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Anyway as a result I may be slower to post than usual as I try to beat this twisty, hellish yarn I choose to call a story into submission.

Sorry, hopefully the story will be better for it.

In other news: OVER 200,000 WORDS! HORAY!

“Hello?” The shopkeeper peered, bleary eyed, at the figure standing on the other side of the glass door. “Sorry we‘re closed now.”

“Good.” The hooded man pushed the door open roughly. “Then there will be no one to hear us.”

“What do you want.” The shopkeeper edged his hand towards the wand in his pocket. “If it‘s money you‘re after-”

“I require a service of you.” The man said, clearly and arrogantly. “Or rather my master does.”

“If your master wants any of my service.” The shopkeeper grunted a laugh. “He‘d better come himself. I don‘t do house calls and even if I did some of my equipment‘s too heavy to move.”

“You mistake me.” The man sounded like he was smiling. “My master want‘s you to give me something. A Shén de shÇ’u.”

“A Sh-” The shopkeeper held his hands up, backing away. “No no no no! Why would I-”

“I heard you were the man to go to for one.”

“Yeah, years ago. When they were legal.” The shopkeeper took his wand from his pocket and held it firmly towards the intruder. “I think you‘d better leave.”

“My master…” The man began, rolling up his sleeve. “Is not a man you want to displease.”

The shopkeeper jumped back as he saw the dark mark emerge from under the dark robes. Even this far from Britain everyone in the business knew what it meant.

“Are you a… a dead eater?”

“Death eater.” The man corrected pleasantly. “Now about the Shen?”

“I… I‘ll have to make some calls.” The shopkeeper shuddered, he just wanted this man gone. “I don‘t have all the stuff here.”

“I‘ll wait.” The man pulled up an old wooden chair. “While we wait we can discuss some other things you may be able to help me with. I‘m sure they will not be beyond your… skill.”

The shopkeeper gulped as the man began listing what he wanted. His hands shook so much his wand fell on the floor and rolled away unnoticed.

“I‘ll…” He cleared his throat, his mouth raw. “I‘ll see what I can do.”

Harry’s boots hit fireplace and he drew his wand out and scanned the room before lowering it and depositing the required galleons in a jar by the barman.

“Thank you young master.” The man simpered.

“He’s probably telling someone I was there right now.” Harry thought as he left the grubby pub. “And that someone will tell a death eater.”

Harry broke into a run as old buildings flashed past him. He hadn’t made for London, too obvious. The bold silhouette of Edinburgh castle was outlined against the stars for a moment between two buildings as Harry dashed along and he darted down an alley towards it. He slowed as he passed a group of guys obviously out for the night, singing in the street, then sped up as the path began to climb towards the high castle.

He came up a side road and turned away from the historic building. Fitting himself into the crowds of Friday night revelers like a shadow. He flitted across the royal mile as fast as he thought safe, clutching his long coat tight about him. At fifteen years old people wouldn’t think it weird for him to be out this late but they might remember that he was alone. Any memory of his passing was a liability and Harry flicked his collar up and kept into the shadow of a house.

There were a few wizard pubs in Edinburgh, Harry had mapped them out. But thanks to his stupidity of not disguising himself as he flued into the last one he could not now risk any of them. Harry cursed, he was still an idiot. Still making stupid mistakes, Harry shook his head and pinched himself hard. He had to be better.

The rail station appeared beneath him and Harry swiftly crossed the bridge and slinked in a side entrance. He bought a ticket from an automated machine (no memories) to the first location on the departures board. Then tore it up, cursing himself again, and bought one for the second one down.

It was only three minutes till it left. Harry stood in a corner, hopefully just looking like any other traveler. They wouldn’t check the station would they? They thought like wizards, not like muggles. Maybe he was being paranoid… the bartender didn’t have to tell anyone…

No! Careless! Better safe. We want to fight them, but on our terms.

Harry nodded, it was the safe thing to do. He gritted his teeth as the seconds ticked by. He just needed to be gone. Wherever the train went he could find wizards and flue to… to somewhere. Somewhere better, Hogwarts possibly? It was still weeks till he had to go back to school and Harry wasn’t eager to slip back under Dumbledore’s restrictive wing. He’d go somewhere anyway.

Damn it! Harry went stock still as two oddly dressed individuals walked into the train station. One looked like his outfit was a Halloween costume of a pirate, the other was wearing lederhosen. They were the stupidest sight Harry had ever seen.

They were also here to kill him.

Harry could feel the essence of barely contained violence coming off both of them and the pirate had a wand concealed up his sleeve. Harry stepped sideways, making his movement seem inconsequential, uninteresting, and pushed open a staff door. He stepped in calmly and confidently, not giving any trace that he didn’t belong.

“’Ere? Who are y-”

The cleaner in overalls got no further as Harry whipped his wand out and Confunded him.

“You‘re done for the night.” Harry whispered and jerked a thumb back the way he‘d come. “You need to lock that door.”

“R… right.” The man mumbled and Harry left swiftly, passing out a side door and feeling the cold night air. Harry crossed the road and passed to the next street over and breathed a sigh of relief. It was busy, full of revelers. He could be invisible here.

The good kind of invisible, the kind that didn’t need cloaks.

Harry kept to the side as he ducked down the long stretch and ducked into a pub. A few minutes later he emerged, unrecognizable. Wrinkled skin and grey hair, Shakey Jack walked again. Harry walked like an old man up the road, watching both ways.

Damn it! There was one, walking down the street towards him. He was surreptitiously pointing his wand at every person he passed, like he was dowsing. He was detecting magic. Harry winced, there was his friend coming from the other direction, doing the same. Harry was cornered.

Harry began walking slowly towards the pirate death eater, making his steps slow and measured like the old man he was supposed to be. He hid his wand in his sleeve, he needed to come up with a plan. There was no way he could fight them here, too many bystanders, so that left taking them out instantly (which would be almost impossible) and running away.

Of course if one of them had been Crouch it would be different. But they weren’t, they were just incidental.

“Silencio.” Harry murmured it so quietly he could almost have been silenced himself, aiming at the death eater’s wand. No way to know whether he had hit… The wand came up, aimed at Harry…


The wand passed on over to the next bystander and Harry breathed a mental sigh of relief. He began walking away, they didn’t follow. He kept walking, passing out of areas he could recognize from maps and found an alley.

Harry pushed a wheelie bin aside and slouched down against the wall. He’d wait for morning here and try to leave the city then. Harry drew into his bag and pulled out the wrapped up remains of a sandwich.

Full circle, eventually we all come back home.

Harry sneered as his eyelids began to droop, alleys used be home, now they weren’t. That didn’t mean that anywhere else in particular was home, but it was an improvement. Harry dropped off to sleep, too tired to dream.

“He‘s here somewhere.”

Harry’s eyes flicked open, the wan light of daybreak filtering into the alleyway. Footsteps came slowly up the alleyway. Harry slid behind the bin that hid him and crawled to the other side. The two figures came cl… Hang on!

“Are you certain?” A deep familiar voice said as the two men passed the bin Harry was behind. “It might not even be him.”

“Underage magic and marauding death eaters, it‘s him.” Moody grumbled as he stumped along. “He‘s back.”

Harry waited until they had passed then grinned. He stepped out from behind the bin and slowly walked up behind the two aurors. You know what would be funny? Harry took a deep breath…


Harry lifted his head off the grass (grass?) and looked around him. Moody was gone, but the tall black auror was still there, his arms crossed, calmly looking down at Harry. Harry glanced at the person who had brought him back.

“Hey Tonks.”

“Wotcher Harry.” Tonks held out an arm to help him up. “Want to explain why my bosses brought you here comatose?”

“They didn‘t tell you?”

“Well Moody was too angry to talk and Kingsley kept laughing.”

On cue a deep chuckle escaped from the tall aurors mouth, swiftly covered with a hand.

“I‘ll let Moody tell the story when he calms down.” Harry dusted himself off and surveyed the empty field. It seemed vaguely familiar. “Where are we?”

“Oh! Right.” Tonks dipped into her pocket and drew out a small piece of paper. “Just read it, don’t say it out loud.”

Harry took the paper and unfolded it. On it was written, in loopy, hard to read handwriting…
The headquarters of the order of the phoenix is the manor on the grim moors.

“So what does it- WHOA!” Harry tripped backwards as the mansion exploded out of the ground around him. Even the grass curled into the floor and became gravel and a fountain appeared like it had been pushed up from some tunnel underground. After everything settled Harry looked around,

“Hey, isn‘t this-”

“Home.” Came a voice out of the air. “My home.” Harry spun, wand out. Then relaxed.

“Knew I recognized this place.” Harry smiled. “Good to see you Draco.”

“Good to see you too.” The blond boy detached himself from the shadow of a doorway. “Good too see you‘re still alive since we didn‘t have a clue.”

“I owled.”

“Once. From cairo.” Draco said sarcastically. “Then you drop totally off the map.”

“I was vacationing.” Harry shrugged. “Like I always do.”

