Zoo free porn video

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‘I need to tell you about Zoo.’

Pete and Jenny were in bed when Pete said this – or nearly said it. Variations of those words floated inside his head. But though his mouth was open, they didn’t come out.

Instead Pete lay back, pressed his chin to his chest, and watched Jenny draw the valley of her tongue up the length of his dick.

What a relief: he was getting hard. Maybe he didn’t need to say anything about Zoo.


He’d seen Zoo that lunchtime. As he stomped his ski boots against the decking of the terrace outside the restaurant where he'd arranged to meet Jenny, Pete had looked back towards the run he’d completed. He watched another skier’s progress along the same route. It was only after she’d stopped by the restaurant, clipped off her skis, and lifted her hat that he realised who it was. Zoo. She was headed in his direction. Pete pulled his hat lower.

‘Pete?’ No mistaking her voice, rich as syrup. Zoo clunked next to him. ‘My God!’ They both reddened.

‘It’s – nice to see you,’ he said.

‘Nice,’ Zoo repeated, slowly. She pulled off her sunglasses. ‘You here alone?’

‘No, I –’ Pete said. ‘I’m with someone.’

‘I've missed you.’ Zoo held eye contact long enough to make it uncomfortable then turned, twisting on the tip of a ski boot, and headed for the restaurant door. She looked back. ‘Am I allowed to see you?’

‘Sure,’ he said. ‘Sometime.’

Zoo hesitated again, then went inside. Pete stayed out on the terrace until the sweat subsided from his forehead. 

Pete hadn’t thought about Zoo for ages. They’d met years ago at some stupid university party: he’d passed her in a corridor, she’d been leaning against a door frame, her legs crossed like toothbrushes in a cup. He was drunk and had lost his friends, and she was alone. So he stopped to talk.

That memory was clear. But nothing about the following few hours, and so he’d been surprised, waking in bed in the middle of the night, by Zoo’s fingers gripping his arm. She lay next to him, sleeping furiously, hot as a radiator, her teeth grinding. Her eyelids were scrunched shut like tiny wrung-out towels. 

Pete had shifted himself up and looked around. A tea-stained travel mug on its side by his mattress smelled of whisky and there was lipstick under its rim. A pair of silk panties lay underneath. He followed, with a wondering finger, the tracks of scratches on his chest. He ached. He must have done it at last. Lost his virginity. A pity he couldn’t remember it.

He looked at Zoo, and felt relieved that she was pretty. Her dark hair – he had no idea then if it was brown or black – was tucked behind her ears. Her other hand lay on the pillow; the tip of her thumb at her lips. Pete peeled the duvet down. Zoo was on her back, one leg drawn up to the side. Her naked body was firm and athletic enough to excite him afresh. Her skin glowed dully. Maybe her breasts were a bit small. Still. Odd that their dark nipples didn’t stick out – they seemed to sink back into her body. Curious, he touched one.

Zoo stirred. Her eyes widened then focused on him. She withdrew her thumb from her mouth and found his half-masted cock. Pete shifted onto his knees, proud of his growing erection. Zoo twisted onto her front across the bed and kneeled. Somehow she made his cock find its place naturally; first nuzzled into the crack of her backside, then, as Zoo inched forward, it slid until the tip touched the folds of her pussy. She pushed back and her warmth flooded his every nerve. Pete thrust against her and raw enthusiasm led him to take such deep strokes that he came out and entered her afresh every time. Sometimes he missed and he laughed, but each time she helped him back in Zoo sighed and bucked. Her spine twisted and caught the light. As Pete kept going, her knees slid apart on the mattress until she was almost flat on it. He was above her, his tender skin sliding over her back, his chin kneading her shoulder, until at the last moment he drew his hips back and came somewhere.

Pete lay next to Zoo, gasping. She stroked the sinews of his neck. He wanted her to say it had been wonderful.

‘You’re the second person I’ve slept with,’ she said. 

That was Zoo.


Pete saw Jenny as soon as he entered the restaurant. She was squeezed into a table seat by a window; the winter sun that came through it gave her a halo. When he sat down Jenny leaned across for a kiss. She had a beer ready.

‘Isn’t it amazing, Pete? A winter wonderland.’

Pete nodded. It had been his idea to do this before their wedding. Up here, in the thin air, you couldn’t think of anything else; only how your skis cut the snow, the click of chairlifts warmed by the sun, one more run, one more run. Verbier isn’t just a place, he’d said when he booked it. It’s an atmosphere.

Jenny couldn’t ski. She’d learn, though. With lessons in the morning they could ski together in the afternoon. That sounded fine to Pete.

And now they were finally here, Jenny was still smiling. ‘Want to hear about my lesson? You might never marry me if I tell you. I’ll add it to my hopeless list: Baking. Being On Time. Now Skiing. I’m going to sit a Master’s in hopelessness.’

