It's Not What's Wrong, It's What's Right free porn video

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It's Not What's Wrong, It's What's Right Belladonna As the livery cab made its way along the highway, Daniel's eyes saw the towering buildings that made up the familiar skyline that he so rarely saw from a distance. His parents rarely took him beyond the borders of the borough of Manhattan. The last time he had seen the skyline was when he had left the city a few days earlier to spend the summer with his Aunt and Cousin. Daniel's mother felt that a summer in suburban exile would make him better appreciate the privileges that had they afforded to him. The trip had changed Daniel, but not in the way they intended. Daniel was returning several weeks early at their behest because of his scandalous activities during his short trip. Daniel's heart raced as he thought about what scorn awaited him in his parent's home. He knew that there was no escaping it. All of his friends and family knew what he had done, and he was sure that word had spread to everyone he knew. The derision that would surely come from his classmates was something he was trying to steel himself against even as he prepared to be scolded by his parents. He had not sought the fate that had befallen him, but he was partially to blame for it. Daniel had allowed himself to be dressed up en femme by his cousin Jackie's beautiful friend. Eve's beauty and cruelty were seared into his consciousness. She had instigated his downfall as a man because he was unable to control his desire for her. Eve was the first woman to show an interest in him. Desperate for affection of any type after a lifetime of being an afterthought to his parents, Daniel had fallen for her. Eve's affinity for him was feigned, but he did not realize that it until it was much too late. Daniel cursed himself for not figuring it out earlier, but he was simply too inexperienced to differentiate the work of a good actress from a real attraction. It was, however, Eve and Jackie's mean-spirited plan that resulted in him meeting Amy. While Jackie and Eve had collectively taken the actions that had shamed his parents and Daniel, and which prevented him from outwardly resuming his former life, it was Amy that truly changed him. Amy had shown a genuine interest in him. She was drawn to him because of her own brother's cross-dressing and desire to become a woman. While Daniel did not have any desire to become a transsexual, he was understanding about her beloved brother in a way that other boys Amy had known were not. Daniel treated him like a person, while everyone else she knew treated him like a freak. Amy found Daniel's kindness towards her brother endearing. It was Daniel's relationship with Amy, however, that drove his cousin over the edge and made her release the pictures of his feminized appearance to his friends and family. Jackie knew that her cousin was hurting her reputation by having a relationship with a girl she considered to be beneath her given her poor socioeconomic status, drunkard father, hoarder mother and pre-operation transsexual brother. It was not long after Jackie released the photographs that Daniel's mother sent a livery car to bring him back home. Daniel barely got the chance to say goodbye to Amy before he found himself being whisked back to Manhattan. Daniel kept going over the same events in his mind as the livery cab made its way into Manhattan and made its slow crawl down the intermittently paralyzed streets. He kept thinking about how his parents would scold him before his mind kept would wander back to Amy. The car then pulled up in front of Daniel's building. He got and grabbed his suitcase from the trunk and headed for the door. The doorman said hello to him as he normally did before Daniel walked into the building. Daniel walked over to the open elevator and pressed the button for his floor. He got off and headed for his parents' doorway. He unlocked the door and found that his parents' cleaning lady was the only person present in the home. Daniel could tell that there was a level of contempt for him in her eyes. She was a very traditional Catholic Dominican woman who he knew had very little sympathy for homosexuals and those she believed to be homosexuals. She told him that his parents wanted him to wait for them in the living room. Daniel nodded and carried his suitcase to his room and returned to the living room. He sat on the couch in silence as he waited for his parents to enter the apartment. After a twenty minute wait, his mother came through the door. Daniel heard the cleaning lady whisper to his mother that he was home. Daniel then heard the familiar sound of his mother's heels clicking on the wood floor of the apartment. She walked over to him and asked, "Would you care to explain yourself?" "I was tricked...." "Tricked? You were tricked? By who?" Daniel cringed at the sound of her voice. Carol had taken to mimicking Katherine Hepburn's inflections after marrying his father. While Daniel had heard her voice all his life, he was bothered by her inflection for the first time. He huffed before he answered, "Jackie's friend..." "Jackie's friend? You let some rube trick you?" "She was pretty, and she showed interest..." "Plenty of girls will show interest in you once you get out of college. I could have gotten a great wife for you, but, now, your damaged goods." "Gotten me a wife? What were you going to buy me a girl?" "It's a tradeoff. You marry a respectable girl and she gets to maintain the standard of living she's become accustomed to," Carol replied to her son. "Was that your plan?" "It's not my plan. It's your father's and mine and yours. You're our only son. We've been grooming you for years to be someone. You're going to be an important man. We'll see to that. We're going to rehabilitate your image, but you're going to have to lay low for the rest of summer. We need this story to burn out quickly." Daniel laughed a little as he responded, "You think the kids at my school are just going to forget? They'll be coming after me the first day of school." "They might, but you're not going to be there forever. It will blow over and we'll remake you into the respectable young man that everyone thought you were. We'll find a girl for you who won't care about your pansy past." "I'm not a pansy." "A man in a skirt is a pansy, Daniel. There's no two ways about that. I don't care if she beat you up, seduced you, a man never puts on a skirt." Daniel stared at his mother with vacant eyes as he thought back to the abuse that Amy's brother had taken when they went out into public together. Daniel had passed for a woman, but everyone knew what Amy's brother really was. Daniel knew he was going to have to deal with similar abuse from his classmates, but his mother's reaction let him know that he would find no refuge in his own home. As his mother continued to admonish him, Daniel heard the front door slam slut. He heard his father's heavy footsteps as the older man followed his wife's voice to his son. Winston glared down at his son as Carol paused to let him speak. Winston shook his head as she shouted, "Do you have any idea about how much you've embarrassed this family?" "You don't understand..." "I understand what I saw. I don't care what bullshit motive your bitch of a cousin had for releasing the photographs to embarrass you. You have to know better. You can never put yourself in a position that might shame our family." "I know that, but..." "There's no buts in life! There is right and there's wrong. It's wrong for a man to do what you did. There's no excuse that's going to make it okay," Winston admonished. Daniel sighed as he put his head down before his father continued, "You can't carry on like a sissy. You can't act like a fag for a girl! It's deplorable." Finally, having heard enough, Daniel retorted, "And what if I liked it?" Winston froze and glared at his son before he slowly twisted his neck and replied, "Then I'm going to send you off to West Point when you graduate." "It wouldn't scandalize the family if your young cadet was carrying on in a skirted uniform," Daniel replied with a slight smile. Winston wanted to smack the expression off his son's face, but he restrained himself. He shook his head as he responded, "I don't care what you like. I do things I don't like all the time. Do you think I wanted to break up my day by coming in here to talk to you about this? No, but it's part of life. You do what you have to. If being a man makes you unhappy to damn bad. You just put your pants on one leg at a time and act like everybody else." Daniel nodded sullenly as he put his head down. Winston collected himself and told Daniel, "Go to your room and don't come out until tomorrow. I want you to think long and hard about all the shame you've brought upon this family." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel awoke the next morning to an empty household as he often did. He walked into the kitchen soon after waking and quickly ate breakfast to eliminate the hunger pains that had been with him throughout the night. When he finished eating, Daniel migrated back to his room to check his facebook account. He wanted to see what others were saying about him, but he had been too distracted by the events of the day before to inquire at that time. Daniel logged into his account and looked over the pages of comments. He saw the hateful slurs thrown his way by those he had once hung out with at school. While he had few close friends, Daniel had spent time with the other students at his school that had been rejected by the larger student body. Those very people he associated with were now trying to save themselves from further abuse by being linked to him. Daniel knew he should have expected the gay slurs hat were directed at him by them, but they cut so much worse than those classmates that had been indifferent towards him or bullied him before because he had counted them among his few allies at school. The other classmates' derision did not mean anything to him. He was always an afterthought to them, so he did not care about their opinion of him. Daniel sighed as he finished reading the last of the hateful comments left for him. He smiled a little as he realized that he did not care all that much about any of the people slurring him. He was never really close with them anyway. Daniel figured if this was how those that styled themselves as friendly to him would react to something he had done that had not hurt another person, he should not be bothered to care about them or their opinions. Daniel resigned himself to being alone from that moment on. With no friends or family to turn to, he spent his hours reading and watching television. The manner in which he spent his hours felt unfulfilling to him. He fantasized about the relationship he had forged with Amy in such a short time. He knew that it was not possible to have such a relationship with the girls at his school. They were all aware of his cross-dressing in the early summer. From posts on website, Daniel knew that female classmates were scorning him as much as were his male ones. Daniel knew that even if one of the girls was attracted to cross- dressers, they would not give into their temptation. The girls at his schools were all preoccupied with their images and were very protective of their status, just as his parents' were. In his boredom, Daniel often fantasized about dressing up in women's clothing again. However, he had no sister, so the only feminine clothing in the home belonged to his mother. He thought about dressing in it when he was alone, but he figured that she would she surely figure out that something was awry. As the middle of July passed, his urge to wear something feminine grew stronger. The idea preoccupied his mind. He felt as if he needed a feminine fix to think clearly again. Daniel decided that he had to do it. He waited for the cleaning lady to leave for the day, and he snuck into his mother's room. He threw open her closet doors and walked into the closet. He looked around at what she possessed. While Daniel was well aware that his feet were too large to wear her shoes, he knew that he could fit into her clothes. He looked over her blouses, sweaters, skirts and dresses. He tried a few things on and felt a sense of relief as he felt the soft fabric clinging to his body and gently caressing his legs as he walked. Daniel preened in front of her full length mirror attached to the wall. He felt more comfortable in her clothes than he did in his own even though he was nervous since he was unsure when his mother would be arriving home. The idea of being caught filled him with fear as he