Erika's Adventure Part One - A Whole New World free porn video

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All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure - Whole New World. Part one This is the first part of what will hopefully be several different fictional stories of a young man's adventures as a transvestite or Tgirl. I hope you enjoy :) I've been a transvestite since I was a little kid. I mean at the time I had no idea what I was doing, but I was fascinated by girl's clothes and makeup. I was no sissy by any means, I liked playing sports and I was actually quite tough when I had to fight. The earliest time I could remember having the urge to dress was when I was ten; my parents were going out of town with my older sister, Sabrina, who was 14 at the time. I was staying behind because I was going to tennis camp. My older cousin Jennifer was babysitting me for a few days. Jennifer was 18 and she was beautiful, she always dressed very sexy and was always done up with makeup and nails, and she always had high heels on, and to this date I think that's where I get my love for high heels. Anyways Jennifer was very nice and we had a good time together. Through our time together I began to wonder what it would feel like to wear her clothes and her high heels. On the second day with Jennifer I decided that I would sneak away from tennis camp after Jennifer dropped me off and I would head home to try on her clothes and maybe my sisters. I was able to sneak out without being caught. No one was home so I snuck into my sister's room, that's where Jennifer was staying. I was too nervous to try on Jennifer's clothes so I found a cute dress from my sister's closet, I put on her bra and her panties, and I remember stuffing some socks in the bra. I was going through her shoes trying to find a cute pair to wear, but I couldn't find anything I really liked. I did notice a pair of Jennifer's black high heels, I tried them on and quickly found that I could not walk in them very well, but they did look great on me. Looking in the mirror with my summer dress and high heels I loved the way I looked. I really liked the way the dress would sway when I walk and how the high heels would click on the hardwood floors. I decided I was being brave so I put on some girlie music and started to dance. I grabbed some pink lipstick from my sister's drawer and carefully applied it to my lips. I was feeling so girlie, it was so much fun, and I was getting a bit better adjusting to the heels. I was a lot of fun dancing as a girl and I was lip-syncing to the Britney Spears song. With the music still playing I decided to grab a purse from my sister's closet, I grabbed a cute white purse and when I came out of the closet I was shocked to see my cousin Jennifer standing there with a shocked look on her face. I can still remember the look on her face, she was surprised but she was also holding back the laugher. For me it was the worst thing in the world, I was caught in my sister's room in her dress, with lipstick on, and I was dancing in Jennifer's high heels. All I could say was, "oh my god Jennifer, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't be doing this, I'm so sorry. Jennifer just looked at me and asked me what I was doing dressed up like this. I told her I don't really know why I was doing this, that I just felt like trying on the clothes. I began to cry and Jennifer came over and gave me a hug. She sat me down on the bed, and told me that it was okay and that I didn't need to cry. We talked for a bit, she wanted to know how long I have been dressing up like a girl, I told her this is the first time and that I would never do it again. She told me that I actually made a pretty cute girl, she said that I would look really good if I had long hair like a girl, and she told me she was jealous that I was wearing her heels, she said she wasn't able to wear heels until she was 15. We both laughed and it made me feel a bit better. I asked her if she was mad at me and if she was going to tell my parents and my sister Sabrina. She hugged me and told me that she wasn't mad and that she would keep this secret between them, but she said I needed to be a bit more careful so that I wouldn't get caught again. My parents were coming back that night so Jennifer told me to talk off my sister's clothes and helped me wipe the lipstick off. We never really talked about the incident again, Jennifer was off to college later that month, and the family put on a little going away party. Jennifer was especially nice to me ever since my first dress up incident. After the party Jennifer pulled me to the side and handed me a box, she said it was for me. I opened it and it was full of her old clothes, there were two dresses, a few skirts, some tops, a bra and some panties, one pair had the word juicy on it. There was a purse and inside the purse was some makeup and some nail polish. There was also a pair of high heels, the same ones I wore earlier. I was shocked by all of this and I didn't know what to say but I was very excited. She told me that I could keep everything that she outgrew them and since she didn't have a little sister that I could have them. She joked that I was quite lucky, that normally this would be going to my older sister. I told her thanks and she said that it was okay if I liked to dress up like a girl, but that it was very important that I was careful when I did dress up. She gave me a wink and said goodbye, I quickly took the box to my room and hide it in the closet. From the ages 10-12 I would dress up any chance I could. I didn't have much time to myself but it was a lot of fun going through Jennifer's stuff and playing dress up. I was very care not to get caught and I did wear some of Sabrina's stuff from time to time but I was always careful to return everything. By the time I reached 13 I was so busy with school, and I was a very good tennis player and I was a very good swimmer. I guess I just grew out of dressing up and between the ages, 13 to 19 I didn't dress up once, in fact I had thrown out all of the clothes Jennifer gave me, including the high heels, which didn't fit me anymore. I also had a girlfriend and I was pretty much living the life of a normal 19 year old. I just entered college and I was about to return for a second semester when I had a serious knee injury while skiing. I needed surgery and I was never able to return to competitive tennis again. It took me quite a while to rehab my knee and I had a very difficult time. I was very depressed, my girlfriend left me, and I started to put on weight. I had thought of dropping out of school, but I knew how important it was to my parents and they were paying for my schooling so I kept up with it, but my marks did suffer. I still hung out with my friends but I was spending more time at home