The Remainder Of The British Army Officer Story free porn video

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As you might guess I didn’t sleep at all that night, what with the pain in my back and my womanhood and the loss of my dearest Michael. Morning and they came and used my mouth again instead of the outhouse. Sometime about midday I appealed to go to the outhouse, suggesting there would be a foul smell in the room if they didn’t. John took me. I could barely walk but he supported me and then watched while I performed. Throughout the day I was ****d as and when and where they felt like it. I was never untied so I soiled the bed but that didn’t seem to worry them. John fed me some toasted bread and some ale. I wondered if they’d buried Michael but they didn’t seem to have been gone long enough for that. I thought maybe they would kill me too when they’d lost interest in my body and bury us together. At that time I thought we would at least be together and in peace." She broke down here and Alice had to comfort her for some time before she could continue.
"Jake left in the evening and came back with bottles of liquor paid for with my money. There were bottles of gin and whiskey and some with labels I did not recognise. They were not used to such strong mixes of alcohol and quickly became drunk. Jake and Frank fell on the floor and lay there in a stupor. John swaying came to me and said I was to sleep in his bed with him like a wife. He released my bindings and half carried half pushed me upstairs. I noticed he took the one of the gin bottles with him. A plan came to me. When we were on the bed he took a swig of the gin and I tilted the bottle a little so more of the fiery liquid went down his throat. He offered it to me and I pretended to drink and cough and gave it back to him and he swallowed again. Now his eyes were glazing and I knew it would not be long before her slept. I took the bottle and held it to his lips and without thinking he took several more gulps before finally falling on to the pillow. Once more I opened his mouth and poured more of the gin down and held his nose so he choked and swallowed. Slowly I made my way downstairs and filled the mouths of the other two sleepers with as much whiskey and gin as I could. Apart from choking they didn’t react much. I found my tattered dress and shoes and left. Not wanting to see what horrors they had done with my lover, I left and tried to retrace my steps to the lane and towards the village. I remember it was moonlight and I could see fairly clearly but walking was extremely painful but I tried to shut it and the events from my mind and blindly carry on. Sometime after dawn a man found me and brought me here." More crying and sobbing followed before she added. "You have written to my father but after hearing what I have done, you are unlikely to get a favourable reply from him."
For the rest of the night she drifted in and out of wakefulness and several times I thought we had lost her but she pulled through. I ordered Henrietta to take over as cook for the day and allowed Alice to sleep alongside Farthing. I lay on a spare bed upstairs after instructing Sara to watch at Farthing’s bedside and apply wet towels to her back and to wake me when the doctor arrived or if there was any change in her condition. She slept most of the day and it was evening before her eyes started opening again. Most of the fever had gone and the welts were losing their heated colour so we hoped the poison was leaving her body. Alice sat her up and spooned some mutton broth into her mouth, which she took readily.
Three days later I received a note from Lord Parham requesting I call and see him and bring the girl with me. Farthing was still far too weak to travel so I went alone and was surprised to be introduced to Lord and Lady Everinton. His Lordship was annoyed I hadn’t brought his daughter even though I explained her weakened condition. Fortunately her ladyship stepped in, "Now Henry," she said, "Let us hear what the man has to say before you start to condemn him." I told the story as I knew it and her ladyship immediately said, "I wish to see my daughter, Henry. If you do not wish to take me in the carriage I will ride back with Winsberly and see her there."
"She tricked us after all we did for her. All because of an infatuation with a stable boy. She deserves to be left where she is."
"I’m going whatever you say Henry. My daughter’s been through a terrible ordeal and I wish to see her. Are you going to order the carriage or shall I ride with the Workhouse Master?" In the end Lord Everinton came and with his faster carriage arrived some fifteen minutes before I. Alice was dressing Farthings wounds as the pair entered unannounced and unrecognised. Alice was about to give him a piece of her tongue when Farthing saw them and simply said, "Father, Mother, you came," and burst into tears. However she turned to Alice for comfort. The sight of their naked daughter‘s grossly discoloured back and blackened bruised face with its distorted nose and ugly breast marks rendered the parents speechless for a while. M’lady crying went to her and held her hand but didn’t otherwise make any contact. When I arrived Lord Everinton was berating his daughter for being a disgrace to the family but Lady Everinton took this for only a short while before telling her husband he was partly to blame and telling him to forgive his daughter for what she had done. "She’s been punished in the most terrible way and she will carry the wounds on her body and in her mind for the rest of her life. If you have the least bit of compassion in you, show it now."
"Yes God punished her. Punished her for being a whore!"
"It wasn’t God that punished her. It was those brutes now in the town jail, Henry."
"Well she is not coming back to my house." His Lordship absolutely refused to budge on that point. "I no longer have a daughter."
"She IS our daughter, Henry and I will not abandon her when she is in need of care and condolence." Farthing was crying into Alice’s breast by saying nothing.
"She left as a servant, she can remain as one, if anyone will employ her. I’m not having her in my house and that’s final Mary."
"She can stay in my cottage in Nettleborough then, dear"
So they argued in front of us till his Lordship partly capitulated. "Very well Mary, she will remain here in this workhouse until the New Year and then you can take her to Nettleborough. They seem to be looking after her well enough and when she’s better she can work like the rest of them do here."
"Give the man twenty sovereigns for the trouble he has taken so far and to pay her doctor’s fees Henry. That is the least you can do."
"She’s got the jewellery and some of the money they recovered when they searched that farm," Lord Everinton countered. It was the first I had heard of it.
"As you well know Henry, that is still in the Sheriff’s keeping. Now give the man the money and leave us for a short while. I wish to talk with Jeanette alone." Reluctantly counted out twenty coins and gave them to me. "Treat her like the rest of them here, Sir. Make sure she works the same as any other servant."
Alice was asked to leave but Farthing wouldn’t allow it and just clung to her even tighter. "Mother, without Mistress Alice and Master Josiah, I wouldn’t be alive. I am better off here than at home. I know they punish the ladies and use them for entertainment as I expect I will be when I recover but there is a kindness as well and all are looked after." I was well pleased by that remark.
"Jeanette dear, we’ll do what your father wishes and leave you here until January. I will come back again and discus with you your moving to Nettleborough." Turning to Alice she said, "Mistress, despite what my husband said you will treat my daughter as a paying guest. The money Josiah has been given will more than cover the costs of treating her with the best care and she should soon have the money and jewellery returned to her. If there are other unforeseen expenses I will see they are taken care of." With that she spoke with Farthing for a little about her ordeal and promised Michael’s body would be returned to his aunt for a proper burial.
October 14th 1837
Farthing is much recovered and we have started her working with the other ladies but only on light work. Katherine is looking after her and is pleased with her sewing. She is making an embroidered dress for Alice. Her money, nearly one hundred pounds, and jewellery is in my safe. We think she is pregnant but no one can but guess as to the father. It may be Michael or one of the brutes that await trial.
