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DUMMY by Throne Teddy wasn't particularly interested in ventriloquists but, when he saw the poster for Zarrina outside a small theater in the unfamiliar neighborhood he was enraptured. She was a leggy blond in a captivating outfit. Along with high heels and fishnet tights, she wore a some sort of clinging, high-cut shorts and a fancy dress shirt. Over the shirt was a swallowtail coat. Her stage attire was complete by a black top hat. As he stood there gazing at the poster, her eyes seemed to stare at him and hold him where he was. He shook off the feeling of being controlled and walked away, though he couldn't help looking back -- twice. Then he found a little caf? on a side street where he had a cup of tea and an unfamiliar type of fancy pastry. His plan was to head home after that but he found himself lingering. When he finally left, instead of walking toward a subway station he went back toward the theater. It was only half an hour until show time and the admission was reasonable, so he convinced himself that he should buy a ticket just to satisfy his curiosity. There was no one selling tickets so he strolled around the block. When he returned there was not only an old woman occupying the booth, but a dozen people lined up in front. Teddy's interest was piqued by the arrival of that many people. As he got in the back of the line several more arrived. He took time to check the other posters, which he had only glanced at previously, to see if there was anything else as interesting as Zarrina among them. Trained dogs. A juggler. Maxwell the Magician. And 'Your Genial Master of Ceremonies', some guy named Able Abelard. What was the big appeal of these retro acts? Maybe it was just the novelty of them that attracted an audience. It did have a kind of reverse attraction, with acts so out of fashion. Anyway, his main interest was in seeing Zarrina. He bought a ticket and entered the modest room, whose floor slanted down gradually toward an unimpressive stage. On the way toward a seat down front he overheard two guys talking about their own magic acts, so part of the appeal must to others who also worked in the hinterlands of show business. Whatever. Teddy sat in a thickly cushioned seat and relaxed. Piano music began, coming from an old upright positioned alongside the stage, being play by a guy who appeared to be as old as the instrument and wore suspenders, sleeve garters, and a straw skimmer. He even sported a big, old fashioned mustache, upswept at its ends. The tune was something from long ago that Teddy recognized but couldn't name. The room gradually filled to near capacity and then a plump man in a plaid suit swept out onto the stage and introduced himself as Able Abelard. He told a few tame but funny jokes. The pianist accompanied him on a song about the joys of old time entertainment, and then Abelard introduced the dog act, which was greeted by generous applause. After they were done the host delivered a few more jokes and brought on the juggler, who was followed by the magician, Maxwell. Of course, Teddy told himself, the only performance he wanted to see was last. It was worth the wait. Zarrina was even sexier than her picture. She carried two trunks which she set behind her. The emcee brought her a chair and she sat, opened the nearest trunk, and swung a dummy onto her attractive lap. It was a standard goofy looking guy in a checked shirt. When she threw her voice the effect was entirely convincing. Teddy found himself drawn in completely by her skill as much as her looks. He laughed along with the rest of the crowd. Then she introduced her second dummy, a cute girl figure. Their repartee was naughty without being dirty. It went over even better than the first part of her act. Zarrina's big finish was to put one dummy on each knee and engage in a rapid-fire three way conversation that delighted everyone. She left the stage to spirited applause. Teddy couldn't stop clapping. Then she returned for one more bow. Zarrina locked eyes with him and smiled. She turned her head to the backstage area and nodded. He nodded back at her, guessing -- hoping -- that she wanted him to visit her there. After the room was nearly empty he went up the three steps at the side of the stage and ventured into the shadows and down a narrow hall, arriving at a door with her name on it. He knocked lightly and her voice called out, telling him to enter. Fearing