Baumgartner Generations: Janie Ch. 03 free porn video

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I woke up hung over and I had no idea where in the hell I was. My first clue was a pair of black panties I had wrapped around my wrist. I vaguely remembered having them stuffed into my mouth at one point, and then—had they been used to tie me to the bed post?

I rolled to my back from my belly with a groan. Oh my god, I was sore! My pussy was sore, my arms were sore, my thighs actually trembled when I tried to move…

What in the hell was I doing last night?

Then Catherine sighed and shifted in her sleep, pulling the covers up, and it all came back. Well, most of it anyway. I looked at the smooth curve of her spine, her hair spilling over her shoulders like a river of fire, and felt faint. I didn’t even want to think about what I’d done or said the night before. I had to get my stuff and get the hell out of there. TJ and Ronnie were going to be worried sick. They’d probably called a million times already. Where was my phone?

I found my panties and shoes on the floor and remembered my dress was in the living room. I slipped my panties on and carried my shoes, easing open the bedroom door as quietly as I could. Behind me, Catherine sighed and rolled again, but then she was quiet. The door clicked shut behind me and I crept down the hall, past half a dozen closed doors—how many rooms do they have in this apartment?—past the private penthouse elevator, looking for the living room.

The blinds were still open wide and I blinked at the brightness of the morning, my head throbbing. I’d obviously had way more to drink the night before than I’d realized. Shading my eyes and groping my way around the couch, I returned to the scene of the crime, hunting around the coffee table and in front of the door wall for my things. Problem was, they were nowhere to be found.

I stood there for a moment, lost in foggy thought, trying to recall. Had I gotten up in the middle of the night to get my clothes? I didn’t think so, but I was pretty hung over. I couldn’t be sure. Maybe—

‘Are you looking for these?’

I probably would have screamed if my throat and mouth hadn’t already been so filled with cotton.

‘Who are you?’ I squeaked, my arms snapping quickly closed to cover my breasts, my shoes still in hand, but I knew it was too late. And I knew, in an instant, who he was. Of course. It was Catherine’s husband. If nothing else, I would have recognized him by the vanity wedding photo over the fireplace—the dark, curly hair and smiling eyes were a giveaway, although he was a few years older in person. And there he was, standing there looking scruffy and disheveled like he’d just woken up, too, wearing a navy colored robe belted at the waist and holding my clothes out in one hand like a waiter.

‘I’m Josh.’ He took two steps forward, putting my folded dress and my purse on the coffee table and taking a step back to turn around. ‘Go ahead. I won’t look.’

‘Thanks,’ I croaked. It was a little late for the whole not-looking thing, but I grabbed my dress and pulled it quickly over my head, wishing now that it was made of more material.

‘I think you have some messages.’ He turned slightly to say this over his shoulder, still keeping his eyes averted. ‘Your phone’s been beeping.’

I unzipped my purse and checked. Twelve messages—ten texts and two voice mails. Of course, the voice mails were Ronnie and TJ, respectively, the first asking where I was, the second asking if I was okay. The texts were all Lil. I flipped my phone closed—I’d read them later.

‘Thanks,’ I said again, clearing my throat. ‘I’m dressed now. You can turn around.’

He did, giving my outfit a once-over. ‘It looks much better on. So what’s your name?’

I smoothed my hair. ‘I’m sorry. I’m Jane. Janie.’

‘Well, Jane-Janie… it’s nice to meet you.’ He held out his hand. I took a few barefoot steps toward him to shake it. What else could I do?

Never mind that it happened to be the hand which had been buried up to the wrist in his wife’s cunt the night before… Thinking about that made me want to pass out.

‘It just Janie.’

‘Want some coffee, Just-Janie?’ He nodded behind him toward the kitchen. So that’s where he’d been when I thought I was sneaking by, I realized. ‘It’s fresh.’

I shook my head. ‘No, I should…I need to get home.’

‘I’ll get you a car.’ He walked over to the wall, reaching for a button on the intercom.

‘No!’ I caught up with him just in time, covering his hand with mine. He looked at me in surprise, eyebrows raised. I moved my hand as if I’d been burned. ‘I mean…I can take the subway.’

‘In that?’ He blinked at me. ‘I couldn’t live myself knowing I let you out of here to ride the subway wearing that.’

‘I wore it last night,’ I protested.

Oh crap. I’d also worn a wrap I’d checked at the door and had forgotten to retrieve when Catherine and I left 1 Oak in such a hurry the night before.

