Special Dinner
- 3 years ago
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Lauren really wished that Peter had simply taken her up on her offer to cook dinner at her house that night. She had been so busy the last few weekends that she really didn’t need to go out with him again. It wasn’t that she didn’t love him; if she didn’t love him, she wouldn’t be going out. She was simply tired and wanted to be home for a while.
First there had been the weekend before Christmas, when Peter had taken her to his company’s Christmas party. It was ‘black tie’ and far more formal than Lauren had ever been to. She couldn’t believe it when Peter had told her he would be wearing a tuxedo and she would need an evening gown. The only time she had ever seen Gary in a tuxedo had been at their wedding! She had several nice dresses but didn’t think any of them would do. Then, with the sudden death of both of Heather’s parents and the accompanying legal problems, she hadn’t had the time to even think of shopping.
Worried, she had thought about asking her mother, but realized that wouldn’t solve the problem. As much as she loved her parents, Frank and Shirley Boscow simply were not black-tie sorts of people. She doubted her father had worn a tux more than twice in his life, when marrying off two of his three daughters. He hadn’t even worn one at his own wedding. Her mother was also very much salt-of-the-earth in that regard.
Fortunately, Gary’s mother had been much more helpful. While she was anything but a snob, the simple fact was that she and Gary’s father were simply wealthier and more upscale than Lauren’s parents. As much as they had loved their son, they had simply never understood why he had turned down professional schools and degrees and become a police officer. Still, Helen Graham had been very helpful once Lauren explained her problem. “It’s too late to order something made,” she had announced. “Let’s go see what I’ve got you can borrow.” The two women were close enough in size that Lauren considered this a real possibility.
Helen had ushered Lauren upstairs and pulled several dresses in storage bags out of her capacious closets. Lauren’s eyes had bugged out as she saw several of the outfits; they were much more formal than she had ever suspected. Several were set aside by Helen as being unsuitable or out of style or season, but then she saw something and stopped, her index finger tickling her chin. “Yes ... I think maybe...” She took the gown off its hangar and held it up to Lauren, then said, “Here, try this on.” She left her bedroom and walked downstairs, leaving Lauren with the dress.
Lauren examined the dress and found it was a long and strapless gown. She stripped off her blouse and slacks, then stepped into it and pulled it up. It looked ridiculous with her white bra showing, so she unclasped it and took it off, then pulled the top into place. She fumbled the zipper up and adjusted her tits in the bra top cups. Looking in the mirror she thought it looked pretty good. It was all in black, with a heavily sequined bustier top and a slim black sheath skirt that was slit to mid-thigh up the back. She turned and looked at it several ways, then picked up her shoes and went back down the stairs.
“It’s gorgeous!” she gushed.
Her mother-in-law had a more critical eye, and had Lauren turn around in it and walk back and forth across the room, even having Lauren put the low-heeled shoes on and walking around. She helped Lauren adjust it several times before announcing with a smile, “It will do, yes it will do.” As Lauren went back upstairs to change out of it, she followed, commenting, “I wasn’t sure. I mean, I knew the dress was right for this sort of thing, but we aren’t exactly the same size. It wasn’t too tight, was it?”
Lauren knew what that meant. While both women were roughly the same size and build, Lauren was a good cup size larger, maybe a cup-and-a-half larger. Somehow, though, the construction of the dress simply pushed any excess up and out, creating a spectacular display of cleavage, though not distastefully so. Besides, she was almost out of time and options. “No, it works,”, she replied. “Just gives me a bit more... oomph!” She mimicked cupping her breasts and giggled.
“Guys like ‘oomph!’” laughed Helen.
So, Lauren found herself going to the formal ball in her mother-in-law’s borrowed dress. The party was held in a ballroom at the Hilton, and Peter had surprised her by taking a room for the evening. “It makes perfect sense,” he had informed her. “It’s the middle of December and we might get a snow or ice storm, and besides, if somebody has too much to drink, they don’t have to drive home. We get a special discount on rooms.” Lauren had agreed with that, though she was surprised that Peter didn’t get just a room, but a small suite.
In another display that Peter had more money than he ever let on, he brought his own tuxedo, an evening jacket as he called it. She had never known anybody who had owned a tuxedo before. Again, Peter’s explanation made a certain amount of sense, but she still wondered. “It’s really nothing more than a formal style of suit. Any tailor can make one, and if you are going to wear one on any kind of a regular basis, it’s cheaper in the long run.” Sure, that made sense, but once a year wasn’t any kind of a regular basis. Did he wear one other times? Just how much did she know about him, anyway?
