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by Ashley Zacharias

Deb was a bitch last night. A real bitch. I don't know what brought it on, but she was all over me like ugly on an old nun. I don't do enough housework. I don't treat her family right. I don't treat her like the damned princess she wants to be. Nothing that I've done in my whole life was good enough for her. Hell, I do the best I can. I work hard, I earn a decent living, I do my share of the household chores. She's got nothing to complain about. Yet, there she was, putting me down, calling me every name in the book and then not talking to me for the rest of the night. Maybe it's PMS. Maybe it's because her mother hates her father. Maybe it's hereditary insanity. I don't know. But whatever it is, I sure didn't feel like going home after work. I didn't think that I could put up with another night of her shit.

So I was sitting around in my office after six, putting in some overtime, looking for anything to do to delay the end of the workday when my computer beeped at me. I looked at the screen and saw that I got an email from the harridan.

I expected that she'd be crapping all over me for missing supper and not calling to tell her taht I was going to be late. Like she should expect that I'd be thrilled to return home after her performance last night. I almost didn't open the email, probably wouldn't have, except the subject line was kind of intriguing. ?INR: I hope you'll enjoy giving me what I need.? It wasn't the ?what I need? part that intrigued me – she never gets tired of telling me what I need to do for her – it was the word ?enjoy? that caught my eye. She never before suggested that I might enjoy doing what she demanded. Had her mind finally jumped the tracks or what?

I opened the email. The further I read, the more mystified I felt. It said:

Dear Pete:

Don't ask me why, but tonight I need to be raped. That's right, raped. Sexually used by a man without any regard whatsoever for what I might be suffering. I need you to used cruelly and brutally in any way that you wish. You must take my however you like despite any show of reluctance, verbal or physical, that I might throw at you. You must overcome me by threats or physical force if required. I need that you let nothing I do or say stand in the way of obtaining sexual satisfaction from me.

I only ask that you do not leave me with any permanent injuries. If you need to use your fists to subdue me, you do not use your full strength. You can blacken an eye or break my nose if you have to, but don't don't break my teeth or crush the bones around my eye socket. They wouldn't heal properly.

I also ask that you restrict this brutal treatment to the next twenty-four hours, at your convenience, and return to your sweet and gentle ways after that.

To reiterate in absolutely clear terms, I expect that you will violently and brutally violate me in any way you wish, as often as you wish, between now and noon tomorrow.

I need it. Please give me what I need.

Yours (literally),


PS. If you have any doubts about my sincerity, you will be assured when you find that I have left some items to assist you on the bureau inside the front door and will be wearing a slightly-faded yellow sundress.

I was both appalled and thrilled by her words. Did she really mean what she wrote? She must have. Could the email have been spoofed by someone else? Not if she were indicating her compliance by wearing a old, out-of-season dress that had been hanging unworn in her closet for years. This had to be the real thing. My raging hard-on told me that my reptile brain thought it was the real thing; and that, despite years of living in a ?civilized? culture, I had a primal urge to give her exactly what she was asking for.

My dear Deb was facing a vigorous raping in her near future. My cock had decided. Her fate was inevitable. I shut down my computer and rushed out of my office.

Stealth or rampage? That was the question filling my mind when I was standing on our front step. Do I sneak in a back window like a cat burglar or burst through the front door like a conquering Mongol? Words from her email popped into my mind: ?crudely?, ?brutally?, ?violently?. That hardly described sneaking in a back window after she was asleep.

I slammed the door open, stepped into the house, and roared, ?Where are you, bitch??

There was no answer.

As promised, a roll of duct tape,  a pair of handcuffs, and a box of condoms were lying on the entryway bureau where I normally kept my wallet and keys. The mini-rape-kit confirmed that there was no mistake. She was requesting a rape scenario. I was nervous about her talk about fists and broken bones but trusted that those phrases were included in her email merely to set the mood. I did not expect the game to escalate to that level of violence. Paradoxically, I believed that actual violence would inhibit me and destroy the realism of the game. When I burst through that door, I neither understood my wife's needs nor my own capabilities. I was soon to learn some disturbing things about both of us.

