L'?ducation De Dominique 3 free porn video

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Arriv?e ? la maison Marie prit cong? et me fit une bise sur le front. Maman me dit alors en se retournant vers moi, tu as vraiment de la chance d'avoir trouv? une fille comme elle. Elle est vraiment amoureuse de toi et veut ton bonheur. Le reste de la semaine, Marie me serra de pr?s, ne me laissant pratiquement aucune opportunit? d'?carts mais en ?change, elle ?tait plus douce et c?line avec moi. Le dernier jour, ? la fin des cours, elle m'emmena dans une salle de classe vide, me prit les mains, me les attacha avec une corde et apr?s, me retourna et se mit ? m'embrasser et ? me caresser l'entrejambe comme cela se m?lait en moi, bonheur, douleur et frustration. M?lange exquis qu'elle maniait ? la perfection. Au bout d'un quart d'heure, elle s'arr?ta, rajusta ma tenue, rajusta la sienne, prit ? nouveau une tripe feuille de journal et remplit compl?tement ma bouche et non contente, elle prit une bande de tape transparent qui scella mes l?vres. Elle se servit de son ?charpe pour la dissimuler. Nous sort?mes de l'enceinte et elle m'accompagna jusqu'? la voiture de Lise. Elles se firent la bise, Lise lui demanda si comme convenu, elle viendrait mardi prochain. Oui bien sur et voil?, je te rends mon amoureux, prends en soin en lui faisant un clin d'?il, je l'ai d?j? pr?par? pour son retour. Elle me fit la bise et me murmura un je t'aime profond qui r?chauffe le c?ur. Je la vis s'?loigner, j'aurais voulu l'appeler mais d?j? ma s?ur red?marrait. Le mardi, tant attendu, arriva et exceptionnellement, je n'?tais pas entrav?, sorte de r?compense de ma m?re. J'allai ouvrir la porte ? Marie et elle fut surprise que ce soit moi, elle me fit un petit bisou mais apr?s que je l'aie d?barrass?e, me demanda pourquoi je ne portais aucunes entraves. Ma m?re l'entendit et lui dit que c'?tait une mesure exceptionnelle du fait de ma venue. Elle la remercia de cette charmante attention mais qu'il ne fallait surtout pas d?roger aux r?gles parce qu'elle venait. Elle remit un ?norme bouquet de fleurs ? ma m?re. Sur cet entrefait, mes s?urs arriv?rent et elles s'install?rent au salon pour parler. Je me joignis ? elles et Marie de dire, je suis g?n?e de le voir ainsi car je sais que ce n'est pas l'habitude. Beth se leva, m'emmena avec elle et ce n'est que correctement entrav? et ba?llonn? que nous les rejoignons. Je m'installe pr?s de Marie qui satisfaite, reprend sa conversation tout en posant de temps ? autre sa main sur mes cuisses gain?es de nylon. Le toucher de sa main m'?lectrise et me r?conforte par contre, je le fus moins par certaines des ses paroles. Maintenant, je souhaiterais ?voquer quelques probl?mes avec Dominique si vous le voulez bien. En premier lieu, les probl?mes nutritionnels. Je remarque que Dominique, ? l'?cole, mange des sucreries, des chips, des frites et donc, cela nuit ? son ?quilibre. Ma m?re me regarda de son regard d?sapprobateur que je connaissais et moi, je rougissais. J'ai d?j? constat? que vous lui mettiez de temps ? autre, surtout chez vous, un corset, serait-il possible qu'il le porte le plus souvent possible car alli? au fait que je pourrais veiller ? ?viter ses ?carts, il retrouverait bien vite une taille plus correcte. Tout le monde approuva. En second lieu, ses lectures. L?, toutes elles r?agirent en disant qu'elles veillaient ? cela. Marie ne se d?mont?t pas, elle ajouta, j'en suis certaine mais ? l'?cole, d'autres filles lui apportent des revues masculines inconvenantes pour une demoiselle. Il en a un stock dans son casier. Je pense qu'il doit en avoir ramen?e quelques unes pour les cong?s. Elle se retourna vers moi et me dit, tu veux bien aller les chercher mon amour. Devant les regards f?ch?s de toutes, je me levai et revint quelques minutes plus tard avec trois revues que je d?posai sur la table. Ma m?re se pencha, les examina et Beth, en se levant les prit pour les jeter dans l'?tre. Marie reprit en disant qu'elle a une solution pour les deux probl?mes. Cela vient du fait, qu'en bonne m?re, vous lui donnez de l'argent de poche mais que lui, le d?pense sans r?fl?chir. On pourrait ?viter cela si, avec votre accord, dor?navant vous ne lui en donniez plus du tout. Je pourrais m'occuper de payer pour lui pendant la semaine et, quand nous nous verrions, je vous remettrais l'?tat des d?penses avec les justificatifs. Dernier point, Internet, j'ai d?j? eu l'occasion de voir qu'il avait des documents inopportuns puis?s sur le Net. Si vous le souhaitez, j'ai une connaissance