A Loner Mentalist Pt. 03 free porn video

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Edited by Over_Red, whom I cannot thank enough for turning my plot-holed scribbles into the text below.

I also warmly recommend his Dream Drive series to everyone. You can read it right here on Literotica.


Jack Watts’ sleep was light but restful. At one point, he dreamed that Mia was kissing him and squealing loudly into his mouth. He frowned and a flash of light stabbed into his eyes. He tried to blink them open, but a wet, raspy thing was sliding all over his face.

He moved his head away from the wet thing and saw the fuzzy image of Spot standing over him. ‘Spot! Get off me, buddy!’ Spot stepped down into the passenger side foot well to let his master up. Jack spat out the dog’s spit, groaned and slowly sat up.

He wiped his face and took stock of his surroundings. He was sitting at the wheel of his car, which was parked in the middle of the school parking lot. The rest of his dogs were in the back seat and his door was open. There was no one else around. He checked the clock on the dash and saw that he had been out for almost half an hour. He was still feeling sleepy, but he was no longer feeling mentally exhausted.

His stomach tied itself in knots as he realized he wasn’t cloaked. He drew a couple of deep, calming breaths and concentrated on cloaking his mind. It took all of his focus to establish it and he suspected he’d be drained of the mental energy required to maintain it long before sunset. Despite that ominous prospect, he breathed a sigh of relief and closed the door. He started his car and drove home.

When he got there, he let his dogs out and put them back in the pen. He walked into the house and went into the bathroom to wash his face and hands. As soon as he opened the door, he was startled by a high-pitched, feminine shriek. He looked up and saw a naked Mia Newman. She was bent over and facing away from him, struggling to cover herself up with a small towel. Her dark hair was plastered to her upper back and all of her visible skin was covered in droplets of moisture. His eyes locked on to her smooth butt, which was completely exposed to his gaze.

‘Jack,’ she yelled.

Jack snapped out of his surprise, blushed profusely and looked into her angry, blue eyes. ‘Sorry!’

‘Get out and shut the door!’

‘Sorry,’ he said again and backed out of the bathroom. His eyes fell down her smooth back to her buttocks one more time, before he closed the door. He stood in front of the door, shocked still, and tried to process what had just happened. He heard the lock on the door be operated and that snapped him out of his stunned state. He stepped back into the hallway.

He had used his power on the pot dealing trio to get them to leave Mia and him alone and that had left him completely exhausted. Coupled with the sleepless night and the haunting fear of the cloaked figure, it made him pass out on the front seat of his SUV. He had taken a half hour nap in the school parking lot and Spot had woken him up from it.

‘Fuckity fuck,’ he grumbled as he realized he had dropped his cloak, yet again. He focused and managed to draw it around his mind, but only barely. As exhausted as he was, he doubted he could keep it up for more than a few hours longer.

He huffed and rubbed his face. He could still smell some of Spot’s saliva on his face and hands and he went to the kitchen sink to wash it off. He should have done that in the first place, instead of walking in on Mia, but his wakeup hadn’t been as complete as it should have. He had completely forgotten she was here, waiting for him. He guessed that she might yet choose homelessness over staying with him, particularly in light of his blunder.

After he washed up, he heard the hair dryer hum away in the bathroom and figured that she would be out shortly. He sighed. The smell of dog hit his nose again. He looked down and saw that his shirt and pants were both dirty from the dogs’ paws and smelled of their saliva. ‘Ah, damn it!’ He rushed up the stairs and went to his room to change.

As he left his room wearing fresh clothes, he cast a look at the spare bedroom next to the upstairs toilet. If Mia accepted his offer, if he hadn’t scared her off, then she would be spending every night in it. His pants were very tight, all of a sudden. He wasn’t sure if it was at the thought of lying in bed at night, just yards away from her in her bed, or if it was at the memory of her naked ass, but he was sporting wood.

The hair dryer stopped downstairs. He whispered, ‘Fuck!’ After walking in on her naked in the bathroom, facing her with a discernible chubby was completely out of the question. He stood in his doorway unsure of what to do. He looked at his mother’s bedroom across the hall from his and tried to think unsexy thoughts, but his boner refused to cooperate. When he heard the bathroom lock downstairs, he panicked and ran into the upstairs toilet as quietly as he could.