“Yeah right.” Draco pushed the door open for Harry to step inside. “Well in the mean time your friends and fan club have invaded my home.”

“The order of the phoenix?” Harry looked around the cavernous entrance hall. “Never heard of them.”

“It is Dumbledore‘s organization.” Kingsley said from behind Harry. “To counter the death eaters.”

“Why are you here? Don‘t you have your own headquarters?”

“This is better apparently.” Draco rolled his eyes.

“Didn‘t Voldemort live here?”

“The wards respond to the current heir.” Draco looked over at the sprawling tapestry of the Malfoy family tree. “Voldemort was forced to leave the moment…”

“The moment ownership transferred?”

“Yes. That.”

“Well at least we're all safe here. Constant vigilance." At Harry's words Shacklebolt clapped a hand to his mouth but couldn't stop a snigger. Harry grinned and took another look at the tapestry. “Aren‘t you supposed to be on here?”

“I‘m there.” Draco pointed at a ragged burnt spot at the bottom. “It seems my mother reverted to her own family traditions.”

“Why don‘t you fix it?”

“Because I don‘t feel like it Potter.” Draco snapped acidly. “Besides? Who would I fix it for? I‘m the last Malfoy.”

“Unless you have children.” Harry pointed out. Draco just shook his head.

“No… no I‘m the last Malfoy.” Draco seemed to nod to himself, his voice full of some cold resolve. “Anyway, as I was saying. With the family enchantments and the extra wards Dumbledore put up this place is totally impregnable.”

“No such thing.” Harry looked back at the aurors. “Or as Moody would say, constant vigilance.”

“Stop saying that.” Kingsley had to cover his mouth again.

“What is this?” Tonks looked between them, confused. “It‘d have to be something good to make you laugh.”

“He snuck up behind Alastor Moody and yelled ‘Constant Vigilance‘ in his ear.” At Tonks’ shocked expression he added. “I‘m not joking.”

“Harry you‘re insane!” Tonks doubled over, holding her stomach. “He could have killed you!”

“You‘re certifiable Potter you really are.” Draco shook his head, then stopped suddenly. “How did you sneak up on Moody?”

“Yes.” Kingsley stepped closer. “I‘ve been wondering that.”

In answer Harry just smiled and rolled up his left sleeve. Around his wrist was a brass bracer engraved with tracing vines. Right in the center, on the inside arm, was a hieroglyphic of a great black eye.

“Picked this up in Egypt.” Harry said, running a linger along the edge.

“That’s the evil eye.” Tonks stepped closer to look at it. “It wards off magical monitoring.”


“It‘s also all sorts of illegal.”

“Yep.” Harry shrugged. “Somehow I doubt the ministry would care considering what‘s being kept at bay under the eye.”

“Under… oh…” Tonks nodded faintly and stepped back. “Right.”

“Does it stop him calling you?” Draco asked quietly.

“It makes it manageable.” Harry pulled his sleeve down and put on a cheery smile. “Too bad it only hides me, not my magic. Else I could do spells whenever I wanted without the ministry seeing.”

“And you‘d be even more of a menace.” Tonks smiled and winked at Harry. “Come on, the others are waiting.”

Harry grinned and turned to follow the auror.

“We‘re mostly living in the east wing.” Tonks called back over her shoulder. “This place is massive. It took us a week to find where you‘d left Macnair. He smelled awful.”

“Sorry,” Harry shrugged theatrically. “Next time I‘ll try to kill in a sterile environment.”

They walked down a long dark hallway, made more spooky by the fact that every picture was empty. Draco said nothing but Harry imagined they had left about the same time his father had. The door at the end had a steady glow coming from under it. Harry hurried forward and flung the door open theatrically.

“I‘m back!”

“Harry!” Harry was knocked back as marauders piled towards him, and on him. Harry laughed and extricated himself from under the pile.

“Hi guys.” Harry walked past the scrum into the cavernous room, which turned out to be a kitchen. “Miss me?”

“Where the hell were you?” Padma hadn’t joined the charge and was sitting with her arms crossed and an angry expression. “Why did you leave?”

“I never left.” Harry held his hand to his heart. “I was always with you, in here.”


“Cynic.” Harry shrugged and slid onto the long bench across from her and Hermione. “Have you no-”

“Voldemort is back.” Hermione interrupted him.

“Really?” Harry opened his eyes wide in shock. “Is he really? No… no, I had no idea… How could that happen? I would remember a thing like that? Oh… oh wait? Tall guy with red eyes? You know I think I do remember a guy like that… TORTURING ME!”

“Alright Harry. Alright.” Hermione held her hands up. “I didn‘t mean it like that. I just meant that Voldemort‘s after you, he want‘s to kill you.”

“Is this a meeting of the obvious society?” Harry said as the rest of the marauders crowded around.

“What she means is that this isn‘t a time to go sunbathing in Majorca.” Padma said in exasperation. “Or skiing or hang-gliding or whatever it is you did.”

“Well I didn‘t bloody hang-glide.” Harry grimaced. “At least brooms have some means of propulsion. And I didn‘t ski or sunbathe. I‘ve been working.”

“Working on what?”

“Working on not getting tortured again, working on being… better.”

“You‘ve been training?” Fred asked. “You found some Tibetan temple or something?”

“No, no temple.” Harry shrugged. “But I have been training. I‘m not ending up half dead again. Next time he comes after me I‘ll not be helpless.”

“Well the point is that it shouldn‘t happen again.” Tonks came up behind him and clapped him on the shoulders. “You‘re staying safe here till you can go to Hogwarts.”

“Safe here?” Harry froze. “Safe here?” He pushed himself off the bench. “I have to go out there!”

“Wh… what?”

“I have to go out there and fight them. You know that right?” Harry looked Tonks in the eye, the marauders looked on confused. “You know that.”

Tonks glanced back at Draco, who just frowned and looked at the floor.

“Dumbledore…” Tonks licked her lips. “Dumbledore, who also knows that, says you‘re to be kept safe.”

“For how long?”

“I don‘t know. However long it takes.”

“You are aware that without me it will take precisely forever.” Harry said through gritted teeth.

“I‘m sure Dumbledore has considered that.”

“Dumbledore. Is. Senile.” Harry looked over at Kingsley, who had thus far kept silent. “How bout you? You got a take on this?”

“I trust Dumbledore.” Kingsley said confidently.

“Everyone always does.” Harry snorted. “And as yet I‘ve seen no reason why.”

“You haven‘t seen him angry.” Kingsley turned towards the door. “Come on Tonks, we need to get back on duty before we‘re missed.”

Harry didn’t speak as the two aurors left. When the door slammed shut he threw his hands up and shook his head.

“I have seen him angry. I‘ve seen him angry at me, it‘s not so bad.”

“What was that Harry?” Ginny asked.


“All that ‘you know that’ and ‘he knows this’ stuff. What‘s the secret?”

“You didn‘t tell them?” Harry turned to Neville.

“I thought it was a secret.” Neville shrugged.

Harry turned to Draco, who rolled his eyes.

“Don‘t look at me I don‘t even like them.”

“Right,” Harry turned towards the door. “It‘s not a secret, at least not amongst us. Could you tell them for me Nev? I‘m going to get some fresh air.”

“You can’t.” Ron called after him. “We have to stay inside the building.”


“The wards extend to the property line but it‘s stronger in here.” Hermione explained apologetically. “They told us to stay-”

“By they you mean Dumbledore.”


“Then I‘m finding an open window.” Harry looked over his shoulder back at the marauders. “I can do that can‘t I?”

“Your room‘s down the corridor, the door with the scorpion lock.” Draco said.

“Is there a window in my cell?”

“Yes, it‘s not barred either. Not un-metaphorically anyway.”

Harry, didn’t respond. He just pushed the door open and left.

Draco woke the next morning as a retching sound came through the wall. He shook the covers off and pushed the curtains around his bed open before hurrying to the adjacent room.

“Harry is that you?” Draco was about to try the door before he thought better of it and ran a detection charm. A couple of nasty curses lifted out of the woodwork. Draco backed a few steps away. “Harry open up!” Draco heard footsteps then the door scraped open.

“What?” Harry growled sleepily.

“Were you just sick?”

“No… no.” Harry shook his head. “Why would you think that?”

“Because I just heard you Harry.” Draco folded his arms. “You also smell of vomit.”

“I… I do.” Harry sniffed. “Fine. You caught me.”

“You‘re sick?”

“I‘m pregnant.” Harry shrugged. “There was this dancer. I was a little drunk and, well… I was weak.”

“Right,” Draco snorted.

“You‘re the first one I‘ve told.”

“I‘m touched.”

“It‘ll be really tough raising it on my own.”

“I imagine labor won‘t be a picnic either.” Draco shook his head, if Harry didn‘t want to tell him then he didn‘t want to know. “Look, it smells like breakfast‘s ready.”

“Great,” Harry shrugged, then frowned. “Who‘s cooking?”

