gal si j'?tais pr?s de celle que j'aime. Les jours suivants, je discutai beaucoup avec Marie et, je lui avouai que j'avais tr?s envie d'elle. Son regard changea et elle me dit, tr?s s?rieusement, qu'elle ne l'envisageait que si on se mariait. Elle souhaitait me pr?server et qu'elle trouvait cela terriblement romantique d'?tre puceau jusqu'au mariage mais aussi que c'?tait une forme d'amour. Comme nous ?tions ? la fin des cours, elle m'entra?na aux toilettes, pris une double feuille de journal me l'enfourna sans autre forme de proc?s et me dit, que c'?tait pour m'?viter de dire des b?tises. Un peu vex? par sa r?ponse, je d?cidai de lui montrer mon m?contentement en m'occupant d'autres filles de ma classe. Cela ne fit pas plaisir ? Marie qui, dot?e d'un caract?re fort, n'abdiqua pas et vint me dire le vendredi, avant de partir, que j'avais ? faire un choix entre elle et les autres. Cette proposition, elle ne me la ferait qu'une fois et c'est ? moi de d?cider. Soit je l'accepte elle comme elle est avec ses exigences et sa fa?on de voir les choses mais avec tout son amour soit, cela s'arr?te l? compl?tement. Elle m'annon?a aussi qu'elle annulait sa visite du week-end ? la maison car dans de telles conditions, elle ne pouvait venir et qu'elle me laissait le bonheur de l'annoncer ? ma famille. Le soir, ma m?re lut avec stup?faction que Marie ne venait pas et elles se retourn?rent vers moi pour m'en demander la raison. Je leur r?pondis que c'?tait simplement par jalousie. Elles ?taient r?ellement f?ch?es et ma m?re dit simplement, ce week-end va te servir ? r?fl?chir et nous allons t'en laisser l'opportunit?. En effet, hormis le temps de mon travail scolaire et des repas, je passai le reste des deux jours entrav?s, ba?llonn?s, aveugl?s et priv?s de l'ou?e. Sur le trajet de l'?cole, le lundi, Lise me dit simplement qu'elle esp?rait que j'avais bien r?fl?chi et que j'avais pris une d?cision car mon avenir ?tait cette fois en jeu. En fait, j'avais effectivement pris une d?cision mais je ne voulais pas le dire directement ? Marie car cela m'avait fait mal et donc, je voulais la faire un peu patienter. Voyant que je faisais l'indiff?rent, elle ne m'adressa pas la parole et ne s'occupa pas du tout de moi. Cela me fit plus mal que je ne l'aurais imagin? mais je finis la journ?e comme cela. Le lendemain, je voulais lui annoncer la d?cision mais elle ne vint pas, nous appr?mes qu'elle ?tait malade jusqu'? la fin de la semaine. Je me portai volontaire afin de maintenir ses cours en ordre mais, durant le reste de la semaine, j'errai comme une ?me en peine car je craignais de la perdre. Le mercredi sachant que quelqu'un allait venir prendre ses devoirs, j'aurais d? mettre un mot pour elle, mais je n'osais pas. Durant, le week-end, j'ai beaucoup pleur? mais personne ne vint me consoler car elles me dirent que cette situation ?tait de ma faute. Le lundi arriva, j'avais le c?ur serr?, une boule dans le ventre et enfin, je vis Marie mais elle passa pr?s de moi sans me jeter un regard. A midi, je lui demandai si l'on pouvait se parler. Elle me suivit dans un endroit un peu ? l'?cart des autres, je lui demandai de ses nouvelles et elle me r?pondit, pourquoi cela t'int?resse ? Tu n'as pas pris la peine de t'en inqui?ter la semaine derni?re. Je bafouillai, elle m'interrompit en demandant si je n'avais rien d'autre ? me dire car si c'?tait le cas, elle avait d'autres occupations. Je lui dis alors, tout doucement, que j'avais fait un choix. Elle me regardait alors fixement dans les yeux, sans sourciller, elle ajouta et?? Ce choix c'?tait elle. Elle ne fit qu'un petit sourire et elle dit, tu as mis beaucoup de temps avant de te d?cider. M'aimes-tu r?ellement?? Sais-tu la peine que m'as faite?? Je r?pondis oui plus que tout et non mais je m'en excuse. Elle ajouta, il va falloir que tu prennes la pleine mesure de ce que cela entra?nera comme choses, comportements et attitudes que je devrai changer car elle ne voulait plus jamais vivre cela. Je lui annon?ai que j'?tais pr?t ? faire ce qu'elle voulait. Elle termina par nous en reparlerons bien vite et que je suis en p?riode probatoire, si je ne l'?coutais pas, elle m'abandonnerait du jour au lendemain sans plus jamais ne m'adresse la parole. Est-ce clair?? J'hochai affirmativement de la t?te et nous rejoign?mes notre classe. Ma famille ne put que lire avec attention et une certaine joie mon journal. Le