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by Ashley Zacharias

Deb was a bitch last night. A real bitch. I don't know what brought it on, but she was all over me like ugly on an old nun. I don't do enough housework. I don't treat her family right. I don't treat her like the damned princess she wants to be. Nothing that I've done in my whole life was good enough for her. Hell, I do the best I can. I work hard, I earn a decent living, I do my share of the household chores. She's got nothing to complain about. Yet, there she was, putting me down, calling me every name in the book and then not talking to me for the rest of the night. Maybe it's PMS. Maybe it's because her mother hates her father. Maybe it's hereditary insanity. I don't know. But whatever it is, I sure didn't feel like going home after work. I didn't think that I could put up with another night of her shit.

So I was sitting around in my office after six, putting in some overtime, looking for anything to do to delay the end of the workday when my computer beeped at me. I looked at the screen and saw that I got an email from the harridan.

I expected that she'd be crapping all over me for missing supper and not calling to tell her taht I was going to be late. Like she should expect that I'd be thrilled to return home after her performance last night. I almost didn't open the email, probably wouldn't have, except the subject line was kind of intriguing. ?INR: I hope you'll enjoy giving me what I need.? It wasn't the ?what I need? part that intrigued me – she never gets tired of telling me what I need to do for her – it was the word ?enjoy? that caught my eye. She never before suggested that I might enjoy doing what she demanded. Had her mind finally jumped the tracks or what?

I opened the email. The further I read, the more mystified I felt. It said:

Dear Pete:

Don't ask me why, but tonight I need to be raped. That's right, raped. Sexually used by a man without any regard whatsoever for what I might be suffering. I need you to used cruelly and brutally in any way that you wish. You must take my however you like despite any show of reluctance, verbal or physical, that I might throw at you. You must overcome me by threats or physical force if required. I need that you let nothing I do or say stand in the way of obtaining sexual satisfaction from me.

I only ask that you do not leave me with any permanent injuries. If you need to use your fists to subdue me, you do not use your full strength. You can blacken an eye or break my nose if you have to, but don't don't break my teeth or crush the bones around my eye socket. They wouldn't heal properly.

I also ask that you restrict this brutal treatment to the next twenty-four hours, at your convenience, and return to your sweet and gentle ways after that.

To reiterate in absolutely clear terms, I expect that you will violently and brutally violate me in any way you wish, as often as you wish, between now and noon tomorrow.

I need it. Please give me what I need.

Yours (literally),


PS. If you have any doubts about my sincerity, you will be assured when you find that I have left some items to assist you on the bureau inside the front door and will be wearing a slightly-faded yellow sundress.

I was both appalled and thrilled by her words. Did she really mean what she wrote? She must have. Could the email have been spoofed by someone else? Not if she were indicating her compliance by wearing a old, out-of-season dress that had been hanging unworn in her closet for years. This had to be the real thing. My raging hard-on told me that my reptile brain thought it was the real thing; and that, despite years of living in a ?civilized? culture, I had a primal urge to give her exactly what she was asking for.

My dear Deb was facing a vigorous raping in her near future. My cock had decided. Her fate was inevitable. I shut down my computer and rushed out of my office.

Stealth or rampage? That was the question filling my mind when I was standing on our front step. Do I sneak in a back window like a cat burglar or burst through the front door like a conquering Mongol? Words from her email popped into my mind: ?crudely?, ?brutally?, ?violently?. That hardly described sneaking in a back window after she was asleep.

I slammed the door open, stepped into the house, and roared, ?Where are you, bitch??

There was no answer.

As promised, a roll of duct tape,  a pair of handcuffs, and a box of condoms were lying on the entryway bureau where I normally kept my wallet and keys. The mini-rape-kit confirmed that there was no mistake. She was requesting a rape scenario. I was nervous about her talk about fists and broken bones but trusted that those phrases were included in her email merely to set the mood. I did not expect the game to escalate to that level of violence. Paradoxically, I believed that actual violence would inhibit me and destroy the realism of the game. When I burst through that door, I neither understood my wife's needs nor my own capabilities. I was soon to learn some disturbing things about both of us.

Confident in my superior strength, I sneered at the tape and handcuffs. Only a wimp would need mechanical assistance. And what was with the condoms, anyway? What kind of pussy did she think I was? I followed the sound of the television into the family room.

