Julia - 2 free porn video

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Sent? que casi me daba un ataque. Imposible negar cualquier cosa, mis senos estaban expuestos y el beb? estaba amamantando. -Cu?ntame todo, desde el principio. Lo hice. Le dije toda la verdad, y ella me escuch? en silencio hasta el final. -La verdad es que ya lo sab?amos casi todo, obviamente que tienes senos y eso, esto fue solo la confirmaci?n. Mira, podemos seguir m?s o menos como hasta ahora, yo ya no tengo leche y lo m?s sano para el beb? es la leche materna, as? que tienes que seguir amamant?ndolo. Pero ya no lo tienes que hacer en secreto. Ven, quiero darte algo. Fuimos a un cl?set y me dio unos brassieres. -Son m?s o menos de tu tama?o, eres una copa C, casi D. A partir de entonces, empec? a usar sostenes y blusas. Ahora s? sal?a a veces con mis parientes al campo, de vez en cuando alej?ndome discretamente para darle pecho al beb? (despu?s supe que mis primos me segu?an a escondidas y me espiaban para ver mis senos). Los cambios f?sicos continuaron. Not? que mi pene, que nunca hab?a sido muy grande, se encog?a, y pronto fue como el de un ni?o chico. En realidad, salvo entre las piernas, mi cuerpo ya era de mujer, y ahora que mi secreto se sab?a, me vest?a como tal de la cintura para arriba. Como era verano, hac?a calor y por lo mismo era c?modo usar tops de tirantes, sin manga. Y aunque yo en teor?a segu?a siendo un chico, bueno, pens? que era necesario rasurarme las axilas, a pesar de que no ten?a m?s que unos cuantos pelos. Para entonces, por cierto, ya no necesitaba rasurarme la cara. Las cosas que hab?a hecho antes, usar bra y blusas, las pod?a justificar por comodidad, pero rasurarme las axilas fue o por lo menos pareci? algo distinto. No s? si eso fue lo que motiv? a mi t?a, pero al d?a siguiente encontr? sobre mi cama varios montones de ropa, toda de mujer. Pantaletas, brassieres, medias, mallas, zapatos de mujer, blusas, faldas, maquillajes, etc. Mientras yo admiraba todo esto, entr? mi t?a. -Hola, Julia. Creo que no te podemos seguir diciendo Julio. Jos? Fernando me ayud? a subir todo. Jos? Fernando era uno de los trabajadores de mis t?os. -Por cierto, acabo de hablar por tel?fono con tus padres y les cont? todo. Creo que dej? de respirar. -No te preocupes, los convenc? que la salud del beb? es primero y est?n de acuerdo en que te quedes con nosotros hasta el destete, la escuela puede esperar. Media hora despu?s, yo estaba en el ba?o rasur?ndome las piernas con un rastrillo rosa. Me vest? despu?s ahora s? completamente de mujer, de pies a cabeza. No puedo describir la sensaci?n de subir mis pantaletas por mis piernas sin vello, la sensaci?n de ponerme falda, etc. A partir de que sal? del ba?o, ya vestida de mujer, todo mundo me dec?a Julia como si nada, y hasta Jos? Fernando, que siempre me hab?a saludado con un "Buenas tardes, joven Julio" ahora me salud? con un "Buenas tardes, se?orita Julia." Mi rutina se convirti? en, aparte de amamantar al beb?, que mi t?a y mis primas me ense?aran sobre ser mujer, cosas como andar con tacones, maquillarme, etc. Un d?a, en mi cuarto, mientras me estaba acabando de arreglar para alcanzar a los dem?s, que se hab?an adelantado, o? que se abri? la puerta. Era Jos? Fernando. -Est?s bien buena, g?erita. Me sonroj?... Como se atrev?a... -No puedes negar que eres una hembrita, no escondas lo que eres, mamacita. Eres una hembrita, y aqu? tienes tu macho para que te monte. -No, yo... s? que lo que hago... pero... -?Le das la teta a un ni?o, y todav?a dices que no eres hembra? Ya ver?s cuando entres en celo, pero en celo o no, hoy un macho te va a dar en el culo. -No, no quiero... -Mira, mamacita, te voy a montar como un semental a una yegua. Me arroj? a la cama. -A ver, g?erita, ponte en cuatro patas, eres una yegua y ya lleg? tu semental. Por alguna raz?n le obedec?. Me alz? la falda, me baj? las