knew how ashamed he would be, but he felt that the feminine feelings that were encompassing his body was worth the risk. As Daniel continued to look through her clothes, his eyes were caught by a bead neck, brocade cocktail dress. The dress's olive and gold metallic brocade gradually darkened from top to bottom. There was gold and black beading across the shoulders and chest and the hemline hit just above the knee. He had seen his mother wear the dress once and thought that it was fetching. Dressing in the evening gown, Daniel slipped his arms through the holes of the sleeveless dress as he stepped into it. He struggled mightily to pull up the back zipper and had to switch hands three times to pull it all the way up his back. With the dress in place, Daniel walked over to the mirror. He smiled at his appearance from his head down before he turned his eyes away from it as he saw the male head above the bateau neckline of the beautiful dress. He briefly thought about putting on makeup as he ran his fingers through his hair, but he did not want to leave any possible reminders of his cross-dressing for his mother or father to find on him when they returned home that day. Knowing that he could not put on makeup safely, but still wanting to feel ever more feminine, Daniel walked over to his mother's dresser and began opening her drawers. He felt ashamed as he peered inside and looked for a pair of panties and pantyhose to go with the dress he was borrowing. Daniel pulled out a pair of black cotton panties and nude pantyhose. He dropped his boxers to the floor and pulled the panties and pantyhose up his legs before he tucked away his member. After he finished adjusting his pantyhose, Daniel collected his male clothing off the floor of his mother's closet and carried it down the hallway to his room. He opened his door and threw it inside before he swiftly closed the door. He smiled as the traces of his male identity were out of sight and out his mind. Daniel meandered through the apartment, pausing in the kitchen to get a class of water. He smiled at the coolness of the marble floor beneath his nylon covered feet. He curled his toes up as he imagined that he was the lady of the home for a moment. Daniel then came to a stop in the living room. He took a seat on the couch and turned on the television, but he was carefully to keep the volume low so that he could door open. He crossed his legs at the knee and smirked as he felt his silken covered legs rubbing together. Daniel dragged his finger tips along his legs before he began to run his hands down them. The soft alluring feeling brought back his memories of Amy. He pulled his right hand away from his legs and began softly running it along his sides as he remembered the feeling of Amy's lips on his. He dreamed of having her again. The memory of her kisses and their mutual affinity for his feminized appearance made him grin as his member enlarged between his legs. Daniel's legs uncrossed as he rubbed them together while he felt up the silk and metallic fabric that covered body. Suddenly he heard the apartment door open. Daniel froze for a second before he got to his feet and rushed towards his bedroom before he could be seen. Daniel's heart raced as he ran towards his bedroom with his pantyhose feet slapping on the wood floors of the hallway with each step made awkward by the erection warming his rear. Daniel got to his door and closed it swiftly. He hastily pulled off the dress over head after partially getting the zipper down. He pulled the pantyhose off just as quickly and shoved his mother's clothing under his bed before he redressed in his own clothing. Shortly after he finished, he heard a knock on his door. Daniel swallowed hard, afraid that one of his parents had seen his mad dash in his mother's feminine finery. He felt faint as his heart raced while he reached for the lock on his door knob. He unlocked the door and opened it to find his mother staring up at him. Awaiting her scorn, Daniel felt relieved as his mother made no mention of seeing him cross-dressing. She instead informed him of her plans for the evening. Daniel nodded as he continued to listen to her, growing more at ease as she continued to speak. As she finished, Daniel closed the door and slumped down in front of his computer. He smiled to himself as he felt a sense of relief wash over him. Still the despair he had felt moments before made him resolved to never wear her clothing again. Despite nearly being caught en femme by his mother and his vow to himself, Daniel found the urge to cross-dress to irresistible to pass up. After a few days, he began sneaking back into his mother's room when he was alone and dressing up in her clothes. Daniel could not help himself, he felt addicted to the feeling of femininity that accompanied every article of his mother's clothing that touched his skin. He felt right as his mind would instantly drift to the brief time he had shared with Amy. The simple feeling of the clothing on his skin made him feel like he was with her again. Daniel knew that it was only a fantasy, but the idea of resuming their relationship consumed him. He wanted Amy back, but he knew that his present circumstances would keep them apart. Still, despite as right as he felt en femme, Daniel hated himself for his enjoyment of it. He was sure that it was wrong for him to like it. He knew that he should hate it, but he could deny that he preferred being Danielle to being the man he was expected to be. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As the last days of July approached, Daniel felt increasingly unsatisfied with his private hours as Danielle. Daniel wanted to be her in public, the way he had been with Amy. Daniel knew that he would have to be careful when picking his opportunity to go out into public. The chance came soon after his father left for a two week business trip to Beijing. With his father out of the picture, Daniel only had to worry about the cleaning lady and his mother. The cleaning only came every other day, so she was simple enough to avoid. Daniel then got into his mother's Blackberry as she showered to review her itinerary for the week. That's when Daniel found the perfect date to be Danielle. When that day came, Daniel awoke smiling, as he realized that his mother would be out the entire day. She would not be back before 6 P.M. She came out of the bathroom and told him that he was on his for the day. Daniel nodded and tried to conceal his glee. Soon after she left, Daniel crept into Carol's bedroom. He opened her closet doors and looked around for the clothing that would be most similar to something a girl his age would wear. While his mother refused to concede much to age and wore clothing that girls twenty years her junior wore, her clothing choices were still more common for a girl in her late twenties than her teens. Daniel figured that this would probably help him anyway as he figured that it would be better to look more sophisticated when he was out as a lady than more teenish like his classmates. Daniel perused his mother's clothing and selected a two toned sheath dress with an asymmetrical v-neck line. Daniel placed the dress on and ran his hands along the wide tonal waist band before he reached for the dresses back zipper. Daniel struggled less with the zipper than the first time he had worn one of his mother's dresses. As he got it in place, he moved towards the mirror. He gazed at how the fitted silhouette hugged his figure which he had enhanced with a stuffed bra. The dress made his rear look larger and Daniel liked how slender his arms appeared as they fit perfectly beneath the caps sleeves of the dress. The hemline of the dress hit over the knees of his freshly shaven legs before he placed on his most unisexual pair of footwear, a brown leather pair of flip-flops his mother had bought him the year before. Daniel hated the flip-flops and he never wore them before, thinking they were too girly. Now, Daniel felt they were less girly than he originally thought. The flip-flops went with nothing his mother owned, but Daniel knew they had to do until he was able to get a more feminine pair. As he finished dressing, Daniel took out his mother's makeup and headed over to her vanity mirror. He placed on his makeup before he walked over to where Carol kept her bags. Daniel took hold of his mother's champagne colored, woven leather shoulder bag. He placed his wallet and keys into the bag as well as the makeup he had also decided to borrow from his mother without her permission. Daniel carried the bag over to the mirror and smiled at the feminine reflection in the mirror. He felt he looked even more girlish than he did when he was earlier in the month with Amy. He wished he could see Amy at that moment as he was sure that she would like what he was seeing. However, Daniel also knew that he was too recognizable by those that knew him, especially the building's doorman. Daniel knew he would have to wear something that would help conceal his appearance. Daniel figured that the biggest give away he had was his eyes. Despite the mascara and black eye shadow he was wearing, Daniel knew that his eyes would be recognizable by those that were familiar with him. Consequently, Daniel decided to wear a pair of his mother's largest sunglasses to conceal his eyes. Daniel looked at the few pairs she had before he selected a pair that seemed almost oversized, but he had seen other girls wearing. Daniel placed the sunglasses on and headed for the front door of the apartment. Daniel took a deep breath before he stepped out of the apartment. He closed the door behind him as his pocketbook was pressed firmly between his arm and faux bust. There were only two apartments on the floor and Daniel was sure that the neighbors were away for the week so he took his time heading for the elevator. He pressed the button and felt a nervous feeling his stomach. He was sure that the only person that might notice him was the doorman. All he had to do was get past him, and Daniel figured he would be in the clear. Daniel stepped onto the elevator and nervously clutched at his shoulder bag as the elevator brought him to the ground floor. Daniel walked through the lobby. There was no one in it to his relief. He walked towards the door trying to appear inconspicuous as he approached it. The doorman saw Daniel and looked him over. Daniel was sure that the man would notice who he was, but the doorman gave no such indication. He opened the door for Daniel while he said, "Here you go, Miss." "Thanks," Daniel replied in the highest and breathiest voice he could manage. Daniel felt a sense of relief that the doorman he had seen for years did not realize who he was. He walked down the street feeling confident in his appearance. He smiled as he saw people look at him and checkout his dress before heard one young girl mutter to another, "Love that dress, but with flips seriously? WTF?" Daniel smiled at the statement, not because they denigrated the footwear he hated, but because they did not even find something odder about his appearance. Despite his confidence in his appearance, Daniel knew that as long as he was in Manhattan there was still a chance he would be exposed. Daniel felt a sense of relief as he descended the steps to the subway. He knew that very few of his classmates ever ventured into the subway as they largely felt that public transportation was beneath them. He also knew no one who willing went to the outer-boroughs, so he figured that he would be free from any realistic chance of exposure there. Daniel went through the turnstiles and reviewed the subway map for the trains he was looking for. Daniel waited on the platform for the train. He saw others around, but no one paid much attention to him except for one guy who walked by and leered at him. The look the guy gave him made Daniel's stomach flutter as he affirmed Daniel's confidence in the femininity of his appearance. The train came to a stop in the station and Daniel boarded it. He found an open seat and daydreamed as the subway train traveled towards the station he was seeking to get out off at. Daniel thought about what he wanted to buy as the train made its way through the dark tunnels. His thought process was only interrupted by hearing the announcement of the station and the commotion of those entering and exiting the subway car. Daniel stood up as he heard the name of the station he was seeking to get off at. Daniel got to his feet and held his shoulder bag close to his body as he stepped off the train and followed a crowd of people towards a staircase. Daniel exited the station and looked around at the crowded street. He saw the storefronts that