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I do not own Kingdom Hearts, Aqua, Yen Sid or any of its related copyrights. These are the property of the Walt Disney Company, Disney Interactive Studios, Square Enix, Tetsuya Nomura and their respective affiliates. Code: Lolite It had been a long and hot day; the once clear and bright sky now beginning to dull, the lingering humidity at last beginning to soften. Though still fairly bright, the first hints of dusk were gathering and would soon mark the end of another day. As with most places in Florida, this was also true of Orlando, and one of the more leafy suburbs in its Orange county. A sleek, expensive model of car slowed as it passed into one of the streets, then turned into a vacant driveway. From its driving seat a smartly suited man of good build and height emerged. Reaching back for his bag and a few files left on the passenger seat, he gave one last look to the sky before going on to the door of his condo. Fumbling with his keys, the door soon opened and he entered briskly. The man himself was wealthy, successful and educated. A marketing executive at the Orlando division of the Walt Disney company, particularly of its gaming concern, Disney Interactive Studios. He would, arguably, have many reasons to be somewhat satisfied with his position in that corporate world, but today was very much an exception. Vincent Dell was not a happy man. Inside his home, he dropped his belongings on his living room table and rubbed his temple; feeling the onset of a headache, as much to do with his rather difficult week as it was the hot weather. Groaning, he undid his tie and went looking for some pain killers. He was at least happy that it was Friday, with a little time to relax and cool off. Still, even with that positive, it would do little to lighten his rather dim mood. The passing hours brought dusk, then cool night over the suburb. Vincent passing into his Friday routine as his frustration eased a bit. A long shower and dinner found him a little better, though a long way from anything like his usual mood come the weekend. Dressing casually in shirt, khaki pants and keds, worn sockless, he had little appetite for night life and chose a lazy evening in. Sorting through his bag, and the various files, he had a chance to put the past week and particularly this Friday into perspective. The reasons for his resentment and frustrated anger seeming all the more valid. Vincent was industrious and ambitious; having been something of a rising star in Disney until about two years ago. His career seeming to slow as he was sent to the marketing division of DIS Orlando. It was a fact that he had worked hard and had done very well; unfortunately, he had not been selected for further advancement, something that had bred a certain resentment in his increasingly entitled sensibilities. That was until this week, and Friday, in particular. At a meeting, many things had been discussed, and particularly a opening seat in the strategy division; of which Vincent was considered a very strong candidate. But, at the seeming hour of his promotion, he was denied again. Director Erasmus giving him responsibility for marketing a new gaming project instead, while the seat at strategy would remain vacant. This decision was accepted politely and professionally by the younger executive, while restraining a flourish of anger and frustration at the disappointing decision of his superior. With a groan, he closed his files; dumping them by his computer while he padded off to watch the news. {===================} Hours passed, and his mood had only lifted a little; his fairly subdued evening interrupted by the soft hum of his printer as a few files were printed; the images coming as expected from a colleague of his. {===================} Later, as he spoke on his phone, it could be said that his mood had grown even stormier; certain not helped by his second Budweiser, and probably not by the third he had just opened. Talking over the past week to a fellow executive, his frustrations were quite bare. "...I mean, c'mon. You were there. You were there at that meeting, Karl. That seat over at strategy was practically promised to me! And then Erasmus gives me this to do. After all the rabbits I pulled out of the hat for them, he gives me supposedly one last hoop to jump through!..." The voice at the other end was more subdued and even tempered. "Yeah, yeah-I know, really I do. I know how that feels. But, look on the bright side. It's one more chance to really shine before getting that position at strategy; another feather in your cap, so to speak." Vincent sighed, fishing the bottle from the fridge before popping the cap; taking a long drink before continuing. "Hmph... well, that's one way of looking at it. Still, I'm not happy about it. The geezer's playing with me, I think." "No, no... he's not. Really - Erasmus is always like that. Pulling things out of the blue, surprising people...but not like that. At least, I hope. Still, this project was a big catch for us. I mean getting to market a big name franchise is not something to be sniffed at, even if it's not quite what you were wanting. And our credentials do get a further polish if we can carry this off right; with Disney and Square- Enix. Vincent gave a low chuckle. "Yes, I know. Still... it's not exactly what you would readily think of before joining the high rankers. Marketing a new game, which is part of a series which will ultimately become the reserve of what? - fan boys, loosers and greasy otakus on both sides of the pacific. Call me picky, but this is not exactly my finest job to do." He took another deep swallow from the bottle as his friend groaned on the other end of the line. "Ah... well... listen, the Kingdom Hearts series is big business, a big franchise - but it does dip now and again. Which is why we need to pull this one off right with the higher ups and Square-Enix. Also... the fans are the ones that keep a franchise going, when fads fade, but it's important to build on that and get others interested. I know this isn't exactly what you saw yourself doing, even in this situation, but it really is a chance to shine." His words falling on half listening ears, Vincent leaned against the work top; his eyes narrowing with a sigh. "Yes...yes - I got you. And I'll do what I can...and really make this shine. Be it weeaboo crap or not." His friend taking a little encouragement from his sloppy words, Karl went on. "Well...that's an improvement. And it might prove interesting too. Also, did you get the scans of the Aqua character's design? I sent them just after dinner..." Vincent rolled his eyes. Putting the bottle down, he left the kitchen and craned his neck; peering into his small study. Finding a few sheets in the printer tray, he spread them across the desk. Casting a lazy eye over them, he went on. "Uh, yeah. I got them. All three. This the new look? She doesn't look that different from the previous stuff I've seen." "Oh, well - yes, that's a good point. Not so much a redesign, but a few polishes here and there. Square-Enix insisted this for her, and this look will be the one appearing in the marketing materials. It's already been used for a article in Japan, with good feedback." Vincent ran his gaze over the images and nodded. "Hmm... well, if that's what they want, that's what I'll roll with. I'll get the first ideas to you by Tuesday and we can discuss it then." "Ah, alright. Thanks. That sounds good on my end and hopefully we can make this a success. I'll contact the hardware people and get things started with them. The media division is circulating a few small articles for us also. So, I'll see you Tuesday." "Yeah, that sounds good. I hope things go smoothly. See you next week." The call ending, Vincent let loose a deep groan; rubbing his eyes before looking at the spread on his desk. Giving the images a last indifferent look, he lazily slid them into corner. He would work on them later, but he wasn't going to give anymore of tonight to this. He had weeks and weeks of that to come. Turning, he went back to his beer and then sat down to watch a movie; the room darkened as he tried to get comfortable after a long and difficult week. {===================} The night was cool and serene. Above, the moon was radiant; its aura marred only a little by a few lingering clouds which sailed lazily about. Below, it was much the same. The neighbourhood still, and the household of Mr. Dell much the same. Still, this fairly ordinary scene was not quite as it seemed. In the darkness of his office, beside his computer, the lazily shuffled sheets of hours passed still sat. Nothing recommended to anything special, until slowly a strange aura seemed to rise about the papers. A rich blue with lingered for several moments; the dull light playing on the dead face of the monitor and the nearby wall, until it dulled then subsided. The