qui pourrait param?trer correctement son PC pour qu'il en ait un usage correct ainsi que pour les chats. Ma m?re me fixant droit dans les yeux, lui r?pondit par l'affirmative et mes s?urs en ?taient enchant?es. Je pense, qu'entre nous, il y a une confiance et je n'ai pas besoin des justificatifs, simplement tu m'indiques le total des d?penses. En tout cas, je suis heureuse en tant que m?re que mon fils ait trouv? une fille aussi s?rieuse et attentionn?e que toi. En agissant de concert, je suis persuad?e que nous parviendrons ? le maintenir dans le droit chemin. Marie la remercia une nouvelle fois pour la confiance et la gentillesse que ma m?re lui t?moignait mais elle avait encore quelques petites choses ? voir. Je trouve que les traits de Dominique, sur certains points, sont encore tr?s masculins et j'aimerais les att?nuer et augmenter d'autres. Tout cela bien entendu, sous la surveillance ?troite d'une amie m?decin. Elle conclut par j'esp?re que vous ne pensez que je suis trop intrusive dans votre famille et plus sp?cialement dans l'?ducation de Dominique mais si je r?sume, nous le faisons toute dans son int?r?t et par amour pour lui. Ma m?re ?voqua les relations intimes qu'elle souhaiterait avoir. De ce c?t?-l?, j'en ai parl? avec Dominique, les choses sont claires, rien avant le mariage car quelle preuve d'amour cela repr?sente pour elle. Anne prit la parole en approuvant pleinement ses demandes et qu'elle n'aurait jamais esp?rer que son petit fr?re puisse rencontrer une fille qui l'aimerait autant. Lise et Beth acquiesc?rent et, ?taient admiratives du d?vouement dont elle faisait preuve. Ma m?re se leva et, pendant que nous pr?parons le go?ter, pourquoi vous n'en profiteriez pour allez profiter de la propri?t?. Marie m'enfila la cape et m'?ta mon ba?llon et nous sort?mes. Pour la premi?re fois, elle me demanda mon avis sur la nouvelle direction que prenait notre relation et les initiatives qu'elle venait de prendre. Devant tant de franchise, je lui dis que j'?tais heureux de notre relation mais j'?tais surpris de sa s?v?rit?. Elle me r?pondit par le fait que moi, je percevais cela comme de la s?v?rit? mais ce n'?tait que de l'amour et que tout ?tait fait pour que je me sente bien. Etant dans une partie de la propri?t? ou l'on ne nous voyait plus, elle m'embrassa longuement et tendrement. Entre deux baisers, je lui susurrai que je l'aimais. Son visage s'empourpra et me dit, merci mon amour, c'est la premi?re fois que tu me le dis. Avant de me replacer mon ba?llon, elle m'embrassa et nous rejoign?mes la maison. Le surlendemain de No?l, j'?tais invit? ? rencontrer la m?re de Marie. J'?tais angoiss? rien qu'? cette pens?e car, c'?tait la premi?re personne, en dehors de la famille, que je rencontrerais qui conna?t ma r?elle identit?. Afin de faire la meilleure impression possible, j'enfile un tailleur bleu, un chemisier de satin blanc, des collants bleu opaque et prends soin de mes cheveux. A l'heure dite, ma s?ur Anne me d?pose devant la maison de Marie, elle reste devant tant que je ne suis pas rentr?e dans la maison. En effet, je ne suis pas entrav? et ceci pour la premi?re fois depuis des mois. Anne m'accueille radieuse, me d?barrasse de ma cape, me complimente pour mon ?l?gance mais remarque que je ne porte aucune entraves ce qui la d?range. Ne voulant pas faire patienter sa maman, elle m'emm?ne directement dans le salon ou celle-ci est install?e dans un fauteuil entrain de lire le journal. A notre entr?e, elle le replie et se l?ve pour venir ? ma rencontre. La m?re de Marie, Estelle, est une dame du milieu de la quarantaine, grande, ?lanc?e et tr?s ?l?gante. Elle d?gage une tr?s forte personnalit? et m'impressionne rien qu'? la voir. Bonjour Dominique, vient prend place dans le canap? que je puisse faire ta connaissance car Marie n'arr?te pas de ma parler de toi. J'aimerais que tu me parles un peu de toi, de l'avenir et des relations que tu as avec ma fille. Etant g?n?, ne sachant pas quoi dire, ce que je peux dire, je rougis, bafouille et devant mon embarras, Marie me dit, Maman conna?t tout ce qui ? savoir mais elle voudrait l'entendre de ta bouche. Sur ces paroles, Estelle me dit de me d?contracter et, de bien raconter mon histoire car de mes paroles d?pend les relations que j'aurai ? l'avenir avec Marie. Marie me prend la main et c'est ainsi que je me lance dans mon r?cit. Estelle ne m'interrompt pas mais me fixe, durant toute mon histoire, dans les yeux comme si elle voulait sonder mon ?me. A la fin de celui-ci, elle me demande si je suis heureux tant dans ma