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Chapter 1 "Do you need any help with dinner?" Marybeth asked as she came in from her daily 6-mile run. Her short hair and five-foot-nine-inch, fit and shapely body covered in a sheen of sweat. The words caught Bob by surprise - not just because Marybeth never offered to help in the kitchen, but because they were the first civil words that had been spoken in their house in the last 4 days since Marybeth had confronted him and accused him of cheating on her. He'd denied the accusations, but Marybeth had not relented. He continued to deny everything, but deep down he knew that he was guilty. He had cheated on Marybeth. Maybe not with the woman she'd mentioned, his business partner, Annie, but he had cheated and he was wracked with guilt about it. 23 years of happy marriage was disappearing right before his eyes and all because of one stupid, drunken mistake. "Um, no. No, thank you. Everything's on schedule." They'd talked about cancelling tonight's dinner party, but they - well, really, Marybeth had decided that they would put on a brave face and have the party as planned. It was a business get together for her law firm associates and she didn't want anyone at work to know about her personal problems, so... Bob had worked his butt off all day to get everything ready for tonight. He'd told Annie he would be taking the day off and he'd cleaned every inch of the house. Now, he had a gourmet dinner for eight people cooking right on schedule. "Alright," Marybeth nodded. "Then, I will go take my shower." She started to leave, then turned back to Bob. "You know, I appreciate your help tonight." She paused and Bob could see that she had something important to say. "I really don't know where I stand on our relationship right now, but I have been thinking. We have 23 years invested in each other and Kathy off in college and, well, I know that I get wrapped up in my career - not that I am making excuses for you - but - I think we need to try to work on this. Maybe make some big changes, but try to make it all work again." "Me, too." Bob said as a wave of relief flowed across him. Marybeth walked to the shower and, as soon as she was out of his ear shot, she whispered, "Jackass." Bob could hear the shower running upstairs as he finished up making the dinner. By 6:30, Marybeth was ready to receive her guests in her little black dress and 3 inch pumps. She always looked best in simple things. She wasn't a fancy-girl, or a girly-girl, but she was tall, and she was very fit. She was a competitive woman and her clothing represented her competitive nature - crisp and simple. She had started her own law firm when she was 30 and now, as she approached 45, she was a big deal in litigation circles. Bob had gone upstairs to get changed into a sports coat and clean shirt. While adjusting his tie, he thought about the last few days and breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe everything would be alright if he could work things out with Marybeth. "Anything she wants," he said, quietly, "whatever it takes. Anything she wants." He'd have to tell Annie about this tomorrow. All of the business assets were, of course, handled by Marybeth's firm and Annie was nervous that a divorce could ruin everything for their business, too. Annie and Bob had been best friends since they were infants. They grew up next door to each other. When Bob was 14, he started working for his mother's bridal shop, cleaning up and doing the heavy lifting. When Annie turned 16, she came to work at the shop, too. Over the years, she'd become one of the city's most sought after gown designers. When Bob's mother retired, Bob and Annie bought the business together and they had done very well. Bob handled the business end of things and ran their warehouse, while Annie was the creative force that brought in the money. They now employed 4 seamstresses. Last year, the bridal shop turned a profit of nearly $200,000.00. Last year, Marybeth's law firm turned a profit of nearly $4.5 million. When Marybeth accused Bob of having an affair, she accused Annie of being the 'other woman'. Bob was shocked that Marybeth could even think that. Annie was more like his sister than a partner. The idea of a sexual relationship with Annie was absurd. He loved her, but - come on - Annie! No way! Annie would have to wait for now. As he finished adjusting his tie, Bob could hear the first guests arriving downstairs. When Bob reached the bottom of the stairs, he realized that only Myra had arrived. Myra was an associate at the firm who always made Bob uncomfortable. Myra and Marybeth had been college roommates and their teachers always saw Myra as the more talented one, but a drug problem in her late twenties and a reputation for sloppy work had slowed Myra's career to a crawl while Marybeth's was like a skyrocket. Back in their mid-twenties, Myra had sunk so deeply into substance abuse that she was living on the streets. Marybeth got a call from the police one night when they had arrested Myra on felony drug charges. Marybeth had put herself and everything she and Bob owned on the line to get Myra off the streets and back on track. She hired her to work at her new firm, first as a paralegal and then, after Myra had been readmitted to the bar association, as an associate. The story of Myra's fall and Marybeth's rescue was legendary and was told and retold in lawyer circles constantly. Myra also had a bit of a goth thing going on. She loved 'New Age' Wiccan paraphernalia and whenever she was able to pull off and unexpected victory at work she called herself "The White Witch," a nickname that Marybeth thought was hilarious. Bob nodded 'hello' and went to check things in the kitchen while Marybeth took Myra's jacket from her. When she was sure that Bob was gone, Myra asked Marybeth "How are things going?" in a whisper. "I told him that I want to work things out, but there would be some changes around here." Myra smiled, "Indeed. Indeed." Then she showed Marybeth two small vials; one pink and one blue. "Here you go. I got these from my friend and she said that you need to drink the blue and give Bobby-Baby the pink. If you can put it into alcohol, it will get into the blood stream quicker and work faster, so tonight is a perfect opportunity to use it." "Alright. Thank you." Marybeth smiled back at Myra and kissed her cheek. "So, we drink it and... what then?" "Like I told you - once the potions are ingested, when you have sex with him, each time he comes, you will absorb more of his 'male essence'" "Ok - meaning what. I mean, what does 'male essence' mean. I don't want to grow a dick or anything." Myra smile and gave a little laugh. "No. Nothing like that, but he will be wishing his would grow, I'm sure. He'll grow younger and less potent with each ejaculation until, eventually, he has no more 'maleness' left in him. Then, his little friend will be so tiny, you'll have a hard time finding it. You may grow a little taller or stronger, but you will remain 100% female." "Stronger, huh? That's not a bad side-effect, I guess." "Yeah, that's just what you need. You're already the most competitive woman I have ever met. Making you stronger is like throwing gasoline on a fire." "When you say he'll get younger, how young do you think he'll get? I'm not interested in changing diapers at my age." "That depends. The spell works until his male essence is drained from him. He may be in his mid twenties - teens - pre-teens - there's no real way to tell, but if you stop having sex he will stop getting younger. I also had may friend add a little something to make him want to have sex with you, so he won't be reluctant when you come on to him. You should be able to get him excited, just by talking dirty to him." "...and when I want to change him back?" "We reverse the potions and the whole thing starts over again." Myra gave Marybeth a conspiratorial smile and they both gave an evil little giggle. "Fun, fun, fun!" Just then, the doorbell rang again. Marybeth hid the vials near the wet-bar where she could grab them easily later and went to greet the rest of her guests. It was a lovely party. All shop talk and inside jokes that Bob didn't get. Of course, Bob overheard the story of Myra's salvation at the hands of Marybeth several times. As the evening moved along, he kept himself busy and chatted here and there with some of the associates that he knew and charmed their spouses. As dinner ended and everyone settled into the living room, Marybeth handed Bob a glass of scotch and invited him to sit on the love seat with her. He was glad to have some normalcy return to their relationship and sat and enjoyed the warmth of the scotch flowing down his throat. By midnight, the house was empty of guests. Bob was cleaning up the last of the dishes in the kitchen and Marybeth had started her nightly rituals upstairs. Tonight, she was making herself beautiful. New, sexy nightie, perfect hair and makeup. She was ready for him. Bob put the last dish in the washer and, as he was turning out the lights, he realized that he was carrying around a very stiff member in his pants. "Geez," he thought, "I know it's been a while, but I am really turned on right now. I wish Marybeth and I were on better terms, right now." He shut off the last light and headed up to the bedroom. As he turned the corner at the top of the stairs, he spotted Marybeth standing in the doorway. She was breathtaking! "Um. Hi." He said. "Hi. Come here, Bob. We need to work this out. Come on." Bob took Marybeth in his arms. It was all a bit tentative at first, given the events of the last week, Bob wasn't sure where things stood between Marybeth and him and he didn't want to rush her. When they embraced, Bob realized that Marybeth must be wearing very tall heels because she was the same height as him, 6'1", and looked him right in the eye. She leaned in to him and kissed his waiting lips. At first he just received the kiss without much response, but the kiss was warm and he wanted to return it, so he pressed harder into her lips. They kissed again and again before coming up for air. "Wasn't that nice?" asked Marybeth with a playful smile. "It was. I missed you." "I know, but I'm here now. Come to bed." As they walked and touched and fondled their way to the bed, Bob looked down and saw the tall bedroom slippers that Marybeth was wearing. "Sexy slippers," he said. "You know it!" She laughed back. "Sexy everything!" She turned to face him and she reached down and felt his hard penis through his pants. "Looks like you like a sexy, little wife - well, maybe not little..." "...but definitely sexy, he finished." Marybeth reached her hand between Bob's tucked in shirt and his belt and started massaging him through his under pants. "How's that feel?" "Wonderful" "Take off your shirt." Bob complied, while Marybeth continued to rub and softly pull. He tossed his shirt onto a chair and leaned in for another kiss. "No, no." Marybeth stopped him. "Take off the rest of your clothes, now." Bob eagerly complied. First he kicked off his shoes. Then he pulled down his pants and shorts and kicked them off, all the while, Marybeth had his member in her grasp. When he'd finished, he looked back at Marybeth and was a little taken aback to see that, now that he'd taken off his shoes, Marybeth was a little taller than him. She noticed, too and smiled at him. "Do tall women scare you?" He smiled back and shook his head and finally got another kiss before Marybeth gave him a gentle push onto the bed. He laid back and she climbed onto him. Then she wrapped his penis up in her silky nighty and started rubbing him more aggressively. Bob didn't know why he hadn't come yet, he was so turned on. He moaned and shifted and tried to reach the orgasm that was so close. Finally, Marybeth raised herself above him and lowered herself onto his manhood. He entered and, again, let out a moan of excitement as she started raising and lowering her fit, hard-body. Bob held out longer than he could have imagined and when he came, it seemed to last for minutes on end. Marybeth kept pumping up and down and Bob just kept coming and coming and coming. At long last, Marybeth screamed and fell onto his chest. Both of them were sweating and breathing like they'd just finished running a marathon. "Oh, my God!" Bob panted. "Oh, my God! That... That was unbelievable!" He was tingling all over his body. Marybeth was shivering as she lay on him. Her eyes were rolling in her head and she said, "That was the most wonderful feeling I have ever had! Let's do it again." Bob was shocked to find that he was hard again, so he took the top this time and it was even better the second time! ... and the third. ... and the fourth. Chapter 2 Saturday morning came and Bob overslept. Marybeth had gone out for her early Saturday morning workout and run, so he rolled out of bed and ran into the shower, looked into the mirror, saw that he didn't need to shave, got dressed and pulled on his shoes. When he stood up, things weren't quite right. Nothing huge, just his pants seemed just a little too loose and a little too long. Same thing with his shirt. Worst of all, when he started to walk out the door, his shoes were so loose that he nearly walked out of them. "Arrgg, I don't have time for this!" He complained to himself. Mondays through Fridays, Bob usually went to work in kakis and a polo shirt, but Saturdays he worked on the sales floor with Annie, so he always dressed in a suit. He pulled off his shoes, stuffed a couple of tissues into the toes, put them back on, grabbed his suit coat and hustled out to the car. "Well, look who finally dragged his butt into work, today." Annie called out as Bob entered the bridal shop. "You're always here before me. Here we are, 10 minutes before we open and our sleepy-headed friend finally wanders in." Bob smiled at the ribbing Annie was giving him. Annie was hanging up a bridesmaid's gown on a rack as he came up behind her. He gave her a quick hug from behind and a peck on the cheek. "I was going to take the whole day off, but I knew that you couldn't get by without me, so I came in to help you out." To say that Bob and Annie were best friends would be a huge understatement. They were closer than most husbands and wives were. Although they were not related, they had been raised as if they were brother and sister. Their mothers were best friends and they lived right next door to each other. Their back doors were less than 50 feet away from each other. Annie and Marybeth were polar opposites. Marybeth was all business, tall, slender, boyish. She wore elegant, tailored suits, frequently tailored by Annie, and she liked to be seen at high-society gatherings. Annie was all sweetness and smiles, short at 5'4", curvy and a girly- girl who loved dresses, lace and silk. Annie was always in a pretty little dress, she claimed that it was just part and parcel of running a bridal shop, but Bob knew her better than that. He knew that Annie loved the lace and ribbons. He teased her that she liked the bridal shop because it was like dressing life sized dolls every day. In short, Bob loved Annie like a twin sister and Marybeth like a wife. Both women got along well together, but, secretly viewed the other as a bit of a rival. Annie frequently referred to Marybeth as "the other woman." "Are we ready to open up, then?" Bob asked as he pulled his suit coat on. He buttoned the jacket and both he and Annie noticed that the coat was very loose on him. Annie took hold of the coat-front and looked at how loose it was. "Losing weight, handsome? I can take this in for you if you'd like." "Hmmm. That's odd. I haven't been dieting, if anything, I've been eating too much." "Well, your jacket thinks you've been hitting the gym. If I have a minute later, I will take it in for you. If not, I'll do it