“Sit down Harry.” Molly Weasley pulled out a chair for him. “Have some eggs. There‘s toast too, and some sausages.”

Harry looked around in confusion at the various people that had appeared in the kitchen of Malfoy manor. There were more Weasley’s than there had been, the two parents and older brothers. An odd man in a green hat was there as well, smiling at Harry and waving, along with an older lady in an ratty robe. There was one very recognizable face though, one that went had gone from smiling to stone cold the moment he entered the room. Remus Lupin had stood the moment he came in and walked away, leaving by the back door.

“A couple of people live here now.” Ginny said to cover the silence. “A couple of the order members.”


“Because I haven‘t started charging rent yet.” Malfoy muttered darkly, leaning over a chessboard.

“It‘s because we‘re too visible.” Molly Weasley explained. “People know we support Dumbledore, they know we were in the order last time. We‘re targets for attack. It‘s safer here.”

“Right, safer.” Harry tucked into his breakfast in silence, the marauders chatting around him. Apart from him only Malfoy and Ron were silent, both intently staring at the chessboard. Occasionally, very occasionally, one of them would make a move.

"It would be nice if they'd find their own base though." Malfoy murmured, still staring at the board. "Or their own prison."

"Prison?" Harry dropped a piece of toast. "They're using this place as a prison?"

"Obviously." Malfoy said grimly. "Did you think Malfoy manor had no cells? And they can't use Azkaban anymore."

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"The whole manor is under the Fidelius charm." Hermione explained. Harry smiled in understanding, so that was what the little slip of paper had been about. "It means that a secret is-"

"I know what it is." Harry interrupted her calmly. "But isn't it dangerous to tell the prisoners the secret?"

"Yes. That's why they don't." Padma shrugged.

"The prisoners are inside the secret but they haven't been told it?" Harry's brow furrowed. "I wonder what that feels like for them."

"They tend to scream a lot."

Harry shrugged, unworried. At least there was a safe place for to house the death eaters. Of course Harry would prefer if they were all kept in nice safe coffins but this was the next best thing. While they had been talking Draco had turned back to the silent chess game.

“How long have they been at that?” Harry asked Hermione.

“Hours for this game.” Hermione answered dejectedly. “Weeks if you‘re mean playing in general.”

“Who‘s winning?”

“I think Ron‘s ahead by two games.”

“Well that‘s-”

“Out of two hundred and twenty six.” Padma chimed in irritably. “Neither of them’s been up by more than four at any point. Next time they equalize I‘m stealing the bloody board.”

“I have over eight hundred chess boards in this house.” Malfoy said idly as he nudged a pawn forward. “You‘re welcome to try and find all of them. Maybe you‘ll get lost along the way.”

“But not today. Got you.” Ron said triumphantly as he slid his knight forward. Harry frowned, even he, with his loose undemanding of the game, could see that it wasn’t a checkmate. But apparently Malfoy could see something he couldn’t, the blond boy hunched over the board for a few moments then,

“Screw you Weasley.” Draco angrily slapped his king down and stood up. “It doesn‘t count. I was distracted, I was talking to Harry.”

“It counts.” Ron replied angrily. He began to reset the pieces but Draco grabbed a pawn out of his hand and slammed it back into it’s box.

“I don‘t want another game. I‘m bored of chess for today.” Draco sat back down at the breakfast table, pouting.

Harry grinned at the spectacle then pushed his empty plate away and stood to leave.

“Where are you going dear?” Molly Weasley called after him.

“Just back to my room.” Harry answered cheerily. “I didn‘t unpack last night.”

“There‘s no chance he‘s going to unpack.” Padma whispered across the marauders table.

Ginny shook her head. No one could tell when Harry was lying, not even the marauders. But since Harry hadn’t unpacked anything ever since he’d got that bottomless bag it was unlikely he was doing so now.

“Should one of us go check on him?” Neville suggested.

“Let him be.” Fred shrugged. “He‘s got a lot to think about.” His twin nodded.

“It‘d give us something to do.” Parvarti murmured quietly, voicing what they all felt. Boredom was constant here. The only interesting times were order meetings when the marauders would try to find ways to listen in. Ways that were continually blocked.

All their homework had been done. All the course books had been read and so many games of exploding snap had been played that they all had little tiny burns on the ends of their fingers. There was nothing else to do, literally nothing. They had looked, tried to come up with other things to do. They had failed.

“We could try gobstones again.” Fred suggested as their mother bustled around the room.

“Definitely not.” Hermione shook her head. “We could study?”

“We‘ve done all our homework.” Ron said irritably.

“We could swap and do each others.” Parvati pointed out. At the general shock she just shrugged. “I‘m that bored.”

“We could play quidditch!” Ron perked up instantly. “Why didn’t we think of this before! Yeah! We can have a-”

“How?” Ginny cut in. “We can‘t go outside.”

“Well… oh.”

The marauders lapsed into silence. Defeated again.

“Mrs Weasley.” Malfoy suddenly said. “Harry was feeling ill earlier. Do you have anything that could help him?”

“Why didn‘t you tell me?” The Weasley Matriarch hurried off down the corridor towards Harry’s room. As soon as she disappeared Malfoy pushed himself away from the table.

“Let‘s go. Quickly.”

“Why?” Ginny crossed her arms. “Why should we go with you?”

“Because I know where we can play quidditch.” Draco glanced at the door. "Believe it or not I am as bored as you are Weasley. Now can we go? You're mother won't be distracted for long."

"Whoa!" Ginny gasped as they were led into a massive hall. On the floor there were plinths and cases holding strange sparkling items.

"What is this place?" Hemione asked.

"My fathers." Draco lugged the ball case over. "It's just junk." True to his word he shoved three vases off a display stand to put the case in their place. "Now... teams."

"I call captain!" Ginny yelled.

"Me too." Ron nodded.

"Right," Malfoy was still looking the other way. "Captains are Ginerva and myself."


"It's my house." Malfoy cut him off snidely. "I'll take the twins."

"Which ones?"

"The quidditch playing ones." Malfoy rolled his eyes. Fred and George reluctantly went over to stand by Malfoy.

"You can't pick both." Ginny argued.

"Would you split them up?" Malfoy said sarcastically. "Have a heart."

"Fine. You can have them." Ginny grinned. "I get everyone else."

"Well well Weasley." Malfoy said appraisingly. "Betting on quantity over quality?"

"Shut up and release the bludgers."

Ginny shot past a cabinet laughing, the crash from behind her told her George hadn't been so lucky. The quaffle flew up and bounced inside the chalk circle on the wall.

"Goal!" Ginny spun on the spot, pumping her fist in the air.

"You're still behind Weasley!" Malfoy yelled as he shot past.

Damn it he was right, Ginny shot forward after him. If only the snitch would appear! It shouldn't be so hard to catch it in this enclosed area. Unfortunately the charms on the snitch were never designed to deal with an irregular maze of cabinets and as a result it kept moving erratically. They had found and lost it three times already. Ginny saw Malfoy trying to score and being blocked by Ron. She took the opportunity to take another look for it.

"Over there!" Someone yelled, Ginny didn't hesitate. The flash of gold disappeared behind a urn and Ginny spun around it. Where was it? Another flash, there by the rack of swords. Ginny heard a crash from the side her, Malfoy was closing in. There, by the glass again? No! By the urns again! Damn it, there were reflections everywhere. It was like there were six snitches!

Ginny narrowly avoided colliding with the wall. A thump behind her told her Malfoy wasn’t so lucky. There it was! Right near the corner of the room. Ginny sped up, it was so close! Her fingers closed around it. And it felt... wrong.

Ginny drew to a halt, holding the thing in her hand. It was gold, but it wasn’t a snitch. It was a cup, a little gold plated teacup, still struggling to escape from her fingers. Draco hovered in next to her, looking perplexed.

“That didn‘t used to fly.” He grabbed it out her hand, holding it by it’s tiny handle and letting it try to pull away. “This isn‘t even stored in this room.”

“What is it?”

“It‘s a teacup Weasley how dense are you?” Draco insulted idily, still staring at the tiny thing. “Or did you always just drink out of a trough at your house?”

“No.” Ginny just gritted her teeth and swallowed the insult. They had to live in this house for weeks yet. “Where did it come from?”

The other marauders came in closer, staring at it.

“I saw it by the door.” Parvati said curiously. “I thought it was hovering there but maybe it came through.”

“We should look.” Malfoy began floating in that direction.

“What about the real snitch?” Fred asked, wrestling a bludger back into its case.

“It‘s just a training snitch. It comes when it‘s called.” Malfoy held out his hand. “Ollyollyoxen!” In a flash of gold the snitch darted down from the ceiling and settled in his hand.

“Lets go.” He said curtly, jerked his head and floated off towards the door.

“Guess we‘re not walking.” Hermione murmured as the marauders flew after him. The corridor was fairly narrow and the marauders had to fly in single file. The empty portraits were here as well, even the animals in the landscapes had left.

“Do you hear that?” Neville whispered and clumsily stopped.

