L'?ducation De Dominique 4 free porn video

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Le dimanche, ? 14 heures, je sonnais ? la porte de la demeure de Marie. Quelques secondes plus tard, ce f?t sa maman qui m'ouvrit, troubl? voire g?n?, je bredouillai un bonjour et je p?n?trai dans la maison. Elle m'invita ? me d?barrasser et elle constata que je ne portais pas d'entraves. Contrari?e en me voyant ainsi, elle m'indiqua que Marie arrivait, elle finissait de se pr?parer, je la suivis au salon et elle se dirigea vers un secr?taire, ouvrit un tiroir et revint vers moi avec une paire de menottes. N'osant rien dire, je me retournai et mit mes mains dans mon dos, elle me passa les menottes et ensuite, me montra le canap? afin que je m'y assoie. Estelle s'installa dans un fauteuil en face de moi et reprit sa lecture. Que les minutes me parurent longues, je n'osai pas dire un mot et ce n'est qu'au bout de 10 minutes que Marie arriva. Enjou?e, elle me donna un bisou furtif, je vois que Maman t'a mis ? l'aise pour patienter. Elle m'enjoignit de la suivre, je me levai donc et nous nous sommes rendus dans sa chambre. Arriv?s dans celle-ci, elle m'embrasse langoureusement et me jette sur le lit, me prodigue des caresses et des baisers qui me mette dans un ?tat ou ? nouveau bonheur et frustration se m?lange. Ces moments rares sont privil?gi?s et ? chaque fois, plus profond, et finalement habilement, me mettent en ?tat de d?pendance vis- ?-vis d'elle. Au bout d'un long moment, apr?s un long baiser, elle s'arr?te et vient se lover dans le creux de mon ?paule, nous profitons de ces instants de bonheur en silence. Finalement, elle rompt le silence en me disant qu'elle m'aime. Elle se redresse, me regarde dans les yeux et me demande si je souhaite que son bonheur soit complet. Evidemment, lui r?pondis-je. Alors dit-elle, sure de son fait, tu ne verras aucuns inconv?nients ? suivre mes diff?rentes recommandations. Comme convenu avec ta famille, tu vas porter un corset plus souvent, des longs ou des courts, en fonction de tes activit?s. Je me suis d'ailleurs permise de t'acheter un corset victorien que j'aimerais que tu essaies. Joignant le geste ? la parole, elle m'aide ? me relever, m'?te mes menottes, me demande d'?ter mon chemisier et ma jupe pendant qu'elle sort de sa garde robe, ledit corset. Celui-ci est noir, long et elle s'empresse de me l'enfiler, elle commence le la?age et elle me demande de rentrer mon petit ventre et plus le serrage continue, plus je sens la rigidit? du corset qui m'oblige ? avoir le tronc droit. Elle termine enfin et elle me demande mon opinion, je lui avoue que je trouve cela tr?s contraignant. Elle prend alors une mine d?faite pour me dire que comme tous les hommes, je ne suis jamais satisfait alors que l'on s'occupe de leurs personnes. Elle me regarde alors en me demandant si je ne voulais pas faire un effort pour elle. Je n'osai, ?videmment, pas dire non. Je me rhabille et elle vient alors avec un corset de nuque m?dical et, en me le passant, me dit, cela t'aidera ? avoir une tenue droite, alti?re. J'en ai command? de plus ?l?gant sur internet, ils doivent arriver tr?s bient?t. Cela fait, elle me replace mes menottes aux poignets et en profite, pour m'en placer aux chevilles et la cha?ne qui les relient n'exc?de pas 20 cm. Elle termine en pla?ant un ba?llon boule blanc et la boule de celui-ci est la plus imposante que j'ai eu ? porter jusqu'? maintenant, elle le place d'ailleurs avec une certaine difficult? et ferme la sangle de mani?re tr?s ?troite. Voil? dit-elle, comme je souhaite ?voquer certaines choses avec et que je ne souhaite pas que tu m'interrompes, je pense que c'est mieux ainsi. Elle me demanda si je me rendais compte du mal que je lui faisais quand je m'int?ressais ? d'autres filles qu'elle. J'hochais la t?te n?gativement, elle continua en disant qu'elle s'en doutait et que donc, dor?navant, je ne devais plus parler ? une autre fille que pour une n?cessit? scolaire et que donc, le ba?llon journal est toujours d'application et qu'elle veillerait ? ne plus avoir d'?cart de ma part sinon elle prendrait d'autres mesures. Par ailleurs, pour les repas et autres boissons, vu que je n'aurai plus d'argent du tout, cela s'effectuera avec elle sous sa supervision car elle souhaitait que je retrouve une ligne. Pour