Confident in my superior strength, I sneered at the tape and handcuffs. Only a wimp would need mechanical assistance. And what was with the condoms, anyway? What kind of pussy did she think I was? I followed the sound of the television into the family room.

As promised, my wife was wearing a faded yellow sundress. That dress, confirming her complicity, was the final sign that sealed her fate irrevocably. She could abandon all hope of mercy. She was going to feel my cock in her cunt in the next few minutes no matter what she did or said.

When she saw me, she said nothing; she merely pulled her bare feet off the floor, curled herself into a ball in the corner of the couch and whimpered like a newborn kitten.

Her vulnerability enraged me. I wasn't acting a part, I was unleashing my true self when I strode across the room, wrapped my hand in the hair at the back of her head and pulled her off the couch. She screamed in pain as I dragged her out of the room by her hair. I didn't care; my only thought was to get away from the blaring television set and find a little peace and quiet. I was in no mood to hear Oprah fussing away in the background. Her voice was incompatible with violent rape. It was easier and quicker to drag my woman away from her than to fiddle with the remote, trying to remember how to turn off the TV. My higher cortex was no longer functioning; my behavior was entirely controlled by my cerebellum and limbic system now.

Deb clawed desperately at my hands, trying to pull them out of her hair. I ignored her girlish, ineffectual efforts. A few scratches on the back of my hands meant nothing to me now. Keeping her head at waist level, I duck-walked her, screaming and scrambling with her feet, all the way through the kitchen to the dining room. There, I kicked one of the dining chairs aside, pulled her up and slammed her face and chest across the dining room table. She grunted in pain when her abdomen was jammed against the edge of the table and the wind was driven from her.

Pulling my hands out of her hair, I jerked the hem of her skirt over her hips to reveal white cotton panties. Who needs red lace to get turned on? Soft white cotton had never looked so sexy. I was inflamed beyond all control.

As soon as she realized that I had released my grip on her hair, she pushed herself off the table and her skirt fell back to her knees. Uncooperative bitch! I grabbed the dress where it was buttoned up the back and pulled with all my considerable strength. Yellow plastic buttons flew everywhere and fabric shredded with a loud rip as the dress was torn from her shoulders. She screamed and clutched at the front of her dress but to no avail; I kept tearing the cloth out of her hands and away from her body until the dress was nothing but piles of yellow rags lying around her feet. She was wearing no bra. I grabbed her hair with my right hand and slammed her naked tits against the table, forcing her ass into the air, and began ripping at her panties with my left. They did not shred as easily as the dress; I must have bruised her cunt and hips terribly as I pulled and tugged at the cotton fabric with one hand while I held her down with the other. Her arms flailed about uselessly as she beat her hands against the table and screamed continuously. I never did manage to tear the panties; eventually I pushed them down her legs and began fumbling with my belt and pants. It took two hands to free myself and I had to alternate between working at my own clothes and pushing her back on the table and yelling at her to stay where I put her. She tried kicking me with her heels but she couldn't connect properly. Damn the bitch had a lot of fight in her.

I finally got my shorts down to my knees, her face pressed against the table, and her knees kicked wide apart. Thrusting into her cunt was easy; she was wide open and as wet as the Pacific Ocean. As I thrust into her again and again, her screams turned to sobs.

I don't know if she would have come eventually or not. She wasn't getting any clitoral stimulation and had never come before on the precious few occasions when I had convinced her to assume the doggy position. On the other hand, neither one of us had ever before experienced such an intensely emotional coupling. She might have come from the violent pounding in her pussy alone if I'd been able to keep it going for long enough. I didn't, though. I was so turned on that I expended myself after only a few thrusts. She kept sobbing piteously as I finished in her.

