Janie the reluctant Pony Girl
- 4 years ago
- 29
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Janie Dillinger was a bright girl, a straight A student in most regards, a girl with a bright future, except in Debenham, in Markham County, girls somehow did not seem to get on in the world.
Janie often marvelled at how clever her dad was, he could do her maths assignments and watch TV at the same time while her mom would always say "Oh see your dad, I don't know" despite her mom's own straight A grades from almost twenty years before.
Debenham was small town narrow mindedness personified, everyone went to Church on Sunday, everyone got married and had kids, all the husbands were smarter than their wives, each fall the class graduated from high school and about two years later the girls returned, married, sometimes they then moved away with their husbands but often they stayed right in town, happy to bring up kids, and keep house, where before they had wanted to be an executive or surgeon.
The semester ended and with high school finished Janie looked forward to college, the oldest of four children, with a sister and two brothers, she looked forward to the future but remained puzzled by her parents reference to her going to "college," yes but which?
Her mom fussed around her, always asking which boys she liked, and although even high school kids were not allowed to date in Debenham in case it interfered with their studies, the evidence her mom saw as she washed Janie's knickers made it clear that somebody turned her on.
Janie would not admit, even to herself at first, that she lusted after Jake McGuann,
something about him, she knew not what, made her shiver quietly on the hottest day and caused those embarrassing wet patches in the white knickers that the school insisted on the girls wearing. Jake lived on her street, he was out of her league, like a high school drop out loser, but so strong, she saw him lift a car by its' fender while someone changed a tire, and she imagined his manhood, and what it would be like, to be Loved by him, not that she had any clear idea of Love or Lust or raw sex, her Hymen remained intact and she had never even been alone with a guy or kissed properly yet.
It was the unguarded remark about Jake to her Mom which changed the course of Janie's life. It was so unexpected that their daughter would lust after a big, strong, if none too bright muscle man rather than a Doctor or Lawyer.
"Its big Jake that makes Janie cream her panties" her Mom told her Dad as she prepared to relieve him ready for a sound nights sleep.
"You clever girl," he said, "Jake eh" and he pulled away from her, pulling his erect penis from her hands then guiding her into position on her back legs spread.
"You deserve a treat" he announced as he slid his streamlined member between her puffed Labia Lips and onward towards her womb, she loved the feel of his member in her cunt but she was so loose that she did little for him, and he usually preferred blow job or Anal, although that was now far from tight after twenty years use, but she deserved the treat, she particularly loved the feel of cum flooding her insides and she hated condoms but tonight he did not care if she still was fertile, and the excitement seemed to swell is Penis to fill and fit her almost tightly.
"It's ok, just lay here, no need to douche, that was real nice, I ought to come in you more often." Jack whispered as he held his wife firmly, her breasts still firm showed through the thin cotton nightdress, now rucked up around her waist, he wanted to feel her breasts against his chest and easily tore the material, where she had repaired it last time, revealing her womanly figure.
Jack kissed his wife's lips, remembering the girl he had known in high school, so sweet and clever, just like Janie was now, and then the Woman who came home from College, soft responsive, loving, but somehow childlike, no ambition, the afternoon by the lake, he asked her to take a walk with him, they went a mile, in the woods, and when she sat her skirt had ridden up and he saw her naked, hairless crotch and before he knew it he was shooting his load up her as her Pa and brothers sneaked into the clearing.
He never even asked her to marry him, he could only agree or spend weeks in hospital having the hole where his Penis used to be sewn up, but once he got used to the idea that if he needed intelligent conversation he needed to head for the Town's Bars and that sexual relief was available 24/7 he figured why fight against it, go with the flow.
If Janie wanted Jake, Jack reasoned, that changed everything, there was no point her getting educated just to serve that redneck's needs, and if she went to the training ranch then he would never be good enough for her, he had to give her the choice.
Jack broached the subject at breakfast. "Most of the girls in your year will be doing two years Community work, instead of University, would you like to at least see the program before you decide?"
"I guess" Janie agreed so after lunch they headed out of town in Jack's classic soft top Ford Mustang,
The facility was a simple ranch, wooden buildings in the 19th century style, approached by a long, long drive maybe two and a half miles of rutted gravelled road.
The building grew larger and Jack pulled over, "See, over there."
Janie, sat transfixed, her Dad had promised to show her an alternative to University but could he really mean this.
Girls, Women, Naked, each with a wide leather collar with a brass cow bell attached, all kneeling, grazing in a paddock, each with a number inked or was it tattooed on their rump and each with enormous breasts even girls who had tiny breasts from the year above her were now sporting enormous DD or larger busts.
"That's it girl, you got straight A's so we can let you go to college for a while before you come back as something educated or you can join the other girls."
"Other Girls?" Janie stammered.
