L'?ducation De Dominique 3 free porn video

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Arriv?e ? la maison Marie prit cong? et me fit une bise sur le front. Maman me dit alors en se retournant vers moi, tu as vraiment de la chance d'avoir trouv? une fille comme elle. Elle est vraiment amoureuse de toi et veut ton bonheur. Le reste de la semaine, Marie me serra de pr?s, ne me laissant pratiquement aucune opportunit? d'?carts mais en ?change, elle ?tait plus douce et c?line avec moi. Le dernier jour, ? la fin des cours, elle m'emmena dans une salle de classe vide, me prit les mains, me les attacha avec une corde et apr?s, me retourna et se mit ? m'embrasser et ? me caresser l'entrejambe comme cela se m?lait en moi, bonheur, douleur et frustration. M?lange exquis qu'elle maniait ? la perfection. Au bout d'un quart d'heure, elle s'arr?ta, rajusta ma tenue, rajusta la sienne, prit ? nouveau une tripe feuille de journal et remplit compl?tement ma bouche et non contente, elle prit une bande de tape transparent qui scella mes l?vres. Elle se servit de son ?charpe pour la dissimuler. Nous sort?mes de l'enceinte et elle m'accompagna jusqu'? la voiture de Lise. Elles se firent la bise, Lise lui demanda si comme convenu, elle viendrait mardi prochain. Oui bien sur et voil?, je te rends mon amoureux, prends en soin en lui faisant un clin d'?il, je l'ai d?j? pr?par? pour son retour. Elle me fit la bise et me murmura un je t'aime profond qui r?chauffe le c?ur. Je la vis s'?loigner, j'aurais voulu l'appeler mais d?j? ma s?ur red?marrait. Le mardi, tant attendu, arriva et exceptionnellement, je n'?tais pas entrav?, sorte de r?compense de ma m?re. J'allai ouvrir la porte ? Marie et elle fut surprise que ce soit moi, elle me fit un petit bisou mais apr?s que je l'aie d?barrass?e, me demanda pourquoi je ne portais aucunes entraves. Ma m?re l'entendit et lui dit que c'?tait une mesure exceptionnelle du fait de ma venue. Elle la remercia de cette charmante attention mais qu'il ne fallait surtout pas d?roger aux r?gles parce qu'elle venait. Elle remit un ?norme bouquet de fleurs ? ma m?re. Sur cet entrefait, mes s?urs arriv?rent et elles s'install?rent au salon pour parler. Je me joignis ? elles et Marie de dire, je suis g?n?e de le voir ainsi car je sais que ce n'est pas l'habitude. Beth se leva, m'emmena avec elle et ce n'est que correctement entrav? et ba?llonn? que nous les rejoignons. Je m'installe pr?s de Marie qui satisfaite, reprend sa conversation tout en posant de temps ? autre sa main sur mes cuisses gain?es de nylon. Le toucher de sa main m'?lectrise et me r?conforte par contre, je le fus moins par certaines des ses paroles. Maintenant, je souhaiterais ?voquer quelques probl?mes avec Dominique si vous le voulez bien. En premier lieu, les probl?mes nutritionnels. Je remarque que Dominique, ? l'?cole, mange des sucreries, des chips, des frites et donc, cela nuit ? son ?quilibre. Ma m?re me regarda de son regard d?sapprobateur que je connaissais et moi, je rougissais. J'ai d?j? constat? que vous lui mettiez de temps ? autre, surtout chez vous, un corset, serait-il possible qu'il le porte le plus souvent possible car alli? au fait que je pourrais veiller ? ?viter ses ?carts, il retrouverait bien vite une taille plus correcte. Tout le monde approuva. En second lieu, ses lectures. L?, toutes elles r?agirent en disant qu'elles veillaient ? cela. Marie ne se d?mont?t pas, elle ajouta, j'en suis certaine mais ? l'?cole, d'autres filles lui apportent des revues masculines inconvenantes pour une demoiselle. Il en a un stock dans son casier. Je pense qu'il doit en avoir ramen?e quelques unes pour les cong?s. Elle se retourna vers moi et me dit, tu veux bien aller les chercher mon amour. Devant les regards f?ch?s de toutes, je me levai et revint quelques minutes plus tard avec trois revues que je d?posai sur la table. Ma m?re se pencha, les examina et Beth, en se levant les prit pour les jeter dans l'?tre. Marie reprit en disant qu'elle a une solution pour les deux probl?mes. Cela vient du fait, qu'en bonne m?re, vous lui donnez de l'argent de poche mais que lui, le d?pense sans r?fl?chir. On pourrait ?viter cela si, avec votre accord, dor?navant vous ne lui en donniez plus du tout. Je pourrais m'occuper de payer pour lui pendant la semaine et, quand nous nous verrions, je vous remettrais l'?tat des d?penses avec les justificatifs. Dernier point, Internet, j'ai d?j? eu l'occasion de voir qu'il avait des documents inopportuns puis?s sur le Net. Si vous le souhaitez, j'ai une connaissance