by myself. At home I spent a lot of time online, I played some video games but I was also looking at a lot of porn. I am not sure why but I began to search a lot of transgender porn. I was so turned on by these hot trannies and shemales. I would masturbate quite often, but I would always imagine myself as one of the trannies. I never really thought of having sex with a man, I know I used to love dressing up like a girl, but I never really found men attractive, but looking at all this porn I truly wished I was one of those tgirls having sex with a man. It was at this time that I had the urge to dress up again. My sister was in her last year of teacher's college so she wasn't at home but she did still have some of her old clothes around. I would dress up when I could but her clothes were a bit too small for me. I wasn't a very big man, I was only 5'7 and although I put on some weight I was only 190 lbs, too fat for a girl, but not bad for a guy :) I managed to find some things of my sister's to wear and I gathered enough courage to buy a few things of my own. When I was alone at home I would dress up and I would chat online. I enjoyed being girlie and I took on the name Erika. I loved chatting with other tgirls, they would give me some tips and we would talk about why we liked to dress up as girls. I would get hit on all the time by horny men, but I wasn't really interested, although I did love getting the attention. One weekend, my parents were heading down to see my sister at college and I was able to spend the entire weekend as Erika. On the Friday night, a guy named Gregory started chatting me up. He seemed like a nice guy, although you never know when you are talking online. We talked for a few hours; we talked about everything from my dressing to tennis, and movies. Later on in the evening he told me some stories about past tgirls that he used to date. I had to admit it was turning me on to hear about him having sex with a tgirl. He asked me about my experiences with men, and I told him I have never dated a man before. He asked me if I was going to be online the next night and that he would love to chat with me again. I told him I should be online tomorrow, we said goodnight and I logged off the computer. Before going to sleep I started to masturbate and I was fantasying about having sex with Gregory. I imagined I was sucking his cock and that he was fucking me in the ass, I was so turned on that I came right away. I went to sleep with a big smile on my face :) The next morning I woke up and grabbed some breakfast, I turned on the computer and noticed that I had an email from Gregory. He said he had a good time chatting last night and that he was looking forward to chatting again. He also attached some photos, he was an okay looking guy maybe 25, he was a bit overweight but not too bad, he also sent me a photo of his erect cock. I wasn't really shocked to see the cock pic as other men have sent me pics, but I was chatting with this guy and I was surprised to see he sent me a pic of his hard cock. I wasn't really offended or anything in fact I couldn't stop looking at it. I was never really attracted to men, and a man's cock, but when I was dressed up I did wonder what it would be like to be on a date with a man, where he was treating me like a woman. I didn't really care if this made me gay; as I think gay is just a word. Anyways I went about my day, I went for a short bike ride in the morning, but I kept thinking about Gregory. That afternoon I went to mall which I would sometimes do, and I just sat on one of the benches people watching. I loved to watch the girls at the mall; I was intrigued but what they were wearing, their heels, and their hair and makeup. I also watched their mannerisms, they way the swayed, swung their arms when they walk, the way they would play and flip their hair. On this day I was also watching the girls with their boyfriends, how they held hands, and how they laughed together. I had to admit that I thought it would be pretty fun to be out at the mall with my boyfriend. As I left the mall, I passed by the drug store and decided I would buy a new lipstick that I could wear later that night. I walked through the makeup aisle loving the smell of makeup and perfume, I stopped at the lipstick sections and I started looking for something I would like. There were hundreds of lipsticks, so hard for a girl to decide. I was incredibly nervous and looked around to make sure no one was watching me, just as a reached for a covergirl lipstick one of the salesgirls came up to me and asked me if I needed any help, she even called me "hun." I was so freaked out that I just looked at her and started to walk away, as I looked back she has a little smile on her face, she must have known I was a little sissy, looking to by some makeup. Oh well I chickened out and I didn't feel very good about myself so I went home. Later that evening I started to think about Gregory again and I opened his email and was checking out his photos. I was so turned on by his cock that I decided to get all dolled up again. So I got undressed and put on my black panties and tucked myself all away, next was my bra, then my nude stockings. I wasn't very hairy and the stockings covered up any hair I did have. I was going with a black mini skirt with a red blouse. I went with my black three inch heels, I always love putting my heels on as I get all dolled up, it just made me feel extra feminine to walk about in my heels. I had a cheap blond wig and I did my full makeup. I decided tonight to add a little perfume and to paint my nails. Once I was done I looked pretty good and I immediately started acting girlie. I turned on my computer again and entered the chat room. There were some people online that I would occasionally chat with but truth be told I was really hoping that Gregory was only. I chatted for a bit and then decided to take some photos of me all dolled up. It was starting to get late and I was actually a bit upset that Gregory told me he was going to be online but that he wasn't. Is this what teenage girls go through when guys do not call them? I was just about to shut the computer off and head to play some video games when I got an IM from Gregory. I was so excited that he contacted me that I immediately wrote him back. We chatted for a bit and I told him about my makeup buying experience and he told me that I didn't have anything to worry about. He then asked me what I was wearing, so I sent him some photos. He said he really liked them, and then he asked me if I liked the photos that he sent me the evening before. I told him that I did like the photos and that I thought he was a handsome man. He then asked me if I liked the photo of his cock. I paused a bit but then I told him that I did enjoy it, that I was surprised that he sent it to me, but I