[Margin note] May 15th 1838. We received the sad news today that Farthing died at Nettleborough after having a miscarriage. May she rest in peace. I cancelled all work and punishments for the day as a mark of respect.]
Margaret’s eyes were teared when she finished reading and tears were running down the cheeks of others.
"The story was supposed to make us horny Margaret," Kathy stated, "Not make us cry."
Chapter 33. Bath time delights
"Bend over the table Janet please." Margaret put all the authority she could into her voice.
"Oh my God, no, I thought you were outside. You’re not going to..."
"I most certainly am Janet. I would also warn you that if I have to ask others to assist me, they get to give you the same punishment that I do. That means you could get four times as many strokes."
"I was only joking Marg.... Ma’am. I didn’t mean any harm by it."
"And I don’t mean any real harm by using this strap on your bum. Now bend over or do I need to call for help?"
Margaret had gone outside to cut some flowers but found the stems too tough for her scissors and returned for secateurs. In doing so she’d surprised Janet strutting in the kitchen mimicking her voice and actions. We’ll see how well you mimic a person having her bottom tickled with the strap." Reluctantly Janet lay across the table and gripped the far edge. "Hold her still by the shoulders please Mary and you Stella. I don’t want her jumping up after the first tickle." Lulled by the term ‘tickle’, Janet lay quietly and allowed her friends to press her tits to the table. Margaret took the back hem of Janet’s skirt and pinned it high up to her blouse so her bottom was well exposed. It was even more exposed when Margaret pulled the woman’s knickers down and slid them right off. By now the others in the group had gathered around.
"Crack!! Crack!! Crack!! Crack!!" Margaret laid four hard strokes on in quick succession. As the pain hit her nerve centres Janet yelled out and when released rubbed her sore bottom.
"Yeeooww! That hurt. Did you have to hit so hard?"
"You are supposed to thank me for taking the trouble to correct your bad behaviour, Janet."
"Thank you for correcting me Ma’am."
Margaret could see tears were not far beneath the surface of Janet’s eyes. "And I did not strap you very hard that is reserved for those who need restraining in the punishment chair. You will leave your skirt pinned up as it is now so all can see you have been naughty. Sarah please let me know if she tries to cover her bottom or fails to work properly this afternoon." It was now Wednesday and since Kathy’s punishment the ladies had been very keen not to be on the receiving end of Margaret’s strap. Janet had been very unlucky to get caught but at least she wasn’t stripped naked and ‘****d’ afterwards. Still it provided amusement for the others and a topic of comment and good-natured jokes for the afternoon.
"Ma’am, can I speak with you privately for a few moments," Shelly asked. It was Thursday afternoon just before dinner. Margaret led her into the office. "Could I stay here until Monday please? And I think Stella would wish to as well. She does an evening shift on Monday but I only do temp work and am not due in again till Tuesday."
"I have a lace class in on Saturday for the week but there are rooms free. You would have to behave yourselves in a respectable way. I doubt if any other course would wish to go as far as this one has. If word got out, this place would be closed down."
"I understand that, Ma’am. I was also wondering if the chalk marks I earned earlier could be brought forward to Friday evening?"
"You want to feel the birch on your bum?" Margaret sounded incredulous. "You do realise the pain is much sharper and more intense than the strap?"
"Yes, Ma’am. What if I was naughty again in the morning? Like not emptying my pee pot and getting down late for breakfast. Would that earn me a few strokes of the strap as well?"
"Shelly, am I reading you right? You want us to give you a strapping and then the birch. Talk to me freely. Tell me exactly what you think you want us to do without mincing your words. I don’t want there to be any misunderstanding."
"Ma’am I want to experience a thrashing like those women did. You to give me a good strapping and then Jeremy with the birch. I want to be ****d like Kathy but there is no need for condoms. I had my tubes cut some years ago."
"I don’t think you have any idea of the pain involved Shelly. I doubt you would want to sit before Tuesday. You will be in real agony for some days. Could you take it?"
"That’s what I want to find out. This is perhaps the only time in my life I can find out. I’ve dreamed of being a slave but now I get the chance to find out for real. Will you do it? I know I will probably scream and beg you not to do it but once you start, I want you to go through with it like a real punishment."
"I’ll have to see what Jeremy says but I guess he might want this in writing to save our backsides."
When Shelly again visited the office, Jeremy had prepared a disclaimer for her to sign. He went through it all with her again but she was still adamant she wanted to go through with it. "The punishment you gave me earlier in the week, just whetted my appetite. I know at first there was considerable pain and suffering but when that went Stella and I had a great time. I want to feel helpless and unable to do anything about it." She signed the disclaimer.
"You have until the morning to decide, Shelly. If you’re late for breakfast I will know you wish to carry on with this arrangement. Don’t tell the others. Let them believe it has not been arranged."
"I shall have to tell Stella otherwise she might stop it but she’ll keep it from the others, Sir."
Shelly did arrive late for breakfast and left her half-filled piss pot under her bed. Jeremy ceremoniously put another chalk mark against her name and awarded her six strokes of the strap for later that evening. Apart from Stella, everyone believed the chalk mark was phony because they would be away before Saturday. That was until Jeremy made an announcement at lunch.
"Ladies, there is a slight change to today’s programme. Sarah has agreed that your class will finish an hour early. Most of you will have finished by then anyway. Dinner will be brought forward by one hour also so those of you who have pre-dinner duties, make sure you do them an hour sooner. After the dinner things are away, it will be bath time. Bath time in the old fashioned way. The blinds will be drawn and well bring the bath in here and fill it with water. We will bathe in order of seniority, me Margaret, Sarah, yes she has agreed to this, and then Kathy followed by...." He listed the others alphabetically. To keep things fair, before each one, including me, enters the bath he will draw a card with a name on it. That person will do the washing. Ten minutes per person." There were giggles and laughter at the thought and speculation as to who would most like to wash Jeremy.
"Quiet ladies please. There is still time for more of you to receive a strapping. We have two miscreants to be punished today. Mary failed to leave her room tidy and swore when it was pointed out to her and Shelly who as you know, for the second time this week, failed to get up on time or to empty her pot. Mary will get four strokes of the strap. Shelly’s case is much more serious. She will receive six with the strap. I have also decided to bring forward the entertainment evening. Shelly and Stella are staying on for a few days, therefore they will be here on Saturday but unfortunately so will eight lacemakers so it will be impractical to punish her then. Hence she will get her birching tonight. Jim and Theresa will also be here after the bathing." At this there were murmurs of surprise and some indignation and suggestions that a birching was far too harsh." Jeremy silenced them. "Ladies, I asked for quiet. This is not open for discussion or debate. Shelly has been forewarned of her fate and is accepting it. You wanted realism. Tonight you will get it in full. I suggest that after the teatime chores are done, you all go to your rooms, undress and return to the kitchen for your bath. I will give you a more definite time." Again there were voices raised for and against what was to happen. "Ladies, this is not open to discussion. It will happen. Enjoy the spectacle. You will never see it again."
"Sally!" Jeremy turned the card over and entered the galvanised tub. "Take your robe off Sal," Kathy called, "You don’t want to get it wet." Sally soaped his hair and then worked down his body until he had to stand for her to wash his arse and cock. He was fully erect and Sally made a great show of making sure it was clean. He stepped out and while Sally dried him, Margaret picked a card.