‘Which is, I’m sure, one of the myriad of reasons Catherine decided to bring you home.’ He smiled as he began to unbelt his robe. I took a wary step back, my eyes widening, and he shook his head, shrugging the robe off his shoulders. He was wearing blue and gray striped pajama pants underneath. ‘Here. Put this on. Let’s get you some coffee to help your head and I’ll call you a car to take you home, okay?’

I reluctantly accepted the robe as he slipped it over my shoulders—it was still warm from his body—and hesitated a moment before following him and the tempting smell of coffee toward the kitchen. All the floors were hardwood, even in here, and my feet were cold. I sat on one of the bar stools, pulling the robe tight around me as I watched him take down two mugs—both matching blue, like the black and blue accents in the marble backsplash in the kitchen—and pour two cups of coffee.

‘Sugar? Cream?’

I shook my head, taking the mug as he held it out and closing my eyes, sipping slowly. It was fantastically rich and good, probably fresh-ground. Even in my hung over state, I could tell that much. When I opened my eyes, I saw him watching me over his own mug.

‘1 Oak?’ he asked casually, leaning against the counter. It felt safer to talk to him from over here, on the other side of the bar that looked into the spacious, wide-open kitchen. The place had ceilings that went up forever.

‘Yes,’ I confirmed, taking another gulp of coffee, my eyes watering at the heat. I studied the stainless steel refrigerator devoid of any personal affects—not even a magnet or a picture—like it was the most interesting thing in the world. ‘Um…can I get that ride?’

‘Oh, right.’ There was an intercom in the kitchen, too, and he pushed a button on it. I assumed it was the doorman who responded and said he’d buzz when the car was ready. ‘So, Just-Janie…are you a student? An actress maybe?’

‘You don’t have to babysit me.’ I put the coffee cup down on the bar and looked at him. He really was good-looking with all that dark curly hair and olive skin, probably somewhere in his early-thirties, like Catherine. He worked out and took care of himself—his shoulders and arms were nicely defined, I’d noticed when he took off his robe—and clearly he made a good living. He also happened to have a wife who was bisexual and liked to pick up women. What more could a guy ask for in life?

‘I mean… I don’t know if this is weird for you…’ I studied the sink this time. It was stainless, too, and immaculately clean—not even a drop of water in it.

‘Well, I’ve met some of the women Cat’s brought home.’ He put his coffee down on the counter. ‘But I admit, you’re the first one I’ve seen naked.’

I reddened. ‘Sorry about that.’

‘I’m not.’ He grinned. ‘You’re a beautiful girl.’

‘Thanks.’ What else could I say? ‘So…and feel free to tell me to shut up, okay? But I’m curious…you never…together?’ I jerked my thumb back toward the bedroom, where Ca
therine was still asleep. ‘I mean…you’d think, you know, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em?’

He shook his head. ‘It’s her thing, not mine.’

‘But you’re okay with it?’ I took another gulp of coffee and waited for his response. My head was getting slightly clearer. Besides, the coffee was fantastic. Josh was looking past me, and he was quiet so long I almost turned around, thinking there was someone or something there, but then he shook his head as if to clear it and turned to me.

‘I love Catherine.’ He smiled, looking apologetic. ‘And Catherine loves women.’

Which wasn’t, I thought, exactly the same thing as being okay with it. It made me sad. And it made me think of Ronnie and TJ, who had always made me feel like it was all okay, that they both wanted and loved me. It never felt strange or awkward or wrong with us.

‘I’m a nanny,’ I said, picking up on his earlier question and trying hard to change the subject. His smile said he knew it, and I think he was even a little grateful. ‘I live-in. Beth is seven. She’s in second grade. And I guess there’s another one on the way now…’

My voice trailed off. I’d almost forgotten—Ronnie was going to have a baby. It still wasn’t real to me.

‘Do you like it?’ He reached over and grabbed the pot of coffee to top off his cup.

‘Sure.’ I held my mug out for more, too. ‘I mean, I don’t want to do it forever, but…’ I shrugged.

‘So what do you want to do?’ He poured more aromatic, deep, rich coffee goodness into my cup, and I licked my lips in anticipation.

‘I’m a writer.’

‘Ah.’ He replaced the coffee pot, nodding. ‘Of course.’

‘What does that mean?’ I eyed him over my mug, breathing in the scent. It was nirvana.

He shrugged. ‘Well you know, it’s New York. Everyone’s a writer or an actor…’

I took a sip, even though it was too hot and burned my tongue a little. ‘What do you do?’

‘I’m an agent.’

