Sister Di free porn video

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I had just finished my second year of college and was looking forward to being home with my family, however being home this year was going to be a bit different. While I was away at school my parent had moved to a new state to follow my father’s job. I knew that I would not know anyone but my parents and sisters, but that would be enough for a few weeks.

It was the third week of May and it was already showing signs of being a very hot summer. The new house was a large ranch type house, with all the rooms on the same floor. It was a nice place with 5 bedrooms and 2 ½ baths and a two car garage. It sat on large lot with wooded areas to the left and rear of the house.

Coming home was amazing; mom had cooked a turkey with all the rest of the goodies that you would find at Thanksgiving. That night I ate like a prince with the King and Queen and their three daughters, my sisters. We sat at the table for hours talking about everything that I had missed out on, while I was at school.

I learned that my oldest sister had found a good job and was seeing and older man, that mom and dad were not to happy about. My middle sister Di was going to finish high school in 2 weeks and my youngest, the brat, was going to high school come the fall. Mom was still mom and was into nothing much but cleaning the house and dad was working 60 hours a week.

Di and I cleaned up the dishes that night, her washing and me drying. Mom away made us dry the dishes; she would never allow then to sit in the drain to dry. While we were at the sink I could tell that something was on Di mind. She looked up at me and in a small voice asked me to go out back and sit with her when we done.

When we finished cleaning up, I got two glasses of ice tea and headed for the back yard. It was still very light out side as the sun stays up until close to 8:30 that time of the year. We sat down at the small white table, that mom kept in the back yard with white metal chairs and sipped on our teas for awhile just drinking in nature.

Twenty minuets into this nature fest, I turned to Di and asked her what the problem was that she needed to talk about. She gave me that little sister look that over the years I had learned so well meant that she needed me to do something big for her. She just sat there and looked at me and I could tell this was going to be like pulling teeth out of a shark’s mouth.

Finally she blurted out, I have no friend in this god forsaken town and I don’t know what I’m going to do. She had tears in her eyes and was trying to look any place but at me. I didn’t seem that she was going to tell me more.

What do you mean you have no friends and why the hell is it so important right now to have them?

Well Friday night is my senior call night and I can’t go if I don’t have a member of the opposite sex as and escort.

I took a long look at her and that little light went off over my head, she wanted me to take her to her class night. I thought about it for a bit and everything started to fall into place.

Di, are you asking me to be your date for your class night? Don’t you think someone will say something about it?

No Jack, I have it all figured out. No one knows who you are in my school, you don’t look that much older than I do and I think we will make a good looking couple. I can introduce you to my few girl friends as my friend from back home.

I don’t know about this Di, what will mom and dad say about this? You think they will go along with it?

I’ve got that covered to. We just tell mom and dad that we are going out to the drive, with my girl friends, to get out of the house and also that way we don’t have to take the brat with us!

But how do we explain being dressed up for a dance?

We don’t have to dress up, class night is a dress down even, and jeans and sneakers are cool.

OK, so let me get this straight. Friday night we are going to tell mom and dad that we are going out to the drive in and instead we are going to your class night.


OK! I’ll do it, just because you’re my favorite sister and I can see how much it means to you to go.

* * * * *

We didn’t talk about class night over the rest of the week and in fact we stayed away from each other for the most part until Friday night came around. Just before dinner I grabbed the news paper to see what was playing at the local drive ins and picked a triple horror show headlining with Taste the blood of Dracula. I got Di and showed her the paper and she agreed that we could fake seeing a Dracula movie if mom or dad asked about it the next day.

It was around seven when Di and I jumped in my old Buick and made out like we were going to pick up her girls friends. Instead we head straight for her school and her big night.

When we got inside the schools gym, we made our way over to fourth row of tables were her girl friends were already sitting with their dates. Di introduced me to them as we sat down.

Hi guys, this is Joe my friend from back home. He came into town just to bring me tonight.

Hi Joe it’s good to meet you, I’m Cindy and this is Larry, that’s Mary Ellen and her date Greg and that’s Sue and James on the end.

Nice to meet you guys, I hope I can keep your names straight, I said to her.

The night started out with some light refreshments and a few speeches by teachers and student council member and such. They showed some slides of some of the big things that happened to the senior class over the past 4 years. All the while the 8 of us at the table told stories about shit we had done in our lives and funny stuff that had happened.