“What Longbottom?” Malfoy turned in the air, impatience clear on his face. “I don‘t hear anything.”

“That would be because you‘re talking.” Padma snapped at him. “Shut up a minute.”

Silence filled the hallway for a moment, then... a distant noise. It sounded like an explosion underwater, muffled by the walls. The marauders looked at each other, they had all heard it.

“There it is again.” Ron said quietly as the sound echoed down the hall.

“Sounds...” Malfoy screwed up his face. “It‘s beneath us.”

“Are you sure?” Ginny floated forwards to where he was hovering. “It‘s echoing a lot, maybe-”

“My house Weasley.” Malfoy cut her off. “It‘s coming from beneath us. This way.” Malfoy shot forward and turned sharply into a side corridor. Ginny rushed to keep up with him and she could hear the marauders behind her doing the same. A door was flung open in front of them and Ginny spun into it, following the blond flash in front of her. Down some steps, along a long dark hall, next - STOP!

Ginny had to break harshly to avoid hitting Malfoy who was hopping off his broom in front of a large wooden door.

“You! You...!”

“What‘s the matter Weasley?” Malfoy shouldered his broom. “Had trouble keeping up?”

“I almost hit you!” Ginny dropped to the floor. “Why did you stop?”

“We‘re here.” As Malfoy said it a loud bang issued from the other side of the door. Ginny looked behind her to see the marauders just coming around the corner. Hermione looked terrified, Neville looked ill.

“Well lets see then.” Malfoy drew his wand and pushed at the heavy door. It slowly crept open. Inside was an empty hall, looked like it was usually used for storage or something. The only things left were a few odd tables and a few boxes. In the middle of the room stood Harry, bare chested with his scars pure white against his tanned and sweating skin. On a box next to him was a odd pile of junk. As they watched he took a plate and held his wand to it. At a whispered word there were two plates, then three, then four. Harry dropped the original back into the pile and tapped the fakes with his wand. They instantly flew off in all directions. Harry jabbed his wand and in a fraction of a second-

BANG! One shattered near the ceiling. Harry whirled. BANG! Shattering into shards. BANG! Smashing the side and sending the last plate spinning into the wall.

Harry caught sight of the marauders and grinned before waving them over.

“Thanks.” Harry said, plucking the cup out of Malfoy’s hand. “Must have missed that one.” He released it and it instantly whizzed into the air.

“You don‘t need to keep duplicating things you know.” Malfoy said dryly. “I‘ve got tons of this junk.”

“Right.” Harry shrugged. “Just didn‘t want to bother you.”

“Harry what are you doing with these?” Hermione asked, sounding almost scared.

Ginny looked where Hermione was pointing and swallowed fearfully. Arranged in a neat row along the table was a sharp and wickedly curved sword, a short spear with a lighting bolt carved into the haft, a round ball that had holes for fingers and seemed to be glowing from within and no less than three muggle firearms.

“Souvenirs.” Harry shrugged lightly. “From my travels.”

“Harry please tell us what you’re doing down here?” Hermione pleaded.

“Training.” Harry flicked his wand over his shoulder without looking and the cup, zipping past too fast to see, exploded in mid air. “I told you that didn‘t I?”

Ginny just stared, this was too much. All the marauders expected insanity from Harry but this...

Malfoy was the first to speak.

“You bought an impact sphere?” He was looking at the bowling ball like thing. “You shouldn‘t have, my father had two in his vault.”

“I may need spares.” Harry shrugged.

“Harry is this stuff dark magic?” Hermione was shying away from the table.

“Depends on your perception.” Harry replied airily. “It‘s certainly illegal magic. Whether it‘s dark is more about the use it‘s put to than the thing itself. These things are just tools.”

“And the guns?” Hermione pointed. “Did you buy those illegally too?”

“Strangely no, I bought them legally in Vegas.” Harry picked up the largest one. The marauders took a collective step back. “Bringing them back to the UK was the illegal bit.”

“Wh... wh...”

“No wait, I used fake i.d. to buy them... never mind.” Harry shrugged. “Yes I bought them illegally.”

"Harry, your wand..." Malfoy was staring at the bramble-wood wand in Harry's hand. "Are you still using the one you stole from Macnair?"

"Yes," Harry clanced down at the dark wand. "Why do you ask?"

"Harry, do you not think that using a wand you stole from a dead death eater is a bit..." Malfoy swallowed. "A bit... creepy?"

"Why? I was the one that killed him."

"You could buy a new one from Ollivander." Neville suggested.

"And risk it not working as well as this one does?" Harry balanced the thick, twisted wand on the edge of his hand before flicking it up into the air and catching it, all the while with the gun held nonchalantly in his other hand. "This one works for me, maybe as well as my old one did. Besides... it sort of fits doesn't it? This wand's done a lot of violence in it's lifetime. Lots of hurting, fighting, and that's exactly what I intend to use it for."

Hurting? Fighting?... Killing... Ginny swallowed. Harry hadn't said that last one but she could feel him thinking it.

“Harry why are you doing this?” Ron asked.

“What do you mean why?” Harry looked at Neville, then at Malfoy. “Didn‘t you tell them?”

“Yeah. I told them.” Neville said softly.

“Then what?” Harry dropped the gun back down to the table. It sounded heavy. “I need to fight Voldemort. I have to fight Voldemort.”

“Yeah but Harry-” Ginny started, but was cut off.

“I have to fight Voldemort and you know what? I‘ll lose!” Harry slashed the air angrily. “I‘ll lose, I mean what else would happen? I spotty, ignorant fifteen year old against the most dangerous wizard on the planet? I‘ll lose, he‘ll win, we‘ll all be screwed. Don‘t you see? I can‘t afford to be an ignorant teenager any more. I have to be better. I need to be better. Because I can‘t lose, can‘t afford to lose. None of us can afford for me to lose. Do you know what it feels like to know that the whole world is royally screwed if you fail? No? Then shut up! Don’t try to stop me and don‘t ask me why! I know why, and if you took a microsecond to think you‘d know why too!”

Harry’s angry tirade shocked the marauders into silence. Harry turned back to his pile of junk and began duplicating a heavy glass bowl.

“Harry... you don‘t know when the prophecy will happen.” Neville surprisingly spoke up. “Maybe you won‘t be fifteen. Maybe you‘ll be twenty, or thirty. Maybe you have time...”

“Do you want to risk everything on maybe?” Harry answered without looking up. “Well I‘m not. It could be any time so I have to be ready any time. It could be tomorrow too.”

“Do you want someone to duel against?” Malfoy said quietly.

“You...!” Hermione whirled on him. “You can‘t help him!”

“Why not? He‘s right.” Malfoy shrugged, apparently unimpressed by Hermione’s angry face.

“Dumbledore said-”

“Dumbledore has been wrong before.” Malfoy cut her off. “It hurts nothing to be ready in case he‘s wrong this time.”

“But Harry could be killed!”

“Yes.” Malfoy nodded curtly. “He could. Did you not realize that? Did you perhaps think what happened last year was some sort of funny game?”

“Of course not, but-”

“Well then.” Malfoy sidestepped Hermione. “We duel. Besides... not like there‘s anything else to do around here.”

“Good point.” Ginny was surprised to hear her own voice. Oh no now everyone was looking at her, better say something. “And since we‘re all targets maybe we should try learning some stuff too.”

“At least we‘ll all get O‘s in defense.” Padma smiled wryly.

“So we‘re not going to talk about the prophecy?” Hermione turned to face Harry.

“What‘s there to say?” Harry shrugged. “It‘s fairly self explanatory. No one but me can kill Voldemort. Not much to discuss.”

“I... guess so...” Hermione bit her lip. “There‘s an order meeting tonight. Maybe we can ask Dumbledore...”

“Good.” Harry hoisted a glass bowl onto his shoulder and flung it out into the room. He aimed his wand and muttered under his breath. The bowl melted and splattered into a steaming heap on the floor. “There are some things I want to ask him too.”

“Where have you lot been!” Molly Weasley drew herself up. “You disappeared hours ago! All of you, gone all day! Now you‘re back and you look like you‘ve been fighting! Now you... Where do you think you‘re going!”

“Hu?” Draco turned from his progress towards the door. “What do you mean ‘Where am I going’? I‘m going to the kitchen.”

“You come back here young man!”

“Why? I‘m not your family. Nor am I one of these other waifs you seem to have adopted. I don‘t care for your opinion, nor for your misplaced and overworked maternal instinct. I‘m certainly not going to let you yell at me while you live under my roof.” Draco turned back to the door...

“Get back here!”

....and walked happily through it, with enraged silence left behind him.

“You do know that means you‘ll have to make you‘re own breakfast from now on.”

“Tonks.” Draco smiled and walked through the now crowded kitchen to where his cousin was sitting. Next to the werewolf. Draco shuddered inwardly and sat on her other side. “I couldn‘t eat another fried breakfast anyway. Any more and my broom won‘t be able to hold me.”