did like it. He told me he took that photo while thinking of me. He told me that I was very cute, and that I had to expect that I would turn men on with the way I look. He then asked me about my experiences with men, and I told him that I had not had any experiences. He asked me if I was attracted to men, and I told him that I wasn't sure. He then asked me if I found him attracted and if I was turned on when I looked at the photo of his cock. I was trying to be honest with him and I told him that I did find him attractive and that yes I did look at his cock photo quite often. He told me that there was nothing wrong with being attracted to men, that many girls like me really enjoy dating me and having sex with men. We continued our chat for a while, and then he asked me what my plans for the night were. It was already 11pm so I didn't have any plans. He asked me if he could come over and hang out. I waited a bit but I told him that I don't think that would be a good idea. He said he understood but said that he would really like to meet me. He then asked me if I would like to go over to his place, he lived in a condo downtown. I told him it was late and that I should probably just go to bed. He said he understood, and truth be told I was very turned on by our chat and I was very curious what it would be like to be with a man. We chatted for a bit longer and I was still turned on, when he asked me one more time if I would like to come over to chat and maybe have some wine. I hesitated for a bit but then I just said, "sure." I can't believe I just said that but I was still pissed off that I chickened out earlier with the lipstick, that if I wanted to look and act like a girl, that I should try dating a man. I didn't want him to pick me up at my place so we decided to meet at a local mall. I would take my car and meet him there and he would drive me to his place. I checked over my outfit, re-did my makeup. I grabbed my purse and put my keys, some more makeup and some money into my purse. I headed out the door and I was unbelievably nervous. Once I got the mall parking lot, another car pulled up beside me. Gregory got out and I got out of the car to meet him. Gregory was quite handsome, he was about 30 years old, he was about 6 feet tall with an average build. He had a goatee. He drove a very nice BMW. We exchanged hellos, he gave me a hug then opened his car door for me. This was the first time a man has ever seen me dressed up like Erika. It felt nice that he opened the car door for me. Once inside his car he told me that I smelt really nice and that I had very sexy legs. Once we got to his condo, he held the elevator door for me. He could tell that I was very nervous and told me to just relax, we were just two people hanging out on a Saturday night. Inside his apartment he showed me around and he had a very nice place. He handed me a glass of wine, I don't normally drink wine but I thought I would give it a try and it may calm my nerves. We chatted for a bit in his kitchen, he told me how cute I was and how I would make a beautiful bride one day. We both had a laugh and I was getting a bit more comfortable. After about five minutes of small talk, he grabbed my hand and took me to the living room. I never held a man's hand before but it felt nice. He said we should have a seat on the couch, that it would be more comfortable. He grabbed the bottle of wine and gave me a bit more. We sat on the couch and we chatted some more. He then put his hand on my knee and once again complemented me on my sexy legs, I told him it was from all the tennis I used to play. We smiled at each other, but he kept his hand on my leg. Just then there was a knock on Gregory's door. He got up to answer it. He was chatting with someone, sounded like a neighbour. I decided to take this time to touch up my makeup, so I took my lipstick out of my purse and my compact and I reapplied my lipstick. As I was putting on some more lipstick, Gregory came back into the room. He apologised for the interruption. He noticed I was fixing my makeup and he made a joke about us girls and always worrying about our makeup. He sat back down and complimented me on how good my lips looked. I smiled and thanked him and put my compact and lipstick back into my purse. As I sat back Gregory leaned forward and kissed me on my lips. I was a bit shocked, but not totally, after all I was dressed up like a girl, sitting on a man's couch. I kissed him back. It felt a bit weird as his goatee scratched my face, but it felt nice to have a man make the first move. We continued kissing, and he slid his tongue into my mouth, and I accepted his tongue as we made out on the couch. As the kissing continued, Gregory put his hand back on my thigh and was rubbing my leg. I could tell he was totally turned on. He then grabbed my hand and put it on his crotch. I could feel his raging hard on through his pants. He was making me rub his cock through his pants as we continued to kiss. Soon enough he let go of my hand and I continued to rub his cock. I couldn't believe I was here, dressed up like a girl, making out with a guy, while I rubbed his cock. His cock felt so big, so hard. He now moved his hand up my leg so that he was at my panties. He slowed down a bit, and asked me if I was doing okay, I smiled and said yes, and he began to rub my crotch over my panties. I was so turned on that I came right there. I was so embarrassed, but it felt so good, I've never came so quickly before this was wild. We continued making out and he was still feeling me up, I still had my had on his crotch feeling his hard cock under his pants. He was moaning with pleasure, and he told me to take his cock out. I was about to when I quickly realized that I was about to suck another man's cock soon enough at this rate. I broke off my kiss and told Gregory I had to use the ladies room. I grabbed my purse and once inside the washroom, I looked in the mirror and saw this girl looking back, knowing I had just made out with a man, my lipstick was a mess, but the biggest thing was that I really enjoyed it. Looking at the mirror I knew that if I went back out there, Gregory was expecting me to suck his cock, I knew that that is the way it works. He was a man and he had needs, my ex girlfriend gave me a blow job once, but said she didn't like it so I wasn't exactly sure what to do. I have seen my share of porn but this was for real. I knew if I went back out there, there was no turning back. I could always just leave and go home, but I took a deep breath, fixed my makeup and my hair, checked myself in the mirror one last time and I tucked my purse under my arm and I went out to see Gregory. The clicking of my heels only turned me on more. Once I returned to the living room, he asked me if everything was okay, I told him yes and I gave him a smile. He