Four Generations - One Roof free porn video

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The Standish’s

David - Me - 57

Bela - wife - 55 ish’s

David - Me - 57

Bela - wife - 55

Isabel - Bela’s mom - 75

Stanley - Son - 32

Janeen - Stanley’s Wife - 40

Kate - Stanley’s daughter - 14

Carl - Isabel suitor #1 - Bi

Jodi - 17yo daughter

Randy - Yank Bartender

Tanya & Pierce - neighbors

Earl - Theatre owner

We lived in a township about 20 miles northwest of London, called Rickmansworth. Neat little village, awesome pub called The Keystone, Joan Of Arch All Girls Academy, where my granddaughter attended and my wife was a teachers aide. And, several public parks, one with a lake where the local kids went skinny dipping.

We all referred to each other by name, not out of lack of respect, but for clarities sake! - when you yell “Mom” in a house with three mom’s you never know what you’ll get!

Isabel owned the house since her first marriage. And, even though the house was in my name it was still considered hers! She was a fun and feisty old broad, who still had suitors chasing her, but with her body I can’t say I blame them. Her body was as good as Bela’s, if not better! (I love you Bela!) When it was just her, Bela and I, she was a little looser than if the kids were around, so I got the occasional flash, a few times I think were even intentional! It never failed to excite me. Bela sometimes noticed and even reached under the table to squeeze my cock - it was usually hardening!

Oh Bela - best sex I’ve ever had (Does that make up for the body comment honey?) With the house full, we didn’t have sex as often as we’d like, but we made do. Bela had been throwing the idea of bi-sex around for the past 40 some odd years, but had never acted on it. But, it seemed to be coming up more and more often lately. She was a teachers aide at the local all girls academy (same school our granddaughter attended). One of my favorite after work comments from her was “I swear to gawd If I have to look at one more pussy today, I’m gonna start super-gluing some knees together!” I’d slide over on the couch and would start to raise the hem of her skirt. I’d yank the skirt up and the panties down and yell boo! That usually got us to playing a bit and before long my dick was out and growing! About half the time Isabel would walk in and say “Can I play?” We’d scramble to get covered up and act as if nothing happened.

Our son Stanley was in the military and wouldn’t be home for a few weeks. His wife Janeen didn’t work, so she was always home. Kate was their 14 year old daughter, imagine Emma Watson with bigger tits and no morals!

I was getting frustrated to the point of wanting to make some changes around the house. Me and four really nice looking women were making way too many blue balls! Something had to change. I quit wearing a robe and wore just my boxers. I’d be a little more grabby with Bela’s tits and pussy. Now, if Bela and I were playing on the couch and Isabel came in, we didn’t stop. Isabel started peeking in and watching a lot more often, even to the point of running her hands over her tits or pussy.

I didn’t have a clue how to loosen Janeen up. She acted like she was afraid to see or be seen by her daughter. Maybe that’s it, get the daughter involved first. I know Bela knew what I was doing and suspected Isabel knew. Bela had an idea. Teachers and students both wore the same uniforms to school. She was going to suggest Janeen get involved at school (therefore needing a uniform) and that the three girls went on a shopping trip after school tomorrow.

Selfridges had an outlet store in Rickmansworth for school uniforms and supplies. I saw a friend, Madge who was a clerk there and introduced everyone. I told Madge that I needed a new (larger - shut-up!) skirt, Kate needed a new blouse and under-ware, and Janeen needed everything. Madge took us back to a large changing room and told us all to strip down that she’d be right back. Kate had just removed her skirt and Janeen practically yelled “Where are your under-ware!” She said most of the girls don’t wear them. As I got my skirt off, Janeen just looked at me and said you too! I smiled and said “When in Rome, and it really does feel good, a touch erotic! I told Janeen to get her clothes off and she finally got down to bra and panties while Kate and I are completely bare-ass! Madge came back and said she’d start with Janeen. Loose the bra and panties so I can measure. Janeen still tried covering her tits and pussy but finally gave in when Madge raised her arms above her head. Madge ran the tape measure over her tits making sure to get as much skin contact as she could. Janeen’s nipples were thickening up, it must be working. Madge had her hold that position and spread her legs. Madge took at least 15 minutes of rubbing up and down her legs, frequently brushing over her pussy and even scratching her clit for good measure. Janeen’s eyes were closed and you could see some glistening on her pussy. Kate grabbed a couple paper towels and wiped her moms pussy before letting her try on the under-ware. Janeen tried apologizing but everyone shushed her and tried to put her at ease. Kate ran her hand over her ass and her knees almost buckled. Bela moved over to help Kate with the new blouse, bra and panties. Bela, having not played with women before seemed to know exactly what she was doing. After getting Kate’s panties on and checking the fit Bela even took a whiff of her fingers. Kate bent over and said it’s even better from the source, and pulled her leg openings aside. Bela sniffed but wouldn’t lick even as much as she wanted too. Kate knelt down and ran her hands up Bela’s legs and lingered on her pussy for a few minutes. Bela’s knees were shaking! Madge was just finishing up with Janeen and everyone checked out everyone else. Bela thanked Madge and said everyone would wear the new stuff and they went out to pay.

