Amanda's Journey Into Domination Part 3 Jumping The Gun? free porn video

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Chapter 43 Ed practically sprints to the bathroom, and I turn to Jen She holds up her hand and says, "I need a drink." We enter the suite and I pour two glasses of wine. "Ok Love, WTF is going on? There's no fuckin way Mistress watched the video!" "There's a problem with the new Harrah's contract. Mistress and Cindy have been working on it all day." "It's that bitch Nonnie Pelousy again, isn't it?" "Yes, she's either shilling for another group, or holding out for better fringe benefits from Susan." "What more could she possibly want? I mean she already gets free treatments for her friends and family, free make up, and "borrows the Lear" whenever she wants!" "I'd bet she wants cold hard cash this time." "How far can we go with Ed? Did she say?" "Everything but revealing ourselves, and anal penetration. She wants to supervise his first blow job, and claims rights to his ass." "Did she say why it was ok for us to dress him, and reveal the truth, well, most of the truth anyway." Jennifer gets this "kinda pissed/kinda hurt look on her face and says, "Apparently, Susan trusts your judgement. According to her, and I quote, "When it comes to major decisions, Amanda is batting 1000. If she thinks this Ed will make a good slave, I trust her decision." "Why are you upset? Don't you trust me?" Jennifer let's out a deep sigh, "Yes, but once again it appears like your stepping over me. I'm starting to feel like a third wheel." I drop to my knees and hug her legs, "Oh Goddess, it's not like that! You'll always be my Mistress, and own my heart, and loyalty. I have no desire to be your equal. I was born to serve YOU, not to rise above you." "I know, Princess, I should be proud of you, and I AM. But it still bruises my ego that your choice has been chosen, without giving me a chance." "Well I think we should have a plan B ready, after all Mistress hasn't even seen Ed yet. She may watch the video later, disapprove of Ed, and punish me." Chapter 44 Jennifer tugs on my arm and I stand up. We kiss and she takes me in an embrace. "We've got to get Ed used to appearing in public, dressed as a girl. I'll find us a club, you get his outfit ready. Did you bring breast forms?" "Yes Mistress." "Good, what about a name for him?" "I've always liked Emily, plus I called him Em at dinner." "Ok, Emily it is. How about you? Are you ok going to a club tonight?" "Yes Mistress, I'm willing to sacrifice myself on the altar of bad music." Jennifer swats me on the ass and says, "Keep it up, and I'll tie your ass to the bed, with a dildo shoved up your ass, and take Emily out myself!" "Oh Mistress, your such a tease! Promise?" Jennifer laughs and swats me again. "I love you, Goddess, thank you for supporting, and helping me." We share a long, lingering kiss and she whispers, "You're my Princess, it's my job to take care of you." Jennifer logs onto the web as Ed walks out of the bath wearing his new robe. It looks good on his 5'10 inch frame. He has short blonde hair, and attractive green eyes. Yeah, he's a little heavy, with a bit of man boobage going on, but I think that with corsets, proper diet, and exercise, I can have him in shape in three months. His nose is a bit wide, and his lips are way too thin for his face. I think that a bit of Botox, sculpting, and cheek bone enhancing, and he'll be a Nordic beauty. He walks over to me, and I snap my finger, and point at the carpet. He drops to his knees and looks up expectantly. "Slave, are you ready to become the woman of your dreams?" "Oh yes, Mistress!" "I think you owe us something first, don't you? He gets excited and replies, "God yes, Mistress!" He leans forward and tries to stick his head under my skirt. Chapter 45 I slap the back of his head, and growl, "not that slave! How dare you presume!" "I...I...I'm sorry Mistress." "Crawl over to the sofa like a dog!" Ed crawls over to sofa and looks up at me from hands and knees. "Stand up!" I bark, as Jennifer joins me. Ed stands up, looking for a clue as to what I want. "Eyes down! Now remove your robe and bend over the arm of the sofa. Make sure MY cock is on the towel!" "Farther! I want your ass in the air, and face buried in the cushions!" "Mistress, our new slave had the audacity to try and lick your property. Would you like the pleasure of showing her the consequences of her bad judgement?" "It would be my pleasure. Shall I use your hair brush?" "I have something better in the bag on the sofa. Would you like a paddle, or riding crop?" Jennifer, always ready to seize an opportunity, says, "Oh you naughty girl, you planned all this fun without me? I think you should bend your beautiful ass over the other arm...Don't you, Princess?" "Yes Mistress." I hike up my dress, exposing my pantie covered ass, set the bag on the floor, and bend over the other arm. Jennifer grabs the bag and says, "well, what do we have here? Oh Princess, I'm shocked! I thought you were a good girl, Shame on you!" Jennifer selects the paddle and takes a dramatic pause before saying. "Ohh lookie lookie, this paddle has raised letters that says, !daB saW I, oh how cute, it's written backwards, so when I spank my slave, her ass will say I Was Bad!. What a silly toy, Princess." "You should know, you bought it for me!" I think to myself. "Well, let's see how well it works!" Jennifer steps up behind Ed and starts rubbing and squeezing his ass. "Ed starts moaning in pleasure, squirming and wiggling his ass. If I wasn't in the same position, I'd be enjoying his response. Jennifer drags her nails across his pink ass. I can hear him hiss as Jen raises welts. "Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap!" I hear five rapid strikes. Ed yelps, and tries to stand. Jen places a hand on his back, pinning him down. "Where do you think you're going?" "It hurts! I didn't know it would hurt so much!" "What did you agree to, slave?" "I don't know, Mistress." "Didn't Mistress Amanda tell you we would hurt, humble, and humiliate you?" "Ya...Yes." "Didn't you say, "Ladies, I agree to be your slave?" "Yes." "Whap! Yes what?" "Yes Mistress!" "Then why are you trying to escape your punishment?" "I'm sorry Mistress, I'm trying to adjust to the situation. I understand now" "Do you? Really understand?" "I believe so, Mistress." "I hope so, slave. Now stand up and watch how a true slave takes her punishment." Chapter 46 Jennifer steps between my spread legs, and takes a handful of cheek in each hand. "Princess! Why haven't we tried this position at home? My God, it's perfect! Slave, just look at this ass! Isn't it just