‘Aha!’ I wagged my finger at him. ‘So not everyone’s a writer or an actor.’

‘Well, someone has to represent all the talent.’ He straightened and went to the fridge, opening it and pulling out a white box. ‘Are you hungry?’

I groaned when he put the box on the counter and opened it. Inside were the most delicate, delicious-looking pastries I’d ever seen, some of them decadently drizzled in chocolate, others with raspberry or strawberry or lemon.

‘I don’t want to puke.’ I reached across the bar anyway and snagged a puffy chocolate-covered thing.

‘I don’t blame you.’ He picked something with lemon on top and popped it into his mouth. ‘So, what do you write?’

‘Little bit of everything.’ My mouth was full of pastry as I said it—oh my god, it so rich and buttery and scrumptious! I already wanted another one. ‘But lately…I mean, what I really like to write…’

I hesitated, taking a big gulp of coffee, overdosing on richness.

‘Go on, you can tell me.’ He winked and offered the box once more. I indulged again, moaning softly as thick, sweet raspberry ooze flooded over my tongue. ‘I’m just some guy you’ll never see again.’

‘Erotica.’ I licked the filling off my lips, catching a drip on my chin with my finger. His eyes never left me as I waited for his response. I’d never really told anyone before, excerpt for Ronnie and TJ, who occasionally enjoyed private readings.

‘I see.’ Josh plucked another pastry from the box, something that looked almost like a chocolate-dipped cannoli. ‘And were you doing research last night?’

I laughed, popping the last of the raspberry-yum into my mouth. ‘Mystery writers don’t have to kill people to write crime books, do they?’

‘True enough.’ He took half the chocolate thing in one bite as I watched, impressed.

‘So who do you represent?’ I snuck my hand across to snatch one of those chocolate things. He slid the box so I could reach.

‘Are you looking?’ His mouth was full and he sounded decidedly Scooby-Doo-like when he asked. It made me laugh.

‘Jim Carrey informed me last night that all agents are evil.’ Oh my god, it was actually a chocolate dipped cannoli! I bit the chocolate coating off the end and sucked at the cream, making little happy noises until I noticed Josh staring at me.

‘What?’ I licked my lips.

He cleared his throat and took a sip of his coffee. ‘You met Jim Carrey at 1 Oak last night?’

‘I got his autograph for my brother.’ I patted my purse. ‘His biggest fan and all that.’

‘You know, if you’re serious about being a writer, you’re going to need an agent.’ He closed the box and I looked at it longingly as it disappeared back into the refrigerator. ‘We may be evil, but we are, I’m afraid, a necessary one.’

I shrugged, licking cream off my fingers. ‘Lots of people have made it without agents.’

‘That’s a myth.’ He leaned against the counter, watching me slip my fingers into the soft shell of the cannoli, looking for more cream.

‘Of course you’d say that.’ I sucked my fingers enthusiastically. ‘You’re an agent.’

Josh shrugged, standing up and holding his coffee mug, sipping slowly, still watching me. I stared thoughtfully at my dessert-for-breakfast, contemplative.

‘What can an agent do for me I can’t do for myself?’

I’d tried pretty hard in the couple years, since moving in with Ronnie and TJ, to get published. I had a stack of rejection letters shamefully shoved under my desk blotter to prove it. I’d almost decided give up and start writing porn instead of erotica—there was always a paying market for that stuff in Hustler or Forum. Either that, or I was going to have to start writing about vampires—very handsome, sparkly ones with Victorian-era names and lots of teenage angst.

TJ knew people and had put me in touch with a few agents, but I thought Jim Carrey was right. Agents followed the money and I hadn’t made any. None of the ones I’d talked to thought I really had the potential to make enough for them, was my guess. Erotica was a niche market, and I wasn’t going to make any real money there. Everyone said so. None of the agents TJ put me in touch with would even look at my writing after I said the word ‘erotica.’

‘First of all, an agent keeps you out of the slush pile.’ Josh interrupted my thoughts and winced at the words. Every aspiring writer dreaded the slush pile—that huge slushy pile of unsolicited manuscripts sent in by unknown authors looking to be published. ‘And to tell you the truth, a lot of the big houses stopped doing slush after 9/11 and the anthrax scare. The playing field has narrowed. Considerably.’

‘But it still happens…’ I put my chocolate cannoli down, suddenly feeling queasy.

