From Gary To Greta Part II A free porn video

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This sequel to "from gary to greta" is written by me and is called "from gary to greta part ii a" in order to show the different ideas I had with the story before my domme mistress whose name will not be revealed wrote her sequels to my original story. As time will tell her stories do have a different approach than mine. Nevertheless I believe they are both worth reading. One of her sequels was posted yesterday and there are quite a few more to come I believe on a day to day basis because i posted all parts written by her already to fictionmania. This isn?t meant to be read by people underage so if you are too young or don?t like tg-stories please stop reading. From gary to greta part ii a by greta the next morning I woke up and heard my wife andrea in the shower. I just lay there with half closed eyes and tried to recall my dream of last night. Wow what a crazy dream it was. I smiled to myself. In the dream andrea had shaved my whole body, had put me into a babydoll and had me admit I was a sissy. How stupid was that? Oh gosh, my bladder was killing me. I had to get up to relive myself. I threw back the cover and my eye caught my arm encased in pink. My eyes grew an inch wider. I looked down at myself. Fuck! I was wearing a babydoll. I lifted it very slowly, pulled up my legs. Oh my god. I had no hair on my body and it all came crashing down. I didn?t even inspect my panties. I knew a pink heart was luring underneath. Boy, oh boy. It wasn?t a dream at all! Darn! Was I now a sissy to my wife, er mistress wife? Well, from conituing to recoujnt yesterdays events I obviously was. I knew I had to set the record straight but then I remembered all those incriminating pictures, the website she could launch any moment. Oh god, I was doomed indeed. My bladder! I jumped out of the bed and saw pink slippers bdeing placed there. Why did she put her slippers at my side? I looked at the bathroom door and around the bedroom as if somebody could be watching and hesitantly tried them. They were a bit tight but not too bad. Thanks god I didn?t have too big feet. I quickly took them off again. I didn?t want her to see me in them and went rushing to the bathroom. She was still in the shower but obviously she heard me getting in. "Morning sissy sleepyhead. Trust you slept well. Hurry up we have lots of shopping to do today." "Err, yes", I got out with a raspy voice. "I mean I am fine, just need to pee." "Don?t forget to sit down like a good sissy, do you hear me? Sissies do not stand like men when they pee, they do sit. I don?t want you ever again to stand up when you pee." "Oh honey, can?t we drop this sissy stuff. You know I am a man and no sissy for christ sake." The water stopped running. The door to the stall opened. I still stood in front of the toilet. "You forget your manners greta. I wanted to be nice to you and you start all this bullshit from yesterday again. I thought we had made a big step ahead and now you try walking backwards again. I won?t have it. Look at you, wearing a pink babydoll, pink panties, having all hair shaved off your body except for a delightful also pink heart above your cocky. Don?t give me that bullshit again. You are a sissy or have you ever seen a man looking like you? Now sit down immediately and never ever forget your manners again, otherwise I have to think about launching this webpage. Is that clear to you s I s s y g r e t a?" I turned beetred, hung my head and slowly sat down. All of a sudden i couldn?t pee anymore. Maybe it was the embarrassment or the awkward sitting position, I don?t know. I looked up at her. "Does my little sissy greta has trouble peeing like a girl? You shouldn?t. It is just your nature, girly boys like you sit down and pee." While she spoke to me in an almost soothing voice I started to relax and almost involuntarily the first drops of pee trickled out of me and she heard it too. "There you go sissy. Now let if flow like a good girlyboy. Then take a quick shower, don?t even wash your hair. I had the idea to take you to my salon before we go shopping. I wonder if janice can do something nice with your hair? You haven?t had a cut in quite a while. The hair is practically touching your shoulders. I think you would look really cute with a pageboy cut." Meanwhile I had finished to pee and when I wanted to shake off the last drops she advised me to pick toiletpaper and wipe myself dry down there because that?s what sissies do. Only men would shake off those drops." So I grabbed some paper and wiped myself dutifully. "Now hop into the shower. I get ready in the meantime and off we go. We can have breakfast later." While I showered I recalled her suggestion of a pageboy cut. She must really be out of her mind. I would look like a freak. No way I am going through with this I thought. When I was done I walked to our bedroom. She had already dressed and I saw some of her clothes laying on the bed. I dropped my towel and started to take my boxers out of the drawer. "No, you won?t wear boxers. Those days are over for you greta. Pantytime has arrived deary. No more mens underwear, we agreed on that. Here take this yellow one from me. Later we?ll buy you your own so you don?t have to borrow mine anymore. I took the yellow panties and slowly pulled them up my smooth legs. It gave me goosbumps and my cock started to rise. Andrea obviously saw what was happening. See, only a sissy would get goosebumps and a hardon while putting on his panties. I couldn?t even imagine a real man doing that. You must admit you aren?t a real man. Tell me what you are greta and say it loud." I blushed deeply and hung my head. My hardon was too obvious to denied it. Darn, was I really a sissy after all? Looking down at me it made all sense from her point of view but I wasn?t a sissy. No, I wasn?t i decided. So I shook my head. "No, i, I am not a sissy. Yes, I know from your point of view... "What the hell is going on with you? You are realoly stubborn, aren?t you? I?ve had it with you. Now I am going to launch your new webpage. Oh, I wonder how many people will look at the new you?" "Wait, please wait. Don?t do that. You would completely ruin. Wait. I am sorry. Yes, I err, i, i, darn, I am a sissy." "Ok. Once again. Who are you?" "I am a sissy. I am your sissy greta." "Will you give me any more trouble today sissy greta?" "No mistress andrea. I will do as you wish." "That?s what I wanted to hear. I was really losing my patience with you. As a punishment for another of your outburst I think i?ll ask janice also some things than just a haircut for you. You know there is always room for, hmm, how should I say, enhancements perhaps. Yes, enhancements for your appearance." "Oh dear. What do you have in mind? Please don?t let them turn me into a freak." "You will definetely not look like a freak but just lets say I want you to dress and look like what reflects your new status in our relationship. I think a househubby has the right to look a little soft and feminine and this image certainly goes well with you." "But, but mistress andrea, I don?t want to look soft and feminine." "Oh, but it is your right to look like that. Have you ever seen a househubby looking like a weightlifter, you know all macholike? I haven?t. Now lets stop this discussion. I am getting tired of explaining the reasons to you. It seems since you lost your job you have gotten a bit ditzy dear as if you couldn?t follow my perfectly plausible reasons." Then she handed me a pink camisole of hers. I put it on and it was just slightly tight on me. "We?ll get you also some of those undershirts I just gave to you. Its the same like with the panties. You can?t keep borrowing them from me." Next came obvioulsy a blouse of hers matching the color of the camisole. When I had donned it she held a pair of her slacks in her hands. "These might by too tight for you. Hmm, I think you don?t even have to try them. No, they won?t fit, so you can wear one of your pants. Still, do you want to make