that he had misread her gestures and she was expecting someone else, he nevertheless opened the door and leaned in. "Um, Miss Zarrina?" She chuckled, "Just Zarrina will do. It's only my stage name. Come in, please. Have a seat." She was at her make-up table and there was only one other chair, close to her in the undersized room. Teddy sat and risked a smile. She grinned back at him and said, "I couldn't miss the way you were staring at me. It's nice to be appreciated. And you obviously like my act, too." "Well, yes. You're quite talented." "More than you imagine," she replied and then added, "Would you like to help me? I'm giving a private performance shortly and need someone to work with me." "I..." He was startled but didn't want to miss a chance to be around her. "... I'd love to." "Good. Because I need your permission to do what comes next." He didn't understand what she meant as Zarrina gestured, both arms moving. Her hands started to glow and beads of colored light shot from her fingertips. Teddy's jaw dropped. The air rippled around her. Did she have magical powers? It was the only explanation he could think of. Any doubts he possessed were eliminated when she pointed directly at him and he felt himself begin to shrink. The ventriloquist appeared to grow taller as he dwindled in size, until she was towering over him. At the same time he felt his limbs grow numb. She leaned down and picked him up effortlessly. As she turned he saw the pair of them reflected in her dressing room mirror. Teddy couldn't believe it. He had been transformed into a dummy with a caricature of his own face. Zarrina chuckled at his plight. He felt her hand touching a mechanism in his back. She said, "Teddy, do you like me?" Out of his control, his mechanical jaw moved and he said, "Oh, yes, Zarrina, I would do ANYthing for you." "That's right," she told him. "You certainly will. Now let's get to that private engagement." A wave of her free hand caused a luminous door to appear in the air before them. She stood up, opened it and, supporting him on her bent arm, stepped through. Suddenly they were in a low-ceillinged room with fancy chairs and couches spread around it, all of them facing toward a low platform against one wall. There were drapes hung behind the platform and Teddy realized it was meant to be a stage. Sitting and sipping drinks were a collection of exotic people. They all wore antique styles of clothing, much of it made of leather. Most of the men sported neatly trimmed facial hair and the women showed off with dramatic make-up and jewelry. Several greeted Zarrina by name as she circulated among them and chatted. Teddy could only let himself be carried around, pointed at, and prodded. When one tall busty woman in a low-cut dress stroked his chest he felt a physical response between his thighs. He was able to become aroused. The woman put her hand on his crotch and he could feel that somehow he had an erection. To Zarrina the tall female said, "It appears that your performance this evening is going to have an added appeal to it." "I hope so," Zarrina replied. "I call it THE TRANSFORMATION OF TEDDY." "How interesting. Was this Teddy person foolish enough to volunteer?" "Yes. It was so easy. I merely gave him the slightest hint that I was interested in him in a sexual way and he said what I needed to hear." The other woman laughed softly. "Well, I suppose you could say that you ARE interested in him that way. I've seen your acts before, dear, and there is always plenty of that included." Fear coursed through Teddy's mind. What was going to happen to him? As a magic user, Zarrina could do anything to him. Her use of the word 'Transformation' terrified him. He was desperately trying to think of a way to communicate with her, to plead for release, when she moved to the stage. There was a scattering of applause as she sat on an ornate chair and settled him on her knee. She looked at him and said, "Teddy, have you been a good boy today?" His mouth opened and he claimed that he had. All at once his nose began to grow. His eyes crossed comically as he stared at it. Everyone laughed. Then Zarinna said, "See what happens when you lie? Now what did you do bad today? Did you have impure thoughts?" He again told her no, but his time -- as his nose shrank -- it was his penis that lengthened, shoving through the unfastened fly of his pants. The audience found that hilariously funny. Teddy was ashamed but could do nothing