lendemain, je ne pus m'emp?cher d'all? parler avec d'autres filles, Marie vint me chercher dans le groupe et, ? l'?cart, me dit voil? une premi?re chose ? laquelle tu dois rem?dier. Arr?ter d'aller faire du charme aux autres, les ?changes pouvaient exister mais uniquement d'ordre scolaire. Je voulus objecter mais son regard me montra que je devais plut?t me taire. Dor?navant, je veux qu'? la fin des cours, je puisse te ba?lloner moi-m?me et que pour venir, tu ne retireras ton ba?llon qu'en ma pr?sence. Est-ce clair?? Je pense que ta maman et tes s?urs n'y verront aucune objection. C'est en vigueur d?s aujourd'hui. A la fin de la journ?e, apr?s m'avoir plac? mon ba?llon journal, elle me posa un petit baiser sur les l?vres comme pour me r?compenser. Dans la voiture, Anne s'?tonna que j'?tais d?j? ba?llonn? mais ajouta souriante, apparemment Marie a repris les choses en main. Ma m?re lut ? voix haute, les recommandations que Marie m'avait faites et toutes ne purent qu'approuver totalement. Elles ajout?rent, nous constatons que tu as fait le bon choix et qu'elles esp?rent que je m'y tiendrai. Le lendemain, pendant le trajet, Beth me faisait r?citer ma le?on, arriv?, j'allais sortir qu'elle m'arr?te et me demande si je n'avais rien oubli??? Je la vois prendre une double feuille de journal et me la place dans la bouche. Je sors et vait rejoindre Marie. Je croise plusieurs filles qui me disent bonjour mais je suis dans l'incapacit? de r?pondre et donc je passe en les saluant du regard. Marie qui n'a rien perdu de la sc?ne, me fait la bise et me dit, alors, c'est bien mon amour. Juste avant de rentrer en classe, elle m'autorise ? ?ter mon ba?llon. Ayant l'habitude de marcher vite, je suis toujours en avance sur Marie dans les couloirs, les escaliers et, elle me dit que cela n'est pas tr?s courtois, elle me sugg?re alors que dor?navant, je porte le syst?me ? lani?re avec une sangle de 25 cm maximum. Je ne dis mot et n'ose la contredire. Pendant la pause de midi, elle s'absente et d'autres filles viennent alors pour me parler, j'en suis content mais pas Marie qui ne manque pas ? son retour de me le faire remarquer. Le lendemain, j'arrive sangl? et ba?llonn?. Nous sommes dans la derni?re semaine avant la p?riode de fin d'ann?e et elle me dit, heureusement, bient?t les cong?s, cela nous permettra de mettre certaines choses au point. J'essaie d'en savoir plus mais elle ne dit rien et m'emm?ne vers les toilettes, m'embrasse goulument et amoureusement. Ensuite, elle me ba?llonne avec une triple feuille de journal car elle veille ? ce que ma bouche soit totalement remplie. Ensuite elle soul?ve ma cape et me lie mes poignets solidement ensemble. Je la suis vers la sortie et sur le trajet, elle me dit qu'elle est heureuse et qu'il est bon d'avoir un petit ami aussi bien ?duqu? que moi. Nous attendons ma m?re et vu qu'aujourd'hui, il pleut beaucoup, elle lui propose de la d?poser ? son domicile. Marie accepte volontiers et dans la voiture, elle demande si elle peut me placer les entraves. Maman lui tend et Marie s'applique, me retire mes liens des poignets pour les remplacer par les menottes et se sert du lien pour mes coudes et demanda ? ma m?re si elle ne trouvait pas que cela me permettait de mieux me tenir droite. Elle prend du tape transparent et coupe plusieurs bandes, qu'elle applique consciencieusement sur ma bouche. Elles discutent alors durant le trajet sur la vision que Marie avait de l'avenir et des relations qu'elle esp?rait avoir avec moi. Marie lui r?pondit, ne vous inqui?tez pas, j'aime ?norm?ment Dominique et j'aimerais faire ma vie avec lui. Je souhaite plus que tout poursuivre la rigueur qu'elle avait inculqu? ? son fils et que pour elle, les entraves et le reste lui paraissait normal. Elle trouvait juste que nous ?tions encore trop laxistes avec moi et qu'elle avait d? intervenir si elle ne voulait qu'il devienne volage. Elle demande alors si ces demandes des deux derni?res n'ont pas ?t? mal per?ues. Au contraire, r?pondit ma m?re, elle trouve, ainsi que ses filles, que je suis parfaite et que toute nouvelle suggestion sera appr?ci?e. Marie la remercia beaucoup pour cette confiance et que justement, elle aimerait que durant les f?tes pouvoir venir et parler un peu de tout cela avec elle et mes s?urs. Par ailleurs, elle aimerait aussi pr?senter Dominique ? sa m?re maintenant que leur relation ?tait s?rieuse.

