L'?ducation De Dominique 4 free porn video

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Le dimanche, ? 14 heures, je sonnais ? la porte de la demeure de Marie. Quelques secondes plus tard, ce f?t sa maman qui m'ouvrit, troubl? voire g?n?, je bredouillai un bonjour et je p?n?trai dans la maison. Elle m'invita ? me d?barrasser et elle constata que je ne portais pas d'entraves. Contrari?e en me voyant ainsi, elle m'indiqua que Marie arrivait, elle finissait de se pr?parer, je la suivis au salon et elle se dirigea vers un secr?taire, ouvrit un tiroir et revint vers moi avec une paire de menottes. N'osant rien dire, je me retournai et mit mes mains dans mon dos, elle me passa les menottes et ensuite, me montra le canap? afin que je m'y assoie. Estelle s'installa dans un fauteuil en face de moi et reprit sa lecture. Que les minutes me parurent longues, je n'osai pas dire un mot et ce n'est qu'au bout de 10 minutes que Marie arriva. Enjou?e, elle me donna un bisou furtif, je vois que Maman t'a mis ? l'aise pour patienter. Elle m'enjoignit de la suivre, je me levai donc et nous nous sommes rendus dans sa chambre. Arriv?s dans celle-ci, elle m'embrasse langoureusement et me jette sur le lit, me prodigue des caresses et des baisers qui me mette dans un ?tat ou ? nouveau bonheur et frustration se m?lange. Ces moments rares sont privil?gi?s et ? chaque fois, plus profond, et finalement habilement, me mettent en ?tat de d?pendance vis- ?-vis d'elle. Au bout d'un long moment, apr?s un long baiser, elle s'arr?te et vient se lover dans le creux de mon ?paule, nous profitons de ces instants de bonheur en silence. Finalement, elle rompt le silence en me disant qu'elle m'aime. Elle se redresse, me regarde dans les yeux et me demande si je souhaite que son bonheur soit complet. Evidemment, lui r?pondis-je. Alors dit-elle, sure de son fait, tu ne verras aucuns inconv?nients ? suivre mes diff?rentes recommandations. Comme convenu avec ta famille, tu vas porter un corset plus souvent, des longs ou des courts, en fonction de tes activit?s. Je me suis d'ailleurs permise de t'acheter un corset victorien que j'aimerais que tu essaies. Joignant le geste ? la parole, elle m'aide ? me relever, m'?te mes menottes, me demande d'?ter mon chemisier et ma jupe pendant qu'elle sort de sa garde robe, ledit corset. Celui-ci est noir, long et elle s'empresse de me l'enfiler, elle commence le la?age et elle me demande de rentrer mon petit ventre et plus le serrage continue, plus je sens la rigidit? du corset qui m'oblige ? avoir le tronc droit. Elle termine enfin et elle me demande mon opinion, je lui avoue que je trouve cela tr?s contraignant. Elle prend alors une mine d?faite pour me dire que comme tous les hommes, je ne suis jamais satisfait alors que l'on s'occupe de leurs personnes. Elle me regarde alors en me demandant si je ne voulais pas faire un effort pour elle. Je n'osai, ?videmment, pas dire non. Je me rhabille et elle vient alors avec un corset de nuque m?dical et, en me le passant, me dit, cela t'aidera ? avoir une tenue droite, alti?re. J'en ai command? de plus ?l?gant sur internet, ils doivent arriver tr?s bient?t. Cela fait, elle me replace mes menottes aux poignets et en profite, pour m'en placer aux chevilles et la cha?ne qui les relient n'exc?de pas 20 cm. Elle termine en pla?ant un ba?llon boule blanc et la boule de celui-ci est la plus imposante que j'ai eu ? porter jusqu'? maintenant, elle le place d'ailleurs avec une certaine difficult? et ferme la sangle de mani?re tr?s ?troite. Voil? dit-elle, comme je souhaite ?voquer certaines choses avec et que je ne souhaite pas que tu m'interrompes, je pense que c'est mieux ainsi. Elle me demanda si je me rendais compte du mal que je lui faisais quand je m'int?ressais ? d'autres filles qu'elle. J'hochais la t?te n?gativement, elle continua en disant qu'elle s'en doutait et que donc, dor?navant, je ne devais plus parler ? une autre fille que pour une n?cessit? scolaire et que donc, le ba?llon journal est toujours d'application et qu'elle veillerait ? ne plus avoir d'?cart de ma part sinon elle prendrait d'autres mesures. Par ailleurs, pour les repas et autres boissons, vu que je n'aurai plus d'argent du tout, cela s'effectuera avec elle sous sa supervision car elle souhaitait que je retrouve une ligne. Pour