‘People still win the lottery, too.’ Josh laughed, but it wasn’t funny. He reached over and put his hand on my arm, meeting my eyes. ‘Look, an agent will get you in the door. An agent will get you a fair and fast read, which is all an author can really ask for, and if your book is accepted, an agent will get you a better money deal, hands down. That’s what an agent can do for you.’

I frowned. ‘Are you a good agent?’

He smiled, raising an eyebrow. ‘Are you a good writer?’

‘I’m very good.’ I looked down at his hand on my arm and back up at him.

He nodded. ‘So am I.’

The intercom buzzed and we both jumped.

‘Car’s ready,’ Josh said, as if I hadn’t heard the doorman say so. ‘Do you have everything?’

I shrugged. I hadn’t come with much. I stood, opening his robe and taking it off. ‘Here. Thanks.’

‘Don’t mention it.’ He slung it over his arm, looking across the bar at me. ‘Tell you what, let me give you my card.’

‘I don’t know if that’s a good idea.’

He was already opening a kitchen drawer, taking out a white card and a pen and sliding it across to me. ‘Go ahead and write down your phone number and email on the back.’

I hesitated, frowning, pen in hand. ‘I don’t know…’

‘What have you got to lose?’ He opened the drawer, taking out another card. ‘I mean, I’ve already seen you naked.’

I blushed and laughed, writing both my cell and email on the card and sliding it back to him.

‘Here, take this one.’ He scribbled something on the back. ‘That’s my personal email.’

‘Thanks.’ I zipped it up inside my purse. ‘I guess I better go.’

‘I’ll walk you to the elevator.’

It was just around the corner and down the hall, and I didn’t bother with my shoes, carrying them in one hand.

‘That really is a great dress,’ Josh remarked as he pushed the button. The doors opened immediately and he held them for me. ‘I can see why Catherine brought you home.’

‘Tell her I said…’ Yikes. What should I say? I cringed, feeling awkward. ‘Tell her I said goodbye.’

He nodded. ‘Goodbye to you, too, Just-Janie. Nice meeting you.’

‘Bye, Josh.’ I gave him a little wave as the doors closed before leaning against the back wall of the elevator and letting out a huge pent-up breath.

I quickly dug out my phone, flipping it open to scroll through messages, seeing Lil’s last one first:


You’re not the only one, I thought, smiling and thinking of my unexpected night with Catherine—and my even more surprising morning encounter with her husband.

What were the odds of a writer meeting her future agent after spending the night having sex with his wife? I wondered. Those were long odds, I figured. Crazy-odds. The kind of odds Vegas wouldn’t even let you bet on.

Those were lottery-winning odds. And strangely, that’s just what it felt like, seeing Josh’s card tucked away in my purse—like I’d won the lottery. I just wasn’t quite sure yet exactly what my prize might be.

* * * *

I tried to sneak in as quietly as I could. It was still early and I was hoping, since it was a Sunday, everyone, including Beth, would still be sleeping.

I went in the front door because the side door that went through the kitchen had a squeaky screen. I leaned there for a moment as I gently closed the front door behind me. What a night! I still felt a little hungover, although I’d had worse mornings. I was mostly just exhausted. Catherine and I hadn’t slept much last night. I warmed at the memory and wondered what to tell Ronnie and TJ, because I knew they were going to ask where I’d been, what I’d been doing, and more importantly, why I hadn’t called.

Maybe I could go to bed for a few hours and pretend I’d been there most of the night? I started toward my room but stopped when I heard voices from the kitchen. Ronnie and TJ were awake, and I had to pass the kitchen door to get to my bedroom. Damnit. I inched forward, holding my breath, listening.

‘It’s not that.’ TJ sighed deeply. ‘But I told you before, I just don’t know if I can go through that again.’

Ronnie spoke up, sounding angry. ‘I went through it, too, you know.’

‘I know you did.’ He sighed again. ‘Come here.’

‘I just want you to be happy.’ Ronnie’s voice sounded muffled, not angry now, and I knew he was probably holding her.

‘I am happy!’ TJ sounded sincere. ‘I’m just…scared. I almost lost you. We almost lost Beth. I don’t want that to happen again.’

‘I know.’ Ronnie sighed and I stood there, wondering what had happened. Had Beth’s birth been so difficult? I knew she’d had a c-section—she still had the scar, low and faded at her bikini line. But lots of women had those. I hadn’t really given it much thought past kissing it as I made my way south or north on her body.

‘I mean, look at me,’ he laughed ruefully. ‘I couldn’t sleep all night, worried about our other girl.’

I startled, knowing he was talking about me, feeling even more guilty.