littered the ground floors along the avenue. He walked down the streets, staring into the storefronts to see if he saw anything that caught his interest. As he made his way down the second block, Daniel saw a pair of flats in the window that he knew would be perfect for this day of shopping. Daniel entered the shop and asked a clerk if they had his size. The clerk asked what size he was, prompting Daniel to be silent. He rubbed the back of his neck as he said he was not sure. The clerk gave him an odd look before she took a Brannock Device out from behind the counter. She asked Daniel to take a seat so she could measure his foot. Daniel complied and slipped off his flip-flop. The girl took the measurement and informed Daniel that he wore a size ten. Daniel smiled as he made sure to remember that. He thought he wore a size ten based on the shoes that his cousin had gotten for him earlier that summer, but he had had not been sure prior to that moment. The clerk went into the backroom and returned carrying a shoe box in her hand. Daniel took the box from her and pulled one of the tumbled leather, pewter colored shoes out. Daniel smiled at the shoe's feather light feeling in his hand. He slipped it on his right foot before he put one on his left foot. He stood up and walked around the shop to see if the shoes fit him correctly. He smiled as he soon realized that the shoes were a perfect fit. Daniel smiled at the clerk and said he would take the shoes. He paid for the shoes and told the clerk that he did not need the box as he would be wearing them out. The clerk shrugged and handed Daniel the receipt. Daniel strolled down the street feeling more confident about his appearance given the undeniable femininity of everything he was wearing. Daniel caught his reflection in the store front windows and could not help but smile at the utterly feminine image staring back at him. Daniel saw nothing of his bored and humiliated male self in the reflection. He saw only a smiling young girl who surrounded herself with beautiful things. A passerby broke Daniel's dazed state by nearly walking into him. He heard the man mutter that people should not come to a complete stop on the sidewalk and smiled. Daniel clamped his shoulder bag between his arm and side as he started to amble down the sidewalk again. His attention was caught by a small boutique. Shortly after he walked through the boutique's doors, a female clerk came over and asked, "Can I help you miss?" Daniel shrugged as he replied, "I'm just looking." "Well, if you need anything. Just ask," the girl responded. Daniel nodded and walked over to the racks. Daniel perused the racks containing dresses, skirts, blouses, pants and jeans. Everything looked good to him. Daniel wanted to buy out the store, but he knew that he had to restrain himself, given that he only had a few places he could hide his 'Danielle' clothing. While he looked through the contents of the racks, his eyes were caught by a white lace, a-line skirt. Daniel took the medium rise skirt in his hands and looked over its embroidered floral lace design and jersey lining. He knew that he had to buy it. He then moved onto the racks of tops to find a blouse to go with it. He searched through the blouses and found one he felt went perfectly with the skirt. Daniel took hold of the white three quarter sleeve blouse and asked the clerk if he could use the dressing room. The clerk obliged and pointed him towards the dressing room in the back of the store. Daniel walked towards it feeling light on his feet as he realized that he was about to try on girls clothing with no one the wiser regarding who he really was. After walking through the dressing room's doors, Daniel made sure that the door was locked. He slipped off his skirt and placed on the new one before he put on the blouse. Daniel looked at himself in the mirror and pulled at the skirts' scalloped hem that draped easily over his smooth legs. Daniel spun around and looked back into the mirror to see the skirt from the back. Daniel pursed his lips as he preened into the mirror, trying to look flirty and alluring. He had to stifle his laughter since he was sure that it was too masculine for a woman of his size and age. He then changed back into his clothes and brought the skirt and blouse to the counter before a bead and distressed sequin embellished, honeycomb colored dress caught his eyes. The dress was something similar to what he saw other girls his age wearing and he knew that it would also conceal his faux bust. Daniel walked towards the mannequin wearing the short sleeved dress. His eyes looked it over before he asked the clerk about it. The clerk smiled at him. She looked over the expensive designer clothing he was wearing before she said, "I'll get one for you." The clerk came back out moments later with the dress in hand. Daniel felt the soft fabric in his hands before he went back to the dressing room. He disrobed once more and placed on the dress. Daniel loved the way the dress hung off his body with a hemline that hit three quarters of the way up his thigh. The dress struck him as flirty and feminine, the very things he wanted to be at that moment. He was tired of being a freak of a man among his classmates because of his cross-dressing. He felt much more at ease being a normal girl, which was what he was being treated as by all those he saw in the shops and on the streets. Daniel took the dress off and decided to buy it. The clerk rang up his purchases before Daniel walked out of the shop. As he strolled down the street carrying the bags, Daniel's attention was then caught by a small store that sold only legwear. As he walked through the shops doors, Daniel stared at the mannequin legs covered in leggings and hosiery. He saw the myriad of different patterns on the legs. He wanted them all, but he had already spent a significant amount of money on clothing he would barely be able to use and had to conceal, so he knew he had to limit himself. Daniel selected a pair of patterned pantyhose, plain black opaque tights and black lace leggings. He felt that they were feminine, but not eye catching enough to invite intense scrutiny of him. He brought them to the cashier who rang up his selections before he walked back out onto the street. Daniel crossed the street and started walking back towards the subway entrance. He sauntered down the street staring into the shop windows just as a group of girls walking in front of him were. His attention was then caught by a pair of sky blue peep toe heels in a window front. Daniel hemmed and hawed as he looked at them. He knew he had no real use for them but he wanted a pair of heels to practice in at home. He knew that wearing them would enhance the appearance of his long and thin legs, which was a prospect that caused no small amount of excitement. After mulling it over, he decided that there was no harm in trying them on. Daniel walked into the shop and asked a clerk about the shoes. She brought him a pair in his size and Daniel tried them on. He walked around a little bit, taking careful steps given his lack of experience walking in heels. His inexperience was only made more obvious by the shoes 4? inch heels. Despite his graceless steps, he smiled at his reflection in the mirror. He saw the effect the shoes had on his legs and decided that he had to buy them. Shortly after the shoes were paid for, Daniel walked out of the store and figured his day of shopping was coming to an end before he saw a shop specializing in sleepwear. Daniel knew that he did not have anything feminine to sleep in and decided that had to change. Daniel walked through the doors and looked through the nightgowns, slips, camisoles and teddies that filled the store. He settled on a nightgown that was feminine and economical for him given the amount he had already spent on clothing that day. After he purchased the items, Daniel rushed towards the subway station as he realized that he had shopped for longer than he planned. Daniel descended the steps of the subway station and looked around. He found a bench while he waited for the subway train to come. He decided then that he should get some practice in heels and swapped his flats for the sky blue pumps he had bought. An older woman saw him as she walked by and smiled as she asked, "Got a date to get to?" Daniel blushed as he lied, "Yes." The woman smiled as she walked on by him. Daniel stood up with some difficulty, balancing himself on the back of the bench as the subway train pulled up. Daniel walked into the subway car and found that all the seats had been taken. Daniel clutched a pole in the subway car and nearly fell over as the car jerked forward. He sighed as he realized that he had made a mistake putting on the heels. He realized that it was a real task for woman to keep themselves upright in heels given the uncertain movements of the subway car. As the subway train came to a stop at the next station, Daniel nearly fell over again, prompting smiles from some of the men. One young man offered Daniel his seat. Daniel smiled at him and took his offer. Daniel felt a rush as the young man treated him as if he was a normal girl. Everything that day had driven home the normalcy of his feminine self, which contrasted with the pariah status that had become associated with his male self given the disclosure of his early summer cross-dressing. The young man who gave Daniel his seat started talking to him. Daniel responded in careful tones even as he smiled and flirted with the man. He did not know why he was doing it. Daniel had no attraction to the man, but he liked the attention he was receiving. The harmless flirting seemed to reinforce that he was Danielle. The man got off at the last Brooklyn stop and decided not to get Daniel's number based on his preconceptions about Manhattan girls not dating Brooklyn boys. Daniel was a bit let down about not getting asked for his number. While he would not have given it, he at least wanted the thrill of being asked. Daniel got off the train at his station. He paused before the steps out of the station and cursed himself again for his decision to put on the heels. He carefully ascended to the evident frustration of those rushing past him with shaking heads and muttered profanities. Daniel's feet began to ache as he turned down his block and headed for his building. He walked towards the door. The doorman asked, "Where are you going miss?" Daniel pressed his sunglasses against his face, careful to make sure his eyes were concealed before he said in the highest voice he could muster, "I've got a friend in the building." The doorman examined Daniel and shook his head before he remembered letting Daniel out that day. He smiled as he opened the door to let him in. Daniel smiled back at him and headed for the elevator. He got on alone and went up to his floor. Daniel breathed a sigh of relief as the doorman had not let on that he knew who Daniel really was. Daniel exited the elevator and was relieved to see that his neighbor was not outside his apartment. Daniel let himself in and hurried to his room to hide his new feminine clothing before his mother came home. Daniel stuffed it under his bed before he changed back into his own clothes and carefully put the clothes he had borrowed from her exactly where he found them. Daniel entered the bathroom and used his mother's makeup remover and got into the shower to wash away the traces of femininity that lingered on his body after the removal of his feminine clothing. After he finished in the shower, Daniel locked his bedroom door and decided to hid his clothes in a better spot. He reaching under the box spring of his bed, carefully pulling the cloth that covered the bottom of the box spring away from the box spring. He placed the bags containing his clothing inside, balancing them on the wood bars running through the box spring. He then dressed up the box springs' under cloth to make sure that nothing was hanging down beneath the box spring in the hopes that nothing would give away that something was being concealed there. Shortly after he finished, he heard the front door of the apartment open. Daniel went out to greet his mother who was carrying in dinner for the two of them. She told him to set the table and Daniel did so without question. His mother laid out the food on the table and served herself before Daniel took some of the food for himself as he sat down at the table across from her. As they ate, Carol asked, "How was your day?" "Quiet," Daniel replied. Carol smiled as she responded, "Good. I'm sorry about laying into you before with your father. I know all that sissy stuff wasn't really your fault. I suppose I have myself