me happy?" "Err, yes, of course I want to make you happy mistress andrea." "That is so nice of you. Here put this pantyhose on. You?ll love the feel on your freshly shaven legs sissy greta." I blushed again and thought of refusing the honor to wear her pantyhose but then I thought about what I was already wearing. Under my panty they wouldn?t be visible anyway and hmm, maybe she was right, and it would feel great on my legs. I took the pantyhose. "Please can you help me with these mistress andrea? I have never worn pantyhose before. I don?t know how to put them on." "Of course sissy, of course I help you. After a few times you?ll become an expert in putting on pantyhose but now let me help you." With my wifes help in no time the pantyhose was on and yes, my cock reacted as feared. She lightly rubbed my crotch. "Sissy likes?" She purred. I just could nod still ashamed having these new feelings. She must be right. I am a sissy after all. Each time I put on something feminine my cock gets rockhard. "Well. Just will it down. We don?t have time to take care of that. Put on your shoes now, grab a jacket and off we go to the mall." "Err, can?t I wear socks?" "Definetely not. Why would you? It would be like putting on a skirt and over the skirt some pants. Don?t be ridiculuous. Besides if you don?t sit and show your legs to all the world nobody will see your pantyhose." So I just put on my shoes and off we went. Only with a slight difference to our outings from before. When we walked to our mercedes-benz ml 350 she stopped in her tracks. "Greta, would you hand me the keys please?" I dived in my pocket and have them to her. "Just to let you know. From now on I am driving as I am the head of the family. Maybe when we are in paris i?ll buy you a nice little car so you can do the grocery shopping and stuff like that but I don?t think this car reflects your new status. It has simply become too big for you." With that she opened the passenger door and motioned for me to come around. "Hop in like a good sissy." I hesitated a moment, realising the new situation, blushed, nodded slowly and sat inside. Then we drove off to her salon. I had never been there and didn?t even know where it was. When we approached the sign read "curls for girls". Oh my, what did andrea wanted me to do. I hoped she wouldn?t go overboard and i?d recognise myself afterwards. "Hi andrea. I thought your appointment was for next week before leaving us for paris" a tall woman with long blonde hair approached us quickly and gave andrea a hug and a peck on the cheek. "We sure going to miss you a lot honey." "You are right janice. My appointment is next week indeed. Just wait a sec, will you?" Then she turned to me. "Gary, please have a seat and wait a moment. I have some things to discuss with janice." She continued talking with janice as if I weren?t there. They didn?t even bother walking to a different part the salon. "You know janice, we came here because of garys new status in our relationship. You know he lost his job while I got one and now I have decided he will become my little househubby. I thought you could help me to give him a haircut which refelcts his new status. I have thought about a pageboy but if you can come up with a different style please feel free to let your creativity flow." Janice looked for the first time at me. "Hi gary. Nice to meet you." "Hi janice, yes, it is nice to meet you too." "Well, yes, he has the face for a pageboy. He would definetely look good with that style. Good choice andrea. Anything else?" "Oh yes, definetely yes. You know since yesterday he is fighting me with teeth and claws not wanting to become a househubby. So I promised him already several times I would take harsher measures. You know I took some nice pictures of him which he doesn?t me to show to anybody if you know what I mean. So ok, I will relent on this part but therefore i think we should enhance his looks a bit towards the feminine. What about some mani and pedi, eyebrow trimming and ear piercing?" "Oh wow yes," janice said without missing a beat. "I can see it would bother you having him talking back at you all the time. You know we can provide whatever you want here in the salon. What about a nice bellybutton piercing? It would look so girly. What about makeup? Has he been waxed?" "No, but I shaved him very close yesterday." "Stop you two," I interrupted. "You see, he is doing this all the time at home. Now he does it here. That?s it." Andrea turned around to me, bent forward and whispered in my ear. "I am soo lenient with you but if you don?t stop this instant I am going to expose you as the sissy you are telling everybody in here you are wearing panties, camisole, my blouse and pantyhose. Do you want that? If not, apologize immediately." I looked at her, turned beetred once again and swallowed hard. "I am sorry janice for interrupting. It won?t happen again." "Well janice, where was I before gary interrupted me. Oh yes. I think makeup is a bit early but eyeliner wouldn?t be bad at all. That would make him even cuter. Ok, then, a pageboy cut, mani, pedi, eyebrows, liner and ears. I think that will do for now." Janice looked again at me. "Ok come with me then and let me make you look really good. What about you andrea. Will you wait? You know it will take a while before I am finished with him." "Oh don?t you worry. I keep myself occupied with the videocamera i brought with me for documenting the beauty treatment my hubby will get." Janice then took me to the washing area, where she shampooed my hair. At the side I saw andrea appearing holding the videocamera in herhands. I tried to ignore it. What else could I do and simply closed my eyes and relaxed. After she was done janice put a towel turban style around my head and led me to the cutting area. When I sat down she looked at me through the big mirror. Andrea stood at the side capturing every moment. "Ok gary. I think it wasn?t very nice from you to interrupt us while we talked, specially thinking about the fact that you are becoimng a househubby who is supposed to support, help and obey his hard working and bread winning wife." I gasped but nothing came out of my mouth. I looked back and she knew what I was thinking. "Oh still the defiant one, hmm. I think you should change your attitude very quickly and make your wife proud instead of having her complain about you in front of others. Don?t you think?" While she was talking janice had already started to comb out my wet hair, parted it in the middle and started to snip away. All the while with andrea filming the event. I looked into the mirror and saw janice was advancing quickly. My hair looked more feminine by the minute. Janice turned to andrea. "What do you think about some highlights for your hubby?" Highlights? I thought what was she talking about when my wife answered. "Janice, you have free reign. Do whatever comes to your creative mind." "All right then. Highlights would really good with his normally chestnut brown hair." Soon enough I knew what highlights were and above all they were pink. Janice smiled to me through the mirror. "You know gary, I thought pink highlights would really go well with your pink blouse. Did you borrow it from andrea?" "Err, yes", I croaked out. "I like it too", my wife intervened. You know, it goes also well with all the pink aprons he has." "Oh my, you have him already well prepared to become an obedient househubby. Andrea you make me jealous. I wish I could turn my husband rob into my little householdhelper but he?s all macho you know. Wouldn?t be caught dead in pink. But it really suits you gary." I was completely embarrassed and didn?t know what to say. Andrea spoke for me. Shouldn?t you thank janice for paying you a compliment gary?" "Err, yes, thank you janice. Yes, pink looks good on me." I don?t know why but it just came flowing out of me. "I remember admiring myself yesterday at one moment when I wore my pink apron and thought how ince it felt." Andrea shot a look at me. Her voice agitated. She was really mad at me. "You never