vie et dans mes relations avec Marie. Tout en soutenant son regard, je lui r?ponds deux fois par l'affirmative. Bien dit-elle, dor?navant, je te consid?re comme le petit ami de ma fille et donc, vous pouvez vivre votre relation normalement ce qui inclut, qu'en sa pr?sence, je dois porter ce que sa fille ou ma famille me demande de porter. Marie se l?ve toute souriante et va embrasser sa m?re. Elle s'?clipse et revient avec une paire de menottes pour les poignets et une pour les chevilles, qu'elle me place imm?diatement. Marie m'emm?ne alors visiter la maison et sa chambre. Elle m'embrasse alors fougueusement en me disant que j'ai ?t? formidable tant j'ai ?t? spontan? et sinc?re. Ma maman a surement ?t? d'ailleurs ?t? sensible ? cela. Tu vois, ce n'?tait pas aussi terrible que cela. Je lui avoue alors que je n'avais jamais eu aussi peur de ma vie et que sa maman m'impressionne beaucoup. Allons la rejoindre car avant que tu ne partes, on va prendre une petite collation. De retour au salon, du th? et des biscuits, nous attendent. Je n'aime pas le th? mais sa maman nous en fait l'?loge pour ses bienfaits et n'osant pas la contrarier, je le bois et Marie, me sourit car elle conna?t mes go?ts. L'apr?s-midi prenant fin, Estelle me dit que j'?tais le bienvenu chez elle et qu'elle esp?rait donc me voir plus souvent. Je la remerciai beaucoup pour son accueil et pour sa gentillesse, que je ne souhaite pas l'importuner. Elle dit alors, d'un ton assez sec, tu ne m'importuneras que le jour ou tu importuneras ma fille. Marie dit alors, tu dois te pr?parer car tu dois repartir. Elle demande ? sa maman, si elle a finit avec le journal, elle prend alors trois feuilles du journal qu'elle m'enfourne dans la bouche. Je suis g?n? car elle le fait devant sa maman mais celle-ci ne dit rien. Elle d?fait mes menottes, me fait passer les mains dans le dos qu'elle attache avec une corde. Elle en fait de m?me avec mes coudes, ce qui m'oblige ? redresser la poitrine. Marie s'absente quelques instants et pendant ce temps, Estelle me dit alors, ? l'avenir, je souhaite que vous suiviez les pr?ceptes de votre m?re et de Marie et donc, en ma pr?sence, je veux que vous soyez entrav? et ba?llonn? si tel n'?tait pas le cas, je m'en chargerais. Marie revient avec le tape transparent, en d?coupe deux bandes qu'elle m'applique convenablement. Elle s'adresse alors ? Marie, il faudra que tu te procures des entraves ainsi que des ba?llons adapt?s quand Dominique vient ? la maison et n'h?site pas ? prendre du mat?riel efficace car l?, je constate que ce n'est que de l'amateurisme. Tu sais bien que je ne l'aime pas, pour bien faire les choses, il faut le bon mat?riel. On sonne ? la porte, Marie m'aide ? me lever, je salue la maman et me dirige vers l'entr?e ou Marie me mit la cape. Anne m'attend et en me voyant, sourit car me voyant entrav?, elle a comprit que tout s'est bien pass?. Marie dit alors ? Anne, pour le rendez-vous chez le m?decin, c'est le 3 janvier. C'est bien not? lui r?ponds Anne, Maman vous accompagnera. D?part de la maison. Elles se font la bise et nous repartons vers la maison. Les f?tes de fin d'ann?e se pass?rent dans la joie et je re?us un pendentif de Marie ou il ?tait grav? son pr?nom. Le 3 janvier, nous nous rend?mes chez le m?decin, recommand? par Marie, une dame d'une quarantaine d'ann?es. Marie lui exposa le fait qu'elle souhaitait que ma poitrine grossisse, que ma voix mue un peu mais que mon sexe masculin reste op?rationnel. La doctoresse pose alors des questions sur le traitement que ma m?re m'a fait suivre. Elle lui dit alors que c'?tait parfait et si elle ?tait d'accord, le traitement allait ?voluer. Maman acquies?a, la doctoresse prescrit alors deux types d'hormones diff?rentes, sans risque pour la sant? et la virilit? sexuelle, pour le reste tout allait ?voluer progressivement et les premiers changements se feront dans les trois mois. En sortant du cabinet, voulant dire quelque chose, Marie m'interrompit et se saisissant du journal, me fit enfourner trois feuilles, nous n'?tions m?me pas sortis de la salle d'attente. Elle me pla?a ?galement sous ma cape, les menottes avec mes mains dans le dos. Elle me dit, si c'est pour te plaindre, alors que l'on vient de consacrer une partie de notre journ?e pour ton bien, il vaut mieux que tu gardes le silence et c'est ainsi que nous sommes rentr?s ? la maison. Elle avait convenu avec Maman, que dimanche, la veille de la rentr?e, j'aille passer l'apr?s-midi chez elle afin de pr?parer la rentr?e et parce qu'elle souhaitait en discuter avec moi.