to cover himself. Zarrina lightly swatted his rampant organ several times. The stimulation was astounding. His entire body was seized by sexual response. Even though the shaft appeared to be made of wood, to him it felt like very sensitive flesh. "Teddy," she said scoldingly, "put that nasty thing away." "No," his voice told her. "I'll do this instead." His head lunged at her full bust and his mouth pressed into one round breast. Again he was overcome by a jolt of sexual energy. His need was incapacitating. He wanted to put his hands on her but had zero control over his limbs. Zarrina pretended to be trying to pull his mouth away but instead pushed it more firmly against her pliancy. She said with feigned anger, "I'm going to have to punish you for this, Teddy." She lifted him, at last breaking the contact between his lips and her breast, and undid his pants, which promptly fell to his ankles, provoking fresh laughter. Then she flipped him over and proceeded to spank his bare wooden bottom. Teddy felt real pain and, to his distress, still more sexual arousal. She didn't stop swatting his buttocks until he was crying out for mercy. Or rather, her voice was imitating his cries. Then she sat him up again, pants still down, manhood still rigid. To the watchers she said, "What do you think? If he can't control that thing down there, does he deserve to even have it?" To his horror they all shouted out that he should lose it. From the corner of his eye he could see Zarrina smirking. As she moved his head, making him shake it 'no', he couldn't miss that all the onlookers were leaning forward hungrily, eager to see him suffer some emasculating punishment that he didn't even deserve, having been unable to decide what his new body should do. The woman on whose lap he sat asked everyone, "Should I make this naughty stick of his shorter?" When they all cried out in the affirmative she put one finger against the tip of his realistic member and applied pressure. Teddy was appalled to see part of its length vanish inside him. She called out, "More?" Again they agreed. The second push reduced it to half its original extension. Everyone found that wildly funny. Two more pushes and all that remained was the head. Zarrina grinned at her audience and announced, "This is the ideal way to deal with a randy fellow like this. He can still get excited, but now there's no way for him to gain any relief." She paused for effect. "Don't believe me? Well, how about if I take him around the room and some of your alluring ladies can try your hardest to make him spurt?" All the females clapped and then waved for her to come to them first. The men exchanged amused comments, obviously knowing that what Zarrina had suggested was true. Teddy leaned just how true when the first female, a slender Asian in a tight dress that was slit to nearly the top of her thigh, and that featured a keyhole cleavage cut-out, ran her delicate hands all over him, even sliding them up under his shirt to tease his nipples. (He had nipples?) The next one, a full-figured goth type in a latex bodysuit, massaged his little wooden balls and, when he thought he might actually prove Zarrina wrong and manage to ejaculate, forced them up into his body as well. It caused pain and pleasure simultaneously but the latter won out and he rose to the highest level of neediness yet. At that moment he would have done anything for release from his frustration. Exactly then Zarrina asked him, "If it will make me happy, Teddy, may I keep you as my plaything for as long as I wish?" His single thought was to please her, so he miraculously re-took control of his voice, if only for a second, and said, "Yes." The crowd went wild. He had given permission a second time. A booming male voice said, "His fate is sealed. That witch will NEVER set him free." Zarrina asserted, "I certainly won't. This is too much fun. He had lustful thoughts about me and now he can have them all he wants -- so long as he accepts that he will never ever reach fulfillment. In fact -- " She tilted Teddy back so that he could see the wicked expression that took over her face. " -- I know I way to make his predicament even worse. Oh, this will be the ultimate comeuppance for the type of man who wants to get his dirty hands on me." Inside his head, Teddy's silenced voice shrieked for her to not alter him even further. But she had no intention of stopping, and the watchers were as eager as she was to see him suffer