L'?ducation De Dominique 4 free porn video

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Le dimanche, ? 14 heures, je sonnais ? la porte de la demeure de Marie. Quelques secondes plus tard, ce f?t sa maman qui m'ouvrit, troubl? voire g?n?, je bredouillai un bonjour et je p?n?trai dans la maison. Elle m'invita ? me d?barrasser et elle constata que je ne portais pas d'entraves. Contrari?e en me voyant ainsi, elle m'indiqua que Marie arrivait, elle finissait de se pr?parer, je la suivis au salon et elle se dirigea vers un secr?taire, ouvrit un tiroir et revint vers moi avec une paire de menottes. N'osant rien dire, je me retournai et mit mes mains dans mon dos, elle me passa les menottes et ensuite, me montra le canap? afin que je m'y assoie. Estelle s'installa dans un fauteuil en face de moi et reprit sa lecture. Que les minutes me parurent longues, je n'osai pas dire un mot et ce n'est qu'au bout de 10 minutes que Marie arriva. Enjou?e, elle me donna un bisou furtif, je vois que Maman t'a mis ? l'aise pour patienter. Elle m'enjoignit de la suivre, je me levai donc et nous nous sommes rendus dans sa chambre. Arriv?s dans celle-ci, elle m'embrasse langoureusement et me jette sur le lit, me prodigue des caresses et des baisers qui me mette dans un ?tat ou ? nouveau bonheur et frustration se m?lange. Ces moments rares sont privil?gi?s et ? chaque fois, plus profond, et finalement habilement, me mettent en ?tat de d?pendance vis- ?-vis d'elle. Au bout d'un long moment, apr?s un long baiser, elle s'arr?te et vient se lover dans le creux de mon ?paule, nous profitons de ces instants de bonheur en silence. Finalement, elle rompt le silence en me disant qu'elle m'aime. Elle se redresse, me regarde dans les yeux et me demande si je souhaite que son bonheur soit complet. Evidemment, lui r?pondis-je. Alors dit-elle, sure de son fait, tu ne verras aucuns inconv?nients ? suivre mes diff?rentes recommandations. Comme convenu avec ta famille, tu vas porter un corset plus souvent, des longs ou des courts, en fonction de tes activit?s. Je me suis d'ailleurs permise de t'acheter un corset victorien que j'aimerais que tu essaies. Joignant le geste ? la parole, elle m'aide ? me relever, m'?te mes menottes, me demande d'?ter mon chemisier et ma jupe pendant qu'elle sort de sa garde robe, ledit corset. Celui-ci est noir, long et elle s'empresse de me l'enfiler, elle commence le la?age et elle me demande de rentrer mon petit ventre et plus le serrage continue, plus je sens la rigidit? du corset qui m'oblige ? avoir le tronc droit. Elle termine enfin et elle me demande mon opinion, je lui avoue que je trouve cela tr?s contraignant. Elle prend alors une mine d?faite pour me dire que comme tous les hommes, je ne suis jamais satisfait alors que l'on s'occupe de leurs personnes. Elle me regarde alors en me demandant si je ne voulais pas faire un effort pour elle. Je n'osai, ?videmment, pas dire non. Je me rhabille et elle vient alors avec un corset de nuque m?dical et, en me le passant, me dit, cela t'aidera ? avoir une tenue droite, alti?re. J'en ai command? de plus ?l?gant sur internet, ils doivent arriver tr?s bient?t. Cela fait, elle me replace mes menottes aux poignets et en profite, pour m'en placer aux chevilles et la cha?ne qui les relient n'exc?de pas 20 cm. Elle termine en pla?ant un ba?llon boule blanc et la boule de celui-ci est la plus imposante que j'ai eu ? porter jusqu'? maintenant, elle le place d'ailleurs avec une certaine difficult? et ferme la sangle de mani?re tr?s ?troite. Voil? dit-elle, comme je souhaite ?voquer certaines choses avec et que je ne souhaite pas que tu m'interrompes, je pense que c'est mieux ainsi. Elle me demanda si je me rendais compte du mal que je lui faisais quand je m'int?ressais ? d'autres filles qu'elle. J'hochais la t?te n?gativement, elle continua en disant qu'elle s'en doutait et que donc, dor?navant, je ne devais plus parler ? une autre fille que pour une n?cessit? scolaire et que donc, le ba?llon journal est toujours d'application et qu'elle veillerait ? ne plus avoir d'?cart de ma part sinon elle prendrait d'autres mesures. Par ailleurs, pour les repas et autres boissons, vu que je n'aurai plus d'argent du tout, cela s'effectuera avec elle sous sa supervision car elle souhaitait que je retrouve une ligne. Pour