sheets once again ordinary pieces of paper with images printed on them. {===================} The hours eased by and nothing remarkable was found. But, a most subtle change was happening. Something quite extraordinary emerged into the world of Vincent's home. Stalking through the corridors until it found the living room. Sweeping in with confident steps until it stood before the slouched presence of the man himself. The young executive having fallen asleep, with a half empty bottle of beer on a small table nearby. The entity loomed over the man for a time, just peering at him. It was then that, as if prodded by some unseen force, the Vincent awoke. It was a few moments until his senses had suitably cleared when fear struck. First, the man found himself held fast. Unable to move much of his body, save for shifting and shaking. His eyes wide, he could only gasp as his vision fell on the entity not far from him. Standing tall in the twilight cast by the TV, and all the more ominous for it, a odd spectre returned his frightened gaze with cold scrutiny. Terrified, he was not beyond thought and it occurred to the executive that the impossible was standing close to him. A figure he recalled from Disney, and one of most high repute. The robes long and blue, the beard grey and the hat high, with a motif of stars. But, it was the eyes which held him. Large and severe in silent distain. The great wizard of the Disney world. Yen Sid. {===================} It seemed that the tall, old wizard would just stare at him forever until the silence was broken as his eyes looked downward. Looking back up, the old man spoke; his voice rich and sober, with much power. "Fear not. I have not come to do any harm to you tonight, Mr. Vincent Dell. But, I have come here for a reason." Drawing himself up, the wizard looked at the paralysed businessman coolly. "I could speak greatly of my concerns about the kingdom. The cynical path it now walks, its numerous trespasses against those whose cause it should have emboldened. But, for tonight, I will satisfy myself with speaking to you." Narrowing his eyes, the wizard continued as the young man struggled before finally giving up. "I would know that you are quite industrious and ambitious. A boon to some, whose success has been applauded by those of high station. But, still, I see that you have quite a severe opinion of those who are particular and dedicated, no matter how much they support that which you too are now meant to work on. I take a very dim view of that." The wizard sighed. "I could open you to how much you may have misjudged others with your opinions, as others have tried to do so in the past, but I know that something more is called for. Something that will get to the point, with power and energy, as you so appreciate. I do not wish to linger long here, thus I too will get to the point." The executive could only make a chocking rasp as the wizard raised his arms. One arm lower than its neighbour, he peered down with a keen but cold expression. Reaching into the pendulous cuff of one sleeve, Vincent watched dumbfounded as the apparition slowly withdrew something from the shadowy recesses. At last fully free, Yen Sid raised the object with some reverence, as if in ceremony. For a time, the man a bit away from him had no idea what it was until a memory popped and he recalled. A fairly long, elaborate and stylised instrument fashioned in the likeness of a key. A keyblade?... It was a little difficult to make out in the shadows, but the weapon had a distinct design and seemed to be mostly blue, with a elaborate silver hilt and a angular, jutting tip. The look was vaguely familiar... had he seen it before. More importantly, what the hell was this thing going to do with it? He had to be dreaming... The wizard drawing his gaze across the weapon with some regard, those eyes grew cold again as they turned to the captive audience before him. Lowering it to his side, the old man continued. "It is my hope that you will gain an appreciation for the particular...if you approach things from a new perspective. One more suitable to sense and feel and recognise the richness of that which you so brush aside, with the hand of corporate ambition..." Vincent felt his heart thundering. The wizard was silent, then began. "Now..." With a swift move of his arm, he thrust the weapon towards the man, still paralysed in his seat. Suddenly, an eruption of blue light came from the tip and arcs of energy impacted on him. Vincent's world seeming to dissolve into a shaking, shivering, crying mess of terror and delirium... {===================} With a chocked scream, he awoke. Scrambling and grasping, he finally turned wide eyes about the room; his heart thudding horribly as his breath came sharp. After a moments silence, he grew still. Sweat seeping down his brow, his shoulders dropped and he rubbed his face. The room was empty. No Yen Sid. No magic. No keyblade. He gave a shuddering sigh. A nightmare. Just a stupid nightmare. Sitting back, he swore under his breath and coughed. Looking about, the room was rather as it should be. The shadowy contours familiar, still and inanimate. The light from the TV causing a few shadows to jump and prance, he recalled he had muted the sound as he had begun to doze. Some game show playing with a splutter of colour and contrived gaiety. Looking down, he found that his beer had fallen. A small pool having gathered where the bottle had met the hardwood floor; the amber liquid still having a few bubbles within. He groaned, slowly getting up. He tried to put the still very recent dream out of his mind...especially the looming presence of that weird character and the stupid keyblade thing. Really, had better things to dream about than that stuff invading his sleep... {===================} Grudgingly wiping up the spilt beer, he tried to shake off the lingering chill of the bad dream. Dismissing the fears and pains of the bizarre vision, he sighed and rubbed his face. Padding to the bathroom, he relieved himself then splashed much water on his face. Eyeing his reflection in the mirror before sinking it into a waiting towel. Swearing under his breath, he took a deep breath before thinking what to do. It was not that late yet - maybe he could order a pizza and watch a movie before letting the night slip over him. It was not long before he found the number for his usual place; the nasally voice taking his order telling him that they might be a bit slower due to a busy night. Still, he did not linger on it and went to order a movie. Popping open a small bag of potato chips as a starter, he idly padded back to the living room as he chewed. Looking for the control, he wavered a bit; a sudden dizzy spell coming as he grew weak and his stomach lurched loudly; the pain making him grasp his stomach as he steadied against a wall. It passed quickly, leaving him perplexed but seemingly well. Taking a breath, he went on and soon found the remote; skimming through the channels whimsically. It did not brighten his mood when the pain inside returned and he gave a shudder; the sensations longer and deeper this time before passing. Swearing, he hoped that he was not coming down with something tonight; that would be a suitably bad end to a stupid week, all together. Shaking his head, he found a movie that he liked and ordered it. It had not been a few moments when satisfaction turned to frustration as the symptoms returned, but this time fear was not far away. As the pains and sensations came, his fingers twitched and flexed; leaving him to watch silently as his nails grew a little then were swallowed slowly by a rich blue nail polish. Breathing heavily, the remote clattered to the floor as did the foil bag. Raising the hand up, it was as he had seen. His nails now a little longer, by about a quarter inch, and sporting a rich blue coat. Lifting his other hand from his stomach, he found a mirror of the change too; his nails longer and disturbingly blue. Thinking he was still dreaming or hallucinating now, he tried to compose himself. But ultimately in vain; the rigours returning now as he clutched his stomach and staggered as weakness overcame him. A deep ache grew in his back and his throat burned; his breath growing laboured as his heart danced. Uttering a rasp of confused fear he struggled onward, the symptoms of whatever episode or disease gripping tighter. The tremors and gurgling within growing harsher and stronger, he gave a vexed whine as his member grew warm and painfully hard; the length swelling up against his pants, as if it wished to escape. His scrotum tender and his balls sore, he struggled to remain standing as a sweat collected on his brow. Resisting the pull to lie down, he fought weakly; final resistance...and perhaps his sane world, crashing with what came next... {===================} The hot, turgid squelching and jostling within his stomach grew and, with