Black Magic - Part 3 - (Buffy The Vampire Slayer) free porn video

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Author's Note: This is the third part of a Buffy fanfic I wrote, featuring a Willow/Giles pairing. It is a romance but there will be a lot of sex in future chapters so never fear. Refer to my profile for links to the other parts. Disclaimer - I don't own BtVS, I'm not Joss Whedon, this is not for profit, etc etc.

~Part 3~

"If you don't mind Italian, there's a place I'd like to go to. See if it's still there, of course, and if they're still the same. It was one of my favorite places, actually, and I'd love to take you there. Ah, it's nothing fancy so neither of us need change, though I can't help feel I should shave..." Giles rubbed his chin, "I'm sorry I look a mess. Ah. Damn, I left this in, too. In any case, is, uh, now... a good time?" He grinned at her sheepishly, reaching up to take the earring out.

Willow couldn't help but laugh. "I don't know, somehow it suits you," she blushed again, looking away. He said he looked a mess but she thought very much to the contrary. "I wouldn't mind if you go as you are," she mumbled.

Swallowing, Giles felt very much like a high school lad asking a pretty girl out on a first date. And though the ages were a bit wrong, the principle wasn't too far off of the reality. He looked down, bashful.

"Italian sounds fine," Willow said to clear the suddenly awkward silence. Unfortunately with how off her guard she was by the whole situation, if he had suggested the trashiest dive in Sunnydale she would have been at his side without question. Luckily for her, Giles - flustered as he seemed for whatever reasons - still had taste. She was only too happy to provide him the company he so wanted, and touched that he'd chosen her. "I'll tell you everything," she stood, bending forward for a few seconds to pull at her stockings. "As long as it makes you feel better. Buffy was her usual self, of course, but it is always nice to focus on the victories, you have a point there."

Giles smiled, having no trouble picturing the team getting along just fine with out him. It made him proud, albeit a little sad, but he knew they had all grown into strong, amazing people. His Slayer had stayed alive much longer than most, which was in itself an amazing feat. He didn't attribute himself to it too much, knowing Buffy to be exceptionally strong, but he was definitely proud of them all. More so now than ever.

She wanted to tell Giles he shouldn't have worried for them when he obviously had so much of his own to worry about when he'd been away, but she admired that even during his own struggle, his thoughts had been with them. So she didn't say anything. Willow moved closer to him, instead of toward the door as would be logical.

He watched her as she moved closer to him, a bit befuddled. He smiled, placing his hand on Willow's arm. If she liked the way he looked, he was in no hurry to change it, leaving the earring. Reaching for his jacket after an awkward moment of not knowing what to do, he pulled it around his shoulders and managed to highlight how different he looked. He was as handsome as ever, of course, but more rugged and, if the word could possibly make sense, he looked younger. Indicating toward the door with his head, he moved and opened it for her.

"I'm afraid my car was towed while I was away, but I, ah, procured a different method of transportation on my way home. It's a bit uncomfortable, and the restaurant isn't too far, if you'd prefer to walk." He walked outside with her and pointed at a motorcycle sitting in the driveway. It wasn't too flashy, much like its new owner, and looked a bit worn. There was something distinct about it, though what it was couldn't actually be seen and identified.

Willow blinked, looking from the motorcycle back to Giles. Things suddenly felt really different. It was exciting, though, and she felt giddy imagining pulling up at the restaurant on the back of Giles' motorcycle. She walked down the driveway, as if inspecting the vehicle. "No, this is fine," she beamed at him, "looks... fun?"

"It is, surprisingly. I hadn't thought I'd enjoy it so much, as I was quite pressed at the time and it was the only thing available. But, ah, it has its charm," he moved to the bike, picking up the helmet. He only had one, and he offered it to Willow, "I'm afraid I'd rather be the one breaking the law and risking serious injury, if that's okay with you."

He helped her put the helmet on, standing close and carefully brushing her hair from her face before knocking on the top of it to make sure it was working. Smiling at her, he clipped the belt and then moved back to the bike. Turning the engine, he released the stand and held the bike steady with one foot on the floor, holding one hand out to her.

If it had been anyone else, she might have suspected a midlife-crisis, but this was Giles, and he had real problems to worry about. So she had already chalked up his changed appearance to his time in England, and the bike - well, he had said his car had been towed. Still, there were a lot of changes at once and she wondered if she shouldn't at least pay some mind to them. Later, maybe, when her brain had resumed normal functioning, she decided.

"So how do I get on this thing?"

"It's quite easy. Like mounting a horse. Just hold on tight, around my waist, if you're scared. I promise, I'm quite a good driver." He smiled, the motor of the bike purring idly as he waited for her.