tes arriv?es et tes d?parts de l'?cole, tu dois les effectuer avec moi, ta maman et tes s?urs y tiennent aussi. Me suis-je bien faite comprendre?? J'hochais positivement la t?te. Son visage s'illumina et elle me fit un bisou sur la joue. Bien maintenant, dit-elle, nous allons rejoindre Maman au salon pour parler du stage que nous devons effectuer en soci?t? durant le dernier trimestre de l'ann?e. Je te prie de l'?couter sans l'interrompre car elle n'aime pas l'?tre quand elle parle travail. Je la suivis donc au salon tant bien que mal car mon corset et mes entraves ne me facilitaient pas la t?che pour descendre les escaliers. A notre arriv?e, elle leva la t?te, interrompit sa lecture et f?licita sa fille tant pour ma tenue que pour mon allure. Je ne pus m'emp?cher de rougir. Nous nous install?mes dans le canap? face ? elle. Estelle reprit, Marie m'a appris que vous deviez effectuer un stage de 15 jours en entreprise cette ann?e. Tu n'es pas sans savoir que je suis la directrice d'une soci?t? et que, donc ne pouvant prendre ma fille comme stagiaire, j'accepte de te prendre pour ce stage. Tu l'effectueras dans mon secr?tariat direct ce qui signifie que tu travailleras pour moi et tu effectueras les t?ches que ma collaboratrice t'assignera. C'est elle qui te supervisera et tu devras lui ob?ir comme si c'?tait moi qui te donnais ton travail. Je l'ai mise au courant de certaines particularit?s quant ? la mani?re de te g?rer. La connaissant depuis plus de vingt ans, elle m'a assur? qu'elle veillerait sur toi et qu'elle ferait le n?cessaire pour suivre mes recommandations et celles de Marie comme de ta maman pour ton suivi. Mais afin de respecter un certain protocole, tu feras parvenir au si?ge de la soci?t? ta lettre de candidature dans les plus brefs d?lais. Maintenant que nous en avons finis avec ceci, nous allons prendre une collation. Marie m'?ta mon ba?llon et mes menottes mais les refixa imm?diatement avec mes mains devant. Le temps de faire travailler mes m?choires douloureuses, je remerciai Estelle de me prendre dans sa soci?t? pour le stage et que je m'efforcerai de faire du mieux possible. Elle m'interrompit s?chement en me disant s'efforcer pour elle, n'?tait pas suffisant. Voyant sa r?action, je ne dis plus un mot. Nous sommes alors pass?s dans la salle ? manger pour prendre le th? ainsi qu'un petit g?teau. Marie dit alors, tu as de la chance que nous sommes dimanche car pour ton r?gime, le g?teau est ? proscrire mais bon, pour une fois, ce n'?tait pas trop grave. Il allait ?tre temps de prendre cong?, Marie me retira mes menottes aux chevilles. Je me levai, saluai Estelle et dans le hall Marie m'embrassa longuement. Elle me mit ma cape et, juste apr?s, m'enfourna trois double feuille du journal qui m'attendait dans le hall. A peine avait- elle finit que la sonnerie retentit. Marie et Anne ?chang?rent quelques mots et nous rentr?mes ? la maison. Le lendemain, ? l'?cole, plus que jamais Marie ne me laissait aucun r?pit hors des cours. Rien ne lui ?chappait et finalement, au lieu d'en ?tre accabl?, je ressentais de la fiert? car elle faisait tout cela pour moi. La semaine qui suivit, le vendredi, il devait y avoir un travail de groupe. Le professeur, au lieu de laisser les groupes se former naturellement, les imposa. Je me retrouvai donc dans un groupe sans Marie et cela ne lui plaisait pas du tout. Libre d'elle, je m'amusai donc avec les autres filles de mon groupe et, nous avons beaucoup rit. A la fin de la journ?e, au lieu de m'embrasser, elle me mit quatre feuilles de journal, cela distendait mes joues et elle me raccompagna ? la voiture de Beth. Quand je fus assis, elle retira son foulard, fit un n?ud en son milieu et s'en servit pour me baillonner tr?s s?v?rement par-dessus la boule de journal. Elle dit ? Beth, il a trop parl? aujourd'hui et j'aimerais qu'il le garde jusqu'au souper si possible. Pas de probl?mes, r?pondit-elle et si tu le souhaites, je peux le baillonner ? nouveau apr?s. Oui, ce serait gentil, merci et de toute fa?on, dimanche, je mettrai d?finitivement les choses au point. Elle partit sans m?me se retourner sur moi. Beth se contenta de dire, tu as d? certainement passer les bornes pour qu'elle soit aussi en col?re. Le dimanche, ? peine entr?, Marie me menotta s?v?rement, me pla?a le gros b?illon boule blanc