a chocked rasp, a strange pressure grew inside; reaching down into his genitals. Growing in power, he simply bore terrified witness as the sensations climaxed. The feeling of his testicles being dragged up inside while his scrotum deflated and shrivels. His remaining badge of manhood grew even more pained; the fabric of his underwear and pants stinging, suffocating before the length grew limp. Suddenly soft, his eyes grew wide as he felt it diminish. That same terrible tugging pressure withering his manhood until, incredibly and horribly, it was gone; drawn up inside the jostling, pulsing world of his stomach. Feeling what was once there fade inside himself, he collapsed to the floor in terror. A harsh whine escaping, he fell on his side. Still racked by convulsions and rigors, the world drew distant and dim. The horror of his lost manhood still lingering, the ache in his back grew and his shoulders hurt terribly. His bones jarring, once firm and gym honed muscles spasmed; flexing and aching as they softened and shrunk. The sensation first in his arms, then chest, abdomen and legs, his skin itched fiercely as hair withdrew ,sun kissed skin softened and begun to fade. Limply flailing and rasping on the floor, a sudden thought speared his dimming mind; a memory of watching the old horror classic, American Werewolf in London...with David Naughton panicking impotently as his body swelled and morphed into a wolfish shape. Amid the pain and shock, he wished he had not recalled that... Shifting, he could do nothing as the ache in his hips grew and he felt the fabric of his pants tighten. His manly, straight shape swelling and stretching outward. His stomach, the places within still writhing and grossly pulsing, started to draw in; his muscles diminishing as his waist constricted and began to inch inward. The feeling of being caught in a squeezing, alien force bad enough, his attention was pulled to another change, as his once firm rear began to stretch and swell; feeling the shapes fill and bloat bigger and bigger into a bizarre plumpness as they drew the seat of his pants ever tighter. There was little he could do; his buckling shoulders testament to that as he tried to turn over. Catching sight of his shrinking hands, his feet followed with a groan; feeling the large shapes shrink as toes twitched and arches rose. Once favoured keds in concert as they seemed to grow bigger; toes pulling away from the ends as feet were dragged down the insoles, the feeling singularly bizarre. His itching, pained nipples gave some testament to what was truly happening as those usually dull nubs grew sensitive, areolas stretching. A swelling atop his shrinking ribs marked something extraordinary; the masses rising higher and fatter, further and further until those now erect nipples could tent his now loose shirt. He did not want to look, he really did not; he did not want to feel, or know...but the revelation that came back again and again as those shapes rose larger and bigger under the fabric, was clear. A whine was his response; some swearing cut off as his voice broke. Changes wreaking havoc inside his throat as his Adam's apple shrunk away. The voice that emerged, coughing and rasping, grew ever higher and sharper as his features twisted in grimace. He was given little respite as those sensations of change seeped into his face. Bone and muscle rising and shifting as they were made anew; diminishing, aching ears were filled with the sharp, wet sounds of this metamorphosis. Cheeks rising, jaw thinning as a strong forehead softened, his familiar nose shrunk down. Struck by terror, and the sheer impotence of what was happening to him, his closed his pained eyes. Lips pulsing with growth as they became thicker, the features any onlooker found would be a shocking picture of transition from the hard and broad, to the soft and slender. The tickle and faint burning of his itching scalp was followed with a new weight upon his head and a growing soft mass spilling down the sides and into his shifting face. Equally shocked by this change, a fantastic thought came that he might be shrinking as his once fitting clothes seemed...felt so much bigger came. Though unable to court this as his body shuddered, pulsed then finally spasmed. Suddenly the pains faded and powerful lethargy came. Any active thought that remained inside his battered mind faded as he flopped down and sunk into unconsciousness. Lying on the floor of his living room, no one had heard the sudden, freakish episode of pain and fear. The diminished shape of Vincent lying still, only the soft sound of breath heard... {===================} Time passed and, slowly, the figure on the floor awoke, as if from a long dream. At first stiff and sore, these passed as eyes roamed the familiar room. Finding the world unchanged, they were perplexed - something had happened, the memories of some horrendous episode or fit returning, but they could not place what had changed so much. Their clothes felt strange and rougher, also bigger...the room was as before, but seemed larger too... What had happened? Getting up, a flurry of new sensations arrived. Oversized pants drooping on his new figure, the shirt was a limp mass which swallowed smaller hands. And of course the twin swellings under the fabric, with the strange emptiness in their crotch called for immediate attention. Giving another slight cough, the voice higher, they made away. The clothes so much larger now, the keds looked absurd below; sticking out from under the pooling cuffs like great clown shoes, while they flopped about shrunken feet. A lock of hair passing over new eyes, he dully swatted it away as another step left a oversized shoe behind. A shrunken foot vanishing under the cuff, the floor felt oddly chilly...or rather he was newly sensitive. Kicking the other off awkwardly, the figure swiftly made way to the study; the cuffs flapping about his feet as a splayed collar jumped about small, slender shoulders. Darting into the waiting room, the light snapped on and they dashed to the desk; where a lone, long mirror had sat on the opposing wall from years past. Turning, the figure froze. Suddenly sharply aware, yet dull to all things beyond the shape in the mirror. It had to be a dream, a hallucination - maybe a schizophrenic episode, or food poisoning or... They stepped forward. Raising slender hands to the glass, they found a array of rich, blue nails before they touched the glass. The glass was real, the hands were real and, to much abhorrence, she was real to... Stepping back as lips trembled, hands still raised, eyes grew even wider as they realised the utter truth of the reflection. Standing in the drooping and ill fitting clothes of Vincent Dell, was a girl. Smaller and slender, she was not voluptuous but still gifted with a rich figure which rose up against the loose fabrics. Deep blue eyes were caught against a clear, fair complexion. But, it was the rich crest of blue and jagged locks fell about her face, which seemed so peculiar. Hands which roamed these azure locks were lowered as disbelieving eyes peered again at the blue nails. In a fit of need, she bent forward and pulled at the pant cuffs. Raising those heavy veils, they were suddenly dropped back with a flinch of fright; eyes finding slender ankles, small pale feet and ten blue veiled toe nails. Breathing heavily now, fingers fluttered about her throat at the sound, as she began to shake. Vincent Dell had been changed into a girl... the very girl in the mirror... it was not possible, yet it was so. With a cry, she tore at her pants; the waist so large and loose that the belt and zipper were virtually redundant. Plunging a fearful hand into the warm shadows, she slipped a searching palm beneath the gaping waist of once fitting boxer shorts... The broad valley of her hips directed her fingers into a incline which ended between thick thighs and a... The sensations, accidentally stirred by clumsy touch made her whimper and rasp. Whining, she pulled a hand from the wide mouth of her pant's waist and fumbled with her shirt. Pulling at the collar, now wide on her smaller frame, she tossed her arms to get her hands free of the ever slipping cuffs. At last free to grasp, she pulled the splayed collar up and away. The sight probably inevitable, but still terrifying, as two generous, pert breasts stood on a smaller chest; pale, high and loud voices of femininity on a so recently very male form. Her face a vision of icy fright, her hands drew away almost mechanically before she peered into the mirror again. The sight of a very pretty blue haired girl in her late teens, dressed in the very oversized and clownish fashions of a much larger man, staring back; befuddled and very frightened. Raising one shaking hand to her face, the fingers slid over the smooth contours and rich lips... The world was growing distant again; her legs feeling weak as her