“I doubt that little cousin.” Tonks prodded him playfully before growing serious. “How‘s Harry doing?”

“He‘s...” Draco licked his lips and gestured for her to lean closer. “He‘s accepted the prophecy. He‘s accepted that he will fight Voldemort. He‘s preparing for it.”

“That sounds ominous.” Tonks shook her head. “Dumbledore‘s not going to like it.”

“Don‘t tell him.”

“I won‘t, but he‘ll find out anyway.”

“Will he?” A new voice came in. Draco looked up to see Harry slide in across from them. The werewolf grunted and got up, not looking at Harry. Tonks glanced after him, confused. Harry ignored it.

“How‘d you get away?” Draco asked.

“Disillusion.” Harry shrugged. “That deep into a tirade I doubt she‘ll count how many people she‘s yelling at. So... when‘s Dumbledore getting here?”

“Now.” Tonks stood as the ancient man walked into the kitchen. Harry was instantly on the other side of the bench and stepping up beside the Headmaster and tugging on his robe.

“Professor, can I talk to you ab-”

“After the meeting Harry.” Dumbledore brushed him off. “You have my word. But right now some of the order members have important missions they must get back to quickly.”

“Of course.” Harry stepped back, nodding amicably. “I understand.”

What? Draco crossed his arms and frowned. Why was Harry being so calm? What was going on? As the order members filed out he sidled up to Harry’s side?

“What was that?”


“You being calm and nice towards Dumbledore. What are you up to?”

“I‘m always nice.”

“You‘re always up to something.”

“Are you suggesting?” Harry drew himself up haughtily. “That I am only nice when I have an agenda? That I am manipulative and self serving that way? That I would only be calm if I, oh say... wanted to slip a listening device into the pocket of someone‘s robes before they went into an order meeting... or something like that?”

Snape stepped into the manor and strode towards the main dining room. He wasn’t late precisely, just... no longer appropriately prompt. He pushed the door open and walked to the open seat next to Natalie.

“Have I missed anything important?”

“Attacks.” The unspeakable was idly scraping her finger along the edge of a copy of the daily prophet. “Dark marks. Wizards and witches we suspect have been turned, or put under the imperious curse.

"Nothing important then."

"Nothing new at least." Natalie tuned to him. "Did you hear they found Harry?"

"I heard Harry found them." Snape cracked a smile. "Or Moody at least."

"Severus," A soft voice called. Snape looked over to Dumbledore, who was looking at him expectantly. "Is there any news?"

"Yes." Snape brought himself back to the task at hand. "The dark lord is moving."

"Well duh." The voice near the end of the table was swiftly silenced by a flat stare.

"The dark lord is moving more specifically. Now that Greyback is dead all but a few of the werewolves have deserted him. He seeks new troops to sew panic, he has chosen to acquire by solid wealth this time rather than empty promises. He is arranging purchase of large numbers of various exotic species, lethifolds primarily. Chimaeras if it can find a willing seller."

"Why?" Lupin asked from down the table. "Why mindless beasts?"

"Precisely because they are mindless." Snape explained. "His criminal army from Azkaban has not been as effective as he hoped."

"They've torn the country apart!" Someone yelled.

"But only in their own capacity. They have not followed orders well, they are distracted. The dark lord has killed a lot of them, he seems tired of human failings. In a way he doesn't want an army, he wants a weapon. Something he can unleash at will. Doubtless he will be employing the imperious curse to see that his will is done."

"It doesn't work on lethifolds." Lupin said with certainty. A little sniff of relief slid through Snape's mind, swiftly swallowed up with darkness.

"But it does work on chimeras. And on manticores."

"Manticores?" The former defense teachers eyes grew wide.

"Well, manticore at present. But he is looking for others."

"Why not simply use it on the criminals?" Someone asked.

"Both because that would make them less effective fighters and because long exposure to the Dementors seems to have made them surprisingly resistant to mental attacks." Snape leant closer over the table to speak to the order as a whole. "I have the dates he plans to meet with creature traders. If we arrange a trap we can get ahead of him and-"

"No." Dumbledore spoke with quiet authority.

"We cannot allow this to happen."

"If we act he will assuredly guess the source of our information." Dumbledore shook his bearded head. "You are too valuable at present to risk. You are our only source of information."

"Information we never act on." Snape clenched his fists on the cold mahogany table. "What use is my spying... what use is this order if we are too scared to ever act."

"We cannot act rashly."

I do not act rashly. You simply do not act. Snape bit back the words we wanted to fling at the old man. It would be pointless.

"We could instead liaise with the foreign auror departments." Snape tried to trick himself into thinking this was anything other than a damage limiting attempt. "They could arrest some of the traders before the dark lord can meet with them."

"Perhaps," Dumbledore nodded. "There are very few people we can trust. I will try to get in contact with some old friends that may be able to help."

Old friends? Of yours? Won't they be dust or lingeringly senile ghosts by now?

Natalie gave no outward sign that she had heard Snape's projected though, but she reached over and laid her hand on his arm.

“Is there anything else?”

“Barty Crouch still has not returned.” Snape shook his head, Barty Crouch had become Voldemort’s favorite, surpassing even Belatrix. Snape had hoped at one time that Barty’s failure to gain the ministry would count against him, and it had, but apparently throwing it into turmoil had been enough. That and successfully bringing Harry Potter directly to the dark lord. All that made it even more suspicious that Barty was absent from death eater gatherings. The dark lord kept his servants close, if he was letting one off their tether then it had to be for something important.

“Do you think he has left the country?” Someone down the table asked.

“It is possible.” Snape nodded. “But whatever he is doing it has it‘s root here. The dark lord has always intended to take this country before moving on to the rest of the world. That has not changed. It may also involve espionage.”

“Why do you say that?”

“It is Barty Crouch‘s specialty is it not?” Snape shrugged. “But the dark lord has ordered me to begin researching polyjuice potion in an attempt to make it work for any humanoid species.”

“You think it is connected?”

“I do not know.” Snape answered honestly. “It could just as easily be involved in his attempts to gain the support of the giants.”

“The dark lords plans are like spiderwebs.” Natalie said softly. “We can assume everything is connected.” If anyone other than Snape heard her they said nothing.

“Is that all?”

“Other than hours of listening to the dark lords dark pontificating on the subject of the death or subjugation of all muggles?” Snake crooked an eyebrow. “No.”

"Good. What news from the ministry?" Dumbledore had turned to Shacklebolt, who sighed and shook his head.

"It has become official. Fudge is still minister for magic."

A general groan went up from around the room. Snape just closed his eyes and took a calming breath. After the events of last year the ministry had been fractured to its very core. The near-election of a death eater had made them fearful as rabbits. Fudge had, the moment Dumbledore left the building, ran back to his office and virtually barricaded himself inside. All summer he had been wrangling the ministry around to the idea that his expulsion was not valid because of the deceptions of Barty Crouch Jr.

That was, Snape had to admit, technically true. Although the vote to remove Fudge had been won by a comfortable margin the original motion to remove a minister for magic could only be tabled by a member of the Wizengamot. Crouch Jr was not a member, only impersonating one, therefore the motion and, by extension, the vote was void. A piece of bureaucratic foolishness that meant they were stuck with that ridiculous man until someone else drummed up enough support to oust him.

"We could replace him." Natalie said, seeming to read his thoughts like she often did (even when not actually doing so). "Everyone in my department thinks he's a joke."

"Ours too." Shacklebolt rumbled.

"The whole ministry does." Arthur Weasley added. "The whole wizarding population. The problem is that no one wants to put in a nomination for fear of looking like they're following Crouch's example."

"So we put someone forward." Snape said definitely. "We field a candidate no one can argue is a death eater."

"And they will be shot down by those who resent Dumbledore interfering in the ministry. Fudge was not the only one." Shacklebolt shook his head. "I realize this opinion may not be the most easy to hear, but perhaps we should allow him to stay for now."

"What?" Snape asked acidically. His anger was echoed down the table as others voiced their complaint.

"I realize the situation is not ideal." Shacklebolt held his hands up. "But Fudge is scared to touch any known order members or anyone else who waves Dumbledore's standard. As a result he is leaving the aurors office and the rest of the department relatively untouched. We can carry out our work without any overbearing oversight for now. And besides, with all the ex-Azkaban residents running around causing trouble we do not have time for a political battle on top of that. If we can not have a sympathetic minister of magic, one that stays out of our way is a good second choice."

"So it is agreed." Dumbledore looked up solemnly. "We allow him to remain while he remains un-troublesome."

Snape grimaced but didn't comment. Once more nothing would be done.

"Is guard duty for the next week set up?" Dumbledore asked the assembled order. There was a general nodding. It had not been hard to organize, not with a member inside the department of mysteries.

"Then we should all get back to work." Dumbledore stood. "And we should all prepare for attacks by magical beings. Lupin can, I'm sure, remind you of the best methods to repel them."

