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Author's note: I have based this lightly on one of my favourite stories. Sharp eyed readers may spot the references which intend homage. Oh, and it's back to basics... Thanks again, of course, to Robyn Hoode for giving it the once over. Any faults are mine and mine alone. Callie I did the decent thing in college when I got my girlfriend pregnant and we were married in the fall. She dropped out and got a job with a very understanding company whilst I finished my degree. Her maternity leave was short because she had to pay for our apartment but I got a good job straight after I got my degree and she was able to spend more time with the baby. I was on the graduate track and worked all hours so soon I was in middle management and we could afford a better apartment. I know I had loved her but we didn't spend much time together. When my kid finally got into school she went back to work and we were both tired when we ever got together. I got moved to a different office and met my new manager, Liz, and we got on really well. Too well. I spent more time with her than with Kathy, my wife, and it wasn't long before I found out why a guy shouldn't settle down too early. Liz and I were on a project and we were working from her house when things took a turn and we ended up in her bed together. I fell for her too quickly and hard without meaning to, and soon we were regularly working from her house. Yeah, I felt bad about it, but we kept it low key and secret and Kathy didn't notice. Liz didn't want her daughter Bella to notice either. Liz was older than me, 34 to my 24, though I didn't care, but she'd had Bella young because of a naive mistake. Bella had been raised mostly by her grandparents when young, until Liz was ready to look after her herself, and their relationship was odd, quite sisterly. Luckily Bella was off to college soon. What made our relationship special was that Liz and I did everything that Kathy had never done with me. One night we were playing around at trying to hypnotise each other because I'd heard that women could orgasm spontaneously when hypnotised. I think I managed to put her under but didn't know what to do. She said she managed to put me under and gave me a codeword that would put me under any time she wanted. We were both laughing but we didn't notice that Bella was back from college and listening at the door. A couple of days later we were playing a game in front of the fire when Bella asked to join in. She went away to top up our drinks and soon I felt a bit tired. Liz did too and she suggested we sit on the couch for a while. It felt like I'd dozed and Bella was just putting away the game. Liz seemed to be out next to me. "You'd better go now," suggested Bella, "but come back tomorrow afternoon." It seemed like a good suggestion, so I did. Next day she met me at the door, and gave me a couple of bottles of pills that she'd got through the post. "Herbal slimming aids." She said. "I got them for you because you never have time to exercise." It was true, and at her instruction I took one of each, twice a day. Liz was very playful that day, and dressed me in her panties which turned her on. Bella came into the bedroom and took some photos of us, which was weird, but Liz didn't seem to even notice. I was very careful to wash the lipstick off my face before going home. It was Liz's but I'd been wearing it. Liz had become really experimental and we had been role-playing as two lesbians meeting up in a club before going home to have sex. She loved feeling up under her skirt, which I was wearing, and finding my 'strap-on' before getting me to use it on her. But being careful didn't make any difference. Kathy had somehow got hold of some photos of me and Liz and after a raging argument she threw me out of the house. I had a bag full of my work stuff and drove straight over to Liz's where she took me in. A few days later the divorce papers arrived on my desk at work. Liz and I had to come clean with Bella. I was worried because I had a feeling she didn't like me, but she seemed really happy about the situation. "Liz," she said to her mother with that strange familiarity, "you'll have to take him shopping for clothes on the weekend." "Yes, dear," she responded with an odd submissiveness. Bella smiled and shared more of her pills with me. I thought Liz was shopping more for herself than me when she bought lacy underwear, but the bra's were too small for her and the blouses too big. It wasn't until later that she revealed that she wanted me to wear them to work. She said how turned on she would be and I guessed that the blouses would look like men's shirts even if they were oddly cut, and no- one would see the underwear. I went to work like that for the next few months while Bella was away at college. On the weekends Liz and I took our role-play further, and she got me dresses and skirts to wear around the house, whilst teaching me exactly how to go down on her and the best ways to treat her breasts. I shaved my legs so that I could wear tights and stockings comfortably. It wasn't like anyone was going to see my legs because I never went to the gym and I had my pills which I took religiously. When Bella came back for the winter break I wasn't sure she'd take kindly to me still living with her mother. I picked her up from the station and carried her heavy cases up to her room where she must've noticed my anxiety and sat me down while giving me a shoulder massage and talking pleasantly to me. I must have dozed off because it was so relaxing. Later I noticed that Liz was really relaxed and happy too. We were sitting in the living room with Bella just chilling out and talking about what we'd been up to. Liz complained that she couldn't just leave makeup on me all day on the weekends because my stubble would grow and ruin it before the evening, and Bella nodded and suggested I have my beard removed. It seemed so obvious when she said it, and Liz booked me in the next day for laser hair removal, over my body too while we were at it. It was easier to use makeup without any facial hair, but I went and talked to Bella and admitted to her that I didn't really like it. It was nice talking to Bella because she was so pleasant, and not the upset girl that Liz and I thought she would be when we had first got together. She got me to look in a mirror and I really did see that make up made me look pretty. I know I was a good looking guy, that's how I'd had so much success with women, and it seemed that makeup could turn good looking guys into pretty girls if it was used correctly. "Of course you don't like it," she admitted to me, "because you're a man, and men don't wear makeup. But you should always wear it for me and Liz because it makes us happy." I could see the sense in that, Bella's explanation was sound. She was such a bright girl. I resolved to practice as much as I could to get it right, even if men didn't wear makeup. Liz had saved up a lot of money and when I added some of my savings we were able to move to a larger house. Kathy had kept the apartment so my lawyer had been able to persuade the judge that she only needed a small top up in alimony. I also pretended I was paying for a new apartment for myself, so it looked like I spent most of my earnings. Really they were going into a savings account in Bella's name, so nobody could find them and take them from me. The new house had four bedrooms, though one was pretty small. Bella suggested that we put my house clothes and makeup in there and Liz and I liked the idea. With a wardrobe and dressing table in there, plus a small bed, it was pretty poky. Liz and Bella were talking about names and Liz suggested we call it Missy's Room, because she sometimes called me Missy when we were playing. I wasn't so sure, and I spoke to Bella about it. "Of course you don't like being called Missy," she agreed, "because you're a man, and what kind of name is Missy for a man? But you should put up with it for us, because it makes us happy." I nodded, understanding and knowing that I always wanted to keep both Liz and Bella happy. "Oh, and if anyone else should ever call you Missy, you should pretend it really is your name, and that way nobody will get confused." I wasn't sure what they would be confused about, because I couldn't understand why anyone else would call me Missy, but I accepted Bella's suggestion. It was early in the New Year, shortly before Bella was due to go back to college, that I noticed the lumps under my nipples. I'd noticed that my jeans were getting tight, and figured it was the Christmas over consumption, but getting fatty deposits on my chest was too much. When Bella caught me feeling my chest through a blouse and training bra she suggested I go register with her doctor and see what was wrong. She suggested I tell him that I wanted to be a woman. "What?!" I exclaimed. "Why?" "It'll be hard to explain why you're wearing a bra otherwise, won't it?" she said reasonably. I nodded at that. "But why would I go to the doctor wearing a bra?" "You always wear bras, don't you? Why change if you go to the doctor? And because of those lumps. You need to wear a bra to support and protect those, don't you?" I guessed I did, and it was true that I wore bras to work and at home, so it made sense to go see the doctor in one. "Listen," she continued pleasantly and persuasively, "I know you don't want to actually *be* a woman. You're a man! But if you can fool the doctor I'll be really happy!" That was it then, I'd do it to please Bella. I didn't have to like it, but I'd do it. "You must register with Dr. Woodforde," she told me. "Don't accept anyone else." Dr. Woodforde was a young doctor, quite handsome in a boyish way. He checked my chest and seemed quite reasonable when I explained that I felt unhappy as a man and wanted to be a woman, just like Bella coached me. He gave me a scrip and when I filled it out it looked like some of the same slimming pills that I was already taking. At least that would sort my big rump out! A few days later I met him again when I cooked a farewell dinner for Bella going back to college. To my surprise, Dr. Woodforde turned up as her guest! I didn't know they were together, but he never mentioned my consultation, and neither did he comment on my housedress as I served the dinner. Bella went away for a few months, but both Liz and I stayed in touch with her over the phone. It was during that time that Liz and I started having some problems in bed, as I couldn't seem to get it up Bella told me I shouldn't worry about it, because, though I might not like it, if I kept her mother happy, she would be satisfied. Liz got off the phone too. "Bella thinks it's because you're getting so used to being dressed