tes arriv?es et tes d?parts de l'?cole, tu dois les effectuer avec moi, ta maman et tes s?urs y tiennent aussi. Me suis-je bien faite comprendre?? J'hochais positivement la t?te. Son visage s'illumina et elle me fit un bisou sur la joue. Bien maintenant, dit-elle, nous allons rejoindre Maman au salon pour parler du stage que nous devons effectuer en soci?t? durant le dernier trimestre de l'ann?e. Je te prie de l'?couter sans l'interrompre car elle n'aime pas l'?tre quand elle parle travail. Je la suivis donc au salon tant bien que mal car mon corset et mes entraves ne me facilitaient pas la t?che pour descendre les escaliers. A notre arriv?e, elle leva la t?te, interrompit sa lecture et f?licita sa fille tant pour ma tenue que pour mon allure. Je ne pus m'emp?cher de rougir. Nous nous install?mes dans le canap? face ? elle. Estelle reprit, Marie m'a appris que vous deviez effectuer un stage de 15 jours en entreprise cette ann?e. Tu n'es pas sans savoir que je suis la directrice d'une soci?t? et que, donc ne pouvant prendre ma fille comme stagiaire, j'accepte de te prendre pour ce stage. Tu l'effectueras dans mon secr?tariat direct ce qui signifie que tu travailleras pour moi et tu effectueras les t?ches que ma collaboratrice t'assignera. C'est elle qui te supervisera et tu devras lui ob?ir comme si c'?tait moi qui te donnais ton travail. Je l'ai mise au courant de certaines particularit?s quant ? la mani?re de te g?rer. La connaissant depuis plus de vingt ans, elle m'a assur? qu'elle veillerait sur toi et qu'elle ferait le n?cessaire pour suivre mes recommandations et celles de Marie comme de ta maman pour ton suivi. Mais afin de respecter un certain protocole, tu feras parvenir au si?ge de la soci?t? ta lettre de candidature dans les plus brefs d?lais. Maintenant que nous en avons finis avec ceci, nous allons prendre une collation. Marie m'?ta mon ba?llon et mes menottes mais les refixa imm?diatement avec mes mains devant. Le temps de faire travailler mes m?choires douloureuses, je remerciai Estelle de me prendre dans sa soci?t? pour le stage et que je m'efforcerai de faire du mieux possible. Elle m'interrompit s?chement en me disant s'efforcer pour elle, n'?tait pas suffisant. Voyant sa r?action, je ne dis plus un mot. Nous sommes alors pass?s dans la salle ? manger pour prendre le th? ainsi qu'un petit g?teau. Marie dit alors, tu as de la chance que nous sommes dimanche car pour ton r?gime, le g?teau est ? proscrire mais bon, pour une fois, ce n'?tait pas trop grave. Il allait ?tre temps de prendre cong?, Marie me retira mes menottes aux chevilles. Je me levai, saluai Estelle et dans le hall Marie m'embrassa longuement. Elle me mit ma cape et, juste apr?s, m'enfourna trois double feuille du journal qui m'attendait dans le hall. A peine avait- elle finit que la sonnerie retentit. Marie et Anne ?chang?rent quelques mots et nous rentr?mes ? la maison. Le lendemain, ? l'?cole, plus que jamais Marie ne me laissait aucun r?pit hors des cours. Rien ne lui ?chappait et finalement, au lieu d'en ?tre accabl?, je ressentais de la fiert? car elle faisait tout cela pour moi. La semaine qui suivit, le vendredi, il devait y avoir un travail de groupe. Le professeur, au lieu de laisser les groupes se former naturellement, les imposa. Je me retrouvai donc dans un groupe sans Marie et cela ne lui plaisait pas du tout. Libre d'elle, je m'amusai donc avec les autres filles de mon groupe et, nous avons beaucoup rit. A la fin de la journ?e, au lieu de m'embrasser, elle me mit quatre feuilles de journal, cela distendait mes joues et elle me raccompagna ? la voiture de Beth. Quand je fus assis, elle retira son foulard, fit un n?ud en son milieu et s'en servit pour me baillonner tr?s s?v?rement par-dessus la boule de journal. Elle dit ? Beth, il a trop parl? aujourd'hui et j'aimerais qu'il le garde jusqu'au souper si possible. Pas de probl?mes, r?pondit-elle et si tu le souhaites, je peux le baillonner ? nouveau apr?s. Oui, ce serait gentil, merci et de toute fa?on, dimanche, je mettrai d?finitivement les choses au point. Elle partit sans m?me se retourner sur moi. Beth se contenta de dire, tu as d? certainement passer les bornes pour qu'elle soit aussi en col?re. Le dimanche, ? peine entr?, Marie me menotta s?v?rement, me pla?a le gros b?illon boule blanc