Once they arrived at the Hilton, they immediately went to their suite to change for the evening. When Peter came out of the bathroom where he had been showering and dressing, he found Lauren already dressed, and gave her a loud and long wolf whistle. She laughed and said, “My, don’t you look handsome! You look just like James Bond!” He did, too, she thought, look like one of the James Bonds in the movies, though she really wasn’t sure which. He looked sort of like a very large and muscular James Bond, though a bit short.
Peter affected a suave and debonair look and replied, “Tallman, Peter Tallman, and you must be the notorious foreign agent, Busty Jiggleass,” an answer that set Lauren to laughing uproariously.
The actual dinner and ball were surprisingly pleasant, once Lauren got over the idea of how formal it was. Peter seemed to flow easily between a group of technical people, most of whom were decidedly out of place in their rented tuxes and finery, and an older group, the owners, where he mingled easily, though as a junior would with his seniors. Lauren found Peter’s position an interesting one. Though he was the minority owner among the others, and the youngest of the group by at least ten years, they were not at all condescending to him. In fact, at several times she found herself listening in as they praised him for something called ‘Phoenix’ which was some computer-related thing that her lover was heading.
When she asked, Peter explained that Phoenix was the complete overhaul and updating of the computer systems being run by the company, in all areas of operation, and had several different phases. Phase 1 had replaced all the individual computers and workstations and servers with up-to-date equipment, centrally purchased and installed. Phase 2 had consolidated the vastly disparate collection of software with a planned database system. These two phases were now completed and working smoothly, and the next phase was about to take place. Phase 3 would tie in the firm’s architectural and engineering systems and allow building plans to be generated by the sales staff to be quickly and inexpensively turned into blueprints and engineering plans. Several people commented that Peter had pushed the overhaul and was instrumental in the new system’s success.
“You never told me you did that sort of thing,” she had told him while they were dancing after dinner.
Peter shrugged. “It’s no big deal.”
“That’s not the way it sounds to me.”
He gave her a grin. “Well, it’s not like I can get a promotion, is it.” Lauren looked surprised at that, then she sheepishly shook her head. Where could he go up from owner? “Anyway, have I told you yet how beautiful you are tonight?” he asked.
“Yes, endlessly, but don’t you dare stop. It isn’t too extreme, is it, the dress I mean.” Lauren had noticed most of the men seemed to be staring at her tits, prominently on display.
“I think it looks perfect. I hope you’re not wearing pantyhose underneath, because when we go back to the room, I plan on fucking you right through them!”
“You’ll just have to find out later!” she answered with another giggle. She wasn’t wearing pantyhose, simply stockings and a little thong, so Peter wouldn’t have to rip anything to fuck her. “Just don’t ruin the dress!”
He hadn’t ruined it. After they went upstairs, he had taken her in his arms as he pressed her back against the wall of their suite, then unzipped the dress and allowed it to fall between them. Then, after eagerly surveying her remaining attire, Peter had fumbled his stiff cock from his pants, torn her thong off brutally, and plunged into her as they leaned against the wall. Lauren had climaxed repeatedly before Peter had exploded, and his cum ran down her thighs when she led him into the bedroom for another excellent screw.
The following weekend had been the three-day Christmas weekend, and Peter had surprised her by attending. Normally he visited his family upstate, but she had invited him regardless and he had accepted without even a second thought. Christmas with Lauren’s family wasn’t quite the production Peter’s mother made with Thanksgiving, but only because her family was smaller.
Lauren acted as the hostess and cook, but dinner was a mustard glazed ham, not a turkey with stuffing, and was generally easier to prepare and serve. Helen came, along with Lauren’s parents, her sister Brenda from San Francisco, and her sister Christy, with hubby Bob and son Little Bob, back from Italy before reporting for duty in Texas. Brenda stayed with Helen while Christy and her family stayed with the Boscows. Peter came over Friday and stayed the weekend, sleeping on the living room couch, though he didn’t get much sleep. Once the children had gone to sleep, Lauren had snuck back downstairs, to cuddle with him on the couch and make love repeatedly on the floor before the fireplace.
If Lauren looked tired, nobody commented on it, though Heather had snickered once in the kitchen and asked if Lauren had heard the wind the previous night.
“The wind?” asked Lauren, confused.
“Oh yeah, it was moaning something fierce! Made the floor squeak in the living room, too, very rhythmic like. It would start and get louder and squeakier and sort of peak and stop, then start all over again!” The only other people in the kitchen at the time were the other women, who had all laughed, especially after Lauren had swatted Heather with a towel.