Bela had a thought and stopped to get three beach towels. On the high street they bought fish & chips for three and headed to the park. They found the lake the kids used and Bela suggested they try it. Kate was already naked and heading for the water with Bela right on her heels. Bela looked back and Janeen was still sitting on her towel, not moving. Bela went back and pulled Janeen to her feet and said, “Look, you’ve got to loosen up some, I don’t mean to become loose but to just relax a little. We’ve got two men at home that are almost afraid of getting hardons because of how uptight everyone is.” Some one yelled across the lake “Hey Mrs Standish, who’s the hottie you got there?” Bela yelled back it was her daughter-in-law and if she wasn’t naked in five minutes you guys could have her!” “Now, take off your clothes or I’ll take them off and spank you right here on the beach!” Janeen finally had her clothes off and followed Bela to the water. Kate came over and hugged her mom, “Feels good, doesn’t it?” Janeen actually smiled and said yea, it kinda does. Kate pointed out two girls making out on a rock, “That’d even feel better!” Janeen almost yelled, she’s eating the other girls pussy right out in the open. Kate said “Yea, I tried once but she wouldn’t let me!” Kate! Have you ever eaten pussy? Yea, a few times but she’s going steady with that girl! Now Bela was interested, “You’ve eaten pussy?” Kate said “yea, I prefer boys but a nice sweet, juicy, pussy is great once and a while.” Bela didn’t say anything but you could see her mind working away! They splashed around for 10 minutes or so, and Janeen even forgot she was naked. They went back and had their lunch and air dried before getting dressed and heading home.

David had called Stanley earlier in the day to explain a little of what was happening. All Stanley could say was Oh Thank gawd! I hope it works. That house was getting awfully uptight! Now, I’m anxious to come home, I’ll see if I can get a weekend pass. Thanks Dad. See ya later.

The girls walked in and Isabel and David were on the couch talking. Whoa! There’s my cute little school girls. The girls plopped there bags down on a chair and were just about to sit when David said “Hang on a minute, this is a Kodak moment. He went to get his camera. Isabel asked where their ties were and to get them on. Isabel cleared a spot on the sofa and had the girls sitting kinda provocatively next to each other. David took a couple pictures and said Wait Wait and ran off to the kitchen and came back with three suckers. Each of the girls was now licking a sucker, they each took swipes at each others suckers and it became a game. Kate put her sucker on her pussy and rubbed it around then gave it to Bela to lick, Bela wouldn’t give it back! Isabel lifted Janeen’s skirt and said “you naughty little girl, you’re not supposed to be wearing under-ware. Get ‘em off NOW!” The forcefulness of her language shocked Janeen into complying without even thinking about it.

Isabel piped up, Oh another idea, you kids stay there. David come with me. David followed Isabel to her bedroom and she told David to strip. David looked at her and said what!? She said “Strip, Oh for gawds sake you’ve wanted to do that in front of me since before you were married. Now strip. He stood there naked as she threw a black shirt, with a white priests collar at him. She didn’t have any pants but went to another drawer and pulled out a black speedo. She hung a crucifix around his neck and said Perfect, let’s go!

Now, you four have some fun and she grabbed the camera. She told David to spank his naughty little girls. He grabbed Bela first and turned her over his knee. Not much of a spanking but a lot of rubbing and moaning. While he pretended to spank Bela, Kate gently shoved two fingers into Bela’s pussy and see-sawed them in and out. Janeen couldn’t believe what was happening, but even more so couldn’t believe she was starting to masturbate right there on the couch in front of everyone.

The doorbell rang and everyone jumped. Isabel demanded everyone stay right where they were. It was a friend of hers (Carl) who would be gone in a minute. NOBODY MOVE! Isabel answered the door and was talking to Carl. Carl and Isabel came into the living room and Carl just smiled. Isabel introduced Carl and told everyone to get back to what they were doing. And Kate, Bela’s ass might like a gentle finger or two. Isabel turned to Carl and said how would you like to do an old lady a favor? Carl said Anything, Anytime, and Anywhere! She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bathroom. She told him to strip while she did too. She turned on the shower and they hopped in. I think this old house just got a renewal of life! Razors are up there. Bring this skanky old pussy back to life, make it pretty then fuck me silly!

Mean while in the living room David couldn’t hold back much more. He pushed Bela off his knee and had her face buried in Kate’s pussy and her ass up in the air. He rubbed his dick along her ass and asked Janeen for a little help. Janeen grabbed his cock and rubbed it all over Bela’s ass and pussy. Bela’s head looked like a jack-hammer going up and down on Kate’s pussy. Janeen finally got my dick in a hole (I’m actually not sure which hole, but I think it might have been her ass!) When David finally came he had Janeen rub it all over Bela, Janeen pushed her fingers into Bela’s pussy and Bela started cumming instantly. That drove Kate over the edge and we (and she!) just learned she was a squirter. A fucking geyser was shooting over Bela’s back and right on to Janeen’s face and chest. Apparently the noise scared Carl and Isabel who came running out and stopped dead in their tracks laughing! Cum was actually dripping down a lampshade behind Janeen! Isabel and Carl took their towels and started gently wiping down the girls. They had to carry Kate to the shower, she couldn’t walk. When they had her calmed down they went back for Bela and Janeen.

Everyone seemed to be calming down but David had a nagging thought running through his head. He couldn’t take his eyes off of Carl’s dick, balls and ass! He had never had a gay thought in his life, but he really wanted to suck that dick! It was getting late and Carl got up to go but went over to David and whispered in his ear “Close your eyes, Open your mouth and stick out your tongue!” David did and Carl just grazed his dick over David’s lips and tongue, then said “If you invite me over again and ask real nice, I might let you have some more!”

The attitude around the house had obviously changed. Not to the point of everyone walking around naked but leaving doors open more often, not worried about being seen naked, but most importantly not worried about being caught while having sex!

Stanley couldn’t get a pass till next weekend so, David, Bela and Janeen decided to hit The Keystone pub on Friday night. They had a ‘Yank’ bartender who was really cool. Awesome at darts, could double on/off in 8 darts! A hellacious sense of humor. His name was Randy! He introduced himself as ‘Randy by name and Randy by nature’ Sounds kinda hokey but it worked for him he was constantly getting laid!

We got there early so we could get something to eat. They had a reputation for the best Shepherds Pie and Yorkshire Pudding. Randy got us all served up and remembered David and Bela but didn’t recognize Janeen (she didn’t go out much!). Randy introduced himself to Janeen and added “You have the most awesome cleavage in this place.

