L'?ducation De Dominique 3 free porn video

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Arriv?e ? la maison Marie prit cong? et me fit une bise sur le front. Maman me dit alors en se retournant vers moi, tu as vraiment de la chance d'avoir trouv? une fille comme elle. Elle est vraiment amoureuse de toi et veut ton bonheur. Le reste de la semaine, Marie me serra de pr?s, ne me laissant pratiquement aucune opportunit? d'?carts mais en ?change, elle ?tait plus douce et c?line avec moi. Le dernier jour, ? la fin des cours, elle m'emmena dans une salle de classe vide, me prit les mains, me les attacha avec une corde et apr?s, me retourna et se mit ? m'embrasser et ? me caresser l'entrejambe comme cela se m?lait en moi, bonheur, douleur et frustration. M?lange exquis qu'elle maniait ? la perfection. Au bout d'un quart d'heure, elle s'arr?ta, rajusta ma tenue, rajusta la sienne, prit ? nouveau une tripe feuille de journal et remplit compl?tement ma bouche et non contente, elle prit une bande de tape transparent qui scella mes l?vres. Elle se servit de son ?charpe pour la dissimuler. Nous sort?mes de l'enceinte et elle m'accompagna jusqu'? la voiture de Lise. Elles se firent la bise, Lise lui demanda si comme convenu, elle viendrait mardi prochain. Oui bien sur et voil?, je te rends mon amoureux, prends en soin en lui faisant un clin d'?il, je l'ai d?j? pr?par? pour son retour. Elle me fit la bise et me murmura un je t'aime profond qui r?chauffe le c?ur. Je la vis s'?loigner, j'aurais voulu l'appeler mais d?j? ma s?ur red?marrait. Le mardi, tant attendu, arriva et exceptionnellement, je n'?tais pas entrav?, sorte de r?compense de ma m?re. J'allai ouvrir la porte ? Marie et elle fut surprise que ce soit moi, elle me fit un petit bisou mais apr?s que je l'aie d?barrass?e, me demanda pourquoi je ne portais aucunes entraves. Ma m?re l'entendit et lui dit que c'?tait une mesure exceptionnelle du fait de ma venue. Elle la remercia de cette charmante attention mais qu'il ne fallait surtout pas d?roger aux r?gles parce qu'elle venait. Elle remit un ?norme bouquet de fleurs ? ma m?re. Sur cet entrefait, mes s?urs arriv?rent et elles s'install?rent au salon pour parler. Je me joignis ? elles et Marie de dire, je suis g?n?e de le voir ainsi car je sais que ce n'est pas l'habitude. Beth se leva, m'emmena avec elle et ce n'est que correctement entrav? et ba?llonn? que nous les rejoignons. Je m'installe pr?s de Marie qui satisfaite, reprend sa conversation tout en posant de temps ? autre sa main sur mes cuisses gain?es de nylon. Le toucher de sa main m'?lectrise et me r?conforte par contre, je le fus moins par certaines des ses paroles. Maintenant, je souhaiterais ?voquer quelques probl?mes avec Dominique si vous le voulez bien. En premier lieu, les probl?mes nutritionnels. Je remarque que Dominique, ? l'?cole, mange des sucreries, des chips, des frites et donc, cela nuit ? son ?quilibre. Ma m?re me regarda de son regard d?sapprobateur que je connaissais et moi, je rougissais. J'ai d?j? constat? que vous lui mettiez de temps ? autre, surtout chez vous, un corset, serait-il possible qu'il le porte le plus souvent possible car alli? au fait que je pourrais veiller ? ?viter ses ?carts, il retrouverait bien vite une taille plus correcte. Tout le monde approuva. En second lieu, ses lectures. L?, toutes elles r?agirent en disant qu'elles veillaient ? cela. Marie ne se d?mont?t pas, elle ajouta, j'en suis certaine mais ? l'?cole, d'autres filles lui apportent des revues masculines inconvenantes pour une demoiselle. Il en a un stock dans son casier. Je pense qu'il doit en avoir ramen?e quelques unes pour les cong?s. Elle se retourna vers moi et me dit, tu veux bien aller les chercher mon amour. Devant les regards f?ch?s de toutes, je me levai et revint quelques minutes plus tard avec trois revues que je d?posai sur la table. Ma m?re se pencha, les examina et Beth, en se levant les prit pour les jeter dans l'?tre. Marie reprit en disant qu'elle a une solution pour les deux probl?mes. Cela vient du fait, qu'en bonne m?re, vous lui donnez de l'argent de poche mais que lui, le d?pense sans r?fl?chir. On pourrait ?viter cela si, avec votre accord, dor?navant vous ne lui en donniez plus du tout. Je pourrais m'occuper de payer pour lui pendant la semaine et, quand nous nous verrions, je vous remettrais l'?tat des d?penses avec les justificatifs. Dernier point, Internet, j'ai d?j? eu l'occasion de voir qu'il avait des documents inopportuns puis?s sur le Net. Si vous le souhaitez, j'ai une connaissance