all the time. But I love your dressing so much and us pretending to be lesbians that I don't want to stop. I hope you're happy with that." And I guess I was, because though I still didn't like the bras and blouses, I wore them to turn Liz on. By the time Bella came home for the Easter break I needed to wear the training bras. The lumps under my nipples had turned into full-on A cup breasts. I wasn't happy with that, but Bella wasn't too worried, and Liz appeared to love them. "It's because of those pills you're taking," Bella explained, "you told your doctor that you wanted to be a woman. It's obvious you'd grow breasts!" "But I don't want breasts!" "Of course you don't, you're a man! Men don't have breasts! You probably hate it. But I bet Mom loves them?" And I had to admit that she did. Liz spent plenty of time kissing and sucking on my emerging breasts, and loved that I was trying to hide them in work. But it was work that caused the next problem. One day Liz came out of a meeting with her boss and came tearfully over to talk to me. "They know about us being together," she explained, "and don't like the effect on office morale. One of us will have to move." I suppose it was obvious that our relationship couldn't be kept secret, but I couldn't damage Liz's future, so I volunteered to move office and ended up having to work an hour's drive away, and staying over in a cheap hostel. We couldn't be together at home either, which made both of us sad, but there was nothing to be done about it. Bella wondered if we couldn't get back together in the same office if I took a different job. It was sneaky, but her idea was almost flawless. If I changed my name and applied for a different role, our company wouldn't spot me going back to Liz's office. So I changed my name from Chris Jones to Missy James, at court, James strangely being Liz's surname as well. "It's like you're married!" gushed Bella. But then she had a thought. "People will recognise you." She suggested that I go to Doctor Woodforde and ask whether I could arrange some surgery to make me look the part better. "But I don't want to be more womanly!" I protested. "Of course you don't!" she agreed. "You're a man, and no man wants to be a woman, but you want to feel more confident about not being found out if you work so closely with my mother, especially as the company told you to stay apart." It was true, I was deceiving the company which would be a sackable offence, so it seemed obvious that a better disguise would make me feel better. Dr. Woodforde was not surprised when I asked about surgery. "It is expensive," he stated. "I can't prescribe it but I can recommend a surgeon and discuss with him the changes you might want." Bella told me to do what Dr Woodforde asked, and so I discussed with him some alterations to my face that would make me unrecognisable to the company and my co-workers. I took a couple of weeks of holiday, and put myself in the hands of the surgeon that Dr. Woodforde recommended and Bella paid for with my money. What I was surprised by was that the clinic wasn't very well advertised, and was hidden away in a quiet suburb of Bella's college town. Liz didn't even know what I was up to. The clinic also took a while before they gave me an appointment, something to do with waiting for particular equipment to arrive. When we got there the clinic already had instructions from Dr. Woodforde, and Bella talked them over with the surgeon whilst a nurse prepped me for the surgery. Then I was put out, waking hours later to pain in my face and chest and Bella sitting with me waiting to take me back to her apartment. Liz still didn't know where I was, and with bandages covering my face and chest I couldn't even call her on the phone. I was more upset to find out from Bella that I wouldn't be healed for some weeks. Bella, being some kind of medical student, was able to deal with my stitches and redoing my bandages. She also used the time to practise her relaxation techniques on me, and gave me some CDs so I could use the techniques while she was in college. When she wasn't in college she helped me to perfect my disguise in a few other ways, training me to walk like a girl, and what gestures to make. She even taught me flirtation techniques and we laughed together as I practised, and I practised harder just to make her happy with me. She also told me that I was now programmed to always respond to and call myself Missy, as it would complete my disguise. When the bandages finally came off, I was shocked. "Wow," I said eventually, "I look... pretty." I was looking at myself in the mirror. I had been a good looking guy so it wasn't hard to alter my face to make it look feminine. What I was surprised by was how little it looked like me, except I know that's what Bella wanted for my disguise. I always had a slim jaw, but now my chin was a little button. I had a straight nose which I thought Bella had agreed to leave alone but it had been thinned and then curved slightly upwards. I had pleasant lips which Liz loved, and which had enabled me to look quite feminine, but now with my nose curled up it was like my top lip had been pulled up making it appear thicker and also leaving a slight hole to my mouth. My bottom lip appeared thicker too. My cheekbones appeared slightly more prominent, making, or perhaps just helping to make my eyes, my baby blues, appear so much bigger! All this new prettiness distracted me from my chest, where my boobs also looked bigger and much rounder. A check on my bras revealed that the clinic had taken me from a small B cup to a large C cup making my once manly, or so I thought, chest and shoulders appear much more in female proportions. "What have you done to my chest?" I complained to Bella. "Don't you like your new tits?" she asked with a sly smile. "Of course not! I'm a man. Men don't have tits!" "You're right," she said soothingly. "You are a man and you're right to not like having tits. But you'll look better for work, no-one will recognise you, and you're making me and Liz happy." "That's good," I agreed. "But when can I get rid of them?" She said something to me, and I zoned out for a moment. When I came to she was stroking my new tits through my bra and boob tube. The touch of her fingers felt electric on them, and I moaned with pleasure. "Oh, don't stop!" I pleaded. "But I thought you didn't like your tits?" I was confused. "I don't! But they feel amazing." "If you get rid of them they won't." That put a new perspective on things. "By they way," she added as she walked away, "they'll feel even better if a man touches them." Funny. Why would a man ever touch them? And then I applied for a PA position that Liz made available at her office. My voice seemed a little higher and Bella was training me in vocal techniques so the agent didn't question my gender over the phone. Bella's plan worked just as it was supposed to, and I went in and interviewed for the position dressed in my smartest Missy outfit, a skirt suit and a push-up bra that made my C cup tits stand out. When I got offered the job I resigned in absentia from my managerial position as Chris Jones, pleading illness, and took up the PA position as Missy James, which made Bella happy. I hated the fact that I had to hide as a woman, dressing all the time in skirts and wearing makeup daily to appear as a pretty woman, but Bella loved it. Liz didn't seem to notice me much at all though, and that confused me because I was doing all this for her. "She's just playing along so that you don't get caught," Bella explained. "You have to play along too. Stay in the role. Don't do anything out of context and you won't get caught." She was right. I had to create a new account for Missy's pay, which Bella set up and for the sake of keeping it hidden from any lawyers she moved any excess into the account she was holding for me. I moved back in with Liz, of course, but Bella brought me and I overheard her explaining to Liz that it would be much easier to have her PA stay with her and that I was new in town and looking for other accommodation. I wasn't, and I was going to go to explain when Liz walked out of the living room and saw me. She looked a little fuzzy but then seemed to shake herself out of it. "Hi, Missy. How are you settled in?" "You don't have to call me Missy at home, Liz, my name's Missy, you know that!" She looked at me very oddly. "Of course it is. I'm going to bed, Missy, night night." And she walked off. I didn't like going to work as Liz's PA because I knew I was a man and dressing as a woman every day felt completely wrong, even if it made Liz happy. I felt like I was going to be found out every day, and that made me nervous and upset. I spoke to Bella over the phone and it felt so relaxing to talk to someone who was completely on my side. At Bella's suggestion I'd gone to a salon to get my hair done as it was starting to get quite long and unruly. It was expensive, but they put in real hair extensions and then dyed the whole lot blond before curling it back off my face in waves. At the same time I had my ears pierced a couple of times and had my nails done. Now they were about half an inch at the tips, squared off. Buttoning my blouses was suddenly impossible so Bella recommended I just wear dresses rather than skirt suits. I soon noted that I wasn't really Liz's PA anymore because Shelly, a secretary who she'd had to take away with her for a couple of weeks on a project, was still working closely with her. I got assigned to another floor and another manager for the interim, which was kinda lucky because nobody there knew me from before, so they just thought I was Missy James, the blonde secretary. "You've got to be nicer to her," suggested Bella when I complained that Liz didn't seem to be paying attention to me anymore. "I thought I was being nice to her by doing all this for her," I whined. I hated wearing dresses all day, the heels made my legs ache, and makeup was just sticky and gooey. Worse, my hair now took half an hour to get ready in the morning so I even drove separately to Liz to the office because she was gone before me. "No, be nice by doing more around the house, so that she doesn't have to." So I did the vacuuming and the washing up and the laundry, and cleaned and dusted on a regular rota. Bella took me to get a couple of uniforms for cleaning in so that the rest of my clothes wouldn't get dirty. They were black dresses with white mini waist aprons. "These are maids' uniforms," I protested. "Of course they are! I tell you what, if you can put on a pair of your old jeans and a shirt you can use those to clean in, otherwise it's these and you won't complain again." "Alright," I stammered. "I'll give it a try." The jeans should have been fine, but when I got them