qui pourrait param?trer correctement son PC pour qu'il en ait un usage correct ainsi que pour les chats. Ma m?re me fixant droit dans les yeux, lui r?pondit par l'affirmative et mes s?urs en ?taient enchant?es. Je pense, qu'entre nous, il y a une confiance et je n'ai pas besoin des justificatifs, simplement tu m'indiques le total des d?penses. En tout cas, je suis heureuse en tant que m?re que mon fils ait trouv? une fille aussi s?rieuse et attentionn?e que toi. En agissant de concert, je suis persuad?e que nous parviendrons ? le maintenir dans le droit chemin. Marie la remercia une nouvelle fois pour la confiance et la gentillesse que ma m?re lui t?moignait mais elle avait encore quelques petites choses ? voir. Je trouve que les traits de Dominique, sur certains points, sont encore tr?s masculins et j'aimerais les att?nuer et augmenter d'autres. Tout cela bien entendu, sous la surveillance ?troite d'une amie m?decin. Elle conclut par j'esp?re que vous ne pensez que je suis trop intrusive dans votre famille et plus sp?cialement dans l'?ducation de Dominique mais si je r?sume, nous le faisons toute dans son int?r?t et par amour pour lui. Ma m?re ?voqua les relations intimes qu'elle souhaiterait avoir. De ce c?t?-l?, j'en ai parl? avec Dominique, les choses sont claires, rien avant le mariage car quelle preuve d'amour cela repr?sente pour elle. Anne prit la parole en approuvant pleinement ses demandes et qu'elle n'aurait jamais esp?rer que son petit fr?re puisse rencontrer une fille qui l'aimerait autant. Lise et Beth acquiesc?rent et, ?taient admiratives du d?vouement dont elle faisait preuve. Ma m?re se leva et, pendant que nous pr?parons le go?ter, pourquoi vous n'en profiteriez pour allez profiter de la propri?t?. Marie m'enfila la cape et m'?ta mon ba?llon et nous sort?mes. Pour la premi?re fois, elle me demanda mon avis sur la nouvelle direction que prenait notre relation et les initiatives qu'elle venait de prendre. Devant tant de franchise, je lui dis que j'?tais heureux de notre relation mais j'?tais surpris de sa s?v?rit?. Elle me r?pondit par le fait que moi, je percevais cela comme de la s?v?rit? mais ce n'?tait que de l'amour et que tout ?tait fait pour que je me sente bien. Etant dans une partie de la propri?t? ou l'on ne nous voyait plus, elle m'embrassa longuement et tendrement. Entre deux baisers, je lui susurrai que je l'aimais. Son visage s'empourpra et me dit, merci mon amour, c'est la premi?re fois que tu me le dis. Avant de me replacer mon ba?llon, elle m'embrassa et nous rejoign?mes la maison. Le surlendemain de No?l, j'?tais invit? ? rencontrer la m?re de Marie. J'?tais angoiss? rien qu'? cette pens?e car, c'?tait la premi?re personne, en dehors de la famille, que je rencontrerais qui conna?t ma r?elle identit?. Afin de faire la meilleure impression possible, j'enfile un tailleur bleu, un chemisier de satin blanc, des collants bleu opaque et prends soin de mes cheveux. A l'heure dite, ma s?ur Anne me d?pose devant la maison de Marie, elle reste devant tant que je ne suis pas rentr?e dans la maison. En effet, je ne suis pas entrav? et ceci pour la premi?re fois depuis des mois. Anne m'accueille radieuse, me d?barrasse de ma cape, me complimente pour mon ?l?gance mais remarque que je ne porte aucune entraves ce qui la d?range. Ne voulant pas faire patienter sa maman, elle m'emm?ne directement dans le salon ou celle-ci est install?e dans un fauteuil entrain de lire le journal. A notre entr?e, elle le replie et se l?ve pour venir ? ma rencontre. La m?re de Marie, Estelle, est une dame du milieu de la quarantaine, grande, ?lanc?e et tr?s ?l?gante. Elle d?gage une tr?s forte personnalit? et m'impressionne rien qu'? la voir. Bonjour Dominique, vient prend place dans le canap? que je puisse faire ta connaissance car Marie n'arr?te pas de ma parler de toi. J'aimerais que tu me parles un peu de toi, de l'avenir et des relations que tu as avec ma fille. Etant g?n?, ne sachant pas quoi dire, ce que je peux dire, je rougis, bafouille et devant mon embarras, Marie me dit, Maman conna?t tout ce qui ? savoir mais elle voudrait l'entendre de ta bouche. Sur ces paroles, Estelle me dit de me d?contracter et, de bien raconter mon histoire car de mes paroles d?pend les relations que j'aurai ? l'avenir avec Marie. Marie me prend la main et c'est ainsi que je me lance dans mon r?cit. Estelle ne m'interrompt pas mais me fixe, durant toute mon histoire, dans les yeux comme si elle voulait sonder mon ?me. A la fin de celui-ci, elle me demande si je suis heureux tant dans ma