to blame for sending you to live with those people." "Those people?" "You know what I mean." "No. I don't. You're talking about your sister." "She's not one of us though." "One of us?" Carol shook her head in response before she replied, "It doesn't matter, now. I'm working hard to restore your good name. All that silly sissy business is behind you. It's going to take time to rehabilitate your image, but I think it can be done. You'll be marriage material again, believe me. I'm going to get you a real proper girl." "Aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves," Daniel asked as his stomach turned as he heard his mother's words. "You always have to plan ahead, Daniel. You're going to follow in your father's footsteps, and an important man like that needs a good woman." "I met a good woman while I was at Aunt Kristen's." "There are no good women by your Aunt's." "What's that supposed to mean?" "You'll understand when you're older. Good doesn't mean nice or pretty. Good comes from your upbringing. A good woman has good parents with a beautiful home. They're the type of people you can bring out into public and not be ashamed to be seen with." "I'm not ashamed to be seen with her..." "Not, you. Us, your father and I. We would be ashamed to have our only so seen with a girl below your stature." "What's so great about me?" "You came from us. That says it all, dear." Daniel chewed his food in silence with his eyes fixated on his plate. Carol shook her head at her son's response before she continued, "It will take us a long time to bring you back up to what you were." "What was I?" Daniel asked as he placed his fork down. Carol glared at her son as she heard the loud clink of the fork against his plate. She continued, "Your father's friends all talked about setting you up with their daughters, but, now..." "Now, what?" "They think you're weak and..." "Gay?" "Some think that you're a fairy, but we've been successful playing it off as a joke. People ask us about it, and we just tell them you were just playing a game with some people and it got out of hand." Daniel shook his head at his mother's words, but he refused to tell his mother what he really felt. He decided it was better to feel good in silence and take her abuse than tell her the truth and risk her constant surveillance to protect her investment in him. Daniel excused himself from the table and left his dish in the sink for the cleaning lady to get to the next morning. He walked back to his bedroom and turned on his television shortly after he locked the door behind him. Daniel reached under his bed and retrieved the long-sleeved, knit nightgown he had stored inside his box spring. He disrobed and placed the v-necked white nightgown decorated with pink and maroon patterns on and crawled under his covers. His mother's scornful words drifted away from his mind as he felt right as he laid beneath the covers as the soft cotton fabric of the nightgown rubbed against his skin. He smiled to himself as he realized that he felt more right than he had ever felt before. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After breakfast the next morning, Daniel headed back his bedroom while the cleaning lady began to dust the furniture in the living room. He locked the door behind him and logged onto his computer. He decided he needed to have a release from the male life he felt currently imprisoned in as another person's presence in the apartment meant that his Danielle clothes had to stay concealed. Daniel decided to create a Facebook account for his alter ego. He created the account and decided to upload one of the pictures that his cousin had sent out to his Facebook friend's to shame him. Daniel hesitated before uploading the picture. He thought about the risk of someone discovering his page for Danielle. While he disguised his last name by using the name of the girl who had been attracted to his feminine alter-ego, he knew that the risk remained. Daniel figured, however, that since everyone he knew in his male life was already aware of his time as Danielle and was shunning him for it, the dangers of further exposure were minimal. The only people he figured would be affected where himself and his parents. Given his mother's words the day before, Daniel smiled at the thought of spiting his mother further by destroying all of her carefully crafted lies to explain the pictures of him en femme. Once his account was created, Daniel began searching for Amy on the site. After a few hours of browsing those with similar names, Daniel came upon her Facebook page. He sent Amy and her brother, Charlie, a request to be friended. As Daniel continued to search the site, he came across a page for an elderly cross-dresser named Alvin Adams who lived in one of the outer- boroughs. Daniel decided to friend him as well. The elderly man was the first to accept his friend request. Daniel responded with a few nice comments about the man, before the man complemented Daniel's appearance en femme. The two began to write to each other daily as both discussed their feminine fantasies. Daniel also began to exchange writings with Amy and Charlie every day as well. The reconnection with Charlie and Amy made his days of confinement in the apartment in his male clothes seem much more tolerable. Whenever he was able to wear his Danielle clothes, he made sure to put them on and found that it made him feel better about himself. He felt that he was more Danielle than he was Dan. Daniel's correspondence with Charlie, Amy and Alvin only helped to reinforce how much more comfortable he was being his feminine persona. He took new photographs of himself en femme in his apartment and uploaded them. Daniel felt a rush posting them as the location behind him clearly indicate to anyone who knew him that his cross-dressing was not simply part of the trickery he was subjected to earlier that summer. Despite his connection with Charlie, Amy and Alvin on the computer, Daniel longed for face to face interaction with others. He was only speaking with his cleaning lady and parents as his former friend's had shunned him. Daniel badly wanted to go back out to the island to see Amy and Charlie, but he could not find enough time in a day to get away and come back undetected. While he could go out, he knew that his mother would investigate his whereabouts if he was gone for a suspiciously long time. Alvin was willing to provide Daniel with the face to face outlet he needed. Daniel arranged to meet Alvin in a city park near where Alvin lived. Daniel left his building to meet Alvin dressed in his normal clothing. Daniel got on the subway and got off at the stop near Alvin's home and followed the directions he had printed out to the park. About ten minutes later, he saw a man approaching him in a wheelchair. The man wheeled over to Daniel and said hello. Daniel smiled and asked if the man was Alvin. Given Alvin's lack of makeup, Daniel was not sure if it was the same person. Alvin smiled and introduced himself. The two began to talk as they sat side by side. Daniel felt safe around the older man as he was frail and unable to harm him in anyway as they talked about their feminine desires. Alvin loved listening to Daniel's stories about his time en femme. Alvin was unable to live them out himself as he was too unmistakably masculine to go out in public en femme as his alter ego Alice. He fantasized about being Daniel and tried to recreate Daniel's experiences in his mind, which he wished he had the opportunity to live out in his youth. Daniel listened to Alvin's stories about his life. Alvin had been married for forty years before his wife passed away. During that time, he never once told his wife about his cross-dressing, but he was sure she knew given her occasionally unexplained stretched out clothing. It was only after her death that Alvin began to cross-dress regularly. Daniel listened to Alvin explain how he felt. Daniel realized that Alvin was a lot like Charlie. He was different from both of them. Daniel simply felt more comfortable being a woman. He did not hate being a man. Alvin and Charlie hated being men. They did not want any part of the gender of their birth. Daniel knew that they were women trapped in the body of men. While Daniel was sad for the deal that life had dealt for the two of them, he was happy that he did not have their burdens. Alvin offered to show Daniel his feminine wardrobe. Daniel was hesitant to follow Alvin back to his home given the many lectures he received as a child about not trusting strangers, but he decided to go with him. Alvin let Daniel into his apartment. Daniel looked around at the feminine touches to the home decoration. There were pictures of Alvin and his wife everywhere as Alvin wheeled through the small apartment and entered his bedroom. Daniel watched as Alvin opened his closet that was full of feminine attire. There was virtually no male clothing at all in it. Alvin explained that he only put on male clothing to leave his apartment. He spent virtually all of his time inside his home, closed off from the outside world en femme. Daniel explained his own situation, regarding how little time he could spend en femme. Alvin listened to Daniel and then offered to let him change into and out of his feminine persona in his apartment in order to permit Daniel to slip away from the restrictions of his home life. Alvin's offer seemed to be a dream come true to Daniel. He took him up on it, which made Alvin smile. Alvin loved Daniel's ability to pass as a woman. It was what drew him in to friend Daniel. While Alvin had other cross-dressing friends online, they were all like him, unable to go out into the world without ridicule. They all dreamed of being like Daniel. Alvin was well aware that he could never be like Daniel; he knew that he could only settle for living vicariously through Daniel. Two days later, Daniel returned to Alvin's home, carrying a backpack full of the feminine attire that he was planning to leave at Alvin's pursuant to their agreement. Alvin let Daniel in and Daniel went into Alvin's bathroom to change. He dressed in the short sleeve, beaded and distressed sequin embellished dress he had purchased during his shopping trip in the outer boroughs. He paired the dress with his black lace leggings and pewter colored flats. Daniel then applied his makeup and put his long hair up into a high ponytail. As Daniel emerged from the bathroom, Alvin's jaw dropped. While Alvin had seen pictures of Daniel en femme, seeing it in person made it seem entirely different. Daniel did not appear masculine in anyway. While Alvin was sitting there in a housedress, pantyhose and makeup looking like a man in drag, Daniel looked unambiguously like a girl his age. While Daniel was not an especially attractive girl, he was an almost average looking girl with a great pair of legs. Alvin complimented Daniel's appearance as Daniel sat down on Alvin's couch. They started to talk about their makeup techniques before Alvin noted, "The shoes really aren't the best match for that dress." Daniel smiled as he nodded and responded, "I know, but I only have two pairs of shoes and the others are sky blue pumps." Alvin laughed and said, "That's not going to help you either." "In retrospect, I should have a bought a black pair so I could have a pair that goes with anything." Alvin nodded and said, "Every girl's got to have a little black dress and a pair of black heels and flats." "Is that so?" Daniel replied. "Yes, it's a gender requirement," Alvin responded. "What about the lesbians?" Daniel retorted. "If they ain't trying to interest a man, they don't count." Daniel squirmed as he replied, "Well, I'm not really trying to interest a man." Alvin nodded. He was well aware from their conversations that Daniel was more of a cross-dresser than the frustrated transsexual that he was. Alvin then smiled as he responded, "Well, based on what you told me about getting checked out by guys, I'm not sure that's right." Daniel blushed as he knew that he had admitted how being checked out by a guy made him feel. It made him feel better about himself even as he had no interest in men in a sexual way. Alvin smiled at Daniel's blushing cheeks and changed the subject, "So why don't you get yourself a new pair of shoes." Daniel responded, "Well, my parents might have money burn, but I'm on a bit of a budget. I wish I had more money for clothes, but what am I going to do," Daniel replied. "Well, I saw a help wanted sign in the window of the tavern on the corner of the block." "On the corner...oh, the Tavern?" "Yes, that's the one." "What are they looking for?" "They're looking for a waitress. I'm sure it's off the books." "Do you know if they require experience?" "No idea. I'm not really in any shape to be asking about that kind of job," Alvin replied with a smile that quickly left him as his eyes drifted towards the floor. "Maybe I should go check it out. No one I know from my male life will come out to a tavern, especially one out here." "Go down and see if they're still hiring," Alvin replied, feeling a slight rush as he thought about Daniel going out in public dressed so unambiguously girlishly. Daniel nodded and said, "I'll be back." "I'll see you then," Alvin replied as Daniel got to his feet and took his pocketbook out of his backpack and carried it out the door. Alvin watched Daniel leave the building and walk down the street from his window. He daydreamed of being Daniel and being able to leave his building en femme, but he knew he never would. Daniel strolled down the street. The few people that came down the street did not pay much attention to him. Daniel sauntered up to the tavern's doors and walked inside. There were a few people at the bar. They turned to look at who walked through the door and their eyes were caught by the highly detailed dress. Daniel saw the drunkards checking him out as he approached the bartender and inquired about the sign. The bartender called into the kitchen and soon the tavern's owner came out and met with Daniel. The owner explained that the job was off the books and the hours they were looking for Daniel to work. Daniel lied about his age to make it seem as if he could keep the job after school started. Daniel took the job with little hesitation before he headed back to Alvin's home to get changed back into his male clothes. As he walked down the street, Daniel felt elated. He finally found the outlet he felt he needed to be Danielle in public. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel prepared for his shift in Alvin's apartment. He disrobed and placed on his bra and a pair of black tights. After he finished stuffing the bra, Daniel put on the collared golf shirt the tavern owner had given. The black short sleeved cotton shirt contained the tavern's logo over his right breast. Daniel then placed on the black cotton skirt and a pair black leather one inch heeled boots he had purchased at a Salvation Army located three blocks away from Alvin's apartment. Alvin knocked on the bathroom door as Daniel began to do his makeup. He asked Daniel if he needed anything for his shift. Daniel smiled at Alvin and shook his head. He then applied his makeup and tied his hair back up into a high ponytail. Daniel thanked Alvin again for letting him use his apartment before he exited the building. Daniel then walked down the street, feeling confident in his ability to work as a waitress. He walked through the bar's doors and saw two of the bar's elderly regulars checking him out as he walked past them and into the kitchen. Daniel placed his pocketbook down in a corner of the kitchen before he waited for the lunch crowd to come in. As Daniel heard the bartender, Harry, start talking to some patrons, he eased his way out of the kitchen. He saw the eyes of the two construction workers on him as he walked out. Daniel smiled and put his head down as headed behind the bar as the tavern was starting to fill up. He saw an elderly couple come in and take a seat at one of the tables. Daniel strolled over to them and asked, "What can I get for you today?" The couple asked for two drinks and a menu. Daniel went to Harry and asked for both and carried them over to the couple. Daniel walked away from the couple as they perused the menu. Daniel saw a group of women dressed in office attire walk in. They took a seat at a booth along the back wall. Daniel walked over and asked if they needed menus. One of the women responded that they did and Daniel went and brought the menus over to them. While he gave the women time to order, Daniel went back to the elderly couple and took their orders. He carried their menus to the bar and placed them down before he went into the kitchen to give the cook the couples' orders. As he walked back, Daniel noticed that more of the tavern's patron's eyes were on him. He felt exposed and wondered if there was some give away about who he really was. He felt like they were sneaking looks at him to examine him. The fear of exposure made him slightly aroused, which only made him more fearful that his erect member would be seen poking at the back of his skirt as it pushed at his tights. However, as Daniel walked by the patrons in the dankly lit room, he noticed that none of them were giving him scornful looks. However, he heard hushed speaking and laughter as he walked out of their earshot that made him self conscious. Daniel was left to wonder if they knew his secret and were just taking it well or if they were attracted to him. Daniel found himself stealing looks at the bar as he walked around taking orders. He caught men leering at his legs, which made him feel better about himself. It made him think that they were unaware of the secret that would ruin him. As Daniel walked back to the kitchen, he found the elderly couple's food was ready. Daniel set up a tray and pushed himself through the kitchen door with his back. He carried it out to them a. They politely thanked him before asking for two more drinks. Daniel nodded and fetched the drinks before carrying out the lunches for the group of women in the back. As the lunch rush continued, Daniel found himself growing tired as he hurried through the tavern carrying out meals, drinks and taking orders. No one seemed to notice anything strange about him, but he did not have long to linger around anyone to let them get a good look at him either. Harry was the only one who was able to pay any significant close up attention to Daniel as he made his periodic trips to the bar to bring food to the patrons at the bar. Harry delighted in making Daniel squirm. Harry felt that Daniel was an attractive girl, given his low standards. Harry usually felt that any young girl was worth a look, a fact that Daniel was unaware of as he took a strange feeling of satisfaction in being looked at like a piece of meat by the older man. Daniel smiled at Harry's looks, which Harry misinterpreted as Daniel leading him on. Harry mildly flirted with Daniel despite knowing that he should not given that Daniel was far too young for him. Daniel found himself flirting back before he caught himself. Daniel shook his head as he walked away from a smiling Harry. He knew that he had to stop teasing the older man. He knew it was wrong to lead him on, since he knew that Harry would have no interest in him if he knew the truth. Two hours into his shift, Daniel noticed that Alvin had entered the tavern. Daniel strolled over as Alvin went to sit at a two person table. He removed one of the chairs so Alvin could wheel up to the table. Alvin took a menu from Daniel with a smile. He watched Daniel serving and chatting with the customers as he walked around in a skirt and tights. Everything that Daniel was doing, Alvin wished he could have done at Daniel's age. He daydreamed about being Daniel. Being able to walk around and casually flirt with men while dressed as a woman seemed to be a dream. Alvin caught a few construction workers leering at Daniel's legs and rear and laughed to himself as he thought, 'If they only knew.' Daniel took Alvin's order and brought it to the kitchen. Daniel brought out the order not long after as Alvin finished his first beer. Daniel did not have much time to talk, which Alvin understood. He was getting a thrill watching Daniel work as a woman. Alvin knew that his circumstances dictated that enjoying the experience through another was the closest he could get. Alvin paid his bill after he finished his meal, and Daniel helped him get out of the tavern by holding the door open for him. Daniel smiled at Alvin and thanked him again for giving him a place to change into his Danielle persona for work. Alvin smiled and told him it was his pleasure before he started down the sidewalk towards his apartment. Daniel walked back inside and began working again, bringing food out to the few patrons left at the bar who came in after the lunch hour rush ended. Harry complimented Daniel's appearance as he walked away from the patrons at the bar. Daniel blushed at Harry's words and knew that he had to end their flirting before a problem emerged. Daniel whispered to Harry, "I have to tell you something." "What?" Daniel took a deep breath before he replied, "I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me." "What do you mean?" "I don't want to lead you on." Harry took a step back and then smirked as he tried to play off his earlier remarks, "Babe, don't worry. I wasn't taking it the wrong way. We were just having fun. You're not my type." "Good. Good." "Yes, don't worry about it. I got to get back. Tim seems to need another beer." "Go. Go. I'm glad you're not upset." "Upset. Why would I be upset? I mean a girl like you should be with a guy your age." "Or a girl," Daniel muttered. Harry heard Daniel's words despite the sound of The Pogues song playing in the tavern. Harry smirked as he walked back towards Daniel, "Danielle, are you a carpet eater?" "Well, that's a polite way of asking a question," Daniel replied as he stared down at the floor and blushed. Harry laughed and said, "You are. Great! At least you're the right type of lesbian." "Right type?" "A Lipstick lesbian. Bull dykes have no value, but Lipstick Lesbians, they're fun." "You know that doesn't do you any good." "Doesn't need to," Harry said with a smile as he walked away before Daniel went back into the kitchen. As his shift came to an end, Daniel said goodbye to Harry and walked out the door with his pocketbook. He hurried back to Alvin's apartment. He got changed back into his male clothes and removed his makeup before he chatted with Alvin regarding his first shift for a few minutes. Daniel then left the building and headed home. His mother was visibly angry when she saw him come home that evening after their normal dinner time. "Where were you young man?" Daniel squirmed as he said, "Out with some friends?" "Where?" "Out." Carol shook her head at her son's words and said, "Dinner's in the fridge." Daniel nodded and took out the plate she had made up for him. He then heated it in the microwave. Once he finished eating, Daniel went to his bedroom. He locked the bedroom door and logged onto his Facebook account to let Amy and Charlie know how his first day as a waitress went. The thrill of working as a woman without anyone noticing anything masculine about him came back to him as he typed into his computer. He soon realized that he felt better that day than at anytime since he and Amy had been torn apart by his parents' actions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel went back to work at the tavern the next day. He was scheduled to work there five days a week and he enjoyed the extra money he was making. It gave him all the money he needed to keep adding to his feminine wardrobe, most of which he was able to keep at Alvin's. Alvin never asked anything of Daniel but to tell him about his day en femme at the end of his shift. Daniel was more than happy to do so each evening. It made him feel good to relive the feminine moments especially when he was changing back into his male clothing and persona that he had grown to loathe. Although he was content with being a man, Daniel hated being the man he was given the scorn that accompanied his cross-dressing. Towards the end of his first shift of his third week on the job, Daniel heard a girl talking into her cell phone as she walked into the tavern. Daniel turned around and saw a familiar face. Daniel grinned as he placed down the man's drink and went to seat her. "Hey Miss Costello," Amy said with a smile as she noted the last name Daniel's feminine alter ego shared with her. Daniel smiled and hugged her before he seated her at one of the tavern's tables. Daniel gave her a menu and turned his head to look back at her as he caught her checking out his legs. Daniel felt the same feeling he did when they first kissed as he walked around the tavern brining people their meals and drinks until the end of his shift. As his shift ended, Daniel ordered a meal and sat beside Amy in a corner booth in the tavern, away from where most of the customers were sitting. Daniel looked at her and said, "I can't believe you came down here." "I wanted to see it with my own eyes." "Well, what do you think?" "You did a good job, at least in my opinion, and you look so cute doing it." Daniel blushed at her remark before he responded, "You look great." "Thanks," Amy replied as she cros