Tough titty. Like her email said, this was about me and I didn't give a damn what she felt, one way or the other. Whether she was sobbing from pain, frustration, or humiliation, it was nothing to me.

As soon as I was finished, I wrapped my hands in her hair at the sides of her head, dragged her off the table and forced her to her knees in front of my dripping crotch. I snarled, ?Lick me clean, bitch. Lick off every drop of slime and swallow it or I'll beat you to a pulp.?

I held her there while she wept and snivelled and licked for all she was worth. Good thing. I was so enraged, I might well have forgotten her admonition against using my full strength and pounded her face flat if she had disobeyed me. And she knew it; she could hear it in my voice. Neither one of us was acting a part in a fantasy role-playing game. This was pure, honest animal behavior freshly dredged from the depths of our evolutionary memories.

When I grew tired of feeling her tongue scraping against my limp cock, I toppled her backward onto the hardwood floor and growled, ?I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Stay away from me for the rest of the night.?

I don't know where she slept, or even if she slept, but I slept like a baby alone in our king-sized bed for a full ten hours. The next morning, I showered and dressed before I went looking for her.

I found her curled up into a foetal position in the easy chair in the living room, naked and shivering, watching me with big fearful eyes. I remembered that her email had said that I had unrestricted access to her body until noon.  She probably expected that I would brutalize her again this morning. Seeing her cowed and vulnerable, I was half tempted to take her again but didn't feel like flying into a new rage and didn't want to dilute the previous night's primal experience by following it up with some half-hearted poking at her.

Instead, I said not a single word. I walked out the front door and drove to work.

When I got home that evening, on time and in an excellent mood, I found Deb dressed in jeans and a plaid blouse, cooking a pasta salad. She greeted me with a cheerful, ?Hello, dear. Dinner will be ready in ten minutes.? She was acting like nothing unusual had happened in the last twenty-four hours.

When we sat down to dinner, I looked at her face. Her forehead and cheeks were blue and yellow where they had been bruised by the repeated pounding against the table. They had to be hurting. At least I hadn't broken her nose. She appeared to be sitting rather gingerly on the wooden chair. I wondered how badly I had bruised her other end.

Suddenly I understood the remorse of the wife beater. I was seized by a deep, sincere regret. ?I'm sorry,? I said, spontaneously. ?I'm so sorry.?

?No,? she snapped. ?Never be sorry for giving me what I need. Never. You can never do this unless I ask for it, but when I do ask, then you go at me full out and never regret it for a minute, do you understand??

?No,? I said. ?I don't understand.?

She smiled sadly. ?I guess you don't. And it's not something that I can explain.?

?So you're telling me that you liked what I did.?

?Not a bit.? She paused for a long minute while I struggled to understand. Then she said, ?Do you like going to the dentist to get a cavity filled??

?No.? I hated going to the dentist, even for a cleaning.

?But you need to go anyway.?

?If I have a cavity, sure. I need to go even if I don't like it.?

?Okay. It's the same with me. Sometimes I have a cavity that needs to be filled. More than one, in fact,? she smiled mischievously, ?and you're the dentist who has to do the filling. I don't want it and I sure as hell don't enjoy it, but I need it just as much as I'd need to get an aching tooth filled. If you enjoy the work, then I'm pleased for you. I want you to enjoy it as much as you can. But mostly I want you to do a thorough job on me. Really thorough. You did the job all right last night and I want you to do an even better when I ask you again. It will happen again. Not soon and not often. Maybe next month or maybe not for a year or more, but it will happen again. The rest of the time, most of the time, I want you to make love to me gently and lovely like you always do. Making love to me and raping me are two completely different things and you have to keep them completely separate in your own mind. When you're raping me, you have to really be raping me and when you're making love to me, you have to really be making love to me.?

?I can do that.?

She smiled openly. ?That's the most reassuring thing that you have ever said to me.?

?But I still don't understand why you would ever need such rough treatment.?