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Professor Neville Longbottom sat up straight at the High Table of Hogwart's Great Hall. Only a few of the teachers he'd known fifteen years ago when he'd been a student were left were still teaching. He'd started coming back as a guest lecturer for Defence Against the Dark Arts, and when Professor Sprout retired, she'd recommended him as her successor. Professor McGonagall, to his surprise, had no hesitation in offering him the job. That was ten years ago, the first time he'd sat at the...

4 years ago
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Learning Your Way Around The Cock

Learning Your Way Around The Cock“Wow! You never told me your sister looks like *that*!” My wife’s sister Isobel had just come into town and brought her latest boyfriend. Apparently he was one to speak his mind.“You look fantastic!” he went on, still addressing Courtney, my wife. He was tall and obviously an outgoing person. “Do you know what I like *best* about you?”“Oh Craig, stop teasing her,” said Isobel, “There’s no stopping him,” she said to us.“What do you like best?” asked...

2 years ago
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A Wifes Revenge

A Wife's Revenge By J. "What the hell is this!" Michael Landers turned slowly toward his wife. She had been changing the sheets on their bed when she came across an unexpected surprise. When the couple finally stood face to face, Michael noticed his wife of three years staring back, her left arm pointing straight at him with a purple bra dangling off her index finger. "Well, um, it looks like a bra," Michael answered. "Ya think? Gee Michael, I never would have guessed if it...

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The 3am Itch

His night had only just begun at the front desk of the hotel and Matt was getting bored already. The hotel’s bar was next to the lobby separated only by a slight frame so people could walk through easily. He sat and watched the bar die down until there were only a few people left finishing up their drinks. The bartenders worked quickly to clean so they could leave for the night. “Lucky bastards,” Matt thought to himself glancing at the computer clock for the millionth time. He decided to read...

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My Unwanted Transition 9

(Two years transitioned ) With my second anniversary just having passed since I came home, I went out with Andy and Leslie and celebrated. They called it a celebration, but I didn’t see what the big deal was. To me, that part of my life was long over now. I got rid of nearly everything from then, and what I didn’t trash or donate, I packed away. My house resembled my current life, personality, and feelings, and that was all I needed. I understood that Andy and Leslie were happy for me, though,...