As promised, my wife was wearing a faded yellow sundress. That dress, confirming her complicity, was the final sign that sealed her fate irrevocably. She could abandon all hope of mercy. She was going to feel my cock in her cunt in the next few minutes no matter what she did or said.

When she saw me, she said nothing; she merely pulled her bare feet off the floor, curled herself into a ball in the corner of the couch and whimpered like a newborn kitten.

Her vulnerability enraged me. I wasn't acting a part, I was unleashing my true self when I strode across the room, wrapped my hand in the hair at the back of her head and pulled her off the couch. She screamed in pain as I dragged her out of the room by her hair. I didn't care; my only thought was to get away from the blaring television set and find a little peace and quiet. I was in no mood to hear Oprah fussing away in the background. Her voice was incompatible with violent rape. It was easier and quicker to drag my woman away from her than to fiddle with the remote, trying to remember how to turn off the TV. My higher cortex was no longer functioning; my behavior was entirely controlled by my cerebellum and limbic system now.

Deb clawed desperately at my hands, trying to pull them out of her hair. I ignored her girlish, ineffectual efforts. A few scratches on the back of my hands meant nothing to me now. Keeping her head at waist level, I duck-walked her, screaming and scrambling with her feet, all the way through the kitchen to the dining room. There, I kicked one of the dining chairs aside, pulled her up and slammed her face and chest across the dining room table. She grunted in pain when her abdomen was jammed against the edge of the table and the wind was driven from her.

Pulling my hands out of her hair, I jerked the hem of her skirt over her hips to reveal white cotton panties. Who needs red lace to get turned on? Soft white cotton had never looked so sexy. I was inflamed beyond all control.

As soon as she realized that I had released my grip on her hair, she pushed herself off the table and her skirt fell back to her knees. Uncooperative bitch! I grabbed the dress where it was buttoned up the back and pulled with all my considerable strength. Yellow plastic buttons flew everywhere and fabric shredded with a loud rip as the dress was torn from her shoulders. She screamed and clutched at the front of her dress but to no avail; I kept tearing the cloth out of her hands and away from her body until the dress was nothing but piles of yellow rags lying around her feet. She was wearing no bra. I grabbed her hair with my right hand and slammed her naked tits against the table, forcing her ass into the air, and began ripping at her panties with my left. They did not shred as easily as the dress; I must have bruised her cunt and hips terribly as I pulled and tugged at the cotton fabric with one hand while I held her down with the other. Her arms flailed about uselessly as she beat her hands against the table and screamed continuously. I never did manage to tear the panties; eventually I pushed them down her legs and began fumbling with my belt and pants. It took two hands to free myself and I had to alternate between working at my own clothes and pushing her back on the table and yelling at her to stay where I put her. She tried kicking me with her heels but she couldn't connect properly. Damn the bitch had a lot of fight in her.

I finally got my shorts down to my knees, her face pressed against the table, and her knees kicked wide apart. Thrusting into her cunt was easy; she was wide open and as wet as the Pacific Ocean. As I thrust into her again and again, her screams turned to sobs.

I don't know if she would have come eventually or not. She wasn't getting any clitoral stimulation and had never come before on the precious few occasions when I had convinced her to assume the doggy position. On the other hand, neither one of us had ever before experienced such an intensely emotional coupling. She might have come from the violent pounding in her pussy alone if I'd been able to keep it going for long enough. I didn't, though. I was so turned on that I expended myself after only a few thrusts. She kept sobbing piteously as I finished in her.

Tough titty. Like her email said, this was about me and I didn't give a damn what she felt, one way or the other. Whether she was sobbing from pain, frustration, or humiliation, it was nothing to me.

As soon as I was finished, I wrapped my hands in her hair at the sides of her head, dragged her off the table and forced her to her knees in front of my dripping crotch. I snarled, ?Lick me clean, bitch. Lick off every drop of slime and swallow it or I'll beat you to a pulp.?

I held her there while she wept and snivelled and licked for all she was worth. Good thing. I was so enraged, I might well have forgotten her admonition against using my full strength and pounded her face flat if she had disobeyed me. And she knew it; she could hear it in my voice. Neither one of us was acting a part in a fantasy role-playing game. This was pure, honest animal behavior freshly dredged from the depths of our evolutionary memories.