‘Jack,’ Mia called out.

Jack stood in the doorway and cursed silently at his dick. ‘Yeah, I’m in the upstairs toilet,’ he said aloud. ‘I’ll be right with you! Uh, sorry about earlier! There’s, uh, there’s milk and cookies in the kitchen. Help yourself! I won’t be but a minute!’

He closed the door behind himself and worked the latch. ‘Milk and cookies,’ he asked himself in a harsh whisper. ‘What is this, Christmas? Dumbass…’

He turned his attention to the bulge in the front of his pants and growled softly at it. No matter how much he wanted it to go away, his boner kept getting harder and harder. The entire bulge was throbbing visibly and painfully, so he undid his zipper and fished his hard dick out of his underwear.

‘Now what,’ he asked himself in a whisper. He was standing there with his cock out and it was as engorged as he had ever seen it. It was worse than when he fantasized about making his own harem. There was no way he was going to lose it on his own. At least not any time soon. ‘Fuck.’

The upstairs toilet consisted of the porcelain queen against the back wall and a small sink against the side wall. There was a medicine cabinet above the sink and Jack opened it. He took the hand lotion and squeezed a few generous dollops of it into the palm of his hand. He spread it all over his boner and grasped it. He beat off thinking about the hottie that was downstairs, right now. The image of her naked ass was seared into the backs of his eyelids, so he closed his eyes and imagined groping it. His breath quickened as he approached release. He put one hand on the wall for balance and aimed for the toilet. He groaned out loud as his whole body clenched up when he shot his load.

He used a few pieces of toilet paper to clean himself up. His dick softened and he managed to put it away safely. He felt relieved that he had managed to keep his cloak up during his self-abuse session. He washed his hands in the sink and checked himself for any signs of what he had been doing. He was good to go, except for his face, which was still flushed. He splashed some cold water on it before drying off and going downstairs.

Mia was sitting at the kitchen table, absentmindedly munching on a cookie. There was a glass of milk on the table. She sat up straight when he entered the kitchen.

Jack held his hands up. ‘I’m so sorry for barging in on you like that. I-‘

‘No, no,’ she said, ‘it’s my fault, I should’ve locked the door.’

‘I just forgot you were here and I needed to, uh, to use the bathroom.’

‘I usually lock the bathroom door,’ she said, ‘whenever I’m in it, I just didn’t want to do that here, cause-‘

‘I didn’t know you were in there, you gotta believe me!’

‘-I didn’t know if I was allowed to.’

They both paused with their simultaneous apologies and blushed. They looked away from each other and grinned in embarrassment. Mia was the first to raise her eyes as she said, ‘Did you mean it when you said I could stay here?’

‘ he said, looking into her eyes. ‘If I didn’t just…’ He pointed his thumb over his shoulder, in the direction of the bathroom. ‘Scare you away.’

She smiled. ‘No, you didn’t.’ She shrugged. ‘It was an honest mistake. I’ll keep the door locked from now on. That is, if you’re still down with having me stay here?’

Jack nodded earnestly. ‘Of course I am.’

‘Who else lives here?’

‘My mom.’

‘Ah,’ Mia said. Her apprehension was plainly visible on her face.

‘Don’t worry,’ Jack said. ‘She won’t object.’

Mia’s eyebrows rose in surprise. ‘Uh,’ she said and paused. ‘I don’t know about that. What kind of mother wouldn’t object to a teenaged girl moving in with her teenaged son?’

‘Well, there’s a third bedroom upstairs, so technically, you’ll be moving in with both of us. Don’t worry about it, I call the shots around here.’

Mia’s eyebrows rose even higher. She sincerely doubted his claim, but she was literally homeless, so she decided to keep her mouth shut and see where this was going to lead. She suspected his mother was going to chew him out big time when she came home, and she worried things would become really heated if his mom got wind of his plan to share his inheritance with her. She didn’t want to see Jack get into trouble, but she had exactly no option except to stay the course. She was at rock bottom and things could only improve. For her, at least.

She resolved to plead with his mother to let her stay. Try to tug on her heartstrings. She would need props for her plea, particularly her cute and proper attire. ‘My things are still at the group home. Could-‘

‘Yeah, yeah, sure,’ Jack said, interrupting her. ‘I’ll just drive over there and pick them up real quick.’