beautiful?" Jennifer squeezes my cheeks in emphasis, digging her nails in, drawing blood. "Yes Mistress, she has a beautiful body." "I don't know if I wanna spank it, or kiss it! What do you think, slave?" "I would love to kiss it, Mistress." "I bet you would. But that's a reward you need to earn, understand?" "Yes Mistress." Jennifer releases my cheeks and steps back. "Hand me that crop slave." Ed hands her the riding crop, and takes the paddle. Jennifer starts softly slapping my ass with the wide leather pad of the crop. She sticks in between my thighs and whips it back and forth, reddening my inner thighs. She then raises her arm and swipes the pad down my cheeks and back of my thighs. Leaving wide red stripes down each cheek and thigh. I lay there and take it in silence, and after five strokes on each cheek, she steps back to admire her work. It stings, but I shouldn't have any problem sitting in a few minutes. "You may stand, Princess." I rock my hips back, and thank God my hands aren't bound. I lever myself up, and stand. I lower my dress and drop to my knees, kissing Jennifer's boots and thanking her for my spanking. Jennifer says, "Now, that's how you should accept your punishment, slave. Take notes." "Yes Mistress." Jennifer wraps her arm around my shoulder and draws me in "Are you ok Princess?" She asks softly. "Yes, Mistress, I'm fine, thank you." Chapter 47 She kisses my forehead and says, "go get Em dressed, I need to run to my room really quick." "Yes Mistress." I take Ed's hand and order him to come with me. We walk to the bedroom and Ed says, "That was totally hot! You two are unbelievable!" "Edward, you're getting a peek into a world that very few people ever see. Nobody at Madison Enterprises knows of our situation. You must promise me you'll remember to be discreet back in Vegas." "Susan has a lot of people just looking for dirt to use to knock her down. I'm really sticking our asses out here. Normally we vet potentials much better than I did with you. Can we, no can I count on your discretion?" I stare into his green eyes, and wait for an answer. He looks me dead in the eyes, and I see no deception in his as he says, "Mistress Amanda, I swear to you I'll die before I tell anybody." "Thank you, Sweetheart. I knew you were the right one." I order him to lay on the bed, with his arms raised above his head. I grab the breast forms, which are Madco 5000's. Ed's eyes light up and he squirms, as I straddle him and apply the adhesive to his hairless chest. I attach the nipple pads and connect the wires to the forms. "Exhale and hold your breath, love." Ed breathes out and holds his breath as I press the forms in place. I press down for thirty seconds, and allow him to breathe. I feel his cock stiffen, and press against my gaff. I repeat the process with the other form, making sure they line up perfectly. "Now Ed, you have to lay there perfectly still for five minutes, for the adhesive to hold, ok?" "Yes Mistress." I hop off the bed, and smile down at him. He looks thrilled, scared, and panicked all at the same time. I look down and ask, "what's the matter, slave? You look scared." "I am a bit, Mistress. How long will I have to wear these?" "Until we get you a boob job." Chapter 48 "What!" "Lay still!" "But I have two more weeks of school! I can't go wearing tits!" "Edward! Listen to me very carefully. You are a slave now! If I order you to run around Disneyland in a thong, while sucking on a dildo for ten minutes. You damn well better do your best to avoid Security for that ten minutes! Got it?" "But Mistress..." I slap him across the face, bringing tears to his eyes. "You will NEVER say I can't again! Understand?" "*Sob* Yes Mistress." In a gentler tone I say, "I was joking, love. We'll remove them tomorrow, ok?" "The tension drains from his body, and the relief is evident as he smiles up at me. "I'm sorry Mistress, but you just scared the hell out of me." "I know, love, but we told you this is serious business. Slavery isn't all fun and games. I really need you to digest that. If Susan accepts you, your world is going to turn upside down." Chapter 48 "But I'm just a Chef! I'll come to work, do my job to the best of my ability, and go home." "No Ed, if you're chosen, you'll move in with us, and do whatever we order you to do, without question, you agreed, remember?" "But I thought you meant while I was at work, Not 24/7. What about pay, I I need a paycheck to survive!" I let out a heavy sigh, "Ed, Mistress Susan was going to cover all this tomorrow." "But I can tell you this, Susan plans on offering you $75,000 a year to start. You'll be given a credit card, with no limit, to purchase clothes, personal items, and anything you need to cook for us." Ed tries to sit up, and I'm forced to straddle him again to hold him down. His mouth is hanging open, and when he's finally able to speak, says, "Are you fucking with me, Amanda?" I raise my brow, and stare at him. "Mistress Amanda... You're telling me that Mistress Madison wants to pay me three times the going rate for a beginner Chef, AND buy whatever I ask for? Bullshit! Why would she do that!" Chapter 49 "Edward, you're really starting to piss me off. I AM NOT A LIAR! IF I TELL YOU SOMETHING, YOU BETTER TAKE IT AS FUCKING GOSPEL! SAME AS JENNIFER!" "Now, for the last fucking time. Are you in, or out? Choose now, so we'll have time to pick another." "Is there a problem, Princess?" Jen calls from the doorway. "I don't know, Mistress. Edward, questioned his position so I told him about Mistress's job offer, and he called me a liar!" "I didn't..." "SHUT IT, SLAVE! Amanda, may I have a word with you in the other room? Edward, you lay there and make your final decision. As far as I'm concerned, you're dismissed, but it's not my decision to make." Chapter 50 I follow Jen out to the balcony for a cigarette. "Why are you giving him another chance? I don't understand." "Because I had the same doubts and concerns as Ed, remember?" "I remember humiliating you and beating you bloody, but you didn't break. I think he'll break the first time he's punished. He's fuckin weak!" "I don't think so, I sense he has a backbone, but he needs kid gloves for the first couple of weeks. Once he settles in, he'll accept his position." "I hope you're right Princess, because if you're wrong, Mistress will punish you severely. Now is not the time for failure." "I'll know tonight. Please allow me until morning to decide. Can you allow that, Mistress?" Fuck! I just handed control to a person who has every reason to want to see me fail! Jennifer stares at me, as if she knows exactly what I'm thinking. "Ok, my forever love. We'll make him see