vie et dans mes relations avec Marie. Tout en soutenant son regard, je lui r?ponds deux fois par l'affirmative. Bien dit-elle, dor?navant, je te consid?re comme le petit ami de ma fille et donc, vous pouvez vivre votre relation normalement ce qui inclut, qu'en sa pr?sence, je dois porter ce que sa fille ou ma famille me demande de porter. Marie se l?ve toute souriante et va embrasser sa m?re. Elle s'?clipse et revient avec une paire de menottes pour les poignets et une pour les chevilles, qu'elle me place imm?diatement. Marie m'emm?ne alors visiter la maison et sa chambre. Elle m'embrasse alors fougueusement en me disant que j'ai ?t? formidable tant j'ai ?t? spontan? et sinc?re. Ma maman a surement ?t? d'ailleurs ?t? sensible ? cela. Tu vois, ce n'?tait pas aussi terrible que cela. Je lui avoue alors que je n'avais jamais eu aussi peur de ma vie et que sa maman m'impressionne beaucoup. Allons la rejoindre car avant que tu ne partes, on va prendre une petite collation. De retour au salon, du th? et des biscuits, nous attendent. Je n'aime pas le th? mais sa maman nous en fait l'?loge pour ses bienfaits et n'osant pas la contrarier, je le bois et Marie, me sourit car elle conna?t mes go?ts. L'apr?s-midi prenant fin, Estelle me dit que j'?tais le bienvenu chez elle et qu'elle esp?rait donc me voir plus souvent. Je la remerciai beaucoup pour son accueil et pour sa gentillesse, que je ne souhaite pas l'importuner. Elle dit alors, d'un ton assez sec, tu ne m'importuneras que le jour ou tu importuneras ma fille. Marie dit alors, tu dois te pr?parer car tu dois repartir. Elle demande ? sa maman, si elle a finit avec le journal, elle prend alors trois feuilles du journal qu'elle m'enfourne dans la bouche. Je suis g?n? car elle le fait devant sa maman mais celle-ci ne dit rien. Elle d?fait mes menottes, me fait passer les mains dans le dos qu'elle attache avec une corde. Elle en fait de m?me avec mes coudes, ce qui m'oblige ? redresser la poitrine. Marie s'absente quelques instants et pendant ce temps, Estelle me dit alors, ? l'avenir, je souhaite que vous suiviez les pr?ceptes de votre m?re et de Marie et donc, en ma pr?sence, je veux que vous soyez entrav? et ba?llonn? si tel n'?tait pas le cas, je m'en chargerais. Marie revient avec le tape transparent, en d?coupe deux bandes qu'elle m'applique convenablement. Elle s'adresse alors ? Marie, il faudra que tu te procures des entraves ainsi que des ba?llons adapt?s quand Dominique vient ? la maison et n'h?site pas ? prendre du mat?riel efficace car l?, je constate que ce n'est que de l'amateurisme. Tu sais bien que je ne l'aime pas, pour bien faire les choses, il faut le bon mat?riel. On sonne ? la porte, Marie m'aide ? me lever, je salue la maman et me dirige vers l'entr?e ou Marie me mit la cape. Anne m'attend et en me voyant, sourit car me voyant entrav?, elle a comprit que tout s'est bien pass?. Marie dit alors ? Anne, pour le rendez-vous chez le m?decin, c'est le 3 janvier. C'est bien not? lui r?ponds Anne, Maman vous accompagnera. D?part de la maison. Elles se font la bise et nous repartons vers la maison. Les f?tes de fin d'ann?e se pass?rent dans la joie et je re?us un pendentif de Marie ou il ?tait grav? son pr?nom. Le 3 janvier, nous nous rend?mes chez le m?decin, recommand? par Marie, une dame d'une quarantaine d'ann?es. Marie lui exposa le fait qu'elle souhaitait que ma poitrine grossisse, que ma voix mue un peu mais que mon sexe masculin reste op?rationnel. La doctoresse pose alors des questions sur le traitement que ma m?re m'a fait suivre. Elle lui dit alors que c'?tait parfait et si elle ?tait d'accord, le traitement allait ?voluer. Maman acquies?a, la doctoresse prescrit alors deux types d'hormones diff?rentes, sans risque pour la sant? et la virilit? sexuelle, pour le reste tout allait ?voluer progressivement et les premiers changements se feront dans les trois mois. En sortant du cabinet, voulant dire quelque chose, Marie m'interrompit et se saisissant du journal, me fit enfourner trois feuilles, nous n'?tions m?me pas sortis de la salle d'attente. Elle me pla?a ?galement sous ma cape, les menottes avec mes mains dans le dos. Elle me dit, si c'est pour te plaindre, alors que l'on vient de consacrer une partie de notre journ?e pour ton bien, il vaut mieux que tu gardes le silence et c'est ainsi que nous sommes rentr?s ? la maison. Elle avait convenu avec Maman, que dimanche, la veille de la rentr?e, j'aille passer l'apr?s-midi chez elle afin de pr?parer la rentr?e et parce qu'elle souhaitait en discuter avec moi.