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Me, three girlfriends and their boyfriends. 2 black men, one of them pure 100% African and 2 white guys. Girls all pasty white. For two of the couples it would be their first group event. It started slow with a bit of shyness, drinking and weed. Just weed for me but all the others seemed to like the vodka. By the time things got rolling all were pretty buzzed. We prepped by taking our bedroom and moving all furniture out except for the king sized mattress. From the spare bedroom we took...

2 years ago
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Controlled Ch 07

I emailed The Lord as soon as i got downstairs, reported what had gone on at Bert’s house and how much i hated my neighbor. On one hand, I was hoping that he would tell me that i didn’t have to go through with the meal on Tuesday or go round there again but on the other hand there was a part of me that wanted to be humiliated in such a way and to let the old bastard use me, i thought back to the scene of myself standing in his dirty kitchen my housecoat down to my waist whilst Bert was fondling...

4 years ago
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Revenge Is

Revenge is ... a dish best served cold. "La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid," Les Liasons Dangereuses (1782); Pierre Ambroise Francois Choderios de LaClos (1741-1803) I was born in New York, but my parents moved to a small city in southern Ohio, where I grew up an only child. I got married right out of high school. Laine was beautiful; she was slender with large breasts and great legs. I fell in love with her in Junior year, and we were married right after graduation, and Laine...

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The Best SistersChapter 17

It was early spring in 1940. War raged in Europe. Hitler had conquered Poland but then the guns turned silent. Though France and Great Britain had declared war on Nazi Germany, there was no fighting between these nations. However, in a matter of months Germany would invade France. Hitler was lining up his divisions in three prongs for that very purpose. Melissa and Walt married. They were honeymooning in Texas where he had some kin. Michelle believed it was too soon for her sister but she...

3 years ago
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A lesson for Leslie

She became one of our party girls that came around every weekend to get drunk and tease all of the boys of the crew. At first I stayed away not to come off as one of the horny 20 something’s that I hung out with instead I tried the nice guy approach and got closer then any body else at the time only to find out to late that I was being used. She partied all around town and I just became her muscle when she got tired of teasing and the men would get mad this I didn’t mind because she always...

2 years ago
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Seeing Sisters Pt 2 BBW steals hot BF from hot

Part 1 https://xhamster.com/stories/seeing-s-rs-434988Chuck's cock burned for release. His nuts were hard squeezing cum into his cock. He knew he was close to shooting his wad, and he continued to peer through the crack in the wall as his girlfriend's cute, plump, and busy sister, Robin, fiddled her clit. Minutes earlier, she had come out of the bathroom, short, thin kimono, barely able to contain her plump rump and voluptuous bosom, through the family room but not without ranting."It really...