the light." I grab her in a hug, and thank her profusely. I've never felt such love for her, as I do right now. I just hope Ed is worthy of Jennifer's decision. "Let's go find out what he's going to do... Princess, you owe me one." "Yes Mistress, thank you, my love." Chapter 51 We walk in to find Ed laying where we left him. He look's upset, and it appears he was crying. "Well Edward, are you in, or out? I can remove the tits in about five minutes." "I...I..I want to believe you, I really do, but it sounds too good to be true. I mean, 75K a year to start, plus Executive Chef status, for a Art School Chef? No one pays a new Chef that much... No one!" I start to speak, but Jen grabs my arm. Jennifer says, "Susan Madison does, Edward. Susan is paying you for your discretion, not just your cooking skills." "Think of the damage a disgruntled employee could do to her if they had intimate knowledge of her BDSM activities. Do you understand why she's so generous? She is a billionaire, and can afford a bit of largesse." Holy shit! Who the fuck kidnapped my Sadist, and replaced her with this reasonable imposter? "Edward, the ball is in your court, are you going to submit, and come meet our Mistress tomorrow, or are we done having fun together?" I'm staring at Jennifer like she's growing an arm out of her back, as Ed replies, "I'm in...Worse case scenario is Mistress Madison dismisses me, but I had the pleasure of being dominated by two beautiful bi sexual women, got to meet my favorite band, and rode in a private jet. I'd say that's one helluva weekend." Chapter 52 I go to speak, and Jen stops me again! "Edward, let's try this one last time, I'd advise you to choose your words better." "Mistress Amanda, Mistress Jennifer, please accept me into your service. I know I haven't behaved like a proper slave, please allow me the opportunity to prove myself worthy." "Well, Amanda, what do you think?" "Edward, you say you'll accept our dominance without reservation, correct?" "Yes Mistress." "Ok I'll accept your service on two conditions." "Please name them Mistress, I'll comply without reservation." "Ok, one, you'll be dressed as my bitch when you meet the Harpies tomorrow." He opens his mouth, but slams it shut when Jen raises her eyebrow. I continue, "two, you'll remain dressed as my bitch throughout your interview with Mistress Madison... Those are my conditions, do you submit?" Chapter 53 "Well?" I catch Jennifer's slight nod out of the corner of my eye. Ed squeezes his eyes shut and says, "is this the humiliation part?...Yes Mistress, I'm at your service." "Now that that's settled, Princess, get our bitch dressed, we're going out." Ed starts weeping, but accepts his fate. Jennifer leaves the bedroom and I lay down next to Ed. I take him in my arms and let him cry. "Shh, everything will be ok sweetie, I understand what you're going through. Four years ago it took two hours worth the painful punishment before I accepted my fate." "Must I go out dressed like a girl? What if someone figures out I'm in drag?" "Yes, you have to live as a girl for the rest of the weekend. I told you earlier not to concern yourself about other people's thoughts... You said some nasty things, and you need to prove your dedication to me." "But how am I supposed to get a job, if I interview in drag?" "Sweetie, remember, Susan is a Dominatrix, she'll understand. It may actually work out in your favor, because she'll see your dedication." "Will she really give me free reign of her kitchen?" "Yes, but I'm allergic to seafood, so never make me any, ok?" "Ok Mistress. I so thought you were just gonna give me a make over tonight, and if I was lucky, get laid." "We'll I can promise you, you're not sticking your cock in me tonight, as for a make over, you really should beg Mistress Jennifer for that. She's a magician when it comes to make up." Chapter 54 "Check this out, your tits match your skin tone perfectly." "Hey! That's awesome!" I reach up and cup his 38D tits and he shivers in pleasure. I pinch his nipple and he yelps! "Holy shit! I felt everything! That felt like you were cupping my real man boobs! How is that possible?" "Watch this," I lean over and run my tongue across his Aerolia, before sucking on his nipple. His eyes close and he moans in pleasure. "Ohhh how is this possible? I feel every lick. I'd love to know the secret." "Mistress Madison invented these in college. There is a circuit board imprinted in the silicone." "Once I placed the main sensor on your nipple, and plugged it into the form, the biometric energy from your body activated the remaining sensors built into the forms." "Now go wash your face, sexy. We have to get dressed." "But I didn't bring anything!" "I bought you everything you'll need to look sexy, trust me." I kiss him and slap him on the ass, "now go wash your face, bring back your garter belt, and quit playing with your tits!" I hear Jennifer bust out laughing and shout "stop playing with your tits, you slut!" As I gather up Ed's wardrobe for the evening. Chapter 55 Ed returns with a freshly scrubbed face, and shit eating grin. "These things are FUCKING FANTASTIC!" "Yeah, and cost 6K, so don't break them." "What! You spent 6K on breast forms, for me?" "No, Mistress Madison paid 6K for your tits. Now do you believe me when I tell you, Susan takes care of her slaves?" "Yes, Mistress. Can you advise me on how I can ace the interview?" "Yes, I'll coach you on the plane tomorrow, that's my job as your Dominant. I'll keep you safe, take care of you. All I ask is for your devotion, and loyalty in return." "What about my love?" "I'll take that too, but I'll tell you right now, my heart belongs to my Mistress. Jennifer and I are soul mates." "I'm afraid you and I will never achieve that kind of relationship. You will always be our concubine. Can you accept that, I don't want you to think you and I will ever be a couple. Ok?" Ed looks at me silently for a few minutes, looks down, and says, so from now on, I'm just your servant?" "No Sweetheart, you are a personal slave, not one of our servants. You will earn rewards, and quality time with Susan, Jennifer and me. I swear on my heart that you'll feel loved every day, ok?" "Ok Mistress." Chapter 56 I hand him his new Frederick's Four Pad Padded Pantie, and say, "put these on, make sure to tuck your clitty away. Good, now turn around, it's time to give you curves." I slide the Frederick's Hollywood Dream Bra Cup Corsetin Icileiris around his torso and hook the front hooks. I step behind him and pull the laces tight. "Ooofff, you're crushing my ribs Mistress!" "Shush, I'm not done. You want an hourglass figure, don't you?" I order him to