Willow perhaps too much liked the feel of his hands on her hair and under her chin as he helped her get the helmet on. She took his hand, and put the other on the seat of the bike for added balance. She swung a leg over and slid on, bunching up the skirts of her dress under her legs so that they wouldn't get caught in anything. She threaded her hands about his waist, pressing herself to his back. "I trust you," she said, though she was a bit anxious about riding on the thing, even more so now that she felt the rumbling of the frame under her, and they hadn't even pulled off yet.

Giles laughed, making sure she was settled and safe before driving off. He drove them to a small diner, making sure not to go too fast despite the impulses. He couldn't help but love the way the bike moved, and the added bonus of having a beautiful girl riding with him didn't help him in his efforts to remember his actual age. Pulling into a parking spot, he stopped the bike and hopped off, playing the gentleman and helping her from it.

"That wasn't so bad, right?" He said with a smile, unclasping the helmet and taking it off. He hooked it to the handlebars, turning back to Willow and playing with her hair a bit. It didn't look too flattened from the short ride. Really, he was just using it as an excuse to be near to her.

Offering her his arm, he led her inside. They were seated by a man that seemed to know Giles quite well, and were soon joined by a chef and a man in a suit. They all spoke to Giles exuberantly, having not seen him for a while, and he introduced them to Willow. They exchanged amused glances and Giles told them to get back to work. Laughter and light teasing about how young she was and how hard he was apparently trying to impress her followed, and soon enough they were being waited on by a woman who also knew Giles. She looked a little less than thrilled that he had brought a date. He had never done that before.

The waitress took their orders and did her best to be nice, though her obvious regard for Giles made it a bit difficult to be as civil as she wanted to towards Willow. She went off to get their food and Giles looked at Willow, embarrassed and sheepish.

"I, uh. Used to come here a lot," he explained, "I've known the owners for years now, and they all, ah... seem to like me around. I apologize for the teasing. That wasn't... appropriate, really. I hope they didn't embarrass or offend you."

In truth, Willow was a bit embarrassed by the teasing. More than that, it made her uncomfortable at how they assumed she was his date, and not just an old friend. That's all she was, right? The reactions to the two of them being out together confused her, made her remember all the time she had spent wishing for something like this to happen - to go on a date with him, or well, just have him acknowledge the idea of a relationship. But she had spent almost equally enough time trying to make herself see how futile the hope she nurtured had been, and to be put into this situation where nobody knew about their complicated past but still – if even lightheartedly - insinuated things about them, it flustered her.

It bothered her the most when they commented on her age, that stung because it reminded her that even after all these years, she was still so young next to him. There was still just as much of a gap between them in years, though she liked to think she had done a lot of maturing in those years. She'd gone from being a naive 18-year-old to a woman in her mid-20s, but it was like that didn't seem to matter. It wasn't fair for her to read into the comments like that, though, to taint them with her own thoughts and troubles, and she knew she had to have thicker skin, so she tried to put on a positive face.

She patted Giles' arm. "It's okay, really," she reassured him, "though I couldn't help but notice how that waitress was looking at me," she bowed her head, laughing nervously. She didn't feel like asking if there was a more specific reason for that or if the waitress was simply fond of him on her own.

"Ah yes. She's always had a crush on me, I suspect, though honestly that's quite... unbecoming of her. She's married. Has been for years. I suppose she's just a bit territorial. She never lets anyone else serve me when I come here, and actually got mad a few times when I was here on her days off. It's a bit silly, really," he laughed, shaking his head and looking thoughtful.

Glancing around, he smiled at the cozy setting. It was quiet, subdued, and rather unnoticeable against the larger, more romantically viewed restaurants of the area. But it fit Giles perfectly. He felt like it was far too underrated for how utterly romantic it was, though he couldn't share the idea out loud without looking like a goon. He had a thing for what others thought mundane or boring, and he knew that. Books, libraries, antiques, little home-run diners: they each had their own brand of romance around them that the Watcher appreciated.

"Well, I'm glad this place is the same as you left it, anyway," Willow looked up again. "You said you were worried about that."

"In any case, the food here is very nice. I, uh, I wanted to bring you here a couple of times, over the years, but never worked up the nerve or found the appropriate time. And then I yelled at you for something I very well shouldn't have, and then vanished for months on end. I apologize for all of that. I know I'm... I've been difficult."

Willow, too, had noticed the subtle romantic appeal of the restaurant, though she had been doing her best not to think too much about it. Until he started apologizing, and admitted that he had wanted to bring her here before. She was forced to face her feelings, address the things he said in words. The last time hadn't gone so well, when he'd scolded her jealous behavior before he left for England, and the whole subject was so emotionally charged that it was difficult to talk about even without that added experience. Still, though, he had apologized, and though she dreaded mistaking it for more than what it was - after all, he could just be concerned for her feelings, without his own opinion having changed - it did seem like a rather pointed attempt to get to talking about their interpersonal issues.