It was about nine when the band finally started to play. It took about 6 songs before they turned the lights down some and a few couples got up to dance. Within another few songs the dance floor was packed.

The couples at our table were getting up a random to dance, the girls were watching each others hand bags. Finally Di whispered in my ear that she wanted to dance to and that I should take her out to the dance floor.

She picked “Color My World” as the song she wanted to dance to and pulled me out of my seat.

Come on Jack, dance with me, and hold me like you mean it.

The next thing I knew we were out of the dance floor and Di had pulled me close. So close that I could feel her breasts pushing against me. She reached around me and pulled me into her and I could feel the curves of her body. Her body felt so warm and soft in my hands and I could smell her. Oh god I could smell her.

I was having the normal male reaction to having a female so close. I could feel myself getting aroused and didn’t know how to stop it. I know Di could feel me, because she was rubbing her body all over mine. She reached down my front with her right hand and the next thing I knew; she had a handful of my hard dick.

Thank god that when the song ended that they went right into another slow one. We stayed right on the dance floor and didn’t let go of each other. Di looked up at me with her brown eyes and I could tell she was as aroused as I was. The next thing I knew she kissed me on the mouth and slipped her tongue into my mouth. I returned her kiss and our tongues did a dance of love. Then she shocked me by sucking on my tongue, I had never had anyone do that before.

Thanks god the lights were down, because walking back to the table with a hard-on is not that easy. When we sat down Di got real close to me and put her hand down and grabbed hold of my dick again. She leaned in and kissed me on the ear and she whispered in my ear, did I do that?

The rest of the dance went along this way until eleven. Di had me more turned on than I think I had ever been before. We had danced many more times and I had held her ass and rubbed her snatch, she had rubbed my penis over and over. She had her tongue more in my mouth, than in her own.

At eleven we said good night to her friends and made our way out to my Buick. Di moved to the middle of the old bench seat and kissed me and grabbed my penis. I think I asked her what she wanted to do now. It’s been so many years ago I don’t remember and the hard dick had made thinking of much else out of the question.

Di looked up at me and said, I’m so hot, I need you, please!

I know I couldn’t take her home like this and there would be no place there to do anything anyway. I didn’t know of any other places to go to park, since I was very new to town. I decided to drive around some and look for a nice spot, where we would not be bothered by anyone, especially the cops. On this one road I took, I noticed that there were several cemeteries on each side of the road, with turn off roads going between them.

I turned down one of these roads and followed it between the cemeteries and behind them. I drove around for a bit and noticed that several of the cemeteries had no gates or chains. I found one that had several dead ends and lots of trees. I backed the Buick down one of the roads to a dead end. We were well hidden by the trees and could not be seen by anyone from the main road or the turn off roads.

It took Di seconds to jump my bones. She had her tongue down my throat again and was using her hands to pull down the zipper of my jeans. Before I knew what was what she had my dick out and was giving me the best blow job I had ever had.

I worked my hands up under her blouse and for the first time had one of her bare tits in my hand. I rolled her nipple between my fingers and I could feel her moan around my cock. Her bare skin was so hot and soft as I went from one nipple to the other.

Di, Di slow down, let’s get out of some of these clothes and let me have a look at you. Some where back at the dance I had given up on the fact that she was my sister and not my lover. I didn’t bother me anymore that Di was my younger sister by 2 years; and that having sex with her was not only wrong but i*****l. I was thinking with the small head now, and it was telling me that everything in the world was perfect, that life was perfect!

Di stripped down to her birthday suit and reclined back on the bench seat with her legs open towards me. I had stripped down to my T shirt and had a raging hard dick. I reached over and ran my hands up and down Di’s legs and finally inserted a finger in her wet pussy. God was she wet and hot, she moaned and came all at the same time.

I reached over her body and kissed her on the mouth and then went for her nipples. I moved from one to the other, biting, sucking and kissing each of her beautiful nipples. At the same time my fingers were making love to her clit, I had found the little nub and was using my fingers to work it back and forth, like it was a small dick.

Di had orgasm after orgasm as I wanked her clit and sucked her nipples. She trembled with wave after wave of sexual pleasure. Moaning and running her hands through the hair on my head, telling me how I was the perfect lover.

I slowly worked my way down her body, kissing and licking every thing I could reach. When I got to her pussy, I had to use my fingers to part her hair covered pussy. I remember the hair made a little curl just above her clit. I licked out with my tongue out and across her clitty and she had another orgasm. Using my fingers I pulled the hood back with my fingers so I could get a good hold of her little love bud. With my lips around her exposed clitty I started to suck on it like it was a little dick.