‘I’ll need to come with you,’ she said. ‘They won’t just give them to the first person to show up and ask.’

They got in the car and he drove them to the home. He was squinting at the brightness of the sun and trying to rub away a splitting headache the whole ride over. He kept himself awake and his cloak on through sheer stubbornness. When they got to the group home, Jack was surprised to see a familiar face sitting in the security booth by the front door. He got out of the car at the same time as Mia.

‘Jack, stay in the car! I got this.’

‘Yeah, but,’ he said and pointed at the bulky, but tough-looking woman coming out of the security booth.

‘Seriously, Jack! Get back in the car!’

‘No, Mia, I’m-‘

‘Jack,’ she admonished him and then saw the security guard coming their way. ‘Damn it! Just keep quiet and let me do all the talking, alright?’

Jack sighed and rolled his eyes. Mia turned around and smiled at the security guard. Before she could say anything, Jack said, ‘Hey, Chrissie! How are the kids?’

Chrissie, the stern security guard, cracked a wide smile at Jack and Mia was shocked to see that the two of them knew each other. ‘They’re great, Jack. Little Luke stopped licking Marky’s balls.’ Jack had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from grinning as he saw Mia’s flabbergasted expression at hearing Chrissie’s words. ‘Marky’s no longer chewing on my slippers. Neither of them goes to the bathroom in the dining room anymore and I have you to thank for all of that and more. Let me show you their pictures! I snapped a really darling one of them and their poop in the park last week.’

Mia looked shocked and her eyes darted from Jack, who could barely keep from grinning at her, to Chrissie, who was beaming with motherly pride. She was doubting her own ears and she couldn’t resist leaning forward to look at Chrissie’s smartphone. When she saw photos of a pair of Chihuahuas, she huffed in relief. She shot a look of disapproval at Jack’s smirk. ‘Hey, uh, Chrissie, I’ve-‘

‘Come for your things, dear? They’re inside. Go talk to Luther!’

‘Ok, thanks!’

As soon as Mia was out of earshot, Jack leaned in and quietly said, ‘Since when is Alpha doing security for this place?’

‘Oh, it’s been years now. Why do you ask?’

‘Well, you don’t seem to be doing a great job of it, that’s all.’

Chrissie shot him a stern look. ‘And what, prey tell, do you mean by that, young man?’

‘I mean that the girls are stashing drugs in there, wrecking each other’s homework, being disruptive and all that.’

Chrissie’s insulted demeanor faded and she tiredly said, ‘Look, Jack, we are not contracted to do internal security unless there’s a physical altercation. We don’t strip search the girls and the like. They’re free to bring stuff in and out as they wish. We’re just here to make sure no one interferes with the girls from the outside. Well, that’s not really true. We’re here so the home can pass as a secure facility and qualify for state funding.’

‘So, when the home gets state funding, they’ll improve the conditions?’

Chrissie laughed. ‘Good heavens, no! Weren’t you listening to me, Jack? They qualified years ago and they’ve been collecting the money ever since.’

‘But,’ Jack said and faltered. ‘Why aren’t the girls, you know, given the right conditions to study in and a psychologist to work through their issues? Maybe some computers and such?’

‘You’re awful smart when it comes to dogs, Jack, but when it comes to people, your real age starts showing. Why would the people that run the home spend money on the girls when they can just pay themselves bigger bonuses?’

Jack looked at her incredulously. His brain’s performance wasn’t peeking at the moment, but he felt sure that what she just said shouldn’t make sense. He offered a confused, ‘Because that’s what the money is for?’

‘Oh, Jack, you’re so naive,’ Chrissie said with a chuckle. ‘The money is for whatever the bosses say it’s for.’

‘That can’t be right!’

‘It is what it is, Jack. This is a bottom-line economy. Is the home coming in under budget? Yes. Are the girls being killed or raped in there? No. With those two boxes checked off, no one gives a damn about the details. No sense in trying to fix what no one wants fixed.’ Jack stared at her, speechless at her blaze attitude. ‘Don’t you look at me like that, young man. If you had seen half the shit I saw in my days on the force… you’d know the only thing in this life that’s worth sticking your neck out for is your own family.’

Jack opened his mouth to retort, but he spotted Mia coming out of the home, dragging two huge nylon bags full of clothes and sundry after herself.