‘I wish she’d call or something. I just want to know she’s safe,’ he said.

‘I’m sure she’s okay,’ Ronnie reassured him. ‘She probably went home with someone.’

He snorted. ‘I don’t like that idea either.’

‘Can’t have your cake and eat it, too…’ Ronnie laughed.

‘I sure can…’ he disagreed, and I knew that low tone in his voice, the one that told me he was turning wolfish, on the prowl.

Feeling guilty, I decided to make my presence known.

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XMen Generations

August 4th 1977 was the date the death knell of the X-Men had been signed. Cyclops was gone. The leader of the X-Men was dead. Charles Xavier was gone. The founder of the X-Men was in space to find a new home for mutant Skrulls. Jean Grey was gone. The light of the X-Men had resigned out of a fervent belief that Cyclops was still alive. Magneto had returned to Genosha, with Polaris going with him. Bishop had returned to some desolate future. Gambit had resigned to lead the Thieves' Guild....

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3 Generations

PROLOGUE John laid down on the exercise bench as he lifted the bar up and down trying to remember a time when fifty pounds didn?t seem like as much. In his younger day he wouldn?t think twice about trying to bench over a hundred pounds. Now if he did it he would probably end up in the hospital. Of course for a man in his forties he was in great shape. He tried to keep in shape. A habit he inherited from mom. Heck she still did yoga and stuff herself and was a damn good looking woman. He put...

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Generations of Sand

THE STORY The story centres on Nathan Sand, a high school boy and his growing sexual adventures with some of the females in his family. I strive to write between 400 and 800 words on each fork, not to make it too short and lose depth in the story and not to make it too long and boring. CHARACTER INTRODUCTION! Nathan Sand (our main hero) Age: 18 Height: 5,6ft Weight: 131lbs Hair: Short dark brown Occupation: Student Relation: Son Veronica Sand Age: 34 Height: 5,7ft Weight: 119lbs Hair: Long...

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Katie fucked by two generations Dad n younger man

Father and son seems more like something from a porn movie script rather than a Christmas do. I was fucked by my junior colleague and his uninvited friend last year after a Christmas drink - see an earlier story.i cannot believe that it is Christmas party time again. This year my pimping boss promised me to a client after our evening do, well I sort of volunteered. Anyway I somehow found myself sat between a father and son. Dave, a deputy director like me and his son Oliver, a recent graduate...

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How I fucked three generations and made a fourth i

I met my girlfriend through her daughter and my daughters friendship. Right away I could see where she got her looks. That fall our daughters left for college and we were fucking all the time. Life was good. One day as I had just gotten her off from circling my tongue on her asshole the phone rings. No big deal it was for her so I continued by entering her tight little ass. God I was ready to cum when I heard "of course MOM you can stay in Candace's room". My cock went from just about to...

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Me and my family...are on our way to my grandma,s..just paying her a she lives out in the to set of mom....44...l really didn,t want to come? gran and to walk around in the nude...naturist, do l have to come?...i said..well said....we are family...and nobody gets left out...l know dad,but...but dont like looking at old people,s bits?

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Three Generations

by a_decent_fellowIt was Memorial Day weekend of the year that I was going to turn fifty years old. I told my wife that a guy that I work with asked me if I would go to his hunting camp with him over the weekend and help him install a new hot water tank."Do you want to come along?" I asked, knowing she would decline."You know damn well that I have to work!" she barked, "Besides, the only reason you want me to go along is to cook for you and empty to the shit bucket. I'll see you when you get...

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it for Generations

i****t, Genetic Sexual AttractionChapter 1It was a Sunday early morning, hearing loud noises from the Hostel corridor, I came out of my room and learnt to my shock and surprise our classmate Mohan was found dead in his room, obviously committed suicide. An empty arsenic bottle and a suicide note found besides the bed.He hails from a wealthy rich landlord family, the only son of his parents and doing well in studies. He married six months earlier Madhusmita. No one could imagine the reasons for...

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Three generations

So it started off as a cold, wet,typical northern Indiana day. I had gone to the local home improvement center, to pick up some charcoal needed to cook a delicious pork tenderloin on the grill later that day. When I looked up and saw a beautiful Red head walking my direction. Her Buggy was filled to the top with wallpaper,paint, drywall compound. and a lot of the tools one would need to complete the jobs she had in mind. I figured she had to be in her late fifties, and said good morning as I...