Di, I later found out was one of those girls that was very orgasmic. She can have several orgasms, with little stimulation, one right after the other. While I sucked her clit she must have had ten orgasms and was going wild!

Jack, Jack please it’s too sensitive, you got to stop sucking me!!

I sat back on the bench seat and she sat up and hugged me and gave me a deep kiss. She reached down and held my balls in her had as she fucked my mouth over and over again with her tongue.

Di sat back on the seat and looked at me and said, I want you inside of me, now!

Now I have to tell the truth as this point. I had never fucked anyone before. I knew how it worked from my friends and dirty books, but I was a real virgin at that time. I knew you put it inside and that it might hurt the girl. I knew you moved it back and forth inside. But knowing and doing can be two very different things.

We were both so hot and ready that we were going to do it one way or another. I moved my ass over to the middle of the bench seat and told Di to get on my lap. We fumbled around some and managed to get my hard dick up inside her oh so hot and wet pussy. Di had another orgasm as my cock sunk deep up inside her, and I almost did to!

OH! Jack, I’m Cumming again! As she shuttered and crushed me in her arms!

It was incredible to have my sister sitting in my lap with my dick buried deep in her hot pussy. We kissed and held each other as Di road my cock. I had free hands to rub her back and ass, as she moaned into my mouth. We fucked like this for a few minutes, at least I think it was a few minutes, when I felt my dick reach that point of no return and I pumped Di’s pussy with all the cum my balls could make!

OH God! Jack it’s so hot, I can feel you shooting up inside me! Yes! Please don’t stop, don’t stop I’m Cumming again!

We sat and held each other as my dick finished pumping and her pussy stopped throbbing. We both and just had our first fuck and it was and incredible thing. We both looked at each other and kept telling each other how much we loved each other. Our love making had been the most incredible thing to ever happen to us.

Di and I both made our way out of the car, and yes we were both still more or less naked. I held her in my arms and gave her a deep kiss as our hand worked their way over each other. I can remember reaching between her legs and rubbing her clit to another orgasm. Di pulled me into her and wanted another fucking. I didn’t think this was going to be too hard to do as I was already hard again.

I push Di up to the side of the car and slide my dick right in. God she was so hot and wet, that I had no problem pumping in and out of her. I worked my dick in as deep as I could pump it and out. Di held on to me and wrapped her legs around my hips. We fucked like this for a long time, under the night sky, naked to the world.

My second cum was longer coming but seemed to last much longer. Di was digging her fingers into by back and ass, as she had another earth moving cum herself! I held her until I didn’t feel her pussy moving anymore and I pulled out of her. I knew that cum had to be running down her legs, because it was running down mine.

I knew it was getting late and we needed to get cleaned up and get home. The problem was I had nothing in the car to help us out. I thought for a moment and then I took my boxers and got down between Di’s legs and wiped her clean. I used them to wipe her pussy and Di shuttered to another orgasm.

When I had gotten her more or less cleaned up, I did the same to myself. When I was done, I opened the truck of the car and hid them down in one of the wheel wells. These old Buicks had opening on each side that you could hide things in. We both dressed and got back into the car for our ride home.

Di was still so horny, she sat next to me as we drove, feeling my dick all the way home. When we pulled into the drive way, we noticed that most of the lights were out. We sat in the car for some time just looking at each other and it finally hit me!

Di! We just fucked each other, twice! We didn’t use anything to stop from making a baby. I felt sick to my stomach and I don’t think Di felt much better. We got into the house as quick as possible and Di headed right for the bathroom. I don’t think she knew anything about cleaning out cum, but I’m sure she tried like hell!

The next morning Di took me out in the backyard and we had a quiet little talk. Di didn’t think she was pregnant and in no uncertain terms told me that we were going to do last night again and again!

When I got back inside I found the local yellow pages and looked up Planed Parent Hood. I found one only a few blocks from home and decided to take a drive by to see if I could find out what time it was open. To my surprise I found it was open 6 days a week and you could just walk in.

I drove back home and found Di watching TV with the little brat. I got her attention and she followed me into the kitchen. I told her what I found and about the times we could get in.

Di said to me, in a very loud voice, can you drive me over to Cindy’s house?

