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It had been a month since Sirius' death and Harry was still as remorseful as ever. He still cannot overcome his guilt about what happened to his godfather. He blamed his ineptitude in Occlumency and hero complex as what his friends called him before. If he had not been foolish enough, he would have realized that there is still an Order member in the school, although he couldn't blame himself enough for that. He still didn't trust Snape and that might be the reason why it did not occur to him to ask for his assistance. Besides, he knew that Snape detests his godfather and would probably just ignore his plea.
However, if he had really taken his Occlumency lessons seriously, Voldemort would not have been able to manipulate his thoughts. It was fault…why was he so stupid! Now, his stupidity and recklessness caused his godfather's life and he could never forgive himself for that…. With that final remorseful thought, Harry eventually fell sleep, taking with him a guilt so great that Voldemort was once again able to penetrate his mind.
"Potter, once again you fell into my trap! How can you even dare hope to defeat me, the greatest wizard of all time, with your pathetic attempt at magic? I assure you that more of your friends shall die and you would never be able to stop me from conquering the world that is rightfully mine!" Voldemort's laughter echoed in his ears and his scar bled almost mercilessly.
Harry was forced awake by that recurring nightmare. It had been his constant dream since Sirius died. Sometimes, he wished that he wouldn't need to sleep anymore. He tried to stay awake the whole night but after almost a week, his body gave up on him. He could not fight his sleepiness anymore. He even wished that the Dursleys would still give him a hard time just so he could think of something else aside from brooding about what happened in the Department of Mysteries last month.
But no, true to his word, his Uncle Vernon struggled with himself not to give him a hard time. The whole family, even Dudley, did not require him to do household chores anymore. They didn't pick on him anymore and it had been so silent since he arrived that he almost wished for them to return to their normal behavior so he could feel some sort of normalcy in his life. It was so pathetic. He felt so desperate and powerless. So unlike the wonder wizard boy that everyone in the magical world imagined him to be. How they would laugh or be scared if they saw their "savior" moping around the house with nothing to do and with nothing that he could do to finally fulfill the prophecy that everyone expected him to accomplish in the soonest possible time.
He gazed at his window again, hoping for even a measly scribble from his friends at Hogwarts. A month had passed but no one had written him with even a single hello.
"Maybe they are also angry at me because of what happened….maybe they hate me now…maybe they don't want to have anything to do with me now….maybe….no, I should not be thinking this way…" He hastily chided himself…maybe they just can't…but …
He was suddenly distracted by a minute owl flying towards his window…he felt excited…finally, a letter from his friends…He could not recognize the owl but who cares…finally someone cared enough to owl him.
Dear Harry,
How are you? I have been trying to write you a letter since the end of last term but I can't seem to find the right words. I know most people think that I am a little bit off but I am fairly sure that you are not one of them.
I meant what I said before…our loved ones are just behind the veil….We heard them..we just can't see them but maybe later we will find a way…
Wouldn't it be wonderful if one from Hogwarts will be able to solve that mystery? My mom, she worked for the Department of Mysteries before you know, said that they have been trying to solve that particular mystery for a very long time but no one came close yet…for all we know, Hermione will be able to solve it in the future….She's so bright. Do you like her?
Oh, it seems that I'm rambling again…I am so lonely here. Father is away somewhere and I don't have anyone to talk to. No one writes to me…I sure hope you will find some time to reply.
Luna?!? Harry stared at the letter in shock. Luna, the one who everyone teases as Loony, owled him while his so-called friends couldn't even find a way or time to write a simple hello to him. He shook his head in amazement and frustration as he got up to get his quill and a small bit of parchment to reply to her letter. At least someone cared…although he was a little curious about why she asked him if he likes Hermione and why she wrote "love" at the end of the letter but maybe he was thinking too much…
Dear Luna,
Hello! Thank you for writing…I know we have not been able to talk much before but I really appreciate your letter. Like you, I have nothing to do here too. The others are too busy doing something but I'm stuck here. I'm feeling quite useless actually. All I do was read the same thing over and over again. I'm really glad you owled me.
About your letter, actually I am not so sure yet about that veil but maybe…maybe you are right. I am quite confused right now. I think Hermione is really intelligent and she might work it out someday if she believes it is something worth solving. She's a great friend actually but I don't like her in that way. She's one of my bestfriends. Why do you ask by the way?
Classes is approaching. Would you like to go with us to buy school supplies at Diagon Alley? I have not gotten the letter from Hogwarts yet but maybe it will arrive soon…
Your friend,
'There', he thought, 'someone feels as empty as me...at least someone understands...I hope she replies soon...'
Harry sat on his bed gazing at the window, watching as his owl, Hedwig, flies away to its destination. For the first time that summer, a flicker of a smile crossed his lips. And for the first time, his dreams had been as boring as his real life...
The next day, Harry got up, made his bed, ate a hearty breakfast and proceeded to his room to wait for Luna's reply... If she was as bored as she said she was, she would have a reply for him today. True enough, the minute owl, which he now recognized as Luna's owl, came rushing to his window and flew directly to him. Harry excitedly extricated the parchment from the owl's lap and led it to Hedwig's cage to quench its thirst. He almost ripped the paper in his haste.
Hi Harry,
Wow, that was quick! I was not really expecting a reply so soon...well actually, I was not really expecting you to reply. But I'm so glad you did. Did you just invite me to meet you at Diagon Alley? I would love to! Thank you very much.
By the way, Father has informed that he won't be coming back. I'm not sure what happened and I don't know what he meant by that. I'm really worried. This is the first time that my father was away so long. Do you think he found some Crumple Horned Snorkacks in his journey and was too busy to come back? If that's the case, then I would perfectly understand. Those creatures are very interesting and father probably decided to stay there to learn more about them.
I'm lonely though. I don't have anyone here with me and the gnomes etc...are driving me crazy. But I know Father will get me after he is finished with everything he wants to do there. We will celebrate Christmas together. It will be a happy reunion and I can finally prove that Crumple Horned Snorcacks do exist.
You know, I have read from a muggle book that people can still communicate with those from other dimensions through a medium. Is it true? I wanted to talk to mom but I can't seem to find the correct potion or incantation for me to be able to do that. Father should publish something about that in the Quibbler someday, what do you think? Speaking of the Quibbler, I think our magazine is having some problems with the wizard printing press. No issue has been released for almost a month now.
Father told me not to worry about it but I miss solving the crossword and without that, life is so much more dreary in this place.
I wish you are doing better there. Don't you worry. Time flies so fast anyway....hope to see you soon!
'Something is wrong', thought Harry, as he stared at the parchment.
Chapter 2 - A Chat with Aunt Petunia
Harry stared hard at the parchment wishing he knows what's going on. Something was definitely not right! Even the Daily Prophet didn't send him newspapers anymore. He stopped writing to his so-called friends after sending several letters without any reply. He was inclined to think that all has been a dream if not for Luna's letter and all the books of enchantments sprawled on his bedroom...
Then suddenly, it came to him. Why not take a leaf from Hermione's book and try to learn a few advanced spells himself...... something like apparition...or maybe something else...Surely, the Ministry is still monitoring him and will dispatch wizards if they catch any sign of magic in Privet Drive. WIth that thought, Harry proceeded to his new productive escape from boredom.
If he could master apparition then maybe he could go to the Burrow, Grimmauld Place or Hogwarts and find things out for himself. He could just imagine Luna being scared but putting a tough front all the same. He must find a way to help her.
How to Apparate:
You must empty your mind except for the place you want to appear to. Picture it clearly on your mind and summon your power from within to let your body dissolve into atoms and travel at lightning speed to that particular place. Remember to imagine your whole self traveling so as not to leave anything behind.
For beginners, one must point their wands to their chest and utter "Apparato and wherever you want to go" clearly. This is a very advanced spell and one must be very careful in attempting this. As the wizard becomes more proficient with this spell, the requirements will be lesser. Soon, just mere thought of the spell will bring you to wherever you want to go.
'Hey, this seems easy enough' thought Harry. 'Kind of like Occlumency'. He practiced for almost an hour until he got the hang of it. Soon he was apparating to any part of the Dursley's house with his wand. It never even crossed his mind that other wizards would not have been able to do that within an hour.
Dear Luna,
Don't worry too much. I think your father has a good reason for not coming back. Maybe he really was able to encounter some Crumple Horned Snorkacks and ....
Harry's line of thought was suddenly distracted by the sound of owls coming to Privet Drive. 'Finally!' he thought....but no, the owls did not go to his window as usual. He did some quick thinking. The only person in the house aside from him is Aunt Petunia. If the letters were not for him, then maybe it was for her. Without stopping to get his wand, he immediately apparated to the kitchen where he found Aunt Petunia nervously reading the parchments.
"Aunt Petunia, who are those letters from?" He decided to approach her nicely since he doesn't want to risk her getting all nervous and refuse to answer his questions again like she did last year when Dumbledore sent her a howler.
"Umm....ahh....I can't tell you...I swore to keep....oh, what am I saying? Vernon will be mad at me and Dudley..." said Petunia awkwardly, desperately trying to hide her nervousness as she hid the letter in the pocket of her dress.
"Please, can you please tell me? Uncle Vernon and Dudley are not here. They don't need to know that you have been talking to me about .... you - know?" Harry fumbled for the correct words to soothe her nerves. At her emotional state, she might go off without telling him anything if he didn't choose his words carefully.
Aunt Petunia took several deep breathes and busied herself with washing the dishes before she looked at her nephew again. But what she said took him completely by surprise.
"I was a witch, Harry."
"What?!? Excuse me?" He must have heard wrong. There's no way that her Aunt is a witch. She hates them.
As if reading his mind, she made two cups of coffee and motioned for him to sit down on the table with her. She looked at the window as if remembering some very unpleasant memories.
"I said I was a witch, Harry. Just like your mother. "Was" not "is". I don't hate her as much as I said I do. It is more like my sense of self-preservation taking over. I enjoyed being able to do magic once....until something happened..." At this point, Aunt Petunia gazed nervously at the door and seemed to hesitate before she continued. Harry looked at her expectantly but did not press her.
"Do you remember my reaction to Dementors when they attacked you and Dudley last year?"
Harry recalled the situation very well. He was not only anxious and irritated that time but also insanely curious as to why her aunt remembered that bit of information about the wizarding world after several years of ignoring their existence. He nodded patiently and encouraged her to go on.
