Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 10 free porn video

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That brought her mind back to the ship, their new home, and her father. No one had ever named the great ship or the hollow moon she floated in. Béla realized that a telepathic race would have no need to name objects and things; they simply projected images to each other. She suspected that her father was simply patronizing her when he had allowed her to name their great venture.

Moving her wings slightly, she rolled and looked ‘down’ in another direction. There was a small town far below her. The concept of ‘up’ and ‘down’ was still slightly disorienting. From where she was right now, everywhere was ‘down’. Béla knew that when she got to the surface, everywhere would be ‘up’, or ‘over’, but not ‘down’.

She had flown out a small distance from the great ship, fuming that her father wouldn’t let her fly to the surface alongside one of the cargo carriers. She knew, of course, that the only safe passage was via the North or South poles, but she chaffed at having to ride in a cargo carrier like a ‘grounder’ to get there.

Her thoughts reminded her that she would be expected to show up in the cargo bay for transport to the surface, soon. She looked around for the great ship, suddenly realizing she’d drifted some distance from it. It was so tiny that she missed the little black dot against the landscape behind it, and had to search for it mentally. Once she knew where it was, she could see it and began to fly toward it.

Not realizing it, she was already falling toward the surface far below. Drifting with the gradually increasing wind, Béla was being carried away from the great ship faster than she could fly toward it. After several moments of flying as fast and as hard as she could, Béla realized she was in serious trouble.

'Again? Shit and God Damn!' she thought disgustedly.

The air around her was becoming more turbulent. Béla spread her wings wide, trying to decide what to do. She couldn’t fly up. The wind pushed her sideways faster than she could climb, and sideways was another direction of DOWN! She realized with considerable nervousness and upset that she was going to have to match her speed to the growing landscape beneath her, or be smashed against the inner surface by the centrifical forces surrounding her.

In her flights around the inside of Deimos, Béla had encountered this problem a couple of times, but tiny Deimos was much smaller than New Eden and the air turbulence between the center of that moon and its inner surface was miniscule. The dangerous part about flying around inside Deimos had been the treacherously uneven landscape and the rapid, wobbly rotation.

Béla knew, from her studies, that there was a relatively calm cushion of air that rotated near the same speed as the surface below her. During a storm, that air cushion could extend up for several thousand feet, depending mainly on the temperatures and velocities of the air masses involved.

‘I’m flying the wrong way!’ Béla realized, as she fought against the increasing wind velocity. ‘I should be using the wind to help me speed up!’

She arched her back and flipped over, stalling out, and began diving even faster toward the surface, picking up speed with the wind behind her, now. That was good, because she needed a *lot* of speed. She also needed a towering cushion of air to dive into, so she could change her trajectory to skim the inner surface and not slam into it.

Now flying as fast as she could in the same direction the wind was carrying her, Béla desperately began searching below and behind her for a towering storm cloud she could dive into. The turbulence and air pockets she flew into kept spinning her around and carrying her hundreds of feet up, then down. She’d had to fold her wings behind her twice to keep them from being physically torn from her shoulder sockets. She was now helplessly caught in the same trap she had warned Elaine about the day before.

Far below, there was a huge cumulus cloud catching up with her. The updraft it was creating as it approached was pushing her up and away from it. Béla realized that she would be sucked down in a deadly air pocket once the cloud tower passed beneath her and there would be nothing she could do to prevent a fatal impact against the surface. She suspected that the smear she would leave on the surface wouldn’t regenerate, even with the help of her father’s advanced technology.

Béla moved her wings forward in her shoulder sockets, forming them back into arms and dived straight down, watching the cloud rapidly increase in size as it loomed beneath her. She dived, feeling the hopelessness of her situation as she watched the huge cloud racing by beneath her. She sobbed in defeat as she realized was going to miss. The violent updraft she was diving through wasn't permitting her to fall fast enough.

‘Curl up into a ball, Child!’ her father’s voice sounded inside her head.

Béla curled up into the smallest ball she could make, offering as little resistance against the terrific updraft as she could. No longer able to see where she was going, she plummeted downward, desperately hoping that the sensation of falling wasn’t the last thing she would ever feel.

