Homelands Pt 1 Ch 14 free porn video

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I saw at the hotel bar, staring at my watch. By 8:20, I was starting to worry that maybe Iva wasn't coming. The waiter came by to check on me and I was about to ask for the check instead of a second beer when I saw Iva from across the room.

She wore a black skirt that hung past her knees, a white blouse, and black silk vest. Sheer black stockings and black pumps rounded out the ensemble. In a certain sense, it was a modest, professional outfit. On a woman with a different body, that would have been true. But her outfit was so tight, I wondered how she was able to move. Every guy in the place stared his eyes out at her. Not that there were many in this shitty hotel bar.

If not for the provocative slit in the skirt running half way up her slender thigh, I'm not sure she could have climbed into the stool to sit across from me. She laid her tiny purse on the table and offered me a warm smile. "Sorry I'm late."

"No problem," I said. "I'm sure you had...other things to take care of."

"I was taking a nap," she said.

I snorted. "Look, it's not like I'm asking you to tell me wh-"

She slapped my forearm. "I don't care if you know who I fuck. If I was busy getting some play, I'd tell you that. Seriously, I was taking a nap. After you left, your father hit a second wind. And Mark is just unstoppable. I mean, sure, I drained him what good, but the boy had a lot to give, and it was hard work taking it all from him."

I started to apologize. But I didn't want her to see me as a meek little lamb. "You're lucky. If I'd been in that kind of mood, you wouldn't have had the energy for that."

The waiter chose that moment to come take our drink orders, forcing Iva to swallow her retort. Which didn't seem to be easy for her to do.

Naturally, she ordered what I could only assume was the girliest drink in the world: a cosmotini. I didn't even want to know what that was.

When the waiter left, she glared at me. "So. I was lucky, was I?"

I stared back at her for a moment then cracked. "Okay. Maybe it was me who was."

"Damn straight," she said with an emphatic nod.

"At any rate, glad to hear you enjoyed yourself," I said.

Iva cleared her throat. "And you? How was the rest of your afternoon? Hopefully more exciting than it would have been if you'd stayed with us."

"It was good."

"That's it? It was good?" she asked, glowering at me so seriously that she had to be kidding around. At least mostly.

I shrugged. "Well, after a loaded question like that." My voice trailed off.

She laughed. "Okay, okay. Of course it wasn't more exciting. I mean, I wasn't there with you, so it obviously had to have been at least something of a letdown. But, you know, variety, spice, yadda, yadda, yadda."

"No, it was better. I fucked the hell out of my mother and her sister for hours, and the two of them are absolute goddesses. I just didn't want to be a dick and rub your face in it."

She slapped my forearm. "Dick."

"See? Like that."

Iva forced a chuckle. "I guess I asked for that. Anyway, I'm sure you did have plenty of fun. And you should be getting around as much as you can, if you're going to do what it's painfully obviously that you are getting ready to do."

I didn't reply.

She studied me carefully for a few moments. "Okay, so play it close to the chest then, my international man of mystery. But that's an answer itself, since, if you really had no grand aspirations, you'd have had no trouble saying so. Which means you're in need of some serious advice from someone who knows a little something about this game."

"And that would be you?"

Iva scrunched up her nose, made a teasing face. "If you don't wa-"

"I wasn't being sarcastic," I said flatly. Well, okay, maybe I'd been teasing her a little. She'd asked for it. But I didn't actually doubt that the answer to my question was yes. Our one encounter so far had been plenty to establish her credibility.

"Oh." Her shoulders slouched as she exhaled. "Well, for starters, your cousin has put some real effort into suppressing people's memories. Just seems that she's focused more on some than others. Far as I can tell, she didn't bother much with your brothers and sister. Guess she's mostly worried about you. Well, and, surprisingly, Skye. Who I don't think is all that strong. She might also be worried about Jack and your mother, but if so, they're even more powerful than I realized, because they seemed to remember who they were pretty quickly. The point of all of which is that I'm willing to bet you know more than you realize you do. You just haven't shaken her veil off entirely yet. If I made it sound like I thought I was infinitely wiser than you, well, I was mostly kidding." With a smile, she added, "Mostly."

I mulled that over while the waiter came back, dropped off the beer and the cosmotini.

"I'm confused," I said after the guy left.

"Tell me something I don't know," Iva replied. She mimed a drumroll as she did, including the snare finish. Her movements were overly dramatic, and cute as hell.

"Ha ha. But seriously. If I've got this right, my one grandmother, Noreen of House Orwin, used to rule our little slice of the Homelands. And then my other grandmother, Kaitline of House Farrier, deposed her. Your mother retired recently, that kicked off a succession ritual, and Brianna won handily. All of which was a few months ago. By mortal time at least. Which I seem to remember being different."

Iva urged me on with a twirling motion of her hand.

"So I've got to imagine that her hold on power is reasonably solid now. She's got to have staved off a few challenges, right? I saw her make an example out of one poor soul already. Why then is she recruiting vassals and sniffing out threats? Like she's, I don't know, coup-proofing. And if she is, why are you here? I mean, you were apparently exiled by your own mother, so you're obviously not only ridiculously fucking irresistible, but talented and ambitious. Not things my cousin likes to find in a Farrier, I can only assume."

Iva blushed as she fluffed her hair with an upturned palm. "No points for originality or subtlety there, tiger. But feel free to keep the compliments rolling all the same."

I snickered by way of response. What I'd really like to do was kiss her till I couldn't breathe. But I tried to stay focused.

I continued. "Tara and her kids were banished under my other grandmother. But Brianna's got Tara on her side, and Tara's supposed to deliver her kids as well. So no mystery there. Pretty clear why Tara was welcomed back. Even if Skye winds up being a problem, it's a clear win, especially since you said Skye's not all that powerful."

