On Impulse free porn video

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On Impulse By Cheryl Lynn This is a somewhat different fantasy story for me in that in involves messy diaper play. I don't particularly care for this type of story line but decided to give it a try. It is total fabrication on my part and may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use must receive author's permission. Usual disclaimers apply. This is probably not a story for the sweet sentimental reader. On Impulse It happened on a crazy impulse. There was no reason. There was no thought put into it. It just seemed like a good funny idea at the time. It was just something to do after graduation on a boring summer day. Zackary was sitting at his computer browsing though the internet killing time. He was following links that had been attached to a soft porn site when his attention was caught by a strange blog. There was this picture of a drop dead gorgeous chocolate beauty wearing a low cut red baby doll dress with immaculate makeup and reeking of sexuality. Under the picture was a simple request. "My name is Shauna and I am desperate. Will you please be my baby for just a day?" the caption read. "Hell yeah, I would be more than happy to be your baby for a day," Zack replied without thought. The sexy picture was enough to get him to react without thinking things through. After he hit the enter key did he begin to have second thoughts. "Shit, she's probably a hooker or after somebody's money. I should have known better but what the hell," he thought as he began browsing some more. Less than thirty minutes later his instant messenger came on. He clicked it, and low and behold it was a reply from that fantastic looking babe. "I'm so happy you replied I can't begin to tell you how much this means to me. I hope you like the attachment. If you do, send me a picture and some personal information baby. I can't wait," it said. When he opened the attachment, he was amazed. She was wearing a red bikini with these impossible high heels. There was little left to the imagination and Zack had an immediate hard on. "Whoa momma, man I would love to be your baby," he thought as he began typing. This time his penis was doing all the thinking. After he sent his reply including his recent graduation picture and a little personal information, he regretted what he had done. "What the fuck did I just do? Man, she's hot but I shouldn't have sent that stuff. Like, I could afford to pay her anything if that's what she is after," he mumbled. With that he signed off and went to join his buddies at the ball field. He wasn't surprised when he saw the e-mail the next afternoon. "My you are a handsome one. I just luv your long blond hair and blue eyes, is that a recent picture? I bet you'd make a lovely baby for me. I have another attachment for you but I need to know a little more about you. Like where do you live? I hope it's near here. Do you live alone? If so, maybe I can visit. Things like that. Oh, I know what you are thinking. I don't want any money or anything like that. I just need someone to baby for just one day. Hugs," it read. The bikini photo had been hot but this one with her in a white knife pleated flimsy shortie nightgown bedecked with pink ribbons and lace made his man stand at attention. Still on a lark, figuring this wasn't really going anywhere, he replied with the requested information. He told her he was eighteen, weighed one hundred forty pounds and five foot six. He also told her he lived with his mom but had his own private room over the garage and that if he hadn't received a scholarship wouldn't be able to go to college in the fall. After he signed off, he slapped himself on the forehead and said, "Why the fuck did I just do that? This is stupid. There's no way that chick would ever want to meet me. Shit, when she sees that I don't have any money and not even in college yet, I guess I won't be hearing from her anymore. Stupid, stupid." He didn't receive any e-mails from Shauna for the next couple of days. He figured that he had been correct and that she didn't want to have anything to do with a punk kid. He was mildly disappointed but since it all had been on a crazy impulse, forgot about it. He had baseball at the park with his friends to think about. That and Mary Jane his girlfriend. Mary Jane had finally given him a very satisfying taste of her womanly delights for a graduation present and now she was hinting at something more permanent. She had given him his first experience with a blow job but held off letting him get to third base. That would come once they were living together she had promised. He wasn't sure how he felt about living together but she was a pretty girl and they were going to the same college. Not as pretty as Shauna but a close second. Like most teenagers, Zack forgot all about Shauna during the ensuing days. It wasn't until he came home one afternoon and saw the envelope addressed to him stuck in the screen door. It was a plain brown envelop with just his name written on it. When he opened it, he remembered. Inside the envelop he found another picture, pair of purple bikini panties and a note. "Baby, I need you. If you like my little gift and would like more, please come over. But, you can't tell anybody. Bring the panties and note with you. We'll be together for just one day and there is no reason to let the world know about our little get together. Friday night, 8:00 p.m. Luv, Shauna," it said. Zack lifted the light as a feather panties to his nose and took a whiff of spicy floral scented perfume. His dick jumped in his pants when he did that. He looked at the address and decided why the hell not. It was downtown, an area he was not totally familiar with but the enticement was there. He had a date with Mary Jane but with the panties so close and the intoxicating aroma of sexy perfume, he would break that date. "Why not? Its just one night and I'll finally get some," he thought. Ooo Zack drove around the block several times. Each time pausing to look at the building where Shauna said she would be waiting. Each time he thought about just leaving and going home. The neighborhood was not that good and a bit shabby but not the slums. There were a few people hanging out and walking around but none appeared to be in any way threatening. He found a parking place about a block away. He sat there several minutes before getting his courage up to go knock on Shauna's door. By now it was almost dark out but street lights illuminated most of the area. He felt a bit like an idiot carrying a brown bag containing the panties, picture and note as he approached the door. "Crap, I bet this is all a big fucking joke. If there is anyone there, she's probably the fattiest porker in the entire city. I'm an idiot," he thought as his finger pressed the door bell. "Oh well too late now," he thought as the door swung open. Standing in front of him was the biggest blackest man Zack had ever seen. His gold teeth literally shined in the porch light as he stuck out his big beefy hand in greeting. Zack was too stunned to do anything but stick out his hand as well. It was completely engulfed by the big man making him feel like a little kid. Still shocked, he was pulled into the doorway and into the house. The closing of the door and snap of a dead bolt brought him back to his senses. "Eeerrrrrr, there see....seems to be...to be some kind of mis...mistake here. I....I was loo....looking for Shauna," Zack stuttered looking up at this giant of a man. "No you got it right. Did you tell anybody you were coming to see Shauna?" a deep bass voice came rumbling out of the big man. "N...no.....I..I brought this," he said holding out the bag. Then realized he had made a very bad mistake. "Now that's a good baby. You can call me Daddy. There aint any Shauna. I faked all that but you're going to be my baby tonight. You behave and do as you is told and by tomorrow you'll be on your way," the man said. "No...no this is ridiculous and I'm no ones baby. This was all a mistake. I want to leave now," Zack replied scared to death. "Maybe so but since you're here come on and at least have some lemonade with me. When you finish, if you want to leave we'll talk about it," he said giving Zack a shove in the back towards the adjoining kitchen. The shove wasn't all that forceful but it did get Zack's legs moving. He sat at the table as Daddy poured a glass of pink lemonade and handed it to him. It was overly sweet and cold but Zack was really too scared to notice much except the huge size of Daddy. He reminded him of the "Green Mile" movie character and was completely cowered sitting at the table with him. "Eeeerrrr, thanks for the lemonade but I...I really must be going," he said quickly finishing off the drink. All he wanted to do was get out of there and forget he had ever done something so damn stupid. "Why did I tell my mom I was going out with Mary Jane? Shit! Nobody knows where the fuck I am," he thought as he put the glass back on the table. "You know with very little work you would make a really pretty baby girl for me," Daddy said. "Tha....thanks I guess but I really have to be go....goi..going now," he mumbled feeling dizzy and strangely tired. He pushed back the chair and started to get up then everything went black. Ooo Zack opened his eyes with a groan. He had a massive headache. For a moment, he thought he had gone blind. It was pitch black and he could barely see his hand in front of his face. He blinked several times trying to clear his head as he rubbed his temples. "What the fuck?" he mumbled as he sat up. He was in a bed completely naked except for something covering his groin. He reached down touching it but couldn't see what it was. It was smooth and soft to the touch, thin and cool made of a fabric he wasn't familiar with. Shaking his head, he decided that it must be some kind of jockey shorts. He pulled his hand away as if shocked, then touched between his legs with shaky fingers, prodding. There was a hard metallic tube around his penis and it was pulled back between his legs. He pulled the silky material from around his waist and plunged his hand inside. The tube was cold and hard to the touch and no matter how much he tugged and pulled couldn't get it off. As he did that he realized that all his pubic hair was gone which made him pull on the metal tube all the harder. The only thing he accomplished was making the sensitive head of his dick scream in pain. He flopped back on the bed breathing hard, his balled fists pressed into his eyes. Tears began trickling out of the corners. "What the fuck happened to me? What did that big fuck do to me?" he moaned. Other than his moans and sniffles, the room was absolutely silent. When he managed to get control of his initial