tes arriv?es et tes d?parts de l'?cole, tu dois les effectuer avec moi, ta maman et tes s?urs y tiennent aussi. Me suis-je bien faite comprendre?? J'hochais positivement la t?te. Son visage s'illumina et elle me fit un bisou sur la joue. Bien maintenant, dit-elle, nous allons rejoindre Maman au salon pour parler du stage que nous devons effectuer en soci?t? durant le dernier trimestre de l'ann?e. Je te prie de l'?couter sans l'interrompre car elle n'aime pas l'?tre quand elle parle travail. Je la suivis donc au salon tant bien que mal car mon corset et mes entraves ne me facilitaient pas la t?che pour descendre les escaliers. A notre arriv?e, elle leva la t?te, interrompit sa lecture et f?licita sa fille tant pour ma tenue que pour mon allure. Je ne pus m'emp?cher de rougir. Nous nous install?mes dans le canap? face ? elle. Estelle reprit, Marie m'a appris que vous deviez effectuer un stage de 15 jours en entreprise cette ann?e. Tu n'es pas sans savoir que je suis la directrice d'une soci?t? et que, donc ne pouvant prendre ma fille comme stagiaire, j'accepte de te prendre pour ce stage. Tu l'effectueras dans mon secr?tariat direct ce qui signifie que tu travailleras pour moi et tu effectueras les t?ches que ma collaboratrice t'assignera. C'est elle qui te supervisera et tu devras lui ob?ir comme si c'?tait moi qui te donnais ton travail. Je l'ai mise au courant de certaines particularit?s quant ? la mani?re de te g?rer. La connaissant depuis plus de vingt ans, elle m'a assur? qu'elle veillerait sur toi et qu'elle ferait le n?cessaire pour suivre mes recommandations et celles de Marie comme de ta maman pour ton suivi. Mais afin de respecter un certain protocole, tu feras parvenir au si?ge de la soci?t? ta lettre de candidature dans les plus brefs d?lais. Maintenant que nous en avons finis avec ceci, nous allons prendre une collation. Marie m'?ta mon ba?llon et mes menottes mais les refixa imm?diatement avec mes mains devant. Le temps de faire travailler mes m?choires douloureuses, je remerciai Estelle de me prendre dans sa soci?t? pour le stage et que je m'efforcerai de faire du mieux possible. Elle m'interrompit s?chement en me disant s'efforcer pour elle, n'?tait pas suffisant. Voyant sa r?action, je ne dis plus un mot. Nous sommes alors pass?s dans la salle ? manger pour prendre le th? ainsi qu'un petit g?teau. Marie dit alors, tu as de la chance que nous sommes dimanche car pour ton r?gime, le g?teau est ? proscrire mais bon, pour une fois, ce n'?tait pas trop grave. Il allait ?tre temps de prendre cong?, Marie me retira mes menottes aux chevilles. Je me levai, saluai Estelle et dans le hall Marie m'embrassa longuement. Elle me mit ma cape et, juste apr?s, m'enfourna trois double feuille du journal qui m'attendait dans le hall. A peine avait- elle finit que la sonnerie retentit. Marie et Anne ?chang?rent quelques mots et nous rentr?mes ? la maison. Le lendemain, ? l'?cole, plus que jamais Marie ne me laissait aucun r?pit hors des cours. Rien ne lui ?chappait et finalement, au lieu d'en ?tre accabl?, je ressentais de la fiert? car elle faisait tout cela pour moi. La semaine qui suivit, le vendredi, il devait y avoir un travail de groupe. Le professeur, au lieu de laisser les groupes se former naturellement, les imposa. Je me retrouvai donc dans un groupe sans Marie et cela ne lui plaisait pas du tout. Libre d'elle, je m'amusai donc avec les autres filles de mon groupe et, nous avons beaucoup rit. A la fin de la journ?e, au lieu de m'embrasser, elle me mit quatre feuilles de journal, cela distendait mes joues et elle me raccompagna ? la voiture de Beth. Quand je fus assis, elle retira son foulard, fit un n?ud en son milieu et s'en servit pour me baillonner tr?s s?v?rement par-dessus la boule de journal. Elle dit ? Beth, il a trop parl? aujourd'hui et j'aimerais qu'il le garde jusqu'au souper si possible. Pas de probl?mes, r?pondit-elle et si tu le souhaites, je peux le baillonner ? nouveau apr?s. Oui, ce serait gentil, merci et de toute fa?on, dimanche, je mettrai d?finitivement les choses au point. Elle partit sans m?me se retourner sur moi. Beth se contenta de dire, tu as d? certainement passer les bornes pour qu'elle soit aussi en col?re. Le dimanche, ? peine entr?, Marie me menotta s?v?rement, me pla?a le gros b?illon boule blanc