pantaletas de un tir?n, escupi? sobre mi ano y pronto sent? su verga contra mi ano. Nunca hab?ia siquiera besado a un hombre, y ahora uno me estaba cogiendo. Al principio gem? de dolor, pero a partir del momento cuando sent? su vello p?bico contra mis nalgas, empec? a gemir de placer. Esa noche, not? para mi sorpresa que mis test?culos hab?an desaparecido. Mi escroto estaba vac?o, como si mi cuerpo los hubiera absorbido. Mi pene segu?a all?, aunque diminuto y por supuesto ten?a que orinar sentada. Empez? una nueva rutina, mis d?as inclu?an amamantar al beb? y tener sexo anal con Jos? Fernando. Not? un d?a que, al orinar, ya ni siquiera orinaba a trav?s de lo que hab?a sido un pene, sino a trav?s de un nuevo orificio. Mi pene ya no era realmente m?s que un cl?toris. Mi escroto vac?o se encogi? gradualmente, cambiando de forma. Con el paso del tiempo, apareci? una peque?a ranura donde hab?a alguna vez tenido un escroto, entre mis nuevos labios vaginales. Volv? a tener sue?os er?ticos. So?e, por ejemplo, que estaba en mi fiesta de quince a?os, pero en vez de bailar con los chambelanes, ten?a sexo con ellos, en la misma pista. So?? que era una prostituta embarazada, que mientras atend?a a un cliente pod?a sentir al beb? moverse dentro de m?. So?? que era una adolescente en una pel?cula de terror y en alg?n momento me abrazaba de un desconocido en la butaca de junto, ?l me alzaba y me colocaba sobre sus piernas, me alzaba la falda, me bajaba las pantaletas, me cog?a. Eventualmente lleg? el destete. Fue una cosa gradual, en lo que el beb? se acostumbraba. Pens? que, como el darle pecho hab?a desencadenado los cambios, tal vez con el destete se revertir?an o por lo menos dejar?an de ser tan marcados. Mis senos se encogieron un poco al dejar de producir leche, pero segu?a siendo una copa C y nada m?s cambi? realmente, hasta que pas? como un mes. Me baj? la regla. Mi t?a hizo chistes sobre que ya estaba m?s que en edad de que me bajara la regla. Mis primas me trataron como a una hermana menor algo ingenua en estas cosas. No pod?a ocultarle a Jos? Fernando, claro est?, que usaba una toalla sanitaria, que estaba menstruando. Cuando vio eso, se sorprendi? bastante. -?O sea que s? puedes traer ni?os al mundo? Me dej? de violar, si es que se le puede llamar violaci?n a lo que pasaba, y me empez? a cortejar, me llevaba flores y regalos, hasta que un d?a me pidi? que me casara con ?l. -Pero... s? que ahora soy mujer, que quiz? siempre lo fui por dentro, pero sobre el papel soy hombre, nac? hombre. Result? que ?l hab?a pensado en todo. Fuimos al Registro Civil, donde yo cont? que hab?a nacido en el pueblo pero nunca me hab?an registrado y despu?s de algunas vueltas me dieron una nueva acta de nacimiento, en la que me llamaba Julia y ten?a dieciocho a?os. La boda fue una cosa sencilla, una boda de pueblo. A pesar de todas las veces que mi esposo me la hab?a metido por el culo, mi co?o era virgen y en ese sentido merec?a casarme de blanco. Yo cre?a que ya me hab?a entregado a mi esposo cuando me hab?a puesto en cuatro patas para recibir su verga en mi trasero, pero no era as?, ning?n hombre puede saber lo que es entregarle un co?o virgen a un hombre, un hoyo que existe para recibir vergas y dar luz a ni?os, ning?n hombre puede saber lo que es abrirse de piernas sabiendo que te puedes embarazar. Cuando ?l eyacul? dentro de m?, por instinto femenino supe que estaba embarazada. El tiempo me dio la raz?n. Ahora soy ama de casa y, aparte de nuestro hogar, me dedico a cuidar al beb?. Si estoy cachonda, basta con que le muestre pierna a mi esposo o menee el trasero para que me lleve a la cama. Nadie de la familia de mi esposo sabe que no nac? con un co?o entre las piernas. Creen que yo era la sirvienta de mi t?a y nana de su beb?, y que as? me conoci? mi esposo. Me gustar?a seguirles contando mi historia, pero tengo que amamantar a mi beb?.

