DSRS Exile Fleet, Part 3 free porn video

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DSRS Exile Fleet, part 3 By: Erika Rose Admiral Amanda Rains stood on the Bridge of the Battle Frigate, Constantine. She'd received word that an Altered Drone had dropped out of the Black Hole and was on a course that would take it to Fleet Command at Earth, Lunar station. Vice Admiral Horn had three Battle Cruisers flying escort, as the GP had tried to intercept and destroy it. The big problem was that the GP were using small six man scouts. Much faster and easier to hide than the Cruisers. But the cruisers had a much longer range. Admiral Rains was racing, trying to jump to a point just ahead of it where she could give an identification code and retrieve whatever message it was carrying. She'd been in hyperspace for two days having plotted the jump herself to arrive just ahead of the Drone. Captain Quarrel, of the GP Scout Squadron smiled to himself as he sat waiting near the Earth Jump point. His four ships were floating at just above life support, hidden from anyone who hadn't already known they were there. They detected the drones approach, noting the cruisers flying escort. In his current position he could go full power and race in under the cruisers and catch the drone before it made the jump to Earth. He recognized the beginning sequence for a jump and hit his thrusters bringing his Scout fully online as it began to race forward before he could be detected. His first indication that something might be wrong was when the Battle Cruisers cut forward speed and veered away from the target. He was so wrapped up in his own success that he hadn't recognized the ripple in the jump zone. His other three scout pilots aborted their runs, going to full emergency power. As the ripple solidified, the front scoop open sucking the drone aboard, he hesitated a fraction of a second too long. Had he hit his own emergency power he might have had a chance. But instead as he was still reaching for the control, the Constantine's forward defense shields slammed closed, cutting his ship in half. "Search for survivors," commanded the Admiral as she raced for the forward Drone bay. "Ma'am, its shut down," reported the Drone Lieutenant. Stepping up to it she placed her hand on a scan plate. "Admiral Rains, Amanda, ComFleet, Earth, Verify." "Identity Verified," the communications packet ejected in the form of a micro circuit card. She leaned over and looked at the identification on the side of the drone. "Thank you DSRS Exile Drone Three. I may have a reply for you to carry back to the Exile." Turning she asked, "Is Vice admiral Horn aboard yet?" "Five more minutes Ma'am," replied a com tech. "Send him directly to the Combat Briefing Room," she hurried to the briefing room just behind the bridge. Once there she fed the chip into the computer. "Analyze message." "Multiple messages are contained in this chip. Two marked Private Admiral Rain's eyes only." Horn entered without knocking, he knew he was expected. "Ma'am," he greeted her. "Connie, seal this briefing room." She turned to him, "Have a seat Admiral. This is definitely a message from the exile." "Begin the primary Message please," she said as the video screen lit up with the images of the Exile Fleet Captains, and one Alien. "Captains Log DSRS Exile, Supplemental, Star Date, 2375.097." "Video Log" "Admiral Rains, ComFleet, Earth," "I and the other Exiles of my fleet are safe. The other ships sent ahead of us were destroyed by the Gravitational Flux inside the Black Hole. But we have located Survivors with the aid of Captain Cree of the Herminian Research Ship Pounce, which was also destroyed when it collided with the debris of Captain Stanton's ship. We are assisting the survivors in building ships that can withstand the GF (Gravitational Flux). Please understand that Captain Cree will be accompanying us on our return in a few months to meet with you personally. Please ensure there are no Gender Police on hand as those who survived the Judgments demise have been most uncooperative. Our first day here they Murdered a child without cause. "Please note the pictures I have sent are for your eyes only." "Cpt Wells, Larissa" "Exile Fleet Cmdr." "End Log" "Horn, your assessment?" "The Message is authentic. That section of ship being constructed in the background is part of the Canary." "What about Captain Cree?" "She is very, Beautiful. And something tells me I'd hate to go up against her in unarmed combat." He said. "Admirals Log, ComFleet Earth, Rains, Amanda, Star date 2375.132.2146. Admiral Horn in attendance. After receiving the communication from the Exile Fleet, I have decided to make the following Promotion permanent. Admiral Horn to replace Admiral Jennings as ComFleet Orion. Reserve Admiral Porter is to be returned to full active status, the Falcon will remain the reserve fleet Flagship. Attach a copy of these orders to the return video message. Captain Wells, thank you for your message. The other personal messages are being forwarded to the appropriate recipients. Please take note of the upper left corner, All things will be explained when you and Captain Cree arrive. I will have the Sword and Shield waiting to provide you safe escort. If they are not at your dropout, it means we have lost control and will find a way to rendezvous. Probably the same place you got your other pretty ships. "Admiral Porter has a special package for you as well as a few others when you get here." "Good hunting Larissa." "End Log" She had made her message in the same way that Larissa had so that it would be entered into the official log. She knew what Larissa and the others would see once they scrutinized the video. It had been an old logo from the twentieth century, but it had survived the ages. Now it was the mark used by the Underground, and it was on both hers and Horn's Left shoulder board. But it was done in such a way that unless you knew what it was it would not be noticeable without a UV light which she had purposely shined on herself. Her second more private message was from Rita. "Mother, I wish to thank you for allowing me to become part of Mom's crew. For the first time in my life I feel that I can make a difference in the universe, and Drew is teaching me Herminian Medicine." There was a screen shot of the Alien that could only be Drew. "He is the kindest gentlest person I have ever met, and I hope you will understand my decision to enter into a bond with him. He is looking forward to seeing the universe I came from and I am looking forward to seeing his as well." "I'll send another message in a couple of weeks before we return." "Rita Rains, Medical Officer, DSRS Exile." In the weeks after the Exile Fleet had gone into the Black Hole a group of private ships had tracked down the GP Prison ship Glory. When the GP had finally reached her for a rescue all they found were dead Gender Police guards, and a ghost ship floating under impulse power. All her records had been erased and the hard drives to the computers had been removed, along with the female prisoners who were being rehabilitated. Vice Admiral Jackson had awakened to find himself being placed on a shuttle after vowing to assist the Gender Police in searching for the culprits. It was clear, not just the citizens but the Military as well were becoming fed up with the actions of the Gender Police. Especially now that video footage of some of their so called rehabilitations were being anonymously publicized for all to see. There was no way to deny their actions as anything other than forced rape to break the wills of the prisoners to submit. Further a log of how much was paid by the anonymous visitors, for the use of these women had been published. The human universe was on the brink of Civil War, and those in power were jockeying for support. Copies of all of this were to be sent along with Admiral Rains message and those of others, back through to Exile Sanctuary. But Admiral Rains wished to be sure the drone got to its release point unharmed. She'd taken notes about Larissa's ship. But the only thing that really made sense had been the extra Gravity Generators which could add so much strength to her shields. The rest no one wanted to try without first consulting with Captain Wells. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Are you sure you want to do this Ma'am?" asked Horn. "You said they kicked on the generators as soon as the gravity began to pull at them, right?" "Yes that's right." "And my ship has ten times the engine power hers had. I can break free." She said as she set her course through the outer warning markers. She wanted to be as close as possible before firing off the drone. Suddenly there were Gender Police Frigates powering in on her. "We'll fire it off as we turn, Helm All ahead Combat speed." "All ahead combat speed," replied the ranking helmsman. "Prepare to launch the drone," something slammed into her, like a hand grabbing the ship and jerking it ahead. "Oh shit, oh shit, secondary's are off line. Primaries are locked in full thruuuuuusssssssssssttttttttttttttt," everything began to happen in slow motion. "Weeeee cannn't tuuurrrrnn." The gravity Generators began automatically compensating for the Flux. As the crew began trying to regain control of the ship. "Full battle shields now!" "All hands to your battle stations." They were slowly regaining some control. "Engineering cut those engines off. Report," she demanded. "Shit, we aren't supposed to be going this fast," reported the Helm crew. "Helm what's our current speed?" "Jump Factor Nine, Ma'am." "It took them three days at Jump Factor two. Someone give me a damned answer now." "Ma'am estimate drop out in Twenty three minutes." "All hands Crash Stations, Damage reports." She called out. There was a shift in the Gravitational Flux, and suddenly the roar of the engines fell silent. "Jump engines off line Ma'am. That shift in the Flux let us get control back." "Com is back online Ma'am," "Mayday, Mayday this is the Battle Cruiser Constantine. We are dropping out blind, and out of control. Mayday, Mayday," she began repeating the call. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "All shuttles, clear the dropout, All shuttles clear the dropout," blared a warning from the orbital patrol ship. "Whatever it is it's a big mother," she hesitated. "This is Admiral Rains, Mayday, Mayday. We are coming in blind. Mayday. Clear your Dropout zone." The captains looked at each other in shock. "What the fuck?" "We have breaking thrusters Ma'am. Helm is coming back online," they heard someone reporting. Then the flash as the Constantine dropped out of the Jump window. "All reverse now. Combat stop." Even those on the planet's surface could see there was a huge ship out there in trouble. The breaking thrusters were lighting up the sky as it shot past like a meteor. "Turn damnit, bring her around or you'll hit someone." "I'm trying Ma'am," someone yelled over the com. "What the hell?" the entire ship began to shudder. Dozens of shuttles locked magnetic beams onto the Constantine and began helping her break her forward motion. Minutes later the huge ship was being led under impulse power back to the planet where they managed to enter a stabilized orbit. "Admiral, Welcome to Exile Sanctuary," Larissa said as her face filled the View screen on the Constantine. "Captain, Larissa I'm damn glad your shuttles were there to help. We didn't hit anyone did we?" "No Ma'am. Everyone got clear. But why are you here?" asked Larissa. "It's a long story, and since I'm here I think I'd like to tell it in person," she answered. "Ma'am should we fire the drone?" someone asked. "No it isn't needed now, thank you." she was watching the ship she recognized as the Exile coming closer, followed by another that looked Alien. "Permission to come aboard Ma'am?" asked Larissa. "Granted we'll get a shuttle bay cleared out for," the air in front of her shimmered and suddenly Larissa and the alien, Captain Cree were standing in front of her. "What the," she began then realized that she already knew the answer. She'd read all the reports from Ellipse Station and others who had witnessed transporter incidents. "Welcome Ladies," she held out her hand in friendship and Larissa grinned knowing what was going to happen. Taking her hand Cree said, "Thank you." then stepped in for a hug. "So you are the Admiral Rains that I have heard so much about. It is good to meet you in person." Her smile was warm as well as welcoming. "Captain Cree the video of you hardly does you justice." Turning to someone she said, "First, you have the Con until I am finished." She led the way to the Combat briefing room. "I take it you hadn't intended to come through the Hole," Larissa stated the obvious. "How bad is it back home?" "No we had the damned Gender Police trying to intercept your drone. So I decided to personally deliver it to the Black hole. My intentions were to fire it off and turn at the last minute before the Flux caught us. We had the forward Gravity Generators running, and before we could fire it, it seemed like the flux just reached out and grabbed us. Our secondary systems all went off line as the rest of the Generators kicked in, and then we lost control of the Engines and the Helm." Looking at each other first, Cree provided the most likely answer, "The flux responded to the proximity of the gravity generators. That's what happened to the Pounce. We lost control of everything for ten days. We were just getting ready to return when Stanton dropped out on top of us." "Yeah that makes sense now that I think about it. I wish we had a way of sending advanced warning through the black hole," Rains said. "Captain Cree, I am truly sorry for the loss of your ship, and those crew members. If I'd known I would not have sent the rest through the way I did." "In space, Accidents happen Ma'am. At least now you are in a good place to prevent further Accidents as well as repair the damages to your ship. I'll get some of my technicians to help your people ad Flux shielding to your engines and the other controls." "So the drone made it through with the little gravity generator?" Larissa changed the subject. "Yes it did," then they saw a look in her eye. "We could adapt one to race ahead of a ship to give warning of a drop out." They talked a bit more then she found herself invited to visit the surface. "I don't know about transporting just yet. It's all just so much to get a handle on." Touching behind her ear Larissa said, "Darla, get with the Docking chief and bring the Exile in to dock with the Constantine." "Yes Mom, already heading for Dock One behind the Bridge," she answered as they stepped back out onto the Command Bridge. As the three women walked toward the docking bay the Admiral observed, "Larissa, I must say that those don't look fake at all. Smaller than the ones you were discovered with, but they look so real," she blushed a bit. "They are real Ma'am. It's an effect of the transporters. They seem to be adjusting our bodies in accordance with our mental status. But it's not quite so noticeable at first, just minute adjustments here and there. Rita and Tabitha discovered it," she said as they reached the Air Lock. As it cycled open Larissa said, "Welcome to the Exile, Ma'am." "Thank you Admiral Wells," she answered. "Admiral?" Larissa asked in surprise. "Yes you command the Exile Fleet. Cree is being added into our records as an Admiral as