"Shouldn't have yelled at me? Giles, I was out of line," she started, shaking her head, "it's... it's not my place to have a say in your life," she pursed her lips, "as much I used to think it should be. Still think... oh," she sighed, raking a hand through her pretty red hair. She didn't want to make a mess of this, or rehash everything she had said before, so she addressed the next point.

"I know you had to leave, it was important, and-- and I'm sure you had reasons for keeping out of contact with us, so don't think I blame you for that." That much was true, as hard as it had been to deal with his absence, she suspected the matter had been out of his control, for the most part. "It-it seems like you don't want to talk about it, though, so that's all I'll say."

Giles nodded, looking down at the table distantly. He was thinking about the events in England, unsure of what he was ready to share with her. He looked at her, smiling thinly, and he shook his head with a sigh.

"I understand where your concern for my choices comes from. I must admit, though I never let you see it, I was a bit flustered whenever I heard you were on a date," he didn't know how to say what he wanted to point out. How he understood that if he was having trouble with it, he imagined it must have been much more difficult for her. But how could he say that without looking like a jerk? He shook his head, "I think it's foolish to pretend we don't have some stake in one-another's lives. We... always will, I daresay, depending on... how the future unfolds from here."

Willow nodded through his explanation, certain key things he said causing those feelings in her to well up from where they were supposed to be suppressed. Depending on how the future unfolded? He had been flustered about her inconsequential dates? She had worried herself so much over the thought that he had all but lost interest in the agreement they had made all those years ago. It had been so long, and she often felt idiotic for blindly carrying a torch for him... but she couldn't change how she felt. Now she wondered if, maybe, the time had finally come, but she didn't want to get her hopes up. Maybe he would just tell her, despite their bond, he still wasn't ready. She didn't know. Everything was still so complicated. She prodded at her food with her fork until she was ready to speak.

He frowned, not liking how enigmatic he was being. Rubbing the back of his neck, he smiled as their food was served and they were left once more to talk. Or, more reasonably, eat. He played with his food, but dark memories had settled on him and he was finding it difficult to concentrate.

"I was called away to settle a matter with the Council," he said vaguely, "they believed me responsible for something and... ah... I had to show them that I wasn't involved. It got a bit complicated. In any case, there's a lot that I'm not proud of, and I worry that I may... I may still be in some trouble. I wish I could explain it to you, but I don't... I'm just worried you, if you don't already because of everything else, may... stop liking me..."

"You know I want to help you, if you're in any trouble," she said, moving pasta sauce around on her plate. "I... it's been seven years, Giles. I don't know what you could say that would change my feelings," she smiled, but it was marked with sadness. "Maybe it's stupid and I'm just living in a fantasy land, but I never stopped... liking... you," she was hesitant to use the stronger word. "It's been incredibly hard, but I value our-- friendship. I want to know what happened, when you're ready to tell me. You don't have to deal with, with whatever's troubling you on your own. I want to be there for you, when you decide the time is right," she sighed.

Giles frowned at his plate, then nodded. He wanted to tell her, but now he didn't think the setting was right. Irony was a cruel mistress. He looked up when her comment of how long it had been sank in, though it was a little while after she had said it. He drew a breath. Seven years. He felt horrible for that, very acutely, when he saw she was doing her best to downplay her feelings for him, even then. And he had selfishly made her wait, all the while knowing he had no idea what they were waiting for.

"I value you," he said, not bothering with the word 'friendship', "much more than I've been letting on. It's been so long since... that night, I can't honestly believe it. It feels strange to even be talking about it now, like it's still relevant or binding. I can't imagine how bitter with me you must have been at some points, forcing you to wait for any kind of sign from me that it... it did, in fact, mean as much to me as it did you. I don't suppose I feel very much like giving signs or being subtle any more. But telling you now is just as selfish as keeping you waiting, isn't it?”

"It... meant as much to you..." she turned the words over in her mouth, struck with a barrage of confusing emotions now that he was finally being direct. It meant more to her than she could convey, for him to admit to that after all this time, but she felt a selfish return to the feelings she'd had as a teenager. Why had they been made to wait at all? There had been so much inadvertent pain along the way, but she knew she was terrible for feeling like that since she had been the one to suggest waiting in the first place. And she knew why they had to wait, she knew the logic behind it, though after a few years it just seemed like he'd been drawing things out for no reason. When she's finally gone off to the University of Sunnydale, somehow that hadn't been enough. When she had come back from college, that wasn't enough either. When she'd expressed jealousy, he'd counseled her to become less attached... all the while never admitting that he had been just as moved as she by what they'd shared. It was hard to get a handle on all of it.