Jenny chatted away, happy. He should have mentioned Zoo while she was like this. She’d have been curious, never jealous. He finished his beer quickly, listening to her. Jenny went for another. It might slow you down this afternoon, she said.

Pete watched her weave towards the bar and when she disappeared he looked around for Zoo.

He couldn’t see her. But he’d never known where Zoo was. That had been the problem. Even after that first time with her she’d confused him. The morning after she’d taken his virginity he’d stumbled into his en-suite and Zoo was on his loo, his toothbrush in her mouth, a trickle of toothpaste crawling down her chin. You and me, forever, she seemed to say.

Zoo had stayed all day without dressing and he spent most of the time staring at her. When he finally pulled on his boxers – out of sheepishness more than anything – she wrestled them off in a way that excited him. On her knees, in the middle of his room, she sucked him off with his underwear helpless at his ankles. The little come he had left fizzed through the gap between her front teeth and she held out her tongue to show him. He slumped to the floor and clung to her. The whole world was reduced to her and he wanted to tell her. But Zoo turned solemn then and placed a warning finger to his lips. Without a word, she dressed and left. He knew nothing about her. Only her first name: Zoo.


Jenny was grinning when she returned with the beer. ‘You look pensive,’ she said. ‘Having second thoughts?’

Pete looked up. ‘Second thoughts about what?’

‘Skiing with me.’

‘Just thinking,’ he said. Thinking about Zoo: about how after she’d left that time he hadn’t seen her for weeks. He couldn’t contact her: fruitless to look her up online. So he’d walked for miles around campus. He found her in a town bar with someone else. She’d looked at Pete as if she only just recognised him.

Through a friend he’d got her number and asked her to the pictures. She said yes, but didn’t appear. He arranged drinks. She called off. But every so often she’d turn up at his door and say hello in that low voice and she’d fuck him in her wild, sensual way. Sometimes she stayed the night, folded into him and he couldn’t picture her anywhere else. The next day: gone. He had other girlfriends, but only briefly. None compared to Zoo because so much was unknowable about her.

Jenny compared, of course. Pete stood. ‘Let’s ski, Jen. Let’s concentrate on the snow.’


‘Sure. I’ll catch you up. Just let me pee first.’

Pete had skied here before, and knew the toilets were through the back and that steam rose off the tiled floor there; he was careful not to slip. When he pushed through the toilet door, he held it open for the person behind him.

Zoo followed him in. 

Pete gasped when he saw her. ‘Zoo! You can’t come in here.' His voice echoed. His eyes darted around. The toilets were empty.

‘Are you married, Pete?’

Pete twisted his face. ‘Engaged. Why?’

Behind them the outer toilet door rattled, warning of an approach. Pete backed into a cubicle, and Zoo squeezed in behind. As she closed the cubicle door, a man’s ski-booted footsteps passed, heading for the urinal. He whistled.

‘Don’t let me stop you,’ Zoo whispered in Pete’s ear. ‘I’ve seen it before.’

Pete looked at her. He had no option. He turned his back and undid his ski pants. He heard Zoo slot the lock of the cubicle. It was as if a moth was fluttering inside him. He began to pee and tried to hold himself down and keep his aim.

Outside the cubicle the hand-drier roared. Footsteps grew louder and then dulled as the other man passed on his way out. Then silence.

‘How did you guess?’ he said, looking at the tiles above the cistern.

‘It’s a big ring.’ Zoo pressed up and looped her arm around him. ‘It was a shock.’ Her hand rested on the fingers holding his cock.

‘Don’t,’ he said. But he did not brush her away and after a moment his hand dropped and let her hold him as he urinated. Zoo began to stroke him with two fingers. He was hard; she was aiming nowhere. Up the cistern, the wall tiles. She drew his foreskin back tightly until the last dribble came out and she slid her wet fingers over the head.

‘Please. I’ve got to get back. Jenny – my fiancé – is waiting. I’ve got to ski.’

Zoo twisted him around. She was already squatting in her ski boots, ready to press his cock into her mouth.

Pete closed his eyes and spread his hands against the wall above her. Zoo held him at her lips, masturbating the base of his erection between forefinger and thumb. Then a tighter grip, adding another finger, then her whole fist working him. Then between her teeth and into her mouth.

Jesus. No-one knew him better.

At one point his cock wobbled and popped out and skidded up her cheek as far as her ear. Zoo grabbed it again and masturbated it violently and his dick looked obscene lolling like that outside his ski pants. Zoo thrust it back into her mouth. It poked out her cheek then touched the roof of her mouth, surrounded always by her tongue. 