well. Whether her own people recognize it or not, she will have the same title and privileges in our universe." She was looking around at everything and everyone as she was led to the Bridge. "Welcome Admiral Rains, it is nice to meet you again this time," said Res. "This time?" asked Larissa. "As I remember it, you blackmailed me last time," chuckled the Admiral. "But thank you, you have helped me to see the universe so much clearer." "Res how did you Blackmail the Admiral?" Larissa asked. "Sorry love, that is between the two of us and as humans are so fond of saying, 'Water under the Bridge." "Larissa, your Ships computer is a first rate con artist, and one hell of a Chess player," she said. "I learned that when we were out there in the Tau Asteroid fields. I learned a lot of things out there." "Well I am happy to know that he was right about a few things. I just hope that Rita can forgive me for the things I did." Then she changed the subject. "That really is a beautiful planet. How long before we take a shuttle down?" "We don't need a shuttle Ma'am," said Larissa. "All hands to the Bridge, prepare for landing." "L, landing? On the surface?" she was shocked. "That was the original purpose of the Gravity generators. We could land on the larger Asteroids, also we can reverse the effect and land on a planet without damages." Explained Darla. As the rest of the crew filed in to take their stations Rita saw her mother standing beside Larissa. Her eyes wide, full of questions. Then Mallory joined them, going to Darla's station at the Helm. "Darla, you are still in control. Whenever you are ready, show the Admiral that the Exile doesn't need any shuttles." Larissa told her Navigator. "Engineering?" "Anti-gravity Generators standing by." "Com, notify Ground Control," ordered Darla. "Exile to Ground Control," Pearl began in a language that the Admiral could only partially understand. "Exile is ready to return." "Roger, clear for descent. Vector 1,1,3, winds 5 knots from the west," said ground control. "Vector 1,1,3, and 5 knots from the west. Entering glide path," called out Mallory with a purr of satisfaction. "Entering Com Blackout," called off Pearl. It only took forty seconds to clear the Atmospheric blackout zone. "Welcome home Exile. Please adjust landing vector to 1, 1, 9 the pounce is right behind you." "Roger 1, 1, 9." "Anti-Gravity generators engaged on automatic." She watched with fascination as the Exile glided smoothly to a vacant space near the control tower. Below them were almost a dozen shuttles being refitted, several nearly completed. She barely felt the bump as the ship touched down. "Anti-Gravity Generators shutting down. Shutting down Engines." Announced Tabitha. "Welcome home Exile," announced the Control tower. "Thank you," I said. "You really are building more ships like your own, aren't you?" asked Admiral Rains. "Yes we are. And with the Armament scavenged from the remains of the military fleet and the Judgment they will be able to defend themselves," I answered. Rita joined the three of us as I led her around our little ship yard facility. I pointed to a small compound off to the side. "The survivors of the Judgment and those who share similar feelings are over there where they won't do any more harm." "How do you plan to return them? I mean you don't have Hyper sleep chambers." "We were going to use a barge and tow it between three ships," answered Cree as several children raced across the open space between ships and the little houses. They passed by another ship this one was a bit larger than the Exile, and had just landed. On the front someone had lettered the name, 'Kitten'. Next to it sat one that looked like it was almost new. This one had the name 'Reject' lettered near its bow on both sides. But the way it was done it looked like a government stamp with the box drawn around it. A youngish looking furry came running up to them. "Captains, Donovan needs to see you right away," she said. "Of course Shasta," Cree and Larissa answered together. Suddenly the four of them were on the bridge of the Reject. "Pull back, we'll use the fighters to gather those we can still trust. This is going to be really touch and go until we figure out how to identify who we can trust." They heard Admiral Horn telling Admiral Porter. "Where did that message come from?" asked Larissa. "The Vantage picked it up on station watching the drop out zone. She traced it back to one of the Navigation and warning beacons on the other side." Answered Donovan. "How bad is Lunar Station?" continued the conversation. "Half the fleet's docks are gone. The family housing was hit pretty hard. But they seemed to be concentrating their efforts on the training facilities," said a voice they didn't recognize. "I sure wish the Admiral was here to tell us what to do with all these Special 'Ladies' we just rescued." "What's happening?" asked Amanda. "The Gender Police attacked Lunar Station in force. The Grudge managed to rescue almost all the Cadets out of the Training facility before they left, from what we could make out," answered Carl. "I wish I could talk to them, get some idea what is really happening," said Admiral Amanda Rains. "The Grudge is the new training ship, it's unarmed." "Ma'am, the only Grudge I remember was a Deep Space Miner," said Donovan. "She was escorted into Lunar Station by the Falcon after they requested asylum from the Gender Police. We were training more Trans-Genders for the fleet ships. I mean the ones that weren't already hiding among our crews," she answered. "Vantage, prepare to relay a Laser Communication Beam to bounce off that beacon," called Carl. "Roger Reject, we've still got a laser lock. Fire when ready we can live stream it." "Go ahead Ma'am," said Carl. "This is Admiral Rains to all Earth Fleet Combat Ships. You are to take orders from Admirals, Horn and Porter until I return with the Constantine. Do not, I repeat, Do Not attempt to traverse the Black hole. Rains out." A few moments later they heard, "OK, whoever you are, we know that was not the Constantine's Com signal. Authenticate, Light Scribe." "Laser Mouse," responded the admiral. "Holy fucking shit, it really is the Admiral," they heard. "They made it through." "Admiral, the Gender Police have taken Earth Fleet Com by force," reported Horn. "We don't know how many of the Fleets ships have gone over yet." "Horn, Jerry hold what you have. Tell Porter the same thing. We need to do a few minor repairs to the Constantine, then we'll be back." "Roger Ma'am, we'll hold the Black Hole on this side." They heard someone else on the communications channel. "Sword, we're picking up five drop out signatures from the earth jump point." "Roger Shield, drop back to the Nav beacons." "Prankster, Fallout, what are you doing? You just entered the dropout zone." Called out the Vantage. "We are going to assist the Human Fleet," stated Yarra the Captain of the Fallout. "Ting and Rage, we're jumping right behind you," answered two more of Cree's ships. "Constantine to Admiral Rains, four ships just jumped through the black hole." "Horn, you have help on its way, keep the drop out zone clear." Rains said. "We'll hold until they get here." he answered. The message coming back faster now. Aboard the four smaller ships they relayed the message as laser communication passed through their ships shields, the gravity generators helping to amplify it. "Larissa, how soon can we make the needed changes to the Constantine?" "Four weeks in space, one if you land her on the field out there," answered Cree. "Land her, on the planet?" "You have the Gravity Generators, reverse the flow of energy and they become anti-gravity generators. They'll support her plus we have the ones we use for