fear, Zack began exploring. The mattress was very firm, covered in a thin sheet with what felt and sounded like plastic underneath. It was short as he was forced to bend his legs at the knees with his feet planted against the baseboard. There were metal rods only a couple of inches apart going up both sides of the bed. The rods were topped with a plastic covered rail about five feet above. Standing up the rail was just below his chin. He grabbed it and after several tries managed to get the back of his heel over the rail. Pulling himself up, half on half off the rail, he looked down and only saw blackness. "Crap! How far down is it? I can't see a fucking thing. The floor has to be somewhere down there but I know I have to be at least five feet above it and probably more. If I jump I could seriously hurt myself especially since I can't see a fucking thing down there. Shit! Shit! Shit! Even if I get down safely what the fuck am I going to do? I can't see a fucking thing!" hi s mind wailed. Giving up he sat with a thud back on the mattress. Without his watch he had no idea as to the time. He had a pretty good idea of where he was but the when was bothering him. It could have been a couple of hours or even days since he stupidly rang that door bell. The only thing that gave him an idea of how much time had gone by was the full feeling in his bladder. Frustrated and scared, he looked up and screamed, "Damn it let me the hell out of here! You can't do this to me! Let me out!" All he could do was wait fresh tears falling down his cheeks. Ooo It could have been minutes or it could have been hours but Zack's darkness flared into brilliance, blinding him as the lights came on. As his vision cleared, he saw a huge figure standing before him. Daddy was wearing blue denim bib overalls without a shirt and smiling broadly down at him. His thick arms and chest rippled with muscle and reflected in the light. "Baby finally decided to rise and shine. Good morning baby girl are you ready to be my baby for the day?" he boomed. "I'm....I'm not anybody's baby. Let me the fuck out of here or...or.." he said gathering all his courage only to trail off as he realized how lame the threat sounded. Daddy laughed heartedly never losing his smile at Zack's outburst. He put his beefy hands on his hips, the smile fading slightly. "Is that any kind of language a baby should be using? We'll take care of that shortly but we have to come to an understanding first. You answered my e-mails saying you wanted to be my baby for a day didn't you? You were the one who came to my door wanting to be my baby for a day, didn't you? You weren't forced to come here. Therefore, I expect you to fulfill your obligation to be my baby for a day. To prove that you are willing to meet that obligation, I want you to piss and poop your pretty panties for me. You're not going anywhere and your time doesn't start until you do that for me. Understood? Now pee and poop your panties," he said. Zack looked up at him as if he were crazy, too stunned to say anything. "He is as crazy as they come. He wants me to piss and crap myself? This is totally nuts. No way I'm gonna do that. He can just kiss my a....what was that he said, for a day....my time won't start until I do...ugh I don't want that but....maybe if I humor him he will let me go. He did say for only one day....No one knows I'm here and probably no one even saw me come in this place much less gives a damn if they did....I'm so screwed," he thought. With fresh tears brimming in his eyes, Zack lowered his head and meekly replied, "Alri.....alright, I'll do it but...but you promise....only for one day then you'll let me go, right?" "A deals a deal baby, you do exactly as you is told and behaves yourself and we have a deal. Now I want to see you pee and poop those panties then I want you to beg me to put you into diapers. Time doan start till ya do that," he replied grinning broadly flashing his gold teeth. Trembling in humiliation, Zack looked up grimacing, "Yo...you want me to beg you to put me in diapers? Isn't it enough that I hav...have to do wha...what you said?" "You got it baby, now do it," Daddy responded. Peeing wasn't a problem. His bladder was bursting as it was but stain as he might couldn't poop. His face wasn't only bright red from embarrassment but try as he might just couldn't complete the task. With a loud sob he gave up, sat in the puddle of pee he had created and cried. "That's alright baby. You just sit there and have a good cry and I'll get you something to help," Daddy said as he left the room. While he was gone Zack looked at his surroundings through his tears. He was obviously in a basement with pink walls covered with nursery rhyme character decals. There were no windows and only one steel door. There was another room that looked like a bathroom and a closet with a bright pink door. Off in a corner was a large play pen filled with foam blocks, stuffed animals and dolls. In the other corner was a very large rocking horse and in the middle of the room a doll house. Hanging from the roof was one of those bouncing baby chairs but larger than normal. The last piece of furniture was a large rocking chair. A changing table with drawers was attached to one wall. Zack groaned loudly as he looked at his babyish surroundings then examined more closely. His body was completely free of any body hair, he was wearing a soaked bright yellow bloomer styled nylon panty with six rows of frilly white lace. His finger and toe nails had been varnished in a lustrous wet looking hot pink. The sheet he was sitting on was covered in little fairies. The bed and railing were painted a bright pink. Fearfully, he pulled the waist band of the bloomers out and looked at the stainless steel tube and metal plate that covered his genitals. He let the waistband go as more tears gushed down his reddened cheeks. He had never been so mortified or humiliated as he was now. However he was alive and relatively unharmed as much as he might have wished he were dead. "He promised this would last only one day. One day....I can make it through one fucking day.....Once I'm outta here that SOB will pay for doing this to me....Man is he going to pay," he thought. Shortly Daddy returned and handed a large pink plastic baby bottle to him. "Drink this and it will help you do your business like I asked you. Drink it all or Daddy will spank," he said grinning down on the poor youth. Zack looked at it with disgust. It held about two pints of off white liquid. What got his attention was the large brownish-yellow rubber nipple. It was shaped like a penis with a mushroom head. Hesitantly he brought it to his lips, not willing to let more than the tip enter his mouth and took a quick suck. It tasted awful, bitter and sour yet very sweet. He made a face and started to pull it from his mouth. Daddy reached out, grabbed Zack behind the neck and with his other hand pushed the nipple all the way down to the cap. "Go on suck it all down baby. It's good for you," the grinning man said. With no choice, Zack began sucking the horrid liquid. It made his stomach rumble and growl in objection, the taste and texture made him wrinkle his nose in disgust. Then he felt his stomach cramp and with the nipple plugging his mouth, had to swallow the vomit back down. He didn't know how long it took him to finish off that bottle but seemed like hours. By the time he did finish it, his stomach was rebelling and cramping severely. Daddy just grinned like a fool, took the empty bottle and leaving turned out the light. Zack was plunged into darkness holding his stomach with both hands and moaning in pain as his cramping became worse. Crying in pain and humiliation, he could only sit in his pee filled pool. "He's poisoned me. That SOB poisoned me," he thought as he fought to keep from vomiting all over himself. Sitting in pee was bad enough but covered in vomit would be a whole lot worse. He had no idea how long he had been sitting hugging himself when he felt a stirring in his lower bowels. First it was the stinking gas, then another severe cramp, more gas and then the foul discharge filling his already soaked panties. Time passes slowly when you are in absolute misery. His mind numbed by the horror of his situation and his senses bombarded with the smells surrounding him. He had lost all track of time. He was scrunched up into a corner of the bed getting as far away from the awful mess he had made when the lights came back on. The railing was lowered. Big beefy arms covered in latex gloves lifted him easily from the filth and carried him into the bathroom. He was shoved into a shower and washed off as he huddled into a corner. He was lifted and put into a tub full of hot perfumed bubbly water then scrubbed clean. His long hair shampooed and conditioned with heavily scented strawberry lotions. Nothing was missed in his bathing. Even his ears were cleaned with Q-tips. Out of the bath he was patted dry, covered with a strawberry scented body lotion and dusted with scented talc. He wasn't even allowed to brush his own teeth as Daddy took a pink toothbrush and did that chore for him. He was then sat on the toilet while Daddy pulled a pink rubber bag from the linen closet and filled it with warm soapy water. All Zack could say was a long drawn out, "Nooooooooo" as he was given his very first enema. After he was cleaned out, a tampon was inserted. The string pulled to insure it was seated properly before he was led by the hand out into the basement. "I believe you have something to ask me now, don't you?" Daddy asked. "Wou....would you put me in..in a dia....diaper?" Zack tearfully replied. "Oh no little girl, you have to ask me correctly. I want to hear you say, 'Please Daddy, your little girl needs to be put in a diaper,'" he ordered giving a gentle swat to Zack's round white ass. Ooo Zack was lying on the white plastic covered changing table. He is ashamed of himself but with little choice and the possibility of getting all this over with did as he had been told. Now Daddy towered over him pulling and fastening a soft white cloth diaper with thick soaker pad around his loins. He was surprised when Daddy stepped up on a small stool, unbuttoned the snaps at the crotch of his overalls and pulled out a massive erection. Large strong hands easily flipped him over on his stomach and held him in place as he felt the hot hard flesh enter the leg hole of his diaper and begin thrusting across his backside. "Damn it! Stop! What the fuck!" he involuntarily screamed in both surprise and horror. "I warned you before baby about using that kind of language. We'll take care of that in just a moment but right now Daddy has to mark his property," Daddy gasped. Zack felt the hot liquid gush on his backside and dribble into the crack of his ass