Monday for you. Alright, ladies," she called out to the rest of the staff, "let's open up this place! We have brides to make beautiful, today!" While one of the ladies opened the doors, Bob took Annie into his office and told her how he and Marybeth had talked a bit last night and they were going to try to work things out. "She said we'd need to make some changes, but she wants to work things out. I tell you, Annie, whatever she wants - I will do it." "Phew!" Said Annie, "That is a relief. Just keep your zipper shut from now on, please, Bobby, please!" "Annie. It was such a stupid thing for me to do. I wish I could tell you about it, but I just can't. I am so ashamed of the whole thing." "Well, good... you should be. You know that I love you, Bobby, but I love Marybeth, too and she is a good woman. You guys have been through a lot and she deserves your fidelity." Bob let out a little laugh. "My fidelity!? You even use flowery words. Anyone else would have used trust, or faithful, or devotion. Not, Annie, though. Annie says 'fidelity'. "And she means, it, buddy." She gave him a hug followed by a little punch to his gut. "I'm glad you guys are ok. Now, come on, stud, let's go make the world a prettier place." She gave him another kiss on the cheek and they headed out onto the sales floor to start a busy day. "You make them prettier, Blondie," Bob joked, " I just take their money." Annie giggled. "You know what I always say, 'Every woman in the world is my own, personal Barbie doll and I love making them look pretty.'" At 6pm, they closed up the shop. It had been a good day - lots of customers and, most of them were very satisfied. As the ladies covered their sewing machines and headed for the door, Annie spotted Bob shutting off the lights and she remembered the suit coat needed alterations. "Hold on! I need to fix your jacket." "Annie," Bob sighed, "I'm exhausted. Can't this wait till Monday?" "Tell you what," Annie smiled, "I'll mark the alterations quickly and do it at home. Tomorrow, when I come over for dinner, I'll bring it with me?" "Are you coming to dinner?" Bob asked, more than a little surprised. Annie shook her head at Bob. "Honey, Kathy invited me, remember? She said she wanted us all together for an announcement." "Holy cow! I completely forgot about dinner. It's been such a terrible week... At least it ended well. Ok. I'll see you about 4:30, then." That night, when Bob got home, Marybeth had dinner on the table in the dining room. That was very unusual. In the entire time that they'd been married, Marybeth hadn't made diner more than a dozen times. "Wow, I'm impressed!" Bob laughed when he saw the spread on the table. Marybeth came in from the kitchen. She looked great in black slacks and a new, silk top that showed more cleavage than she usually liked. "The meal looks great! You look great, too!" Bob told her. "I have to admit, I did have some help with this meal. Myra was here until a few minutes ago." She walked over to Bob and gave him and unusually long hug while she examined his height and weight. Yes, he was definitely a little bit smaller and shorter than last night. "You're wearing tall heels tonight." Bob remarked as he took his seat. Marybeth just smiled in reply. Bob wasn't all that hungry, which was strange since he'd only had a couple of cups of coffee all day, but he ate what he could of the dinner. Marybeth devoured her meal, though. While Marybeth cleared the table and Bob loaded the washer, Marybeth was constantly groping Bob's butt and even his crotch. Sometimes, she even squeezed his chest. When the last dish was loaded into the washer, Bob turned around and found Marybeth standing in the doorway wearing just her camisole and panties. He was immediately stiff at the sight of her. "Come here." She said. Bob walked to her and she quickly, but seductively undressed him. When she'd pulled off his shoes and pants, she knelt in front of him and, without a word, took him in her mouth. She was enthusiastic and quickly he was fighting back the need to come. Knowing how Marybeth hated it if he came in his mouth, he warned he that he couldn't hold back, but she seemed to be in a trance and just kept at it until, finally, he exploded. Even then, she kept working him until he was drained. When, at last, she finished, she stood and embraced him again. That was when he noticed that he only came up to the height of her nose. "Hey, did you grow a few inches, lately?" he asked, but she just smiled at him and kissed him hard, forcing him to pull his head back and look up at her. When she grabbed hold of his member and started working him back to another erection, all of his concerns disappeared. She led him up to their bed and the next two hours were a blur of erections and ejaculations interrupted briefly by the sounds of moans and occasional screams of euphoria. Chapter 3 Bob didn't wake on Sunday until just after noon. Marybeth, of course, had gone for a run, so he jumped out of bed, which seemed unusually high, showered, threw on some sweats and a tee shirt and ran downstairs to begin to get ready for this afternoon's get-together. Kathy had met a young man at Yale and things looked to be getting a little serious. He was doing a semester abroad in France, but they were still a serious couple, Bob had an idea about why Kathy wanted to have a family diner, including Annie, tonight. When Kathy was in elementary, middle and high school, she spent every afternoon at the shop with Annie who was like a second mom for her. Kathy would run into Bob's office and do her homework as quickly as possible at his desk every afternoon. Then she would join Annie in her work area where she learned how to sew and bead fabric almost as well as Annie could. Now, Kathy was 21 and, as hard as it was to get his head around, Bob was pretty sure that Kathy was going to drop a pretty big bomb at dinner tonight. By 2pm, Marybeth had made it back home. She came into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. Then, after drinking nearly the whole bottle in one swig, she said, "I broke my personal best today." "That's great, honey!" Said Bob and he turned to give her a kiss. He was taken aback by how much taller than he Marybeth had suddenly become, but her kiss became overwhelming for him. He closed his eyes and let her take control while he lost himself in the warmth of her mouth. When the kiss ended, Bob remained where he was for a moment longer than she did and Marybeth moved back and said, "Is Annie coming today?" Bob shuddered and woke from his trance. "Yes, she'll be her by 4:30 for cocktails before the meal." "We need to talk about Annie, Bob. Was it her... you know... was it her that you cheated on me with?" Bob sighed, "Mare, I told you, Annie is like my sister. It isn't even possible for me to think about her like that." "Ok. Ok. I'm going to be honest with you, Bob; I really don't believe you. You spend all day, every day with her and I know that I can't trust you, so... what am I meant to think? I know that you had an affair. Annie is the most obvious person for you to have cheated with." "I... Marybeth... I wish I could talk about this, but I honestly can't." "Why not!?" "I just can't bring myself to yet. I am sorry. Please believe me - Annie is completely innocent of anything. She loves you and Kathy and me and she wants to be here, with us, her family, tonight. Please, Mare, please!" "Listen, Robert, I can't believe anything you say anymore, and I'll have you know...." Marybeth was yelling, but she stopped and took a long deep breath. "Alright! Alright. I'm done. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have started this now. This is Kathy's party. Let's focus on that, but there are changes coming my little friend - there are changes coming. For now, though, let's put it all aside, ok?" "Yeah," Bob sighed, on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry, Marybeth." "I'll be down when I'm showered, dressed and ready." And she was gone. At 4:30, the doorbell rang. Bob was upstairs trying desperately to find anything that would fit him. Why was everything so big on him? Finally, he turned up the legs on a pair of chinos and threw on a polo shirt and tucked it in. Marybeth, looking tall and beautiful in a brand new silk suit, opened the door to let Annie in. Annie was her usual, adorable self in a lace dress and three inch heels and she was carrying a suit coat over her arm. The women greeted each other cordially and exchanged pecks on each other's cheeks. As Bob came down the stairs, Marybeth was handing Annie a glass of white wine. "Hi, ladies," Bob smiled at them both, glad to see them together and praying that the evening would go well. "Hi, Bobby," Annie smiled. Bob hated being called 'Bobby' by anyone, but Annie had called him that since she was able to talk. "Here, I brought your jacket." "Thanks," and Bob tried it on. "Hmmm." He smiled. "I think you mis- measured" If anything, the jacket was even bigger. "That can't be right," Annie said with great concern. She walked to Bob and pulled on the sleeves of the jacket to straighten them. She looked carefully at Bob and said, "Marybeth, if I didn't know better, I'd swear that Bob is smaller today than yesterday." "What do you mean, smaller?" Marybeth laughed. "Like he's losing weight? That's a good thing, isn't it?" "No, I mean smaller. Thinner. Slighter. Shorter, even." "That's crazy," Bob said. "Yes, that's crazy," said Marybeth. "People don't get smaller." Annie was about to pursue this further when the front door opened and Kathy came in shouting, "I'm home! Well, for a few hours, anyway!" Kathy skipped into the living room and hugged everyone in turn. "Hi, mom! Hi, daddy, ooo, you've gotten thin! And Auntie Annie, I'm so glad you're here!" As Kathy released Annie, Annie noticed the new ring on the third finger of Kathy's left hand. It was a huge diamond. Annie grabbed hold of Kathy's hand and held it up for everyone to see. "Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Look!" and Annie burst into tears. "I know! I know! That's my surprise! I'm engaged, everyone!" A massive group hug broke out. Annie and Kathy had tears streaming down their faces. Marybeth smiled and then she noticed that Bob was crying tears of joy along with Annie and Kathy. This made her smile even more broadly. As they ate dinner, Kathy told them all about how here fianc?, Richard, had flown home for his grandmother's 80th birthday party and surprised Kathy with the ring and proposal. "Of course, I said 'yes!' Oh, I love him so much!" They chose a date 18 months away, just after graduation. "Oh, I am so happy for you, sweet heart." Bob told Kathy. "You are going to be a beautiful bride." And Marybeth could see the tears of joy - soft, sweet, feminine tears of joy, flowing down his cheeks. "Damn right she'll be beautiful!" joked Annie. "I've been designing wedding dresses for her since she was 3 days old!" When everyone was seated, Bob looked around at Kathy, Marybeth and Annie and saw how happy everyone seemed at the moment. It had been such a terrible week, but now, everything seemed healed and better. Then he said a little prayer of thanks that he had all of his girls with him, today. The rest of the dinner was a blur of discussions of dress styles, colors, hair styles. Things that, even before Bob had started changing, he knew much more about than Marybeth did. She sat back and enjoyed the chatter, but kept her eyes on Bob. He was definitely different. More like a mother than a father. After dinner, while Bob cleared the table, Annie grabbed a tape measure out of her purse and took a few of Kathy's measurements. Of course, she knew them by heart, but it was part of the process. Kathy was built more like Annie than Marybeth. Shorter (5'6"), more shapely (hips and bust) than Marybeth and long, yellow hair. She was a perfect blend of all the best parts of Marybeth and Annie - her two moms. By 9:30, Annie and Kathy were both headed home and Bob and Marybeth were headed to the bedroom. Marybeth seductively removed her suit and stood by her bureau dressed in her matching lace bra and panty set and her very high heels. She raised her right hand and with her first finger, she summoned Bob to her. Bob was rock hard as he approached her. He was wearing his usually bed- time clothes: a baggy tee shirt and boxer - both were much baggier than usual. As Marybeth hugged him to her, he was one-hundred-percent certain that he was smaller than he had been a few days ago. "Marybeth," He whispered. "I think I need a doctor." "What?" She giggled as she reached into his boxers and pulled him to her using his penis as a handle. "There's nothing wrong with you. Look how big and strong you are." "Mare," He struggled to keep focused on what he wanted to say, but being this near to her and feeling her hand on his member made it very difficult. "2 days ago, I was at least 2 inches taller than you. Now, I only come up to your chin." Marybeth laughed a little more and half carried Bob to the bed. He lost all thoughts of everything else as she spread his legs and knelt between them, threw on leg over each of her shoulders and started kissing his crotch. Finally, she took him in her mouth, completely into her mouth all at one time. She'd never done this before. Bob was laying like a woman getting an internal exam with his knees in the air while she brought him to orgasm after orgasm - sucking him and groping his breasts. Eventually, he couldn't stand it anymore and he just passed out while Marybeth continued to enjoy herself at his expense. She was bringing him to his second orgasm when she started to notice that his penis felt smaller in her mouth. She sat back and looked at him. He was changing right there before her eyes. It looked like he was having small convulsions and he was getting smaller and smaller as she watched. "I guess that the changes become quicker as I drain him of his essence." She smiled a wicked smile as breasts budded and grew on his chest. "I wish I had brought my phone to record this. This is absolutely amazing." His hair was growing out at an amazing rate as his nose shortened and turned, ever so slightly, upward. "Aww. So pretty." And she cuddled up beside him and went to sleep. Chapter 4 Marybeth was pouring her first Monday morning cup of coffee when she heard the scream from her bedroom. As she was dressing in another new suit that morning, that was already a little tight on her, she'd watched Bob sleeping. He'd really started to change! He was much smaller than when they'd gone to bed, his face looked like he was a teenager - a female teenager at that! Maybe 18 or 19 years old. He'd grown breasts, too. Not huge, but a large A or small B cup. She was very happy that he'd woken before she'd had to leave for work. "Marybeth!? Are you still home!? Marybeth!?" She sauntered to the foot of the stairs and casually called up to him, "I'm here, Bob! What is it? I have to leave in a minute." She heard Bob running to the stairs and then saw him bouncing down them as he ran. Pert little breasts bouncing in time with the boyish looking penis. She had to smile. Bob was unaware of the smile and just was babbling, "Mare, I need you to take me to the emergency room, please! Look at me! I need a doctor!" As he reached the bottom of the stairs, Marybeth grabbed hold of him and wrapped him in a hug. Both were shocked to see that he barely reached her breasts. "Shh. Calm down. You don't need a doctor, honey, you need me. I did this to you." Bob immediately became still. "What?" He whispered. "You? Why would you do this to me? How could you do this to me?" "Aww, you're confused, well, sit down on the couch and listen to me carefully." Bob sat and grabbed a lap blanket to cover himself. Marybeth sat next to him and took his hands in hers. When she spoke, it was in a very condescending tone, as