even more. Zarrina carried him to yet another woman, this one a stunning olive-skinned beauty with full lips and high cheekbones, as well as a thrusting bosom. She announced in a sexily accented voice, "I will elevate him to such urgency that he has never imagined possible." She finished undressing him and then put on a show for everyone, rubbing him against every part of her voluptuous form until he was reduced to mindlessness by impossibly intense need. That was when Zarrina took him back and, with a smile, ran her talented hands over every part of him. He was aware that his painted on body hair flaked and fell away. Then his chest and bottom swelled into feminine forms. His waist narrowed, feet and hands grew smaller, and the hair on his head extended until it fell over his now narrow and slightly down-sloped shoulders. Finally, she stroked his face, on and on. Though he couldn't see that changes, he knew his lips were becoming bowed, nose shrinking, and all contours becoming softer. With a magical gesture she produced a make-up kit and invited several ladies to come and apply the cosmetics to his features. "Be careful," Zarrina cautioned. "What you're putting on him is permanent." "Sure," said one of them. "Unless you decide later to make it even more outrageous." That triggered amused reactions. Teddy could only accept passively the prolonged session of remaking his face. When they were done, Zarrina magically produced a mirror which showed him his heavily made-up face and cartoonishly sexualized body. Zarrina lowered him until his feet rested on the stage's floor. Then she uttered an incantation. Teddy felt his body grow warm. She had returned him to flesh and blood but with his new, unwanted look. He was a short sex doll with overblown curves. All the men were peering down at him with perverse interest. So were all the women. He wanted to hide his so very unmanly form but al he could do was pass one forearm across his heavy boobs and put his opposite hand over his crotch, where the nubbin end of his penis had been made even smaller, so that it looked more like a clitoris. Someone smacked his bottom and he unthinkingly threw his arms wide. The guffaws that led to made him try to cover up again, his big bust refusing to stay behind his slender arm. He fled around the room but there was no visible exit. People stepped in front of him, making him dodge this way and that, so that he showed off his new physique from multiple angles. Rough male hands picked him up to make a public display of his pink, hairless state. One woman swept him up and pretended he was a baby as she cradled him in her arms and, in a most unmotherly way, toyed with his incredibly receptive nipples. That one handed him to another who kissed him full on the lips, thrusting her tongue into his mouth to keep his arousal at its almost painful heights. Hours later the party finally wound down. Teddy couldn't believe all that he had experienced. Then Zarrina took him and made the magical door appear once more, so she could exit through it. As they re- entered the theater he again became a wooden dummy, though still retaining his feminine likeness. She carefully set him inside a velvet lined case, faintly smelling of perfume, then closed and locked it. He felt himself being carried away and had to stay in the dark, obsessing over his predicament, until at last he was set down and the case opened once more. He was in Zarrina's home, in her bedroom. She set him up on her dresser so that he could watch her undress and slip into a brief, filmy nightie. Then she lay down on top of the covers and stretched like a cat. "Poor Teddy," she sighed, "trapped in his new girlyness, doomed to perpetual horniness, and headed for plenty more encounters with my kinky friends from the worlds of magic. We are going to have sooooo much fun. Won't it be nice? And I'll give you a pretty new name. How about Taffy? Yes? Okay." He could only stare at her longingly, his loins throbbing with yearning. His head was still spinning from all that had happened in such a short time. He couldn't absorb it yet. But of course he would have plenty of time for that later. Years and years and years. And the way Zarrina gazed at him through half-lidded eyes, he knew that every day and night would be filled with happenings that would continue to change him, at times physically, always psychologically. For Teddy -- now Taffy -- there would be no turning back. THE END???

