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JENNIFER'S MOM By Annie James TRAGEDY Tears continued to run down Allan's face as he lay on his bed thinking over what he had been told an hour before. His only living relative, his elder sister Ellen, had been killed in the same accident which had brought him to this hospital over a week ago. Suffering from concussion and unconscious for most of the past seven days he had just now learned of her death, four days after her funeral. He had so looked forward to spending a holiday with her and how excited they had both been when she met him at the airport. Strange that he could not even remember the accident. They told him that a large truck had rolled over on top of Ellen's car, crushing her and pinning him inside. It had taken over two hours to get them out of the wrecked vehicle. Loneliness overwhelmed him and more tears flowed as he thought how empty his life would be now that he would no longer have Ellen's letters and the occasional phone call to look forward to. These had sustained him over the past four years while he attended a private high school after the death of his parents. Memories came flooding back of how she had been almost a second mother to him until she had left home to go to work when he was about ten. As a teenager she had always accepted his company even when her friends were around, almost endlessly patient when others would have unceremoniously shooed a younger sibling away. It was after the death of their parents and his enrolment in the private boarding school that she had taken a short vacation in Europe, during which she met Earl, had a whirlwind courtship, made a quick trip back home, and then returned to England to marry and settle down. For the past four years financial limitations had prevented them from seeing each other even during school vacations. Earl's decision to immigrate to America with his wife and their three year old daughter Jennifer was made partly because he realized how Ellen disliked being so separated from her younger brother and partly because he had a married sister who had come out several years before. They had been here just over a month. Ellen had made a quick trip by herself to the school to visit Allan just before the beginning of exams, and Earl had provided an airplane ticket so he could fly up for a holiday. Ellen had not brought Jennifer to the airport with her, and so far he only knew his brother-in-law and niece from Ellen's descriptions and snapshots she had sent. Allan's first meeting with Earl came about later that same day. Having been informed by the doctor that Allan was now conscious and aware, Earl came that evening to make a hospital visit. The tall handsome widower stopped in the doorway in a state of shock when he first glimpsed Allan sitting up in bed. "My God!" he began. "You're the spitting image! If I didn't know better I'd swear you were Ellen sitting there." "Then you must be Earl. I can recognize you from your picture," replied the slight blond figure on the bed, laying down his book and raising his right hand to shake hands. Earl advanced slowly and took Allan's hand in both of his. "Yes, it's uncanny! I knew from your picture that you looked alike, but I would never have believed just how identical you appear," Tears started to flow from his eyes and he dropped Allan's hand to search for a handkerchief in his pocket and turned away to wipe at his eyes. "Please sit down so we can talk," ventured Allan to his sorrowing guest, at the same time using the edge of a pillowslip to daub at a tear in the corner of his own eye. United by their mutual love of Ellen and by their common sorrow at her death the two found much to talk about, and both were surprised at the passage of time when the nurse came to announce the end of visiting hours. Allan's guest again shook his hand and promised to return the next day. On his second visit Earl brought flowers to brighten up the room and a box of chocolates which they shared. By the third visit they discussed each other's plans for the future. Allan intended to proceed to university supported by bursaries and student loans for which he could qualify. Earl planned for the present at least to continue with his new job, counting on his sister to babysit Jennifer as she had been doing for the past two weeks. The next day Allan was told that he could now be released from hospital provided he had a place to go, and it was readily agreed by Earl that he should spend the time originally planned as a guest in his brother-in- law's new home. "It will give you a good chance to get to know Jennifer," continued Earl, "especially since I have to go to work five days a week." "But I don't want to impose." "Nonsense! Besides if you feel guilty you can earn your keep by babysitting Jennifer. My sister will be delighted to be relieved of that responsibility for a while." MISTAKEN IDENTITY On Saturday afternoon at the time of Allan's planned release Earl found him sitting in the bed still not dressed. "Better hurry up. There's only so much time on my parking meter." "I can't go," answered Allan. "I have no clothes. The nurse just brought me this satchel which she thought was mine, but it isn't. And all the clothes I was wearing when I came in were cut off me and destroyed. I don't know what to do." "That looks like Ellen's satchel. Have you looked inside it?" "Yes, but all the clothes in it are women's clothes. I couldn't wear them." "Well, I guess I could go home and find something of mine, but it would certainly be too big for you. Let me see what is in that bag," He picked up the small valise and upended it on the bed. "This does look like Ellen's clothes," he commented. "It's the things she kept in the car in case she was all dressed up and had car trouble, had to change a tire or something. Here! I am sure you could wear this pair of slacks, and this long sleeved sweater. Stick your foot out from under the covers so we can see if these penny loafers will fit. You won't need her bra, but you can certainly wear this pair of cotton briefs, in spite of the lace trim. You won't need these work gloves or her straw hat." The reluctant Allan climbed slowly from his bed and donned the garments with his back turned toward his companion. When he had finished he turned around sheepishly. Earl tried to reassure him. "You look fine, a bit androgynous, but I am sure nobody will say anything." "It doesn't seem right not to have a fly in my trousers and undershorts." "Just pretend you're a sailor wearing bell-bottom trousers. Let's throw the rest of these things back in the bag now and get going." Just then the nurse arrived. She made no comment about his clothes, but insisted that he sit in a wheelchair for the trip down the elevator and out to the car. Allan breathed a sigh of relief when he was finally seated in the car, and the door had closed behind him. The nurse stood watching as Earl walked around the car to the driver's side, and she waved goodbye as they finally drove off. "We'll make a quick stop at my sister's to pick up Jennifer, and then go straight home so you can rest," remarked Earl, who was continuing to conceal the emotion he felt on seeing Allan in his wife's clothes. In his flat-soled shoes, nylon anklets, maroon stretch knit slacks, and with the loose boat-necked grey sweater camouflaging his lack of breasts, it would be very easy to mistake Allan for a woman he mused. With a bit of curl in his hair and a touch of lipstick any observer would be convinced. It pained him to have this virtual reincarnation of his deceased wife at his side. His pain was to increase sharply a few moments later. As they pulled up in the driveway at his sister's home, he climbed out of the car saying, "It will only take a minute for me to pick up Jennifer. You can just wait in the car and rest." "Oh, but I couldn't. It wouldn't be polite. I must come in and meet Janice." Allan opened his own door, stepped out of the car, and began to follow Earl up the walk. Just then a scream of excitement rent the air as a small child hurled itself across the lawn, and threw itself at Allan, grasping him tightly around the knees. "Oh Mummy, Mummy!" shouted the delighted child. "They said you were never coming back, but I knew you would. Pick me up, Mummy! Pick me up!" A startled Allan reached down, and lifted the little blond girl into his arms. "You must be Jennifer," he said, "but I am not your Mother. I'm your uncle." Two little arms reached around Allan's neck and squeezed tightly. "Don't say that Mummy! I know who you are. You can't fool me." Earl came over and tried to lift the tot out of Allan's arms, but the child would