if she was speaking to a child. "Now, Bob, you know that you hurt me by cheating on me, right?" He nodded, still confused. "Well, now, I am hurting you, sweet heart. You brought this on yourself. I found someone to help me with a little magic spell that seems to be working REALLY, REALLY WELL!" She let out a little giggle as she ran her fingers through his much longer and much blonder hair. "All you have to do is tell me all about your cheating - everything, about your cheating - and I will change you back. Confess everything and I will decide how long to keep you like this before you get to be 'Big Bob, the Bridal Boy' again. Don't tell me and you may find yourself looking at the world from a much different perspective." "Magic?" "Yes, sweetheart, magic. What else could have done this to you? Now, do you have something to tell me?" He nodded and Marybeth had to smile at the way the blonde hair bounced when he did so. "Go ahead." Bob looked her in the eyes and tried to speak. He gathered all of his thoughts and was ready to tell Marybeth everything. He braced himself took a deep breath, then opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Then the tears came in torrents. He was crying so hard, he could hardly breathe, let alone speak. Marybeth waited patiently until it was obvious that Bob wasn't going to come clean. "Alright. I have to get to work, so..." She said as she got up from the couch. "This is your decision, Bob. The longer you make me wait, the smaller, weaker and girlier you are going to get. You want to end up crawling around in a diaper, that's fine with me, but, if I were you, I'd cut my losses and deal with this today. Right here. Right now." Bob just cried and hugged himself as she left with a shrug. Annie was catching up on some sewing. As always, Annie was dressed in lace and satin and her hair was pulled back in a black velvet scrunchie. The shop was closed on Monday's, but Annie and Bob usually came in anyway and caught up on their work. She was sewing a tulle petticoat into a bridesmaid's gown when she heard the bell on the front door ring indicating that someone had just entered. "Must be Bobby," She thought. She walked to the front of the shop and saw a young woman, certainly no older than 18, locking the front door. The girl was disheveled, her long blonde hair was a mess and she was wearing baggy sweat pants and a Minnie Mouse tank top that was also too big on her. "Um, miss... the shop is closed today. You're going to have to come back tomorrow." The young woman hung her head. "Annie it's me." "Who?" Bob sighed. He was at least 2 inches shorter than Annie and with her hair hanging down, Annie couldn't see her face. "It's me. Bob. I know how strange this looks, but I swear it's me." Annie looked confused and pushed the girl's hair back from her face. She looked at the girl and suddenly it became familiar. "Oh, my God!! Bobby!?!?!? It is you!!!! What the hell is going on?" Bob told her everything he knew about Marybeth and the spell and how she threatened to make him even smaller if he didn't tell her everything about his affair. At first, Annie didn't believe it, but the evidence was right there in front of her. Magic? That was absurd. Yet, there was Bobby and he'd changed in ways that science could never possibly explain. "Bobby, you have to tell her." "I want to, but I just can't do it! I can't even tell you, Annie, and I've known you my whole life! I am so scared, Annie! I need help! Please help me, Annie! Please!" "Oh, Bobby," Annie sighed and hugged his head to her breasts. "Here is what you HAVE to do. Tonight, when Marybeth comes home, you have to sit down with her and tell her everything." "I know. I know. I will try." They sat in silence for a minute or more. Without a word, Annie got up and went to her purse. She returned with a hair brush and started brushing out Bob's hair. "What are you doing?" He asked. "You have to get control of yourself, Bob. Frankly, you look awful and you need to look as if you are in control when you talk to Marybeth." She continued to brush and when she'd straightened and smoothed it all, she pulled out her scrunchie and used it to pull Bob's hair back into a high ponytail. "There. Doesn't that feel better?" Bob nodded and wiped his tears from his cheeks. "It sure looks better! Now, where did you get those clothes?" "They're Kathy's. I was looking for anything that might fit and she is the closest to my current size in our house." "Did you intentionally take the ugliest things that she owned or was that just dumb luck." "I just grabbed comfortable things." "Well, you can be comfortable and look nice and, by the way, even though your boobs are small, you still need a bra." "Why?" "Because your nipples are standing at attention, my friend, and a bra will cover that. Come with me." Annie led Bob to the lingerie section of the shop where they stalked bras, panties, camisoles, etc. Annie took a simple, white bra with a little lace around the edges off the rack and held it up to Bob's chest. "This should do just fine. Take off the gawd-awful shirt and put this on." Bob hesitated. "Oh, you can't be serious!? I have seen you shirtless a million times and I see women shirtless every day. There is nothing under that shirt that I don't know about, Bobby. Take it off." Bob did as instructed and Annie helped him with the bra. Then she grabbed a pair of matching panties and told him to take off the sweats. "I can see that you went 'commando' sweetie, and, just like your nipples, I'm seeing more than I need to see. These pants are tap-pants, so they'll fit you like boxers. Come on." Bob took the panties, but turned his back for a little modesty as he slipped the sweats off and the panties on. "Now, we need something simple for you that you can be comfortable in." Bob realized that they only sold dresses and this was not a road he wanted to go down. "Annie, I can just put the sweats back on." "Like Hell you can! You're not leaving this shop looking like an unmade bed. Street people dress better than that. If you don't want to look completely defeated when you talk to Marybeth, you need to look like an adult - or at least a grown-up young lady. Here; this is the simplest dress style we sell. Just a plain, off-white sheath." Bob tried it on. It had a silky lining and fit his new shape beautifully. "Wow." "Wow, indeed. I know what I am doing, you know. Now, you need shoes, too. Here." They were soft, 'ballet slippers' that matched the color of the sheath. "I would give you something firmer, but these are the only heel-less shoes in the shop. They'll do nicely." Then, Annie walked Bob to the mirrors. He was mesmerized by the reflection. He was a very pretty, young woman in a very pretty dress. He didn't look as freakish as he had when he'd come in. He looked quite nice. Pretty. The other thing that Bob found odd, was looking up to talk to Annie. He'd been so much taller than her his whole life and now she dwarfed him. Annie gave him a long pep-talk about how to approach Marybeth and made it clear to him that it was do-or-die time for him. "Tell her the truth, Bobby. That's all she wants and she deserves it, doesn't she?" Bob nodded. "Now, I will drive you home..." "I can drive myself. I drove here." "Bobby, you look nothing like your license, so just listen to me, I will drive you home and we'll call to have dinner delivered. When Marybeth comes in, invite her to dinner and start things off slowly. Don't hurt her feelings and, above all, TELL HER THE TRUTH!!!! Let's go." She took his hand and led him out to her car. Meanwhile... ""Whoa! You are getting to be one buff bitch!" Myra exclaimed with unabashed enthusiasm as she checked out Marybeth's flexed biceps. They were in Marybeth's office. It was the first time that Myra had noticed Marybeth's muscle growth. She wasn't manly, per say, just very buff. "If you're this big, how's 'the little woman' doing?" "Myra, I wish that you could have seen him this morning! He was about 5' or 5'1" and had the prettiest little boobs that were freaking him out like you would not believe." "So, have you freaked him out enough to make him come clean, yet?" Marybeth shook her head. "No. I think that tonight's the night, though. He's pretty scared. If it were me, I'd give up and tell the truth before things went too far." "Well, don't start feeling sorry for him. Remember, he did what he did and if I hadn't seen him with that woman and told you about it, he would have gotten away with it! Make him pay, boss. Make him pay!" The dining room table was set. The house was clean. The dinner had been delivered from one of the best restaurants in town. Everything was ready. Bob sitting in a kitchen chair while Annie ran a brush through his hair one last time before her cab arrived. "Are you ready to face Marybeth?" "No, not at all, but I will force myself to do it. I promise." "Ok. I better get out of here before she gets home. Finding me here would just make things worse." She gave him a peck on the cheek. "You know I love you, right? If you need anything, just call me." Annie hadn't been gone five minutes when Marybeth came in the front door. "Hi, honey! I'm home!" She called sarcastically from the foyer. When she walked into the dining room, she was more than a little surprised to find everything set and a meal ready to serve. "Look at this! My little lady has been a busy girl, today!" She was laughing until Bob walked into the room in his dress and looking as pretty as a picture. As soon as she saw him, she knew that Annie had dressed him. "So," She took a long, irritated breath, "you ran to Annie, did you?" There was menace in her voice. Bob noticed that she was a lot broader than she had been. Was she changing, too? "This is just too much." "Who else could I turn to? I don't have any other friends who would understand. At least she gave me something to wear." "Indeed she did. Do you like dresses, now, little girl? - Oh, wait! Your whole life has been about dresses and frills and lace! Maybe I am giving you what you want! That's it, isn't it? Deep down inside - you always wanted to be a girl like your best friend, Annie, didn't you?" "No!" "Like hell! Well, I am glad that I could help you out, you bastard! You like this look! Fine, you can keep it!" "Mare!..." "Shut up." She cocked her hand as if she was going to slap him, but held up when she realized how weak and vulnerable he had become. Tears were running down his cheeks. He was scared to death. Good. She took a deep breath. "Ok, let's cool this off. Sit down." Bob sat in a chair on the side of the table, folded his hands in his lap and looked down at them. Marybeth sat at the head of the table, leaned back and looked at the ceiling while she cooled off for a moment. No one spoke or made a sound for a solid minute. Then, Marybeth took a deep breath, let it out noisily and started the conversation they both had been preparing all day. "You know why I did this to you, right." Bob nodded without looking up. "Did you cheat on me?" He nodded, again. "Was it an affair?" His head remained down as he shook it slowly from side to side. "One night?" He nodded, again. "Was it Annie" He shook his head again. "Who then." Bob took a deep breath and tried to form her name in his mind, but nothing came. He looked to Marybeth with tears in his eyes and tried again. He stuttered and grunted, but nothing came out. His eyes grew wide and he tried and he tried, but nothing came out. Marybeth's expression never changed. Finally, Bob just wept. Deep, soul wrenching sobs came out of his mouth as his head fell forward again and his bare shoulders shook from his weeping. Marybeth watched him with a mix of pity, disdain and disappointment. Maybe she did still love him; she thought she probably did, but he had cheated on her. God damn it, that was the worst thing a man could do to a woman or a woman to a man. This was deserved! She was the victim here! She let him weep for a few more minutes, but when he didn't offer any information, she finally spoke. "You know, I like the way you look, now. Little. Pretty. Vulnerable. Maybe we're on to something, here." And she let out a small snicker. "Are you wearing make up?" Bob shook his head from side to side. "Come here. Let me see your face." Bob stood in front of her. Seated, she was still much taller than him. She took a napkin from the table and wiped the tears from his face as he tried to gain control of himself. "Wow. You would have made a pretty girl. What a pity." Then she put down the napkin and took Bob by the shoulders. When she spoke, her voice was controlled, but commanding. "Are you wearing panties?" He nodded. "Are they silky?" He nodded again. "Do they feel nice on your little, tiny thingy?" His penis had leapt to life and he blushed, but nodded, again. "I bet it does. And your silky bra; how does that feel? Nice?" He nodded again. She moved her hands to his breasts and started massaging them. Bob's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he moaned. He could feel his penis growing harder and rubbing in his panties. Eventually, he began to softly buck his pelvis forward as his excitement grew. Marybeth stopped for a moment while she moved the dishes behind Bob out of the way. Then she picked him up and sat him on the edge of the table. She laid him back so that his legs were hanging off of the edge, then lifted his rump and hiked his dress up to his hips exposing his lacy, white panties. She left out a small laugh at the panties and then started rubbing him through the silky material. Despite his erection, in Maybeth's huge hand, his penis felt like it was no larger than a boy's. It didn't take more than a couple of minutes to get Bob thrusting as hard as he could against her hand. She kept him going until he came with an explosive and violent series of thrusts. As he soiled the lace and silk of his panties, he passed out, again. When she finished, she stood and looked at him, splayed across the dining room table in a dress and panties. "You had your chance little man. You forced me to take this further." His body was bouncing with small convulsions as his transformations began again. Marybeth watched in rapt fascination until his convulsions stopped. She left him where he was and went to bed. Chapter 5 It was well past noon and Annie felt like she was losing her mind. No word from Bob. She thought about taking a ride to his house, but if things had gone well and Bob and Marybeth were celebrating, then the last thing that they would want would be Annie showing up to spoil the mood - or, worse, upsetting Marybeth again. "If I don't hear from him by 4, I'm going to go bang on his door and find out what is going on!" She resolved. Just then, her phone chimed indicating that she was receiving a text message. She grabbed the phone and read. Please come get me! MB is at the office! "Thank God he's ok." Annie thought. She grabbed her purse and ran out the door calling back to the ladies in the shop that she'd be back as soon as she could. She pulled up in Bob's driveway and was shocked to see a small, thin girl of about 12 years old running from the door to her car. This child couldn't have been more than four feet tall - if that - and she was wearing a tee shirt that was miles too big on her young frame. She jumped in and as soon as Annie saw his face she knew it was Bob. "Bob!? How!? Didn't you talk to her!? Why would she do this!?" Bob told her the whole story. How he tried, but couldn't say what he wanted. How Marybeth had initiated the sexual events and the next thing he knew, he woke up on the dining room table wearing the dress that had fit him last night, but now was a tent on his little frame. "I am taking you to my place and we're calling the police." "Annie, what would we tell them? Just take me to your house and let me try to think this through." So, she