told me about it, instead fought me all the time and now you say that to janice as if it is nothing." "Janice it seems he really confides in you so do your very extra best with his eyebrows." I don?t know whether I saw it correctly but did I see andrea wink at janice? "Gary just tilt your head back while I put wax on your eyebrows." I did so but got really worried. "Please nothing severe." "Oh gary. You don?t have anything to worry about. You?ll be beuatiful when I am done with you." With that she ripped off the first stripe of wax. I screamed. Janice and andrea laughed. "Gary, don?t be a sissy", janice said "take it like a man." Then the second strip was ripped from my eyebrows. I whimpered. "He is a bit of a sissy andrea, isn?t he? I am sorry to say that. I mean you chose him so you must have a reason." "Nothing to worry about janice. I know what he is and gary knows it too. Don?t you gary?" "Err, yes, I know what I am." "So tell me gary. What are you?" Janice asked. "Err, err, i, I am andrea househubby to be." Janice and andrea laughed again. "Oh my. It seems your hubby is simply too arfraid to say the miracle word. Gary, the word is sissy. Repeat after me. S I s s y." "Err, janice. I, I can?t. I am no sissy. I am a man." She laughed again, tilted my head forward and I saw myself with a pageboy cut with pink highlights and highly arched eyebrows or what was left of those brows becuase it looked to me rather like two fine lines above my eyes. They saw my shocked expression which was of course filmed by andrea. I had tears in my eyes. "So gary or should I say greta?" I heard my wife say. "Do you think a man looks like this or a sissy?" I choked again and again. Then I nodded slowly. "A sissy looks like that." "And what does that make you then?" "A sissy mistress andrea." "Now that is so much better, isn?t it? Your little secret is out in the open and don?t you want to tell janice your sissy name?" I looked at andrea, still hiolding her camera, and with another burst of tears in my eyes I felt completely defeated. "My sissyname is greta, miss janice." Janice clapped in her hands and laughed. "This is mindblowing andrea. You have him or should I say her totally under your thumb. Oh my god let me work on the sissy." I just sat there and the rest of time in janices salon was a blurr. When we finally left I sported besides having a pgeboy cut and waxed eyebrows also long red finger nails as well as matching toe nails. My ears were triple piereced and I wore full makeup. My days as man were over if i somehow couldn?t escape from the clutches of andrea. Before I could come up with more thoughts another tornado created by andrea took me even deeper into feminity. When I had cleared my mind I realised we were in a womens store where they sold everything from clothes to wigs. There i endured the humiliation of trying on everything from dresses to skirts and slacks. The worst was, nobody suspected a thing. Andrea just simply called me greta here and greta there and I mostly kept my mouth shut, nodded or tried to answer with an almost whisper. So I ended up with four dresses, half a dozen skirts of different lengths, also half a dozen womens slacks most with no pockets and some with a backzipper. Further she bought me four new purses, several necklaces and bracelets and a few sets of earrings including chandelier earrings. I left the store of course wearing womens slacks. My mens pants ended up in a garbagebin and I didn?t even try to intervene. Then we were off to victorias secret. While we walked over there I turned to andrea. "Err, andrea, I mean mistress andrea, all these clothes and stuff seem to be all very costly. How can we afford all this?" "Don?t you worry your ptretty little head over this but let me tell you last night when you slept like a sweet sissygirl I made a deal with a friend of mine and he paid a good price for the apartment plus I got a signing bonus from my company for going to paris." I gasped. "My, my apartment is gone? I mean how could you? I didn?t allow you to sell it. You didn?t even ask me." "Yes it is gone and obviously you don?t remember the papers you signed before the wedding. You signed everything what you had to my name. You clearly must remember?" "You mean, you mean, with the papers you made me sign I gave everything away? You cheated me." "Watch what you say greta. I didn?t cheat you, hmm, maybe I outwitted you. Yes, but I wouldn?t call it cheating. You know I wanted it all along to be in our name and since we are taking up my name it will be alright again. The slight exception includes the fact that only the person born with the name can be the owner. Now sweety, lets get some lacy underwear for you. Oh my, I can?t wait to see you in your first corset greta with stockings attached and frilly knickers. Hmm, I am getting wet just thinking about it." And another tornado came down on me. The result more secret humiliation and our shopping bags included a dozen bras, a dozen stockings, four fullbody stockings, also a dozen pantyhoses, six corsets in different sizes between 28 and 22 inches "greta plans to reduce her waist, don?t you sweetheart?", half a dozen nighties and half a dozen babydolls plus two dozen panties in all colours and styles from thong to boyshorts. When we finally left I was exhausted. "I never knew shopping were so tiring. Can we go home please mistress andrea? Besides why do you bought me all these womens clothes? I thought you wouldn?t expose me. Well, you did already with janice." I started to cry. Andrea hugged me and whispered in my ear. "Greta, I know what?s best for you and I think you should embrace your feminity. Why try to fight being a man when all you are is just a little sissy. Sissies are sweet and feminine. Hmm, maybe over time you can become my housewife. Think about it? Why stop halfway? Why trying to pretend. It will so much easier just to give in and let me dominate you." I kept sobbing but she made me feel better while stroking my hair. "We have just one more task and then we go home, ok?" What task mistress andrea?" "Don?t you remember? You need a maids uniform." I swallowed hard. "I, i, err, I don?t want to anger you but isn?t it possible to that another day. I am just tired." "Greta, it won?t take long and we are going to have fun dressing you in a maids uniform and who knows maybe you like it so much we choose several outfits. Come on now." I hung my head and trotted behind her to the car. We were both carrying all my bags from our shopping trip. We dumped them in the trunk and got in the car. Andrea drove for a while before we stopped at a fetish store. She looked at me with sparkling eyes. "Now we go in there and have the time of our lives. When we?ll come back to the car you?ll be a changed person. I just know it." I nodded weakly and we headed to the store. Once inside a tall woman approached us. "How can I help you ladies?" She stared at me for a moment and saw her error. "Upps, nice. At the first galnce I thought you were two women but after a second look I know it is a mistress with her sissy, isn?t it?" Andrea simply smiled. "First of all I am very glad that greta looks like a woman at first glance but of course you are right. She is my little sissyhubby." The woman nodded. "Yes, the sissy looks quite girly wth a lot of potential. I am gladys by the way. So what can I do for you?" "I have decided that my hubby needs a maids uniform for doing his housework in the proper frame of mind." "Oh the usual maids uniform. Hmm, why don?t you choose something special." She just walked ahead of us to a row of dresses, mostly in black and a strong leathersmell was in the air. Gladys held up a black dress. "Have a look at this dress. The bodice can be tightened like a corset and the skirt can also be tightened so it functions as a hobbleskirt which would allow your sissy just the slightest of slack and would force her into the smallest little steps you can imagine. The long sleeves have a nice little secret which also can be used by you for training purposes. See the sleeve here is