"Dementors attacked our house during the reign of Voldemort and has taken the whole family except for Lily who was at the wizard hospital that time. They brought us to Azkaban along with some other wizards. I didn't understand it the time. I was so young and hadn't even went to Hogwarts yet. I thought only the death-eaters attack and kill people but that was my first time to encounter dementors. But it turned out that the dementors kept us there to for food. They extracted all our happy thoughts and drained all the magic within us.
Soon, the prisoners were dying one by one until only a few remained. We were rescued eventually but it was too late. The survivors were reduced to being muggles and were forced to live a muggle life from then onwards. Of course, our memories were modified except for our parents because they still had Lily to consider. Mine was lifted when Lily and James were murdered by Voldemort and I had to take care of you. That's why I was so bitter. You reminded me of the life I once loved but was forced to leave. I also misdirected my anger to Lily. Why did she survive when all of us did not?" Aunt Petunia gritted her teeth to control the tears that are currently flowing on her cheeks.
Harry was dumbfounded for a moment. He didn't know what to say. How come nobody told him about what happened to his aunt. But it was a long time ago, perhaps nobody really remembers that his aunt was once a witch. Surely, Dumbledore would know but...how come he did not tell him? Several thoughts are flowing through his mind right now but couldn't quite articulate his thoughts. He just sat there and looked at her aunt in wonder.
Sirius said before that dementors really had that draining effect on wizards and only strong ones can hold on to their powers and sanity for a long period of time. His aunt was still young that time. She was not that strong yet...but Sirius said that it is possible for the magical powers to return after some time.
"Hasn't your magical powers returned yet?" He cautiously asked his aunt.
"No, it hasn't. When Dumbledore lifted my memory charm, he said it will return after some tme. I was hopeful for a while but after several years of trying nothing has happened and I grew more bitter than ever." she answered while still gazing hopelessly at the window as if waiting for something or someone.
"But surely, Dumbledore would...."
"Dumbledore stated quite clearly to me that there is nothing that he can do. Only I can make it reappear but I can't." she answered bitterly. She got up suddenly and motioned for him to come closer as if afraid that someone will hear what she has got to say.
"But he also hinted that if the boy-who-lived destroys the dementor's leader then every witch and wizard who suffered in their hands will regain their powers and be able to help him defeat Voldemort. I assume it was you, Harry. Please don't tell Vernon and Dudley but I really want my powers my back if only to be able to do something in this coming war. I hate being halpless. The dementors' attack last year reminded me how powerless I am to stop them if they ever decide to capture all of us. Please help me." she looked into Harry's deep green eyes and did something that Harry never expected her to do before. She hugged him... like a mother embracing her favorite child.
"Do you have a wand?"
"I asked if you have a wand. I figured if I have to try to regain your powers then maybe I should start with teaching you basic spells so that you know how to use them when the time comes..."
"Do I need one? Well, as far as I can remember, I used to do magic before without a wand. You yourself never used a wand before in some of the magics you performed. Remember when you managed to grow your hair back and the time when you made the glass in the zoo disappear. I knew it was you. I just chose not to say anything." Aunt Petunia plainly looked bewildered at the mention of needing a wand for basic spells.
Harry looked confused for a while too...'Come to think of that. Dumbledore doesn't always need a wand to perform some spells too...' He looked at her aunt with a new found respect. She made him remember something that he just took for granted before. 'Wandless magic....yeah, it's possible'. He smiled at her aunt.
"Well, since we cannot go to Diagon Alley yet to buy you a wand, let's try practicing wandless magic first. Wait for a while, I'll just get my spell books." Harry quickly apparated to his bedroom. He was already there when he realized that he just apparated without using his wand and without too much effort on his part.
He noticed his unfinished letter and tried to finish it as quickly as he can before apparating back to the kitchen.
Dear Luna,
Don't worry too much. I think your father has a good reason for not coming back. Maybe he really was able to encounter some Crumple Horned Snorkacks and is probably too excited for words. Lots of things seem to be happening but I can't figure out what yet.
Please do try to be careful there and owl me as soon as you find any unusual thing happening.
Your friend,
Chapter 3 - The Training Begins
"Now this spell is one of the basics. It's for levitation, the incantation is 'wingardium leviosa'. The wand movement is swish and flick then say the incantation clearly. Let me demonstrate it with a wand." Harry carefully levitated one of the chairs to another part of the kitchen while his aunt watched like an eager freshman at Hogwarts.
"I'm not quite sure how to do it without a wand yet since I have no control yet over wandless magic. All those spells I did before were just done accidentally. I have no idea yet how to do them but at least learning the spells will be good for starters." He smiled feeling like the session is just another meeting with the other members of Dumbledore's Army or DA, the club they formed last year in defiance of the useless Defense Against the Darts lessons that Umbridge had subjected them to.
Aunt Petunia nodded enthusiastically while taking down notes. She plans to review and memorize them later. Then she looked at his nephew as if trying to recall something.
"Now here are other useful spells that we learned in school. "Accio" to summon things, "Rictusempra" to tickle someone, "Expelliarmus" to disarm your opponent, "Tarantallegra" to ---" He was cut suddenly by sudden gasp from his aunt.
"Harry! I think I have just remembered something. Can you recall all those that you have done wandless magic? What were the conditions then?" She asked curiously.
"Umm....well, as far as I can remember, I usually do that when I am extremely agitated or very scared. Any extreme emotion actually. Why do you ask?"
Aunt Petunia looked nervous again as she tries to find something in her pockets. Harry observed his aunt carefully and the letter that she received a while ago crossed his mind again.
"Does this have anything to do with the letter I asked you about?" He was really tired of this secrecy thing but he knew he must be patient. Recklessness just caused him a lot of trouble before.
"The note was from Dumbledore." She answered carefully while handing him the parchment. Harry hastened to read the short message-"IT IS TIME..."
"What does this mean?"
"It means that since it is your 16th birthday today, I must now tell you some things that we concealed from you. You need to know in order to prepare for the war properly. Much as I hate to admit it, you have to know the truth. I owe you so much for treating you like dirt, you don't deserve it, and for saving my son's life last summer." She stood up and paced the room trying to organize her thoughts.
"It also means that things are going bad because Dumbledore or any other adult wizard is not present for this. It is up to me now to help you discover some of your hidden potentials." She suddenly stopped and looked at him in the eye. "I need to help you develop wandless magic because any unarmed wizard is very vulnerable for attacks. Do you understand? It will be terribly difficult because I can only help you but I cannot show you."
Harry saw tears flowing through her cheeks but he was too shock from numb to say or do anything... Things were that bad? What did she mean? Mind games was one thing but leading a very dangerous life without knowing what was going on was making his emotions reach its limit. Suddenly, the rage bottled inside him pushed towards the surface.
"Harry! HARRY!" His aunt shouted at him nervously as the cups on the table exploded with a loud bang and almost everything were moving as if a tremendous earthquake is causing it. Plates flew everywhere and the wind was so intense that it became very hard for Petunia to go near his nephew who looks as if he was in a trance. His whole body was emitting a golden glow that was very similar to what happened last summer when Vernon pressured him into answering his questions.
"WHAT IN RUDDY HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" Vernon hollered as he stepped into the living room and froze in his tracks as he noticed his nephew radiating all the enerqy that is wreaking havoc into the whole house.
"STOP THIS NONSENSE NOW, BOY! OR YOU WILL BE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE! GO TO YOUR ROOM! NOW!" He ventured and pretended to watch TV while stealing nervous glances at his nephew.
As quickly as it had come, Harry found his wits again and managed to put a stop to it. He grimaced as he surveyed the surroundings and found his aunt staring at him with an unfathomable expression. Ignoring his uncle's presence, he immediately repaired the damaged he had done and apparated to his room where he found Hedwig waiting for him. He desperately searched for any sign of anything that he might have brought but there was none.
Hedwig nipped his palm apologetically as if terribly ashamed for not being able to bring him anything. Harry slumped to his bed in shock. It was his 16th birthday today and not a single soul cared enough to send him a single bloody note! Hell, even a simple 'Hi' will do just so he'd know they are still alive! 'WHAT'S HAPPENING!!!' his mind screamed in agony.
Throwing all caution to the wind, he rapidly got up and packed all his belongings. He had to know what's going on outside. How could they expect him to fight back if he was blind to the current situation! God! Better die outside fighting evil than die here of anxiety. Just as he was getting ready to leave, the door swiftly flung open with his Aunt Petunia blocking his path.
"I can apparate you know." He dismissed her attempt to stop him but his aunt grabbed him hastily and whispered furiously at him.
"Don't you leave now! We still need to finish the lessons. You know that you need to prepare and without the others, you have no choice but to listen to me for now. You have the power but you cannot control it yet. Don't you see? The amazing display of magic downstairs was great...but....that.....is......not.......enough! Tomorrow, after your uncle goes to work, we will resume. It is imperative that we do this before you do anything else. Understand?"
Harry nodded weakly. "Of course, you're right."
"YOU WILL HAVE NO FOOD TONIGHT, BOY! DON"T SHOW YOUR UGLY FACE IN THE LIVING ROOM AGAIN! DO YOU HEAR?" His aunt suddenly shouted at the top of her lungs while smiling at him knowingly. Harry smiled at her too realizing that it was just for his uncle's benefit.
"That's good, Petunia. That scum should be really taught a lesson. You know we should not have taken that low-life here. He's causing too much trouble. What's for dinner? And where's Dudley?" Harry heard his uncle say to his aunt before he closed the door. He did not hear the reply but he doesn't care.
The next day's lesson went quite smoothly. After what happened what happened the previous day, Petunia was able to explain about wandless magic better.
"As you probably have noticed, you are able to access your powers only when you are experiencing extreme emotions like anger and desperation. So, this is very similar to the 'patronus charm' you used to repel the dementors. Try to think of some event, thing or person that can heighten your emotions. You must focus on the positive feelings though, leave the negative ones to the evil wizards. Your magic will be stronger that way."
The lessons went on without Vernon and Dudley finding out. By the end of the week, Harry had almost gotten the hang of wandless magic and Petunia has memorized the necessary incantations and wand movements although she cannot apply them yet. Even their relationship had gotten better. Harry could now call her 'Aunt' without feeling rebellious.
The nightmares had miraculously stopped although Harry was not sure if that was due to his increasing competence in Occlumency or he was just too exhausted to have time for nightmares. Even the pain had stopped. He was not sure if this was a good sign but at least now he felt relieved that he would not collapse in pain when he faced Voldemort again. That always put him at a disadvantage whenever they meet.