"Sounding good so far," Iva said.

"So, yeah, I guess the big mystery is: what's your story?" I asked at last. "Did Brianna invite you back? If you sensed weakness and were getting ready to take the throne back for House Farrier, wouldn't you be in hiding somewhere? I think even I'm smart enough to know that it would be madness for an obvious contender to moving about freely."

Iva twitched one shoulder in the faintest of shrugs before raising the martini glass to her lips. "Neither, really. I petitioned her to let me return. So I wasn't invited, exactly, but I'm here with permission. And no, I wouldn't be back at all, in hiding or otherwise, if I wasn't. Don't underestimate your cousin, Frank. From what I gather, she was a little soft at first, but not anymore. She's a bit overconfident, maybe, and still a lot weaker than my mother. But she's closing the gap pretty steadily."

"She Devoured her mother and father, didn't she?" I asked.

Iva took another sip of her drink. "I don't know. But that wouldn't surprise me. She definitely has Devoured someone. I mean, 's all over her aura. Probably only two or three. We're not, you know, in Silas territory here. But she's definitely done it."

I sipped my beer. "Silas?"

She stared down the bridge of her cute little button nose at me. "You don't know who Silas is?" Iva asked.

I shrugged. "Sorry."

She tsked at me. "Can you at least name any of the other kingdoms?"

I took a few big gulps of my beer, delaying my response. "Nope."

"Wow." She stared at her drink, gave it a gentle swirl, then downed some more of it. "I'm sorry, that feels like the kind of moment that begs for a smartass comment, but I'm not coming up with any. Cuz, really, that's...just...sad. You were dealt a nice hand, but you're sitting at the high stakes table, and your cousin came to win."

I gulped my beer some more. "I'm woefully ignorant. What can I say."

Iva flashed me the look girls usually make right before saying "Awwww," with about seventeen syllables. Like when a puppy can't manage to stand up until the third try or some thing like that. "Frank. You poor thing."

I hope she didn't see the blood drain from my cheeks. Though I couldn't imagine how she wouldn't have. So much for not looking meek.

Iva smacked her palm down on the table. "Okay, so, here's the basic rundown. Our houses, the Farriers and the Orwins, have been the strongest in the Third Autumnal Court for years. There was a third house that was often in the running for the throne, but my mother married its last heir, and he's been dead for years, so now it's just the two houses in the Third Court. King Silas rules the First Autumnal Court. Actually, by year's end, he'll probably be the Patriarch of Autumn. But I guess that's neither here nor there. Worth filing away for future reference, though. Anyway, I was involved with his daughter for a while. Until, things sort of got out of hand and, well, I Devoured her. After that, I went into hiding. For a looong time. Right up until your cousin granted me asylum. And, there you go. All caught up. Wasn't that easy?"

I let out a low whistle. "How many kingdoms or courts or whatever are there?"

She threw up her hands. "Really? That's the part you want to follow up on?"

I shrugged.

"You think I just go around telling everyone that I Devoured Silas' daughter? I'm tossing out gold here, kiddo. Gold."

We both laughed.

"Well, the whistle was for you," I said.

"Jerkface," Iva said as she reached across the table and once more pinched my nose between her fingers. My heart skipped a beat at that. "But okay. To answer your question, it depends on how you define them. The easy ones are the seasonals. There are a few courts each for Winter, Summer, Spring and Autumn. Summer has the fewest, with only two. But both are really big. Winter has five. The First Wintry Court is huge, but the fourth and fifth are smaller than our court by a fair margin.

"Then you have your independent courts. Most notably, the Eternal Garden of the Sun and the Shadowed Glade of the Moon." She sipped her drink, giving me a chance to let that all sink in. "Where it gets tricky, politically, is with the breakaways. A bunch of minor nobles have tried to secede from larger territories. Maybe half succeed in the long run. The others get crushed, though not always right away. And since you never know who will ultimately emerge as their own court, it's always hard to know how to count them. But we're talking somewhere between eighteen and twenty five courts at the moment."

"Okay. Think I got that," I said.

"Of course," Iva continued, "there are also a lot of principalities within the kingdoms, but we won't go into that."

I felt like I should be taking notes. "So how influential is our kingdom?"

Iva held her hand out flat and twisted it back and forth as if to say "so-so". Then she said, "We matter. Enough so that the other courts care who sits on the throne, and there's always pretty vigorous negotiations going on over various matters of foreign policy. But all the same, we're not a real player. It's been a long, long time since the Patriarch or Matriarch of Autumn came from the Third Court. And, if we're talking big picture, Autumn isn't even where the real power is. Not even Silas has half as much power as Daphne, the Matriarch of Winter." She all but finished her drink. "It's unusual for anyone to hold a throne for two years. That's Homelands time, not mortal. My mother ruled for just over two years, in fact. But Daphne? She was queen of the Second Wintry Court for almost a year before she became Matriarch. And she's been there for almost seven years."

"So, since the conversion rate is ten to one, right?" I asked. Iva nodded. I continued. "She's been in power, in one office or another, for eighty years? Damn. That's a freaking lifetime." Remembering that we didn't really age, at least not the same way mortals did, I promptly added, "At least, it would be, for a mortal."

What must it be like to have sex with a woman like that, I wondered?

"You wouldn't last a quarter of a second, unless she wanted you to," Iva said.

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"I know what you were thinking."

"Can we read minds?" I asked.

Iva laughed. "No, no. But some people are just transparent."

When I frowned, she patted my hand softly and offered me a sweet smile.

"But hone your talents enough and you can read Libidos, which is sort of just like reading auras, even though it sounds dirty. That's not really the best way to put it, because we don't really have auras, but it's close. Anyway, we certainly don't read minds."