not let go. "No! I won't go. I want to stay with my Mummy," shouted Jennifer, and tightened her hold. Finally Allan broke the impasse by saying, "Better let her have her way for the moment. We'll have to work it out with her later." By this time Janice had come down from the porch to be introduced to Allan, who was able to extricate one arm just long enough to shake her hand. She expressed the opinion that Jennifer's misconception should be tolerated for a short time until it could be broken down with fewer hysterics. Jennifer agreed to be buckled into her car seat in the centre back only after Allan had buckled himself in the seat beside her. Then she continued to hold his hand in a fierce grip which did not relax until they were under way. In the meantime Earl explained to his sister why Allan was wearing Ellen's clothes, which seemed to be the root cause of the problem with Jennifer. Before they drove away Janice reminded them that they were expected over for Sunday dinner the next day. Walking up the steps into her own home Jennifer again clung tightly to Allan's hand. She finally let go as he lay resting on the chesterfield in the living room, but would not leave the room, and kept glancing up from play with her doll to check on him even as he slept soundly. When Earl called the two of them to supper at six o'clock she insisted that Allan be the one to help wash her hands and tie on her apron. He was also called upon to help when she became tired of spooning her food in. It was the same when she had to brush her teeth and get ready for bed. Then she curled up in Allan's arms to watch television. When her eyes had closed and her breathing had become regular, he carried her to her bed. The two men stood looking down at her peaceful face framed by blond ringlets. "I didn't realize just how much she missed her mother," sighed Earl. STRANGE DREAMS They spent the remainder of the evening watching television, but when Allan started to yawn at nine-thirty Earl suggested that he crawl into bed in the master bedroom. "But I expect to sleep on the chesterfield," exclaimed Allan. "That might be all right except for Jennifer. She will come running into the bedroom in the morning, and expect to find us both there. Anyway there's lots of room. It's a double bed and I promise to stick to my own side. Let's try it for tonight in any case, until we get a chance to break Jennifer of her absurd notion that you are her mother." Allan did not argue the point. After washing up he stripped to his lace trimmed briefs and crawled into bed. He was fast asleep at midnight when Earl crawled in the other side. Sometime in the middle of the night Allan found himself lying awake listening to sobs from the other side of the bed. They were interspersed with mumbled words which he could not understand except for the name 'Ellen' which was repeated several times. Unsure of what to do, he finally reached over and put his hand on Earl's bare shoulder, at the same time saying, "Hush, you're dreaming out loud," Immediately the mumbling and sobbing stopped. A hand reached out and grasped Allan's twining their fingers together. Allan tried to withdraw his hand, but the entwined fingers made that impossible so he lay still. The person beside him spoke again, this time more clearly. The words, "I'm sorry, Ellen," were easy to understand. Then he drifted back to sleep. Still later he wakened again, his hand still clasped tightly by his companion who had begun once more to talk in his sleep in a clear voice. "I'm so lonesome for you, Ellen. I need you so much. Please come to me," Astounded, Allan again tried to pull his hand away, but it was still gripped firmly. His bed mate started to shift his position and rolled over onto his back. The fingers entwined with Allan's loosened, but his wrist was now grasped, and the flat of his hand placed on the bare stomach of the sleeper. His wrist was involuntarily moved up and down so that his palm rubbed gently back and forth against the skin, gradually moving further down until he could feel a mat of hair against which he brushed gently. Each time the grip around his wrist relaxed Allan would attempt to pull away, but each time his arm was recaptured, and made to renew the gentle caress. After this had been repeated several times he left his hand in place but did not continue the caress when his wrist was released. This respite was short-lived. After just enough time for a pyjama drawstring to be untied his wrist was again seized and moved even further down. His hand and fingers remained limp as they were forced to explore between his companion's legs stroking back and forth on the soft flesh. Finally his hand was placed against an erect shaft and his fingers curled around it from the pressure of a hand placed over his. Allan reached a sudden decision to cooperate, and reached to the head of the bed with his free hand to collect some tissues from a box which he remembered seeing there. He cupped them in his hand and moved to hold them at the head of Earl's engorged shaft. Then he set to work to bring his companion to orgasm. "Oh, Ellen!" sighed Earl as his hips rose from the mattress in the intensity of his arousal. Suddenly he gave a convulsive shudder as spurts of cum erupted from the rigid shaft. Allan used his Kleenex to protect the bedcovers, and moments later to wipe the last drips from a now flaccid penis. He retied the pyjama cord, and slipped out of bed to deposit the used tissue in a wastebasket. Earl mumbled once more, "Thank you, Ellen," rolled back on his side, and began again to breathe deeply. Allan lay awake for some considerable time before getting back to sleep. JOB PROPOSAL When Allan reawakened it was to find Jennifer lying on top of the covers between the two occupants of the bed with her arms firmly around his neck. "Good morning, Mummy," she greeted him as his eyelids flickered open. "Are you going to get up and get my breakfast?" "Well, now, I think it's time to get something straight," he began, but paused wondering how to continue. "Let's go eat now, Mummy," interrupted Jennifer, "I'm hungry." Earl spoke from the other side of the bed. "Mummy's still weak from being in the hospital. You and I will go and make breakfast while she rests a little longer," Shocked at the father's encouragement of his daughter's delusion, Allan said nothing as Earl rose from the bed wearing only pyjama bottoms, donned his cotton robe, and leaned over to take Jennifer's hand to lead her out of the room. Allan was still lying on his back with his hands clasped behind his head, wondering how to cope with the situation, when Earl popped back into the room just long enough to hand him a wool robe and a pair of scuffs from the closet. The plaid ankle length robe which fastened with a long zipper up the front fitted him well except for some looseness in the chest area. He slipped into the bathroom for a quick shower, shaved his light blond beard with a razor which he found in the medicine cabinet, and came to the kitchen just as breakfast was ready. After breakfast, encouraged by Earl, he yielded to Jennifer's entreaties to help her get ready for Sunday School. First came the child's bath which he accomplished while Earl did the dishes. Then she was dressed in white tights, a yellow silk dress, and patent leather shoes. The final step was brushing her hair, using lotion to help form her ringlets, and tying her hair ribbon in place. As he removed the towel which had been protecting her dress, Allan declared, "There, you will certainly be the prettiest girl in the whole class." "Not as pretty as you, Mummy," answered the child. "You had better hurry now and get yourself ready. I like it when you get all dressed up too." "But I won't be going with you. I'm still too weak from being in the hospital. I'll have to lie down again." "That's no fair. I don't want to go if you don't take me," pouted Jennifer, stamping her foot. "That will be enough of that, young lady!" spoke up Earl from the doorway. "Mummy does need to rest. She'll be waiting for us when we get back." Shortly afterward father and daughter left for church, leaving Allan lying on the chesterfield leafing through a magazine. Jennifer insisted however on delivering a kiss and a hug to her 'Mummy' before going out the door. An hour later Allan got up from his chesterfield, and proceeded to search the kitchen for lunch ingredients. When the other two returned he had set out sandwiches and cookies, with tea for the adults and milk for Jennifer. After lunch he was coerced into lying down on the bed with her as she started her nap. In the late afternoon, with robe and scuffs again exchanged for