up to the top of my thighs they got stuck unable to squeeze over my ass. I could see that the button would easily close around my trim waist, where the slimming pills had been working, but I couldn't get the back of the jeans over my back, and didn't seem to have the strength to pull hard enough. The shirt she threw me I recognised as an old clubbing shirt, a skinny fit, which again was billowing around my waist but simply wouldn't fit around my chest. I squeezed and pressed and pulled, but even when I got the buttons close I couldn't fasten them with my long nails. "So you see," stated Bella, logically, "those dresses are best because they fit you." Liz did seem to notice me in them, and I managed to get a smile or two out of her. "Thank you, Missy." She would say with gratitude when I served her dinner at the table. "I think your mother is seeing someone else," I said while Bella sat in her bedroom and I was doing her bed. "What makes you think that, Missy?" "She sometimes leaves the office before me yet doesn't come home until late, and sometimes I'm sure she doesn't even come home. She hasn't touched me or kissed me since I got my new job, and now that I've moved floors in the office she doesn't even talk to me. I overheard someone ask her in the office the other day what happened to Chris, and she said that I left her a note and just disappeared when I got moved office." Bella closed her book. "Of course she'd say that, Missy, she can't say the truth now, can she?" And that response seemed perfectly obvious now that Bella said it. But, "She seemed to really believe it." "Don't you worry now. Maybe work is exhausting her so she has no time for you. I'll see if I can't persuade her to pay you more attention." It was so good having Bella as a best friend. It was a shame that the summer was nearly over and she was going back to college. Before she went though I had to confide something in her. I knocked on her door in my uniform and stood and waited like she'd instructed me to. She called me in. "Mistress Bella." "What's up, Missy?" "It's, well, it's these tits, Mistress Bella." "They look fine to me." "I noticed my bras were getting uncomfortable, so last week I went to get some new ones, and the only ones which would fit me were D cup. They're growing!" "Are they? I'm sure all the guys in the office would notice if they were." "They do! They all stare at my chest when they're talking to me or telling me what to do. Some of them are flirting with me, I'm sure." "And do you flirt with them?" "Of course I do. You told me it would keep them distracted, not let them think I was just there to be with Mistress Elizabeth, you know, keep in character." "So what's the problem?" "I don't want these heavy things on my chest anymore," I whined, "I feel really uncomfortable about men looking at me and flirting with me. And they're growing and men are looking at me more!" "Have any men tried feeling your breasts?" "Of course not!" I protested. She reached forward to me and started feeling up my tits through my dress and bra. "Wow!" I responded. "Oh, wow!" I could feel myself getting really horny and turned on, as her manipulations felt amazing and my nipples turned into tense little rockets. It was the most amazing feeling I'd felt in a long time, like when Liz used to rub my cock through my trousers. "Did you know," she said as she continued to feel me up, not letting me think about getting away, "that as they grow bigger they will get more and more sensitive?" "Oh, God!" I gasped. "Really?" "And I told you that they would feel even better if a man touched them." "Oh, then I'll probably cum!" "You might, or you might beg to." She let go, and I wobbled a bit on my heels. She told me I should let some men feel my breasts, if they were so interested in them, as it would make her, and them, happy. That was really important, I thought, to make other people happy. But, she warned me, it wasn't fair that I should be the only one feeling good, and if the man wanted more I should probably give him a blow job. That way they would never find out that I was really a man in disguise. Bella went back to college. Liz was so happy with all the things I was doing for her that she let me stay in the house, at Bella's insistence. Once or twice it really frustrated me that I never got close to the woman I loved, but most of the time I was really happy because she was really happy. She always thanked me for her breakfast, dinner, and the drinks I brought her, and for the fact that I kept her house so well. She didn't have to do anything so could just stay out late or away and know that everything was being looked after. I had to buy my first Double D bra. I couldn't believe how huge my tits were, and neither could any guy that saw me. It was one of the sales guys who eventually copped a feel, trapping me in the corridor to the toilets at a hotel where all the office was getting drunk. We flirted a bit and then he stroked the side of my face and down onto my up-thrust chest. My knees almost went immediately and I grabbed his hand to me reflexively. I moaned as gently as I could as he plastered his mouth over mine and carried on groping me. I felt really guilty that I was almost having orgasms, so I pulled him into a stall and took out his now raging cock. He wanted to put it in me, but I managed to stop him feeling for my crotch just in time! I dropped to my knees making it impossible for him to reach me there and, bracing myself, I took his cock into my mouth. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Of course I didn't want to put his cock in my mouth, but it did seem to be the only way to keep his hands away from discovering my secret, whilst paying him back for the pleasure he'd given me and relieving him of his horniness. If anything, it was also far less homosexual than letting him anywhere near my ass! I wasn't very good at it, probably, but I remembered what I liked and tried to mimic that, whilst also listening in to every instruction and response he gave. The key was making him happy. That made me feel good. By the end I must have been getting it exactly right for him, and then the strangest thing happened. I felt him jerk and twitch and pull my head in to his crotch, his cock jammed into my mouth, and suddenly I had to swallow spurts of his jism because there was nowhere else for it to go. And I came! I had an orgasm that ran right through me and I could feel my sleepy little penis pulsing and dribbling into my panties. I hadn't had an orgasm in so long you can't imagine how wonderful it felt! I wanted guys to feel my chest, and I wanted to have orgasms, so I didn't mind news getting around the office somehow, causing all the single guys to start asking me out for lunch or a coffee and then driving me somewhere private. Some of them were really nice, asking me out for dinner and stuff, but I didn't like them in that way! I went for a check-up with Dr. Woodforde and he asked me when I wanted to schedule my final surgery, as I'd spent a year as a woman already. I guessed he meant the SRS which showed that I was still fooling him into thinking that I actually wanted to be a woman. Bella would be happy with that! I mentioned it to her when I spoke to her, and she said she'd let Dr Woodforde in on the joke. I also mentioned about the guys in work and how some of them were becoming regulars, and they were trying harder and harder to get into my panties. She asked whether it wouldn't be better to get my bits removed rather than have them found, but I didn't really want that, though it had a certain logic. Bella seemed a little frustrated by my reluctance, but I was a man, and she was happy with that. She came down to visit, at Liz's invitation, and Liz asked me to prepare a dinner for four. Bella told me she was having Dr. Woodforde over again. So I worked hard on the dinner, buying in special portions of everything to make my favourite courses four times over and really looking forward to the delicious meal as I tasted it throughout the evening. I couldn't wait to get out of my uniform and into my dress and heels to eat it! Finally Dr. Woodforde arrived, and I let him in and another man in a suit, who handed me his coat and a bottle of wine before thanking me and following Dr. Woodforde into the living room. I had no idea who this other man was, some friend of the doctor's, but I put his coat on the stand and took the bottle through into the kitchen. Just as I was wrapping up the roast and the pudding was ready on the side to go in the over, as I was about to head upstairs for a quick change, Liz entered the kitchen with the new guy. "Mistress Elizabeth?" I waited. "Missy, allow me to introduce Ben." He reached out his hand, and I took it and curtsied slightly. "Wow! So formal," he observed. Liz took his hand back and held it close to her body. "Missy is very well trained, and she's a complete Godsend around the house. Missy," she addressed me as she put her other hand on Ben's upper arm and leaned into his shoulder, "Can you just serve us until you've put the pudding in, and then you can take the evening off and go somewhere. From that dress on your bed it looks like you were hoping to!" "Yes, Mistress Elizabeth." I was in a rage, so confused, it looked like Liz was with another man and right in front of me! What on Earth was she playing at? She had me right here, and she was not only treating me like I didn't exist, she was treating me like I hadn't existed for months! I spited her as I served the wine and starters, not looking at her or smiling at her thanks. I prepped the main course, retrieved the starter crockery and cutlery, putting it away in the dishwasher, and served another round of wines. Then I served the main, ignoring Liz all the while, after which I put the pudding into the oven to bake and took the ice-cream out of the freezer to thaw slightly. One final round of refills and I silently took my leave, heading up to my room where I decided that going out and getting drunk would be a great thing to do. Bella slipped into my room as I was applying my makeup and changing my earrings to hoops. "You look sexy!" she commented, looking over my shoulder. "That little black dress suits you." I shook my hair out around my earrings, letting it settle down my back and over my shoulders. "Thank you, Bella." I smiled. I didn't have to call her Mistress when I was out of uniform. "Are you upset about Ben?" she asked, getting straight to the point. "Of course," I stated, not offering anything else. "Why don't you take a holiday and come stay with me for the last few weeks of college?" she asked. It seemed like a good idea, to get away, so I nodded after a moment's thought. "Great, I'll let Mum know. You go have a great time!" But I didn't. I