et c'est avec difficult? que je la suivis jusqu'? sa chambre. Elle s'assit sur sa chaise de bureau et comme, il n'y avait pas d'autres si?ges, je restai debout en face d'elle. Elle me demanda si je le faisais expr?s pour l'?nerver car vendredi, j'avais r?ellement outrepass? le code de bonne conduite que je m'?tais engag? ? respecter. Ne sachant r?pondre, je ne pouvais que fuir son regard, ce qu'elle ne manqua de me dire. Elle se leva, me pla?a le corset de nuque ainsi que des ?ill?res. Voil?, dit-elle et je t'interdis de baisser les paupi?res. Elle continua en disant que je ne changerais jamais et que donc, elle allait ?tre encore plus s?v?re maintenant car finalement, c'est ce que je cherche. La prochaine fois, que je transgresserais les r?gles, elle me placerait, une journ?e compl?te en isolation sensorielle afin que je puisse m?diter. La regardant d'un air interrogateur, pour que tu comprennes mieux, priv? de tous tes sens. J'ai commenc? a bien me documenter et ? commander les accessoires pour y arriver donc, mena?a-t-elle, ne me mets pas au d?fi car tu pourrais le regretter. J'en ai parl? longuement hier au t?l?phone avec ta maman et ensuite, avec ma maman, car on envisage pour les prochains cong?s que tu suives un stage avec une pr?ceptrice th?rapeute afin de t'inculquer correctement tout cela. Cela se passerait ? une centaine de kilom?tre d'ici dans sa r?sidence afin de t'immerger compl?tement dans ce stage et, elle aurait, toute latitude afin d'arriver ? des r?sultats concrets. Le stage devrait durer une dizaine de jours. Etant initiatrice du projet et par amour, maman le financera int?gralement. J'en ai assez que l'on se dispute pour les b?tises que tu fais, j'aimerais que nous soyons heureux et que tu ?coutes. Tu n'es pas d'accord?? Un peu abasourdi par ce que je venais d'entendre, mais dans l'incapacit? de r?pondre ou de me rebeller et dans, je dois l'admettre, l'envie de ne pas la perdre, j'acquies?ai de la t?te. Elle en profita pour resserrer d'un cran le corset de nuque. Vu que cela se d?roulera durant les cong?s de P?ques et donc, proche des examens. Nous allons nous atteler, avant ceux-ci que tu aies revu tes cours car, il faut que tu r?ussisses ton ann?e. Elle m'enleva enfin mon ba?llon, m'assit sur le lit et m'embrassa goulument. A chaque fois, ces baisers me chamboulaient et j'oubliais tout le reste car l'amour est plus fort que tout. Pour une fois, elle m'enleva mes menottes aux poignets et je pus la caresser mais, quand je devins trop entreprenant, elle me stoppa net. Elle se leva, alla ? sa garde robe, et me dit, j'aimerais que tu essaies ceci. C'?tait une camisole de force, je n'en avais jamais vue qu'en photos. Je suis persuad?e que ce serait plus confortable pour toi que de mettre tout le temps des menottes et t'?viterait de faire n'importe quoi. Elle me l'enfila, pla?a les lani?res et serra fortement les manches. Quand elle eut fini de la placer, je ne pus que constater son efficacit? mais le confort de la position rendait celle-ci agr?able. Par ailleurs, le mod?le choisit ?tait ?l?gant malgr? le fait qu'il ?tait en cuir noir. Elle me demanda mon avis sur elle et je lui restituai mon opinion et je la vis sourire de contentement, si bien qu'elle me sauta au cou pour m'embrasser. Elle me dit alors qu'elle m'aimait et qu'elle voudrait vivre avec moi. J'?tais heureux d'entendre de si gentilles choses m?me si je me rendais compte que j'avais de moins en moins de libert?. Je lui dis alors que j'avais peur. Surprise, elle fit un pas en arri?re et me regarda interloqu?e. Je repris en lui disant mes inqui?tudes sur le stage, sur la diminution de mes libert?s. L?, sa r?action me prit au d?pourvu, elle se mit ? pleurer ? chaudes larmes car elle ne comprenait pas pourquoi, j'avais toutes ces inqui?tudes car tout ce qu'elle faisait, c'?tait par amour. Je ne savais que dire car ces larmes ?tant si spontan?es et si sinc?res, que je lui demandai alors de m'excuser. Elle continua en me disant que le stage n'?tait l? que pour m'aider ? vaincre les derni?res barri?res psychologiques, m?me inconscientes, qui pouvaient subsister dans l'acceptation de tout cela et donc, que je puisse vivre heureux sans arri?re-pens?es. Devant toutes ces explications, ?motions, je r?it?rai mes excuses et lui demandai d'oublier ce que je venais de dire et