Straight Sex
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Ana and Carla first steps

Ana and Carla always ended up like this at family reunions. Both left to their own devices by older and younger relations; both nervously looking at each other, not knowing what to say. Sure they were shy, but they were also somehow particularly nervous around each other. Ana had even told her parents once that she didn’t like spending time with Carla. “She always makes me uncomfortable.” They scoffed. How could shy, delicate, quiet Carla make anyone uncomfortable? So here they are again,...

1 year ago
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Found a partner who fulfilled my sexual desires Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

For a woman, it is often difficult to decide between someone who fulfilled my sexual desires and someone who makes a great father to my kids. I love my children but lately, my sex life wasn’t even remotely exciting. It was the same missionary after Sunday lunch when the kids were napping. And I was frustrated. One day, I read about some dating sites where people would go for just a purely physical need. Being the cautious queen that I was, I thought nothing of it, but kept reading about how so...

Extra Marital Affair
4 years ago
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Amys Betrayal

It had been a hectic day and everything that could go wrong for Amy did, just when things couldn’t feel any worse the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad, the man she always felt was the one until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was their two...

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The Apartment revised

The author kindly advises that this story and its characters are entirely fictitious. It contains descriptions of exhibitionism, lesbian sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.The Apartment (revised)(A legal specialist performs exhibitionist lesbian acts for her client’s entertainment)Saturday evening 10pm. Driving rain lashed the dark floor-to-ceiling penthouse windows of an expensive apartment tower. A storm front had descended on downtown Boston. A...

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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 2

Chapter 2“Remember that night that you confessed to me you had those fantasies about Mark? Well, honey, here is your surprise. You wanted your son, and I’m giving him to you.”Tim’s words registered in Jennifer’s brain, but they seemed to come from a distance. It all seemed hazy. She had indeed confessed her i****tuous desires to Tim one night, and it had turned him on immensely and they fucked like rabbits for the rest of the night.But of all the fantasies she had, this surely had to be the one...

4 years ago
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The Shofer 1

the office assistant seems to barge into the classroom, everyone looks up. my face instantly turns dark red. "this is Jake" the assistant seems to scream. "he is your new classmate". A boy in the back breaks the silence. *cough* Fag *cough* the class bust's out laughing and i look down, defeated. but wait! maybe there's that knight in shining armor not laughing, maybe ill make a friend. i look up quickly, scanning the classroom, none. my face goes back down. "now now" the...

4 years ago
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Mallu Girlfriend Love Story

Hi readers how are you. I am a fan of ISS for about a year and I decided to pen down my real time experience. My name is John. Am from Cochin Kerala GODS OWN COUNTRY India. Any mallus ladies aunts who all are interested can contact me here .Here am goes with my real life experience with my class mate mallu beauty asha. I studied at a reputed Engineering college at Cochin. I got admission in government quota. And classes started as regularly and after one month she joined my heroine Asha. She...

3 years ago
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Demetrius Ch 15

Chapter 15 New life comes from shedding old skins. ‘Demetri wake up,’ she said shaking him seeing he was coming out of his rem-sleep. The first thing he did was feel his neck. He looked at her not knowing if he should be angry or sad when she said, ‘You’ve been dreaming. I need to know what you dreamt since I used power-of-suggestion instilling a thought in your mind. I pinched your neck very hard and told you were being changed so I could see how you’d react to the idea in your sleep. I...

1 year ago
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My Sister and her Girlfriend

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Hank, and this is what happened to me last year when I was sixteen. It all started when I came home from summer camp. I had been away for six weeks, canoeing, hiking, swimming, the usual stuff. When I arrived home, taking a cab from the bus station, I just walked in without knocking on the door or anything, just as if I had been away a few hours instead of many weeks. Later I was glad I did not announce my return home. I had noticed none of...

3 years ago
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Chastity Sissy Katie gets fucked by huge young coc

It had been months since I had indulged my sissy urges. I have been spending a lot of time in chastity and had been locked up for 8 days when I decided I had to have a real cock inside me. I messaged my usual older daddy and was disappointed to find out he was out of the country. Too horny to wait I placed an ad on Craigslist and narrowed it down to an older guy with a decent looking cock and made a date for the next day. I spent the morning getting ready and just as I was about to leave he...