grabbed my hand again and lead me back to the couch, we sat and he told me what a great kisser I was, he told me that I had the lips of a woman, very soft. They he said, "now where were we?" I smiled and played a bit coy, saying I wasn't sure. Then he said that I was just about to feel another man's cock in my hand. With that he kissed me again and held me tight, he grabbed my hand and put it on his crotch, I didn't fight him, I once again began rubbing his still engorged cock. He told me that felt really good. With that I broke off my kiss and began to unzip his pants, I still remember how cute my painted nails looked lowering his zipper. I reaching in and pulled out his cock. I couldn't believe how warm it was, and he was pretty big, about seven and a half inches. As I grabbed it he let out a long moan. He then told me to wait so that he could take off his pants, which he did along with his underwear and socks (why do some guys leave their socks on :) He sat back down on the couch and I once again wrapped my hand around his unit. Like I said he was seven and a half inches but he was pretty thick as well. I couldn't believe I was sitting here dressed up as a girl with another much older man's cock in my hand, but the most incredible thing was that I couldn't believe how smooth his cock was. I felt my own cock a million times and never realized how smooth it was. Anyways his cock felt really good in my hands, I touched every inch of it, I was studying it. It was quite obvious now that I had no problem being with a man and in fact I quite enjoyed it. We began to kiss again as I continued to explore his manhood. I was playing with his mushroom tips for a while which he enjoyed then I began to rub his heavy hairy balls. We kissed for about another minute, when Gregory broke off the kiss and told me my hands felt so good on his cock. I smiled and said thank you, when he told me, "Why don't you be a good girl now and put those beautiful pink lips around his cock." He smiled at me, "I know that's what you really want sweetie, from the first time I saw those glossy lips I knew it was only a matter of time before they were wrapped around my lips, so go for it baby." I was a bit shocked by his words, but truth be told, I was dressed up like a girl over at his apartment and I was pretty much giving me a hand job, so I shouldn't be surprised that he was so forward with me. So I gave him a little smile and I knelt down before him with him still sitting on the couch so that I was between his thighs. I had his cock between both my hands as I was looking up to him, "that's it baby, you want to be treated like a girl, well this is what girls do for their men, that's it, good girl," Gregory whispered to me. I started by kissing the tip of his cock, he had a beautiful head on him. I kissed it then made my way down his shaft. Then I ran my tongue from the bottom on his shaft to the tip of his cock, as he let out a moan. Now I was face to face with his head and I simply opened my lips and slowly engulfed his cock. I began to slow use my tongue on his veiny member as I bobbed up and down on his shaft. I wasn't sure if I liked how his cock tasted in my mouth or the smell of his manhood, but it wasn't that bad and as I continued to suck his cock. I quickened my pace and I put more pressure on his cock with my lips, I was very careful not to use my teeth. I had a good rhythm going for about five minutes or so, when Gregory's breathing started to quicken. He let on a moan and said he was about to cum. I was kinda surprised by this and took my head up off of his cock. He then grabbed the back of my head and pulled me back onto his cock, as he force my head to bop up and down. I knew he was about to cum, but I wasn't sure I wanted to have him cum in my mouth, let alone swallow his cum. I felt his cock tense up and he was more forceful with his hand on the top of my head, there was no way I could stop now. Then I could feel his cum hit the top of my mouth, it wasn't much and it tasted salty, but they moments later a huge squirt of come exploded in my mouth. He was holding my head down pretty well, and I couldn't really move as his cum filled my mouth. "Oh ya, that's it baby take all of my cum, that's my girl, swallow every last drop like a good girl," he told me. I swallowed it all and once he was finished he let me go. I stood up and he told me that if I was going to be a real girl that I had to finish by cleaning his dick off. I told him I had to go, I was pretty pissed off at this point. He told me that the night was still young and that we can still have a lot of fun together. I told him I didn't feel very well and that I thought it was best if I left. He laughed and told me that he wanted me to stay but if I wanted to go, then go. I grabbed my purse and hurried to the washroom. I rinsed my mouth out with water and brushed my teeth. I still had to make it home so I fixed my makeup to make myself more presentable. Once I exited the washroom Gregory was waiting for me, he told me that he would pay for a cab for me to get back to my car. I guess my emotions got the best of me and I started to cry, I tried to hold back but I couldn't. I just wanted to get home, I didn't want to get into a cab, what would the cab driver think. I didn't really want to spend more time with Gregory either but it was the less of two evils. He told me to relax, that I didn't need to cry, he said that he would drive me back to my car. I told him thank you and he joked that I really am a girl. On the car ride back to my car, we didn't speak much. Right before I got out, Gregory apologized to me, he told me he was sorry if he was too rough with me, that he didn't mean to hurt me, or my feelings. I told him it was alright, that I was just tired. I got out of the car, when Gregory put his window down and told me, "you really do make a very convincing girl, you are very pretty, and don't take this the wrong way, but you are one pretty good cocksucker as well." I told him bye and I got into my car as he drove off. I hurried on my way and made it home without any incidents. I got undressed and took off all my makeup and jumped in the shower. Once I got out of the shower and started to dry off I took a good look in the mirror. I started to smile, because even though the night didn't go as planned and I ended up getting pretty pissed off, I was able to get dressed up as a girl and go on a date with a man. I did enjoy the attention I received and I really liked being treated like a girl on a date, I enjoyed the kissing and truth be told I did enjoy sucking his cock, for the most part. I got changed into my pajamas and jumped into bed. I wasn't sure if I would dress up again or if I would ever go on a date with a man. I was pretty sure I wouldn't see Gregory again but the rest was up in the air. Goodnight!