reverted and see these strings? If you pull the sleeve all the way down and pull on the strings the hand inside will become useless. The strings can be pulled backwards and with it the arms and tightened at the back of the bodice which has the effect that your little sissy is totally helpless and immobile. What do you think?" Andreas eyes lighthened up. "I have never seen something so ingenious. Wow. Greta, you have to try it on. Just for me. Evene if we don?t buy it in the end. I need to see you in it and most of all I need to see you in it helpless." Of course I knew there was no chance in hell to deny her so I simply gave in. "So where can I change?" "Oh no sissy", answered gladys. "You can?t do that on your own. No way. You?ll go do the dressing room and just get undressed. If you are ready you call us. Meanwhile I will show your mistress a few other things she might be interested in." She showed me the room. "Take your sweet time sissy. There is much to see for your mistress." I nodded at her and simply sat down and started to contemplate how my situation was going from bad to worse. How would I ever get out of this but then a thought crept into my mind. Did I want out of this situation. In just a couple of days andrea had changed my appearance quite a bit and when looking in the mirror I kind of liked my new look. The pageboy was framing nicely my realitively small face. My newly high arches gave my eyes a whole new meaning. The makeup did further enhance my feminine face and of course my triple ear piercings screamed girl, girl, girl. "Hey sissy. Are you ready?" Oh my. They were waiting for me to be dressed in this hideous dress. "I, err, seem to have lost count of time. I am done in a moment." "Greta. What have you been doing in there all the time?" Andrea drew the curtain open and both women saw that I hadn?t taken off a single piece of clothes. "What is the matter with you greta?" "I, I am sorry mistress andrea. I simply got lost in thought." Gladys laughed. "That is so typical sissy. They are all little bimbos and don?t know what to do when their mistress leaves them a moment alone. I?ll tell you andrea. This dress is definetely a solution to this problem. You just tie the strings and she basically becomes a dummy. Haha, you could put her for an hour in front of a window for punishment and she?d not move an inch." Meanwhile I had undressed in front of both and gladys helped me into the dress and explained each step to andrea. Then she tightened the bodice and the leather really encased me tight. I thought I would suffocated before she finally tied the strings. I could hardly breath. "Sissy, don?t you worry. You?ll be used to it in no time." Gladys showed no sympathy and andrea let her continue. Now she started to pull on the strings from the skirtpart. "Sissy. Legs together. I want to demonstrate your mistress the dummy effect." It took her a while but then I was standing tighly laced into this hobble skirt and couldn?t make a move. Even so gladys encouraged me. "Walk for us sissy. Take a step forward sissy. Make a step sideways sissy." Nothing. I was completely immobile. Andrea clapped in her hands. "We take it, even if greta won?t wear it on a regular basis, we definetely take it. It can be used as an enforcer if she shouldn?t be on her best behaviour. I believe just mentioning having to wear this dress will improve her performance tenfold." Gladys undid the strings and from out of nowhere produced a pair of very high heels, at least 5 inches. "Sit down sissy." She put them on me and I heard a click. When I looked down I saw they could be padlocked and that is what gladys did. "Now get up." I stood and had to hold myself in order not to fall. "Oh, they are so high mistress andrea. Please don?t make me wear them." "You?ll have to learn to walk in high heels and there is no time like now. So try your best and walk. Think about putting your weight on the balls of yourv feet. Then it will be easier." Gladys had opened the strings so far that I had room to move. Well, room was a bit of an exaggeration because all I could do was taking very dainty steps. I was made to teeter around but after a while I got the hang of it. Afterwards I had to try on the maids uniform which was our actual task as mistress andrea had put it. After I was done mistress andrea surprised me. "The maids outfit is soo lovely we?ll take it not only two in black but also two in pink, plus one in yellow, babyblue and red." I was stunned and just stood there with my mought open. "See andrea what I told you. Look at your sissy. Doesn?t this look on her face resemble a bimbo?" Andrea laughed and cocked her head. "Yes, you have a point there gladys but actually I believe it is just her being really surprised. I mean we came here to buy her one maids uniform and now she?ll walk out of here with a weeks supply. Plus the beautiful and ingenious dress she wore before and of course all the other things we have already chosen for her which she doesn?t know about yet." My mind was racing. What else could she have chosen for me? She acted like a three year old in a disney store. Oh my, I wished we were already in paris. "Greta, before we go I want you to try one of the pink uniforms. Can you do that for me?" I nodded to her and went to dress in the beautiful satin and lace pink uniform. It was better than I ever thought. Of course I still wore the wild 5inch high heels. When I was done gladys approached me. "Turn around sissy." I followed her command, heard another click and then saw that she handed andrea some keys. "Sissy, the click you heard were from a little padlock which prevents you from taking off the uniform. Your mistress has now they keys and will inform you when you can take it off." Mistress andrea marched arm in arm with gladys ahead and I trotted behind them in my pink uniform. When I arrived at the counter everything was already bagged up and andrea told me to grab my stuff and she moved towards the door. "But, but, mistress. I can?t go out like that?" She turned around and smiled at me. "Do you remember what I told you in the car before going into the store? No? Than I remind you of it. I said that you when we would leave you?d be a changed person. Now look at you. Are you changed or not?" I had to admit I looked of course much different than before and then andrea stepped towards me, grabbed my arm and simply dragged me out of the store. "You?ll love being my sissymaid. Don?t you?" "Oh mistress", I started sobbing. "I, I will do the best I can when we are in paris. I will try to learn very hard to be a good househuhy for you but please stop humiliating me so much. What have I done to deserve this?" "Greta, we have long passed you being a househubby. Don?t you see where this is going? You are becoming my sissymaid sweetie. Don?t worry your pretty head. You haven?t done anything wrong. On the contrary. I love you more than ever. It is also I love to dominate you and show my power i have over you and as I have sensed you like it when I humiliated it and you literally ate out of my hands. Didn?t you?" My heart was beating a 100 miles. I knew she was right, at least partially. I had almost bathed in my humiliation but how could I show her this without loosing the last bit of respect I may had with her. So i simply denied it. "No, of course it wasn?t like that but what could I do? Raise a big fuss in the places we went? You and I know it would have lead to worse humiliation and a worse situation for me." "Oh sissy, gladys would have said. You can?t fool me. I saw the sparkle in your eyes when you were tightly laced in the crazy hobble dress. You loved every moment of it. You loved being helpless. I just know it." I blushed furiousl at being so easily recognised by andrea. She knew me better than I thought. I dropped my head. She kissed me on the cheeks. "You?ll love what I have planned for you in paris. We are going to enjoy ourselfs over there. You?ll become my sweet little sissymaid and i?ll boss you around all day long. Oh, there are so many possibilities."