"Oh," I said, confused. "So what's this business about reading Libidos?"

Iva looked around for the waiter before answering. "Well, the more times you've coupled, the stronger the connection you've got with a person. Having an emotional connection on top of that helps, but it's mostly sex. Establish a connection, and you can sense certain things about them just by being near them. Some even if you're not. Like if they're fucking someone else, you can generally get a sense of who. When you're near them, you can tell how much energy they're carrying, how powerful they are overall, what kind of mood there in, stuff like that. But otherwise, not much. No telepathy, sorry to say. And no, you and I haven't spent enough time with each other for any of that to kick in." She hesitated. "At least...well...."

"What?" I asked.

She winced faintly. "Probably going to regret telling you this. But me, personally, I don't really need much connection before I can read someone."


She smiled. "If it helps, it's kinda cute the way you look like you're barely treading water right now. Most guys I talk to fall all over themselves trying to prove how manly and confident they are. It gets old, fast. Maybe some women go for that. They must, I guess. But there's pretty much no surer way to guarantee my pants are staying on." She looked in her lap. "And I'm not even wearing pants. So lucky you."

"Thanks," I said. That was just about the strangest compliment I'd ever received. But the fact that she meant it as went a ways towards easing the sting of being told most women wouldn't be attracted to me. Which was sort of what she'd just said, if not quite exactly.

She actually blushed before continuing, which I hadn't expected. "So, anyway, even accounting for overall strength, some of us are particularly good at specific applications of our talents. Like, you may not realize this, but most people need much much experience and raw power before they can control their appearance the way you seem to be able to. That's why everyone's talking about you."

I coughed up a mouthful of beer.

She continued as if she hadn't noticed. "Me, I've always been perceptive. When I started to come into my powers, that translated into the aura slash Libido thing. Only later did I realize everyone could do it, but only if they had enough of a connection first."

"Okay, so I obviously need to pick up a textbook or something."

Iva laughed. "Fraid we don't have those. No one's too keen on mass education. Would make it hard to maintain the feudal power system after all. So everyone learns the hard way. Them that learn much of anything, that is."

"Why don't I ever run into other powers, or whatever we call each other, in this world? I mean, besides my family. They are actually my family, right?"

She nodded. "Yeah, we're actually family. There's no real term for us, by the way. If you want to call us powers, go for it. We come into this world the same as ordinary mortals. Though, of course, that whole reproduction thing doesn't work quite the same for us."

"No? We, ah, seem to have all the parts."

She smirked at me. "Yes, Frank, we have the parts. I mean, we can't get pregnant unless we decide we're going to. And once we decide we want to, it only takes one try. None of this business of trying to find the right time in the cycle or any of that."

"So does that mean...you don't get periods?" I asked, blushing.

Was it okay to ask her that?

And how had I never noticed that neither Mom nor Natalie kept tampons or pads or anything around? Not that I'd ever gone looking, but still.

Iva laughed. "Yeah, it does mean that."

"That's a nice feature," I said with an awkward laugh.

"Tell me about it," she said.

"We can mate with mortals though, right? Isn't Brianna...do we say halfbreed?"

"Yes, and sure, you can. Kind of derogatory. There's not really an acceptable term for it, because no one really pays a lot of attention to that. She's got way more in common with the rest of us than she does with mortals. So it's kind of irrelevant."

"Okay, but back to my question. Why aren't others running around the mortal world?"

"You wouldn't necessarily know it if they were. And to some extent, they are. We've known for a long time that other courts occasionally infiltrate this world to spy on us. But the thing is, each court is connected to its own mortal playground. They're all more or less interchangeable high quality replicas of the real McCoy."

"Weird. Or cool. Disturbing. I don't know. This is a real mindfuck."

Iva laughed musically and cupped her chin in her hands. "You're adorable."


I thought only TV witches could wiggle their nose. Apparently not so.

Fucking hell, she was cute.

"All right, so what's a Shadow?" I asked.

"One sec," she said, finally flagging down the waiter.

She ordered another cosmotini.

Then, after he left, she turned back to me. "Those things are just so awesome. I'd tell you to try one, but then you'd have to do your little ritualistic display of masculinity and insist that you don't drink fruity drinks, especially if they're pink. Am I right?"

I laid a finger on my nose. "Don't want to get kicked out of the tribe, you know?"

She smirked. "So, anyway. The Shadow is a lot of things. Depends on how much authority the king or queen that he or she serves is willing to grant him or her. Some Shadows rule in all but name, some share power equally, others are glorified enforces. But, while technically it doesn't have to be anything more than a political position, it's pretty rare that the Shadow isn't the king or queen's favorite lover, whatever else they might be."

If I'd known that, I wouldn't have been the least bit surprised that Brie made Dom her Shadow. That didn't sound so bad anyway. How much worse could being a vassal be?

"So what's your plan now?"

"Wow. Blunt, much?"

I'd actually been trying not to be blunt. Clever I was not.

I reached out and took her hand in mine. She didn't resist.

"Sorry. Forget I asked. But I do want you to know where I stand. I'm going to ask Brianna to make me one of her vassals."

Her brows rose. "Ask her? You have any idea what being a vassal even entails?"

"Some. Not enough."

Iva glanced at her watch. "Well, best of luck with that."

She slipped her hand away from mine, reached for her purse. "Well, this was fun, Frank. But I've got to go meet someone. I'm already late." She slid off of the stool.

I did the same, pulling her to me with a hand against the small of her back. "Look, I'm sorry for grilling you. It's none of my business. But won't you just stay for one more drink? I was hoping to ask you a few more questions. Nothing personal. Just the kind of stuff they'd put in those non-existent textbooks. I'll owe you big time."