"Yes just you and Delia got straight A's and her dad wants her to do the Community program so it's just you, and remember these girls will probably earn thirty thousand dollars by the time they go home."
"Earn?" she asked.
"From milk sales, of course, and guys will pay, look the hormones, female hormones, and guys," he faltered and she butted in.
"Like Prostitutes?"
"Girls need the relief, guys have the cash, where is the harm in that, and how can your mom and I support you through University?
She shook her head sadly
"It will bankrupt us, Janie, we love you, but that is asking an awful lot." her Father said, "then there is Billy, he is a cert for Yale or someplace."
"But Dad, you can't lay that on me, saying I can only go at Billy's expense."
"Will you try for a while Janie, just a week or two.?"
Janie silently screamed "No" but she loved her Dad and she had been taught to obey.
"I don't know" she heard herself saying, the girls from the year above seemed contented enough so perhaps she would enjoy a break from continual study.
There was a admin block looking like an old Barn, Jack parked out front and suggested that they "See Mr Reinhardt and meet some Girls."
The went in through the outer door, the reception area was modern brightly lit, with polished woodwork quality carpets, comfortable chairs, and in the office beyond Principal Reinhardt was expecting them. He sat in his leather swivel chair behind an impressive oak desk while they sat on matching black leather chairs beyond.
"Ah Janie, you are thinking about joining us I understand." he greeted her.
"Yes Sir, I have not decided yet," she replied twisting her long blonde hair between her fingers nervously.
"That's fine, just wait a minute or two and you can meet some people, and Jack there is hospitality in room three if you wish."
A friendly girl of maybe twenty four appeared, petite, dressed in Levis and tee shirt, "Hi I am Heidi, would you like to come through."
Janie stepped into the world of the Cow Girls.
The corridor had a simple concrete floor, no fitted carpet, glazed tiles lined the walls to waist height, everything designed to be hosed down.
Their footsteps echoed around the building, Heidi opened a door and they stepped into a large room, it smelt of disinfectant, there were various partitions and machinery hummed and whirred, all stainless steel, white enamel and Chromium and pipes and tubes were neatly rolled up or stacked.
"This is like continuing education, you learned the stuff for university, for the man's world as required by sate and federal law, this prepares you for womanhood, Ok, do you understand?" asked Heidi.
"No" said Janie.
"No Ok, you are all wound up, struggling to get good grades, no chance to relax, yet life is about repetition, you change thousands of diapers, but only learn once, wash thousands of dishes, Ok, without proper transition from school to real life you can get psychological disorders, we give two years stress free, yet productive, training for life."
"The breasts?"
"Yes, Janie, with proper hormonal inducement, you too could be producing milk within six to ten weeks."
"A simple injection, a proper balanced diet, and within a year you could be producing several litres per week, and the girls just love being milked, you will too, that's my job, milking the newbie's, the old hands use a machine, but there is a technique to getting girls started and that's where I come in, come and see."
They rounded the corner of a partition, No 435 was resting, one rail supporting her tummy a second her collar bone as her tits hung down obscenely to the suction cups of the Milking machine, in stalls further down 467 and 376 also enjoyed the pulsating of the machines if their facial expressions were a guide.
"Look slip your Tee shirt and bra off and feel" and before Janie could respond her Bra strap was loose and her tee shirt pushed aside as Heidi swung two suction cups over Janie's nipples. The effect was electric, she had not even experienced a boy sucking her delicate breasts but the machine's rhythmic pulsating, sucking on her virgin nipples almost drove her mad, she never wanted it to end yet wanted it stopped instantly.
"It's making you feel all squiffy, isn't it?" Heidi asked.
Janie nodded.
"Let me see" Heidi undid Janie's Belt and eased her Levis down, then she pulled Janie's white cotton knickers tight into her slit and watched as the wet patch expanded.
Janie seemed stunned, incapable of coherent thought, she just stood and let it happen as Heidi manoeuvred her gently into the next stall.
"You're ready, Your dad said you like Jake," Heidi asked as she guided Janie into place, slipping a rail between the suction pipes and her belly, and clipping it in place for her to lean on, and gently pushed her head forward to the horizontal torso position favoured for milking.
Janie agreed, "Jake, yes."
Heidi shifted the upper body rail to under Janie' shoulders, then fastened leather straps around her shoulders and waist holding her in place, then Heidi deftly removed Janie's Levis, panties and shoes.
Janie became aware of another person watching.
"Hi Miss Dillinger, would you do me the honour of allowing me to take your cherry"
Jake asked.
"Just do it Jake" Heidi ordered and Jake stepped forward, discarding his Denims and shorts and slowly eased his manhood within her.
Janie was in denial, how could she feel so alive, the pain of penetration, the stimulus of the suction and the turn on of being naked in front of a stranger, suddenly the pain was gone and her insides became alive, filled, fulfilling their biological function, at long last.