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The Erotic Tales of Bucephalus

Chapter 1Dreams come. Dreams go.As always, our lovemaking begins in a dark place lost in time eternal.We’ve done this before. Where? When? I’m not sure, but like the other times, I watch her as she preens. She loves the tension … the delay … the anticipation … the sensuousness unfolding. Her eyes hold a Cimmerian darkness, a barbarity of delights. Her tummy bulges over her black patch. A depression in the geography, the belly button acts as a beguiling sinkhole waiting to engulf the universe,...

2 years ago
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Mom Is My Secret Wife

Mine is a simple Bengali family currently living in Mumbai. My father Biplab is 50 years old and works in a bank. He is an average Bengali Babu, frail in structure, tall and a chain smoker, who is henpecked by his wife – my mother. My mom, Sumona is a busty, buxom Bengali lady who makes heads turn even at the age of 42. She loves and cares for my family a lot. But lately, she often tends to yell at and punish me and my father for even the smallest of mistakes. I suspect that her shrewd nature...

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Anas Quest Fort of Fear

You are Ana of Grane, a peasant girl from a small village on the western frontier of Erotilia. One day, while walking around the woods, you found an abandoned suit of armour and an old longsword. You took it as a sign and began your new life as an adventurer. Now, you journey around the world in search of treasures and adventure.

2 years ago
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FredChapter 13

ALLISON CONTINUED HER affectionate explorations in the boat while we sailed to the island. She kissed me more than once, on my neck and on my cheek, and spent most of the trip with her hand on my thigh. This was a full-girl press. She’s an affectionate child, a sensual one who loves to be held and stroked and petted, a demon for massages, we’ve known that of her since she was little, but on this trip her displays of affection began to take on on a distinct sexual note. As far as we knew her...

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A River in Egypt

by DiscipleN -- my first story posted here -- don't be gentle Why would a mature woman find pleasure in resisting her desires? I ask myself that question about three times a day, and usually my family has to suffer the answer. I know I am not normal. No responsible mother would risk her children's future sexuality simply to resolve emotional troubles that have haunted her since her own childhood. My mother drank because my father liked to fuck drunk women. They would carouse the...

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I Sing

When I was born was always a mystery to me. My Pa never talked of my mother and so all I remember is being. He told me I looked like her when he was drunk but gave no hint how. My two little sisters, big brother, my Pa and I took care of the farm up in the Mountains of Kentucky. Pa and Sam worked the fields. I worked the house, raised the twins. Terry and Merry were my first loves. So little and frail, they mewed like kittens when I first remember them. Golden hair, blue eyes peeked above the...

3 years ago
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Life Ka Pehla Sex Apni Mami Ke Sath

Hello ISS lover friends…! Firstly i’d like to introduce myself, I am Aryan 23, 5’09” height slim athletic built, a cute handsome guy,from patna but currently living in Chandigarh and working as Engineer in an automobile production company. Now continue the story in hindi to make you experience the real feel. Guys main aap sab ko bata du ki ye meri pehli story hai, isse pehle maine bahut si websites pe kai stories padhi thi fir maine socha ki q na main bhi apni story aap sab ko bataun. Ye kahani...

4 years ago
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I sat nervously in the reception area of our local physiotherapist. She was smoking hot and I was paying good money just to see her under false pretenses. A few minutes past before she breezed into the room looking at her board. She looked straight at me and called my name out. Not hard to do as I was the only one there, but I liked the idea that she knows who I am. I followed her down the passage, my nose picking up the sweet scent of her perfume, lightly applied, yet it had control of me...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Sarah Chapter 7

Hank got off of the couch and walked over to the table. Sarah lay on the table, her eyes closed and her breathing slow and deep. She seemed to be sleeping but he thought it more likely that her body had just shut down. He thought back over the last few hours and he figured she had finally had enough. He looked at her cute little breasts sitting up on her chest. Her nipples were still hard, they were pink and perfect. His eyes flowed down her body past her tight stomach and down to her...

2 years ago
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A manpretty husband is controlled by his wife into dressing up as a woman and taking a male lover

I couldn’t believe that Susan, my wife of two and a half years would really do this to me. Yet here I sat in the back seat of our Olds wearing a short blue satin cocktail dress. The slinky skirt kept riding up my smoothly shaven, nylon-clad thighs to display a provocative glimpse of pretty pink lace. Susan had insisted that I dress for the costume party from the skin out. Except for the girdle which held me tightly between my legs, my underwear was a matching set in the softest shade of...

4 years ago
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Springtime in Paris

After my first year of university, I visited Paris in early May to take in the sights. One particular day is very memorable.I visited Montmarte and Sacré-Cœur and then I wandered along to Place Pigalle, the “red light” district.In front of one of the sex clubs, an older, grandmotherly lady with curly grey hair approached me and asked, “Would you like to look? It’s free.”I hesitated for a moment, but thought to myself, “Why not?” and followed her inside. She led me up some stairs and said, “It’s...