“I'm scared, Willow, of everything, and I don't know where else to turn. I honestly feel like I'm on the edge of something terrible, and I... I believe earnestly that they'll know what's in my heart better than I do. I fear you're in danger."

He sighed, looking up. He hadn't eaten anything, but now he didn't want to. He wanted to take her home and keep her safe. All his fears were in his head, all his imaginings and his nightmares, and all the warnings he had been given in England. He trembled, putting his fork down and hiding his hands in his lap so she might not notice.

"God, I'm a fool for doing this," he said to himself, unable to look at her.

"In danger? How? Giles, what's going on?" Willow's eyes searched his face from across the table, full of worry and concern. "You're back with us, now - all of us. As a team, we're strong. Are you... you don't think that terrible thing you're speaking of is something we can't face?" She had a bad feeling. The last evil entity that he'd doubted anyone else's ability to defeat had led to such a horrible experience. The demon, the turn to black magic. Willow's face fell as she remembered it, so long ago but still so clear in her mind.

Giles spoke again. "I don't want you to face it. Any of you. It's... I can't talk about it here. I don't know. It's not safe. I shouldn't have come back at all, I know, until I was certain it was done with. But he escaped and I couldn't be buggered to stay any longer. If something happens, it will be entirely my fault."

He shook his head, standing and dropping money, way too much, onto the table. He continued to shake his head. "I can't think about this right now. Come with me. I'm sorry about rushing you out of here. Just come with me." He offered his hand to her, looking desperate.

"I want to be with you, Willow, while I can."

Willow's head was spinning. She rose abruptly and took his hand, weaving her fingers between his as the left. She hadn't pictured that the long yearning wait would end like this, on a note of danger and urgency and anxious tension. But she accepted it, she wanted to be at his side in this delicate time for him, she wanted to do anything she could for him even if he didn't want any of the Scoobies involved. But what he said worried her, both in tone and words.

"Giles," she watched her feet as they moved from the restaurant floor out onto the sidewalk, "'While you can'? What does that mean?" She stopped him, put a hand to his cheek, her fingertips running over the rough stubble. "I-I don't think I could bear to lose you again."

"Let's walk," he said abruptly, turning from her gentle touch and leading her by the hand. He didn't care too much about the motorcycle, anyway. He had stolen it, so it only seemed fair for someone else to take it now. Besides, the last thing he needed at the moment was to be caught with it by the police. He knew his friends at the restaurant would take care of it for him. They owed him that much.

Willow looked over her shoulder, back at the bike, but Giles kept pulling her forward so she didn't say anything. She kept pace with him, her legs taking longer, quicker strides to match his speed. Her heart was racing, an unsettling mixture of confusion and... something approaching happiness... though she couldn't focus on that now. She didn't feel it was right to, anyway, not at that moment, because he seemed so serious and she was scared.

He didn't know where he was leading her, walking blindly while thinking. This was too messed up, even for who he had become. He couldn't just drag her away, get her involved in his life, and leave her to run from chaos and the threat of death should he be caught. It would be terrible for her, but in his heart he knew that him going to her now or leaving her absolutely clueless would make no difference in the long run. If he couldn't stop the chaos that was coming, that which he knew was coming, they would find Willow anyway. She was the only woman, after all, that he held in his heart. There had been no other real relationships. And all of the other girls he knew were loved on quite different levels. Willow was in danger, regardless of what he did now.

He just couldn't figure out how to tell her that.

"I did terrible things," he said quietly, as if to himself and against his own will, "while trying to free myself of a terrible lie. The cruelty of the situation is that I deserve everything that comes of it. I betrayed someone, and they betrayed me, and I fear he won't be content with how things had gone. The Council will turn a blind eye now, and he will come here. He'll find me and... and he'll find you, Willow. He's seen inside my mind, my heart. I'm sorry..."

She held tight to his hand with both of hers, clinging to him as they walked aimlessly along. After he spoke, she felt her stomach twisting.

"Betrayal--" her mind was turning, connecting the dots, "Giles is it, it's not..." she was hesitant to say his name. He had already wreaked so much havoc in all of their lives over the years, but this new development seemed to be very bad indeed, and Giles had kept from saying it himself, cautiously doling out meager details. “Oh, it is... isn't it? It's Ethan?”