et c'est avec difficult? que je la suivis jusqu'? sa chambre. Elle s'assit sur sa chaise de bureau et comme, il n'y avait pas d'autres si?ges, je restai debout en face d'elle. Elle me demanda si je le faisais expr?s pour l'?nerver car vendredi, j'avais r?ellement outrepass? le code de bonne conduite que je m'?tais engag? ? respecter. Ne sachant r?pondre, je ne pouvais que fuir son regard, ce qu'elle ne manqua de me dire. Elle se leva, me pla?a le corset de nuque ainsi que des ?ill?res. Voil?, dit-elle et je t'interdis de baisser les paupi?res. Elle continua en disant que je ne changerais jamais et que donc, elle allait ?tre encore plus s?v?re maintenant car finalement, c'est ce que je cherche. La prochaine fois, que je transgresserais les r?gles, elle me placerait, une journ?e compl?te en isolation sensorielle afin que je puisse m?diter. La regardant d'un air interrogateur, pour que tu comprennes mieux, priv? de tous tes sens. J'ai commenc? a bien me documenter et ? commander les accessoires pour y arriver donc, mena?a-t-elle, ne me mets pas au d?fi car tu pourrais le regretter. J'en ai parl? longuement hier au t?l?phone avec ta maman et ensuite, avec ma maman, car on envisage pour les prochains cong?s que tu suives un stage avec une pr?ceptrice th?rapeute afin de t'inculquer correctement tout cela. Cela se passerait ? une centaine de kilom?tre d'ici dans sa r?sidence afin de t'immerger compl?tement dans ce stage et, elle aurait, toute latitude afin d'arriver ? des r?sultats concrets. Le stage devrait durer une dizaine de jours. Etant initiatrice du projet et par amour, maman le financera int?gralement. J'en ai assez que l'on se dispute pour les b?tises que tu fais, j'aimerais que nous soyons heureux et que tu ?coutes. Tu n'es pas d'accord?? Un peu abasourdi par ce que je venais d'entendre, mais dans l'incapacit? de r?pondre ou de me rebeller et dans, je dois l'admettre, l'envie de ne pas la perdre, j'acquies?ai de la t?te. Elle en profita pour resserrer d'un cran le corset de nuque. Vu que cela se d?roulera durant les cong?s de P?ques et donc, proche des examens. Nous allons nous atteler, avant ceux-ci que tu aies revu tes cours car, il faut que tu r?ussisses ton ann?e. Elle m'enleva enfin mon ba?llon, m'assit sur le lit et m'embrassa goulument. A chaque fois, ces baisers me chamboulaient et j'oubliais tout le reste car l'amour est plus fort que tout. Pour une fois, elle m'enleva mes menottes aux poignets et je pus la caresser mais, quand je devins trop entreprenant, elle me stoppa net. Elle se leva, alla ? sa garde robe, et me dit, j'aimerais que tu essaies ceci. C'?tait une camisole de force, je n'en avais jamais vue qu'en photos. Je suis persuad?e que ce serait plus confortable pour toi que de mettre tout le temps des menottes et t'?viterait de faire n'importe quoi. Elle me l'enfila, pla?a les lani?res et serra fortement les manches. Quand elle eut fini de la placer, je ne pus que constater son efficacit? mais le confort de la position rendait celle-ci agr?able. Par ailleurs, le mod?le choisit ?tait ?l?gant malgr? le fait qu'il ?tait en cuir noir. Elle me demanda mon avis sur elle et je lui restituai mon opinion et je la vis sourire de contentement, si bien qu'elle me sauta au cou pour m'embrasser. Elle me dit alors qu'elle m'aimait et qu'elle voudrait vivre avec moi. J'?tais heureux d'entendre de si gentilles choses m?me si je me rendais compte que j'avais de moins en moins de libert?. Je lui dis alors que j'avais peur. Surprise, elle fit un pas en arri?re et me regarda interloqu?e. Je repris en lui disant mes inqui?tudes sur le stage, sur la diminution de mes libert?s. L?, sa r?action me prit au d?pourvu, elle se mit ? pleurer ? chaudes larmes car elle ne comprenait pas pourquoi, j'avais toutes ces inqui?tudes car tout ce qu'elle faisait, c'?tait par amour. Je ne savais que dire car ces larmes ?tant si spontan?es et si sinc?res, que je lui demandai alors de m'excuser. Elle continua en me disant que le stage n'?tait l? que pour m'aider ? vaincre les derni?res barri?res psychologiques, m?me inconscientes, qui pouvaient subsister dans l'acceptation de tout cela et donc, que je puisse vivre heureux sans arri?re-pens?es. Devant toutes ces explications, ?motions, je r?it?rai mes excuses et lui demandai d'oublier ce que je venais de dire et