as Daddy yelled out, "Oh yeah baby." Daddy stood above Zack gasping for a few moments, his semi-soft dick still embedded in the diaper. Then he felt it, a hot stream of piss. Zack moaned feeling sick as the diaper filled. The hot stream slowed then stopped as he was flipped back over on his back. Instead of changing the thoroughly soaked diaper, Daddy pulled a pair of semi- transparent yellow rubber panties with six rows of yellow satin ruffled lace across the bottom up his legs. Daddy sat him up, the loud squishing sound coming from Zack's bottom made him smile broadly. "Now to see about that dirty mouth of yours then we'll get you properly dressed," Daddy boomed lifting him off the table. For the next five minutes Daddy washed out his mouth with a very foul tasting soap then made him swish two table spoons of castor oil around in his mouth before swallowing. He was given four doses of the bad tasting liquid before Daddy was satisfied he had learned his lesson. "Babies, especially baby girls, never curse or say bad words. I hear one more bad word and you will be eating that entire bar of soap," Daddy instructed. Zack doubted that he could be more humiliated or embarrassed than he was sitting on a changing table, his diaper saturated with somebody else's urine and sperm. His mouth tasted like spoiled fish and stomach churning from the oil. By the time he was dressed his whole body glowed red. A bright yellow satin training bra with pastel yellow floral lace trimming was hooked around his chest. Frilly nylon socks with yellow lace trim adorned his feet which bore white patent leather baby shoes with stiff leather soles. There was some kind of rod or something inside the instep of the shoes that forced him to walk on tip toe. A stiff pale yellow ruffled and beribboned net petticoat with nylon yoke was around his waist. The dress that Daddy was now buttoned up his back screamed little girl. It was made of bright yellow satin with large balloon like pastel yellow chiffon short sleeves and high ruffled collar fastening with a bright yellow satin bow. The bodice had rows of vertical white lace bands interspersed with small yellow satin bows all the way down to the hem of the flaring skirt. The thin yellow ribbon streamers holding the cuffs of his sleeves in a neat bow high on his upper arm hung down to just past the elbows. Two inches of lace hemming on his petticoat showed below the hem of the mid-thigh length skirt. A plain gold band was forced onto his left ring finger. Two white plastic bracelets were put on his right wrist and a thin gold chain with a heart locket around his neck. Short white cotton gloves were put on his pink nailed hands. To finish his look a large puffy yellow satin bow was affixed to the back of his head and bubble gum pink lipstick applied to his lips followed by a spray of sweet smelling floral perfume. His small gloved hand was swallowed up by Daddy's as he was led out of the basement. Zack waddled as best he could to keep up with Daddy's long strides. Between the soggy diaper that felt like a large wet pillow stuck between his legs and the stiff leather soles of his tight fitting shoes he had a difficult time just walking. As they were leaving he was handed a small white leather purse on a long strap to sling over his shoulder. Zack was petrified as he was led out of the house and into his car which was parked right in front of the building. He was still wondering how his car had gotten there as he was buckled in and the car took off. "Ho....how did...did my car get here," he finally asked. "You drove and stopped in front of my house enough for me to find it just down the block. Now, keep quite and when we get where we're going keep your mouth shut and only nod your head yes if asked anything. You disobey me and I can promise you that you will not like what happens one bit," Daddy hissed. It was black as pitch outside with only street lights to break the gloom. Zack didn't know if it was the same night he arrived or some other night as the car made its way down the streets. He had absolutely no idea as to where he was much less what day it was. He could only hang his head down in shame while trying to make himself invisible to the outside world. Daddy pulled into an ally way and parked behind a building. Out of the car, he pounded on the steel door. It opened with a squeak revealing a beam of bright light. Recognized, it opened and they quickly entered. As the door shut and the loud clank of a latch being thrown Zack was reminded of the sound of a jail door being slammed shut like in the movies. A shudder of fear ran up his spine as he was pulled into the main room. It was a beauty parlor and the person that had admitted them an older gray haired black woman. "So this is baby huh? She the one ya met on the internet?" the woman asked in a cracking voice. "Yeah, this is baby. Do your magic we still have one stop to make," Daddy replied. "Let's see the money first. You know I don't do this for free," the woman crackled. Money exchanged hands and two hours later they left the shop. Zack's long hair was now piled high in a rich golden blond with ringlet curls and fluffy bangs. His ears had been pierced four times. A golden teddy bear was in the bottom lobe followed by a small golden hoop and two, pink and yellow heart shaped sparkling stone studs filled the other holes. His brows thinned and arched into delicate feminine lines. The next stop wasn't far and after being checked out ushered into what turned out to be a dentist's office. The dentist wasn't there but an assistant was. Again money changed hands and Zack left that place with a plastic plate fastened to his upper palette. Every time he tried to talk, the sharp pin prick from the needle stuck in that plate made him wince and forced him to lisp. As he was being fitted for the plate, his stomach growled loudly. He couldn't stop the loud fart or the liquid aftermath from happening. Tears filled his eyes as the technician stepped back holding her nose. "Man that is one stinky baby you got there. Why on earth you would ever want to be around something like this is beyond my imagination and....before you go there....I don't want to know," she exclaimed. Ooo "Pweese Dada, I can't ake dis no more," he lisped crying hard as he sat naked on the changing table. "Well baby you agreed to give me a full day and you haven't done that yet. No, don't look at me like that. Time don't count when you're not being my baby. It took time to get you ready, so your time doesn't actually start until right now when I pin you into your clean diaper. I don't care what you think is fair but you are going to be my baby for a full day before I even think about letting you go. When you do as you are told and make me happy you get time. If you don't cooperate nor act like the baby girl you are suppose to be, you get no time credits. As a matter of fact, you screw up and I take away whatever time you have accumulated. Understand? So the sooner you decide to be my baby and make your Daddy happy, the sooner you can go home," he stated. As his diaper had been a dripping soggy mess when they got home, Daddy added two extra absorbent soakers to the diaper before putting him into a pair of bright pink rubber rumba panties. He put pink lace frilled nylon anklets on his feet before replacing the tight baby shoes. A pink satin training bra with white lace frills and pink waist length flaring baby doll nightie followed. The nightie was nylon with pastel pink chiffon over skirting and had a rounded collar cut low enough to reveal the top of his bra. It was decorated with lots of white ruffled floral lace and pink satin ribbons. His hands were forced into pink leather ball gloves making them useless. He was picked up and carried over to the bed which had been cleaned. The sheet was replaced by one decorated with baby Hippopotamuses dressed in tutus in various dance poses. He sat with his legs dangling over the sides, a good two feet off the ground. Daddy stood in front of him, unbuttoning his coveralls and exposed his limp but still humongous dick. "It's time for baby's bed time bottle. I want baby to suckle on it until she gets all her baby formula all down like a good little girl," he said holding out his limp dick. Zack reared back in fright and disgust at what Daddy just asked him to do. To his surprise, Daddy buttoned it back up, raised the rail leaving him there and turned out the lights. The clunking and snap of the lock echoed in the darkened room. All he heard was Daddy saying, "Time stops," as he buttoned his fly. Ooo Zack was upset and frightened by everything that had occurred so far. He had lived through the most humiliating and disgusting day of his life but apparently that was not going to be enough. Now Daddy wanted more, much more than he was willing to give. "OMG! How did I get into this mess? With these damn things on my hands I will never be able to get over that railing now. I can't even stretch out my legs in this bed. With all that padding between my legs, I can't bring them together. Even if I were to get over the railing where would I go? He has to be crazy as a loon to do something like this. He's not only crazy but bigger than a house. I can't run and I certainly can't beat him up even if I had a baseball bat. There's no way for me to escape all this madness. Now he...he wants me to do that...no way. I'm not some queer. Crap! He said time stopped when he left. Damn, the only way I can ever hope to get out of here is by putting in a whole day as his baby. What am I going to do?" he thought. Zack spent a very restless night. A night filled with nightmare and pain. The pain came from his cramping stomach. It was a sharp pain that woke him and the wet icky feeling as both his bowels and bladder let go filling his diaper. He cried going back to sleep feeling more than sorry for himself. He woke when the bright lights came back on. He groaned and smelled like a cesspool. His diaper was saturated and didn't put up any fuss as Daddy changed and bathed him. Again, everything was done for him including the brushing of his teeth. Another enema and tampon went without protest. He was diapered and a pair of baby blue rubber rumba panties put on. A baby blue satin training bra, white tights with a herring bone pattern pulled up his legs. Another white net crinoline with blue bows and lace detailing and a baby blue satin party dress with lots of white lace frills and ribbon bow decoration followed. It had a large white peter pan lacy collar and white lace trimmed short cuffs. He was placed in the large play pen, ordered to play with all his toys and given a large baby bottle filled with the bitter formula and phallic nipple. Daddy left him, telling Zack to play quietly and that he was being watched on