Same as Julia - 2 Videos

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-What 'was' Julia- "Another day," I thought as I got up, I took a hot shower and went to decide what to wear. "Hmm today everyone else is gone to grandmas for the week, so.." I decided to wear short shorts and a white tank top, I decided not to wear a bra or panties. "I'm home alone, why not." Going downstairs I found that Milly, My younger sister had left her computer on, and just like any good sister I just had to look at her search history. Most of it was just repeated pages...

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My BBC Freind

I was back in Indianapolis this past week. I had not had a good fucking for some time and was hoping to hook up with my friend Terry.I had hooked up with Terry several times when I was in town. He has an amazing cock. he can fuck for hours and loves to make love to his sissy slut.I got to the hotel and prepared for the evening of fun. I shaved closely and douched several times. Terry's BBC is a good twelve inches and he gets so deep I wanted to be extra clean for him. I dressed in my stockings,...

3 years ago
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Busted by the Law

In my younger days my girlfriend, Kay, who is now my wife and I would go parking since neither of us lived alone at the time. We would go to the camping area around a small lake in our town where we would start petting and before long we would be in the backseat with most of our clothes off. She and I were both super horn toads and really enjoyed sex and couldn't seem to get enough of it. on the last occasion we were just about to get to the good part in the backseat when a light shown through...

1 year ago
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VacationChapter 65

Day Sixty-five - Tuesday My eyes popped open to see the red numerals on the clock say four-forty five. I listened to see if I had heard a noise and awakened because of it. I closed my eyes to get that extra forty-five minutes of sleep. "I'm gonna be a dad," was running around in my head. "Well dummy, you were fucking like bunnies, and she did tell you that she was trying. "I always thought it took a month or so after you quit taking birth control pills before you could get pregnant....

4 years ago
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Fucking A Married Hijabi Coworker

All names and locations have been changed to protect the identity of the individuals involved. Wow, where to begin. My name is Ahmad (fake name) I am 5’9 roughly 155lbs and this story happened a few years back. I had recently graduated from University and secured a position in the Risk department of the bank I had been working at for some time. The position involved working with the compliance, Risk, Finance and was a great opportunity to learn and grow. I thought I was excited to start my full...

3 years ago
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Of The Hunters and Hunted

Of The Hunters and Hunted Part 1 of the "Of the Malleus Maleficarum" saga A fictional story, written by REIF DISCLAIMER: This is adult fiction with heavy transgender elements, if you find that in any way offensive, or you are under the age of majority then stop reading NOW. No character in this story is meant to resemble any actual person living or dead. This is a non commercial work of fiction. Please don't steal. Comments and feedback can be sent to [email protected] Version...

1 year ago
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The Magic Of Being Loved Pampered 8211 A Feeling Like No Other

Hello readers.. Overwhelmed with ya feedback and comments.. Well it’s just not letting me get away from this world of  ISS . I’m loving it.. So here I’m posting my another experience with a reader of ISS.. She was too horny and got in touch with me when I posted my first story.. So if even you wish to get in touch or wish to have some fun on chat then you can reach me on or on hangouts directly without even sharing ya number.. Well new readers, if you don’t know anything about me then let me...

1 year ago
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The entertainment center

I just broke up with my boyfriend of two years moved out of state rented a one bedroom house and got a job at the local store where I started meeting new friends. There was this one guy (Tyrone) who would come in daily and we would talk and said if I ever needed anything just ask I told him I would but never did, Tyrone was extremely good looking black, 6 foot and muscular. It's been about 4 months or so we became friends but never went anywhere together just talked at the store while we talked...

4 years ago
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State of ChaosChapter 4 Anitas Big Brother

"Riley huh?" Rebecca asked on the cruise home. "Huh?" Tina stammered. "Tina you're in the clouds somewhere. I think your head is full of boy." Tina giggled. "Yeah, I guess. I like him, he seems like, I don't know. He's like this jock but he's not full of himself or anything. And you got to admit he's pretty damn cute." The two were sitting on the bow deck of Kalliste as Tony navigated her home. "I invented a word, or something, when I met Tony. I thought of him, well I...

2 years ago
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How I caught my girlfriend cheating

This story is 75% fiction and 25% true.It all happened on July 16,2013. I'm at my girlfriend's motel room to see if she was doing ok. During the week. I haven't seen her to the fact I was working 16 hour days. So, I go in the motel and get a copy of her room key from the owner. The owner was cool about it since I did computer work for him in the past.So once I came in her room,I immediately put up pinhole cameras in the smoke detectors, the lamp above the bed,and the picture facing the table....

4 years ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 8 Tyranno Fin Stew

I tried to get up and managed but I was stiff as a frozen snapper fur in Longnight, I was more sore than I realized and colder than I ever was. This time he let me get in. The door led into a short tunnel shaped corridor passing through the tall massive rock wall. Judging by the length of the tunnel, the walls must have been at least 10 meters thick. The steel door swung close behind us, making absolutely no sound as it did. Two boys perhaps my age, wearing dark long fur coats were behind the...

3 years ago
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Rachels Twin

Rachel's Twin By Susan Day This is a story of a chat over tea in the parlour, between Penelope Primrose, usually known as 'Auntie', and Rebecca. Rebecca is the new daughter of Mrs Drake, Penelope's old friend from school days. How she became Rebecca Drake is a long story. Brian often stays at his girlfriend's flat. Occasionally, she lends him some of her things to wear while his are in the wash. Eventually she...