Same as From Gary to Greta Part II A Videos

4 years ago
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From Gary to Greta Part II

My Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed wrote the sequels of Gary to Greta which I post now. Later on I will post my own sequels. These stories weren?t meant for people underage so either if you are too young or not interested in TG stories don?t read further. Please enjoy the work of my Domme Mistress. From Gary to Greta Part II by Domme Mistress and Greta Our life in Paris took on an entirely new meaning. My wife delved into my savings account, the money I had...

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From Gary to Greta Part VI

Once again my Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed honored me by writing Part VI of From Gary to Greta. This story isn?t for people underage. So if you are too young or don?t like TG-Stories stop reading. By Domme Mistress and Greta From Gary to Greta Part VI Monday was the last day of the month. My wife ran up the stairs to greet me with hugs and kisses, something she had not done in many years. As I stood there, totally naked and clean-shaven, my cock throbbing...

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From Gary to Greta Part III

This is Part III of Gary to Greta once again written by my Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed The story isn?t for underaged people. So if you are too young or don?t like TG stories don?t read further From Gary to Greta Part III by Domme Mistress and Greta The beauty of our apartment was that it had huge windows overlooking Paris. The kitchen, the social area, her bedroom, and mine all overlooked the city. Every morning I would open the shades to let the light...

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From Gary to Greta Part IV

The fourth part of From Gary to Greta is also written by my Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed. This story isn?t for people underage. So if you are too young or don?t like TG-Stories don?t read further. By Domme Mistress and Greta From Gary to Greta Part IV Against my better judgment, I decided to wait two more days, to save myself until Thursday. I did the house chores early in the morning totally naked. I know that being Prussian, my cock is about two to...

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From Gary to Greta Part IX

Another sequel written by Domme Mistress. If there are enough comments i am sure she will write more. This story is definetely not for people underage. So if you are too young or don?t like TG-Stories stop reading By Domme Mistress and Greta From Gary to Greta Part IX Mademoiselle Claudette appeared one afternoon for my modeling session. Petite, unassuming, with deep black hair and thick eyebrows, blue eyes, very small tits, white T-shirt under which I could see a 30A bra,...

3 years ago
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From Gary to Greta Part VII

My Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed wrote Part VII. This story is definetely not for pople underage. So if you are too young or don?t like TG stories stop reading. By Domme Mistress and Greta From Gary to Greta Part VII Saturday afternoon at 4 pm my wife ordered me back on the dining room table, on all fours, knees spread out. Even in my cage, my cock was throbbing wildly. I was sure it would be a repeat of the other day, with my lovely wife removing my cage...

4 years ago
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Greta the Reluctant Princess

In a display cabinet deep in Prussia is a giant bronze cock, well bronze coloured, it is actually cast iron with bronze gilding, Its head is fearsome. its eye seems to follow you around the room and its wings are so exquisitely formed you would almost think it could fly. A giant cock, and why was it made? A simple mistake, but behind it a story of a simple girl who preferred pigs to Princes, a heart warming feel good story and so I have translated the words from the original Hugenot...

2 years ago
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Hans and Greta

ONCE upon a time, deep within the great forests of Germany, dwelt a widowed mother and her two children. The boy was called Hans and the girl, Greta. They were twins, blessed from birth with tremendous beauty and born of the same tall, trim build with fair skin and hair of gold, like their mother. In fact, they were both so hot that throughout high school they had to put up with a lot of jokes and rumors about incest from their classmates about incest. Oh, it was true that the brother and...

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Mommy Adriana Makes Greta Become a Secretary

Dear Readers, it took me a while because reality caught up with me, but now the next chapter is ready. I simply hope you don't get bored and enjoy also the 6th installment of my little story. Mommy Adriana makes Greta become a secretary By: Greta Finally I lay in bed. I heard Mommy Adriana was sound asleep while I tossed and turned. I simply couldn't sleep after today's events. I would never be the same man again....

3 years ago
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Frau Greta Von Yurts Gestapo Ordeal

GESTAPO SS-LIEUTENANT Hans Von Yurt stood at ramrod stiff attention before the desk of his Commandant, SS-Oberf ührer Otto Stemp and watched and listened as the man ranted and raved, banging his fist on the desk for emphasis. He had rarely seen the man this angry. So far, SS-Lieutenant Von Yurt had no idea why the man was yelling at him about some traitorous woman who had sided with the Jews. The SS-Oberf ührer soon corrected that lack of his knowledge in the conversation. "THE...

3 years ago
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She leafed through the photo album, stopping every once in a while to look up at me, and finally she put the book down and said, "I guess you are my husband." I smiled and thought, "Yes I am Greta, much to your detriment." Greta married me the week after I graduated from college and the honeymoon wasn't even into its third day before she started fucking around on me. She didn't know that I knew and quite frankly I didn't care that she was doing it. Her first (at least the first I knew...

3 years ago
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Meeting Greta

I had just come from the swimming pool when I met Greta. Maybe that explains the way I reacted. Swimming has a magical effect on me. I get totally relaxed, even though I get tired. Being tired is actually part of the relaxation. All through my muscles I feel the sweet sense of rest. All the twitchiness is gone, the restlessness, the tension. And my mind is emptied too. What takes over is a sensuous languor everywhere - in my legs, my arms, my back, and...down there. When I'm in the water I just...

3 years ago
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Greta Fights Mommy Adriana

Dear Readers, due to your encouraging comments I decided to continue this story even though I had no intention to make this a series. In any case, I hope you'll enjoy this part too. Greta fights Mommy Adriana By: Greta Mommy Adriana continued her assault on my boycunt with her 10 inch strap-on dildo stretching me to the hilt. Meanwhile Andrea, my wife, had gotten up from my face, leaving me drenched in...

4 years ago
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Sexual Shenanigans of Greta Thunberg

It just so happens that this weekend her parents and brothers are going to be out of town and this would be a rare time she would be home alone. I learned this by listening in on conversations in her home using my spy equipment. Saturday was a rainy night and perfect timing to pull off my plot to take her in her parent's mansion. I had been planning this for months waiting for the perfect opportunity. I put an old pizza delivery sign that I found in a garbage dump on my car and dressed up...