que j'acceptai tout car tout ?tait fait par amour. Sur ce, elle me donna un bisou pris le ba?llon boule blanc, me le pla?a et serra plus fort que d'habitude les lani?res. Elle me dit, je dois passer un coup de t?l?phone important d'ordre priv? et donc, je vais te placer un casque qui va te priver de l'ou?e pendant celui-ci, la seule chose que j'ignore c'est son efficacit? donc avant, je vais te placer des boules quies. Elle prit un casque qui ressemblait ? un casque d'?coute st?r?o et me le pla?a sur les oreilles. Les deux ?l?ments mis ensemble, j'?tais devenu totalement sourd, plus aucun son ne me parvenait. Je me rendis compte alors oh comment j'?tais r?duit ? l'impuissance. Si je faisais l'inventaire, je portais?: un corset, un corset de nuque, une camisole de force, des ?ill?res, un ba?llon, des boules quies et des menottes aux chevilles. En somme, ? part l'odorat et la vue (partiellement), je n'avais plus le contr?le de rien. Pendant ce temps, Marie ?tait en grande conversation et j'essayai d'imaginer avec qui elle pouvait avoir cette conversation si anim?e. Au bout d'une demi-heure, elle raccrocha et me sembla bien pensive, assise derri?re son bureau. Elle fut sortie de ses pens?es par l'arriv?e de sa maman. Elles discut?rent un peu, sans jamais se soucier de ma pr?sence. Ce n'est qu'apr?s la sortie de sa maman, qu'elle vint m'?ter mon casque, les boules quies et le ba?llon. Elle me dit, tu dois comprendre que pour certaines choses, je doive faire cela car cela reste priv? mais c'est aussi pour ton bien car je g?re aussi notre avenir. Je n'osai pas poser de questions et elle m'emmena au salon pour retrouver Estelle, sa maman. Je la saluai et celle-ci me complimenta pour ma tenue qu'elle trouvait ?l?gante m?me avec une camisole. Nous avons bien re?u ta candidature pour le stage et, vu que tu travailleras directement avec elle, ma secr?taire te recevra pour une entrevue d'ici une quinzaine de jours. Tout ceci rel?ve de la proc?dure normale pour les stages. Je veux que tu donnes le meilleur de toi ce jour l?. Tu recevras un courrier en temps utile. Nous nous retir?mes ensuite dans la chambre de Marie pour r?viser le cours de fran?ais car le lendemain, il y avait une importante ?preuve. Le temps passa si vite que nous en avions oubli? le go?ter et, maintenant, qu'il ?tait temps de partir, Marie m'?ta la camisole, les ?ill?res et les menottes. Apr?s m'avoir rattach? solidement les mains et les coudes dans le dos, elle me dit que je lui avais fait beaucoup de peine aujourd'hui. Elle me donna un doux baiser et m'enfourna trois feuilles de journal dans la bouche et elle scella mes l?vres avec une bande de tape transparent. Elle me reconduisit ? la voiture d'Anne et c'est le c?ur gros que je repartis ce jour l?. Durant la semaine, je fis le maximum pour ne pas d?roger au code Marie et, j'esp?rais ainsi pouvoir ?chapper au stage de P?ques. Je ne la vis du week-end et le lundi, Marie ?tait absente de l'?cole. J'?tais inquiet mais durant la journ?e, apr?s avoir ?t? ? l'?cart des autres, je ne pus m'emp?cher durant la pause de midi de me joindre ? un groupe. Le soir, Anne m'attendait ? la sortie, elle constata que je ne portais pas le ba?llon habituel et elle s'empressa de m'en placer un. Arriv? ? la maison, je demandai si quelqu'un avait des nouvelles de Marie. Ma maman me r?pondit oui et, tu devrais lui t?l?phoner de suite. Apr?s tu viendras m'en parler. Intrigu?, le c?ur serr?, je t?l?phonai donc ? Marie qui, je le compris directement au ton de sa voix, ?tait furieuse. En effet, elle me dit que l'on ne pouvait me faire confiance car d?s qu'elle n'?tait pas pr?sente, je reprenais mes travers et que donc, j'avais ??fanfaronn頻 avec d'autres filles une bonne partie de la journ?e. Je voulus protester, ouvre la messagerie de ton ordinateur, je m'ex?cutai et elle m'avait envoy? des photos de moi tout au long de la journ?e. Elle continua en me disant que je n'?tais qu'un menteur et que ma fausse attitude de la semaine derni?re ne l'avait pas tromp?e. Elle m'avait mis ? l'?preuve et j'avais ?chou?. Sa d?termination a m'envoy? au stage ?tait maintenant primordiale et elle en faisait une condition ? la suite de notre relation. Evidemment, je ne pouvais nier l'?vidence et je mettais fait pi?ger en beaut?, je n'avais plus qu'en assumer les cons?quences.