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Thunder and LighteningChapter 17

As the smell of coffee filled the house, Bill came staggering out of his bedroom rubbing the sleep from his eyes and yawning with a muted roar. Despite being sleepy, he had been looking forward to this day for a long time. At long last he was getting his cast removed. He glanced in the kitchen, not wanting to go into the cold room but it was difficult for him to resist the coffee and the French Toast. Bracing himself, he went into the kitchen and sat down at the table where Jerry had set a...

2 years ago
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The New Student Chapter 2

The new Student - Chapter 2 After a discussion between my mum and Mr Tonge, it was decided that the best thing I could do would be to go home as discreetly as possible. We would try and find out what was going on from there while Mr Tonge would check all school records to see exactly what had changed. We got to mum's car, a silver fiesta that she mainly used to get to work and back in and I climbed in the front passenger seat as I normally would, immediately realising that I would...

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Uncle BenChapter 2

Ben made a quick phone call to his office to tell them that he wouldn't be in and to see if anyone absolutely needed him for anything. With that out of the way, the three sat together on the bed and enjoyed their breakfast. Ben and Helen were naked and Penny had on her pink Baby Doll nightie. "I really enjoyed sucking you and having you come in my mouth Uncle Ben. Did you like it? Did I do a good job?" "Thank you, Penny. I enjoyed it very much. And, yes, you did a very good job. If you...

3 years ago
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Bolt Ch 01

Disclaimer: Hi! This is my first attempt to a story, and English is also not my native language so don’t be to hard with me ???? This story will contain a few different fetishes, including tease and denial, public humiliation and tickling. (and some other if I get some ideas ^^) I’m gonna tell u at the beginning, what each chapter contains, so if you don’t like it, just skip a chapter. And also I can’t write that often, always depends on what time I have so… sometimes a chapter a week...

1 year ago
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For this relief much thanks

The five of us had gathered in the small classroom to do our homework together. It was French translation and we decided that five average brains were better than one average brain. Everything started seriously and we had completed nearly half a page when Dave’s right hand disappeared below the desk and he started fidgeting. “Sorry, but I’ve got a hard-on!” he said with a smile. “Let’s see!” challenged Paul. Dave stood up and revealed the bulge in his trousers. That was enough to get my prick...

2 years ago
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Black Cock Warning Pt4

I'm tied to a spanking bench on all fours. I've just been spanked by theboss and sucked his cock until he came in my mouth. I'm exhausted, my assstill stings from the strapping I got, I can feel the leather strap on myass and I can imagine the red marks it left on my white ass. As I try tocatch my breath, I think about the situation I've gotten myself intobecause of my lust for black cock. I've decended into the depths ofdepravation and humiliation in my quest for black cock. I'm now...

4 years ago
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Gas Station Shemale

Before I begin this story let me say this: I know that a gas station is a place where one would not likely see a chick in a short skirt with heels and even if you did it wouldn't happen in the wee-hours of the morning.........would it??? On this night I hadn't paid close attention to how much gas I had in my car and when it was time to drive home from the party I'd been at I realized that I absolutely had to stop to get some (probably not a real good idea but I had no choice). Signage along...

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In the Back Seat

I sell cars.   I sell cars, and I’m damned good at it.   But I’m not your average cigarette smoking, rum-and-coke drinking slob selling clapped out jalopies from a downtown lot. I am the Owner, General Manager, and THE Georgina Ashcroft of “Ashcroft Investments”, the largest Bentley and Lotus dealership on the east coast. We pride ourselves in offering superb service and always looking as good as the cars we sell. I have a fantastic sales...

Straight Sex
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I will never forget the first time my papa touched me. It was very cold outside that night. Not long after my twelfth birthday. My mother was away for the weekend. On a trip to a spa with my aunt. Papa took me to the movie rental store. And let me pick out a bunch of movies. The night she left and ordered pizza. I remembered when we were at the movie store. That he went by himself in a room in the back. Telling me that it was just for adults. And that he would not be long. I did...

3 years ago
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The Education of Tami

The Education of Tami By Tami Chapter One - The emergence He never thought anything like this could or would happen. Tim was always a rather reserved, quiet person, and was, in fact, a complete professional in his normal, everyday life. He has a successful career, and was constantly receiving praise for his performance from supervisors and co-workers alike. He enjoyed the things that most men did, drinking, sports, flirting with women. He was very much a normal everyday...