heart gained in her ears. She said something, but could not hear it. She said it again...and again...and again, louder and louder in weak desperation. Stumbling back, she struck a shoulder on nearby bookshelves; knocking several files to the ground as she stepped back. Finally, slumping against a wall, she slid down. Her large, pert new rump cushioning her descent, she sunk her face into raised palms as the room swam; the girl trying not to faint as her toned stomach heaved and she gagged hoarsely. Nothing came, and for a while she remained there; head slumped against the wall and eyes shut as the mind bending incredulity of this swallowed her... {===================} Time had little meaning for the figure; dishevelled and disorientated next to the wall. It took a great effort for her to rise weakly, leaning against the wall for a moment before padding dully towards the desk; slumping down in the chair. Shoulders sunken and head bowed, the former man tried to compose what was left of sanity in order to think; leaning a slender elbow onto the desk with a palm to their temple. Taking a few deep breaths helped a little; even if it did remind her of the two sensitive lumps on her chest. Peering around the room, she bitterly cast a azure lock from her eyes before going back to quietly panicking. Finding her smooth throat suddenly dry, she would have desired a hard drink about now; but settled on some bottled water which was kept in a drawer. Downing the whole bottle quickly, she regarded the smooth hand with its rich blue nails coldly. Then, a crisp realisation happened... Blue hair... Blue eyes... Soft, unblemished skin and blue nails... Those same eyes drew wide in fright; the girl gasping as she scrambled forward; grabbing at the far side of the desk and the print outs left there. Pulling them back, she stared at the figure realised on the paper. Her features all too familiar, her colours more was was her...she was her... Aqua... She cried out; swearing feverishly, a stream of jumbled obscenity until the very sound of her new voice brought a hand across her lips in near equal shock... But more so, the dream was not a dream. Yen Sid... was it really him?... had he been here?... that was why he was so changed... Lowering the pages with a glazed expression, he was caught for a moment in disbelief. Looking down dully, she found her own image there on the paper. Albeit dressed in the more exotic tones and fashions, wielding one of those keyblade things...the very image of the one that had done this to him...her... Hand shaking, she brushed the papers away with distain. She had to remain calm...he...he, Vincent Dell had to remain calm. He was not losing his mind...he had to focus...he hand to think, or he could lose everything... Closing blue eyes, she sorted through the events of the night; thoughts streaming until a distant metallic buzz made her flinch; clutching the desk firmly as her eyes shot around wildly. The door... why the door?... wait - the pizza... Suddenly recalling that order, she tried to think what to do. She could leave it, but the place he usually ordered from was quite firm with unanswered deliveries...and that could lead to trouble if they came sniffing...or worse... She swore. Again the buzzing came. Knowing that she had to get this over as quickly as possible, she pushed her slouching pants off and stepped out of them; thumping down the corridor in haze, she drew some cold courage before opening the door... {===================} The delivery boy had better things to do on a Friday night, but needed the extra cash. Looking more ahead to later tonight, he kept his frustration and boredom in check as he pressed the buzzer again. Thinking that the delivery was a no show or a prank, he started to turn away; it was then that the door creaked open, the young man turning with a sigh to offer the pizza. He stopped, when the figure at the door emerged fully. The sight stilled his thoughts, and perked a few others. There was a beautiful girl standing there. Her slender, good figure swamped in a man's shirt; the pendulous hem drooping about the bottom of her thighs. The colours and shapes of very ill fitting men's boxing shorts seen within... with the hint of a few other things too. Her eyes and all her nails were a rich blue, as was her hair in its long crest. The shirt collar sprawling hugely across her small shoulders, her neck rose to a lovely face...that seemed distant; staring at the boy silently, as if in incomprehension. For a moment the boy stared back. "Uh... huh... yeah... I got a delivery for Dell." Her eyes narrowed, her lips voicing hesitant, dull words. "Huh...w-what?.." "An order for Dell. A 12 inch pepperoni for 20 Peel Turn Avenue." "Oh... right... sorry...y-yeah, that's me." "Ah, good, that'll be $10 please." With a dull look, the girl turned inside for a moment and fidgeted with something. Taking the box and giving the boy his money, it took a moment before he realised that the girl had given him a $20 bill. Turning, he found the door had shut quickly. Standing on the porch mystified for a long moment, he eventually turned and left. Lingering on that beautiful but weird girl. If he had gotten the chance, maybe he might have asked her out... Still, she looked really familiar from somewhere, with that vivid look...maybe there was a cosplay convention in town. Lingering on the girl, he drove off none the wiser into the suburban night. {===================} Discarding the pizza to the kitchen counter, the new Aqua padded to the living room and collapsed into her seat; the once familiar contours now much larger as they rose around her. Letting her head fall back she closed her eyes and waited for her heart to stop rumbling. Taking in her situation again, she quietly considered where she was now. The seeming dream and following madness a reality. Sighing, she rubbed her new features and suddenly felt so very tired; exhausted even. Turning off the TV, she dropped the remote and trod over to the couch. Lying down, she felt a lethargy sweep over her. Her blue framed features sunk into a cushion, she closed her eyes and let sleep come. It was something she wanted much; the girl that Vincent had become - to slide into a deep, dreamless sleep and hope for a better morning. {===================} Morning came, and a weary young woman emerged back into the world. Unfortunately, what had transpired had still left its mark. Feeling her fear deflate into a dull, cynical loathing, she considered what she could least for now. She was hungry. Very, very hungry. Maybe it was the change, the stress or something else but she was very hungry this morning. Not entertaining cold pizza, she still desired a rich meal. It was a simple thing, but at least she might feel better... more sane, after it. In her bedroom, she doffed the shirt and went to the bathroom. Relieving herself at once a shock, but pinching necessity as the stream hit the bowl. Back in the bedroom, dressing was its own trial. So much was so much bigger, and almost useless to her now. After much trial and error, she settled on some track suit pants and a t-shirt. Gathering a smaller shirt about her, she rolled up the cuffs and drew the pants drawstring tight; the waist drawing astonishingly small before it sat well on her hips. Her shoes now cavernous and clownish on her feet, she settled for a old pair of shower sandals; eyes narrowing with a frustrated groan as she found the brand "Aqua" stamped on the heels in a dull blue. Too large for her feet at first, folding the Velcro flaps tightly gave her some useable footwear, if rather clumsy as the overlong heels flopped behind her. Regarding herself in the mirror, the image was both odd and interesting; passable but lazy. Her black clothes and sandals caught against her fair skin and blue otherwise. Giving her unfamiliar hair a brush, she rubbed her face and then pocketed her wallet. Picking up her phone, she found something dangling from the end. Lifting it up, she raised an eye in vexation. There, hanging, was a new key chain...a cheap silver chain with a familiar, micro version of a certain keyblade. She sighed, swearing under her breath. Yes. Wasn't it said somewhere that Yen Sid had a certain sense of humour... {===================} Emerging into the world, she drew breath from the clear morning and made her way; trying to ignore the host of new sensations and lingering fears, she had to change her walk too. A young teen who passed her, some neighbour's son, found his eyes linger on the pretty girl as she passed; Vincent in turn trying to block the thought from his mind. She was headed for a local McDonald's. She would breakfast there. Then think, long and hard about what had happened. This was a problem, but it had always been a policy of his to have a good breakfast before anything. After all, you could not face magical forces on a empty stomach, now could you... Fin.