2 years ago
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Party Treat

"Are you sure we have to go to this thing? We could always head back to the apartment and spend the night in," Laura's boyfriend Darren said, flashing her his most devilish smile from the driver's seat. It was a tempting offer, after all he was a very attractive guy. His cock was a little on the small side at only around five inches, but he ate pussy fairly well and was a decent lover overall. However she knew she had to refuse him this time. "Now c'mon honey, you know we have to go....

2 years ago
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Teasing the Handyman

"We've painted it three times, put a few layers of a good primer on it, and it still shows through," she explained as we stood in her living room.I'm a contractor, specializing in remodeling older homes. This normally wasn't what I do, but it seemed like an easy job. Her kid had written on a section of the dining room wall using a black permanent marker. The wall was painted white, and the marker kept showing through the paint. It was a simple job of replacing half a wall of drywall and then...

1 year ago
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The Country Physician

Note : This story is completely fictional! After I got out of medical school, I was offered a temporary position in a rural community, which I accepted to reduce the amount I had to repay on my loans. It was a great opportunity for me to live in different parts of United States, a long suppressed desire. I was kept rather busy, and the local people tried their best to induce me to set up my practice there permanently. I was tempted by their kindness, but I had grown up near Los Angeles and...

3 years ago
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My Uncles Wife

I went to visit my Uncle last month while my brother was away for training and what I thought was going to be a boring visit turned my world around. My uncle owns a small ranch (ony about 60 acres) with a small barn and some horse stables. Whenever I visit I agree to help with the chores and I get to ride any of his horses anytime I want. On this visit my uncle got called away for business which left me at home with his wife who is an attractive woman but it is mostly her body and her...

4 years ago
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Love And Sex

Hello reader. This is my first time ever of narrating my sex experience on web or any where. I live in Lahore, Pakistan and a self employed consultant. My e mail address is I am also in “facebook” Now moving to the story, this a very true story, with names changed, rather an episode of it, which I am sharing as persuaded by the writer on this site to which I like very much as it enables the individual to share and to get together if desired for. My name is Suhail, 6 feet height smart figure, I...

2 years ago
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Maggies Family Part 1

It was Friday morning and Maggie was just seeing her husband off to work in the usual way with a quick kiss by the door; her body wrapped in her soft warm dressing gown.  Maggie smiled as he waved from the car and started to drive to work.  As she closed the door, a wicked smile crept across her face; closely followed by the pang of guilt that she always felt and had been feeling for some time. It was guilt that she couldn’t refute and yet couldn’t stop.Yet, at that very moment of closing the...

1 year ago
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Wills new old home Part 7

earlier that day... Though Pierce had gotten up early that Sunday morning, he had soon fell asleep as he felt the frustration and distress of his chastity devise. As he dreamt, he had curled up under his comforter, still naked except of course for his chaste, and now tossed and turned. The scene in his mind was a strange one. He didn’t quite know how, but he was fully naked, sprawled over Haley, and was cuddling and caressing her naked body. He felt her warmth and he continued to feel...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Missy Luv Rebecca Volpetti When Our Boyfriends Found Out

Missy Luv and Rebecca Volpetti have been cheating on their boyfriends with one another. They think they’ve been slick and secretive, but their boyfriends have called them in to a group meeting. They try to tell themselves that there’s no way the guys know, but it turns out that they do indeed know their girlfriends are cheating and the meeting is to confront them. The girls are taken aback by this twist, but they know what to do. They put on a show for the guys, making out in front...

2 years ago
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The Poolside Question I Was Not Expecting Part 12

Saturday MorningI woke up with the sun starting to brighten our bedroom and Jeannie still snuggled in my arms. I slipped out of the bed to pull the curtains to darken the room and to order breakfast from room service. I eased back in bed with my young beautiful lover to wait on our breakfast to be delivered.Jeannie woke up enough to snuggle back against my side and laid her head in my chest. I stroked her hair and unbraided it from last night's french braids. She nuzzled tightly against my bare...

3 years ago
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Rhapsody SuiteFifteen

CARMINE’S CUCINA is a nice Italian place with a noisy, family-style atmosphere. Jack Wade had taken care of reservations and managed to get us a booth in one of the quieter areas of the bustling restaurant. This was a big deal. Not only were we managing the new and somewhat fragile relationship with Melody’s mother, we were adding Lissa’s ex into the mix. Of course, I was late and they were all seated. Melody jumped up from her chair at the end of the booth and planted a hot kiss on me as...

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