Janie felt the twitching and soon cum was shooting through Jakes Penis and deep so deep into her womb, then leaking back to drip down her legs.
Jake pulled out, and Heidi reached for his erection as it slid clear, a finger in his arsehole, his balls squeezed in her palm and he was ready again.
Heidi thrust her fingers into Janie's gushing slit, three fingers entered easily then she took the wetness and transferred it to Janie's anus, she could barely insert a finger an inch inside, but she had great belief in Jake.
Jake took his place again, this time the smaller puckered hole the target and after a few thrust of his well lubricated thumb he eased his Prick into her arse, she was desperately tight, but his lust overcame all and as she screamed in agony he edged inch by inch inside until fully sheathed to the balls he started thrusting to loosen her up.
Janie almost passed out with the pain but Jake muttered "I love you" and her life seemed complete, if Jake wanted her there, if it pleased him then he could do it any time he wanted.
Jake pulled out and sat down and Heidi slowed the suction then removed the Cups.
"Will you do two years then marry me Janie?" asked Jake.
"Will you fuck me sometimes before we get married?"
"Of course he will" said Heidi, "now sign here."
Janie signed her future away with a flourish.
Jack was busy with 426 in hospitality stall 3 when news came that Janie was sucessfully deflowered and signed in, 426 was eating a biscuit as he humped her slit from behind, she waited patiently for him to finish.
Jack finished up, and sadly took the bag containing Janie's clothes and the duplicate of her registration and agreement papers, he walked to the car knowing he had seen his bright sparkling daughter for the last time, next time she would be a Debenham clone.
a tear fell from his eye as he remembered her poetry and her Maths.
Janie rested strapped in a stall, Heidi had removed her remaining clothing her watch and ear rings to give to Jack, and she remained completely naked bent over the bar her torso horizontal, her legs straight.
Heidi returned with Ted Mannion, resident surgeon, and after exploring her orifices, both cunt and anus with fingers and a small torch he pronounced himself well pleased, he made her swing her legs up then he fitted the spreader bar, the adjustable type, her legs now spread sideways not one front one rear like the splits but sideways like a cow.
She cried with pain. "Please I need the bathroom."
"Just do it here, there are no bathrooms for Cow Girls."
Janie tried hard to hold out but her poor strained bowels released their filth to her intense shame.
Heidi cleaned her with a hose pipe then she released the bonds and led her to Ted Mannions consulting room.
Ted Mannion, he had seen it all before, first he checked her height, then he asked her to stand on the scales to weigh her, then the weight recorded he asked her to hold out her arm for a blood test,
She looked away as he sought a vein or she might have spotted the syringe was not empty, the feeling was intense and wrong, Janie confused, staggered and sat down.
"I feel odd doctor" she complained.
"Sorry I should have warned you, sit a while."
Ted took the larger syringe and lifting her breasts in turn injected the underside of each with preparation A, growth hormones and stimulant and he then selected the spreader appropriate to he small mouth and ratcheted her jaw open allowing access to her vocal chords and the quick operation he had done hundreds of times over the years, a temporary splint to allow the vocal chords of singers to heal but here allowing only bellowing and mooing sounds to be made. She would certainly no longer hit high A, as even after the edible splint decomposed her basic hormone and medication dose would prevent coherent speech.
Ted rang the buzzer and Jake came through, bringing a wide collar with a bell attached, its clapper covered in tape to silence it and they placed it around her neck, then a wider belt around her waist and finally leather wrist and ankle cuffs.
She still slept so Jake carried her to the padded bench where Ted administered the indelible Dye, and Janie became Daisy 573.
Heidi came in and they fitted knee protectors to her knees, she would be crawling from now on so she needed protection and finally leather gloves, tight inflexible, all four fingers bound together, and the whole firmly secured with a leather strap.
Janie woke, in pain all over, lying on a pile of hay, in a stable or barn, completely naked, she tried to speak, but no human sounds came.
A shadowy figure loomed closer. "Hi I am Hillary, and I am going to be your regular milkmaid"
Janie tried to cover herself, and stand up, but she felt woozy and could not balance.
"It's all right, It's a bit of a surprise, but the milk won't come just yet, but you do need to start readjusting to your new life"
Janie stared.
"The pasture here is very lush and you can get enough nutrients from it to live if you eat about eight hours a day, nod if you understand" Hillary informed her.
Janie nodded.
"So go eat"
Janie tried to stand.
"Stay on all fours Janie, the medication won't let you do the two legged thing so just crawl."
Janie stayed put so Hillary just left her.
She made several fruitless attempts to stand before crawling to the door, the paddock stretched before her and in it naked girls, twenty and more grazing, eating grass, crawling, she recognised a girl from the year above her, her gigantic breasts almost dragging the floor, yet she had been slim. flat chested even twelve months before.