qui pourrait param?trer correctement son PC pour qu'il en ait un usage correct ainsi que pour les chats. Ma m?re me fixant droit dans les yeux, lui r?pondit par l'affirmative et mes s?urs en ?taient enchant?es. Je pense, qu'entre nous, il y a une confiance et je n'ai pas besoin des justificatifs, simplement tu m'indiques le total des d?penses. En tout cas, je suis heureuse en tant que m?re que mon fils ait trouv? une fille aussi s?rieuse et attentionn?e que toi. En agissant de concert, je suis persuad?e que nous parviendrons ? le maintenir dans le droit chemin. Marie la remercia une nouvelle fois pour la confiance et la gentillesse que ma m?re lui t?moignait mais elle avait encore quelques petites choses ? voir. Je trouve que les traits de Dominique, sur certains points, sont encore tr?s masculins et j'aimerais les att?nuer et augmenter d'autres. Tout cela bien entendu, sous la surveillance ?troite d'une amie m?decin. Elle conclut par j'esp?re que vous ne pensez que je suis trop intrusive dans votre famille et plus sp?cialement dans l'?ducation de Dominique mais si je r?sume, nous le faisons toute dans son int?r?t et par amour pour lui. Ma m?re ?voqua les relations intimes qu'elle souhaiterait avoir. De ce c?t?-l?, j'en ai parl? avec Dominique, les choses sont claires, rien avant le mariage car quelle preuve d'amour cela repr?sente pour elle. Anne prit la parole en approuvant pleinement ses demandes et qu'elle n'aurait jamais esp?rer que son petit fr?re puisse rencontrer une fille qui l'aimerait autant. Lise et Beth acquiesc?rent et, ?taient admiratives du d?vouement dont elle faisait preuve. Ma m?re se leva et, pendant que nous pr?parons le go?ter, pourquoi vous n'en profiteriez pour allez profiter de la propri?t?. Marie m'enfila la cape et m'?ta mon ba?llon et nous sort?mes. Pour la premi?re fois, elle me demanda mon avis sur la nouvelle direction que prenait notre relation et les initiatives qu'elle venait de prendre. Devant tant de franchise, je lui dis que j'?tais heureux de notre relation mais j'?tais surpris de sa s?v?rit?. Elle me r?pondit par le fait que moi, je percevais cela comme de la s?v?rit? mais ce n'?tait que de l'amour et que tout ?tait fait pour que je me sente bien. Etant dans une partie de la propri?t? ou l'on ne nous voyait plus, elle m'embrassa longuement et tendrement. Entre deux baisers, je lui susurrai que je l'aimais. Son visage s'empourpra et me dit, merci mon amour, c'est la premi?re fois que tu me le dis. Avant de me replacer mon ba?llon, elle m'embrassa et nous rejoign?mes la maison. Le surlendemain de No?l, j'?tais invit? ? rencontrer la m?re de Marie. J'?tais angoiss? rien qu'? cette pens?e car, c'?tait la premi?re personne, en dehors de la famille, que je rencontrerais qui conna?t ma r?elle identit?. Afin de faire la meilleure impression possible, j'enfile un tailleur bleu, un chemisier de satin blanc, des collants bleu opaque et prends soin de mes cheveux. A l'heure dite, ma s?ur Anne me d?pose devant la maison de Marie, elle reste devant tant que je ne suis pas rentr?e dans la maison. En effet, je ne suis pas entrav? et ceci pour la premi?re fois depuis des mois. Anne m'accueille radieuse, me d?barrasse de ma cape, me complimente pour mon ?l?gance mais remarque que je ne porte aucune entraves ce qui la d?range. Ne voulant pas faire patienter sa maman, elle m'emm?ne directement dans le salon ou celle-ci est install?e dans un fauteuil entrain de lire le journal. A notre entr?e, elle le replie et se l?ve pour venir ? ma rencontre. La m?re de Marie, Estelle, est une dame du milieu de la quarantaine, grande, ?lanc?e et tr?s ?l?gante. Elle d?gage une tr?s forte personnalit? et m'impressionne rien qu'? la voir. Bonjour Dominique, vient prend place dans le canap? que je puisse faire ta connaissance car Marie n'arr?te pas de ma parler de toi. J'aimerais que tu me parles un peu de toi, de l'avenir et des relations que tu as avec ma fille. Etant g?n?, ne sachant pas quoi dire, ce que je peux dire, je rougis, bafouille et devant mon embarras, Marie me dit, Maman conna?t tout ce qui ? savoir mais elle voudrait l'entendre de ta bouche. Sur ces paroles, Estelle me dit de me d?contracter et, de bien raconter mon histoire car de mes paroles d?pend les relations que j'aurai ? l'avenir avec Marie. Marie me prend la main et c'est ainsi que je me lance dans mon r?cit. Estelle ne m'interrompt pas mais me fixe, durant toute mon histoire, dans les yeux comme si elle voulait sonder mon ?me. A la fin de celui-ci, elle me demande si je suis heureux tant dans ma