When I grew tired of feeling her tongue scraping against my limp cock, I toppled her backward onto the hardwood floor and growled, ?I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Stay away from me for the rest of the night.?

I don't know where she slept, or even if she slept, but I slept like a baby alone in our king-sized bed for a full ten hours. The next morning, I showered and dressed before I went looking for her.

I found her curled up into a foetal position in the easy chair in the living room, naked and shivering, watching me with big fearful eyes. I remembered that her email had said that I had unrestricted access to her body until noon.  She probably expected that I would brutalize her again this morning. Seeing her cowed and vulnerable, I was half tempted to take her again but didn't feel like flying into a new rage and didn't want to dilute the previous night's primal experience by following it up with some half-hearted poking at her.

Instead, I said not a single word. I walked out the front door and drove to work.

When I got home that evening, on time and in an excellent mood, I found Deb dressed in jeans and a plaid blouse, cooking a pasta salad. She greeted me with a cheerful, ?Hello, dear. Dinner will be ready in ten minutes.? She was acting like nothing unusual had happened in the last twenty-four hours.

When we sat down to dinner, I looked at her face. Her forehead and cheeks were blue and yellow where they had been bruised by the repeated pounding against the table. They had to be hurting. At least I hadn't broken her nose. She appeared to be sitting rather gingerly on the wooden chair. I wondered how badly I had bruised her other end.

Suddenly I understood the remorse of the wife beater. I was seized by a deep, sincere regret. ?I'm sorry,? I said, spontaneously. ?I'm so sorry.?

?No,? she snapped. ?Never be sorry for giving me what I need. Never. You can never do this unless I ask for it, but when I do ask, then you go at me full out and never regret it for a minute, do you understand??

?No,? I said. ?I don't understand.?

She smiled sadly. ?I guess you don't. And it's not something that I can explain.?

?So you're telling me that you liked what I did.?

?Not a bit.? She paused for a long minute while I struggled to understand. Then she said, ?Do you like going to the dentist to get a cavity filled??

?No.? I hated going to the dentist, even for a cleaning.

?But you need to go anyway.?

?If I have a cavity, sure. I need to go even if I don't like it.?

?Okay. It's the same with me. Sometimes I have a cavity that needs to be filled. More than one, in fact,? she smiled mischievously, ?and you're the dentist who has to do the filling. I don't want it and I sure as hell don't enjoy it, but I need it just as much as I'd need to get an aching tooth filled. If you enjoy the work, then I'm pleased for you. I want you to enjoy it as much as you can. But mostly I want you to do a thorough job on me. Really thorough. You did the job all right last night and I want you to do an even better when I ask you again. It will happen again. Not soon and not often. Maybe next month or maybe not for a year or more, but it will happen again. The rest of the time, most of the time, I want you to make love to me gently and lovely like you always do. Making love to me and raping me are two completely different things and you have to keep them completely separate in your own mind. When you're raping me, you have to really be raping me and when you're making love to me, you have to really be making love to me.?

?I can do that.?

She smiled openly. ?That's the most reassuring thing that you have ever said to me.?

?But I still don't understand why you would ever need such rough treatment.?

?That's the part that I can't explain. You'll just have to take that part on faith.?

?Is it because you treated me badly?? I asked tentatively.

?No. It's not so simple as that. I needed raping for the same reason that I treated you badly, not because of it. Don't question my logic, just do the job when I need it.?

?I will,? I promised.

?Next time, though, I'm not going to give you any instructions. You'll have to decide what to do on your own. It doesn't have to be exactly the same as last time. In fact, it doesn't have to be anything like last time. Use your imagination. Surprise me in unpleasant ways. Remember, I'm not supposed to like it. If I don't hate what you are doing, then you aren't doing your job.?

?If you don't give me any instructions, then how will I know when you need the full treatment??

?I'll send you three letters, 'INR', in an email or a text message or a voice mail. That's all. INR.? she enunciated the letters clearly and distinctly to ensure that I heard them correctly.

?INR?? I remembered the letters in the subject line of her email.

?It stands for 'I need raping'. When I give you the INR signal, then you have a free hand to abuse me in any violent, brutal way you wish from the moment you see me until noon the following day. And, when you get the signal, you have to do your part whether you're in the mood or not. If you don't want to do it personally for some reason, use an object of some kind. Just make sure that you do it in a way that I will not enjoy. Forget about vibrators and think about beer bottles. Just make sure that you use lube in my asshole so that I don't suffer any permanent damage.?