Unfortunately, he had no way of knowing now if he was near or not. For all he knew, he could just be sitting outside waiting for his prey. But he quickly brushed away that thought. Voldemort was stupid.... but not that stupid. He was a conniving, souless, evil reincarnate who's main objective in life was to kill some boy who hadn't even graduated yet. How pathetic!
But there was no denying the fact that he was becoming more worried as the day passed by. No one, not even Luna, was writing to him anymore.
Chapter 4 - The Visitor
Petunia watched as his nephew paced around the room restlessly. Almost two weeks had passed since they started training and even she had not received another note from Dumbledore. She assumed Privet Drive was still safe judging by the fact that she, Vernon and Dudley could still proceed to their normal activities without any unusual thing happening but the lack of news was beginning to get on her already frazzled nerves.
'How ironic' she thought. The nephew that she treated like vermin was the only one who could save them now. She had no illusions whatsoever that Voldemort would only attack wizards. Her past experiences taught her that. And as relatives of his mortal enemy, they were one of the primary targets. If not for the protection that Dumbledore had cast to Privet Drive, they might have been killed a long time ago. She shuddered at the memory of the dementor's attack last summer. It was as if history was repeating itself but not quite. Life was not as bad as before. She could feel it. The order was better prepared but could they hang on until Harry was ready for battle?
Harry stopped brooding from time to time to glance at his aunt. He noticed that she was frequently gazing at the door or window as if waiting for something terrible to happen. He mimicked her actions and stared at the door too only to be surprised with a loud bang on the door. Aunt Petunia jumped nervously and shrieked like a banshee before a soft voice called out.
"Hello, is someone there? I need to see Harry. Please tell him it's Luna." The soft voice said while knocking loudly on the door.
Harry cautiously peeked through the little hole on their door to look at the person outside. What he saw was a girl with dirty blond, waist-length and straggly hair, protuberant eyes and a dreamy expression. 'Yes, this is Luna, alright. No one can possibly imitate that classic expression.' Harry thought to himself as he opened the door for her.
"Hi, Harry!" She greeted him warmly as she entered the living room.
"Hi there too. It's so nice to see you. What brings you here?" He asked as his gaze fell on the huge backpack she is carrying on her shoulders. By the looks of her dusty face and dirty clothes, she must have been traveling for quite some time now and was probably dying of hunger and exhaustion although her facial expression didn't show it.
"Oh, well. After reading your last letter, I have decided to take a walk and noticed all the dark marks hovering above some of the houses in our neighborhood at so I have decided to pack up and leave. No one's there anyway." She answered as Harry relieved her of her heavy burden and offered her some drink while his aunt is busy preparing for lunch.
"But, but how did you arrive here." Harry asked thinking about death-eaters scattered everywhere waiting for him to come out.
"I walked." She quickly anwered as if it is the most obvious thing to do. "Of course I disillusioned myself so as not to be seen by you-know, unfriendly beings. After that, I refrained from using anymore magic to avoid being detected." She added after seeing his incredulous expression.
"Oh, ok. How far did you travel by the way?"
"Oh, I'm not really sure about the distance but our home is near Ottery St. Catchpole."
Harry almost choked at her words. "You live near the Weasley's? And you said dark marks are everywhere?"
Harry wanted to apparate to the Weasley's right then and then but was distracted by Luna swaying helplessly beside him. Fortunately, he was able to catch her before she fell down. With Luna there, he couldn't leave yet. While waiting for her to recover, he drove himself to his limit trying to master wandless magic at the soonest possible time. He had to be prepared.
'Now I understand. The Order has their hands full and probably stretching themselves trying to save as many people as they can while he prepares. At least, I will no longer be a burden now. No one needs to guard me. I can take care of myself.' Harry was brought back to earth by Luna's soft moans.
"Harry, I know what's happening outside. And I know that however much I wanted to believe otherwise, Father might not really come back. Evil is everywhere. That is why I am here. I want to help you, Harry. I have nothing to lose." She whispered but every word that she uttered was engraved on his mind.
"Do you know what happened to the Weasleys?" He asked her with apprehension. The Weasleys were very nice people and he would hate it if anything bad happens to them especially Ron who had been his bestfriend since freshman year.
"I'm not so sure. There's no dark mark there but aside from the wreck inside, the house is empty."
"WRECK? What ------"
He was interrupted by Aunt Petunia's call for lunch. He helped Luna up and accompanied her to the kitchen. He thought it best to discuss that while eating. Petunia eyed them carefully.
"So, is she your girlfriend, Harry?"
"No, she's one of my friends in school." He answered quickly failing to notice the cloud that passed Luna's eyes for a moment.
"Oh, I was just wondering...Can you please tell us what has been happening now?" She asked as if discussing the activities of the Dark Lord is just an ordinary past time but Harry knew better. He knew that she was quite terrified but was trying hard not to make it noticeable so as not to make them nervous.
Just then, an owl sailed past the still open door and headed straight to Petunia. Harry stared nervously at his aunt who immediately collapsed after reading the message. He quickly ran to her and picked up the letter.
"WAR HAS BEGUN...." The message was written in blood.
Harry froze and even Luna seemed afraid after he let her read it. He quickly revived his aunt to discuss the letter.
"I don't understand. I thought the war begun with the battle at the Department of Mysteries. But from this letter, it seemed that it has just started." Harry asked his aunt who has just been awakened.
"It simply means that the random killings has begun..." His aunt answered softly as if hearing it in that manner would make it less shocking and less real that it was.
Harry quickly finished his meal and beckoned for Luna to follow him. They both collected their things.
"Harry! Where do you think you're going?"
"To help the others."
"No, not yet! Harry, we should wait for further instruction." Aunt Petunia desperately tried to hold them back but to no avail.
"No, I'm tired of waiting already. I have to do something. I will not hide here like a coward who lets others die to protect me. Stay here and wait for instructions. I'll be in touch." With that said, Harry took hold of Luna's hand and apparated both of them to Grimmauld Place where they got another nasty shock of their life. Would it never end?
The once majestic manor was now like another delapidated building as if a hurricane arrived and left without so much of an apology to the inhabitants there. Tables were turned and the irritatingly noisy mother of Sirius was speechless for once. Kreacher was also nowhere to be found. And yes, there were burn marks on the walls too...and blood was everywhere.....BLOOD?!?
Harry and Luna walked around the house in a daze. Both had their wands out expecting the worst. They inspected the rooms hoping for any clue, any sign of life at all. But there was none. The house was empty and its eerie silence was getting to their nerves.
"What is this place, Harry?"
"This is my godfather's house and the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix."
Luna's eyes clouded with concern but was quickly replaced with a steely look of determination. "Come on, let's search the house again. We might have missed something."
They carefully inspected the living room again where the destruction is at its worst. But still they found......nothing. They both slumped on the sofa in exhaustion and once again scanned the room until they both felt the coldness enveloping them. Wondering why, their eyes both turned to the fireplace and for the first time since they entered the room, they both noticed that there was no fire burning there.
"This is bad." Harry shook his head as if not daring to believe it.
"What's bad?"
"No fire. It usually burns for one week before it dies. It means this has happened almost a week ago or more. And another thing." Harry quickly extracted some floo powder beside the fireplace and instructed Luna to follow him.
"Hogwarts!" They both shouted quickly but nothing happened.
"It seems that it has also been disconnected from the floo network. Nobody can travel to and from that fireplace."
"Excellent, Potter!" Someone clapped from behind him and they both turned to look at the intruder.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Harry angrily asked the malicious intruder now walking nonchalantly to him.
"Now, is that a way to treat an old friend?"
Chapter 5 - Back at Grimmauld Place
Harry and Luna scanned the room to see if there are other unwanted visitors lurking around with both their wands clutched at the ready.
"Oh, I see you have a new girlfriend now, Potter. I never knew your taste in women could sink that low. At least Chang and the mudblood are pretty." He spat at the words. "Really! Loony!" Malfoy stared at Luna in disdain with one of his eyebrows raised. He then bio=
Chapter 5 - Back at Grimmauld Place
Harry and Luna scanned the room to see if there are other unwanted visitors lurking around with both their wands clutched at the ready.
"Oh, I see you have a new girlfriend now, Potter. I never knew your taste in women could sink that low. At least Chang and the mudblood are pretty." He spat at the words. "Really! Loony!" Malfoy stared at Luna in disdain with one of his eyebrows raised. He then sat at the nearest sofa and started to polish his wand as if it was the most natural thing to do at the moment.
"If I remember correctly, your Pansy is not that great-looker either. Maybe you need to reevaluate your sense of taste too." Luna told him clearly annoyed at his demeanor.
"Whatever." Draco just rolled his eyes at them and continued what he was doing giving the impression that the conversation had already been concluded.
"What hellish mission brought you to here, Malfoy?" Harry softly asked the intruder again. His nonchalance was quite unnerving but he knew that blowing hio his captive audience.
Harry and Luna looked at each other. Both refused to believe what they were hearing. It couldn't be happening, could it? Harry squeezed Luna's hand and regretted that he didn't think of learning telepathy and legilimency while he was still at the Dursleys. He then noticed an old piece of cloth near the fire place. A sudden stroke of brilliance crossed his mind. He turned to Luna and tried to communicate as silent as possible. Luna, in case we need to make a quick getaway, we'll pretend that this is a portkey. No one must know yet that I can apparate. Ok? Luna nodded.
"They put up a good fight, you know, it's just that my allies were better. I'd switch sides now really fast if I were you. I heard that the blood traitors screamed like hell when shot by the cruciatus curse. The mudblood was even worse. They told me she passed out after they made her jump from the roof, with the help of the imperius curse of course." Draco continued his tale making it sound as if he was chatting with his long lost friends about something pleasant.
"WHAT?!?" Harry was visibly tensed now. Hearing about his friends being tortured from this abomination made it even worse.
"Really, Potter! Are you deaf now, too? You shouldn't even worry about your filthy mudblood and blood traitor friends. Their utterly useless, a disgrace in the name of wizardry." Draco muttered in disdain.
"DON'T YOU SPEAK ABOUT THEM LIKE THAT! YOU VILE, CONTEMPTUOUS HEIR OF THE SATANIC MALFOY CLAN! YOU'D NEVER AMOUNT TO EVEN A STRAND OF THEIR HAIR!" Harry screamed at him letting his emotions flow. His diplomatic attempt was not working anyway.
"I'll say whatever I want, Potter. Frankly, I don't give a damn." Draco then stood up and casually paced the room to go near them. "Funny, I never would have thought that you would hang around after learning that this belongs to me now. But I guess you're more idiotic than I give you credit for." He paused for effect before announcing. "Here are my comrades now. You sure made it easy for us, Potter."
"You wish!" Harry retorted before firing several offensive and defensive around him. Luna followed his lead but never left his side. They both decided that it would be easier if they just fight side by side.