vie et dans mes relations avec Marie. Tout en soutenant son regard, je lui r?ponds deux fois par l'affirmative. Bien dit-elle, dor?navant, je te consid?re comme le petit ami de ma fille et donc, vous pouvez vivre votre relation normalement ce qui inclut, qu'en sa pr?sence, je dois porter ce que sa fille ou ma famille me demande de porter. Marie se l?ve toute souriante et va embrasser sa m?re. Elle s'?clipse et revient avec une paire de menottes pour les poignets et une pour les chevilles, qu'elle me place imm?diatement. Marie m'emm?ne alors visiter la maison et sa chambre. Elle m'embrasse alors fougueusement en me disant que j'ai ?t? formidable tant j'ai ?t? spontan? et sinc?re. Ma maman a surement ?t? d'ailleurs ?t? sensible ? cela. Tu vois, ce n'?tait pas aussi terrible que cela. Je lui avoue alors que je n'avais jamais eu aussi peur de ma vie et que sa maman m'impressionne beaucoup. Allons la rejoindre car avant que tu ne partes, on va prendre une petite collation. De retour au salon, du th? et des biscuits, nous attendent. Je n'aime pas le th? mais sa maman nous en fait l'?loge pour ses bienfaits et n'osant pas la contrarier, je le bois et Marie, me sourit car elle conna?t mes go?ts. L'apr?s-midi prenant fin, Estelle me dit que j'?tais le bienvenu chez elle et qu'elle esp?rait donc me voir plus souvent. Je la remerciai beaucoup pour son accueil et pour sa gentillesse, que je ne souhaite pas l'importuner. Elle dit alors, d'un ton assez sec, tu ne m'importuneras que le jour ou tu importuneras ma fille. Marie dit alors, tu dois te pr?parer car tu dois repartir. Elle demande ? sa maman, si elle a finit avec le journal, elle prend alors trois feuilles du journal qu'elle m'enfourne dans la bouche. Je suis g?n? car elle le fait devant sa maman mais celle-ci ne dit rien. Elle d?fait mes menottes, me fait passer les mains dans le dos qu'elle attache avec une corde. Elle en fait de m?me avec mes coudes, ce qui m'oblige ? redresser la poitrine. Marie s'absente quelques instants et pendant ce temps, Estelle me dit alors, ? l'avenir, je souhaite que vous suiviez les pr?ceptes de votre m?re et de Marie et donc, en ma pr?sence, je veux que vous soyez entrav? et ba?llonn? si tel n'?tait pas le cas, je m'en chargerais. Marie revient avec le tape transparent, en d?coupe deux bandes qu'elle m'applique convenablement. Elle s'adresse alors ? Marie, il faudra que tu te procures des entraves ainsi que des ba?llons adapt?s quand Dominique vient ? la maison et n'h?site pas ? prendre du mat?riel efficace car l?, je constate que ce n'est que de l'amateurisme. Tu sais bien que je ne l'aime pas, pour bien faire les choses, il faut le bon mat?riel. On sonne ? la porte, Marie m'aide ? me lever, je salue la maman et me dirige vers l'entr?e ou Marie me mit la cape. Anne m'attend et en me voyant, sourit car me voyant entrav?, elle a comprit que tout s'est bien pass?. Marie dit alors ? Anne, pour le rendez-vous chez le m?decin, c'est le 3 janvier. C'est bien not? lui r?ponds Anne, Maman vous accompagnera. D?part de la maison. Elles se font la bise et nous repartons vers la maison. Les f?tes de fin d'ann?e se pass?rent dans la joie et je re?us un pendentif de Marie ou il ?tait grav? son pr?nom. Le 3 janvier, nous nous rend?mes chez le m?decin, recommand? par Marie, une dame d'une quarantaine d'ann?es. Marie lui exposa le fait qu'elle souhaitait que ma poitrine grossisse, que ma voix mue un peu mais que mon sexe masculin reste op?rationnel. La doctoresse pose alors des questions sur le traitement que ma m?re m'a fait suivre. Elle lui dit alors que c'?tait parfait et si elle ?tait d'accord, le traitement allait ?voluer. Maman acquies?a, la doctoresse prescrit alors deux types d'hormones diff?rentes, sans risque pour la sant? et la virilit? sexuelle, pour le reste tout allait ?voluer progressivement et les premiers changements se feront dans les trois mois. En sortant du cabinet, voulant dire quelque chose, Marie m'interrompit et se saisissant du journal, me fit enfourner trois feuilles, nous n'?tions m?me pas sortis de la salle d'attente. Elle me pla?a ?galement sous ma cape, les menottes avec mes mains dans le dos. Elle me dit, si c'est pour te plaindre, alors que l'on vient de consacrer une partie de notre journ?e pour ton bien, il vaut mieux que tu gardes le silence et c'est ainsi que nous sommes rentr?s ? la maison. Elle avait convenu avec Maman, que dimanche, la veille de la rentr?e, j'aille passer l'apr?s-midi chez elle afin de pr?parer la rentr?e et parce qu'elle souhaitait en discuter avec moi.