"Janet!" It seemed as if Janet wanted to get her own back for the strapping she’d taken a few days before. She handled Margaret’s tits very roughly during the soaping process but this only caused the nipples to harden and for her mistress to become aroused. This became even more noticeable when Janet washed her cunt and thrust her fingers inside. "Oh, you ARE wet. You’re a horny thing, Ma’am."
Sarah drew Kathy who seemed to want to give Sarah as much pleasure as she could for helping her re-do the corn dolly she destroyed on the second day. Her massaging of Sarah’s breasts and cunt were blatantly sexual and Sarah couldn’t hide her orgasm.
"Guests and ladies. Tonight you are to witness the punishment of two of our ladies." Both ladies were naked and standing with their backs to the side wall, their hands tied to a ring above their heads. Neither had been tied tightly but neither could they free themselves. Mary on the left for untidiness and disrespectful behaviour when it was pointed out. Mistress Margaret will fasten her to the punishment chair and treat that pert little bottom of hers to four spanks with the strap. Shelly’s misbehaviour is much more serious. It is her second offence of the week and it seems we were far too lenient with her on the first occasion. She will be fastened to the bar before we deal with Mary. This will give her time to feel the effects of its shape. My wife will need no reminder of that. I had her fastened down one evening soon after I had the straps repaired when I was called away and came back an hour later. She was not best pleased. We know the ladies of years ago were left on the bar for extended periods before being punished. When we decide she is ready Mistress Margaret will strap her bottom soundly six times to warm it in readiness for six of the birch. I will say a few words about the birch when the time comes. First I will fasten Shelly down and you can see for yourselves how well this apparatus was designed."
Shelly was becoming more and more concerned. She’d expected to be bent over the chair. That was bad enough but to be tortured on that cruel looking bar was going further than she wanted. "No! Jeremy no! I don’t want to go through with it."
"First you will address me properly or the severity of your punishment will be increased. Secondly madam, whether or not you wish to go through with it is not a decision you have to make. I decide that. Come with me." Still protesting Shelly was dragged to the bar and with Jim and Theresa’s assistance, fastened down. "Ladies, I am sure you notice how nicely the shape of the bar parts the breasts and allows them to hang down on either side. Straps or whips used on them would have maximum effect as the breast could not move and would be forced to take the full impact. If you look further along, you can see how neatly the shape parts the cunnie (that’s the term most frequently used in the journal), parts the cunnie lips and the weight of her body presses her clitoris against the wood. For a short while the sensation is not unduly unpleasant but time increases the discomfort to a level that becomes almost intolerable. We’ll leave Shelly for a moment. If her cries distract us, I will bind her mouth. Have a good look Jim and Theresa and then the other ladies can look and feel too if you wish."
Jeremy let them examine Shelly for a few minutes and fielded a few questions as to her safety and whether or not she would be able to take the treatment without going to hospital. "They did years ago, Why not now?" When Janet in particular persisted, he ordered her hands tied to a ring and a gag put on.
"Come now Mary."
Mary’s punishment was an anticlimax, to everyone except Mary. Margaret didn’t go easy with the strap but she wasn’t vicious either. Mary though, thought her bottom was on fire and yelled loudly as Margaret paced the strokes out slowly so the woman felt the full impact of each one. "Sorry Jim, this one’s not for r****g but you can feel all you like," Jeremy informed his guest.
By the time all had played with Mary and she had been returned to the wall, Shelly had lain on the bar for twenty minutes but so far had stifled her cries. From her horizontal position she could still see how the strap landed on Mary and knew she had to take more and probably harder strokes. Now she couldn’t believe she had asked for this. She very afraid and believed she could never take the punishment she had asked for without injury but knew he wouldn’t believe her if she pleaded for the beating to be aborted. However, she had to try. First she pleaded it was all a mistake, then she tried yelling and screaming at him. Jeremy silenced her silenced with a gag. "Shelly," he said so all could hear, "You wanted to find out what a real thrashing was like. You even signed a disclaimer to that effect. You told me to ignore all your appeals for clemency. Stella heard you say this. Now you are going to find out what the reality is. You are to receive six with the strap and Margaret’s going to lay them on good and hard so your arse is nice and warm to receive six with the birch rods. We’ll take our time so the bar, which I am sure by now is very uncomfortable, makes it presence known even more when you start to writhe under the lashes." Turning to the others he went on, "Make yourselves comfortable ladies. You are about to witness a thrashing the like that has not been seen publicly in this country for many years." Having said that he winked to reassure them he was talking more for Shelly’s benefit. "Ready Margaret?"
Margaret removed her robe. "Yes Sir. More than ready. This one has been a pain in our arse and now we are going to put pain in hers. Move back a little Sally, I want to get a good swing at this one."
"CRACK!!" The strap landed with a gun-shot loud noise. It was harder than Margaret intended and produced a muffled scream from the recipient and gasps from the audience. A broad red mark appeared across Shelly’s bum. "One."
"Crack!!" "Two." This wasn’t as hard but nevertheless was extremely painful. Shelly’s bladder gave way and urine flowed down her legs an on the floor.
"Crack!!" "Three." Shelly’s water hadn’t ceased when the strap landed causing the piss to spray and cover her bottom and the strap.
"It seems not to have been an uncommon occurrence for a woman to wet herself during a thrashing. Josiah never stopped for it to finish so neither did Margaret," Jeremy explained to his audience. He noticed Shelly’s gag was soaked with her saliva and decided to remove it. "You can cry out all you like Shelly. No one outside this room will hear you and it will not make one iota of difference to your punishment."
Margaret delivered the final three to the accompaniment of loud yells and screams from her victim.
"Give her some juice Stella. It would have been water at best in olden days but they didn’t have straws and drinks then." While, between cries and moans, Shelly sucked on the juice and tried to get Stella to stop the beating, Jeremy explained the birch to the others. "These are actually thin willow osiers which I cut earlier today from the bottom of the garden. In this part of the country they were favoured and readily available. Six seems to be the most common number of rods here and often they were just loosely bound. In this workhouse the job seems to have been given to Dilly who spent most of her life on colliers before becoming a gardener here. Apparently she was adept at binding the rods so they splayed nicely and covered more of a woman’s arse. They were kept in a leather tube of vinegar but that has long since deteriorated. I have kept these in the water butt all day. As you will hear, they make a different singing sort of sound and leave a mass of fine lines across the victim’s bum. If used too hard the tips cut into the flesh and break the skin. Some birchers used to make sure they picked up some of the blood and which made them sticky and tended to pull the flesh and cause even more severe pain. What does it feel like to be birched Margaret?"
"It hurts like hell. It’s like lines of fire stoked by bee stings. You want to scream and scratch and sit in cold water. And you can’t do anything about it. It drives you mad. It’s worse if you don’t know how many strokes you are getting and of course you can’t see what the actual damage is until afterwards and you look in a mirror. Always you feel as if your arse is being sliced up with kitchen knives. Of course, if any of you wish to find out for real, the birch will last far longer than needed for Shelly. Jeremy I’m sure will oblige. Over to you Jeremy."