et c'est avec difficult? que je la suivis jusqu'? sa chambre. Elle s'assit sur sa chaise de bureau et comme, il n'y avait pas d'autres si?ges, je restai debout en face d'elle. Elle me demanda si je le faisais expr?s pour l'?nerver car vendredi, j'avais r?ellement outrepass? le code de bonne conduite que je m'?tais engag? ? respecter. Ne sachant r?pondre, je ne pouvais que fuir son regard, ce qu'elle ne manqua de me dire. Elle se leva, me pla?a le corset de nuque ainsi que des ?ill?res. Voil?, dit-elle et je t'interdis de baisser les paupi?res. Elle continua en disant que je ne changerais jamais et que donc, elle allait ?tre encore plus s?v?re maintenant car finalement, c'est ce que je cherche. La prochaine fois, que je transgresserais les r?gles, elle me placerait, une journ?e compl?te en isolation sensorielle afin que je puisse m?diter. La regardant d'un air interrogateur, pour que tu comprennes mieux, priv? de tous tes sens. J'ai commenc? a bien me documenter et ? commander les accessoires pour y arriver donc, mena?a-t-elle, ne me mets pas au d?fi car tu pourrais le regretter. J'en ai parl? longuement hier au t?l?phone avec ta maman et ensuite, avec ma maman, car on envisage pour les prochains cong?s que tu suives un stage avec une pr?ceptrice th?rapeute afin de t'inculquer correctement tout cela. Cela se passerait ? une centaine de kilom?tre d'ici dans sa r?sidence afin de t'immerger compl?tement dans ce stage et, elle aurait, toute latitude afin d'arriver ? des r?sultats concrets. Le stage devrait durer une dizaine de jours. Etant initiatrice du projet et par amour, maman le financera int?gralement. J'en ai assez que l'on se dispute pour les b?tises que tu fais, j'aimerais que nous soyons heureux et que tu ?coutes. Tu n'es pas d'accord?? Un peu abasourdi par ce que je venais d'entendre, mais dans l'incapacit? de r?pondre ou de me rebeller et dans, je dois l'admettre, l'envie de ne pas la perdre, j'acquies?ai de la t?te. Elle en profita pour resserrer d'un cran le corset de nuque. Vu que cela se d?roulera durant les cong?s de P?ques et donc, proche des examens. Nous allons nous atteler, avant ceux-ci que tu aies revu tes cours car, il faut que tu r?ussisses ton ann?e. Elle m'enleva enfin mon ba?llon, m'assit sur le lit et m'embrassa goulument. A chaque fois, ces baisers me chamboulaient et j'oubliais tout le reste car l'amour est plus fort que tout. Pour une fois, elle m'enleva mes menottes aux poignets et je pus la caresser mais, quand je devins trop entreprenant, elle me stoppa net. Elle se leva, alla ? sa garde robe, et me dit, j'aimerais que tu essaies ceci. C'?tait une camisole de force, je n'en avais jamais vue qu'en photos. Je suis persuad?e que ce serait plus confortable pour toi que de mettre tout le temps des menottes et t'?viterait de faire n'importe quoi. Elle me l'enfila, pla?a les lani?res et serra fortement les manches. Quand elle eut fini de la placer, je ne pus que constater son efficacit? mais le confort de la position rendait celle-ci agr?able. Par ailleurs, le mod?le choisit ?tait ?l?gant malgr? le fait qu'il ?tait en cuir noir. Elle me demanda mon avis sur elle et je lui restituai mon opinion et je la vis sourire de contentement, si bien qu'elle me sauta au cou pour m'embrasser. Elle me dit alors qu'elle m'aimait et qu'elle voudrait vivre avec moi. J'?tais heureux d'entendre de si gentilles choses m?me si je me rendais compte que j'avais de moins en moins de libert?. Je lui dis alors que j'avais peur. Surprise, elle fit un pas en arri?re et me regarda interloqu?e. Je repris en lui disant mes inqui?tudes sur le stage, sur la diminution de mes libert?s. L?, sa r?action me prit au d?pourvu, elle se mit ? pleurer ? chaudes larmes car elle ne comprenait pas pourquoi, j'avais toutes ces inqui?tudes car tout ce qu'elle faisait, c'?tait par amour. Je ne savais que dire car ces larmes ?tant si spontan?es et si sinc?res, que je lui demandai alors de m'excuser. Elle continua en me disant que le stage n'?tait l? que pour m'aider ? vaincre les derni?res barri?res psychologiques, m?me inconscientes, qui pouvaient subsister dans l'acceptation de tout cela et donc, que je puisse vivre heureux sans arri?re-pens?es. Devant toutes ces explications, ?motions, je r?it?rai mes excuses et lui demandai d'oublier ce que je venais de dire et