1 year ago
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The other guys dick

The other guys dick is a bit shorter than mine so you manage to fit a bit more of it in your mouth. I'm on pussy duties and make damn sure every thrust goes deep and hard. I say to our stunt cock "Holy Fuck! Look at her arse. It's just about fucking perfect". He opens his eyes looks at your arse, groans and says "Fuck yeah, I'd love to try out that tight shit hole." He looks down at you with his raw cock sliding in and out of your mouth. "Baby, can I Fuck your ass?" You let his stiff dick out...

4 years ago
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Package Deal 3

Introduction: Conclusion to the tale of two sisters. Package Deal 3 (Characters and base plot by Impax) Shellie, 21 yr-old older sister. Lauren, 17 yr-old little sister. Rick, me Shellies fiancé,. Story so far: Shellie agreed to marry me as long as it didnt bother her younger sister Lauren. Lauren meanwhile had been crushing on me and tried to use my desire to please her to take me for herself. I confessed the situation to Shellie who decided I teach Lauren a lesson by giving her...

1 year ago
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The Lift

It was late afternoon, I was still at work, daydreaming. Thinking of how my lover would caress and kiss my body all over that night. Just then my boss walked in giving me a large document to type. Damn, I wanted to get home early. I wanted to surprise my fiancé by lying with his choice of favorite lingerie on the bed when he got home. So much for that fantasy, I got on the phone and called my fiancé to tell him I would be late at work. He said he would see me at home. I started to...

2 years ago
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Steves Awakening

Steve loved his job as a Paramedic and paramedic instructor. He had been working for 15 years helping people. Very seldom did he get a thank you. But that was ok for him. Steve also enjoyed teaching. Plus the extra money he made allowed him to live a decent life. Steve never had much of a love life. With his work and strange working hours it was hard to find someone to be with. Steve was transporting a man from the nursing home to the hospital. Steve knew his patient from the many times he...

3 years ago
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The Van 2

Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy... Mark had been watching...

4 years ago
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San Antonio Our First Threesome

(MMF, wife-sharing)After lounging around the apartment complex pool for most of the afternoon, it was getting too hot for me to stay - even with generous amounts of sunscreen. Glancing over to my wife, Linda, I smiled in appreciation of how sexy she truly was. Linda was sitting on the chaise with her eyes closed. Wearing just a string bikini, she was baking herself to get a gorgeous golden brown tan. At 5’4” and 120 pounds, Linda wasn’t skinny. She had all the right curves and her succulent...

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The year was 1876 the country was reeling in shock and horror over the Battle Of The Little Big Horn, there was talk of revenge but many were scared of what the Red Indians would do next which is why 17 year old Jake and his 16 year brother Joe were helping Sara and her sister home from town, both boys were good shots with the rifle and handgun and were much sort after for protecting ranches. At 18 Sara was hot headed and moaned about being treated like a kid by 2 gunslingers, as they rode...

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Paperround chapter 5

The Paper-round Chapter 5 By oopster "I said, it's time to get up sleepy head." John head peered over me in the cot as he pulled down the side gate and reached to lift me out. He was strong enough to lift me, but it seemed to me that it was becoming less and less of an effort for him, it also looked like he was growing, or was I shrinking, either way, I was still too tired to care. "Now after your morning enema, we'll get you dressed, because David is coming over again...

2 years ago
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Bound And Chained

Bound And Chained By: V.L. Marquette Lightly edited By: Ravyn Again, I'm going to take this time to tell anyone who is intersected in myworks, that I will make this public warning, hear and now. Just this once soyou don't have to be concerned about editing it out if you read my work chapterby chapter. Besides I get very tired of having to repeat myself over and overagain. (Authors Note) This is a work of fiction. Telling anyone that any resemblanceto anyone living or dead seems a tad silly, as...