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Melissa turned the corner and emerged, finally, into arrivals. At midday there was a smattering of people waiting on friends and family; not quite a crowd. She stopped for a moment and scanned the faces, the variations in tone bewildering her slightly after spending so long away from home, the longest she had been in her short life. Yet she soon found the one face she was looking for, the one that was already smiling back at her, and Melissa's heart started beating so fast that it was as if...

1 year ago
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Kitsilano Narrative 4

Margot and I had been living together for two years now. Finding Tofino too limiting, we’d reluctantly made the move to Vancouver about a year ago. She’d set up her own small catering company, and I’d left the survey business to resume work as a freelance photographer. To put it mildly, we were now living something of a hand-to-mouth existence.We’d learned a lot about each other in the past twelve months.I wasn’t the golden boy that she’d first believed me to be. I still strayed occasionally,...

2 years ago
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Ditsydoo and Sams fun day

I first met Kitty through XH a couple of years ago, she’s a lovely BBW MILF with a lovely face, great boobs and incredible nipples! We met for lunch and went for a walk, unfortunately she had to return to work, so all we had time for was a little passionate kissing. I must say that she is a great kisser, I love deep french kissing and Kitty does it to perfection. Lovely soft lips, active tongue, just kissing her got me hard and I really wanted to drag her into the bushes and give her a quick...

2 years ago
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Kitsune chpt 1 2

Clark walked quietly, slowly, through the woods as he made his way towards his favorite place to sit. He grinned as he heard the sound of park rangers thundering through the brush in the opposite direction, yelling at one another to find the brat. Finally he reached the stream that cut through the park and walked up the bank until he found his spot, a small pound were the water poured from the rocks at the northern boundary of the forest. Looking up Clark could see the stone of Barons peak in...

2 years ago
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Introduction: A bittersweet reunion and coming of age for sisters….and lovers. (Warning: graphic scat/body fluids.) LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fantasy: attempting performing the sex acts detailed here could seriously damage your health. Do it anyway ^~^ Melissa turned the corner and emerged, finally, into arrivals. At midday there was a smattering of people waiting on friends and family, not quite a crowd. She stopped for a moment and scanned the faces, the variations in tone...

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For your entire life, you've thought of your family as pretty normal. Kaitlin and Robert Talbot, both in their late forties, both with standard but boring 9-5 office-type jobs. Two kids, Jessica and Andy, 21 and 19, respectively, college dropout and aspiring college dropout. You know, the American dream. Then Robert becomes the key witness in a murder by a big-time member of your city's organized crime network. His testimony is key to putting this criminal behind bars. It also puts a target on...

2 years ago
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Arbeitssuche in der Krise

“Sie haben das Inserat aber schon verstanden? Sie haben gelesen dass ich eine Direktionssekretärin und nicht einen Sekretär suche?” Sicher habe ich das verstanden. Nur hatte ich noch nie ein Inserat gesehen wo ausdrücklich ein Direktionssekretär gesucht wurde. “Sicher habe ich das verstanden. Grundsätzlich haben wir heute Gleichberechtigung. Also müssten Sie ihre Stellenausschreibung auch dementsprechend verfassen.” Die Reaktion der Chefin, der Firma die Stelle ausgeschrieben hatte, ließ auf...

1 year ago
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"Ahhh fack it!" You shouted aloud. Then hear a chuckle come from behind. You turn your head to see Haley dressed. "Wait! Was that tonight?" You asked looking perplexed, completely forgetting about it. "You forgot! I can't believe y-" But before she can finish the sentence you've already ran up to her and put your finger on her lips. Turning her around and whispering at her ear, "I'll make it up to you. Baby doll." While simultaneously running your finger up and down her crotch area. "You know...