que j'acceptai tout car tout ?tait fait par amour. Sur ce, elle me donna un bisou pris le ba?llon boule blanc, me le pla?a et serra plus fort que d'habitude les lani?res. Elle me dit, je dois passer un coup de t?l?phone important d'ordre priv? et donc, je vais te placer un casque qui va te priver de l'ou?e pendant celui-ci, la seule chose que j'ignore c'est son efficacit? donc avant, je vais te placer des boules quies. Elle prit un casque qui ressemblait ? un casque d'?coute st?r?o et me le pla?a sur les oreilles. Les deux ?l?ments mis ensemble, j'?tais devenu totalement sourd, plus aucun son ne me parvenait. Je me rendis compte alors oh comment j'?tais r?duit ? l'impuissance. Si je faisais l'inventaire, je portais?: un corset, un corset de nuque, une camisole de force, des ?ill?res, un ba?llon, des boules quies et des menottes aux chevilles. En somme, ? part l'odorat et la vue (partiellement), je n'avais plus le contr?le de rien. Pendant ce temps, Marie ?tait en grande conversation et j'essayai d'imaginer avec qui elle pouvait avoir cette conversation si anim?e. Au bout d'une demi-heure, elle raccrocha et me sembla bien pensive, assise derri?re son bureau. Elle fut sortie de ses pens?es par l'arriv?e de sa maman. Elles discut?rent un peu, sans jamais se soucier de ma pr?sence. Ce n'est qu'apr?s la sortie de sa maman, qu'elle vint m'?ter mon casque, les boules quies et le ba?llon. Elle me dit, tu dois comprendre que pour certaines choses, je doive faire cela car cela reste priv? mais c'est aussi pour ton bien car je g?re aussi notre avenir. Je n'osai pas poser de questions et elle m'emmena au salon pour retrouver Estelle, sa maman. Je la saluai et celle-ci me complimenta pour ma tenue qu'elle trouvait ?l?gante m?me avec une camisole. Nous avons bien re?u ta candidature pour le stage et, vu que tu travailleras directement avec elle, ma secr?taire te recevra pour une entrevue d'ici une quinzaine de jours. Tout ceci rel?ve de la proc?dure normale pour les stages. Je veux que tu donnes le meilleur de toi ce jour l?. Tu recevras un courrier en temps utile. Nous nous retir?mes ensuite dans la chambre de Marie pour r?viser le cours de fran?ais car le lendemain, il y avait une importante ?preuve. Le temps passa si vite que nous en avions oubli? le go?ter et, maintenant, qu'il ?tait temps de partir, Marie m'?ta la camisole, les ?ill?res et les menottes. Apr?s m'avoir rattach? solidement les mains et les coudes dans le dos, elle me dit que je lui avais fait beaucoup de peine aujourd'hui. Elle me donna un doux baiser et m'enfourna trois feuilles de journal dans la bouche et elle scella mes l?vres avec une bande de tape transparent. Elle me reconduisit ? la voiture d'Anne et c'est le c?ur gros que je repartis ce jour l?. Durant la semaine, je fis le maximum pour ne pas d?roger au code Marie et, j'esp?rais ainsi pouvoir ?chapper au stage de P?ques. Je ne la vis du week-end et le lundi, Marie ?tait absente de l'?cole. J'?tais inquiet mais durant la journ?e, apr?s avoir ?t? ? l'?cart des autres, je ne pus m'emp?cher durant la pause de midi de me joindre ? un groupe. Le soir, Anne m'attendait ? la sortie, elle constata que je ne portais pas le ba?llon habituel et elle s'empressa de m'en placer un. Arriv? ? la maison, je demandai si quelqu'un avait des nouvelles de Marie. Ma maman me r?pondit oui et, tu devrais lui t?l?phoner de suite. Apr?s tu viendras m'en parler. Intrigu?, le c?ur serr?, je t?l?phonai donc ? Marie qui, je le compris directement au ton de sa voix, ?tait furieuse. En effet, elle me dit que l'on ne pouvait me faire confiance car d?s qu'elle n'?tait pas pr?sente, je reprenais mes travers et que donc, j'avais ??fanfaronn頻 avec d'autres filles une bonne partie de la journ?e. Je voulus protester, ouvre la messagerie de ton ordinateur, je m'ex?cutai et elle m'avait envoy? des photos de moi tout au long de la journ?e. Elle continua en me disant que je n'?tais qu'un menteur et que ma fausse attitude de la semaine derni?re ne l'avait pas tromp?e. Elle m'avait mis ? l'?preuve et j'avais ?chou?. Sa d?termination a m'envoy? au stage ?tait maintenant primordiale et elle en faisait une condition ? la suite de notre relation. Evidemment, je ne pouvais nier l'?vidence et je mettais fait pi?ger en beaut?, je n'avais plus qu'en assumer les cons?quences.