She cried out in terror as a solid wall of icy black water blasted against her naked body from head to toe. Fighting her impulse to curl up even tighter against the freezing assault, she stretched out to catch herself in the vast, black storm, kiting her wings to match its fearsome velocity as the wind and rain tore at her and drove her violently down, then up, then down again.

Terrifying, dazzling, bolts of lightning crashed all around her, blinding her, deafening her, and confusing her until she had no idea where she was or which way to fly. Béla felt sick and dizzy from all the lightening blasts and the terrible, wild tumbling, her whole body numbed by the horrific shaking just from the thunder surrounding her. She was so freezing cold and wet that she could barely draw in a breath of that icy, water-filled wind and was amazed that she was alive and still flying. Uncertain and disoriented, she wildly kited her wings, blindly trying to remain aloft.

After several moments of violent tumbling and the desperate fight to keep her wings from being shredded and ripped from her body, she suddenly realized that the wind was no longer blasting wetly at her and threatening to flip her over. Daring to believe that she’d actually succeeded in matching the velocity of the inner surface, she spread her wings wide and glided with the wind, resting her burning, cramped wing and back muscles. Her lungs were raw from gasping wet, freezing air and every inch of her bare flesh was burning from the pelting of the cold rain as it whipped around her.

Still forcing her wings and body straight and ignoring every instinct to curl up and protect her bare skin from the freezing, pelting storm, Béla looked down at the cold, damp landscape floating serenely only a hundred feet below her, still blinking away the black spots caused by the lightning. A victorious shout of joy radiated from deep inside her soul. It was radiated back to her from many sources somewhere far above.

Béla realized that everyone on the great ship had become fearfully aware of her desperate situation and found themselves completely unable to help. Even from this distance, she could feel their joy and relief as they celebrated her success and survival.

‘If you didn’t want to ride with me, you could have just said so…’ Elaine petulantly thought at her, pretending to be annoyed.

Béla could feel Elaine’s tearful relief and knew that her sister had been through her own private hell, not knowing if her favorite sister was going to live, or die the horrible death Béla had described to her just the day before.

Spotting a farmhouse and anxious to get out of the cold, drizzling rain, Béla circled and banked toward it. Her speed was completely matched with the surface now, and flying here felt almost the same as flying on Earth. She landed and collapsed to the ground, unable to stand, her legs and body completely numb from the cold and no longer willing or able to obey. Her arms and back cramped from the strain of her ordeal. After trying to stand up twice and falling each time, she lay on the cold, wet ground for a while, simply letting the rain fall on her while she rested.

The cold rain that had been pelting her skin when she was aloft was, in reality, just a light sprinkle on the ground, although the wetness she lay in indicated that it had rained harder, earlier.

Struggling over onto her back, she could see that the landscape rose dizzily around the dark clouds in every direction. The crystal sun was shining on several edges, reminding Béla of a giant, constructed stage intended for an outdoor play. She couldn’t see the crystal sun, itself, because of the angry storm clouds rushing above her.

Finally catching her breath and feeling a slight promise in her body that it may someday obey her again, she looked at the farmhouse. Despite the fact that it looked dark and deserted, she could feel someone inside, weak and sick, radiating grief and longing for an end to lingering sickness and pain.

‘Let me help you,’ Béla called anxiously to the mind that had just brushed against hers.

‘Stay away… There is only death… for you… here…’ the person inside responded, desperately.

An image was attached to the response. ‘A slight headache, a dry cough, bleeding from sores that erupted on the skin, then fever, diarrhea and vomiting, causing incredible weakness. No one to help, your wife sick and dying, lying in her own feces. The smell of sickness and death, your wife lying next to you, dead and rotting. Death all around… too weak and sick to move, taking so long to die…'

Distressed by the images that the being inside the farmhouse had broadcast, Béla pulled herself up, forcing her own protesting muscles into action. She lumbered unsteadily up to the farmhouse door and pulled it open. The smell of rotted flesh was so strong it disoriented her and made her eyes water. She gagged and staggered backward. She could feel weak protests of her actions radiating from the unknown person inside.

‘Go away… You will die here!’

Béla braced herself against the overpowering smell and entered the small farmhouse. She found herself in a quaint little kitchen. The incredibly nauseous smell filled the small house. She hadn’t smelled anything that bad since she was killed and thrown into that mass grave in Germany fifty years… no, a hundred and some years ago. She still had to make adjustments in her thinking for the years she had lost inside the Praetor.