sweater, slacks and loafers, he was ready for the drive to Janice's for supper. This time Jennifer permitted him to sit in the front seat without raising a fuss. Allan was a little apprehensive about meeting Janice's husband while dressed in girlish clothes, but the introduction was made with no mention of his costume, and he soon relaxed. During dinner he sat beside Jennifer, saw that her bib was in place, served her plate, and helped her to eat. He did blush when she loudly complained to everyone that he had refused to put on a Sunday dress and lipstick to come out for supper. It seemed quite natural for him to help Janice clear the table and do the dishes while the other two men repaired to the living room to talk. Jennifer stuck close to her 'Mummy'. As had been planned, the child's nightclothes were produced and she was prepared for bed, but allowed to play about while the adults started a game of Bridge. When she fell asleep in a chair, Janice carried her to a bedroom and placed her under a blanket on one of the beds. Conversation turned now to the strange way in which Jennifer had confused Allan with her mother. "I just don't know how we will cope with her when she discovers the truth," commented Earl. "She was just so overjoyed when Allan turned up." "I have to leave next week to begin my summer job," contributed Allan. "So soon?" asked Janice. "Couldn't you just stay on for the summer, so we could break it to her gently?" "But I need the money to help me through the first year at university. I received a bursary for the fees, but I have to earn my own way. The school helped me to find a summer job, and they agreed to let me delay starting for three weeks because it was so long since I had seen Ellen, but the time is up next Monday." "Would you consider staying for the summer to look after Jennifer and keep the house if I offered to pay you?" asked Earl. "You do manage so well with her, and it would be easier than doing manual labour after the accident you have been through." "Well, I don't think I could. It wouldn't feel right taking money from you. Besides, I am sure you couldn't afford to pay me as much as I'll make at my job." "Probably not, but you would have free meals and rent so you could save every penny you earned. Promise me you will think about it. ----- For Jennifer's sake." "Well ----," began Allan, only to be interrupted by Janice. "I know what," she put in. "You try it just for this week. I'll pop over each day to help you until you get the hang of it. You won't have to make up your mind until next Saturday." So it was finally arranged, without Allan ever actually saying out loud that he would take over Jennifer's care even for the coming week. Nevertheless, after sandwiches and tea at eleven o'clock, it was he who wrapped Jennifer in her blanket and carried her to the car. He was also the one who carried her into the house and tucked her into bed. The sleeping arrangements were unchanged, but this time Earl slept soundly, and Allan wakened only to the noise of the alarm clock at seven in the morning. MOTHER'S DAY It took a few seconds for Allan to remember where he was, after which he jumped out of bed, donned robe and scuffs, and proceeded to the kitchen. By the time Earl reached the table, freshly shaved and dressed for work, he found Jennifer seated in her highchair with cereal and milk and Allan busy frying bacon and eggs. "Mmm---, smells good," he said as he poured himself a cup of coffee from the pot. Allan brought over two plates of bacon and eggs along with a plate of toast and they ate together. As Earl rose to leave he demanded and received a kiss from Jennifer. Then she asked, "Aren't you going to kiss Mummy too?" "Of course, Darling," he answered and then spoke to Allan. "Lean towards me, Honey." Taken aback, Allan did manage to comply and Earl took his shoulders in both hands, brought his lips close to Allan's ear and whispered, "Do you think this looks realistic?" Then he made a smacking noise, released Allan and stood up to leave. "Be a good girl for Mummy now," he added to Jennifer as he went out the door. Allan finished his coffee, helped Jennifer down from her chair, and started to clean up the kitchen, trying hard all the while to remember how his mother had done things when he was a child. By nine o'clock he had finished in the kitchen, had washed and dressed Jennifer, and was about to start making the beds when he remembered his need to recover some of his own clothes. He was on the phone arranging with a school friend to forward them when Jennifer answered the doorbell to admit Janice. "I'm here to keep my promise to help you," she announced as he hung up the phone. Together they changed the beds and collected dirty clothes for several loads in the washing machine. After a midmorning break for a cup of tea Janice suddenly stated that she intended to do something about Allan's hair. "What's wrong with my hair?" he asked defensively. "Nothing that a bit of shampoo and some conditioner won't fix. Come with me to the bathroom." Half protesting, he gave in to her insistence that he bend over the sink, and she undertook to wash and rinse his hair thoroughly. Then she seated him and proceeded to comb it out after first taking a box of curlers from the sink cupboard. "You don't intend to use those on me?" he asked timidly. "Just sit still and do as I tell you," she responded without directly answering his question. She continued to ignore his protests as she added setting lotion and wound each roller into place. "There," she said at last. "Now come with me to the bedroom while I find something to tie over it," When they returned to the basement to transfer the next load from the washer to the dryer, the bulky curlers were concealed by a bright silk scarf. Under Janice's direction the rest of the work went swiftly so that, in spite of Jennifer's inept efforts to help, the laundry was folded and put away before lunch preparations had to be started. Preparing a light meal was also carried out according to Janice's instructions and with her assistance. By one o'clock lunch was over, the kitchen tidied, and Jennifer had been put down for her nap. "Now," announced Janice, "It's time to turn our attention to you." "What about me?" "Well, to begin with, we'll have to do something about the hair on your legs that shows when your robe falls open below the knee. Ellen never allowed herself to have hairy legs. Are you wearing anything under that robe?" "Just a pair of cotton briefs." "That's just perfect. Come into the bathroom and climb up on the chair," When Allan had reluctantly complied he was ordered to take off the robe and Janice proceeded to shave his legs with the lady's shaver which she found in the medicine cabinet. "You should do this every day," she added as she finished. "Now sit down and lift this arm," Before he could protest she had shaved under his armpit. "Now the other arm," Last she shaved the few blond hairs that grew around the nipples on his chest. "It's really lucky that your beard is so light and that your hair is blond," she added as she put away the shaver. "Now, you start the water in the tub for a good bath," She made no move to leave the room and he was about to protest when she reached over to the tub and dropped in the contents of a package of bath salts. "I don't use bath salts and ---," he was starting to complain, but again she cut him off. "You hop in now while I go look for something for you to wear. As soon as you finish, wrap yourself in a towel, and come to the bedroom. You can drop your dirty briefs in the laundry hamper," She swept out of the room collecting his robe on the way. Ten minutes later he stepped shyly into the bedroom wearing only his scuffs, but with a towel wrapped around his hips. Immediately he started to protest when he saw what she had laid out on the bed. "I'm not going to wear those clothes," he began. "Stop complaining. You can and you will. Remember you are doing this for Jennifer, so let's have no backtalk. Here start with these panties," She handed him a pair of nylon and lace panties. He hesitated indecisively for a moment, then turned his back and pulled them up into place. As he did so the towel fell to the floor. "Don't bother with it. I'll look after it. Hold your arms out in front of you." Before he could protest further she had slipped a lacy bra over his arms and around his chest. It fitted snugly when she had clipped it together at his back. Dumbfounded he said nothing more as she continued to give orders while she helped him to dress. "Sit down while I show you how to work these pantyhose up your legs." "Now stand up to fit them around your hips." "Sit