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Evelynns strange adventure Part 3

Evelynn's strange adventure --------------------------- part 3, by Mr.G Part two of this story ended right after an unexpected evening of passion between Tamara and her room mate and best friend Evelynn, who seems to be more and more confused about her identity and gender. Since a few days ago when she had been transformed into a man named Adam by Tamara and her friend Keith using a silicone bodysuit, the now male Adam took his new masculinity to a whole new level and engaged into...

1 year ago
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Cyrus New Zealand Adventure Ch 02

The first chapter saw Cyrus beginning a new phase in his life, and taking the step to travel on an adventure to explore his passion for photography. Cyrus’ adventure is now about to begin as he prepares to leave Mumbai for Auckland, New Zealand, where he will spend a few fun and exciting days before he begins his journey through the North Island. Please do read Chapter 1 for a background on the story to follow. Chapter 2: The beginning of a new adventure Cyrus reached the airport, checked...

4 years ago
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Girls Go Goa Gone Journey Adventure 8211 Part 2

Hey guys thank you all for such an awesome response.I have got so many mails of all of yours love and also I came across some criticizer too.Well they mailed me because they like my content but unhappy with my representation. I will tried to do my best and if you see some mistake please tell me about it. Please make sure u have studied the first part of the story.Ty. Lets start the story. Vo sb subh 4:45a.M. Baje hi uth gaye aur tyaar hona shuru ho gaye sb jaldi se naha thookar tyaar hokar...

1 year ago
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Awesome Sex Adventure With My Girlfriend 8211 Part 2

This is continuation to my story submitted. So as we were moving slowly with her bare sexy ass outside window, suddenly 2 middle aged man saw us coming and I was quite exited about the daring act done by my gf. As soon we reached them they tightly slapped her sexy ass twice. One slap on the right side of the bum and second on the ass crack touching her wet pussy. As soon we came into senses I rushed the car and I puller in. she was completely frightened and then after a pause there was a...

1 year ago
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Trade Show Affair Part2 Boat Adventure

Four months went by, my life was back to normal after returning from the trade show. The routine was same old work, home life, sex life, Ted called in from time to time all business we flirted over the phone nothing too crazy for fear of being recorded and or caught. One day Ted asked me to text him my cell phone number, I told him I don't think that's a good idea, he was persistent saying it's good your phone is locked I won't text after 5 pm not going to make trouble for you. against my...

3 years ago
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Milwaukee Cuckold and his Wifesnew adventure

Milwaukee Cuckold's Wife and a New AdventureWe have been swinging for over 30 years. I am not well endowed and Judy likes bigger cocks so it has worked out well for us. Only a few people close to us know about the things we do. Two of Judy’s sisters and one of her best friends know. And one friend of mine knows or so I thought.The reason my friend Sandy knew was that she confided in me that she cheated on her husband. She even gave me all of the horny details and I could tell she was getting...

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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

2 years ago
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A Sensual Adventure of the senses part 2 The next encounter

The Next encounter was a few days later. We went out for dinner and then back to my place. The adventure starts when we get in the door. Over the last few days i had prepared a few special things for this encounter. I had been working out what i was going to expose her to this time. i was going to take her on a journey of her senses and will make her submit completely to me and my cock. We walked into the living room and i ask her to take a seat and i will be back in a minute. I go in the...

1 year ago
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Trip To Ecr For Adventure Part 8211 5

Swetha was turning horny and bolder after every adventure. Kindly read the previous parts for knowing how it all ended up to this chapter. This happened a month after the last adventure. I and Swetha were having a hectic week at the office and planned for an interesting trip this Friday. We had our dinner and started our long drive. And eventually, we came up with some adventurous ideas and talks. She was ready for any kind of plan under my supervision. This time I planned for something in...