‘Please! Go Away… Let me die…’ the mind in the next room weakly insisted.

Béla peered into the next room. It was darker than the kitchen she’d just left. She could hear someone in the room, their every breath being drawn painfully into a terribly dry and agonized throat. The heavy smell of rotted flesh was even more sickening in here; so strong that it seemed to coat her mouth and throat with its rotted, oily stench. Béla threw open a window, letting in a fresh, cold wind and took a deep breath.

The fresh air whipped up the smell, making it even more intense. Béla gagged, unwilling to breathe the intense aroma that surrounded her. As the figure on the bed gazed weakly at her, Béla noted that it was surprised that a young, naked girl would suddenly appear. Even as sick as he was, he responded somewhat to her female nakedness. Béla felt the person radiate an incredible sadness that another beautiful, fragile young woman would soon be destroyed by this wasting sickness.

“I have no intention of dying,” Béla told him, trying not to gag as she approached the bed.

As her watering eyes adjusted to the darkness in the room and the smell, she could see that the man was lying in his own filth and vomit. It was impossible to tell how old he was. What was left was just skin and bones. He had been unable to care for himself for several days, maybe a week or even longer.

Someone was lying in the bed next to him. The rotting gray flesh frozen forever in a tooth-baring grimace of agony informed Béla of what her nose already knew. That person was beyond any assistance she could offer.

The frail man shook his head in denial as Béla sat down on the bed with him even as he radiated the agony the small effort caused him.

‘Surely you do not want… to die like this…’ his mind weakly screamed at her. ‘Please, leave while you can… It is already too late for me…’

Béla gazed into his eyes and radiated ‘Peace!’ at him. Looking around, she saw a knife among the dishes and rotted food on the filthy table next to the bed. Picking it up, she deftly slashed her wrist and held it over his face, letting her blood drip into his mouth. After a moment, the man weakly took her arm and pulled her wrist against his lips, sucking at her healing wound and making little animal whimpers as he forced himself to swallow her blood.

Béla could feel the man’s self-loathing at his own actions even though he was unable to stop himself from taking her blood and knowing that he was infecting her with his very touch. After several minutes, he passed out. He already looked younger and healthier.

Béla left him in the bed with his dead mate and looked around for something to protect her from the cold. Although there was no wind in the farmhouse, it was still cold. Besides, she didn’t plan to stay inside any longer than she had to – the smell was simply too intense.

She explored the sprawling little farmhouse as her new charge slept, breathing peacefully, probably for the first time in days or weeks. There was another bedroom with a set of twin beds in it, one bunk over the other. The room was messy, but empty of any more bodies. The next room was a storage room full of supplies. She found spare bedding, dragged it back through the two bedrooms and through the kitchen door going outside.

She reentered the farmhouse and began exploring the kitchen hoping to find something to eat. She found a can of processed meat and a can of peaches and took them back outside. Dropping them down on her new blanket she dragged her bedding farther from the house, wishing she could rinse the stench from the farmhouse off her, but also hoping it didn’t rain again and wet down her bedding.

Finally satisfied, Béla sat down on her blanket, then lay back and watched the low clouds race by overhead. After a moment, she remembered she was starving and pressed the button on the side of the can of meat, causing it to open. It was some kind of mush, most likely intended to be spread on a piece of bread or a cracker. She dipped her fingers into it and sucked a glob of it into her mouth. It had the texture of coarse peanut butter and smelled like brine water. She licked it off her fingers, deciding that it actually tasted pretty good if you held your breath. There was so much salt in it, she nearly gagged, but at least the salty taste of the canned meat byproduct replaced the foul taste of death in her mouth.

Béla looked at the other can and decided the meat paste probably wouldn’t go with the peaches, but she needed something to drink, so she opened the can and drank the juice. That took care of the excess salt flavoring in her mouth.

Exhausted, she fell into a troubled sleep, thinking about peaches, meat paste, and the horror that was in the farmhouse.


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Take a seat on Santas lap

"HO HO HO, MERRY CHRISTMAS" I cheerfully yell, waiving to the kids as I walk out of the reception hall. It's been a long night but I'm finally done and I can get out of this hot Santa suit. I've been doing the Santa gig for about 10 years now. Its something that I love doing and it provides me with a little extra cash for the holiday season. The smiles on the faces of the kids are absolutely priceless and there are always hot mommies to check out at every outing. I used to do the mall thing,...