was alone, so I drank a lot. Then I danced a lot. Then a group of boys danced with me and made me feel so amazing as they squeezed against me and groped in the dim light that a bouncer had to come and ask us to calm down. So two of the boys helped me outside into a back alley where I went down on one but the other got his hand under my dress and into my panties. The next thing I knew I was roughly thrown against a wall, got a stinging blow across my face which made me crumple down to the floor, and then got spat at while being called a sissy faggot. I cried my way home, but there was no pain. Not until the next morning as the anaesthetising alcohol wore off. Suddenly I had a huge headache, a stinging under my left eye, and a feeling of complete humiliation and disgust with myself. Bad that as a man I couldn't defend myself against two youths. Worse, I had been going down on one in anticipation of my own pleasure, doing it for my own self-satisfaction. Worst, they had found me out and outed me, loudly, to whatever public there was. That was utterly humiliating, magnified through the lens of a hangover. Bella was so lovely to pack me a bag and help me to her car. As she drove I told her the whole story, at least three times. I also went over the whole Ben situation that had got me into trouble in the first place. Bella sympathised with me, putting her hand on my arm or on my knee. "You do know that Ben stayed last night, don't you?" "What, in the guest room?" "No." Finally the realisation dripped into my brain that my guest room question had been entirely naive. I looked at Bella in shock. "She slept with another man?" "I guess she's allowed to." Bella shrugged. "She invited David and I to dinner to let us know that she and Ben were engaged." "To be married?" I gasped. "What about me?" "I'm not sure what's going on there." She admitted. "You know I only come home on occasion, while you're always there. Have you and Liz been intimate since the last time we spoke?" "No, I don't see her in work, and when she's home I look after her and the house, before collapsing into bed after a really early morning and a late day. But usually she isn't home." "So you're not intimate, not even really a couple, and she's let someone else into her life. How does that feel?" "Awful. Horrible. Like she's kicking me in the gut." Bella smiled to herself. "So are you going to leave her?" "Of course I..." Then I stopped to think for a moment. "She's my boss, so she could fire me, and she's giving me board and lodging. If I left her..." "You'd have nothing," Bella finished my thought. "So I have to win her back!" I determined. "But how?" "Well, there're two ways to do that." "What are they?" I asked, intrigued. "You could get her to notice you again, win her round, get her to leave Ben..." "But?" "But that hasn't been working so far, has it?" "No, I guess not, but I've no idea why! I thought I was making your mother happy!" "So that leaves the second way." "Which is...?" "Get Ben to leave her." Bella was so logical, and so clever. If she wouldn't leave Ben, Ben had to leave her. Simple. I smiled happily. Then... "How?" "The way all men leave their women, they find another one." Bella went through the situation with me in her apartment. If Liz married Ben she would move in with him and sell the house. I would lose her and have nowhere to live. At the very least I needed to stop her from moving in with Ben even if I couldn't win her back, just to remain close to her and in with a chance in the future. Then she asked me about men, and I told her some stories with relish! Except till I got to the last one, last night. That made me stop and think. Bella was thoughtful too. "What if..." she said slowly, "what if you were the other woman?" "Other woman? What do you mean? For what?" "Let me ask you something before I answer that, do you really think you'll get back together with my mother now?" I sighed. "I guess not. She's ruined much chance of that." "So, what if you were the other woman that Ben left my mother for? How clever would that be? Think about it, you get revenge on her for sleeping with another guy, and you split them up!" I did think about it for a moment, with a sort of smile. "But he'd find out I'm a guy so he wouldn't actually sleep with another woman, and he'd probably beat me up the moment he found out, then marry Liz." I lost my smile. "Hmm," Bella smiled slyly, "but not if you hid the fact you were a guy, and appeared to be a complete woman." She came closer to me as my confusion set in. "Why don't I relax you a little while you think about it?" Bella drove me over to the clinic. She'd asked Dr. Woodforde to fax up the consent forms and all the necessary paperwork and the clinic was happy to proceed with the surgery almost as though they'd had it booked in. I was mad at Liz and Ben, and realised that having my disguise as a woman completed would enable me never to have to go through any dangerous or humiliating discovery scenes again, as well as giving me the tools and power to split the two of them apart. I signed all the forms which Bella put in front of me, then proceeded into surgery ready to put the final part of the plan into place. When I awoke I couldn't speak, and my entire body was in plaster from below my armpits to the tops of my thighs. My neck was bandaged too, and completely numb. I was in severe pain for days, especially in my crotch, and especially when a nurse came in and pushed a greased, glass stent into the crack in between my legs. I stayed in the bed for a week, being moved only for bathing. Bella came in daily to visit with me and change my CDs, and the relaxing sounds and scripts she put on them really helped with the pain and the boredom. Soon the stent was less painful and became something I looked forward to in order to break up the monotony of the day, no matter how uncomfortable. The cast came off and was replaced with tight bandaging. Bella was allowed to take me back to her apartment to recuperate and I was allowed to start speaking again. It wasn't long before I noticed my voice was higher, and not just because I was used to talking higher, but because now I couldn't pitch it lower! Bella explained that the cast was because I'd had two lower ribs removed, to make my waist look trimmer, but they'd also done complete liposuction on it, making it appear tiny, and relocated all the fat into my hips and ass to give me a truly curvaceous figure. She enjoyed dilating me regularly. She would relax me as she was doing it which made it feel less uncomfortable, and sometimes I would zone out completely. Being dilated moved from something I looked forward to into something I enjoyed and soon it became something I wanted! Sometimes I would rouse from my relaxation to find Bella fondling my breasts as she moved the bigger and bigger stents in and out, and I would start squealing helplessly in orgasm as the sensual pleasure became too great. Finally the bandages were removed, the stitches appeared to have healed, and Bella coaxed me up and around, getting me dressed and back outside for walks and shopping trips. My tits were impressive, my waist was so sexily tight, but my ass was a work of art, rounded and grabbable, with a top looking like you could keep trophies on it like a mantelpiece. When I looked at myself I got horny. I did have to dilate myself a few times when Bella was at classes, but it didn't feel like when she did it, just an uncomfortable, necessary job. I tried fondling my big tits at the same time, and it felt nice, but not spectacular. When I was alone, looking at myself in the mirror, getting horny, I kinda wanted to find a guy and give him a blow job. When I caught myself thinking that I got embarrassed. I wasn't gay! But it was a tempting thought to have an orgasm to relieve this horniness. Bella took me out with her in the last week before her holidays. I was still not fully recovered from the surgeries but she thought I'd enjoy getting out. We went to the student bars and parties, where she introduced me to all her friends as her older sister, Missy. She never said how much older and none of the boys ever asked. Bella told me I should take the opportunity to practise what I would be doing with Ben, so I flirted with a number of her male friends just to find out what worked and what didn't. Then when I found out what worked, it usually led gradually to just one thing. I discovered that any guy's hand touching my butt turned me on, and if a guy patted my butt or left his hand there I would get really horny. At first I hated the contact and wanted to slap the hands away but I quickly found out that I couldn't. Simply couldn't. If I wiggled my butt to try to shake the hand off the guy would just think I wanted him to stroke it, and my horniness would grow. Being horny made me want to relieve it the only way I knew how, which was giving a blow job. I hadn't found any other way. Before giving a blow job I was used to having my tits played with, and the moment a guy started stroking them or fondling them I was almost unable to stand from the pleasure running through my body. They gave me so much pleasure I just had to make them happy in return otherwise it wasn't fair. Sometimes my relationship with a guy ended with a blow-job in the toilets or outside in the garden where I would gasp in relief as I swallowed his cum and my orgasm overtook me. Sometimes the brief relationship didn't stop there, but continued on back at Bella's place or the guy's. The first time this happened I was desperate but still reluctant. But Bella had told me that I needed to practise fully being a woman, because that was what I would have to do with Ben. So it was a guy called Simon who took me outside the bar and into a back alley where he turned me around whilst holding my breasts and then bent me over to lean on the bars of a fire escape. Because he was still feeling up my left tit I didn't even notice what he was doing with his right hand until it was already against my bare backside (I was wearing a g-string under my miniskirt) and I got as horny as I was pleasured. When the string was slipped aside by his finger I couldn't care what he did to me. When his cock slowly entered my slick cunt I started seeing fireworks. I have no idea what he did as the first orgasm rose and then hit me, and from then on I couldn't tell the difference between when I was just about to orgasm and when I just had orgasmed. I think he put his hand over my mouth to stop me screaming. I know he came buckets inside me because as he pulled out of me and I came down from my high, great globs of the sticky liquid began running down my legs. I could barely breathe, and my legs were shaking, so dripping cum was the last thing on my mind. As I stayed