Her face softened. She ran a hand over my cheek. "You're adorable. Really. Some of the time, you try so hard at the whole alpha male thing. And, to some extent, it's sorta working, despite how obvious it is that it's forced. Which isn't a compliment, by the way. I wasn't kidding earlier about how annoying that gets. But, more importantly, underneath that, you're...well, you're a lot of things, aren't you? Eager to please. Averse to conflict. But deeply ambitious. And too damned curious for your own good. You've got to at least learn some tact if you're going to go asking the kinds of questions you do."

"You forgot smart, funny, and incredibly modest," I said.

She smiled faintly, but it didn't come close to touching her eyes. But she wasn't making any move to slip out of my arms, at least. And though I wanted an answer, I had to admit, for the moment at least, it was nice to just hold her, to smell her, to stare into her big, brown eyes. Until Dad called me to his office, I had no idea how attractive she was to me.

"Tell you what," she said, sliding closer still. I felt her soft breasts press against me. "Let's shotgun this next round. I've already got another one coming anyway. I was planning on sticking you with the tab if you weren't smart enough to volunteer to pay, and so I wouldn't normally care about leaving it, but what the hell. Then you can join me. I'm sure your sister won't mind. Maybe later, we'll pick your lesson back up. How's that sound?"

I kissed her on the forehead. "Sounds perfect."

"Good. That's the right answer. And just FYI, you're not the only one who's feeling both a little surprised and a little guilty because of how much fun they're having. And if you'd let me walk out on you just now, you'd 've lost major points."

"So, Natalie, huh?" I said, ignoring her comment.


"Not at all," I said.

We drank our next round of drinks in a matter of seconds. Then I dropped enough money for the tab plus tip on the table and Iva yanked me away impatiently.


My sister greeted us at the door, wearing a white vest with black polka dots, a pair of white panties, and black knee-high socks with white polka dots. A black hair band with white polka dots held back her mostly-brown hair.

"Took you long en-," she started to say. Then her brown eyes took me in. "Oh, isn't that a nice surprise. Hey, Frank," she said.

"Hey, Nat."

Not for the first time, I found myself trying to figure out exactly how I felt about Natalie. On the one hand, I thought she'd look better if she kept her hair its natural color, and the same went for her orange-ish skin. Ten times over. On the other hand, every time I took a good look at her, I reprimanded myself for selling her short. Her breasts were not as nice as Iva's, but they were more than generous, especially considering how tight her figure was. She wasn't as lean and cut as some women, but she was in great shape, and her lower body was exquisite, at least if you were into the athletic type. Her ass was small-ish, but round, firm, and perfectly heart-shaped. When she turned to the side to hug Iva, found myself tempted to start grunting like a Neanderthal.

And, as much as I would love for her to lose the tan and dyed hair, I had to admit she was very pretty. Not Brianna pretty. But most men would say she was at least as pretty as Iva. Men who didn't have my hangup about fake tans.

After she hugged our aunt, she turned and threw her arms around me as well. If not for her outfit, which left her beautiful breasts more or less fully exposed, anyone watching us might have thought by our hug that we were just like any other brother and sister. There was nothing particularly intimate about it.

The three of us went into the hotel room, and I found my eyes glued to my sister's ass once more. The way it moved when she walked had me all but hypnotized. Her cheeks were so well defined, completely separated from her thighs. And man, did she have serious ass-cleavage. Not like those skinny little chicks whose ass cheeks didn't touch one another. Yet it was mostly muscle. Absolutely delicious.

Iva's ass couldn't compare to Natalie's, I noted. There were a lot of things to appreciate about my aunt. But my sister had her beat there, no question.

"Just give me a minute," Iva said as she slipped into the bathroom.

Natalie pressed up against me, far more intimate than a mere moment ago. I rested a hand on the small of her back. She slid one of hers up under my shirt, over my chiseled abs. I took pleasure in the approving way she cooed as she did. Why, I wasn't sure. I didn't have any right to be proud of my body. I didn't work that hard for it. Sure, I worked out some. But not much. I had the physique of a steroid-abusing body-builder because I chose to, and my supernatural abilities meant that was all I needed to look this good. But all the same, my sister's apparent arousal was a powerful aphrodisiac.

"Haven't seen you around much," she said.

I stroked her soft hair. Maybe the blonde streaks weren't so bad. Truth be told, I probably wanted to dislike it more than I actually did. It was just the fake tan that bugged me. "I could say the same."

"Well, I know where I've been," she said.

"Funny. Same here."

She harrumphed. There was some subtext that I wasn't picking up on. There often was with Natalie. She was a master of head games. I sort of understood how she worked, because I'd overheard her explain whatever machinations she was using against her current love interest over the phone to her girlfriends often enough. But I still couldn't begin to keep up with her. Had she been expecting me to come looking for her?

Perhaps noticing that I really wasn't getting the hint, she said, "You don't have something against women your own age, do you?"

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I asked.

"Because you keep fucking older women?" she replied.

I kissed her forehead. "If I have a preference, it's certainly not exclusive."

"Good," she said.

"Actually, there was something I wanted to tell you," I said.

She looked up at me. Her big brown eyes, flecked with green, were breath-taking. If only she'd stop tanning. "Hmm? What's that?"

"I've decided to ask Brianna to make me a vassal."

My sister's smile could have lit up a room. "I can't tell you how glad I am to hear that. And she will be too. She's had her heart set on you for a while."

"So I keep hearing," I said.

Natalie laughed. "The rest of us are already on board. And you know you're more powerful, or at least more aware of how to use your powers, than either of our brothers. So, yeah, of course she wants you."

For a moment, I was too stunned to talk. It was usually months between instances where my sister spoke three sentences to me in a row without putting me down in some way. And that there had sounded suspiciously like a compliment.

"Well, sure, if you put it like that," I said, scratching the back of my head.