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The credit for this story goes to indian sex stories, I didn’t know that the community here is not only composed of readers but also enthusiasts. All your emails and messages mean a lot and the appreciation for my stories here is humbling, I thank thee, readers!!! Please continue to support like this and all your feedback is welcomed on Hi ladies and gentlemen, I am ab here working in reputed mnc in bangalore. I really thank my client who has shared her story and told publish on iss for...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Britney Light Britney Loves Fucking A Big Cock

Britney Light is ready for some fucking fun with Alex Jones! She knows he is packing a large cock and can not wait to get her hands and mouth around it! She loves trying to deep throat it but knows there is no way she can! There is one thing that can take it all though and that is her tight little pussy! She loves how he starts slow feeding her every inch until he goes at it hard making her moan out begging for more! Alex doesn’t stop there making Britney ride on top and then a little 69...

4 years ago
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Wife Fuck

This is a fantasy about my wife.First Meeting:I'd been thinking about this for many months and finally I was going to get around to arranging something. I loved posting pictures of my wife. I loved the comments I got from all sorts of people, young and old, and I loved the horny chat sessions that occurred. It was from these chat sessions that the idea originated - wouldn't it be really to hot to meet up with one the guys who I knew had been wanking over pictures of my Mrs. And to not only meet...

1 year ago
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Memories Of My Mom and Me

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Bob,I`m 48 years old.My mom had me when she was 28 years old. My story began when I was growing up,in high school I was at a party one weekend at my friend Annies house.I excused myself to go to her bathroom which was on the second floor of their house.In their bathroom I found a book it was a called Family lovers.I scanned through it,the stories were about incest.It was a pocket book there were about half a dozen of them there,so I helped...

3 years ago
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My Twentieth High School Reunion Ch 2

I asked Kathy, "What time do you have to be home?"Kathy snuggled a little closer and said, "Bob's out of town, I'm free for the next two days!""Can I stay for the night and a breakfast in bed?” Kathy’s grin spoke volumes. “I think we deserve a reunion!”My mouth hung open as she pulled my head to hers and quickly inserted her tongue into the opening.We kissed for several moments and as we slowly parted lips, I said in my best sales voice, “Well, in that case, let me be the first to congratulate...