3 years ago
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Training Greta

"Hi babe how is your day?" Carol answered the phone looking for her vibrator in her handbag. She seemed to be finding things in places that she didn't remember leaving them. It had been happening for the last 6 weeks ever since the new office girl Friday had started. Mrs Breitling was that her name. Dressed inappropriately for office work cardigans and long skirts. Boring mommy dresses. "Hi Ben. Good I just can't find... " her mind tried to think … "I have to work so I won't make lunch today"...

4 years ago
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Hans Und Greta

The winter in the mountains had been harsh that year.Greta still clung to the belief that everything would work out if they just remained patient and let the winds of fate decide their future. Hans scoffed at the idea just like he had rejected the inclination to trust the dreaded witch. He loved his adopted sister more than life itself but sometimes she was so irritatingly “good” that he left her to her cleaning in the tiny hut and he visited the Gypsy girls in the nearby camp next to the...

4 years ago
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Hans Und Greta

The winter in the mountains had been harsh that year.Greta still clung to the belief that everything would work out if they just remained patient and let the winds of fate decide their future. Hans scoffed at the idea just like he had rejected the inclination to trust the dreaded witch. He loved his adopted sister more than life itself but sometimes she was so irritatingly “good” that he left her to her cleaning in the tiny hut and he visited the Gypsy girls in the nearby camp next to the...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 3 Paradise Regained and LostChapter 11 Greta

Men have always been willing to pay for sex, and the Germans have made sure that the experience is as efficient, as reliable, and as comfortable as a BMW car. Prostitution is legal in Germany but there are very few streetwalkers, and none in Celle. The whores in the town work in brothels or bars, where they have to be registered and are subject to regular medical inspections. All brothels are regulated, registered, inspected, and probably more importantly, taxed. These taxes help pay for the...

1 year ago
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Moments in a LifeChapter 14 Greta

The first semester of law school had come to an end. Bob Lacy looked back on it and thought law school was tough and required a lot of study which translated into a lot of time. He had done what was required and had been rewarded with good grades. Now he had the summer break before school started up in the fall. His Dad's friend had secured a job for Bob working with the State Highway Department this summer so he could earn some money. Bob was taking out a loan to handle the school tuition....

1 year ago
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I didn't mind the cold as we left the theatre that frigid January night, not even the little icicle fingers tearing through my shawl, my evening gown, and my bra to numb my breasts and harden my nipples. We had just been to a superb performance of an amazing opera, and I was still in my own special seventh heaven."The car's this way," growled the little man beside me. He was Wilbur Mason, a multi-billionaire and my husband. "Let's go!" he snarled. "I'm freezing." He strode off leaving...

1 year ago
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Greta Part 1

She logged into Fetlife and saw there were four messages in her inbox. One of them caught her eye immediately. She didn't recognise the user name but her attention was drawn to the subject line. It said "NYC accommodation". She clicked on the message then started to read it.Dear Velvet,I stumbled across your profile and was intrigued by your offer of sexual favours in exchange for accommodation in New York. I have an apartment near Central Park and would love to offer you a room for a week. I...

1 year ago
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Hans Und Greta

The winter in the mountains had been harsh that year. Greta still clung to the belief that everything would work out if they just remained patient and let the winds of fate decide their future. Hans scoffed at the idea just like he had rejected the inclination to trust the dreaded witch. He loved his adopted sister more than life itself but sometimes she was so irritatingly “good” that he left her to her cleaning in the tiny hut and he visited the Gypsy girls in the nearby camp next to the...

3 years ago
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Greta Part 2

By the time they got back to George's apartment she was feeling very horny. As he put the key into the lock she undid a couple of the buttons on her blouse. He turned to look at her and smiled when he saw what she was doing.“Is it time to play now Sir?” she said, continuing to undo further buttons.He opened the door, grabbed her arm and dragged her into the hallway. Pushing the door closed with his foot he pushed her against the wall, took hold of both her hands and, holding her arms above her...

3 years ago
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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 11 Gary Joins the Club

Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter 11 -- Gary Joins "The Club" I called Kay when I got home and she told me she was definitely going to spend another week with Heather, or until she was sure her mother was going to be okay. Imagining what they were going to do relieved any guilt I felt about my weekend with Kimberly and Christie. I told her to take all the time she wanted, that she deserved a vacation, even though I would miss her. She said, "I'll make it up to you when I come home."...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E09 Greta Sorenson 46 from Winchester

We fade in on our darkened set. For the ninth episode in a row that rusty old bedstead, and the ugly, dirty mattress, sits in the middle of the bare concrete floor in the middle of our studio ... We’ve seen 7 dogs and a pig in action on and around this bed, and we can see numerous stains on the mattress that have result from their ejaculations ... We don’t linger on them too long before we hear the clicking of approaching high heeled shoes, clicking along the concrete floor – and whip our...

3 years ago
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Gary My Hero

Gary My HeroA work of fictionIt was getting late, it had started to rain. Rose Tyler normally walked the long way round to her home, but tonight of all nights, she chose to take the shortcut across the common. A sixty one year old widow, she rarely stayed out late, but tonight she had been visiting a sick friend and had lost track of the time. So it was well after ten thirty when she started the short walk through the dark area known locally as the Common.The two men, stood behind one of the...

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A Stepmothers Sin Chapter 10 A Date with Gary

My head is spinning, thinking about all the unexpected twists and turns. As you may recall, I fell into an inappropriate, but wonderfully fulfilling intimate relationship with my step son, Robert, a little over two years ago. Robert spent the summer with me in a my one bedroom flat in New York City. Our intimacy started out innocent enough; I witnessed Robert masturbating one night while he was watching porn on the computer in the little office adjacent to my living room. I am ashamed to...

2 years ago
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Gary GingerChapter 5

Gary woke up slowly. His head was pounding and his entire body was in pain. He groaned and heard footsteps. He saw his mother standing over him with a very worried look on her face. “Gary ... oh Gary...” Alice began to cry. She stroked his hair. “Hey mom,” Gary gasped. “You need your pain medication?” Alice asked. Gary could only nod. The pain on his stomach was excruciating. “Let me call the nurse,” Alice said and pressed the button near the bed for a nurse to come assist. Within a few...

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Elizabeths Story Chapter 9 I console Gary

After months of agonizing over how and when to tell Robert about my illicit and inappropriate relationship with my stepbrother, I was forced to confess my sin after Robert proposed. I could not procrastinate any longer. I simply was not prepared to marry the man without telling him about my great sin. I was elated to learn that Robert found the sordid details titillating rather than appalling. He did not see me as a pariah, as I feared he might. However, he had his own confession to reveal....