down again so I can insert these pads in your bra." "Now stand again so we can slide this slip down over your head," He moved woodenly, obeying her orders, but acting almost as if in shock as the dressing continued. She did not realize that a major reason for his silence was his valiant effort to control an incipient erection as each silken garment was added. The nylon satin and lace slip particularly thrilled him as it slithered down into place. He sat while she slipped a delicately embroidered short sleeved silk blouse over his head and fastened the button at the back of the neck. Then he stood to don a ruffled cotton skirt with a wide waistband. "Now sit still while I attend to your face," He winced as she tweezed several eyebrows, but continued silent as she worked to apply a foundation cream, a light touch of rouge, and some eye shadow. As she paused for a moment to reach for a bottle of nail polish he finally spoke. "May I look now?" "Not yet. I haven't finished. Hold out your hand," He looked down as she applied the pink polish to his nails. "Tomorrow morning you can try putting this on your toenails." "Keep holding your hands out so the polish can dry while I comb out your hair," The silence was renewed as she untied the kerchief and removed each roller in turn. She spent several more moments combing out his hair. "Now hold your mouth straight so I can get this lipstick right," He was handed a pair of pink pumps with narrow two inch heels and told to put them on. At last came the command, "Now stand up and walk over to the full length mirror on the door." Slowly he started to comply, stepping carefully on the unfamiliar higher heels. Halfway there he came to a sudden stop. "My God!" he exclaimed, "It can't be," He moved slowly forward again, then stopped in front of the mirror to stare at his image. "I'm Ellen, -- no, I'm me, -- but that's Ellen in the mirror. That's even the skirt and blouse she wore when she came to see me at the school. The same shoes too!" "Well, you are a perfect double for her. Do you wonder why Jennifer is confused?" "Do I look this much like her without the skirt and the makeup? It's over four years since I saw her dressed in slacks and without lipstick." "Didn't Earl tell you he can't look at you without seeing Ellen? The answer to your question is yes. You just can't help looking like her. Well, you can't stare at yourself all afternoon. Let me see you walk down the hall to the living room." As he started to walk Allan once more became conscious of the alteration in his posture caused by the high heeled shoes. As the shock of the sudden realization of his resemblance to Ellen passed he again became aware of the feeling of nylon hose on his legs as he moved, and the motion of his skirt brushing against his knees brought an erotic thrill. "Stop! Why are you walking so stiffly?" called Janice. "Turn around!" He turned slowly, leaning forward at the same time in an effort to control the growing lump which was beginning to spoil the smooth line of his skirt. "Oh, I see. Well, come back to the bedroom and I'll find something to keep you under control," In one of the drawers she found a pantie-girdle which she handed to him. "Put it on over your pantyhose and then come to the living room," she instructed as she turned to leave the room. A few minutes later Allan quietly entered the living room and sat down in an easy chair. "The way you smoothed your skirt under you as you sat down was very ladylike," commented Janice. Allan folded his hands together on his lap and looked down at his pink fingernails. "Why are you doing this to me?" he asked after a short pause. "Why for Jennifer, of course." "But this won't help her to understand that her mother is dead. I shouldn't have let you do it." "The older she gets the easier it will be for her." "But a few days or a week won't make much difference." "You promised to consider staying for the whole summer vacation." "No, I didn't. I've sent for my own clothes and as soon as they come I'm going to leave." "Have you got your ticket?" "No, it was lost with my things, but if they won't issue a replacement, then I'll hitchhike." "That will make you late for your job." "I'll figure something out." "Well, let's not talk about it now. It's time to wake Jennifer from her nap." .... Twenty minutes later Janice's powers of persuasion were again put to the test in countering Allan's objections to going outside. Finally, holding Jennifer by the hand, and with a handbag hanging from his shoulder he started out with Janice for a walk to the park. At first he glanced nervously at each passerby looking for signs that his disguise was being penetrated. Several times Janice reminded him that a frank stare from a young man was prompted by admiration for his good looks. As his concern with strangers lessened he became more attentive to the prattle of Jennifer at his side, and to the click of his own heels on the sidewalk. He felt grateful for the restraint exercised by his pantie-girdle as the soft touch of the silk blouse about his shoulders and the rustle of his slip about his knees prompted feelings of arousal. By the time Jennifer had finished her ride on the swing, and he had sat side-saddle to share a teeter-totter ride with Janice, he realized that he was thoroughly enjoying himself. He was disappointed when Janice decreed that it was time to return home. As they neared the house however, he suddenly felt a sense of panic. "Hurry up!" he urged. "We'll be late getting back to the house." "We'll be there in plenty of time to get supper. Anyway Earl would be patient if it was a little late." "But I won't have time to change before he gets home." "You won't have to change. You just put on an apron to work in the kitchen." "But he mustn't see me like this!" "Why not? If you can go to the park like that you can dress the same way at home." "What's the matter, Mummy?" put in Jennifer. "I want to get home and change back to my slacks and sweater before your father gets home." "But I like you better like this, Mummy, and I'm sure Daddy does too." "There, that settles it," said Janice. "I was going to go home earlier, but I'll stay until Earl gets here just in case you decide to do something foolish." So it was that when Earl arrived home from work, Allan's attempt to be inconspicuously engaged in supper preparations in the kitchen was foiled by Jennifer running to her father and shouting, "Daddy! Daddy! I think Mummy is better. She dressed like herself today and took me to the park. Come and see her!" Earl followed Jennifer into the kitchen where Allan was unsuccessfully trying to hide behind Janice. The latter grasped him by the hand and dragged him over toward Earl, finally stopping when Earl was about four feet away. Janice stepped back while Earl and Allan stood staring at each other. "Isn't it uncanny?" she asked. "It's eerie," confirmed Earl. "But I approve for Jenny's sake." For the balance of the evening, following Janice's immediate departure for home, any observer would have thought this a normal household. Earl returned to the living room to read the newspaper while Allan completed the supper preparations begun with Janice. During the meal Earl blushed beet red when he realized that he had attached the word 'Honey' to a request for Allan to pass the salt. He was equally embarrassed when he involuntarily said, "Thank you, Ellen," as his dessert was set before him. Allan insisted on clearing the supper dishes without help. Later he bathed Jennifer and prepared her for the night, only calling Earl when the child was being tucked into bed. Back in the living room Allan read the discarded newspaper while Earl chose a TV program. Their conversation consisted of comments about the news of the day and some remarks about the plot of the television movie. At ten o'clock Allan headed for the bedroom, relieved to be escaping from the covert glances which Earl had been directing towards him all evening, but at the same time reluctant to remove his attractive clothes. He would have liked to wear one of the pretty nightgowns which he found in a drawer while looking for another pair of cotton panties, but he was too shy to do so in Earl's presence. Unable to find cotton briefs he compromised with himself by keeping on the same pair of nylon panties as nightwear. As a result when he had washed the makeup off his face and crawled into bed he was kept awake for a considerable time by a persistent erection. He was fast asleep however when Earl retired around midnight. The events of Saturday night were repeated once more. Again Earl cried in his sleep for Ellen and again Allan's attempt to shush him led to