que j'acceptai tout car tout ?tait fait par amour. Sur ce, elle me donna un bisou pris le ba?llon boule blanc, me le pla?a et serra plus fort que d'habitude les lani?res. Elle me dit, je dois passer un coup de t?l?phone important d'ordre priv? et donc, je vais te placer un casque qui va te priver de l'ou?e pendant celui-ci, la seule chose que j'ignore c'est son efficacit? donc avant, je vais te placer des boules quies. Elle prit un casque qui ressemblait ? un casque d'?coute st?r?o et me le pla?a sur les oreilles. Les deux ?l?ments mis ensemble, j'?tais devenu totalement sourd, plus aucun son ne me parvenait. Je me rendis compte alors oh comment j'?tais r?duit ? l'impuissance. Si je faisais l'inventaire, je portais?: un corset, un corset de nuque, une camisole de force, des ?ill?res, un ba?llon, des boules quies et des menottes aux chevilles. En somme, ? part l'odorat et la vue (partiellement), je n'avais plus le contr?le de rien. Pendant ce temps, Marie ?tait en grande conversation et j'essayai d'imaginer avec qui elle pouvait avoir cette conversation si anim?e. Au bout d'une demi-heure, elle raccrocha et me sembla bien pensive, assise derri?re son bureau. Elle fut sortie de ses pens?es par l'arriv?e de sa maman. Elles discut?rent un peu, sans jamais se soucier de ma pr?sence. Ce n'est qu'apr?s la sortie de sa maman, qu'elle vint m'?ter mon casque, les boules quies et le ba?llon. Elle me dit, tu dois comprendre que pour certaines choses, je doive faire cela car cela reste priv? mais c'est aussi pour ton bien car je g?re aussi notre avenir. Je n'osai pas poser de questions et elle m'emmena au salon pour retrouver Estelle, sa maman. Je la saluai et celle-ci me complimenta pour ma tenue qu'elle trouvait ?l?gante m?me avec une camisole. Nous avons bien re?u ta candidature pour le stage et, vu que tu travailleras directement avec elle, ma secr?taire te recevra pour une entrevue d'ici une quinzaine de jours. Tout ceci rel?ve de la proc?dure normale pour les stages. Je veux que tu donnes le meilleur de toi ce jour l?. Tu recevras un courrier en temps utile. Nous nous retir?mes ensuite dans la chambre de Marie pour r?viser le cours de fran?ais car le lendemain, il y avait une importante ?preuve. Le temps passa si vite que nous en avions oubli? le go?ter et, maintenant, qu'il ?tait temps de partir, Marie m'?ta la camisole, les ?ill?res et les menottes. Apr?s m'avoir rattach? solidement les mains et les coudes dans le dos, elle me dit que je lui avais fait beaucoup de peine aujourd'hui. Elle me donna un doux baiser et m'enfourna trois feuilles de journal dans la bouche et elle scella mes l?vres avec une bande de tape transparent. Elle me reconduisit ? la voiture d'Anne et c'est le c?ur gros que je repartis ce jour l?. Durant la semaine, je fis le maximum pour ne pas d?roger au code Marie et, j'esp?rais ainsi pouvoir ?chapper au stage de P?ques. Je ne la vis du week-end et le lundi, Marie ?tait absente de l'?cole. J'?tais inquiet mais durant la journ?e, apr?s avoir ?t? ? l'?cart des autres, je ne pus m'emp?cher durant la pause de midi de me joindre ? un groupe. Le soir, Anne m'attendait ? la sortie, elle constata que je ne portais pas le ba?llon habituel et elle s'empressa de m'en placer un. Arriv? ? la maison, je demandai si quelqu'un avait des nouvelles de Marie. Ma maman me r?pondit oui et, tu devrais lui t?l?phoner de suite. Apr?s tu viendras m'en parler. Intrigu?, le c?ur serr?, je t?l?phonai donc ? Marie qui, je le compris directement au ton de sa voix, ?tait furieuse. En effet, elle me dit que l'on ne pouvait me faire confiance car d?s qu'elle n'?tait pas pr?sente, je reprenais mes travers et que donc, j'avais ??fanfaronn頻 avec d'autres filles une bonne partie de la journ?e. Je voulus protester, ouvre la messagerie de ton ordinateur, je m'ex?cutai et elle m'avait envoy? des photos de moi tout au long de la journ?e. Elle continua en me disant que je n'?tais qu'un menteur et que ma fausse attitude de la semaine derni?re ne l'avait pas tromp?e. Elle m'avait mis ? l'?preuve et j'avais ?chou?. Sa d?termination a m'envoy? au stage ?tait maintenant primordiale et elle en faisait une condition ? la suite de notre relation. Evidemment, je ne pouvais nier l'?vidence et je mettais fait pi?ger en beaut?, je n'avais plus qu'en assumer les cons?quences.