?That's the part that I can't explain. You'll just have to take that part on faith.?

?Is it because you treated me badly?? I asked tentatively.

?No. It's not so simple as that. I needed raping for the same reason that I treated you badly, not because of it. Don't question my logic, just do the job when I need it.?

?I will,? I promised.

?Next time, though, I'm not going to give you any instructions. You'll have to decide what to do on your own. It doesn't have to be exactly the same as last time. In fact, it doesn't have to be anything like last time. Use your imagination. Surprise me in unpleasant ways. Remember, I'm not supposed to like it. If I don't hate what you are doing, then you aren't doing your job.?

?If you don't give me any instructions, then how will I know when you need the full treatment??

?I'll send you three letters, 'INR', in an email or a text message or a voice mail. That's all. INR.? she enunciated the letters clearly and distinctly to ensure that I heard them correctly.

?INR?? I remembered the letters in the subject line of her email.

?It stands for 'I need raping'. When I give you the INR signal, then you have a free hand to abuse me in any violent, brutal way you wish from the moment you see me until noon the following day. And, when you get the signal, you have to do your part whether you're in the mood or not. If you don't want to do it personally for some reason, use an object of some kind. Just make sure that you do it in a way that I will not enjoy. Forget about vibrators and think about beer bottles. Just make sure that you use lube in my asshole so that I don't suffer any permanent damage.?

I hadn't thought about her asshole last night. She was right. I could have done a better job. Next time I'll make sure that I fill her cavities properly.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The last time I posted a story, I did not receive any email, not even the automatic notifications about reviews. I don't know what went wrong, but if you did not receive a reply from me, it means that I did not receive an email from you. Try writing directly to ?ashley dot zacharias at live dot com?.

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The Sage and Satyan talked about setting up the decoratives around the firepit when they heard Radhika’s voice. “Namaste Guruji.” Both the men turned towards her voice and were mesmerized by the sight that greeted them. Standing naked with water drops dripping off her voluptuous body was Radhika. The men took their time to digest the sight that stood in front of them. Her breast was like two ruby-tipped globes on display. Drops of water kept accumulating on her nipples until gravity pulled them...

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Teacher ho to aise

Hi I am Karan Grewall, 21yrs, tall, slim. First time in my life I like to share my experience with the readers of this site. I am computer engineering student. Most of the time I spend my time in college. Both my parents are working so most of the time they are out of station. Now lets talk in Hindi. Jab main 1st year ki study kar rha tha to hamari computer ke teacher rachna mam ki trasfer ho gayi jis wajha se ek nai teacher ki jaroorat thi. To unversity main teacher ke liye poster lag gaye....

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Rickis Story

RICKY'S STORY The young man sat in a deeply shaded corner of restaurants patio. He was watching two young women intently and intimately converse and exchange quick kisses. He was sure that he recognized the brunette even though seven year had passed since he had seen her last, but the taller blond he didn't know. After about forty five minutes the two women called for their check, paid it, rose and embraced tightly and engaged in a lingering passionate kiss. 'You don't see that...

4 years ago
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A New Gurlfriend

A New Gurlfriend by Paul1954 Discovery - May 14th, 1999 William Alistair Burns slammed the door shut, threw down his wet umbrella in the corner of the hallway, and started to remove his wet overcoat as he examined the drawn, and pale looking face that stared back at him in the mirror. He had just been through another piss awful day at the office and had arrived home late once again feeling mentally drained and physically exhausted, and he was really looking forward to winding...

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New GirlFriend turns me Gay

Theresa and I had been dating for a few weeks when things started to get weird. In hindsight, I should have known that something was off with her. I had never dated a girl as insanely attractive as she was. She was completely out of my league, so I should have guessed something was up. At the time, I just didn’t care though. She had an insane body: double-D tits, flat stomach, and curves for days. She had beautiful bright green eyes and straight white teeth. I thought I was in love. She was...