camera. "Oh great, now it's going to be film at eleven," he groaned sucking on the bottle. He looked around the play pen noticing that there was nothing but little girl toys strew about. The most masculine toy was a set of foam building blocks. He was starving and despite the horrid taste drank every bit of his formula. Daddy came back shaking his head, "Baby didn't play with her toys like she was supposed to. No time," he said picking Zack up as if he were a leaf. He was carried to the kitchen where he was fastened into an adult sized high chair. Three large jars of baby food were put in front of him, "Beef Puree," "Mashed Carrots" and "Cauliflower" none of which sounded palatable. Daddy fastened a white cotton plastic backed adult bib around his neck. In pink script "Daddy's Girl" was written across the bib's front. The food proved to be surprisingly bland tasting but the smell, especially from the Cauliflower was nauseating. Daddy sat in front of him, using a small spoon with a pink rubber coated bowl, fed the noxious mixture to him. As he swallowed Zack understood why so many babies made funny faces when they were eating. It was horrible. By the time he had finished his stomach was gurgling in protest. He was given another bottle of formula and had to watch Daddy eat his breakfast. A breakfast that made Zack drool with desire, four eggs, bacon, sausage, two pancakes, toast and coffee. Coffee, rich aromatic coffee, the one thing Zack simply had to have in the morning but so out of reach at the moment. "Dada, pwease, can I have um coffee?" he ventured. Daddy looked at him, laughed, picked up his cup and waved it back and forth. "You want some coffee, huh? Babies don't drink coffee. It's bad for them. Maybe when you get a bit older....after we've had some time together...." He replied leaving open the possibility. "I would kill for a cup of coffee right now. That SOB is getting a kick out of seeing me like this. Shit!" he thought kicking his legs to and fro without thinking. From the kitchen he was taken back to the basement where he was placed in the spring chair and set to bouncing up and down. As he started bouncing music began playing. The sound was a bit tinny but he distinctly heard, "London Bridge is Falling Down." He tried to stop bouncing as it put pressure on his bladder and he had to go. Not only that but he could feel his bowels churning and he didn't want to use his diapers again. "Pwease Dada, op dis. I have to go to the bathroom," he begged. Daddy had been cleaning up and changing the sheets as Zack bounced up and down. He turned from tucking in the sheet, looked sternly at Zack for a moment, then replied, "Babies use their diapers. You just lost twenty minutes for asking and another ten for not saying 'potty' from your baby time. You had better start behaving properly or you will be here forever." "Noooo, nooo pwease Dada, no. I will be good, I promise. Jus doan do dat," Zack cried. "Well baby just use your diapers like a good little girl and we can start your time. While I'm thinking about it, your voice is too low. I want to hear you speaking in a lot higher pitch. Another ten minutes off for not sounding like a little girl," he stated then turned back to tucking the sheet. Zack couldn't stop the tears as he continued to bounce up and down to the tune of "London Bridge." As much as he hated the very idea, he knew he would be kept bouncing until he filled his diapers. Plus he had lost forty minutes of baby time. After he had filled his diaper Daddy kept him bouncing, forcing the mixture to cover his entire groin and backside for another thirty minutes. Daddy came over and picked him out of the seat and placed him in the play pen. "My you are a little stinker aren't you? I'll change you in a bit but now I want you to play with your dolls. Pretend you're the mommy. Change their clothing, hug them close but make sure you talk to them sweetly or it will take me a lot longer to change you," he ordered. "What? I don't know how to play with dolls. I'm a guy and never played with dolls. I'm floating in piss and shit and he wants me to play with dolls. Change their clothes, I can do that but what do I say...Man, I hate this but I have to get out of these soaked diapers," he thought as he gathered up several nearby dolls. He played with his dollies for over an hour before Daddy decided to change him. By then his ass and groin were burning and itching. The diaper rash cream helped and the fresh diaper even better. He was sitting on the edge of the changing table, Daddy's dick displayed before him. Again, he fell back, a look of horror on his face. Daddy just buttoned up, carried Zack back to his bed and told him it was nap time. Zack was left in the dark room wearing only a diaper, emerald green plastic panties with rows of white ruffled white lace on the bottom and his ball mittens. To keep him quite, Daddy had placed a pacifier into his mouth shaped like his bottle nipple and secured it behind his head. As he turned out the lights, Zack heard him say, "No time today." Zack cried himself to sleep. Ooo Zack woke as usual with a soggy messy diaper. He had absolutely no idea how long he had been stuck with Daddy. It had to be for a long time as he was taken back to the beauty parlor where his longer hair had the roots touched up and put into long tubular curls. For that outing his Daddy had dressed him in sparkling white pantaloons that reached the top of his knees where they were tied off with bright blue satin ribbons. Ruffled blue lace ran up each leg of the soft nylon garment. Three white petticoats held his bridal satin royal blue pleated skirt almost straight out from his diapered hips. White chiffon balloon sleeves with lavishly laced cuffs made his arms look dainty. Baby blue leather shoes with a stiff sole were laced on his feet. Between the shoes and thick diaper, Zack waddled naturally now. He had been wearing baby dresses long enough to keep his knees pressed together and how to sit with flaring petticoats. His voice had a natural high pitched lisping quality. Daddy had insisted that Zack listen to recordings of little girls, watch movies of Shirley Temple and emulate their behavior and speech patterns. He had lost a lot of his "baby time" before he achieved the results Daddy wanted. Baby time was his concern now, how much baby time had he accumulated? That was the million dollar question. Daddy had assured him that when he reached twenty-four hours, he would be free to go. He couldn't have that much time left he kept saying to himself but with each new day he was never sure. He hated every single second of his ordeal but the only way out would be to spend one day as Daddy's baby. With the exception of the two times he had been taken out, Zack stayed in the house. He was either in his girlish baby room or in the kitchen eating horrible tasting and smelling baby food. Thanks to a diet of baby food, formula and lack of exercise, he was down from one-forty to a mere ninety-five pounds. The only thing he was allowed to do by himself was play with his dolls and girlish toys. Daddy did everything else for him from his toilet to his dressing and feeding. Zack did everything he was told but still refrained from giving Daddy a blow job. Each time he refused, Daddy wouldn't do anything but put him down for a nap and leave. He only said "no time" before turning out the light and leaving. Zack lay back in his bed sucking on his pacifier that had been placed in his mouth every night at bedtime. He couldn't remember when that started but he found strange comfort as he sucked on it with his knees bent from the short bed. He had spent so much time taking afternoon naps and kept in bed that his legs had a natural bend to them making his waddle even more pronounced. He was uncomfortable in his messy diaper but no longer enough to make him really aware of his condition. Going potty in his diaper was natural and he knew Daddy would change him soon. He spent the time before Daddy came to change him thinking, "I've got to be close to ending all this but Daddy keeps saying "no time" when I don't suck his dick like he wants me too. He could have forced me to do that ages ago but all he does it put me to bed. Maybe, if I...I did that I could get out of here all the sooner. The very idea makes me sick in my stomach but maybe if I do that, he'll stop saying "no time." I've got to end this soon. I don't know how much of this baby girl stuff I can take before it really gets to me. Even that baby food doesn't taste as bad as it use too. Oh, what I would give for a decent meal and a cup of coffee. He's hinted that I could but I would have to grow up some before that would happen. I wonder what he means by that. I don't even realize it when I go potty anymore. It just happens. I know I have lost a lot of weight and feel like a wimp all the time. I've got to do something to grow up and get out of here. As much as I know I'm going to hate it, I've got to do it. I'm not a faggot but gotta get out of here before it's too late." All that thinking tired him out and he dozed off only to awaken when the lights came on and Daddy was standing over him. As he had been trained, he giggled and mumbled through his pacifier, "Dada, baby nees diaper." After his morning cleansing and diaper change, Zack was dressed in white translucent rumba panties, matching training bra, white tights and pink baby shoes. A florescent pink satin party dress with built in white net petticoats was buttoned up the back and a matching pink bow fastened to the back of his head. He was given his bottle of formula which still tasted horrible but he didn't really notice. Three large jars of baby food later he was taken back to his room and placed on his rocking horsy. He giggled loudly just like Daddy wanted and only stopped his rocking as he felt his diaper fill before continuing. As the mess moved and shifted around his groin, Zack kept giggling rocking all the harder. When the mess got cold and his skin irritated, he began to sniffle then cry. Only when he had done that would Daddy come over and change him. That had been another costly lesson for him to learn in both pain and lost time. This time Zack was determined not to lose any more of his "baby time." When Daddy presented his limp member, Zack closed his eyes and bent forward. He was going to do whatever to get his time over and done with. If he had to suck cock he was going to suck cock. "Oh no baby girl, open your eyes and you have to ask me," Daddy's deep voice rumbled. "Why do I have to open my eyes and have to watch much less beg for it. Isn't this humiliating enough? Just let me suck it and get it over with," he thought. "Baby girl open your eyes and look at my big black cock. Reach out and cup my balls and stroke it like a good girl. You do