I hadn't thought about her asshole last night. She was right. I could have done a better job. Next time I'll make sure that I fill her cavities properly.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The last time I posted a story, I did not receive any email, not even the automatic notifications about reviews. I don't know what went wrong, but if you did not receive a reply from me, it means that I did not receive an email from you. Try writing directly to ?ashley dot zacharias at live dot com?.

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FlintkoteChapter 60

Leon’s Frozen Custard ... on 27th ... is one of the culinary extravaganzas of Milwaukee. Real cream eggs and a touch of sugar. Mmmmm. 27th is an interesting experience in and of itself. Driving north from Leon’s ... cream and sugar odors ... one will pass over the Kinnickinnic River and the immediate ‘sniff’ is Hops ... drying hops ... depending on the brewery orders ... there can be Ahtanum, a bittering and aroma hop from the American Pacific Northwest. it works well in an array of beer...

3 years ago
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Sea CruiseChapter 2

Julie came to my room as we had planned and we spent what seemed like the whole night having sex. Every time we finished and I was settling down to sleep and regain my strength she soon had me aroused and hard at it again. I had forgotten how much she liked to fuck and how convincing and forceful she could be with her mouth and active little tongue. As a consequence, when she finally returned to her own room in the early hours I felt as if I hadn't closed my eyes all night. With the prospect...

3 years ago
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Getting ByChapter 29

The party from Silicon Valley had come into the valley along much the same route Crystal and I had followed when we first headed for the desert, following the old I-580 over the Altamont pass before heading south. Going back, we headed west by northwest and hit old state route 198 just west of what was left of Coalinga. We camped in the valley outside Coalinga and got an early start the next morning. The roads we were using, unlike the old freeways, didn't have many hulks of cars on them....

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Naked Society

The Naked Society consisted of a group of wealthy influential individuals that have existed since the mid 2020s. They believe that the more puritanical rules that were inherited from the old world stifled the evolution of man. The most important being removing the boundaries of shame that most people impose on exposed flesh. They funded several nude studies over the years, not just in the U.S., but all over the world. In the early 2050's they convinced the federal government to implement a nude...

1 year ago
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Humiliation by Wife and Relatives Chapter 2

The next night I got home, and Sandy told me that Dan had phoned and she had to go to his place for the evening. She then went upstairs to get ready. When she came down a little later, she asked me how she looked. She was wearing a tiny black dress that showed most of her tits and all but the top of her thighs. The outfit was completed with fishnet stockings and black high-heeled shoes. She wore thick makeup and bright red lipstick, something she never normally used. I told her that, quite...

3 years ago
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The Unknown Guy From The Train

I have been writing here just because I can’t share my story with anyone else. I’m Manasa, age 25. It was a pleasant day at a relative’s house in Pune. I went there a few years ago, to meet my cousins. Since my college was about to begin in few days I booked a train to Bangalore, where I was doing my studies, staying at a hostel. I came just before the train departs. By that time, my reserved compartment was almost full. As always I had booked a window seat.When I reached my cabin, there were a...

2 years ago
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Gloria at the Company Beach Party

About a week ago, my wife Gloria and I were invited to a beach resort along with a bunch of her coworkers. She works in the marketing department at a large company which did very well in the past few years, and the employees were starting to get a lot of perks, one of which was the resort trip.I was eager to go, although I was worried about meeting Gloria's coworkers. Her company had a very informal culture, and Gloria would sometimes tell me about all the flirting and pinching that went on...

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Sarge revisited

Given recent events (and the fact that it has been frankly a disgraceful length of time since I’ve blogged) I think it would be a good opportunity to update you all.Please do not be mistaken in assuming that because I haven’t blogged, I haven’t been ‘playing’, as that it not the case … at all! Also please don’t think that if you were one of those… erm… ‘players’ that you were in anyway ‘unblog-worthy’ because that may not be the case either (… may not).Unsurprisingly, one of my...

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Intrusive DelightsChapter 9 The Barracks

One bright morning the Emir rose at an unusually early hour, to the dismay of the concubine in his bed, and announced to a startled Kamal Qumsiyeh that he intended to visit the barracks that very day, and within the hour. "Our military establishment is important, and it is part of my duty to the people to see to it that the armed forces are properly housed and trained," he announced, "A surprise inspection might just have a salutary effect on them, if such is needed." General Mustapha...