She gave me a wan smile. "You're cute when you pretend to be humble."

And another? Was this really my sister?

"And you'd know something about cute, wouldn't you." I slapped her gorgeous ass.

Natalie yelped then gave her hips a good shake.

We broke apart as Iva rejoined us.

Iva's professional outfit was gone, replaced by a black-and-purple babydoll that hardly covered anything, sheer black thigh-highs, a lacy black garter, purple patent-leather heels, and a black silk choker. "Sorry about that," she said.

My sister and I laughed awkwardly.

Iva looked from my sister to me and back to Nat, who was starting to blush, staring at her feet. "I'm not going to feel like a third wheel here, am I?"

"I thought I had to worry about that," Natalie said.

"Really? Cuz I'm the latecomer to this here party," I said.

We all laughed. But an awkward silence followed, as presumably all of us tried to figure out who was way off base. I suppose we all had at least some reason to feel that way. Iva was almost an outsider despite being family, as neither of us had met her until recently. But, though she wouldn't know that, Nat and I had never been nearly as close as Nat and Todd. From Nat's perspective, Iva had been late because she was with me, and she'd brought me along for what was supposed to be a two person affair. But then, as true as it was that Iva and I seemed to be hitting it off, there were more than a few signs that she might be more into women than men. Like the comment about Silas' daughter. Or the way she'd been a lot more focused on Cindy than her sister had been on her earlier. I hadn't really noticed that at the time, but it seemed unmistakable now.

At last, more or less apropos of nothing, Natalie said, "Frank was just telling me that he's going to agree to be one of Brie's vassals."

"Well, I said I was going to ask to be, but apparently there was a standing offer," I said.

"What about you? Any chance we can get you to join the club?" Nat asked Iva.

Iva's eyes widened briefly. She regained her poise almost instantly. I wasn't even sure Nat had noticed. "We'll see. I haven't been anyone's vassal in a long time. But I certainly don't want Her Majesty to think me ungrateful for her granting me asylum."

Nat waved the comment away. "Was just a question. No need to worry about it. Now that Frank's an honorary cool kids," she turned her eyes towards me before adding, "for the first time in his life, I'm sure she's going to consider this little exercise a success."

That was the kid sister I knew and loved. If it weren't for her, I might almost forget that I'd spent most of my life as a lonely nerd. Not that I'd stopped being a nerd at any point, really. But college was good to geeks in a way high school never could be.

Iva came up behind me, running her hands over my shoulders. "As well she should."

"But enough about my stupid brother," Nat said. "I've been thinking about you and all the things you said you were going to do, and it's got me sopping wet."

Two in a row. Now I knew all was right with the world after all.

Iva purred by way of response.

And that had the effect on me that my sister's talk of being sopping wet probably ought to have had. Fuck. It wasn't fair that she could do that to me just by making a stupid little sound in the back of her throat.

My aunt then pushed me aside and, a moment later, she and my sister embraced passionately. Iva took Nat by the hand, led her over to one of the chairs by the small table against the wall, sat her down, and started to give her a lap dance.

My heart raced. Iva really knew how to work her body. Didn't even need any music. There were few women alive who could move like that.

Of course, Brianna was one of them.

After Iva teased Natalie within an inch of her life, Natalie suddenly sprung out of the chair and threw Iva into it and returned the treatment, proving that she was as well.

That ass was absolutely amazing. And she really, really knew how to work it. As nice as it was to watch Brianna own a dance floor, without curves like Iva's or Nat's, she'd never be able to have quite the same effect on me. Granted, the fact that she even came close said a lot in her favor. But as I watched my sister shake her round ass, I forgot all about the other women of the family. I even almost forgot to think to myself that she'd look much better with her natural, ultra-fair skin tone.

I was jerking off furiously by the time the two of them got to the bed. A minute later, I stumbled over to them and sprayed my cum down on the heap of writhing flesh.

They hardly seemed to notice.

Only after they climaxed, together, did they lick each other clean.

I'd hoped that they were done making me wait after that, but no such luck. They took turns fingering and fisting each other while I continued jerking off. It was a helluva sight to behold. They were both so hot, in different ways. And very comfortable with themselves.

Iva was either more talented, more powerful, more comfortable pleasing women, or all of the above. For every orgasm Nat guided Iva through, our aunt brought her two.

Finally, after a few more climaxes apieces, Iva declared that she was going to take a quick break to have a glass of wine.

I was too turned on to wonder where the bottle came from. As Iva poured herself a glass, I climbed into the bed beside my kid sister. Her hair was plastered to her head, her makeup was running, and she stank of sweat and sex, with just a hint of perfume mixed in.

In other words, she looked and smelled great.

Natalie chuckled nervously, propping herself up on her elbows. "Feels like it's been forever since we got together," she said.

"I know," I said, leaning down to plant a soft, exploratory kiss on her lips.

She kissed me back, reservedly.

I leaned back and stared at her, drinking in her beauty. She could keep her hair like that and I wouldn't mind, I decided. It worked for her. The tan had to go, from my perspective, but even that had too often kept me from fully appreciating what a stunning beauty my sister was. I almost wished the athletic type did it for me as much as it did other guys. Even though it didn't, it was hard not to be in complete awe of her.

Just then, I realized that as awkward as the stupid grin on my face must have been, hers was no less so. She should have been mocking me. Asking me whether I was trying to catch flies or something. But she was just staring back at me in silence, a goofy grin on her lips.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just thinking about how many times I teased you for being such a nerd. How I'd figured you'd never get laid. And yet here we are, and I'm about to let you have your way with me. I'm not sure if the fact that I'll be picturing you working out math problems on that whiteboard in your room while you're shoving that stovepipe you call a cock inside me makes it awkward, funny, or that much hotter. Maybe all three."