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A Beautiful Day In The Park

It was a beautiful spring time day and my husband had the day off. I said, “Why don’t we go hike in the park and enjoy this beautiful weather.” He said, “That is a great idea. I had bought a bottle of wine the other day and we can take that with us.” We packed our little cooler and grabbed a blanket and headed for the park. I was surprised that the park wasn’t very crowded but it was a weekday. We travel down a path until we came to a clearing area. My husband said, “Why don’t we set ourselves...

Wife Lovers
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Satans Hand

Satan's Hand by Paul G Jutras It was a hot steamy evening in New Orleans. John Orson was a 21 year old transsexual who stood nervously in a bar with a drink in his hand. His nail-painted hand fiddled with his yellow sun dress. He watched as couples would make their way downstairs and return. A dark skinned, dark haired woman approached him with a big smile on her face. She took John by the arm and led him to the stairs. "This your first time?" The woman giggled as they headed down...

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A Girl Who Knows

Julie was always a girl who knew what she wanted and exactly how to get it. When she was young and wanted a toy that another c***d had she would get it. Whether it is by coercing them into giving it up, begging her parents or just flat out stealing it. Last year when she wanted to be freshman class president she worked hard and bribed some of the other High School classmates that were running into dropping out of the race. Of course she won. Frankly, when something was in her sights nothing,...

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The Letter

John paced slowly and thoughtfully in his living room just a few feet from where his wife, Ruth, sat reading a book. Ruth could sense the turmoil in his mind, both from the nervous pacing and heavy sighing. She was dreading the conversation she knew was coming and the impact it would have on their lives. She sat waiting, dreading, only pretending to read. John turned to her finally with his own dread pounding in his head and said, "Ruth... ?" She looked up at him and held her breath, raising...

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Chapter 1 'What you need, Alice, is a good regular shagging!' Alice Mavers stared at her friend in amused shock. 'Carol! That is shocking! I'm not going to have an affair! That's a recipe for disaster.' The two life-long friends were having their weekly coffee morning, and as usual Alice had been having a moan about her boring life as a suburban housewife, a role she had now filled for over six months, ever since she had packed in her teaching job after a terrible term with a...

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Mia ran away from home and got off the bus looking lost. She was just what Dane looked for. He went to her and asked if she was all right. She smiled and said "I am not sure." He told her "Let's go get a burger and coffee." Mia was so pretty and sexy. Nice big firm tits and a great round ass. Dane knew she would be a money maker for his stable. They had a burger and talked and Mia got very comfortable with him. They ended up walking back to his apartment with his arm around her waist holding...