We finished dinner and the girls excused themselves to the Ladies Room. Randy saw them standing in line and got in right behind Janeen. He brushed her ass and when she started to turn, he stopped her. He kept rubbing her ass and made it to the bottom of her skirt. Janeen started grinding her hips and he ran his hands under her dress and up the inside of her thigh.

Bela was standing in front of Janeen and saw her obvious agitation. Bela turned to face her and started rubbing her tits through her blouse. Janeen’s hands went up to cup Bela’s hands while they played with her tits. Bela undid a few buttons and slid her hands inside her bra. Janeen moaned and Randy realized what was happening. He moved his hands inside her panties on her ass and got Janeen to a point of not knowing if she was coming or going! The line moved forward and Randy turned to the ladies behind him and motioned them around. They smiled and moved very slowly next to Janeen and took a quick swipe at her tits and pussy. Janeen was at a total loss of which way to move, the sensations were coming from all around her.

Bela undid a couple more buttons and loosened her bra strap. Her tits were almost completely exposed. And when randy undid the zipper down the side of her skirt she felt it start slipping down. She still had on a slip and the people passing us up in line made short work of it. Bela had her tits completely out now and leaned in to start kissing them. Her nipples were as hard as small pebbles and someone else had pulled her panties down to mid thigh.

Janeen was sliding down the wall to the floor, so Randy jammed two fingers into her pussy and pulled her back up to an upright position. One of the passing women undid Randy’s fly and pulled his dick out and started rubbing it up and down Janeen’s ass. Randy kept pistoning his fingers in and out and the stranger lined his cock up with her ass and gently pushed him in.

There was no one left in line for the Ladies Room, but Randy and Bela saw 20-30 people lined up at the entrance just watching the show. Janeen started cumming and that just drew more people. Bela kissed Janeen on the lips and told her to open her eyes. Randy was getting ready to cum and started fucking her very fast and hard. Janeen looked at the crowd, moaned, screamed, and passed out!

Bela and a couple of women got Janeen into the Ladies Room and got her settled down and cleaned up. Randy was still sitting half naked, cross-legged on the floor and a couple of guys brought a pint of Lager, smiled and called him a ‘Fucking Yank!’

When we walked in the front door at home, Kate was just passing by the door on the way to the kitchen, she was wearing a very brief pair of bikini panties and nothing else. She reached out to kiss her mom, stopped, took a whiff of air and said, Mom, You got laid! Janeen said No, it was just a crowded bar. Kate reached over and grabbed her pussy and said Yea, crowded bars always leave you with a wet pussy don’t they?

Kate grabbed her hand and lead her to the bathroom. She took off all her moms clothes and spent particular attention to a very dripping pussy. Good gawd mom did you fuck the whole bar. No, it was just one guy, but one very good guy. They stood under the shower for 15 minutes or so then walked naked back to the living room.

Isabel stood and said she was going to bed but, that she wanted everyone to know that Carl and his daughter would be over about 4 for dinner. And, he told me to tell you David, that if you were naked and on your knees on the front porch when they got here, he’d let you suck his dick a little.

I was on the front porch and naked about 3:30 and got on my knees and waited. They showed up about 4 and my first thought was maybe I don’t want to play with a dick, look at his daughter! Fucking gorgeous. I’m guessing 17! Perfect tits. Super short shorts that had the most awesome pair of legs snaking out of them! Carl dropped his shorts first though, and put his dick right on the edge of my lips. I couldn’t resist and sucked it right in. He wouldn’t let me play much saying it was going to be a long night. I wasn’t a real happy camper, he’s left me hard as a rock and wanting more!

Carl went inside and Jodi and I stayed on the porch. She ran her hands up and down my legs and kept my dick hard as steel. She raised her top above her tits and put my hand on two of the most perfect tits you’ve ever seen. I pulled her into a light bear hug and ran my hand down to her shorts and played with her ass for a minute. She was moaning noticeably and turned around so her back was to my front. When I kept my hands roaming over her shorts I undid the top button of her shorts and stuck my hand inside. I pulled my hand back very abruptly and spun her around again and looked down at a very nice bulge. SHE HAD A FUCKING DICK!

It actually didn’t turn me off, just the opposite, I reached for it again and made sure her shorts slid down to the floor. It wasn’t huge, but really fucking nice. I played with it long enough to get her hard again and dropped to my knees and got to finally suck a dick for more than just a minute or two. Before she came, she pulled me to my feet and said “When we go in, you act as if everything is normal, I’m just a horny young gal lookin’ to get laid. She pulled up her shorts and pulled down her top and we went inside.

Once inside Carl introduced his daughter Jodi. I went to put on my shorts and Isabel told me not to, and to make sure everyone had a drink. Every drink I served I got groped or goosed. I couldn’t take my eyes off Jodi’s crotch and couldn’t think of anything other than sucking her dick some more!

We all sat down and ate. Afterward, Jodi announced that I had been playing with her pussy all during dinner and would anybody mind if she made me eat her pussy till she came!

I crawled under the table, pulled her shorts down and started sucking her dick. Licking her ass, balls, dick, and anywhere else I could get my tongue I finally had her moaning. When I pushed two fingers in her ass she started humping to a point of shaking the table. She grabbed the back of my head and held it down tight on her dick till she came! She looked down under the table and told me not to wipe my face. When I got out from under the table Kate commented what a huge load of cum, almost like a guy had cum on my face. Jodi told Kate to massage all that cum into my skin, and don’t forget to rub some into your tits, it’s good for the complexion. Jodi reached over and pulled off Kate’s top and told me to bury my face in her tits. Kate was now covered with cum almost as much as me. Jodi had pulled up her shorts and asked Kate if she’d like to eat her pussy. Jodi said ok, but first you need to get rid of a few of these hardons around the table, I’ll let you decide whose!