want to be a big girl now, don't you? Until I get that dental plate out of your mouth, just take the head between your lips. Run your tongue over it and pretend it's your bottle you're sucking on. First let me hear you ask to suck my cock real sweet like," Daddy said with a slight tremor in his voice. It had been the most mortifying thing he had to do but steeling his nerve, did as he was told. He ran his fingernails over that large sack feeling the wirery hairs slipping past his fingers. He placed his lips around the mushroom head and caressed it with his tongue and lips all the while looking up innocently into Daddy's eyes. It didn't take long before Daddy's hands were gripping him behind the head and moaning loudly. Not long after that, Zack's mouth was filled with hot, gooey, salty cum with Daddy shouting for him to swallow ever single drop. That night after he repeated what he had started earlier, Zack got the courage to ask, "How much? How much ime do I have eft, Dada?" "Why baby girl you have a lot of time left to please your daddy. Now that you're finally growing up to be a big girl, I think it's time to give you a big girl's name. You'll always be my baby but I think it's time. Don't you?" Zack was confused and a bit pissed that he still had a lot of time but didn't want to do anything to get penalized replied, "Yesst Dada, I wanna big girls ame." "Very well, how about....how about....Candy. Yes, Candy, the perfect name for a sweet girl like you," he said picking Zack up and pulling him into their first kiss. That next night, he was taken back to the dentist office and the plate removed. Zack still had a significant lisp but the plate was gone. Ooo "Dada, how much time?" Zack asked one night, licking his lips as the softening shaft plopped out of his mouth. The taste of Daddy was becoming familiar and didn't cramp his stomach nearly as much as it did in the past. He still didn't like the after taste it left in his mouth. "Well, Candy, you have grown quite a bit lately and I'm feeling generous tonight. I think you still owe me about six hours but you're going to have to show me that you are more grown up. Do you know the difference between boys and girls?" he replied. "What the heck? Do I know the difference between boys and girls? What kind of stupid question is that? Of course I know the difference. Whoa, he said I have only six hours left. Six more stinking hours, I can make that with my eyes closed after all he's put me through. Just can't do something stupid now. I don't want to lose any of that time," he thought. "Yeth, Dada, I know the difference. Boys have wieners and girls have....have a slit," he shyly responded. He wanted to say cock and pussy, but had been taught to call them by their juvenile names. "Yes that's true Candy. Now tell me, what do you have?" he asked grinning. Zack might have been regressed but he wasn't totally stupid. He could tell that Daddy was giving him a trick question but he wasn't sure of the answer. He toyed with the hem of his red nightie before looking up and saying, "I......I'm not sure Dada? A....a." "Now that you are older Candy, you can call it a pussy. Yes, I know it's a bit further back but from now on you can call it your pussy. Let me hear you say that you have a pussy," Daddy interrupted. "I....I have...have a...a pussy," Zack stammered wondering where all this was going to lead up to. "That's right baby and do you know what big girls do with their pussies?" he asked his grin spreading. "T....to...mak...make babies?" he stammered taking a wild guess at the answer Daddy was looking for. "Very good Candy, that's part of the answer but big girls like you have a better use for their pussies. Can you guess what that is, baby?" he replied stressing the word baby. "Crap, what is he getting at? It sounds like if I don't get this right I'll be back in full baby mode. What else....what else....he can't mean that can he....fucking.....shit, that's what he want's me to say. Daddy want's to fuck me in my ass! Oh no, he'd split me in two. Sucking dick is one thing but that....no...never....I'd rather eat that nasty pureed calf liver than do that," he thought. Seeing his wide eyed stare and shocked expression, Daddy laughed loudly then grabbed Zack's upper arms. "Look Candy, you don't have to answer me now but think about it. You are either a grown up girl or you're still a baby. If you decide to grow up, I promise not to do anything hasty. I will give you time to adjust to the idea. The choice of how you spend your time is up to you. Now get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning." Ooo Despite being considered a big girl now, Zack continued to wear diapers. It seemed Daddy enjoyed changing him and spending a lot of time rubbing rash cream on his round white tush. However there were some benefits for Zack. He no longer had to watch the inane cartoon shows, Shirley Temple movies which by now he had memorized or spend time in the bouncy chair. Instead, he was allowed to watch old movies about the lives and loves of teenage girls, such as "Black Beauty." He was given solid foods for the first time but still had his formula at bed time and in the morning. He still had to behave, talk and dress like an eight year old still in diapers. He still had absolutely no idea of how long he had been imprisoned. Much of his behavior and speech patterns had been so ingrained that he was completely unaware of the changes. Another major change that he was aware of but pushed out of his mind was that his breasts actually filled out the cups of his training bras. It had been so long since he had been allowed to see, much less touch his groin; he didn't give a second thought to not having regular erections. He had changed much more than he realized both mentally and physically. It would take a lot of physical and mental therapy to get him back to being the young man he had been. That next morning in the bathroom Daddy offered Zack the use of a pink butt plug instead of his usual tampon. It was about three times bigger than the tampon. Scared to death of what it would mean if he accepted, shook his head no. The words, "no time" echoed in his mind for the rest of the day. Each passing day that he refused made it harder and harder to keep to his promise not to ever to let Daddy do that to him. Daddy reverted back to treating him like a baby. Being a big girl, he had been allowed to bathe, brush his own teeth and occasionally pick out his own dress. That little bit of freedom was lost and three days of refusals had him eating baby food once again. On the fifth day Zack couldn't take it anymore and nodded his head yes when offered the butt plug. Daddy was happy with his decision but demanded that Candy beg for it. Blushing scarlet, Zack had no choice but to do as he was told. It felt like his ass hole was stretched to the limit and he needed a poop but he didn't object. When he was offered the next bigger size, he had to clap his hands and say, "Oh Dada a bigger one, a bigger one pwease." He had no self esteem left after the first time he had to say that. He had to admit that he was not only a cock sucker but a faggot as well. Any and all resistance that Zack may have had left disappeared that day. He was nothing but a sissy pantywaist faggot. As time went by the smaller plugs were replaced by larger and larger ones until finally Daddy with a broad smile pronounced Candy ready. On that afternoon Daddy asked him, "Candy baby do you know the difference between little boys and girls?" "Yeth Dada, Candy knows. Little boys have a wiener and girls a pussy," he dutifully answered. "Very good baby, now do you know what makes a really big girl different from a little girl or baby?" Daddy replied. "Yeth Dada, a really big girl uses her pussy to make love and have babies," Zack whispered back blushing. "And do you want to be a really big girl now Candy? You can tell Daddy," he huskily replied. "Yeth, I want Dada to make love to Candy so I can be a really big girl," Zack replied in total defeat. He knew what was coming, his only hope that "baby time" would be over and he could finally go home. "I think you are going to make a very special big girl for me Candy. Now I want you to read this pamphlet while I go and get your big girl clothing," Daddy said. Zack looked at the pamphlet he had been given. It was a short feminine hygiene booklet about having sex and its aftermaths. How to keep the legs back over the head to guarantee sperm would not leak out and have a better chance to inseminate her eggs. It also explained about cleansing and lubrication. His face was burning as he finished reading and thought about what he was about to do. "I'm only doing this so I can get the hell out of here. He'll have to let me go after I let him do this to me. He'll just have too," he sobbed. Ooo Zack was dressed in a low cut white satin and lace straight dress falling to mid-thigh. Underneath he wore a white embroidered satin and lace bustier, white soft cotton diaper, translucent rubber panties with bright pink daisy print and sheer white hose attached to the garters of an elaborately embroidered and lace frilled garter belt. On his feet were a pair of three inch stacked heeled white satin pumps that he found surprisingly easy to walk in. A small white satin and sequined pill box hat sat on top of his blond curls with white netting veil covering half his face. For the first time, he was wearing a vibrant red lipstick and peacock blended tones of eye shadow. The smell of a spicy floral perfume was around him like a cloud. Daddy towered over him holding his left hand where a gold ring gleamed. He was wearing a black tuxedo and flashing his golden smile. The Justice of the Peace had just finished pronouncing them a civil union. They were now recognized as one under the state's gay marriage law. The two witnesses were the old lady from the beauty shop and the dental technician. Zack looked down, tears beginning to form, as he signed his name to the marriage document. The date stood out as if in bold face italic type. It was then that he realized he had been with Daddy for one year, three months and five days. A single tear drop hit the document which was quickly blotted away by the court official. With everything signed and notarized, the Justice of the Peace took his copies to file. As he walked away he muttered, "I've married a lot of people and a few were these civil unions but I have never seen such a strange couple. That kid looks like a baby compared to that giant of a man. I've seen all sorts in my day but these two take the cake." Tears were flowing freely down Zack's face but not from happiness. He would be Daddy's baby for a much longer time than just one day. "Stupid, stupid, why did I ever answer that ad on impulse," he thought. The End