‘Oh, here,’ Jack exclaimed and effortlessly took one off her hands to load into the car. Chrissie helped Mia with the other one and Jack exchanged goodbyes with her.

He drove off and headed back to town. He frowned and shot the bags a critical look. ‘Are those all your belongings?’

‘Yes. Why?’

He had seen her Neanderthal boyfriends buy her heaps and heaps of stuff. More than two large bags’ worth, for sure. ‘Nothing. It’s just that I seem to remember you wearing lots and lots of different outfits and I’m wondering how all of them could possibly fit in just those two bags.’

‘Well,’ she said and cleared her throat, somewhat nervously. ‘I’ve, uh, outgrown things… from year to year. You know?’

He glanced at her and saw her gesturing to her bust. He blushed and nodded in understanding. Mia always wore tops that were tight aross her tits. He focused on driving to avoid any more embarrassing conversations.

He had just turned onto the interstate when Mia said, ‘I need to change.’

‘Um, okay,’ Jack said and turned on his indicator. ‘I’ll just pull over here and-‘

‘No need,’ she said, interrupting him. She undid her seatbelt and slid into the back seat. Jack could barely keep his bulging eyes on the road as she writhed out of her cheerleader outfit in the back seat of his car. Mia rummaged through the bags, looking for something, so he took the chance to move into the slow lane and engage the cruise control. He adjusted his rear view mirror
and saw her black underwear.

His dick responded to the second sight of her nearly bare body by getting hard, yet again. His cloak faded away and he simply didn’t have the mental energy to reestablish it. He did get a sudden burst of adrenaline rushing through his veins at the sight in his mirror, so his sleepiness went away. His fear of getting caught by the bogeyman also took a break as he admired her firm, young body.

Mia noticed him looking. He blushed and faced forward, his hands firmly gripping the wheel in the ten and two positions. When she stopped rummaging through the bags, he dared sneak another peek at the back seat. She was writhing with her hips elevated to squeeze herself into a pair of white nylons.

A car horn brought his attention back to the road and he adjusted his speed and resolved to pay more attention to the road. When he looked back at her, she was lying down on the seat and sticking her legs straight up in the air. A pink skirt was wrapped around her feet and it slid down her legs to her hips as she wiggled her feet.

Another honk from the side made Jack look there. A car with three guys in it was driving right next to him. They were looking into his back seat and smiling. He gave them the finger and sped up until he was tail gaiting a pickup truck. They kept pace, but then he gently slowed down. The honking traffic behind them forced them to keep moving faster and drive on, while he lagged behind. The pickup truck stopped them from changing lanes.

He sighed in relief, glad to be rid of the peeping Toms and looked back into the mirror. Much to his disappointment, Mia was buttoning up a plain, white, long-sleeved blouse and with each button, her tight, smooth midriff and the black bra were disappearing from view. After she buttoned all the way up, she tossed a pair of lacquered shoes into the front seat foot well and slid into the passenger seat to step into them. She sat back and lifted her feet, one by one, to fasten the thin straps over her ankles and then turned to Jack. She brushed out her hair with her hands, smiled and said, ‘How do I look?’

Jack spared her another look. ‘You look fine.’ He winced at his words and hoped she wouldn’t take them the wrong way. With her sexy smile, her bright, blue eyes and perfect skin, she would look great even if she put on one of the bags her things were stuffed in, let alone the nice outfit she was in, but he didn’t know how to say that to her, without scaring her off. It was bad enough that he had walked in on her naked in the bathroom and spied on her changing clothes just now.

‘Thank you,’ she said, stopping him from panicking about it.

The rest of the drive was uneventful and Jack was soon parking in front of his house. ‘My mom’s home from work. That’s her car.’

‘Where does she work?’

‘At the supermarket, over on Third Avenue. She’s a cashier. She used to work at Alpha Security, but she was only covering for a girl on maternity leave.’

Mia nodded. It was more information than she had asked for, but he was a bit nervous, so he had rattled it out. Keep it together, he told himself. You’re the one who’s in charge. He yawned as he exited the car.