bent over there, he goosed me, trying to rouse me, and I squealed, but with delight. I turned and smiled at him and he helped me up and held my hand back to the building. I needed it to keep me steady until I got to the toilets. By the time I got back to Bella, Simon was gone. But Peter was there. Later that week Jack was the first to escort me back to Bella's apartment, where we might have kept her awake, but she was smiling to me the next morning, so I felt good. That week Bella had me practising a lot, not just with her friends at parties where it was easy to flirt, but also challenged me to pick up guys in shops, in the street, in parks. I tried to be choosy, because it was difficult for me to approach someone of the same sex as me, regardless of how I looked, but the moment a guy showed interest I started to imagine him inside me, preferably from behind where I couldn't see him. I picked up a lot of guys that week, looking forward to what they would do to me, and loving it when they did but I did feel really dirty and humiliated at the same time, especially right before and straight after meeting a guy. Bella was understanding. Of course I would feel humiliated, because I was a guy, being fucked by other guys, but it was only until I could get her mother back. At the end of the week I went home with Bella. She sent me up to my room and when Liz came back she talked to her for a long time before I got to see her. Finally she came to my room. Wow, she looked stunningly beautiful. But as she saw me she got a really glazed look in her eyes. "Hi, Missy!" she said dreamily. "How was your time away with your sister?" My sister? Bella? What was Liz thinking? Fine that she called me Missy, it was her idea after all, but why was she pretending I was Bella's sister? It wasn't possible that a now thirty five year old woman could have given birth to a now twenty five year old man, and nobody would believe it. "Well, I, er, yes, I had a good time." "Excellent." She came to me and hugged me. It wasn't anything but a motherly hug. There was love in it, but gentle love, not passionate love. I felt weird as I hugged her back. "I hope you're ready for the weekend?" She asked as she pulled back slightly, still holding my hands. "The weekend?" "Yes! Don't worry, Bella will help you out with everything. I can't wait to see you both there!" I reeled in confusion for the next two days. I tried to get anything out of Bella as we shopped a lot. "Hey," I said to Bella as we were shopping for specific pink bras that she wanted, "have my boobs grown again?" "It looks like it." She smiled as the assistant handed me an E cup bra. "Can you imagine how they will feel with Ben's hands on them?" I couldn't avoid the picture and suddenly my knees went weak as a thrill ran through me. "Oh Gosh!" I exclaimed, and both Bella and the assistant smiled at me. The next morning was Saturday and I woke up to a whirlwind of activity. Ben wasn't in the house, but Bella and Liz seemed to be going crazy. Liz's mum was there. "You're Missy, right?" she said to me. She lived in France so Liz didn't see her very often. I nodded and she grabbed me up in a great big hug. "Oh, it's so wonderful to meet you! My new granddaughter! I heard all about the adoption! It must be so good for you to have a family, and Bella and Liz can't stop talking about you! Even Ben can't wait to become your father." Bella raced into my room. "Bella, what the hell is going on?" "No time! Get into your new underwear already. Carly is waiting for us!" Carly was a beautician, and the next thing I knew Bella and I were sat side by side having our hair teased and curled, stray eyebrow hairs plucked, eyelashes curled, and makeup plastered over our faces until I could barely crack a smile. Bella had her hair teased up onto her head, mine was left bouncing and flowing down my back. "Right," called Carly, "go get into your dresses, girls, it's nearly time." As I left the front room I caught a glimpse of Liz in the dining room, with Jess, Carly's boss, putting the finishing touches to a fabulous updo. Liz stood and turned and I saw her looking stunningly beautiful in her white, lacy underwear, her pert, B cup breasts standing out proudly on her svelte, fit body, loose curls artfully falling around her face. I gasped in appreciation before Bella dragged me strongly upstairs, to her room, and to two pink, satin dresses. She took one, with the long skirt, shoulders and a plunging back, and helped me into mine, with a short skirt, no shoulders, and a bodice that lifted my large tits, and tightened over them when Bella zipped me up behind. Bella's was like a ball dress, mine like a mini cocktail dress. She gave us both pink, platform pumps with huge heels, and hid hers neatly under the skirt of her dress. She looked so tall and elegant. She pulled me down the stairs and out to a waiting car and we headed off. "What is going on, Bella?" I asked in the car. "We look like bridesmaids!" She smiled at me slyly. "That's what we are. Bridesmaids." A wedding? That's what this fuss was about? "And your mother, is she the maid of honour or something?" "Our mother, sis', is the bride." "What?! With Ben?" "Of course." "But I'm supposed to stop all that. That's what this is all about, isn't it?" "Not exactly, my darling Christopher." It was the first time anyone had called me that in a long time and it didn't feel like my name anymore. "This is about you being as close as possible to my mother so that you can watch as she marries a decent man, and your heart gets torn out as he steals her away from you completely. She, of course, finally gets a decent life instead of just getting fucked as someone's mistress." "Bella! You set me up?" I yelled as the explanation sank in. "Yup, I used your little hypnosis tricks and a gentle hypnotic drug to get control of you both. They say you can't get someone to do something they don't want under hypnosis, but I just had to find all the right incentives. I played you both off against each other to get you where I wanted you. As I got deeper control it became simpler, and I got better at it. You have all sorts of lovely triggers inside you now." "You turned me into a woman?" "I think you'll find that you did. I just helped you choose the path. The tits are still special. They're silly string, or something, and they don't stop growing. All the biggest names in big boob entertainment have them, though they're banned now. You either need to visit a doctor once a month to keep them to size, or replace them with normal implants." "I'll just get them cut off!" "That will cost, and you don't have any money. Plus I really think that you won't want to. After all, they simply feel too good!" She said as she reached across to squeeze them, and I gasped as the thrill ran through me and my nipples grew erect. "I think you like them!" She grinned nastily. "I programmed you to love any sexual physical contact, especially with men. You might not like them as boyfriends, but you can't resist them as partners. You're simply a slut. My slutty sister." "I'm not your sister and I never will be!" I cried out in the back of the car, perhaps fortunate that our driver had a partition. "When this car stops I'm getting out and leaving." She gave me a sideways glance and a raised eyebrow. "I won't stop you. I can make Mum forget you as easily as I made her think you were different people as you changed. But you might realise that you have a free home, and a job, which will go if you disappear. My David, your Doctor, will organise keeping your boobs at that size you have now if you stay. That is, as long as you're a good girl. Then eventually you'll be able to afford to change to normal implants. I'm sure by then you won't be considering a double mastectomy anymore." My frustration caused tears to well up in my eyes. "Now, now," soothed Bella, reaching for a tissue to dab my eyes, "we can't have that, your makeup will run!" "I can't believe what you've done to me!" I wailed. "I couldn't believe what you were doing to two families," she replied calmly. "Perhaps after the wedding you will understand." And so I went through with the wedding. Bella was chief bridesmaid, and Liz's best friend was her maid of honour. Ben looked more dashing than I think I ever did in a wedding suit. He became my father, apparently signing an adoption certificate as well as the wedding certificate. I wondered how I could be adopted at my age, but apparently I'd signed a consent form. Nobody had tried to pass me off as under eighteen. As my new 'Dad', Ben was unlikely to do anything with me. Oh, I was sure that some men would, but they were few and far between. While Liz and Ben were on their honeymoon, Bella looked after me. She was nice sometimes, as long as I wasn't fighting her. She took me out a lot, and made sure I became well known in the local area. She always looked after me and made sure I didn't get into the wrong crowds, and that I always made it home. Eventually. Dr. Woodforde implanted some long term hormones, to replace the pills I'd been taking, ever since Bella told me they were slimming pills. That was a joke. I think I got used to sex, but not to men. There were a couple that wanted more than just a blow-job. A couple out of hundreds. All the while I was living with my ex-girlfriend, watching her go to bed every night with another man. Another man who occasionally glanced at my tits, but never went to touch them, no matter how much I wished he would. Oh, and Dr. Woodforde kept them in trim too. I had to pay - a large portion of my secretary's pay - as it was a private service, but he regularly drained the 'serum' and kept my breasts at a reasonably bearable E cup. At least I had my job, still a PA in Liz's office, and eventually, after months of working hard, her PA again. Of course, I found out before the rest of the office did that she was getting a promotion. Due to not wanting to be accused of favouritism, she couldn't take me with her to the floor above. Oh, well, I was working my way back to becoming a manager again anyway. I couldn't stay as a secretary forever. I just needed my new boss to sponsor me along the path with some free time and training courses so that I could earn my qualifications back. Then the money might help me get a place of my own and away from this hell. So it was exciting to find out who Liz and her bosses had chosen to become my new boss. I tapped on the office door first thing on the Monday morning. A bright, female voice invited me in. I opened the door. "Are you just going to stand there gaping, girl? You must be Missy? I've been so looking forward to meeting you. Liz has told me all about you." She came around her desk offering her hand. "I'm Kathy. But you probably already knew that."