the salvage that we bring down," added Larissa. "Can I borrow your Helm crews to guide her down? Mine have never done anything like this before." "Exile, Misfit and Orphan, prepare to meet us aboard the Constantine. We are going to assist her crew in bringing her down for the Refit and repairs," called Larissa. "Aye Ma'am," replied the crews. Twenty minutes later the Bridge crew stood in shock as they were informed their ship was going to be landed on the surface. "Shutting down the main drives, going to Impulse engines," called out Tabitha. "Reversing the Secondary Gravity Generators. Primaries standing by to reverse after com blackout." "Shield Generators at full power. Sanctuary Control we are beginning descent," Stated Darla. "You, Reagan, get your ass over here, I won't always be her to do this for you." she told the ranking Helmsman. "Yes, and it will be your jobs to get back in space when we are finished," said the Admiral. "So everyone pay attention to the people teaching you." "Ground Control do you have the scans completed to set up the support generators?" called out Tabitha. "Aye, they're configured. Bring her down slow," said the ground controller. There were twenty of the huge Anti-Gravity generators on the surface laid out ready to take over supporting the ship once it was landed. Darla and the other helm crew members worked with the helm crew of the Constantine. In Engineering Tabitha helped direct those crew members in tending to the power being diverted into the Reversed Gravity Generators. It took nearly forty minutes to guide the huge ship into position over the ground generators. Larissa could feel the huge questions of the crew. 'Had they just been beached here? How were they ever supposed to get this ship back into space without destroying it or the planet? It was too big to break the plants gravitational pull.' "So Larissa," began the Admiral openly. "How do we get this ship back into space? Those generators barely handled the landing." "Darla, how many Gravity Generators are there left from the Firestorm?" she asked mentioning the Fleet Fighter Carrier. "Scanning now Capt, I mean Admiral." "Ma'am she has nine that are still functional, three that can repaired," Tabitha broke into the conversation. She'd already run her own assessments and knew they would need more of the Military grade generators if they were going to get the Constantine back into space. "But we'll only need six of them." "With your permission, I'd like to get my people started on salvaging them," said Cree. "They could use a hand from any of your crew that want to help though," she said to Admiral Rains. "All hands, any who wish to assist our allies in repairs and upgrades please report to Engineering. You will be assisting the Salvage crews," said Rains. She was surprised to find that there were a good number eager to help, as well as learn more about the Furries. "Admirals Log, Star Date,2375.139." "The Constantine has been landed on the surface to speed the repairs and refit needed top traverse the black hole safely. I am going to accompany Admirals Wells and Cree on a tour of the planet's surface and get to know my daughter all over again for the first time." Captain Porter of the Prankster is leading three of Admiral Cree's ships though to assist the Sword and shield. The Fallout, Ting and Rage should add quite a punch to the Orion Fleet's capabilities." "End Log." "Welcome to Exile Sanctuary, Constantine." Called the tower control. "Hover craft transports are standing by to take anyone who wishes, into town." "First, you have the Con, get with the second and form a shore leave schedule. No one is to go armed, we don't want any incidents that might mar our good name. Anyone who has a problem with our rescuers is to remain aboard and out of the way." As they walked down the emergency gangway the first person they saw was Captain Stanton. "Admiral, thank god you're safe," he began. "They've stripped the Canary down to nothing Ma'am." "Stanton, how many shuttles did you have left when you got here?" she asked. "None Ma'am I tried to get as many people safely off as possible before we dropped out," he said. And no one here will let me have a shuttle to rebuild." He sounded indignant about it as if he was being persecuted. "So you had nothing to contribute to helping your own people rescue the other survivors. Yet you insisted Cree just give you one of her own shuttles that she needed to try to rebuild her own ship as well as rescue others?" "I'm a military Captain," he started in. "Without a ship and less than a fourth of your crew. I wouldn't give you one of my shuttles either," she said. "Now can you report on how you've been assisting the Admirals here?" "My people have been helping out." "So you haven't contributed to your own survival," she turned her back on him and they walked away. "What would you like to see first Ma'am?" "My daughter and her mate, Drew," she said. "This time of day they'll be over at the clinic seeing to anyone that needs treatment." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Admiral we're getting dropout warnings from the Black Hole," called out the Com officer. "Fleet fighters, we are about to receive reinforcements from the black hole, hold what you've got," called out Admiral Horn. "Dropout Sir, two, no four signatures. Confirm, four ships just dropped out. It's the Prankster and three new ones we've never seen before Sir." As they dropped out the four ships went to full battle shields. "Prankster to Sword, can you Ident, your fighters for us. We don't want to make any mistakes." "Holy shit look at the Cannons on those babies," commented the Helmsman. "Roger laser communication FFO Ident package transmitting, now," he said as his com officer sent the message. "Roger confirmed, start pulling them back. We'll cover them." Bonnie said. "Yarra, you've got the Rage, I'll take Ting. We'll bounce anything left through the hole for salvage." Yarra purred her agreement as they saw the Gender Police heavy Frigates changing courses to come after them. "Holy cow, look at those shields. Nothings getting through," someone commented. "Why aren't they returning fire?" "Sir, I got something on the GP Frequency," the com officer said. "Gender Police vessels, please stand down and prepare to surrender. We do not wish to destroy you. You have five seconds before we return fire." "What are they doing, they're getting surrounded. They'll not have any way out of that box. It's six to four." Said the weapons officer. "Sir, if they do the same thing the Exile did leaving Earth those other ships are toast," reported the Engineer. "What are you talking about?" "Look their engines are lined up. If they hit the star drive from a standstill the energy left behind in their wake will be as effective as a big ass nuke at point blank." "Star Drive? From a stand still?" no one could believe it was possible. "Sword Shield have you recovered your fighters yet?" "Just a few more to go." "Good, you won't want them out here when we hit the jump drives. You're both far enough off to be safe, though it might get a bit rough." "Last fighters recovered Sir," reported the hanger deck. "Now!" called out Bonnie. Suddenly all four ships became a flash of light. The ships around them were caught in the resulting shockwave. Aboard the Sword and Shield both crews were tossed around as the wave rolled past them. The six closer ships were heavily damaged, if not destroyed. The jump with full gravity generators running to enhance the shields had ripped huge sections of hull plate loose. Three were floating dead in space. Two were fighting desperately to survive. The sixth was now plunging out of control into the Black Hole. Just as suddenly all four ships were back, the Fallout lining up with a navigation beacon. "Alert, Alert, Damaged GP ship has entered the Black hole. Unknown course. I say again Damaged GP Ship has been sucked into the Black Hole on an unknown course." The message was sent in a laser fan into the hole, aimed in the same direction the ship had been traveling. Ting, damage report," "No damages. "Rage, damage report." "Shields at 98 percent and holding." "Fallout," "We're good, two crew in infirmary." "What happened?" "They forgot to fasten their Jump Harness, but they'll be fine," reported Yarra. "Did we really just destroy six Battle Frigates without firing a shot?" "Yes Ting, now excuse me a minute." "Sword, Shield are you alright?" Bonnie asked. "Damn girl, you guys made one hell of an entrance," Horn told them. "Yes just a few bruised egos. I wish our ships could jump like that. I bet your getting low on fuel. You better let us give you a refuel just in case." "Actually we're still good. How about we have a Captain's meeting and get to know each other better?" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Captains Log, DSRS Prankster, Star Date 2375.141." "We are transporting aboard the Sword to meet with Admiral Horn and exchange information. I am sure that he wishes to know how soon to expect the Constantine to return." "Our trip through the Flux only took us two days this time, and we received almost no damage or interference. But we were still without communications. Apparently only ship to ship is possible. Though we did catch the Laser message from Admiral Wells as it passed through." "Gayle has sent a laser message to let them know that we arrived safely and what took place when we arrived." "Captain Porter, Bonnie, DSRS Prankster." "End Log" The four Exile Fleet Captains transported aboard the Sword directly to the Admirals ready room. "Captain Porter," Horn couldn't help himself as he hugged her tightly. Then found himself being hugged by the other three captains as well. "Captain Yarra of the Fallout, Captain Shing of the Rage, and Captain Coor of the Ting," she introduced them. "Captains I can't thank you enough for coming when you did, it was getting to the touch and go point," Horn informed them. "I'm glad to know that the Constantine can be repaired and return soon." "The repairs should go faster now that she's been landed on the surface," commented Yarra as they stepped out onto the bridge. There was a gasp of shock from everyone who heard it. They toured the bridge as well the rest of the heavy Battle cruiser. Then in Engineering they were met with questions about the transporters. "They work excellent, and it is actually pretty easy to learn to use them. But if someone has something they wish to hide about themselves I wouldn't recommend It." said Bonnie. "Why is that?" "It does the most complete scan of one's body. To include your mental status. We aren't sure yet how to prevent it from making slight changes each time you use it. Of course those who are happy with themselves as they are have nothing to worry about." Said Shing. "Rita has been experimenting with it to remove tumors and such, it could become the next biggest medical breakthrough," added Bonnie quickly. "What kinds of changes have you seen?" asked the medical officer who was following them. "It is adjusting our bodies to be more like we would wish them to be. Nothing too major at a time. Just little changes here and there." "Changes like what?" Bonnie placed her hands under her breasts. "Like these. I didn't have these before we began using the transporters. They've slowly developed without the aid of hormone therapy. But they're not the only changes, and I'm not going to discuss them in mixed company." Changing the subject Admiral Horn asked about the Constantine. "Why did she get pulled into the Black hole?" "She had her forward Gravity Generators running, and all of our science officers believe the Gravitational flux reacted to then. They intensified and pulled her in. Tabitha and Darla feel they are lucky that they were following the Drones course and that if they'd managed to turn even the slightest, there is no way of knowing where they might have ended up." answered Bonnie. "Oh, you mean it doesn't always go to the same place?" he asked. "No because the pounce originated from our universe, we were better suited to traverse it but still like the Constantine, we didn't have quite enough shielding in the right places. We came through on a different vector. We were getting ready to start back through when the other ship dropped out on top of us." explained Yarra. "So the other ships, the ones that tried from different headings?" "Probably lost completely. We might try a rescue mission if we know their exact heading when they entered." "You said only the Judgment caught up to you in the Black Hole, what about the other two? The Grail, and the Deliverance?" Bonnie, Yarra and Shing looked at each other then, this was the first they'd heard of the other two ships entering the Hole. "Do you have heading vectors for those two? I mean before they entered?" asked Coor of the Ting. "Aye Ma'am," answered the chief Helmsman. "Transmit them to the Ting. We'll go have a look, I take it they were running full out?" "Star Drive factor three, Ma'am," answered the Helmsman. "Coor, take the rage with you. And please report everything using the laser communications," Yarra said. Twenty minutes later both ships traveling at SD3 on a vector of 236 entered the Black Hole. Prankster shot a laser message at the Marker buoy, come communications relay. "Captain Parker, DSRS Prankster, star Date 2375.143." "We just learned that two other ships of the Gender Police Entered the Black hole from another vector. Also we are including the known vectors of the other fleet ships that entered but did not drop out at Exile home." "The Ting and Rage have gone in search for possible survivors, as well as answers following the vector of the GPS Grail and Deliverance." "All is quiet here following our arrival. The fleet here is scavenging the wreckage and clearing the debris from the dropout zone. We are including copies of the effects of our combined four point jump using our gravity enhanced shields. It isn't something we can use every time but it was spectacular." "End Message" "Encrypt and Send Priority AAA1" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Admirals," the Com Tech got their attention. "We have an incoming Message from the Prankster." "Let's have it in the Briefing room," suggested Adm. Raines. "It's Encrypted Ma'am. We don't have the codes," he reported. "Pearl," Larissa spoke into her com badge. "Decrypt and send the message to the Constantine." "Aye Mom, I've got it already." "Good girl. Now share the codes with the Constantine's Com officers please." "Larissa," Shelly said over the secure Captain's Com Link. "Vailsong says by her reckoning those vectors will possibly put them dropping out at Herminia. Permission to accompany the Singer and Juxtapose Ma'am?" "Larissa, I'm getting a request to allow two of my ships to return home. They asked me to ask if they can take the Misfit with them," said Cree. "God Speed, and safe hunting," Larissa said. The three ships lined up to begin their jump through the Black hole, firing laser messages ahead of themselves before jumping. "Why did they use the same speed as the others?" asked the Helmsman. "They don't want to chance collisions in the Black Hole. We still have no idea how things really work in there yet," explained Cree. "This will lessen the chances of a collision." They knew it would take time for the five ships to reach their destinations. Now all they could do was wait for replies while the work continued on the Constantine.