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After the long night with the Tankov's I was ready for bed. Mom was glad that I was home, and Agent Crow could work on his own plans without me. On Sunday morning, when I woke up, I found that I had no plans, or obligations. It was cold, and snow was on the ground. Previously, I had caught up on all my schoolwork. I also realized that not one of my friends would be stopping by. What that meant was no one would be coming over to use the word processor, to type a report, or to join me in any...

3 years ago
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One Hot Bus Journey 8211 Part 2 Cute Girl And Hot Handjob

Hello everyone! As you might have known from the previous story, I am Nitin, age 19 and I am from Bengaluru. I am about 5 ft 9 in and I have a pretty average body structure. This is my experience happened during a KSRTC bus ride. I had to go to Bellary from Bengaluru because I had to attend a function in my friend’s house. I would highly recommend that you guys go through my previous story in order to get a hang of what has happened so far. Continuing from where I stopped in the first part. As...

1 year ago
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A letter

[Note: Dedicated to real love. I love you, babe. I'll always be your naughty angel.] To my love, All the long minutes that drags on into the seemingly endless days, I sit here, thinking about you. Thinking about your touch, your kisses, and your presence. I am thinking about your soft lips, your warm, moist tongue, your arms, your fingers…. I am imagining your warm arms around me, holding me tight against you, your heart beating next to mine. Your tongue gently pries open my lips and inserts...

1 year ago
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MyBabysittersClub Charity Crawford Innocent Babysitter Has A Charitable Pussy

Charity Crawford is the epitome of the wholesome and hot girl next door you dream about doing nasty things to. Charity gets a babysitting job call from Mr. Kovac who is also the owner of a swank hotel on the strip. She decides to live up to her name and provide a charitable service for her friends who need jobs there. This absolutely smoking hot girl with a gorgeous face and slender well toned body is sitting on his bed as Mr. Kovac comes in to pay her. She tells him she has a strange request....

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Just a kiss

Hello all iss readers. This is a real story which contains sexual features in it and therefore I kindly request that I will not be responsible for any miss happening. If u likes the story u can mail me on or Do you remember last Christmas Eve? Outside my house looked like a post card. The snow was still clean and the air was crystalline. Mom and I were laughing after too much eggnog as we started opening presents. As she unwrapped the last glittering red box, tears suddenly filled her eyes....

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Adura blushed as she finally found her way in the door after work, cupping her chest gently with a slight wince, then gasping as she unbuttoned her blouse. Her breasts swelled against the soft pink bra holding them almost painfully, pushing the bottom of its cups away from her chest. She unsnapped it from behind her with a sigh, letting them free in the cool air of the house. She walked to the kitchen, the rest of her clothes falling in a line behind her. She stood in the kitchen, nude except...

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Spizoo Alexis Tae Ebony Slim Babe Alexis Tae Takes Balls Deep

Alexis Tae is a tall babe and mixed beauty with a dirty sexual mind. This hot slut is ready to take a black cock deep in her tight wet pussy. Watch as this horny slut moans in pleasure as she gets railed by Rod Jackson from every position. She teases and strips then spreads her twat and takes it balls deep before extracting a big load of cum all over her. This beautiful ebony shows up wearing sensual yellow lingerie, her natural tits, hairy pussy, she seduces and invites Rod and immediately...

4 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 76 SM03Tau Day 11

Steve awoke with Anna on one arm and Lorraine on the other, both laying face down on him with their arm around each other. He was experiencing a truly excellent blowjob, and he looked down to see Jane's short black hair bobbing up and down over his erect cock. He held out as long as he could, savoring the sensations, but soon shot off into her mouth with a low moan. Jane pulled off, a thread of saliva and sperm connecting her mouth and Steve's cock, and Theresa moved in to lick him clean,...

3 years ago
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Bellaire BellesChapter 8

As I stated earlier, when push comes to shove, I will choose flight over fight every time. When I was caught having sex with Ashley in the pool by Bree and Sarah I did the only thing I could think of doing. I went by instinct. I took flight. I pulled back from Ashley, dislodging myself from her and took off out of the pool. I could hear Bree crying and wanting to know how I could do something that would hurt her mom so much. Sarah was telling her to calm down. At least she wasn't yelling at...

2 years ago
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Dr Grey Ch 04

At 9 am the following morning Karen was again in the waiting area. The shot that Grey had given her the night before had helped a great deal but she had again woken this morning with withdrawal, convincing her further that she had indeed become obsessed with, and therefore lost without, Doctor Grey. Inside the office Grey worked at his computer, composing himself whilst remembering the fantastic sex Karen had given him the previous night. If sex were his prime motivator, however, Grey would...