This was crazy, but it was too late to think. He held himself still as he came in sharp pulses.

Zoo rolled back on her heels, against the tiles. Her brown eyes looked up at him. Some of his come had strayed on her lips and she licked it in an absent way.

‘Told you I missed you,’ she said.


Jenny and Pete completed a single run that afternoon. Jenny was all ungainly turns; on her back more often than not, skis crossed, but she would not give up. Pete helped her up each time.

At the bottom of the slope he suggested another try. But after rejoining the lift queue, a chattering of schoolchildren pushed past. It was enough for Jenny.

‘Fuck it,’ she said. ‘Let’s go back. Let’s make love, Pete.’

Jenny always called it that, when she talked about what they did in bed. 

At the chalet, Jenny clawed herself out of her ski suit and in her underwear poured them wine. Watching her do this was painful: it magnified her innocence. She sipped her drink and looked at him with those deep blue eyes of hers. Her hair spilled over her shoulders like a snowdrift. He found himself counting what he loved about her physically: her wonderful big breasts. Those legs. And hidden by her panties, her beautiful straw-coloured pubes.

She came over, began to undress him. I ought to shower first, he said. But Jenny wanted to make love now. Please. It’s what this holiday is about. Us.

They fell onto their bed. She nuzzled his neck and stroked him and kissed down his body until she reached his soft cock. He panicked: would Jenny taste something? Would he be able to get hard again? That’s when he wanted to tell her, not the truth, but something like it. But the words would not form.

But he did get hard and when his cock slumped out of Jenny’s mouth, she slid up his body and kissed him. He knew what she would do. When they made love, Jenny wanted their skin to touch at all times. It was his warmth, she said. She liked to be on her back on top of him and look down and see his cock enter her, and pull her legs wide. Like giving myself, she once said. I want to give myself to you.

They made love like that, Pete thrusting from below, Jenny’s hands tucked under her knees, pulling herself open. He focused on the physical act, because if he thought of much else, he’d soften with guilt. He concentrated on her white skin and the gasps she smothered by putting her mouth on his. He listened to the wet smack of each thrust. He grabbed at her breasts shifting up and down on her body, enjoying her nipples hard in his palms. And yet, in the rising moment when he came, it was the recollection of Zoo’s small, blind breasts and the slick bareness between her legs, that forced herself into his mind.

After, Jenny and Pete lay together. He’d always liked these moments with her. When he’d met Jenny – a couple of years after Zoo – it was this shared intimacy he appreciated most. Like Zoo, Jenny had stayed overnight the first time. But she'd given him her number and called later to ask, should we do lunch or something? Pete once told Jenny that he knew then that she was the one.

Even then, Zoo had briefly interfered. Maybe a week after he and Jenny had started dating he was alone in the flat he’d just moved into when the doorbell buzzed. When he answered, Zoo sidled into his living room and sat on his sofa, first dangling her legs over the end, then folding them under her. ‘You’ve stopped calling.’

Pete sat at a table, across from her. ‘Why do you care?’

Zoo didn’t seem to hear. She rose and went into his tiny kitchen. ‘I’ll make tea,’ she said. She remembered to hold down the kettle’s button; it wouldn’t boil otherwise.

Zoo laid his mug by his elbow. Behind him, her fingers pecked at him, adjusting his collar, stroking his hair this way and that.

‘I'm lonely without you,’ she said, her voice heavy and sweet, her breath oven-hot behind his ear.

His erection made him shift.

‘I love your dick. I love you,’ Zoo said.

Instinct drew his arm back to scoop Zoo forward, over the table until her upper body lay flat on it and her hips nudged the tea which lapped over the table. Pete lifted her jumper and tugged her leggings down. Her panties were baby blue with an intricate arabesque waistband, but not new.

‘This what you want. Isn’t it, Zoo?’

He tried to grip her but there was no hold. His hands slid into helpless claws that could only pull her panties aside. Just the look of her body drove him as wild as she was. He was inside her in a moment, and she was wet so their fucking made a raw, sucking sound that aroused him even more. 

Zoo looked back and urged him into her with her gasps. But he did not last long. Two or three thrusts and he pulled out and worked his foreskin forward and back. A watery burst shot out of him into the folds of her jumper.

Pete rested his hands on her cheeks. ‘That’s the last time, Zoo,’ he said. ‘Don't mess me around any more. I’m seeing someone. Maybe I love her.’


The sun shone every day of their skiing holiday. Even on the last day, the last run before lunch, the sun’s rays were so sharp that shadows striped the piste. Pete wasn’t thinking about Zoo when he roared around the bend before the restaurant. But there she was, at the side, her skis planted crosswise in the snow, waiting. He skidded to a stop just beyond her.