Jeremy hung his robe over a chair, shook the birch and swung it through the air so they could hear the song it made. "Sounds innocent doesn’t it? We’ll see what Shelly thinks." The scream Shelly emitted when the birch crashed on the already tortured arse left the others in no doubt as to how much it hurt. "No! No! No more. I can’t take it. You are cutting me!" The others could see how true Margaret’s words were. They could see the fine raised red lines. They could see they were painful but there was no blood. Not even from where the tips cut in more deeply.
Ignoring her pleas, Jeremy swung the birch again. The onlookers watched fascinated as the birch descended again and left its painful path across her bum. However, the eyes watched not only the swing of the birch, they took in the swing of Jeremy’s prick. It was not fully hard but was semi erect and moved sensuously as his body moved to deliver each birch stroke. He brought the birch down for the third stroke, hardly hearing Shelly’s cries and pleading. His eyes saw Jim and with his wife on his lap, both naked and with his hands fondling her genitals. Jeremy’s cock twitched in anticipation as he laid on the fourth swipe. Red lines now criss-crossed the whole of her available bottom.
"Two more to go, Shelly. Are you enjoying it? Is it what you wanted?" Shelly didn’t reply in coherent words. The final two were laid on in quick succession.
"In olden days, a woman was always well ‘rogered’ as they put it, afterwards, but as you can see, the way this bar is designed, it would be difficult for a man to gain entrance." Jeremy had to shout to make himself heard above Shelly moans. They thought of that. "Stella would you mind releasing Shelly’s ankles please." Having done so, Jeremy showed them the saddle and explained how it lifted the woman’s bottom enough for a man to enter her. Again he demonstrated by thrusting in his prick and ravishing her hard. "Whether the woman liked it or not was of no concern to the men. They were after their pleasure and I can assure you, fucking a woman whose arse is so tender and warm that she moves and wriggles at every thrust is indeed a very pleasurable experience. I am sure Jim will confirm that when it is his turn." He continued to pace himself until he felt Shelly start to respond and then filled her with his seed.
"As you know from last time, it was the duty of one of the ladies watching to clean the man’s prick. Failure would have meant her having a turn on the bar and a session with the birch, so I hope none of you will refuse when asked to perform this service." He looked around. "I nominate Sally for this honour." She hesitated, then shrugged her shoulders and knelt and took his prick in her mouth and quickly sucked it hoping to pull away quickly but Jeremy held her head and kept it there while Jim took his turn with Shelly.
Sally felt his the cock in her mouth start to stiffen again and wondered if she was going to have to suck him off. It was a long while since she had done that to a man. By the time Jim had finished and nominated Janet to service him, Jeremy was hard again. This time he took Shelly slowly, concentrating and giving her a good time. He knew she was still in extreme pain but from his experience with Margaret, he guessed the fucking would take away just a little of it or at least take her mind off it. She’d already two lots of sperm inside her and was well lubricated and aroused. He thrust slowly and deeply with a corkscrew action and gradually Shelly started to thrust back.
Stella stood close by and watched over her friend. "You can kneel down between my legs and get a better view," Jeremy suggested to her. He noticed Margaret had her head between Theresa’s legs and guessed they would service each other in the absence of their husbands. Shelly climaxed twice before Jim finally withdrew. His cock was immediately captured by Stella who cleaned him without being asked and then gave her friend’s cunt a good lapping until Shelly cried out, "Stop Stella just let me up from this sodding bar." The pain was returning with vengeance.
Breakfast next morning was a quiet affair. Shelly didn’t make it down until nearly the end. Stella quipped, "You must like that birch Shelly. This is the third time this week you’ve been late."
Margaret stepped in. "For understandable reasons, I gave Shelly permission to miss breakfast and I’m sure, as her friend, you will do her chores this morning." To Shelly she asked, "Have you put anything on it this morning?" Shelly shook her head.
"Can we see....?" Sally asked. "We did last night."
"We saw everything of everyone last night," Kathy pointed out.
After the session in the punishment room they had all moved to the parlour. Shelly, still sobbing, was laid on the couch with her bum over the end so everything was plainly visible to everyone. Sperm dribbled from her cunt and trickled down her thighs. You can clean her some more Stella if you wish while I get towels and some cream. Most of the group had donned their robes again but left them open in the front. Theresa went and fetched a carton of wine from her flat and Jeremy found two bottles in his kitchen. Soon they were all happily imbibing. Jim suggested a round or two of ‘pass the parcel’ but instead of the parcel as in the c***dren’s game the group was divided into two and one group was passed around the others. When the girl parcel arrived the recipient could furiously feel and play with any part until the music stopped, which under Jim’s rules wasn’t very often. Only Shelly and Margaret, who was tending her, didn’t participate. Long before the second round, all had shed their inhibitions and were doing the most obscene things to each other. As was to be expected, Jeremy and Jim’s cocks were much in demand.
"Shelly, would you like to show everyone your bottom?" Jeremy asked, "You don’t have to." Shelly slowly lifted her skirt and everyone gasped at the vivid colour of the birch stripes and the underlying purple from the strap.
"Sarah I hope you won’t mind if I don’t sit too much this morning," Shelly looked across at her tutor who smiled and nodded.
"Ladies, your programme for this morning," Jeremy announced. "First, would you please put fresh sheets on your beds and then go to the workroom for your final session with Sarah. After coffee we will meet in the parlour to have a discussion session on the course. Normally we give out assessment sheets and we will do this today also but most of questions will not relate too well to what has gone on here this week so we’ll have an informal discussion until lunch. Then for most of you it is pack up and go. At the end of Sarah’s lesson Workhouse rules are suspended but are in force again now so get to your jobs. I expect Stella and others to cover for Shelly while Margaret gives her a little more treatment."
At the end of morning session, there was a surprising amount of agreement on the value of the course. The pro’s and con’s were talked over and over until near lunch time Kathy stood and asked, "Who would like a repeat of this course if Jeremy and Margaret will let us come again?" Everyone put their hands up. "Who would like it to be the ‘real’ workhouse experience with punishments like we’ve seen?" Again everyone voted for it although Janet hesitated.
Sarah asked if they would like another corn dolly or straw weaving course and if so, could she be a ‘real’ workhouse teacher with a strap like Margaret’s.
"Not another cruel bitch!" laughed Shelly, "None of you will go home without extra cushions." There was general laughter but they agreed.
Jeremy pointed out that what went on at the workhouse during the past week must remain between themselves. "We, and I think you, enjoyed ourselves immensely but if one word gets out, we’re closed down. Next time, we’ll make it a private booking Kathy, and you can hire Sarah. That way I won’t have to advertise it as a public course." Kathy agreed and said she would be in contact with him. So ended what was the most unusual course any had attended.
After lunch, in the peaceful breathing space between two courses, Margaret sat beside Shelly and applied more cream to her bottom. "Do you know," she reminisced to Shelly, "If that miserable old shopkeeper hadn’t moved me out of his doorway where I’d hoped to spend the night and sent me out into the rain, I’d have never met Jeremy and would not be here today. From bag lady to mistress of a workhouse in a few short years."