forced cooperation in relieving Earl's sexual tension. Again Earl relaxed into deep sleep apparently unaware that he had involved Allan. Allan was forced to go into the bathroom to relieve his own sexual tension before he could get back to sleep. COFFEE PARTY When the alarm rang at seven the morning unfolded exactly as on the previous day, except that when Earl arrived in the kitchen, shaved and dressed for work, breakfast was waiting for him. Allan's efficiency as a housekeeper was increasing rapidly. When Janice arrived he had just managed to comply with her dictum that he should be dressed before nine by donning his slacks and sweater. Janice was not satisfied. "Your hair looks like you didn't remember to wear a hairnet last night, and if you insist on wearing slacks to do the housework, at least you could put on proper underwear," she complained, running one hand over his chest to emphasize the point. "A touch of lipstick wouldn't have hurt either. Did you polish your toenails like I suggested?" While Jennifer played on her rocking horse he was led back into the bedroom to make a fresh start. When he emerged a short time later, he was wearing fresh panties and pantie-girdle beneath his slacks, with a padded bra under the lace trimmed nylon teddy and crepe blouse which had replaced the sweater. His lightly made up face framed by freshly combed hair was not the only evidence of feminine grooming. Open-toed sandals allowed pink toenails to glint through the fine fabric of his knee- length nylons. Though he said nothing to indicate his feelings he was secretly delighted by the feel of his silken underclothes, the sensation of walking on his high heels, and his pert appearance reflected from the full length mirror. Again his excitement was held securely in check by his close fitting girdle. He was running the vacuum cleaner when Janice's ear caught the sound of a ringing phone and she rushed to answer it. "This is Mary Hefstad from next door. Is that Mrs. Rossner speaking?" Janice was astounded. So the neighbours did not even know that Ellen had been killed! "Ellen can't come to the phone at the moment. This is her sister-in-law Janice Stroud speaking. May I take a message?" "I'm calling to invite her to coffee. We haven't met yet and I thought it would be a good opportunity when I am having several of the girls over. Perhaps you would come too, and bring the child of course. What is her name?" "Jennifer. Yes, I think Ellen would like that." "About eleven then. Come in the back way." Janice grinned to herself as she hung up the phone. Allan was not even aware of the call. This was a Heaven-sent opportunity to entangle him further so it would be harder for him to avoid staying through the summer. She decided not to warn him in advance, but rather to invent a fictitious excuse for a trip to the grocery store and spring the coffee party on him as a complete surprise. Getting him and Jennifer to the neighbour's side door was the hardest part, but she managed it by holding his arm tightly while talking vaguely about having to pick up a parcel left there for her husband. Once the door opened and they were greeted by Mrs. Hefstad, Allan had no choice but to play his assigned role, that of a young mother, too shy to take much part in the conversation, quite happy to let her voluble sister-in-law do most of the talking, while Jennifer joined several other tots in the basement. He basked in their praise when the neighbour women complimented him on managing to be so attractively turned out, even though having a three year old and a husband to look after. As they were leaving just before twelve, he impulsively expressed an intention to have the group over for coffee at his home at an unspecified date in the future. He had enjoyed being treated by the women as one of themselves. Janice noted his apparent enjoyment of the experience with satisfaction. When Jennifer was put down for her nap after lunch, Allan had his first lesson in making up his own face. He protested mildly that it was silly to practise a skill which he would not need after this week, but he enjoyed applying the cosmetics. For their afternoon stroll to the park Janice selected for him a linen dress with a back zipper to be worn over a full slip. She smiled to herself at the thought of him having to ask Earl to unzip it at bedtime, but decided nevertheless to teach him the use of a zipper cord so he could manage alone. His evident delight in their excursion to the park convinced her that she was on the right track in her effort to persuade him to remain in charge of Jennifer for the summer. She departed for home before Earl's return from work after helping Allan with the beginning of supper preparations. That evening was a virtual carbon copy of the previous night. Jennifer went to sleep happy with a child's perception that all was right with her world. She had had a fun day with Mummy and Aunty Janice, and it was nice having supper with Mummy and Daddy. She had had Mummy all to herself while having her bath, and both parents kissed her good night after she said her prayers. As the adults sat in the living room watching television Allan brought up the subject of groceries. "Janice made a list of what she says we need. She said I should get the money from you." "How much do you need?" "She says thirty dollars should do it." "Well, here's fifty. That way you won't have to worry about getting caught without enough at the cash register." Allan secreted the bills in the purse which he had carried each time he had been out of the house. Earl's eyes followed him as he stood up to go for the purse and again as he returned to his chair and straightened his skirt over his nyloned knees. At ten Allan headed for bed once again and experienced the same difficulty getting to sleep that he had the night before. The silk panties kept him aroused until sleep finally won out. His sleep was undisturbed except by dreams in which he played a feminine role. APPRECIATION Janice did not come at her usual time next morning. Instead she had promised to meet Allan and Jennifer at the grocery store about eleven. Meantime she drove downtown to have a conference with her brother at his workplace. "Has he given any indication to you that he will stay on?" she asked as soon as they were settled in the coffee shop. "None at all. All I know is that he is expecting a parcel with his clothes by Friday. It will be a real shame if he leaves. He really manages Jennifer very well. I wish I knew how to persuade him to stay." "He pretends that he doesn't care to dress in Ellen's clothes, but I think he actually enjoys it. I think that's really the key to getting him to remain. That's why I came to see you this morning. I think you can help." "What do you want me to do?" "He's quite bashful about dressing as a woman around you. You could try to make him feel more relaxed." "I haven't said anything negative." "I know, but there are ways you could show that you approve. For instance you could treat him just like a lady, just as you used to treat Ellen. I'm sure he would react positively to small courtesies." "Well, I'll see what I can do. It's rather upsetting though that he looks exactly like Ellen. I find myself almost forgetting sometimes that he is her brother." "One thing you could do is hire a student to babysit one evening and take him to the movies. Maybe it would help if you pretended to yourself that you were really out with Ellen." "Well I'll give it a try. It will certainly be worth it if he stays for the summer." Janice hurried off to meet Allan and Jennifer in the grocery store. She was delighted to note how well Allan had made up his face and the attractive way his blouse draped over his false breasts. That afternoon she dressed him in a crepe dress and pumps with really high heels to take him to a friend's house for an afternoon of bridge. Jennifer was watched over during the game by the teenager who had been hired by the hostess. Allan carried off his role perfectly and left with one of the prizes. Earl was ten minutes later than usual getting home from work that afternoon. When Jennifer ran to greet him he picked her up and called out, "Now where's Jennifer's Mummy? I have something for her," When Allan appeared Earl first drew him into his arms along with Jennifer, then released him, set the child down, and proceeded to pin a corsage on the front of Allan's dress, pushing aside the apron to make room for the flowers. "There, I wanted to show you I appreciate what you're doing for Jennifer." "I don't know what to say," replied Allan, "except thank you, a very sincere thank you. I never received a corsage before." "I couldn't