The following weekend Lauren made up to Peter by visiting his family again, taking her children and Heather. Heather had been especially nervous about the visit, since she wasn’t a relation of the Grahams, technically speaking, but Lauren and Peter wouldn’t hear of her staying home. She was a member of the family, so she kept the youngsters quiet while Peter drove Lauren’s minivan up the highway on Friday evening. The winter had set in with a vengeance over the New Year’s weekend and it took over four hours to make what would normally have taken just under three to travel. Regardless, Peter made it to his parent’s home well before midnight safely.
Holly made the introductions after Peter’s mother let them in the front door. Peter and Jimmy were sent back out into the storm to bring in luggage, and Holly spotted Peter’s father standing at the end of the couch, one hand on the back of the couch and the other holding his cane. She bounced up to him, pulling Heather behind her, and introduced Heather, saying, “Hi Mister Big Frank! This is our friend Heather!”
Heather smiled shyly and took Big Frank’s hand, mumbling a greeting. Big Frank welcomed her to the house, trying to speak clearly, though Heather could tell something was wrong with his speech. Holly explained quickly, “Big Frank had a stroke and that’s why he talks sort of funny.” Before Heather could gasp at the crudity of the explanation, Holly turned back to the large and grandfatherly figure and continued, “How’s your stroke, Big Frank? Is it any better?”
Big Frank smiled down at the little girl and answered, “About the same as before.”
“It doesn’t hurt, does it?” she asked.
Big Frank smiled and shook his head. “It’s not that sort of problem, honey, but thanks for asking.” He held up his hand to forestall any more comments. “I know, I know, if I need any help, I’ll be sure to call you first.” He looked over at Heather with a wry and slightly lopsided smile. “I had a stroke last year. That’s the reason for the cane and the slur at times. Most people pretend nothing’s wrong, even when it is. She doesn’t let it bother her! I love that in little kids!”
Holly tugged Heather’s hand. “Come on, let’s go! I’ll show you where we are going to stay!” She had it all planned out; Heather and she would stay in the same bedroom as she had before, sharing the room and having a pajama party all by themselves. For herself, Heather wasn’t quite so sure how that would work out.
Lauren wasn’t at all surprised when Heather announced that the sleeping arrangements weren’t going to work. She and Holly simply couldn’t sleep in the same small bed. Lauren made the Solomonic decision that Heather would sleep in the bedroom and Holly would sleep on the living room couch, which first angered the little girl, then, as she realized that it was almost like camping, delighted her. That night, after putting Holly in her pajamas and spreading out a sleeping bag on the couch, Heather went up to her room. Left alone, Lauren changed into her silk pajama set and kimono style robe, then padded barefoot down the hallway and down the stairs to the family room.
Peter was waiting for her, sitting in an old and overstuffed armchair reading a magazine when she entered the room. He tossed the magazine aside and smiled at her, but Lauren held a finger to her lips as she came near him. “Sshhh, Holly’s sleeping on the couch and I don’t want to wake her up. I just came down to kiss you good night if you were still up.”
Peter smiled and reached out for her hand, and when she gave it to him, he gently pulled her closer, turning her and setting her sideways on his lap. Lauren snuggled against her lover as he wrapped his hands around her waist, and moved her face to his, opening her lips and allowing his tongue to duel with hers as she kissed him hungrily. Pulling her face back reluctantly, she put an arm around Peter’s neck and leaned against him tiredly.
To her surprise, rather than simply hold her, Peter slipped a hand inside her robe and began caressing a large and braless breast through the sheer fabric of the pajamas. Lauren moved a hand to his to try and stop him, but Peter was not to be dissuaded. “Peter, not tonight, we can’t.”
Peter smiled innocently at her and slipped his fingers under the pajama top and cupped her bare breast. Her nipple was very stiff and aroused. “Why not?” He tweaked her by flicking his fingers back and forth over the little nubbin.
Lauren moaned. “Oh, please, we can’t!” she whispered, burying her face in his neck to mute her sounds. “Jimmy’s right on the other side of that wall and Holly’s just up the stairs in the living room and Heather’s up in bed ... oh, God, stop it ... we can’t ... oh, Peter...”
Peter ignored Lauren’s protests and continued arousing her passions. Lauren began shivering as his fingers slipped down below the waistband of her pajama bottoms and slid insistently between her legs, to tease and torment her shaved pussy. One arm stayed behind her back, to hold her on his lap and keep her close, while the other delved into her hot and dripping snatch.