did. Annie's house was a cute little cottage in the same neighborhood in which she and Bob had grown up. Very cute. Very sweet. Very girly. After she found a little peasant blouse that, with a few quick alterations, fit Bob like a dress, they sat on her frilly couch to try to talk through a solution. Bob knew what he had to do, but also knew that he couldn't do it. "So, where does that leave you now?" Asked Annie. "What do you mean?" "Well... how do I put this?... Do you still... I mean... Are you, entirely, you know, female?" "No. I still have a penis. Kind of." "What do you mean 'kind of?'" "I mean," He hesitated, "It's pretty small, but it's there." "Stand up and let me see it," Annie told him. "Why?" "Bob, I have been dragged into this lunacy and I have no idea what's going on, what you did or didn't do or how, on God's green earth, something like this could possibly even happen! This is the weirdest thing imaginable and I want to know what's going on. I am asking you to show me how vindictive Marybeth, who, until a few weeks I ago, I thought of as one of my closest friend, can be! What if she is going to come after me, Bobby!? I WANT to know about it, so, please, show me." Bob stood up and lifted the hem of his blouse/dress. He wasn't wearing any panties, so his equipment was clearly visible. Annie breathed in quickly and her hand flew to her lips. "Oh, Bobby! What has she done to you? It looks like a little boy's!" He bowed his head and cried some quiet tears. "I know." Despite his embarrassment, Bob's penis was starting to get stiff. "What are you doing?" Annie scolded. "For Christ's sake, Bobby, what's that all about?" "I'm sorry, Annie, I really am! I can't seem to control it. I know that it looks like a child's but it is still very much a man's and it seems to be more sensitive than ever." Annie sighed and turned her head a bit. "Well, cover it up and think about other things, will you please? What do you think we should do now?" They had talked for at least an hour when there was a loud knocking at the door. Annie opened it a crack and saw Marybeth outside. "What do you want?" Annie asked. "Is he here?" Marybeth demanded. "Yes. What do you want?" "I want to talk to my husband." Annie smiled a phony smile and pretended to think. "Hmm. Your husband. Tall guy with a nice hair cut and a broad chest, right? Hmm. Nope. I haven't seen anyone that looks like your husband." And she started to close the door. Marybeth easily stopped the door and stepped past Annie. "I'll settle for a pre-pubescent, blonde girl with a little penis, then." Marybeth stormed into the living room where Bob was sitting on the end of the couch. His legs were tucked under his buttocks so his blouse/dress was covering him all the way to the couch. Marybeth stood in front of Bob and folded her arms. Annie ran into the room behind her, but waited back just a little to see if, maybe, Marybeth and Bob could talk it out. "Well," Marybeth started, "I didn't have to think much to figure out where you'd run." Bob just looked down at his knees. "So, Annie, what do you think of my big, strong husband? Isn't he something?" "Marybeth," Annie started, but Marybeth continued as if she hadn't heard. "Did he tell you why this is all happening to him?" "Yes, he did. He said that he had been unfaithful to you." Marybeth never took her eyes off of Bob. "I am going to ask you this one time, Annie, and I hope that you will be honest with me. Was he unfaithful to me with you?" Now, her head turned to look at Annie. "No, Marybeth, he was not. I love Bobby more than anyone else on earth, but... Well, he loves you, Marybeth and he never saw me that way. And you know what, hun, I love you, too. The day the Bobby told me he loved you was the worst day of my life I cried for about a week, but I put that all aside and I was determined to like you for Bobby's sake. You were beautiful, successful and, most importantly, I THOUGHT you loved Bobby - so I loved you. Like you were my sister. Marybeth, in the twenty-plus years that I have known and loved you, I would never have thought that you could have hurt Bobby like this. I feel like I don't even know you." Marybeth was obviously shaken by Annie's words. Finally, she nodded her head and said, "Ok. I believe that he didn't cheat with you, but you did cheat, Bob, didn't you." Bob's head had not moved since Marybeth had arrived. Now, he nodded, but still didn't look up. "See?" Marybeth asked Annie. "Yes. I know." "Do you know who she was, then?" "No, Marybeth. He never told me. He told that he couldn't." Annie moved to the couch and rubbed Bob's back as if he were a child. "Bobby, if there was ever a time to be a man and face the consequences for your actions, now is that time, sweetie. Please, Bobby, tell Marybeth who it was." The room was silent for a long time. Finally, Marybeth grabbed an ottoman and placed it in front of Bob. "Nothing to say, huh?" Bob said nothing. Marybeth looked at Annie and shook her head. "Have you seen his equipment today?" She asked Annie. Annie kept her hand on Bob's back, but looked away from Marybeth and nodded that she had. "Watch this." Marybeth told her. "Bob, look at me." He did. "Now, Bob, are you wearing panties, today?" Bob shook his head in embarrassment. "Ooo, you're a dirty girl, today. You liked your panties yesterday, though, didn't you?" "No, I didn't" "Oh, I think you did," Marybeth smiled. "I think you liked the way that your panties felt so soft and silky on your penis didn't you?" "Marybeth, please..." Annie tried to intervene, but Bob's face was getting redder and she could see that Bob was getting aroused. "Shh - oh, look at him," Marybeth was really enjoying herself. "You like this, don't you? Now, spread your knees for me, Bob." He did. Marybeth put her hand under the hem of his blouse/dress and took his penis softly in her hand. She started rubbing and massaging him. His eyes rolled back in his head and his chest started heaving. "Marybeth, this is wrong. Come on, please." But Marybeth kept rubbing and prompting Bob with her words. "How does that feel, baby? Ooh, that's a good girl! Come for me, baby. That's right. Come for me." Annie had had enough and she stood up and squared off with Marybeth. "Alright, Marybeth. That's enough. This is disgusting. Stop and leave. I mean it, Mary..." She stopped because Bob looked to be convulsing. "That's a good girl. Keep it coming." Marybeth said. Annie couldn't believe what she was seeing. Bob was starting to change before her eyes. Annie took three quick steps at Marybeth and knocked her off the ottoman. "Stop! Leave him alone!" Marybeth fell to the floor with a heavy thud. Annie grabbed Bobby and hugged him, but the convulsions grew stronger. Annie let go and fell onto her bottom on the floor. "Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" The shrinking began and Bob screamed and passed out. The convulsions became greater and greater as he got smaller and smaller. Annie pushed herself backwards and covered he whole face except her eyes. "Make it stop, God damn it, Marybeth! No one deserves this! Make it stop!" Marybeth had risen to her knees and was rising to her feet letting out a dismissive laugh. "It will stop when it's done. There's no way to stop it now." Bob got smaller and smaller and smaller until, eventually, the convulsions slowed and finally stopped. Before the two women was a very small, little girl. She looked to be about 6 or 7 years old and no more than 3 feet tall. Her long, straight, blonde hair was messed with strands stuck to the sweat on her face. Marybeth was as fascinated as she had been after each transformation. "Wow," she whispered. "Annie, come see him. This is just amazing." Annie was shaking nearly uncontrollably as she moved to the couch. "Oh, Bobby, Bobby." She knelt and patted the hair from child's face. She looked at his face. She could still see Bobby, but it was harder than before. He was so small. So fragile. Such a little thing. She lifted his unconscious head and hugged it to her own and wept. "Oh, stop. He'll be fine as soon as he tells me everything I want to know. Then I can reverse the spell." Annie wasn't hearing her. She was rocking back and forth with Bob in her arms. "Let me show you the most interesting part. Every time he gets younger, his penis gets..." Marybeth sat and lifted the hem of the now huge peasant blouse to take a look, but she stopped short. She was frozen for a few seconds before she stood quickly and turned her back to Bob. Her eyes were wide and wild. "Oh, God." She whispered. She turned to look at Bob again and this time looked at his crotch more carefully. "This isn't supposed to happen" Her words started quietly, but got louder and louder as she spoke. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Now, at last, she had Annie's attention. Annie looked up to see the shear panic on Marybeth's face. "What is it!?" she whispered. When Marybeth didn't reply, Annie's voice became louder. "What's wrong." "Look. Look at his crotch!" Marybeth shouted! Annie held Bobby's little head in the crook of one arm while she lifted the hem of the blouse with her other hand. What she found was the anatomy of a very young girl. A smooth abdomen, a small mound and a vaginal opening. "It's gone!" Marybeth screamed. "It's not supposed to be gone! He's just supposed to LOOK like a girl, not become one!" The unreal quality of this entire situation was more than Annie could stand. "Marybeth! Marybeth! Stop! Think! How did you do this? How do we change him back to normal?" Marybeth was still staring at Bob's new sex in shock. Finally, she came to her senses. "Myra! I have to call Myra! She gave me the potions! She's into all this magic! She'll know what to do!" While Marybeth pulled out her cell phone, dialed and talked to Myra, Annie went to her bedroom and grabbed a blanket then ran back and wrapped Bobby in it. Then she cradled him in her arms and rocked him back and forth making soothing sounds. It seemed like hours, but Myra was knocking at the door within ten minutes. Marybeth opened the door and let her in. "Oh, thank God you came! Come in! Come in!" She led her to the living room. Annie was still holding Bobby who was still unconscious. Myra smiled at Annie, "So, you must be Bob's little 'girlfriend.' Nice to meet you." Annie didn't disguise her disgust. "So, you must be the unholy-spawn- of-hell witch. I wish I had lived my entire life without knowing that trash like you even existed." Myra smiled back at her, an evil light in her eyes. "So, what's the problem?" "Look!" Marybeth said and indicated Bob's lower body. Myra reached for the blanket surrounding Bob's body. "Touch him and I will break your rotten neck, you obnoxious piece of shit!" Annie yelled. Once Marybeth and Myra backed off, Annie, gently parted the opening of the blanket revealing Bob's new sex. Myra let out a guffaw. "Oh, wow! Is that really Bob!" She continued to laugh. "This is too precious!" Annie was furious and closed the blanket again. Marybeth was confused. "How do we fix it?" "Well," Myra said, "first, let's wake him up." They both looked at Annie. She nodded and started rubbing Bob's face while inducing him to wake up. "Bobby. Bobby, honey. Come on, now, sweetie, it's time to wake up. Bobby. Come on sweetie." She continued to gently wake him as his eyes fluttered and then opened. "Annie?" he whispered. "Annie, why are you so big?" "Hush, baby. I'm not big, honey. You've gotten very, very small. There's someone here to help you, Bobby, so you have to wake up and talk to her, ok?" "Ok." He whispered weakly as Annie raised him to a more seated position. Myra bent forward and put her hands on her knees and looked Bob with a big grin. "Hey, there, Bob! How are you doing today?" She laughed at him. "Hi, Myra." Bob said with a little more strength than he'd had before. "Why are you here?" "Because, Bob, I am the one who gave Marybeth the potion that did all of this to you. Things seem to have gone a little further than she expected, now and she called me here to see if I might be able to get you your sweet, little wee-wee back." Bob's eyes nearly burst out of his head. He turned to Annie in a panic. She nodded that, yes, he had lost his penis, but she wouldn't allow him to explore himself in front of Myra. "So, Marybeth, did he tell you what you wanted to know?" Myra asked. "Well, no," Marybeth said, a little confused, "but we've gone beyond that, now. I want you to fix this. Now. Please!" "Yeah, but you have him where you wanted him right? I mean, he'll never be more vulnerable than this. Let's ask him again!" "Myra, I don't think...." "Ask him, please. I think he's ready, now." Marybeth couldn't see a way around this. "Ok. Ok." Marybeth sat on the ottoman again and looked Bob directly in the eye. She ran her fingers through her hair and tried to focus on convincing Bob to tell the truth. "Bob," She said. "This is it, baby. I really need you to tell me the truth - NOW, Bobby, - I need you to tell me the truth - NOW. Do you understand?" He was still cuddled in Annie's embrace, but he nodded his understanding. "Alright, good. Now, Bob, I know that you're scared, but I need you to know that I really do love you. I never meant for this to go this far. It was just supposed to be a punishment and this is the only way to get you back to normal, so - here goes: Did you cheat on me?" Bob looked away for a moment, then nodded. "Ok. Now, please, Bob, tell me who you cheated with." Bobby opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out and tears appeared in his eyes. Marybeth let out a frustrated breath and bowed her head. Then, slowly, she looked at Myra and shook her head. "I'm done. Just make him Bob again, please." "In a minute." Myra said. "Let me try." She tapped Marybeth on the shoulder and indicated that she should get off the ottoman. Then Myra sat in front of Bob. She looked at him with a huge smile on her face. "Hiiiiiii, Bobby!" She sang. Bob thought that she sounded like a babysitter meeting a new client. "Aren't you the prettiest little thing today? Yes, you are!" and she pinched his nose. Finally, she got to point. "Ok, Bobby. The time has come for you to act like a big girl and tell Auntie Myra the truth. Who was it, Bob? What's the name of the woman you had an affair with?" Bob continued to weep quietly. "Alright," Marybeth said. "That's it." "No, no, no," Myra waved her off. "I have another idea." Her gaze returned to Bob. "Bobby? I am going to say something important to you. Are you listening?" Bob nodded, again. "Bob, you are free. I release you from my grasp. You may tell Marybeth and Annie the truth," Bob's expression changed completely. He looked straight at Myra and his eyes narrowed causing Myra to let out a burst of laughter. "Whoa!" Myra joked, "Stand back ladies! Here it comes!" "Who was it, Bob?" Marybeth prompted. "It was Myra." He said with hatred in his voice. "What?" Asked Annie. "It was Myra!" He shouted. "You were in Detroit working that case against that big chemical company. I went out to dinner after work - all by myself. Myra saw me and sat down at my table. I bought her dinner, we had a few drinks and, next thing I knew, I woke up in her bed and it was morning. She rolled over and told me that we'd had a 'wonderful night' and that we needed to keep this between us. That is all of it, Mare! I swear! I have never been so ashamed of anything of done in my entire life." The room was filled with a stunned silence. "What?" Marybeth whispered. "I don't understand. It was.... Myra? But.... Myra, you told me you saw him with someone that weekend." "And I did!" Myra teased. "Me! I saw us together. Bob and me!" "Then...? Myra, what the hell is going on?" Myra stood and stepped a little closer to Marybeth as she spoke. "'Marybeth is soooo successful!' 'Marybeth is sooooo smart!' 'Marybeth is suuuuu