2 years ago
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Terri, Donna und Ronnie waren Freunde aus der Kindheit. Ich hatte sie seit über einem Jahr nicht mehr gesehen, nicht seit ich den Job der Rezeptionistin bekommen hatte, als ich Daniel traf. Mein Leben hatte sich so sehr verändert und ich habe kaum an die alten Zeiten gedacht, aber ich musste sie zur Hochzeit einladen, wenn auch nur um ihnen zu zeigen, wie es sich auszahlt, gut zu sein und darauf zu warten, dass der richtige Mann kommt. Sie waren am Mittwoch vor der Hochzeit mit ihren Freunden...

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Arbeitsparty fr Tony

Toni rief an und entschuldigte sich, dass sie fragte, ob es mir es etwas ausmache unser kleines Mädchen zu hüten während sie auf einer Party eines Freundes von Ginger war. Ich sagte ihr, dass es kein Problem sei, sie solle sich keine Sorgen machen und es genießen. Ich wollte wissen, ob sie sicher wäre und fragte ob sie oder jemand anderes fahren würde. Obwohl Toni sehr konservativ in ihrem Verhalten war - sie trank nicht sehr oft und wenn sie es tat, war sie immer beschwipst. Sie sagte mir,...

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Peter saß genervt im Unterricht sie schrieben gerade eine Klausur und er hatte keine Ahnung vom Thema. Er würde eine knallharte sechs schreiben und durchfallen. Da er sowieso nichts beantworten konnte spielte er mit der Uhr herum die er am Wochenende auf dem Dachboden gefunden hatte. Es war eine altmodische silberne Taschenuhr. Er fand sie ziemlich cool auch wenn all seine Kumpels ihn Heute deswegen ausgelacht hatten. Er spielte ein wenig mit der Uhr herum und bemerkte einen kleinen Schalte am...

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kitsune Dodger

So in the Relm you choose you will the world you live in, MODERN DAY! So this Relm is very much like our own, expect other than just humans there are also furries, beacuse we weren't the only speices to evole, who cares about logic this is porn. SC-FI! This Relm is furries were on a diffrent planet, and when the human race started to explore them, we found these planets. Fanstasy! This is a fantasy world so they different races. well now to some impornt stuff, dodger is a kitsune, much like...

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Polizeimeisterin Kathrin Melzer war heute nicht zum lachen zu Mute. Polizeimeisterin - klang eigentlich nicht schlecht! Eigentlich war sie ganz schön stolz als sie den Titel tragen durfte, als sie sich das erste mal mit ihrer Uniform im Spiegel sah. Selbst in der Kampfmontur die sie jetzt trug gefiel sie sich. Sah ja schon beeindruckend aus, mit Helm, grüner Montur, breiten Schultern durch die Protektoren, Schlagstock und Schild, den schwarzen Boots, sie merkte schon dass selbst die Machos...

3 years ago
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Bigtitslut4us Birthday Surprise

Today was the first day of Spring vacation from College and I was awoken by a loud noise outside in front of the vacant house next door so I went to the window to see what was going on too see that a moving van was in front of the house next door and they were moving furniture into the house next door !! The house next door had been up for sale and I'm guessing the new owners were moving in today!! So I decided to go on about my business for the day!! I got dressed and went down stairs to have...

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Bigtitslut4u dirty lil cockslut

rJust so you know this story isn't true is a story I'm posting for a friend!! Well the story began' s with Laura out shopping for sex toys and she's looking around the place trying to find just the right toy to fit her needs but is having a hard time deciding on which one will do the trick when out of no where comes the sales person of which Laura becomes mesmerized with as soon as she hears him speak as his a very handsome man with a body that looks as if he works out a lot!! He's 5'6 and...

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Hochzeitsorgie Teil 1 Die Ankuumlndigung

Holger, 47 Jahre, 188 cm, 90 kg, kurze dunkelbraune Haare mit leichtem grauen Schimmer, keine athletische Figur aber sportlich schlank, kam am Freitagnachmittag gegen 16:00 Uhr von seinem Job als Ingenieur der Produktionssteuerung eines Anlagenbauers nach Hause.Holger und seine Frau Heike, 43 Jahre, 163 cm, 47 kg, glatte schwarze schulterlange Haare, zierliche sportliche Figur, liebten es zu Hause nackt zu sein. Seit dem ihre Tochter ausgezogen war, hatten sie es sich angewöhnt, noch bevor sie...

2 years ago
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Ditsydoo and Sams fun day

I first met Kitty through XH a couple of years ago, she's a lovely BBW MILF with a lovely face, great boobs and incredible nipples! We met for lunch and went for a walk, unfortunately she had to return to work, so all we had time for was a little passionate kissing. I must say that she is a great kisser, I love deep french kissing and Kitty does it to perfection. Lovely soft lips, active tongue, just kissing her got me hard and I really wanted to drag her into the bushes and give her a quick...

3 years ago
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Reitstunde Mutter reitet Freund der Tochter ein

In Anlehnung an eine wahre Geschichte:Lena war 17, ich war gerde volljährig geworden. Ich würde mich als Spätzünder bezeichnen, hatte mit meinen ebenfalls 18 Jahren zwar schon ein paar Freundinnen, doch viel lief nicht. Mit Lena auch nicht. Sie war sehr selbstbewusst, die beste in unserer Klasse auf dem Gymnasium, nicht der Typ Mädchen, in das sich alle auf Anhieb verlieben, eher eine, die sich einsetzte für die anderen und die daher viele Freunde hatte. Sie trug weite Pullover, seit sich ihre...

4 years ago
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Sexploits vol6

so im coming home from work one time, it was around 9.30pm. i get on the bus and see this slutty lookin woman sat at the back with a few cans of cider. i was only 19 myself and i guessed she was around 30 even tho she sed she was 27. anyway we got chattin and it turned out she lived a few stops on from where i was gettin off. an older guy who worked with me was on the bus also earwigging and understandably jelos wen she asked me 2 stay on 2 hers. agreeing we arrived at her street wen she sed...

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Sexploits vol4

My first steady girlfriend and i used to enjoy alot of alfresco sex, as we both still lived with our parents. she was the same age as me and a virgin before i had my way with her. i was a bit of a c**t in those days though and didnt care if i fkd around i had a string of little teeny boppers who i dipped my cock in, but the best had to be with her younger sister. we had an arguement 1 night while i was staying over hers and she went downstairs to sleep on the sofa. half way through the night i...

3 years ago
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Sexploits vol3

So i've had me a few shags now and think i got the idea, but little did i know i was to be educated by a master. i had just turned sixteen and was staying over my friends house regularly, when his older sister returned home from a relationship break up. there was the initial flirtatious chemistry, but i didn't think i had a chance being as she was 21. So i'm staying over one night and his sister and i are either end of the sofa while he's on the other chair watching a movie. our bare feet touch...

2 years ago
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sexploits vol1

i was sixteen when i lost my cherry. my best friends family had arranged to go to a nearby holiday camp and had invited me along. my best friend had already lost his virginity a few months earlier and he was adamant i was to lose mine. it didnt take long before we met 2 local girls who were both the same age. we paired up with them but i soon realised i was out of luck as mine confessed she had a boyfriend and wasnt prepared to go all the way. my friend then politely suggested that i could have...

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Amritsar 8211 Gurdaspur Bus Mein Ladki Ke Mummo Ko

Hi! ISS readers. This is my first story , my real life experience. Mera naam harpreet he aur mein gurdaspur mein rehta hoon, basically mein ludhiana se hoon. Mujhe sex krna bahut psand he. Koi bhi ladki ya bhabhi mere saath sex ya koi decent relationship rakhna chahe to mere sath contact kr sakti he. My email – Chalo story pe ate he. Yeh ghatna ek saal pehle ki he jab meri job gurdaspur mein laggi. Mein bahut khush tha because package bhi acha tha aur company bhi reputed thi. Ludhiana se roj...

3 years ago
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Dacoits Wife Part1

I finished making the last chapati and then called everyone for eating. My hands are completely white with flour, I don't even feel the knive cuts now. It has been 7 years since I married Jaggan and moved to this village. Life is very simple and slow here. I wake up 4 am and get ready for a long day. I make food and send my children to school. I take care of the buffaloes. My husband mostly stays outside. His visits are random and filled with day long sex and hits. He blames me for all...

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"You better!" A familiar voice resounded. "You got a full ride to the best technology college in the nation, and you're going to miss orientation!" "You're right, Reina." I mumbled. "Always right." "Of course I'm fucking right. You get to go to college, while I'm stuck in high school!" Reina tossed her blonde hair, parting it to her left side. "Don't let mom catch you talking like that," I tossed my blanket on the floor. "You know how she gets." Mom is the stereotypical...

1 year ago
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Witsec Dropping the Hammer

It was another long day at the shipyard for Vince. He’d been trying to get more hours just to try and make ends meet.  He was exhausted after a twelve-hour day on the Russian freighter.  Vince stopped at the local diner for his dinner.  His waitress was Candi.  Even though he was exhausted, seeing Candi gave him a second wind.  He thought he may even get up the nerve to ask her out.Candi came over and took Vince’s order and poured him a cup of coffee.  He sipped his coffee as he waited for his...