“Oh, Peter ... oh God! ... no, no ... oh, oh, oh...” Lauren was shaking as a small orgasm washed through her frame.
Peter picked her up in his arms easily and carried her over to the ancient couch across the room and laid her out flat on the sofa. He knelt next to her on the floor, and undid the belt on the robe, then spread it open, to gaze down at the pajamas already more than half undone.
“Oh, we can’t,” she protested weakly.
Peter ignored this and continued to undo her pajamas, unbuttoning the top and spreading it open, then tugging the bottoms down her legs and tossing them on the floor. “Well, if you don’t want anybody to hear, I strongly suggest you not make very much noise,” he replied. He laughed lightly at her obvious discomfort and lowered his face to her cunt.
Lauren thought she would simply go out of her mind as Peter began licking her pussy lips and clit. She began moaning quietly, trying to keep the sounds of her orgasms under control, as she thrashed on the sofa. Peter cheerfully went about his work of driving her crazy with desire and pushed her over the age when he slipped an index finger into the tight little pucker of her asshole. Lauren let out a barely muffled scream, and when Peter glanced up from her pussy, looking between the quivering mounds of her tits, he was amused to find that Lauren had grabbed a small throw pillow and pressed it against her mouth. She screamed again into the pillow as he tormented her, but the sound never got past his ears. Happily satisfied, he pulled away and allowed Lauren to slip back to some semblance of reality.
Lauren gasped and panted as her breathing returned to normal. She was exhausted almost to the point of unconsciousness, and a thin sheen of perspiration coated her heaving tits and belly. She struggled up onto her elbows and gazed down between her legs at her grinning lover. “You are a cruel and heartless person and I hate you!” she whispered.
Peter caressed her pussy again and Lauren jumped at his touch. “Maybe I should be cruel and heartless again?”
Lauren smiled weakly. Stretching out on the couch and spreading her legs wide, she tugged him to a standing position and helped Peter undo his pants. Once he had his erect prick exposed, she pulled him on top of her and helped him to stuff his cock into her sopping wet cunt. “Fuck me, Peter, just fuck me.” Peter slipped into her, and Lauren moaned into his ear, “I love you; I love you.” Peter gave her two slow and thorough screws before Lauren wrapped her robe around her and picked up her pajama bottoms and snuck back up to her bedroom.
Saturday proved to be a very, very busy day. Not only was it New Year’s Eve, but Susan Tomball had managed to get their priest to perform the baptism for the twins that morning. It was the only day that everybody in the family could get together before February, along with the participants. This had surprised Lauren because she was to be one of the participants! She and Sue had talked several times on the telephone since Thanksgiving, and she had become fast friends with the brassy and sassy little blonde. Much to her surprise, Sue had invited her to be Christopher Ryan’s godmother.
Lauren was elated at the idea since this was her first godchild. The only other children in the Graham family were her sister’s two, and their godparents were their grandparents. Still, she thought it was somewhat unusual for a non-family member to be chosen.
It became a little stranger at the baptism. Peter had been chosen as a godfather, but for the other twin, James Alexander. Lauren’s joint godparent was Young Frank, and Peter’s was Young Frank’s fiancée, Teresa. Everyone pointed out it was a family tradition, to pick godparents from different families or sides of the marriage. Peter was already godfather to Roger, the adopted Cambodian boy.
Teresa was very nervous about being one of the participants, and Peter didn’t help matters by commenting, “Just wait until you have to walk down the aisle by yourself!” The poor girl’s eyes widened dramatically at this, and you could tell that she was on the verge of calling everything off at that point, much to Young Frank’s amusement. Finally, Peter calmed her down by putting an arm around her slim shoulders and hugging her gently to his side. “Hey, welcome to the family. This makes it official. Even if you get smart and divorce the dummy someday, you’re still part of the family!” Everybody laughed at this, and Teresa calmed down.
Afterwards, at the party at Sue’s and Jack’s home, Sue held court from an EZ-Boy chair while her harried husband ran errands for her. Peter commented with a laugh that her husband was severely ‘whipped’, and Sue simply laughed and jiggled her ample chest at him. “He is if he knows what’s good for him!” Jack blushed and moved into the kitchen, followed by a teasing brother-in-law. Sue smiled over at Lauren, who was burping her godson over her shoulder, and grinned. “Actually, that’s another reason to celebrate.”
Lauren looked at her curiously. “How so?”