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A 3 some with sis and her son

My sister is two years older than me and she has always been a cause of total sexual frustration. Megan is now 32 years old and has a 16-year-old son. As you can see she had a c***d in high school and has not seen or heard from the father in 14 years. When the father left she decided to put all her energy into raising her son. Megan never dated again after he left, which was a shame as she was an absolutely stunning woman. Myself, I bounced from woman to woman, never satisfied. I could not get...

1 year ago
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The Love Story Of Lakshmi Prasad Part 2

We both went to his bathroom where he began applying anne French all over. He finished 3 bottles and then turned me around and bent me over. He separated my ass cheeks and slowly began applying the Anne French there. The smell of the stuff was nauseating as I stood there not moving. He then proceeded to shave my cheeks which were just starting to grow a beard. After shaving twice he began washing off the hair removal cream with warm water. I began feeling tingly as all the little hair on my...

Gay Male
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The Sisters

Janet Townsend lived with her older sister Anne in a ramshackle old house left to them by their parents. Anne was fifteen years older than Janet, and considered herself a sort of gardian of Janets welfare. Anne was forty years old and looked set to be a spinster being tall and rather plain. She certainly did not dress to attract men and wore no make up. Janet dated on a regular basis and was full of life. She was a very attractive woman with long blonde hair, blue eyes and a winning smile. She...

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The bike ride

At forty two I disliked how out of shape I was. It didn’t help that I had just taken a job working behind a desk. I started walking, but that didn’t do much to decrease my waist size. After getting frustrated with the spare tire above my belt, I decided to buy a bike. I just fell in love with a 21 speed mountain bike with big knobby tires. After my wife wrote him a check he handed me a piece of paper and said, “There is a local group that goes on weekend bike rides. Sometimes they are long...

2 years ago
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Butterfly Tattoo

I have always been my parent’s perfect little girl, and I feel like it’s time for a change. I want things to be different. I just turned seventeen and I’m ready to spread my wings, so to speak. I’ve been debating this for the last six months, and I’m ready for it.  I stroll down the street, repeating the same thing in my head, encouraging myself. “You can do this,” again and again, almost like a broken record. I step up to the tattoo shop and shiver slightly, suddenly afraid to push the doors...

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The Choices We Make

You're a young guy in senior high having just recently turned 18. Most people hate going to school, but you love it. Each day you get to look at some of the drop dead gorgeous people who go to your school in the center of the city. Not the least of which is a girl in your accounting class called Katherine and your next door neighbor Rebecca. The schools media teacher is also a very hot lady. You're walking down the hall one day when you notice a slip of card on the ground. You bend over and see...

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The Mirror CrackedChapter 2

Castle Wyvern. Inside the enormous castle library, Tammy had several books open while writing notes on a large legal pad. Her blonde head came up from being bent over while reading, and she rubbed her eyes. "That's it, I think my brain is beginning to overheat from all this studying." Seated not for away, Delilah looked up from the book she was reading and smiled at the young girl. She looked at the clock on the wall. "I suppose you can take a break for a while. You've been at it for...

2 years ago
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Dentists Chair

*Author’s Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. ***** Chapter 1 Arthur Petitjean wanted to groan, not so much from the pain in his mouth, but from the boring topic of conversation Dr. LeMoine droned on and on about as he drilled on Arthur’s tooth. That was the problem with Dr. LeMoine. The man was a good and thorough dentist and seemed to be a very compassionate man to all his patients. But the problem was, the man was about as...

3 years ago
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Destinys RoadChapter 26

As the week progressed, the girls felt better and got back to normal, just as Zoe had. I, however, started to withdraw from them, and from Mrs. Bell at the same time. I still went to classes, and started showing back up at the morning runs, afternoon workouts, study sessions and football practices; but I wasn't really focused on any of that. I was too wrapped up in my own thoughts and feelings of guilt. Once Doctor Chang laid it out, it was clear I had done something to the girls. Not just...

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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 65

Friday morning at 8:55 I was dressed and pulling my boots on when I heard the phone ring, then Sherry yelled for me to pick up the phone. “Hello, Jerry Helton here.” “Mr. Helton, my name is Arthur Goode and I’m calling on behalf of The Ed Sullivan Show. Mr. Sullivan has asked me to invite you to appear live on his television show this coming Sunday night, which will be broadcast live nationwide from New York City.” “Mr. Goode, I was told earlier that you had called and would call back. I’m...

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Amber and David getting it on

Finally the day had come! Amber and I had been chatting for over five years until we finally met. She came to Amsterdam and was staying in a hotel not far from my apartment. It was a nice sunny spring day and we planned a little road trip to Brussels because she had never been there.Although we have seen each other a zillion times on cam, I was pretty nervous and excited walking up to her hotel to meet her. When I got there, I texted her that I was already waiting outside. It took a while...