"B-but I'll be safe with you, right?" she spluttered, her mind unable to truly process the gravity of his warning. She didn't like this, she didn't like that his return had to be on such a chaotic note, and that she was, somehow, still causing trouble for him. It wasn't rational, or logical, to think that, but she did. Because he cared for her, that put her in danger, which in turn kept him in danger.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Buffy Summers and the Se

t 1Buffy Summers checked herself out in the full-length mirror on the back of her bedroom door. She pursed her lips and applied another coat of high gloss pink lipstick to them. Dabbing them, she puckered her lips in an exaggerated motion. Smiling to herself she spun and looked her body up and down in the mirror.The skirt she was wearing was ultra-short, barely covering her panties, a yellow thong, and revealing the cups of her ass cheeks in the back as she spun. In fact, she had not worn this...

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Buffy Catches Dawn

Disclaimer: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" & "Angel the Series" and their characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and 20th Century Fox. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author.Dawn walked in the front door after a long day at school. "Hello? Anyone home?" No answer, but it was what she had expected. Buffy was probably off on...

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Buffy The Vampire Fucker

Buffy was searching for an ancient dagger in the bottom of this crypt, she was very sad because her boyfriend, Angel, was gone, Buffy was searching for a way to revive it with a ancient ritual dagger. She was searching, and she hear a strong noise comming from a door. She decided to open it, and behind it she find 5 white vampires. But they where not normal vampires, they were the old NightRape council, 5 vampires banned of the world because they were too violent. Buffy could fight them, but...

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer 31 Days of Summers par

Buffy The Vampire Slayer - 31 Days of Summers (part 1)1 AugustDear Diary,Here I am back to writing you, though I guess I didn't really write you before - it's all fake memories. But it still feels kinda real and who else am I going to tell my deepest, darkest secrets to. Not Buffy that's for sure.So, what are my thoughts.... well Cleveland sucks, all my old friends are s**ttered to where-ever their parents fled when Sunnydale went down the Hellmouth; I can't even escape to Janice's when Buffy...

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Buffy the vampire slayer

Just three years after graduating from Sunnydale High, and sticking up with the crap he recieved from principal Snider, Xander has not achieved a great deal. In 2000 (season 4) he hooked up with an ex-demon named Anya, he has not explanation of how they have lasted this long, but all Xander does remember is that one evening when Anya showed up in his basement, reaveling her petite body to him for the first time. Through out the year they tried several sexual fantasies to explore, and plenty of...

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

The Trio sat around their secret Lair of Doom (AKA Warren Parent basement). They were going trough plans to take down Buffy. So far all the plans were falling straight on their ass. "Maybe we should cut our losses. And get someone less tough to fight. Hmmm maybe like and old lady with super powers. Maybe Xander. Xander isn

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part VII

Buffy?s cock bounced and her balls dipped and swayed as she ran, but she paid her male genitals no mind. Now that the novelty of having a penis and testicles had worn off, she found them not so much titillating, as they?d seemed at first, but, rather, something of nuisance. No wonder Xander and the rest of the boys at Sunnydale High had worn jockstraps to keep them in check. The sphere continued on its course, toward the distant mountains of ice in the frozen northlands, and the Slayer...

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Beauty Power

This is a re-interpretation of a scene from the Season 6 episode "Grave". I have added Buffy's thoughts, and some actions not seen on-camera, but have not changed anything actually seen in that scene. Slight spoilers for the end of Season 6, if you haven’t watched it. The characters and dialogue are directly borrowed from the show for fan entertainment purposes. Dawn is over 17, and she and Buffy are not actually s*sters, but there is sexual contact between them that may not be to all...

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer The Orb of Kanuu

Chapter 1 Giles finally found references to the globe Buffy had got from that cult it was the Orb of Kanuu a magical orb from a hell dimension that allows its bearer to control minds. He knew he could do so much good with it. He could stop wars end all demons the possibilities were endless. As he was thinking about what he could do Buffy burst into his house. "Giles, Giles!" she shouted. She froze and stared at the orb in Giles hand. "Buffy are you..." Giles trailed off as he remembered the Orb...

Mind Control
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Looking after Dawn

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Looking after DawnIt was two years since Buffy Summers had sacrificed herself for her s*ster. At first Dawn had grieved inconsolably, and her friend Willow had worked herself into the ground trying to bring her back. The slaying duties in Sunnydale were divided up between the friends they knew and loved. With the exception being those who were too young to hold their own against the undead.But all the attempts had failed.With Dawn's Mom dead, as well as her s*ster,...