And, just so you don’t think you’re getting away with something, Bela, you’re mom’s fingers haven’t left her pussy in quite a while, why don’t you see if they’re stuck! And, Janeen, just to get everyone involved how about eating my dad’s ass, he really likes that.

About that time, the front door opened and everyone’s head snapped up. Stanley stood in the door and said “Surprise, I’m home”, then his jaw dropped and asked if everyone was having a good time! Jodi said everyone except you, Who the fuck are you? Stanley said I’m Stanley, and that’s my wife with her face stuck in some guys ass! That’s my dad with a face-load of cum! That’s my mom eating my grandmothers pussy, and that’s my daughter with almost as much cum on her face as my dad! Now, will someone tell me what the fuck is going on?!

I got up and went over to shake Stanley’s hand and drug him out to the porch to explain things. When we came back in everyone was out from under the table and still going at it. Stanley was naked and I was jacking his cock. Bela came over and said she had wanted to do that forever and grabbed a hold of his cock. She dropped to her knees and had just started sucking when Janeen yanked Bela away saying “He’s my husband, go find your own man. Janeen dropped to the floor on her back and raised her legs saying “gawd I’ve missed you - please fuck me NOW!” Kate came over to kiss her dad and he got a face-full of cum!

Jodi dragged me out to the porch, dropped her shorts and said “Again!” I raised her top above her tits and dropped to my knees. I could become addicted to this dick. She stood me up, spun me around, bent me over and licked my ass. SON OF A BITCH THAT FELT GOOD! I was grinding my ass away on her tongue when she stopped for a second and unceremoniously rammed her dick into my ass! Nothing had ever been up there before and I let out a scream reminiscent of the World War II Air Raid sirens! That brought everyone to the front porch and they saw this really cute chick with awesome tits, shoving her dick up my ass! Jodi must have been in heaven! At one point there must have been a dozen hands moving all over her body, all trying to get a feel of her dick, balls and ass! Carl came over and licked her ass a few times then shoved his cock right in, like she did to me, she’d been there before though and was rocking her hips back and forth which in turn had my ass opening and closing. I came first and thought it would never quit. Two neighbors were standing outside the porch watching and I didn’t give a fuck! When Jodi cam, she flipped me over and shoved her dick in my mouth and pumped me full!

Carl was ready and pointed at one of the neighbors and said “Make yourself useful or leave!” He flew up to the porch and dropped to his knees swallowing all of Carl instantly! The woman he was standing with was aghast, she never knew her husband sucked cock and she was left standing all alone rubbing her tits and pussy through her dress. Carl announced that there was a woman in distress in the front yard and would someone please make her feel at home!

Kate and Janeen pulled her up onto the porch and proceeded to take off her clothes, she didn’t resist until the girls started feeling up her tits and pussy. She said she had never been with a woman before and wasn’t real sure about all this. Stanley jumped up and started rubbing her pussy and even got a finger in a very wet pussy! The husband was still licking away at Carl’s crotch and said that’s Tanya and I’m Pierce. Hi guys! Before long Tanya didn’t know if she was being played with by guys or girls, and frankly, didn’t care! When a pussy was planted over her mouth she instinctively dove in and loved the taste! She was going to come quick and tried to forewarn everyone she was a squirter. As her geyser erupted and cum was flying everywhere, Bela covered her pussy with her mouth and began nibbling away at her clit. Tanya passed out!

Isabel and Bela went in to get drinks and returned with a couple trays of snacks and a couple pitures of drinks. Everyone just laid around on the porch lightly touching someone’s sexual organs! Cum was everywhere. Isabel went in and set out a stack of towels in the bathroom and announced the showers were open!

I found my way to Jodi as soon as I could - I was in love with this gal! I kept her dick in my mouth as much as I could and still carry on a conversation. Stanley came over and said “I guess things have changed around here a little! They both laughed. Stanley asked if I really liked sucking dick. David said Yea, and went to work on Jodi’s dick. Jodi reached over and started fondling Stanley’s dick. Stanley pulled away a little and said “That’s not really my thing!” Jodi was persistent though and before long Stanley was hard and gyrating his hips in time to her movements. When Jodi moved her hips closer to Stanley’s mouth, he explored a little and even went so far as a sniff and light lick. He had never thought about dicks before, but this was different, it had a really nice set of tits attached! He could always tell himself it was a girl, the whole while sucking a very hard dick! Before long he forgot the tits and was licking dick, balls, perineum, ass hole, anywhere he could get his tongue. Jodi motioned for me to move my dick down there so son could suck dad! Stanley didn’t even loose a beat he started swapping off between the two dicks and eventually had both of them cumming at once on his face!

Everyone said there ‘Goodnights’ and eventually migrated to their own beds.

Bela and Janeen were both due at school first thing. It was Janeen’s first full day as an Aide. She was assigned to Bela for indoctrination and the two went off to do their things!

Stanley and David decided to spent the day on the high street drinking and playing darts. David had heard about an adult theatre but didn’t know where it was. David figured Randy would probably know where it was. They hit the Keystone and cornered Randy. Stanley looked at David and asked if this was the Randy that made his wife pass out! Yep! They shook hands and Stanley said he’d have to teach him what he did! Randy eventually gave them directions to the theatre and Stanley and David took off.

The lobby was pretty much typical, candy, soda’s, popcorn etc. The clerk did offer them a locker to put their valuables. They accepted and put their watches, wallets and keys in the bin. The first room on the left was the actual theatre. One big room 25x25 with a bunch of couches, love seats, and chairs scattered around with no semblance of organization. One guy was laying on a couch and had his dick out beating off. The middle room was a series of small 10x10 rooms (maybe 6 or 8 rooms) with movies playing in each. Guys were standing around in various states of dress. A couple were getting blowjobs. One guy was getting fucked in the ass. The last room was again a few small rooms but, no light, completely black. You literally couldn’t see your hand in front of your face. Everyone moved around very slow because you were always bumping into someone.