More loud pops were held and several cloaked figure appeared all over the place. Soon, colorful and electrifying sparks were flying around the living room as spells after spells were fired. Harry quickly counted the enemies. Nine death-eaters plus Draco. That makes the odds to ten is to two. 'This is bad.' Harry thought while continuing with the battle.
"IMPEDIMENTA!" He heard Luna shot the spell to McNair who easily deflected it and fired back a stunning spell which missed her only by an centimeter.
"STUPEFY! EXPELLIARMUS! TARANTALLEGRA!" He bombarded the advancing death-eaters with all the spells he knew.
"IMPERIO!" Lucius tried to curse Harry but was greatly disappointed when it didn't have any effect on him.
"Hey, Lucius! Didn't your old master tell you that Imperius Curse does not have any effect on me?" He mocked the seething right hand of Voldemort. "RICTUSEMPRA!"
Lucius' legs were uncontrollable for a while but quickly recovered. "You think those childish spells are enough?" He sneered at Harry. "Watch how the dark wizards fight. CRUCIO!"
Harry suddenly fell on the floor in pain but he fought not to drop his wand. He saw Luna also crumpling on the ground near him soon after she accidentally bumped to Lucius breaking his concentration on the curse. Harry rushed to Luna's side to see if she was still breathing. "PROTEGO!" He quickly fired to temporarily shield them from all the attacks.
"Luna, are you allright?" Luna nodded weakly. Both of them didn't notice that the attackers had penetrated the shield charm and were now closing in on them.
"How touching!" One of the death-eaters clapped.
Harry and Luna quickly looked up to view all the sneering but triumphant faces surrounding them.
"We meet again, Potter. Why don't you just surrender quietly and spare yourself the pain? Your young friend shall be killed eventually. Our master have no need for her." The hatred in Lucius' eyes was very evident.
"What's happening? What have you done to my friends?" Harry asked ignoring their taunts.
"Allow me, Father." Draco proudly told his father who smiled at his son's attitude. "Well, you see, Potter. Time has changed now. The loyal followers of Lord Voldemort are the ones in command now. As dim-witted as you are, you should have guessed that the Daily Prophet has now stopped operating in fear. The people behind the Quibbler are, did I say are? I meant were, very brave but of course they have already been taken care of."
Luna paled visibly at the mention of the Quibbler and her knees wobbled slightly but she stood her ground. Harry was impressed by her strength. He thought she would break down when she heard Draco's taunts but she was stronger than she thought.
"I think Hogwarts has already been destroyed after several attacks from my friends. You better start thinking of transferring to another school now. Need I say more? Or have you finally grasped the obvious? As for Ginny ----" He was suddenly cut off by his father and did not looked pleased with it.
"That's enough, Draco. McNair, dispose of the girl properly. Goyle, grab the boy and follow me." Lucius barked his orders not wanting to waste anymore time.
Harry glanced at Luna and silently signaled that it was time. "WAIT!" They shouted at the aproaching death-eaters.
"WHAT?" The enemies asked in unison.
"Ever heard of a portkey?"
"But how?"
Harry and Luna both smiled triumphantly at them showing the old piece of cloth. They only managed to witness the look of panic, surprise and dispair on their faces before feeling the familiar tug on their navels as they apparated. As their feet landed firmly on the ground, both of them surveyed their surroundings again hoping that there were no death-eaters waiting for them. They sighed in relief when they found no one. They didn't think they have enough strength to fight now.
"Where are we, Harry" Luna finally asked him.
The scene before them was terrible. The walls are destroyed and the parts that were still standing were covered with dirt and blood. Tables were turned and the chairs were broken into pieces. The windows were also scattered into pieces. Statues were knocked down. The place looked like a palace that faced a battle and lost. It was quite depressing..
When Harry didn't answer, Luna continued her observation. "You know, if this place does not look so devastated, I would say that we are at Hogwarts."
Harry was cresftallen as he replied. "Luna, before we apparated, I was thinking of Hogwarts."
Chapter 6 - At the Room of Requirements
"HOGWARTS?!?" Luna exclaimed at him before collapsing to the ground.
Harry stared helpless at the crumpled figure while furiosly trying to think of a place where they can temporarily take refuge. He suddenly felt angry tears rushing to the surface. 'Why is all happening?' He thought.
'It's because of Voldemort that's why you must defeat him to stop darkness from taking over.' A familiar voice rang on his head. 'Remember, you are the only one who can defeat him but you need your friends. Find them."
'Yes, I should find my friends. But where?' He thought again while wondering how he could make this conversation from his mind. 'Maybe I'm going crazy'.
'You're as sane as I am. In time, you will discover all your hidden powers but first, try to find them. I can't tell you because Voldemort might be reading my mind now. I'm weak and I might not be able to repel him much longer. Think of the place where you can find almost anything....a place that changes itself to fit your purpose." With that, the voice was gone.
"Of course, why didn't I think of that before? Thank you, Professor Dumbledore." He whispered to himself.
"Harry, what are we going to do now?" Harry was surprised to find Luna at her feet now without her usual glassy expression. If anything, he could only find acceptance and grim determination there. For the first time, he noticed that she had grown a little taller and her figure was now quite pleasing to the eyes. The string of butterbeer caps she usually wore on her neck was gone but her blond hair that almost hid her face made her look more mysterious. She looked pretty. He quickly averted his gaze. He should not be looking at Luna this way. It was not the time for this kind of thing.
"Why? Is there something wrong?" She asked him gently.
"No, no. What happened to your necklace?" He shook his head to cover his embarrassment.
"Oh, I got rid of it last summer. It was a remembrance from my mother but I had to move on. No sense in dwelling in dreams." She casually replied with a toss of her long, blond hair.
'No sense in dwelling with dreams.' Her words echoed in Harry's mind. That was what Dumbledore had told him a few years back when he caught him returning everyday to the Mirror of Erised. "You're right, Luna. But first, we need to find our friends." A new found courage and determination filled his heart.
"But where---?"
"In the Room of Requirements. Come on." Harry grabbed her hand and they both ran to the seventh floor of the palace thankful that not all of Hogwarts had been destroyed.
They cautiously entered the Room of Requirements and was surprised to see so many people there, most of them young. Some injured were being treated on make shift beds but the others were still sleeping. A wizard carefully approached them with his wand pointed on their direction.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" The wizard roughly demanded.
"I'm Harry Potter and this is Luna Lovegood. We're here to find our friends." Harry quickly introduced themselves and showed his scar for proper identification. The wizard lowered his wand
"Very well. I apologize for being rude. It's just that darkness is everywhere and we can't be sure on who to trust anymore. By the way, I'm Professor Leninski from Durmstrang. Our school has also been attacked and Professor Dumbledore had been kind enough to give us shelter. The students and teachers from Hogwarts are staying on the other side of the room."
Harry and Luna shook his hand politely and went to the other side of the room. Only ten students, two Hogwarts professors and the school nurse were there. Lavender, Hermione, Padma, Pavarti and Cho were sleeping on one bed on the left. Colin, Dennis, Seamus, Lee and Ron were on the other bed. Madam Pomphrey was busy concocting some potion while Professor Mcgonagall and Madam Hooch were busy discussing something on hushed voices. No one had noticed their presence yet.
"Professor McGonagall?" Harry tentatively said to announce their arrival. He reckoned it would not be polite if they just hop on the bed and sleep their weariness off.
Both professors turned their heads at once and rushed to their side. Harry noticed that the teachers looked haggard as if they had not slept in days....even Madam Hooch was not looking as peaky as usual. The stern expression of Professsor McGonagall was quickly replaced with relief and excitement when they saw the new arrivals.
"Harry...Luna....I'm glad that you're both alive. What happened to you?" Harry could swear that McGonagall's eyes had gone misty at the sight of him.
"Professor, we got attacked by death-eaters....---"
"Is it true that Draco owns the ----?
Harry and Luna started answering at the same time. They turned to one another. The professors just seemed perplexed.
"Calm down...Miss Lovegood, you go first. Please start from the beginning." Madam Hooch stated quietly with her eyes darted to the sleeping students indicating that she did not want to disturb them with their conversation. Madam Pomphrey had noticed them however and walked over to join them.
"Well, Professors, I went to Harry's place then we apparated ----"
"Hold on, not one of you can apparate yet!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed in a hushed voice.
"That was my doing, Professor. I just thought it would be faster."
"Go on, Miss Lovegood." The professor just prompted Luna to continue.
"We apparated to Grimmauld Place, then we found Draco there...then several Death-eaters appeared and attacked us....then just when we were cornered, Harry apparated the both us to Hogwarts....but they don't know that, Professor. We pretended that we were using a portkey." Luna's eyes were cloudy as she recounted the day's events.
"Professors, Draco and the other death-eaters told us the worst. Is our situation really that bad? Does Draco really own Sirius' house now?" Harry ignored the painful throb on his shoulders where a curse had hit him a while ago. He noticed that the Professors looked meaningfully at each other before answering his queries.
"We are on a very difficult position now, Mr. Potter. Innumerable aurors and wizards had been captured and killed during the countless attacks that the death-eaters launched last summer. It had been fortunate enough that we were able to send students staying at the headquarters to this place right before the enemies attacked it...." Professor McGonagall suddenly stopped as if pondering if she should continue. Harry stared at her and was surprised that he could read her thoughts. 'Shall I tell Harry about Dumbledore and Ginny?' She seemed to be debating with herself.
"What about Ginny and Professor Dumbledore?" Harry promptly asked her. The three adults turned to him in surprise.
"How did you know?" Madam Pomphrey wondered.
"We don't know anything. I just remembered what Draco said a while ago before he was cut off by Lucius." Well, that was near the truth, Harry thought although he still couldn't believe that he could read their minds.
"I think both of you had enough for today. Why don't you sleep first?" Professor McGonagall tried to evade the topic.
"I think it would be better if you tell us now, Professor. We would not be able to sleep without knowing first. Besides, knowing the real situation is the first way into solving a problem." Luna pressed them politely using pure logic like a true Ravenclaw to win her case. Harry squeezed her hand in gratitude. He was afraid his temper would get the better of him if he would be the one to insist.
The professor sighed again. "As much as I wanted to withhold some information, Luna was correct. You have to know. Times have changed and you have to be equipped for the battle in our midst...." She paused and took a deep breath before she continued. "Dumbledore and Ginny were captured. We don't know what's happening to them now. Dumbledore can take care of himself but Ginny....I shudder to think what they might be doing to her now....The Weasleys are distraught." The professor finally broke down and left to seek refuge on a dark corner of the room leaving both of them with Madam Hooch and Madam Pomphrey who were also shaking in grief and desperation.
Harry felt numb for a moment. 'Ginny! Why her?!? What do they want from her?' He felt Luna hug him and they decided that it was time for them to rest. Today had been a long day and tomorrow might be longer. They need their strength.
Chapter 7 - The Reformation of Dumbledore's Army