I told her yes and up to her room she ran to change her clothes. When she came down she gave me a wink and out the door we went. When I got in the car I asked her which way to Cindy’s and she looked at me like I was nuts. I told her that we had to head in that direction as we left, incase anyone in the house noticed us leave.

I drove the long way around and after making a driving loop or almost 5 miles to go 5 blocks we got to the side of Planned Parent Hood. I dropped Di off on the side street and drove the Buick around front and parked about two block down. I could just see the front of the building, where she was going.

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Sisters ? by: Serena Lawhead Chapter 1 - Captured 17 year old Errol Harris was pissed off, how dare that bitch of a teacher have the audacity to have him suspended from school! And for what he fumed, sexually harassing the girls in his class they said, 'hell didn't all girls like to be treated that way?' he thought, 'and didn't the blondes like it most?' That was what he'd learned from his older brother all these years that he'd looked after Errol since their parents had died...

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Sisters By Margaret Jeanette Marty Griffin was very happy. He was extremely happy. Today he was marrying Shawna Taylor. He was marrying a goddess. She was the same height as he was and he wondered what she saw in him. He would do anything for her. Shawna's maid of honor was her only sister, Tamara. Shawna was demanding but Tamara was scary. She gave orders to everyone. Marty thought he just had to get to know her then she wouldn't be so bad. The wedding service went...

4 years ago
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I was on a bus trip with a senior center group and I didn't know anybody because I was a new member. I sat at my assigned seat but no one sat next to me. There were two ladies sitting on the opposite side. Once on our way the one woman started talking to me. She introduced the woman next to her as her sister. Their names are Angie and Jenn. Angie is very skinny with red blond hair. Jenn is a little chunky with blond hair. We talked a lot and at each rest we stayed together. We ate lunch...

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It had been 3 weeks since that fateful day when Helen, and her daughter Clare, had discovered the vibratory delights of their washing machine, and as a consequence had gone on to make passionate love to one another. Helen's first lesbian experience at the tender age of 42! The incident had been praying heavily on Helen's mind ever since. Surprisingly it was not the i****tuous aspect that concerned her. Clare had been positively enthusiastic to make love to her mum, and had instigated some very...

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It took me twenty minutes to grab my holdall and hustle out of the arrivals terminal. I was back in my hometown which was a ninety-minute flight from my university. Just close enough to visit but far enough away to give me space to grow and gain independence.I caught the bus into town which would pass two streets from my house, and as I settled back into my seat, I felt myself relax as all the familiar sights of my childhood passed by.I hopped off outside Grimaldi’s bakery, hefted my bag, and...

1 year ago
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Hello guys, this is a story about my sister and me. As I woke up, I threw my blanket off to see a crusty patch on my boxers. I thought, "Damn, another wet dream ?"I quickly charged to the bathroom to change and shower. After showering, I couldn't help but see a pair of panties. I walked to the dirty clothes basket and took it out. Noticing the garments below that pair of panties, they were the usual dress that my sister wore to sleep. A invisible force moved my hand so that I could take a...

3 years ago
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We are two women in Holy Communion with the feminine. We sit quietly on the couch. I am wrapped in a silk bath robe. The sensation of the fabric on my bare body arouses me. As I shift my posture the cloth rubs my nipples driving me to distraction. And you are so close I feel the heat of your body. Your demure eyes reflect the firelight in sparkles of green luster. Your scarlet hair falls like ocean waves. Your dimpled face looks like a school girl. The fresh smell of freesia wafting from your...

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When I saw them at the mall, I had to have them!I was making my weekly trip to the mall, camera in hand, to take pictures of young girls and try to ultimately get them into bed.I wasn't having much success until two gorgeous girls took a table not far away in the food court. The oldest one had blonde and the younger and most gorgeous one had long red hair and was probably the other one’s sister.So, I started taking pictures of them, trying to be inconspicuous. But the cute one did notice me and...

2 years ago
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It started back in my sophomore year of high school. My fatherwas overseas with his construction firm on a six month build when my auntMarie had her accident. My mom wanted to fly up to see her in the hospital,but it was the middle of the school year, and she didn't want me missingany classes. That was when a neighbor of ours, and a close friend of myparents', offered to let me stay with her and her daughter while my mom wasout of town. She promised to feed me, make sure I didn't stay out in...