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Winters Dreams to Summers Daze 2 Explanation

Once again I am indebted to the inimitable Steve Zink for his superlative editing skills. He has taken this, rather crude, chapter and improved upon it immensely. Winter's Dreams to Summer's Daze 2: Explanation By JDG Editor in Chief: Steve Zink Jennifer sat, ensconced in a back booth at McDonald's. This made her marginally more comfortable than parading her new, feminine physique in front of all the adolescent males in the fast-food joint, and its attendant parking lot. She...

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Chesterbury Tales Pt 05

It is Winter 1966. When five couples find themselves stranded at a remote high class inn by extreme weather conditions, they amuse each other by relating stories of an erotic nature, as well as taking part in all kinds of private and group sexual activities. Chapter Five : Black on Blonde – Welcome exchanges During the telling of the host’s story, Emma had sat comfortably with her legs tucked beneath her on the settee. Jake was sitting with her in the semi-darkness, his six -foot frame,...

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Condemnation RedemptionChapter 19 Nashville Redux

I arrived back in Nashville once again a whole man; my soul back from the tatters and in a single piece. I was content and everyone around me recognized it. Especially Maria. “Well I’m glad that you are back and have your head out of your ass! So give me the details! You found her, right?” So I shared my good news with Maria. “Doc, I can’t say that I’m not a little disappointed that you and I won’t be getting it on anymore, but I’m glad that you managed to patch it up with your lady...

4 years ago
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Weekend with Carleigh

Weekend with Carleigh The plane banked to the left, aligning itself with the runway in preparation to land. Looking out the window I could see the university campus off in the distance. Soon I would be there, finishing the plans that we had made. After landing and gathering my bag, I rented a car and drove toward campus. There were two motels on my list to check out, one of which I was going to rent a room for the weekend. After checking both of them out I decided on the Fairfield Inn on...

Straight Sex
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I Dominus Part 1

Heather stopped towel drying her hair, when her best friend Jessica removed the towel around her body and opened her locker. They had just finished their workout at the upscale fitness club they had joined eleven months ago. Heather stared in silence at the fading bruises on Jessica’s breasts. When Jessica noticed the look of concern on Heather’s face, she chuckled and said, “I know that look, Heather. And no, there is nothing you should be worried about.” “Are you sure, Jess? You know you...

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The Horseman

Once upon a time there was a princess. She was feeling very trapped in her kingdom so she wanted to take a ride. She summoned her horseman to take her on this ride. He was a loyal man and was willing to do anything her royalness asked of him. Because deep down inside he had serious feelings for her, But was afraid to show this because he was afraid that she did not feel the same way about him considering their positions in the social order as they were. He brought the horse around and helped...

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Rough And Dominating Love

Hello, guys this is Banner 25 yrs old from Hyderabad with another fantasy. Please apologize me if you found any mistakes in it and can give feedback to me. About me, nothing much to explain, I love sex-related topics, fantasies and some dirty horny chats with opposites sex….. Hope you people like my stories. Let’s begin. This fantasy is about a woman who was29 yrs old, not satisfied by her inner desires as she was not married but lived with her family. She is working in a stationary shop. Her...

3 years ago
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One Lucky GuyChapter 10

Gaby was lying on my bed when Mom joined her. They were laughing and whispering as Mom moved over on top of her. She spread her legs over Gaby’s head, as Mom lay with her face above Gaby’s pussy. When she looked up, I was on the floor with my elbows on the bed, looking through the viewfinder, right in front of her face. If I didn’t know this was my Mom - with the mask covering her eyes and nose - I would never have recognized her. I doubt anyone else who knows her, could possibly recognize...

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Phoenix ch 13

“As most of you already know, Brandy Wine Tasting Productions and Vince Doesmore were charged and convicted of the premeditated murder of its executive producer and former underground performer, Miss Brandy Wine, who produced and actually directed her own death scene.” In a rounded section of the Tri-d display, a beautiful, naked, large-breasted woman was lying, facing upward, on a man who obviously had his dick up her ass. His arms were wrapped around her and his hands were clenching her...