1 year ago
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Dosto ki madad se maa ki chudai 8211 Part 6

Waise hi Sahil ne apni jeebh mummy ki gaand ke ched par laga di. Aur ab Karan aur Sahil ek sath mummy ki chut aur gaand chaat rahe the. Mummy jhuki jhuki aapne honton ko kaat rahi thi. Karan bar bar bahar ki taraf dekh raha tha. Jaha se main un dono ki puri chudai dekh raha tha. Aur apni hi mummy ko aise dekhkar. Apna lund sehla raha tha. Peeche se mummy ki chut aachi tarah dikh rahi thi. Karan mummy ki chut ka nikla hua chamda kheech kheech ke chus raha tha. Karan aur Sahil ne milke. Mummy ko...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Emma Blanco 12182020

Meet 19 year old Emma Blanco from the sunshine state of Florida. This girl has spunk and is overflowing with moxie which translates into the perfect combination of cute, bold, sexy, fun, hot as fuck, mysterious, provocative, spirited, seductive, fine assed, cuddly, sensual, enthusiastic, risque, stimulating, energetic, titillating, sultry, adrenalizing and full of electrifying life newbie who just happens to exude ball tingling energy with a perfect, and I mean PERFECT, body who must be a gift...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Bella Rolland Bella Loves A BBC Pile Driver

Big breasted babe Bella Rolland comes onto Cherry Pimps with a bang having Isiah Maxwell and his BBC to fuck! She is a master at deep throating taking it all down without restraint! Bella loves it naughty and loves her cocks big to thrust into that pussy making her so wet and moan out for more and more! She rides on top in cowgirl and reverse cowgirl grinding down so she can feel every hard inch! Isiah picks her up to get her down on the floor so he can piledrive down into that pussy so she...

2 years ago
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Coming Home pt 4

 Faith clicked ‘accept’ on the friend request and then she had to get up from the computer, and step away, to calm down. The memories were becoming too much, and she was turning herself on just remembering. She walked into the kitchen, turned on the radio, poured herself a glass of wine, and then started to prepare dinner.It was some throwback music block from the 2000’s, and she danced around and sang along while washing tomatoes and grabbing the cutting board. Music was awesome for bringing...

First Time
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My Son the Doctor

Elizabeth (Liz) Schwartz drove her BMW into the parking lot, parked and turned off the ignition and looked admiringly at the medical building. The large sign just to the left of the double glass doors had her son's name prominently featured in bold black and gold lettering, Richard M. Schwartz, MD ... well at least that was the way Liz saw it. In reality Richard's name was just one of several doctors in the Family Practice group but in Liz's mind there was only Richard's name. God she...

1 year ago
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The Early YearsChapter 5

Mom bought us a little pool that summer. She placed it under the car port in front of our home. I recall many hot nights taking a 'bath' in the pool and letting the night air dry us before bedtime. Mom learned to drive this year. Dad then went out and bought her a 1968 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme. A 2-door Coupe. I always wondered why we didn't get a 4 door car? It was a pain in the neck having to pull the front seat forward to get into the back. We ended up having to keep track of who...

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Undercover Angel Ch 04

Undercover Angel Ch. 04 - Transvestite on run is finally caught & fucked.Michele blinked as the flash went off in her eyes."Ok; one more photo, and this time keep your eyes open for me luv ok?" the man behind the camera said.Mike had done some research before he had ripped off Tony Leonardo and he had located a man named Harold Brown who could produce good quality counterfeit identity documents. Harold had agreed to provide Michele with a passport and a driver's licence in the name of...

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Angels Tale Part 7

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 7 Once they were fed and rested, Angel's mother drove them to the Chinese. While they were in their meeting, she would be at a nearby market, shopping. "When you're done, give me a call and I'll pick you up. And Angel," she paused, giving her This Is Significant look. "Use the phone. Lena is not a public utility." Both girls laughed, but it made Angel think. "I have been kind of taking you for granted," she apologized....