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Hello dear iss readers this is tonguetainer, this is real incident which was happened in the 90′ s, when i was working with a surgical company as a sales personal, along with me they were two ladies also working in the company. one was a office assistant and the other was our manager. Our boss will be on tour all the time, will not be in the office. I used to do local sales and other things for the office. both of them were sex bombs, but due to younger what i did is to watch and dream about...

3 years ago
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Being An Erotic Tale of Majik In An Untolde and Unknown Number of Parts Composed By A Coward Preferring To Hide Behind the Pseudonym "Ocelot Phayze" Chapter One: In Which The Story Begins I've come to the realization that one of the necessities of extended trips over land or otherwise is the capacity to ignore your bladder. Someone, somewhere, sometime in my past must have warned me about coaches, but I either don't remember exactly what they said or, more likely, I never bothered...

1 year ago
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My mother is really hot and mature. I started looking at her in that angle when I heard a bunch of guys in a mall secretly talking about her. They were not able to move their eyes of my mother. Then I realised the beauty of her. She is of above average height. She has very less belly fat as she does all her household and the garden work for herself. The diet she takes and the household activities she does made her really sexy in building up her body well.I completed my 12th and am free for like...

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Tied by Unknown Marta led me to the cedar chest at the foot of the bed. She didn't have to order me to kneel, just the pressure of her hands on my shoulders was enough to cause me to slowly drop onto my knee's. I watched her tie a cord to the hasp where a large padlock hung, then she quickly ran the cord through the hole in the end of the cock-gag that protruded from my stretched lips. I could feel the straps pulling at the back of my head as she tightened the cord. ...