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Is Enough Really EnoughChapter 2

The weeks passed, Arch was back to work and now living in a rented two bedroom condo. He had had no contact with Denise and firmly insisted, when speaking with Sean, that he would not speak with her or deal with her. All contact would be through their attorneys. He proposed that all assets be divided equally except for the house. He wanted nothing from the house but his clothing, computer and various personal effects and papers. Denise could keep the house. He had no interest in it. It was...

2 years ago
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Incestuous Intentions Part 1

Also, I am aware this story is identical to the one written by KawaiiCandy as that is my other account. I lost my virginity when I was ten years old. My step brother Devin showed me a new “game” while our parents were away. We were young and didn’t fully understand what we were doing. As you can imagine for the next five or so years there was an awkwardness between us. We never spoke of that day and pretended it never happened, a silent agreement we had. I would often...

3 years ago
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Succubus Leveyla Pt1

If you are offended by demons, foul language, or demon ladies temporarily growing penises for use on other demon ladies, then don’t read this. I didn’t create the succubus and didn’t intentionally infringe upon anything, just wrote what I thought up for fun. That said, it’s pretty raunchy, so I’m just giving the heads up. I enjoy it, but I’m a freak. If you like it too, then lemme know and I’ll write more and put it up Enjoy. ~Bamboo PART ONE In this world, there exist wicked beings of all...

3 years ago
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Une chaude prof asservie

Une chaude prof asservie 1 Hot teacher enslaved 1 Coulybaca / Auteur inconnu    Madame Lucy Harper, du haut de ses 43 ans ?tait fi?re de ses formes acad?miques. Faire classe ?tait sa vocation ! La semaine pr?c?dente elle avait pris un de ses ?l?ves ? tricher lors d'un test sous les sifflements admiratifs de ses condisciples lorsqu'elle tourna le dos. Elle avait l'habitude de ces sifflets d'admirateurs m?les lorsqu?elle se d?hanchait devant eux en rentrant chez elle. Il n'y avait pas de miracle, son 95 c faisait t...

4 years ago
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Riverdale Kids No MoreChapter 9

Hiram was very happy. His investment in the pharmaceutical firm that had developed the genetic therapy had rewarded him handsomely. He now stood 2 inches over 6 foot, had a body fat ratio under 5%, could run 3.5 minute mile and still be up for a game of basketball. Of course one of the best parts was the the size his dick has settled into, 10.5 inches by 2 inches now. His balls had kept up and hung like 2 large eggs between his legs when he was limp, and they never seemed to be empty for...

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The Problems With LoveChapter 11

As soon as the front door closed behind them they fell into each others arms. Lottë clung to him like a limpet. "Oh Uncle Rob, I never thought you would ... would..." "Nor did I, my Lottë. Last night ... I was still all over the place. It was madness for us to be husband and wife and yet I knew that if you ever left me I'd be miserable but I thought I'd get over that. And then when you said goodbye and left me at the bus stop this morning it hit me. I ... I realised that I couldn't...

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My Grandma 1

My grandmother is attractive for her age. She has kept very fit and has a pretty nice body. Her hair has that blondish white tint and she tries to look young, all while avoiding acting young. It always confused me. I would drop by my grandmothers once in a while and let myself in. She always liked seeing me and I enjoyed seeing her. Especially those 60 year old boobs in those cleavage baring dresses. But she was very straight forward, very strict. So sure, I always thought in the back of my...

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Never Forget Part 40

Three Months Later Katie groaned as she pulled her black gown on over her pregnant belly. She was only three months, but it was enough to show. People were constantly talking about her, wondering who the baby's daddy was. Good thing was that today she would be rid of all of the rumors. It was graduation, and she would be leaving high school behind. She walked out of the high school bathroom and up to Kyle. He looked so handsome in his cap and gown. He helped her put on her own cap and...

4 years ago
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Enjoying my babysitter

So here i was in bed having woken up to a beautiful blonde teen in my bed I kissed her good morning and started running my hands over her beautifully soft tight body. Now guess your wondering how I got here my perverted and lovely readers as always this is a true story but enough of that lets begin. The blonde is my babysitter ashtyn shes 19 and very sexy shes a petite thing at 5'7 and has a tight little body with cute little b cup breasts, Ive know her for a few years since i worked with her...