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Gotta love a bomb threat, it got us out of school at ten. If it hadn't been so cold outside I would have headed for the mall to hang out but instead I just went home figuring to play some video games. I hadn't seen Becky on the bus so I thought I'd be home all alone but I was wrong. Becky could be bossy sometimes and I didn't want to deal with her telling me what to do all day so I though I'd just sneak up to my room. Entering the back door I could hear her typing away on the computer. I...

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The darkness made it hard to find her but I got to the bed and felt her wet panties she had on. I slipped them off her and had her open her legs. Fingering her pussy with one then two fingers rubbing on the clit. Moaning softly and she said that Alyssa her little sister was in the bed with her. As I fingered her pussy and I licked and sucked her juices out of the hole between her legs. Shortly after that we slipped into the bathroom and got in the shower together. I took her cherry then and I...

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Father Gray loved these conferences, this one was on the churches attitude to unmarried mothers, all wrath and condemnation a throwback to the good old days of the church when it inspired real fear and the clergy had proper power.The day had gone well and Grey had been particularly s**thing in an address what went down very well with the audience of priests bishops and nuns.Now as he sat in his small room at the seminary the made some notes and wrote his diary followed by a few letters.There...

2 years ago
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The Rescuers PerspectivePart Three

Part Three The Whore's Escape Rowena awoke in the darkness. During her sleep she had removed her hand from between her legs. She felt the dried juices matting her pubic hair and wondered when her customer had left. Her belly rumbled and she slowly shifted herself up into a sitting position. The light above her flared to life filling the cage with trembling light from the oil lamp overhead. She had always been ill-favored even as a child. Her hair hung thin and oily its dull...

1 year ago
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Swimming Change

Note: This is more of a transformation description than a story. This is also my first attempt at TG fiction. Here goes. Includes implied FTM Swimming Change Steve entered the cubicle for his Sunday morning swim. He was an IT consultant for a major London company. He was 25 years old with short brown hair. He stripped off his clothes and put them in a locker. He then put on his plain blue swimming trunks. Then something unusual happened. Instead of letting go once his...

1 year ago
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Caught in a Closet

It was close to Halloween, I forgot how many days away it was. I was leaving the library on the third floor of my high school. As I started down the stairs I bumped into Clarence, Clarence is a classmate that is close to six feet tall. He's thin as a rail and a want to be basketball star. He grabbed my arm and said 'David, you're the little bitch that's letting ever body fuck you'. I looked at him in horror and tried to pull away, Clarence slammed me against the stair rail and bent me...

2 years ago
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My First OnLine Meeting 2

I woke up in the middle of the night. She was there... I was spooning her... my cook was laying in between her butt cheeks. My right hand grabbing one her her boobs. The other one resting on her pussy. I moved my fingers a little in. Slowly, trying to not to awake her. It felt so nice to feel her warm fluids over my hand. Damm! my dick start growing! I tried to check on her to see if she was awake. She didn't open her eyes, buy she smile and push her bum agains me. I really wanted to be inside...

3 years ago
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Courier Special Delivery

My wife is out shopping with her sister and I am spending a relaxing and enjoyable afternoon in my garage, tinkering with my sixty seven Mustang. Truthfully, I’ve been horny all day. So, once in a while, I give my semi-hard cock a squeeze or two. I also fondle my nuts and give them a good scratch. I want to edge this way for a good long time, preferring to prolong it as long as possible. That way, I can work up to a wonderful ten minutes in the shower jerking off before my wife gets home. The...

3 years ago
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Watching wife fuck strangers

Over the years my wife has developed a liking for youngerguys, she’s 43. She had been chatting with this 24 year oldfor a couple of weeks and decided she wanted to meet him,we made a plan to meet at a bar for a few drinks. When Bill arrivedhe had a friend with him, which surprised us because we thoughthe would be alone. We introduced each other, his friendwas named Tony, later found out he was 23. We ordered somedrinks and talked for awhile found out they were roommates.After a couple of hours...

3 years ago
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My idea first story tabooftincsthc contfinal

835pm 11/24 I go to the keurig and make coffee for my mom, i get an inconspicuous opaque mug and I add one capsule,coffee,sugar,creamer,capsule, and then i stir it with an automatic mixer until the powder is desolved. Then I hand her the mug, and she drinks it all in 12 minutes.847pm She annonces to me that she is tired and says she is going to get changed (only in langere and a robe) but first she annonces "I'm going to take a shower, you should be in bed by 915 because tommorow is sunday", "I...