Janie sat and watched, she took a sip of water from the trough, it tasted sweet, she drank some more, and figured she was hungry band again tried to stand
Hillary returned with chains, she attached one from each ankle to the belt around Janie's waist.
"Now crawl" Hillary instructed slapping Janie's thigh and Janie crawled into the Paddock.
The sun was now low in the sky and the girls were getting anxious, Janie watched fascinated as the larger girls carefully eased them selves towards the Barn, their udders bulging painfully desperate for the relief of the milking machine.
Janie was surprised how good the grass tasted, and was soon munching happily and she was unprepared for Heidi to appear and call her in, she crawled rapidly after Heidi after Heidi slapped her rump and soon they were back in the medical wing.
Ted greeted her, "Janie, we have a special client for you tomorrow, but you really need freeing up some so if you will get in the stall I'll get started.
She refused but the cattle prod settled matters, 1000 volts, she quickly agreed to co operate.
Loosening up was simple, an expanding dildo, force it in, pump up the hydraulics till she screams or moo's let it down again, and repeat. The pain was unbearable but the pleasure itself was extreme.
The next operation was purely practical, a coating of hard plastic over her teeth, she would spend hours chewing and her natural teeth would wear too quickly, a swift injection and it was completed long before she woke.
The next day was an anticlimax, she was led into hospitality stall 2, her waist neck and hands strapped down and a plate of biscuits put in front of her and as she chased the biscuits around the plate with her tongue trying to grab them she was vaguely aware of something happening behind her, and of something wet shooting up then leaking out of her but the medication in the water was taking effect.
In fact she had turned her first trick, $1000 for a fresh young ripe ass and the punter had been well pleased.
But if her lower region senses were dumbed down her tits were becoming a fixation, from the first day her nipples had hardened and swelled and relieving the tight sensations had become an obsession, Heidi and Hillary always massaged her Tits for her if she made it obvious but it was not enough, and she was always hungry, for best taste Cowgirls needed to eat vegetarian, grass was the ideal and with the nutrients and medication in the water in the water troughs gave a properly balanced diet, but of very little calorific value, Janie or Daisy 573 as she now was, seemed to spend all day hungry and all day eating the lush green grass.
Janie lay under the shade tree, thinking, she had been at the ranch a while, how long she was not sure , and her tits seemed bigger somehow, the chains which had prevented her standing were now long gone, she hoped she would get some biscuits, she liked biscuits, men gave her biscuits to eat while they did things behind her,
she saw Heidi coming for her. "Hi Daisy, how is your milk coming," she asked uselessly as Janie had lost the ability to speak,
Heidi grabbed Janie's left breast, she could see it was ready to milked by the way it strained but so far she had not succeeded, her practised hands manipulated Janie's nipples and to her intense surprise a small drip of milk appeared.
"It's coming, you clever girl look", Heidi showed Janie her milk soaked palm.
Janie nodded.
"We try the machine tomorrow."
Tomorrow could not come soon enough, Janie's tits surged to replace the milk Heidi had taken filling her straining udders to the point of pain, she moved very carefully now as the liquid sloshed around making her wobble unsteadily and today for the first time she followed the herd to the milking parlour, Hillary fitted the suction cups and to Janie's intense relief started the suction, the milk flowed, uselessly this time, the medication spoiled the product and for a week until Janie had become used to drinking only from the milking parlour supply as she was milked, her milk was used only for the Ranch pets, cats and dogs, mainly.
Janie's new super long tits, so long they almost brushed the ground as she crawled pleased Ted Mannion and Principal Reinhardt and they accelerated her leg spreading program so soon her legs could splay out forty five degrees each side giving a clear view of her tits from behind, just like a cow in fact.
Milking brought a whole new dimension to Janie's new life, the sensations returned below her waist, as did her needs and just like four legged cows she needed to find a good stout fence post to pleasure herself against, sometimes Jake came, and she would be brought in while he serviced her, but the pleasure was muted compared to the twice daily milking, and her tits continued to grow longer each day.
This signalled a further change in her life plan, Principal Reinhardt had contacts back in Las Vegas and Europe who prized these girls with abnormally long tits beyond all others and when Ted Mannion confirmed his prognosis phone lines buzzed.
They rang Jack and Norah,
"Jack, yeah Janie is doing fine, but Jack how does fifty thousand a year for two years sound." It sounded just fine to Jack.
"The surgery is simple and totally reversible". Principal Reinhardt explained, leaving aside the painful, uncomfortable and dehumanising effects. and pretty soon everything was signed and sealed.
Janie knew nothing until she was led to the surgery after milking, she felt the injection but nothing else until she woke hours later.
Her chest was sore, she looked and looked again in disbelief, her chest was as flat as wen she had been seven years old and there protruding from her belly, surrounded by stitches were her bulging tits, and straining nipples, a tear fell from her eye.