2 years ago
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Boar n to be Wild

By: Sveent Joanna had first learned about beastiality during a trip to Amsterdam in the early 1970's while researching the lives of Dutch Masters for a thesis she was preparing. She was in her final year at University and this was her first unaccompanied trip abroad... Joanna writes: I had travelled by train and ferry from England and had arranged for two weeks cheap accommodation through a Student Agency. There were students from across Europe staying at the hostel and the atmosphere...

2 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 29 Building Team Spirit

Chapter 29: Building Team Spirit The next week I had made some changes, if I made the baseball squad, I would need a later lift home after practice. Rory still hadn’t found a job yet, so I said I would fill the truck with gas if he would pick me up when I needed it. He was happy to agree, he had been finding it hard having the truck and not being able to use it due to lack of cash. Monday morning I checked the next list outside the Head coach’s office. I was happy to see my name was still...

4 years ago
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Love. It's a funny thing isn't it? I mean, everyone wants it and it has the power to bring happiness into the life of even the most downtrodden among us. The flip side of the same coin is that loss of love has the power to plunge the happiest, most influential person deeply into despair. I am an example of neither. I am an ordinary teenager and I've never been in love. At least not yet. My name is Jeremy. I am 15 years old, almost 16, and live in Calgary with my mom. My dad died before I...

4 years ago
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I am an extremely lucky man. I know full well that I had nothing to do with the hand of cards that life has dealt me and I am very thankful and aware of my good fortune. I was born into a middle class family and I have always been a decent looking k**. Not striking, mind you, and I did not stand out in any way by my looks, but I was what you would call a "nice looking boy" while I was growing up.I had tried the usual assortment of sports as a k**, and I did reasonably well with most of them,...

2 years ago
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The Pink Room

When I woke all I could see was pink. Pink lace on a canopy bed, pink covers ontop of me, pink walls, whoa I was getting dizzy. My chest was heavy and I could barely breathe... In fact I realized I wasnt breathing through my nose or mouth at all, but a hole in my neck where my adam's apple should be. Freaked out I tried to move, call out, something, but I was weak. Suddenly there was a noise, and someone come into my veiw. "Oh honey, you're awake at last," cood a drop dead gorgeous...

2 years ago
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First Sex With Young Married Women

Hi iss my horny readers,this is rahul 31 years of age,6 feet height and 6+inches dick enough to hold with in two palms to suck and iam from vizag,iam very shy and reserved,naku enni korikalu unna bayatiki theliyanivvanu. Let me come to story,nenu oka company lo job chesthunna manager ga,adhe company lo oka ammayi sindhu ( name changed ) receiptionist ga job chesthundhi,than gurunchi cheppalante chala sexy ga em undadhu age 28, heigh 5.4 inches 32-34-34 little bit fair unsatisfied with her...

3 years ago
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Learning My Lesson The Beginning

It had been a hard week. My boss asked, “we need you to work an extra day and we need you to work extra hours.” I still had my normal house work and papers to do at home on top of these work requests. I glanced down to the clock on the dash...8:35 P.M. I let out the longest sigh imaginable as I thought of all the things I still needed to do with so little time left in the day...well night. I looked back up at the road as the raindrops began misting across the windshield. The pattern grew...

Love Stories
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Robert The Randy Married Bobby Part One

A year or so after I got dumped by my ex, I joined an online website just for fun and added my details and a picture of my bottom wearing bright red underwear to show off my slightly hairy rounded bottom. The strong ass cheeks in the picture were obviously male. My new profile was hardly a few hours old, when comments and messages began to fill my inbox with various demands and sexual offers. I felt overwhelmed and being new to online sexual chatter, I humoured the online requests for a few...

Gay Male
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ProfNigma Stories 4 Falling Pieces 5

Victorious: Falling Pieces #5Saturday morning came way too soon for Robbie Shapiro. After the public embarrassment he faced at school the previous day, it was no surprise that he didn't want to wake up. And he might have gotten that wish if it weren't for his phone vibrating very loudly.He threw his glasses on, and crawled from bed, his legs wobbly from lack of use, and checked the phone. It was Andre. No doubt calling to check on him. He had no interest in talking to anybody so he let it go to...

2 years ago
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Modern Magic

There are certain things that just seem to inevitably capture a person's attention, no matter the time, place or circumstances. The mouthwatering smell of freshly baked bread in the morning, for example, or maybe the soothing taste of an old-fashioned home-cooked meal after a long week of nothing but sketchy fast food. Then there's the stirring sight of an attractive young lady in a short skirt and low cut top passing by you, with a flirty smile on her face, the infuriating feeling of that...