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Helen the Nudist Part 1

We were on our annual camping holiday with our friends, we where going out for the day sightseeing that wasn’t going down very well with the c***dren when our friend Helen said that on the way back there was a little ferry we could go on that would be fun and this helped to satisfy the c***dren.After a morning sight seeing we headed for the ferry much to the c***dren’s delight, when we got there, there was something going on on the other side which looked great fun for the k**s but not for the...

4 years ago
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Dannys Revenge

Danny's Revenge By Jungle Jane It's not really very difficult to figure out how I got myself into this situation. As my mother used to say, it's all in the attitude, and mine has never been very good. As a kid, I was always the smallest boy in class. I topped out about 5'6", and somewhere around 110 lbs. To keep the other kids (including the girls) from picking on me, I got mean. I was ready to fight at any time, for any reason, or even no reason. After high school, I...

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Demigod of WarChapter 15

Day 13: The four companions walked up to the gates of Tygus’s fortress three days later. The fortification sat atop an enormous ridge that ran southeast from the mountains west of the Ice Crag. The only way up the Western Rim, from the west was a single path, with a tower standing at the summit, twin to the one at Watchtower. Going around the Rim required a journey of seven to ten days hard march to the south, depending on the season. Tygus had made that concrete tower the cornerstone of his...

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Idylls of the Lady Ch 6

At eleven-thirty, Heather was escorted into Northleigh Hall to an upstairs chamber. It was lit by only three candles. And Cameron was reclined on the bed, in only a dressing gown, awaiting her arrival. Heather smiled at him as he rose from the bed, and slowly removed her gloves. ‘I am here as you requested, sir. You may do whatever you please.’ Cameron slowly undid the buttons on the back of her gown and slipped it off her shoulders, down to her waist, until it pooled on the floor. Next went...

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The Limo Driver

Let’s face it some people are always horny. I’m one of them. Let’s get started… It was late in the morning one summer day, and I was driving around making sales calls and visiting customers. I had a few cups of coffee under my belt and suddenly had to take a leak. I was familiar with the area and knew there was no nearby gas stations, just a forest preserve, so I decided to stop there. I got out of my car, went into the restroom, and took my leak. Since I was horny I started to pump my cock for...

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Farm Girl

I was born and raised on a farm until I was eighteen and went away to college. My parents were border line religious fanatics and I had never been kissed by a male or female, was never on a date and all through school I came home and did my chores. I worked every summer on the farm and the only time I saw other kids was at church on Sunday when we went for most of the day. Just about all the farmers in the area and most of the townspeople belonged to this church, so Sunday was a day for...

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Mels Luck Neighbors Can Surprise YouChapter 15 The Last Goodbye

“It wasn’t the whole sex thing, you know? It was embarrassing knowing you knew, and especially with you looking over my shoulder. Jeez. That was so weird, with you and Nick and everything.” Mel just nodded, putting out a hand across the counter to touch Tracy’s arm. It was the first time they had woken up together since that fateful day almost a month past. Tracy had gone through a lot, had experienced a lot more than just five stages of grief, and was only now coming to accept and deal...

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my wife knocked up for the 3rd time by her ex high

wife knocked up 3rd time her by ex boyfriend Vegas seems to be my wifes weakness. My wfe and her best friend were there in November celebrating their 40th birthdays. At the time they left, I was not aware that it had been arranged by my wifes friend for her ex from highschool, who now lives in Dallas to meet them there to help her celebrate in style. She was not told he would be there this time, so it was a total surprise, when they were lounging by the pool and who should swim up and...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 7 Distant Events Interlude

Carl Kerry leaned on his staff and let his gaze wander over the peaks of the mountains and the alpine meadows before him then he looked over his flock of goats grazing on the herbs and grasses. The orange sun in the sky migt eventually be fixed by Wurgus engineers, but there was no hurry. The local star would last a many hundred million years before it begun to expand, reach the next stage in a suns life and become a red M Class star. In the process of this development swallow the Planet...