2 years ago
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SRU A Tale of Three

SPELLS-R-US A Tale of Three by Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams,1997 Dan, Vance, and Phil were walking through the mall. They had just left their weekly meeting of the Aggie Tech Nerd Club known as the Chess Club. All three of them were confirmed nerds as were all the members of the Chess Club. For some strange reason, the only people who joined the Chess Club at Aggie, were all confirmed nerds. It so happened that it was the 30th of October and it was trick-or- treat at the...

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Birthday Present

She sat quietly, drinking her tea and half listening to the station announcements... "The next train from platform seven is the 1735 to Ramsgate, calling at Bromley South, Chatham, Gillingham, Sittingbourne, Faversham..." The hustle and bustle of the trains faded from her mind as her thoughts went back to a year before. "Can you come to my room? I've got something to show you?" "Okay, what is it?" her boyfriend, Steve had asked, but she had just grinned, running up the stairs to the...

3 years ago
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Getting a stranger dick at the motel

I had met that man on the net. We had been chatting about sex during at least two weeks; just sex, no names, nothing about each other life, not husband and not wife; just plain sexual preferences…Then one night he proposed me a secret meeting. Just me and him, two strangers in a dark motel room, to enjoy sex and nothing but sex…I accepted, knowing that my loving Victor would be out of town during the week end.I arrived to the motel before him and sat on the edge of the bed waiting for his...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 109 The Assizes

The Benedetto affair, as it was called at the Palais, and by people in general, had produced a tremendous sensation. Frequenting the Cafe de Paris, the Boulevard de Gand, and the Bois de Boulogne, during his brief career of splendor, the false Cavalcanti had formed a host of acquaintances. The papers had related his various adventures, both as the man of fashion and the galley-slave; and as every one who had been personally acquainted with Prince Andrea Cavalcanti experienced a lively...

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Her Barking StudChapter 8

Under pressure from Weird Stanley, Jan led him into her house, her thoughts really more on the whereabouts of her dog than on the tall, cadaverous and mentally retarded bartender. She pushed him down on the couch, asked him if he wanted a beer, got him one when he managed to nod assent, and then asked him what he wanted. "I got a message from Davis and Lester," he said. "They tried to call you, but you didn't answer." "So they sent you to see, me?" Jan asked skeptically. "Well, I...

3 years ago
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Makan malkin ko choda

Maine chuki apna sara cum uske muh main daal diya tha iss liye meri kaam vasna kuch der ke liye kum ho chuki thee par woh chhinal jiska nam amrita hain abhi nashe main thee iss halaat main, main usse chodna nahi chahta tha phir mujhe dubara tayyar hone main to samy lag hee sakta tha iss liye main uss chudkadd ke pass hee baitha raha, meri achanak nazar uthi to main darwaje par maya the house maid ko khade paya woh humara chudne aur chodne ka karyakaram dekh rahee thee> aur muskura rahee thee....

2 years ago
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Friday Night

For ShayYou sighed with relief and smiled as you drove along. It had been a crappy week at work, but the prospect of the evening ahead was causing those trouble to recede from your mind. Although this was a regular meeting, the prospect of some new girls added an extra element of excitement, and you wondered how they would fit in with the crowd. Arriving at the large and isolated farmhouse that you used for these meetings, you parked just outside the house. From the number of cars, it was a...

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Marys DiscoveryChapter 4

The search for a woman for the new group didn't take very long. A woman, Emily Smith, had her spinal cord severed by a bullet, and she was confined to a wheelchair. She, too, was an expert sniper and was a wonder at camouflage. Jack brought her in and I helped in getting her into position for treatment by Alonzo. She was the daughter of an Englishman and a native Indian woman. They had emigrated to America shortly before Emily was born; thus, Emily was an American citizen. Not that we cared,...

2 years ago
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Memories from my wank bank Part 1 My First Footj

During the periods (sometimes lengthy) when I am not engaged in sex I fill that downtime by having a wank. Sometimes its while looking at pics or videos but other times I recall past sexual experiences.The other day I accessed my wank bank and recalled the first time I received a footjob. I must have been around 18 or 19 and was at a party. It had gotten pretty messy and by very late in the evening a number of us were laying around the lounge in varying degrees of intoxication. I was sat...