Ted Comforted her "Don't cry, You are one of a chosen few, very few girls can be modified like this and you are one of the lucky ones, and you will go to Las Vegas and then possibly to Geneva Switzerland, you could make two thousand dollars a night." He did state the obvious that Missionary position sex was now impossible and only action from behind, doggy or more correctly Bovine style was now possible.
The surgery had been difficult, cutting the skin around each breast in turn and passing each under her skin to its new more correctly cow like position before stitching it in place and a further change was internal, a two hour operation, almost certainly not reversible, which meant her bladder now emptied into her bowels.
Ted felt she needed to know.
"Janie, look to complete the cow illusion, we had to reroute your plumbing, so now you will piss through your arsehole, you wont really notice, with the medication you hardly even know if you are shitting or pissing and without clothes it don't matter anyways." He dropped the bombshell in a matter of fact manner and he burst into floods of tears, he held her close, but somehow it was inappropriate to show such concern for a cow that he pushed her away.
Ungrateful cow he thought, she should be pleased, it ought to stop her getting thrush.
He though of the possibilities if she healed, she would be truly world class, not for yield or quality of milk but there were loads of rich perverts ready to pay well to sample a human cow displaying this level of authenticity.
He just needed agreement from her folks for a whole body black and white Frisian look Tattoo, Ok Jake would need another bride because so tattooed she would remain a Cowgirl for the rest of her life, but there would be plenty of money for all of them.
Janie stayed in the surgery for a week, until she healed sufficiently to learn to walk, as when full of milk her newly positioned Tits and her thighs collided at every step unless she splayed her legs out, like a cow.
She wept uncontrollably.
To be continued.
Janie Dillinger Daisy 573
Jack Dillinger Norah
Dr Mannion
Principal Reinhardt
Jake McGuann,
Hello all ISS readers! I am back again with a hot sizzling story. As u knows me I’m Abhishek Singh 18 male living in Delhi near mother dairy of pandav nagar. I will hope that u will enjoy the story. Mail me any comments, queries or anything on or Jack parked his bicycle on the back porch of the house he shared with his sister, Janie, after spending most of the evening working on a term paper at the campus library. After two years of junior college, jack was getting the hang of life at a big...
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Leslie and I took in her 16-year-old twin brother and sister. With our assistance, Billy and Janie had run away for an abusive father at home, flown to Los Angles, and had happily accepted our offer to be sexually trained. In a very short time, they were performing like pros. They soon joined our little sex parties. After just a week of training, Leslie's sister, Janie, was turning into a real slut and had been the entertainment at one of our parties. She had serviced 14 horny cocks, and...
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Let me tell you about my new girlfriend, Janie. We've been going together for a couple of months now, and I think I'm falling in love with her, but at the same time she scares the hell out of me. She has the sweet, innocent face of an angel and a hot, athletic body. Her breasts are nice sized, not huge, but firm and perky. She has a smooth, flat stomach and a nice round butt. Her long, straight hair is a beautiful, natural strawberry blond. Her personality is warm and charming, and...
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The two women walked past the ramshackle house on the corner. They looked disapprovingly at the unkempt garden, the grimy windows, the peeling paint. Finally, the older one shook her head. "Poor Janie," she said. "You mean that's where she lives?" her friend asked. "Yes, the poor thing. I just don't know how she puts up with that husband of hers." "No. I just saw him down at the garage the other day. I mean - you can tell he's violent. He must make life a living hell for...
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Realizing her bladder to be full, Saphira pulled herself out of bed, stepped to the pleasently cool hardwood floor and began searching under her bed. Finding what she wanted, Saphira pulled a small bedpan out from under the bed and lay it on the floor. Crouching over it, all the while constantly thinking about Janie, about her short, blonde hair, her supple tits, her thick thighs and absolutely incredible ass, Saphira began to piss. The wine she had drank earlier ensured that her urine was...
I overslept which is something I rarely do and slipping on my tatty old boxers I went down for my morning caffeine fix and while it was brewing I made a fresh batch of juice, it’s always good to have some on hand as you never know when it will be needed. I looked out the back and saw Rachel hanging out her washing which mainly consisted of shorts and underwear and when she saw me at my door she smiled, “Hi Frank, how are you?” she asked which sparked up a quick conversation.She told me the...
"Look Becky, Cows!" I pointed excitedly. First rule of society, if you see cows on a trip, you have to point at them and announce their presence. And this was no ordinary trip. I wondered if it was some sort of sign. My lovely young wife Becky stuck her tongue out at me as she drove. "Toby, you silly, why do you always do that? We pass that cow field once a week at least!" She said with mock exasperation. Her voice trailed off as she realized that maybe after this weekend, we might...