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DSRS Exile Fleet part 4

DSRS Exile Fleet, part 4, Herminian Contact By: Erika Madison "Captain we are picking up Ship signatures," reported the communications officer aboard the Buccaneer where she maintained a stationary hold near the Black hole. "More debris?" asked Capt Terl. "Negative Sir. I've got two signatures that read as," suddenly the comm channel crackled to life in their native tongue then repeated in Universal. ",,,,,, warning, dropping out blind. Please clear the drop out zone. This...

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Cinderella was getting older. She retained her looks and her sexiness, but she was still getting older. She would be turning 31 soon, much older than she would have liked. On one bright morning, she awoke and walked, naked, over to her full length mirror. She checked out her body, admiring her gravity-defying breasts, her curvy body, flat stomach, and shaved cunt. I am still sexy, she decided. I am not happy about getting older, but I am still a sexy little minx. She smiled to herself...

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The TRUE Cinderella Story Ch 2 Snows Exile

Introduction: This is my third story. No pointless comments, please, but if you like it, or have any ideas on how to improve my next stories, comments welcome. This is a continuation of my Cinderella story, following the life of Snow White. Cinderella was getting older. She retained her looks and her sexiness, but she was still getting older. She would be turning 31 soon, much older than she would have liked. On one bright morning, she awoke and walked, naked, over to her full length mirror....

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Remembering San Francisco Fleet Week 1973

[ For Michael, an xhamster member, who asked me to write something in remembrance of that time (in 1973) during Fleet Week when coming into the San Francisco bay he was so eager to get off the ship and find some serious sexual indulgence after tossing about on the South China Sea! This is for you, Michael! Hope it does justice to what you've told me about it! ]I'd been stuck on the South China Sea for months. During that time everything around me seemed one, uniform, drab grey. The ship was...

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I was still as tired as a Tyranno during Longnight when the lights came on and a voice barked via the PA system: “0400 hours Cadets rise and shine. 0430 is Breakfast. At 0500 you will receive your first class in the Elbhard Auditorium.” And we found ourselves in said Auditorium at that time an hour later. Clean, fed and still tired. Again I tried to find a place in the back, so I could perhaps close my eyes for few moments. The Pan Saran Officer was already there. “Good Morning Class.” We...