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Living Next Door to Heaven 276 With Child

"Dani? Are you telling me... ?" She was nodding her head. The right side of her mouth curled up in a smile. I suppose it was pretty hard to work the left side of her mouth with the stitches, bandages, and wiring. "I'm with child," she said through her teeth. If I didn't know she was wired shut, I'd have been worried about her saying that through her teeth that way. But I still needed to make sure. "Is it ... Is it okay, sweetheart? Can I ... Can I be happy about it?" I said. She...

2 years ago
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Once again I woke up screaming and in a cold sweat, the thin gown clinging to my pain ravaged body. And as before the nurse rushed in to sedate me and hold my hand until I calmed down. A tearful drama repeated several times so far. The needle pierced my arm and she held me tightly as I cry incoherently in her arms. “Oh Jessica” she would whisper as I cried silently in her hair, “Its ok I’m here baby.” Her name was Jennifer, an older sexy black woman with a heart of gold. She has pretty...

4 years ago
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Love Child

Dr. Elaine Sullivan, head emergency doctor, looked at her watch. It had been a long night at Yorkview Hospital. She was relieved that she was finally off-duty. Depressed at the thought of going home to her empty apartment, she pondered her options. Quickly deciding on taking a walk, Elaine changed to her street clothes and headed for the door to exit the emergency unit. It was then that she met Corey Franklyn. Corey was rushing into emergency; his mother held onto him for support. ...

4 years ago
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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 13 Is this going to be Joes child

Ron had been telling me the story of him and his wife Ronnie who had recently left him. It seemed that my wife had encouraged Ronnie into taking lovers on the side. Sexual satisfaction is not always obtainable by people involved in a loving marriage, something that can lead to wives or husbands finding a lover who can supply that essential ingredient to their lives. With Ron and Ronnie, it seemed, another ingredient had been added which was less common. They knew of each other’s infidelity, in...

1 year ago
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Mother And Child

My breathing finally slowed to the point where I could talk again. I had been huffing, like a lion right after a kill, I was so wound up, my mouth wide open and working hard on getting enough air. I had just had an orgasm that was a mind-bender and it took me several minutes to slow down enough to say, "I think that was the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you beyond words. I write about sex, erotica that I publish but I do not have words for this." She was on her stomach and I...

Love Stories
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An Only Child

An Only Child By Micah Distel The first five years of my life were good. No cares no worries. Then SHE came along. The devil in disguise. My parents' little angel. Man she was a pain in the butt. Every time she did something wrong, I got the blame for it. Oh how I wished to be an only child. Then finally my dream came true. Sort of. She went away for summer camp. I was in heaven. Just my luck though, she left her room a mess. Guess who had to clean it up. Me. She left her...

4 years ago
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The Wild Child

I grew up as a sullen child in the Thendarra spacer’s orphanage. As a babe in arms I was found with an off-world identity card fastened around my neck naming me Mikhail NPN or no patronymic known--the mark of a true bastard. I had dark-red hair that would never behave and bright green eyes. Despite my years my body stayed child-like with slim hips and shoulders. I had no muscles to speak of but I could run with the wind, and that’s what I did. I ran. Every chance I got. The pitiful locks on...