Stanley and I just roamed around for a few minutes and he said he was going off exploring. I headed to the dark room and was really getting off on feeling all the hard dicks. On guy unzipped my pants and pulled my dick out. He played for a while and left. I left my dick out and started walking. The lights flashed on and off real quick. I didn’t know it at the time but that was a signal that someone had come in they didn’t know. Be careful, I could be a copper. I figured I was safe where I was, after all, you couldn’t see anyone or anything! Somebody bumped into my back and started feeling my ass. He put his hands on my shoulders and slid them down my arms. All of a sudden I felt my hands being put in handcuffs. A foam ball was stuffed in my mouth. Another pair of handcuffs were cuffed to the ones I had on and hooked to a bolt in the ceiling. My shirt was ripped off of me and my pants, under-ware, shoes and socks were removed. I was standing in something sticky, probably cum! and scared to death, but even with all that, I was hard as a rock. Hands began touching everywhere. Fingers were in my ass, I could smell the shitty fingers as they were jabbed into my mouth. I heard a ratchet sound and felt myself being lowered. A harness was place in my mouth that kept my mouth from closing and dicks were starting to find there way in. There was no pretense of foreplay. Cocks were shoved in and straight down my throat. As they pistoned themselves in and out I could feel cum trickling down my cheeks and chin. More ratchet sounds and my legs were being raised. Now dicks were in my ass as well. Somebody had a small penlight and flashed it around the room. There must have been 20 guys behind me waiting to fuck. I thought I recognized one of them.

Somebody yelled out “Break” and a very dim light came on along the floor, just so people could find their shit! When I looked around the floor I noticed that almost all the clothes were cop uniforms! I still had a dick thrusting into my throat. A penlight came on and shined in my face and the guy backed away and ran off real quick. The dick in my ass was starting to balloon up some and when I turned I saw Stanley fucking my ass! He said Sorry dad and shot a huge load into and onto my ass! People started releasing the cuffs and wiping me down and being surprisingly gentle for just having raped me!

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From My Garage Roof As I tucked my daughter Audrey into bed and said, “Goodnight” She asked, “Daddy, did you get my Frisbee off the garage roof?” I replied, “Not yet honey, but I will.” I kissed her forehead and then got out the ladder and climbed up on the garage roof. The Frisbee was not easy to find in the dark since it was the same color as the roof. As I looked around I noticed that I could see over the top of the ridge. The house behind ours that faced the other street...

2 years ago
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Life With AlphaChapter 9 Beta Bayonetta

Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...

2 years ago
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Anna and Ramone Ch 02

Hi guys, Thank you for reading the story and also for your feedback. I hope you enjoy the second chapter as well. T-Wnjk ********* Present Day ‘Anna? Anna?’ Ramone called looking concerned. ‘What?’ ‘You’re crying.’ ‘Oh,’ Anna said while wiping her tears. ‘Excuse me Ramone.’ Anna bolted to her bathroom and locked the door. Her heart was beating furiously and she rested her elbows on her sink with her head bowed down. She didn’t dare look at the mirror for fear of what she would see....

3 years ago
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Three Generations Of Pussy

by po469 I made a suggestion that made my company millions of dollars and they gave me a $50,000 bonus. I spent hours and hours deciding what I was going to do with it. I finally invested $40,000 of it in my retirement account and decided to have fun with the rest. But how? My name is Bud. I am a 58 your old horny, divorced white male. For years now I have had a fantasy that I decided to see if I could make come true while I am still man enough to enjoy it. The fantasy is to have...

3 years ago
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Three generations in Lesser Plumpton

"Oh bugger, your grandmother and aunt want to come to stay." Sylica commented to he daughter. Sylvia had always only just got on with her mother in law by an effort of will. Elspeth Mayow was always in appearance so prim and proper but Sylvia knew full well that she had Samantha’s father, at age fifteen out of wedlock. At least Sylvia herself had been married when Samantha arrived and it is possible if she was a couple of weeks early to have been conceived in wedlock. Anyway, Sylvia didn’t...

1 year ago
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Carnival of Mirrors Generations

This is the second Carnival of Mirrors tale. The first, also available on Fictionmania, is called: Carnival of Mirrors: Four Fates. Like this, it's a standalone tale. You don't have to have read either to follow the other, but if you like this one you'll probably like that one, too. CARNIVAL OF MIRRORS: GENERATIONS By BobH (c) 2004 New York City, Fall 2001 Staring up at the Unisphere, that 12-story high, stainless steel representation of the Earth that was one of the few...

1 year ago
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3 Generations of Forbidden Fruits

100% fiction! My name is Jesse and I was eighteen when I sampled three generations of forbiddin fruits for the first time. It happen on a saturday afternoon , my mother , grandmother and sister went shopping. Leaving me to watch american Pie I had a boner when they returned with bags for Victoria Secerts. They all said hello to me and giggled as they went down the hall to Mom's room. I didn't know what they were giggling about , I just figured something funny had happen while they were at the...

3 years ago
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Anna and Ramone

I’d like to thank michchick98 for her help in editing my story. Any grammatical errors found in the story are purely mine. Present day Anna and Ramone were eating ice cream in her apartment whilst reminiscing of their time together. They’d been friends for 20 years now and although life had pushed them into different directions, they remained the best of friends. It was November and they were discussing their plans for Christmas. They’d both turned 30 in the course of the year and were...

2 years ago
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The Shiny LadiesChapter 12 Ramone

Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...