“Well, let’s just say that my dear husband has been on very short rations since before the babies were born, and I was too tired and worn out afterwards for rations, either.”
Lauren smiled. “And your diet is about to end?”
“Oh yeah!” answered Susan heartily. “Jack doesn’t know it yet, but he is going to get worn down to a frazzle tonight. I’m even readier than he is! If any one of these kids makes a peep tonight, they are going to be sleeping in a snowbank! I’ve got this nice new nighty, too, a little black chemise that’s cut down to here and up to there and I’m just dying to try it out.”
“Good for you! And can Jack wear you down, too?”
In response, Sue simply held her hands about a foot apart and grinned. Lauren laughed and then handed back the baby to his mother, swapping children. Several other aunts wandered in from the kitchen, asking, “Just what did you do to your husband to drive him out there?” Both women laughed at this.
It was a long evening and Lauren had quite a bit of champagne. They were among the last to leave. Peter’s parents had driven home hours before, and Jimmy and Holly were practically asleep in the car on the short ride back to Peter’s parent’s house. He led the children inside while Lauren giggled and followed, carrying a suspicious looking bag. Peter eyed her curiously as they got inside the front door. “Just what are you up to?” he asked.
Lauren giggled, “Never you mind. Are you going to stay up for a bit?” She wiggled her eyebrows at this, and Peter snorted in laughter. “I’ll be down in a bit.” Holly slowly dragged off to bed and Jimmy went downstairs. Lauren took the bag up to her room. She grabbed her robe and ran back down the hall to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Drying hurriedly, she pulled the robe around her tightly and dropped her clothing on her bed. Pulling a bottle of chilled champagne from the bag, she headed back down the stairs to the family room where Peter was waiting for her with a certain degree of anticipation.
“Up for a little celebration?” she asked coyly.
Peter laughed and took the bottle from her hand and pulled her onto his lap sideways. “You sure you haven’t had enough already?”
“Honey, what I want, I haven’t ever had enough of!” she answered with a low growl to her voice.
Peter laughed at this and wrapped and arm around her shoulders, holding her against his chest as he worked the wire mesh holding the cork in place. Once he removed it, he looked at her as he began loosening the cork. “Glasses?”
“Be adventurous.”
Peter shrugged and popped the cork. It bounced satisfyingly off the ceiling without foaming all over, and he placed it to his lips for a large swallow. Lauren took it from him and greedily gulped some down, then belched and laughed. “You’re crazy!” he commented as he took another sip.
“Crazy for you!” She took his free hand and slid it inside the top of her silk kimono robe, and Peter cupped her full breast. Lauren murmured contentedly.
“What has got into you?”
“Nothing yet - that’s the problem!”
Peter snorted and laughed as he tweaked her nipples. “You’ve been spending way too much time with my wacky sister,” he commented.
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Proposed special pain and humiliation training for My slaveDear Goddess: Please do not think of this as a script. You are now aware of his particular vulnerabilities. I realize how skilled and creative you are and will leave the details to You. I only wish to suggest certain aspects, as I know him intimately and have spent a vast amount of time thinking about how to achieve the maximum impact upon him. My current work and school schedule still make it impossible for me to provide the...
Introduction: RJ and Candy Make New Discoveries A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. Its called My Right of Free Speech. If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading...
Please do not think of this as a script. You are now aware of his particular vulnerabilities. I realize how skilled and creative you are and will leave the details to you. I write only to suggest certain aspects, as I know him intimately and have spent a vast amount of time thinking about how to achieve the maximum impact upon him.My current work and school schedule still make it impossible for me to provide the necessary training to My slave (and I like him too much to provide this level of...
A Very Special Birthday Present - by: Jennifer Allison My Birthday - Part 1 Today is my thirteenth birthday. My Aunt Ida and cousin John came over to help me celebrate. "Hey Dean," my mom yelled upstairs. "Your Aunt Ida and your cousin John have been here for ten minutes and you still haven't come down to say, Hi." "I'll be down in a minute. I have to finish this chess game I am playing on the Internet." If I hadn't been on a twelve game winning streak I would have...
12th FebruaryI bought James the most amazing present today. Had to nip out at 11.00 to Bond Street to get it. It wasn’t worth wasting a lunch break on, and James might have got suspicious if I made an excuse to miss our ‘fun time’ together. Thank god I can come and go as I please at work. It’s not as if the boss is going to tell me off lol, and nobody else dares. They are perfect for him. Ivory cufflinks, with a small, subtle ‘£’ etched into the pearly square. He’s going to love them....