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I kept my own promise and went to Hasvik and lit a torch for Astrid, Elena did the same and we didn’t talk much on our flight back. I didn’t know Astrid as well as she did, but she was a friend and she saved our lives, paying with hers. I still feel stuffed from breakfast even though it was close to five as we returned to the Burg. Midril had prepared what must have been the most calories laden and without question the biggest breakfast of Nilfeheim history. Rodney turned out to be the very...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 22 The Assembly Interlude

Egill terminated the connection and leaned back. Algear glanced at his friend.”You love that boy and you told me so many times and yet you criticized him and snarled at him during the entire call, I do not understand.” “It is my way to show him, I care. He understands.” Algear sighed and said in complete unison with the Narth.” Humans.” Egill padded Algear on the shoulder. “ I explain it to you one of these days.” To the Narth he said.” Now can you explain to me why Eric is on the Assembly...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 24 Scorch Marks Interlude

Stahl’s suit shield had collapsed twice, and the scorch marks on his armor showed that he came awful close to making his ideas of retiring quite mute, but the Steel Gauntlet had managed to secure the alien ship, and the grey skinned Kermac Captain still struggled in his augmented suit fist. Stahl had grabbed him, before he could activate the self destruct. Sergeant Black Horse, a genuine Terran Apache shouldered his monstrous boarding axe and said.” Ship Secure, Big Chief.” None of the men in...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 33 Interlude A Dragon Is Born

Swybar was the first out of the D 60 Long Distance shuttle; the two men that accompanied him followed down the ramp and looked around. One of them was a disguised Kermac, that much he knew but he had no idea who the other was, but he expected him to be an agent of the worm. All three of them were disguised as humanoids wearing heavy insulated and heated suits and cold masks. Patches on their suits identified them as civilian contractors. All his life Swybar thought it was impossible to forge...

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Onboard the Ex-Crytherian mining freighter Hathor, William Odessa led his party of former escapees down the narrow hallway he had found. The air smelled of stale sweat and death, water dripped from one of the overhead pipes in at least a dozen places. One of the electrical panels buzzed as if it had a short and they stayed away from it. Looking at the map he had made, he knew they were getting close as they turned the corner. Up ahead, he could see the bulkhead door. Going up to it, he...

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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 8

Mom was sitting on the couch when I came in. “Can we talk?” she asked as I was hanging up my jacket. “Wait your turn,” I said. “I have to go wreck Lilly’s day first.” Her eyes widened and she followed me upstairs. I knocked on Lilly’s door and waited for her to answer. She opened the door and looked at me. “Yeah?” “Don’t worry. This won’t take long,” I assured her. “Three months ago, I found out Mom and Dad were getting a divorce. You knew way before that. You never told me. That crushed...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 1 Leaving Arsenal

The memorial service for Rodney Barack and Deadan took place almost immediately after our return to the Academy. It was a solemn affair and it brought home to me just how serious the affair on Archilerb really was. I was certain the affair was far from over as far as it concerned the fleet, the Yokuta and the level of hostilities between Union and the Galactic Council. I shot two of the Kermac bastards but I knew there had to be more. The Yokuta I fought were still under psionic control...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 4 Alcohol

We watched him leave and as we left the training hall, Narth asked. “Lying can be polite sometimes, is that so?” I was thinking for a moment what he meant and then said. “We humans always say we prefer the truth, but in certain cases we rather not want to hear or tell the truth. Especially when dealing with others. Why do you ask?” “You said to La Lupe that you are a ruffian at best, and yet you are the best fencer and I am not certain our instructor is much ahead of your skill level, but I...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 6 Stahl Remembers

Somewhere in the Mongolian desert, January 2097 Lt. Richard Stahl ducked behind the remnant of a wall, to reload his gun and to check on the others. “Smithers when are those Cobras coming? We need them now or we’re going to be toast.” The Chinese tanks crawled over the ridge. Stahl spit into the sand and cursed.”Never fight a land war against China and what are we doing here?”J ones his SAW man grinned weakly. “Fighting a land war with China and it isn’t looking all too good, Sir.” “Where...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 7 Distant Events Interlude

Carl Kerry leaned on his staff and let his gaze wander over the peaks of the mountains and the alpine meadows before him then he looked over his flock of goats grazing on the herbs and grasses. The orange sun in the sky migt eventually be fixed by Wurgus engineers, but there was no hurry. The local star would last a many hundred million years before it begun to expand, reach the next stage in a suns life and become a red M Class star. In the process of this development swallow the Planet...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 12 Annapurna Port Interlude

Peter had put his ship down on the leveled landing field of Annapurna Port. There was a small collection of stone and wood buildings. The energy signature came from the largest building in the little town, the local exchange. He checked his gun, a copy of Wulf’s Tri Blast and made sure his shield belt was fully charged and operational and then left the ship. As soon as he left, his shield locked and activated the purple shimmering Para Dim Shield. It was about thousand meters to the town...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 17 An Enemy Returns Interlude

The communications officer of the Devastator reported to Stahl. “Sir we have no contact to Fornax Hub. The last message we received was a distress call and now it is silent on all channels.” The old Admiral wished the huge ship could go any faster and glanced over to captain Harris, knowing full well that the ship was already pushing its engines close to the red line. He did not want to push them any further. The mighty Devastator would be of no help if she arrived at a crisis with damaged...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 20 The Steel Gauntlet Interlude

The five potato shaped space ships immediately attacked. Their weapons were consistent with Y’All technology and so were their shields. Stahl looked over the scanner results and was convinced it was exactly the same as 1500 years ago. The Chief Science officer confirmed it.”Sir, these are defiantly Y’All ships. Even the power output and everything is exactly the same as it was 1500 years ago. It looks like they made no improvement at all.” If this was the case, the Admiral thought, then this...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 23 Kermac Prime Interlude

The Kermac High Circle of Wizards listened to the report of their spy. He had shown them a recording of the Assembly proceedings as well. Vorneun the Intelligence wizard looked perplexed.” Can someone tell me what is going on here? I never even heard of the Fornax Cluster, what were they talking about Kermac in Y’All ships?” He addressed Nachacht the Military Wizard as he expected him to have done something in secret, but Nachacht looked as surprised but the Grand Wizard clenched his little...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 34 Interlude Boneyard

The Rama Bot lowered them to the ground at the edge of the space ship bone yard. Wind howled between the rows of ships and tugged at their suits. The man calling himself Sergei now, could not shake the feeling that they were watched. Some of the ships were clearly alien, perhaps of civilizations that joined and adopted the Common design scheme. Perhaps of vanquished foes with technology deemed inferior. Some of the designs they recognized, some of the ships looked ready to fly others had...