1 year ago
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Islamabad ki aunty

Hello resdrs mera naam ALI hai aur main Islamabad(PAKISTAN) main rahta hu meri age 21 year hai, aj main jis aunty ki kahani sunane jar aha hun wo aunty hamary mohalla ki rahne wali hain aur married hain magar unka koi bachha nahi hai .aun ke husband army main hote hain aur kabhi kabhi ghar ate hain aunty k sath aun ke saas rehty hain lakin wo aun dino apne bete k ghar kise village main gaye hoe thyn. Aunty aksar auqat hamary ghar main aty aur hamare ghar walon se kafi frank the main college ky...

2 years ago
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Ahmadabad Ke Pathan Ki Chudai Ki Raslila

Ye meri pehli story he aur ye sirf Ahmadabad ki un bhabhiyo aur ladkiyo k liye he jinhe asli pathan ka lund apni bhose me lene ki khwaish ho or jo koi ladki ya bhabhi ye cahti ho wo mujhe mail ker sakti he per Now coming to the story Ye takriban 4 sal pehle ki baat he me ek muslim area me rehta hu city me so waha sare ghar kafi pas pas hote he aur mere pados me ek ladki nayi nayi rehne aayi thi usdin me 12 baje utha tha aur apni maid ko nashta banane k liye bola aur me apni balcany me khada...

4 years ago
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Im a real wild child

1. A walk in the park "Wait for me, I just need a pee," said Rhonda to her new boyfriend, Albert, as they rose from their seats in a snack bar. He had been very kind and bought her lots of drink, so now her pussy was full of pee! He was stunned for a second when he heard the word "pee", but then he smiled to himself — he liked that word. He put his arm around her, pulled her close and whispered, "So, you're going to pee?" She nodded, put a hand on his shoulder and looked at him; she wondered...

2 years ago
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You Should Be Father For My Child

Hi friends this is sandy again back with my second story. make me your wife is my first story you can read this @ To remind all of u again about my self aged 22 from Hyderabad. After posting my first story i have received many comments and i thank every one who had sent their feed back through mail among all the mails i have received a mail from a lady and now the incident happened through that lady who have sent me mail. After...

3 years ago
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A neighbhor does8217nt have a child

I am a reader of Iss and would like to share my view as well. I am of 36 having height 5’10” with good fair color and living in Karachi. It is also worth to mention that I have nothing special everything normal but one thing that I have strong power for the women wanted to be pregnant as my wife become pregnant on the very first night of wedding. She got a child after nine months of my marriage. Now I have 5 children in 10 years of marital life and my wife always have a wish that her children...

3 years ago
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Meeting My Child

The world is an illusion, with reality mixed in. So I finally got a summer vacation, 9 days off! Only one thing on my mind, visit my daughter! Sent an e-mail to Amelia and Julia about the time I will off. Needed to know which country I will be going to. The next morning I had a reply from them. It read: Drew! How nice to hear from you. That week we will be in Julia country. We will meet you at the airport and have our daughter with us. We both miss you! And I miss little Drew! Let us know...

2 years ago
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Badle ki bhawnae

Yes people, your evaluation sar ankhon pe.You can contact me at mai apne ghar me sabse chota hn 18 ka,aur mere pariwar me mom n dad ke alawa badi bahan divya 21 sal ki gori 5ft 5 ki aur 32 30 34 ke figure ki hai, aur ek bhai hai jo ki shadi ke bad alag rahta hai.Mai serious nature ka tha.Bachpan se hi mujhe khoob pareshan kiya jata tha.Mere dono bhai bahan mujhe daant khilate aur mera majak udate the.Ab college me ane ke bad bhi mujhe bhondu kaha jata aur meri bahan mujhe ghar me bahut...

3 years ago
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He swung the car around violently on the deserted road and drove back to check what his headlights had lit up. It was late, very late, and he’d been drinking – but nevertheless he was certain his eyes had not deceived him.He pulled up by the kerb where the bundle of rags had suddenly moved as he drove past. It was raining heavily now and as he searched for some sign, he was getting thoroughly drenched.A slight movement made him turn quickly. And then he saw the eyes. Two large bright eyes...

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"STEPCHILD" By: Jacki Pett My stepsisters, Amanda and Cathy, are sitting on the couch next to me in the doctor's waiting room. My stepmother is in talking with the doctor. Amanda and Cathy are both reading magazines. Janet, my other stepsister, felt bad she couldn't be there with me too. I feel kind of weird, sitting here, sort of spaced out. Mom gave me a Valium to take before we left the house. She said it was to help me relax. It's been a long time since I've felt...

1 year ago
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He swung the car around violently on the deserted road and drove back to check what his headlights had lit up. It was late, very late, and he’d been drinking – but nevertheless he was certain his eyes had not deceived him.He pulled up by the kerb where the bundle of rags had suddenly moved as he drove past. It was raining heavily now and as he searched for some sign, he was getting thoroughly drenched.A slight movement made him turn quickly. And then he saw the eyes. Two large bright eyes...

2 years ago
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The Redheaded Stepchild

My name is Suzy Chambers. When my Mom, Patty told me that she would marry Scott and we would move into his house I had no idea how my life would change. At the time I was seventeen, Mom was still an attractive 38 and I guess Scott was a few years older. He was fit and handsome. The house had a large downstairs with a master suite on one end and a large kitchen and living area. Upstairs were three more bedrooms, one of which was now to be mine. Josh and Ginny had the other rooms. The twins,...

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Badminton club

Hopefully erotica for those who would like to be titillated.Sorry to run off early ladies, but I have to get home to put the little ones to bed. See you all next week” shouted Amanda as she ran out of the changing room. I sat on the bench in the old school changing rooms, absolutely shattered. It had turned out to be a really lovely evening, with three other mums, from my k**s school, playing badminton. I hadn’t played since I was a teenager, and I used to love the game. Sadly age, ch*****n,...

1 year ago
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Badhi Bhen Ko Hogaya Mere Lund Se Payaar

Mera naam Sam hai mai Nagpur ka rahne wala hu.Ye baat aaj se 3 saal pahele ki hai jab mere badhi pappa ki bethi yani ki mere badhi bhen sadahi mai aaye thi. Hello to all readers the thing is i love sex but the problem is I’m bored, so my friend suggested ki aapne kahani post karne se tuze rahat milege. Barat mai nachte huye mai thak gaya tha isle mai apne sis key saath vapas ghar aa gaya. Mere bhen ka rang gora hai height 5.3 inch hai body figure 36-28-36 hai aur mai 6.2inch lambha hu mera...

2 years ago
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Sarahs Child

Cherri and I were on our way out the door when I accidentally bumped into Phillip Taylor, who happened to be the hottest, most popular guy in the school. Every girl wanted to date him and every guy wanted to be him. When I looked at his face and realized who it was, my beating heart stopped and then began to pound. ‘I’m sorry,’ he apologized. ‘No, I’m the clumsy one.’ ‘Everyone is a little clumsy every now and then,’ he said, with a smile. ‘You are Sarah, right?’ I glanced at Cherri’s...

4 years ago
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Fathers Only Child

As I got out of the shower I looked at myself in the full length mirror. At the age of 30 I was nice and fit. I had nice and muscular arms and I was thin with some hair on my chest. My cock was at least 6 inches long and 3 inches around when it was hard and it was now. I wasn’t too surprised because it usually is in the morning. All my past lovers said I have the stamina of a teenager. I was thinking about masturbating until I heard a knock at the door and a cute...

3 years ago
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When we had a child

My name is Rob. Me and my wife were celebrating our daughters 8th birthday. I was so proud of her. She's on the honor roll at school and a great help around the house. She was the perfect child. Me and my wife were grateful we decided to have a child. I remember that day well. Let's see....