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3 Generations of Cock

Well my wife is a total slut for cock. I take full credit for her transformation to the whore of my life. When we got married I told her that there are three things I want in a woman 1A gourmet cook 2 a gracious host when we have company and 3 A total slut in bed. Well she took the last real good. This story I'm telling happened about 3 months ago. My friend Dave lives 4 houses away and we have been good friends for about 20 years. The first thing you notice about Dave is his size 6'8" and...

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Family Incest For Generations

Incest, Genetic Sexual Attraction Chapter 1 It was a Sunday early morning, hearing loud noises from the Hostel corridor, I came out of my room and learnt to my shock and surprise our classmate Mohan was found dead in his room, obviously committed suicide. An empty arsenic bottle and a suicide note found besides the bed. He hails from a wealthy rich landlord family, the only son of his parents and doing well in studies. He married six months earlier Madhusmita. No one could imagine the reasons...

2 years ago
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Three Generations Dannie

Chapter 1 "Could you pass me the porridge?" my father asked. "Sure thing, father!" my younger sister replied and handed father his third portion of the grainy goo. I'd never been the greatest admirer of porridge, finding the taste not to my liking. "Could I have some more too?" I asked, feeling genuinely hungry. Father passed the porridge to me, using my mother as the deliverer. "Thanks!" I said, remembering to be polite. I had lived on the same farm for my entire life, rarely...

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Three Generations Bertha

Chapter 1 "Whoa?!" Jessie said as she sat by her desk, holding the bundle of papers that she'd just read through, not believing that her grandmother Dannie had been completely crazy. She'd always been a little mysterious and as she'd gotten even older she'd talked mostly in riddles but Jessie would never have guessed that she was crazy-crazy. The reason as to why Jessie was sitting there reading these notes was because my mother, "Granny Dannie" as we called her, had just...

5 years ago
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Two generations

Am a bit free of my pressing career commitments now so here’s the next ……about bindu. Chip of the old block!With beena now totally in my care, we were meeting and mating quite unabashedly. It was during one such day that I could break ice with bindu. As I had mentioned earlier bindu was doing her management studies in Bangaloreand used to come home on weekends or once a month. As beena had married early this lass of hers was around 23yrs of age and in stark contrast to her mother. She was...

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"That was a really excellent dinner, Mrs. Romanowski." Stanley Greene said as he laid his napkin on the table. "It's been a real long time since I ate that good." "Well, when you marry my Rachel, you'll eat that good all the time," the fifty-two year old woman said as she began to clear the table. "I've taught her everything I know." "Oh Mother," Rachel Romanowski said from the other side of the table. "Let me help you with those, Mrs. Romanowski." Stanley said as he got up...

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Four Generations One Roof

Feedback greatly appreciated Characters The Standish’s David - Me - 57 Bela - wife - 55 ish’s David - Me - 57 Bela - wife - 55 Isabel - Bela’s mom - 75 Stanley - Son - 32 Janeen - Stanley’s Wife - 40 Kate - Stanley’s daughter - 14 Carl - Isabel suitor #1 - Bi Jodi - 17yo daughter Randy - Yank Bartender Tanya & Pierce - neighbors Earl - Theatre owner We lived in a township about 20 miles northwest of London, called Rickmansworth. Neat little village, awesome pub called...

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As I watched my fourteen year old great granddaughter lounging in the sun I couldn't help but think back to that day I found her grandmother, my daughter, messing around with a man in my bedroom. I was supposed to be at work but had decided it was too nice a day to be at work. So I told John my assistant manager that as company boss I deemed it my responsibility to get as much sunshine as possible to keep me healthy. "Yes sir Mr Thomas," He smiled. It's not like I hadn't done this...

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Four Generations of Fucking Sexy WomenChapter 2

Kate was the 35 year old mother of Brigid and the wife of my son Alan. Alan and Kate had married two years ago, and I was upset to hear that their marriage was already unraveling. Positive proof of that was under me at the moment - a naked Kate had my cock embedded in her delicious pussy. Kate was a slender brunette with shoulder length hair. She had a very pretty face that had been very sad not many minutes ago ... but now was glowing due to the effects of a wonderful fuck session. Her...

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Four Generations of Fucking Sexy WomenChapter 3

I was lazing about in the pool, enjoying the cool waters on this hot day when I heard an unfamiliar voice coming from the direction of the house. “Hello” was the greeting that I heard. I turned to the voice and found a very attractive woman in a light coloured floral patterned dress that showed off her figure very nicely. The appearance and face was familiar ... and it was then that I realised that this was Kate’s mother. She had spoke about the possibility that Anne could pay a...