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Morning LightChapter 15

The auditorium was packed on Friday night. The graduating class included over 800 kids. Hundreds of parents streamed into the auditorium rushing for the front seats. Jennifer found a seat in the back near the entrance, trying to be an inconspicuous as possible. Since she really didn't know too many people, she felt that she was pretty safe. However, she was still uncomfortable being in such a crowd of people. It was unfortunate, but also good news, that Jimmy's father couldn't make the...

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Behan ki zabardast chudai

Hi sexy girls & boys my name is Saleem from Karachi Pakistan male 24 years old having a nice 8″ dick. Main apni story urdu main apko sunana chahta hoon takay zyada say zyada logoon gi samajh main asakay mairi bahan ka nam sadia hay aur uski umer 20 sal hay uska figure kafi khubsorat hay yeh un dinoon ki bat hay jab main Metric main tha aur mairi umar 18 sal aur sadia ki umar 14 sal thi aik din jab hamaray Chacha ka intikal hogaya to mairay parents unkay ghar Hydrerabad main chalay gay aur...

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I think i can and I did pt 3

As Cassie and I cuddled closely on my queen size bed, the thoughts got louder and would not stop screaming at me. I'm not sure what happened but when I awoke in a hospital bed, I knew it was bad. Cassie was still by my side talking to nurse about what happened. "...Started violently shaking and he wasn't breathing. Once he calmed a little I was able to do cpr and call 911" She sounded tearful. I sat up slowly which caused them both to jump. I spoke softly to them "It's ok. I'm alright. Thank...

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Lindas Web of Seduction 2

So about ten years later, after having witnessed Linda fucking two black bulls, and after having fantasized over those images and sounds for nearly ten years, and even after having moved to another side of town, I was excitedly surprised to run into Linda at the store one afternoon. She was in the grocery store getting a few things and I was grabbing a six pack. We chatted like long time friends even though we had only limited interactions before, and Linda seemed genuinely excited to learn I...

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Craving That Bitch Chapter One ReEdited

"Can you believe its been a year?"I asked Liam." My partner, Liam, looked up from his Porn magazine. "I know, its insane." Liam, whose Black, raised an eyebrow and laughed. "It makes me want to go out and do it again"I said." "Do you think the feds are still out?"Liam asked." "Not as bad. It'd be easier for us to take prostitutes off the streets then to some random chick from the bar"I said"But now the city has a street patrol officer. And the only way to take the...

3 years ago
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Escape from Buggery Ch 19

Tracey knew that back home she was regarded as something of a slut. This had never been something which had really troubled her. After all what were the opinions of a few dried-up cunts compared to the pleasures of all that cock which was just out there for anyone willing to grab it. She’d even sometimes been called a tart, but that was an epithet too far. For all the indiscriminate fucking she’d enjoyed with Sharon, she had never been a prostitute. Not that she’d slighted any gifts her lovers...

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The last time I was a slut for cock

This is an account from my diary about the last time that I was a total slut for cock, before I realised that there was power in being dominant. Went over to see Peter yesterday, it was about 8pm when I left his house but I didn’t have to worry about rushing home.It was nice being with Peter again, he’s taught me so much the past year and he loves me in feminine clothes but he wouldn’t let me take the dress that I’d worn for him home. He let me go home wearing the bra, pants, stockings and...

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Destination AzaharChapter 4 Family

After the initial briefings in the transporter room and mess hall, Constance quickly settled her group in Blue Twelve. She didn't even take time for a tour of their assigned pod before escorting an anxious Aswani back to the transporter room with only a few requests for directions from the PDA she had been issued. The pair were waiting in the transporter room when Sgt. Landry entered. Before moving toward the nexus, Constance took Sgt. Landry aside. "Do you know anything about the man that...

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BunnygirlChapter 6

Cal felt the small body next to him stiffen, and he looked down at her questioningly as he tightened his arm around her. Harley had an almost dazed expression on her face as she watched the approaching horsemen. "What's going on?" his worried whisper landed right next to her ear, but before Harley could have a chance to respond, or even think of responding for that matter, the riders were already there. "Princess Harley," the man leading the group dismounted, a relieved expression on...