I laughed. "Yeah, well, I'll be thinking of how you always seemed just a bit bitchier whenever you had your friends over. Like you were too cool to admit that you sorta kinda liked your hopeless older brother, just a little bit."

"Sorta kinda?" she said, wrapping a palm around the back of my neck and thrusting her hips up into the air, begging for my fat dick. "Just a little bit? Frank, you know what's about to happen, right? You want a letter of apology or something?"

"Would be nice," I said.

"Shut the fuck up and give it to me already, will ya? Before I change my mind and remember that I have standards."

"Not exactly what I had in mind, but okay," I said.

Our lips met and we enjoyed a passionate kiss for a few heart-pounding moments before I finally slid my hands under her soft thighs, spread her legs wide, and pressed my swollen helmet to her glistening, puffy lips.

To judge by the way she moaned as the very tip of my member slid past, working its way deeper into her love canal, you'd think she was already at the brink of an orgasm.

And, apparently, you'd be right.

I hadn't gotten more than half of the rest inside her before she started shaking gently, cheeks flushed, pupils dilated, and fingernails digging into my lats. I waited until the orgasm passed before resuming, each mini-thrust taking me a quarter inch closer to full penetration.

When at long last I buried myself to the hilt inside my sister's warm hole, we took a moment to catch our breath, staring intently into one another's eyes.

Were they brown? With that much green flecked in them, would it be more appropriate to say her eyes were hazel? Whatever color they were, they were gorgeous.

Natalie licked her lips. "Damn, Frank. That feels so good." She rocked her hips, impaling herself on my pole then pulling back before doing so again. Each time, she gasped softly.

I kissed her. Gently at first. But soon, hungrily and aggressively.

Despite my words, I was not really thinking about what a bitch she'd been to me growing up. Which, frankly, she often had been. She could also be a lot of fun when she wasn't trying to prove how cool she was. But, none of that was on my mind at the moment.

All I could think about was how good it felt to be inside her.

I started to pound her furiously. It was a wonder the bed didn't break. Surprisingly, though she clearly was enjoying herself quite thoroughly, she didn't seem to be close to getting off. This, despite the fact that she'd reached her first orgasm before I was all the way inside her. Perhaps she was bottling herself up the way I often did to my partner.

When her next climax finally did hit, nearly ten minutes later, it was a monster. And as she melted around me, I knew I could take however much energy I wanted from her.

Afraid I'd take too much if I let myself, I rolled off her and onto my back.

"Was he really that good?" Iva asked before taking a sip of her wine.

Natalie nodded slowly. Gathering her breath, she ran her hands over her body, and the sweat and other fluids evaporated. Her hair was perfectly styled once again. The stench of sex receded some. "Not sure I'm ready to give him up just yet. One more ride."

Iva laughed. When Natalie mounted me, our aunt slapped her meaty little ass.

My hands roamed her delicious curves as she rode me. Meanwhile, Iva knelt behind us and alternately licked my balls and gave Nat a rimjob. She also reached around my sister's hips and fingered her clit.

This time, Nat didn't last so long. One orgasm came right after the other, and I lost track of the number she had. With each one, I sipped a little bit more from her. Not much, but over the course of all those mini orgasms, it added up. Unfortunately for her, I managed to hold out the whole time and didn't offer her the opportunity to take any of it back.

When she clambered down off me, Natalie mumbled something about a break. She staggered across the room and poured herself a glass of the wine that Iva had conjured up.

Iva slid up beside me, giving my still stiff cock a good tug. "Still good to go?"

I pulled her against me, kissing her deeply.

"Good," she said when she finally broke away, blushing. "For a minute there, it seemed like the two of you might go at it forever."

"Well, I'm not done with her. I absolutely have to have that ass of hers. But I'm ready to switch partners for a little while, sure. You know, until she recovers."

"Jerk," she said, grabbing my nose between her thumb and forefinger.

I ran my hands through her blonde locks. "You have any idea how gorgeous you are?"

"Nice try," she said with a laugh. "But you're still going to pay-"

"I mean it," I said.

She bit off the rest of her sentence, blushed, looked away.

"Seriously. You're breathtaking. I could stare into your eyes for hours."

"Stop!" she said, slapping my chest.

I pulled her on top of me. She yelped playfully, giggled, as she got into position.

Iva didn't have my sister's hips or ass, but her breasts, long since freed from her skimpy lingerie, were absolutely perfect. I might, at times, out of some twisted sense of obligation, tell myself that my mother's were. And probably would again the very next time I saw her, to be honest. But at least for the moment, I was back to thinking I agreed with Jack. There was definite appeal to my mother's absurd curves. But even I had to admit it was just a wee bit too much. Jack had put it perfectly. She was something of a novelty. One look at my mother's extreme hourglass, and you'd simply have to have her at least once. But Iva? I don't think I could ever tire of her. Her breasts were huge, particularly compared to her frame, but they weren't crazy big. Not to the point that they strained one's believability. The same went for her waist-to-hip ratio. There wasn't one woman amongst our kind, so far as I could tell, who had entirely realistic proportions. But Iva, like most women that weren't my mother, had measurements that were close enough to possible that your head didn't hurt when you looked at her. Now that I thought about it, staring at my mother for too long was sort of like starting at 3-D visual puzzles too long.

And man did Iva know how to move. There were a lot of ways in which my mother was a great lover. But this wasn't one of them. Even when I was with her, it would never occur to me to compare her to Iva or Nat or Brie in terms of how well she used her body. It was definitely not true that she expected the guy to do all the work, as Dom had once said about Mom. But still. She was a bit too passive.