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Bangkok in 2001 satisfies Stuart big time

It was the middle summer 2001 in the back streets of Bangkok and it was unusually hot, even for the Thai City, as the three young local girls, Sumalee, Karnchana and Mayuree, were keeping cool in the large air-conditioned gym. They are employed to look after the sexual desires of tourists and they are very experienced in sexual techniques even though they are only 18 years old. All three had learnt to speak English as c***dren, which helps them now in their work with the tourists.The previous...

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I knew you were a Faggot

April 2015. It was the end of senior year. We were all 18, about to graduate, about a month left of school. I was one of those guys that was kinda cool with everyone. I was a skinny white k** with ear length hair, combed down the middle, kinda toned, some muscle. I had a few girlfriends through high school but stuck to the books most of it. Kissed and went on dates but I was too nice of a guy to go any further. Even though everyone knew me, I really only hung out with my boy Ray.Ray was a jock....

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Paradise in Suburbia Pt 2

"Yes, everyone can do it, and MAYBE we'll give you one again, after you help us get them, too," responded Jessica, darting her over eyes over to Courtney, whose face, red from sucking her little brother's soul out his dick, was smiling giddily back at her. The evening had gone even better than Jessica had planned so far, but now her virgin pussy was soaking wet and demanded attention, and she knew Courtney felt the same. The girls desperately needed release, as they had just given Jacob....

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Ecstasy Then Agony of Chat

I am no stranger now to online videochat sites, having figured out about a year ago how many different sites there are. Most are dominated by guys stroking and showing their cocks, with only an occasional woman popping up on the screen. When that happens, having an appealing image on your end is important to catching her attention. Appealing is in the eye of the beholder, for sure, and after seeing cock after cock, exposing mine to get attention doesn't make sense. Being average, and age 47, my...

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I never believed finding romance and love online was possible but that’s exactly what happened to me. Her name was Allison and the minute I saw her picture I was hooked. She was simply stunning, with the prettiest face and smile I could have possibly imagined. While she lived in Oregon and I lived in England , the distance didn’t really matter. After all, it was just a chat site, wasn’t it? I thought for ages about a way to say hello that would at least ensure she replied to me. It was pretty...

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Nurse Blackmail

Perhaps it was the good intentions. Or maybe it was the strong, firm touch of another man overpowering her and holding her down. Whatever the case, Jessica's grip on the sheets of the hospital bed tightened differently, with Michael arching over her back, plunging deep into her womb. “Haah!” she exhaled, wild strands of hair sticking to the sweat of her brow, shocked at how pleasurable the grip of his large hand felt around her throat. His hold was tight like a professional masseur's, his...

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I know that look

As he opened the front door I knew. He had that look. The one which says - don't argue, don't complain and do exactly as you're told. Earlier in the day I had received a text from him. Short and to the point it said " lose the kids and be ready". The word "be ready" always fill me with feelings of dread and pure lust at the same time. If only he knew the trouble I had gone to. First there was the 'kid losing' - easier said than done, but when every move causes you to feel the wetness caused by...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 88 Christmas Presence

December 23, 2000, Chicago, Illinois ???? Jesse I eyed my dad across the final table of the Hold ‘Em tournament. The usual suspects were sitting next to us - Terry, Pete, and Matthew. Brian, Mike Knox, Kurt, and Jamie were the others who had made it. Some of the men who had been knocked out, especially the Navy guys, were playing a cash game at the next table. My dad stared impassively back at me, trying not to give away any information. I felt I had the best hand, but there was one card to...