1 year ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 18 Ahh Kiyone

"Ok," Kiyone was saying evenly, halting as she was passing through and under the Torii. "Now repeat it back to me." "No touching, no button pressing, no lever throwing." Mihoshi sighed, taking the final step up. "No cable disconnecting, no tying or untying for that matter." She continued after pausing beneath the Torii's arch, reciting in a sing song voice complete with rocking her head back and forth in time with the meter of her words. "And if I see anything in my way higher than...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 07

The trip to San Francisco, California, goes at a faster pace than Boone likes because Peter, the trader, is pushing to get there and back home. Boone has little choice about matching Peter’s pace if he wants to get the extra money for hauling the goods. At camp on the night after the first full day Boone walks over to Peter and ask, “Is this the pace you’ll be keeping all the way to San Francisco and back to Arizona City?” Peter looks up at Boone from where he’s sitting as he says, “Only on...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 03

After Boone sees everyone in the camp is properly set out for their first night in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, he goes over to the cooking fire for the Gray contingent, asks for both Olive and Nellie to walk with him, and he walks toward the horses. He stops short of the rope corral they’ve put up for the stock, turns to the two young ladies, and says, “A couple of weeks back your mother told me both of you want to be my wife and have insisted I’ll be your man for some years. Is that...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 08

The trip of about five hundred miles to Santa Fe should take them about twelve to fourteen days to make the journey. After much talking on who’ll go Mary decides Nellie and Sam will accompany Boone and he’s to hire three or four of the Apache as scouts. After the decision is made preparations are made for the trip, the three family members will share the gold between them in their saddlebags, and the ladies will lead two pack-horses carrying their camping gear and food supplies. To ensure...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 04

Bright and early on Monday July 1st, 1861 the doors to the barn are opened and the four wagons move out. Yesterday afternoon was spent cleaning up the barn and stables and now they’re leaving after several weeks of living there while getting ready to go west. Three of the wagons are fully loaded and the fourth is mostly loaded, they’ll finish loading it when they reach Columbus, Ohio, where they plan to buy a great deal of salt. Nellie is at the reins of the lead wagon pair with Heidi in...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 05

When rolling into town mid-morning Boone has a stray thought of, Something must be wrong! This is a Tuesday, not a Monday. We never get anywhere except on a Monday. He’s amused by the thought. During the afternoon they talk while they unpack the wagons, and Boone says, “While in Council Bluffs I caught up on the news. There’s been a dozen or so battles between Army units in Missouri since April, hundreds of shootings and killings in Kansas, and militia attacking the people all over Kansas...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 02

Following the talks in December 1859 Mary, Heidi, and Boone start their preparations to leave Virginia. Materials and things are bought and put aside, for now. The tensions and troubles increase with each passing month of 1860. Mary, Heidi, and Boone become more worried with each rise in the tensions between the two major political forces. Boone starts to build a wagon like his father made using his father’s drawings which Mary has. They don’t have a farm wagon so he builds two of the large...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 06

The trail west from Fort Laramie, Nebraska Territory, is well marked due to the many hundreds of wagons along the trail in the past twenty years. Many of the worst parts of the trail have been improved by earlier wagon-trains; which just means the trail is wide enough for the wagons, it’s well marked, also some water crossings have stones in them to stop the crossing from washing away, and some of the worst crossings now have ferries in place to make them easier. There are still some places...

4 years ago
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Anna and Ramone Ch 03

Hey guys, thanks for reading the series and for your comments and votes! This chapter is shorter than the previous two. The next chapter will be up shortly and will be longer than this one. Enjoy reading and keep the comments/votes coming in! Tabzwnjk ******************************************* ‘Well it’s about time you got back home’, Ramone said. Anna jumped at the sound of his voice. She’d spent the whole day with Jamie and all she wanted was to get home and sleep. ‘What are you doing...

3 years ago
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Memories of Rain on a Tin Roof

My wife Kitty and I were visiting some friends over the weekend that owned a horse ranch. The ranch was more of the board and train type but they did breeding also. The place was small at five hundred acres but far larger than the little three-acre place we had. Saturday morning after breakfast, we decided to take a walk around the place. It was cool and foggy as we left the house and headed off down a road that we had been told made a loop around and through the ranch. Kitty and I both love...

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Filling the holes uh in the roof

I am a carpenter and have always read the stories about the handy man getting laid all the time. I think I may have been in the right place once or twice but I guess I just missed the signals. So I imagined that you were seducing me while I tried to give you an estimate on some repair work. “I have some holes… …that need to be filled. Uh, in my roof I mean.” was what the voicemail said. I listened to it several times and thought, I think she is trying to give me a signal. I canceled another...

2 years ago
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Four Generations of Fucking Sexy WomenChapter 3

I was lazing about in the pool, enjoying the cool waters on this hot day when I heard an unfamiliar voice coming from the direction of the house. “Hello” was the greeting that I heard. I turned to the voice and found a very attractive woman in a light coloured floral patterned dress that showed off her figure very nicely. The appearance and face was familiar ... and it was then that I realised that this was Kate’s mother. She had spoke about the possibility that Anne could pay a...

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Four Generations of Fucking Sexy WomenChapter 4

“Yes ... I’m leaving”. “This wonderful man is taking me upstairs to fuck me senseless with his beautiful big cock” Alice taunted her former classmates with. For effect I withdrew her damp tiny lace panties from my coat pocket and dangled them from my fingers after giving them a sniff. The looks and sounds of shock and indignation from our audience were priceless - little had changed in their attitudes towards Alice in the intervening fifty years. I pulled her into a passionate tongue...

2 years ago
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The Rape of Persephone

Deep under the earth, in the realm of gloom, and death Hades sat contemplating his predicament. There on his thrown, sitting next to his three-headed dog Cerberus, was Hades clothed in dark robes, waves of silk black hair to his shoulders, a beard like most Greeks which showed his intelligence that was achieved over the many centuries, weaved with the muscles of a true male god, and the face of a warrior who has had to live an existence in the darkness far too long....

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Boris meets Goddess Persephone

And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...