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My new job

I took a deep breath and walked into my new office. It was my first day, and I had taken care to dress as casually as the man who'd interviewed me the previous week: A pressed pair of tan slacks, a sweater that was not-quite-too-tight, and a pair of comfortable shoes.I filled out the paperwork, and my new boss showed me to my assigned workstation, just outside his office. He was a man in his mid-40s with reading glasses and hair that was unable to decide if it was thinning faster, or graying...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 34 A Phone Call to Carol Turns My World UpsideDown

Sunday, April 10, 2005 (Continued) We encountered Vanessa and Andrew as we entered the house. Vanessa opened her mouth to say something but Julia jumped in first with, "Can't talk now, I'm super horny. We'll talk later." I barely had time to flush before I was being dragged upstairs. I heard Vanessa say to Andrew, "It must've been a good movie. Maybe you should take Sophia." As soon as we were in her room, Julia declared, "I've got a tampon in, so I need you to get me off in some...

3 years ago
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HomelessChapter 9 But wait

"Thank you, Nina. You're doing very well," as I took her panties from her. Better than I had dreamed. Both her holes looked so inviting in their own ways, I was having trouble deciding which hole to try first. I knew I wanted to degrade her as much as I could right now while she was feeling totally trapped. If I did my worst now and she submitted to it, everything else would be easy. So I decided to take the "road less traveled" (though in her case neither road was well traveled). I was...

3 years ago
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I take his Mancunt Gay

I must say Submissive sluts are my favourite type of partner. I get loads of requests from guys to use them as such. Occasionally a woman too. The following tale was originally sent to me, via an online swingers site, by a young newbie from nearby who claimed to be straight but was seeking a first time experience with a man.Needless to say he didnt turn up when it came to it but I kept his original message and later embellished it a little so that girls/guys on other sites could understand what...

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From Spoiled Niece to BitchSlave

From Spoiled Niece to Bitch-SlavePart 1By Sonya EsperantoE-mail:  [email protected] Story:Early Afternoon?Ok Brooke.  This is it!!  This is where you get off!!?  Brooke’s mom spoke in an exhausted but excited tone.?So you are dumping me in the middle of nowhere???  Brooke sounded upset.Brooke sat next to her mom,  while they were still inside her mom’s Honda.   Not far from where the car was parked were the gates of Brooke’s aunt’s house.  Her aunt was her mom’s sister.  As for...

4 years ago
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Teachers Punishment

As the new assistant dean of the Business department, I was determined to increase the caliber of our offerings to that of a four year university's. I planned to start by auditing some of the courses of the more experienced teachers to see what techniques they may be able to share with the rest of them. From the instructor evals, I see that Prof Randy PSR is very popular. I think I'll start with him first to see what the secret to his success is. Evening classes are typically filled with...

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I approached the door nervously. I was dressed in something relatively normal — well normal for this new life I guess. I was wearing pink panties, white stockings with matching garter belt, pink four inch heels, pink silk gloves and of course the black leather cuffs that were locked onto my wrists and ankles. I had been summoned, so there was no way I could hesitate safely. I knocked. Called inside, I quickly approached her chair and knelt before her. I knew better than to look around before...

2 years ago
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Wifes Colleague Radika Was Deflowered In Her Tight Salwar 8211 Part 3

Story Continuation ….. Please email me at with comments and suggestions She was seated on the commode cleaning her juices off her sexy thighs and love hole. She smiled and pulled me closer by holding the panty which was still on me forcing me to move closer to her. She then held my penis which was soft and of very small size. The moment she held, it started growing again but of just a normal size. She took water from tap and rinsed my penis with her hands and started cleaning it. She pulled...

2 years ago
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Naukrani Ki Beti Meri Rani 8211 Part 2

Usi din rat ko main Rama aunty ke bare mein soch raha tha, unka phone aaya. Woh boli, “Chhote sahib aap Renu se baat karna chahte the na? Main use phone deti hun.” Unhone phone Renu ko de diya, Renu ne halki awaj se bola, “Hello.” Main – Hello Renu kya tum akeli ho? Renu phone le ke ghar ke bahar chali gayi. Renu – Han sahib abhi main akeli hun. Main – Tuhmari maa ne humare bare mein sab kaha hai na? Renu – Ji sahib. Main – To tumhe shadi se aitraj to nahi? Renu – Nahi. Main – Tuhmara koi boy...