2 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 18 Hangover

Allison felt terrible. Her headache was partly the consequence of the several large glasses of scotch she had downed after Lionel had left but mostly it was because of what had happened while he was in the flat and in particular how she felt about her own behaviour. She’d called the office and told them that she wasn’t feeling well. That was true, but the trouble was she didn’t know, even when she felt better, how she was ever going to be able to look Lionel in the face, ever again. It was...

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Family Affairs Pt 6 Karas Story

As an eighteenth birthday present and for gaining entry to a good University, Kara’s parents paid for a European holiday for her and her twin sister Jayne. With the intention of broadening the girls’ outlook, the aim of the gift was achieved in more ways than one. The holiday began in Spain. The weather was hot and sunny and there was a great waterside hotel on the edge of a bustling town. The room was shared but well appointed. It contained two queen-sized beds, all the usual facilities, plus...

3 years ago
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Let It Rain Chapter 2

Lightning flashes and thunder woke me several times during the night as both ladies snuggled closer for comfort. I looked at the nude bodies curled against me as lightning lit the room and marveled at the amount of pretty, warm flesh was pressed against me. I even took the opportunity to roll a couple of nipples in my fingers as they slept and listen to soft moans as they squirmed against me in their sleep. I woke as the rainy sky started to get lighter. I woke Mona and asked if we needed to do...

Straight Sex
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When In Rome Rick and Michelle Face The Consequences

The prison van, or “sweatbox” pulled up outside the Female Corrections Institute and waited. Inside the van were two convicted prisoners, Rick and Michelle Bodnarchuk. They had just pleaded guilty at the local Magistrates’ Court to allowing their sixteen-year-old twin daughters, Abbie and Bethany, to try and buy alcohol in a bar. The Canadian tourists had no idea that the incident was so serious and had even less idea of the sentence which the courts could impose for such a crime.Indeed, their...

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ValerieChapter 6

Once home I prepared Jan and I a little light snack to tide us over before the barbecue and did some tidying up as well as a few emails. When Jan got home we ate and then got ready for one of the treats of our year. Three times over the summer we and our friends would hold a barbecue and invite a good few acquaintances over to supplement the numbers along with kids and other family members. They were normally wild uproarious events though only in the humour and banter manner, nothing sordid,...

4 years ago
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A New Lesson Learned Betrayal

I was dreaming of Blake. He was next to me moving me over with his large rock hard body pressing down on me. His large muscular arms enclosed around me and his ridged cock thrusting in me, over and over. So vanilla and yet so enticing. I went to moved my arms around his neck and I discovered I couldn't. I felt so heavy and immobile. I tried to shift again, just to fail again. “Relax Erin,” I heard in my ear. “Enjoy my doll.” I felt his breathe on my neck. This felt so real. “Yesssss” I moaned...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 436

Random Thoughts! My goal for 2016 was to lose just 10 pounds. Only 15 to go. Ate salad for dinner! Mostly croutons & tomatoes. Really just one big, round crouton covered with tomato sauce. And cheese. FINE, it was a pizza. I ate a pizza. How to prepare Tofu: 1. Throw it in the trash. 2. Grill some Meat. I just did a week's worth of cardio after walking into a spider web. I don't mean to brag but ... I finished my 14-day diet in 3 hours and 20 minutes. A recent study has found...

1 year ago
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Birthday Treat with 3 friends and wife

I am a Thirty something Bisexual Male. My Wife does not normally like to watch or take part with my other Sexual encounters, however this time she give me a special Birthday present. All day my wife kepttelling me that she had one last Birthday present for me when I got home, so when I got home I was suprised to see 3of my Males friends from a gay club that I visit sometimes. I was told that this was my birthday present. Before I knew itall the 5 off us were upstairs on the Bed completely...

2 years ago
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Helping Mrs Ellis Part Four

Mr. Tom had fallen asleep with the help of a shot of whiskey and a decongestant. I heard him ask if I were still here when Janie clicked the light switch off. ”He is probably still asleep,” she answered, ”We were at it till very late last night.”I laughed under my breath at the innuendo. She was right though, we were at it till deep into the night. It was my first time having sex. And she was beautiful. I really couldn't believe my luck. Janie pulled the door shut softly. She walked back to...


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