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Code of Silence

When I was thirteen, my mother fucked me, three times. Never did a word about it pass between us. Which isn't surprising, because I grew up under a code of silence. It wasn't written down, and it wasn't told to me. It was just the way it was. In my family, nobody talked about themselves, who they were, what was important to them, which of their doings were triumphs and which were disappointments, or how they felt. Above all, nobody talked about how he felt. Bitterness, anger, frustration,...

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Code Potteroff

Amy Marie Rogers was the kind of friend one does not soon forget. Neither was Stephanie Potteroff. We used to live at the same apartment complex and while our peripheral relationship only included late night parties at the apartment complex hot tub, an occasional trip to a bar or club, and hanging out at each other’s apartment watching movies. Amy was never alone. She and  Stephanie Potteroff- yes, that was her name and the joke of a lot of crude remarks- were practically inseparable. Amy lived...

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Code Rose Quartz

Lingerie Soldier Papillion Rose/ Papillion Rose New Season and Tsubomi are the property of Shinji Tobita, Black Company/Reve. AYCO, Office F&O, Pink Company, Echigoya and their respective affiliates. Code: Rose Quartz The light was the only source of illumination in the warm silence, the shadows lying heavily while their lesser brethren danced and jumped before the screen; a portal of colour and movement as he watched. Davis Friedman, watching this latest offering from the...

2 years ago
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Coded Conversion

WARNING The start of story is set in 1989 and uses the UK legal smoking age and computers from that time. As always, my story includes smoking, gay sex, crossdressing, hypnosis/mind control and involuntary sexual behaviour along with some violence. If you don't like any of those things then don't read it. I know smoking is unhealthy but it turns me on and it's my story! STORY It was a beautifully sunny Saturday as I rode my bike over to Dave's house. We were going to spend the day...

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Code Sign Omega

I felt my sister’s warm body. We were on a mattress on the floor under the covers. The warmth was spreading into the cold feathers and getting reflected back to us. I was caught in a dilemma of feeling her body, relaxing into the warmth of bedding, and pulling away from my own blood, getting physically too close. The door yanked open. Our mother stormed in. She ripped me up to standing and out of the room by my hand. Standing dazzled and receptive for the surely coming admonition, I saw her...

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Code Lyoko Alls Fair in Love and War Part 3 4

(Jeremie's POV) "I'll bring your things in the morning," Ulrich said, kissing Aelita's forehead. I hated seeing someone treat her like that, but I knew I had my chance. Ulrich and Odd left the room, not bothering to wait for me. I didn't mind. I wanted to talk to Aelita anyways. "So," I started, rubbing the back of my head. "Are you really happy with him?" Aelita shrugged. "I don't really want to talk about this right now." "I have to know, though," I tried to keep...

4 years ago
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Code Lyoko Alls Fair in Love and War Part 2

I paced the waiting room nervously, hating that we weren't allowed to see Aelita yet. Yumi sat cuddled up with William near the window, and Odd played around on Jeremie's laptop. Jeremie sat in the chair, looking just as upset as I was, but not saying anything. He had distanced himself from the rest of the group since finding out that Aelita was with me. I was secretly glad he was here though. Aelita needed him. My head ached, forcing me into a chair. I had to know how she was doing,...

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Code Lyoko Alls Fair in Love and War

"Aelita, are you coming?" Anais Fiquet called, knocking on the door. We weren't close friends, but she had helped me several times in my time at Kadic. "I'll be right—" A pain shot through my chest, cutting me off. I inhaled sharply, trying not to scream. The pain went as quickly as it came, and I straightened up, looking at myself in the mirror. My face was pale, but I looked fine. I quickly brushed my hair, though I knew it wouldn't do much good, and grabbed my bag, racing to...

2 years ago
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Code Forbidden Fruit

At Ashford Academy in Area 11 Lelouch groaned as he tightly gripped her two buns on each side of her pink hair in an almost painful way. One of her hands was on his base massaging it while the other was cupping and massaging his balls. “Oh God, Euphie” Lelouch gasped. His Half-sister Princess Euphemia li Britannia smirked with his cock inside her mouth as she kept sucking and bobbing. She just loved the taste of Lelouch’s cock, it has such an “exotic” manly taste, not like her personal Knight's...

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Code Motherhood

Atlantis, 3000 B.D. An old man was standing in a vast room. He was wearing a crown on his head and his clothes were made from golden scales. He sighed when looking at an empty box on the table. Then he closed the box, which had a strange bird-like symbol on its cover. A man with blue- scales clothes walked into the room. Without turning back, the old man asked: "Has Noah been safe?" "Noah has left in the Ark. So do the gems." “Then the only thing left is our last stand.” Suddenly, all the...

Mind Control
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Code Geass Master Chronicles

It's been a month since you gained the power of the Kings... Geass. You had faced numerous challenges on your way to mastering your power, but you had successfully done it... and the girl who had given you the power - C.C - complimented you, telling you that you had mastered the Geass in the shortest time known to man, and it was surprising that you hadn't gone insane yet. What she didn't know, though, was that I had gone insane... insane with lust, that is. Knowing that I could use my Geass,...

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Code Name ANITA

Are you in the heaven? You wish you were in heaven. You are feeling warm weather, you think it is spring. You can smell the spring breeze and feel it in your face. You open your eyes and see the beautiful site in front of you. The grass, the flower, the tree and even the small living creatures are looking to be joy and be thankful of the grace of the God, who creates the world and everything in it. You notice there is someone in the middle of grass field in front of you. A woman standing there...