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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 51

She trotted up the wet stairs, feet slick on the dead flower leaves blown and beaten into the treads. Moments later, shoes off, and having seen the Gunny's powder-blue Crown Victoria in the driveway, she called, "Gunny, I'm home!" "In the kitchen, Lenore," and she slid into the kitchen, her happiness at finding him home draining as she saw his expression. "Your cell phone wasn't on," he said. "The battery's dying," she answered. "What did I miss?" Only a split second after she...

2 years ago
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Halloween Haunted Fun House

Don't go into a funhouse alone.  Carnivals and Fairs, they move around from town to town. Does anyone ever really know who these people are?  What I am about to tell you took place at one of these places years ago.It was mid October,    And I was meeting someone at the pop up carnival.     Please don't judge, but it was from an early free dating website.   I was lonely and young and a little desperate for attention.  I was talking to this man about the fair that just came to town, and he knew...

3 years ago
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First ChillChapter 4

Nick continued his Tale, remaining in ancient Siam. “I awaited Chanda’s return, Sokhen my sole companion. I continued telling her history stories, and we continued making love, even better than before. In three months her pregnancy began to become apparent, though subtly and easily hidden. Not that she felt any need to hide it. She cherished it, a most wondrous souvenir of our time together. But in her disguise as a shy nerd, more in her head than her heart or loins, she hid her body as much...

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A Princess In Need

It hasn't been a good week for you. Princess and heir to the throne of the second largest country in the world, pampered and protected for all your nineteen years, tutored in every subject of importance and beautiful besides. Yet none of that has helped one bit. The man you were betrothed to for over a decade is now dead and gone, lost in a terrible bridge collapse on his way to meet you. Count Lucas Illenda seemed to be quite nice, but he spent so little time in the capital that most of your...

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My Amazing Step Sister Ashleigh EditRepost

I apologize for suddenly stopping on this, especially with it being my first story and series. I actually began to start (and finish) parts 2 and 3…but unfortunately… a wipe out deleted them both so I must rewrite them from basically scratch again. For now, I just decided to repost the first installment with a few minor changes you might notice such as Noahs age up to 15 and I used and editor this time to compensate to those grammar nazis out there, haha. However, it processor is a bit out of...

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my first time

so i use to talk to this girl to get pics of her naked nice tits and ass but one day i was chating with her and got on cam and show her my cock then she told me her gay friend was watching and i got even harder so i told her i did'nt care so i keep jacking off and cum soo much later that night i got a new # text and it was him we talk for a few hrs then he ask of a pic of my cock i ask for what he told me he like it and wanna to jack off to it i told him if he sends me one and right after that...

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Vengeance and Beyond Part II of III

Part II -- The Crime * * * * * ****************************************************** ****************************************************** Warning: potential trigger scene here. A brutal crime is described, and the reader may wish to skip to Part III. ****************************************************** ****************************************************** * * * * * * * * * Part II -- The Crime Debby Taylor was dashing...

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The Leather Party Sir and boy

Clay came up to me and asked if I thought going to the party was okay... "I didn't know! I didn't know the guys and we had just met Danny. However, Danny had just bought Clay a neoprene Harness, arm Bands and jock, so I thought he would help care for him. I told Clay to stick with Danny/me. As it turned out, Danny put a chain around Clay's neck with a lock on it, so that it was clear he belonged to Danny. While it was a little overstated, Clay liked the care, but was excited to go. He also...

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This Pillowcase Smells Like Semen0

Nova which he had passed down to her. She was the only child of her family, so it was only natural that she was once spoiled in her lifetime. She was a young Latina woman in her mid-twenties who decided that during her senior year of high-school, she was attracted to women more so than men. It was her choice of course, no one made her choose to love women over men, and no one forced it upon her. Her family accepted and loved her just the way she was, and so they grew to become very fond of...

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Slave For Bhabhi And Bhaiya

Hi everyone I’m Mani from Punjabi 20 years old I like to be a cross dresser sometime’s whenever alone and this is a story about how become a slave for my bhabhi and bahiya yeh lagbhag 2 saal poorani baat hai jab mae chuityan mae mama ji ke jha gya tha, vha pr mamaji mami, bhaiya or bhabhi rhte hai bhabhi ke bare mae kya batao mae tou shuru se unke sath sex krna chatha tha kya figure hai bhabhi ki unki height 5’7 inches hai orr unke barre-2 Boobs 36 d or unki ass 34 ki ho gyi and mujhe sabse...