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Four Generations of Fucking Sexy WomenChapter 4

“Yes ... I’m leaving”. “This wonderful man is taking me upstairs to fuck me senseless with his beautiful big cock” Alice taunted her former classmates with. For effect I withdrew her damp tiny lace panties from my coat pocket and dangled them from my fingers after giving them a sniff. The looks and sounds of shock and indignation from our audience were priceless - little had changed in their attitudes towards Alice in the intervening fifty years. I pulled her into a passionate tongue...

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GenerationsChapter 2 First Lessons

Lauren pulled off her t-shirt and tossed it into the open hamper, then undid the snap on her shorts and threw them in as well. Reaching into the shower, she twisted the valve to turn on the hot water, then stepped back. Facing the mirror, she reached behind her back and undid the heavy and utilitarian bra and peeled it off. Finally, she pulled off the plain and functional cotton panties and examined herself in the mirror. She liked what she saw. She wasn’t a teen any longer, like her young...

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GenerationsChapter 3 Peter

“Enhanced Systems, Lauren Graham speaking, how may I help you?” said Lauren as she picked up the telephone on her desk. She glanced at her desk clock and picked up a pen. “I’ll just bet you could enhance my system,” replied the caller, a lewd tone to his voice. “Like you wouldn’t believe!” answered a laughing Lauren. “You nut, do you need someone or are you just calling to sexually harass me?” Peter Tallman’s grin could practically be heard through the phone line. “Just checking, are you...

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GenerationsChapter 4 Pizza and Plans

Lauren grinned to herself as she remembered that first weekend. She had been so nervous with Peter, and after they had sixty-nined and then made love on the carpet in front of the fireplace, she had nervously asked him if he would stay the night. Peter had taken her into his arms and held her tightly, whispering that he would stay as long as she wanted. They had spent the night on the floor there, with throw pillows and a comforter, and neither got very much sleep. Saturday, Peter had taken...

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GenerationsChapter 6 Girl Talk

“Mommy!” Holly Graham screamed in delight and tore through the open gate into the back yard. She tackled her mother around the knees, hugging her fiercely. “Mommy!” Heather Mackenzie looked at Lauren curiously as she wheeled her bicycle into the yard, Jimmy in tow. “What are you doing here?” she asked. “Why aren’t you working?” Lauren smiled and reached down to wrap her daughter in a tight hug before sending her off. She dropped the reel of hose she had been wrestling with and answered,...

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GenerationsChapter 7 Meeting The Family

The doorbell rang promptly at eight-thirty on Saturday morning, and Holly scampered through the living room to open the door, followed closely by a very rambunctious golden retriever. She opened the door to see a very large man smiling down at her. “Hello. Who are you?” she asked. “My name is Peter. You must be Holly, right?” Holly looked up and smiled, nodding, and Peter continued. “Is your Mommy home?” Holly turned around and ran back into the house, yelling for her mother, while Goldie...

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GenerationsChapter 8 Date Reviews

“So how did your date go the other night?” asked Lauren. It was Thursday afternoon and Tuesday Heather had gone out again with Robby. “Okay. What about yours?” the teen countered. “Uh, uh. You first! Do some more kissing?” asked Lauren. Heather blushed but nodded. “A lot more, and it was even better. Robby got really close and started rubbing up against me and I started feeling sort of fluttery, like when, you know...” “Like when you play with your pussy!” answered Lauren softly. The...

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GenerationsChapter 9 Planning

“What was going on over at your place the other night?” asked Lauren. It was early evening and Lauren had just arrived home. “Oh, God! What a nightmare!” exclaimed Heather. Lauren continued looking at the teen, waiting for an explanation. At nine the previous night, the television at the MacKenzie house suddenly had the volume turned up. It was so loud, in fact, that one of the neighbors across the street had called the police, complaining about the noise level, and a sheriff’s deputy had...

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GenerationsChapter 10 A Goat Rope

The next major uproar at the MacKenzie house happened the following Tuesday night. Lauren had been back long enough Monday night to give her children the souvenir t-shirts she had bought them and join them for dinner and a couple of quick TV shows. They seemed none the worse for wear even though her mother-in-law seemed pleasantly frazzled, and she promised Jimmy and Holly that next weekend they would all stay home. Tuesday at work went quietly, and the family had another quiet evening at...