lean against the wall, and plant my knee in his back. I pull the laces even tighter, and tie them off in little knots. "Mistress, I...can...hardly...breathe." "Just stand there a few minutes, the satin will stretch a bit, and you'll be fine, turn around, let me get a look at you." "Very nice, you have quite an impressive rack! I love your cleavage. Now let's go beg Mistress for a make over, and we'll finish getting you dressed. Make sure to curtesy." Chapter 57 "Mistress Jennifer, our girl would like to make a request." "Very good job with the cleavage, Princess. I love the corset." "Purple is her favorite color," I whisper. Ed curtsies and says, "Mistress Jennifer, I've been told you're a magician with make up. I humbly beg you to make me beautiful. I will forever cherish this night. Will you turn me into a woman?" Jen raises a brow. "Did you put him up to this?" "I made a suggestion, the words are his." "Very well... Yes, pretty one, I'll make you beautiful. Come have a seat at the table. Princess, you'll take care of our pet's nails." "Yes Mistress." Jennifer chooses the St. Paddy's Green Eyeshadow, and Coral in Gold lipstick. The shadows make Ed's green eyes pop!She works her magic on his cleveage and somehow erases the top seam of her forms. I use a set of Kiss Broadway nails French Manicure, in a medium length for his fingers. "Ed, you have such long fingers, they look quite lovely with nails." "I wonder if I can play my guitar with these on." "Oh, you play? You'll get used to them, at least I did." "You play guitar? No way!" "I play Bass, and yes way!" "You any good?" Before I can answer Jen jumps in, "You'll find out tomorrow." I look at her quizzically but she just winks at me. "Alright Tits, let's get you dressed." Jennifer and Ed follow me back into bedroom and I order Ed to sit on the edge of the bed. Chapter 58 I dress him in a fresh pair of suntan Scallop Lace-Top Stockings, and hook the tabs hanging from the Corset. "Ok Sexy, raise your arms." I get him into a Frederick's Twisted Mock Neck Top and Stretch Sequin Skirt. I finish up with the chain part of a Frederick's Rhinestone & Shot Bead Draped Top, which covers his Adam's Apple nicely. Jennifer helps him into a pair of Unlisted Shoes, Tea Party Boots. "We decided flats were appropriate for your first time out, Sexy." "I've worn heels before." "Yeah, but do you want to tower over us tonight, or rather try to blend in?" "I see your point." I insert white gold hooker hoops in his ears, and place three bangles on each wrist. I finish up with a wig cap and the Frederick's Ellie Wig in Golden Blonde. I pin the wig, and tease it into shape. "Edward, stand up, let us get a look at you...Well Mistress, what do you think?" "Please turn around, slowly... Princess, I had my doubts... With a little work, she'll do nicely." "Edward, close your eyes and come with me, I want to introduce you to someone." Ed takes my hand nervously and squeezes his eyes shut. I lead him to the full length mirror in the dressing area, and order him to open his eyes. Chapter 59 "Edward, meet Emily." Emily is speechless. Her mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. She stares at her face, holding her new nails up palms in, and looks at us in wonder. She pivots to check out her ass in her new skin tight sequined miniskirt. (oops, wrong size due to the pads.) She grabs her ass, then cups her tits, and finally turns to us. "I...I don't believe it! This can't be real. Please tell me this is not a dream." "No, Emily, this is real. That's you, and you're one sexy bitch! So get used to it." "Ah..I...Oh God, thank you Mistress!" "Don't you cry! You'll ruin your make up." Jennifer says, "Emily, have you ever slept with a guy?" "Ah, what? No! I'm not gay! In fact most cross dressers are straight." "I know Sexy, but be honest, have you ever fantasized about a guy while dressed?" "Maybe a bit, but I've always felt dirty once I jerked off. Why?" "Oh, Mistress Amanda and I had a bet, that's all. Princess, you owe me $25,000 dollars." Emily gets this mortified look on her face and turns to me. "Oh Mistress, you thought I might be gay?" It's all I can do to keep a straight face when I say, "It was a concern, yes." "Emily, stand next to Mistress Amanda and smile. I want to take a picture." We pose, arm in arm and Jennifer takes a photo with her iPhone. She quickly sends it to Susan with the caption, "Amanda won, this is Emily." Chapter 60 I walk out and grab my purse. I grab $150 out of my wallet and call to Emily. Jennifer and Emily join me in the sitting room. "Emily, I need you to go out and buy me a carton of cigarettes." Jen raises her brow, but I shake my head a fraction of an inch. "Virginia Slims Gold Box 120's Menthol love. Hurry back so we can go out." A look of fear crosses her face, followed by a look of resolve. She curtsies and says, "yes Mistress, anything else?" Jennifer says, "some breath mints, and tip the driver well." Emily curtsies again and leaves with the cash. "Ok Princess, I have cigarettes if you needed them, speaking of, let's go have one." We step outside and I say, "Emily's not to know about our cocks until tomorrow, right? Now we have time for a quick shower and change out of these wet dream dresses before she returns." "Have I told you how brilliant you are lately?" "Nope." Jennifer laughs and kisses me deeply. "We better hurry, before she comes back." Jennifer goes to her suite to shower, and I jump in mine. Chapter 61 I grab a quickie and get dressed. I choose my Victoria's Secret Miraculous? Bra in dark navy with matching boyshort. I slip into my new Frederick's Chain Detail Ruched Dress in Blue and my 4.5" Jimmy Choo Lance Sandals. My phone rings and I think Emily is calling me, but I couldn't be more wrong. "Good evening Mistress. Yes, but Jennifer helped. No, I felt I could succeed this weekend, if I am out of line, I expect to be punished." "To be honest, Jennifer's choice turned out to be a strutting Rooster. Yeah I called him that and she got angry. Well he was cute, and in better shape than Emily, but he had an ego, and expects to be the next celebrity Chef." "Yes Mistress, if you dismiss Emily we'll have one more option, he's scheduled be there next Thursday. But I'm afraid he's another Egoist." "There are other school's to try if we have to, but we haven't done the research yet. Yes Mistress, I did bank all my hopes on Emily... I hope so too Mistress... I love you too, good night, we'll see you tomorrow." Shit! Emily better cook her fucking ass off tomorrow! Why didn't she tell me about the height restriction? I am so fucked! Chapter 62 Jennifer returns wearing a Blumarine Stud Shoulder Zebra