Female Boss At The Bank - Controlling Cow free porn video

They treat their employees like slaves and puts unrealistic demands on them to quantify their shortcomings further up the ladder. They have conflicting goals that only hurt the customer and put sales goals and numbers ahead of customer satisfaction every time. When I was hired, I had never met another human being as awful as my boss. She would call me outside of business hours to tell me I am not doing well and threaten to write me up when I was on pace or ahead of all my peers in sales goals within the same region. I would stroke off to her picture while she was on the phone.
Note my peers’ manager's NEVER threatened to write them up for failing worse than me, but my manager was mentally ill. She would blame me for the branch's shortcomings on sales and would alter customer accounts without their consent if she felt it was in the best interest of the branch. She would pick and choose whose overdrafts to pay every morning based on the fact if she liked them or not. I once saw her rubbing banknotes on her pussy before handing them to customers.
She forceD me to sign my mother in law up for an insurance policy, otherwise she said she would refuse my vacation (which was approved and airline tickets paid for over 6 months prior), she told me she would not authorize my bonus money that I deservedly earned, if I did not spend it on increasing the bank numbers, and I could not report her to HR because she lies and covers herself perfectly, placing all the blame on her subordinates. Sheila, the secretary with 6 k**s, had to masturbate her own asshole to show her proper indentured servitude.
She threatened to fire the entire teller line one day for not referring them for cross sales. This woman is out of control and needs to be fired for her toxic attitude, but it would never happen so I quit. After I decided to quit I then decided I would explain every little piece of harassment I received from this miserable human being to HR in my exit interview. Guess what? She REFUSED my exit interview with HR and conducted it herself! Although she blew me, she would not let me come in her mouth but made me finish myself off in her rubbish bin.
So alas no one knows the truth about this woman because she scares and threatens all of her subordinates to the point they refuse to speak up about her. I applied for an internal transfer, and before it was granted she brought in my replacement (by the way the transfer never happened and the branch did not create enough revenue for two personal bankers to be there). I forgot to mention we were one of the only local branches closed on the weekend, and at the beginning of the month she demanded I provide at least 2 weekends a month I was available so she could force me to work 6 days a week and show her higher ups how good of a manager she was, while my replacement claimed that according to her religion she was not able to work weekends, and she was not licensed to sell insurance or investments, so my replacement was completely inferior and not held to the same standards as me, but this is common practice for this terrible place. This religious issue didn't prevent her from making my replacement eat her out in the office.
My specific job duties were to open x checking accounts, y investment referrals, and z insurance policies a quarter. My replacement just had to get checking accounts because she was not licensed. The one time I met my quarterly goals (the time I had to sell an insurance policy to my mother in law), I then left for vacation and she did not send the last insurance policy in until it was 1 day late thus forfeiting my quarterly bonus of approx $2,000. You are nothing but a number to the bank, and they use deceptive practices to enroll and sign you up for things you do not want or need just to meet sales numbers, and it is not this way with other banks.
My recommendation to everyone/ anyone that reads this is stay far far away from this place, as the day I left I closed EVERYTHING and never looked back and never will be back and I am more than happy to answer any questions about the inner workings of their retail banking system.
The only good part was that my boss has a private bathroom and I could spy on her in there from a closet which had a hole through the wall. For such a controlling bitch she seriously missed out on this one. She spent half her day watching porn - I have never seen such a huge bottle of personal lube get used so fast. Her pussy must have been sanded smooth by all the rubbing. One time she just lightly peed herself when coming, and I couldn't decide whether to laugh out loud (bad idea) or come.
My biggest turnon was watching the few times when customers would catch her up to some shit and ream her out in her office. She consented to an anal cockride while the guys wife watched and fucked herself with a dildo - the best act of contrition I'd seen.

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