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The revised and reposted Army officer Story in Fo

Memoirs of an Army OfficerChapter 1. Picked up"Get yourself out of my doorway you dirty old bag." The shop had long ago closed but the owner stayed inside finishing his paperwork. Now he wanted to leave and wait in the shelter of the recessed doorway until his wife drove by to pick him up. There was no way he was going to share the shelter with that smelly bundle of rags that had no business to be on his property. What...

3 years ago
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The revised and reposted Army officer Story in Fo

Memoirs of an Army OfficerChapter 1. Picked up"Get yourself out of my doorway you dirty old bag." The shop had long ago closed but the owner stayed inside finishing his paperwork. Now he wanted to leave and wait in the shelter of the recessed doorway until his wife drove by to pick him up. There was no way he was going to share the shelter with that smelly bundle of rags that had no business to be on his property. What...

1 year ago
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Romance With Army Officer8217s Wife

I am Kumar of age 26yrs, height 5′ 8″, fair with south side look from Andhra Pradesh, West Godavari District… Interested ladies and girls plz send your suggestions and advice and also feed back of my story…mails to “” … This is my first story which is realincident happen in my life that cannot forget in my life till my last breath. Now coming to the heroine of the story.., her name is Sneha, age nearly 35 to 40, her figure may be 36-30-38, good fair in color, she is a professor of the...

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The British Teacher

Title: The British Teacher. Send comments to: [email protected]: I am not a historian, nor am I trying to be one. Don't let this story offend you because it is historically inaccurate, it's only meant to be a piece of "historical" fiction.Wicker's Pub, London, 8:30 pm. April 1947.        "You do know that India is half a world away, your father might be a powerful man her in England, but he can't help you if you ship off to Bombay". Said a handsome British officer sitting at the table....

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British Bukkake

Do you get horny as fuck about beautiful British women that want to chug cock like they are dying tomorrow? What about horny bitches that love being surrounded by hung studs, drowning in their cum? That may sound like a tall order. You may feel like you cannot find a site that actually delivers that kind of content. But boy, you would be dead wrong to assume that!What makes my ass so certain? Because once you visit British Bukkake, you can find all of this content and more! It is a wide variety...

Premium Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Part two Army Officer

Chapter 2. The jobJeremy lay in his bed gently massaging his hard on and wondered about the woman in the next room. She was quite a find. "Yes, quite a find. Not that I expected a woman like that when I invited her here. I expected a really old hag. It was really only my better nature that asked her to stay. Had to do something to spite that fat shopkeeper. I couldn’t see her spend the night in the open in that filthy weather either. If she’ll stay she may be better than getting someone from...

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Fucked An Army Officer8217s Wife In Mysuru

I am Raj from Bangalore, a software engineer by profession. Basically, from Tamilnadu. Any girls/ladies/aunties in and around Bangalore EC who are looking for sex/sex chat can reach me on Thanks for reading this story. I apologize for any mistakes in my writing. I am going to narrate an incident that happened to me six months back. This story will be a bit lengthy. Please read through patiently. Six months back, I felt very bored and sex-starved. I badly wanted to fuck someone. I started using...

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Marvadi Women Gangbanged By African and British Men

Hi friends, this is Abhishek here. First of all, a great thanks to all of you for a good response to my story, ‘’. I got lots of emails for this story. And I am back with the sequel. In the sequel, you will see my other sister Reema (elder than Anita) being enjoyed by two African dudes in Goa. So enjoy. Now let me give you all a brief introduction of my sister Reema. Reema is 33 years old and married to a very rich and affluent businessman in Bangalore. Her height is 5.7 and weight of 70. Her...

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So I made the move to england in July, 1971. As Sarah and I had not a lot of money set aside except for some of my back pay from the US Air Force we had no choice but to live with her parents in north London who had a fair sized terraced house. Handy to commuting with public transport I Wasn,t too happy trying to learn to drive on the left side of the road. Yes I did it in Japan, but that was on base with not much traffic. London traffic is something else and the M25 circular or ring road can...

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Wartime Comfort House Diary Day 7 British Saugage

Maple would orally serviced my balls and soft penis to full erection if Cherry was feeding from her large engorged breasts. Miss Yamaha would service my other sensitive zones such as earlobes, toes and sole since she knew my sensitivities best. I would perform my thrusting exercise with either Yuko or Maple since my thin bride's love channel was still very sore. While Yuko lusted for my thick manhood any which way, I usually penetrated Maple from behind because her sad expression from losing...

4 years ago
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Army Officer Ke Biwi Ko Choda

Hi I am neel, back again with my new story.Iske pehle aapne meri stories padhi jo ki story readers k sath huwi.Response kafi acha raha mere sari stories ko.Koi bhi bhabhi/ladki milna chahati hai to mail me ye mera naya email id hai Koi bhi bhabhi pune/mumbai se no age limit milna chahati hai to mail krre.No age limit. I am neel, a 27-year-old single guy from Pune.Well educated and from a good family.Normal looks with a slim body that many ladies like.I have a good stamina and good in pussy...

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Average Joes Army

This is a true story about Average Joe and his army celebrating National Nude Day. When a bunch of thugs moved in the neighborhood committing petty crimes and selling drugs and gave Joe, of all people, Average Joe, a hard time while he was out walking his dog, Fifi, a precious 5 pound, white Chihuahua, there was no need to call the police. Joe pulled out his cell phone and made one call. The thugs thought he was calling the cops, but Joe called his army instead. ‘Go ahead and call the cops,...