3 years ago
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This Seasons Essential Boots

The particular military-style boots are experiencing an increased demand in the market. By way of example no Trilateral points too there is absolutely no toe limit. Hope exaggeration to share that it reduced price tag louis vuitton totes on lower price sales range from the basic, specifically for men and women. As well, you should understand that you are indeed a dad or mom so you also have to think virtually. So with these characteristics, you can safely state that these basketball are among...

2 years ago
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Weer eens op visite bij Jos en Jan

Ik had afgesproken om rond 20:00 uur bij hen te zijn, dus rond die tijd belde ik bij hen aan. De deur werd geopend en Jos nodigde mij uit om verder te komen naar de huiskamer waar Jan zat te wachten. Ik nam plaats op de bank en er werd mij een kopje koffie aangeboden, waarbij het gesprek van start ging, gewoon over wat we allemaal in het dagelijkse leven beleefde op werk in in vrije tijd.Na een tijdje streelde Jos wat over mijn rug waarna hij mij een intense kus op mijn mond gaf. Zijn tong...

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Vice Cop Ch 12

Previously on Vice cop, Detective Mason Holmes and Lexa O’Neil moved into Manhattan as a live-in couple. A ‘headhunter’ serial killer was preying on New Yorkers and it was discovered that he was an esteemed professor from a university. Mason, hot on his tracks, finally confronted him and brought him to justice. Lexa was involved in the homicide case of a neurotic and love-crazed ballerina from the American Ballet Theater who beheaded her married lover and attempted to flee. This chapter has...

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Do It Yourself ProjectChapter 2

St. Celia's hospital is located about a ten minute drive from the park where the assault had just taken place. That is driving normally; Jeff made it in under six minutes that Friday night. The sight of Jeff carrying his mate through the emergency room doors caused a stir. They were suddenly besieged by nurses and a doctor. The ER staff guided Jeff, still with his precious burden, to a treatment room. They thought that was the best course of action, rather than attempt to remove the woman...

1 year ago
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MyWifesHotFriend Sarah Jessie 23781

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. So you’ve paid for an escort for the night, and you’ve turned the lights down low to set the mood right, but to also make sure that neither you nor her knows or sees too much, because as we know, the devil is in the details. So goes it for Damon, whose lackluster sex life with his wife has brought him to hire the dripping hot Sarah Jessie…only he doesn’t know it’s her – his wife’s good friend. And Sarah doesn’t know it’s Damon, at least not until she’s...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 16 A Learned Italian

Seizing in his arms the friend so long and ardently desired, Dantes almost carried him towards the window, in order to obtain a better view of his features by the aid of the imperfect light that struggled through the grating. He was a man of small stature, with hair blanched rather by suffering and sorrow than by age. He had a deep-set, penetrating eye, almost buried beneath the thick gray eyebrow, and a long (and still black) beard reaching down to his breast. His thin face, deeply furrowed...

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I was d by a real promiscuous cumdrippin slut

A few years ago, well more then a few, I was with a few coworkers in a bar in Old San Juan, we were all drinking and this beautiful blonde white girl with blue eyes had on a pair of very short daisy dukes there with a friend on vacation and I started to talk to her, she stopped me, thinking at 1st that I didn't speak English, she told me she was being harassed by some dude, to not leave her side and I didn't. We all later went across to a poolhall bar and she played horribly but who cared, I...

3 years ago
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Escape From LexingtonChapter 2

The walk back across the field was much faster than my crawl around it had been. Tara was excited that we were going to help slaves escape. I realized that we could be shot for doing it, but we could also be shot just because Mr. Tyler and his sons were assholes. At least this was a worthy cause. Then again, so was ridding the county of the Tyler brothers. My dad and Wanda should have gone to the sheriff this afternoon, so Mr. Tyler had probably started rounding up men to look for us by...

1 year ago
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Cuckold Turnon Moments2

This is a follow to our earlier posting of cuckold turnon moments. Most of the earlier version were contributed by me. These are mostly thought of by my wife.Home Invasion - There are times when my wife entertains in our home when I'm not there. These mostly occur during the day while I am at work. One of her favourites is to ask me to pick which rooms need to be cleaned that day. I'll tell her and she says, "OK, but I have a gentleman caller so I'll have to clean them when he leave, unless he...