1 year ago
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BlackMeatWhiteFeet Brandi Love 02152019

Brandi Love and her hubby have been working the floor at a convention over at the Civic Center, and poor Brandi just can’t take it anymore. Specifically, her feet ache. You see, Brandi loves wearing her red, high-heeled “come-fuck-me pumps” on the convention floor! They’re super slutty, and that helps Brandi make sales! But she’s had enough. Brandi tells “the Hubs” something like, “I’m going home to get my feet rubbed by my fuck buddy...

2 years ago
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I love my boobs

I am a girl who loves sex. I am so lucky that I was created with a large and beautiful breasts. I was young when my breasts began to grow. To begin with, I tried to cover my breasts because I got many comments and teased. But then I found out that I got many advantages to show my forms.My first interview went well. The boss was an older gentleman. He was chubby and hairy. People thought he was disgusting and perverted.I had a low-cut blouse, and I soon found out that he was focused on my bosom....

4 years ago
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My Stepdaughters Renters

My Stepdaughter’s Renters(True Story) My stepdaughter was 23 at the time. She still lived with us, on our property, in a mobile home we bought for her about 500 feet from our house. She decided she wanted to start taking care of herself by paying her electric bill, water bill, and everything thing else. She had a part time job at Wal-Mart, but it just didn’t pay enough to pay her bills and keep her car running and gas. She decided to run an ad in the local paper for someone to share...

1 year ago
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The start of being a naughty slut Chapter 1

So how do I begin. Well this isn't a story of amazing sex or mind blowing gangbangs (well not yet anyway.) This is a story about what's happening to me right now. A story about me finding myself and my body after having two children and dealing with the fact that I am in my late 30's and in need of a confidence booster for me and my body. My name is Sam, happily married for 10 years to a wonderful guy who loves me and my body. Even though I think i have a few wobbly bits after having two...

4 years ago
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House watching

Well it is Thursday night and I am kicked back in my house just watching some game on the TV when there is a knock at the door. I go to the door and there in the door is Brenda the fucking hot as hell neighbour who is married to Jack a good buddy of mine. Well neighbourhood buddy. Anyways Brenda looking as hot as ever asks if I could do her and Jack a favour for a week . I look at her and invite her in toast and talk about this favour. We walk to the kitchen and I walk behind her watching her...

4 years ago
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Passing GlancesChapter 3

Gabe drove Sarah home, again walking her to the door and kissing her for several long minutes. His hands learning the curve of her ass, hips and breasts. His fingers rubbed her nipples and he grinned against her neck when she arched her back, pressing her tightened buds closer to his palms. "I'm going," he told her. She giggled. "You've said that several times in the last five minutes." "I know," he whispered and squeezed her firm ass cheeks. "Mmm... that feels nice," she told...

3 years ago
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A Little Naughty Fun When My Wife Is Away

When I was in high school, I always loved to dress in women’s clothes. The problem is I’m a guy. Whenever my mother was out, I’d always go into her room and try on her intimate apparel. I just loved how it felt on my skin. I’d especially liked how her bras and panties felt. I loved to get dressed in her dresses and even apply make-up. I really never told anybody about this. The lacier the better. I especially liked satin panties. They always felt real nice pressed against my cock. Fast...

3 years ago
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Finally My Sister Satisfied Me Part 8211 2

Hi Indian sex stories dot net friends this is your Vivek again with the story, continuation of the first part. Again I remind you my sister, Sandhya, who I loved more than anyone else in the world. Since you read the first part of this story, you may know why I love her so much than any one else in the world. Yes, she deserves such a love for she gave me such ethereal pleasures, the complete fulfillment of life, and an eternal hope of salvation. No parent, no friends, none can give you such...

1 year ago
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The VanGB48part1of1

It was still mid-morning and not raining but slightly over cast. The beach was almost deserted. Not finding anyone else to play with, we were fucking behind one of the make shift driftwood shelters when a guy with a big cock came strolling by saw us fucking. Human nature being what it is, he stopped to watch. When he saw that we didn't care if he watched or not, Kyle came into the wind break and sat at our feet. The VanPart-1-of-1 I once had a van and it was a fuck toy from the beginning. It...