Print Dress, and 4" Minolo Sandals. Her make up look is called Coral and Purple Irises, with ____Lipstick. Yeah, she looks fucking hot as usual. "Princess, what's wrong? Is it Emily?" "Yes and no... I just spoke to Mistress. She's not very happy." "Why?" "Apparently, she has a height restriction. So now not only is Emily too heavy, she's also borderline too tall. She already has two strikes against her, and she hasn't even met Mistress yet!" "Aw fuck. What do we do?" "Either pray Todd works out, or start over with a new school." "I'm sorry Princess, maybe Emily will make a good impression tomorrow. Cheer up, ok? We can't let Emily know something's wrong...Here, let me do your make up." Jennifer outdo's herself tonight. She calls the look Tropical popping, and it goes brilliantly with my dress, and eyes. "Once again I'm forced to bow to my better. I look gorgeous, love of my life, thank you." Chapter 63 Emily knocks on the door, and I answer it. Her face is flushed with excitement as he enters the suite. "What took you so long?" "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find cigarettes in Beverly Hills, let alone 120's?" "Point taken, so, how come you look like a kid on Christmas morning?" "The clerk kept staring at my tits! It was surreal. He didn't even bat an eye when I spoke, or handed him my ID." "This is LA, what did you expect?" "Are they as accepting in Vegas?" "For the most part. Businesses only care about the bottom line, not how the customer dresses." "This is wild! I hear my voice, but when I look in the mirror I see a big tittied chick." I raise my brow, "chick?" "I'm sorry Mistress, woman." "Amanda, lend Emily a purse, it's time to go." Chapter 64 I hand Emily a Prada Handbag, and give her a lipstick, compact, and eyeliner, and make sure she tosses her wallet in there. I grab my D&G Black Silk Handbag and transfer the contents out of my Gucci 'bamboo bar' large shoulder bag. I spritz Emily and myself with perfume and head for the door. I notice Jennifer carrying a Chloe oversized bag and raise my brow. Jennifer gives me a cryptic smile, but remains silent. "Poor Emily," I think. "We're not going back to Bar Sinister, are we?" "No Princess, I think that will be our special spot. I found a TG club for Emily. She'll be more at ease there." "Ok, WTF? Why the hell is she being so reasonable.. And nice!" Chapter 65 We arrive at a club called Shine in Van Nuys at 10:20. I see there's an amateur pole dancing contest tonight, open to GG's as well as TG's and the lightbulb in my head lights up. I feel really bad for Emily, she has no clue what's about to happen. I pay the cover charge for Emily, apparently, Ladies get in free. (if they only knew.) And head inside. The place is hopping, I don't think I've ever seen so many Trans girls in one place before. Some are very passible, some not so much, but everybody's having fun. ""Princess, order us some drinks, Emily and I are gonna powder our noses, cmon Em." "Emily, what would you like?" "Amaretto Stone Sour please." I order two Black Devils and Em's ASS, and watch a bit of the show while I wait. The "girl" on stage is obviously an amateur, but she has heart. Jen and Em return just as the drinks arrive. "Miss Amanda, I used the ladies room!" Em says with a big smile. "That's great, dear." Jennifer arranges stage side seating (I think there was a $50 involved) and we take our seats. We enjoy the show for twenty minutes before Jen drags Em off to dance. I'm on "purse duty", so I order us another round, and try to enjoy myself. Chapter 66 The MC announces it's time for the next group of dancers to go back stage to get ready. Emily comes back and I ask her where Jen is, she shrugs and tells me she told her to return to the table. The Hostess approaches me and hands me a note. I open it and it say's, "Princess, it's time to pay me back, in my purse is your costume. I've already chose your music. Shake that ass, girl! Mistress." Mother Fucker! That bitch entered ME in the contest! I ought to kick her ass! The Hostess is waiting so I tell Emily to watch the purses, and reach for Jen's Chloe. I pull out the costume and curse again. I lean to Emily and say, "Miss Jennifer has entered me in the contest, enjoy the show, love." I grab the outfit and make up bag and follow the Hostess backstage. I step backstage and see the usual set up. There's a long make up counter on the right, with a lit up mirror running the length of the counter. On the left, are rolling wardrobe racks, and curtained off 8X8 changing cubicles. I grab a hangar and step into a cube to change. I step out of my dress and hang it up, remove my bra, and finally my panties. I slip into the metal bra and bikini bottom and put my Choo's back on. I look like Princess Leia, Slave Girl from Return of the Jedi. I sit at the make up counter with five other girls. Three are obviously T girls, but the other two look like professional dancers, here for the prize money. Chapter 67 "Oh well, I can't dance for shit anyway," I think. In the cosmetic bag I find, make up remover wipes, long false lashes, heavy theatrical foundation, eyeliner, eyeshadow, lipliner and crimson lipstick. I remove my make up and apply the theatrical crap. It feels like I have a thin layer of plaster on my face, it's so fuckin heavy. When I'm done I feel like a clown. Unfortunately, I'm cued to go on second, behind a thirty something T Girl who's even worse than me at dancing, so I don't learn anything from her. She wishes me luck as she leaves the stage to scattered applause. I could have swore it was Sam Elliot selling me a Dodge Ram. I step to center stage as the MC announces me as Princess Leia. Jennifer and Emily stand up and whistle. I shoot Jennifer a "you're so dead!" glare and she winks at me. The music starts, and Jen selected Ke$ha's Boom Boom Bang. I start shakin my ass, turning away from the crowd, and bending over. I incorporate the Hula moves we learned on vacation last year, with martial arts and Pilates moves. Jennifer and Emily are dancing stageeside, and at one point Jennifer beckons me over and tucks a dollar in my bikini. A fuckin dollar, Really? I receive more applause than Sam, but know I have no chance of winning, I didn't even use the pole. I exit the stage and the next Contestant is waiting in the wings. She compliments me, and I wish her luck. I strip off the spackle, and change back into my dress. I head back to the table, and Jennifer is waiting for me with a Rose... How can you not love her? She gives me a deep kiss, and whispers, "You were fantastic Lover, thank you." Chapter 68 I down my drink and invite them out to the patio for a cigarette. Emily