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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 18

I had been sitting in the living room with a blanket over me when we heard the garage door open. My sister ran to the door to let them in. I couldn’t see but I heard Suki say, “OH! I didn’t realize you were bringing a guest with you Dad.” Dad chuckled and replied, “She’s more than just a guest Suki.” Then out of the kitchen Asuna came and asked, “Did I hear your father come home Kara?” I nodded and said, “And he brought home a guest who’s more than just a guest apparently.” Asuna looked...

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An Unexpected Evening of Pleasure

This is my first story, so please be gentle. I just needed to get all my thoughts and ideas down as quickly as possible. Hopefully once this one is out of my system I can begin to concentrate on writing more controlled and better written stories but everyone has to start somewhere. After a few drinks in the bar they had gone back to his house, a lovely old building that seemed to go on for ever. He had led her into the living room, kissed her gently on the cheek and then suggested that they...

Group Sex
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Sung Hees New Job Part 2

(Author’s Note: This story, although fiction, is based upon a very real woman, a Korean American who also resides in southern California. The parallels, and there are many, between fictional Sung Hee and our real life heroine are deliberate and intentional. As you read this, know that much of Sung Hee lives in real life.) I did not sleep very well that night. When my alarm went off, I sat straight up in bed. I looked over at my husband’s back, who was still asleep. Fuck! What was I doing?!? I...

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We gang raped my Mom

My mother is a Bitch. She drove my father away about three years ago and she treats me like shit. My father met her when he was stationed in Indonesia. He was a 25 year old lieutenant in the Army and she was the 17 year old daughter of one of the locals that worked as a clerk in his office. He had been invited to come to his clerk's house for dinner one night and while there met the entire family including MayLing. He took a liking to her right from first sight. She was so cute and so...

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Walk Like a ManChapter 15 Dipping My Toes in Business

“Mr. Radler, can you show me around your business and describe what you do? That will give me a better idea of what kind of setup you might need. Let’s start with your current computer and look at what you already have available.” He had greeted me at the door and shook my hand, as I introduced myself. He looked like a typical shop owner but I noticed his clothes were of the industrial strength variety. I assumed that was because of all the machinery that he was handling. “My daughter Jana...

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Main Tript Hui

Mera naam Trupti hai. Meri shaadi ko 10 saal ho chuke hai. I love my husband. Par jab main horny hoti hu, to mujhe alag-alag tareeke ke sex ki khwahish hoti hai. Bahut saalo tak maine apne pati ke sath roleplay sex kiya hai. Kabhi main sex mein uski maa banti thi, to kabhi uski behan. Kabhi main bhabhi banti uski, to kabhi beti. Har tarah ki gandi-gandi baate karke hum roz suhag-raat manaate the. Par fir ye boring hone laga. Ek din hum sex se pehle porn dekh rahe the. Achanak ek threesome wala...

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Home Invasion

Introduction: When he breaks into my house, I think my life is over. The reality is so much worse. I know I cant fight it. He is going to kill me. I feel slightly dizzy. The man who broke into my house stares at me as I struggle to take in breaths. It really is the end. Im on my knees, shaking as he approaches. Those cold eyes stare straight into my own greens. He holds the knife firmly and my anxiety makes breathing even more difficult. I cant look any more. I shut my eyes. The silence is...

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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 15 Nathaniel

She giggled and turned her head, lashing him with her damp hair, and he sputtered while she laughed. When she settled back down, she tilted her head back until he could press his forehead against her skull, his breath ruffling her hair. His heart was in his throat, and he felt deliriously short of breath. “Leliana?” “Yes, Nathaniel?” He could feel the vibration caused by her voice against his forehead, and he closed his eyes as he inhaled, her scent somehow exotic despite the undertones of...

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Tranny In Toronto

Married Couple Looking For Fun Time - mw4t - 40's (Toronto) We are a married couple, looking for a bisexual trans for some fun. We host. Message if interested with times you're free. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Married Couple Looking For Fun Time - mw4t - 40's (Toronto) Hi, my name's Lizzie Elliott. I'm 18 years old, a m2f trans looking for fun. I'm safe and clean....

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A ride to remember

It had been a long night out with the girls, drink after drink after drink, and I knew it was time to head home. We had spent the whole night dancing, each in our sexy little outfits. All out for some male attention, and boy did we find it. We aren’t typically slutty girls. I mean we all know we are good looking, me having long blonde hair, small petite figure at 5’3 and DD boobs, but we don’t put it about. I had gone to the bar at the beginning of the night to get us all a shot of sambucca....

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