‘Would you meet me tonight?’ Zoo shouted. ‘By the hermitage? It won’t take long.’


That evening he looked out the chalet window. He could see the hermitage from there, so he could see Zoo too. She lay a little distance away, outstretched on a snow bank, in front of a copse of pine trees. She wore pale pink jeans and a black Puffa.

He came out and sat on the snow next to her. Out here, the air was so full you could bring it into your lungs and taste the woods behind and the snow below and the chocolate and diesel drifting from God knows where. Above them, dense stars lay uncountable; the moon sharpened to a blade.

‘A winter wonderland,’ Zoo said. ‘The best part of living here.’

 Pete wasn’t sure if she was joking. ‘I haven’t got long,’ he said. ‘Jenny’s showering.’

‘I’m a chalet girl, Pete. I like it. Gave me time to think about everything.’ Zoo’s words came out of her mouth in misty puffs.

‘That’s what you had to tell me?’

Zoo shook her head. ‘No. I wanted to ask if you still cared for me.’


Zoo cleared her throat. ‘Because I’d marry you.’

She sat up and hugged her knees. In front of her, the snow twinkled as if reflecting the sky. Her gaze lay on the ragged band of mountains across the valley, bleak and dark and barely visible. 

‘You're crazy. You always run away, Zoo. Always someone better.’

She made a noise; a sigh or a short laugh. She was still looking at the mountains and now he did too. He stared for so long he began to spy lonely gleams of light where people must be alive. 

‘It wasn’t about someone better,’ she said. ‘I just find it hard.’

A snow machine passed on the road in front of them. Zoo started to claw snow into balls either side of her. When it was quiet again, she said, ‘Did I ever tell you about the time I packed a suitcase when my dad left? I was eight. They found me at the train station.’

‘No,’ Pete said.

‘Two years later, my mum sat on my bed and told me my uncle had kissed her. That time I ran for days. And when my first boyfriend –’

Zoo stopped. Her head wilted. 

Peter’s fingertips skated over the snow to touch the back of her hand.

‘So what Zoo? What are you saying?’

Zoo’s looked at Pete’s mouth. ‘I’m saying this.’

She leaned in and kissed him. Everything was familiar about it. Its flavour, her tongue dragging along his teeth and outside over his lips and down to his neck. No-one could kiss like her. They were still kissing as he began to unbuckle himself and pull Zoo, stumbling, into the shelter of the pines.

There they faced each other. Their breathing formed wordless clouds between them.

He unzipped her jacket. Underneath she wore a plain t-shirt. She kneeled on a bed of pine needles to undo her own jeans, lowering them, with her panties, to her knees.

She looked fragile. Her body was gently yellowed by distant streetlights, but the exposed part of her was explicitly framed: her legs and her pussy, sharp as a paper-cut. They kissed again, mouths open, clacking teeth. Their breathing, through their noses, sounded like steam escaping.

Three of Pete’s fingers ploughed the length of Zoo’s slit, the middle one slipping inside. But there wasn’t time enough. He turned her and bent her onto hands and knees and fumbled with his buttons. He stared at her backside; the dark crevice dividing her cheeks, definite as an axe-cut. That view had haunted him. He levered out his cock behind her and pressed himself inside her and everything was known and intimate. A swelling that was more than physical; it was an urge to know, to understand, to hold the hand inside her. He built up a physical rhythm against her that sounded like twigs snapping. Zoo gripped the flaking soft bark at the base of a tree just in front of her head. Pete smacked harder, coming out and going in again until they tumbled sideways and righted themselves with his cock still in her and Zoo was moaning as if grieving. He shoved her t-shirt beyond her shoulder blades. Her spine formed a concave bowl that gathered pine needles in its hollow. Her skin shone as if the winter air was condensing on it. More whimpering gasps from Zoo. Pete tried to hold her hips, but it was the same as always: she was so slick that he had to keep adjusting his grip until he was clinging to the rubbery cheeks of her bottom with his fingernails.

Pete pulled out. Rested on his haunches.

‘I care, Zoo,’ he gasped. 'Always have.'

Zoo reached back and placed her hands right where Pete’s fingernails had left their impression, and when he saw this, Pete put his hand to his lips. He drooled over his fingers and smeared his cock until it shimmered. He leaned forward, held himself to Zoo’s backside and pressed, and at first nothing and then his cock was throttled by her tightness and Zoo slid forward, head against the ground. 

He couldn’t last. This whole thing couldn’t. He wondered what it would be like to come inside her again, and the act overtook the thought and he was releasing himself in constricted, glorious bursts. He held himself against her; he loved her smell, but she was so cold it made him shiver.

There was silence after Pete popped out of her, reared back and zipped himself up. Zoo lay as she was, her body still tense and presented to him. He saw himself seeping out of her backside. She was so still he was about to ask if she was okay when she rolled onto her side and then sat up. Up came her panties and her jeans. 