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Opus OneChapter 20 Passacaglia

"So what do you think of the piano sound?" Dave asked Richard. Richard stood up from Jarrett's chair in front of the speakers. "It's really rich. I'm used to hearing this piano from the piano bench, so it sounds a little different. But still nice. Really nice." "Good. I'm happy with it too. Man, I just love this concert hall. Jarrett, what do you think?" "Smooth work, Dave. Let's record some so Irina can hear it," Jarrett replied. Richard sat in his chair, to Jarrett's left,...

1 year ago
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Turned his wife into owned whore

This is a true story about a woman I met almost two years ago and how an amazing transformation. It may get a little long and detailed but I think (and hopefully you do as well) worth it. I met Nata when she called my business requesting a home inspection. when I met her she was the most uptight, rigid woman I think I had ever met. She was (still is) married to a very bland, boring man who seemed very disinterested in just about everything. A few days after the inspection she started texting me...

3 years ago
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Peaches and cream 1

“Oh, fuck me, Brutus, FUCK ME!” Melanie Wilkerson screamed, writhing in ecstasy and raking her nails across the broad sweaty back of the brawny black stud who was humping his burly physique savagely on top of her curvaceous, lily white form. Brutus slammed his gargantuan eleven inch pecker deep into the lovely blonde girl’s impossibly stretched, throbbing cuntal chasm, her legs hooked around his middle, her hips heaving in a frenzy of carnal passion. The small,...

2 years ago
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The MILFs 20 year old college daughter

I was fucking a MILF and over time became aware she had a 20 year old daughter away at college/uni. One weekend I stayed over and she happened to be home. I couldn't believe it when I finally saw her in the flesh. She was way hotter than her mom - which gave an insight into why her mom was so hot - though quite petite and she got me increasingly horny due to her slutty summer dressing. She was curvy but knew how to carry her curves and her ass was just perfect. On the Sunday morning her mom...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 60 Phoenix Rising

Charlie POV: We quickly fixed Maggie and Sheila up with what they needed. Since we were flying by the seat of our pants, literally, we decided Bob and I would teleport to a secluded area in the campground that we’d visited last year in Sedona. Then Maggie and Sheila could just pop in behind us. That worked perfectly and within a minute we were walking toward Bubba’s biker bar. We decided to stop in and grab some coffee. When we looked up at the clock, it read 6:15 AM. I grinned when the...

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The PsychicChapter 7 Preparing for Marriage

Shopping Amber We climbed out of the cab and headed for the outlet mall stores. My eyes were on Gloria's Bridal shop and that's where we went. The girls followed me into the store and up to the counter. "Excuse me, I have an emergency. I need four bridesmaids' outfits for these girls and a wedding gown for myself," Amber said. Gloria Steidlemear looked at the girl dressed in all black and her right eyebrow went up as she asked, "Did you want it in black as well?" "Can you?"...

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The Seduction of Brian

Kara looked at the house next door to hers. In her 21 years of walking this earth she knew that something drew her to this house. The house was old with a slight bit of royality to it and made her feel overcome with pure lust. She had seen the owner of it only once and right there she knew she needed to feel him inside of her. She looked down at her own body. She was 5'2 with long brown hair and a thin waist. Her 42 DD's stood erect as she thought of this handsome stranger. He has dark brown...

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Daddys Little Girl

Daddy's Little Girl By: Malissa Madison11/02/2012 James Harris woke up at two AM to the sounds of crying coming from his son's room. Like any concerned parent he made his way to the young boys room to find out what the problem was, sure that he already knew. Danny was a sensitive child for a Fourteen year old. And he had a lot of problems. Problems that the boy's estranged mother was probably responsible for, his father was sure. But still he loved him no matter what or how...

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Guardian Angel Chapter 1 part 2

Jake was still on his knees in front of the bed while Kiyan took his pants off slowly, his body still paralyzed but not enough to stop the boy from pulling down his pants: “You’re ok with this?” asked Jake, as he helped the boy taking off his pants. “Y-yeah...” “Tell me if it’s bothering you.” “I-it’s not. Honest!” Jake gently pushes Kiyan on his back and lays on top of him, with both his dicks, covered by their underwear, touching each other. The boys join lips again, as Jake kept playin’...

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A Very Important Elevator Ride

Gracie sat at her desk. It was after 7 pm, and she was still working on the Rockman file. Frustrated and mad, she sighed heavily. It would take another two hours to go through all the compiled data, which meant no social life for her…again…this weekend. With luck, she might get home before midnight, but the way it was going, that was hardly likely. “Damn him!” she growled, referring to Mr. Bradford Rockman. Slamming the door to the filing cabinet and listening to it echo in the dimly lit and...