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Three months since I was laid off, out every day trying to find work. Life seems a bummer. Wife is getting bitchy, giving me a hard time – hell I'm not the rich-arsed President who's led this fair country down the drain. Or one of those snobbish economists who uses lots of big words to justify HIS high salary. I'm just a blue collar worker trying to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads. Jim Newmans my name, wife is Shirley, twins are Beth and Donna. I've got a sister Julie,...

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Tits Hits is an amazingly big site with utmost simplicity. Similar sites should definitely borrow a leaf from The site's main objective is to deliver porn, and so it does in numerous categories. These categories themselves open to pages hosting that genre alone in massive quantities. The only major subdivisions of content are based on popularity and newness. Unbelievable right? It’s called straightforwardness. Visit the site to enjoy nothing less of porn videos in explicit...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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Gigan Tits! I’ve reviewed all kinds of porn sites favored by all kinds of porn-viewers, from those who have desensitized their dopamine receptors from too much porn and need extreme stuff to get them aroused, to nerds who love cosplay babes, hentai waifus and video game girls and even patient erotic literature-lovers who don’t need any visual stimuli to get horny. Despite the various kinds of porno-consumers, there’s always gonna be the main demographic of fans who don’t need much to get hard...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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Spicy Big Tits! What should you expect from a website such as this one? That's right! Are titties all you're going to see here? Are there any men on this website? Sure. There's a lot of straight sex up in here. However, you can also run into lesbians, but straight sex is what you get in here for the most part. You get lots of kinds of straight sex, too. For example, most of it is regular pornography. However, you'll find 2D porn, both eastern and western, 3D animations, Hentai, and so on and so...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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Fellas, let's talk about boobs. Melons, puppies, lady lumps, jugs, or whatever the fuck you call them. There is no denying that every grown man loves the sight of boobs. Why are fellas so obsessed with this specific part of the female physique? Well, I think the better question would be, why the hell not? I mean, if for nothing else, titties are sexual and aesthetically pleasing. Look away now, my gay readers. Y'all can go check out the gay content on See? The Porn Dude has...

Reddit NSFW List
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XTits calls itself The Big Boobs Club, though I’m not exactly sure they’re looking for basement-dwelling members of the Reddit community. In fact, I don’t see a single virgin neckbeard with manboobs anywhere on the landing page. You fedora-heads are free to sign up for free accounts, though, especially if you’ve got some videos of big-titty sluts to share with the rest of the class.Unless you were in the retard class yourself, you’ve probably already figured out what I’m talking about....

Big Tits Porn Sites
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How are things across the pond? Well, I think everywhere’s pretty much the same right now, with perverts staying home to masturbate instead of getting out there and banging the local fatties of Tinder. It makes me wonder how many of the movies at XXBrits were filmed during the pandemic, and how many were up before. It’s a new site, though, registered only months before everyone started worrying about what to wipe their asses is a new free tube entirely dedicated to British...

Amateur Porn Sites
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If you ever wanted to enjoy a bunch of girls with big tits, but you aren’t a fan of curvy bodies, then you were probably wondering where you can get content with skinny chicks that carry huge milk jugs on them. Well, that’s exactly the problem I’m trying to solve for you today. You see, there are many people just like you who wanted to see huge tits on skinny chicks, so the DEFI4NT network on went ahead and created a subreddit called /r/titsonastick. It’s a phenomenal sub where you...

Reddit NSFW List
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TitsInTops Forum

Do you like Tits In Tops? If you said “yes,” you passed the test: it turns out you’ve got a pulse. It’s hard not to appreciate a nice pair of jugs, no matter who you are. We’re hardwired to see them as a sign of ripeness and fertility, so any straight dude is likely to pop a raging boner. A woman’s appreciation for another’s flawless breasts is perhaps motivated by kinship as well, while the queers just appreciate good symmetry and presentation.No matter why you enjoy gawking at a lady’s pretty...

Porn Forums
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Rabbits Cams! If you’re looking for a good place for watching sex cams, I think that you’ll find it with I know that there are many cam sites out there, but this one is really one of the top websites.Some of the hottest cam sluts performing liveThe first thing I like to look at when I check out a cam site is to see which cams are popular. When you look at, you’ll see that the most popular cams are usually younger girls in their 20s and a few girls in their teens...

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How do you define Porn Hits? Porn’s a really subjective thing, and I already know the freaks and weeaboos are mentally answering that question with pregnant alien chicks, furry fox sluts and tentacles groping boobies. Well, I have bad news for the fetishists, because this website features a more traditional type of Porn Hit. To sum it up in a sentence, this free tube specializes in full-length flicks, meaning you can settle in for a nice, long fap, or at least until the Starbucks baristas call...

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BitStarz has only been around since 2004, making it significantly younger than some of the other online betting parlors like SportsBetting or BetUS. That ripe freshness doesn’t stop eager gamblers from streaming in every day, and in fact, they’re nearly as popular as some of their longer-standing competition. You can’t jerk off to their site like most of the joints I’m reviewing here at ThePornDude, but I’m pretty sure they fit my theme with their brand of adults-only

Betting Sites
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It’s POV porn you’re looking for if you love that first-person perspective, putting you right behind the ding-dong getting sucked or stuffed deep inside a really pretty lady. I’m talking about the movies that show you what the stud sees as he bangs the world’s hottest woman, which some would argue is the closest you can get to the real thing without strapping on one of those newfangled VR sex helmets. Grab the headphones and lay back with your laptop resting on your chest. It’s time to take a...

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Tik Tits! Unsurprisingly, porn sites featuring TikTok pornography are popping up all over the goddamn place. Who can blame these porn webmasters? TikTok is fucking hot right now! Likewise, so many insanely beautiful models and amateurs alike are showing their perfect figures on the world’s hottest social network site making these kinds of porn sites are almost inevitable.Among all of these sites, it’s going to be hard to beat a name like TikTits. TikPussy and TikAsshole just don’t have the same...

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My Big Tits Babes! I have a question for you, glorious degenerate. Well, what’s the most important thing in the world? Go on. I’ll wait… Tits! You said tits, right? If tits weren’t the first thing that popped into your mind, my friend, I’m afraid you’re living life all fucking wrong. Of course, tits are the most important thing in the world! That’s all that fucking matters. Screw everything else. Tits are the reason we do anything at all! They’re the reason we build, wage war, and the reason...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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Whats Good for The Gander

Brains and beauty as Jack would learn is a very dangerous combination! Enter Delia at twenty-two she was on track to become a whisky drinking cigar smoking VP at a major accounting firm. Along the way Jack her boyfriend became an afterthought, her eye candy. If your wondering if she slept her way to the top, she tried to and for sure knowing her drive I’m sure she would cut the throat, or crush the balls of anybody that got in her way and suck or fuck anybody that would help her get to the top....

2 years ago
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Son of the Minotaur Ch 01

Some things are just so weird that they have to be written down. Normally I wouldn’t bother, but this is too weird. We actually call this a ‘true lie’ in my circle of friends, something that while true it sounds like a lie anyway. Well, here’s my true lie. Guessing from the fact that this is an erotic story archive you are reading this from, yes this is about sex. First, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Joe, simple and easy. I am a very hairy man, always have been from the...

2 years ago
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Whats your name again

Introduction: Macs hate me so hopefully vaios like me better. A few notes: – Both characters were 19 -They now have their own house as Jeremy is an engineer and Laura is an intern at a hospital. -They live in upstate New York. Whats your name again? My name is Jeremy. I am 26 years old and live happily with my wife Laura. This is the story of how we took each others virginity. Lets start at the beginning. We met in kindergarten. I remember seeing her first come in and feeling the urge to...

4 years ago
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Whats App Message Leads To Fulfillment Of Hidden Desires

Hi, This is my first story on Indian Sex I have been an avid reader since 5 years and always used to feel that are these incidents real or fiction till it also happened with me. As you all know that social media has captured the imaginations of young, old alike. So keeping in tune with changing times, I also purchased a smartphone and downloaded Facebook, twitter etc. It was a great and my friends coaxed me into opening a whats app account so that I join the group. I opened whats...

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The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 4

The next day, Ariadne got ready to go back to the village to talk to them and tell them about the ending the Lottery. Erinyes lit the torch again and showed her the way to the old door. After winding their way through the maze of the Labyrinth they reached the door. The Minotaur studied it for a couple minutes testing the chains that held it secure. Then he hooked on horn under a point in the chain and with a mighty twisting pull the chain broke! Then he repeated the same thing to the second....

Monster Sex
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My Minotaur Part X

(Story resubmitted with objectionable content removed) My story draws near its close, dear reader, and I shall do my utmost to do these final moments justice in their detail. The first thing I shall say is that Oluth was clearly born for the mantel of leadership. While I’d thought him to be little more than a beast when we first met, I had since come to recognize what a being of great power, intelligence, and patience he truly is. Even then, it was not until after the business with Aryth I...

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