4 years ago
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Shy Boy Lost Virginity To His Aunt

I have been a regular reader of ISS so I finally decided to share my first experience. This is the real incident that happened to me when I was in 2nd year of my college at the age of 20. So just like every other young guy, I was craving for sex. I used to fantasize about girls, elderly milfs and what not. First, let me tell you about myself. I am Harshit, age 22 from Delhi. I am not very fair but not too dark in complexion either and with a height of 5ft 10in. So, this all started when there...

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Candys Fashion House Chapter four

Thanks to Charlie again for his editorial skill, support and encouragement. Alecia, what the fuck was she doing here??? I turned to look at Lauren; she was talking to Maddison who was in turn pointing over at me! I got up and walked over. "Hi Lauren I was just wondering if you wanted to get lunch somewhere?" She hugged and kissed me. "Sorry baby I am flat out today, but I would love to take a rain check!" I mumbled hesitantly, "Yeah no worries Lauren, I will see you...

3 years ago
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Revenge Against Luke

Comment if you want.... Now, enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenge Against Luke Luke was a twat. That’s all I thought of him. A complete bastard. I absolutely hated him. He thinks he’s ‘hard’ and that everyone wants to be his friend and that he’s so popular. But when his back is turned you can say to anyone, “Sure Luke’s a complete twat?” and they reply “Hell yeah!”. I rest my case. And this was why I was going to be...

1 year ago
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Hanky Panky

Disclaimer: I do not own Still Standing or its characters. I don’t receive any monetary consideration from the writing or posting of this story. This is a parody in the Fanny TV Series. It all started when I shared with Brian that I wanted him to be my tutor. I wanted a very ‘strict tutor who used physical punishment to get results.’ Furthermore, he would spank me if he felt my effort wasn’t up to par. Brian was so smart and Lauren would buy I needed help with my homework and so would their...

2 years ago
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Naughty Nerd Lust Sarah and Charles Part 2

Sarah woke up early. Today was the day she would go and see Charles’s apartment. She was genuinely interested in what the apartment complex had to offer, considering she was going to move off campus the coming semester, however, the apartment tour wasn’t the only thing she was after. She wanted Charles to scan his big brown eyes up and down her body and devour her with his eyes. He had done it before and she craved his penetrating gaze, so she was going to give him something to really look at....

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Vegas Ch 09

A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story, in tribute to them. Without their inspiration, this story would not have been told. CHAPTER 9: GRACE AND LISA PERFORM Daniel was exhausted when he returned to his room, the happenings of the entire day had him running on empty. Grace had not yet arrived back from the club and although he...

3 years ago
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More than a Handful is Not Wasteful

With the online easy hookup board now censored, my P4P has been more challenging. I reverted to some old numbers on the off chance that someone had picked up the hook up number. Hit it lucky about the sixth call. Could not recall what she looked like, but she said I was repeat so she said “Come on over” after she asked if I really liked her type. Of course my little head was screaming yes, so I said I did. She texted me an address, and it was in an apartment complex close to downtown. I had not...

4 years ago
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Strip Search

The man with the hash sat in the corner of the caf?, rolling joints between his yellow fingers. When he spoke English, his accent was Jamaican with an Irish lilt. "If you fuckers want to bring some home to the US, I'll tell you what you have to do." Joel giggled inanely.? Jarred yawned and stretched his muscles.? The pot seemed to have?no effect on him.? He?was still?cocky with?his Colgate smile. "You got to store it in your ass, man. That's the only way. I talk to this fucker from New York and h...

2 years ago
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Leben 3

"Oh sorry Uncle, I know it can be disjointing it was to me the first time. I said, hello uncle, mother thought I should meet you, I agreed." Again Alan extended his hand to Varick who was really feeling stupid now as all he could do was stare at the gesture of friendship from his nephew. "Really uncle, had I known it would have thrown you off this bad I might have warned you first, I'll remember next time." "Thank you Alan that might help though some of us might not be as accepting...

3 years ago
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Virginity Of Shilpa Broken

Hi this is your fave Preethu my real story for horny aunties erotic house wife’s and college going girls. I used to go daily for half n hour jog near my house I used to start at 5am and reach home by 5.45am. Once it happened it was on June 29th 2010 I was on my routine and while jogging I noticed athletic built female in her mid 23 entering park and she was wearing cream track pant and lime yellow color t-shirt and stated to jog and she was damn sexy and I followed her behind and her buttocks...