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The First SuetoniusChapter 8

With a blast of steam and smoke, the ER15 leapt from the launching ramp with an acceleration that would've crushed a human pilot. The booster rockets flared for less than two seconds before falling away. In that time, the probe was well over Com territory. Com soldiers outside New Glasgow saw it flash over their heads. Everyone knew what it was, but it was an awesome sight nonetheless. In the command bunker flatscreens flared with the wealth of incoming data. Within a second, the volume of...

3 years ago
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I had just got home from work , and what to my wondering surprise my gf is naked and waiting for me on my lazy boy , with her legs spread , playing with her pussy.ON the couch are 3 shemales also naked and playing with there cocks , how she did this i have no idea , but its been my fantasy to have a shemale and my gf in a sexual frenzy ,now i had this and plus two more , wow what a girl.IM licking my lips as i watch all 4 of them playing , my gf tells me she has run a bath for me and has nikki...

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Prostituting myself At a party with eight black g

My Husband Asked Me To Do Him A FavorMy husband and I recently made plans to celebrate my soon to be 30th birthday this coming weekend. He booked in advance, a large suite at our local Marriott where we would check-in on Friday night, checkout on Sunday. I was looking forward to it, until! My Husband came home from work Monday night with a problem related to his new construction company. My Husband has a crew of eight black guys working for him renovating a small apartment complex here in...

1 year ago
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Janets Awakening Part 1

My mother was a couple years younger than my father and was 5’5’ tall with a nice figure and large breasts and round hips that attracted attention from guys. She has green eyes and long curly red hair. My oldest brother 4 years older than me and is 5’11” tall with a husky build. He has green eyes and blonde hair like my father cut short. My other brother is 2 years older than me and is 6 foot tall with a slim build. He has hazel eyes and red hair to his shoulders like the members of the...

2 years ago
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One of my first stories

It 's the first day of great heat, looks at my house with a long tank top, shorts, jeans and high-heeled sandals that give a glimpse of her beautiful legs in black enamel. It 's the first thing I noticeWe are both very open to any argument about the sex, no special taboo. Some practices "extreme" that we do not practice, are sometimes subject to very beautiful and intimate conversations, without judgment nor prejudice.We dealt with great complicity anal sex, coming to it gladly play with my...

2 years ago
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Stein Um SteinChapter 2

By the time he arrived in his office the anger he had felt last night had returned etching a despondent glower on his face. The weight of his actions, for the near future amassed heavily on his shoulders. Only those that knew him well, would notice any difference, all they would see is the usual sad angry man, stooped over trying to hide from his own insignificance. Just before noon he was quizzed by Charles Chiswick about his delay at the port. Had Martin not known the things he knew now,...

4 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 58 Change is in the Wind

The king’s group was on the road shortly after the sun arose. This day, he managed to ride alone after pointing out to Annette that she was unsafe with him on the rougher terrain. His suggestion that she travel on the wagon was met with a firm shake of her head. She had loved the feeling of riding a horse – even if her rump had not. “Then you should ride with our most experienced horsewoman,” the king decided, gesturing to Liala. “I am fine on the flat ground, Annette, but we are entering...

4 years ago
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sis and her best friend

Episode 1 - Postman’s Knock Writing about my encounters with Mrs Simpson during my late teenage college days got me thinking back to my younger days and my first sexual experience. This is a gentle story of youth and innocence so apologies to those of you who like your stories a little raunchier. It takes a while to warm up so please bear with me. I was 12 and s*s was 15. My parents were attending a funeral which meant they would be away for a few days. s*s was left in charge and her reward...

3 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 53

There was only the slightest pause after Ernie's announcement before many a hand reached for a wand, only to come up empty: Harry understood his friends very well, and had he not confiscated everyone's wand, Ernie would have been instantly subjected to multiple curses. Ernie was also fortunate that the small room was very overcrowded. Fred and George stumbled over each other as they rose. Ginny too attempted to get at Ernie, but in the commotion could not get past her brothers. Only Imogen,...