keeps telling us how much fun she's having, and how beautiful we are, I think she's buzzed. We head back inside and Emily drags me to the dance floor. Jennifer joins us, and we dance until 2am. We stop at a Denny's for a early breakfast, before heading back to the hotel. We put Emily to bed in my suite, and I join Jennifer in hers. "Where the hell did you come up with that costume?" I ask Jen as we get ready for bed. "I originally bought for Emily to wear, but when you told me we needed to take her out, I changed plans after I saw the Club Shine website." "I guess it's a good thing then, her tits are way too big for that top." "Yeah, why didn't you get smaller forms?" "She's a big one, smaller tits would have looked bad on her." "Good point, let's get some sleep, we have a busy day tomorrow." "Sounds good my love." Jennifer sets up a wake up call for 8:30 and we fall asleep spooning. We wake up to a phone ring, and get ready for the day. We order a light breakfast to be served in my suite, and jump in the shower. Chapter 69 I return to my suite and find Emily sleeping on her back, snoring softly. I can she see has morning wood. I crawl under the sheet and start licking her head. She moans softly, as I deep throat her. I apply pressure with my lips all the way down her shaft, then back up, moving slow. (What can I say? I'm a cock whore!) I speed up, bobbing my head up and down. Emily throws the sheets aside raises up on her elbows, and says, "Last night wasn't a dream!" I take her shaft in my hand and rapidly stroke her as I say, no, slave, it isn't a dream." She lays back down moaning. I swallow her again, and she say's," "Oh Mistress, that feels so good, please climb on top!" I speed up, using my lips and hand to stroke his cock faster. "Please Mistress, let me fuck you... Please." I stop sucking and say, "No, bitch! I'm in charge here, now shut the fuck up, until you beg me to cum!" I blow her for five more minutes, thinking, "WTF? Why hasn't she cum?" Emily starts bucking her hips and finally begs me to cum. I grab the wine glass off the nightstand, and stroke her to completion, catching her load in the empty glass. I lick her clean, as she tries to catch her breath. I stand up and lean over her. "Open your mouth, slave." "Why?" I slap her across the face, and tell her again. Emily opens her mouth and I force feed her the cum. "From now on slave, you will clean your mess! Now lick this glass clean." Emily reluctantly licks the glass clean, and I order her to shower. Chapter 70 I brush my teeth and get dressed, choosing my Kate Spade 'Kylie' skirt, and Robbi & Nikki Petal Neck Top in royal. I select EmIly's outfit, I start with a gaff, and Frederick's Ultimate Corset in white with a white hi cut bikini pantie. I hand her a Adrianna Papell Skirt Pencil Shimmer and a INC International Concepts Shirt, Three Quarter Sleeve Metallic Gold Ruched top, to wear today, with her Unlisted Shoes, Tea Party Boots. I quickly apply her make up, choosing, Oceans 1207 for her and Beauty from the Earth Wintry Blues for myself. I pin Em's wig in place and order Emily to go to Jennifer's suite to help her pack. I quickly pack and answer the room service knock. I step outside for a cigarette as I wait for Jen and Emily. Chapter 71 Jennifer and Emily arrive for breakfast, we are having fresh fruit and cottage cheese. Emily looks excited, nervous and tense all at once. I know she's got to have a thousand questions going through her head, so I ask her. "What are the rules? Am I going to have to eat my cum every time I orgasm?" "Ok darling, here's what I can tell you, everything else you'll learn from Mistress." "1. You must never cum without permission. If you get caught, you'll be locked in chastity." "2. Yes, you are required to clean up every drop of cum you produce. Even if it's not your own." "3. You will obey every command Susan, Jennifer, or I give you. Remember you will always follow Mistress Madison's orders above Jennifer's or mine." "4. You will never call Mistress, Susan. You must always call her Mistress at home, and Ms Madison in public...No exceptions. When we introduce you, use Ms Madison until told otherwise." "5. You will be introduced as Emily, do not try and correct her, or mention the name Ed, or Edward."l "And one more thing, which is the most important...If Susan dismisses you, do not make a scene. We will provide transportation back to LA, and compensate you for your time." Jennifer chimes in, "remember, Emily, we have you dressed on video. If you're dismissed, don't even think about talking about your experience. " "It will prove to be a very expensive undertaking, and we have much deeper pockets than you, not to mention we'll destroy your career, understand?" I look at Jennifer with a raised brow, was the threat really necessary? Emily looks at Jen with fear in her eyes. "I promised Mistress Amanda I wouldn't talk, why did you just threaten me?" Jennifer looks him dead in the eye, and says, "Because Emily, this is a life changing opportunity! If Mistress accepts you, you'll live beyond your wildest dreams." "We're talking traveling the world, and cooking for the uber rich, and famous. That's a hard thing to walk away from, surely you understand how someone might get disgruntled and seek revenge." "Yeah, I can see your point, but still, there's no need for threats." "Emily, I have a list of the meals we would like you to prepare, why don't you go make a list of the ingredients you'll need to buy when we get back to Vegas... We're leaving in twenty minutes." "Mistress, can we step outside?" We step outside and I light a cigarette. I turn to Jen and say, "Alright, why the hell did you threaten Emily? What do you know that I don't?" "Princess, sit down...SIT!" I sit, and feel my old foe, the frozen fist, return to squeeze my heart. "I spoke with Mistress this morning. She watched the video this morning...She's not happy." "What...Why?" "She feels he's just a fetish dresser, and won't adapt to living as a woman. She also think's he's too tall and too heavy." "But he's only an inch taller than you, and the same height as Mistress! You know I can whip him into shape! I don't understand." "Princess, it doesn't matter what I know, she has final say. We should have stuck to the original plan, and seduced her choice at home, under her guidance." "So, what do we do? Do we just cut him loose here and now?" "No, she knows how much effort we've put into him. She'll grant him an interview, and allow him to cook for us." "Just prepare yourself for the probability of her dismissing him, ok?" I lower my head and fight to hold back the tears. Jennifer hugs me, and kisses my hair.