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Myria The Exile

The Goddess Myria was always a sight to behold. Being one of beauty and pride, she caused a longing for any who came across her, both men and women. With long, silken blonde hair, an impressive hourglass figure, snowy white skin, and clothing that often teasingly revealed her assets to further provoke onlookers into staring at her beauty. However, beauty aside, her personality was haughty, arrogant, and flighty. She often seduced men into believing she was interested in them, and at the moment...

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Sex Isle Exile

Shy divorcee Mark Sutton, was still licking his wounds after his acrimonious divorce. The court settlement had been crippling, but the subsequent bill from his so-called lawyers was even worse. As his job as a low-grade London banker hung in the balance, he’d applied for voluntary redundancy. Mark decided to take himself off for a solo holiday far away from miserable Covid-wracked Britain. With any luck, when he got back, there would be a P45 waiting for him on the doormat.He’d booked a week on...

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' WARNING: Your vessel has entered a restricted area. You must... ' The automated message was only one of a dozen warning signals that were bombarding the control room of the survey craft Dawkins. Cali Moore shut that particular warning signal out of her head. She couldn't think about it right now. She had to focus on finding an emergency landing site. The vessel wouldn't last long in open space. "Where the hell are we?" Cali demanded of her co-pilot, Klayne. "It doesn't make any...

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In the NavyChapter 46 Exile

“Sir Anthony, Ushant is bearing two points to larboard, ten miles ahead,” Captain His Serene Highness the Prince of Hohenstein announced to his commodore. “Thank you, Sir August. The sloops are in sight?” “Yes, of course, Sir Anthony.” “Kindly have a course set for Cape Finisterre, Sir August.” “Aye-aye, Sir Anthony,” Hohenstein answered stoically. Their destination was not quite New South Wales, but it certainly felt like a punitive mission. They were headed for the Mediterranean coast...

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Meagans Self Imposed ExileChapter 1

Peter picked up the rag that had been thrown at him while remaining on his knees. He put one hand on Meagan's round ass as he started wiping his cum off of Meagan's legs. Debbie was working on her daughter's lower belly, trying especially hard to wipe off any of Peter's semen before it seeped under the hand guarding Meagan's pussy. "I can't believe how much cum there is to clean up!" Debbie said in amazement. Without thinking, she added. "I've never seen a cock cum like that...

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Meagans Self Imposed ExileChapter 2

Debbie met Peter at the door, and quietly ushered him down into her studio. Only when they were both downstairs did Peter speak. "So has Meagan come out of her room yet? It's been a week now since the accident." The accident was how Debbie and Peter had taken to calling the series of events that started with Peter cumming all over Meagan with an orgasm that started without even a finger of pressure on his large cock and ended with Meagan masturbating herself to orgasm in front of Peter and...

2 years ago
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Meagans Self Imposed ExileChapter 3

"Meagan!" Debbie called through her daughter's door. "Fuck off!" "Young lady, I'm not going to fuck off this time. I have a video on my computer that I think you should see. It's a video of Peter ejaculating after the first time he saw you. You know, when you walked in on him posing." "I did not walk in on him posing! If you had been a normal mother, you would have warned me that you were doing nude paintings, and I would have never gone near your shitty art studio. Besides, why...

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Meagans Self Imposed ExileChapter 4

"Peter, I've got great news. I got Meagan to watch that video of you cumming in my studio after she walked in on your session!" "How is that great news? She's never going to speak to either of us again!" Peter wailed over the phone. "No, no. It is good news; trust me. The play count on that video is forty-three plays higher than when I left it for her." "What? What the hell was she doing watching that video that many times?" "Probably the same thing you were doing when I made...

3 years ago
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Meagans Self Imposed ExileChapter 5

The video player was still on repeat, and when it started playing again, Peter groaned. "I can't take this pressure on my cock any more!" He unsnapped his fly and unzipped his pants. He sighed in relief as his hard cock expanded so that the head bulged obscenely down the length of his thigh. Meagan sighed too, and out of habit, pulled her shirt over her head. Peter followed suit, revealing his thick chest and washboard abs. Meagan slid her shorts down her shapely legs as Peter finished...

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Meagans Self Imposed ExileChapter 6

Meagan fetched her cell phone from her room, put it on speaker mode, and called her mother. Before she or Peter could even say hello, Debbie started talking quickly. "Meagan, what's wrong? Is Peter still there? If so, tell him to leave. Did the two of you argue? Has he left? Tell him to come back and apologize again. For that matter, I'll apologize again. Is there anything you need while I'm out?" In disgust, Meagan yelled, "Fuck Mom! Stop babbling!" and hung up the phone. She sent...

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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 2

I woke to the sound of the door opening. An orderly left me a breakfast tray. The food here was a little better than I was used to from hospital food and I suspected that was deliberate. A slightly better class of food would keep the patients in a slightly better mood. I was just finished when another orderly informed me that I had a visitor. I went out to the nurses station and was directed back to the room where Patty was waiting for me. She didn’t look like she’d slept well. “Hi,” I said...

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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 3

The two of us walked to the car in silence and mercifully rode home the same way. When we got home, I hesitated to get out of the car. I expected everyone was waiting to say their piece. I finally set my jaw and got out. Mom led the way and I soldiered onward. I wasn’t surprised when the living room was full. I was surprised when Tabby and Collie were there. I took it all in and walked across the room and down the stairs to the basement. I didn’t talk to anyone, I didn’t stop when someone...

1 year ago
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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 4

I woke that Sunday morning, feeling refreshed and alive. I checked my messages, but there wasn’t one from her. Instead, there were a lot of questions on Facebook about the status change and a notification that Emma wanted me to confirm our relationship. I smiled and clicked accept, adding a link to her profile next to my relationship status. I was about to go to the shower when I heard footsteps thundering down the stairs and my door was flung open. “You’re ENGAGED!??!” Lilly blurted out....

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