2 years ago
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Cyrus New Zealand Adventure Ch 10

Cyrus has finally completed his solo North Island journey, filled with adventure and pleasure. Now begins the second part of his journey, where he will join Scott and the group in Christchurch, beginning his apprenticeship. Their agenda is to photograph every bit of the south island, penetrating into the most untouched and exotic parts. The journey starts in Christchurch and ends up in Queenstown after a lot of trekking, a lot of adventure and a lot of photography. Through the first month,...

2 years ago
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A new adventure

Anne and I have been been married ten years next month. Like many marriages ours has hit some rough spots along the way. About four years ago our journey was dealt a severe blow involving deception and lies. It all started when I came home early, with plans to surprise her with a early anniversary dinner and romantic evening. I could hear the bath running and decided to share my plans when she got out of the tub. I grabbed a beer and noticed Anne’s laptop open on the dining table. I took a...

3 years ago
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A new adventure

Anne and I have been been married ten years next month. Like many marriages ours has hit some rough spots along the way. About four years ago our journey was dealt a severe blow involving deception and lies. It all started when I came home early, with plans to surprise her with a early anniversary dinner and romantic evening. I could hear the bath running and decided to share my plans when she got out of the tub. I grabbed a beer and noticed Anne’s laptop open on the dining table. I took a...

Quickie Sex
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Hermione Ginny Harry Rons Sore Arse AdventuresChapter 3

Hermione still had a souvenir from her last visit to the doc. The long brown-haired coed was still quite sore which became apparent when her panties rubbed against her blotchy swollen red blood blistered and purple bruises that adorned her hurting bottom. She did manage a tense smile as she put on her schoolgirl scratchy wool black dress and left. She had no choice but to keep her office appointment Monday because she had failed to obtain the physical certificate which could not attend Brown...

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Adventures being Tied and Edged by Guys Adventure 1 Scott in Atlanta

Adventures being Tied and Edged by Guys. Adventure #1, Scott in Atlanta. Authors note:  I am a straight guy with a lifelong love of bondage.  I have had a special love for edging ever since I saw my big sister’s ?Joy of Sex? with the picture the guy tied spread eagle while the girl sat on him and teased his cock.  I have tied and been tied by women many times, and enjoyed it thoroughly.  However, when they took the dom role, I never felt like they were enjoying it.  A few years ago, after...

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Newport Adventures

This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...

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Hermione Ginny Harry Rons Sore Arse AdventuresChapter 5

Gator Note: The title says it all as the action shiftsfrom attention to Hermione and given to her friend Harry. An opportunity to set a story back in a place and time where ones creativity will make this a fantastic read. It had all started with a hurtful act by a suprisingly nice boy who was rude in an unfashionable way and that was his bottom watching or more more specifically visible panty lined butts. That had been the catalyst for a lonely eighteen year-old shy boy who did not have a...

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Hermione Ginny Harry Rons Sore Arse AdventuresChapter 7

Ron’s Point Of View POV Things really started to change when my lovely domme said the following, “Ron put on my panties!” That indeed as hard as it may seem to accept is what a feisty Hermione said to me. It was with those words my current events teacher in private held in her hot hand the trump card. While it may sound insane it once I put on her panties the die was set for me to do whatever she may say because this, woman who happened to be my teacher held my life and future class room...

2 years ago
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Erikas Adventure Part Two The Awakening

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure - Part two the...

3 years ago
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Hermione Ginny Harry Rons Sore Arse AdventuresChapter 4

Hermione was literally exhausted as she left Brown. The college coed was nearly asleep before her head it the pillow. Tomorrow would be ‘Brown Day’ and she along with other pretty coeds of note would move into the apartments on the outskirts of Brown. The Emma Ale a local hearty drink selection put her in dreamland fantasy suitable for such a girl of magical trains, castles and dragons. As Hermione drifted farther into a world of wonderment her pseudo-conscious took shape in the form of a...

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A Trip To Ecr Late Night For Adventure 8211 Part 3

Hi, indian sex stories readers here is the third installment of the nude adventures. It was again a boring week and would end up soon. As we all know Fridays were the longest days of the week. It was around 6 o clock in the evening when Swetha called and asked me if we can go out somewhere for a long drive. I knew she was indirectly wanted to go for an adventure and I’ve already started to plan out the next targets and dare to her. Once office was over I picked her up and went for dinner. Soon...

1 year ago
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Awesome Sex Adventure With My Girlfriend Part 4

Thank you all for those emails and comments. Appreciate your sexiness to read my story. This is the 4th part of my adventure with my GF Me and my GF both entered car from the back door and lied down on the seat so that no one can make out. The stranger opened the car bonnet and stood there. The cyclist came and asked for some kind of support and he said no and let go the cyclist. As we both saw in the cyclist disappearing in darkness we took a sign of relief and came out of the car. It was now...

3 years ago
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Erikas Adventure Part Three

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure Part Three I was still...