The dark naked women in short white lab coats lead him into a white room.They told him to lay down,and they strapped him onto the table. There was a large bowl of liquid,amber in color,next to the table.After removing all of David's clothes, the women started to massage his body. For an hour or more, he laid back as dark hands worked over his soft white flesh. He was already erect when they removed his trousers, but when they applied the amber liquid, he knew the true meaning of "rock hard"....
She is bought into the auction ring and a hush settles over the rows of men standing around on the circular tiers. The auction master next to me asks me if I'm impressed? Just a few minutes previously I had told him I was going to leave as the standard of cows on show wasn't interesting me. He'd told me in advance that It would be worth my while coming tonight but the stock on show hadn't made good on his promise. Until now. I reply to him that I'm going to stay to see this specimen and he...
all the ladies looking for a sexmate conatct me at [email protected] or in my skype id ronnie.rs.982My sister’s marriage got fixed recently. Because of that, now she is not sent out for any jobs including as the helping hands of the milking lady. In my sisters place amma decided to send me instead as it would give some money, however small it might be. Reluctantly I had to go to the milker’s house in my summer vacation. Her house was a small one. I called out her name and she came out....
My sister’s marriage got fixed recently. Because of that, now she is not sent out for any jobs including as the helping hands of the milking lady. In my sisters place amma decided to send me instead as it would give some money, however small it might be. Reluctantly I had to go to the milker’s house in my summer vacation. Her house was a small one. I called out her name and she came out. She was in her traditional mundu and blouse dress. Probably since being at home, she was not using any...
Marla Ward is the woman I have lusted for the last three years, although I have known her all my life. Marla and my mom weree roommates at college both of whom married their college sweethearts, settled back in their hometown and both had their only child two weeks apart. Susan, my mom, delivered me on September 19th and Marla delivered Jane on October first. Jane or Janie as she prefers to be called and I have been best friends ever since I can remember. She was your typical tom-boy until she...
An old (2008) story resurrected following repeated requests for Cow stories. It involves non reversible modification so please don't use this as a text book or if you do ensure local customs and laws permit the practices hereby described and in addition ensure the consent forms are properly signed before a competent and sober Judge.If you read this story please consider reviewing and rating it, even if you don't like it.The Princes Cow pt 1.Prince Faisal stood framed in the palace doorway, a...
The following was written to a slag cow who needed my training and direction. She was pretty much a fat pig, but called herself a cow. Fine with me, as long as she obeyed my instructions and knew her place. Frustrated middle age bitch needs to break out and finally be taught to serve properly as a trained bitch should. This dumb bitch seeks a Master’s touch, a Master’s collar and kennel. This bitch needs to serve and be used like the low life submissive scum bitch in heat she is. Seeking...
HC-1 I stopped the car and stared at the silent stone barn for a few seconds then grabbing the piece of paper reread the directions. Going over them in my mind I realized that indeed this was the place. The big structure stood silent and majestic in the soft moonlight as I drove through the open steel gate and across the empty farmyard. I followed the graveled drive past the abandoned farmhouse and around the large metal, machine shed to discover...
Introduction: He never been much of a sex freak until he met Heather {This my first story so dont be so harsh.I would love to hear your feedback on this being I wrote this late last night.Hope you like it!} First of all I have to say I never been a freak sexually,I dont ever remember having fantasies about fucking multiple women and men.Most definitely not fucking animals,god forbid!I know Im not the best looking guy to get the best looking girl.But some how I have a would be Victoria Secret...
The story started several years ago. After having three kids I was not the slender sexy wife I had been when Jerry married me. I had put on some weight and I admit to having a somewhat 'beaten down look' after spending all day trying to handle three kids all under the age of five. There were times that I was so whipped that I didn't have the energy when Jerry got home and wanted to play. It wasn't his fault and I don't really think that it was mine. It was just life the way life was....
There is plenty of room for her to be able to stay at their house. After a few weekends Anna slowly more of less turns the guest room into hers, bringing some of her clothes and stuff so she doesn’t have to bring it all the time. Everything seems to be going along fine until Jack notices himself starting to have thoughts of Anna in a sexual nature. He is able to suppress these desires much as possible and just takes care of them in private. After a particular weekend when Jack returned...
There is plenty of room for her to be able to stay at their house. After a few weekends Anna slowly more of less turns the guest room into hers, bringing some of her clothes and stuff so she doesn’t have to bring it all the time. Everything seems to be going along fine until Jack notices himself starting to have thoughts of Anna in a sexual nature. He is able to suppress these desires much as possible and just takes care of them in private. After a particular weekend when Jack returned...
Daddy and His Girl CowsChapter 1For weeks, the cow sluts in the barn have been excited. Daddy has been working on a new pump to use with our milkers, and it seems like it has taken forever! But finally, Daddy says he's ready to show us what he's made, and that he's going to demonstrate it to some of the other daddies who have, or want to own, milk sluts. Daddy says if we do really well, and are extra-good bitches, he might even pick one of us to do a milking demonstration at the State...