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Buffy the Vampire Layer

Since the dawn of time, when an individual turns 18 they go through a maturity which makes them extremely sexually active and desirable. To take advantage of this Governments of Earth created the Free Use law which means that all women who have reached the age of Sexual Maturity are to be completely willing to any and all sexual advances. And the Vampire Slayer is no exception, in fact their natural sexual desires are enhanced upon their 18th. As a result the Slayer becomes a truly insatiable...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampir Slayer Part V

Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part V By Cal Y. Pygia © By the time that Buffy arrived at Rupert Giles' apartment, the former librarian, her ex-Watcher, had just finished reading a new volume of what Edgar Allan Poe, in The Raven, had referred to as a "curious and quaint volume of forgotten lore." He'd just settled the large, leather- bound volume back onto the shelf with the others of its kind when he heard the knock at his front door. He checked his watch. It was nearly...

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Buffy The Sexy Slayer

Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Filled to the brim with sexy women and many possibilities for erotic adventures. So many ways that this show could be portrayed, just in a more adult manner. Now why don't you choose one. How about one were Xander gained the power of controlling others minds? Did he really accidentally summon a demon in the musical episode, or might he have got other benefits. With his new powers what will he do. Use them to fight evil? Or perhaps fulfill those desires for the other...

2 years ago
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BTVS Buffy Summers and the Sex Demon Part 4

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYERBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy Summers and the Sex Demon Part 4Part 1 - 2 - 3 - returned home after her evening with Faith even more convinced that something was wrong in the town of Sunnydale. By the time she got home, she had seen at least a dozen couples fucking. In their car, by...

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BTVS Buffy Summers and the Sex Demon Part 3

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYERBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy Summers and the Sex Demon Part 3Part 1 - 2 - walked through the halls of her former high school listening to the clicky-clack of her high-heeled boots on the tile floor. She smiled to herself as she watched the boys walking through the halls checking her out. She walked past a group of three football players...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 3 A Magic Halo Molds The Bimbo Goddess

Fink watched the girl on the throne. After she had fainted, nimble fingers had freed her from her leather mace. It left her stark naked. Her pale flesh shone ever so vulnerable in the glaring spotlights. He could see her well through the crystal-clear screen. It had sunk down now, covering her like a bell. Most guests and their bimbos had moved to Fink's end of the hall to watch what would happen. At first their patience was tested. The girl just sat there, naked. Her eyes were closed,...

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BTVS Buffy Summers and the Sex Demon Part 2

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYERBuffy Summers and the Sex Demon Part 2Part 1 - Buffy pulled up outside the Magic Box, the store that her Watcher, Giles, owned and operated. She usually tried to check in with him each day, just to make sure that nothing was going on that needed the attention of the Vampire Slayer. Buffy turned the rear-view mirror towards her and checked her make-up."My God!" she exclaimed.It was a mess. The blowjob she had...

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Faith The Vampire Slayer

Faith is the second vampire slayer. She is a loose cannon. She is sometime bad, sometime good, sometime trying to make up for her crimes. Where should we start with her Here the choices: You can go back when she was just a regular loose cannon good guy. She was a bit of a nymphomania back here. You can go back when she was bad and evil. The last choice is present day Faith.

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Buffy And the Gate of Gemino

It was just an ordinary mop up job to save the world for Buffy when Xander dropped in uninvited. *** Author's note: My thanks to the editor. This story can freely be posted to any free site as long as there's no fee for reading it. *** Buffy and the gate of Gemino (C) 2003 Nabiky S. Buffy flew through the room and landed soundly on her back. She wiped off the blood from her hurt nose. He was too strong. "Foolish girl, you are doomed," the demon master laughed as he...

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Buffy Gets Ass Punishments given With Feeling

Buffy’s Ass Punishments ; Given With Feeling & Revenge! M/F, Anal,Enema,ScatBy,Red Bottom AnalDisclaimer I do not own or benefit financially from the writing of this story.The TV Show and the characters belong to Joss Whedon.  All characters are over eighteen years old.  This a parody M/F, Anal, Enema, Scat.Please send comments and story ideas to [email protected] Part One:     Xander and two of his friends were sitting on the terrace that over looked the tennis courts.  Tim and Jay were...

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Buffy Catches Dawn

Dawn walked in the front door after a long day at school. "Hello? Anyone home?" No answer, but it was what she had expected.Buffy was probably off on one of her adventures and Willow was probably at Tara's house. Ever since Willow and Tara had gotten back together they hadn't seen much of Willow alone even though she had a room here.Dawn was somewhat relieved that Buffy wasn't there. She had worn a very short skirt to school that she knew Buffy would not have approved of. She loved wearing it,...

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All the Way a Buffy FanficChapter 2

“She’s taking it pretty hard...” Buffy said, she turned her eyes to her sister, Dawn. “Well, it’s not surprising.” Giles agreed, playing around with the ice pack on his face. “Though we can’t ignore this kind of behavior, something needs to be done before it spins out of control.” “You’re right,” Buffy agreed, “I’m glad you’re here to take care of it, don’t be too hard on her okay?” she added before heading upstairs and leaving the two behind to talk. Buffy walked down the hallway to her...