The blonde beauty on top of me was anything but. She had control over her body that defied reason. Might well even have been supernatural, all things considered. But it wasn't just what was happening inside her. Every brush of her fingers on my skin felt about as good as blow-job. Blue bolts of something that wasn't electricity jumped from her fingers and fizzled out as they reached me. Pure sexual energy maybe. God, that felt amazing.

We had gone through several positions by the time Natalie rejoined us. As much fun as we'd been having, I was glad to see my sister jump in.

Iva hadn't been making a point of it, but she was slowly wearing me down. It seemed like every two minutes, I was cumming again. She showed extreme restraint, never taking more than a sip from my Libido when I was left vulnerable. But a sip here and a sip there soon became an awful lot.

After blasting one more load into my aunt, this one in her ass, I decided it was my turn to have a glass of wine. I sipped it slowly. Nursing it. The wine was good enough to reward savoring, but the real reason was that I jsut wasn't ready to go back in there. And I was enjoying watching them together more than I usually enjoyed watching women. This was much hotter than watching Mom and Tara, if only because the two clearly wanted each other so badly, and neither was the least bit afraid that the other was going to make her pay for it if she made the mistake of allowing herself to enjoyTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Debbie Dan and the DemonChapter 9

Zach's relationship with Debbie, Dan and the others they had "recruited" continued happily and lustily. A few vignettes: First, Debbie (pushed by Zach, but not very hard) suggests to Li (who Zach compels to agree, though it takes very little compelling) that they hire out as strippers for a local fraternity party. Surrounded by a room full of young, healthy college boys the two take on all comers (pun intended). They start with a sultry strip that includes spreading each others legs and...

1 year ago
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At The Fence

Elliot worked up some spit and let it drip slowly on to the head of his erection. Even in the pre-dawn summer night, heat pressed around his naked body, squeezing out a light sweat. He stood in a coccoon of bushes between his swimming pool and a backyard fence falling apart in sections. Shaggy shrubbery running the length of his yard kept the fence from falling completely over. The house on the other side had been vacant forever. He'd rather be having sex with his wife, Carolyn, but anything...

4 years ago
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Incest Games Chapter 12

Travis caught his sister coming out of the bathroom on Sunday morning. She was still glowing, but looked a little mussed, as if she had gone through a long and grueling night. "Hey, sis, how did it go? He locked the door, and I couldn't ease into your room to watch from the closet, but I wanted to." She smiled. "It's a good thing dad and mom sleep in different rooms; he's still in there all wrapped around Jean. Now he's fucked all three ...

2 years ago
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Mom Son And Aunts 8211 Pt 1 8211 Beginning Mom Strokes Son8217s Cock

Hello friends, GrayWizard here back with another story. This one will be a long-series by me on between a mom, son and his aunts. Let’s begin with the first part. Raghunath was a businessman, he inherited his wealth from his father and forefathers. He was a perfect man who knew how to accumulate wealth and grow it. He was also a very romantic kind of person. Some may call him a womanizer and boy, could they be more right. When he was 25, Raghunath fell in love for the first time. Rajashree, a...

3 years ago
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Slowly Shrinking At School

Before I start I want to give shoutouts to Tex from writing.com, along with all those who added to said interactive that this branches off from. ALL DEPICTED CHARACTERS ARE 18 YEARS OR OLDER Also be prepared, as I tend to switch from first to second person when describing environments, just live with it. You are Davey, a 19 year old guy with a normal life, family and girlfriend. He is normally 5'10. Here is a list of teachers (will update as more teachers are added): Ms. Scott (Math): Miss...

4 years ago
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Aliens Ch 02

‘I’m sure glad the company finally got off their dead rear ends and bought that space folder,’ Earl remarked as they entered the atmosphere. ‘Well, yeah, but the first thing they did was send us back to this miserable little dust ball. They put us in bio research this time. I can’t believe it!’ Carol groused. ‘What are you bitching about? At least we’ve got this new Mark 34 saucer. It’s a lot faster than that junker we used to have and more spacious, too.’ ‘I guess you’re right,’ replied...

3 years ago
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Pleasure Cruise

The chartered GulfStream landed at the Fort Lauderdale airport and taxied up to the hanger where a limousine was waiting for J. Richard Connelly and his wife Julia. The bags were quickly loaded into the limo's trunk and while the couple sipped on a chilled California Chardonnay in the back of the vehicle the driver put the limo in gear for the twenty minute drive to the pier where the cruise ship was waiting for them. For the Connelly's it would be their first cruise in almost six months but...

1 year ago
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The Craving Part 3

By Andy Caulden Kevin and I were both naked when our guests rang the doorbell. 'I'll get the door,' I said. 'You sit on the floor, by the sofa.' The opening edge of the front door hit me full-square on the forehead as Gee and his friends burst into the flat, drunk - the five of them had decided to meet in the Royal Oak before the planned fuck-fest. I was sent flying and hit the wall with an almighty thump - the sight of a naked white boy had sent the men into an uncontrollable...

2 years ago
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On line submission

This is the ?report? of a very hot emailconversation between two complete strangers. His name is Thomas, hers is Laura.we decide after all the e-mails to meet for real. i invite you to my place and i pick you up at the airport. we go into a pub there, to give each other the chance to back out if it doesn't work. we have a gin & tonic and i start to fondle you tits and you legs. suddenly you say: "i am horny". i say "very good, go to the loo and take your knickers and you bra off". you go and do...

1 year ago
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BitchConfessions Angie White Paying her service fee in kind

Angie White lives in a rather particular neighborhood, full of bohemians and sex addicts. During one of her visits to her next-door neighbors, a commune of liberal young people, Angie bumps into Potro de Bilbao, who’s also visiting a friend. As soon as she sees his huge cock, Angie lets herself go and agrees to join her horny neighbors in their orgiastic way of living. They end up having an amazing fuck not only inside the apartment, but also in the hallway of the building and even on the...