It starts off as a wonderful day, it’s the first day of Laura’s new job as stay at home mom and Lydia has already left to pick up Ray Jr. at the airport so he can spend the summer at home. It would be a perfect day if Ray had been able to put off the business trip he had planned, but as usual, business comes first. As long as she can quit her job and relax at home for a while its worth Ray’s frequent out of town trips. Maybe with her added free time she can begin fixing herself up and try to...
Next morning I woke alone. Lucy had got up without waking me. I could smell coffee. I guess she was making breakfast. I went into my bathroom did the morning rituals. As I soaped myself up in the shower I got a huge hardon. Remembering the sex I'd had. Images of a beautiful bald pussy stretched around a thick hard cock. A pussy I'd put my mouth onto and then emptied my cum into. There was no rush to do anything. No parental pressure to perform weekend chores. After I dried off I went back to my...
Lucy enters the picture... literally.I could hardly wait for Friday. My folks were away on a second honeymoon so me and Lucy were on our own for the next two weeks. She was off somewhere so I had the house to myself when I logged on and made the connection. And then I found myself looking at the crotch of someone sitting in front of the camera. The camera on me showed me just from the waist up. I'd been thinking a lot about the purpose of this call but, like an idiot, hadn't thought about how I...
Getting all my experiences for the first time in one weekend.....I was in the boys showers at school after Friday evening track practice. I'm not big, but I'm quick with endurance and, even as a high-school junior, I was representing the school in the 1500 and the 5000 meters. Training for middle and long-distance is a solitary endeavor and I was alone in the shower room. It was the end of the track season and the start of football so the football team had been out on the field running drills...
Femdom Fantasies Becomes an Unpleasant Reality By: Ken Bristol want2b Chapter 1 (Discovery) Ed came walked into the kitchen Saturday morning and saw his wife Diane glaring at him while sitting at the kitchen table with her knees tucked up under her and holding a cup of coffee. Diane, in an ominously quiet voice said: ?Sit down, we need to talk.? Ed poured himself a cup and said: ?what’s your problem?. ?You are.? She replied. ?I don’t understand.? He said. Diane continued: ?I feel like I...
The Care and Keeping of Hu-CowsINTERNATIONAL Rules & Regs.Please note, the SFL do not refer to our cow slaves as slaves,primarily, because as hu-cows, they are Tax deductible, as cow slaves, they are not.Hu-cows are human females maintained in the production of human milkoutside of the traditional time of lactation for their own offspring.They are kept as milking livestock for the convenience, pleasure andpotential profit by their owners.Hu-cows are considered to be and are treated as...
I had met Grace through some friends not that long ago. She was a lovely woman who worked as a nurse at the local hospital. I said she WAS a lovely woman because she's not much of a woman any more. Things have changed since the moment I first laid eyes on here. That was when I thought I was in love. Who wouldn't be after seeing the cute late twenty year old strapping on her nurse's outfit. Dame she is a sight. Was I mean. And you should have seen her smile, it was the prettiest thing you...
With a bit of Sci Fi, a bit of body modifications, injections, sex, racism even, and all that I guess I better apologise in advance.No to hell with it, it’s a fantasy. Cowed part one?It’s Carbs time Elmer,? John Amish announced as he passed Elmer Torp’s front porch, ?shall I come over???Six O’clock, have bite to eat,? Elmer replied, looking admiringly at Johns coach and four, the four matching darkies trotting along merrily in step as John sat back in his sumptuously...
Hello my horny Bumskuh (Fuck-Cow)I'm always horny thoughts like these: I come after work to Thee You are in the kitchen. You wear your gowns housewives, black socks and white sneakers. You look hot. You'll fall to my neck and we kiss. I long you in the butt. We kiss again. I long to you under the coat and I realize that you're wearing any panties. I get hot. I befummle your bottom. You looking forward to that you have surprised me. I press you close to me. I want to get you. You befummelst my...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p1-frid-956080Part 2: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p2-959433Part 3:...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p1-frid-956080Part 2: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p2-959433Part 3:...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p1-frid-956080Part 2: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p2-959433Part 3:...
I still remember that first time I caught her smiling. Effervescent and pure, sitting on the clothed seat at the terminal. Her slim body in a tight blue tank and khaki shorts, she turned to me while I was talking to my friend trying to spot any other students heading to Italy to study abroad, “So you’re on this trip too? I’m Ariel.” Her bright blue eyes locking with mine as I returned the smile and introduced myself. Her sweet voice tickled something inside me, immediately putting me under her...
I still remember that first time I caught her smiling. Effervescent and pure, sitting on the clothed seat at the terminal. Her slim body in a tight blue tank and khaki shorts, she turned to me while I was talking to my friend trying to spot any other students heading to Italy to study abroad, “So you're on this trip too? I'm Ariel.” Her bright blue eyes locking with mine as I returned the smile and introduced myself. Her sweet voice tickled something inside me, immediately putting me under her...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p1-frid-956080Part 2: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p2-959433Part 3:...