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Code Name Wolf

The heavy snowfall was a double-edged sword. The snowfall masked the sounds of their footsteps as they neared the cave but it also covered up any tracks that might have given them a clue about how many were inside, how much opposition they faced. It was exceedingly rare for the enemy they were after to have confederates, but not totally unheard of. An unexpected problem was the patchy cloud cover, especially considering how hard it was snowing. The full moon was peeking through and the glare...

1 year ago
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I have known Angie for 18 years. We have always lived in the same area and occasionally we would bump into each other doing shopping. I always liked her, and judging by the time we have spent talking in an isle of a supermarket, she liked me too. Two years ago I got divorced and moved to a seaside suburb to clear my head and start a new life. Rejuvenated and relaxed I moved back to my old turf. I was very lonely by then and in desperation decided to find a partner on E-bay (sort of, one of the...

Drunk sex
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Codex 02 The Moon of Deznessuian

Author’s Note: People didn’t seem that interested in the last codex, so this will probably be the last one. I’m only submitting it because I already had it done. This is the history of the gem that Datoran gives Lyriena in chapter one. **** 69 years before the beginning of the current Age of Peace, the Moon of Deznessuian was found in a mine on the isle of Felara. Roughly the size of a chicken egg, it was found already cut, polished, and in pristine condition. The original miner who found it,...

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Codex 01 Eye of the Abyss

Author’s Note: This is the first entry in a codex of background information on the world of Orc Dominion. It’s not really erotic, though there may be some adult themes, and it’s written more like an encyclopedia than a story. But I still hope you enjoy it! If you find them interesting I will continue to post them. This entry is on the Eye of the Abyss, a gem mentioned in the last chapter of Orc Dominion: Rebellion. **** The Eye of the Abyss, famed stone of Prince Andarrion The Thrice Damned,...

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Codeword Red

Gemma didn’t mind the fact that her small suburban garden was heavily overlooked by the apartment blocks surrounding her. In fact, as she lay sunbathing in her lounger on the decking in her tiny string bikini, she loved the fact she was being overlooked. She looked from window to window, behind her dark shades, to see which curtains were twitching. There were many, where men young and old looked out over her. They wanked furiously, each one creating their own fantasy about what they would do...

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Codeword Red Part 2

Codeword Red Part 2 “Wrists together please,” Gemma ordered. She had placed a large white mattress on the floor in the centre of the living room, and George was kneeling on this with his back to her. He was entirely naked and surrounded by a number of soft navy hand towels and long cable ties. As George locked his wrists together, Gemma wrapped them in one of the towels, and fastened them with one of the cable ties which she pulled over the towel and pulled tight. George did not resist....

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This premise is heavily inspired by Seesaw's Alpha Beta. If you enjoy this thread, please check out his work. "How may I serve you, Master?" Fredrick looked up from his book. A woman was standing over him. She was wearing nothing but high heels black lace lingerie and a tagged collar. She stood in perfect posture, legs spread open and wrists crossed at the small of her back. Her amber hair was tied in a bun at the top of her head. "Am, what subroutine were you in when I called you?" He...

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Codename Lumiegravere Chapter 01

CODENAME LUMIÈRE –THE BEGINNINGChapter 01 – Dreams Come (and Cum) True“Why don’t you take a seat, Lumière?”, asked the voice before a white armchair, whiter as the room he was, appeared from nowhere. The man still questioned if that was a dream or a sort of trick, but it wasn’t much useful to argue against somebody you want to know who he is.“First of all, I want to know who you are and why I am here”“Every answer you want will be done when time is due”“I do believe that time is now, mister”,...

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Codename Lumegravere The Soft Launch Chapter V

CODENAME LUMIÈRE – THE SOFT LAUNCHChapter 05 – So, How Do We Get the Story Straight?DISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story, save if they are original characters (OC). They belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor I intend to cash on it. This content is mostly to be seen as a parody work with adult...

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Codename Lumiere Soft Launch Pt 4

CODENAME LUMIÈRE – THE SOFT LAUNCHChapter 04 – Nicolet D’ArceyDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story, save if they are original characters (OC). They belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor I intend to cash on it. This content is mostly to be seen as a parody work with adult content. I repeat, a...

1 year ago
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Codename Lumiere Soft Launch Pt 3

CODENAME LUMIÈRE – THE SOFT LAUNCHChapter 03 – The Rules of the AttractionDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story, save if they are original characters (OC). They belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor I intend to cash on it. This content is mostly to be seen as a parody work with adult content. I...

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Codeword Red Part 2

Codeword Red Part 2 “Wrists together please,” Gemma ordered. She had placed a large white mattress on the floor in the centre of the living room, and George was kneeling on this with his back to her. He was entirely naked and surrounded by a number of soft navy hand towels and long cable ties. As George locked his wrists together, Gemma wrapped them in one of the towels, and fastened them with one of the cable ties which she pulled over the towel and pulled tight. George did not resist. He...

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Codex Luxuria Kapitel 32

Diese Geschichten gehen wahrscheinlich teilweise zu weit doch sie sind ein fiktive Story bei der IHR einfach eurer Phantasie freien lauf lassen könnt und auch sollt.Entdecket neue Ufer auf das euch neue Weisheiten zu teil wird! - A.P.ZINNOBER/PURPUREndlich 18! Die Woche vergang zum glück wegen der vielen Arbeit im Dom wie im Flug und zwischen durch konnte ich den Bischof immer wieder wuschig machen. indem ich ihm immer wieder einen Ausblick auf gewisse Körperteile von mir gab. Die Lage spannte...

4 years ago
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Codex Luxuria Kapitel 31

Diese Geschichten gehen wahrscheinlich teilweise zu weit doch sie sind ein fiktive Story bei der IHR einfach eurer Phantasie freien lauf lassen könnt und auch sollt.Entdecket neue Ufer auf das euch neue Weisheiten zu teil wird! - A.P.ZINNOBER/PURPURHallo mein Name ist Vallerie, bin in einer Woche 18 Jahre alt und habe gerade meine Ausbildung als Orgelbauerin angefangen. Schon seit meiner Kindheit, in der Kirche, haben mich Orgeln massiv fasziniert und auch irgendwie angemacht. Die ganzen Rohre...

2 years ago
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Codex Luxuria Kapitel 2

Diese Geschichten gehen wahrscheinlich teilweise zu weit doch sie sind ein fiktive Story bei der IHR einfach eurer Phantasie freien lauf lassen könnt und auch sollt.Entdecket neue Ufer auf das euch neue Weisheiten zu teil wird! - A.P.SCHWARZ/BLAURobin ist mein Name ich bin unanständige 28 Jahre alt und hab seit neuem eine 8 Jahre ältere Freundin. Wie das ganze zustande kam ist mir bis heute noch schleierhaft. Sie arbeitet in meiner Abteilung, heißt Marion und ist die Oberzicke vor dem Herrn!...