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GenerationsChapter 13 Lesson Plans

“Oh my God, you didn’t!” laughed Lauren. She had pried the truth out of Heather about her date with Robby and was laughing hysterically as the teen described how she had kneed him in the balls. “I know, it was awful. I felt terrible...” “Not as terrible as he felt, I bet.” “Stop it! He was rolling around on the ground moaning and groaning while I’m trying to get dressed. It was horrible! I thought I was going to die from embarrassment!” protested Heather. “Well, next time just tell him...

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GenerationsChapter 15 Homecoming

“Well, it sounds like you had a fun time,” commented Lauren. She was more than a bit nervous about her tutoring Heather in the adult arts, but the damage had already been done. As far as she could tell, Heather planned on going all the way with her boyfriend regardless of what anyone else might think. Abstinence was not a viable option for the girl. “I haven’t told you the best part yet,” replied an excited Heather. She glanced back towards the living room, where Holly was watching...

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GenerationsChapter 16 Brockton

“It’s been too long since we’ve done this,” commented Peter. “Hmmm?” “I said it’s been too long since we’ve gotten away like this.” Peter and Lauren were driving west into the lake district, to Brockton, taking a weekend for themselves, with the children in the care of Lauren’s parents. They had only left town a few minutes ago, and Peter had just wheeled the Jeep onto the Interstate for the trip west. Lauren looked over at him. “Hey, there’s the job and Jimmy and Holly, and now Heather....

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GenerationsChapter 17 Birthdays

“You got the list?” Peter asked, as Heather loaded Jimmy and Holly into his Jeep. The teen waved a crumpled piece of paper at him, then shoved it back in a pocket. “Got it!” she announced. Lowering her voice, she said, “Lauren also gave me a twenty so these two could buy some presents.” She nodded towards the back seats. It was the October birthday season for the Graham family. Lauren’s thirty-third birthday was Friday and Jimmy’s eighth birthday was Sunday, so as always, they would split...

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GenerationsChapter 18 Halloween

Halloween fell on a Friday that year and Peter had been invited to join the festivities at the Graham home. By the time he showed up at six, it was already getting dark. Robby Jones’ rattletrap pickup truck was parked out front, threatening to rust apart in the road, so Peter pulled into the driveway, parking behind Lauren’s minivan. He went to the door and rang the doorbell. The door opened to show Jimmy already in costume, accompanied by Goldie. The retriever gave a pleasant bark and...

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GenerationsChapter 19 Secret Watchers

It had been two weeks since the Halloween festivities, and Peter had talked Lauren into spending the weekend with him at his place. Over the last few months, the Grahams had gotten into the habit of spending a weekend at Peter’s apartment. The children would sleep in the living room under the pretext that Lauren was sleeping in the spare bedroom. In reality she would spend the evening making love to Peter, then creep into the spare bedroom before the children woke up. This weekend Peter had...

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GenerationsChapter 20 Peters Apartment

“Damn, but I’ve missed you,” said Peter as he pulled Lauren inside the door of his apartment. It had been almost a week-and-a-half since the night spent watching the teenagers through the video camera in the basement of Lauren’s home. Since then, Peter had been both on the road and out of town at a conference/trade show. He had invited Lauren, but she had begged off, needing to spend time with the children. In some ways, the trip had surprised Peter. Normally he would have packed a box of...

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GenerationsChapter 22 The Second Worst Week

It was the second worst week of her life, thought Lauren. The first had certainly been when Gary had died, and truth be told, that was above and beyond anything that was happening now. Still, this was by far the second worst. It wasn’t personally painful, like that other week. Instead, it was the pain of watching someone she loved being torn to shreds in front of her eyes, with little that could be done but watch the entire awful process in slow motion. It had begun the Wednesday after...

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GenerationsChapter 25 Babysitting

“So, we’re baby-sitting tonight?” asked Robby. Heather shrugged. “Is it baby-sitting when I live here?” Heather was in the kitchen, frying hamburgers in a cast iron skillet, while Robby sat at the kitchen table. Jimmy and Holly were in the living room playing a video game. “Besides, it will give us a chance to study later. I’ve got a chem test on Monday.” Robby shrugged in acquiescence and stood up. Sneaking up behind Heather, he gave her both a quick kiss on the back of the neck and a...

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GenerationsChapter 26 Breaking The News

Peter drove Lauren back to her home the next morning. His new fiancée was simply ecstatic, bubbling over with a happiness and good cheer that he almost found cloying. Every few minutes she would look down at her hand, look at her engagement ring, and then look over at him lovingly. “Have I told you this morning how much I love you?” she asked. “Every five minutes or so, but who’s keeping track,” he replied. “Not that I’m complaining, mind you.” The first time she had told him that morning...

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