He smiled at Mia and waved her out of the car. ‘Come on! Let’s get you moved in!’ He took her bags and carried them into the house. His heart was beating fast and his palms were sweaty, so he nearly dropped them and had to adjust his grip a few times. He told himself it was because he was afraid of the cloaked figure finding him somehow, but when he saw his mother at the top of the stairs, he finally understood the source of this lesser, but more immediate apprehension. He was bringing a girl home to meet his mother for the first time ever.

Mia was to live there and he didn’t expect to have any kind of romantic engagement with her, but that didn’t make him any less nervous. He cleared his throat and said, in as cool a voice as he could manage it, ‘Hey, Janice! Come meet our new roommate!’

‘Our what,’ Janice said. She rushed down the stairs and glared at Mia standing in the hallway. Mia smiled and waved politely. Janice pulled up the sleeves of her tracksuit top. ‘Who are you?’

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I am an attractive six foot tall, muscular black man who has a thick ten inch dick. To say that I am a bit of a freak is an understatement. I enjoy just about everything when it comes to sex. I love all women who are of legal age. Race, religious beliefs and education mean very little to me, when I am looking for pussy. With that said, I must admit that I do enjoy being the first black dick in a sophisticated, educated, beautiful white woman. I have said it many times, I have an addiction to...

1 year ago
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Helping the wife recruiting new cuckolds

All this started when one night I shared my fantasy with my wife. Being married to a five foot four one hundred pound blonde hair and blue eyed spitfire with perfect thirty four b cup tits caused it all. I told her that I'd like to watch her have sex with a well hung guy. She always dresses to please and for years I have witnessed my friends and strangers seeking looks at her body.At first she thought I was giving her a hard time, but when I convenienced her I was serious she said she would...

3 years ago
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D and D Dreams Even Nerds Need Love

grade junior high kid to a sophomore in high school. See if you remember this scenario: In 9th grade you might get lucky to date a 7th or 8th grade girl. The 9th grade girls were all looking to date high school guys. In 10th grade you finally got a shot at 9th graders. 10th grade girls discovered seniors. 11th and 12th grade girls discovered college guys. You had to lock up a girl for you junior year because you were usually in limbo otherwise, too old for 9th grade and...

1 year ago
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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 15

That afternoon, after Tom and Lynette had returned home, Tom told Angela what had happened to him in the Avery class. “Oh, Tom!” Angela exclaimed when he told her about how he had felt about the holding of hands and how the touching made him begin to have signs of anxiety. “But it wasn’t at all like the panic I used to get, Mom,” he assured her. “This was more of a feeling of ... discomfort ... anxiety, I guess. I was really uncomfortable at first, and as I tried to push that feeling away,...

1 year ago
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I had to have her

Note : This story is completely fictional! My names Nick, I'm a sophmore in highschool, I'm 6'1", about 152, pounds, and I'm on the high schools track team. It was track practice after school I just got my sweatsuit on and I was walking to the gym. About half way there when i hear the sweetest and softest voice ever...Megan's. "Slow down there speedy!"(cause I'm in sprints and she's in long distance)she called. "Haha sure." I told her. Now Megan has been my best friend since like 7th grade....

Erotic Fiction
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MandyChapter 2

I got home somewhere after 2 AM and snuck into the house. As I went up to my room, I was careful to not step on the two steps that creak. I’d taken off all my clothing when I first came in and I figured if I heard mom or dad moving, I’d just hide my stuff, tell them I was thirsty and was getting a drink. Nobody heard a thing. As I drifted off to sleep, I thought about my evening with Mandy. I was still hard, so I took care of it while I thought about Mandy. Tonight, I thought it felt better...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Casca Akashova Mom Uses Step Son for Stress Release

I have been really slacking off while my Stepmom has been out of town, she really is my step-mom and is being really cool letting me stay there. She got back from her business trip a little early and I had no time to clean up the mess me and my puppy have done to her place while she was gone. I am in deep trouble and I know it by the way she yelled from the other room. I try to give her every excuse in the book but she is not having it. My stepmom tells me if I am gonna make it up to her I am...

1 year ago
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The Longest Weekend Ch 01

Well, where to begin? I guess you could say it all started back when I was going out with my last girlfriend, her name was Aimee. Now, Aimee wasn’t your average girlfriend, she was a total psycho. Every cliché fight you can imagine between a couple you can bet that we had it, the jealousy of the friends other women and even minuscule things I’d say she would pick up on and proceed to scream at me ruthlessly. Now, I’m not the smartest guy in the world but I had enough common sense to know that...