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Boob Pressed Of A Stranger Girl In Train Tunnel In Tripura

Hi friends Mera nam Vishal hain. I am a regular reader of ISS and hard core fan of this site. After reading many travel-sex-fun stories, I thought to venture something on my own. This story is about how I had fun pressing boobs of 19 yrs. old girl and letting her play with my lund. It’s a real life experience. I am personally against the Jabardasti vala boob press or any sexual advances. I strongly feel we enjoy sex or sexual advances only if both the partners are willing to indulge into...

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Hmm, Porn 4 Days. I’ve always been a fan of a quick wank, but I also like a nice, long marathon session of flogging the ol’ bishop. Why settle for a few minutes of smut when you can have porn for days, am I right? To that end, Porn4Days.com is yet another free porn tube serving up what seems to be an endless feed of porn.The thing is, telling me you’ve got porn for days isn’t that much of a big deal anymore. Hell, a site only needs 48 hours of material before it has literal porn for days. A lot...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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A Black Mans World

Welcome to my life. My name is Henderson Pitts. A six-foot-two, lean and muscular young Black man living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. I’m a student at Deval Patrick College, a private school named after the state’s first African-American Governor. Built in 2007, the school officially welcomed its first class, made up of eighteen hundred students, in August of 2008. I’m a proud member of the class of 2012. A lot of people who meet me think my life is easy. I don’t know where they get...

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Our Black Neighbors Cuckold My Husband

It sometimes amazes me how luck can play such significant roles in our lives and this story describes how those factors caused a dramatic change in the sex lives of my husband and me. My name is Joan, and my husband Ed and I had recently moved to Tampa from the Boston area at the time of this story.Ed is an executive with a high-tech company, and he was being promoted to manage the company’s facility in Tampa. I was forty-two years old and Ed was forty-five, and since we had married very young,...

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Jilnar Jardaly Gets Fucked Again

Hey!I'm a pro-footballer in the US of A and I've been a quarterback in the NFL for over eight years. I've been involved in a fitness for k**s program as a spokesman for about eight months now and have visited many different countries to promote youth fitness.Anyway, that shit's all boring and not what I'm writing to tell yall about. When I visited Dubai I had an amazing experience that I'll never ever forget...I was called in to do a live interview for the Dubai-TV evening news. Before the...

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Gardening with Mother In Law part3

Not much has changed in my relationship with my MIL. We still have make love to each other several times a month, but she never seems to amaze me.  The sex is great and she really knows how to use her body to please her lover.                   Just when I thought things could not get any better she dropped another bombshell on me.  We were just laying in bed together, she was stroking my cock and I was enjoying  a mouth full  of tit, when she told me a story that happened when she was married...

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I was renting an apartment from an old Polish lady . The apartment was quite big having two bedrooms one of which I used as an office . Mora , the landlady , was a widow around 70 years old and was quite a bit overweight . She had a huge ass and normally wore a house dress with out a bra her huge breasts hanging over her belly .. She was a very nice lady who spoke with a heavy accent . She pronounced my name reeekie . When I rented the apartment to me she told me that she didn’t mind if I...

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Malikemakan ki biwi ko jam kar choda

Hi ISS readers!This is sajjad from multan I ve been reading stories on ISS for quite some time & now I want to share my sex experience with you ppl.It happened about two months ago,im on job here in multan,so,when i came here i was in search of a flat & soon i found one through a property dealer,it was nt a flat,rather it was upper story of a house. Now in urdu,malik-e-makan boht acha admi tha jab ma uss se pehle dafa mila r uss ke biwi ko dekha to ma fantassy karne lag gaya usay fuck karne ka...

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Shadowgirl I think I have put more time into outlining this story ahead of time than any other story. I know that I have some stuff hanging, but this story came to me very quickly and then fleshed itself out in my head long before I started to put it on paper. It is derivative of a number of sources, especially the various versions of the Batman, but I hope I have done some honor to him and Bob Kane, the genius who created him. As I write this, I don't even know if it will be...

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PrincessCum Madison Summers Tristan Summers Stepsisters Valentines Day Free Use Gift

Tristan Summers and her friend Madison Summers are just chilling in Tristan’s room and enjoying themselves reading all the Valentine’s cards they’ve each received. When Kyle Mason, Tristan’s stepbrother, comes in to give both girls his own Valentine’s gifts, Madison is just floored. She really wishes she had a brother that would be that nice to her. Tristan has been noticing how much Kyle dotes on her and she has come up with an idea that she thinks Madison might...

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A Day at the Office Ch 01

Stephen kicked his car door shut while awkwardly handling a cup of coffee, his briefcase and a dozen donuts he had promised to bring to the 9 o’clock staff meeting. His magnetic identification dangled precariously from his teeth as he made his way to the front doors of Jefferson Williams Insurance Company. The keys to his gray Honda remained locked in his car, waiting to be thought of hours later. His mind was on other matters. Making his way to the far cubicle he called his office, Stephen...