2 years ago
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The Girl Scout 7 HOGTied

The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced A new fear overcame Lisa. What , what would happen to her at Lamont’s? Where are you going to take me Sir. What are you going to do, Sir. I gonna fuck your cherry asshole. Dad says he saved your shit hole fo me. U gonna get my 14 inch cock up yo butt. Lisa’s knees buckled. Maybe she would be better dead. Lisa would have collapsed but Lamont still held her up. Wat u crying abouts, wese...

4 years ago
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margret being tied

I love being tied up and blindfolded. Last night he blindfolded me and tied me with ropes to the bed. Nothing gets my pussy wetter faster then being tied, helpless and blindfolded.He always starts these games the same way, leaving me alone for a few minutes. I lay there tied, unable to move, unable to see what's happening. His touch comes suddenly, unexpectedly. A light soft touch running down between my big tits and down my stomach; he must be using a feather. Another touch at my feet, maybe...

4 years ago
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The Tease Tied

She didn’t normally sleep on her stomach but she felt extremely cosy and deliciously comfy and completely disinclined to move.It was only when she felt his tongue licking the cheek of her bottom and she tried to wriggle away from him that she realised that she was tied – gently but very securely – spreadeagled on the bed.Her legs were spread apart.She imagined that her ankles had been tied to the legs of the bed.She could see that her wrists were tied to the iron bedhead.He knelt up and smacked...

3 years ago
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The Spanking CouplesChapter 3 Hogtied

Debbie slowly turned away from Marion, and reached over to where her husband was still laying on the bed. She reached up and untied the rope from his handcuffs and pulled it free. She then reached down to the cuffs holding his ankles together, and freed them, too. "OK, pussy boy" she said to her husband. "Get up and make room for the Bitch." Bill then rolled over and stood up beside the bed. Debbie then told Ron to rotate his body 90 degrees, so that his head was still facing down, but...

3 years ago
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Tickled for Revenge Teased and Tied

It had been weeks since my husband, Derek and I had really seen each other, him being so busy with work and with me finishing up a summer class. We had recently gotten into a heated debate which ended in a stupid fight. I was giving him the ultimate silent treatment by freezing him out, but it backfired, instead of him chasing after me, he simply ignored my slight attempts to make up. I secretly wanted him to apologize for some hurtful things he had said, and craved his attention. I missed his...

2 years ago
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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 23 Fit to be tied

‘This is the strangest feeling’, Robin thought, ‘it’s almost as if I was being fucked hard in my sleep!’ As she slowly awoke, Robin realized that she was not dreaming. She really was being fucked, and she was surprised and glad that nothing seemed to hurt. She could feel the coating of gel still covering all of her tattoos, and realized that they must have applied another coating, and when she did not wince or ... well, wake up, decided that she was ok to be used. Again. She tried to lift...