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Buffys Secret Fantasy

Buffy's Secret Fantasy Buffy Summers came home from school one fine day without her usual sidekicks in "evils of the night" eliminating, Xander and Willow. She had just got in the front door and realized that her mom was not home yet, so she took advantage of the opportunity to be alone for a change by bolting up to her room and locking herself in.Buffy recalled that earlier that morning her mom said she was working a little overtime on this particular day and Dawn was staying over at her...

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BtVS Buffys Secret Fantasy

Buffy Summers came home from school one fine day without her usual sidekicks in "evils of the night" eliminating, Xander and Willow. She had just got in the front door and realized that her mom was not home yet, so she took advantage of the opportunity to be alone for a change by bolting up to her room and locking herself in.Buffy recalled that earlier that morning her mom said she was working a little overtime on this particular day and Dawn was staying over at her friend’s, Janice, for the...

1 year ago
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Principles of Lust alittle buffy faith wil

"Tell me again why I'm doing this?" Faith asked, arms folded across her chest. "Because you love me," Buffy replied, grinning. "And because Willow has been feeling kinda left out lately. You and I have been doing the Slayer thing and the relationship thing... I just don't want to be absentee friend again." Buffy set down her grocery bags on the kitchen counter, and started unloading. "Besides, with my mom out of town and the house to ourselves, it's the perfect chance for a girl's night." Faith...

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Buffy The Erection SlayerChapter 7

Buffy looked at the man who was both the man who she felt like she might be falling in love with, and the man who Jennifer might be having fantasies about. "How are you two doing?" she asked. "He's nice." said Jennifer. "So what have you decided?" asked Buffy. "I don't know." said Jennifer. "I look around and all the other women are acting so ... slutty." She said it without heat. "But they look like they're so happy. I don't understand it at all." "Why don't you and...

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BTVS Drusilla Vs Buffy

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Drusilla Vs. Buffy Originally by GoolCaptain ([email protected]) Please note, everyone in this fic is above the age of consent, whatever that is where you are."One bright day in the middle of the night, Two dead boys got up to fight, Back to back they faced each other, With their knives they shot each other, Deaf policemen heard the noise, And came and killed the two dead boys"Drusilla rocked back and forth as she rhymed. Buffy lay splayed naked on the bed, her...

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BtVS Best For Buffy

Buffy woke groggily. She wasn’t sure exactly where she was. The ceiling was entirely unfamiliar, as were the walls, the sheets, and the décor. The very feel of the bed she was lying in was alien to her. She was certain she had never been here before. Groaning, she sat up, clutching her head, feeling sick. Oh god, what happened last night?The last thing she remembered, she had been out with the gang at a local club, relaxing after a hard week. It had been months since they had settled into...

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Buffy The Erection SlayerChapter 6

Buffy let Jennifer deal with her inner thoughts as she stood up and turned to face Melinda, who was looking thoughtfully at Jennifer. "Do you want to talk about Boomer?" asked Buffy. Melinda jerked her eyes from the same thing Jennifer was watching. "You have no right." she said, crossing her arms. "Charles has a place in my father's business. He'll be important back in Missouri. It's a good business. We'll have a good life." Buffy nodded. "Yes, I'm sure that's all fine. But...

1 year ago
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Buffy The Erection SlayerChapter 5

Clint picked up the phone and recognized Buffy's voice instantly. "Hi!" he said happily. "How's my favorite girl?" "I just dodged a bullet and need some help." she said. "Anything I can do?" he asked. "As a matter of fact, there is ... maybe." She launched into an explanation of the idea she had for the Pledges of Delta Chi Epsilon. When she was done there was silence from the other end of the line. "Clint?" she said. 'I'm here." he chuckled. "I'm just trying to figure...

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Buffy AS After Sunnydale

[This story transpires several days after the final episode of the series of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It involves Buffy and Faith on vacation in Mexico attempting to relax after the destruction of the Hellmouth and Sunnydale.]Buffy stepped out on the balcony after she and Faith returned from dinner and enjoyed the breeze. It was quite warm and the crash of the waves on the beach was very relaxing. Buffy took a deep breath and exhaled slowly wondering if her life still had any purpose since the...

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Buffy The Erection SlayerChapter 4

Buffy didn't know what to do with herself. Uncle Bob had called and asked if he could have Tiffany for the weekend to take her to a local carnival and spend time with his adopted great niece ... or granddaughter ... or four year old pal. So now Buffy, having finished her homework, had a whole weekend free to do whatever she wished and she didn't know quite how to react to it. She was thinking about calling Clint to see if he wanted to go someplace, or do something, or perhaps fuck her...