3 years ago
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Gary GingerChapter 3

~One Week Later~ "Ok so remember, if some fella starts saying how sexy or hot Ginger is or how they'd like to fuck her, you're not going to get in their face and start shit with them. You're simply going to smile and pour them more drinks." Gary listened as Brett gave him the run down on some of the rules at the bar. Gary had landed the bartending job as a part time job and that night would be his first night. Brett was simply giving him some rules that he should follow. "Also, when...

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Gary and I Have A Threesome With Kelly

It was February of 1993. Back in 1976, when Kelly was sixteen years old, she was at a party at a friend’s house that turned into an orgy and she was fucked by a half-dozen men that all worked together at the Ford dealership. A couple of them were double her age and one’s name was Gary. Fast-forward sixteen years and we had moved a couple of states away. Needing her Mustang repaired, Kelly went to the local Ford dealer the previous October. Lo and behold, Gary was the service writer.Her car...

1 year ago
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Gary By Morpheus The bedroom was fairly small, with walls that were covered by posters of wrestling stars and rock groups. A small pile of clothes filled one of the corners, fitting in the with the rest of the slightly messy room. It was the perfect room for a 10 year old boy, specifically the boy that was lying in bed. Gary groaned and rolled over, slowly reaching for the remote control by his bedside. But after flipping through the channels, he saw that there was nothing...

4 years ago
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Uncle Gary

My first and most prominent memory with Uncle Gary was when I was atoddler. I had to be barely three years old. It wasn't so much that Iremembered Uncle Gary, but because of what I remember, I can't imagine itbeing any other man or father figure that was present in my life.My parents, my aunts, and my uncles all lived in my grandparents' home.Typical Korean culture. It was an extremely old house that was probablybuilt before the city was first founded close to fifty years ago. It had...

3 years ago
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Gary GingerChapter 8

Sally heard the loud knock on the door. It almost sounded like Gary’s knock but she knew Gary was with that slut Ginger and he was still at home healing. She got up from the couch looked through the peephole. Shit! It was Ava looking demure and sophisticated in a black coat and beautiful red scarf. Sally frantically rushed to the bedroom to put on some pants. She couldn’t let Ava see her half naked! Danny was in the shower so Sally went in to let him know his grandmother was knocking on the...

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Gary GingerChapter 2

~One Week Later~ Gary knew he shouldn't have answered the phone but he always made the mistake of answering it without looking at the caller ID. "Gary. You will be meeting your mother and I for dinner this evening at eight o'clock at my house." Gary's grandmother, Ava, was on the phone sounding demanding as always. "Hi grandma," Gary said cheerfully. "Don't hi grandma me, you just show up for dinner. You're mother says you don't want to go back to school. Is this true...

1 year ago
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Gary and Dave First time bisexual

Gary burst through the door brandishing his briefcase. ‘Jim got back’ he said with a big smile on his face. ‘Jim?’ I answered. ‘Guy I work with… huge collection of porn. Remember he turned up at the pub the other day.’ Gary clarified. ‘Ah, porn. Loan of. I remember! Its not any of that German pissing shit you borrowed last time is it?’ I said sitting up. ‘He says not but he’s not sure what is on these tapes. No pissing or animals though. I’m going to get changed, grab us a beer would you?’...

1 year ago
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Gary and Dave First time bisexual

Gary burst through the door brandishing his briefcase.‘Jim got back’ he said with a big smile on his face.‘Jim?’ I answered.‘Guy I work with… huge collection of porn. Remember he turned up at the pub the other day.’ Gary clarified.‘Ah, porn. Loan of. I remember! Its not any of that German pissing shit you borrowed last time is it?’ I said sitting up.‘He says not but he’s not sure what is on these tapes. No pissing or a****ls though. I’m going to get changed, grab us a beer would you?’ Gary said...

3 years ago
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Gary and Dave First time bisexual

Gary burst through the door brandishing his briefcase. ‘Jim got back’ he said with a big smile on his face. ‘Jim?’ I answered. ‘Guy I work with… huge collection of porn. Remember he turned up at the pub the other day.’ Gary clarified. ‘Ah, porn. Loan of. I remember! Its not any of that German pissing shit you borrowed last time is it?’ I said sitting up. ‘He says not but he’s not sure what is on these tapes. No pissing or animals though. I’m going to get changed, grab us a beer would you?’...

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Curious Gary Part 2 of We Need to Talk

Gary was restless the night Emma broke her news to him. It was late and he was still up worrying. But, as much as he worried, there was also a seed of curiosity in him. What was this lifestyle really like? Did John really except Charlotte’s promiscuity? Could he accept such a lifestyle?These were all questions Gary asked himself as he sat on the couch in pyjama bottoms and a t-shirt.Gary thought about John and Charlotte’s relationship. How did it work? Did John sleep in a spare-room when...

1 year ago
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Gary the Obscure

CHAPTER 1 Gary Gunn’s parents had their unhappy marriage annulled when he was fourteen and that pushed Gary further into the social mire because neither parent really wanted him and he kept losing friends because he kept changing his schools as his parents shifted about, both looking for their new life and seeking to remarry wisely. Garry’s position in life improved when his mom, with whom he was living at the time, abandoned him to go south with a guy who promised her riches when his ailing...

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Gary GingerChapter 4

Gary watched as Ginger got dressed. He was with her in the dressing room. The other girls were already out on the floor making their rounds. Ginger applied very little make up and dabbed a bit of perfume on her skin. “What?” She asked as she looked at Gary through the mirror. He stared, mesmerized by her beauty. “Nothing. Just that I love you.” Ginger turned around. “Oh do you now?” Gary nodded. “Does Brett know you’re in here with me instead of out there working?” She teased. “No, but...

3 years ago
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Stephanie and Gary

It was a partly cloudy October day outside with the temperature around 90 degrees. The birds were chirping and the sound of a lawn mower could be heard outside.Stephanie sat at her computer just surfing the net reading some erotic stories and listening to some tunes. She was feeling really horny because she hadn't had any sex with her lover Gary in over three weeks. She was beginning to wonder if they were going to hook up again before she started going crazy with horniness. She found herself...

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Garys Dressup Sissy

When I was a teenager I lived next door to a guy named Gary. We were friends for years but drifted apart as he was 3 or 4 years older than me, so when he discovered girls I didn’t see him for a while. However, one summer he and his then girlfriend had a fight, so being at a loose end he would invite me over to watch movies and play video games. One day we were watching a movie, when Gary suggested watching some of his dad’s pornos. I eagerly said yes. So for a few days we would watch porno from...

1 year ago
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Gary and Dave The Next Day

So you know how it is. You’ve just fucked and been fucked by your heterosexual best friend while watching a bisexual porn movie. You’ve both cum, the film has ended and you’re sat in the living room naked with cum leaking out of your arses. What do you do?Surprisingly there wasn’t any real awkwardness between us. Gary went to the toilet and cleaned himself up then returned to the living room. When I returned from the toilet he was sitting in his chair still naked watching TV. I sat on the chair...