Straight Sex
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Sex slave0

but no one else knows about it beside me and her. My name is Mayson and I’m what a lot of people call a slaves, well, a sex slave. B-but it’s not like I was forced to, Katt Stackhouse is the popular girl in school, we’ve been friends forever. Well, to her the first few years I was her gay friend, but I’m not gay, she talked to me and had me for company when she wanted. But then at 16 she wanted me to do more for her and I wish she would just make me her boyfriend already. I stay...

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My lover my granddaughter

Two years ago my wife died after a long illness. She and I had worked in my office together for many years, and when we found out that she was ill, we hired her granddaughter, (her son by a prior marriage's daughter) to learn what my wife did in the office. After my wife died, I slowly returned to work, and my granddaughter, Karen, ran the office. My wife and I had always had an active sex life, even in our mid-fifties. We had enjoyed "nooners" in the office on the couch, on the floor, bent...

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Adoration of a transsexual BBW by her Arab Master

ADORATION OF A TRANSSEXUAL BBW BY HER ARAB MASTER My beloved wife of eternity: Every day, when you proceed to me in adoration of Your Master, I admire your round, feminine belly, Its proud protuberance, its luscious curves And your delicate navel That looks like a rose blossoming to the world, Happily springing up and revealing your inner femininity to the universe. And I kiss and caress those curves, Blown away and enchanted in a vision of bliss, because you are MY woman. In...

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Prom Night

When I was in high school, I was seventeen-years-old and dating an older man. He was forty-years-old and very handsome. He had taken me out to dinner and for ice cream and for walks on the beach. We had held hands and kissed but had never gone any further, but I knew he wanted to go further by the way he looked at me when we were riding in his car. I would see him looking down at my sexy, smooth tan legs and I would know, instinctively, he wanted what I had between them. Darryl had already...

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The Chico Tales

Michelle stood before the full length mirror and wiggled into her yoga pants all the while cursing and muttering over and over "stupid, stupid, stupid." Then she pulled her favourite varsity sweat shirt over her 34B breasts before getting her brown hair into a tight ponytail. She threaded the ponytail through the back of the Yankees baseball cap her father bought her, when he took her to the stadium last summer, and then looked at herself in the mirror before throwing herself face down on the...

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Friend8217s Mother Becomes My Wife

Fareeda was a beautiful woman aged 38years old. She has a perfect young body, and still lives with a sophisticated clothing’s and makeup. She looks extremely hot and very sexually attractive. But Fareeda was a widow and she did not have sex for the last six years. One evening I went to my friend’s house. There only his mother was present because Nadeem had gone to Allahabad. His mother, Fareeda opened the door and let me inside. I sat on the sofa and we both started talking. How the time...

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My Maid Kalai Showed Me The Heaven 8211 Part 2

Hi Guys and Girls this is Vinu Kumar alias VK again with another story how me and my maid Kalai had a first night session. Hope you all read my previous encounter how I seduce my maid. Coming to the story I told Kalai to come in the evening and stay with me the entire night but she was not ready somehow I convinced her and made her come in the evening. And I was waiting for the lucky time to come and I was not able to control before she came I made all the arrangement like I bought honey,...

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First Sex With My Cousin

Hello, this is Ravi (name changed).I’m 25 years old. I’m a software engineer and a regular reader of ISS. And I’m real big fan of Incest column. I don’t know why but from the very first time when I visited this page I started my reading from Incest column itself. Maybe my reason for attraction to Incest is because of my sexual relations with my cousin. This is completely true story with all the incidents depicted as they happened. So coming to my cousin first her name is Manisha. She is a...

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A Holiday In Kerala

Naani was there the next day. There was a radiant look on her face. She did not look at me directly as granny was around supervising her work. She pretended that she did not see me at all. I was very upset. But then it was better to be discreet about it as word travels very fast in villages. Nothing happened that day. It was disappointing. One of my relatives came to inquire about granny. We talked the evening away. At night i went to the one street town nearby to just loiter and spend my time,...

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Mary Jane sets a trap

Mary Jane sets a trap (humiliation version)By lilguy [email protected] Jane finds out Black cat sleeping with Peter and sets a trap for a catfight Author note- This was a commission I did for someone elsehttp://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/lilguy31/profileFelica (aka Black Cat) sleeked through the roof tops in a skin tight catsuit. It was tight and leather hugging natrualy and tightly to her body. It had little mini pockets to hide all her gear. The pants hugged to her butt showing the...

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Secret Lives Chapter 7

 I wasn’t as sure as she was if I wanted to see what I suspected was going on but curiosity was getting the better of me too. We both stood up and straightened ourselves out then I followed Sarah out of the tub. We walked around the side of the house and down the access path. There was a narrow, upright window that looked in on the lounge room. I could see a strip of light coming from a gap in the curtains. Sarah stopped at the gap, paused, and then slowly leaned forward to peek through the...