1 year ago
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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 31 Unauthorized Mission

Fold Space, the USS HOPE Sammy grunted as she landed on her back. Rolling over, she scrambled to her feet as Kevin came in low, the knife blade held along his right forearm. His arm came in, and her arm came up with her blade. They clanged together as the palm of her hand slammed into his chest, and Kevin flew back from her. "Got yeah!" Sammy said as she turned and kicked with her left foot. She felt her foot being grabbed, and she went flying as Kevin spun her around, and she hit the mat...

3 years ago
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The Spark to Ignite Sexperiences of Ammu

Let me introduce myself. My name is Ammu, of course, my name is changed. I am 22 years old now. I graduated from an engineering college located in Chennai, famous for its red building. To describe my family. I am from a family located in Erode. I have a brother who is younger to me. I am short around 160 cms but I have curves in the right areas now. My stats now are 34-30-32. I have a near hourglass shape that is highlighted because of my short height. This story begins before I even had those...

2 years ago
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The Club Contract

?I was a bit unsure if I should accept the invitation to the new club...the guy I was dating now wasa little kinkier than I had been involved with before..he talked of many things so foreign tome...bondage...whipping...alter domination...torture and the satisfaction that pleasure mixed withpain could bring. Yet something deep inside got excited at the thought...maybe just this once Iwould go and get a glimpse...nothing said I had to participate...I could just be an innocentbystander...Or so I...

1 year ago
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Bi Cycle

I hate men. Oh, let me explain: my name is Alexandra (Alex to my friends), and I'm a lesbian. I know that "I hate men" seems somewhat trite, but I really have not liked men since before my first heterosexual experience, and that left me disappointed, frightened, and a bit sticky. It was back in senior high school, and I had finally accepted a date with Bob, a guy in my gym class. Bob was not unattractive, and certainly physically fit. Even then I wasn't too keen on men, but I hadn't...

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Gianna Dior 4900 520000

Gianna Dior is a porn tour de force. She has it all, from looks to drive to skills. It's no wonder how this bitch shot up through the ranks to become one of the most well-known and respected porn stars in the industry right now.A Whore is BornGianna was born on May 24th, 1997, in Alabama. She comes from a military family. Her mother, dad, and sister all served or still serve in the United States Airforce. Her family pushed her to join also, and she did well on her entry tests. However, military...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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Uber Driver

I was working in Boston yesterday until 5:00 so I decided to go out to have a few drinks afterward with my co-workers, since we hardly ever hung out together in the city. My husband knew I wasn’t coming home right away, so I wasn't worried. I was soon bored silly, however, since my co- workers who I see almost every day, are neither all that cool nor that much fun. I wasn't dressed all that sexy either, but only had on a work dress. After a while, my mind started to wonder and I was thinking...

2 years ago
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Magic Is Gross 2 DevilChapter 12

He snored. Avery ran her hand in a circle over David’s chest. He gargled and snored quite louder than he sometimes did. She smiled. She slid out of bed. She lifted her t-shirt off of his nightstand and pulled on her flannel pajama pants. She slipped into her beaten and untied sneakers. It was almost a routine drop out the window. The back lawn had grown wet over night and she wiped her hands on her shirt as she walked back home. A few orange leaves were spiralling down but just as many trees...

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Second Semester Working for a LivingChapter 5

This morning dawned ominously. The temperature was 30 degrees and a high of only 38 was predicted. We were to expect either sleet or snow all day. It had not rained in a week, so if snow fell, it just might stick but would soon be gone, since there was a warm front coming up from the gulf that would hit us about Sunday morning. All of this bad weather, plus some misgivings on my part about going to supper with three certified geniuses, had me kind of on edge. What had I gotten myself into;...

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LostGirlChapter 4

Bill awoke refreshed and smiling as if from some forgotten erotic dream. He used to think it strange that he could vaguely remember dreams but could not recall them once he awoke, but after research found that it was not an unusual phenomenon. Bill then remembered Kristel snuggling next to him in the night, but couldn't find her next to him. He then rolled over and discovered that he was alone in his bed. At that moment he heard the toilet flush down the hall and voices in the hallway. As...

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BlendersChapter 34

On the day of the Inauguration of the new President, Olivia left her body to soar to the Rock Island, Illinois arsenal. She picked up plastic explosives, detonators, and timers. She figured if she made enough mischief for the new administration, it might set them back somewhat. She also stole her way into the satellite positioning site to study exactly where the passovers would be. She memorized all that she saw then returned to the island. She put everything in a safe place then got back...

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