Snape stood quickly, he couldn't be missed for long. The dark lord was as watchful of his servants as he was of his of his enemies. Snape turned to Natalie,

"My guard duty is scheduled for Tuesday, at eleven."

"I'll be sure to be in the office then." Natalie nodded. Snape knew that he would be living for Tuesday at eleven. He reluctantly turned and made for the door. Unfortunately there was a blockage, the whole order was bunched up at the wide double doors. Snape quickly pushed to the front and was almost forced to laugh.

Harry had built a barricade.

The fifth year was sitting casually on an overturned desk, resting his feet on a drawer. The rest of the arching wall was mostly chairs and tables, and one suit of armor.

"Harry this was not necessary." Dumbledore stepped forward, his hands stretched peacefully. "I promised we would talk."

"I wanted your full attention." Harry replied wryly. "I want to fight."

"Harry you are not old enough to join the order."

"You think Voldemort will care?"

"We will keep you safe from Voldemort."

"Right." Harry dropped off his perch and landed, cat like, on the floor. "'Cos that tactic's worked wizard so far. You know I have to fight. I have to fight him."

"Harry I have made my decision."

"I contest the sanity of your decision." Harry grated. "You just going to let Voldemort walk all over this country?"

"Harry Potter I have had enough of this." Dumbledore waved his wand angrily. The barricade disappeared with a deafening crack. "You will stay where I put you until it is safe for you to do otherwise. If you will spare no thought for your own safety others must do it for you. You will stay here. You will be safe here."

"Unless a lethifold creeps in through the window." Harry said flatly. Dumbledore went cold, then glanced at Snape. Harry chuckled and continued. "Don't look at him. This is you're fault. You let me hear everything."

"How Harry?" Dumbledore crooked an eyebrow, but his usual good humor was gone.

"I'll let you stew over it." Harry folded his arms. "I want to fight. I want to sit in order meetings. I want a tutor to teach me to duel."

"You may have none of those things." Dumbledore wasn't moving, just standing like a statue. Radiating menace. "As for defense training you will find it at Hogarts, in your regular defense class."

"Well I hope at least you've got someone good." Harry sneered, then, glancing at McGonagall, let out a little choked laugh. "You haven't found anyone have you?"

"I will not discus this with you Harry." Dumbledore drew his wand. "I have more important things to do." And with that he turned and apparated away with an angry crack.

The order members began to shuffle out, giving Harry a wide berth. Lupin in particular was staring at him with what could only be described as loathing. Snape walked up to the solitary student.

"Perhaps you should not antagonize him."

"He antagonizes me." Harry answered, sounding a little defeated. "I don't understand him."

"Few people do."



"Great." Harry shrugged, then looked up to meet Snape's eyes. "Would... you teach me to fight?"

I should have expected that question. Snape took a breath to give himself time to consider his response.


"Why?" Harry asked, sounding somewhere between anger and helplessness. "You know what's at stake!"

"If I teach you then you will fall into the trap of thinking you are ready." Snape shook his head. "I could pass on everything I know to you and you would still lose to the dark lord because I would lose to the dark lord."

"I'm not just gonna rush in half cocked."

"You will, inevitably." Snape said, hoping bluntness could get through to him. You will inevitably seek him out because, despite everything you have gone through, you are still a teenage boy."

"I'm not an idiot."

"Yes you are." Snape corrected. "You are young, by definition you are an idiot."

"Haven't been young for weeks." Harry drew up his sleeve and unclipped an unexpected bracer. "Not since I got this."

Snape momentarily thought of asking where he had got the evil eye bracer but thought better of it. The answer was of no particular use. He almost wanted to ask if Harry had a spare.

"Harry..." Snape glanced around to see if anyone was listening. Natalie was but that was beyond the point. "If you want my advice you will continue as you have no doubt been doing. Train, learn everything you can. When the time comes, I promise I will teach you."

"Fine." Harry seemed defeated, distant. "Will you at least teach me occlumency? I can't use that to fight."

"I will think on it. Now I must go." Snape turned and walked away. It was surprisingly difficult.

"Fine." Harry muttered to himself. "I'll try Moody."

The marauders had to hunt Harry again that evening. He had disappeared before dinner and was nowhere to be seen. The border wards hadn't been tripped but with Harry that meant next to nothing. They found him in a disused stairway, sitting in the rainbow blur of a stained glass window. With the light mottling his skin like some jungle cat the marauders hesitated to approach him.

"You missed dinner." Ron eventually began.

"Not hungry."

"What were you doing?"

"Begging. Again." Harry let out a rough, sick, laugh. "Full circle."

"What do you mean begging?" Fred frowned. "You've got money don't you?"

"Not money." Harry was still looking up into the light. "I've spent the evening begging order members, aurors... everyone really, to teach me to fight. Waste of my time..." Harry trailed off shaking his head.

"They said no?" Malfoy was leaning against a banister. "Who did you ask?"

"Snape, Moody, Tonks, Shacklebolt, McGonagall..." Harry sighed. "Flitwick, he was a dueling champion. I even asked Lupin, or tried to before he slammed the door on me. Why would he do that? Why would any of them... they know what I have to do. They have to know..."

"We'll help you Harry." Ginny stepped forward. "We said we would."

"It's not the same. I need a teacher." Harry shook his head. "There's only so much I can get from books and... peer learning."

"Well... maybe you could ask whoever they get to teach defense this year." Hermione suggested. "Or maybe they'll be really good any you won't have to."

"You don't get it!" Harry covered his face with his hands. "It's not just chucking around a couple of stunners. None of you have seen a real wizards duel, not proper dueling. Not like what Voldermort's capable of. Not like what I'll have to be capable of if I want to stand a chance at winning. None of you have seen it."

"Really, have you seen it?" Padma asked, eyebrows raised.

"Of course, I saw... him... duel with..." Harry paused for a moment, then a fraction of a sparkle lit the corner of his eye. "With him. Maybe..."

"Harry?" Hermione reached out but Harry had shot to his feet like a jack in a box.

"Has Digger found your owlery?" He was looking at Malfoy.

"Yes your poor over-traveled and long-suffering bird has found my owlery." Malfoy rolled his eyes. "If you're going to globetrot you should really tell your owl to stay home."

"I would." Harry disappeared up the stairs. "But I don't have a home."

The next day, at breakfast, Harry seemed strangely chipper.

"We should go back to the cellar, maybe duel some, hang out. Bring the chess set if you want." Harry was idly juggling three oranges in his right hand while gesturing with the other. "After toast obviously."

"Sure... sure

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Chapter 6 - Too Close an Encounter ~~~***~~~ When Harry shut the door to his room and descended the stairs he was, perhaps, the happiest he had ever been in all his life. The sun sent golden rays streaking through the coloured windows above and cast a golden image on the floor below, tinged with enough red to make Harry think fleetingly of Fawkes. His hair a tangled mess, he was wearing a T-shirt, boxers and socks, one with a rather large hole through which the large toe on his right...

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Harry Potter and the Birth of a New Sun Chapter 1 - Dreams in the Heat ~~~***~~~ Drip. In the silence… drip… within the warm stone walls… drip… Harry could hear every sound… drip… from every room… drip… and could not sleep… drip. The rain, which only moments earlier had roared outside the castle like the hidden waterfall of the Forbidden Forest, left only the lingering drip of water into shallow pools collected between rock and mortar. Uncovered and naked on his bed, he was still...

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Chapter 51 - The Truth Revealed ~~~***~~~ With the help of Gabriella, Harry wore a two-piece black pinstripe suit and polished black shoes. Unfortunately his hair, which started out the morning better than normal, was now as disheveled as ever. The manager at Marley’s Men’s Shop had told him that a black handkerchief was a poor idea, but Harry thinking it appropriate for a funeral didn’t listen. Now, he understood why it was a poor idea. It was strange being fitted for a Muggle suit...

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Chapter 41 - A Reason to Be ~~~***~~~ Harry set his quill down on the desk next to the parchment. His hand was cramped, his back ached, and he was so tired he considered laying his head down and going to sleep. Still, it was as if a great weight had been taken from his shoulders. The sky was blue and the sun bright as it streamed into the classroom. An odd contradiction to the subject matter he’d just finished describing--astronomy. He had completed his last end of term exam and was...

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Chapter 21 - Protecting the Snake ~~~***~~~ Outside, the rain continued to pour down as Harry made his way back to the Gryffindor common room. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen this much rain. The conditions were miserable, and Harry had to sneer, thinking of Malfoy and what he’d have to do to return to the castle. By now, the Slytherin would be up and about in Hogsmeade. What would he try to do? Harry stopped to look down through a window to the Hogwarts grounds below. Through...

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Chapter 11 - An Unhappy Inheritance ~~~~***~~~~ It was dawn, but still quite early. The sky was a glowing deep purple and in the dim light it took Harry a moment to adjust his eyes and clear his head. He slipped on his glasses and patted the edge of his bed where Hedwig hopped to his side. He untied the post from her leg and held it in his hands. The dreams of the night before were washed from his mind as he looked at the writing. It was addressed simply: Harry, My Love. His heart began...