2 years ago
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Anita well used at the adult theater

That Friday night Ana and I had been a nice meeting with other couples at a local bar for some drinks.After midnight, we decided to head back home.Ana was sexy and beautiful that evening; she was wearing a tight short black dress, showing a nice deep cleavage on the front. Her soft round boobs looked great inside that thin black material. She made me feel horny.But her seductive smile and look in her eyes told me that she was as horny as I.On our way walking home; we decided to check out a...

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Office WorkloadChapter 3

Characters in this chapter: The Author(me): A 27 year old single male who just got a new job after few months finding for one Miss Jenna: She is the interviewer on the previous chapter and also the General manager of human resources in the company. Setting for the current chapter: Office: This is the workplace of the author and characters stated above. Authors home: A 3 bedroom apartment where the author lives alone My face turned red in embarrassment as I saw Miss Jenna panties down,...

1 year ago
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Charlys farm

Charly Riggs owned a farm, it wasn't much of a farm. He leased most of it out. His wife Shirly hated him and the farm. She moved to the city and took his daughter Nessy with her and divorced him. He paid his ex-wife nine hundred dollars a mont for child support. He could afford and even offered more. Charly seldom saw his girl. For some reason his Shirly made him feel uncomfortable every time he visited Nessy. She was 18 years old now and she and her mom fought continually. Nessy called him up...

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Once the basics had been exchanged, I was not in the mood to talk; I was getting naughty and horney again. I started playing tootsie under the table with him and slowly my leg going higher on his leg. His first reaction was that of surprise and then, he relaxed and widened his legs so that I could have easy access. Slowly, my leg kept creeping up and it reached his upper thighs. We continued eating and now, were eating Cantonese spring rolls along with some dipping sauce. I had a naughty idea....

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First Wife

This is a true story about my sex life with my first wife and how she turned me into a cuckold. First let me explain a little about myself, what excites me and what I believe makes a man a cuckold. I have always fantasized that one of the most sexually exciting, erotic sex would be with my wife and another man in our bed and both him and I having sex with my wife at the same time. I really have no idea why I find an mfm threesome so hot, but I do and I bet I'm not the only one. I don't...

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take control

Her boyfriend Travis always wanted her to pick the activities. He said she needed to assert herself more, be more domineering. Well tonight she had a surprise for him. After a couple Gals’ nights out with her more adventurous friends, Susan was ready to try some new moves for her man. I figured we could stay in and “entertain” each other O? Travis was intrigued. Susan was a nice girl, quiet, calm, reserved. She never really got carried away, and she would rather just follow someone’s...

1 year ago
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Work Colleague

This is about a stunner half my age who I work with....I meet you as your coming out from work and you look stunning in your red top with the black sleeved cardigan and your black skirt with knee high boots....and ask you where would you like to go for a drink to which you reply as long as it has a quiet corner for us to sit in I don’t care, you get in my car and we drive off to find a nice quiet pub, when we arrive I pull into the car park and you suggest that before we go in we should have a...

2 years ago
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Episode 125 the aftermath

IntroductionThis fantasy follows directly on from episode 124, in which Justine posts the video of Molly squirting on Sam and examines how much friends are willing to share Sam's HouseSam was furious - how dare that little redhead bitch squirt on him?Molly was thrown onto the floor, collapsing in fits of giggles, as her Dom stormed off to the bathroom to get cleaned up SmartphonesThen the video started to arrive at the Submissives WhatsApp group.Suzy and Anita sat up in bed, wakened by the...

3 years ago
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A Faulty Lock

A FAULTY LOCK LEADS TO SEXY FUN I was home alone that weekend. My mother had gone to visit a friend in for a couple of days and my father was out of town on business. I was in the bathroom when I heard my mother's friend Hazel calling me. She had walked into the flat without knocking as she usually did. I called out to her and heard her outside the bathroom door a moment later. "Your tea's ready," she said "Okay, I'll be right there," I replied. "Well, hurry up, before it gets cold,"...

2 years ago
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Amazing Sex With Friend

Hello friends I am back again with another little story. I hope you all like it. Also I would like to thank ISS for providing such a beautiful platform that makes people share their sexual fantasies. I would request all my dear readers to please rate his story 5 or 1 if you don’t like it so that next time I can narrate my sexual experiences better. I will try to keep the language simple and straight and well about me.I am an electrical engineer in Coimbatore 20 years old, fair complexion...

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