think of anything more appropriate for you." During super Earl addressed him several times as Honey in place of the more usual term 'Mummy' which he had been using regularly in Jennifer's presence. That evening Allan sensed an indefinable sort of shift in Earl's attitude toward him. His opinions about items reported in the news seemed to be more respected, and he was asked his preference for the selection of television programs. He gracefully reciprocated by determining Earl's own choice before committing himself. Allan's greatest surprise though came as he was about to head for the bedroom. "Would you do something special for me, Allan?" he was asked. "Certainly if I can," he replied. "You know that I like having you here to remind me of Ellen." Allan looked down at his corsage and lifted his hands to unpin it so he could look at it more freely. "What is it you would like?" "I'd like you to wear one of Ellen's night-dresses. It doesn't matter which one. It's just that whenever I look at you I like to be reminded of Ellen." "I suppose I could do that for you if it makes you happy," Allan paused for a moment, then added, "Would you do something for me?" "What's that?" "Would you pull down the zipper on the back of this dress, so I won't have to go through contortions in the bedroom?" "I don't mind at all," was the reply, "It's something I often did for Ellen." As he crawled between the sheets, thrilling to the feel of a pink satin nightgown over his padded bra and silk panties, Allan began to worry that perhaps there was some evil intent behind Earl's request. His sleep was undisturbed however except by his own dreams. Thursday morning at the breakfast table he wore a silk negligee over his nightgown along with high heeled satin slippers. As Earl was going out the door on his way to work he paused to say to Allan, "Thank you for humouring me. And by the way, I'll have a surprise for you this evening." When Allan commented to Janice about the change in Earl's behaviour, her reply was, "Don't knock it, Honey. It's nice having a man around who thinks enough of you to buy you flowers," He made further progress that day both in his efficiency as a housekeeper and in his ability to apply makeup. He also found that his own smiling cheerfulness even made Jennifer easier to manage. At suppertime Earl announced his intention of taking Allan to a play after Jennifer was put to bed, and that he had already engaged a teenage babysitter. At his specific request Allan changed into a particular grey silk dress. Then Earl was called upon to pin the corsage in place once more. For the first time Allan wore a woman's coat and gloves and experienced the courtesy of having his coat held for him. It was an equal thrill to have the door held for him and to be helped into and out of the car. He held Earl's arm as they walked into the theatre. "I could get used to this kind of service," he murmured when Earl brought him a small glass of wine during the intermission. All in all when they arrived home at eleven-thirty they had spent almost four hours enjoying each other's company and pleasant conversation. While the babysitter was gathering her school books from the kitchen table, Allan looked rather wistfully at Earl as he thanked him for such an enjoyable evening. Then suddenly he found it difficult to stand still for the formality of having Earl help him off with his coat. His bladder was reminding him that he had not dared to use a women's public washroom while they were out. When Earl returned from driving the babysitter home, Allan was already lying in bed in his pink satin nightdress. He turned his back and did not watch as Earl changed for bed. Just before turning out the light Earl reached for his hand and squeezed it, saying at the same time how much he had enjoyed Allan's company. Then Earl slid over to his own side of the bed and turned his back. Neither said anything more, but each took a long time to fall asleep. Again Allan's sleep was undisturbed except by his dreams. CONDITIONAL DECISION Friday morning Janice was anxious to know what the promised surprise had been and Allan grew quite animated in describing just how the evening had gone. She felt she had scored a coup when she intercepted the delivery of his clothes parcel and hid it while he was running the vacuum cleaner, but by that time it was probably irrelevant. On Saturday afternoon in a fast food restaurant where Earl had taken them to please Jennifer after an afternoon at the zoo, Allan suddenly announced that he was ready to answer the question about staying for the summer. "And what is your answer?" asked Earl nervously. "If you meet my condition, I'll stay." "What condition?" "Janice and I want to go to the formal dance at the country club next Friday night. Are you willing to be my escort?" "Yes," smiled Earl without hesitation. "Then it's a deal." Later, after Jennifer had been put to bed, Earl asked what had made him decide to stay and when he had made up his mind. Allan thought for a moment and then replied. "I think it was when you asked me to wear a nightgown. I suddenly realized that it is easy for me to impersonate Ellen, and that you don't hate me for it." CONDITION MET During the next week Earl began again to dream about Ellen and moan about her in his sleep. The old routine whereby Allan had been drawn into helping release Earl's sexual tension was repeated several times without any evidence that Earl himself realized what was happening. Except for that disturbing element Allan was filling his sister's role both with her daughter and with her husband in a manner that was satisfying for all concerned. The happiest time of Allan's life to that date came on the day of the formal dance. How he and Janice worked at getting him ready to the sometime neglect even of Jennifer! When Jennifer kissed him good night just before he was escorted out to the car, he was wearing a stunning blue taffeta sheath gown, sleeveless, with only spaghetti straps over the shoulders. His satin dancing slippers had the highest heels he had yet worn. His long silk gloves came up over his elbows, the left one incidentally hiding the dainty wristwatch which Earl had presented to him as thanks for his decision to stay. A gold chain holding a locket with pictures of Jennifer and Earl circled his neck. His freshly permed blond hair framed his exquisitely made up face and pendant earrings fastened to his recently pierced earlobes almost touched the lace stole which was draped over the powdered smooth white skin of his shoulders. His lipstick and compact were carried in a tiny beaded clutch purse. Earl was an attentive escort and an excellent dancer, as was also Janice's husband, so the party lived up to all his expectations. When they returned home about three in the morning he would simply have flopped on the bed if Earl had not insisted on helping him off with his party finery and on with his satin nightgown. Later in the night he was called upon once more to relieve Earl from his sexual tensions. .... It was one night about half way through the summer that he wakened in the dark with a raging hard-on to find himself lying on his side. An arm encircled his waist from below and his gown had been pulled up to the top of his hips. He knew that his panties had been removed because his erection was standing free and clear. Pressed between his thighs was a rod which seemed to end near the base of his own penis. A body was pressed tightly to his back and a hand had reached over him to caress his stomach. "Are you awake now, Allan?" whispered Earl's voice in his ear. "I think so," he replied faintly. "You were moaning in your sleep and repeating my name over and over," continued Earl. "You have been so good to me in the night that I would like to do something for you if I can." "But only if you want me to," he added after a moment's pause. When Allan gave no answer he asked again, "Shall I go on?" "Yes, please do!" whispered Allan faintly. The hand resumed its caressing motion back and forth over Allan's stomach, then gradually began to give more attention to his scrotum before finally encircling his erect organ. He breathed deeper as the tension rose and finally he cried out, "Oh!" as his throbbing organ began to spurt great gobs of cum on the waiting tissue. He lay still for a few moments as his body relaxed, then slowly he rolled over and planted a kiss on Earl's lips. It was then that he finally decided to act on Earl's suggestion of a week earlier that he should consider treatment to change his sex. "How lovely it will be," he thought as he drifted off to sleep, "to be truly Earl's wife and the mother of his child!"