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Office Shenanigans Continue

Well, I finally got to meet the other attorney today and suffice it to say, it was great to meet him and I think it was even better for him. His name is Mark and he drove up from Miami after John told him about his lunch date with me. When I got in this morning, I was taking care of my normal responsibilities when he came in around ten. He immediately caught my eye and found him even more attractive than John. He's a tall, thin man in his early forties. He had a nice smile and he introduced...

Wife Lovers
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Fluffer in TrainingChapter 2

Rachel couldn’t concentrate in school the next day. All she could think about was her new job. The money she’d be able to earn would make her life so much easier. She didn’t want to have to go home to Nebraska, a failure with her tail tucked between her legs. The possibility of being able to stay in California was too enticing to pass up. She hoped that she’d be good at the job. She was a bit of a natural worrier, and wanted to make sure she did the best she could. Being fired would be worse...

1 year ago
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The Saving Grace of Chatrooms

Have any of you – males of females – ever been on a date that did not result in sexual activity only to go home, get online, and hook up with someone else that very night? Now that I think about it, it’s probably not the rarest thing in the world. In fact, I’m sure many of you have some great stories of rendez-vous that came about from that exact fact pattern. I certainly have had this happen to me and I’d be glad to share one of my experiences. I went on a blind date with a woman mutual...

2 years ago
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First Sex With Neighbor Teacher

Hello dostoo, kaya haal hay aap sub ka, umeed hay sub khairiat say ho gay or khoob khoob chdai ka maza lay rahy ho gay, Main aap sub ki chdai kahanion kay parhanay ka maza dobala kurnay ki aik choti si koshish kurnay laga hoon, its my first time so koi bhi ghulti ho to maaf kur dain Un dinnon ki baat hai jub main university kay second year main tha, humaray arros main main do female teachers unmarried akaili rahti theen, age un ki ho gi koi 40 or 42 saal aur mairi umer thi us waqt qreeb 19...