Same as Amanda's Journey into Domination Part 3 Jumping The Gun? Videos

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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 9

Hello, readers welcome to this beautiful journey. Keep giving your valuable feedback. It feels good when I see the appreciation of my work. I believe that the journey is always beautiful than the destination so I am enjoying the journey and hope you also. I am male and the story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Next morning I woke up late due to the hangover. I was still feeling quite heavy. When I looked around I was surprised to see that Ayesha was not on her bed. We both...

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The Gun

THE GUN THE GUN  By Aaron Oliver  I didn?t see her until I rounded the front of my van.? She was fumbling with her purse between the two cars, bent over the door lock, fiddling with her key.? The first thing I noticed was abundant blonde hair falling across her shoulders and hiding her face. Then she straightened up and turned towards me and I saw the gun in her hand. ?Get in,? she said, and gestured toward the door of her car with her other hand.? I stood there, frozen, mesmerized by...

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Depression SoupChapter 4 First Gun

There was a time not all so many years ago, when a boy was presented with his first gun he somehow, magically became more mature and looked on himself as being right on the brink of manhood. I was not yet years old by a few months when my pa gave me the greatest surprise present of my life, my very first gun. Here is how it happened... We were out in the barn one morning just getting ready to start the first chores of the day. Pa reached into a horse stall and withdrew something. I didn't...

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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 12

Hello, readers welcome back to this beautiful journey. I know you all have enjoyed the journey so far and hope you will enjoy the erotic journey further. I am male and the sex story is fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Ayesha was really happy after the lesbian experience. Now we have merged the gap of the mother-daughter relationship. I was treating her like a friend and now we had become really good friends. I have realized that the physical relations enhance the bonding, the same had...

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Journey from Mangalore to Bangalore drinking mothe

Hi Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now.. I am fair in colour, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8 inch dick. I was aware of the woman anatomy at that age by reading sex books and watching porn, but never had any chance to see a woman naked, but was longing to see a naked woman and masturbating myself thinking about it.This is an incident which happened when I had been to Mangalore to attend a marriage...

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Journey Into Cuckoldry Eager Eighteen Part 2

Half an hour later, I lay awake on the sofa in the darkness, unable to sleep, my heart and mind torn, suspended in the familiar agony somewhere between Cuckold Heaven and Alpha Male Hell.From behind the closed bedroom door came the dull but unmistakable sounds of my sweet, pretty wife being comprehensively and very willingly fucked for a second time. Her cries of ecstasy were muffled as if she was trying to suppress the noise, but I knew them well to know that she was receiving the fucking of a...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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My Sexual Journey Called Life 8211 Part VI

I am a housewife from Bangalore and my name is Parineeta. I am 44yrs old now, 5.10″ tall and my stats are 40DDD-32-36. Sorry for the delay in this post… Please refer to these links for the previous parts:

1 year ago
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Mommy Sexual Journey 8211 Part III

Hello ISS readers I am Shradda back again with another part of my mom’s incident. I thank all the readers for reading and enjoying my mom’s sexy terrible incidents but please readers give more feedbacks and your comments such as how many times did you have masturbated thinking of my mom. I once again thank all the readers who read my story and sent me comments and feedbacks to my mail id and here again I will give small information about myself and my family. Myself Shradda age 18 studying my...