Office SexI dedicate this story to Jon. * Something Special about Maxine, #2 The King of Cunnilingus meets the Queen of Trouble * Continued from Chapter 1: As soon as he ejaculated his load of warm, oozy cum in her warm, wet mouth and she swallowed, he helped her up from the futon. As if she was a paid escort or a whore hired for a few hours, he was eager to rid himself of her. As if she was a prisoner being summarily released from prison, he collected her panties and pocketbook, put them both in...
She thought back to how she had decided to get into the business of personal massage.Her first orgasm had come at the hands of a masseuse who knew all of the special places on a woman's body. It had been her first special massage. She had been nervous, the tenseness evident in her shivering. She had lain nude underneath a towel that just covered her bottom, awaiting the masseuse.When the masseuse entered the room, April had been startled by the masseuse's good looks. April had expected a...
PPPPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTT hey Ms.KJ, come peek in my window. I know you been looking at me over your apartment window. I can’t see you, but I feel your presence there. Your stair is deep I can feel it even if over and pass the courtyard of the building complex. I say to myself peeking over the red velvet curtain over my window panel. Damn, I know she's there! No, I have not gone totally mental I been staying in this apartment long enough to know everyone around me. About 2months ago...
Special Needs. Players (in order of appearance): Rose Marian Carter; Tracy Tillerman; Beth Goodman; Mark Sanford; Lucy Davis as Ms. Pennywort; Susan Day; Trent Baker; Helen Anderson. Synopses: Special Needs has an odd connotation without context, and of late a politically correct term for accommodating the handicapped. Mark wasn't handicapped when he filled out that form although not too long after he did that form he wished he was. At least then he'd have a reason for...
I have a need. A craving for the kind of satisfaction I know I can only get from one certain person. The satisfaction of completely overpowering all the senses of he who I consider my sexy slave. That one man who is the only one able to accept my extreme type of affections and actually revels in being totally absorbed by them while giving himself completely over to my servitude, my Stephen. Now to craft my plan and make all preparations. My wonderful husband Daniel and I had a fantastic...
BDSMKyle was half listening to his eighth grade teacher as she droned on about recent history because he was furtively reading ahead in the book as usual. There were topics in the book that he knew Ms. Jayne Wood would be skipping over, and he was curious about them. He was well aware that boys were discouraged from independent reading or any independent academic activity, but the girls were encouraged to be learn and study whatever they wanted. Girls could even select their own books to...
I am Steve and my wife is Mandy. We have three kids, two away at college and one left to go next year. Our son at home does not bother with us much as he has a tight circle of friends and is always out everywhere but home. We have some time back in our lives and are alone together often. We have been married for 23 years and the last few years the sex life has kind of fizzled off. Don't get me wrong, we have great sex, but other stresses in life have gotten to us and as we think about...
A Long Daydream : Special Appointment I ran into quite a lot of money recently. More money than I know what to do with and I’ll certainly never have to work again. Fortunately, I’ve always had this about one of the things I’d do if this situation ever arose. Since I have a fairly extreme passion for long hair on women, I thought it would be great to open a salon catering to the longhaired woman. Nothing new in the idea but think of all the longhaired women I’d meet. I knew exactly what I must...
FetishI was heading to the shops to get some bread, milk and cereal, trying not to run my hands over the six raised stripes on my backside. I had been doing this obsessively for the two days after my caning from Fleur. I was in a horny daze, still trying to come down from what had happened. My ass was sore and bruised but memories of the acute agony had faded faster and all I could recall was the erotic burn.I was approaching Fleur's place and my stomach dropped as I spied her walking down her...
BDSMA SPECIAL PHOTO by Rumple Foreskin Sensual and seductive, she lay amid the rumpled sheets of the bed where we'd just made love, relaxed and at ease within the golden skin of her petite, perfect body. Not posing, not looking at the camera so much as through it, into the photographer, into me. Waiting with an expression of amused tolerance for me to finish and rejoin her. It was a special photo of a very special model. I'm in the military doing special operations type work that's supposed...
OccupationsLong Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace...
The holidays were always interesting when the family gathered. There was always talk in the town that the Dawson’s were an incestuous family. There was, of course, no proof, but lots of speculation.The children were now all grown and lived out of state. They’d all come home for the holidays for an extended amount of time. That’s when all the talk would happen. They all kept to themselves and they were all adults, so if something weird was going on, they weren’t breaking any laws.There were...