3 years ago
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Adventure of a sexy house wife

Time was almost midnight, 15 minutes since Varun had left and i was dripping wet in my panties with a thought of his arms all around me. Lack of sex or vanilla sex over period of last few years had left me more desired than i had thoughts and such opportunity was not easy to pass by. I kept battling myself inside my mind but folds between my legs kept oozing trail of juices which were now getting hard to control. My nipples were more hard than ever.I stepped away from the bar, passing through...

3 years ago
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Teacher me and her sister shemale

Hi I am sunny from India. I am 6’2” tall and slim guy. When I was in 12, I was just like an ordinary guy. I was very frank with my biology teacher (Seema). She was very good friend of mine. Once she was wearing salwar suit and looking very cute and sexy. I was dreaming of fucking her. Soon my dick got harder and she noticed that. But she didn’t said anything thing and after few days she invited me to her home saying that there is and urgent work for me. I thought that its the best time and I...

1 year ago
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Dream StateChapter 24

I had thought that our trip up and down the east coast had convinced June that she was really a member of our family. On the first night after we arrived back in Makena, though, June told me that she was a bit hesitant to sleep with Mary or Aimee. I told her that she should just talk to them and go at her own pace. There was no rush, I told her. The next morning, however, Aimee had her own solution. After breakfast was all cleaned up, Aimee turned to June and said, "June! Report to Sunrise,...

2 years ago
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Skanky Park

When I was seconded to our London office for a few years, I made sure that my apartment was very close to a well-known cruising park in the city. After settling in to my surroundings, I couldn’t wait to embark on my first mission to the famous venue. I had read a great deal about this place and even seen a video that was recorded there by an eminent pornographer. The skanky and gratuitous artlessness of the video left a strong impression on me.In the video, after the main character arrives in a...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Red or Black

There wasn't an adult in the land that didn't know what her family did. There wasn't a tabloid editor on Fleet Street that hadn't paid out hard cash for sex tapes containing her or her family. They were notorious; famous almost. Salacious details of the exploits became Internet folklore, the stuff of legend. Everyone knew of the McAllister family. The father, Clifford, had "betrayed" his expensive education and status. He was, technically, the 2nd Viscount of Greysford but he was no...

3 years ago
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Mommys BoyChapter 4

Willy stumbled through all of his classes Friday anticipating his upcoming date with Cindy. When the day was finally concluded Willy was the first student on the bus. Of course he had to wait for everyone else to board before the bus would start it's journey. He had only seen Cindy once during school as they passed each other going in opposite directions. She had quickly told him. "I know where you live. I'll pick you up at seven." He had nodded, then she was gone with a sashay of her...

4 years ago
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Anna Pt 02

A few weeks later Anna bit my ear so hard it bled while we were fucking in the supply closet. She had been trying to keep quiet, panting in my ear as I jammed her up against the wall and pushed my cock into her wet cunt beneath her skirt. ‘Ow,’ I said. ‘I’m so sorry,’ she said, as she sucked on my earlobe, cleaning off the blood. ‘Finish, quick.’ She turned to face the wall, and I lifted up the back of her skirt to reveal the gorgeous pale curves of her ass. I parted her pussy lips with the...

2 years ago
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When Girls become the Sexual Predators

I take the time to tell my stories, so you guys can learn, and hopefully have a wank reading my thoughts on paper. All I want is to know is, that if you did, I pray you're not one of those guys that does then runs away, without making a comment on what it was that made you cum. You see, if I know that, then my stories can only get better, so please, read, and only if you had a wank, say what bit got you off, in the comments section after the story. Lots of love and happy reading.1.) Puberty and...

2 years ago
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Sex story from Dave180nn

Hi Maria,Can't help but think about the picture with you in the blue bikini and the plastic ring around your head. That wonderful body is so perfectly contrasted by the humorous situation and the good natured smile on your face. The two things together actually make me want to fuck you even more than before. Firstly, I'd have to act like the true gentleman and relieve you of that heavy weight around your neck before lifting you up off that cold tiled surface to take you somewhere much more...

3 years ago
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The Insomniacs Tango

Copyright © 2006 "What are you doing up?" I jumped at the sound of her voice. I turned to see my beautiful wife, Annie coming into the living room through the kitchen. "Come to bed with me," she said, holding a small hand out to me. I shook my head and sat back in the recliner, picking up the remote control for the television and changing the channel. "Not tired. Can't sleep and I didn't want to wake you." I could hear Annie's feet slapping the floor and knew exactly when she stepped...

2 years ago
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Aunt tricked me but I loved it part 3 MOM

A few nights have passed since or pool fiasco. Me and my aunt Evelina we're laying in her bed kissing . We are as naked as the day we were born but I felt in my gut that something was going to happen. I got up and had just put on my boxers when my mom knocked and came in. She wasn't supposed to pick me up till tomorrow so it was a good thing I put my boxers back on. She started to shout but I told her it wasn't what it looked like so she told me to start explaining. " I was hearing some...

3 years ago
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Body Rentals Elle Gets Controlled Part 2

I woke late up the next morning. It was about 10am, the sun was shining brightly, and I could faintly hear the sounds of somebody fiddling around in another room, probably my brother. I felt fresh and well rested, which was a welcome change after yesterday's adventures. After Sarah had left, I'd forced my aching body through the motions of getting dressed and cleaning up. I had tried to remove the small receiver from the back of my neck, but I couldn't figure out how to get it off --...

4 years ago
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Tight Huh

A man picks up a hooker and tells her that he wants to see a sample of what he might get before he spends his hard earned money. The slut, feeling very confident spreads her legs and says, "Put your hand all the way in," which the man does. Impressed, the man is ready to plunk down the cash when she says, "Put your other hand all the way in too." Once both his hands are all the way in she says, "Now spread your hands apart." As the man attempts to spread his hands apart she says proudly, "Tight...

3 years ago
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The Scent Of Summer

It was early June and already a scorching hot. The air was constantly thick with humidity. Elise was thoroughly enjoying the heat. It meant that the 17 year old could justify wearing as little as possible as often as possible. She loved to show off her perky B cup breasts and round apple bottom. Unfortunately her fully-developed body and sexy attire made her appear more sexually active than she really was. In reality, Elise hadn’t become sexually aware until the previous summer. She started...

1 year ago
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Cousin Calamity

I grew up in a predominantly blue-collar Catholic family back in the sixties and seventies. My father was one of thirteen children. Nine of them were male, and the other four sisters. Strangely, all four sisters lived far away, and we seldom saw them. Five of the brothers lived in the same suburb and we interacted very frequently. My mother was one of four sisters, who also lived rather nearby. Our home was like a busy train station, because my dad was a very outgoing person, and loved having...

Gay Male
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Three chubby old ladies want hot and very heavy pe

Joan, Susan and Dot were in their early to late sixties and had been friends for years. They met once a week to bitch about getting older, fatter and complain about their husbands ignoring them or failing to fulfil their needs. Dot, who was the oldest at 67 was the most vocal and honest saying that her old man just rolled on top of her every couple of months and shot his load after two minutes. ‘When we were courting, he really had to work for it. From kissing, fondling my titties and finger...