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Rape in Bangladesh by Pakistan Army Deba Daughters

Rape in Bangladesh by Pakistan Army: Deba & Daughters. Part-1By Shagor HossainSynopsis: It is said that Bengali are the most eye-catching ladies of Asia. Pakistan army captured the beautiful Bengali wife & teen age daughters of Feda kamal  in Dhaka with the charge of spying against the Pakistan army in 1971 when the people of Bangladesh was fighting the Pakistan army for liberation. Mother & daughters were tortured, humiliated and raped again and again till the Pakistan army surrendered to the...

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Intimacy In Flight With A British Lady

Hi guys and girls, Would have to admit that this is my first story and sort of the 1st hot experience as well.. To say a bit about myself, I am 29 years south Indian guy mostly brought up in Dubai though did my higher studies in India. Am a married guy but so horny that each day even after having a good sex with my wife, I come to office and shag reading stories and watching porn mostly homemade. Sometimes even take out the tool and shag since I sit in a separate room with reception crossing my...

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Queen Gretchen and the British EnvoyChapter 2

Queen Gretchen was in a quandary because she had finally found the man of her dreams. She knew it was time for her to move on from her days of depressingly decadent experimentation with all sorts of sexual satisfaction to a more stable union with a suitable spouse of equal status and extend the family line with fertile enthusiasm. The many “tingles” she had experienced with the demanding Doctor Hemingway and dozens of willing donors to her nocturnal needs paled in comparison to the absolute...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 34 Jan 1943 British Retake Tripoli

“I have in this War a burning private grudge—which would probably make me a better soldier at 49 than I was at 22: against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler (for the odd thing about demonic inspiration and impetus is that it in no way enhances the purely intellectual stature: it chiefly affects the mere will). Ruining, perverting, misapplying, and making for ever accursed, that noble northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its...

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US Army Public Relations Part 1

As a female Army recruit, I leaned very quickly that girls cannot show any emotion in the Army. It is a sign of immaturity and a weakness. And, if a female soldier showed any weakness, I quickly leaned, there was always someone close by who would try and take advantage of that weakness.I was not a virgin when I entered the Army at nineteen. I was, however, very naive when it came to sex and I soon learned that at one point or another, sexual frustrations boil over, for both male and female...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 21 An Army of One

June 2003 - September 2003 Kelly O’Connor was, without a doubt, the greatest girlfriend a guy could ever have! She was drop dead gorgeous, absolutely brilliant, had wealthy parents, and was - no ifs, ands, or buts - as horny as I was. What more could a guy ask for? We spent a lot of time in that little cabin that week. A couple of nights we just anchored the boat out on the lake and skinny-dipped in the moonlight. The weather mostly cooperated, too. It was in the seventies and low eighties...

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US Army ROTC Camp

I was asked to take cadre command over a summer Army ROTC boot camp consisting of college-aged kids. I knew that the program was open to both girls and guys, but was surprised to find the competition so strong, especially from the females, for scholarships. The girls were supposed to be equal to the guys, but it didn’t take long for me to figure out that while the guys were physically stronger, the girls were more skilled in the mental challenges associated with decision making tasks. Towards...

First Time
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Out of the Red Army and Into a Pink Tutu

Out of the Red Army and Into a Pink Tutu by Robyn A. This story isn't complete, yet. It's about 1/3 completed, and I've outlined the rest of the plot. Please, send your comments and critiques to me, at [email protected] Zadroyva, Soviet Union...December 15, 1979 I knew the penalty for running, but I really didn't have a choice. I simply couldn't take another minute of being inside the Iron Curtain, especially as a member of the Red Army. I thought that joining the...

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Memoires of an Army Base The Art of Seduction

I lost my virginity at the tender age of 16, two days after my birthday, at Lake Narracan. Within weeks, my Year 12 had commenced at the Yallourn High School, the year being 1980. Throughout the first semester, I met an American boy who was living in Australia for two years while his parents were seconded on a huge engineering project. Taking a liking to Larry, the boy in question, I proceeded to seduce him throughout that semester. On the Tuesday before Easter, my seduction process culminated...

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Joining the Army 4th Story

Joining the Army I graduated high school in 1991 and joined the Army shortly after. Upon graduation, I was stationed at FT Ord CA (Monterey/coastal area), where I purchased a motorcycle, figuring its CA and I could cruise along the coastline. I lived in the barracks with all the other guys, but since I was the odd man out, I was given my own room. Usually, lower ranking soldiers always have a roommate, but this unit placed me in an old room they had near the side entrance that was always loud...

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US Army Boot Camp Graduate Part III

Captain Kim Milowsky. I first met Army Captain Milowsky when she was an ROTC cadet at Fort Knox. A lot of time has passed since I had forged a special bond with the young cadet and now, she was an Army officer and assigned to my Support Battalion at another Army post.  I had to be very careful, because Army regulations are very clear about relationships and sexual harassment. The Army Brass does not like for Officers to engage in any conduct that might call their decision-making...

Office Sex
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My Army Aunty Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Those were bachelor days when I had just got into a job in an industry located outskirts of chennai. I was looking for a suitable house to move in and was disappointed with the surroundings around my factory. On a suggestion from a friend of mine I started looking in a small suburb around 5 kms away from the factory. Although there were many desirable houses in there and empty too, being a bachelor I was not very welcome. Spending a whole of a sunny...

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ARMY ROTC Summer Camp

As an Army officer, I had the pleasure of being assigned to an ROTC assignment that put me in charge of a summer camp of very exuberant and sometimes overly zealous young college kids looking to prove up their leadership skills in hope so getting a college scholarship.I say they were young when in reality, there were all between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one. Young adults. Smart, educated and well-motivated. I liked those attributes.Summer camp was always a lot of work and a lot of fun as...

Straight Sex
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Army Buddies Part I

This is a story that I’ve wanted to tell for a long, long time, but didn’t for a couple reasons. First, I didn’t want the real identities to get out, and second, I just didn’t sit down and take the time to do it. It’s a story of a sexual adventure that sort of began between two soldiers, remained alive for a long time, and then evolved into quite a sexual escapade, involving men and women.Back in the late sixties, early seventies, I was in the U.S. Army, stationed at a major installation in...

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A Fresh StartChapter 47 Youre In The Army Now

“You’re in the Army now, You’re not behind the plow, You’ll never get rich, A diggin’ a ditch, You’re in the Army now!” We packed everything imaginable in the van Saturday after getting back to the frat, leaving only some clothing in some bags we could carry into the motels with us. I figured to take three days driving, which would put us near Sill Tuesday afternoon. The plan was to take 90 and 71 to Columbus the first day, then 70 to St. Louis, and finish in Lawton the third day. If we...