Harry was still pondering on Mad-Eye Moody's favorite expression when he suddenly felt the bed vibrating furiously. Startled out of his wits, Harry jumped from the bed, drew his wand out and scrambled to find his glasses that fell on the floor in his haste. He was about to launch his first defensive spell for the day when he noticed Lee Jordan and Seamus Finnegan clutching their stomach trying to control their laughter while Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood glared furiously at them.

"Glad you find that amusing." Harry snorted at them as he hid his wand.

"You should have seen your face, mate. Hahahaha!"

"That is not funny, you morons!" Hermione snarled angrily at them.

"Yeah, well, I honestly thought we were being attacked or something and given the situation ---"

"Given the situation, we might as well put a little color to our lives or else, we would all go crazy here." Seamus butted in seriously.

No one said a word for a moment. Suddenly, they were all reminded of the horror that they were living now...the memory that they all wished to forget and hoped that they were all just a part of dream that can be sent to oblivion after several months or years. The girls suddenly regretted reprimanding Lee and Seamus. Hermione broke the silence.

"So, who brought you here?" She asked Harry and Luna.

"Harry apparated both of us here after battling with several death-eaters at the headquarters of....what's that again? Order....something like that." Luna answered casually as if it was an everyday occurrence.

"B-but.....you can't apparate to Hogwarts...how?" Hermione stammered in surprise.

"That's what Professor McGonagall said last night....but if I recall correctly, you cannot apparate to the headquarters either....but the death- eaters did." Harry answered thoughtfully apparently puzzled too about what happened. "But I'm glad I forgot about that little piece of information or I wouldn't have attempted to go here in the first place."

"The Malfoy brat told us that the security of the headquarters was weakened when Sirius died so maybe something similar happened to Hogwarts." Luna added. Hermione looked thoughtful. The others were silent too.