1 year ago
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A Little Bit of Force

"Don't you dare make me cum yet, I'm not done with you," I exclaim. She looks so riveting when her mouth is around my member, as though that is exactly where she is meant to be. I could watch her for hours, though I don't think even she has the stamina to endure several hours of deepthroating. Every time I feel the back of her throat with my head, I feel as though I'm going to blow my load there and then. It's getting too much, but she's not earned it. Yet. "Up!" I command. Immediately, she...

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DC UNIVERSE Hero or Villain

You sat in your office one night working on your little trinket. You put off your work trying to figure out how to hook up a piece of alien tech, which was a strange circle or oval shape, to a metal rod and sprang. You received the tech from your old college friend Lex Luthor. He gave the strange tech to you during Christmas when you visited Metropolis. He didn't give you any reasons to why he gave it to you. You always thought he gifted it to you because he knew you would be able to figure it...

2 years ago
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My first black cock

My wife and i have always enjoyed threesomes with other men over our thirteen year mariage and it's been awesome! It really went to a all new high. A few months ago, on this very site, we found a black stud with 10 inches of cock that was as big as a soda can! This huge black man was just what my horny wife was looking for! His name was Mark and from a near by city called St. Louis! Anyway over a short period of time we decided to meet Mark in a motel in the city. Micki (my wife) sucked my cock...

3 years ago
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Just Come Home

She had fallen asleep listening to the rain again. Her forehead rested gently on the windowpane, with her ear pressed against the window. There was a calming effect she had on him, as he watched her chest rise and fall... rise and fall. It amazed him everyday that she would want to be with him of all people, when he had so little to offer her. He reached out and brushed a strand of her long brown hair out of her face. "Madison... Honey wake up, I'm leaving soon. Matt's gonna be here any...

4 years ago
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Christmas In Indy cont

Adam pulled into a shallow parking lot in front of a solitary commercial building uncomfortably close to the street. The wind almost slammed the Escalade's large door into Kelly's face as she tried to open it, as a merry prelude to wrecking havoc with her hair and dress. She hurried inside ahead of her brother's and mom, hoping to salvage at least some of the time she had spent styling her hair. Consequently, she burst into the photo studio in something of a rush;, only to run...

3 years ago
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White Christmas

My birthday is exactly a week before Christmas eve, and my girlfriend (our first Christmas together) and I spent it doing simple things. Seeing a movie, dinner, Christmas shopping and people watching. I found myself staring at her, watching her watch, as a sexy half smile began, before quickly fading away. A hot guy walked by, who had been smiling her direction. This only made things worse for me. I had been married, and much of the reason we split was a kink of mine, in which we tried. In the...

2 years ago
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Dentists have Twilight Drugs Part 1

I was dreading going to the dentist’s office, but really needed to have a tooth extracted.   I kept telling myself that afterwards the pain would be gone, and I’d live through it, but I was more than a bit nervous about going, especially after my first visit to get the x-rays done.   I’ll start there, since it was a simple visit, only to have the x-ray and fill out the forms so I could get a prescription for the necessary antibiotics.   New to this area, I had asked around and heard that...

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A Doctor Need A Massage

I’m Nishant (Nish), male aged 30, from Bangalore/Bengaluru. I’m a software engineer by profession and working in an MNC and also an experienced masseur (providing massage) for females and couples. I travel across India to give massage to my clients. All the massages are done by me at the customer’s doorstep (home/hotel) at a very nominal cost. Mail your comments, feedbacks, enquires on Few people think my experiences are fake, etc etc. But I don’t have to prove anything to anybody. People who...

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The Mortyverse

Earth seems vast to its inhabitants, but it is but a spec amongst the stars. Some worlds are aware of the plethora of aliens that exist across the galaxies, some earths have even encountered aliens. Very few however are aware that there are millions of earths. The sheer variety of planets, star systems, galaxies, and dimensions would boggle most minds. However one mind stands above them all, in every dimension. Rick Sanchez. Rick's vast intellect, is nearly universal across the dimensions that...

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