‘I have to hurry,’ Pete said. ‘She’ll be out.’ He brushed needles and snow off his jacket and his jeans, with precise care. ‘I mean – I can’t just – we can’t. Can we?’

No answer. He looked. Zoo was gone.


Next morning, on the airport bus, Pete gazed through the slush-spattered window, towards the other side of the valley. It was bathed by a weak sun and he could make out clusters of houses, more than he’d thought.

Jenny tugged at him. ‘Hey dreamy, don’t look sad. What are you thinking?’

‘Just wondering,’ Pete said.

‘Wondering what?’

‘About those people on that mountain, isolated. How can they live up there?’

‘Who knows?’ Jenny rested her head on Pete’s shoulder. ‘But that’s why I love you, Pete. You’re always thinking about others.’






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It all started innocently enough. I was on a business trip to LA, and was exhausted from a grueling day of meetings, presentations, and networking with sales staff at the company I was contracted to. In the cab on the way back to the hotel, I decided I would get a hot meal, A massage, and follow that up with a hot shower and some needed sleep before my very early morning flight back to NYC. Upon arriving to my suite, I called and ordered a nice meal of DimSum and some fried noodles with lobster...

1 year ago
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Taboo masturbation 3

Continued...as we left this story...."only if she could fuck me in my ass while I masturbated for her as well. I agreed and she quickly got out of bed, ran to the bathroom and returned with her dildo..."I made my way back to her bedside, trying not to appear to anxious. I paused to take in her beauty. Her breasts are perfect C cup, her nipples swollen with excitement. Her stomach flat from hours spent in the gym. Her legs long and smooth, proof that running and biking kept her in great shape....

2 years ago
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Lily and Beth

An attempt to make a true story into eroticism…This is my own work, and copyrighted as such. No attempt should be made to copy or redistribute in any form on any other site.I’ll begin with the fights.My neighbour’s daughter, Beth (heavy build, late 30s, brunette hair always tied back from her forehead in a chavvy ponytail) was going through a very messy divorce. She’d moved back in next door with her daughter, Lily, but her ex was a regular visitor. Most of these visits were loud, shouty, and...

3 years ago
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Mistress Turns into Professor

Hello people, This is Ram. I am studying in Kerala. I m 20 yrs of age’s have always been addicted to porn and kinky stuff right from my c***dhood. When I first came to hostel, I found a new thing on the net, it’s called Femdom.Very soon I got addicted to this forgot every other thing in my life and started thinking of femdom continuously. For them who don’t know let me tell you what is femdom. Femdom is a type of sexual act in which the male is submissive to a dominant female. The male gives...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER 3: GETTING NOTICEDThe months passed like a blur. It was a rush of learning and growing in the job, finding new connections in the business beyond the walls of the office or even the building. I continued to dedicate myself to the job performance but that really was all I knew. And, I continued to be flexible and willing to experiment when it came to sex in the office.My first and second month evaluations turned out to be breezes. Sara sat me down in a conference room on the 5th floor...

2 years ago
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The Trial

                                  The Trail My god how could this happen to us. This was just to be a week of hiking for us as part of our attempt to complete the whole trail in the next few years. Here we were naked, our wrists bound by a course and heavy rope, and a rope around our necks from one to the other as the bushes and brambles scratching or bodies. Where was he taking us and what was he going to do to us? This all started just 2 days ago as we had left on our vacation to hike about...

2 years ago
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Walker Between the WorldsChapter 18

Chris' parents were very gracious, and both of them managed, in the face of our demonstration that a relationship really did exist, to avoid anything embarrassing. Chris had been right. My appearance in a bit of designer dinner wear and snugly tucked under his arm completely disarmed the both of them. Still, the evening wasn't without its potential pitfalls. "Well, my dear," Mrs. Kimble asked over our roast duck and seasoned potatoes. "Where did you disappear to for such a long...

1 year ago
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Slaves of a Druglord

Told from the wife’s perspective. This is one of my longest stand alone tales. ***** I remember this starting with Tim and I scarcely believing our good luck. A five bedroom bungalow on a deserted coast along the Caribbean Sea in Panama, close to the Columbian border. The price was a steal since it was the off season. Tim used a portion of his advance for the novel he was working on to pay for part of it and I used some of the money my mother left me to cover the rest. Two months in the...

1 year ago
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Another Goal Achieved Ch 2

Tossing our clothing aside as we ran up the stairs Jacquee was the first to make it to the top and into her bedroom. She held out her arms, inviting me to embrace her naked body. I moved into her waiting embrace... I cannot describe the feeling of her naked breasts pressing against my chest or how firm her ass felt as my hands massaged it. Our hands roamed over each other’s body, caressing and massaging each other. I gently laid her down on to the pillows and laid down aside of her. I took her...