1 year ago
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She had wondered what it would be like to be tied up. To be completely at his command and not be able to get away if she did not thoroughly enjoy it. She was the queen of the tapout, despite how much she loved sex. She would push men away who could not excite her with their oral skills. Many would get pushed away who would rub her raw with their fingers. Most seemed not to mind her love of being taken hard from behind, and she had to admit that made her wet more often than not. In her bed,...

4 years ago
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Young Wife Tied

This is a true story about my ex-wife and happened in the late 80s. At the time she was 26 or 27, 5’3” 120 lbs, auburn hair and big brown eyes. Picture Jennifer Jason Leigh from “Fast Times at Ridgemont High”. I was my wife’s first real boyfriend. We met when she was 18 and I was 19. She was a senior in High School from another town and I was just out of school. I was her first and to the best of my knowledge, her only until after we split up. When we were married we had a big brass bed and...

2 years ago
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Young Wife Tied

This is a true story about my ex-wife and happened in the late 80s. At the time she was 26 or 27, 5’3” 120 lbs, auburn hair and big brown eyes. Picture Jennifer Jason Leigh from “Fast Times at Ridgemont High”. I was my wife’s first real boyfriend. We met when she was 18 and I was 19. She was a senior in High School from another town and I was just out of school. I was her first and to the best of my knowledge, her only until after we split up.When we were married we had a big brass bed...

1 year ago
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Hartstein A Hartstein StoryChapter 11 Fit to Be Tied

Twenty-three year old Callie Monahan was enjoying the warmth of a spring day in the 70’s. Callie was blonde, blue eyed, beautiful, slutty and seldom wore a bra, preferring the looks her breasts received from the men she passed by while walking or running in Central Park. A former high school cheerleader, she was more than aware of her good looks and used them to her advantage. She had always dated whichever boy was the current season’s sports star and was not above popping open an extra...

1 year ago
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As you open the front door, you smell scented candles and my perfume. As you step through the doorway, the rose petals scattered on the floor leading to your room tell you that I have something romantic planned for us tonight. Your heart beats faster at the prospect of having a romantic dinner with your sweet, innocent girlfriend… Little did you know… You followed the rose petals to your room and open the door. The lights are off, and candles are all that’s illuminating the room. You see me,...

1 year ago
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My First Time Tied

I was dating an older guy who my parents didn't know about. He made me feel special and he did things to my body that were electrifying. Even now, I think he had one of the largest cocks I've ever seen. Not much when soft but once aroused, he must have been eight or nine inches long and so thick..... He was a mechanic and used to drive a sporty BMW, convertible. We drove out to a place called Callandar and on a hill out of the village he parked the car. There were aa few paths leading from the...

4 years ago
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Fit to be Tied

My first story attempt. Let me know what you think.He had watched her come and go on her daily jog. He had been infatuated with her since she had moved in across the hallway. He remembered the day vividly as it wasn't every day that a goddess moved into the building. It was her laugh and smile that first caught his attention. She had a smile that seemed to illuminate the whole world around her and beautiful full lips. She was carrying several boxes to her apartment when he had gotten home...

3 years ago
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I am tied, naked, blindfolded, and spreadeagled on your bed, my pale skin contrasting with the dark denim comforter as I listen to the soft slide of fabric against skin as you undress. The soft thud heralds the loss of your jeans and I lick my lips, wishing I hadn’t thought of the blindfold, I want to see you. From your vantage point you can see the dampness clinging to the bush partially concealing my pussy, my clit pouts out at you. You kick your pants to one side a pick up the long feather...

1 year ago
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Fit to be tied

Audrey Horwell was a successful fitness instructor. She had it all. Owning her own business, she had begun with one women’s only fitness club, and over ten years expanded to two women’s only and one co-ed facility that also handled injury rehabilitation. Audrey’s ice blue eyes and iron discipline had made her goals not only possibilities but realities. Her body was not only her pride and joy but also her biggest advertisement. At thirty-six, her 42DD defied gravity, although she had to keep...

2 years ago
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Fit to be tied

Audrey Horwell was a successful fitness instructor. She had it all. Owning her own business, she had begun with one women’s only fitness club, and over ten years expanded to two women’s only and one co-ed facility that also handled injury rehabilitation. Audrey’s ice blue eyes and iron discipline had made her goals not only possibilities, but realities. Her body was not only her pride and joy, but also her biggest advertisement. At thirty six, her 42DD defied gravity, although she had to keep...

1 year ago
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ReGenesis Inc A Loose End Tied

ReGenesis, Inc.: A Loose End Tied By Bill Hart As one of her many household chores, Becky was vacuuming the living room when her mother arrived home from work. She didn't enjoy doing it, but keeping the house clean was one of her responsibilities. On the other hand, she knew her mother, who generally worked the morning shift at the diner, appreciated her helping out. Even with getting up at 3am every workday morning, Phyllis was more or less satisfied with her working arrangements,...

1 year ago
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Dog Tied

i will make this quick , and excuse the grammer ect, Ive had a few beers that is why i will tell the story.Met a girl from high school we are both in our 40s now . I liked her then ,but we met and hooked up 25 years later. She was allways know as a good girl. Very religous familiy, super goody two shoes. Well after dating and not being interested at all. She tells me outside a bar I got her drunk in. "do you want to fuck? I take her home sex was terrible real uptight. one year goes by. I have...

3 years ago
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Huda dances poked smacked waxed table tied

Several weeks ago we hiked in the park and over the past week we invited Huda’s hubby over for snacks while she worked, He told of her randy ways and that her feels there marriage has barely scratched the surface of her wild desires. I has met many of her friends and they tell of her explorations but then he tells we have struck a nerve , she came home relaxed and wild for a change riding him to the wee hours of the morning. We show him one of our guide forms and he looks and tells this...

2 years ago
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I am tied, naked, blindfolded, and spreadeagled on your bed, my pale skin contrasting with the dark denim comforter as I listen to the soft slide of fabric against skin as you undress. The soft thud heralds the loss of your jeans and I lick my lips, wishing I hadn't thought of the blindfold, I want to see you. From your vantage point you can see the dampness clinging to the bush partially concealing my pussy, my clit pouts out at you. You kick your pants to one side a pick up the long feather...

3 years ago
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I walked into the house. It was immaculate as I knew it would be. I looked for my wife and couldn’t find her. There was no noise or sound in the house. I walked to the kitchen. There I found a single red rose. I smiled. My wife had a surprise for me. She always left a rose to signal I was to bring it to our room, our special place.I didn’t hurry. I’d had a long day at work as we were planning my company IPO. I was already worth a lot of money, but going public would make me filthy rich. My wife...

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PANTIED - four days for a life change, by - Nicci Knox Chapter I Saturday, Early - an enforced transformation. I awoke to the vision of my wife undertaking some strange task that involved bending and stretching, and what a vision! The early morning sun, streaming in through the netted windows, caught the auburn cascade of her hair, echoing the glitter as it touched the splendid red profusion of her pubic bush and the pink freshness of her somewhat freckled body. Her firm high...

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Diapered and Pantied

Diapered and Pantied By Cissie Guy The taxi ride back home was long and mostly silent. Phil and Cindy sat in the back seat while his mom sat up front with the cab driver. Phil kept his eyes focused on his bare knees, not wanting to look up. Cindy watched Phil intently as she sat next to him. Her grin never fading as she runs a hand up Phil's legs. "Smooth" was all she said, as her grin got even bigger. Occasionally, his mom would turn around and stare at her 15 year old son, now...

2 years ago
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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 8 Fit to be Tied

"Well now, said Hoke, "Are you girls serious with your games?" "What kind of games?" I said. "The tie me up, tie me down, kind for openers," he said. "Or maybe you'd like a little spanking?" "We're not into serious pain," Julie said. "Nothing serious," he said reassuringly. "Let's use Yellow as the code word to stop anything before it goes to far, okay?" "Yellow it is," I said. "Yeah, yellow," Julie chimed in. Shimmying out of her robe and palming her pussy in...

1 year ago
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Tounge Tied

I was always named the tounge tister at my high school by all of the girls i dated. i was 17 with a 5 inch long penis and a tounge that was like gold. My current girlfriend didnt like me licking her pussy much witch i didnt get much. but she did give my hardons like hell.but one day she had some different ideas.She said we needed to talk and i was up for it. so we met at her house when her parents werent home yet,and she came out with nothing but her skin on. she said she wanted to feel my...

2 years ago
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Tongues of Passion

Hello readers. Alizee is back to entertain you with a nasty but horny story which is bound to take your hands to the itchy area between your legs and its time you have some napkins around to clean yourself. This incident takes place when two lovely bodied woman bump into each other while attending a seminar in one of those ECR resorts. After a stressful day of listening to all the crap which can never add values in any of our work Deepa felt she needed to relax with a bottle of beer. All thru...

2 years ago
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Tongues of Passion

Hello readers. JJ is back to entertain you with a nasty but horny story which is bound to take your hands to the itchy area between your legs and its time you have some napkins around to clean yourself. This incident takes place when two lovely bodied woman bump into each other while attending a seminar in one of those ECR resorts. After a stressful day of listening to all the crap which can never add values in any of our work Deepa felt she needed to relax with a bottle of beer. All thru the...

1 year ago
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Tongue Satisfaction

As we arrived back at my house, the sexual tension was evident and we wasted no time as our lips locked in a passionate, lustful kiss before the door fully closed behind us.  My kisses moved to your cheek, then to your neck and I whispered, “I need your sweetness on my tongue, Sara."  Hearing me say it made your pussy start to throb and you could feel yourself instantly getting wet and ready to give me all the sweet juice I craved.  “How bad do you want it?" you said as you playfully walked...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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TongueTied Part One of Two

Renata was in a foul mood, although a satisfied smile did curl her lips as she peered at herself in the full-length mirror. She looked damn good, she thought. She knew she had a good body, anybody would. Slim, five-seven, pretty face, glistening shoulder-length black hair, firm not-too-big tits, flat tummy, toned upper body and long, lean legs. She was thirty-nine years old but people often took her for much younger. She knew she was hot.Her Cleopatra costume showed off her bod tremendously,...