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Fucking a Mom and Son In Bangkok Part 1

I had read so much about sex tourism in thailand and I made up my mind I was going there! Cute women, trannys, gays..My idea of heaven! Went online, did some research and went ahead with the bookings. One fine june afternoon, I landed in bangkok. Got a taxi and drove striagt to my motel. It was a decent place, a tad run down, but it didnt really matter much to me. I wasnt there for the ambiance. At the reception was a sweet middle aged lady. I checked into a single airconditoned room, had a...

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A balck white mature fantasy

This story is not true, purely a fantasy but one can hopeI had met Shelley through x-hamster she was a 47 year old married woman from Johannesburg, who liked to have some daytime fun when hubby was at work, we had met up several times and had some fun, then one morning laying in bed after a good fuck Shelley turned to me and asked if I had a problem with race, after telling her I didn’t she explained that she had a black lover who was seeing another woman and they wanted to try a 4 way with a...

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The 14 Boys Club Lake Como Boys

The night was so dark that I didn’t see the launch until it reached the dock. I had heard it, though, and as I climbed on board, the boat all in black and the men sailing it all in black and masked as well—and totally silent—and it moved back onto Lake Como, I realized that it was the boat I heard starting up when I’d come down to the dock. The imposing lakeside mansion it had come from, lit up and with music on that I could hear from this side of the lake, wasn’t far off at all. But it was on...

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PenthouseGold Geisha Kyd Sybil Lesbian Nurse Geisha Kyd Inspects Sybil

When you have naughty lesbian Nurse Geisha Kyd giving a full physical to brunette babe Sybil in a premium Penthouse hospital porn video, you can bet she’s going to give a very thorough inspection from perky small tits on top to trimmed pussy below. That’s exactly what goes down, and the horny patient returns the favor with nipple licking and pussy eating from behind while the tattooed blonde is on all fours atop the examination table. With more fingering and muff munching they...

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My Private Tutors Part 2

 Hello everyone! In case you forgot, my name is Shelly Rockton. I am twenty-one years old, 5'1" tall, have blonde hair that reaches a little past my shoulders and my eyes are ice blue in color.Mr. Reese my English professor who I must call Sir. Mr. Stewart my Zoology professor (a man of color) who I must call Sir Stewart. Mr. Thompson my Calculus professor who I must call Sir Thompson. They are helping me in preparing myself better for their quizzes and exams in order for me to graduate on...

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Daddy and daughter Veronica

I flipped the cell phone open and downloaded the pic. It didn't make sense at first, mostly a white blob but the screen resolution caught up and the picture started getting clear from the top down. I saw her face like she was looking down, then I saw... her tits? Wtf? The rest of the picture came in and I could clearly see she had a glass dildo in her pussy. She had taken a masturbation shot of herself naked and sent it to... me? It had to have been an accident since her boyfriend "Dave"s...

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Journey Of A Lifetime With One Of My Sexy Readers 8211 Part 2

Hi all, First of all I want to apologize for being so late in posting the next part. I have now moved to Delhi. Above is the link of the first and previous part of the story. We both slept late last night. I slept on lower berth and Aakriti went to the upper berth. We both were tired and didn’t had any energy left in us. We ate and went to sleep. Next thing I know someone is knocking on the door. The night was over just like that. I opened it. There was a lady at the door. She was beautiful,...

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Marvelous MILFs Foursome Week 8211 Part 2

Before we begin, here’s some basic info about me: 21, from Mumbai, 5-11 height, 5.5″ cock, fitness freak with a slim body, and work as a writer. This is a true story, but all names are changed. This story is a direct continuation from Part 1, so if you haven’t read it yet, please read it before moving to this Milfs foursome story Mami whispered in my ear, “I’ll give you both some time alone,” and went into the bathroom. Soon I heard the bell ring, wore some clothes, and went to open it....

2 years ago
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I often wondered whether the mosquitos, the mud, the heat, and the constant sweat were worth it. My fourth trip into the jungle was unlike any of the others. Six days in a canoe eating stale food that smelled like rotting fish and tasted even worse, and I felt I was no closer to achieving my objective than when I first arrived in Brazil. My quest was to find and take samples of what native tribes called Punali. Rumors, legends, and several testimonials I had heard on my previous expedition...

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New Years Surprise

It was New Years’ Eve and I was sitting at home with nothing to do. I was contemplating going out to a club, but at thirty-nine, I didn’t really feel like I Would fit into the younger crowd at most clubs, so I decided to settle down, smoke a cigar, have a shot of brandy and watch “Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Year’s Eve” on the television.It was about eleven thirty when there was a knock on my apartment door. I looked out the peep hole and could only see the top of a head. She took a step back and...