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Amorous Army Aunty

Those were bachelor days when I had just got into a job in an industry located outskirts of chennai. I was looking for a suitable house to move in and was disappointed with the surroundings around my factory. On a suggestion from a friend of mine I started looking in a small suburb around 5 kms away from the factory. Although there were many desirable houses in there and empty too, being a bachelor I was not very welcome. Spending a whole of a sunny sunday looking for a house, I was at the end...

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The British Sea WarChapter 7

HMS Tenacious Goes to War It had been a wet Autumn, and true to form, the heavens opened just as Lieutenant Commander Mike Smith DSO, the newly appointed Captain of the "T" Class submarine HMS Tenacious, was having his first coffee of the day, in the wardroom at the Royal Naval Barracks at Devonport. Once again, it had been a noisy night with another raid on the dockyard. All the warships that were in Devonport, had added their weight to the anti-aircraft barrage, but as usual it was...

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US Army Public Relations Part 3

As a female Army recruit, I leaned very quickly that girls cannot show any emotion in the Army. It is a sign of immaturity and a weakness. And, if a female soldier showed any weakness, I quickly leaned, there was always someone close by who would try and take advantage of that weakness.My first assignment was in a public relations unit for the US Army. The Army recruiter, who had tried unsuccessfully to hit on me, said I would be a perfect fit for the Army public relations unit because I had...

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DAD’S OLD ARMY BIDDY CHAPTER 1 I have known Dennis Miller almost all my life, he and my father were old army buddies back in the day. However, when daddy suggested that I treat his old army buddy, the idea was not all that appealing, at first. I had just turned nineteen, and daddy and I had been fucking for well over a year. My mom and dad spilt up after she found daddy and me in bed together. Mom tried to except the fact that daddy loved young girls, she knew that he had enjoyed his share of...

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Hot Little Army Brats Part One

Hot Little Army Brats – Part One This is a story about Nicole and April, two of the cutest Army dependents a young man could ever hope to meet. It happened long ago, but the memories are quite clear, and you’ll see why. I was a young Army private, just 19 years old, and I found myself deployed to an Army base in Germany. I was immediately lost and homesick, and it was quite a shock to find myself in a foreign country where the native language wasn’t English. I pretty much stayed on base among...

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army boys

I grew up in a rural area, where no one dressed up except to go to town onspecial occasions. I'm no different to any of my mates from other farms wesimply went to school wearing our normal dress comprising of bib overalls,boots and a flannel shirt. We also all played around giving ourselvesblowjobs etc.Well as time went on we all got older for myself our little school hadarrangements to join up with a much larger school where they had an armycadet group. I sort of like the idea of wearing...

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ARMY GRUNT rimming ws

It was my first day of a full-time two week block of army reserves at theMilford Falls barracks and I didn't wanna be there. During a break afterour first dinner I was sitting in the quad with five other reservists, allfirst year and all but two of us had obviously taken on more than webargained for, in between bitchin' about the mornings orientation manoeuvrewe got to talking about why we joined up in the first place. It was themoney, pure and simple we wanted the money. Some fuck wit whose...

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DAD’S OLD ARMY BIDDY CHAPTER 1 I have known Dennis Miller almost all my life, he and my father were old army buddies back in the day. However, when daddy suggested that I treat his old army buddy, the idea was not all that appealing, at first. I had just turned nineteen, and daddy and I had been fucking for well over a year. My mom and dad spilt up after she found daddy and me in bed together. Mom tried to except the fact that daddy loved young girls; she knew that he had enjoyed his share of...

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Hot Little Army Brats Part One

Hot Little Army Brats – Part OneThis is a story about Nicole and April, two of the cutest Army dependents a young man could ever hope to meet. It happened long ago, but the memories are quite clear, and you’ll see why. I was a young Army private, just 19 years old, and I found myself deployed to an Army base in Germany. I was immediately lost and homesick, and it was quite a shock to find myself in a foreign country where the native language wasn’t English. I pretty much stayed on base...

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In The Kings ArmyChapter 2

"Are we headed into that mountain?" Dev asked Arel a few days later. "Just into the foothills. Loera Calderling lives with her family in a very old castle there. You know they used to man the walls of the pass, to keep the northern barbarians out of the south?" Arel asked. "No. I'm afraid I don't know much history," Dev responded. "Easily solved. About two hundred years ago, a wall was built across the Calder pass. You might note the similarity of names? The pass was named for an...

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British Man Visits Bangladesh rural village

My name is Peter Simmons and I am a British photographer and sometimes make private videos, specializing in Asian studies and travel quite often to Asia, especially to India, Bangladesh, and Thailand. Recently I was invited by a travel agency to visit Bangladesh and stay over in a village for two weeks. It was close to the end of the winter season in Bangladesh and the weather is normally decent during the day and quite chilly at night. I was pretty excited and very honored to be invited, since...

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British Sex

Last month hubby and I headed out of town to a swanky resort for a golfing getaway, only I spontaneously changed up the game plan a bit. While hubby took some practice shots out on the range I took my own shot at a British businessman in the hotel bar. One martini led to another, and next thing I knew that British bad boy had his hand up my skin tight little purple dress and into my white thong, flicking my clit with an expert touch as the bartender looked on with a knowing grin. I admit, it...

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Amazing Sex Adventure With A Big Dick British Guy In UK

Hi ISS friends this is Anusha Rao from Bangalore, I am regular reader of stories posted in ISS since 3 years, I like erotic stories narrated by Female sharing their sex experience, while reading such stories I was thinking when I will get an opportunity to narrate my stories to my ISS friends, recently I got an opportunity to pleasure & get pleasured with a handsome British guy during my onsite assignment at UK. I am not good in writing, I have done my best to share all my experience with that...

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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 4 The British Are Coming

As Dave pulled away from Rebecca's house, he considered going home to talk about the breakup with Julie or his mother - but instead he drove back to North Beach and went straight to the golf course. He practiced all afternoon and evening. When he returned to the trailer he went right to bed and tried to sleep. He tossed and turned for hours thinking about Rebecca until he finally dozed off. The next five days were the same; he practiced and played almost every hour of the day. He had never...

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RebelChapter 29 The British Majors Makebelieve Wife

"I hear tell that regiment of foot in New Brunswick's got a new commander, a right smart one they say." I stood in front of Lt. Foster and waited. He seldom told us anything just for practice. "Feller's eager to make a reputation. That's what I heard." I shifted my weight to the other foot. "Reckon we ought to find out, maybe slow him down a might." 'Suppose," I said. "Why don't you go in an' see what's what?" he said, examining a sore on his arm. "Alone?" I...

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US Army Boot Camp Graduate

“Captain Kim Milowsky”. I stared at the name on the official paperwork in front of me with the US Army logo letterhead. I thought back to an Army ROTC Summer camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky and my all-too-brief encounter with a college-aged young lady by the same name and I wondered, “What are the chances?” I was assigned duties as an Operations Officer in a Combat Support Battalion at Fort Hood, Texas when the clerk placed the paperwork on my desk. “Captain Milowsky is here to see you, sir,” the...