2 years ago
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Gary And Dave The Next Day

So you know how it is. You’ve just fucked and been fucked by your heterosexual best friend while watching a bisexual porn movie. You’ve both cum, the film has ended and you’re sat in the living room naked with cum leaking out of your arses. What do you do? Surprisingly there wasn’t any real awkwardness between us. Gary went to the toilet and cleaned himself up then returned to the living room. When I returned from the toilet he was sitting in his chair still naked watching TV. I sat on the...

Gay Male
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Elizabeths story Chapter 7 Gary takes my virginity

Chapter 7 Elizabeth’s story – Gary takes my virginity Friday: As I had promised Gary last night (Thursday night), I took steps to get contraception for our planned big event; the capture of my virginity by my stepbrother. Although I still had serious reservations about doing this, I was committed to keeping my promise and giving myself to Gary as soon as it was ‘safe’. Midday on Friday I skipped my study hall, lunch and poli-sci class and went to the local planned parenthood clinic to get...

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Gary GingerChapter 6

Alice and Alan headed back to Gary's room. Gary and Ginger were kissing so lovingly. Alice gulped and looked at her brother. Alan gave her sympathetic eyes. "Ahem!" Alice cleared her throat. She needed to get Ginger alone so that she could convince her to break up with Gary. It was for the best. Ginger quickly broke the kiss. She turned red and stood back up. Gary was smiling from ear to ear. "Hey mom. You guys are back?" Gary asked looking more in love than ever. Alice looked at...

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Rose and Gary

After Jess told me to get to know my mother-in-law’s neighbor Rose and her son Gary better I made it a point to do so. Jess also set my MIL up with another retiree in the building so I would have the freedom to do so without her being jealous or getting pissed about it.About a week after the hot sex that myself, my wife, Jess and my MIL had Jess called me to come over to her place she wanted to show me something and I did not have to be discreet when comeing into the building. I arrived and...

4 years ago
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Discoveries with my Brother Chapter 4 Gary Wants to Taste Me

After driving my brother to a climax with my mouth and ingesting his semen, Gary and I stepped out of the shower and dried each other.Gary remained firm and large, but was not as rigid as he was immediately before he came.I immediately went to the sink to brush my teeth. I knew that Gary would be uncomfortable kissing me until I had cleansed the residual of his sperm from my mouth. Gary stood behind me and continued drying my back while I swished the toothpaste mixture around and spit into the...

2 years ago
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Gary Dave and Jenny Part 2

Jenny woke me the next morning as she got out of bed and headed to the loo. I lay on my back staring at the ceiling wondering if my head would fall off if I got up. I heard the front door open and wondered where the hell she was going then heard Gary shout hello. He was greeted by Jenny’s excited squeals and I risked life and limb by getting up to go and say hello. I walked out of my room and found Gary and Jenny kissing in the hallway. My cock twitched at the sight. I quickly went into the...

2 years ago
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Gary GingerChapter 7

When Ginger returned to the room, Ava was there packing up some of Gary's things. Gary was in the bathroom washing up. Ginger and Ava stared at each other for a few seconds. "Hello," Ginger said cautiously. "Hello," Ava replied nonchalantly and continued folding Gary's clothes into a suitcase. Ginger licked her lips and nervously walked closer to Ava. "I can help you with that," she said as she grabbed one of Gary's t-shirts. Ava snatched the shirt away leaving Ginger in shock....

3 years ago
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Giving It To Gary

I was actually in the process of better understanding why I seemed to enjoy creating situations where other boys would be able to see my dick. I'd lead them to some secluded location and then suddenly need to take a piss. I never knew what to expect by way of a reaction and that alone was equally as exciting to me. Would this guy be the type to look away, or would he be the type to scold me for not turning away to piss? Would he give me that "are you gay or something" look, or would...

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Chapter 10 Iris and Gary Nancy Series

“Hey Sis, I was just wondering if you an Paul were up for a small get together this weekend at our house with Iris and her husband?” It took Nancy a second to remember that Iris was the woman who held an “adult Tupperware party” the previous month. Her sister’s question took her by surprise. Sure, she and Paul had gotten together a few times with Ann and her husband, James, for some fun “sexcapades”, but she had not given much serious thought to expanding their involvement to include other...

3 years ago
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Chapter 5 Elizabeths story Gary wants to enter me

As I tried to regain my senses following the earth shattering orgasm that Gary had just given me with his tongue and fingers, I was shocked back to reality when Gary climbed between my legs. As naïve as I was, I knew that he was positioning himself to penetrate my virgin pussy with his throbbing erection. I could not allow him to fuck me; no how, no way!The list of sins and mistakes Gary and I had committed today was certainly long, but this was different; this was potentially life altering....

1 year ago
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Gary Becky Sheep for the Shearing

"If God didn't want them sheared, he would not have made them sheep." Calvera – The Magnificent Seven Paul Simmons is brilliant, generous, a kind and loving man. Yet he is the antithesis of all that. A passionate man who possesses all he can, holding on to what he covets with a tightly clasped fist until he no longer wants it. Including people – his secret side isn't really a dark side, still, he is a controlling man who has taken what belongs to others. Fulfilling needs locked up deep...

3 years ago
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Naked Gary is milked by gays

The five of us who ran the local gym were all gay and regular sex partners. We had shared many group sessions where we pretended to capture one of the group and subject him to fucking and torture. One of the fantasies we shared though was to do this for real and to force a good looking straight chap into just this position and make him cum for us whether he wants to or not and this is what we did with Gary who was our first straight victim. Gary is a good looking British white male; not very...

3 years ago
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Good Friend Gary

Good Friend, GaryBy: Londebaaz ChohanGary had been one of my ‘Good’ friends. We have shared many things; even the girls. Yes; truly, we have had occasions to play 3some with one girl between us two. We had talked about all the different subjects, topics and the issues. Open and deep conversations; in good sense. We were getting closer and I started feeling attracted to Gary, much different than any other guys, including the fascinating and exciting idea of being naked with him in bed and get...

2 years ago
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gary and I spending the night at my house part thr

Gary and I remained good friends and he loved fucking my face but he told me couldn't bring himself to suck cock anymore. I didn't mind. i loved his big cock so much i couldn't get enough.Gary and I were riding our bikes to the fair one day and as we pedaled, Gary told me to check out his cock. I looked and he had torn the inner seam of his shorts so his cock could be pulled through the hole along with his nuts and he could show it while it looked like he was totally dressed. he kept flashing...

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