"So what happened here? Professor McGonagall told us something about Dumbledore and Ginny being captured...." Harry's eyes scanned the room to find Ron, his best friend and Ginny's brother but he was nowhere to be found. Hermione followed where his eyes led and quickly averted his gaze.

"Ron is too devastated after what happened and he blames himself for not being able to save his sister. He is with Madam Pomphrey now. She is treating him with some calming potion so he won't do something foolish." Hermione answered his unspoken question dejectedly.

The Patil twins and the others soon joined the conversation and together, they shared with Harry and Luna the events that resulted to making the room of requirements their temporary headquarters. Several parents, including those staying at Grimmauld Place, decided to send their children to Hogwarts a month early to ensure the safety of their kids. Dumbledore agreed and they were all able to settle there. However, after a few days, something urgent came up and Dumbledore and some other professors had to leave the castle in haste.

That was the time when the Death-eaters sneaked into Hogwarts. Some used the passage from the cellar of Honeydukes obviously led by Wormtail, one of the creators of the Marauders' Map so he knew all the secret paths to the school, and some entered the ordinary way like Lucius. Some were outside and barraged the school with complex spells to weaken the barriers. The students and remaining professors fiercely fought but their strengths were no match for their attackers. Soon, Hogwarts was in their control and all the people inside were captured.

Dumbledore arrived a few minutes later and bartered for the captives lives in exchange for his. The death-eaters immediately agreed of course. Even if they were not able to capture Harry, at least they got his mentor. It was only after Dumbledore conjured a portkey and sent us all to Grimmauld Place that they noticed that Ginny was missing. Some professors went back but to the castle but did not find her leading to the conclusion that the death-eaters did not release her like the others. It was only confirmed though after the next attack.

Apparently, Voldemort was impatient already and ordered another attack at Sirius' house. Somehow, Dumbledore sent a warning there and gave the residents an opportunity to escape. Order members sent the children and some professors back to Hogwarts to hide in the Room of Requirements and destroyed the floo connection to prevent death-eaters from following them.

"So that's what happened......" Harry shook his head in amazement...but a nagging thought entered his mind again. "How could Dumbledore let himself be captured without a fight? He could have gotten them all within seconds like what happened in the Department of Mysteries...."

"That's what's bothering us too." They all looked around to find Ron nodding his head solemnly. "Dumbledore is very powerful but he let it happen...why?"

"Are you all right, Ron?" Hermione rushed to his side immediately.

"Yeah, Harry's here. I should not let my best friend find me here in a state of distress. I would just die of embarrassment.." He smiled weakly and hugged his best friend.

"RON!!!!" Hermione exclaimed at him clearly put off by his reasoning.

"No, Hermione, just joking. Actually, Madam Pomphrey had convinced me that moaning and blaming myself will just make matters worse. Now that Harry's here maybe we can do something useful for once." Ron looked expectantly at Harry as if he was hoping for something miraculous to happen. Harry and others just looked hurt and dumbfounded at him. "No offense guys, it's just that he's my best mate. We went through a lot together and having him here with me added a boost to my morale." He quickly explained.

"That's ok, Ron. We understand. As for Dumbledore, it's bothering me, too. It can't be real but maybe he has his reasons...so let's leave it at that for a while....ok?" Hermione told everyone.

"What about Ginny though? What's the purpose of getting her?" Parvati asked ignoring the warning looks from Hermione.

"Maybe it's because the death-eaters thought that Ginny and Harry are romantically involved and he would go to any lengths to save her including bartering his life for hers...." Cho said seemingly hurt at the prospect of it being true while everyone stared at her and Harry.

"But it's not true! We are just friends and I treat her like a sister." Harry exclaimed in disbelief. He noticed that Cho sighed in relief.

"Yes, we know that and I think it would be best if we don't divulge that information yet or they might just kill Ginny if they found out that they were wrong. I wonder where they got the idea, though." Hermione stated quietly.

"Maybe they heard my conversation with Ginny when they attacked us." Colin rubbed his forehead as if trying to recall the exact scene. The others waited for him to continue. "Well, we were just joking around and Ginny was pretending that Harry and her are a couple ---"

"She what?!?" Ron suddenly exclaimed not daring to believe that his sister could such a ridiculous thing.

"Mmmm.....yeah, b-but we were just joking around....acting some make- believe situations....like a movie or play or something...she did not mean it, honest...we were just having some fun..." Colin continued nervously and cringed at the sight of a red-faced angry brother of Ginny.

"That's enough...That's enough....It's just a mistake...let's just hope that Ginny is smart enough not to let on that it was just an act." Hermione raised her voice to prevent everyone from making another comment. Harry opened his mouth to speak but changed his mind but Ron couldn't be stopped.

"So what do we do now?" Ron demanded angrily at them. Another stony silence greeted his words. Hermione bit her lip trying to think of something. The Creevey brothers suddenly found their torn blue socks very interesting. Others just stared into space until a strong voice dared answer the question.

"We form Dumbledore's Army again." Everyone looked at Luna as she spoke of the words. "With Dumbledore gone, we need to defend ourselves and the others....we need to master complex spells if we even hope to defeat Voldemort....we need to unite for without it, we shall easily be defeated." Everyone stared dumbfounded at her. They never heard Luna speak this way before. To them, she was just Loony - a dreamer, someone whose sense of reality was utterly questionable, but here she was giving them an obvious answer that they should have realized before.

Harry was impressed too by Luna's words. He already guessed that behind that Loony facade was a girl full of wisdom but he never thought that she could also be this strong and determined to fight evil....but maybe he should have realized that already after she, the only one in the group that was not from Gryffindor, went to help him rescue Sirius even if she did not know how important he is to him at the time. And then, the battle at Grimmauld Place, she held her place and never cried once even after the taunts about her father. She stood her ground. She was amazing....

"Luna's right. We must reconvene all the members and we'll try to train on some complex spells first before we do anything else. We need to prepare. Hermione, do you have any idea how to contact the others? I noticed you found it hard to communicate with me given the condition but maybe we can find a way to contact the others and bring them here." Harry assumed his status of leader of the DA and tried to induce a sense of organization to the others. "I see, all of us here are members, so....we just need to contact the rest of the members and see if they are willing to join us again. Then we can start the training. Do you all agree?"

Everyone nodded their agreement at once and hurried to their trunks to get their spell books and wands. Harry was now thinking of where they can train given so many people were staying there. Luna just stayed with him while she too was lost in her own thoughts. Ron and Hermione were busy reading something that may help them find a way to communicate with the others. Nobody noticed the bespectacled cat hiding under a bed, observing and listening to their every word. Chapter 8 - A Page from the Order's Record Book

"Mr. Potter, may I speak with you for a moment?" said Professor McGonagall, walking soundlessly, very cat-like

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Chapter 51 - The Truth Revealed ~~~***~~~ With the help of Gabriella, Harry wore a two-piece black pinstripe suit and polished black shoes. Unfortunately his hair, which started out the morning better than normal, was now as disheveled as ever. The manager at Marley’s Men’s Shop had told him that a black handkerchief was a poor idea, but Harry thinking it appropriate for a funeral didn’t listen. Now, he understood why it was a poor idea. It was strange being fitted for a Muggle suit...

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Chapter 41 - A Reason to Be ~~~***~~~ Harry set his quill down on the desk next to the parchment. His hand was cramped, his back ached, and he was so tired he considered laying his head down and going to sleep. Still, it was as if a great weight had been taken from his shoulders. The sky was blue and the sun bright as it streamed into the classroom. An odd contradiction to the subject matter he’d just finished describing--astronomy. He had completed his last end of term exam and was...

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Chapter 21 - Protecting the Snake ~~~***~~~ Outside, the rain continued to pour down as Harry made his way back to the Gryffindor common room. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen this much rain. The conditions were miserable, and Harry had to sneer, thinking of Malfoy and what he’d have to do to return to the castle. By now, the Slytherin would be up and about in Hogsmeade. What would he try to do? Harry stopped to look down through a window to the Hogwarts grounds below. Through...

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Chapter 11 - An Unhappy Inheritance ~~~~***~~~~ It was dawn, but still quite early. The sky was a glowing deep purple and in the dim light it took Harry a moment to adjust his eyes and clear his head. He slipped on his glasses and patted the edge of his bed where Hedwig hopped to his side. He untied the post from her leg and held it in his hands. The dreams of the night before were washed from his mind as he looked at the writing. It was addressed simply: Harry, My Love. His heart began...

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Prologue The golden candlelight flickered off the stone walls, walls built before the founding of Hogwarts, before the campaigns of Charlemagne, before the birth of Christ. These walls endured the battles of Pharaoh, and of Caesar, and saw the creation of magic in the earliest of days. The rhythmic chant of the sixteen, cloaked in black, resonated against the walls, which somehow knew what was to come. A thin, toothless, smile creased her aged face, worn by years of waiting, but now…...