1 year ago
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I’m not sure if it’s a normal impulse, but it’s challenging for me to see a hole without wondering what it’d feel like to stick my dick in it. This has worked out for me several times, but it’s also the terrifying and painful way I learned about the rats living in my walls. That’s a stark contrast from the hot pornstars sucking and fucking through the plaster at Glory has a long and storied history going back a quarter of a goddamn century. That’s a long time for any kind of...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Dusty 1 Cops LifeChapter 32

The next interesting thing that happened was that Carmel fucked up. We weren’t sure at the time if the fact that the boys seemed distracted and kept their distance from the office made her sloppy, or if the other event forced her hand. I suspected the latter. Late one afternoon, in the third week of November, she left the office with Simon and without the guards. She had sent Darla in to distract us, while they tried to make their escape. Rather than run to catch up with her, we decided to...

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BangBros18 Kira Perez Watching Sports with Step Dad

Kira Perez was bored and horny while her step dad Preston Parker was watching some stupid game. She wiggled her ass. She showed him her tits. He was afraid mom would catch them. He shouted at Kira to back off. But what he saw worked. Slowly, as it always does with men. His erection came knocking. He took out his dick and called Kira. Kira smiled She knew this would happen. She sucked his dick. Then she climbed on top of it and let it stretch her tight young pussy. Step Dad fucked her some more...

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Dianna Ch 02

Hi, I am happy to be writing again. I hope you enjoyed the first part of this story, now sit back and enjoy the next part. I want to thank the following people who helped me create this fantasy: LaRascasse, my editor, Kalamazoo707, for being willing to keep me on track, Donalde, for simply being there, Mostera1 for encouraging me to stay on task, and finally, Mokkelke for being the best beta reader ever, Any mistakes found throughout this story are my own, and not a reflection on any of the...

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Beasts Are BetterChapter 8

The session with Jackson served only to arouse all three of them, even Jack had dumped a prodigious amount of sperm into Doreen's hungry cunt when he had fucked her. The sight of the woman taking the donkey's cock into her cunt and then jacking the beast off so that his come shot all over her torso filled them with lusty desires and they wasted little time in starting to satisfy them. They pulled on their clothes quickly, put the bench back outside the barn in its usual place and untied...

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Vanessas Island Ch 04

Vanessa’s phone call woke me from a deep sleep. ‘You’d better stay up your end of the island for the next half hour,’ she warned me. ‘I’m going for a swim.’ ‘Thanks for the warning,’ I replied. No sooner had I hung up the phone than I grabbed my binoculars, positioned on my bedside table for just such an emergency, and ran down the path to Vanessa’s beach. I didn’t bother to put any clothes on. After all Vanessa wouldn’t be seeing me, or so I thought. Fifteen minutes later I had taken up my...

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A few days with Aunt Jen

I was staying with Aunt Jen for three days while my parents went to Scotland for the funeral of Uncle Jack. “Aunt Jen” as I had always known her was not actually my aunt but Mum’s friend Jennifer, but she had always been known as Aunt Jen for as long as I could remember. Aunt Jen was in her mid forties and worked as a nurse, quite ordinarily but nice, although I think she had struggled financially since her husband died she was always very smartly dressed and always seemed to be wearing...

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She saw him across the smoky dance floor, and her heart felt an irresistible attraction to him, an overwhelming desire to feel his arms around her, his lips on hers, his warm body pressed against her. And she knew she had to have him. Nervous, excited, and more aroused than she’d been in years, she made her way over to him, and when she looked into his eyes, it was like looking into a reflection of her own desires, her own fantasies and dreams. There were no words between them, only a touch,...

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Oil of Roses Snakes Among the VinesChapter 36

January 31st, 2007, Tuesday – February 1st, 2007, Wednesday Susan She watched the two of them tenderly and cautiously exploring each other. Jason was young enough – and honest enough – to admit he doesn’t know everything. Susan mentally thanked Abby and Donna again for nurturing that attitude. Moving closer, which earned a smile from Jason, she could hear them talk. “So, is this your clit or...” “It’s my clit, yes. Just a rather big one as clits go, far too small to be anything...

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