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Codex Luxuria

Diese Geschichten gehen wahrscheinlich teilweise zu weit doch sie sind ein fiktive Story bei der IHR einfach eurer Phantasie freien lauf lassen könnt und auch sollt.Entdecket neue Ufer auf das euch neue Weisheiten zu teil wird! - A.P.GELB/ROTNennt mich Lars. Ich lebe in einer Großstadt im Süden der Republik Deutschland, die nun zunehmenst heißer und heißer wird. Ich bin unglaubliche 36 Jahre alt, dacht nicht das ich es bis hier hin schaffe und an diesem Freitagabend gehe ich an dem Fluss der...

2 years ago
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Codex By Swogrider Disclaimer: If you found this story, odds are you have scoured through hundreds of pages of similar material and have happened upon it, so you know what you're looking for. If by some reverse miracle you have found this passage and are *NOT* looking for a story in the deep end of transformation erotica, and/or are underage in the place where you live, there has been a *horrible* mistake. For your own well-being, don't read it. Now that that's out of the way, on...

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Codex Nonconmecon

Your name is Millie Smith and you're an 18 year old college freshman attending the local branch of the state university. You're a couple months into classes and you've settled into your life as a student in a college town that has an active but geographically small Downtown. Like any city, even a modest one like Sageford, there are pockets of wealth (especially as you move towards the more ostentatiously named Grandford), some lovely parks, and seedy streets you avoid after dark. You're sitting...

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My wifes KIK account

I wasn't even sure what KIK was, but I quickly found out. My wife was at work and called me from her office number to tell me that she had left her phone at home, and in case I needed to reach her, to use her office land line. Later that day, I arrived home before her usual arrival time, so I went to find her phone, to verify it was where she had thought. I'm not sure what made me open her phone (easy password) but I began to look at her chats. I felt a bit guilty, particularly since most of...

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Aunt May

This happened about thirty years ago. My mom has three sisters and they are in their late forties and early fifties now. Back in the day they were very hot but now they have all gained alot of weight. I was in the middle of puberty and jacking off all the time. My aunt May was the manager of a popular burger joint and she offered me a job there. I cleaned up after close, aunt May would always stay and help me. She would drink and talk about all kinds of things, then one night she drank...

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The Trespasser Returns

Chuck's POVAs I looked at the photos retrieved from my trail cam, I thought to myself, 'Holy shit! I hope I don't get caught with these.' There were a number of photos on the memory card. Some deer and other critters came down to drink from the pond, mostly in the evening. The camera has a ten second delay and a motion sensor and it flashes at night. But on the day when I met Alice, there were photos of the most angelic critter to visit my pond. She clearly arrived and undressed without seeing...

Straight Sex
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What goes on on campus

I was bored with a hard-on and no woman around in my final year of university. I knew there was a party going on at the campus center so I decided to go for a walk. On my way I saw this beauty walking through the area of the men's dorm. What was she doing there?, I thought, so I said hi. She was very sweet and polite and said she was just going for a walk. I told her there was a party at the rec center and asked if she wanted to go. She said yes, so off we went. It was about a mile away so we...

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Private Matters

Private Matters by Gingerfred Man Chapter One ? Recruited Adults are often puzzled why teenagers are so surly and miserable. Fathers in particular look at their sons and say, "You?re so lucky to be young." What they?re thinking is, "You?re so lucky to be slim, have a hard cock with a quick reload, and be around all that pretty young pussy for you to boff." My dad was right about the slimness and hard cock, but the pussy didn?t seem to be yearning for my boffing. My name is...

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Der verhngnissvolle abschlussball

Jessica steht im Bad ihres Elternhauses und ist dabei sich für ihren Abschlussball zu schminken. Sie kann es kaum erwarten den mal abgesehen von der Sache das sie mit ihrem freund auf dem Ball tanzen wird ist sie heute noch süße 18 geworden und ist glücklich wie nie. Zu ihrem Geburtstag habt sie ihr Traum Abschluss Kleid bekommen in ein schulterfreies und bodenlanges pinkes Kleid welches hauteng anliegt und glitzert wie die Sterne. Da sie und ihr freund Lucas nach dem Ball das erste mal...

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Mousi Ko Pata Ke Khub Choda 8211 Part 1

Hi readers .This is rahul back with a new story.And to let you know one thing the stories which I am posting here are the real incidents done by myself it self. Meara naam rahul kumar he .Mein odisha ka rehne wala hun.Meri age 22 saal hai. Meri height 5’5” hai mere lund ka size 6 inch hai aur 3 inch mota hai. Yeh story mere ar mere mausi ke bich hui ghatna par he .Jo meri mami ki badi behan he.Unki figure 32,28,34 he .Woh sadhi suda he lekin unke pati jo bahut daru pita tha aur unhe khub marta...

3 years ago
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Three Lesbian ladies just for me

My girlfriend Laura knew I was home alone that week end; so she called me on Saturday late afternoon, saying she had a nice surprise for me…I have always loved surprises; so, in less than an hour I showed up at her place. Laura opened the door and gave me a hug and she kissed me.I felt her hand slide down my back and up under my dress. She felt the soft cotton panties I was wearing. Laura smiled and said bad girls do not need cotton panties. Then she pulled them down to my ankles. Then she ran...

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Scotts Granddaddy part 9

I opened his robe which exposed his muscular tanned body and his thick piece of meat. I leaned forward and started kissing his chest then worked my way to his cock. I knelt down to get comfortable and lightly licked the tip of his cock. He liked it because he became fully erect. I started sucking on his dick and I was in heaven. He already had pre cum coming out which tasted so good. He was moaning and saying "I'm going to explode ". I stopped sucking and said "not yet ". I then stood up and...

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Lost ToysChapter 12 Out of Eden

Sylvie Paoli - Monday, June 22nd, 2015 I slipped out of Eden's bed while Matthew cuddled my roommate. What a night! Eden was always so rigid and controlling with her boyfriends but last night she really let go. I loved a good threesome. Matthew snored right into Eden's ear and Eden dreamily smiled. Good. I hoped next time they'd go to his place. I picked my pajamas off the floor outside Eden's door. The clock said it was nearly seven in the morning. I went straight for the shower. I...

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Big Cocked Teen

I discovered at an early age that I had a pretty good sized cock. I also soon discovered that it wasn't that difficult to get guys, of all ages to suck it. Like all teenage boys, I guess, I was also extremely horny. I would masturbate 3 times a day, every day.I first learned how to pick out the boys that would give my a blowjob while in the showers at school, I could see them look at it with wide eyes, some would have lust in their eyes. I was able to get many classmates this way, it was easy....

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Monolith Chapter 3

Monolith Contacted The exploration team made their way out of the fold with the grace of a drunken man. As they were picking themselves off of the floor the alpha suit spoke. "What was it like boys?" If a suit aficionado was in the room, they could quickly determine the hierarchy of everyone one present, and at top of the food chain was Director Farris. Standing about 5'9 and a gut nearly that long around, Farris had the look of a mustachioed beat cop. "It was amazing,...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 492

This Ought to Make All Grandpas Feel All Warm and Fuzzy A six-year-old goes to the hospital with her mother to visit her Grandpa. When they get to the hospital, she runs ahead of her mother and bursts into her Grandpa’s room. “Grandpa, Grandpa,” she says excitedly, “as soon as my mother comes into the room, make a noise like a frog!” “What?” said her Grandpa. “Make a noise like a frog because my mom said that as soon as you croak, we’re all going to Disney World!” This one is...