Office Sex
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Army Boot Camp BBW STYLE Repost

Army Boot Camp - BBW STYLE!Chapter 1Back when I was in the army, I spent a few years as a boot camp instructor. It was always an interesting experience watching a group of completely disorganized, scared, and naive group of strangers turn into a cohesive, trained platoon of soldiers.Cohesion and teamwork are key, and as a drill sergeant, I always emphasized that they would only get through the course together. If they chose to argue, bicker and work against each other, they wouldn't make it...

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Forest Army Camp Adventure 8211 Part 3

Sunita says: The Colonel and my husband’s way of love making was different. The Colonel seemed far more sensitive to my pleasure and needs. He knew how to turn me on. He knew where to touch, what to speak, where and how to caress and where and how to use pressure or brute force to make me crave for more. You may well ask, “Why did I let a person other than my husband fuck me?” Well for one, for the past few months my husband constantly expressed his fantasy that he wanted to see me being...

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Skirting the Army

All characters are a product of my imagination and any similarity to any person, real or fictional is purely coincidental. I wish to thank Ananabelle Brito for reviewing and commenting on my story. She has a great website. If you haven't looked at it I highly recommend that you do so. The link is Forced Feminization Illustration Art. It contains many great stories and her original artwork. As always, please write a review, either positive or negative. I Welcome all comments and try...

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DAD’S OLD ARMY BUDDY 2 Sometime ago I told you about my dad’ old army buddy Mr. Miller, and all the fun the three of us had the last time he was in town. Well I thank its time I tell you a little more about my dad’s old army buddy. Dennis and my dad met when they were in the army, they were station in Japan. Dad and I would lie in bed and he would tell me stories about how he and Dennis would spend months with just their army unit, back in those days women were not allowed to serve with the...

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Army Customizer

You died. But that was not the end. You ended up in white space, with a window explaining your situation. Apparently you ended up in some kind of RTS/RPG game. From here you can define your 'next great adventure'. You can choose your avatar – it's gender, looks, race, traits, skill tree, etc. of course as starting hero you will receive only basic equipment. Then you can choose your army – knights, US marines, SS troopers, Star Wars storm-troopers, Space Marines, Orcs, Night Elves, Skavens,...

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DAD’S OLD ARMY BUDDY 2Sometime ago I told you about my dad’ old army buddy Mr. Miller, and all the fun the three of us had the last time he was in town. Well I thank its time I tell you a little more about my dad’s old army buddy. Dennis and my dad met when they were in the army, they were station in Japan. Dad and I would lie in bed and he would tell me stories about how he and Dennis would spend months with just their army unit, back in those days women were not allowed to serve with the men,...

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Encounter At Army Camp

A nudge and the glare from a red tinted flashlight woke Tammy from her restless sleep. A voice in the darkness whispered “Lt. Olsen. Wake up. It’s 0240. You’re on watch in twenty minutes.” “I’m up…I’m up” Tammy replied sleepily. This seemed to appease the soldier and she heard the sentry shuffling out of the tent. The young nurse sat up in her bunk and let her eyes gradually adjust to the low light. Pulling on her bulky green Army fatigues she smiled at how easy it was to dress in the dark when...

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Army Pelvic Exam

I was afraid that I might not pass the physical assessment because I had back issues when I was younger, but the recruiter said that it was long enough ago that it wouldn't matter. If I passed the physical exam I was in. Still I was terrified. So much was riding on this physical exam. And I have always hated doctors. At the least a doctor exam was humiliating and degrading. Please god let this be a quick one. I was determined that no one would see much of me today. I had worn a thick sports...

1 year ago
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Dads old army buddy

Note : This story is completely fictional! I have known Dennis Miles almost all my life, he and my father had been old army buddies back in the day. However, wakening up with dad’s old army buddy on top of me fucking the shit out of me, shock could not even describe how I felt. I had just turned nineteen and daddy and I had been fucking for well over a year. My mom and dad spilt up after she found daddy and me in bed together. Mom tried to except the fact that daddy loved young girls; she knew...

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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 9 The Holy Liberation Army

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Nine: The Holy Liberation Army Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Sunday, June 12th, 2072 – Queenie Glassner – Ashland, OR I woke up on the outside of the bed. Sleeping in the tent with three others was an interesting, and fun, experience. Rex, Reina, Sarah, and I were constantly squirming about. You never knew where you were going to end up at. My big boobs were pressed up against Reina's naked, brown back. I nuzzled at her hair for...

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In The Kings ArmyChapter 3

Dev was housed in the Officer's Quarters. To him, it was a nice enough place to live. It was one room, but rather largish, with a real bed, not the wooden board rack he had slept on as a private in the army. He had a footlocker that contained his uniforms, hose, and his civilian clothing. His extra riding boots and regular army boots were under his bed. Instead of a fireplace, he had a small potbelly stove that kept the room warm enough in the cold weather. The stove was a fairly new...

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US Army Public Relations Part 2

As a female Army recruit, I leaned very quickly that girls cannot show any emotion in the Army. It is a sign of immaturity and a weakness. And, if a female soldier showed any weakness, I quickly leaned, there was always someone close by who would try and take advantage of that weakness.I had been taught to always respect the rank of those over me, especially officers, who could apparently do nothing wrong. Lieutenant Crawley, Adam Crawley, was always deep in my stuff, asking me how I could pass...

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Army Men

Two weeks after my eighteenth birthday my Dad gave me a package of camouflage clothes. He told me I had to go with him to Serbia for a few weeks. I should explain my Dad is the top dog in his platoon. Also I should say that because my mom and dad divorced the year before and the last time he had left me on my own I had thrown a party he didn’t trust me. I was pissed. ‘No. I’m not going. I will miss my friends and it is boring.’ ‘You are going. Ever since mom left you are out of control I...

1 year ago
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Youre in the Army Now

My name is Mark Dwight, I am a private in the army and have been serving for about eight months. I have also been, more or less, celibate for just as long. I find it hard. Well, I find my private member is often hard in the mornings, part way through the day, and especially past midnight. I have even been looking at my platoon mates when they are showering, wondering when, if ever, I will get any sex. It came to a head one evening when I decided I had to do something about it. Barracks aren’t...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Fucking my army buddys pregnant wife

This is a true story of how I fucked my best friend's pregnant wife. So,this is how it begins.Mike and I are in the same unit in the army .We are both good buddies , we help each other with all the shit. We watch out for each other etc. One week we were really worked up in training but anyways they let us leave in the weekends.So, Mike invited me to his house asked me to meet his wife Lauren.He told me that she was pregnant .I had seen a couple of times before but only in photos. Anyways I told...

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