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There was a dark and stifling silence in the small, disheveled bedroom at the top of the stairs. The room wasn’t much to look at, but it was arguably a great improvement over the cupboard under the stairs. The shadows of the room held a troubled boy with dark, unruly hair and an unmistakable lightning bolt scar. In torment, he writhed in his bed as he slept. It was frustration and fear rolled into one. He felt as though he were being held back from something, or perhaps from someone....

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The sun dropped in the sky over the castle, mottling the horizon with swirl of muted pink and gold. The air held the crisp feel of the approach of cooler nights and the smell of fall was in the air. The new school term had begun at Hogwarts again. If it hadn’t been for the sheer weight of things to come, it would have been a very pleasant evening indeed. A boy with dark, untamable hair and an unmistakable lighting bolt scar sat quietly looking out of a castle window from his dormitory...

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________________________________________ It was a nice garden, the garden at Malfoy Manor. At one time the bushes were elegantly crafted topiary, a menagerie of fantastic creatures in fanciful poses, but they had been untended for a year and now they looked just like bushes. Just here or there you could see a shadow of a dragon, the wing of a swan. It was like looking at clouds. The grass had grown up too, long blades that got between your toes. It was half wild but then that was good. It...

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________________________________________ “Harry?” Padma said quietly, standing at the end of the hospital bed. Harry seemed to be sleeping, his chest rising and falling weakly. His eyes were red, like he’d been crying. Perhaps the pain was worse than he let on. She felt bad for needing to wake him. “Harry wake up.” She reached out and tapped his leg. He jerked fitfully, but his eyes flickered open. He didn’t speak though, didn’t acknowledge her. He just stared off into space. What had...

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Anyway as a result I may be slower to post than usual as I try to beat this twisty, hellish yarn I choose to call a story into submission. Sorry, hopefully the story will be better for it. In other news: OVER 200,000 WORDS! HORAY! ________________________________________ “Hello?” The shopkeeper peered, bleary eyed, at the figure standing on the other side of the glass door. “Sorry we‘re closed now.” “Good.” The hooded man pushed the door open roughly. “Then there will be no...

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________________________________________ “One… two… THREE!” Harry yanked up on the broom and tried like hell to hold on as it shot into the air. He saw the stands come into view and screamed, throwing his weight up and scraping over the top by an inch. He tried to slow down but the broom didn’t seem to hear him. He was forced to try and control it as it careened along the ground. All he could do was try to aim the thing like a bull in a rodeo as it bucked and vibrated at sixty miles...

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________________________________________ Harry lay on his back on his bed with his mothers locket dangling above him. The bloody thing was taunting him he was sure. He had run some detection charms over it and been shocked to find that the thing was wrapped up six ways from Sunday. Harry flicked through one of the books laid around him but found nothing he hadn’t already seen before. “What now Harry.” Neville had asked him earlier that day when Harry was dragging his way through some...

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“Someone back up on the street that I‘d rather didn‘t recognise me.” “Oh right. Bloody paparazzi.” Harry stepped back out into the street and did his school shopping quickly. When he walked back past Fortescue’s the wizard was still there, showing the waitress a long scar on his arm. * Harry stood in the country lane and rechecked the letter he held in his hand. He was sure he was at least in the right village and probably on the right road. It was just that the road went a...

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The owl swooped down over sleeping London, a letter, signed and sealed in emerald green clutched in its talons. Even if it had had only the stars to see by it would still have been able to fly true, but it wasn’t necessary. London sleeping was almost as bright as London awake. But light or no light this delivery was a tough one. The post owls prided themselves on being able to find anyone but it didn’t make it easy when the address was simply … London, somewhere… But Dumbledore had given...

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A/N: Sorry for the delay in getting this out, I had an accident with my flash drive and everything on it was deleted including the first draft of this chapter. But things are on track now, so getting back in the swing of things, a rewrite of the chapter from the beginning… Read, review and enjoy! After taking Simon’s wand and returning Luna’s to her, Harry left the boy magically bound on the couch with Jacey to watch over him. Allowing him to gently pull her down the hall to the...

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Ron slammed his fists down on the bed, tired of feeling guilty and mad and frustrated. Maybe he needed a friend right now after all, someone to talk to and help get some of this off his chest. Harry had claimed to want to listen… but that had been while he’d come to defend Luna’s honor. He didn’t really feel like talking about any of this to the guy who was now in all probability sleeping with his first love. He sat up at the sudden sharp knock on his door and quickly strengthened the...

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A/N: Welcome back! Lots to learn, so away we go!   Harry’s words hung in the air between them, full of intentionally unintended emotion. Luna had asked him why, had needed a reason for why he couldn’t just let her be as she was begging him to do. And so he had given her one that had stunned them both into silence. He felt he had somehow put one foot too far over the edge- of what he wasn’t sure. But he had to find a way to fix it. "I could never just leave you like this, I couldn’t...

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A/N: Read, Review, Enjoy!   Harry woke in a panic, clutching at his stomach. He found only a small clean bandage, not the wooden dagger he’d been dreaming of. Trying in vain to look around at his dark and blurry surroundings he began a search for his glasses, reflecting as he moved that while he felt stiff and sore, the terrible gut-wrenching pain he remembered was gone. Where was he? What had happened? His fingers finally brushed against the lens of his glasses as he blindly searched...

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Finally the door opened and his heart leapt into his throat. He was supposed to protect Cho last year, and had turned on her instead. If she really was orchestrating some grand scheme against the others from behind bars, then he hated to think what she had planned for him. Feeling cowardly for his thoughts, he straightened up and put on a smug face. After all, he would be the one getting to leave after they were done here. They sat her at the small table and shackled her to the chair,...

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This is a work of fiction and any similarity between events depicted and those recently reported in the press is entirely coincidental.                      Harrie"Harry, do you love me?" Rhoda asked suddenly, completely spoiling my mood."No," I replied, as I pulled out of her, with my tool sort of shrinking and oozing slime into the condom without me actually cumming."Why not Harry?" she asked."Cause you're the neighbourhood whore I guess Rhoda," I explained, "That's why I pay twenty five...

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MonstersOfCock Riley Reid Cock Loving Riley Gets What She Craves

Riley Reid comes by after a long plane ride where all she was thinking about was big black cock. Lucky enough she came to the perfect place because we had a bbc ready for her. We see her getting exited as she sees the long dick and she starts giving a great cock sucking. They even do a wild 69 before her tight pussy gets stretch. She gets fucked on different positions and she loves ever inch of it. She cums multiple times and we see her squirting all over before she makes his cum explode into...

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Looking up from her schoolwork, Garnet saw David walk across the grassy field towards her. She had a last period spare today and had decided to spend some time outside getting her homework done. David always picked her up after he finished his college classes and today was no different. Garnet smiled, knowing that she was blushing. She couldn’t help it really. He was tall, muscular and looked so damn sexy. His blonde hair was cut short and he had the most piercing blue eyes. She leaned back on...

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Everyones A WinnerChapter 2 A Way Out

The two looked sat calmly across from Mike as he explained to them how they could escape from this ordeal: "The plan goes like this" Mike began, "Being in the industry of producing 'adult' entertainment, there are a number of different scenarios we set up with the excuse of proceedings all culminating in an orgy or similar goings on. One of our more popular scenarios is based around a Quiz show format where three girls, three very buxom air headed girls I might add, compete for a star...

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Never Neglect Your Wife

My business has been occupying more and more of my time recently and my wife, Helena, felt I was neglecting her. She was right but somehow I was too tired by the time I got home to do anything about it. She’s always had men flocking round her like bees after honey. One evening when I got home at midnight and dog-tired, she informed me that as I was always too tired to make love to her properly, she felt free to look elsewhere for satisfaction. She then went on to tell me that she had met...

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My Cuckolding by Sara Part Seven

Part Seven We are now six months into the denial lifestyle and things are fantastic. Our third bedroom is now my room at the weekends, Sara sleeps at Doug’s every Friday night, but sleeps with me from Monday through Thursday, albeit clothed, but we hug and sleep in each other’s arms. Sara sucks me off almost every day and swallows my cum and we couldn’t be closer. It seems that ever since I confessed to her that I get more pleasure and excitement from hearing about her sex with Doug and her...

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How Does Your Garden GrowChapter 14

“Morning, folks! You got company,” Ariel announced to the slumbering Howard party, while standing with Lavelle and Tozroman in tow. Only the humans were asleep, of course, but since they indeed had company, they needed to rise up and greet it. Sure enough, there were some new folks there, starting with Allen Shapiro and his girlfriend, Connie Rabinowitz, but also including Clement and Mercedes, as well as Karen, Lou Antonelli, and Stephanie Barker. What the devil was going on, anyway, the...