IncestA SPECIAL FIELD HOCKEY GAME (A LESBIAN TALE)The tension was high as the two top Lesbian field hockey teams met in a closed arena which used to be a basketball court. This meant that there were boards to keep the ball into the arena but also that spectators had a closer view of the action on the floor.The rules were the same as field hockey, but the women played with a tennis ball. The players had ice hockey gloves, a sweatshirt with the team logo, and sneakers. They were naked from the waist...
It was Scott's birthday and I had surprises in mind for him. Last night my husband and I had arrived at this luxurious desert spa near Miami and I had a whole day of treats planned for him today. First we'd have a special caviar breakfast and take a quick swim, and then, for later in the afternoon, I had arranged for a masseur to come up to the room. I had requested a specific special masseur, and not another or a masseuse, because that masseur, I hoped, was going to be a big part of the very...
It was Friday night and my wife had just left on a weekend business trip. I helped her pack all of her bags, she always packs too many suitcases, and waved goodbye from our front door as she drove away. I love when she takes these frequent trips because it provides me plenty of time to indulge my darkest passions and desires, desires that can only be fulfilled alone in the privacy of my own home. This night would be special however, because the day before I had gone to the local adult video...
SPELLS R US: A SPECIAL SITUATION by Roy Del Frink Andrew Humphrey was an unusually displeased man. At 25, he enjoyed his lifestyle. He liked working for the drugstore. He also had all the money he'd ever wanted, even though he was far from wealthy. Even his parents, brother, and sister gave him loving attention whenever he was around. But he felt something lacking in life. Something quite personal. After six months in therapy, Andy discovered the problem was himself. He...
A Special Girl - Chapter 1By Alhana EscherBirth of a Special GirlJames’ world had been turned upside down. Just moments before he had been getting off with, in his opinion, the cutest and sexiest girl in school. Now though, his was totally freaked out sitting on his living room floor having just discovered his girlfriend Alice wasn’t actually a girl at all. He had found out when his hand, that had been slowly making it’s way up her legs underneath her dress had reached the silkiness of her...
A Special Christmas Morning Christmas Eve my girlfriend and I came home from visiting some close friends. Things hadn't been all that good for us recently and she spent most of the night talking with the other women. I on the other hand spent the night getting really, really drunk. No don't get the wrong idea, I don't usually get drunk, but that night Sally and I had a big fight and I was upset. As she drove us home (I was in no condition to walk, let alone drive) she told me that...
SPECIAL FRIDAYS - 03 By Libnos After that wild evening, when she'd dressed me as a woman for the first time, I awoke the next morning without any misgivings or concerns. I trusted her and we and felt comfortable that would continue our relationship in the same direction but with mutual love and respect. Looking at the pictures she'd taken and printed off for me I immediately got a hard-on. I wasn't sure it was because it was because I knew it...
A Special Girl By Alhana Escher Birth of a Special Girl James' world had been turned upside down. Just moments before he had been getting off with, in his opinion, the cutest and sexiest girl in school. Now though, his was totally freaked out sitting on his living room floor having just discovered his girlfriend Alice wasn't actually a girl at all. He had found out when his hand, that had been slowly making it's way up her legs underneath her dress had reached the silkiness of her...
The Special Indoctrination Unit is a unique sexual training facility located adjacent to a large male prison. The unit was created to imprison and indoctrinate specifically chosen women...those who are uncooperative in fulfilling a dictator's vast carnal needs. The project is known covertly, and to an exclusive few as: 'CUNT'...Captive..Unrestricted..Nymphopathic..Training.The women are almost exclusively from the higher aristocratic levels...women used to money and power, and to having...
It was actually an early birthday gift from my best friend. Pam knew I had been pretty stressed and wanted to give me something that would help with it. She gave me the gift card, and told me that it would cover any type of massage they offered. Then she told me that when I go in, make sure you tell them you want the special. They will know what you're talking about. Everything is covered in the coupon, including the tip. All you have to do is go in and come out more relaxed than you have ever...
Tim Purdy balanced on his right (and only) leg and fished a pair of crutches out of the back seat of the Veteran’s Administration transport van. The sun was scorching on this late July morning just outside Atlanta. “Thanks for the ride, Mike,” he called. “No problem, Tim. Same time tomorrow, right?” “I’ll be ready.” Tim slid the van’s door closed and checked the area. Since coming back from Afghanistan, he was much more aware of his physical surroundings than the ordinary American. He knew...