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My Piano Teacher

When, I was 18 I got extremely interested in piano lessons. Well luck have it just across from my house was a piano teacher MS. Clapton and she was married to a man named Roger. I just called him Mr. Clapton out respect and I called Heather Ms. Clapton. MS. Clapton was a beautiful young woman in her 30’s nice brunette hair that fell to her shoulders, and she had very beautiful brown eyes. Ms. Clapton was 5’6 and was around 110-120 lbs she’s was absolutely stunning. I knew I had to get lessons...

1 year ago
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Stockholm revisited

Kay faced away from me and handed me the shower gel, placing a large amount of gel in my hands I started to soap Kay’s back working from the top downwards to her butt. Kay sighed slightly when she turned to face me and told me to soap her breasts, as I started to work on her breasts Kay’s left hand suddenly wrapped around my cock while her right hand was working her own pussy. Kay removed her hand from between her legs and started to rub the head of my cock up and down her soapy slit, come on...

3 years ago
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Kinbaku Fire and Ice

I could tell something weighed heavy on her mind. I mentioned that I had noticed a change in her and was a bit worried and that she could tell me anything. After a long silence she crawled on to my lap, tucked her arms and legs in to her body and nestled her head on my chest. It is her favorite position to be in, after we had fucked. She said that she didn’t know how to tell me, that recently, each time she had an orgasm, it felt as if a little piece of it remained deep inside her. It had been...

4 years ago
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Cd crossdresser sissy caught by mom and dad

Backstory - I just turned 19, in college and still live in my hometown with my parents. I've been crossdressing on and off for the last probably 10-12 years. Till I was about 15 it was just whatever my sister or mom had that I could get my hands on while they were gone. Then when I was 15, I would order some online, or sneak out and go to a store right before they'd close. I've only told two girls, one who didn't believe me and the other who was supportive but didn't really care. For the last...

4 years ago
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The Ten of Them Chapter 21

For whatever reason, Sam hadn’t experienced a Christmas in her life. Most parents love the excuse to spoil their kids that Christmas gives them. After Sam’s visit to her grandmother’s home I think I understand why Sam hasn’t had a Christmas. Her grandmother appeared to barely make ends meet and had for a very long time judging from the poor condition the home was in. During the last chapter Ron and Reese return and both separated from the military. George and Alyssa return from...

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Shantini my teacher

Hi, guys it’s me Arun again, with yet another experience. Your overwhelming comments have encouraged me to come out with all my secrets. Thank you all for the good ratings that you people gave me for my earlier postings. That is an inspiration for me to come up with another incident. This was happened when I was 18 years old; I was almost grown well with nice body and arms with handsome personality, and I was an intelligent student in the class and was dragging the attentions of our lecturers...

2 years ago
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It was winter break of my sophomore year of college and I wasn’t exactly eager to be spending the next few weeks at home. Sure, I missed my family and my neighborhood friends but college had changed me. I had filled out both physically and mentally and wasn’t ready to suddenly fall back in line with my parent’s rules. Long hours at the gym and long nights under Kayla, a horny sorority girl who lived in the same dorm, made sure of that. Going home would be fun at first but I knew all too well...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 28

July 21, 1976 Sean McCray sat at the table next to Tim. He was still feeling a little stung by the dressing down he had gotten from Benny and tended to keep his distance from him. Yet, he had to admit that the kids had delivered more than what they had contracted to pay him and his sister. After paying the commission to the real estate company, he was personally getting $6,911 out of the sale. This was more than he had expected after learning about the real condition of the house. The...

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ScourgeChapter 13

With the base compromised, the rebels are forced to move what remains of their equipment and themselves to another location. After the battle and the release of the chemical agent, what was left of the Scourge, quickly retreated. It doesn’t mean the human’s enemy is gone for good, but temporarily stopped. Because the fungal invader would be back meant they had to leave. “How bad is it?” Gunnar asks as he approaches Kate leaving the general’s side a few hours after the battle. Kate looks at...

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