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Evelynns strange adventure Part 2

Evelynn's strange adventure --------------------------- part 2, by Mr.G A few words before the story continues: Dear reader, this is the second part of Evelynn's story, so I advise you to read the first part before you read this. If you have already read the first part and wish to read on, I would like to thank you for your time! I would like to write a few words in response to the people who were so kind to review the first part of Evelynn's story. Before all else I...

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Sonia A Dirty Whore Sonia8217s Adventure In Goa 8211 Part 2

Hey guys mai sonia ek bar phir apni story puri karne aa gai aapke pas please guys aap log aise hi mujhe sapno mai chodte raho aap log kai comments padhkar to mai kai baar jhad jati hu or yahi baat mujhe mazboor kar deti hai itni zaldi apni story likhne ko per dosto jisne meri first two stories read nahi ki hai wo please un stories ko read karlo sonia a dirty whore part 1 jisme meri sari details hai or ye story wahi se suru hoti hai jaha se sonia’s adventures in goa part 1 khatam hui to guys ab...

4 years ago
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Sexual Awakening Part Two Italian Adventure

Nan’s encounter with Andre had left her full of confidence and newfound sexual energy. She learned that not only could she enjoy sex, but desired it. And while her fling with Andre was completely gratifying, it also sparked a flame deep within her and the fire was building. With the French countryside well behind her, she fantasized about André as the train moved on. They had said goodbye in Austria, and now she was headed to Italy. She had always been fascinated by the tales of ancient Rome....

1 year ago
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New York College Adventures An Outdoor Adventure

Heres the next story! I listened to your posts, and I tried my best to add more detail to the sex. Hope you like it! Just in case youre new to my adventures, all of what I write down in 100% REAL, and they are events that occurred not too long ago (I started having sex with guys in mid-October). You should definitely read the others before getting here! And you should be able to recognize this guy from an earlier story ,) More stories are going to be written, so please be patient! And keep...

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The Adventures of Americanman Dreamworld

The Adventures of American-man: Dreamworld By Paul G Jutras Chapter One: Doorway of Doom October 31, 3086, a historical team uncovered a weird chest with pictures carved all over the outside. Each was dressed in hiking boots, knee-high socks, too tight shorts, sleeveless shirts and pit helmets. As one of them broke open the chest a mist rose out and formed into a skull headed demon. Rays shot from it's eye socks, transforming the girls' skin to plastic. As they fell over, the...

4 years ago
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Evelynns strange adventure Part 5

Evelynn's strange adventure, part 5 --------------------------- by Mr.G Two weeks have passed since the night of Mr. Gold's contest. The contest which Tamara and Evelynn had won. The sum of 25 thousand dollars was split into three parts, that's right, not two but three parts, since Keith decided one third of the money belonged to Evelynn, after all she definitely deserved it after her turbulent two weeks spent under Adam's dark skin! Speaking of Evelynn, well she was...

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His Adventure Her Adventure

When he looked back over the carcass of what he had, wrongly, as it had transpired, presumed was a happy marriage, he realised that the connubial deathwatch beetle that had done for the marriage had its genesis some six months previously when his wife, his ex-wife, as he supposed was the correct way to think of her, had pointed out an article in the English language version of an Italian publication she liked to read called, “Donna Cattiva.” The article was titled “Swinging the 21st Century...

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New City New Adventure

Hi All, My name is Dan, I am 27 years old, good looking with an average body and I am back with my latest adventure, with my hot neighbor. I moved to Bangalore last month because of a new job and rented a place near my office in Whitefield, and as destiny would have it, got lucky with one of my neighbors. Her name is Indu, she is 32 and is married for 5 years now, and her husband had gone on a business tour just two weeks before I moved to the house adjacent to theirs, since their only kid had...

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Futanari Pokemorhp Adventure Part 2

Thank you. Here is part two of my fun futanari adventure with monster girls. I hope you will enjoy. This chapter was a bit harder then I thought it would be. One reason that Pokemon battles are really violent when you stop to write them out. They seem so easy and clean when a battle is just text and effects going across sprites like in the games. So I'm going to add the tag for violence just for some of those battle scenes. Later in the story when we meet our villains there could also be...

1 year ago
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P90sex adventure part 1

The P90SEX Adventure Part #1 Friday night has become our favourite night of the week to go out. Today, in particular, is a perfect summer night with temperatures around 27 o C. My wife, Allie, looks beautiful in her skirt which falls just above her knees, and her top is just see-through enough. I mean you have to look to be able to see her beautiful breasts but if the lighting is right, you can. “Why don’t we stop at the bar for a drink before we go up to our room?” I suggested, as we...

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P90sex adventure part 1

The P90SEX Adventure Part #1 Friday night has become our favourite night of the week to go out. Today, in particular, is a perfect summer night with temperatures around 27 o C. My wife, Allie, looks beautiful in her skirt which falls just above her knees, and her top is just see-through enough. I mean you have to look to be able to see her beautiful breasts but if the lighting is right, you can. “Why don’t we stop at the bar for a drink before we go up to our room?” I suggested, as we...