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Getting To Know Joys Moms

 POV: DarceeAs we got to the front door, Kaylee didn't even knock, we both went in there and headed straight for the living room."She's not here, maybe she's in her bedroom," she pointed out, before heading to Joy's bedroom. "Her door is open, though, so she's not in there.""This door is closed, sweetie," I mentioned, in front of it."That's her parents' room, though, Mom."I put my ear to it, but brought it off a few seconds later. "I don't hear anything."She bit down on my...

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Golfing with Mom

Golfing with Mom I was the youngest of three siblings growing up. My older sisters Kat and Debbie were both older by a few years. My mom Joanne, and dad John were products of the war generation which made my siblings and me 'baby boomers'. I grew up in a suburban neighborhood and had a middle-class neighborhood upbringing. My mom and dad were quite athletic in their youth and still were very active and loved to golf. My sisters were never into sports, but dad and I used to have fun...

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Trapped In Paradise With My Mom

"Honey,are you coming home this Christmas...???”my Mom asked at the other end.I looked reluctantly at the phone in my hand.I had no intentions of going home.There could be no better way to ruin a holiday than to go to my hometown,a remote little hill town far off in the north.People say it's a beautiful place,maybe.But in this season,the end of December,when the whole town will be covered under tons of snow and with its sub-zero temperature;it does not look like a dream holiday to...

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I love to fuck my mom

This is not my story I read it from another site and like it very much so I have decided to post this story on ISS This is real story of my life. I fuck my mom. My is too sexy, I could not give justice to portray her more vividly. She is amazing. I am crazy for her. You may enjoy this story, give your comments. Don’t forget to rate as high as you can, so that I can write next chapter of this This is true story of my life. I am very happy to write this and put on thread for sharing my heavenly...

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mdash How I lost my virginity to my mom

I lost my virginity to my mom when I was twenty.I was going to college at the time and although my studies went pretty well, I was a bit of a wallflower, and had never dated anyone.I am an only c***d. During my school years, my parents, both musicians, were often on tour for months on end, and my parents took turns to take care of me, or I stayed with my aunt and uncle if they were both away from home. Also the holidays I would often spend with one of my parents.My mom, aware that I was alone...

4 years ago
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The Sex Encounters Of My Mom

It was the funeral of my father Ramesh. . …….. He was the owner of a hypermarket and had married my mom when he was 24. …My mom was crying. .. She was 30 …… Her name was smitha. .. I am their son Gopal studying in 11 the standard … My mom delivered me when-whenjust 14 years old… It was a c***d marriage….My father was very dominant in his family… He didn’t care about the relatives….But he financially helped them … My uncle had taken money from dad and one time when he didn’t return it …It forced...

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Piano Mom

First Sight I'm an accomplished piano player for my age. I won't say pianist because I'm not that talented but I've had many years of training, starting with lessons at the age of five from my piano teacher mom. Mom is a stay-at-home wife who always supplemented our family income through piano lessons, provided (mostly) to the members of our parish which produced a fresh crop of students each year. For years, I watched Mom teach other k**s, from beginners to graduates just surpassing their...

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Like any teenage boy I jerked off a lot. I had my secret stash of adult movies and magazines I would masturbate too on a daily basis; as well as to all sorts of porn I would find on the internet. I had never thought of i****t in any way, shape or form but one of my friends told me about this website that had every genre of porn, pics and stories. At first I never looked at or read any of the i****t topics but I guess curiosity finally got to me and I began to read the i****t stories. The more I...

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sexy mom

Like any teenage boy I jerked off a lot. I had my secret stash of adult movies and magazines I would masturbate too on a daily basis; as well as to all sorts of porn I would find on the internet. I had never thought of i****t in any way, shape or form but one of my friends told me about this website that had every genre of porn, pics and stories. At first I never looked at or read any of the i****t topics but I guess curiosity finally got to me and I began to read the i****t stories. The more I...

1 year ago
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As usual mom returned home at 11p.m on Saturday night. Her face showed she was tired and wanted to hit the bed early. Knowing this, I quickly heated up our dinner and placed it on kitchen table. I went to living room and mom was watching Seinfeld. ‘Mom, dinner’s ready. You need to hit the sack early right? Come on.’ Mom looked at me and smiled. She got up from her couch and walked up to me slowly. She put her both rough hands at my cheeks and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and...

2 years ago
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Painting Mom

Hi, I'm Ben. This is the story about my mother and me. It begins with the familiar return from college and a difficult re-insertion into the home life that I had left four years earlier and had not been part of except for Christmas holidays and the summer after my first year. Each summer after that I had worked a dream job as part of the crew for a company chartering sailboats in the Caribbean. I did that for the first two months after graduation but, due to the sagging economy, the company was...

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Hi, I'm Ben. This is the story about my mother and me. It begins with the familiar return from college and a difficult re-insertion into the home life that I had left four years earlier and had not been part of except for Christmas holidays and the summer after my first year. Each summer after that I had worked a dream job as part of the crew for a company chartering sailboats in the Caribbean. I did that for the first two months after graduation but, due to the sagging economy, the company was...

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Where to start? I don't know. Well, my mother was a legal secretary, one of many attractive women working in a large law firm. Most of the women were on the lookout for a husband and dressed to the nines, in full battle competition, going breast to breast with their coworkers. A lot of lawyers were aware of the situation, of course, and used it to their advantage to get laid regularly while being careful not to pay a price. What most of those lawyers didn't realize, being blinded by lust and...

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I had nearly finished question 19. My two and a half hours of writing were about to come to an end. This was my third practice exam paper of the day and I was exhausted. Summer had just started and I had just turned 18. I longed to be outdoors doing something rather than cooped up inside all day studying but the upcoming exams were important. At times I felt like giving up but my mom Samantha was very supportive even though it was just the two of us and she had no extra help. Mom was a hard...

2 years ago
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Best Friend Fucked My Mom

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Yeh story likhta hua agar mein emotional ho jau to please ignore. Yeh story aaj se 4 sal pehle ki hai jab mein aur mera dost mohit aur ache dost hote the. He was like my best friend. Ek class mein the ek hi coaching jate the to ofcourse lag bhag roj hi milna julna hota tha. Vo mere ghar par ata notes lene aur mein uske ghar jata notes lene kabhi kabar. Ham sath hi cricket khelte aur uska ghar hamari society mein honi ke vaja se vo kai baar mere hi ghar par...

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Getting To Know Mom

I have to admit that coming home for my sophomore Christmas break wasn't thrilling me. I did briefly toy with the idea of just not coming home, but I knew that would be wrong. With Dad and Mom's divorce now final she would probably need me through the holidays. I knew this wouldn't be the merriest Christmas I had ever spent.I hadn't been home except for a couple weeks here and there in close to a year. During last year's Christmas break, I could tell things were tense between my parents. They...