1 year ago
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TongueTied Part Two of Two

They’d both been thinking about that night, about each other. They agreed to meet the following Saturday, 3 p.m. at a bench in the back of the old cemetery behind the abandoned stone church next to the Civic Park. It was nearby, quiet, and private. They would meet with masks on, keep the intrigue a little longer, and they would unmask together, and depending on how well the meeting went, perhaps they would make a night of it.----Renata had difficulty deciding on how to dress for her meeting...

3 years ago
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Tongue and Groove

The large island in the kitchen had been the last cabinet to be installed and now the granite top was in place. I surveyed the rooms to ensure the floor had been swept and cleaned before starting the flooring installation."Is everything ready for you?" I turned around to see Donna standing in the hallway."I think so," I replied. "Everything looks good.""I hope this isn't a problem, but John had to go into work today and won't be here to help you," she said in an apologetic tone. "But...

3 years ago
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Ms first tie

Thursday The food court in the building I work in isn’t very busy. It’s a beautiful summer day, and most people are outside enjoying the sunshine. I ordered the Chicken Teriyaki special, when my order is ready, I reached for my wallet. I had left my wallet in my suit jacket. “Shit,” I mutter under my breath. M was behind me, next in line to pay at the cash registered. She could see I had forgotten my wallet by my reaction. She gently bumps my back with her shoulder. I turn around and look...

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Family Ties

"Kneel down and unzip my fly," Glenn said in a hoarse voice. Her green eyes widened with shock. She couldn't have been more than twenty-one or two, and they'd met just twenty minutes before, but it wasn't her age that bothered Glenn. What he really craved was a lush, blonde like his on beautifully curved daughter, Becky. Glenn quickly tried to push that thought aside as too dangerous. But it clung fiercely like a burning obsession. "Go ahead," Glenn said harshly to the...

2 years ago
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Shirt Tie

I come home early and find you sitting in bed with my shirt and tie on. The shirt barely covers your pubic hair and you look so sexy sitting there. Your legs are a warm invite to kiss… I drop my briefcase and walk to the side of the bed you are on. There is plenty of light in the room, the curtains are open and you can see into the back… I turn on some music and your eyes are burning deeply into me. I am so conscious of you watching me, I had to turn my back… I take off my jacket, tie, and...

2 years ago
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Posing Ties

Posing Ties Your hands are above you as you pose for me. It’s a difficult one to hold, but after me complementing you on it you were insistent that be one of the poses I draw you in. As fine as your form is, I am caught between trying to hurry so as to relieve the strain on your arms and taking my time so as to do justice to your looks with my poor talent. We only just started about fifteen minutes earlier, and already your arms and hands quiver a bit with the strain. You look so good,...

3 years ago
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Tori n her Ties

‘Hey babe, be home soon can’t wait to see you’ it was from Tori, and then something in me exploded, I instantly got hard thinking about what I could do to her today. I raced into the bedroom and grabbed the flower petals I was saving and sprinkled them all across the floor in a kind of, follow the path, to the bathroom. I placed a not on the door…. Tori arrived to a note on the door, she read it “ Follow the rose petals to your destination”. she walked in and started shedding her clothes,...

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My neighbor picked up my tie

I bolted up the stairs of my apartment complex in the center of the gay neighborhood with the package in my hand. I had ordered some new underwear from ‘Oboy’ and I couldn’t wait to get my cock and ass into it! Saying the package is underwear doesn’t do the gear justice! I had ordered a Wildmilk love flier brief is red and yellow! They call it a brief but this gear is a bikini at heart. I fumbled with the keys to the door with one hand and started pulling my clothes off with the other . ...

4 years ago
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His Skinny Black Tie

I looked at my reflection in the mirror for the fifteenth time, checking my hair and mascara. I was obsessed with my appearance for the first time in probably ever. Granted today was no regular day, at least that's what I had been telling myself so I wouldn't feel like the enamored nineteen year old I was. I never spent this much time getting ready for some guy. He wasn't just some guy though. He was older. Not by much but his position made him seem older. He was my poetry professor, one twenty...

1 year ago
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family ties

“Let’s get this straight, Lucy,” Tom said as he closed and locked the door behind him. “You ARE going to do this!”“And I told you I am NOT, you sick, perverted bastard!”Tom’s hand flew out and grabbed the nightdress of the girl and pulled her roughly to him. She struggled but he was far too strong for her and , although she twisted her head, she couldn’t stop his rough, unshaven face pressing against her young, smooth cheek as he kissed her. She struggled but he had too firm a grip on the...

2 years ago
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The First Tie

There's nothing like a bus ride home to put you in a bad mood. Here I was, walking the long road to our house from the bus stop in town, musing on how much it was going to cost me to get the car out of the shop, what I was going to do about my many problems at work, and how sore my feet were getting as I trudged home in the hot sun... I was hot and sweaty by the time I walked up the driveway and slowly swung the door open and entered the relative coolness of the house, when you met me at the...

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There's nothing like a bus ride home to put you in a bad mood. Here I was, walking the long road to our house from the bus stop in town, musing on how much it was going to cost me to get the car out of the shop, what I was going to do about my many problems at work, and how sore my feet were getting as I trudged home in the hot sun... I was hot and sweaty by the time I walked up the driveway and slowly swung the door open and entered the relative coolness of the house, when you met me at the...

3 years ago
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A Prisoners Ties

The house was old, damp, and dark. I stumbled through it, bleary eyed and desperate for the toilet, fumbling along the walls for a door handle. I'd long lost the party but, insulated by the warmth of my liquid dinner, I didn't really feel like I cared. My hand eventually closed on a door handle and I pushed it open to be greeted with the oddest sight I could possibly imagine. A figure, clad in the most bizarre fetishistic outfit conceivable, stood hunched in the corner. It jumped as I...

3 years ago
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Family Ties

                                     Family Ties                                               By                                             LancerI had had one of those weeks where all you want is a couple of days of peaceful tranquility to regroup. But when I opened the kitchen door that Friday evening I realized that my dear wife had something else far more interesting in mind. She stood by the kitchen sink wearing a semi transparent beach cover up over that damn black micro bikini that...

1 year ago
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Tongue Tied The Sequel

Chapter 1 "Franco, the delivery truck is pulling around to the loading dock. The order is kind of big, today. Are you going to need any help?" "No, thank you, Miss Annie," Franco replied in his thick Italian accent. "I am fine." "Ok! Thanks, Franco. Let me know if you need anything, though," Annie closed the door and returned to her sewing and Franco opened up the delivery bay doors and got to work unloading the truck. Franco had been in the United States for just over two years....

2 years ago
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Posing Ties

Posing Ties Your hands are above you as you pose for me. It’s a difficult one to hold, but after me complementing you on it you were insistent that be one of the poses I draw you in. As fine as your form is, I am caught between trying to hurry so as to relieve the strain on your arms and taking my time so as to do justice to your looks with my poor talent. We only just started about fifteen minutes earlier, and already your arms and hands quiver a bit with the strain. You look so good,...

2 years ago
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Family Ties

Chapter 1 - The end of innocence. Sitting on a wooden bench that lazy warm summer afternoon next to my friendStanley I felt still a touch of annoyance at missing my regular Saturday afternoongolf game. Chaperoning my eldest daughter at the local Fete was not what Ihad planned. I glanced at him briefly wondering if he, like me, was bored.He and I had been shanghaied into this chore while our respective wives werehaving a 'girl's' lunch and shopping expedition. His daughter Sara was my Rachel's...

2 years ago
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I open the door and she’s standing there with a red rose and a bottle of something expensive. ‘Hey.’ she says calmly. ‘How about it?’ ‘Good morning,’ I say. What else can I say? It’s 9am. It’s Sunday. It’s six months and nine days since the last time she said that. How has she got here? I suppose it doesn’t matter now. We stand looking at each other and I don’t know what to do, really I don’t. She hands me the rose. ‘Come in?’ It’s more of a suggestion than anything. I step aside and she...

2 years ago
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A Welcomed Guest 1 CAW 27 entry 3rd place tie

------------------------------------ It was only a few hours later after they had pleasured each other when he awoke to find that that he was still on the bed stark naked. Turning his head he expected to find the room completely empty. Then his eyes settled on her pale, shining form sitting in the chair by the window. “I thought you had left as you always do,” he thought he said to her. He wasn’t sure, as it seemed hardly any of his senses were working correctly. “Have stayed to...

2 years ago
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Old School Ties

Two unrelated real events brought together and romanced up provide the basis for this little tale. *********** Dave thought her name was familiar when he got the letter asking him to attend a job interview. When he saw her he knew she was the same woman who ten years previously had been a student teacher for his last term at school. He did well in the interview and she stood and shook his hand at the end saying that he’d got the job and that confirmation in writing would follow in a day or...

4 years ago
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His Skinny Black Tie

I looked at my reflection in the mirror for the fifteenth time, checking my hair and mascara. I was obsessed with my appearance for the first time in probably ever. Granted today was no regular day, at least that’s what I had been telling myself so I wouldn’t feel like the enamored nineteen year old I was. I never spent this much time getting ready for some guy. He wasn’t just some guy though. He was older. Not by much but his position made him seem older. He was my poetry professor, one...

2 years ago
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Ms first tie

Thursday The food court in the building I work in isn’t very busy. It’s a beautiful summer day, and most people are outside enjoying the sunshine. I ordered the Chicken Teriyaki special, when my order is ready, I reached for my wallet. I had left my wallet in my suit jacket. “Shit,” I mutter under my breath. M was behind me, next in line to pay at the cash registered. She could see I had forgotten my wallet by my reaction. She gently bumps my back with her shoulder. I turn around and look...

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