The weeks following the meeting at Casa Cavalla were hectic for everyone for a lot of reasons; and there were three major 'happenings' other than finalizing the adoption. Mer ... excuse me, Sean read my first draft of his story and asked me to include that month. He thought the month was significant and pivotal to many things that happened later in his life. In retrospect I agree. So, I included as much detail about Sean's time waiting for the adoption to be complete as I could get from...
Kali Cardano drives home in her mini van after a stressful day at work thinking about all the household chores she will be burdened with when she arrives. "At least the k**s will be with my parents," she thinks to herself. Being a pretty thirty-two year old woman in the sales field leaves her to deal with too many, demanding, middle aged men and sends her home mentally exhausted everyday. "Where are the k**s," her husband Michael asked, annoying her just hearing his voice. "They're at my...
The real estate business can be very lucrative, but most agents aren’t that successful. I got some good, although morally flawed, advice when I started my career in real estate, that helped me to be very successful. Looking back now, two years later, my husband, Mark, has accepted our somewhat perverse lifestyle, for the obvious monetary rewards that it provides.My name is Shari, and I grew up in a religious, upper middle-class family in the Jacksonville, Florida area. After completing my...
Cuckold::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p1-frid-956080Part 2: https://xhamster.com/stories/tgirl-kim-becomes-a-slave-for-the-weekend-p2-959433Part 3:...
When Fantasy Becomes RealityLewis was Nigerian in origin but we had become friends in the gym.But there was a complication in all this: I found him sexually attractive. I couldn't look at him without imagining sucking his big black snake cock. He would just be running around the gym and I just could not help thinking about pulling his shorts down and taking his cock in my mouth.And when we met in the locker room showers, I couldn't take my eyes off his huge, monstrous cock, causing my shy...
When Fantasy Becomes Reality by Susan Johnson This story may only be archived on free sites. Please note that I have used British spellings - apologies to non Brits! Additional notes: further apologies for the time taken to finish this one but I wanted to do a decent job and that takes time. Many thanks too to all who reviewed the first part of this story; it's what persuaded me to finish it. *************************************************************** My husband David...
I had been living in the virtual world of second Life as a girl for over a year. It had been a wonderful experience being the girl I always wanted to be. Blond, beautiful and stylish. I had made many friends, both girls and boys, and nobody suspected I was anything other than the girl they saw before them. Second Life is a place where virtual romance and even sex is prevalent and something about the freedom of being incognito lets everyone go wild. Fantasies are played out to the full...
IntroductionIt would be best if you read Part 1 of this story, so you can understand how my husband Mark and I evolved into a very active cuckold relationship. However, I will explain things briefly for those who want to start reading here.My name is Shari, and I met Mark in the Orlando area in church, after moving there for a job when I was twenty-two years old and just out of college. He was twenty-six and working as a contract handy man, and because of our strong religious faith, we didn’t...
Cuckold"MY FRIEND BECOMES MY MISTRESS" Sonali is my friend over three years. I (Pooja) and Sonali are in third yearin Degree College. She is my best friend but now she is dominating me and keeps me as her Slave.I do all her class work and personal works like washing her cloths and makingfood. She has a large circle of friends. It's all started when we were in second year of college. One day she sawme doing sex with one of my boy friend Vishal. But she didn't tell me any thingat that time. One day she...
Author: Powerone and Nikki Title: Tawny, Daddy’s Little Girl Becomes A Woman Part: Chapter 1 Summary: Daddy teaches his little girl to be a Woman. A story of incest between father and daughter. Keywords: M+f, anal. oral, virg, incest, teen, bdsm Tawny, Daddy’s Little Girl Becomes A Woman Copyright 2003 by Nikki and Powerone. Comments to the authors can be e-mailed to [email protected] or [email protected]. Note : This story is complete fictional! Michael stood next to Tawny. He had...
IncestHis fantasy becomes my reality Several years ago when I first met the man who is now my ?plaything?, he was quite dominant, and it took me a few years to really capture him mentally. Back then he told me about something that had happened in a prior relationship he had for a brief time. He had seduced the woman into BDSM play and fantasies, and she really loved it (and him), and was very submissive to him. They really pushed their play to the edge, and their fantasies even further. But the...
Wow!! Most of the guys, I suppose, have first time sex in early age i.e aroud 14 – 18. I wish I had that chance in that age. I had my first sex experience was with my chat friend at the age of 21. Before we meet, we used to talk over phone almost everynight for a month and then the normal conversation slowly turned to naughtier every night and we started telling each other’s sexual fantasies. She told me that she is virgin and would like have sex very much. Even I was. Both of us were virgin....