2 years ago
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Project Boyfriend Part 2

Knowing that the serum worked only on the subject's face, I realized that I need more DNA samples from Chris in order to make this work. I texted Chris, asking to go out with him for a "bro drinking session" tomorrow in which he replied immediately saying that he would love to come. Knowing that my plans are set into motion, I decided to get a well-deserved rest as it was a long day ahead tomorrow. [Next Morning] I checked up on the guest room to see how Abigail is doing but to...

3 years ago
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My BrotherMy Love

The room was dark, the light of the television providing a flickering glow that only half lit the place. The volume on the TV was low enough that you could hear the storm outside. The wind blew in heavy gusts. Raindrops would go from a constant patter on the room to a heavy torrent. It was about 9:00pm.Michael and I were sprawled out on the sofa, a heavy throw d****d over us. I remember that we were watching Jurassic Park III. It wasn’t very good but that hardly mattered. It was a Saturday...

3 years ago
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A Mothers MistakesChapter 9

As had happened a lot lately, Chris was in a daze the next morning when he got up. He knew what happened last night wasn't a dream... it had been unbelievable, but not a dream. For the first time, he found that he felt guilty. It almost seemed that he had taken advantage of his mother. She had obviously had too much to drink last night and he could have stopped things before they went too far. Unfortunately, he hadn't had the moral character and now he feared that his mother would somehow...

3 years ago
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Mother in Laws Education

I recently posted a couple of experiences involving my mother in law. This episode explains how our relationship blossomed.Unfortunately some of this will have to be told from the 3rd. Party. After the last episode Joan and I copulated whenever possible and experimented with toy’s etc. To broaden her horizons. One afternoon after a particularly heavy session we sat together when all of a sudden I saw Joan’s next door neighbour’s daughter arriving home from school. We both knew Sally well as...

1 year ago
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HotwifeXXX Maya Farrell Maya Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Best friend Chad had no idea he had a birthday surprise waiting for him and when he realized his homies girlfriend Maya’s pussy was the gift, Chad was stunned. Maya confidently relaxed Chad onto the bed and pulled out his swollen fat cock and enjoyed stuffing it inside her hot cock hungry mouth as her boyfriend sat and watched along. As Chad slowly squeezed his dick inside her tight pussy, Maya’s pussy got wetter and she could not believe how big and fat it was as he stretched her...

1 year ago
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The ImamChapter 25

BIRTH 3rd of Shabanul Karim 1417 (December 25, 1996) Pain. A knee in the groin. The ankle twisting on a misshapen rock. The fingers caught in a car door. The toe which bangs against a table leg. The elbow which can no longer swing the tennis racket. The whiplash from a tailgating taxicab. The stomach after spices. The heart pumping through hardening arteries. The liver diluting whiskey. Coughing from blackened lungs. The lower back straining upon a lumpy mattress. The hip which fractures...

2 years ago
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Lust In Space Chapter 8

"Would you like something to drink while you rest, my king?" Tara asked."That would be nice, yes. A king works up quite a thirst caring for his people!" I smiled weakly.Tara clapped her hands twice and one of the other temple attendants came in. Tara whispered something to her and she left momentarily, returning with what appeared to be a very ornately decorated clay decanter. She poured out some of the red liquid inside into a cup and Tara handed it to me."Here you are my king," she...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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A lovers touch

Dozing on the bed you find yourself to warm for comfort, you raise and sit up in bed. The air is heavy and warm; outside it’s a hot summer’s day. You decide that really you should be getting out of bed and sorting out the day’s tasks. However this was not what you really wanted to do and raising from the bed you walked to the window. Pulling back the curtains you found the window not to be open, lifting the latch you open the window, which was greeted by a cool breeze.Lazily you walked back to...

2 years ago
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Just Passing Time

Hey! thanks for the response on my previous stories. I’m glad you liked it. Here is another one I hope you enjoy coz I certainly enjoyed it. If you want you can contact me at Last month my parents had gone to Delhi to attend a family function leaving me all alone in our house at Dehradun for a week. I spent the first few days just lounging around, watching tv, sleeping & getting bored. Being all alone wasn’t that much fun as I had earlier expected it to be. On saturday afternoon after getting...

1 year ago
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First time swinging

Swingers, we thought, were nasty. That is, until we ourselves became swingers. Our story like many stories starts with a marriage of 19 years. My wife Nancy and I enjoyed sex, but it had become predictable, not spontaneous, somewhat boring! Then we started considering becoming swingers, but not quickly and not all at once. We used to have fantasies of having sex with other couples while we would have sex. I would tell my wife that she was being fucked by another man as I was fucking her in her...