Straight Sex
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Friends Until The EndChapter 3

Retreating from my awkward position above my mother, I stood by her bed and began to remove my clothing. This was it right? This was the decision I had made to save her from my demented best friend. But was I turning into something as evil as Gerald? Mother was seething upon her bed, one hand slipping between her legs, her hips pumping, the other hand having pulled the other strap of her nightie down so as to grope her big fat sexy breasts as they obviously come in pairs. As my hard cock...

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ShoeLove Chapter 5 Antonia I chuckloveinsta

Each upper grade was allowed to go on a grade trip for one week. For most of them it meant being further away from their parents for the first time and being able to do what one wanted. In addition, you could choose where to go. There were different cities in Europe to choose from. I didn't really care which one I would take because I had already visited them all “privately”. So I simply chose it based on which other people would go with it. There was the group of the “cool” - those who mainly...

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Mom Dad and Us Part 7

I am not the author. Found story on old desk top. Original story name "F***ly Games' family Games Chapter 7Glynn was up early, unable to sleep. He spent a long time in the shower, enjoying the hot water, soaping himself thoroughly. When he was dry, he inspected his face in the mirror, thinking that perhaps he had grown more beard overnight. He sure felt a lot older. Standing before the sink he thought about...

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Learning CurvesChapter 131

A nice vehicle was the only luxury Phil had permitted himself on his western trek. He bought a Mustang convertible because he couldn’t rent a car and he wasn’t about to pay for a car service. He had already decided he was going to have it shipped back east when he left. It was time for the sensible sedan to disappear from the driving rotation – or maybe to serve if they ever went to the demolition derby. He knew he’d have a hard time convincing Hailey to give it up, though, so he figured it...

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A Happy School Life

"So Heartbreak Jo it comes to this!" Bulletproof Billy said to me narrowing his eye as he flexed his hand next to his holstered colt. "You're reign of terror over this town is done! You're gang is done and I give you this chance to leave!" I claimed as I too kept my hand close to my holstered gun. "Ha ha ha" Billy gave out a loud laugh "I'm only just getting started with this place, I own this town!" He glared at me "I commend you for trying to stand up to me, but now you must die" at that he...

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Fucking my cousins maid

it was summer 2010 in the Philippines... i was drunk from the party and tired from my OJT, where my friends and i hanged out but the place is kinda isolated so i decided to sleep on the nearest relative in the place... in my cousins... so there i am 12 am in the morning when i got there walking alone i knocked on the door... then i asked my aunt that i will be sleeping because there is no transportation for the night... while my aunt is setting up where i am gonna sleep i saw their maid lying...

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Bahamas Vacation 5

(Background: I took a trip to get away from memories after my fiancee's, Debby’s, death. We had planned to be here, Nassau, Bahamas, on our honeymoon. I met Cinnamon, an employee at the hotel, when I checked in. We have spent the last three nights together. She had 2 days off. yesterday she was my tour guide in Nassau. Today we went fishing which she arranged with the husband of one of her co-workers. Her coworker and husband, our fishing guide, invited us over for supper.) A little after...

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Friends Like These3

Willie and I laid there on the cushions till we slipped off in peaceful slumber, how long we slept I don't know. I was waken by Willie as he begin to grind his rock hard penis into me again, I stammered weakly '...Willie, please...'He cut me off '...don't worry, I'm gonna fuck again and bust another nutt in your ass...' Willie took his time grinding deep and slow into me as he worked his body over me hunching, grinding and slamming into me causing me to grunt, groan and cry out as he enjoyed...

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The Touch Ch 17

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. Pt. 17 The Secret Desires of Schoolgirls I was woken by the telephone ringing at eight o’clock on Sunday morning. It was Maggie calling to say that she was already at Calais and waiting to board the morning ferry to Dover, she had left Dijon and four o’clock in the morning to get to Calais by seven. The weather forecast had been reporting high...

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Great Sex With House Owner8217s Daughter

Hi everyone this is Krish from Hyderabad (Secunderabad), am not a regular reader of ISS but I manage some time to spend on it reading some selected stories. i liked this site very much reading the stories. And felt that it’s a medium that we share our experiences. So am here to share my very first experience with my house owner daughter. Sorry for not mentioning, am 26 years old physically fit with slim and athletic body as am a player and of 5 feet 7 inch height. This was my first experience...

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Suddenly in SpringChapter 4

Gerald and mother have driven off to join friends for dinner. I am alone in the house at last. I enter the parlour where Chum is stretched out by the fireside. I kneel down near him on the hearthrug. Watched silently by Chum, I slowly undress. First my skirt. Then my damp knickers. Then my blouse and bra. I finger my sticky snatch and then pull and pinch my nipples I lay back to let the heat of the fire onto my bare skin and tremble with excitement. Chum has sat up; his eyes are fixed...

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