Friday, July 11, 2008 As I had said I would, I convened a family meeting on Friday evening. Before I begin describing it, I will say that it was interrupted with variations on the same few questions over and over again. To save you from being driven as far up the wall as I was, I'll omit 99% of those interruptions. I will also omit the interrupting phone calls, especially for Carol and Donna. Fortunately they found the discussion exciting enough to let them get in touch with their masculine...
"Mmmmmm. What I'd give for this moment to last forever. Lynn, you'll never know how much I appreciate the way you braid my hair. Talk about pampering!!" "Hey, Angie, what do you think a best friend is for?" I responded. "I think this is just an added bonus. I'm lousy at braiding my own hair, and my mom is anything but gentle." "I hate to admit it, Angie, but I'm actually being selfish, as I love running my fingers through your long silky hair." "Now, if I could only find a guy...
A Very 'Special' Friendship A new beginning. Jena woke to find the sun streaming through the curtains and she found herself almost singing because she felt so good. Yesterday she met up with Ben after many years separation. They had only been in touch by phone for so long with an occasional visit every few years. They had had a wonderful lunch and a very in-depth review of their lives since they had seen each other. Both of them had come through divorces without too much damage....
IncestMark Elsa and I hadn’t just made love; I’d fertilized her egg with my sperm. The essence of my being, my family, and my heritage had merged with hers to create a life. She knew with certainty that we’d done the deed that night. As we’d finished and I’d filled her vagina with my spend, her eyes got large after we kissed. She whispered, “I love you, daddy,” and then she cried with joy so I felt her tears on my chest as we lay in bed cuddling. She whispered, “We did it. That was ‘it.’” I was...
'CUNT'...Captive..Unrestricted..Nymphopathic..Training. The women are almost exclusively from the higher aristocratic levels...women used to money and power, and to having their own way. The leader changed all this upon taking control several years ago... and vowed to make all these women his personal sex slaves. Many of the sophisticated ladies, proud and recalcitrant in their manner, had refused to accept this...and risked punishment, flinging their insults at their captors,...
I managed to get through college debt-free by working at various clubs, strip clubs if you must know. Being a shapely, good breasts for my size, book smart and outgoing, I developed quite a loyal following of sorts. Some of them are still friends these years later. One evening, I was working a party in Holby Hills, and I met a woman, who would change my life in ways I couldn’t imagine. She was a lanky blonde with beautiful curves that belied her twenty years my senior. Her name was Whitney. She...
Office SexSince for two years, first time I had seen her. She was walking on the street. First I wanted to be sure if she is Natalie. Yes, she was Natalie , my friend Haluk's wife. Natalie is almost 49 years old and sexy Russian originated woman and she is married with my friend Haluk for a long time.Natali is tall , blonde and has blue eyes. She is almost 180 cm tall.During many years I never thought about her. But, for one year I was dreaming that I was fucking her. Because I was sure she had very sexy...
It's a Sunday night, I'm staying last and final night in this hotel I booked for the week. I'm here on assignment to review the status of the hotel. For a 5 star hotel is not much, is just the same as any other 5 stars hotel. Not anything too special or at least not to remember by. I am not very, please. I have yet to decide what type of review I will give it if any. "Mr. Lee, is there anything else I may do for you?" I hear a soft deep voice come from behind me as I am taking the moment to...
Sauna Special Service of a kindMy name is Yaki, a shemale in Tai Chung, Taiwan. One Saturday afternoon, I dress in my usual lady costumes and go to the sauna parlor on Daya Road with my three CD friends.This sauna parlor is really gorgeous. It occupies three floors with over 20,000 ft in area. In their usual manner the waiters greet us at the reception area in unison and lead us to the changing area. We have been here a few times before. This place does not preclude entrance of cross-dressers,...
Sauna Special Service of a kindMy name is Yaki, a shemale in Tai Chung, Taiwan. One Saturday afternoon, I dress in my usual lady costumes and go to the sauna palour on Daya Road with my three CD friends.This sauna palour is really gorgeous. It occupies three floors with over 20,000 ft in area. In their usual manner the waiters greet us at the reception area in unison and lead us to the changing area. We have been here a few times before. This place does not preclude entrance of...
SPECIAL FRIDAYS - 05 By Libnos Three weeks later we were married in a simple church ceremony as husband and wife. It was a traditional ceremony with words like "trust, honor and obey" and "forsaking all others". We went on a short, four day honeymoon and then returned to get Belinda and start our lives together as a family. We had discussed more children and knew that this would be a priority soon. Temporarily, we were living in Anita's condo until...