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Prologue The golden candlelight flickered off the stone walls, walls built before the founding of Hogwarts, before the campaigns of Charlemagne, before the birth of Christ. These walls endured the battles of Pharaoh, and of Caesar, and saw the creation of magic in the earliest of days. The rhythmic chant of the sixteen, cloaked in black, resonated against the walls, which somehow knew what was to come. A thin, toothless, smile creased her aged face, worn by years of waiting, but now…...

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There was a dark and stifling silence in the small, disheveled bedroom at the top of the stairs. The room wasn’t much to look at, but it was arguably a great improvement over the cupboard under the stairs. The shadows of the room held a troubled boy with dark, unruly hair and an unmistakable lightning bolt scar. In torment, he writhed in his bed as he slept. It was frustration and fear rolled into one. He felt as though he were being held back from something, or perhaps from someone....

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The sun dropped in the sky over the castle, mottling the horizon with swirl of muted pink and gold. The air held the crisp feel of the approach of cooler nights and the smell of fall was in the air. The new school term had begun at Hogwarts again. If it hadn’t been for the sheer weight of things to come, it would have been a very pleasant evening indeed. A boy with dark, untamable hair and an unmistakable lighting bolt scar sat quietly looking out of a castle window from his dormitory...

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________________________________________ It was a nice garden, the garden at Malfoy Manor. At one time the bushes were elegantly crafted topiary, a menagerie of fantastic creatures in fanciful poses, but they had been untended for a year and now they looked just like bushes. Just here or there you could see a shadow of a dragon, the wing of a swan. It was like looking at clouds. The grass had grown up too, long blades that got between your toes. It was half wild but then that was good. It...

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________________________________________ “Harry?” Padma said quietly, standing at the end of the hospital bed. Harry seemed to be sleeping, his chest rising and falling weakly. His eyes were red, like he’d been crying. Perhaps the pain was worse than he let on. She felt bad for needing to wake him. “Harry wake up.” She reached out and tapped his leg. He jerked fitfully, but his eyes flickered open. He didn’t speak though, didn’t acknowledge her. He just stared off into space. What had...

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________________________________________ “One… two… THREE!” Harry yanked up on the broom and tried like hell to hold on as it shot into the air. He saw the stands come into view and screamed, throwing his weight up and scraping over the top by an inch. He tried to slow down but the broom didn’t seem to hear him. He was forced to try and control it as it careened along the ground. All he could do was try to aim the thing like a bull in a rodeo as it bucked and vibrated at sixty miles...

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________________________________________ Harry lay on his back on his bed with his mothers locket dangling above him. The bloody thing was taunting him he was sure. He had run some detection charms over it and been shocked to find that the thing was wrapped up six ways from Sunday. Harry flicked through one of the books laid around him but found nothing he hadn’t already seen before. “What now Harry.” Neville had asked him earlier that day when Harry was dragging his way through some...

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“Someone back up on the street that I‘d rather didn‘t recognise me.” “Oh right. Bloody paparazzi.” Harry stepped back out into the street and did his school shopping quickly. When he walked back past Fortescue’s the wizard was still there, showing the waitress a long scar on his arm. * Harry stood in the country lane and rechecked the letter he held in his hand. He was sure he was at least in the right village and probably on the right road. It was just that the road went a...

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The owl swooped down over sleeping London, a letter, signed and sealed in emerald green clutched in its talons. Even if it had had only the stars to see by it would still have been able to fly true, but it wasn’t necessary. London sleeping was almost as bright as London awake. But light or no light this delivery was a tough one. The post owls prided themselves on being able to find anyone but it didn’t make it easy when the address was simply … London, somewhere… But Dumbledore had given...

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A/N: Sorry for the delay in getting this out, I had an accident with my flash drive and everything on it was deleted including the first draft of this chapter. But things are on track now, so getting back in the swing of things, a rewrite of the chapter from the beginning… Read, review and enjoy! After taking Simon’s wand and returning Luna’s to her, Harry left the boy magically bound on the couch with Jacey to watch over him. Allowing him to gently pull her down the hall to the...

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Ron slammed his fists down on the bed, tired of feeling guilty and mad and frustrated. Maybe he needed a friend right now after all, someone to talk to and help get some of this off his chest. Harry had claimed to want to listen… but that had been while he’d come to defend Luna’s honor. He didn’t really feel like talking about any of this to the guy who was now in all probability sleeping with his first love. He sat up at the sudden sharp knock on his door and quickly strengthened the...

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A/N: Welcome back! Lots to learn, so away we go!   Harry’s words hung in the air between them, full of intentionally unintended emotion. Luna had asked him why, had needed a reason for why he couldn’t just let her be as she was begging him to do. And so he had given her one that had stunned them both into silence. He felt he had somehow put one foot too far over the edge- of what he wasn’t sure. But he had to find a way to fix it. "I could never just leave you like this, I couldn’t...

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A/N: Read, Review, Enjoy!   Harry woke in a panic, clutching at his stomach. He found only a small clean bandage, not the wooden dagger he’d been dreaming of. Trying in vain to look around at his dark and blurry surroundings he began a search for his glasses, reflecting as he moved that while he felt stiff and sore, the terrible gut-wrenching pain he remembered was gone. Where was he? What had happened? His fingers finally brushed against the lens of his glasses as he blindly searched...

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Finally the door opened and his heart leapt into his throat. He was supposed to protect Cho last year, and had turned on her instead. If she really was orchestrating some grand scheme against the others from behind bars, then he hated to think what she had planned for him. Feeling cowardly for his thoughts, he straightened up and put on a smug face. After all, he would be the one getting to leave after they were done here. They sat her at the small table and shackled her to the chair,...

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This is a work of fiction and any similarity between events depicted and those recently reported in the press is entirely coincidental.                      Harrie"Harry, do you love me?" Rhoda asked suddenly, completely spoiling my mood."No," I replied, as I pulled out of her, with my tool sort of shrinking and oozing slime into the condom without me actually cumming."Why not Harry?" she asked."Cause you're the neighbourhood whore I guess Rhoda," I explained, "That's why I pay twenty five...

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Thats what Friends are for

Me,Jack and his missus,Heather were the best of friends.I mean we did everything together.The laughs we had were too numerous to tell. Now to get the picture right i must describe what we looked like! I was quite a skinny little runt,about five foot six blue eyes and shoulder length hair,no great shakes realy. Jim was smaller,about five foot five but stocky.Built like a wrestler and a strong fuck to boot. Now we come to heather. How can i put this without sounding nasty? Well,she was fat. I...

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A Country Girls First Party

Introduction: A story about drinking and being a virgin. She was two weeks away from seventeen when she went to Matt Davisons end of the year party. With long, pretty blonde hair, wide, curious blue eyes, she was the poster child for both the Midwest and innocence. Her name was Catherine, and she wasnt really a big party goer, but hell, she was almost seventeen and she wanted to talk to some real, honest-to-god boys. Because of her high and mighty all girls school, she didnt even know how...

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First Time SlicktygPart 3

The rest of the weekend went along without me flipping out again. We spent time in clothes out on real dates with food and activities but as soon as we got into the motel door my clothes were off and I was his slave.On one of our outings Slick took me to an adult toy shop. It catered to big women and cross dressers I think because most of the clothes were for larger framed people. We toyed with outfits and he tried to talk me into some roleplaying clothes, school girl or something, I wasn't...

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Daddys Dirty Secret Part 3

"Oh sure Dad" She replied sweetly, walking across the room. His eyes were already fixed on her tight young body as she approached him. "Sit down here next to me" His hand patting the couch next to him. It had only been a week since he went into her room and jerked off to her in secret. A short while later, he lay in bed next to his daughter as she masturbated to him. Now, this. She curled up next to him, her head resting in his lap. He felt his cock quickly growing hard in his pants as...

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Meeting the Boss

I love reading these stories and always wanted to have an experience worthy of submitting. Before I get started let me introduce myself. My name is Kellie. I’m 24 yrs old, 5’5”, 119 lbs, with a 34c-24-34 build, and a firm round butt (not too big), topped of with medium length, dirty blond hair. I have been married for 3 yrs to my husband of 31 yrs. David is 6’00” tall and fit, a hard worker and a good husband, who also has a cute butt. We had just moved to the panhandle of...

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Best Birthday Ever By My Girlfriend

To tel about me my name is karan(changed) and im 19 years old. Im fair 5.10 feet tall with nice body not so muscular but quite good. My gf name is pooja(changed) she 5.8 feet tall and has a great figure. Her sizes are 32-28-32. She has a good pair of firm boobs and a round ass which i love a lot. Coming to the story… I used to love my gf a lot but never got a chance to tell her about me. 1 fine day i found her in a social networking site and i was soooo happy to c her. I sent her a request and...