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Two Naughty MomsChapter 3

The first thing Angela was aware of when she awoke the next morning was her wet, throbbing, juicing pussy. Smiling, the naked mother rolled onto her back beneath the sheets and savored the sensations of her stacked body. She was very sore. Her jaw was sore from sucking her son's cock so hard and her pussy lips were slightly raw from his furious fucking. Even her ass cheeks ached from bouncing so furiously during the throes of fucking. But the feeling of contentment and lust she felt was...

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A New Wife

A New Wife Tiffany Scott 97' Part I Kelly stared at her husband thoughtfully. He was wearing one of her white nylon blouses and a pair of her tight-fitting jeans. "I want to be the man!" She told him. "I've always wanted it. Even as a kid I desperately wanted to dress up in my brothers clothes." "I'm not gay and I know I can't really BE a man. But at least I can live like one." She explained, adding. "I just want to live with the...

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Slut wifes feet get fucked

My wife Jenny has always had an ass that made guys crazy and she knows it. But until recently she had no idea that her feet were getting just as many dicks hard as her backside. Jenny is a stripper in the neighboring town to ours, she lives a respectible life here and no one knows how she makes her money. We live in a nice upper middle class neighborhood, the kind where strip clubs are looked down on.Jenny came home last week and told me that apparently not everyone in the neighborhood is...

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The Head Girl Teaches Miss Downeys Story Chapter Three

Helen Downey sat behind her desk in her classroom marking a set of books during her free period. She had been at St. Katherine’s Girls’ School for six weeks and was looking forward to the half term holiday that was just over a week away. The young History Mistress paused and thought to herself for a moment. She had settled in quickly and had established herself with her classes, possibly aided by the gossip that had spread throughout the school after her first morning, when she had been pushed...

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Body SwapChapter 31

I stood there naked by the pool as the girls discussed what they should do about my erection. Incredulously I heard Alice address Katy as her mistress when she asked what she had in mind for taking care of it. "I think you should crawl across to him and asked permission to lick and suck it, and when you get it I will come and join you Katy," said with a giggle. Alice did as she had been told and as she knelt before me she looked up with a twinkle in her eye. Master, may I lick and suck...

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Me With My Sexy Mom

Hi readers, this is Sanjay from Coimbatore. I am going to share my experience of my sweetie mom with me with the permission of my mom. This is true incident which was happened in my life after reading many stories I’v got the courage to write my experience in this site. I am the one child of my parents. My father is working in the private concern and my mom is home maker. My mom age is 35 and my father age is 40 and my father is very strict person. He always quarrels with my mom for each and...

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Runaway TrainChapter 45

Phoenix went off without a hitch and so did the return drive to San Diego. At Ryan’s urging, my home was left vacant and we stayed at a hotel where Dom and Brian could stay close to us. Liz only drove my car one more time after we arrived in Phoenix – and that was the entire way back to San Diego. Liz had reverted to her childhood on the ride back along Interstate 8. She put a purple paisley bandana around her blonde hair and slipped on a pair of oversized sunglasses. We put the top down...

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brotherly love almost getting caught

So me and my brother had been fucking for a while now and our mum had no idea what was happenin, even though we had a bit of difficulty keeping quite when we were fucking each other hard at night. But by the morning of our first day on holiday she knew.We were staying in a villa in Turkey, we each had a room to ourselfs with our own bathrooms and a private pool. We arrived late the night before so we were all having a long lie, by the time i got up my mum was already up and sunbathing. Now i've...

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AIChapter 16

We were married about two weeks later, a lovely little ceremony at a small pavilion in a riverside park not far from the place I'd rented. We'd actually had to book a time, it seemed that a lot of couples used the pavilion for the same purpose. We had no friends on hand, of course, no wedding party, but a few passers-by hung around to watch and congratulated us afterwards. Lee had to use her real name for the license form, of course, but it was meaningless to anybody local, and Spook said...

1 year ago
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Musical Urge

Introduction: Theres an instrument and when it plays… So I like football. I like seeing a bunch of guys ramming into each other at full force. I suppose I just like violence. My dad thinks thats worrisome, says someone at my age shouldnt be that into physical pain. I dont know what his problem is. Im already twelve! But that day that we, as a family, went to see a football game, was quite a day indeed. First thing you should know is that Im a twelve-year-old girl. I only just started puberty...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 6

We were taken to my place. The driver said, “I’ll be back in an hour. Is that okay, Miss?” “Yes, thank you. I’ll see you then.” The car left and I went inside my condo. Once inside, I showered and then fixed my hair for the evening. I took it easy for a while allowing my body to cool down from the hot shower and rest from walking during the day. I could feel that my lack of exercise was weighing on me. I needed to run. Actually, I didn’t own an LBD. Well, it was an LBD but it was a little...

1 year ago
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Carol tells a story4

My husband had to go away for the weekend. I wanted to do something special for him, since before he got back I had to go out of town myself. Last week we had put a pool table down in the basement after I finally finished painting it and putting the bar in. I went down to see what the bar needed and called a few friends, telling them I had the house to myself for the weekend and didn't feel like being alone. Deanna and Belldonn agreed to come and stay in the master bedroom for the weekend; they...

4 years ago
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Fuck in dream

Hi desibaba fans, this is pawan from berhampur, orissa. I had read almost all the stories of this site and so excited to have fun with any girls and aunties of my locality and also want to chat sex related topics with the sexy ladies of the world. I am 28 year old, still a virgin, my cock is about long and wide I have got good healthy & athletic body but I don’t have such an attractive heroic figure. I need desperately to have sex with any girl’s or aunties of this locality, I will promise this...

2 years ago
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Shawns Birthday

Thirteen year old Shawn hurried down the street as fast ashis slender legs would carry him. He he to be careful howfast he movedbecause his sweet young ass hurt him something terrible.Today was hisbirthday. He was thirteen today. But he wasn't hurryinghome to any birthdayparty. Oh no. He was hurrying to get the money in thepocket of his tinyshorts to his Uncle. He was supposed to be home an hour ago. It wasn't hisfault. The man who took the porno photos of him had gottencarried...

2 years ago
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My First A True Story

Note - This story is 100% true, with one exception: For the purpose of publishing here, I describe myself as being 18 at the time. In real life, that was not the case. PM for additional details, if interested.When I was 18, I had my first sexual experience. I already knew, from endless teenage masturbation, I was attracted to women. However, as I watched more and more porn, I sometimes found myself fantasisizing about being on the receiving end of those cocks. I wondered what it was like, since...

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