3 years ago
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A Hot Threesome In The Family

Hi, dosto main fir se aapki sewa main hajir hoon.Main lagatar espe stories dalta rahta hoon.Aur aap mujhe reply bhi karte hain esliye thanks. Aaj phir ek baar main mere story ke sath hazir hoon. Is story ka title hain ‘ A Hot Threesome In The Family ‘. To main pehle mere papa ke bare me batata hoon. Unki height 6feet hain unki acchi body hain.Woh ek private job karte hain. Ab maa ke bare me batata hoon.Unki height 5’5″ hain. Unhone khudko bahot maintain kiya hooa hain. Wo saree pehanti hain. Wo...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Lacy Lennon Step Daughter

Lacy’s had a thing for her new stepfather, Tommy for months, but out of respect to her mother, she’s kept her distance. Focusing her sights on a guy her own age, Lacy puts on her sluttiest outfit and heads out for a date — that is, until Tommy stops her. Annoyed that she, once again, is going against her mother’s grounding and now also dressing like she’s “asking for it” Lacy obliges by taking off the outfit he so objects to – surprising him with her boldness. Although he wants to resist,...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Encounters

Since his last visit to Larry’s Mum’s house, Matt had hardly thought of anything else. Being his best friend’s Mum, he had always attempted to keep any ‘thoughts’ he might have under mental lock and key. Being alone with her in her kitchen, while Larry was in hospital and her husband working away, had gotten out of hand. While his first blowjob and tit-wank from the buxom 39 year old, should have eased his frustrations, it had the opposite effect. Being nearly 17 with a teenager’s rampant...

3 years ago
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Mini My Sexy Neighbor

Hi readers I am a regular reader of ISS since 3 years but writing here for the first time. I’m Manmadhan from Kerala, a lean guy of age 19. Doing my graduation I live with my father and mother since I am their only child.I am going to tell you a story happened when I was 18 and then I was in plus two.As every other guys of that age my desire for sex was at its peak. I was desperately thinking about my need for a real experience other than masturbations. But my desires had been ending on...

4 years ago
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Love Thy NeighborPart 2

Something made me lift my head, and I turned to look behind me. There, in the door, staring at the two of us in his bed, his large hands gripping the wheels of his chair, was Karen‘s husband , Jim. My already shrinking manhood all but disappeared as I scrambled to get off of Karen. I searched the room frantically for my clothes, trying to avoid eye contact with Jim. “Where the hell do you think your going, sport?” He asked. “I…..I…can explain!” I blurted out, as I almost tripped trying to pull...

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Choose Your Own Zelda

This is a legend not often passed down through the annals of Hyrule's history. It isn't as glorious, or beautiful, or palatable as most of those other stories. It did, however, still follow Link. Which Link? Of course, the story starts with...

1 year ago
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Three Wishes

Three Wishes By The Bann SidheSummer held her breath as she dug out another box from the heap. The air grew thick with dust and the light that shone through the small attic windows showed thousands of motes hanging in the room. They just inherited the house, she and her boyfriend Jared were still unpacking and many of her grandmother's things were still lying all around the place. Choosing what to keep and what to throw away was not to Summer's liking. She barely knew where to begin. But if it...

1 year ago
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Dominion Chapter 131

One hundred years ago, the war against the undead began. No one knows where it originated from, but a virus blossomed somewhere in the USA, spreading so fast that even trying to identify Ground Zero was a fruitless endeavor. The infected would lose all sense of sanity, their memories and feelings eclipsed by madness and a hunger for flesh. The disease took hold through access to the blood stream, most often through bite wounds, completely corrupting the host in a matter of seconds and robbing...

3 years ago
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LuciChapter 2

The alarm brought me out of a dream that I do not really remember. I got out of bed and walked over to turn the noise off. It had been too easy to turn the alarm off and then go back to sleep when it was on my night table, so I had moved it across the room. My wife had further to go to shut it off, but I was the first one out of bed these days, so it did not really matter. I headed for the bathroom to take care of my morning absolutions. Visions of Luci from the night before had me hard...

4 years ago
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Akriti office slut 8211 Desi dudh wali

Hi friends, akriti here, I am sorry for not writing stories for so long… There have been some issues but here I am with another real incident of my life. This happened before I got married to Akshit. Main aur Akshit ek hi company mein job karte the. In fact, hum tab sath baitha karte the aur relationship mein aaye hi the. My stats were 34 28 32. Mujh par ya kahu toh mere boobs par kafi mardo ki najare thi. Usme se ek tha Sahil. Sahil jab bhi mujhse baat karta, mere dudh hi dekhta rehta, waha se...

2 years ago
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My Story Making a Maid

Disclaimer; fiction, x-rated-language -sex; gender issues; all names are fictitious and relate to no one living or dead. Feed back welcome and appreciated. Mail to: [email protected] My Story: The Making a Maid By G. K. Mitchell Part One When I was young, I knew I was different then the other boys in my neighborhood. Though I participated in their activities, I felt out of place, kind of like I didn't really belong. Often, I would make up excuses to get away and be on my...

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Heaven Scent

I turned back to head to the kiosk, and was struck by the sweetest most alluring of scents. Immediately my head turned back to the direction in which I had departed. Frozen in place I watched as she moved like she were a figure skater. Everything and everyone around her disappeared. I observed as her flowing hair bounced past her shoulders that were high with confidence. Her business suit skirt accented her curves immaculately. I lost all train of thought as she faded from view. I finally...

2 years ago
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A Romantic Dinner for two

It’s getting late outside and the sun is just about to set. You’ve just promised to take me out to dinner and so I’m getting ready. You watch me as I change from my everyday jeans and a tee shirt. I slowly take off my shirt and pants so you can get an eye full of my almost naked body. You try to take the rest of my clothes off but I stop you and say that you’ll get to see the rest soon enough. Soon you’re in a tux and I am in a little black dress that doesn’t leave much to the imagination....

4 years ago
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Women with money

Without references its nearly impossible to get a decent job, and after being in the forces i liked and needed hard work. At 22 6'2" and still well toned; if i didn't start work soon i'd end up looking like rosanne barr(not a good look for a man). So i was willing to take pretty much anything on offer. On the way into the EO i'd noticed a black merc parked outside with a stunning older woman with jet black hair inside; about 40 i'd thought. As i came out the car door opened and what i...

4 years ago
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Sitting In His Lap

Sitting on His LapIt was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things. I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV."Where are you going to put the TV?"...

4 years ago
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Black Sons Adventures pt7 pt1

As I was lying in my bed dreaming about the wonderful sex I had with seven different girls last weekend, my oversize cock started to harden. The versions of enormous breasts dance through my head. Including my very own mother's huge breasts. Suddenly, I felt a wet and very warm mouth engulfing my hard-on. At first I thought I was still dreaming but then my eyes began to open and small moans leaked out between my lips. I looked down to see my mom's head, bobbing up and down my shaft.Her huge ass...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 251

This one is compliments of elo An Indian chief lived together with his tribe on a reservation. One year the previous winter had been very harsh and the tribe had been freezing as they still used firewood in their houses. As fall came the tribe asked the chief if he thought it was going to be another cold winter. Not really sure what to answer the chief told the tribe to gather some extra firewood just in case. After the chief thought it would be prudent to check with the local...

2 years ago
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The Stray Nitro nee FidoChapter 3

Jill returned to the living room half an hour later, still flushed, but I put that down to her shower. She had dressed and was positively buoyant, radiant even and the insidious worm of doubt wriggled a little further under my skin. While she had been gone, Nitro and I had regarded each other silently. I couldn't guess at what his thoughts were, those almost black eyes with their funny brows, gave nothing away. But, it was obvious from his guarded gaze; he was very likely viewing me as a...

4 years ago
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Adventures at the Orgy Motel Part 2

"Room for three please" the voice said.I was sitting at the computer looking at a blue screen with Fatal Error written on it and hatching a plan to assassinate Bill Gates when I heard her voice. I was in such a disbelieving state that I hadn't even heard her come in or the car pull into the drive. I almost said "Do you?" but I refrained."Sorry." I said swivelling around. "bloody computer just carked it.""Always at the most inconvenient moment." she said."bloody oath." I said, "So you'd like a...

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