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Sisters Swapping

Note : This story is completely fictional! My twin sister and I discovered the pleasures of mutually satisfying our selves while in our teens we shared a bedroom and had hours of fun stimulating each other, When Boyfriends came along it wasn’t long before we started having sex and this progressed into sharing boy friends as well mostly because we tended to brag about how good our Boy was, so we ended up swapping just to see. The guys didn’t seem to mind at all. When we married and the swinging...

2 years ago
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Tales of Eros Crystals Ch 03

Madame Lahore comes to her senses, regaining control over her body. The wise woman knows immediately what just happened: A High Daemon is among them. A Daemon can be a vicious creature, coming through the portal opened by Dark Eros Energy from another world. Many different creatures converge this way into the human world. It seems that a Daemon raped and impregnated a human woman, giving birth to Ayama. Usually, Daemons are kept at bay by the Light Eros Energy produced by humans. Madame Lahore...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon With My School Teacher 8211 Part 2

Hi friends this is Varun back with the continuation of my earlier story. I have got a huge response to my previous story. I am very thankful to each one of them who mailed me personally. I got emails asking for my teacher’s pics and contact details. Please, guys, don’t waste your time asking for their details. I even got emails from many fake IDs in the name of girls with the same request. Please stop all this nonsense. Any lonely ladies/girls wanted to discover a secret fun can contact me...

4 years ago
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MenagerieChapter 28

When I woke up the next morning, Isabella and Katherine were still asleep on my chest. I gently woke them and slipped out of bed before kissing them and telling them to go back to sleep for a little while. They snuggled up together as I pulled the blanket back up over them then leaned down to kiss them. I got my gear on and headed out for my morning run with a smile on my face. --Jacques’s Cabin-- “I’m telling you, Adrian will go for it. My sources at the bank and Fletcher and Farley...

2 years ago
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Der Teich

Vögel fliegen im Winter nach Süden, Schlangen häuten sich, Bären gehen in den Winterschlaf. So ähnlich ist es auch mit überarbeiteten Anwälten. Irgendwann erreichte ich einen Punkt, an dem das Streben nach Reichtum und Gerechtigkeit mehr von mir verlangte, als ich zu geben bereit war. Viele andere arbeiten einfach weiter, manche tauschen den täglichen Arbeitskampf gegen ein Leben im Wald - mit Internetanschluss und Laptop. Hinfort ist die langweilige Bürde, Dinge für andere schreiben zu müssen,...

1 year ago
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The whore next door

We had just moved into a new neighborhood in florida. My husband was into marketing so wed often have to change bases depending on where he was posted. My name is Rima and I'm 27. I'm pretty much your average indian housewife living in the US with my husband. Sadly my husband is away most of the times due go work. I am personally a very sexual person and i need to have sex at least once a day. But because of my husband, Ramesh's job i've been forced to compromise. Our new house was pretty much...

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Is it really Nine Inchs Gay

Just arriving home at 4 in the morning, a salty yet intoxicating taste lingering in my mouth, I felt I should put my thoughts down before retiring. After all, I had just sucked a cock for the first time, and it was a wonderful experience I had waited oh, too long to try. I now knew it wouldn't be my last, so I decided that, at least for my own sake, I should describe the feelings so I could relive them again and again.I am an average white male, so I thought, who has been out of the loop since...

4 years ago
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Holding Down The Fort

Here is the story of another particularly memorable guard shift…        Well it was a Saturday night, and there I was, stuck on CQ (Charge of Quarters-guarding the soldiers barracks while they sleep.)  CQ is a 24 hour duty, and can get pretty boring sometimes, so I called my husband, Joe to come keep me company.  He picked up the phone and said he would be there in about 20mins. The other soldier on guard is what we like to refer to as part of the ‘geek squad,’ or the group of soldiers that...

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Chapter 1 – Built Hufflepuff Tough!“We have to help him.”That gets a blink from both Hannah and Megan as the two look at their crimson haired friend and the determined expression on her face. Exchanging a glance, its silently decided that Hannah will be the one who asks the obvious question for both of them.“Um, help who Susan?”Susan Bones has a frown on her face and fire in her eyes as she looks between her friends, Hannah Abbot and Megan Jones. The three Hufflepuff girls are the only ones...