2 years ago
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Fixing My Roof

We had an awful hailstorm near Quantico Marine Base in Virginia about a month ago. It did a lot of damage to many houses in our neighborhood. Because of this, we are having our roof, gutters, and siding replaced. That’s when this story begins…It was finally Saturday and I didn’t have to get up at 5:30 as I have to during the week. My husband was working so I was going to take advantage of him being gone and sleep in as late as I wanted – or so I thought. I was spread out in the middle of the...

First Time
4 years ago
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Banging for Roof

Wendy scowled at the screen of her smartphone, the inane smiley-face emoticons fuelling her anger. Her blood boiled. She knew it was a mistake to rely on such a tenuous relationship, but her husband had insisted. The latter part of that thought sent her eyes rolling. Before she could refocus her irritation on him, however, the panic began to set in. She could feel the thump of her heart as her mouth ran dry. Her mind raced and her eyes welled. She didn’t know what she was going to do. Leaning...

3 years ago
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Dilip8217s CFNM On A Village Roof

Hi Readers, I’m Dilip Patel, 22 y/o Mechanical Engineering student in Ahmedabad. Since the past four years, I’ve been into lifting and building my physique, and now proudly I can say I have six packs and two on the way and a square frame with a well-defined chest. A lot of girls in my college go crazy whenever I take off my shirt. I’m not involved in my dad’s business at all because my elder brother assists him and I’m treated as the kid in the household, so when my father told me about some...

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Up on the roof

Hello all ISS readers. This is a real story which contains sexual features in it and therefore I kindly request that I will not be responsible for any miss happening. If u likes the story u can mail me on or Work was slow. After the umpteenth lap of the mall I decided to go hide. I grabbed my novel and a coffee, told dispatch that I’d be checking electrical rooms, and headed to the roof. Luckily, it was Saturday so there wouldn’t be any HVAC guys around, I thought. There were one or two that...

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A Fresh StartChapter 59 Colonel Featherstone

When I woke again, everything seemed very bright. Not the bright at the end of the tunnel, just bright, like a bright room. By the time I got around to opening my eyes, I fell asleep again. It seemed like this went on a few more times before I managed to get my eyes open enough to see where I was. I could see a white ceiling of some sort, and I tried to move, but I couldn’t move. I could feel things, but I couldn’t move. I was able to turn my head, and rise slightly, and it looked like I was...

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Wishbone Along Came Jacki

Wishbone: Along Came Jacki By The Sympathetic Devil [email protected] Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn't be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother's apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother's clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is...

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GoddessChapter 2 Persephone

WHEN PERSEPHONE RELEASED ME SHE turned her face up for a kiss, her lips soft, warm and inviting. She didn't move away, and after our second kiss I was breathing hard and I'm sure she could feel my heart pumping, even through her leathers. She certainly could after she put her hand on my shirt. "Hey, sweetie, what's up?" I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. I must have looked like a stranded fish. She laughed. "Cat got your tongue tonight, Sam?" My lips moved once...

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To Break a Wishbone

To Break a Wishbone By Robyn Thanksgiving. Not my favorite time of year certainly. For most it is the time each year one gets to share the company of friends while eating a grand meal. For me too, Thanksgiving is the one day when all my family gets together from all over the country to celebrate together. Aside from being a time of turkey and talk, though, it is also the time of criticism and comparison. You see, I was born a twin. The "older one" as I'm constantly reminded of....

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Wishbone Along Came Jacki

Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn’t be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother’s apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother’s clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is hanging from the ceiling fan. Her clothes weren’t the only ones either. A man’s jeans and...

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Nights of Alsitor Hades Persephone II

Persephone gently pushed Hades away and stepped back, his hands reluctantly sliding from her flesh. She turned and walked toward the gate behind her. Still on his knees, he stared enthralled at the coxinant twists of her retreating buttocks. His callipygian captor paused and looked back at him and gave one word. "Follow." Hades scrambled to his feet and was fast on her heels, even as she retreated into a long, unlit tunnel. He followed her into darkness so thick he couldn't see his own hands,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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I Love You Stephanie Mahoney

I fell in love at an early age. Really early. I remember it clear as day, seven years old, like a bolt of lightning. Her name was Stephanie Mahoney, and she was a sixteen year old goddess assigned to babysit my precocious little self. I told her within minutes of her walking through the door that I planned on marrying her, and bless her, she didn’t laugh, just smiled and said she liked younger men, but she expected to be kept in a certain fashion when we did get married. My parents were in a...

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Kate Mahoney Global War on TerrorChapter 2

Wednesday Evening Switching between homework and idle online chat, Kate received an email from the principal, Mr. Laffey. It gave the dates for the meetings of the Honor Code Committee along with her official appointment as one of the three student representatives. It said nothing about The Program. She wondered why the email did not come from the Assistant Principal instead. Later that night, a separate email arrived from the nurse and it carried a huge attachment that took eight minutes...

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Asian Girlfriends 1 Home Alone with the Indonesian Girl

This work is copyrighted to the author � 2005. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. -------------------------------------------------------- Asian Girlfriends 1: Home Alone with the Indonesian Girl by Mike Cable ( ** ) *** My sexual experience with my first Asian girlfriend. She was Indonesian, 21, and I was 26....

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Persephone milks Pluto Part 2

Pluto was rudely awakened by a loud dinner triangle, ringing as Persephone walked down the stairs. “Time to eat up slave!” as she walked down the spiral staircase. Pluto had been locked into the large cage he had seen the night before. He was still completely naked, save for the chastity cage which very uncomfortably suffocated his penis. He looked up and his jaw nearly dropped. He had seen Persephone last night, but that was in a confusing, hazy daze. Now he had his full senses about him and...