2 years ago
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Jack stared at his phone in confusion, but decided to tap on the mysterious app that had appeared. A screen is displayed. M - Mind B - Body R - Reality There's then a ToS section.

Mind Control
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A Trip To Joanns

It had been three months since my wife went away for four days giving me the opportunity to be a free woman. I was missing that wonderful weekend of unbridled sex and cross-dressing. There were no more opportunities on the horizon leaving me quite hopeless. In my despair, I surfed the internet for porn and cross-dressing sites when I came across a site called “Joann’s Shop”. It had the greatest selection of clothing, wigs, undergarments, and breast forms I had ever seen before. They also had...

3 years ago
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tre la nouvelle femme de chambre

?tre la nouvelle femme de chambre 1 Je ne sais toujours pas comment c'est possible. Je suis l? devant la glace, maquill?e et mes longs cheveux retenus en arri?re pour former une queue de cheval, dans une jupe noire avec un petit tablier ? volants tenu au dos par un joli n?ud, un chemisier beige sigl? au nom de l'h?tel, des salom? ? petits talons carr?s aux pieds. Pourtant, je suis un gar?on. Je ne devrais pas ?tre ici mais en train de faire la f?te ou de tra?ner mon ennui de cet ?t? qui n'en finit pas. Ma...

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The Devil Made Me Do ItChapter 4 Mandy Gives it Up

Thursday afternoon I arrived at the library precisely at 3:30. I took the same table at the back where I had previously met with Mandy. Five minutes later she arrived. I was quite surprised to learn that she had read all the material that I had assigned and had listed three potential topics for her paper. We discussed the topics and she settled on the role of American industrialists in motivating the cold war. She chose as her objective to convince the reader that the cold war was motivated...

1 year ago
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Wrong place right time

One day in class I got really beside myself, and when she asked me a question I decided to be a smart ass and told her to figure it out on her own. This did not go unnoticed by her, and she quickly reprimanded me. She actually stopped class, told everyone to take out a book and study. Then she called me into her office. While she was ripping me a new one with English and Asian words, her phone ranged. She was so pissed off, that she just let the answering machine get it. It was kind...

1 year ago
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Brooke Cant DrinkChapter 11

Delon went home and Doug pulled the car into the garage. As soon as the garage door closed behind us I got out and grabbed my skirt and blouse. I went around the car and opened Doug’s door. I wasn’t as shocked as I probably should have been when I noticed that he had an erection. He saw me staring at it. He blushed furiously but I leaned down and kissed his cheek while pressing my hand down against his hard cock. I didn’t think he’d want me kissing him on the lips after what he just...

2 years ago
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 53

Feeling as though she had been horse riding for hours, Bridget walked the last few hundred yards along the street towards home. She could smell the aroma of food coming from the flat even before she had opened the door. She hadn't eaten the whole day and the smell made her realise how hungry she was. "You're back" Bern called "Yes finally" She hadn't even had time to take off her shoes before the questions were thrown at her like a volley of automatic gunfire. "How are you? Do you...

2 years ago
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Caught By Neighbour Aunty

Hello, everyone of indian sex stories dot net, I am Sam from Nagpur and I am 21 years old. I am in final year of engineering.I am fair and loves pussy licking. This story which I am going to tell you happened 3 months ago.If u liked the story u can give feedback on my email id I am explaining the story now in Hindi. Ye bat kuch 3 mahine pehle ki hai jab meri 6th-semester ki exams khatam hogyi thi. Mai abhi bhi virgin tha aur porn videos aur sex stories bhot padta tha issi karan se mujme sex...

4 years ago
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Adventures behind the lens 1 Tina

Striking up conversations in public is easy enough in the States, but even if I have a few lines memorized in this different language, it all goes out the window when she responds with words that you don’t recognize. This brings me to the internet, where I can use a translator to get to know a woman. Unfortunately the website that is their version of what Craigslist used to be is completely useless. You can spend months writing to women and making ads, and come up with nothing but fake...

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Julians Adventures

"I'm Dave," the short, chubby blonde man said as he let me in his hotel room. "Hello Dave, I'm Julian--nice to meet you," I said, with a nasty grin, as I shook his hand. We sat down on the bed. This was going to be a good time with a younger twenty-something cock. Younger cocks are nice, because they get so rock solid. My name is Julian, and I suck cock for fun. Cock sucking has become my favorite pastime. I started out curious, and from the first time my tongue tasted a cock slit, I have never...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Bondage Joy

Categories: Bondage Forced Sex Crossdressing Synopsis: This story was told to the author by a friend shortly before her dear friend passed away. It occurred many years ago, was intensely personal, private and told to me alone. It is a love story. The names have been changed, naturally. Bondage Joy By Janet Baker He held me down -- I struggled against him, I tried to kick but he avoided my flailing legs. He held...