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Cock worship

I've said it before and i'll say it again. I love sucking cock.The feel of a man's hardness filling my mouth is one of the best pleasures of life. Some times I like it rough, to have him use my face, my only purpose an object for him to thrust into in order to orgasm. Other times I lovingly suck him, getting him to his full size before penetrating me. There is simply no limit to how many different ways I can enjoy sucking his cock, but I think my favourite is to tease, to worship, praising his...

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Visit from SisChapter 3

The day had been a full one. The plane trip and the tryst with Roberta were followed by an afternoon at the UN and the Museum of Modern Art. Then there was dinner and a Broadway musical with her brother. All of them had taken their toll on Amy. Always a sound sleeper, she was completely exhausted by the time she hit the pillow. Thus, it was all the more surprising that Amy found herself lying awake, wondering what had awakened her. She heard a giggle and a heavy thump. She realized that the...

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Husband finds out wife has been cheating on him with a black coworker

Carol’s job was hosting a Christmas party. She decided to wear a skirt and no panties. I was turned on by the idea. The company party was being held at a hotel about a half hour from where we lived. She said that they expected about 30 people to show up. We arrived at the hotel that evening. The parking lot was almost full but we found a place towards the back. We entered the lobby and made our way to where the event was taking place. As we entered the room, one of Carol’s...

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a quiet afternoon

I lay on my side with me knees drawn up as Richard slowly slid his rock hard cock in and out of my warm wet pussy. We were talking in low quiet voices about sex and girls in particular. Richard assured me I was the love of his life. I reminded him though I was his mother and soon he’d find a woman to love and cherish like he does me. He was wondering what made women attracted to men. I told him between sighs and uh huh’s. that he was a very handsome young man with a nice cock to offer any...

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ToughLoveX Karma RX The Intruder

All women are crazy. Sluts are even crazier but this broad was out of her fucking mind. When I say she likes it rough I’m under exaggerating. She likes it ROUGH! Rough sex is the only way to get her off. She wanted to have me play out a fantasy where I break into her home and do with her as I please so I sure did and hard as fuck too. I snuck into her home, crept up the stairs and grabbed her from behind. She struggled but it did nothing in her favor. I smashed her head into the mattress...

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A Son8217s Love For His Mother Pt 2 Dreams About Mom

My mother was helping me to study during my board exams. I was extremely satisfied with all the time I spent with my mother. But my mother had one little surprise left for me, and that made me think even more whether she was teasing me all along. I was in the living room when she went inside the common washroom adjacent to the living room. I could hear her pee. Before I could even start to imagine her sit and pee, the door to the washroom opened and my mother stormed outside into the living...

4 years ago
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Moonlit Maize

The heavy lock turned with a loud clunk as Jessy closed the front doors to the pool hall.“Finally! Just a few more closing items and we’re out of here,” she said to her closing partner, Bronwen.“And what a night it was,” Bronwen replied, sifting through the change from the tip jar, counting and changing in the coins for larger bills. “Looks like we pulled in $382 in tips between the two of us.”“Cool. I could really use the money. I need to buy Christmas presents for my family by Thanksgiving.”...

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ldquoThe Clubhouserdquo First Gay experiences

It was more of a shed really, but we all called it “The Clubhouse.” It was in the back of a friend’s house a few streets over from where I lived and it would become the place of many first experiences for many of us. All of us young, with parents away at work til the evening hours, we all found ourselves free, horny and curious.It started with Brian. He had some “girly” magazines he had taken from his father’s collection and Mike got some from his older brother, also. Of course, we all wanted...

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A Pictures WorthChapter 1

Sally Turner took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She touched the picture in front of her. Focusing her mind on the picture, Sally ignored everything else around her. Her mind began to fill with images. At first, if she did not know better, she would have just assumed that she was just remembering the picture. Moment by moment the picture became clearer in her mind filling in details until shortly, it seemed she was actually standing before the young girl in the photo. The girl was...

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The BDSM Club Monthly Social Part Two

The BDSM Club Monthly Social - Part TwoJohn & Kathy rolled in at our place about 10pm and wegreeted them affectionately, had a cocktail and discussedthe upcoming event out at Robert's. It was obvious thatthey were nervous. This was huge and they were stillvery new to the BDSM scene but everybody knew thatRobert must see real potential to make such an offerto a couple with so little real experience.Mark told them that it would be serious but anytime they thought it was more than they could...

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Did You See the Size of That Chicken

I have been wanting to explore my sexuality by sucking a cock. You know how the first time is always ,,, well hard and in the case of my first time thats a mouthful. We been buddies from working the mill and we both fell on hardship around the same time and by fate we ended up neighbors and all was good. Enter methamphetamine. He started making the shake style or i heard crank but whatever it was it is the best shit. We stay up for days doing just about everything to help a neighbor out. so not...

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