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Black Daddy Domination

Black Daddy DominationScott Clair hated his whiteness.  He wasn’t able to articulate it exactly in that way; he claimed to be coming to terms with his submissive nature and his overwhelming desire to serve the Black race.  Had he been a bit more self-aware, a bit more introspective, he could have accurately described his self-hatred as stemming from his inherent need to feel superior.  Whiteness was his disease, magnified by a Napoleonic complex of huge proportions given his height of 5’1?.  He...

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House of Domination

House of Domination (May be continued in the future)The house was fairly rundown but a mansion still the same.  Donna had paid a lot of money just to come here and wasn?t about to turn back now.  This was a dream she had fantasized about for yours.  Total submission she craved was finally about to be given.  She got out the door of the car that had picked her up at the airport and grabbing her one bag and purse started walking towards the door. Donna had read about the place on the internet...

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Becoming Anthea Part 2

My name is Anthony; I am twenty-two years old and live with my beautiful girlfriend Zoe. As you have read I have dark hair and dark eyes and I am clean shaven. Zoe is older than I am by a couple of years and is the driving force of our relationship. I am what many call a cross-dresser: a guy that gets great sexual satisfaction from dressing in women’s clothing.Of course, my girlfriend knows all about my cross-dressing. In fact, she encourages me to cross-dress. Once a week, generally on a...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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Altered Fates Hawaii Five 0 A Womans Work is with a Gun

Altered Fates Hawaii Five 0 - A Woman's Work is with a Gun By Danielle J Based on a teleplay by Glen Olson and Rod Baker This story is dedicated to the late Leonard Freeman, creator of one of my favorite television shows, Hawaii Five 0. Author's note- I've been toying with the idea of doing an AF Hawaii Five episode 0 for years. One season seven episode, A Woman's Work is with a Gun, was best suited for making a few TG modifications to. The trouble was, I hadn't seen the episode in...

4 years ago
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The Night Bus Journey With A Horny Milf 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone! This is Neeraj and I am back after like a year. A lot has happened over the time and I hope to share all of my stories with you here. I stay in Bangalore. Feel free to contact me anytime for feedbacks, chatting, hangouts or anything. ;) This is a multi-part story, so stay tuned for the next parts. * * * This happened some 8 months ago. I was in Bangalore and had to go to Mumbai on a short notice. Reluctantly, I booked sleeper bus tickets as flight and train tickets were not...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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A New Domination Ch 03

I awoke one morning with what must be the most superb, the most lascivious sensation any guy can ever experience. My mother was working her tongue around my cock, bathing it with her moist lips and stroking my morning woody close to explosion. She knew from experience the signs of my impending climax, and used her well developed oral skills to keep me on the edge for what seemed ages. I howled in desperation while she laughed, a low sensuous sound, knowing that, for a short time, she was in...

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Futas Wild PassionChapter 15 Futarsquos Incestuous Domination

I charged at Ms. Petrov from her desk in the middle of the office to where she stood to whip my ass. The leather cuffs dangled from my left wrist. My ass burned from her whipping me. I was tired of it. Tired of submitting to her. My anger boiled through me and I didn’t care about anything else. I thought I could handle some BDSM play. I truly did. But Ms. Petrov was just a bitch. She made sure I came without her permission while she was fucking me with her strap-on. She took my cherry with...

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Changes Abound Mayas Journey Part 3

Changes Abound: Maya's Journey Part 3 A Cross-dressing story by Maria Ski Well Maya, or should that be Peter, is a little bit of a dark horse. By hiding her singing talent like that. And by how natural she is being a girl. So I think it's time we actually heard from the lady herself. So it's over to you Maya... Hello dear reader my name is Maya Hunter. And for the first 17 years of my life I was called Peter. I have just turned 18 and I am a pre- operative transsexual woman. Or...

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Sweet Torture Domination Kin I II

This story was posted before by the name of The Domination Kin, and refused by mistake by the system when I tried to edit it. I re-posted it with the second part and some slight changes. Hope you enjoy it. Cheers, A2O ----- Sweet Torture Part I -Intro- When I decided to come spend the weekend at my hated father’s beach house, just two weeks after my divorce, I had absolutely no idea it would end up in pleasure, pain, and death. Yes, death. Did I deserve revenge on my father, a chance...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Femboy Domination

In this world, femboys have risen to a position of power and domination over other genders. They are admired for their beauty, grace, and intelligence, and their society is built on a foundation of power. sex and femboy domination. The world is united into one empire, led by a powerful femboy queen who rules with a cruel and domineering. Femboys are respected for their leadership skills, and they have created a society that values intelligence, fear, and cruelty above all else. Femboys are free...

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Journey Into A Beautiful World 8211 Part I

I am Raju, a software engineer from Anakapalli and this is my journey into a pleasant and happy world. The source of happiness was none other than my family which was usual for everybody but in my case it was a bit different. My family consists of my mom (Jaya, 40 years), dad (Vijay Kumar, 55 years) and my elder sister (Priyanka, 23 years, she is fondly called Chitti). I completed my engineering in Hyderabad and in campus selection got a job in a MNC. So at age 21 I was earning handsomely....


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