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TeensLoveAnal Angel Smalls The Waiting Game

Angel wakes up from a deep sleep only to see that her boyfriend Chad had already left for work. She really wanted to get fucked today, and was a little bummed out, but decided that she will just start sending him a bunch of nudes so he knows what to expect when he returns home. Chad gets home much later in the day and is so tired from work that he automatically passes out and has no time foe sex with Angel :(. The next day, Angel catches Chad before he can close his eyes. She starts giving him...

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I frequently went through craigslists back then. Just curious to see what was out there. Looking for anything and that turned me on. I went and found a post from a guy that involved going over and watching porn together and then jerking off. That's it. I thought about it and it excited me. I was gay or anything, but I had always thought about masturbating with another guy. I initially decided not to reply. But I found myself thinking about it all day and figured why not? I went ahead and...

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Chapter 2 Jays interrogation

Becki entered from the kitchen and slumped down on the couch next to Jay. It was the hottest day of summer so far and they sat motionless waiting for the fan to sway across them providing intermittent relief from the overwhelming heat. Becki broke the silence..."Tell me again...""Tell you what babe..?""You know, about the man...""Oh what, this again, I wish I'd never told you in the first place..."Becki snuggled her head into her boyfriend's bare chest and started rubbing his cock through his...

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Sandy Revisited

Following on from the Ted and Sandy foursome and the promises we all gave about not seeing each other sexually after our encounter, well Sandy could not help herself wanting more of my cock it was like a lioness had been un-caged. Sandy was starting to come into our house on an evening more and more to enjoy a social drink with Suzy after work. To be honest, Suzy enjoyed the woman’s company as much as I always hoped they would get a bit too much to drink and I reaped the benefit by getting a...

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Meri Pehli Chudai

Hello ISS readers. Ye meri pehli kahani hai aur isme mai apko bataungi ki kaise maine naukar se apni seal tudwayi. Pehle toh mai aap logo ko advance me thank you bolti hu aur bina time barbaad kiye apna introduction deti hu. Mera naam Khusbu hai, age 21 years . Mere ghar me mummy papa and ek chhota bhai hai. Papa ka ek business hai toh ghar me naukar chakar bne hi rehte hai. Chhota bhai highschool me hai and mummy housewife hain. Mai apne graduation (B.Sc) k final year me thi lekin mera sharir...

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Continuing ChanceChapter 5

I hung a notice on the 'Student Employment' board at both schools, Otago and King Edward Tech. YARD WORK Trim our Jungle HOUSE HELP I can't keep up We Probably Pay Too Much 349 Leith Across the bottom were tear-off phone number strips. We didn't get one call. After week I put up another. The jungle was, however, doing its thing. Very well, I might add. Remember this is 1960. In the middle of the night, the phone rang. I didn't hear it, but old eagle ear did. Grace...

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Project ManagerChapter 2

The next day Scott kept the appointment he had made two weeks ago with Doctor Kevin Brady. Doctor Brady was the older brother of Scott’s friend Kyle Brady and had been Scott’s doctor ever since he had started his medical practice. Scott hadn’t had a complete physical exam in the time he was in South America. Scott was sitting in an exam room while a nurse took his blood pressure and updated his medical history. After she left the room Doctor Brady walked in and said, “I haven’t seen you in...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 44 The Auction 2

Steph didn’t have to go too far before someone stopped her, “I take it you have already danced?” She looked Step up and down, “And from the looks of it we had some fun out there?” Steph just nodded with a sly smirk to the lady asking the questions. The lady just shook her head with a smile, “Here let me take you to where you can drop these off,” pointing her chin to the contents in Steph’s arms, “and pick up your things. Plus sign in for your whoever won you to pick you up.” Steph just nodded,...

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the wedding0

My name is mark. Last week i attended my cousins wedding. That night was one i would never forget because of the events that will follow. I stared at her across the room, she stared back at me. Finally after about an hour of stares back and forth i approached her... Mark: Excuse me miss, could i have this dance? Girl: I don't know how to dance. Mark: well niether do I. Girl: Will look like idiots. Mark: We can look like idiots together than, can't we. girl: I...

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What Are Aunts For

I have always had a fetish for nylons. I loved the way a ladies legs looked when they wore them. I used to go to my friends house for visits and after a while, excuse myself to the bathroom area where I can go through his mom's laundry and try on her nylons. They felt so great and looked so good on my legs. As I grew older, my passion for nylon stockings only increased, but so did the risk of getting caught.When was sixteen years of age, I used to visit my aunt regularly. I used to lock myself...