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Slowly Moving On Chapter 4

She turned back, smiled and watched me walk away.  I don’t think either of us knew what else to say.Chapter 4:  Medically Necessary?I woke up the next morning all kinds of confused.  I know that Grant and Justine were trying to help.  They were also in need of help.  Christ, they had really been there for me since Jenn died.  They just went along with my charade of saying the right things all the time to not worry them, when they knew the whole time that I was hurting.  They didn’t call me on...

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Joys of AccountingChapter 17

Tammy kept telling me the time wasn't right, she was scared, and all the other teen aged answers. Finally I got fed up and told her she should start dating other guys. "What? Why, come on, just now, haven't I got better at sucking? Is there something I'm not dong with your mother's group?" "Look Tam, you know I don't like doing this, but I've got the hots for your mom, this is too frustrating, If I can't get the two of you, then it's better that I don't see you. Every time...

2 years ago
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Little cocksucker pt 2 analized

Following on from 'Becoming a Little Cocksucker" ( http://xhamster.com/user/dlcalguy/posts/288833.html )I told Rick about what had happened with Mr Dixon. But I knew I couldn't tell anyone else. It was embarrassing and anyway it might come out that Rick and me had been doing the same thing. So I just started avoiding passing Mr Dixon's house. Actually, me and Rick had repeated our little adventures in the woods several times. In the woods, in a derelict warehouse, even in his bedroom one day...

4 years ago
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Becoming A Masturbation Addict

I love to masturbate. This is the story of how I turned myself into the bad masturbating slut that I am today. It all started when I was sixteen. I was in high school and I was a good girl at the time. I had never done anything sexual before, in fact I'd never even kissed anyone. I wasn't bad looking or anything but I was very shy. I had many friends who were all far ahead of me when it came to sex.One day I was with a few of them eating lunch. We were all talking about girly stuff. The...

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A few years ago I used to send my smelly panties and pantyhose to a crossdresser called Joxie. In particular he requested that my panties and tights must be ‘really worn and smelly’. In turn he would pose with them, however I wanted. He loved following my precise orders on how to pose. He’d send me the pictures of him (below) wearing or sniffing, or stuffing my used panties into his pantyhose, telling me that I could post the pics anywhere, as he loved the attention. It gave him a thrill...

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Gonna need another camera for this one hubby

"Honey," my wife called from the computer room. "I think you're gonna want to buy another camera, some lights and a few extra memory cards for this one!" "Really? I said when I got into the room where she was on the computer with her hand on her clit, "Why?"As we moved to the bed to watch from there she explained "Remember that personal ad we posted online s little while ago when I wanted my first black cock?" "Do I, not only was the ad hot, but the fucking Jerome gave you was the hottest thing...

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Cheating Boyfriend turned Gay GayMaker

Truthfully, the three biggest thrills for me are: 1. Turning a straight guy into a cocksucker 2. Having a turned guy begging for the privilege to suck me again. 3. Taking a virgin's ass and depositing my load deep in it; conversely, my greatest perversion is to make a guy keep my cum in his ass while he is doing something with his woman. Every person is given a talent from the Lord. For whatever reason the Lord gave me the innate ability to make straight as arrow guys became the cocksuckers (or...

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PetuniaChapter 13

They took the elevator down to the third level. It was cooler down here and she could hear the thrumming of big machines in some of the rooms they passed. The doors were labeled for maintenance, furnace, HVAC, and a huge freezer. There were also some huge vats of water with pumps and filters running. They looked like huge aquariums, as there was some sand and plants in them. She didn't see any fish, but she assumed the tanks were used to keep live lobsters for the special banquets they held...

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My Australian Adventure

I been trying to keep my real life incident a secret, but I finally decided to share it as a sex story. The thing about me is I am no star just an average Indian joe. I am 5’7 and when this incident happened I used to be very thin and just started my first job in Brisbane city. Back in 2006 I used to use Hi5 a social website similar to Facebook and was quite popular here. However coming back to this incident, I was going through my mates profile and I saw this lady about 31 who used to be my...

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Mature MILF Becomes a Slut for Rednecks

My name is Justin, and I will tell the first part of this story; then my wife will give her perspective on itJustin’s StoryMy wife, Emma, and I were born and raised in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, although we didn’t meet until our junior year in college. I knew from others that she was a wild party girl before we met, and she had a reputation for heavy drinking. I think I had a calming influence on her, even though she still loves to drink beer and whiskey, much more than I do.It was a little...

4 years ago
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maybe one day

Arrive home from work, he is already home and has a naughty glint in his eye. I have bought you a present he says its upstairs on the bed, I will be up in 5 minutes he says as he squeezes my bottom.I go upstairs there is indeed a present a Black Lace Bodystocking. I put it on he comes in and runs his hands over me, does it feel as good as it looks he asks, of course I reply.I have another surprise for you, lie face down on the bed he says.I do as he asks. Ever wanted to be tied up he asks as he...

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I was deployed

When I married my wife we had been living together for a short time and planning to marry around November, however being in the military, things change. I was to deploy with my unit at the end of May for six months to the desert, so we decided to get married before I left rather than wait until I returned. So we married, and two days later I left for the desert, it was a three day trip over with a stop in Germany for crew rest. I was on a small base with about 3,000 men and 150-200 women. All...

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Split Tails RanchChapter 5

SPLIT TAILS RANCH, PART 5 She didn’t realize she was holding my hand until the girls came running up to us. They stopped and stared before breaking into huge grins. She looked down, flushed to the roots of her hair, and let go. It just wasn’t done in the day and time, especially if the woman was newly widowed. It especially wasn’t done with the man who had killed her husband. She was expected to wear black in mourning for a year, but she steadfastly refused. “To do so would honor the...

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The Reluctant SultanChapter 10 Visitors

So we did just that. I moved out of the Evergreen Suites and into the duplex, choosing Sue's side to begin with. It didn't seem to matter much. The four women seemed interchangeable with each unit. Some nights I spent on Sue and Lori's side, others with Jan and Lexi. If there was one constant, it was amount of sex I was rewarded with. Maybe I should call it loving. It seemed very much like I had a loving relationship with my quartet. I wasn't quite that jaded ... yet. I didn't have a...

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Ms Marca Fucking My Old Neighbor

This is more in the life and times of my wild and wicked ways.   This is about me, just a part of my late teenage life!     Ms Marca     Fucking My Old Neighbor   My last two year of high school I was dating like it was going out of style and if I didn’t go out something was wrong. That summer of my 17th year I was also modeling at the mall or I was home doing nothing but working on my tan. Mother was always out running and doing something and father worked long hours and I had the place...

4 years ago
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Virginity Lost

Hi there. my name is Sajan, and I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories. this time I wanted to share my once in a life time experience I had about six months ago, with my nineteen year old cousin. I lost my virginity on that fateful day, as did she. about me; I am a twenty two year old male, reaching to about six feet in height. I have got a particularly well toned muscular frame, and, well, not bad to look at either. it all began when Saranya, the cousin I above mentioned, came to my home...

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The sexy squirter part 2

I plopped back onto the bed in a post orgasmic heap. My head was still spinning in part from the first round. The other half was a nervous anticipation for the goddess I just fucked to emerge from the shower so I could show her, what I like to think, as my real specialty: licking pussy. She emerged from the bathroom, her body slightly glistening."So...not done with me huh?", she said with a smirk as she walked toward the bed, eventually laying on her side next to me and giving my cock a few...

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Stood Up Part 2

Standing there with my jeans and boxers around my ankles, my still rigid dick and this beautiful wanton brunette gently stroking the remains of my cum into her pussy, I was struggling to believe what had just happened, though I was soon snapped out of reverie when she asked me once again, “Come on, let’s get into your car so we can get back to yours and my pussy can feel that cock inside it.”Who was I to argue? Less than an hour ago I’d just been stood up because my date had a “better...

2 years ago
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Sharing is caring

I have always wanted to watch my wife with another man. Her sexy 34D and redish brown hair on her 120 lb frame are amazing to watch move in the bedroom. I have fantasized about being able to watch her with someone else froma different viewpoint over and over, and finally I was given the chance with my best friend.My friend, Tim was visiting us from out of town. I could tell he always had a thing for my wife Katie. That night Katie decided to wear a little dress I had bought her a while back....

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Emergency Pill 8211 Part I

Hi guys and gals I am Shekhar, 24, Pune. I don’t want to give stats cause I am not much handsome or anything. Neither I am like a hunk with very muscular body. To describe myself I would ask you to imagine any common guy walking on the streets. Anyways enough of bull shit lets come to the point. This is real incident happened with me I am sure for lot of readers this will seem like some fake story copied from a 3rd class unknown movie. Ok to start somewhere I will start with the journey where...

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Black on White in the afternoon

It was a Saturday afternoon and I was super horny. My son was away at school and it had been a couple of months since we had sex. I missed his big cock. He knew I had other sexual partners and I knew he was fucking different girls at school. I was thinking about who I could call. I decided to give John a call to see what he was doing. John is a young black guy that works out in our distribution center warehouse. He is a 26 yr college student. He lives in an apartment near work. We have had some...

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