4 years ago
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L Kay on Vacation

Introduction: Happily married Leslie and her husband Cal decide to go on a second honeymoon. Part of their many happy years together is from a healthy and lively sex life. Role playing is a favorite scenario in their adventures. One thing theyve always wanted to try is for L. Kay to receive anerotic massage while Cal looks on. Cal and Leslie Kay Smythe are truly a happily married couple. Both work, Cal in financial and L. Kay in education. Their two young children take up the rest of their...

3 years ago
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Life With AlphaChapter 12 Alphadroid Dorothy

Dramatis Personae: Frank _____ - Lead character, creator of Alpha Alpha - First Artificial Intelligence Mobile Copies of Alpha: Beta aka Bayonetta aka Elizabeth Alana Franks (cyborg) Gamma aka Jasmine aka Jasmine Marza (cyborg, from Aladdin) Delta aka Elisa Maza aka Elizabeth Marza (cyborg, from Gargoyles) Alphadroid Dorothy aka R. Dorothy Waynewright (android, from Big O) Artificial Women (in order of arrival): Kasumi Tendo (from Ranma 1/2) Daria Morgendorffer aka Daria Morgan (from Daria)...

4 years ago
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A Rush of blood to the Head CH 1

Lucy finds her husband's new coworker interesting. And a affair Begins "Lucy!"I sighed and ripped off my sunglasses. "Yeah?"Mark was still in his suit when he marched out. He'd loosened his tie on his way home from work. An obvious sign of stress from him."Why the fuck aren't you getting ready?"My fingers skimmed down my slick collarbone. Mark traced the movement with his eyes, but he wouldn't be distracted. He glared, waiting for my response."Ready for what?"He groaned. "The dinner, Lucy. The...

3 years ago
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Incest Chat

with sis: hi incestuous! are you really? incestuous_angel: yes with sis: cool! can I ask your a/s/l, if you don't mind? incestuous_angel: 27 male with sis: oh, sorry i am male as well incestuous_angel: good with sis: good?? incestuous_angel: ok with sis: so wern't you looking to chat with a female? incestuous_angel: it is ok with sis: so you are into incest? incestuous_angel: yes with sis: with who in your fam? incestuous_angel: mum n sisters incestuous_angel: u? with sis: 2...

1 year ago
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God is a Slut Chapter 3 Getting in Touch With Your Masculine Side

Rachel, God and I were sitting naked in a hot tub, enjoying the scenery the underworld had to offer. I felt guilty about putting the poor mortal through emotional trauma when I tempted her with an eternal sibling romance, so I decided a spa day would be nice before her next test. I couldn’t help but let my gaze linger on her wet, pale breasts. Rachel was oblivious to my staring, but God caught me. She scooted next to Rachel and wrapped an arm around the mortal, before giving me a little...

3 years ago
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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 12

Hi friends are you enjoying my story or not?Plz comment so lets come to the story. Mummy room me enter hui tab mai aur daddy totally nude the aur daddy mere boobs se khel rahe.Daddy ne mummy ko dekha to ek dum dar gaye aur uth khade hogaye.Unke mathe pe se pasina nikalne laga tha mummy ne mauke ka fayeda uthaya aur acting karne lagi ek gusse me seema ke daddy aap to boht kaminey nikle aap ko sharm nahi aayi apni beti ke sath aisa karne me Maine to aisa nahi kiya kabhi aapke sath itni nich...

3 years ago
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Lost at SeaChapter 5

Janie’s breath caught in her throat. Will slowly sat down at the table and held his hands up. “There’s no need for that. Let go of the lady and we’ll talk.” “We ain’t here to talk,” the brute with the pistol said. Another man walked through the door and closed it. He was short and unfortunate looking with no chin and an overly large hawkish nose. His choice to keep bushy sideburns but shave the rest only served to draw more attention to his worst features. “Timmons?” Will said, confused at...

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Jill Dipping Our Toes The Next Few Weeks

The next few weeks...After we got home, things as they are wont to do, went back to normal. Our sex life did improve and we were able to talk more openly about our relationship and what happened. However, we were not out looking for someone for Jill to have sex with. It was more pillow talk and our mystery man played a part in some of the role play or fantasies we would talk about.I really tried to justify why I was so turned on at the thought of my wife flirting with and getting groped by...

Wife Lovers
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Shemale Surprise

anal – shemale – transgender – transsexual – oral – pantyhose – first time – stockings – wedding – lesbian"You can stay with Robert if you wish," Mary said on the phone.I looked up from my laptop where I was pretending to be working when, in reality, I was reading, for the hundredth time, the brilliant novella 'Shemale School: a Teacher Seduced'. The story had created a new obsessive fantasy I had never even considered before: to be with a Shemale.I even contacted the authoress to tell her how...

1 year ago
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Crazy Twin Sister Chapter 10

Crazy Twin Sister Chapter 10 Crazy twin sister tricks her twin brother who got the family inheritance to go to a costume party dressed as each other. She has him drugged, checks him in to a mental hospital as her and pays off the doctor and staff to feminize and condition him to be a dirty whore. In this chapter, Brian is re-programmed by Dr. DeVille to believe he's a slutty bimbo and gets initiated into Leroy's stable of whores. Chapter 10 Brian again retreated into the...

2 years ago
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Island Girls Part 1

Part 1- "Chance Enounter" I pulled our car through the open stern of the ferry and parked where I was directed. It wasn’t crowded today. My wife Sarah and I had been visiting the island for almost a decade after discovering it our first summer together. Some years the vehicles were packed so closely together that it was hard to open the car doors enough to squeeze out and get to the stairs. Sarah carried our wool blanket, and I carried our shoulder bags. We hurried up to the open observation...


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