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mom was a pedophile

Introduction: my first experience Hi my name is Mark and this story is about my childhood and my earliest memory of my mom being a pervert.of coarse back then I did not know what was going on. After I came of age in my late teens I realized my mom liked little boys. I guess my first memory was when I was about 8. My mom always gave me baths and one day she was drying me off and I got hard. I can remember she kept rubing it with her hand. I just stood there in the tube and smiled cause it felt...

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Kathys German trip

My mum called around one evening and asked how I fancied a long weekend to Hamburg in Germany. She said we would be going on the Friday and returning on the following Tuesday. I asked who would be going, and she replied that my aunty Pam would be going as she always does, herself, and a friend of Pams called Clair. I said, I would love to go if it was ok with Chas. I shouted him and asked if he minded me going off for a few days to Germany with mum, Pam, and a friend. No, you go, he said,...

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Dont Judge a Book by its Cover

DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER Even before we were married Roxy liked to play a little game with me. At first I didn't like it, only because it felt wrong, but as time went on and it became more sophisticated, I found my inhibitions vanishing and I got to actually like it. 'It' was dressing me up in her clothes. "Time for you to get dressed, Michelle," she would say to me, using the feminine form of my name Mike. I would then allow myself to be treated like a life sized 'Barbie'...

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Boots for C part 1

For a while I was fairly active in the "hobby" of "dating" escorts. As you might imagine I tried to select ladies with good taste in boots, which believe it or not was harder than it seemed it should be in Chicago. Part of that was probably due to the fact that I couldn't afford the really top end ladies that were more likely to have the excess cash to stock their closets at Macy's, Saks, and Nordstrom’s. At one point I wrote to a lady who lived further out from the city and more in my general...

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Private Vinna Reed Sex After Yoga The Ultimate Relaxation

The beautiful and sexy Vinna Reed has come to Private Specials, Sensual Yoga Retreat and this gorgeous brunette has come to relax and stretch out with her real life partner Angelo Godshack. After starting some yoga alone Vina joins her man for an intimate one on one session and things soon heat up as they get hornier and hornier with every position. Vinna’s pussy is too irresistible though and Angelo heads in for a taste before Vinna repays her man with an incredible blowjob, then enjoy the...

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Mama Needs Some Loving Part Two

Monica writhed as she felt her first orgasm rip through her with Ethan rubbing her clit while slurping up her juice. His tongue lowered to taste her star and he felt a torrent of hot juice shoot onto his mouth. His mama had squirted over him, his cock pulsated wildly as she panted heavily, her hair was splayed over the pillows in a fan of black locks. Her cheeks were flushed and her body coated in a shimmer of heat and perspiration. Ethan too felt the heat despite having pushed back the bed...

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What Are Friends For0

***** "Mellissa," my mom called up the stairs. "Jenna is here to get you." "Ok mom," I called back down and grabbed my phone off the charger before bouncing down the stairs and skipping out the door. "Don't be out too late. And remember your father and I won't be here tomorrow or Sunday so you'll have to find your own food." My mom reminded me as I left. "Don't worry we'll be back later." I replied and hopped Jenna's new impala. Jenna is my best friend. We have...

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Dancing to the Moonlight Sonata

The final two strong staccato chords completed, the piano fell silent. A sharp rap-rap sounded on the door to the practice room. The student looked up, a little annoyed at the interruption. ‘Yes’ she replied, ‘Come in, please!’ she called out a little louder. The door swung open, the janitor leaned in. ‘I waited until you were finished with your piece,’ he said. At least she thought that he was the janitor. He wore the tan work clothes with the college symbol on the left chest pocket that...

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The Alpha Male Part I

For about 5 months I've been meeting strange men in restaurants and cafes. This activity is the culmination of years of work-related stress, home-related stress, boredom, sexual frustration and a feeling of impending doom. The doors are closing and the light is fading. I don't know what I'm looking for but I'll know when I find it. I find the men on the internet. The internet is crawling with horny men of all shapes and sizes. They frequent illicit dating sites, erotica sites, internet...

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DevilsFilm Christie Stevens Scoring With My Hot MILF Neighbor

Christie Stevens was enjoying an afternoon sunning herself in her backyard. Jake was also enjoying his Saturday afternoon, flying his father’s drone. Christie heard this noise which she thought was a swarm of bees. It was at that point when this drone fell out of the sky landing on her lawn. On the drone was the address so she wanted to be a good neighbor and bring it back. When she knocked on the door, Jake answered and was ‘surprised’ – he refused to admit that he was...


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