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Buffy longish

I hope you enjoy this effort to entertain. Your comments are the only reward an author gets and is more valuable than money. Buffy is from the upper classes of the UK. She has very definite ideas about what it is she wants to do on film. Buffy. My dotage was not so far advanced that I couldn’t get the old boy to polish up quite nicely into some semblance of erectile muscle and throbbing gristle. Occasionally, he would even put out for me and eject a thin stream of jism, but it...

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Buffy The Erection SlayerChapter 2

Twenty minutes after Buffy left Mike lying happily on his bed, with empty balls, she walked in the college book store where she worked about twenty hours a week. She didn't really have to work, as Uncle Bob and scholarships were paying for school, room and board. But for spending money and investment funds, Buffy decided to make her own money. Her usual work partner was already behind the counter. "Hey Boomer" she said cheerfully. Charles "Boomer" Wiggins waved without looking up from...

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Pure pleasure seeker buffy faith

Buffy's lungs were burning from exertion. She'd never run so hard and fast in her life. Even when it felt like her legs were going to buckle, the pain shooting up her shins, somehow they kept pounding the tarmac of their own volition. All she could see was Faith's hair like a dark cape whipping behind her as she ran. God knows how far they'd gone but the totalled squad car was far behind them and they were sprinting into an unfamiliar part of town. Faith seemed to know where she was going...

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Buffy Goes To Camp

Buffy could hardly wait to get to acting camp. She'd gone every year since she was ten and she loved it. It was outdoors, which she liked because she was a city girl, but what she liked the most was that she had friends there she rarely got to see. One of them was Megan, who was a special friend. They had learned to masturbate together at acting camp three years ago. They had been roommates that year and Megan taught her how wonderful it felt to stroke her little clitty and stick fingers...

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Buffy The Erection SlayerChapter 3

Buffy was thinking about Clint, and about how much she liked him. He was thoughtful and sweet and funny. She found herself drawn more and more to him. Until tonight her strongest hints that she might be available to him sexually had been deflected or ignored. But she didn't think he was gay. He seemed worried that she was white, but surely he could get over that. She'd assumed Melanie was his girlfriend, but he'd laughed at that. But he hadn't said he didn't have one. Maybe there was a...

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A Buffy Halloween Story

Chapter I: On October 31, around 6 pm, the gang gathered at the Magic Shop per the orders of their mentor Giles. Each person had received a message either by email or phone and called the next person on their list. It was the usual manner in which Buffy’s band of spook hunters assembled. Giles looked over the young faces and took note of who had managed to heed his call. Xander, Cordelia, and Willow all sat talking about something mindless and snacking on Halloween candy, unaware of the peril...

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Buffy and her friends confront a Halloween foe

Chapter I:On October 31, around 6 pm, the gang gathered at the Magic Shop per the orders of their mentor Giles. Each person had received a message either by email or phone and called the next person on their list. It was the usual manner in which Buffy's band of spook hunters assembled. Giles looked over the young faces and took note of who had managed to heed his call.Xander, Cordelia, and Willow all sat talking about something mindless and snacking on Halloween candy, unaware of the peril...

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Mistletoe Buffyfaith

"Hey B, sorry I'm late." I walked inside and hung up my coat. "Here, I got ya some presents..." I handed her the three wrapped parcels. "Thanks Faith, yours is under the tree. You're staying with us tonight, ok?" Buffy looked amazing, her hair was shinning and the top she was wearing just looked... wow. "I-" "You're staying." No argument. "Faith!" Dawn came out of the living room. "Dawn, Happy Christmas!" I gave her a big hug. "I got you a present but you can't open it until tomorrow, ok?"...

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Buffy Brandon white Goddess 2

Buffy Brandon White Goddess Part 2By lilguy Buffy visits a Black churchWarning- Racial domination, strapon, racial slurs by a white womanTed was in the church, with a limp. People were in the church celebrating the holidays and giving money. It had been 2 months sense he first ran into the dominant goddess Buffy Brandon. A racist white girl who he accidentally unleash on the world. The church wasn’t completely filled and he decided to light some candlesHe didn’t hear someone sneak up behind him...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 6 Visiting A Highly Conservative Mother

Walking with Dawn to the Penshaws was a mixed blessing. Her platinum halo seemed to attract male attention like flowers do bees. Or manure does flies, Buffy thought. She smiled wryly. Dawn's low riding miniskirt and prancing heels did nothing to make the male excitement flag. And her heavily lashed eyes missed nothing. There were whistles and catcalls. They only seemed to inspire the slutty teen to strut with an even more exaggerated sway. Whenever Buffy looked away, Dawn pouted her fat...

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