4 years ago
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Greedy Girls Night PART 3

Eventually i got away from work about 3.30, i was very happy & excited as i had what i hoped would be good news, i decided to go & get a nice gift for Shirley, i went into a local mall & went to Victoria`s Secrets shop, i was just browsing when a very attractive assistant cam over & asked if i needed help, i told her that i wanted a very sexy short skirt for my wife she led me directly to a great choice of sexy stuff & asked if i knew the size i said about the same as you...

3 years ago
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Healing Myself

Part One A short flight from my hometown had brought me to Mariners cove. I was escaping from the pain and anguish of a torrid year; the unexpected loss of a close friend, the fallout of a company merger that left me e-mailing CVs again, and topping everything off, finding my girlfriend with her face buried between the thighs of her hairdresser. Mariners Cove was a bustling east coast town, which catered to both tourism and to its small fishing fleet. Just a couple of thousand souls lived here...

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Have HandsWill Travel

She grabbed a glass of O J and jerked her head towards her former office and said -- “ Let's go talk, Dano.” Entering, she sat behind the desk, all business-like , and pointed at the nearby chair for me.. “ I was very impressed with your 'friend ' last night. Even though I didn't get to ride it, it was amazing to watch it in action with those two. Where do I buy one?” I smiled broadly and laughed , saying that wouldn't be a problem.. I stepped to the computer...

4 years ago
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My Canadian Adventurre

Introduction: An older man meets a teen aged girl on a web site and meets with her and her young bi, friend. My Canadian Adventure One day while surfing through the profiles on a swingers web site that I go to, I saw a new profile with a picture that looked very familiar. The name on the profile was Hot Jade. She was an 18 year old bi Asian female looking for men or women from 18 to 50 years old. Her photo was a shot of her totally nude, kneeling on a bed and she was HOT++. Thats all I can say...

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I had a long rough week at work, so Saturday night I knew I was gonna hunt down a good time.  I joined some friends for drinks at a local bar and was disappointed at the lack of eye candy.  After a few rounds of drinks, I went outside for a smoke.  While smoking this fine lady started up a conversation with me.  I was very surprised, most people won't talk to me in public.  I'm 6'3" and about 230 with a shaved head and an athletic build.  Most people take me for a skinhead or a biker...I'm an...

4 years ago
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waking up as a cock wore

I was away for work in the hotel drinking wondering if tomorrow would go as plannedi went t sleep early and of course the next day was a real nightmare, problems after problems, i endup finishing late and at 22h i arrived at the hotel exhaustedI took a quick shower and made my way to the barI had my first scotch , then my second when a black dude came to sit at the bar''hey ''''hey''casual talk ensueboth in town for workwe drank talking about work and stuf, the guy maybe 10yr more than me...

3 years ago
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I Love Fucking Married White WomenPT2

On Friday Mary set the time for her and Jerome to get together for the first time. They agreed that he would follow her in his car to the road behind her house. He would then park his car on the strip mall lot and get into her car. That way she could pull directly into her house garage. Once the door to the garage closed they would exit the car and move into the house. He would leave the same way. That way no one would know she had a man, especially a black man, in her car or her house or her...

3 years ago
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Getting up to start our last full day before leaving on our trip, we had a full house of Peter and Katherine, Jeff and Ally plus Mom and Dad. “I haven’t seen you all in a few days ... thanks for leaving us alone, we had a great time not worried about any adults in the house,” I said. “No, you are not seeing things. They both got their haircuts, as did I yesterday. We have some things to get from the pharmacy sometime today.” “Get dressed and we will fix you some breakfast,” Ally said. “We...

2 years ago
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A Good ManChapter 6 Double Date

Kevin cornered me first thing Friday morning. “Dude, are you free tonight?” “I got nothing planned, why?” “Can you double date with me?” “What?” “After you cancelled Saturday, I asked Lauren if she wanted to go out instead.” “Finally! It’s about bloody time. Where’d you find the balls?” He shrugged. “I dunno. She was standing by her locker on her own yesterday afternoon and I just went for it.” “Good for you. But what has this got to do with me?” “She said she couldn’t come out...

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Coming of age5

Apple was a dam keeper for a rural town so they lived in the mountains more than one hundred miles from where the water was delivered. Because the water was for municipal use it was not used for any recreational purpose. There was no swimming, fishing or boating on the lake behind the dam and the only access to the dam and lake was heavily gated. The couple only had the one daughter. She was home schooled. The mountains blocked any TV and radio reception. And her parents were...

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