Group Sex
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Some of the Dogging adventures that we have partic

Some of the Dogging adventures that we have participated in we did not tell anyone who my husband was, he was anonymous just one of the guys that showed up. Those are some of the most exciting dogging adventures we have because the guys do not know my husband is watching and participating. My husband say’s the guys treat me different, nastier and sexually erotic when they don’t know he is my husband. Now my husband wants to take it to the next step. He wants to hide and watch me with 2 guys...

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Life With AlphaChapter 9 Beta Bayonetta

Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...

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Hermione Ginny Harry Rons Sore Arse AdventuresChapter 8 Harry Hermionersquos Hiney Holiday

Howlaween It was Halloween night and the house was still. I settled in with a bourbon boiling brew and chocolate bars. Finally alone downstairs I had a chance to go through a large orange plastic jack-o-lantern found after scores of years in the attic. I poured out the contents inside my eyes lit up as bundles of vanished photos wrapped in orange and black ribbons like presents from decades fell to the coffee table. They had been mislaid decades earlier and found after my wife, Hermione,...

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Erikas Adventure Part Eight Date Night

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure Part Eight - Out on a...

2 years ago
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A Trip To Ecr Late Night For Adventure 8211 Part 4

Hi to all Indian sex stories dot net readers, let me get in straight with the 4th installment of ECR adventures containing nude in public, BDSM and cmnf situations. If you liked and wanted more of this drop a mail to If you admire cfnm, cmnf, BDSM, NIP situations drop a mail and we would have a fun chat and exchange our desires. I’m sure you would love to open up your desires. Call me Amiti. ThankYou. For our next fine trip, me and Swetha planned for something more than getting caught. It was...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 1

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...

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Hermiones New School

Hermione's New School[Contains fantasy ball-, tit- and cunt-busting, castration (many, some graphic) and big tit themes]HermioneHermione sat on the broken down school bus with her arms folded tightly across her budding breasts.“I bet I finger the new girl first.”“No way - I’ll have her stink on my fingers before home time.”A chill ran down her spine and she re-crossed her arms tighter over her tender young tits. It had been a month since she had been expelled from Hogwarts and a week since her...

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Anna and Ramone Ch 02

Hi guys, Thank you for reading the story and also for your feedback. I hope you enjoy the second chapter as well. T-Wnjk ********* Present Day ‘Anna? Anna?’ Ramone called looking concerned. ‘What?’ ‘You’re crying.’ ‘Oh,’ Anna said while wiping her tears. ‘Excuse me Ramone.’ Anna bolted to her bathroom and locked the door. Her heart was beating furiously and she rested her elbows on her sink with her head bowed down. She didn’t dare look at the mirror for fear of what she would see....

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The Adventure Of Our Lives Part 3

I know most of what I am going to write about are my wife’s various sexual adventures, but I also wrote I would write about some of mine. However, the total number of my own adventures pales in comparison to Brandi’s.After my experience with Brick, my self-confidence vastly improved. I started going out with girls on a regular basis. I even started seeing a girl named Kaye on a semi-regular basis, four or five times a month. I guess you could say we were going steady but we weren’t exclusive to...

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Hermiones ENF Adventure

Here we are with a newer version of the embarrassing adventures of our favorite bookworm witch. She will have an humiliating time full of exposure either by accident or deliberate.

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A Daughterrsquos Adventure part 1

A Daughter’s Adventure part 1In my last story, I told you how I became a slut. I was indeed just like my mother. She was a slut and I had become one myself. I was even fucking my math teacher. I told you about him in my last adventure. My mother had just married John in June. He had also adopted me. I had taken to calling him daddy and he called me Princess. We both had blonde hair so my friends thought he was my real father and no one knew any different.In July I had a riding accident. Ginger...

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Anna and Ramone

I’d like to thank michchick98 for her help in editing my story. Any grammatical errors found in the story are purely mine. Present day Anna and Ramone were eating ice cream in her apartment whilst reminiscing of their time together. They’d been friends for 20 years now and although life had pushed them into different directions, they remained the best of friends. It was November and they were discussing their plans for Christmas. They’d both turned 30 in the course of the year and were...

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Adventure With Sex Bomb Teacher Sneha In Tokyo 8211 Part 4

Hi all! It’s me Arjun and I am back with the story. First of all, I apologize for the delay and I hope you will forgive me. I recommend newcomers to take a look at my previous chapters before reading this one. Now let’s get started, shall we? After the intense blowjob, we took a break and chatted for a few minutes. M: That was one hell of a blowjob. S:  I am glad you loved it. M: Guess you have a pretty good experience, huh. S: Not that many but yea you could say that. In the meantime, we had...

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Awesome Sex Adventure With My Girlfriend Part 3

This story is in continuation to the first part “Awesome Sex Adventure With My Gf Part 2”. As the night was getting darker and darker me and my GF were becoming me and more horny and thirsty for more adventure. I told her lets go back home will have some horny and passionate sex and will come tomorrow night for more daring fun. She said no and said I want to do masti right now as if there is no tomorrow. I said what do you want?. She came close to me her bare boobs was touching my chest, holded...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 12 Ramone

Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...

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