4 years ago
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My Moms Best Friends Wedding Part Two

"That's really super, Supergirl How you saved yourself in seconds flat And your friends are going to say That's really super, Supergirl" Danny was daydreaming as his mom drove him to the mall. She had just picked him up at the bus to surprise him with news that they would need to get some clothes for him to get used to wearing a skirt. He had already spent the day in a bra and panties, and it felt really nice. He enjoyed having this secret; his friends totally unsuspecting of the...

1 year ago
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The BlemsChapter 2

Again Ray walked to work, at least all the odors outside weren't overwhelming him. Walking into the office he saw that he was early, good he thought now he'd see if they had really adjusted him so that his senses didn't drive him crazy. Twenty minutes later his co-workers started to slowly file in, each wide eyed when they saw that Ray was already there and working. The woman that he'd been with the day before slowly walked by his deak and slid him a piece of paper, looking up Ray stared...

2 years ago
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I Fucked My Sexy Aunt 8211 Part V

Hello to all my dear friends of Iss my name is raj n I am from Mumbai. I’m 19yrs old n m studying in college I am a regular reader of this site n i enjoy all stories here specially the incest and aunties, bhabhies n threesome stories a lot n also group stories too n I just love this all So before starting my story I want to tell u guys pls comment on my story whether u like or not like on so that I can know how to improve my next story better n I am not a writer so there may be grammatical...

3 years ago
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Demetrius Ch 2223

Chapter 22 If you can’t fight and you can’t flee, flow. Connie had her hands full in trying to convince George she was a female. He made her cry when he indicated she was living her life in denial, since she had a penis. ‘I mean it’s silly for you to have a penis and not realize you are a male at some level,’ he said trying to understand better, hoping she could provide some insight. He wasn’t trying to be mean but he wanted to hear how she resolved things in her own way. She thought he...

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Lucy Bruce and Janie and me Pt4

Next morning I woke alone. Lucy had got up without waking me. I could smell coffee. I guess she was making breakfast. I went into my bathroom did the morning rituals. As I soaped myself up in the shower I got a huge hardon. Remembering the sex I'd had. Images of a beautiful bald pussy stretched around a thick hard cock. A pussy I'd put my mouth onto and then emptied my cum into. There was no rush to do anything. No parental pressure to perform weekend chores. After I dried off I went back to my...

2 years ago
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A Gift From the Cosmos

I remember the day that I had received “The Gift.” It was unlike any other day in my life, or in history for that matter. I was always a space junkie. When I was a kid my room was covered with star stickers. I had all the constellations on my ceiling. You could point to any star and ask me what it was, and I’d be able to tell you. I had tapes and DVDs of every space show, movie and shuttle launch ever made. Well, maybe not all of them, but you get my point. For my 19th birthday, I got a brand...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Silent VigilChapter 4 TwoFiveThree

“Two-five-three?” Spencer asked, rising from his seat at the front desk and hobbling into a back room. There was a massive rack of old keys hanging from a wooden board in there, and he began to search through them, adjusting his spectacles as he read off the floor numbers. “The same floor as your office, yes?” “That’s right,” Ethan replied. “Whatever do you want to get into that room for?” Spencer asked as he pulled down the correct key ring. “Most of the suites on that floor have been...

4 years ago
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I had a long rough week at work, so Saturday night I knew I was gonna hunt down a good time.  I joined some friends for drinks at a local bar and was disappointed at the lack of eye candy.  After a few rounds of drinks, I went outside for a smoke.  While smoking this fine lady started up a conversation with me.  I was very surprised, most people won't talk to me in public.  I'm 6'3" and about 230 with a shaved head and an athletic build.  Most people take me for a skinhead or a biker...I'm an...

3 years ago
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Caught Lying

“Hi Girls, did you get to the shops?” I looked at the two girls. Jessica, my 23-year-old older sister. Caroline, also 23 years old, a friend of my sister. Caroline has one of those do as I say types of voice, but both girls have strong personalities. A real handful at times. Both slim with long dark hair, both dressed today in vest tops, very short or even non-existent skirts, and bare legs and as always when in the house, shoeless. I hoped I would get away with what I had done. Why shouldn’t I...

2 years ago
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You and I

Author's note: First person narration represents your cock, the true main character of this tale. (Italicized font.) Second person narration represents the human perspective of the person belonging to this cock. What causes your cock to grow into sentience is unnamed and unknown. Perhaps this is the first stage of a strange alien invasion. Maybe it's the next step of human evolution, as humans slip slowly into unutterable stupidity their gonads must begin taking over to ensure the survival of...


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