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Cottaging Days

I have had many memorable encounters through the years in one way or another I am going to try and get a few down in writing, they will be in no particular order.From my mid teens I discover the joy of cottaging, although I didn't discover the name it had till years after, I was, and am a closeted bi-guy, with a liking for crossdressing and crossdressers, although nothing is written in stone, I used to borrow my sisters panties from when she was in her teens to her 20's and wear them sometimes...

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Torment in the forest 1

He studied them through his telescope sights. Which to take out first? The one on the right maybe? Silently he went back into the undergrowth to get closer. The two girls knew they were terribly lost in the forest. They were tired and tearful. "Liz, we should have stopped as soon as we knew we were lost," wept the blond. "I know, Wendy, we've been going for hours. I have no idea where we are." The three day forest hike to Jamestown was an easy walk. But early on the second day, they...

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Egyptian Lovers

My name is Heidi, I'm a 22 year old Egyptian girl living in the United States. After graduating college I decided to take time to visit with my family overseas before getting tied down to a rigid entry level job. Before this trip I had only ever vacationed back home for about two weeks at a time. I wanted something more, world experience if you will. So I decided to spend the whole summer there. I've always bragged about my Egyptian culture to my American friends- teaching them how to belly...

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Night to Remember

Back at their hotel they decide that a shower and a nap are in order before an evening on the town as it will be their last night at the hotel, they are awaken by their alarm at Seven o'clock and each have a wash and clean their teeth before getting dressed, Lynn is always first to get ready to go out and decides to go down to the hotel lounge and have a cup of tea and read the evening paper, "I'll wait for you downstairs” Lynn calls to Rick, she knows he'll be at least another half an hour...

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Rockys Kingdom Ch 05

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the fifth in a continuing series of stories about what is essentially a very high-class prostitution business in Asia, with the headquarters in Manila. ‘Rocky’ is the chief — you could call him a pimp in other circumstances — of the very large consortium which includes operations in many Asian countries. Although each section can stand on it’s own as an erotic story, I highly recommend that you begin with the first story, which explains the business and introduces some...

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Bolt of LoveChapter 3 Forgiveness

On the Sunday night, Liz finally got hold of Josh. Neither Josh nor any of Tess' family had come to church, highly unusual for Tess' family. When church had finished, she'd called both of them, and left messages. She'd been very busy in the afternoon, and it was just after dinner that she finally found out that Josh was up at his parent's farm. His mother put him on. "Hi Josh." "Hello". Liz couldn't believe how flat Josh's voice was. "Josh, what's wrong?" "Tess." He went...

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A fantasy of mine Pure fiction but I LOVED wri

I’m having a slow night, the phone rings, and I get invited to a party by my friend Chris, who I know dates GUYS only. I’ve met some of his flames in the past, they’re always very neatly groomed, well spoken, educated and definitely not street trash by any means. Chris needed a wingman, if you will so as to not seem desperate, as he put it. I acquiesced, thinking ‘what the hell… I’ll just observe and take it all in’. In the back of my mind, I’m thinking, I’m not getting much from any...

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OnlyBlowJob Linda Leclaire 69 With The Masseuse

At some point, everyone’s had those naughty fantasies about fucking their masseuse and getting a kinky treatment as an add-on bonus. Well, Linda Leclaire’s gotten dressed up in her sexiest lingerie for her masseuse, David Perry, hoping for just that. The two have kept it professional, until now, their pent up sexual longing for each other is eXXXplosive in this saucy 4K premium porn Only Blowjob scene. David finds his hands straying all over the Hungarian babe’s juicy rump and...

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The best sister ever part 3

As always yes my sister is a shemale and yes this is all true every word of it.So since we have formed our new relationship we have been fucking not stop for about 4 years now so im 14 and my sister is 16 years old. I have now a thick 6" hard cock and my sister has a huge 7 1/2" cock and we are both familiar with each others bodies but her breasts were so perfect, they were 32DD cups for a shemale.Well it was a Thursday and both mom and dad said they would be working late which gave my sister...

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Who Are You Really

WHO ARE YOU REALLY ? By Geneva An SS guard at a concentration camp undergoes a transformation spell cast by an old woman prisoner and is changed to a woman. She tries to make use of her new body as a disguise to escape retribution. Note: This is an ugly story, about an ugly character, in ugly times! It begins in the final days of WWII, about a week or so earlier to my story "Tit for Tat", and at the same location, a Nazi concentration camp in Germany. START Along with the...

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Printers Devils

The old-fashioned bell over the street door jingled, proclaiming the arrival of a customer, and the Printer felt an anticipatory quickening of his pulse. His wife, seated at the desk next to the curtained doorway, drew the curtain back and looked into the little shop in front. "It's those two," his wife said, soaking the word "those" with contempt but confirming his precognition. "I'll take care of it." It: not them. She passed through the curtain into the shop. The Printer wiped his...

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Ilamaiyaana Marumagalai Hardcore Sex Seithen

Vanakam kama kodurargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en ilamaiyaana marumagalai naan eppadi oothen endra kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren.En peyar Veerasami, vayathu 50 aagugirathu. Naan intha vayathilum vaatasatamaaga irupen, en manaivi iranthu iru varudam aagugirathu. Enaku oru paiyan irukiraan, avanuku naan 6 mathathirku munbu thaan thirumanam seithu vaithen. Avan thirumanam seithu vaitha udan, vada manilathil velai seithu kondu irunthaan. Marumagal devi avanudan thangi irunthaal. Naan ennai...

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Things that go bump

She had left home when she was still very young. She ran away with a dark haired roadie from the band Aldermanic. She didn't care she was in love. Her mother cried as her father screamed and told her she would come crawling back one day. Sadly that day has just come. She could hear her father's anger in the background as she begged her mother to be able to come home. This one phone call was one of the hardest things she has ever done in her life. She has swallowed A Lot of things in the last...

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The Transformation

The Transformation by Mistress Lisa He sat at his computer, staring unseeingly into the screen. His mind kept slipping away, darting into the dark desires he kept hidden from the world.....or so he thought. He was daydreaming about a tight corsette and satin panties, when he felt her hands on his shoulders. He turned to face her and his eyes opened wide in surprise. His dear friend and lover stood before him, dressed as he had never seen her. His eyes met hers and...

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Tristan and Colton Part 3 The Night

In a cabin just outside the castle grounds, Tristan lay in bed, thinking of Colton. He hadn’t been able to rest since his night with Colton. He slept fitfully, and was plagued throughout the day with desire for him. His mind was burned with the image of Colton by the table, looking back at him and showing off his beautiful, round ass. Tristan needed more of that ass. He loved everything about it: the way it felt in his hands when he squeezed it, the way it looked when it filled out Colton’s...

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Chachi Ki Behan Ki Jamkar Chudai Ki

Hi frends I am arjun from jalandhar……Iss me ye meri 2nd story hai…Pahli story “preet ki mom ki hardcore chudai” jise aap sab ne aacha responce diya tha…Aur kafi sare sexyladies nd readers k mail aaye…Jaise ki aap sab ko pata h..Kimain jalandhar se hun and ek student hun…Mera mail id h bat kuch mahine pahle ki hai..Main apne winter holiday pe apne chacha k ghar gya jo ki ludhiyana me hai… Mere uncle jo ki 45 year k hai..Nd chachi 32year ki…Use dekhte hi yar mera lund khada ho jata h..Unke...

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Apocalypse Zex

TO READERS: Disregard the spelling and grammer. This is still a story in progress. Every so often I'll go through to tweak the story or add additional details. For the most part the events shouldn't change. Please feel free to leave any comments. Enjoy My name is Richard Everhard but everyone calls me Dick, Dick Everhard. I'm a simple guy. I lived alone in an apartment, go to work, play video games. I'm not fat, not ugly, but I won't win any sexiest man contest either. But girl's don't...

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Gaining a Better Vantage Point

Well, so here was another fine Saturday to be spent all by myself alone. Waking up today, I know there are things I have to do, so I slip out of bed and head to the kitchen for my duty list left on the counter by Della, my wife of 28 years. If I don't get these things done, I will pay for it later. Della and her mother are off on their weekly antique hunt/garage sale quest. They like the bargains. They watch way too much of those shows on TV. Like they are gonna score anything. Della likes the...

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Sexual Awakening First Trip to Europe

She stared out the window at the passing scenery, at seemingly endless acres of fields and vineyards. Her face had taken on the melancholy look of her thoughts as they ran deep. Ten years of marriage she’d given him, fifteen years of her life in all, for what? For him to decide that she wasn’t worth it. They’d been through rough times before, but this time was different. The relationship was cold. And when she suggested they try some time apart, he left and didn’t look back. In the time since...

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Center of MassChapter 10

We didn't know where that gang of 10 Navajos had disappeared to, but Running Fox and I were not comfortable knowing that they could be in our neighborhood. We left to hunt for them shortly after the train reorganized following the Apache attack. At least, we didn't have to worry about the two groups working together, though we would have been in a lot more trouble if they had done so. Running Fox and I hurried to where we had seen their tracks and immediately started to follow them. The...

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