2 years ago
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Uma Wants To Have My Child

Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last story. For those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. Any ladies from can contact me through This is my experience of giving child to married woman. Now coming to the story this is my experience of giving pleasure and getting married women pregnant. I usually get responses for my stories I upload like that I got...

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Andersonville 16 Venus Child

"Good morning, Mrs. Stover. I'm Mark Merrick and this is Vickie Marshall. We're here to drive you to your appointment." Mrs. Stover looked carefully at the two people standing outside her door. They were both dressed in uniforms that medical people typically wore these days. Unfortunately Mrs. Stover had seen too many doctors and nurses over the past couple of months to know that. They smiled, and she felt at ease with the strangers. "I'm sorry you had to drive all this way for...

2 years ago
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Kelly Girl Chapter 23 Constable Spare My Child

Copyright 1999, 2002, 2003 by Wanda Cunningham. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 23: "Constable, Spare My Child" By Wanda Cunningham When the three girls came into the lady's bathroom behind the Carl's Jr., Kelly...

4 years ago
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Srilata My Maid Mother Of My Child

I am Sam, living in Mumbai, 30’s something, an average built, I am 5. 8” and my junior is 6.5” with a big circumference of 2”. This is a true narrative of mine with my maid Srilata. In her late 20’s, a woman of 34b-26-34 was fair, 5.4ft, long shoulder length hair, almond eyes and rose lips. She did not look like a maid if she dressed well. She was recommended by my society colleague and was praised to the level that I had to meet her and then her looks, when I first saw her, was enough to hire...

2 years ago
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Spoilt brat gets poor child

It was the 15th of June, a special day for one young boy It was the 15th of June, a special day for one young boy. Well a spoilt young brat to be more specific. Billy Broome was residing in his master bedroom after a hard day at school. Well hard for Billy as he has always been given all the attention and needs by his father. They lived in a very elegant mansion, surrounded by the cities wealthiest neighbours. His Father Tony was a prosperous man; he started out life as a poor child,...

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Little Child

As I sat at my desk and reflected on the past year, tears rolled down my cheeks. I clearly remembered the night Liz told me she was pregnant with our third child. We were in bed, snuggling after a very satisfying round of love making. "Tim, I have something important to tell you. Promise you won't get upset and raise your voice so the kids hear you," cautioned Liz. I knew that there had to be something very serious on Liz's mind. I seldom raised my voice, especially in bed. I did raise...

3 years ago
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Lindas Inner Child

It was just like my fantasies from all those years ago. I was ten years old and my husband was in my bed, ready to take me - except that now my husband was real and my little-girl self was the fantasy. And I was sharing the fantasy with him on his birthday. With John leaning over me, there was no need to do naughty things to myself. John would do all the naughty things that needed to be done - and we definitely needed plenty of naughtiness. It was a slow process. There were many pleasures...

1 year ago
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Islamabad Mein Chudai

Hello doston mera naam ali hai. mein rawalpindi mein rehta hun..meri height 5.9 hai..mein ACCA ka student hun.agar koi larki/aunty mere sath sex try karna chati hai mukamal raazdari k sath to mujhe mail kareen at abhi 20 saal ka hoon, Mujay kafi girls add kurten on on my yahoo messenger lakin zayda tur nay keha kay pehlay mobile ka card send kurro then sex kurnay. Mujay sirf un girls say sex kurna ka maza aata hay jo mature hoon our sex ko poorirazdari say kurna chahteen hoon. Eik larkee nay...

3 years ago
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Islamabad the ultimate sex

Hello ISS name is rehan. I m 23 years old guy from id is is a true story that I wish to share with my co-readers. It happened last year with a girl’s named is Seema. She was one of my Junior Executives at the office where I work as a Management Consultant and was supposed to be having an affair with a collegue Malik. Very sexy babe. Good soft but firm tits. Gorgeous figure of 37-26-37. Used to call me Uncle by way of Joke. Ofcourse, I used this relationship to...

2 years ago
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Ahmadabad Ke Pathan Ki Chudai Ki Raslila 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, meri first story ko pasand kerke mujhe dher sare mails bhehne ke liye aap sab ko thanks a lot. Ahmedabad ki kisi bhi bhabhi ya ladki ko real afghani pathan ka lund test kerna ho to mail me at Now ab story per aata hu. Ye baat he un dino ki jab me apne finance k buissness me bahot buzy tha buissnes acha chal raha tha ek din me apni office me betha tha aur mere ek agent ka call aaya ki bhai aap kaha ho mene kaha me office per hu to usne bataya ek costomer he jo aap se milna cahta...

2 years ago
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Ahmedabad Ki Paisewali Aunty 8211 Part 4

Sabhi logo ko mere khade lund ka namaskar. Mera naam Tarun hain. Aur main Ahmedabad se hun. Meri age 26 saal hain. Ap logo ko meri pehli teeno kahani achchi lagi. So ab main apko apni tisri kahani ki or le jata hun.  Main aur meri ma’m Jamnagar gaye the. Tab woh unki dost Sweta ma’m ke waha mujhe chod ke chali gayi Ahmedabad wapas.  Ab mujhe poora ek mahina, Sweta ma’m ke sath Jamnagar mein rehna tha. Sweta ma’m bohut hi pyari hain. Maine unko unki chut chatke meri ashiq toh bana diya tha. Ab...

3 years ago
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Ahmedabad Ki Randi Maid Pt 3 Padosan Ke Samne Chudai

Hey girls and guys. Kaise ho aap sab log? Ye story continuity hai ‘Ahmedabad Ki Randi Maid’ series ka. Toh pehle ke part padhna mat bhulna friends. Abhi tak story mein, maine apni randi naukrani ko choda chaat pe aur humari chudai ke waqt meri padosan Pooja ne hume dekh liya. Ab age. Toh mera aur meri naukrani ki chudai ab regular ho gayi thi. Jab meri mom dupahar ko sone jati thi, usko ghar mein chupke se leke ata tha aur apne room mein uski chudai karta tha. Mera room aur Pooja ka bedroom...

1 year ago
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Turn That Frown Upside Down Child

She was in a dark mood. Her mother had said, ‘Better turn that frown upside down child or, it will freeze on your face.’ She’d guessed her mother’s prophecy had come true, and wondered if mom knew what else her pouty lips could do. Moving to the window peaking out at the cloudy morning, she felt the gloom. The day had started with a tropical storm warning. As she reached to open the blinds, the sky turned a dark gray as if a switch had been thrown. Softly, the wind began to move in gentle...

2 years ago
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Im a real wild child

1. A walk in the park ‘Wait for me, I just need a pee,’ said Rhonda to her new boyfriend, Albert, as they rose from their seats in a snack bar. He had been very kind and bought her lots of drink, so now her pussy was full of pee! He was stunned for a second when he heard the word ‘pee’, but then he smiled to himself — he liked that word. He put his arm around her, pulled her close and whispered, ‘So, you’re going to pee?’ She nodded, put a hand on his shoulder and looked at him, she wondered...

3 years ago
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Mom Become My Wife And Mother Of Child

Hello ISS Readers, yeh meri paheli story he, jo me aapke saath share karna chahuga. Mera naam Aditya he. Me Gujarat se Ahmedabad ka rehnewala hu, aur business ke karan hum Mumbai me rehte he. Meri family me sirf me, mom aur papa hi the. Meri mom ne papa se ghar se bhag kar shaadi kit hi, is wajah se mom ke gharwalo ne aur rishtedaro ne hamare saath nata tod diya tha. Aur papa ki family ne bhi. Kyuki hamare gujarati log low mentality wale hote he. Papa ne khub mehnat karke khud business kiya....

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