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A unusual situation

I said sure and introduced myself to him. Hi I am George Davis and just moved here from NY. He said his name was Sam Greenwall and he needed to use my phone because he was leaving his wife and daughter because he was tired of all the bull shit everyday when he came home. I said I really didn't need to know why he wanted to use the phone. Then he said look I am 50 years old and I have been with this bitch for 15 years and all I want is to get the hell away. I guess I was just looking for...

1 year ago
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Bigboy and His Bitches 2

Introduction: Vickie recruits a friend for Bigboys use but gets sidetracked on the way home I keep daydreaming at work as my mind creates visions of me and Ronny, Aphrodite and Bigboy and also both of us with fatty and his pony cock. By the time I close the shop Im ready for Bigboys big cock to impale me deeply. I try to drive slow going home but my thighs squeeze constantly as I think of what is waiting for me there. My foot keeps subconsciously pressing harder on the accelerator as the...

4 years ago
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A girl goes to work for her Stepbrother Part 02

by Vanessa Evans Part 02 As we walked down the road Noah said, “I’ve been wanting to go into that shop for a couple of years now, but I never had a suitable girl to take in until you came along Olivia.” “Was that actually a compliment Noah?” “I guess that it was, I would, will be proud to take you anywhere Olivia.” Then Noah spoilt it a bit by adding, “Especially if you are dressed in some of the clothes that we just bought.” Never the less, it was a sort of compliment and I thought...

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On my way home

I was making my way home from work and I decided to take a different route, past your apartment. You were a beautiful, busty woman in her early/mid twenties. I was kind of unhappy that day. When I walked past, you were outside in the parking lot. You saw me, and called me over. When you saw I was unhappy, you asked me to come in and tell you about it. We got in, and you brought me a drink, and sat on the couch next to me. I started talking to you, and you asked me questions, and pretty quickly...

Straight Sex
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Secret Society in School part 1

“Hey, Chris! Anything we need to catch up on?” “No. I’m getting the new scores back in a couple of weeks. I got like three tests tomorrow, so I’m gonna go study for awhile. Thanks.” “Okay! E-mail me for anything!” I walked back, but the lunch room was full. So, I got a sandwich and water, and sat at a low table. The table had three seats, none of which were used. I sat down, pulled out one of the notebooks I needed, and started eating and studying. I had like thirty minutes of lunch...

2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 39

The roll up to the Holiday Season was not as easy as Selena had thought it might be. Her commitment to school intensified as it demanded more and more from her. Where she thought it was going to be a cruise control type of year she had given little thought to her legacy. There were major thesis to be written and New York State accreditation tests to pass to qualify for the licenses she would need to assume her position at WSG. Selena would not have any trouble fulfilling all of the scholastic...

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E E Ch 02

E&E The story continues. Lt. General Isaiah McDermott, USMC, Ret. looked in the side rear view mirror of the motor home as they pulled away from the saluting sentry at the gate of Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina. He knew this could be the last salute he might ever receive. He had given and received thousands of them during his thirty-four years as a Marine. Damned good years too, he thought. He turned and looked at his new bride and saw her watching him. She smiled at...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Autumn Falls Evil Starlets

Busty Latina teen Autumn Falls approaches hung stud Logan Long in lingerie and kisses him passionately. Logan pulls down her panties and reams her cunt from behind, till the comely girl turns around to suck his cock. Autumn slobbers as she gives a nasty blowjob. She soon hops onto his lap for furious twat fuck. The rowdy encounter includes a flashy tease sequence, steamy 69 and fervid cunt pounding. Logan bangs her as she lies face-down on the bed. He rewards the feisty fuck doll with a cum...

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The Birds BeesAnd babysitter

I wish I could have been a normal k** growing up but I had over protective parents, My name is Justin and at the time of this story I was 16 years old. I had been shielded by my parent my whole life, they tried to censor the music I listened too, the TV shows I watched and they would determine which friends I had by they way they looked, If they were wearing a heavy metal shirt or a shirt with swearing on it they told me I wasn't allowed to be friends with them. I had met a girl at school when...

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