3 years ago
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A Slaves Story

I began this story some time ago. I have never been satisfied with it, havingdifficulty with some of the imagery and, especially, the ending. There is astrong likelihood of a sequel, as I believe the story needs a better ending.Hopefully, I will manage that within the next year of my lifetime.   A Slave's Story I met her at a party. Marissa was her name. She approached me and struck upa conversation. Before the party ended, we exchanged numbers. I didn't callher and, quite frankly, I did not...

1 year ago
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friend wakes the wife

True Story My wife is such a horny girl she loves getting fucked, sucking cock and swallowing cum. And she also falls asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow, unless she has a hard cock in one of her fuck holes. I love putting my hard cock in her luscious pussy or cum guzzling mouth and she will suck it or let me fuck her and stay asleep as long as I'm gentle. I just push my hard cock halfway in her pussy and let her fall asleep, usually she is sleeping heavily within 10 to 15 minute's. ...

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PrettyDirty Summer Day Caught Camming

Teen exhibitionist Summer Day is home alone with her stepdad Charles Dera when she decides to start a webcam session. Her parents don’t know about her secret job camming online, but Charles finds out when she accidentally leaves her bedroom door ajar. She doesn’t notice him walk past her room, but the sight of her putting on lingerie stops him in his tracks. Charles lurks in her doorway watching her climb onto her bed seductively and undress in front of the webcam on her laptop....

3 years ago
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Falling in Love Bit by BitChapter 4

"Do you think we got everyone, Sergeant Major?" "I reckon so, Colonel. There's not much that coulda lived through that." Both surveyed the destroyed compound. Hidden away in the deepest recesses of Montana, the few huts on the surface betrayed nothing about what was buried deep under the ground. Smoke billowed out of the tunnels. Bodies lay strewn about the ground, some human, some robot. Some were the attackers. Some were the mercenaries. Both sides paid a high price. "Tell Captain...

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Wanking Off In Another Guys UsedCondom

Story No.9WARNING: This story incorporates strong cuckold themes. Please don't read if squeamish.In the past, I used to crave a bit of humiliation and would do some quite degrading things for kicks. I thought I'd compile a list of the 10 most depraved/pervy things I've done and write a short story about them each and post them on xhamster.The list:10. Drank a girl-racer's piss-puddle from the floor of the car park.9. Wanked off in a used-condom after watching couple fuck in same car park.8. Me...

2 years ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry Seventh Heaven

It was quite early on Saturday morning when I woke to find the bed next to me empty. My head ached from the previous night’s drinking and dancing so I was somewhat dopey as I entered the kitchen in my boxer shorts and drank two long cool glasses of water. The sun was gleaming on the surface of the pool and as I stared at its bright reflection, I noticed two familiar shapes low in the water; my lovely wife Alice and our young neighbour Mitch were doing their first hundred lengths of the day. As...

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Goddess Worship

Goddess Worship (Fm, Femdom, TV, SM, Watersports) By plugged_tv Warning: This file contains depictions of adult sexual situations, including sex, and bondage. If it is illegal for you to view this subject matter, or if you are under the age of 18 please do not view this file. If you find these situations unpleasant or offensive please do not view this file. The author takes no responsibility for any illegalities arising from the viewing of this file. The author retains...

1 year ago
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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 37 Interlude Bone Yard

Swybar stood in the cargo bay of the Red Dragon and watched as a gang of S10 robots stowed away containers with real Loki torpedoes. His Kermac associate stood next to him with an almost feverish stare in his eyes. It would not take much and he would actually drool. The Agent of the worm was nowhere to be seen, but he expected him to be around. The Kermac pointed at a large cylindrical object that an Octobot had just lifted into the bay.” Is that really what I think it is?” “Yes this is a...

4 years ago
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Friend To The Rescue

Kala is 50 years old and a doctor by profession. Her husband Suraj is 15 years older than her, a university professor. Kumar came into their life when Suraj health started to deteriorate. First it was his lower back, which has made him almost wheel chair bound for most of his awaken hours. Secondly, he found that he was having problems with erection; he could not sustain it for long enough and most of the time it was not stiff enough to enter the vagina. He was quite upset about it. Kala was...