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What Mom Knows Fucks Her Mom

Summary: Nana is seduced and dommed by daughter and grandson. Note 1: Thanks to Robert, Wayne and goamz86. Note 2: This is part 7 of a continuing incest series (although it is much more complex than a simple incest story). I highly recommend you read the first six parts as the layered subplots may be confusing without the background information...but here is a very brief primer of the series so far: In WHAT MOM DOESN'T KNOW WILL FUCK HER 18-year-old Curtis goes to a Halloween party...

2 years ago
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It is one thing to have your mom catch you jacking off but it is something total more embarrassing to have your mom find you and your friend both jacking off in your room while looking at porno magazines. It was one of those boring summer days, my friend had come over. We got bored with playing video games and Matt asked me if I had any porno magazines. Of course being a horny 18yr old I had several. We started to flip through them and before we knew it we both sitting there in our own fantasy...

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Strip Games With My Mom

This story is imagination story. My family consists of dad, mom, sister and me. We lived in the apartments in Mumbai. My dad works in the private company in Mumbai as supervisor. He was busy with work in developing the company. He was the right hand to boss in that company so he was always busy with the work. He regularly goes to gym to maintain the good physique and was fair and tall. My dad married my mom when he was 25 years and mom was 22 year. Next the mom was the house wife. She is the...

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Strip Games With My Mom

This story is imagination story. My family consists of dad, mom, sister and me. We lived in the apartments in Mumbai. My dad works in the private company in Mumbai as supervisor. He was busy with work in developing the company. He was the right hand to boss in that company so he was always busy with the work. He regularly goes to gym to maintain the good physique and was fair and tall. My dad married my mom when he was 25 years and mom was 22 year. Next the mom was the house wife. She is the...

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Tribal Son Fucks Own Mom

Part I. Tribal son sex with own mother in police lock up I am an automobile engineer, working in Mumbai. I am very much interested in son mother incest stories as, I have also sexual relation with my mother since my teen age. I am sharing a great incest love story of a mom and son which ended with marriage between son and mom, having five children and living in Mumbai. This is not my own story, real life of one of my best friends in Mumbai (Mr.Ranpal). He is from a tribal village of Gujarat....

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Sex experience with my sweet mom

Hay friends my name is john. I am from kerala. now I am working here me 25 . Now I will tell about my experience. This happened 7 years back. First I will tell about my family. My father I in gulf and I have one sister and my sweet mom. My sister is married and she is in her husband home. My dad will come only alternate 2 years. So while this happen I am at the age of 18 years.Now I will tell about my mom. Mom age is 50. it this happen when mom was 44. mom is little fat but she looks very nice...

4 years ago
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My Fun With Mom

My fun with momChapter 1As Mom and I walked back to the car after dropping dad off at the airport, she put her arm around me and pulled me close. She had been doing this whenever we were together and alone. She giggled as I placed my arm around her shoulders pulling her toward me. I was a little taller than Mom so I kissed the top of her head as we walked. Why I did, I couldn't tell you, except I loved my Mom and at that moment felt a little sorry for her because Dad would be gone for the next...

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Slacker Moms

Slacker Moms By Gingerfred Man A Pantyboy Profile Introduction "Call me Cheryl" See, I'm not some dumb pantyboy. I know my literature. "Call me Ishmael" was the opening line in "Moby Dick." Which, by the way was a HUGE disappointment to me. I mean I only had to read like a page or two of that million-page novel before I figured out that it was NOT about what the title implied. I thought it was about big "man parts." You know, as in, "Wow, Baby, your dick is MOBY!" But it...

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Hiking in the Mountains with Mom

Mom had promised me that she and I would celebrate my eighteenth birthday at our cabin by the mountainside. I was eagerly looking forward for the occasion. I had always loved to visit our old little cabin, situated at the foothills. I also knew that perhaps it would be our last holidaying together for this season. With the winters were about to go, but the whether was still very cold. We all were looking forward for the upcoming summers. Within weeks the weather would slowly start getting warm...

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Meri Vilayati Mom

Annie worked hard for her family….she seemed to never stop, and at the end of most days, she was whacked out and always enjoyed flopping into bed with nothing more on her mind than a good night’s sleep. She was only 39, with 3 children, but every day seemed to be filled with either her work job or running about after her children, especially her eldest son who appeared to take part in every college activity that was on offer. Luckily, Annie’s husband was a long distance truck driver, often...

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My First Time With My Dearest Mommy With My Mom

My name is Zack.I was born on 11th May 1981 and my zodiac or starsigns are Taurus.My first time with my dearest Mom happened under the very weird circumstances.This wasn’t something planned by me or my Mom and it happened due to my boldness and persistence.Everything started at early September 2002.It was midweek.I had visited my parents to eat when my Dad asked if I would like to accompanied my Mom to a wedding ceremony.I learned that the 2nd cousin of mine was getting married and my Mom...

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Lewd Tales 8211 Part 10 Dressing Up Mom

Thank you all for showing great support. It’s been a while since I wrote. Got held up with work and other stuff. You guys have shown so much patience. But, no more waiting. Here’s the next part! Narrated by David. I got back home by around the afternoon. I went in, but there was no one to be found. Everyone must be in their rooms. I, too, was tired and went inside my room to freshen up. While I was washing my face, someone opened my door. Mom: At last, you came. Me: It’s not...

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Bobbys Mom

Alicia is a very special person in my world. She is a great many things to me. She's my best friend, my confidant, my girlfriend, my lover and my mom. Mom seems to really love her role as my own personal cumslut and is always there for me whenever I need to get off. Lately, I've been able to forget about my alarm clock because every morning I awake to the feel of warm, wet lips sucking my cock. Let me tell you, it's a great way to start the day!Mom and I live alone and there is no dad to talk...

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The Sex Encounters Of My Mom

Hi, this is south Indian fucker back with another story…… Thank you for your support……. Please continue giving your valuable comments on my stories……. So this is a story of a mom…….. Story begins….. It was the funeral of my father Ramesh. . …….. He was the owner of a hypermarket and had married my mom when he was 24. … My mom was crying. .. She was 30 …… Her name was smitha. .. I am their son Gopal studying in 11 the standard … My mom delivered me when-whenjust 14 years old… It was a child...

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Capturing Mom

I had just opened the porn site on the computer in my room and I heard the irritating clanking of mom's bangles which I appreciate at other times, the clanking of her bangles acts as alarm for me."Open the door, did you get dressed we are already late." Mom enquired from outside the door, oh shit I forgot we have to go to a marriage ceremony and mom had told me to get dressed around an hour ago and here I am sitting on my chair with my cock out."Mom, just give me fifteen minutes." I replied,...

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Dad Allow Me To Fuck Mom

Dad Allow Me To Fuck MomHello friend I am new in this site. My name is Rajib. Age is 30 years now. I am the only son of my parents. My father is class one officer of State Government. My mom is a housewife. My mom is now 50 years. My dad is now 56 years. It’s happened when I am 26 years. After a fever of 7 days I check my blood and it took me the cancer in my cheats. Doctors said this last stage for me only 6 month in my life. After that mom and dad become mad for me. They want always happy me....

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