1 year ago
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Lionel Lord of the Jungle

LIONEL, LORD OF THE JUNGLE by Jason "Ooooooggg, yahoooooooo!" With the ease of an animal born to it, Lionel Lord of the Jungle moved through the lush forest canopy of equatorial Africa with practised elegance, huge biceps bulging, sinews stretched, fine toned muscles rippling the entire length of his near naked, glistening body. In a mode of travel unique to him and the lesser primates he swung effortlessly from trailing vine to trailing vine to cover in a few minutes a...

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Adventures of Lionel Sondra

Be advised this story is intentionally rife with POV shifts, misdirected adjectives, and other wanton misuse of literary convention. Please turn back now if such fripperiness gets on your nerves. Thanks. : ) L8. * The Adventures of Lionel & Sondra chapter one — watching TV ‘Television? But you never watch television. And you know I don’t either.’ Lionel was confused by Sondra’s request. Besides, she didn’t look like she wanted to spend an evening watching TV. What she looked like, was a)...

4 years ago
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Shift Happens Lionel

Shift Happens: Lionel by Kaitlyn Autofield It had been such a long Friday, and Lionel was eager to get home to his apartment and rest for once. ?He walked up the two flights of stairs just as Silvia was on her way down. ?She flashed a smile at Lionel which sent tingles down his spine. Silvia was obviously dressed for a night out with her friends, making her quite a lovely sight for Lionel. ?Secretly, he wished he would sum up the courage to ask her out, but living...

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Mission to Persephone First the journey

STH3, Main space transit station above the planet New Montreal. The Captain of the cargo ship Ferret leaned against the hatch leading to his ship. For a merchant captain heading out to the frontier, he was one of the more reputable. He was a large man and wore his dark blue merchant captain jacket and cap over a black shipsuit, which resembled a tight-fitting flight suit from the twenty-first century. He watched disapprovingly at the woman walked toward him, she was of average high with...

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Persephone captures Pluto and milks him

Persephone finally had Pluto where she wanted him. It had been a tiring chase, but she knew the prize was worth it. With most men being hunted nearly to extinction, she was determined not to let this one get away. Now he was tied down on her milking table, in the depths of her dungeon. And she was going to extract every drop of semen from him however she could.With technological advances and women's growing superior intellect, most women decided that the world did not need men and all of their...

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Crushed My Crush On University Roof

Hello, everyone. This is a virgin attempt to pen down my indian sex experience on this website so pardon for any errors. A brief introduction to begin with. I am a working professional, 23 years of age. I have been reading ISS for quite a while now so thought that I should give it a try as well. I am a decently built guy, 5’8″ in height. So starting with the story, back in 2013 while I was in my final year of bachelor’s, I had a crush on the girl named Kainaat. Everyone knew she was high headed...

4 years ago
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On the Roof

I lived in Phoenix for several years after college working in a job that I wasn't especially happy with; it wasn't really the field of interest I'd majored in and the workload was heavy and unrewarding. I was single but not into the bar scene or a lot of drinking or drugs, stuff like that. So, sex was only what I provided myself. We all know what that's like, right? My place was in an apartment building of sorts that was more run like a rooming house and I did keep my eyes open for any...

2 years ago
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GoddessChapter 12 The Rape of Persephone

THE TRILL CAME TOO LATE for me to save Persephone. Early that morning I'd opened my eyes to see Hebe, her face inches away, her smile an open invitation. In answer I rolled onto her and settled myself in the cradle of her hips and entered her with a single stroke. She grunted and locked her legs around my butt. "Don't wait for me, Sam," she whispered. "I'm right on the edge." She was. After I finished I slid down and used my tongue to give her a little vibrato of my own. She shoved...

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Hermiones Deal

Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me. Harry Potter and all the associated characters named in the story are the property of J. K. Rowling and her publishers and have been used without permission. As fan fiction, no money has been charged, or may be charged, for publication of this work. Hermione Granger had snuck out of the castle that was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry because Hagrid, the half-giant game keeper, had finally agreed to show her what she had wanted...

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Pelle the CollierChapter 16 How the Baroness Ermegart Has a Need for Pelle

While Luise was still locked in the stocks, the baron's party was travelling back to Birkenhain at a comfortable pace. Lieselotte had chosen to sit with her husband's mother and with Ingeburg, and the three women enjoyed the chance to speak freely, for the coachman was very hard of hearing. The subject was one that worried both the young and the old baroness. "I had my bleeding again last week," Lieselotte said sadly. "Did my son perform his duties on you on those special days the...

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Josie in Tombstone

After all the noise and smoke and killings of 1881, Tombstone, Arizona began attracting scribes the way a buffalo corpse attracts vultures and flies. It seemed as if every newspaper back East had to have an eyewitness account of the big shootout between the Earps and the Clantons. These overly romantic seekers of Truth and Beauty inevitably ended up sitting across from Big Minnie, buying her drink after drink at the Bird Cage Theater and scribbling furiously in their journals. Minnie had a way...

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Fucking My Landlord8217s Indonesian Wife

Hey guys, this is my first story here. About me: I am a 30-year-old guy who is currently settled in Amsterdam. I am 6 feet tall and have an athletic body. This happened to me when I had just shifted to Amsterdam. I was 25 years old and it was my second job after graduation. It was a well-paying job but due to high rental costs, I was looking for a room to share rather than an entire apartment. I found an online Ad for a room rental in the area I liked with a reasonable price. I called up the...

1 year ago
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L8 Night with Lionel and Sondra

He was late coming home — later than usual. Sondra fell asleep on the couch, waiting up for him. She didn’t hear the engine, or even the door opening. Lionel awakened her with a soft kiss. ‘You waited up for me.’ ‘Oh, baby,’ she yawned and stretched, then sat up and hugged him tightly. ‘Welcome home. Are you hungry? You want me to fix you something?’ ‘I’ll get it. Why don’t you go on to bed? I’ll be in in a little bit.’ ‘Okay,’ she sleepily agreed and swayed off down the hall. Lionel was...

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