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First Night Out as a Sissy

It was the first time I dared to act on my fantasies but the timing was most certainly perfect! Feeling the urge to explore my sissy side out in the world, I decided I’d hit the local sports bar in hopes I’d find a man that I could make want what I had to give. After taking my time doing all the preparation for a confidant night, I put on my favorite panties and my tightest jeans (the ones I would never dare to wear outside until this night). I was getting so excited with anticipation of making...

2 years ago
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BBW at the Sex Party

Everybody knows what's up at a sex party. Everybody knows who's married and who's not, who's kinky and who's not. Who has the dick the ladies want, and who has the pussy the men want. Nobody there is looking like a supermodel. But everybody there is looking to fuck.At this one party, all the men seemed to be paying attention to this one black lady. Deep dark olive-tone skin, gold tooth, bad perm, big belly, big fat ass. Anywhere else she wouldn't have even gotten a first look. But tonight, she...

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Daddy Marks His Property Part 1

Daddy Marks His Property, Part 1 This is a continuation of the series "Daddy's New Girl." It would be helpful if you read those first. After several months of Stephanie learning her station and how I liked my house kept, etc., I felt it was time to have her marked. We had talked about tattoos as she was much like most other young girls these days. I must admit that I love the tramp stamp tattoos that girls get just above their asses. I love the whole thong sticking out above the waistline of...

2 years ago
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You Will Love It

if you pretty gals are looking for a nice chat session and a gud frnd do write in it at herez d story: This is about me and one of my friend’s sister, Her name Alpa. My time with her when I was 21 and living in Mumbai, India. I was working with a media company than. If I tell you about myself in brief, 6’1″/195lbs/good looking etc. Anyways, me and Alpa were very good friends. If I describe her, she is Indian version of Keira Knightley, 5’5″ height, 100 lbs (about 45kgs) very slim,...

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AllGirlMassage Samantha Hayes Mindy Mink My Daughters Secret Job Part Two

When MILF Mindy Mink busts her eighteen year old step daughter Samantha Hayes at her secret job giving massages, she blackmails the teen into giving her the ‘schoolgirl special’ but Samantha turns the tables on Mindy by recording the entire session and threatening to show her father! Mindy is disgusted that little brat Samantha would dare do something so disrespectful. Samantha uses the upper hand to demand a massage from her step mother. Mindy straps on Samatha’s oil belt and...

3 years ago
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WeaklingChapter 2 Cheerleader Rules

“Damn-it Walters, what the fuck is your major malfunction,” Coach Barkley screams, clearly not in a good mood and out of patience during practice. I am not paying attention. Having a fucked up Monday. First, my lifelong bully, Marty and his gang try to kill me. Amy, my first sexual experience, is Jeremy’s boyfriend. Then Tracey, Josh’s girlfriend is trying to seduce me. I don’t want to lose Josh and Jeremy as my friends. Hell, they are my only friends, and the first friends that I have ever...

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Helena punishes me hard

I was at my office on that late afternoon, when I received a phone call from Helena; my wife’s sluttiest girlfriend. This bitch told me to hurry up to her place, since she was in the mood for enjoying a nice piece of dick as mine…I knew she was bisexual and very often she had sex encounters with my sweet Ana; but her request really surprised me. She was happily married and so, I did not imagine she really was in search for another cock…But I felt curious and my lovely Ana would come home after...

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The Wedding Party

I have been planning my sister's wedding for a few months now. The time came to send out invitations and write the ceremony with the officiant, so we made a weekend out of it. The bride, groom, myself (maid of honor), the bridesmaid Christy, and officiant/best man Mark. When the invitations were cut out, glued, stuffed into envelopes and finally finished, the real party began. We made a liquor run and brought home rum and soda and various flavored vodkas and started to drink and laugh and talk...

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Cindy in a bar

"Darn it!" Cindy exclaimed. "I just remembered I don't really need my purse. Would you please take this back to the room for me?""Sure!" I answered, smiling at the ruse.I took the purse and walked back along the walkway. It was the second floor walkway along the doors to the hotel rooms. We were staying in a hotel, one of those built around a courtyard in the center. The courtyard contained the usual walks, plants, and a pool. The particular place we had stopped was near the pool. There was a...


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